#slider is Jake’s dad
oh-surprise-its-me · 9 months
Because I'm scribbling a thing (I'll translate it too, cause it involves chris~.but mostly focus on jake inheriting Papa's tendency of launching himself into danger) I now have this! Maybe future Jake x roos, definitely Jake and javy being absolutely close attached to the hip since forever.
Roos and Jake are tryimg to work things out, but Bradley finds himself being jealous. he never expected to be, but he is the moment he sees Jake and javy being so close.
Javy is one really affectionate one, always going for some sort of touch. Basically the way tom and ron are, the way Ron would wrap himself around Tom when they were younger. He doesn't remember enough of how affectionate his father was with mav.
Jav and Jake talking, leaning into each other space, kinda conspiring and Bradley is like "oh... it's so obvious they love each other. How else you explain that?"
(Javy finishes scolding Jake for some sort of scary stunt he pulled. Jake being like "but I'm alive and well JavBaby! Walking on my own even!")
Hehe I’m going to make Bradley cry to Tom about his boy problems
When Jake dropped himself out of the plane and at Javy he didn’t even think about the possibility he wouldn’t be caught. Javy has always caught him. Anytime. Anywhere.
Javy caught him out of his plane. He sets him on the ground and starts shaking Jake. “What is wrong with you. You could’ve died oh my god Jake.” Javy grabs Jake into a hug and just kisses his head.
Bradley watches all of this happen from where he’s leaning against his own plane, he has that sinking feeling in his stomach. He knows what affection looks like between couples. He knows what he’s seeing.
Bradley thought him and Jake were clear. Bradley had been pretty damn obvious that he likes Jake.
Apparently he was blind and didn’t see Jake loving Javy more. Apparently Jake had no problem flirting with Bradley even though Javy had his hand in his back pocket minutes before.
Bradley can’t help the tears that come on his dads couch. It’s dumb but he can’t stop picturing the kiss Jake presses to Javy’s cheek. He hears the front door open.
Oh good it’s Tom. “Hey dad.”
Tom drops his bag and goes to his kid. He pets the hair out of Bradley’s face. “Hon why are you crying.”
Bradley sniffs. He thinks about it for a second before confessing, “I’m in love with Jake but he loves Javy. I just needed to cry about it for a while.”
Tom blinks at him. “Jake is in love with Javy? Hon are you sure?”
Bradley let’s another sob come out, he nods. Tom wipes his face from the tears. “You are your fathers son good lord.”
Bradley blinks, he looks up at Tom, “huh?”
Tom kisses his forehead, “Javy has a fiancé-”
Bradley sobs he can’t stop it, “they’re getting married?? Oh dad I can’t I can’t do that. I love him. I want him to be happy and if that’s with Javy fine but oh god. No never mind it’s fine. I’ll take Jake as a friend you can’t ever tell Ron about this oh fuc-”
Tom smacks Bradley. He knows he shouldn’t but he needs to snap him out the panic attack he’s heading straight for. “No baby. Javy is engaged to Bob. Jake is very single and I’m quoting Ron here, ‘desperately wants you.”
Bradley blinks up at his dad, “what no way. They act so together.”
Tom sighs. “Did Jake ever tell you that Chris thought Ron and I were together, hell that Mav thought the three of us were together.”
Tom tucks Bradley under his arm, he kisses his kids head. “Kiddo Jake and Javy are exactly how Ron and I are, closer then brothers, love each other for no end but not romantically involved.”
Bradley shoves his face into Tom’s shoulder. “I have a chance?” Tom laughs. “More then a chance I’m pretty sure if you asked Jake to marry you tomorrow he would say yes.”
There’s a beat of silence. “Don’t actually ask him to marry you tomorrow. Ask him out for an actual date first.” Bradley laughs, “don’t pull what Mav did and ask Jake to marry me after only six months of dating?”
Tom grins, “your father is an idiot, but yeah don’t do that even if Jake would say yes.”
Bradley sits up. Plans are forming in his head. “I’ve gotta go dad I’ll see you later. Love you!”
He jumps off the couch and runs out of the house passing Mav on the sidewalk, who spins in place to watch his kid. “Brad drive safe!” “I will love you too pops!”
Mav shakes his head, their kid is wild.
When Jake opens his apartment door he’s expecting the Thai food. Instead is one Bradley Bradshaw.
Holding said Thai.
Jake sighs. He wanted a peaceful night where he could forget about how in love with Bradley he is and just catch up on the bachelorette.
There went those plans.
“Bradley? Not that I’m not happy to see you but what are you doing here?”
Bradley shuffles his feet. He tilts his head in a way that makes Jake wonder if that’s how he got the name rooster. Jake watches his mouth open and close.
Jake sighs, “just come in we can split the Thai.”
Jake snatches the bag of food out of his hand and leaves the door open. He pulls out plates since his original plan was eating out of boxes and having leftovers for tomorrows dinner. He knows Bradley will eat those leftovers. He guesses he can just go to his dads house for that dinner since cooking has been exhausting recently.
“Sorry if I’m ruining plans. I uh, just took the food from the delivery guy and said I was your husband so he’d give it to me.”
Jake slammed his hand into the drawer when hearing the word husband come out of Bradley’s mouth. “Oh god Jake are you okay?”
Bradley comes over and takes his hand, he gently bends the joints. “Any feel broken?” Jake can only shake his head, he’s starting to wonder if he’s unconscious and didn’t make it out of the plane yesterday.
“Bradley not that I don’t like you but why are you here. You don’t do this with me. You do it with Nat. Not me though.”
Jake sits down at the counter when he talks, he’s so tired.
Bradley at least has the nerve to look guilty. He sits next to Jake, “you’re right. We don’t do this. But what if we did?”
Jake laughs. It’s not funny. It’s ripping his heart out. Fuck he wishes he could hit pause and ask his dads for help. “Christ Bradley what do you even mean by that.” Bradley smiles, “can I just talk before you interrupt me?”
Jake pulls the wine he was drinking over to himself. He drains the glass before pouring a bit more, “Go ahead flyboy.”
Bradley inhales, he thinks for a second before he takes Jake’s hand. “I thought you and Javy were dating and I like you Jake. I love you. I want to date you, I’m sorry I ever caused you so many issues.”
That’s it, Jake died in the plane and his brain is running through everything he’s ever craved in life, he wonders when all of the celebrities he’s had crushes on will show up. He can’t wait to kiss Anderson Cooper.
“Jake? Can you say something?”
Jake blinks at Bradley. He sets the wine glass down and takes Bradley’s other hand. “On the theory that I’m currently dead, yeah Bradley I’m in love with you too, of course I am. How could I not love you.”
“Currently dead theory?”
Jake laughs, he picks the wine back up and drains it again. “Sure, why else would you love me back. I’ve been flirting with you for months and you’ve done nothing.”
Bradley looks like he’s about to cry, “you’re not dead baby.” He squeezes Jakes hand.
Oh fuck.
He’s not dead.
“Oh fuck Bradley you like me?” Bradley grins, “love is more the word I’d use.”
Jake feels his own tears run down his face. “Can I Kiss you?” Bradley nods, he moves his hands to hold Jake’s face, it’s a soft kiss.
It’s a fabulous kiss, Jake pulls away with a gasp, “Javy is going to be so happy he doesn’t have to hear me despair over you anymore.”
Bradley let’s put a laugh, “Nat is the same, she’ll probably throw a party.”
Jake stands, he grabs the food and drags Bradley over to the couch. “We’re counting this as a date and you’re not going to judge me for my tv shows I watch to relax.”
Bradley leans over and kisses Jake again, it’s a faster kiss, “I won’t judge you for anything.”
They both dig into the food, they’re glancing at each other more often then the tv.
They end up asleep in Jake’s bed, he’s curled on top of Bradley’s chest. Jake doesn’t normally get to feel small but with Bradley he does. They’re holding hands, they both sleep through the night with no nightmares. When they wake up in the morning Bradley makes breakfast for Jake.
It might’ve taken a while to get there but they did it. And now they’ve got each other.
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aki-draws-things · 8 months
They got me upset at work, so I...scribbled a bit of sad. (Cause yes, I was angry, but angry me gets really emotional and I have no control over that.) (Yes i tried not to cry writing... barely succeeded, just barely.)
(Also, Jake thinking his nightmare was a prediction of the future is the same of me having dreams connected to bad things happening to very close family members. It happened before, different times)
Jake is 15 when he gets in a bit too much trouble. Police involved kind of trouble. The kind of trouble that could keep him off of USNA even.
Obviously they get him out of trouble, but, Ron is angry this time. It's 5 days before he and Tom are deployed again. Chris won't be able to protect him that way, he grounds Jake. Because yes, he is pissed. His kid could've jeopardized his own future, was it worth?! He thought they raised him better, he thought HE raised him better.
But Jake is 15, and he's angry at the world. And his dads are going to miss yet another birthday. Sure he understand their sacrifices, he wants to follow their footsteps after all, but he's still angry somehow. And maybe craves more of their attention, despite knowing they love him more than life itself. He's just so, so angry at papa because it was papa who grounded him.
So he just burst. He yells at him all the anger he has, he says things he never thought of even think, things he never wanted to say, hints he doesn't really think. He says them anyway and locks himself in his room.
He doesn't say bye when they leave. He waves at Tata, but that's all. No begging to get back safe, no good luck and stay safe. Just a wave.
Fuck. It breaks Ron's heart so much. His chickie said that he's not his father. He doesn't have his name, and if anything, he would take Tata's name anyway. He doesn't have his blood. Even though Ron was the only one between them who could give him blood when Jake needed it when he was a toddler. Jake said he doesn't love him that much either.
He knows he was just angry, he was crying when he yelled it.
Chris tried to talk to Jake, to have him apologize, at least before deployment. Jake knows, he can see the hurt in his Papa's eyes, but fuck, he can hold a grudge.
Yup. No good luck hug and kiss.
Ron tells Chris to give him a kiss from them every time he calls. Jake is not that angry anymore, but he's stubborn, just like them all. Especially Ron.
One time Ron doesnt call. Busy, they think, it's okay. Come on, they're navy.
But he doesn't call the following day either, or the one after. Or after. He skips 2 whole weeks and so does Tom. Chris tries not to think anything of it. He tries not to show.
Jake wakes up one night screaming at the top of his lungs, like he's in actual, physical pain, he cries, sobs. Chris runs to him so fast he almost trips over Ron's dog, a big mixed breed he found in the side of the road and who apparently only really loves ron, Tokyo. He believes his son is hurt.
Jake keeps sobbing when Chris gets to him, checks him all over, holds him tight. And calls for papa in the most desperate way. It takes almost two hours, and now a killer headache, for Jake to tell him he had a nightmare where Ron got shot down and he's found dead. All because he sent them anyway without a hug.
Chris calls Holly and wolf, he asks them for help, asks them to see why ron and tom went suddenly on radio silence for this long, see if they're okay. Jake is deadly sure they're not okay.
Ron was actually shot down. Left stranded. Took them a while to find him, he's alive though, unlike Jake's nightmare, barely but he's alive.
Broken ribs, one leg, a wrist and badly concussed. Bleeding. Cold.
Tom never called because he was searching for him and couldn't think of anything at all but to find Ron and get him home.
He's moved to a ground base hospital, Chris packs a few things, grabs Jake and flies there.
Ron's sedated when they get there, they had to take some extra scans, check that there's no bleeding in the brain. Jake freezes, he trembles, he breaks in their arms and cries. He's scared how close his own nightmare came to be real. He's terrified that they found papa when he had that nightmare, like he predicted it somehow.
He knows he's not a little kid anymore, but curls up in the bed, careful of all the injuries.
They don't know when he'll wake up, scans show nothing so it's just a waiting game now, they say he'll wake up when his body will be stronger.
Jake keeps having terrible nightmares until ron open his eyes again. (After too, just less terrible, only bad.)
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(AU where Ice and Mav are the parents of the Daggers, who are young kids. Ice and Mav are both deployed, so the 86er's who are state-side are divvying up childcare duties)
Slider:...Okay, everybody. This is the official Mitchell-Kazansky kid-sitting help schedule. Time slots are available for multiple days their regular babysitter has to work.
Chipper: Sign me up for any open shifts. I love kids.
Hollywood: Have you MET Jake Kazansky...?
Wolfman: Oh, Natasha's the real terror. Sweet as pie and twice as deadly. Put me down for any slot after her bedtime.
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I Wanted to Be
A Ron 'Slider' Kerner Imagine
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Description: Kids, family, all of those things that people always talk about as being the be-all, end-all, goal? Those things have never been on Ron Kerner's list. All he wants to do is fly. What happens when an old friend's little sister calls him for help?
Everything changes.
Warnings: Dead-beat dad, Mentioned Pregnancy, Mentioned Childbirth, Tooth Rotting Fluff
Word Count: 2939
A/N: This is another Discord fueled thought. @mayhemmanaged and I were talking about how we thought that Jake was either Ice's son or Slider's. I had a sudden urge to explore that thought and here we are!
AO3: Cross-posted Here!
My Masterlist
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Texans have a saying or cautionary tale for nearly everything. Everything, it seems, except what you can tell your best friend's little sister when her no-good husband runs away from her and the baby she's carrying. When she'd called him, sobbing, he hadn't known what to do. What can you tell a twenty-five year old nine month pregnant woman you haven't seen in close to a decade? In the case of one Ron Kerner, mostly known as Slider nowadays, you don't say a word. Instead, you get emergency leave and hop onto the nearest transport home. 
The tiny town of Cistern is exactly as he remembers it, hot, dry, and dusty. The sole bus trundles through town just as he pulls into the solitary gas station and steps out. It feels weird being back here. As much as Cistern hasn't changed, he knows he has. A quick stop at the pump station for fuel that sloshes sluggishly into the near empty tank of the truck he'd rented in Austin, and he's off again. Driving west a ways and then north until the only things he sees are scrub and the odd glimpse of cattle. 
The turn-off to the Petersen ranch looks just like he remembers it, though the sign says Seresin now. Was that the name of the idiot who ran away? In all honesty, Ron can't be pressed to remember. All that matters is the girl waiting on the porch when the truck rattles to a stop. She looks the same as he remembers. Little Rebecca Petersen, not so little and decidedly not a Petersen anymore, but god does she not remind him still of the little thing that used to run around behind him and Danny, all knees, toothy grin and covered in freckles.
That grin, at least, is exactly the same. So is the teasing tone as she greets him as he walks up the front stairs. "Well, well, well, look at what the cat dragged in! If it isn't Ron Kerner, the big-shot Naval Aviator. What brings you back to sleepy old Cistern?" 
"You know what." He can't help the sober turn to his voice as he hugs her gingerly, not sure of where to put his arms, not when the bulge of her belly is in the way. God, doesn't he wish he'd never said those words as soon as they left his mouth, though. Because that smile is gone, like the sun hidden by the clouds.
"You're here because of Brian." Her voice is tired, so tired that Ron can't help trying to make the girl he promised he'd protect smile again.
"Naw, Becks. I'm here for you and this little thing. Only in part for him." 
It's words that he didn't know were true until 3 days later when he's standing in the maternity ward of the hospital and being handed a tiny squalling infant with a shock of honey hair and the tightest grip he's ever felt. The newly named Jacob Daniel Seresin seems to be just as enamored of Ron as Ron is of him. Say what you will about the little guy's deadbeat dad, but he made an awfully cute baby.
That instant shock of attachment stays with Ron for a long time afterward. He looks forward to receiving the letters Rebecca sends monthly, filled with polaroids of small Jake as he grows bigger and bigger. He can track every milestone on that little body from how he grows to the first tooth that comes painfully into that little mouth.
But he does not actually see the boy or his mama again for nearly five years. Things have changed considerably over that time. Ron's raked in another promotion, making him a full lieutenant. Ice met a girl and made her his wife, and to top it all off, they're both in Texas again. So on the first long weekend he gets, Ron hops into the old Ford truck he'd put together when he turned sixteen and drives straight up to Cistern.
This time, he drives up to the Seresin house to hear giggling and gets out of his truck just in time to catch a little boy in just a pair of shorts as he goes running past. It's the light dusting of freckles and toothy grin that he'd recognize anywhere which clues him into exactly who he's holding.
"Hey, kiddo. I'm your Uncle Ron. Dunno if you remember me." His voice is gruff as he turns the giggling brat upside down like he's looking for a way to turn a little robot off. Through giggles, he's gratified to hear the boy introduce himself as Jake. This time, the Rebecca he sees in the kitchen of the ranch house she grew up in and where she's raising her son is more like the happy teenager he'd left behind when he enlisted with her big brother. It still irks him that he couldn't protect Daniel. But he's going to protect Rebecca and Daniel's namesake as fiercely as he can.
"Hey, Becks. Y'missing something? I caught this little gremlin running around out there. Is this what you're looking for?" He can't resist tickling the bare tummy of the boy in his arms just to hear the musical giggles.
"Mama, Uncle Sly's here!" The piping voice of the little boy standing there all of two feet tall wearing just shorts is enough to crack even the crustiest aviator's stone heart. Rebecca's boy is a dusty, golden skinned marvel with his sun-bleached blonde hair and huge slightly gap-toothed grin. It feels like home, this place. That weekend, Ron spends more time out on a ranch than he has in years. Rebecca may have managed to keep the ranch going, but who's going to teach Jake everything he needs to know when his daddy isn't around? Anyways, that's Ron's rationale.
Soon after that, though, he's given orders. He's shipped all over the world, flying for the Navy. It seems like his star is on the rise, and while he's Lieutenant Commander and Captain Kerner in short order, he still stays Uncle Sly for one little boy who turns into a teenager back in Cistern seemingly overnight. Ron does his best to show up for all of the kid’s biggest milestones, but even he can’t hop onto a helo every time Jake has a baseball game or wins an award at school. Those weeks, Ron does his best to call and talk to the kid as much as he can.
He talks to Rebecca on the phone enough to know that the kid's struggling with something, something he won't talk to his Mama about. So the next time Ron's home, he heads to Cistern, as always with gifts in hand for the boy he loves like he is his own. Unlike prior snatched moments, Seresin Ranch is crackling with a tension Ron's never felt before. Jake's on the front porch, and Ron's suddenly struck by how grown up the boy seems, especially with how tall he is and the new manly breadth of his shoulders. 
"Hey, Kiddo." As he tugs the kid into a hug, Ron can feel some tension leave those still small shoulders.
"Uncle Sly." Something's not right. Jake's not smiling today, not at all.
"What is it, kid?" A sudden jolt of fear rushes through Ron. "Where's your mom, kid?'
"She's in there, Uncle Sly, in the kitchen. With a man who's claiming to be my dad." The rage that burns in his chest is unlike any other that Ron's ever felt before. Sure enough, when he stalks into the kitchen, it's to see the one man he'd never wanted to see menacing Rebecca ever again.
"Brian." That one word is all it takes for Rebecca's shoulders to relax. Fifteen years have not treated Brian Seresin well. Not at all. His hair is graying and greasy, he's got a paunch and he's obviously drunk off his feet if the way he lists back and forth is any indication. "What are you doing back in Cistern?"
Ron's quick to gather Rebecca back behind him, knowing that Brian Seresin would never be bold enough to try to get to her, not through him, anyway. Jake’s followed him in, as always his shadow
"Wanted my woman back, Kerner. And my kid." He sniffs, wiping away yellow-tinged mucus on the leg of the dirtiest jeans that Ron's ever seen. "S'not fair, y'know? That you got to keep her and the brat while I was off. D'she treat y'well? She's great in bed, ain't she?"
It takes every fiber in his being to not deck the man for what he's saying about Rebecca. Thankfully Jake's holding his ma, otherwise he'd have launched himself at the fool to get his share of the beat down. It’s at that moment that Sly is glad they’d sent lawyers after Brian Seresin after Jake was born because it means he doesn’t have a claim on Rebecca or Jake anymore. They have the denial of parental rights and a divorce agreement to prove it. It doesn't take much more than a quirked eyebrow to get the man to spill the entire sordid tale. How he'd lost a lot of money and wanted to claim what he believed he was owed from Seresin Ranch. 
"Call Sheriff Weatherby, Becks." When Ron finally speaks, the calm in his voice surprises even him. He sounds Ice-cold, which he guesses is what you get for spending the better part of a decade flying with the same person. "We've got an intruder on Seresin Ranch." 
It doesn't surprise him in the slightest that it's Jake who picks up the landline and dials up Sheriff Weatherby, not at all. It's hours later, once one Brian Seresin has been carted away and Rebecca is asleep, that Ron finds Jake again. The kid's sitting in an old tire swing Ron had set up years ago, rocking idly while staring up into the endless expanse of stars in the sky above. 
"So, that's him, huh? My pops, the man who walked out before I was even born?" He sounds so torn up about it, this gangly teen boy who loves his Mama to distraction and who would do anything to protect her. That's something they have in common.
"Yeah, kid." Ron doesn't try to hide the anger in his face, not now.
"Why did he come back? Why didn't he just stay away?" Ron's hand is gentle on the kid's back as he tries to think for a response.
"I dunno, kid. I wish he had never come back. Your Mama isn't the type to cry. But every time I've heard her cry it has been because of that man." The rage building in his chest causes a near imperceptible shake in his hands.
"Why didn't you ever marry Mama, Uncle Sly? You love her, I know you do. Then you can come home to us more often, can't you?" That one innocent observation is enough to have his entire world reeling. What would it be like? Having Becks to come home to? To have this kid, her son, as his own? Is he so easy to read that a teenager can tell what his most closely guarded secret is?
"I dunno kid. But enough about me. What's eating at you?" Ron's a little scared of the answer he's going to get.
"I want to fly, Uncle Sly. Like you do, like Uncle Daniel did." Jake's green eyes are all Rebecca's, all Daniel's and Ron can see the boy he loved like a brother in Jake's face. "D-d'you think I can do it?"
"It's dangerous, kid. But yeah. If there was anyone who could do it, it'd be you. You’ve got your mom’s determination and all of her support, too. Just don’t forget that you’ve got people who love you waiting for you, and you’ll be all set."
Those are obviously words Jake holds close to his heart. Because, before Ron's hit Vice-Admiral, Jake's already at the academy. He's taking Annapolis by storm, making his Mama and his dad, because thanks to the kid's prodding it's Ron and Rebecca Kerner now, incredibly proud. Ron's happy to find he has to wipe away tears when he sees his son, his son, get his wings a few short years later. Then there's another Kerner's star on the rise. His son’s.
He keeps a finger on the pulse of every deployment, every test, and beams with pride to see Jake graduate from Top Gun. That pride sits warm in his chest even as he gets a call from the one California number he'd memorized that he could never forget.
"Mr. Iceman! How're you doing?" The relationship between pilot and RIO hasn't changed over the past years. Neither of them flies anymore, but the bonds they built over 30 years ago haven't changed.
"It's about your kid, Sly." Ron can hear the hoarseness creeping into Ice's tone even now.
"What's going on, Tom?" After a life's service to the US Navy, Rear Admiral Ron 'Slider' Kerner isn't surprised to hear that Jake's been selected for a special detachment. The dad in him, though? He's terrified shitless. Nearly 30 years of loving that boy doesn’t feel like enough all of a sudden, not when Jake's going to be sent on a mission so dangerous that talking about it feels like a jinx. Even the heads up from the COMPACFLT doesn't help.
It's a tense few weeks in Texas. Ron terrorizes the base in Corpus Christi, his mind in Miramar with his son while his body is in Texas. Rebecca is equally distraught. Then Ron gets another call that fills him with sadness all over again. It is Sarah calling, "Hey Ron. Just wanted to tell you that he's gone. Tom's gone. The cancer. It came back with a vengeance. The doctors couldn't do anything. He passed away this morning."
During the entirety of the service, Ron can't help but feel like he would've given anything to see his best friend again one more time before he died. It's sad reconnecting with the rest of their 1986 cohort at the bar later. It’s even worse seeing his son stand somberly kitted out in his own whites across the way from him. He doesn’t, can’t go near him, mainly because nobody knows that Jake is Rear Admiral Kerner’s kid. But he can't help but feel like Tom would've wanted him to hug his boy instead. So that's what Rear Admiral Ron Kerner does. He hugs his son, tight, as many times as he can before he leaves. He watches from the docks as the carrier departs and waits with bated breath.
Rebecca channels her nerves into baking. She fills the house they rent off base with pastries, cookies, cakes and pies, most of which are Jake's favorites. Then it’s a waiting game. Ron calls in every favor he has in order to get more information on the mission Jake’s on, really for anything he can get. As it turns out, there is very little information that even an admiral can get. So all he can do is hold Rebecca close and pray. It’s frankly the longest three days of his life. He’s more tense than he was even during the Leyte Gulf incident, which feels like a world, a lifetime ago. That first call from Jake they get has his knees weak. The relief coursing through his system is too good to be true. So’s the first look he gets of his son when the carrier docks two days later.
The milling crowd of families lets out a roar of excitement when the first of the ship’s crew sets foot on shore. Ron wraps an arm around Rebecca, and keeps an eagle eye on the waves of departing sailors looking for aviator green flight suits. The crowd clears piece by piece and they still haven’t seen their boy or any of the aviators. They’re some of the only people waiting, and Ron can feel Rebecca’s tremors as she clutches at her necklace and rears up onto her tiptoes every once in a while. She sags against his chest and that’s when Ron finally sees their golden boy. He looks exhausted, but he’s safe, he’s home. Rebecca runs right for him first, and Ron can’t help his grin when he sees how tall Jake is in comparison to his Mama. The kid’s not shy about his love for Rebecca either. He introduces her to the aviators and then Ron’s being beckoned forward.
“And this is my pop, Admiral Kerner.” He’s got a shit-eating grin on his face and god if that doesn’t remind Ron of Daniel again.
“Hey, kid.” Ron can’t help the fond grin on his face or the amusement when he sees Jake’s squadron rise into salutes the minute they hear his title. There’s a face in his squadron that Ron didn’t think he’d ever see again. There’s also somebody nearby who he hasn’t seen in decades. 
“Baby Goose. Mav.” Ron’s nod is slight.
“Hey Sly. A kid huh?” Ron can’t resist smiling as he hugs the shorter man. 
“Yeah, Mav. I had to catch up.” Watching Becks fawn over Jake again is everything he’s ever wanted. 
“He’s a good one, you know, Sly?” As Ron stands shoulder to shoulder with Pete Mitchell again, watching their boys realize that they’re closer than they ever could have known, Ron knows one thing. He may have never intended to be a dad, but standing at the docks thirty years later, he knows he wouldn't have wanted to do anything else. 
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@mayhemmanaged, @desert-fern, @cassiemitchell, @dakotakazansky, @sarahsmi13s, @roosters-girl
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jungle-angel · 2 years
Like Father, Like Son
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Summary: Joe Floyd is one cruel son of a bitch. Later Bob turns out to be his dad’s equal
Notes: Based off of an interview with out dear friend, Glen Powell about a very gross but very funny incident that occurred during flight training
Miramar, CA
September, 1992
Joe was still sleeping deeply at this early hour, his face almost buried into Irene’s neck and his arm coiled protectively around her shoulders. The other kids would have to get up for school in an hour, leaving him to leave at the same time they did.......8am on the dot. 
Irene groaned in her sleep, annoyed at the set of tiny feet kicking her all over and the movement that was becoming more frequent these days and one that she knew a little too well. “Baby?” 
“What?” Joe murmured. 
“Little man’s awake already.” 
Joe yawned, his hand gently rubbing her shoulders before moving down to her more noticeable bump. “You be nice to your mother,” he said. “Or else I’m gonna have to come in there and fight you.” 
He felt the flat of a tiny foot shoot to the palm of his hand before it disappeared and settled. “You see what he did there?” he asked her with an annoyed look on his face.
“Oh no,” Irene chuckled sarcastically. “Your little mini Muhammad Ali’s been quiet all morning.” 
Joe rolled his eyes and figured it was time to get up. “Want me to get the rest of the prison inmates up?” 
“Go ahead,” Irene laughed. 
Joe kissed her cheek before pressing a firm one to her lips. God she was gorgeous.....even after the kids and still as happy-go-lucky as the day he and Irene had their first date at a Lynyrd Skynyrd concert all those years ago. “I love you,” he whispered. 
“Love you too,” she said, smiling widely as her hand grazed his shadow-lined chin. 
He kissed her once more before he shifted and kissed her bump. “I love you too little man,” he whispered. “You’d better behave for your mother while I’m gone or else you’re gonna hear about it when I get home.” 
Joe went about the usual routine of catching a shower before he jumped into his flight suit and boots, grabbing the keys, helmet and backpack he took with him every day to work. Now came the hard part......getting the seven other miscreants in the house up for school. 
“Let’s go! Let’s go!!” Joe ordered loudly, knocking on the bedroom doors. “Everybody up! First day of school! Let’s get going! C’mon! Reagan, Eugene and Michael, get up! Sean, you too, I don’t want any complaints.”
The four eldest stuck their heads out of their doors as Joe continued down the halls. “Liam, let’s get moving!” Joe ordered.  “Chloe and Aly, you two little troublemakers better be up in five minutes and I mean five minutes!” 
Each of the kids gladly complied, not wanting to incur the wrath of their father who had early mornings down to military precision. Reagan, the oldest of the Floyd wolf pack, was old enough to help get breakfast ready for the younger ones. She climbed onto her little stepstool in the kitchen, turned on the radio and helped as best she could, while Joe made sure the kids had everything in their bags. 
The kids ate quicker than usual and cleaned up when they were done before rushing back to their rooms to get their new school clothes. Not too bad. The only bump in the road being Liam with his sloppily tied shoes. No matter, the kid was still learning. 
Outside they went to wait for the bus to take them to the school on base. Thank God it was one of those hippie schools that let the kids play outside as much as they could. Joe and Irene loathed the thought of the kids being stuck inside all day. 
As soon as they had been picked up, Joe jumped in the truck and switched on the radio, unrolling the windows so that every annoying neighbor along the way would have to listen to AC/DC’s “It’s a long way to the top” blaring from the speakers as he drove by.
“It’s gonna be a good day,” he told himself, repeating it like a mantra, over and over again. 
Naval Air Station, Miramar
8:50 am
Joe strode onto the tarmac with his flight helmet in hand and aviators perched on the bridge of his nose. Today was definitely going to be eventful, seeing as Maverick and Ice were the first two to greet him. 
“Looks like we’ve got some new recruits,” Joe remarked. 
“New is a bit of an understatement, Rabbit,” Ice chuckled, dropping in Joe’s callsign. “These guys are as green as you can possibly get and I have a feeling we’ll have our work cut out for us.” 
“Who’s on roster?” 
“You, me, Mav, Slider, Wolf and Hollywood,” Ice told him. 
Into the hangar they went to meet the new recruits. Ice wasn’t kidding, these kids were as green and fresh-faced as you could get. But there was one amongst the crowd that Joe had taken an instant disliking to, a kid that had an arrogant look in his dark eyes that just screamed “privileged brat straight from the Ivy League schools.”
“Now it’s important to remember that when you’re up there,” Joe explained. “Your weapons systems and everything needs to be working to a T. One little thing is off and you’re fucked up the ass and out the ears.” 
“Sir, I hate to be one to interrupt,” Mr. Ivy League interjected. “But you’re telling us things that we already know.”
This kid was really starting to make Joe’s blood boil. Every two seconds it was an interjection about how his superiors were wrong and he was right. Even Maverick and Ice’s eyes were rolling. Slider and Wolfman whispered something indiscernible to each other as Joe tried to carry on, but found it a little more difficult. 
I swear to God, I’m gonna get this kid and I’m gonna get him real good......Joe fumed. 
Out to the tarmac they went, everyone loading into their respective planes with a new recruit. Joe was a little less than pleased to find that he had been partnered with Ivy League, his skin crawling at his smug face and the way he bragged. 
“Fair word of warning,” Joe told him as they climbed in. “You start feeling like you’re gonna puke, there’s bags in the backseat pocket.” 
“I’ve never puked sir,” Ivy League replied. “And I’m proud of the fact that I never have.” 
Joe rolled his eyes and climbed in, securing the straps on his flight helmet. He already had the kid’s weakest point figured out......and it was certainly going to get very interesting. 
The planes taxied onto the runway and took off into the sky, speeding towards the training grounds where the team would begin to show the new recruits how things were done amongst the old salts. 
Things had gone smoothly for the most part, no mechanical issues or any others for that matter. Yet Joe soon began to notice the pale, ashen look that was beginning to appear in Ivy League’s face, a look that he just couldn’t get out of his mind as his brilliant, germ of an idea began to grow and spread.
“You doin ok back there?” he asked. 
“Doing just fine sir, everything’s under control,” Ivy League replied. 
“Ok, if you say so,” Joe said. No one could see it, but an evil little grin had begun to form under his mask. 
Joe watched him carefully like a cat eyeing its prey in the bushes. The kid was beginning to look greener and greener around the gills with every second that passed. Alright kid.......he thought......time for your ego check......
“Alright,” Joe announced. “We’re gonna practice with some light barrel rolls just to get you used to the sensation.” 
“Ok,” Ivy League replied, his voice a little weary. “Ok, gimme one second.” 
Joe heard him reaching for the bag and the kid retching his brains out a second later. Now was his chance.
In the blink of an eye, Joe turned the plane into a double barrel roll which startled Ivy League nearly shitless, the newbie screaming and puking as the contents of the bag and his stomach all came back up, hitting both his face and the glass canopy of the plane. 
The grin that crawled across Joe’s face was uncontrollable as he quietly laughed his ass off. God the stench was horrible, but he prayed it would be the ego check of a lifetime for the kid. 
“You learn your fuckin lesson kid?” he chided. 
“I give! I give!” Ivy League cried out before he retched and let loose again. “Oh God!!! Agh! Eeew!!” 
“Ok, I think we’ve had enough,” Joe chuckled. 
He landed the plane on the tarmac, quickly opening the canopy and motioning for a medical officer to get Ivy League out of the back. 
“What the fuck did you do?!” Maverick laughed. 
“Gave the kid an ego check!” Joe answered. 
Maverick, Ice, Wolf, Slider and Hollywood whistled and cheered a little bit. Sure they felt a bit sorry for Ivy League, but one thing was certain. Nobody messes with one of their best. 
Naval Air Station, Miramar
July, 2022
Jake, Phoenix and Halo waited for the plane to land and for Bob to come back, hoping that the rest of the new recruits had done ok in training. When he finally landed, they couldn’t help but notice a rather gross looking splatter on the glass canopy of Bob’s plane. 
“Yo, what the fuck?” Hangman remarked. 
“Bro, that’s nasty,” Halo added. 
“Did Bob just commit murder?” Phoenix chuckled. 
“Hell no, somebody puked,” Halo replied. 
Bob came striding back, flight helmet in hand and a huge shit-eating grin on his face. He bit his lower lip, trying so hard to stifle his laughter, but it was damn near uncontrollable. 
“What did you do?” Phoenix questioned. 
“Did you just like, kill your new recruit?” Halo said with a nervous laugh. 
Bob snickered and shook his head. 
Phoenix and Halo glanced at each other, but Hangman’s eyes widened, finally processing the sequence of events that had transpired and the resurfacing of old memories from when he had first joined Top Gun ten years previously. 
“HOLY SHIT!!!!!!” he screamed. “HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!!!!” 
Bob busted out laughing. 
“You stole a page from your dad’s dirty playbook!!!!” Jake screamed again. “YOU SNEAKY FUCKER!!!!!”
Bob couldn’t control his laughter anymore. “Guilty as charged,” he admitted, raising his hands and grinning from ear to ear.
“His dad?” Phoenix asked. 
“Foul-Mouth Joe Floyd!” Jake answered. “He was my flight instructor when I first started ten years ago! He did the same thing to my dad’s prick of a cousin back in ninety-two!” 
Callie and Natasha both looked at each other with their jaws hanging wide open in disbelief. Joe’s escapades were legendary around Top Gun, just as legendary as Maverick’s. 
“Oh my shit!” Jake declared, wiping a tear from his eyes and pretending to kowtow before Bob. “Bob, you are the kind and we are not worthy!!” 
Bob and the girls laughed before Natasha finally said something. “Bob my brother,” she said, putting her arm around his shoulders. “You are the king......but you smell so fucking bad right now.” 
“Yeah I’m gonna go shower off before I go home smelling like puke,” he chuckled before making his way inside to the showers. 
@nobody7102 I did it.......I fucking did it, that little blurb has been turned into this evil science experiment of a story (lol). @creativitybeware @jakexfmc​ I hope you guys enjoy this too, sorry for the unexpected tag and for it being so long, there was alot to sort through to get it all down. 
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tomcat-tapes · 7 months
Random Top Gun AU I thought about if anyone wants a brain rot with me
In which Ice is Jareth the goblin king.
A young Bradley upset with the passing of his father, and refuses to want anything to do with his stepfather, Ron, or his half sibling Jake.
One evening when his Mom and Step dad are away in a date and he’s stuck babysitting his kid brother who has not stopped crying. Frustrated and stressed, Bradley tells little Jake a tale of the Goblin King, the same story he heard from his father before his passing.
“Stop it! I’ll say the words! No I mustn’t,, I wish,, Oh I can bear it no longer! Goblin King! Goblin King! Where ever you may be, take this child of mine far away from me!”
And Jake vanished, the Goblins have taken him. Bradley was mortified, he thought they were just stories his dad made up! And that’s when He appeared. The Goblin King. He refused to give Jake back, told Bradley to forget about the child but he couldn’t. Deep down Bradley knew he loved his brother, and oh god what will his parents say? He needed to get Jake back.
“You have thirteen (13) hours in which to solve the labyrinth, before your baby brother becomes one of us,,forever.”
It was a piece of cake. Bradley walked with confidence until he realized there was no openings inside the labyrinth.. luckily a nice worm told him the trick. The labyrinth is not at all as it seemed. There were stoned hands pointing in every-which direction. Bradley pulls out a marker he had stashed in his one of his pockets, this place is so confusing, he writes an arrow in the direction he’s going to keep track of where he had been. “I’m coming Jake,”
“I saw my baby, crying hard as babe could cry, what could I do? My baby’s love has gone, and left my baby blue! Nobody knew, what kind of magic spell to use.”
Among the many failings in Bradley’s journey, he did meet a short cranky Goblin with the name Jester, something he found quite odd, Hester’s were supposed to be funny and he was nothing but disdain, he was however fascinated with Bradley’s bracelets. The next goblin he met was tall, shy, and enjoyed talking to rocks and making friends, he called himself Slider.
And after a run in with a bunch of Fierys they ended up in the big of enteral stench. Where the encountered yet another Goblin. Small feisty and energetic creature that looked to be a mix of a fox and a squirrel, everyone called him Mav.
Onward the party went to the Goblin Kingdom, Jester offered Bradley a peach. Once Bradley took a bite of the peach he collapsed, and he dreamed of a glamorous ball you’d read in those fantasy books. Bradley himself was dressed in layers of flowy fabric and glitter. He laughed and he danced, smiling and never wanting to wake up from it.
“There's such a fooled heart beatin' so fast. In search of new dreams, a love that will last within your heart. I'll place the moon within your heart. As the pain sweeps through, makes no sense for you, every thrill is gone, wasn’t too much fun at all. But I’ll be there for you, as the Word falls down.”
When Bradley did awake he was in the comfort of his room with foggy memories. All his cherished possessions were there. His stuffed animals, his books, his slippers and his favorite board game. The posters and playbills lining the wall, his music box and vinyl records that he was gifted from his dad before he passed. Everything was in place and as it was, but something was wrong. A little book on his desk caught his eye, Labyrinth. The words of strength echoed in his head, “you have no power over me,” looking around. This was a distraction! He needed to get out. Tearing at the posters and walls everything crashing around him. Out, out, out!
As the hole in the wall opened, Mav and Slider were there helping him out. They quickly made it to the gates of the goblin kingdom. They came across a giant metal gollum standing guard at the gates where Jester came into the rescue to defeat it! At last inside the City! Goblin guards flooded to town to try and stop the party but thankfully with the help of Slider’s rock friends it was a breeze.
They arrive at the castle, “I need to go in alone, thank you for all of your help” “if you should ever need us, for anything at all, we’ll be here.”
Inside the castle was even more twists and turns, stairwells that were sideways, and upside down, leading to one room and out another. “JAKE!” And there baby Jake sat on the stairs giggling like he’s been having a good stay inside the caste. He doesn’t notice Bradley as he begins to crawl up the stairs. “Jake wait?!” Bradley dashes down the stairwell where he ended up on the opposite side of the room from his brother. He tried again and again to no avail as the Goblin walked along the stairs as well to watch the chaos.
Finally Bradley and The Goblin King confront each other.
“Everything that you have wanted, I have done. You asked for the child to be taken, I took him. You cowered before me, I was frightening. I have reordered time. I have turned the world upside down and I have done it all for you! I am exhausted living up to your expectations of me. Isn’t that generous?”
Bradley was quiet as he tried his best to remember the lines from his book. The same book his dad always read, the one his dad worked hard to write and publish. His favorite story.
“Through dangers untold, and hardships unnumbered. I have fought my way here to the castle, beyond the Goblin City. For my will is as strong as yours, and my-“
“STOP! Wait, look Bradley, look what I’m offering you. Your dreams.”
“And my kingdom as great.”
The Goblin King became frantic, showing Bradley an orb that held his dreams
“I ask so little. Just let me rule you, and you can have everything that you want.”
Bradley thought hard, this was the part he had trouble remembering.
“Kingdom as great,, Damn. I can never remember that line.”
“Just fear me, love, do as I say. And I will be your slave.”
King Ice demanded, he was at the end of his rope and Bradley knew it. If he could just remember the line!
“My kingdom as great,,,my kingdom as great,, you have no power over me!”
The orb was thrown up in the air. And King Ice disappeared and a snowy owl is what remained. The world began to fall into itself. Everything went black.
Bradley woke up in his bed once again. Was this another trick? Was this real? He looked aver at his shelf and noticed a bear was missing. He quickly got out of bed and stumbled down the hall to his parents room where the crib stood to the side. Peering into and seeing his baby brother, Jake, lay sleeping peacefully with the missing bear in his clutches. All is well and Bradley finally breathed easy. Turning of the lights to the room and returned to his own.
His parents arrived home and for once he didn’t feel angry for once. He tidied his room, putting the books away, and the playbills in the drawer of his desk. He sits down at the desk and stares off into near by mirror.
“Goodbye, Bradley” he saw Slider in the mirror, turning around Bradley saw nothing there. He looked back in the mirror. “And remember Master Bradley, should you need us,,” Mav said solemnly. “Yes, should you need us, for any reason at all” Jester appeared looking solemn.
“I’ll always need you, I don’t know why, but every now and again, for no reason at all. I’ll need you.”
“Well why did you say so!”
Bradley turned around in his chair again and there they were his friends and other goblins he’s met on his journey. It was the best night of his life.
There was a snowy owl that sat outside the window. Watching as the small party go down. With a subtle nod it flapped it’s wings and flew away.
The return to the Goblin Kingdom, the snowy owl formed back to King Ice, and he smiled.
“Good job everyone” he greeted, “That went perfectly, I think Nick would have been proud!”
Long ago before there was Bradley there Nick Bradshaw, he found the Goblin Kingdom and had the adventure of a life time and in the end he had asked the Goblin King to do the same for his future child. Ice had agreed, it had been a long time since a human has visited the kingdom and he delighted everyone he befriended. Not only that but he also introduced Mav, a spirited Goblin, to Ice. Helping young Nick out was the least Ice could do..
Doodles below⬇️🔮
(Ft. Wolfman and Hollywood Goblins hehe)
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storeboughtbrand · 2 years
*The class of 86’ got to witness young Mav’s toss-ability at the O Club, so it’s only fair that, as their successors, the baby pilots get to see it too at the Hard Deck."
Let’s just say Slider did NOT make a good first impression on his new nieces and nephews 😅.
It started as a typical night of drinking at the Hard Deck. It’s been about a week or so since the Uranium Mission, and the kids are hanging around the pool tables. Every pilot called back to TOP GUN is still there as the higher-ups haven’t decided what to do with them yet.
(And they are afraid to bring up the topic to Admiral Kazansky again after he sent that 2 star-admiral running away from his office with his tail tucked between his legs and looking one second away from shitting himself. *it was not Cyclone and Warlock)
So, for now, the baby pilots are enjoying their leave by drinking some good-ass beer and enjoying each other’s company.
They all are a fond sight around the base for everyone who works there. It’s rare for someone on staff to see Captain Mitchell walking around and not be accompanied by one to two of his students trailing behind him like ducklings. Warlock almost burst out laughing once when a visiting Admiral had to do a double take when he saw a giant moving mass of 12 Naval Pilots on the Tarmac and then saw the tiny 5’7 figure of Maverick somewhere in the middle before disappearing from view because he’s shorter than most of them. It was all thanks to a well placed elbow nudge in the side from Beau that saved his career.
So yeah, just a funky lil old pilot and his 12 adopted naval pilots.
While the Daggers are chatting, a tall man (6’2) walks in wearing aviator sunglasses and a leather G-1 Jacket. He’s wearing a lot of patches, but it’s hard to determine what each of them is.
The jacket catches Bob’s eyes, and he points out the guy to the rest of the squad, who turns to look at him. They all watch as he looks around the room and before his eyes land on  Maverick who’s sitting at the bar, chatting with Penny. He starts walking towards Mav slowly, looking like he’s trying to sneak up on Mav. Fanboy, with narrowed eyes, quietly says the guy looks like a lion stalking its prey. Now, normally, a comment like that would get a laugh out of some of the pilots, but they’ve all got a bit too much alcohol in their systems. Instead, they all tense, and now everyone is watching this guy like a hawk.
The kids watch as the guy lunges at their Mavdad from behind and gets him in a bear hug. Then he drags Mav off the stool, who lets out a startled cry, and suddenly, the entire squadron is on their feet.
But they all relax but don't stop watching when the man starts spinning him around in a circle, laughing.
They all have the same thought running through their heads.
"Aight, cool, this guy must be a friend of Captain dad. I wonder how long it's been since they've seen each - OH MY GOD!” – and then proceed to go into smoke in the air panic mode as the unknown man fucking launches Mav HIGH into the air. Like this man almost touches the mug display on the ceiling.
The kids go into full-on – frothing at the mouth – protective mode and are already making their way over with Phoenix and Hangman leading the charge.  The guy catches Mav easily, and the kids breathe a sigh of relief. But then they see this guy is winding up for another pitch and are like – “I think the fuck NOT!”. They’ve got this MF’s ass in a radar lock.
No, this was no man.
This was a boogie - an ENEMY - and they’ve got tone.
The Guy and Mav turn to see the approaching Daggers, and the guy puts Mav down but keeps his hands on Mav’s hips. Mav lights up at the sight of his students and opens his mouth.
“Hey, guys! I’ve got someone I want you to me-”
But his kids don’t hear a word he is saying. They are all gone; they’ve gone completely raptor feral.
Phoenix is the first to land an attack. She jumps on the guy’s back and latches on to him like a spider monkey. She gets her forearm against the front of his neck and pulls hard; Penny says later that he sounded like a dying horse, even if Slider disagrees.
She gets the Boogie to let go of Mav’s hips, and Coyote quickly picks him up and cradles the old aviator in his arms while Bob and Fritz check him for injuries. With Mav safely out of harm’s way, the rest of the kids go in for the kill.
Hangman dives in for the tackle, grappling the man around his waist and pushing overboard out the front door of the Hard Deck. Rooster runs to the door and holds it open allowing the screaming trio out onto the sand, the rest of the kids follow closely behind screaming bloody murder.
Phoenix and Hangman try to wrestle the man down on the ground, but he isn’t giving up and fights back with all he’s got. He’s thrashing around, kicking up sand, and prying Phoenix off his back. She looks like she’s riding a raging mechanical bull. He’s not ready for the full force of a flying Rooster tackling him, and the Tree of a man goes down.
Then out of nowhere, a volley of pool noodles starts raining down on the Boogie.
Somehow, the other pilots had each found a pool noodle lying around and were now wielding them like baseball bats.
The Boogie gives up on trying to phoenix off him and brings his hands up to defend him. He’s able to rip Fanboy’s pool noodle out of his hands and whacking them back.
Fanboy runs off because he spots something out of the corner of his eye. When he comes running back into view, he’s holding a giant Eagle Floaty high above his head and screaming like Tarzan.
The Boogie’s eyes go wide, and he tries to escape harder, but it is hard for him when he keeps getting whacked in the head with a pool noodle.
They’ve got this guy on the ropes, and the guy is basically beaten into the ground.  He’s pinned down by the combined strength of Rooster, Hangman, and Phoenix. Fanboy stands over their downed foe, ready to deliver the final blow via plastic eagle.
“Lieutenants, stand down!”
And everyone freezes in mid-motion, the direct order from a commander officer unable to be ignored.
Phoenix still has the guy in a headlock. Hangman’s got his arms wrapped around the guys legs, holding him down.
Rooster’s half lying on top and half holding down the man’s torso.
Payback, Omaha, Halo, Harvard, and Yale all have paused mid-swing of their pool noodles.
Fanboy has the giant eagle float high above his head, ready to dive bomb straight into the man’s face.
At the entrance of the Hard Deck, stands Maverick, looking at all of them in shock. Behind him are Coyote, Fritz, and Bob who try to drag Mav back into the bar so they can fuss over him.
Hangman: Pops, go back inside; we’ve got this motherfucker handled.”
(-What! Who’re you calling a motherfucker-)
Maverick: While I do agree he is a fucker (-HEY-), he’s a fucker I would like intact and without a concussion.
Mav turns to look at the beaten man and says, “You okay, Slider?”
The Man glares at Mav - “Just fucking peachy, Pete.”
Mav winces at the use of his first name.
The rest of the pilots ready their noodles for another swing cause no one talks to their Mavdad like that!
Then Rooster just stops and stares at the guy. Mav called him Slider, which definitely sounds like a callsign. And it sounds familiar. Why does he feel like he should recognize that name?
“Oh Shit, Uncle Slider?!???”
And the rest was history.
Needlessly to say, Mav was apologizing for the rest of the night while holding an ice pack against the side of Slider’s head while he nursed a free beer, courtesy of Penny.
The baby pilots all apologize too, and to Mav, they sounded sincere, but Slider can see them all glaring at him over Mav’s shoulder, though Rooster’s is less heated. It doesn’t help his case when he glares right back. It also doesn’t help when he slides his arm around Mav’s waist and pulls him flush against his side.
Mav just snuggles into his friend’s side, completely unaware his kids are plotting out Slider’s death using hand gestures so his friend can see precisely how they’ll do it.
Mav does eventually explain what the tossing was able and Rooster’s all like, “Oh yeah! I forgot all about that.” Slider just throws his hands up in the background.
Slider is peeved that he got attacked by Mav’s adopted horde, but Mav gives him a …..proper apology…….if you catch my drift, later that night.
And that’s the story of Slider first met and almost died by the hands and pool noodles of his new nieces and nephews. Sufficient to say, the retired RIO was immediately placed squarely in the category of Favorite Uncle the Daggers like to fuck with. It’s done with love tho.
An artist's (Fritz's) rendition of the climactic battle:
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*Slider was not amused*
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pollyna · 2 years
Sad prompt hour, in a fic now.
Twenty-nineteen sees Nat sharing a glass of vodka and a headphone with Bradley because this song is so good dude, but sad. The vodka is for the sad part. They drink, listen to the song once and drink again. It's their last day of shore leave and the song is sad, yes but they're happy and Tasha is going to see Callie again and they drink to that too.
Bradley hums it along the flight to Japan and then during all his deployment, he shares it with Coyote when he asks what he's always humming and Jake sings along with him during the long stretch of patrols that make him more tired than doing paperwork. Their CO has to ask them to shut up because he's tired of that damn song.
It makes Bradley write I love you both on the family chat while he cuddles in the middle of Jake and Javy because is fucking cold in the bunkers and not even five blankets seem to stop the shivering.
With time he hums it less and less because other songs are there now, Javy always has a new one to share and their CO screams over the com they're not at a fucking concert. Jake sings louder. It's all worth the week of cleaning toilets.
It's twenty-twenty-two and uncle Tom is looking frail in a way Bradley hoped to never see him. But he's smiling and moving his finger so fast Bradley can barely follow what he's saying. After the third go get your uncle Pete Bradley is out of the room and back in under ten minutes. Uncle Tom isn't lying anymore and he's wearing clothes and shoes and looking better than he did before. Still frail but less ready to give up, if it makes sense. He kisses uncle Pete, both hands around his face and says something he doesn't hear Bradley has to look away because these two men are the reason he feels all the second-hand embarrassment in the world. They're out of the hospital before he realises and the head nurse doesn't try to stop them. Uncle Ron is there too, with a camera and what seems like a list in his hand. Uncle Ron says only you Tommy, only you and he's laughing and hugging the man and talking about their first stop.
The whole day seems like a page taken out from when Bradley was twelve and neither Tom nor Pete were on deployment. They go to the zoo, and take pictures with giraffes and elephants, uncle Pete kisses uncle Tom under a flying parrot and uncle Ron doesn't stop teasing them for a second. They eat at their favourite dinner and then it's a movie and so much ice cream Bradley doesn't remember the taste of anything else for hours. The day ends with the four of them sitting in front of the ocean, watching jets flying away and Bradley will never be more grateful than he is in that moment, sitting between his parents, his head tilt against Tom's shoulder while Pete plays with his hairs.
His heart aches all the way back to the hospital and it takes all he can to ignore how white uncle Ron's hands are around the steering wheel or how Pete and Tom's fingers intertwined for hours and they still haven't let go. They're back in his hospital room too soon and Bradley doesn't want to leave, doesn't want to go away because he knows the moment he'll turns his shoulder and walk out he won't see him ever again. He has to try to stay a little longer, just a little longer. Hey dad, listen to this with me? he asks looking at Tom. Yeah kid he signs back, shifting a little to make him space on the bed. Bradley passes him a headphone that Tom puts on the pillow so Pete can listen to and he presses play. Beloved fills the room but Bradley doesn't need to pay attention to the words because he knows them by heart, his head softly resting on Tom's chest trying to shoot all his worries away because his chest is still rising and his heart still beating.
"Before you leave
You must know you are beloved
And before you leave
Remember I was with you"
There are tears in their eyes, Tom's hands are shaking and he knows uncle Ron wants to scream but there are no more words to say that could fix it or at least something. Exhaustion takes him to sleep even when he tries so hard to stay awake, Tom's hand petting his cheek and murmuring I love you too Baby Goose and I'm so glad I had the opportunity to see you growing up.
The morning comes in the shape of an empty bed and his dad calling out for a voice that's not going to answer back.
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Bradley’s thirteenth birthday in a world where Jake and Bradley grow up as brothers.
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chicabae · 2 years
Finding Family
Read on AO3
Sometimes, family is closer than we think
"Lieutenant Kerner, get back here!"
"Don't ever call me that."
"We're not done talking, lieutenant!"
"Yes, Admiral, we are. If you really want to talk to a Kerner, call your RIO!"
The yelling match between Hangman and Admiral Kazansky echoed down the hallway. Bradley was frozen as Hangman brushed past him, stomping toward the parking lot. Looking at Ice, the Admiral was loosening his scarf and rubbing his throat. The yelling must have irritated it. Ice saw him in the hall and beckoned him into his office. 
"Go after him," Ice rasped, taking a sip of water. "Make sure he doesn't do anything stupid"
Bradley stood there stunned, "Me? You want me to go after Hangman? You do remember we don't actually like each other right?" Ice just rolled his eyes and pointed to the door. "Will you at least tell me what all of that was? Jake's last name is Seresin, not Kerner."
"He'll tell you if you ask him, but just check on him."
Bradley found Hangman’s truck still in the lot but his silhouette was fading as he walked away from the base. Rolling his eyes, Bradley jumped in his car and went after him, slowing down and rolling down the window when he got close. "Get in dude." The man was silent, continuing to walk. "Hangman, c'mon dude let's go!"
"Fuck off, Bradshaw. Leave me alone"
Bradley was losing his patience "Bagman! Get in! Now! Or do you want to pout all the way home?"
Hangman finally turned to him and Bradley saw his heaving breaths and red-rimmed eyes. "Get in," he said gently. The other man just sighed, all the fight leaving his body, before opening the door and sitting down. After a beat of silence, Bradley spoke up, "Where to?"
Hangman rubbed his eyes, "Beach, water, waves, something like that." He sounded so tired.
The drive wasn't stifling, but no one wanted to break the silence that settled between them. When he parked, Hangman slid out of the car and began walking down to the surf. Bradley took his time following, letting Hangman go off. He saw Hangman pause, just looking out at the horizon over the waves before bending down and picking something up. 
As he got closer, Bradley saw him wind up and throw it into the water. He did it again, bent down, wind up, and let it fly. When he got closer, he saw that they were seashells. Staying silent, he sat as Hangman kept throwing shells until he ran out and sat beside him. Looking at him, hair disheveled, face blotched, and shaking hands, Hangman wasn't here. This is raw Jake Seresin. Bradley just stayed silent as Seresin ran his hands through his hair, trying to calm down. 
When he stopped, he just turned to look at the sunset. Bradley quietly broke the silence, "Can I ask? About all that?"
Seresin huffed a laugh and shook his head before changing his mind and groaning and nodding. "Go ahead."
The silence hung between them before Jake spoke. "My lovely sperm donor," he stated sarcastically, "has intimacy and commitment issues that rival Mavericks. Making and breaking promises like he was born for it. And I'm tired of it, but Uncle Ice just can't stop butting his nose in."
Bradley's eyes continued to widen as he spoke. "So Ice is your-"
"My godfather," Jake finishes. "Gonna cry about nepotism, Bradshaw?"
"Hell no, I'd be the biggest hypocrite in the Navy. It's just weird to hear someone else call him Uncle Ice," Bradley nudged Jake's shoulder, "I thought I was all alone." 
Jake chuckled wetly, "Oh God, that's right, you grew up with that group of weirdos too."
"Damn straight!" Bradley cried. "I never met the other uncle's kids besides Ice's, holy shit this is trippy."
Jake gave a gentle shove, "Maybe it's for the best, they couldn't risk the best naval aviators in the world teaming up that early." They laughed in the sand at the thought.
"Oh shit," Bradley said as a thought struck him. 
"What, Rooster?"
"We're, like, cousins now, Bagman." The grin on his face grew as he saw the dots connect on Jake's face. 
"Oh fuck," Jake looked at him with wide eyes. "We are."
Bradley whooped and tackled Jake to the sand, wrestling and tumbling down the dune. When they hit the bottom, Bradley made to let go when Jake grabbed his arm. "Were you fucking with me back there? The whole 'family' thing?" Jake said quietly.
"I never joke about family, you're stuck with me Seresin" Bradley reached out an arm and pulled Jake up.
The small grin on Jake's face grew, "I don't have any family left, it'd be nice to have someone again."
Bradley smiled and shoved him towards the car, "Let's get going cousin, the family awaits."
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the-ace-with-spades · 7 months
A sitcom-like/humour fic AU where Bradley's papers haven't been pulled and he does land in USNA but he's doing everything and anything not to be labeled as the nepo baby even though he definitely is a nepo baby
This would include:
- Bradley knowing things he isn't supposed to know as a first year (plebe?) because he had inside sources (Ice and Slider) and things didn't change much
- Every single person from the personnel knowing who he is and Bradley ditching attempts to use him as a stepping ladder to meet Ice and/or Mav
- Having to listen to his crush (Hangman) making whole odes about his old man (either Mav or Ice, you pick)
- Pretending he doesn't know Slider when he comes to visit as a 'guest speaker', including when Slider tries to speaks to him, making Slider seem crazy
- Lying to everyone that he had a family emergency and that's why he was gone the last two weeks of summer training when in reality Ice pulled him out because he wanted to take him and Mav to the seaside somewhere in Europe
- When they get an opportunity to get a pilot licence along their studies, he fakes ignorance and signs up again (despite already having a pilot licence) and then demolishes everyone and gets banned from flying in the training group (*cough* Mav's influence *cough*)
- Doing the craziest mental summersaults and pretending he didn't know who Ice was when he was driving him back to the Academy and talking to him at the meet point and people saw ("Oh was that Admiral Kazansky? I thought he'd be taller")
- Hangman: So what your parents do for a living? Rooster: My dad works admin (there's a lot of paperwork when you're an admiral) and the other one is switching to research (testing planes kinda is research)
- After Ice's impromptu visit (poor Ice has the empty nest syndrome...) - some of his classmates gossiping: Did you hear that apparently the Iceman is gay? Bradley, with a fake pikachu face, even though he had literally helped Mav choose the engagement ring for Ice: Nah, not possible.
- Also, Bradley knowing that telling Jake would impress him so much but feeling absolutely physically ill whenever he thinks why and ending up not telling Jake for years (like, up until a dinner before graduation when Jake the Boyfriend gets asked to dinner and brings the Iceman a discounted pot plant that's half dying as the meet-the-parents gift and promptly has an anxiety attack on the front porch when Bradley does tell him)
- Bradley making elaborate excuses why Mav and Ice can't meet his academy friends when they're staying close to their home, to the point Mav starts thinking he's embarrassed by them
There was something else that I'm forgetting rn so might add more later
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oh-surprise-its-me · 8 months
I listened to so much loud music last night and got drunk. Apparently I wrote this idea in my notes app last night.
So here’s an actual au of Jake never becoming a pilot!
The only reason why Jake was going to the hard deck tonight was for Javy.
Okay Javy and his dads. They convinced him to go. Jake is still in his scrubs. But with three days off starting tomorrow he figures Javy will forgive him.
He slides into the bar and looks around for his dads. A man comes him to him. “Hey pretty boy not sure this is your kinda place.” Jake wipes all the thoughts he was having about the mustache out of his head. “They let you fly with something that distracting on your face?”
Jake shoves past him. He sees his dads now. He ducks through the celebration. Comes up behind his tata. “Congratulations.” The three of them turn and Jake is quickly pulled into hugs. He gets kisses pressed to his head. Ron turns and shouts for Javy.
Javy catches sight of Jake and practically runs to him. Jake is brought into a crushing hug. Tom laughs at them and Chris reminds Javy to go slow.
Jake pulls back and gently smacks Javy’s chest. “You got a fucking concussion?” Javy flushes. “No?”
There’s a new voice from behind him. “Don’t lie to the man Jav.” Jake glances back to see a smaller brown haired man. He’s pretty sure it’s Maverick. Chris laughs. “Good luck with that Mav.” Jake instantly snaps back into nurse mode. He can’t help it. He shoves Javy onto a stool. “Tell me everything.”
Javy glances at Mav. “Go ahead we both know who his dads are.” Javy quickly tells Jake about the accident. Jake nods along the entire time.
Tom leans around Chris to talk to Mav, “get your kid they should meet again now that they aren’t 2.” Mav laughs. “Does Jake promise not to bite this time?” Jake blinks at his dad. “I don’t even want to know what you two are referring to.” Ron laughs and presses a kiss to Jake’s hair. “You were a bitey kid.”
“Says the man that bit dad and tata for me to see. Who’s fault is that.” Chris smacks Ron. “See.” Jake knows this has been a gentle argument they’ve had for years.
Jake eventually tells Javy he’s fine. Javy smacks his hip with an “I told you now drink.” Jake accepts the beer passed his way. They all move to a booth.
Chris in Tom’s lap, Ron on the inside, Jake and Javy sharing a side like they always do.
Mav drifts back over with him is the idiot with the facial hair. “Jake meet my son Bradley. Rooster for his callsign”
Jake and Bradley stare at each other. Bradley breaks first. He reaches a hand out, “nice to meet you.”
Jake blinks at him. “Yeah nice.” They shake on it. Bradley holds on. “Want another beer?” Javy elbows him. “Fuck it sure if you’re paying.” Jake is pulled up by Bradley. “Let’s go get it pretty boy.”
Mav takes Jake’s seat. “God Chris you were right they’re going to kill each other.”
Ron and Tom both chatter in polish, Chris smacks them, “stop it you two I don’t need to think about that.” Javy laughs. “I already know too much. He’s exactly Jake’s type.”
Mav stares after them. They’re leaning against the bar. Bradley has an arm around Jake’s waist. Jake looks like he’s turned on but considering breaking the arm. “Oh no what have I done.”
The four others laugh. “It’ll be fine Mav.”
Mav shakes his head, “how did your kid end up a nurse anyways.”
The three of them grin. They’ll take any opportunity to talk about their kid. Chris starts, “he took after our friend Lucas. He was an ER nurse in Texas and here. Always was fascinated with his stories.”
Ron nods and presses a kiss to Tom’s head. “We taught him how to fly and he loves it but it just wasn’t what he wanted to do.” Tom smiles at Chris before continuing, “he’s a little grease monkey like Chris here too but he wanted to help people. Decided to go into nursing. ER like Lucas was.”
Chris shakes his head, “told him he wasn’t allowed to become a firefighter though. Paramedic sure. But I never wanted him do follow what David and I did.”
Mav nods. He’s jealous in a sense. Wishes Bradley understood why he pulled his papers. Wished they didn’t loose so much time.
“Holy shit they’re gone.”
They all turn to look at the bar. Yep. No Bradley or Jake. Tom let’s out a loud laugh. “He really is our kid.” Mav slams his head into the table. “Goddamn it.”
Javy pats his shoulder. “Come on old man let’s see if you can beat me at pool.”
Jake’s dads watch as they leave. Chris leans back and whispers to his husbands. “Wanna go home and celebrate our own way?” Ron’s eyes flash. “Absolutely.” Tom squeezes his hip. “Good thing tomorrow is Saturday.”
Chris laughs. He grins at the two of them. “Come on then.”
They all wave to Mav and the daggers.
They give Javy and hug on the way out.
The daggers look so confused. They know they’ll have to host a bbq and invite all of them.
It’ll be a good weekend.
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aki-draws-things · 10 months
Yes, I wrote on a bus during all the unholy hours my ass had been sitting there, but it's not checked enough to go on ao3, I'll check and fix it (and expand it) when I'm back.
But, the accident. And a bit of the aftermath.
Summary: Ice calls goose I'm the aftermath of the worst accident ever.
(The accident is foreshadowing what will happen again. With a very different outcome)
When Goose arrived at the base hospital, Slider is still in surgery. Iceman looks pale. No, scratch that. He's ghostly white, drenched. He didn't even get out of his flight suit.
He looked ready to throw up, and something told Goose it wouldn't be the first time.
"I'm here." He said, his voice soft, a whisper as he stepped closer to Iceman as he brushed his fingers on his hunched shoulders. "Ice, I'm here."
"Gone." Ice muttered, it sounds choked, barely human. "He's gone, goose. He's gone."
Goose frowned, his hand hovering by his shoulders. What the hell? No, Slider was in surgery, not gone. He opened his mouth to speak, but Ice stopped him. Ice looked up, eyes red, and glassy, tear streaks down his cheeks, and a bruise on the side of his face, he tries not to move his left shoulder too much either.
"Got us out of the water. In the chopper. Gone." His words are fragmented, and suddenly Goose understood.
"Fuck." He breathed out, slowly. He sat down next to Iceman and held his head in his hands, pulling at his hair. "Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. He's gonna be alright."
Because let's be honest, what else could he say at this point? Ice just told him that one of his closest friends died.
"Fucking hell. How?"
It takes Goose almost 30 minutes before actually asking. It takes at least one more hour before Ice can force words out of his mouth.
"Dunno... our Cat went down in flames. There was smoke and heat everywhere, I-- I dunno. I couldn't reach ejection, Ron pulled it for me."
Goose sucked in a breath. Damn, he knew how loyal Slider was, he flew with him before, when Slider trained as a pilot and Goose was his Rio. They didn't work out, Slider wasn't cut to be a pilot, Slider was dangerous and unpredictable.
Goose felt like a hypocrite, flying with Maverick, but they didn't know Maverick. (Mav was everything Slider had been at his age. The one big difference was that Goose was older now. It wasn't Slider's fault like he had painted at the time. And maybe he missed the chance to tell him so.)
Slider was loyal to a fault.
"Too much smoke, you know? I think I was losing consciousness. Next thing I know, I'm in the air, and I see Ronnie's chute a little further from me. But he's hanging there like a broken doll."
Once Iceman started, he could not stop anymore. Goose could see his eyes becoming distant, lost in the midst of what happened barely hours before.
"We're in the water. He doesn't move. I swim over to him. I held him, you know? The way I hold him all the time."
Goose knew what he means, he saw the way they held in each other.
"He was in my arms. There was blood all over his face, in the water, and his helmet cracked. He hit the canopy, somehow. Because--" Ice's breath itched in his throat and goose wanted to reach out and hold him. It's not his job--
"Cause he got me out first, and he wasted time."
"He saved you. It's not a waste of time."
"He got me out and wasted the momentum to eject himself safely." He repeated, his voice low and choked.
Goose closed his eyes and prayed not to hear anything else. He knows, he can guess what's about to come, and he's not sure he could take it. but Iceman needed to get it out.
Iceman pressed his fingers on his neck, Slider's head was reclined against his shoulder, and the chopper can't get to them fast enough. Ice's fingers dig into the skin and feel-- nothing.
Absolutely nothing.
He pressed deeper, it would leave a bruise, maybe, but he needed to hear it, the soft thumping under his--
It's not there. No gentle thud.
There's no warm exhale against his cheek when Ron breathed. because there was no breath left in his body.
"Let me take him."
No. No, no-- he doesn't want to let go.
"Sir, let me take him."
He wants his Ron back. He needs him back. Ron's gone because he was such a poor excuse of a pilot and couldn't even elect himself.
"I need you to let him go, sir. We can't lift him if you hold him like that."
He let go just a tiny little bit, and they lift Ron's broken body away from him.
Gone. His Ronnie is--
He throws up in the water.
When he finally is lifted out of the water and into the chopper too, they have cut open his flightsuit. They're pushing down his chest with so much strength that he's sure he will bruise and even break something.
Who cared, after all? Ron was gone anyway.
They force air into his lungs.
Tom never saw him lay so still in all the years he had known Ron. He did see him in a hospital bed his fair share of times because apparently living outside a home for a couple of months and still going to school like nothing happened, can easily end up with a nasty cold and persistent cough. And that could easily turn into pneumonia. And Tom would wake up in the dead of the night to Ron wheezing in ways he was not supposed to.
But this was different. Ron was unnaturally still. Or moving, that depended on how Tom would see things.
He was gone.
He was dead.
He was dead under their expert hands as they tried to get him back. As they worked so hard, so fucking hard for his heart to beat again. Tom swears that if Ron died, so would he. He couldn't imagine a life where Ron is not right beside him. He would never be able to fly, ever again.
It doesn't look like a good rhythm when the monitor shows a tiny change, but it's a rhythm nevertheless. Well, kind of.
"They said so many things. Things I don't understand. Things I forgot. All I know was that his heart stopped. He wasn't breathing, even as we arrived here, he wasn't. And his skull was fractured."
Goose felt sick. Iceman wasn't even blinking anymore, he realized, he was staring blankly, unemotional.
Ice cold.
Slider survived.
He remained in a coma for an unholy time, Ice remained right at his side. He pleaded.
He prayed.
Goose never saw him pray. Goose didn't even know he was religious.
Ice himself didn't know who he was praying to. He just was praying.
Goose took out the small cross he always carried around his neck, the one his mother gave him, he gave it to Ice without a word. He had the one Carole gave him. Right now, Ice needed it more.
"Slider! How are you doing man? I thought you wanted to be a pilot. What happened?"
Goose was smiling, goose was, maybe, just a bit intoxicated, not too much just a little.
Slider's smile was strained, he tried to sound casual, he tried not to say that Goose knew exactly what the fuck happened. Still, he smiled.
"So, flying with the Iceman, mh?"
"It's Mr. Iceman to you."
Ice was, perhaps, a little intoxicated too, if the way he leaned on Ron's shoulders said anything. But Goose knew a different reason for him leaning so close, a very different reason why Ice's fingers carded through his hair on the back of his head.
Goose knew there was a scar there, where his head cracked open.
Goose knew Slider was a miracle in two feet.
It was a miracle he survived. (He almost didn't.)
It was a miracle he woke up.
It was a miracle he recovered to the point he was allowed back into an F-14.
Ron was a miracle himself, Goose is not sure how, but he's so damn happy it went this way.
Goose knew he waited one instant too long.
Goose knows that is the last thing he will ever know. but he sees Mav, and Mav is safe.
Suddenly, he understood Slider.
That's the last thing he knows.
The papers felt heavy in Mav's hands as his eyes scanned through them thoughtfully.
For a moment, he thought Tom mistakenly gave him Goose's medical papers. Everything, well, most of it, matches terrifyingly. The injury, injuries, multiple. The accident. His head struck the canopy. There's a small, black-and-white picture of a cracked helmet, Tom had the decency to remove every other picture describing the injuries. (Tom removed more than just a few pictures. He squeezed a piece of paper in his hand so much that he almost tears it. Maverick doesn't need to know.)
Mav is still half convinced he's reading the report from goos--- Roland Yaakov Kerner. "Slider".
"If you want to go to Texas now--"
"No... they need time alone. They deserve it." A beat, Tom inhales sharply, his hands still shaking. "Don't talk about that. To no one. Chris must never know. Deal?"
Mav nods.
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withahappyrefrain · 2 months
For the ship ask game!
48. …out of habit + a bob of your choice!
This prompt screams secret relationship, and what better Bob to do that with than Cobalt Eyes & Sweet Smiles Bob?
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Bob knew he shouldn't be jealous. You weren't paying Jake any attention as he bragged about the latest air maneuver he mastered. Your eyes were focused on putting together a burger.
Soon enough, one of your fathers' old Top Gun classmates would whisk you away, no doubt to marvel at how much you had grown up, reminiscing on how you used to toddle around at this yearly cookout.
The worst part was Bob couldn't even be mad at Jake. Because he told Jake that all that happened after you two met was that he walked you to your car.
Which was partly true. Bob did walk you to your car. And then exchanged numbers after making out in said car. Which led to going on a date, which led to Bob secretly dating you.
Turns out, dating the daughter of your bosses is complicated.
Once the current mission was over, it would be easier to come forward. And decidedly less weird to think about.
Though Bob was still worried that once the secret was out in the open, he'd wake up the next day to find he's been deployed to Australia.
So all Bob could do was sip on his diet Coke as he tried not watch Jake fail at hitting on his girlfriend.
"I'm going to go...." Your eyes lingered on Bob. God, he looked so good in that blue shirt, it was unfair. But wouldn't that be too obvious?
"Somewhere that isn't here," you finished, walking away before Jake could even speak. The temptation to tell the blonde pilot you were dating Bob grew stronger everyday.
But Jake also had a big mouth and seemed like the kind of dick to mention something to one of your dads, if not both.
Technically, you weren't breaking their rule. They said no pilots and Bob wasn't a pilot. He was a WSO.
But it certainly made things awkward as Bob was working with Dad. And Pa was his boss.
Well, wanting to get away from Jake Seresin wouldn't raise anyone's suspicions.
Bob tried to hide his excitement when you stood next to him. He tried to act casual, but nothing could hide that smile of his.
Not that you mind. In fact, his sweet expression sent warmth throughout your body.
"Got tired of hearing how much better he is than everyone else?" Bob joked, causing you to nearly choke on your burger.
"The best don't brag, they let their work speak for themselves," you explained, a sly smile on your face. It was so hard not to make eye contact with him. Truly unfair how he had eyes bluer than the ocean, deeper than the sky-
"Is it too much if I asked you to accompany me to the Hot Dog station? Figured it would be nice to have someone who understands all the toppings." With that lopsided smile, how could you say no?
"It is an intimidating amount of choices," you chuckled as you led him over to the station.
"Alright, so I know it sounds weird, but the Olivier-Russian potato salad- that Pa makes is actually pretty good. The chili Slider makes is good, but unless you have a stomach of steel only take a little. Oh, and Hollywood says the candied jalapeños are mostly sweet but that's a lie. It's mostly spicy."
Bob couldn't help but be memorized as you rattled off facts about the various condiments. Whether it was about work, a personal belief, or yes, even hot dog toppings, you always spoke with such passion.
He loved it. He loved you, but that conversation is still a few steps away.
For now, Bob was happy to settle for counting down the days until he could hold your hand in a gathering like today's. Even if it terrified him.
Yes, technically, he wasn't a pilot. But considering who your dads were, a technicality didn't bring Bob much hope.
According to Bradley, the idea of you dating someone in the military, much less a naval pilot, had been vocally met with disdain.
But today Bob wouldn't focus on that. Instead, he focused on your bright smile and how cute you looked in that sundress.
"What's your go-to?" He asked, ready to take the valuable information to heart.
"Chili with some of the candied jalapenos and a dash of ketchup."
"No mustard?" He asked, wiggling his eyebrows.
You had to stifle a laugh, "No mustard."
"Alright, I trust ya." His words, laced with a slight twang sent warmth throughout your body.
Without saying a word, you took the ladle from the chili bowl, serving it onto his hot dog. You gave him a sweet smile as an explanation, one that Bob took happily.
"Thanks darlin'," He leaned in to peck your lips, neither of you thinking about it.
It wasn't until he broke away to grab the ketchup that you both froze, realization washing over you.
"I'm gonna, um, go." You said quickly, grabbing your plate.
"Uh yeah, good idea," Bob quickly put down the ketchup, turning around to walk away from you. His face was bright red as he practically ran back to Mickey and Natasha who were currently chatting up with some of Pete and Tom's old classmates.
You looked around, everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. No one standing in shock.
Alright, good. That was a good sign.
"Hey, did you see that?" You asked Bradley, who had been roped into grill duty.
"See what?" Your pseudo-brother shrugged, his eyes remaining on the grill, unaware that you were on the verge of having a panic attack.
"Bob and I kissed. It was an accident, like neither of us thought about it! It just felt natural and we forgot where we were!" You hissed.
Bradley was the only one who knew. The first time Bob spent the night at your place, the universe decided that Bradley should be the one to pick you up for family brunch. In hindsight, better he than one of your dads. Thankfully, you had enough dirt on Bradley to buy his silence.
"Oh," Bradley shrugged, as if it was nothing. Truthfully, he didn't know why you two insisted on keeping it a secret. It wasn't like you were dating Hangman (thank fucking God for that).
"I didn't notice anything," He said, which accurately reassured you.
"Although...." His words made the hair on the back of your neck stand up.
"Although?" You gritted through your teeth.
"I mean, that would explain why Slider was running into the house. I thought he just had to piss."
God. Dammit.
"You good Bob?" Mickey asked upon seeing his fellow WSO, beet-faced and nervous.
"Huh? Oh! Me? Yeah, I'm great. Swell actually!" Bob said, unconvincingly.
Natasha knew Bob was dating you. It was obvious when you showed up to one of the beach football games. How anyone else failed to notice was beyond Nat.
But she knew not to say anything. Instead, she gave Bob a raised eyebrow. Whatever it was (concerning you), she knew it was better to ask in private.
"Lieutenant Floyd? May I speak with you in private?"
Bob's blood ran cold as he turned to face Captain Mitchell, who had his arms crossed.
"Um, I..." He could pretend to pass out. There was no current or former medic here. So he would just need to play dead as if his life depended on it, because it did. Claim it was from the heat. Yeah. Blame the sun, he was pale enough to do so.
But his knees were locked. Bob couldn't run, couldn't pretend to pass out. Fuck, it was too early to fake food poisoning.
So instead, all he could muster up was a weak nod as his legs carried him inside the Mitchell-Kazansky house.
He was fucked. Utterly fucked. He should just leave now so he can go pack up for Australia. Would he even get that far? He had been sneaking around with their daughter, death was probably the only option.
Even if your dads didn't kill him, your honorary uncles will. Fuck, was his will updated? Would you even get anything? Well, Bob did tell Bradley to give you the ring in his drawer should anything happen to him. It was his grandma's, given to him so he had a ring to propose and-
Why was the Admiral whose callsign was literally "Iceman" hugging him?
"Thank God it's you. We thought she was seeing Seresin."
That explains a lot.
"Um, no offense sir, but you raised your daughter to have better standards than Seresin," Bob barely got out, now receiving a hug from the much shorter Captain.
"We knew she was seeing someone. We're all glad it's you."
When you ran into your childhood home, you were expecting many things. Mainly Bob's head on the floor.
Receiving hugs from your dads was not on the list, but man was it a welcoming sight.
Bradley shrugged, "I don't know why you were so worried about them knowing."
You rolled your eyes, "The same reason why you haven't told them you have a fiancé."
Wait shit, that was not supposed to be said out loud.
"You have a what?"
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He Didn't Have to Be
A Ron 'Slider' Kerner Imagine (Companion Piece to I Wanted to Be)
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Description: Jake Seresin's always know two things: 1. How much his mama loves him and 2. How much he loves her. So it's no wonder that any man he meets that his mama is dating doesn't pass the bar. Except one. His Uncle Danny's wingman, a man he knows as Uncle Ron or Uncle Sly.
Warnings: Dead-beat dad, Mentioned Pregnancy, Mentioned Childbirth, Tooth Rotting Fluff
Word Count: 3021
A/N: This is the companion piece to my Ron 'Slider' Kerner piece I Wanted to Be, written by popular demand. In this one we see Jake's perspective on the events of his childhood.
AO3: Cross-posted Here!
My Masterlist
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Jake's always known that things could have been very different. A lot of it has to do with how he's been raised. Rebecca Seresin née Petersen is the best mama a boy could ever ask for. For as long as he can remember it's been him and his mom against the world. His mom doesn't have any other family, not really, anyways. Jake knows his mom loves him, knows that she would do anything for him. But he’s never quite known if she’s actually happy. The only time he sees her smile is in the old scrapbooks filled with pictures of his mom as a kid. It’s something he wonders every time his mom leaves him in the care of old Mrs. Thompson at the ranch next door and drives away in her best dress. Will Mama finally be happy again if this date goes well? His wishes and hopes don't work though. Mama always looks sadder when she comes to pick him up than when she left.
My momma used to wonder if she'd ever meet someone
Who wouldn't find out about me and then turn around and run
The only time Mama doesn't look sad is when she's baking. She makes packages once a month that she fills with cookies and cakes and pictures. The weekends when Mama bakes all of the goodies is always Jake's favorite. The kitchen's always bright and clean and it smells so good. Mama always has the record player on and on those early mornings are some of his favorites. If only because Jake gets to help stir and lick the spoon. Once everything has been cooled and packed up, they get into Mama's truck and make the drive into Austin to drop the package in the mailbox. It’s Jake’s favorite part of the week because everything seems so filled with possibilities when there’s something sweet in his tummy.
Jake’s two months shy of his fifth birthday when an old friend of his Uncle Daniel's drops by. He’s about a million miles tall and intercepts Jake just as he’s running out to play with the new goat kids in the barn. Mama had tried to wrestle him into a new shirt for the visit, but like all precocious little boys, he'd wriggled right out of the constricting stiff garment and run right out the front door. Of course before he could get very far, he’s being hefted up into the sky and looking into a face he half remembers his mama showing him the pictures of. She had told him in her pretty soft voice, “This, baby, is your Uncle Daniel and this was his best friend, your Uncle Ron. Uncle Ron’s nickname is Slider. Can you say that for me, baby?”
Jake’s soon being turned upside down and it’s the most fun he’s ever had. He barely notices how the older man introduces himself, at least until he’s being set on his feet in the kitchen to see his mama smiling at this man. He can’t resist hugging his mama’s legs, piping out in a break in the conversation, “Mama, Uncle Sly's here!” Jake still remembers how he spent the rest of the weekend trailing Uncle Sly around on the ranch, following the older man as he completed repairs and helped around. He’d been given his first cowboy hat that weekend, from Uncle Sly. It has to be one of the best weekends of his entire life. 
I met the man I call my dad when I was five years old
He took my mom out to a movie and for once I got to go
The smile on his mama’s face? Jake doesn’t see it again for a long, long time.
He’s fifteen years old when he realizes that Mama doesn’t go out on dates anymore. Jake’s used to being mostly alone in the house, making peanut butter sandwiches for snack and doing his homework by himself. Mama’s usually out in the fields, working the cattle. She still smiles big and hugs Jake when she gets home though, wrapping him in her gardenia scented embrace and praising him for finishing his work. He feels bad for playing football most days, feels bad for Mama when she pulls overtime out on the ranch, feels worse when she stays up late over the dining room table looking over the bills. That terrible feeling sticks around when they start getting letters at the house. Letters from somebody claiming to be his dad. Jake staggers up the driveway one afternoon to a strange car in the drive and yelling coming from the house.
“Damnit, Brian!” Mama’s roaring at him. “You can’t come back here after all of these years and beg me to give you money. I divorced you. You owe me money. Our son is fifteen and the best thing in my life. Every penny I make is for him and only him.”
“Yeah…” The voice that slurs and sneers out the words makes Jake feel sick. “Our son, right? Where is the little brat? Would love ‘ta meet him one of these days. See if he’s actually like his ole man. Or if he’s like his slut of a ma.”
That’s when Jake’s legs give out. He’s still sitting on the porch in his dirt and sweat encrusted football gear when a truck pulls into the driveway. Heart in his throat, Jake stands up, running when he sees Uncle Slider stepping out of the cab.
"Uncle Sly." Jake sounds young, young and scared today, not anything like his affected gruff tone to impress girls at school.
"What is it, kid?" Jake knows that everything will be alright so long as Uncle Slider is here. "Where's your mom, kid?'
"She's in there, Uncle Sly, in the kitchen. With a man who's claiming to be my dad." His voice is quiet, unsure. All Jake wants is his mama. Uncle Sly’s jaw clenches and anger burns bright in his eyes as he whirls around and marches right into the kitchen. Jake follows behind him, a part of him aching to grab onto the tails of the flannel shirt Uncle Sly is wearing like he used to when he was a kid. 
"Brian." Mama sags like a marionette with its strings cut at Uncle Sly’s voice. So this is his dad. Brian Seresin. The boogey-man come to life. The monster. It’s obvious Jake is his son. The same nose sits on his face and the same blonde hair sits on his head. But while Jake is young, lithe and muscular from hours of football and tanned from the sun, Brian Seresin is greasy and stinking of liquor. 
"What are you doing back in Cistern?" Uncle Sly’s voice is a barely held back roar as he looms protectively in front of Jake. Uncle Sly pulls Mama behind his back and Jake is quick to wrap his arms around her. Was Mama always so thin? So frail? When did Jake become as tall as she is?
"Wanted my woman back, Kerner. And my kid." Jake can’t hide his disgust as Brian sniffs, wiping away snot on his mud streaked pants. "S'not fair, y'know? That you got to keep her and the brat while I was off. D'she treat y'well? She's great in bed, ain't she?"
His dad’s words fill Jake with an impotent rage. But he can’t do anything. Not with Mama clutching at him like she’ll lose him if she lets go. Jake’s not sure what Uncle Sly says to his dad, because all of a sudden he begins to spit out why he wants the money he’d been asking Mama for. Uncle Sly lets the disgusting man spit poison words into the kitchen and then finally speaks.
"Call Sheriff Weatherby, Becks." Jake’s never heard his Uncle Sly so cold, so angry as he continues. "We've got an intruder on Seresin Ranch." 
No matter what he does, Mama doesn’t move. It's Jake who picks up the landline and dials up Sheriff Weatherby. Jake and Uncle Sly stick by Mama the whole time the police are asking questions, propping her up. But after all the drama died down, when Mama is fitfully asleep in her bed, Jake’s thoughts still reel. He can’t believe that a part of him came from that! When the thoughts and questions get too loud, Jake retreats outside, to the swing Uncle Sly had set up a couple of years ago. It’s an old tire swing and Jake slumps into it staring up at the endless expanse of the stars.
He’s been feeling weird for a while. He knows it’s not just puberty. Something is eating at him, and he’s not sure why. All of the teachers at school have been pestering on and on about whether he’s decided what he wants to do with his life when he grows up. Honestly, since he was little, Jake’s only ever wanted to do one thing. He’s grown up listening to tales of the sky. But will Mama ever let him fly? Can Mama take the risk of losing him like she lost Uncle Daniel? The soft rustling sound of footsteps in the tall grass is what has his head lifting up. It’s Uncle Slider, of course it is. The minute he’s in earshot, the words are spilling out, whether Jake wants them to or not.
"So, that's him, huh? My pops, the man who walked out before I was even born?" He can’t help how his voice cracks as the unfiltered rage pours out of him with each word.
"Yeah, kid." Uncle Sly is angry too. His jaw is still clenched, jaw harsh in the moonlight.
"Why did he come back? Why didn't he just stay away?" The first touch of his hand against his shoulder has Jake sagging against him.
"I dunno, kid. I wish he had never come back. Your Mama isn't the type to cry. But every time I've heard her cry it has been because of that man." Uncle Sly’s hands are shaking as the fingers on his other hand flex with the pent up aggression still in his system. Jake doesn’t know how to respond, content to sit there for several long moments. They’re safe. He’s safe. Jake’s not sure what he would’ve done if Uncle Sly hadn’t driven up that afternoon.
"Why didn't you ever marry Mama, Uncle Sly? You love her, I know you do. Then you can come home to us more often, can't you?" He’s scared to ask that question. But the little kid in him, the young boy who’d wished for a dad every Christmas for years before giving up? That kid needs to know.
"I dunno kid. But enough about me.” Uncle Sly sounds scared or worried. “What's eating at you?"
Jake breathes in deep, trying to find the words. "I want to fly, Uncle Sly. Like you do, like Uncle Daniel did." He stares imploringly up into his uncle’s eyes. Jake doesn’t know what he’s searching for, not really. An ally? A sympathetic ear? Support? He doesn’t know. "D-d'you think I can do it?"
"It's dangerous, kid. But yeah. If there was anyone who could do it, it'd be you. You’ve got your mom’s determination and all of her support, too. Just don’t forget that you’ve got people who love you waiting for you, and you’ll be all set." Uncle Slider’s words fill him with purpose. If there is anything, anyone Jake resolves to be like, it’s his Uncle Sly. And if after he graduates and joins the Naval Academy he uses the distance to push his mom and uncle together, well that’s a secret he’ll take to his grave.
A few months later, I remember lying there in bed
I overheard him pop the question and I prayed that she'd say yes
It’s his first Christmas home when things change. Jake had staggered downstairs in the middle of the night for a glass of water and that’s when he saw Uncle Slider drop to one knee and ask his Mama to marry him.
And then, all of a sudden, oh it seemed so strange to me
How we went from something's missing to a family
Looking back, all I can say about all the things he did for me
Is, I hope I'm at least half the dad that he didn't have to be
Mama and Pops are standing proudly in the stands, Pops dressed to the nines in his own Vice-Admiral dress whites the day Jake gets his wings a few years later. Mama’s crying, curled up under Pop’s arm and Jake literally shines with pride when he wraps her in his arms when he runs to meet his family after the ceremony. Jake is soon absorbed in all it means to be an active duty Naval Aviator. Deployment after deployment at first, then Top Gun. He gets first, of course, pumping the plaque in the air in his pop’s direction. It feels good, seeing his name under his dad’s twenty years later. Some time between Top Gun the first and second times, Jake lives up to his callsign and rakes in his first air to air kill.
That’s when things start to feel truly surreal. The medals are all fine and good, almost familiar in a sense. It’s the blood on his hands that Jake can’t shake. His reputation precedes him nowadays. Everybody gathers around to cheer on the only active duty Naval Aviator to get an air-to-air. But it tortures him. When he can’t sleep at night, he calls his dad. Sitting on the floor in his pajamas Jake pours his heart out to the only person he trusts to steer him on his way. It’s not the first heart to heart he’s had with his dad in the middle of the night. Nor is it the last. 
During the special detachment he wishes he could have his parents near. Even though the three weeks are rife with tension and pain, both. Attending Iceman, the legendary Iceman’s funeral, hurts. Jake hates it. He hates it even more when he sees his dad standing there in dress whites next to Mav and the others in the class of ‘86. The most recent heart to heart happens sitting in the kitchen of the house Ron and Rebecca Kerner had rented before their only child jetted off on the most perilous mission of his career. 
“You can do it, kid.” Pop’s voice sounds tired, old and very scared. “You’re a Seresin, kid. But more importantly, you’re a Kerner. You are coming home. Whether you get selected or not, doesn’t matter. There are always things you can do to improve. But the important thing is that you’re coming home.”
“We love you, kid. Remember that. Remember that your Uncle Daniel is watching over you and you’ll fly like you were born to.”
Those are the words Jake carries with him the entire long slog away from home. He isn’t chosen, and he thinks he knows why. But when he’s sitting in his jet, Dagger Spare, standing by, his heart is in his throat. He’s seen the pictures. He knows Mav was in his dad’s Top Gun class. Mav’s a living legend. There is no way he goes down like this. He gets on comms over and over again. Begging and pleading to be allowed to help, to provide cover. Each rejection feels like a stab in the back. Jake may not like Rooster much, if at all, but that’s his wingman. He has to at least try. It’s what his dad would do. What his Uncle Daniel did.
So when Rooster’s ESAT goes off again, and moving at supersonic speeds, Jake is launching - against orders, and without help. He’s off the carrier deck before Admiral Simpson can even finish barking his orders for Jake to stay put, a desperate plea to save Rooster and Mav pouring off his tongue before he can even think. It’s days later, when the carrier pulls into the docks that Jake finally breathes. He’s home. He can see Pops looming over the crowd and is running for them before he can even think, before he can even catalog the surprised exclamations of his squadron as he books it. Jake feels like a kid again, swept up in his mom’s arms, feeling like an amalgam of four and twelve and eighteen all over again, too old and at the same time too young to ever be away from his Mama’s arms. 
She’s shaking, crying tears against the shoulder of his crisp khakis, tears of joy, of relief, tears thanking every power that be, that her baby came home. When Jake pulls away, keeping his Mom close, the other aviators are looking at him in shock. He introduces his mom, first, kissing the crown of her head as she smiles blearily at the assembled crew.
“And this is my pop, Admiral Kerner.” Jake’s grinning, open and wide, a little shit-eating but more joyful as he takes in the others’ faces.
“Hey, kid.” Jake grins fondly at his old man, hugging the older man tight. 
“Baby Goose. Mav.” Pop’s looking right at Mav and Rooster. Mav’s grinning openly at Pops, but Rooster is dumbfounded.
“Close your mouth, Roo.” Jake can’t help his shit-eating grin. “You’re not the only legacy in these parts.”
Before Jake can take it any further Mama’s on him, checking on his hands, and fawning over him. Jake can’t even pretend to be embarrassed. He’s missed this. Partway through the thorough examination his mom is putting him through, Jake turns to look at his dad and Mav. He can’t help but feel thankful. Of all the men he could have ended up emulating in his life, he’s glad it was Ron Kerner.
And looking back, all I can say about all the things he did for me
Is, I hope I'm at least half the dad that he didn't have to be
Yeah, I hope I'm at least half the dad that he didn't have to be
Because he didn't have to be
You know he didn't have to be
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@mayhemmanaged, @desert-fernfern, @cassiemitchell, 
@dakotakazansky, @sarahsmi13s, @roosters-girl, @chaoticassidy, @genius2050
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ohtobeleah · 1 year
Reading I.R.I.S. it 100% tracks that Mav's kid would require an enormous amount of supervision, that kid has probably had that callsign since she could walk, and I bet 5 bucks that Ice or Slider gave it to her. Cause they dealt with the father you can bet that she's 10x worse!!
I.R.I.S // Jake Seresin Masterlist
Warnings: Jake Seresin x Younger!Female reader. Oral, male recipient.
Absolutely! It would have been Ice. The callsign definitely originates from your childhood, I’m inclined to believe that it would have come about when you’d just started walking much like you anon. You would have been a chip off the old block. Which carries on into your young adult life and your current entanglement with a certain Lieutenant Commander.
“Fuck!” Jakes biting down on his fist as he guides your mouth up and down his length. He’s looking at himself in the free standing mirror that sits nestled in the corner of your room. “Ohh fuck yess—“ It’s the best head he’s ever received. Your lips? So plump and glossy. Your mouth? Warm and ever so inviting. Your tongue? Otherworldly and the way you take Jake down your throat so expertly had him weak in the fucking knees. “Iris, fuck you’re gonna be the death of me.”
“Love sucking you off.” You pulled off Jake with a pop of your lips. Jerking him off with your hand as you licked up the vein that runs across the underside of Jake's heavy set cock. “I know I’m all you think about, at work.” You teased. “At home.” You moaned. “When you’re fucking other women, I know I’m all you think about, Jake.” You weren’t wrong, if anything you’d hit the nail on the head as you went back to sucking Jake off like your life depended on it. The thing you were wrong about though, was the fact Jake thought about you when he was with other women. Because since he tasted your desire? He hadn’t been with anyone else.
“Oh my god, I’m going to fucking hell—“ 
But the best part of all was that Jake was staring directly at a Polaroid of you that was stuck to your mirror, sitting on Maverick's lap. Matching aviators and all, smiling bright toothy grins. Like father, like daughter. It made him all the more ready to bust down your throat as you gagged around Jakes girth—you let him buck his hips to meet your mouth as he face fucked you. Watching the way his fingers disappeared into your hair as you kneeled before him in the mirror.
“Oh god oh god oh god—“ Jake was seconds away, he could feel his muscles tightening, his orgasm pooled at the base of his saliva coated cock as he pulled himself from your mouth. “Fuck! Open—“ You do with glee, looking up at Jake through wet lashes as he fist fucked himself to his high, coating your awaiting tounge. If he was going to hell for this he was gonna enjoy the elevator ride down. 
It’s euphoric, the rush, the high. Jakes sighing as you rise to kiss him, tasting himself on your lips as his hands come down and around to cup your ass. Giving you a gentle squeeze. 
“I’ll be out later.” You smile softly, Jake had come over for dinner with Bradley. He wasn’t used to having you at your dads house. But while you were in North Island, Mavericks' spare room turned temporarily humble abode was far more enticing than the dorms on base. “I’ll give you a head start.” 
Jake had only just gotten to your dads. He was busting for a leak after Roosters Sunday afternoon grandma driving. That bloody Bronco of his couldn’t go any quicker than a few miles a minute. But as he made his way to the bathroom down the hall? You’d lured him into your room, like a damn venus fly trap. Seducing him with a wicked smile and your alluring eyes.
“I’m not gonna make it through this barbecue with you around, am I?” Jake asked, he knew he was in too deep. 
“If you’re lucky I might even acknowledge your existence—“ You teased. Ever since you and Jake had started hooking up, you’d kept it on the down low. No feelings, just fucking. To put it simply you both got off on the fact you were both risking everything. You could be caught any second by anyone, especially giving head in your dads home. “See ya round Lieutenant Commander.” You winked before pulling away from Jake, opening your bedroom door to see if the coast was clear for Jake to slip out. Tucking himself back into his jeans, he did just that without so much as another word. Still trying to wrap his head around the fact Pete Maverick Mitchell’s daughter just blew him in his spare room.
In the first weeks of your training, you’d shown Jake nothing but the utmost respect when it came to the presentation and hops he led. You acted like there was nothing there besides a teacher/student relationship. But outside of the classroom? Oh how things were scandalous. 
So after about an hour or so, you decide to grace everyone with your presence. Everyone being your dad, his best friends and your honorary uncles, Admiral Tom Iceman Kazanksy, and Ron Slider Kerner. Bradley Bradshaw, who was just as apart of the furniture as Ice was and the newest addition to Saturday night Barbecue brodown, was none other than Jacob Seresin. 
With a beer in his hand and Rooster by his side, Jake watched as you sauntered out onto the back patio, boyfriend jeans on and a random sweatshirt you thought may have been one of Bradley’s from one of the many times he’d stayed the night on Mavs couch. 
“Ah, there she is!” Slider beamed. “Iris, staying out of trouble I hope?” It had been a while since you’d seen uncle Slider, you know? With living across the country and all with your mum majority of the time.
“You know who’s daughter I am, right?” You laughed as you gave uncle Slider a side hug, it made Jake's balls tighten watching all these powerful, legendary men fawn over you—he was a deadman walking. He knew it. 
Ice just handed you a beer as he greeted you from his place at the table. Noticing the somewhat bleak expression you wore, he thought if anything you’d be as chipper as ever. You know, officially being in the top One Percent. 
“Well that’s not the glow of an arrogant fighter pilot?” Ice asked as you sat with a sigh, taking a sip of the beer you’d been given as you looked at Hangman and Rooster over your shoulder, sending Jake a sly wink before you turned your attention back to your uncle Ice. 
“Oh god, the Mitchell arrogance was fucked out of me a years ago.” You snickered behind the lip of your beer, watching with pure delight as your comment made five grown men shiver and cringe at the image. All for different reasons. 
“Jesus—“ Slider groaned, holding the bridge of his nose. 
“Holy shit, you did not just say that.” Bradley splattered as he gasped for air, spitting his beer out onto the grass. 
“Baby—“ Mav groaned in annoyance. “I love our man-to-man-talks but we need to set some boundaries here.” He pleaded, begged you even. “I can’t unhear that honey.” You just chuckled across from him. 
“Good thing it was a metaphor then huh? meaning I ain’t nothin like you pops.” You grinned, shrugging your shoulders as you pressed your lips together.  “Sorta—“ Jake just wanted to die, he could feel his heart beating out of his ass as Bradley stood next to him coughing up the sip of beer he’d tried to take that went down the wrong way at your openness. 
“Good, because if I ever come face to face with any guy that thinks he can put his hands on you, I’ll rip his throat out.” Jake forgot how to breathe as he stood by just watching the interaction playing out before him. It was his job to watch the chicken skewers that were cooking on the grill. Turns out he wasn’t very good at that simple task. 
“Can I get that in writing? You know? For the next time someone tries to hit on me at the Hard Deck? Or better yet, throw me your card dad and I’ll tattoo ‘Mavs little girl’ across my forehead.”
“Okay, enough—“ Pete stood, Ice just chuckled softly to himself as you turned to clink your beer with his. It was a common interest you both shared, pissing off your dad.
“Hangman, Rooster I dunno how you’re gonna put up with her over the next few weeks.” Slider added. “Make sure you keep an eye on her, she gets into all sorts of trouble if left unsupervised.” The pair just laughed, until Rooster was leading Jake away into the yard. 
“Yeah, Hangman.” Rooster sent Jake an all knowing grin. A shit stirring kinda grin. “Better keep an eye on her, wouldn’t want her getting into any trouble?” It wasn’t a conversation loud enough for Mav to hear, but you could tell by the look on Jakes face that Bradley was giving him shit. “By the way, I saw you sneak into her room you sick freak—you are suicidal aren’t you!?” Rooster whisper-shouted. 
“Listen here you son of a bitch.” Jake went to start defending himself, but he didn’t have a leg to stand on. You were the forbidden fruit he was addicted to. “I know! I know this is bad alright, but you gotta have my back man—or else I’m screwed.” Jake pleaded. “You heard Mav? He’s gonna slit my fucking throat!”
“He might scoop your balls out of your sack with a spoon while he’s at it too.” You added, making both Jake and Bradley jump and turn around to face you. Shock and panic flooding their system. 
“Jesus Iris you’re gonna give me a heart attack!” Jake groaned. You just giggled innocently. It kinda turned you on to see him this frazzled, this out of sorts. Not so in control.
“You move like a goddamn Prius.“ Bradley added. “Nice sweatshirt by the way.” 
“Thanks, I found it in the bottom of the drawer in my room.” You explained. “Couldn’t come out here wearing the shirt I was before, turns out deadman here has no aim.”
“IRIS!!” Jake groaned through gritted teeth. 
“Oh my fucking god dude you’re so screwed.” Bradley had to fight off the hume creeping across his cheeks at the thought. “I’d start getting your affairs in order if I were you.” Bradley turned, heading back towards where Mav stood over Sliders shoulder, looking at something on his phone. You couldn't not take the opportunity to fuck with him. 
“Hey Rooster? What exactly do you think Mavs gonna do when he finds out you knew your buddy here was taking advantage of his sweet, impressionable daughter?” You asked, watching as Jake grinned ear to fucking ear at Rooster, reveling the very second he realised he was in this too. 
“I’ll grab a shovel.” Jake sighed as Bradley turned the seven colours of bad shit at the fact he was going to go down in this as an unwilling accomplice. “We can dig our graves beside each other.”
“You need twenty four fucking seven supervision you know that you little brat.” Rooster hissed through gritted teeth. “This is such bull shit—“ Bradley groaned, shoving his shoulder against Jakes as he walked past. “Next time you spill a drink on someone ask for fucking ID.”
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