#sloan cameron x you
froggibus · 18 days
Sex Rocks! - AMAB! Venture
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Pairing: AMAB! Sloan Cameron x fem! Reader (reader uses fem pronouns + has a pussy)
Genre: smut/NSFW
Word Count: 4.6k
Summary: Sloan is in for much more than they bargained for when they find a statue with magical properties—and you might be the only one who can help them out
CW: porn with plot, AMAB! Venture, sex pollen (but it’s a magical sex statue), dubcon, masturbation, showering, dirty thoughts (abt reader), slight voyeurism, blowjob, hair pulling, face fucking, cum swallowing, cock riding, mating press, multiple orgasms, protected AND unprotected sex, doggy style, multiple rounds, overstim, lots of cum, (think that's everything) use of the word shaft (im so sorry i hate this word but there’s only so many synonyms for dick)
yes the title is a pun ^.^ i meant to post this way earlier in the day but i got distracted and didn't end up finishing til tonight and it came out WAY LONGER than i thought. this is fr the longest smut ive ever written. anyway venture whores hope you all enjoy <3 if you guys have more ideas for venture or overwatch, send them here, i'd love to do some writing this week
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It must’ve been Sloan’s lucky day. After barely an hour of searching, the glittering artifact they’d been looking for seemed to jump right out. Though the dusty gold colour blended in with the shimmering sand of the cavern, the three pink gems of the small statuette seemed to call to them. 
The figure was cold to the touch and buttery, barely bigger than the size of their hand. It was shaped like a beautiful curvy woman, with full breasts accentuated with the pink stones and a thick tummy—the likeness of some old, forgotten deity that Sloan could never remember the name of. 
They took out a soft piece of cut cloth and wrapped the statue before tucking it in their pack and beginning the short trek to the surface. Sloan buzzed the whole way up, that warm tingling washing over them. The kind they always felt when they found a new artifact, or when you laughed at one of their dumb jokes. 
As the surface came into view, the golden sunshine just beginning to dip below the horizon, the warmth grew stronger. It had been a hot day, and it seemed that though the sun was setting, the heat had not yet begun to dissipate. They took a long pause, letting themself rest on the rocks outside of the cave.
Wiping the sweat away from their forehead, they took a big drink from the canteen of water they’d brought along with them. It was a short trek, they weren’t usually this sweaty and parched from something so basic—but with the warmth of the day at its peak, they shrugged it off.
The car they’d taken was only just down the trail, maybe ten minutes away. With one last sip of their cold water, they tucked it into their pack and started the walk back. The sky was turning pink as they set off, but slowly turned to purple and then the rich black of night.
Despite the day’s end, the heat only grew more unbearable with the walk. Their thighs cramped as they made their way down the trail, their heart beginning to race. Whatever, they tried to ignore it and power through to the car.
Sweat coated Sloan’s forehead and chest by the time they made it to their vehicle. Their hair was slicked to the back of their neck, and the t-shirt they’d been wearing was rendered near see-thru. 
“Jeez,” they sighed, tugging off their t-shirt.
They tossed the sweaty fabric into their backseat along with their pack before sliding in the front seat to drive. They kept the AC on full blast the whole trip back home, though it did little to stop the boiling in their blood. 
Sloan was just pulling off the highway when a gasp forced its way out at the sudden tight feeling in their pants. They risked a glance down to their hard cock now straining against the thick fabric of their carharts. They shook it off, turning onto their street and trying to ignore the feeling of the bulge in their pants only growing with each minute.
It was almost painfully hard by the time they made it home. Sloan almost forgot their pack in the back of the car in their race to get inside and free their aching cock from the fabric that confined it. 
A sigh ghosted their lips when their cock sprung free from their boxers and they wrapped their sweaty palm around it. Their core was near sweltering, their cock throbbing in need. 
With a glance at the door to make sure it was locked behind them, Sloan spat in their hand and started to spread it across their aching cock. A shiver crawled its way up their spine, acting as a brief reprieve from the heat that threatened to consume them. They clamped a hand over their mouth and began to slide their hand up their length.
With barely a touch, they were already so sensitive. Pre cum dripped down the tip, pooling across their fingertips and mixing with the saliva already spread over their skin. They squeezed harder, dragging their hand up and down faster. Their muffled moans vibrated against the clammy skin of their palm, their eyes falling shut as their hand fell into a rhythm.
Thoughts of you filled their head. Thoughts of your smile, of your warm skin, of pinning you to the bed and using you however they pleased. Sloan gasped, opening their eyes as they came into their palm.
Fuck. Cum rolled across their fingers, down their still hard cock and collected into the hair at the base of their pubic bone. They smeared the remainder of the cum on their thighs, shaking off the aftershocks of their orgasm and deciding a cold shower would solve both the mess they made, and the throb between their legs.
With their clean hand, they dragged their backpack with them all the way to their bedroom, tossing it in the corner before grabbing a towel and heading into the bathroom. They didn’t wait for the water to warm before stripping and stepping beneath the brisk stream.
The cool water settled the burning beneath their skin—but only just barely. Much to Sloan’s dismay, it also did nothing to soothe the ache between their legs. It was almost embarrassing, having an unrelenting boner for no reason like they were in school again.
They sighed, squeezing some coconut scented body wash into their hand and slicking across their cock. They didn’t bother to change the water back to warm, instead opting to let the frigid stream drip down their back. The nice smelling soap felt much, much better than their own spit—but they could imagine a few things that would feel even better.
Like your pretty lips wrapped around their tip, those kind eyes of yours pleading at them to cum in your mouth and—Sloan moaned, fingers clenching around their hard length. Just the thought of you touching them, or them touching you, was enough to have Sloan gasping and furiously jerking their cock.
Drops of soap flew away from their palm with every stroke, splattering the tile of the shower in front of them. God, wouldn’t they love to do that to you. What they wouldn’t give to do that to you. To have you lay down in front of them, completely at their mercy while they fucked you relentlessly and left you covered in their cum.
Their cock twitched, and then they were cumming. Wave after wave of hot cum burst out, coating the tile in front of them before being washed away by the water. Hard, shaking breaths wracked their chest as their senses returned to them and they could once again feel the cool water against their tanned skin. 
As they looked at the cum mixing with the water down the drain, all they could think was ‘what a waste.’
It only took ten minutes after their shower for the tingling in their cock to become unbearable again. The heat had returned almost immediately—and with a vengeance—but they’d managed to ignore the tenderness between their legs for only ten minutes.
Sloan was glad they didn’t bother putting their clothes back on as they settled into their bed and grasped their shaft once more. Cumming once or twice a day was normal for them, but this was something else entirely. Something had to be wrong.
Sloan pushed away their fears and started once again stroking their dick, leftover water and precum acting as a lubricant for their hand to easily slide around. They closed their eyes, and let themself think of you once more. 
How their cum would look running down your thighs, or splattered on your back. How nice your hands would feel gripping their cock, how you’d just beg them to fuck you.
Sweat dripped down their chest, wetting their tummy and the dark hair at the base of their cock. How long had they been jerking off this time? They risked a teary eyed glance at the screen of their phone—had it really been almost twenty minutes since they laid down in bed?
Twenty minutes and they were no closer to coming, but their dick was growing uncomfortably hard. A sigh passed through their lips. Their hand wasn’t enough, they needed something more, something hotter. 
Their mind went to you, pleasure hazed thoughts wondering if they called you, would you come? Would you help them? Before they could think it through, their fingers were dancing across the screen. Just the sight of the tiny contact picture of you at the top of their screen had them squeezing tighter, thick drips of pre cum rolling down their tip.
Sloan lets themself fall back into bed, their mind dancing away to thoughts of you sinking down on their cock. They roll their head to the side, their eyes catching sight of the bag they’d carelessly tossed in the corner just before their shower. 
Could the statue have done this? There were myths surrounding it, sure, but this? The thought was preposterous a week ago. Now though, with their insatiable lust, the thought doesn’t seem so crazy to Sloan.
Shit. They shouldn’t drag you into this. If it really is the statue, they don’t want to expose you to this. They reach for their phone to ask you not to come, to send you away, but just as their palm reaches the cold metal, the front door clicks open.
“Sloan?” You call, peaking your head in the front door. As soon as you’d gotten their message, you’d left your house. You’re talking more to yourself than them at this point, tiptoeing through the dark of their home. “I used the spare key you gave me to get in…are you here?”
Sloan bit their lip at the sound of your voice, risking a glance to the bag that contained the statue. Maybe inviting you here wasn’t such a bad idea after all. 
“In here!” they call. Their voice is raspy, dripping with the need radiating from their core.
You follow the sound of their voice to the closed door of their bedroom, warm light leaking out from the cracks. It’s Sloan, and they don’t sound like they’re in danger, but something about their voice…
You push open the door. It takes two seconds for you to scan the room, two seconds for your eyes to fall on Sloan—sweaty, writhing and desperately jerking their cock in bed—and two seconds for you to turn away, covering your eyes.
“Shit,” you gasp. “I–I didn’t mean to walk in on you.”
But it’s strange. They called you here to help them, they knew you were going to come into their room—was this what they needed your help with? You couldn’t help but clench your legs at the thought, a heat rushing to your core.
Sloan’s voice cut through the darkness of your hand. “I-it’s okay,” they say. “You can look.”
You slowly peel your hand away from your eyes. Though they covered themself with a blanket, you could still see the glistening skin of their chest, and the up-down motion of their hand beneath the fabric. 
Sloan knows it’s shameless of them to keep stroking their cock while talking to you, while you’re right there watching—but they can’t stop. Now that you’re here in front of them, the pressure’s increased tenfold.
You squint. “What’s going on?”
“I found that statue.” They keep jerking off.
“The rumors about it were true.”
“Fuck,” you curse. 
When they’d been telling you about the myths behind the statue, you’d both laughed it off, stealing wanton glances at each other as you did. They’d assured you it wasn’t possible, that there was no scientific reason a statue would bear unto its users an insatiable appetite for sex.
Seeing them now, though, all sweaty and desperate, has you thinking they were wrong. 
“Sloan,” you say calmly, stepping in the room and gently shutting the door behind you, “what can I do to help?”
They bite your lip, and it’s just now that you notice their eyes are almost completely black in lust. A shiver runs up your spine. 
They pull back the blanket. “Touch me,” they swallow. “Please.”
You glance at their thick, throbbing cock dripping in precum. It’s everything you’ve ever wanted, wrapped up in the worst possible way. It wouldn’t be right—they’re clearly not thinking straight. 
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
Sloan’s not sure whether it’s the statue, or their frustration, or some terrible combination of the two that prompts them to say, “oh don’t tell me you haven’t been wanting me to fuck you for months.”
Their brazenness sends another wave of heat to your core, your underwear suddenly feeling wetter than usual. “Sloan,” you say carefully.
“If you’re worried about consent,” they rasp. “I want it. All the time. For months, too. I think about it nonstop.”
Their words ease your nerves, and you find yourself approaching their bedside. Your eyes stayed glued to their cock and the hand furiously stroking it. “What do you think about?”
They watch you, dedicating each pump of their length to you. “I think about you while I fuck myself. I think about—about fucking you, and having you bounce on my cock and—god.”
You sink down on the bed next to them, wrapping your hand around the one rubbing their dick. “Let me.”
They slide their hand away, letting you take over. Already, your hand feels a million times better than theirs ever did, the ache in their core finally beginning to relent. They lay their head back, watching your hand glide across their sticky skin.
They suck in a breath. “Fuck,” they look at you through their lashes. “Use your mouth.”
You’re taken aback by their command. Their cock looks so inviting, dripping wet and throbbing in your palm. It’s bigger than anything you’ve ever had which only makes you want it more.
You look them in the eyes while you lick a bead of precum away from the tip. Sloan shivers, wrapping a hand in your hair and pulling you down. You gasp as you take their cock into your mouth, wrapping your lips around it. It’s salty, a mix of sweat and precum, with a strange undertone of coconut—but it’s just how you imagined it.
Your jaw strains to take them into your mouth, their tip hitting the back of your throat after only a few seconds. You gag slightly, but Sloan only pushes your hand down further, groaning at the warmth of your mouth. This was exactly what they needed.
As soon as you start to see black spots, they pull you off. A strand of drool connects your lips to their length, dripping and coating your chin. They hum at the sight of you, so filthy already.
“Do you like how it tastes?”
You’re so flustered, so bewildered by the situation that you can only nod, clenching the base of their cock. You put your lips back on their tip and eagerly slide down for more. Their calloused fingers still tug at your hair, using the strands like reins to push and pull you how they see fit.
Sloan watches you intently the whole time, admiring the spit that coats your mouth and the way your throat bulges when they pull you a certain way. They’ve dreamt about fucking you for months now, but none of their wildest dreams could ever compare to this.
Despite the way your eyes water, Sloan pulls you down further. You look so fucking cute choking on their thick cock—they can’t help it. When you finally slap a hand against their thigh, they let go of your head and watch you gasp for air.
“Get on your knees,” they command.
You can only nod, not trusting your voice with the way your throat burns. The dominance in them only makes you wetter, a noticeable throbbing rushing through your clit. You’re all too eager to settle on your knees at their bedside.
They cup your chin, swiping their thumb across your lips to smear your drool and their pre across them. “So cute,” they murmur.
You lean back in to take their cock once more, but they tsk at you. Just as you tilt your head in confusion, you watch as Sloan grips their cock and rubs the messy, wet tip across your mouth. They smear it all across your face, making a mess all over your cheeks and nose.
A whine slips from your lips before you can stop it, but Sloan only laughs at it and finally lets their cock slap against your mouth. You open wide and take them once more, rolling your tongue over their length.
“So eager,” they tease, their fingers resuming their position in your hair, “if I’d known you’d be such a slut for me, I would’ve fucked you months ago.”
Sloan watches the shame glimmer in your eyes, followed by pure pleasure, and doesn’t miss the way you rock your hips against the floor. 
It only takes a few minutes of you on your knees before they’re coming, pushing your head down so you have no choice but to swallow their cum. Your eyes shoot wide as the hot cum spills in your mouth, pulling back from their cock and opening your mouth so they can see it.
“Good girl,” they purr. “Now swallow.”
You nod and obey without a second thought, licking their cock a few more times after to clean up the excess. “Sloan,” you say quietly, your voice raspy from the way they just fucked your throat.
“Do you have condoms?”
They tap the nightstand that you’re sitting next to. “You wanna fuck me?”
You pass them the condom, eagerly waiting as they lay back in bed and roll it over their cock. Though they’re slow to put it on, you don’t miss the way their hands shake in anticipation.
Sloan watches you the whole time as you strip, discarding your clothes as quickly as you can. You climb onto the bed and straddle their waist, a knee on either side of their hips. Their hands clench your waist tightly, fingertips digging in hard enough to bruise. 
Usually Sloan would be happy to let you adjust, but with the warmth of your pussy right there, they can’t wait any longer. Using your hips as leverage, they thrust up into you, the tip of their cock bottoming out against your cervix.
You cry out, burying your head against their sticky chest. “Sloan,” you whine.
“Sorry,” they pant, but continue thrusting into you.
You relax into them, slamming your hips into theirs to meet their rhythm. It’s painful at first, both the stretch of their cock and how deep it reaches—but it’s amazing, too.
Sloan barely thinks as they pound in and out of you, using your own body weight as leverage to get their cock deeper and deeper with each thrust. Your whines are like music to their ears, complemented by the rhythm of matching groans they loose every time their cock brushes your cervix.
You cum so hard you swear you go blind for a second. Everything is hot, your vision goes white, and all you can focus on is the way your cunt is gushing around their cock, juices coating their thighs. You go limp on their chest for a minute, letting them fuck you like a toy while you recover.
Sloan’s own orgasm isn’t far behind, their cock twitching as they spill into the condom—though they’d much rather spill into you. They almost draw blood with how tightly their nails dig into your sides, and the only word they seem to remember is your name.
Even though they’re unbearably hot and their cock is so sensitive it hurts, they still need more. 
“Can I keep going? Tell me I can keep going.”
You’re exhausted from the brutal pace they’ve set, but their cock fills you so well and they sound so desperate, you have no choice but to say yes. Upon your agreement, Sloan is flipping you onto the mattress beneath them and bending your legs to your chest. 
They can get deeper like this, and Sloan knows it too. They start their pace off slower this time, trying to give you time to recover before their own need takes over. They hold your hands, pinning them above your head while they fuck you.
Their eyes lock with yours as they increase the pace, the tip of their cock hitting that spot inside of you perfectly every time. There are tears in your eyes from the pleasure, but it only makes them harder. 
“Too deep,” you whine, squeezing their hands with as much strength as you can muster.
“You don’t love having me fill you up?” They mumble into your ear, “if I can’t stuff you with my cum, I’ll fill you with my cock.”
You gasp and squeeze your eyes shut, their dirty words sending you over the edge. You try to clench your knees together but Sloan’s body is in the way. They fuck you through your orgasm, squeezing your hands back with every bit of pressure you squeeze theirs with.
“That’s it,” though their words are soft, they punctuate each one with a thrust, “cum on my cock.”
They slide their hands down your body, resting on your hips once more. Their thrusts start to get sloppy, and you know they can’t last much longer like this. You reach up, desperate for something—anything—to ground yourself, your fingers coming in contact with their hair.
Sloan whines and cums in one sloppy motion, resting their head on your neck while they lazily thrust through their high. Soft groans and whines vibrate against your collarbone.
It takes a minute for them to collect their strength again, pulling their cock out of you. You look at them through tear blurred vision, eyes widening at the cum soaked condom dripping into the wild tangle of hair at the base of their length. There’s a ring of white around their cock from it all, and the only thought crossing your mind is how badly you want to lick it off.
Sloan can’t decide whether to admire the sheer amount of cum filling the condom, or be disappointed that they weren’t able to fuck it into you instead. They pull it off of their cock and toss it onto the floor—it’ll be a pain to clean later, but they don’t care. They reach into their nightstand for another one, but your hand wraps around their wrist first.
“You’re still hard?”
As if in reply, their cock twitches against your leg. Though the searing heat has finally begun to fade, the pure need coursing through their veins has not.
“You’re done already?” They counter.
“N-no,” you say quickly, though your pussy feels unbearably sensitive in the cold room. “But you don’t need to use that.”
They look down at the purple wrapper in their hand, then back up at you. Their eyes practically glitter in anticipation. “Raw?”
You nod shyly, reaching out your arms to beckon them back to you. You’ll never be able to match their insatiable pace—you know that—but you told them you’d help, even if it means letting them use you like a fleshlight.
They plant a kiss to the base of your throat, a devilish twinkle in the dark of their eyes. “Roll onto your knees.”
With their help, you roll onto your stomach and pull your knees up, arching your back to give them access to your dripping cunt. Too tired to keep your chest up, you rest your cheek against the single pillow in their bed and let yourself relax.
Sloan’s hands retrace the marks they left on your lips earlier, positioning you perfectly to line up with their cock. They land a harsh slap to your cunt with the head of their cock and slip it in all at once, relishing in the gasp that leaves your lips.
They rock their hips into yours, reaching up to tangle a hand in your hair. With one hand gripping your hips and another in your hair, they piston into you. You bite your lip to try and cover the onslaught of moans they fuck out of you and pray that Sloan doesn’t have neighbors—although at this point, they’ve probably heard enough.
“Feels even better raw,” they groan, balls slapping against your clit with a particularly brutal thrust. “S’like it was made for me.”
The burning in the pit of your stomach grows at their dirty words, your pussy utterly gushing around their length. Without the condom, you can feel the desperate throbbing of their cock, feel every twitch of their tip when they bottom out inside of you. They reach everywhere inside you, rubbing places you didn’t even know you had.
Waves of pleasure roll over you, each more intense after the last. Your pussy flutters around Sloan’s cock, but their pace doesn’t slow. They keep slamming into you, lewd slapping noises loud enough to cover your desperate moans. They tug your hair hard, pulling you closer, and roll their hips against yours.
Their cockhead brushes your cervix and your eyes roll back in the sharp pleasure that travels through your pussy. Drool leaks from the side of your mouth and your moans transform from fully formed words to stupid sounding babbles.
Sloan releases your hair from their grip and moves their hand to massage your ass. “Sounds so cute when you whine,” they coo breathily.
Your senses all come flooding back to you when you feel the first spurt of their hot cum inside of you. Your tummy flutters with butterflies, your pussy contracts, and you cum with them. Both of you writhe in bed against each other, Sloan’s desperate, near primal pants like music to your ears.
“Fuck,” you groan as you collapse into the bed.
They keep their cock inside of you, shallowly thrusting their cum back in. “Please don’t stop,” they whine. “Please, I-I need more. Please.”
Your whole body burns, your pussy is so sensitive you’re not sure you’d even be able to cum again. “Sloan,” you sigh, looking back at them. 
“Please. Please let me keep using you. Please. You don’t even have to do anything but please let me use this pussy,” they pinch your clit in emphasis. “Please.”
“Well, with begging like that,” you joke.
Sloan wastes no time slamming their cock back inside of you, and though you can hardly feel the harsh slapping motion, you can tell their pace has slowed. You lay there, sweaty and hot and with their cum dripping out and being fucked back in.
Sloan murmurs praises to you while they thrust, their mind half gone from how fucking horny they are. They can see cum dripping down your pussy, down your thighs and it’s so filthy and it’s so hot and all they want is more. They pound into you, chasing that final high they may or may not get, desperately gripping your sensitive skin until there’s marks.
Finally, they cum again, their hot cum gushing until you’re so full it starts to burst from the seams between your pussy and their cock. Sloan watches it leak out in a trance, as if in disbelief that not only did they fuck you, they also just fucked you raw.
The heat has completely faded from their body, and as they pull out from your cunt and watch the cum drip, their cock finally starts to soften. “Are you okay?”
You manage a weak thumbs up from where you lay in the bed.
Just as they go to put on their pants, their cock twitches again, and the heat comes rushing back. Sloan sighs, looking at you guiltily, “think you can do a round 2?”
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overwatch masterlist | masterlist
(if you enjoy content like this, interactions go a long way! comments, likes & rbs are always greatly appreciated ^-^ !!)
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vip3r-r · 2 months
Hi! I noticed you do nsfw, if your comfortable could I request some headcanons of venture in bed IM BRAINROTTING SO MUCH ABT THEM SORRY!!
No because I really thought nobody was going to ask for nsfw and I GOT nsfw request (╥_╥) this was so fun because tell me they wouldn’t be such a dork while in serious situations, I love them so much I’m so sad they aren’t on the game anymore BRING THEM BACK— anywho I hope you like it! Request are still open and I will most likely post some more later after I wake up from a nap
Warnings- bad spelling maybe, didn’t double check and English didn’t my first language, tried my hardest to make it gender neutral! (You can always request if you want it f/m/gn!!)
this could go two ways…
deep in satisfaction, holding you tight or roaming your body feeling with their rough hands, looking down at you with half open eyes, letting out small huffs as they work their magic with your body
or they could be saying the stupidest of jokes or some random facts about rocks while their fingers hit that spot that makes you arch your back.
i feel like venture would love to be behind you, your legs open, their hands playing with you as they smile in satisfaction, hearing you cry and try to close your legs but you can't because they won't let you <3
would love to see you like this when you have their jacket/coat on, something about that makes them go crazy
isn't crazy in bed, more of a softy that wants to please you and occasionally wants it back
after sex, as you lay down relaxing, venture would probably lay rocks on your body while they tell you about how the found it or the history if it
loves to cuddle with you while you two get enough energy to go shower or eat, brings you water or cleans your body if it was a rather harsh session
i feel like they wouldn't dare do it at work (because they love their job) but probably have a sloppy makeout session
venture eat rocks, of course they're gonna bite you… loves to leave them somewhere where only they know, but find it funny to leave one or two where people could see it if you slightly moved your clothes
“oh whats that” venture says moving your sweater out off your neck “pika boo” you tried to fix it but they move it again “i see it” – “found it” – “cant hide it” – “hello there” etc
That’s it for this one!! I kinda ran out of ideas because it’s literally 5am in here and my brain ain’t working in that area of town yet— you are always welcome to ask with a mere detail request!!
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shadybiotics · 2 months
A c o l d n i g h t s h a r e d
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× pairing: venture x reader
× words: 1109
× content: gender neutral reader, fluff, comfort, slight crushing
× summary: After a long day of work at the dig site, the two of you help eachother wind down and get ready for sleep.
[ A/N ] : Hello hi ive become severely obsessed with this Venture creature and im not seeing enough fanfics with them so of course i had to pick the pen up myself and get to work.
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After a long day of work at the dig site, the two of you help eachother wind down and get ready for sleep. Sitting close by the fire, you help them clean up.
Holding the tissues you brought with you in hand, you began gently wiping Ventures face from all the dirt and dust as they sat slightly hunched over to help you reach better.
"Aw come on, do we really have to?" They playfully whined with a weak laugh, not truly being against this but they would rather be asleep right now.
"Oh shush" you replied with a soft smile, playfully wiping their lips to keep Venture quiet, their complaints now muffled.
You knew Venture would crawl into their tent all dusty and not see a problem with it, focused only on the excitement of getting back to work first thing in the very early morning. But knowing you- they knew you wouldn't let that happen.
After wiping their mouth clean you pause, staring at their lips, thoughts trailing somewhere else, somewhere pleasant, while your other hand cupped their face and thumb began to stroke their features...
Venture noticed your pause after a moment and blushed averting their eyes. Not knowing what to do they cleared their throat.
"Hm? Oh!" You caught yourself.
You yourself were now blushing while you continued your work. Now wiping their eyebrows, cheeks and then nose. A chill visibly ran through your body as the cold night wind picked up ever so slightly. You gently tilt Ventures face to get their chin and neck as well, trying not too be overly obvious while staring at their tattoo. The touch of your fingers, soft and slow, was so soothing to them, so sweet and comforting, relaxing even. They'd fall asleep in your hands any moment you worried.
They draw out a big, exaggerated yawn.
"Mmmokay!" they exclaim as they quickly pat their thighs before getting up in what seemed to be a hurry.
"Since we are done here-" Venture turned while dragging you by the hand as if you two agreed prior to whatever they were planning now.
Venture turned to you with an innocent look and their lips pouted slightly before they defend themselves "I mean, the night is cold, i thought we could- uh -share my tent and keep eachother warm?"
You just stare at eachother for a moment before you speak.
"I uh, sure, it is rather... cold" You're not sure how else to answer, too focused on the idea of being so close as to share a tent with them.
Hands still intertwined, theirs much rougher to the touch than yours, you walked over to Ventures humble tent which was only a couple steps away from the fire. You wished it wasn't so close...
Venture let you crawl in first and the tent seemed pretty spacious at first, with soft bedding spread beneath and a small oil lamp next to the pillow, until Venture crawled in after you. Venture is broad and tall after all, you wondered how they even fit here without you.
You were propped up on your elbow as you watched Venture fluff up the pillow for the both of you, finally resting their head on one end. Their eyes looked deeply into yours, an invitation.
You haven't been this close with them ever before, your stomach quickly began doing somersaults at this realization, heart pumping faster. There was no backing out now, you yearned for their warmth.
Having to scoot a little closer, you lay down next to them, fitting your head on the other end of the pillow. Your faces were close, so close you could see Ventures eyes gleam with the soft glow cast from the oil lamp, the light catching the shine of their eyebrow piercing as well. In turn, they observed your face and its shine.
There was a silence between you two, a comfortable yet tense one. The sound of your calm breathes filled the tent, accompanied by the crackling of the campfire outside. Even further out crickets and other bugs could be heard singing their lullabies quietly, as if they knew not to disturb this moment.
You decide then to be bold and run your fingers, hesitantly at first as if afraid to be burnt, through Ventures wild locks. They were so soft yet thick and- dirt... grains of dirt and sand fell from Ventures strands, only a few but noticeable to you.
You clicked your tongue. "Guess i missed a spot" you scold yourself.
"Its okay" They take your hand in theirs and rest them between the two of you, giving yours a squeeze " you can get it next time" Venture said with a lazy smile, letting their chipped tooth peak through their lips. Their thumb running circles onto your palm.
The lack of distance between you became comfortable soon, so Venture decided to to shrink it even further when they laid their hand on your lower back grasping it, your body instinctively stiffened at their unannounced touch and they yanked you closer. Bodies pressing against one another, noses almost touching. Your heart picked up the pace again, thumping in response before Ventures hand started trailing further down all the while you still maintained eye contact.
With confidence Venture ran their large hand down your back, then hip, then thigh, then leg, hooking a hand under your knee on their way up and lifting your leg letting it snake around theirs.
Seeing you were still red and stunned by their advances, Venture decided to help you out. Taking your hand in theirs they guided it to their waist, firmly leaving it there. You got the hint and held them as their hand returned to your thigh.
Breaking that intense eye contact you had to close your eyes for a moment, the situation becoming a lot for you all at once, all too quickly. But then, all of the sudden a surge of energy rushed through your body and you kissed Venture. You kissed them, placing a sweet but small kiss on their lips and let it linger for only a short second before pulling away, now watching their reaction.
Ventures face was beaming like a thousand suns, they didn't think you had it in you and as a reward they returned the favour. With confidence they kissed you passionately yet gently, only for a moment, before pulling away and then kissing you once more. You locked eyes again while exchanging sweet smiles, yours shy, their smug.
Venture gave you one last pull connecting their forehead with yours as they closed their eyes. Soon, you did the same.
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diorkittys · 1 month
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a rock and their diamond ˚ ♡ ⋆。 venture + [bimbo] reader {hcs}
synopsis : venture with a dumb, bimbo-ish, sexy gf… i mean c’mon it’s already canon
—TW : some nsfw hcs , slight exhibitionism , reader is very suggestively a girl , big tits (ahh boo!!!)
art credits : leesam_23
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“oh cool! i had a friend obsessed with archeology back in high school; she told me i was a libra!”
“you mean astrology…?” dr. ziegler raised her brow.
“um… i don’t think it had anything to do with space.”
that was the moment sloane cameron knew you were the one.
you’re ditzy, beauty, sexy, (and tall)—quite the opposite to your venturous partner. and most could describe you two as the ‘beauty and brains’.
venture was enraptured the very second they laid their eyes on you. talk about the star of the show; everyone’s attention was focused on you the moment you walked into that dig site.
you’re tiny pink dress that hugged the curve of your waist so tight—barely covering your ass and most definitely straining against your tits (not that sloane was looking…). your long legs and plush thighs that made the archeologist gulp. tall, elegant heels which only put you on more of a pedestal. and if people weren’t already drooling over your body, your face definitely topped the cake. you were gorgeous through and through. a doll.
and, yet, through all sloane’s nervousness, they could tell you looked a tad lost.
“hi! sloane cameron. are you looking for something?” they reached a hand out which you gladly shook; venture noticing your pretty, pink acrylics.
“yes! my daddy works in the medical tent—any idea where i could find it? sure doesn’t look like a fun camping trip though.”
sloane shook the last comment off, saying they’d show you where the tent is. although the digger was dusty and smelled like minerals, you decided to follow close beside them.
that’s where they introduced you to dr ziegler. “are you a doctor too?” you’d ask. “oh, gosh, no. i’m one of the archeologists working here.” and there, the infamous moment took place.
venture refers to you as various different gemstones, which you love. their go-to’s being ‘opal’, ‘angel’ (short for angelite), and, of course, diamond—your favorite.
^ “almost done w these soil samples. then omw home opal! xo” sloane would reply with to your needy texts.
^ “what’d you want f’dinner, angel?” they’d ask, wrapping scarred arms around you from behind.
^ “you look as stunning as always, diamond.” watching you give a twirl to showcase your outfit for tonight—something always a little teasing and small… not that venture had any complaints.
sloane worked late hours, fully devoted to their passion. you would usually find them hunched over at the table. slim fingers pressing circles into their shoulders, massaging away the tension. your partner would sigh, leaning back before taking your hand and guiding you into their lap. they’d explain their most recent endeavor and you would listen… even though the information went into one ear and out the other.
“ya’ know?” you, in fact, did not know, but gave a supportive nod anyways. sloane snorted, planting calloused hands on the plush of your hips as you straddled their waist. god, they wanted nothing more than to kiss that oblivious look off your face.
speaking of a suggestive kiss, does it come as a surprise that sloane just can’t get enough of you?
their hands are always on you, one way or another—how could they not? so much to grab, so much to play with.
they’d kneed your supple thighs, pinching the fat in awe. and they’d mewl as if it was their own flesh.
sometimes, venture would sit atop you in bed—spending time poking and prodding every part of you like a new toy… not caring about your excessive squirming, stifling little moans.
god, your breasts were the best part. sloane would do anything to be near them at all times. alone, the archeologist fondled your tits, squeezing your nipples between their middle and index and watching them harden. if you were a tease, sloane must be a sadist.
with you being eye candy, there was, of course, a lot of attention drawn to you. some would simply admire from afar, while others took a more brave approach.
venture isn’t a very jealous type… i mean, that’s what they’ve always believed about themselves. yet, seeing men flock to you like moths to a light—it was… irritating.
there was no such thing as ‘innocent’ conversations or ‘harmless’ touches when it came to you; everything anyone did was quite obviously intentional. and somehow, the cherry on the cake was always the follow up question, “did you come here alone?”
and as the men would compliment your hair, and subtly look at your finger for a ring, sloane would interject.
well… if you count standing a few feet away with a hot, red face staring daggers into the men’s eyes as interjection… then, yes, sloane interjected. but, the real problem solver was you, oblivious you. you, who knew you were pretty hot, but didn’t count anyone’s intentions as scandalous.
so, you’d see your partner in the distance and your eyes would immediately light up, waving your hand to call them over. maybe that’s all sloane needed, because as soon as they see that look of adoration in your face, all that anger would subside. you were theirs, after all.
don’t think those men would be off the hook, however. venture would most definitely slide an arm around your waist as you walk away… maybe slightly grabbing the round of your ass with a sly smirk on their face.
you loved to surprise your partner with visits at their job. you never minded dirt and grime and it mostly seemed like it avoided you all together.
venture would be in the middle of a log, wiping beads of sweat off their hairline after a long dig. “excavation log dash 2-3-3, this is sloane cameron speaking—my team and i just discovered a fascinating—“ “baby!!” you ran up to the archeologist, practically jumping on them as you curled your arms around their neck.
sloane would be startled before turning around and giving you an equally tight hug. others whisper about how lucky their coworker is since sloane’s face reached right between your tits. and to think your partner hated the height difference (not in the moment).
“okay, guys, hold that thought! i’ll be back!” your partner would wave.
speaking of surprises, you’d always come home with rocks for sloane. standing in front of your partner with hands behind your back, “guess.” you’d giggle. every night, the surprise was no different, but venture would entertain your enthusiasm.
“hmm… let’s see… is it… a flower?” “nope!” “candy?” “nuh uh.” “a perfectly preserved dilophosaurus spine fossil with all discs in tact?!” you looked around, “uh… i don’t think so?” venture would sigh.
you open your hands, revealing a smooth, brown rock about the size of your palm. “it’s a rock!” you smiled wide and sloane’s cheeks tinted red from how cute you could be. “thank you, diamond! i love it.” you’d sit next to them on the couch, holding onto their arm. “i found it on the sidewalk. what kind of fossil do you think it is? maybe a dinosaur one?”
sloane would pat your head, trying to refrain from explaining to you that most fossils are dinosaurs… and that you wouldn’t find one on the side walk. “angel, i think it’s just a rock—a cool rock nonetheless!” and that satisfied you enough.
honorable mention, but venture definitely buys packs of fossil dig kits for kids you could get at walmart. they keep them at their work station for when you visit because you love to be included in whatever sloane is doing.
sloane works on grid maps in their tent with you by their side, scraping down compacted sand to find your prize. “i did it!” you put down your tiny mallet. “good job, opal! what’d you get?” you pout your lips confusingly, “another rock?” venture, tiredly, rubs your shoulder, “it’s a fossil, opal…” you’re lucky, though, because this leads to a make out session.
when you do have your steamy moments in venture’s tent, it’s always the most passionate. maybe it’s the adrenaline of being caught, or the shameful thought of someone hearing you, either way, it’s exhilarating.
sloane would have you propped up on the table, pushing important papers to the ground. needy hands groping the plush flesh of your hips and your dress hitched up above your ass. your tongue grazing their chipped tooth and fingers tangling in brown hair.
of course, sloane would kiss down your neck reaching the cleavage of your breasts; their hands pushing them together, making the tops spill over the very tight fabric.
of course, you’d ask a dumb question about what if someone walks in. but, your partner is already pussy drunk and is looking up at you from between your thighs, shushing you and asking if you’d squeeze their head before going back down.
it’s very common to get odd looks when you’re both out in public. as previously mentioned, you two look complete opposites. you, in a matching pink track suit, tube top pushing against your tits, low rise sweatpants showing off the tramp stamp plastered on your lower back, g string imprinting on your hips with a cute navel piercing to go with it. you always have your makeup done, sunglasses atop your hair, and pink platform flip-flops… and venture!
venture with their hair a mess, tired eyebags from rarely sleeping, chipped tooth, a ‘we rock!’ oversized t shirt, baggy shorts that went to their knees, and old sneakers. two people you would never think you’d see together, yet holding hands and sloane pressing a kiss to your cheek whenever they could.
and, yes, it’s a little discouraging knowing no one thinks you would ever be with someone like sloane cameron. it’s an insecurity the archeologist keeps in the back of their head. but, without fail, you’ve always introduced them as yours… and that makes any doubts fade away—knowing you hold your relationship with pride.
of course, a few months into dating, venture would make sure you didn’t actually think archeology was astrology. “opal, you do know that zodiac signs are not archeology, right?” they’d raise a brow. “no, silly. i’m not dumb!” you’d giggle and sloane would sigh in relief.
“he’s that murderer—that’s true crime!”
and for sloane, their heart skipped a beat…
yeah, you’re the one.
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venturelovebot · 2 months
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A/N: LETS GOOOOOO ANOTHER REQUEST DOWN ONLY ONE MORE TO GO!!! Thank you again for requesting and I hope you enjoy reading! Link to request here!
Premise: Reader is extremely tired, but they have good reason to be. Good thing they have someone to protect them now!
Warnings: Probably went a little too ham on the nightmares 🫠 Body horror, blood, death... spookies... scaries... Venture is there to comfort you though! Other than that it's safe to read!
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Even in the all consuming darkness you could still tell Sloan was facing you.
As your eyes adjusted you could see the general shape of their face, their closed eyes and their mouth slightly agape. It was about as peaceful as you had ever seen them before. Their hand lays on the pillow next to their head and you reach out to touch it for comfort. Their fingers twitched slightly before closing down and holding yours back.
For a brief moment you feel more secure, so you let yourself slip into sleep.
And then it happens again– another nightmare. You couldn't count how many days you've been having those because they all blended together at this point.
You're running for your life.
The void black street is only briefly illuminated by warped and fuzzy yellow streetlights. The sidewalk is eroded and dead grass grows through the monochrome cracks. Behind you is an amorphous fog that never seems to cease its relentless chase to kill you. You cry out for help, like always. There's no one there, like always.
You're unfortunate enough to trip and smash your face directly into the tattered concrete. Blood pours out from your mouth as your teeth crack into miniature pieces. Your skinned knees are making it difficult to get back up but somehow you recover just in time to dodge the fog and continue further down into the abyss. It feels like an endless one way road stretching out for miles and miles. You cover your ruby tinged mouth to prevent anymore blood from spilling out, but somehow in the process you swallow hundreds of bone fragments and begin to choke.
You lunge over and desperately claw at your throat before a wave of cold envelopes your body. The fear and pain are agonizing, freezing you in place from pure panic. You open your brutalized mouth to scream before it all fades away in a mere second.
Your eyes flutter open.
2:45 AM.
With your free hand you wipe the cold sweat off your face. It's not even half way through the night and you've already experienced your first nightmare. You think about waking up your beloved before ultimately deciding against it, you didn't want them to have to go to work running on steam.
You squeeze your eyes shut again and pray for time to fast forward to morning already. The sound of your pulse fills your ears with noisy, rhythmic static that drives you up the wall.
Please, just be morning already. I won't tell anyone if a miracle happens. I promise.
Your thoughts are even louder than the beating of your own heart. For a desperate moment of comfort you slide closer to Sloan without waking them from their sleep. A soft sigh escapes your mouth– if only you could sleep as peacefully as they could.
If only.
You were back in the dream world before you realized it. It certainly didn't feel like you were dreaming at all.
This time you find yourself locked inside a bedroom that you weren't familiar with. Wherever it was, it didn't seem to be occupied for quite some time. Dust particles drift slowly in the air and the only available light source is coming from a rapidly flickering table side lamp.
It's deathly quiet.
You slide out of the unfamiliar bed without making a sound. There was a sickening feeling of dread that filled the pit of your stomach. You tried your hardest to make as little noise as possible, but the creaking wooden floors provided no security. Slowly step by step you made your way down a hallway and into what appeared to be a living room.
The television was the only light in the rest of the home. Soft static white noise echoes out into the emptiness of the unknown. At least there was enough noise to cover your footsteps here. You took a minute to look around more– A sliding glass door showed the world as pitch black beyond the overgrown green grass of the yard. It somehow frightened you worse than being inside of here.
You move from the living room to the kitchen, feeling around in the darkness for any sort of light switch to no avail. Your eyes have a hard time adjusting but you can make out a landline phone dangling off of its holder. Without thinking you bolt towards it and hold the handle up to your ear only to be greeted with a low pitched disconnected tone. The buttons do not appear to dial correctly, and the numbers appear warped and blurry to your dreaming eyes.
"For fucks sake–"
Paranoia overtakes your entire mind, body and soul. You slowly turn around and the overhead kitchen light flickers on to just barely illuminate a figure sitting at the kitchens island.
If your body would let you scream then surely you would have in this moment.
The figure is slumped over clutching an empty can as if minding its own business. To the left a spatter of blood leaks out of the head from the temple, apparently having been shot without even noticing something was desperately wrong inside their own house. Seemingly against your will, your feet inch closer to the deceased and it becomes discernible.
"Oh my God..." You speak like your mouth is full of cotton.
Your eyes shoot across to the sliding glass door to a figure walking around the house. They disappear into the darkness and fear strikes your very core.
Run. Now.
It's all your brain can tell you to do– so you do it, and you run back into the bedroom you first woke up in. The curtains provide some cover but you can't shake the feeling that the murderer already knows you're in here. It's just a matter of time before you're dead, too. You hide on your hands and knees between the wall and the bed, trying your hardest to open the closet door for somewhere to hide before a window suddenly shatters.
You had no time to register what had happened before a gunshot rings out.
You shot up out of bed and hold your eye as if it had actually been shot. Tears are now overflowing and you're heaving in attempt to catch your breath... but being awake was only a tiny relief.
5:25 AM.
Dark circles are present underneath your eyes.
You are tired. So incredibly, overwhelmingly, horrifically tired.
"[Y/N]?" Your beloveds gentle voice brings you back down to earth.
You take a deep breath just like you were taught to: in through your nose, and out through your mouth.
"Yeah?" You glance back at them laying in bed. Their eyes are just barely open.
"What's wrong?" The sleepiness in their voice is evident.
You feel guilty for accidentally waking them up. For a second you wonder if it was worth it to lie but you decided not to, considering how upset you appeared.
"Just a nightmare. Go back to sleep." You turn away from them again, laying back down and pulling the cover over yourself.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Sloan nudges closer to you and wraps an arm around your waist.
You instantly sink into their touch, and all the fear and panic evaporates into nothingness.
"I saw your dead body." You state bluntly, remembering the slumped over figure and its uncanny resemblance to your beloved.
They nuzzle into your neck and place a gentle kiss to your skin.
"I'm here. I'm okay, I promise."
It's surprising how six simple words could bring so much relief.
"Can you stay home today? Please...?" You beg, holding on to their arm as you feel the drowsiness returning.
"Sure thing." They nuzzle you one more time. "I'll be right here, okay? I'm not going anywhere."
You close your eyes again.
"I'll protect you while you sleep, so don't worry!"
You nod and let your head become heavy on your pillow.
You found yourself dreaming one more time.
But this time, there is light. A figure in the distance approaches you.
It's Sloan.
And they warmly reach their hand out towards you.
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venture4treasure · 30 days
“Stickers and stones”
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Words: 1263
Premise: Artsy!Reader and Venture. Venture’s expedition gets extended and their flight back home is delayed. They miss their girlfriend. 
Warnings: Very brief mention of alcohol
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Venture mutely picks at their food, sticking out like a sore thumb amongst their chattering crew. After so many project extensions and flight delays, they finally got a break and flew home. Their team had decided to reserve a private room at a local diner for after their plane landed, excited to have some good food and finally relax with each other before heading their separate ways. Venture was originally onboard with the idea before their trip back home got delayed a whole month. They don’t want to bail on their team, so they forced themselves to stay. 
“Oh, lighten up! The flight delays sucked, but we’re here now aren’t we?” One of Venture’s teammates shoves them playfully.
 “I don’t have an appetite that’s all, jet lag maybe,” Venture mutters, forcing themselves to take a bit of their food and a drink from their beer. 
“You always have an appetite,” someone else points out, “what’s wrong? Do share”.
Venture sighs, “I just miss my girlfriend“.
Some of their crew in earshot awe and coo at them making them shove their face in their hands to save some dignity. 
“Why don’t you talk about her, I’d be happy to listen. Maybe it’ll make you feel better.” 
“Well, she moved recently to this city. So, I’m actually only like 30 minutes away from her right now and I feel so robbed! I could be with her right now!” Venture exclaims, “not that I don’t like spending time with you guys, it’s just been a long project”. 
Venture continues, “she moved here to ‘make it in the big city’. I don’t really get it, but the idea makes her so excited whenever she talks about it and I want to support her! And, oh gosh, I brought a bunch of rocks in my carry-on with me so I could give them to her when we see each other in case our luggage takes a bit to fly over… she’s just the best and I miss her so much”. 
There’s a couple soft chuckles that eventually build into a group laugh. Venture blinks in confusion, they’re not sure why everyone is laughing. 
“What?” Venture asks. 
One of their colleagues snaps a photo of them.
“What? What’s so funny,” Venture repeats, voice raising in concern – they don’t know their team as people who would make a malicious joke like mocking their love for their partner. 
Several people gesture at them to turn around. 
Venture screws up their face in bewilderment, but they turn around nonetheless.
You smile brightly at Venture. And Venture’s eyes widen, they kick themselves out of their chair at a record speed to capture you in a hug. You hug back, patting them on the back. 
A round of claps goes up around them. Venture releases you from their embrace, but grabs your hand to hold. They spin around. 
“YOU GUYS KNEW?” Venture all but yells, there’s no real anger. They’re smiling so wide, it almost hurts. 
“Oh my gosh, oh my gosh,” Venture nuzzles your neck, as you smile bashfully, messing their hair, “I missed you so much!” 
“I missed you too,” you reassure, “also, you’re very sweet.” 
“YOU HEARD ALL THAT?” They feign despair, face heating up with embarrassment. 
Everyone gets a good laugh at Venture’s cry. 
“I think I will be taking this one,” you say towards the table, slinging your arm around them, “thanks for inviting me to do this, and please send me the picture!” 
You pull their hand and Venture follows you towards the exit. 
“Venture’s a keeper by the way!” 
“I know!” You shout back over your shoulder, you can feel Venture groan in embarrassment besides you. 
When you reach the side of the road, you hail a cab. You catch up on news from your day-to-day life, and let Venture ramble about their expedition during the ride to your apartment. You admit to Venture that your apartment is small, much smaller than your previous house. 
“The location was just too good! And the landlord is very kind to me, but it isn’t exactly a big place,” you say, rubbing the back of your neck, “I hope it isn’t too claustrophobic or anything”. 
You unlock the door to your apartment and step inside to turn on the lights. It’s a spacious studio, but it is still a studio apartment so it’s not comparable to the space of a house at all. 
Venture steps inside, taking in the decor – you’d hung up paintings and other creative projects on your walls to make them more interesting. There wasn’t much for furniture, you didn’t want to crowd the place. 
“You framed these?” Venture asks, pointing at a framed painting. It is their painting and isn’t particularly good compared to yours. 
“Of course! You made them for me, didn’t you? That makes it one of the most important things to show off!” 
Venture makes a flustered noise at you in response. 
You invite them to sit at the dining table, while you pull out something from the fridge.
“Do you want boba? I got some earlier today for you in case you didn’t make it back before all the local places closed”.
Venture gasps when you slide them the drink, it’s their exact order, you would know. They take a sip while you set some sweets at the table. 
“Oh!” Venture digs through their bag, “these are for you!”
You settle down as Venture shows you some rocks, some have crystals sticking out of them and others are interesting colours or textures. They share with you how they came across them and why these rocks are the ones they picked for you. You take them, turning the stones around in your hand, appreciating them. 
“So pretty! They will be added to my collection,” you announce, pointing at a shelf above your desk that Venture didn’t notice before. It displayed countless rocks you’ve received from them, each one with a decorated note propped next to it – the note entails the occasion Venture gifted you the rock and some personal notes adoring it. 
“You kept them all?” Venture is touched, for a moment you think they’re about to cry. 
“No! You can’t cry yet,” you exclaim, hurriedly shoving a small box towards them, “my gift for you, you have to open it first”. 
It’s a custom painted box – an absolute work of art in Venture’s opinion, they can feel the texture of the paint. They gently shake it and they can feel the knocking of items. Taking great care to remove the ribbon – which you might’ve tied a little too complicated because it looked good – Venture opens the parcel. They stare at the contents, they’re not too sure what it is. It’s your art, they know that by heart from the colours and style. 
“Take them out?” You suggest. 
Venture tilts the contents of the box into their hand, and realization strikes them. They’re stickers. They flip through them, there’s a lot of stickers and there’s so many designs. This must’ve taken you forever.
“I-” Venture chokes, speechless. 
“For you, so you can take something that reminds you of me on your trips,” you smile, “put them on your excavator maybe? I made them weatherproof so if you wanted you can”.
“Come here, right now”. 
You get up to move over to Venture’s side of the table and they crush you with a tight hug. You throw your arms around their neck, pressing a soft kiss to their lips. 
“You’re the best,” they breathe into your neck, “I love you. I love you”. 
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Author’s Note: Domestic stories are not my forte. To whoever requested, I hope I did your idea some justice o7 
Link to request.
The picture is you standing behind Venture and making silly faces or gestures while they’re confused.
Additional headcanon for this, Venture is one of the younger people in the Wayfinder Society. 
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nanamis-princess · 24 days
✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯
Patching you up
Synopsis: venture getting healed by reader after a mission. Venture is head over heals for you! Reader is a healer:) sorry this is short:(
Genre: fluff:)
T/w: mentions of bruises & light talk on bl00d, nothing too harsh. No mentions of y/n. Plz read a/n at the bottom!
Venture X (healer)reader
After a mission you were patching sloan up as they talked about a new artifact they recently found. Cleaning their wounds as they take in a huff, holding in their breath as it stings a little. You glance up at them “its okay, I’m almost done cleaning” you say continuing to patch them up. Sloan lets out an exhale “I was just trying to be cool” they laugh a little as their eyes watch you work diligently. Admiring your features as your focus makes their stomach feel giddy, without realizing their smiling you look up. Hearing your laugh caught them off guard for a moment but they smiled a bit bigger “what?” They said a bit confused. “You’re all banged and bruised but you smile like it didn’t even happen” you said chuckling, after the discarding the bloody alcohol wipes. “I can’t die, I’ve more stuff to see.” Sloan lightheartedly says, watching you set up healing equipment.
Their treatment went smoothly, once you were just finishing up Baptiste walked into the infirmary “oh hello you two” he said surprised making his way to his area of the room. “Don’t mind me just needed to grab something” he says nonchalantly as he opens up his filing cabinet, digging through it. You turned your attention back to venture after you both greeted him, “everything is all good, just get a meal in and plenty of water before going to sleep. If anything feels off you know where to find me” you say softly to venture with a smile. “Uh yeah! Thank you so much, I’ll see you at dinner then if you want to sit together?” Venture asks as they hop off the table looking at you as they fidget with a zipper on their jacket. Studying your face once more, taking in your features with admiration. They look at you as if you hung the stars and moon. “yeah I’m down, I’ll see you there” you say with a smile that makes their stomach feel all giddy again. “Cool… cool” Sloan says with a smile before exiting and saying bye to both you, and Baptiste. “Whew doctor! Looks like you have a little admirer” Baptiste says in a playful way as he looks at you and winks. “Sloan? What? No no” you laugh a little brushing it off as your heart beats a little faster and you let out a chuckle. “We’re just friends” you add. Closing the cabinet he looks back up at you “Awe don’t tell me you need an eye exam now doctor” he clicks his tongue at your dismissiveness followed by a light chuckle.
A/n: sorry this is short, I’m thinking about making more venture content tho 🤔. Thank you guys for all the love on recent posts & requests. My requests are open! You must be 18+ tho! Also I don’t do smut (as of rn)
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archangelsarchway · 5 days
Oh man, can't sleep tonight...
- Sloan's back massages are heavenly. They soothe every ache with those big, warm hands and strong forearms.
- they would make you sleepy tea or a snack if you really can't sleep.
- I'm imagining this...
Sloan gently maneuvers you so that you sit between their strong legs and laying back on their toned torso. A hand gently scratch your scalp as you melt into their warm embrace as another hand slides under your shirt to rest on your stomach.
They hum a slow lullaby while they stroke your hair and gently rock you.
When you fall asleep they turn to the side so they can big spoon you.
(Lil something to commemorate 30 followers! Thank you!)
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amzthycrazzy · 1 month
(I have ADHD so-)
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Extra Venture Thing :
Venture : Do you think that everyday artifacts get lost? Oh! In the future someone could find my dead body and put it in a museum!
Reader : maybe someone can find my toothbrush that someone STOLE to dig up an artifact on our mission.
Venture : hey! I said I was sorry :(..
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Warnings : little Blood maybe?..
• Venture has adhd, and finds it very hard to stay still and to not stop talking about this one rock they found, but to know their partner also does the same makes them even more in love
"did you know that any rock you find could probably have a crystal in it! You just gotta look for the right one!"
Venture says, watching as your eyes light up.
"I love crystals, I found some by the river! Would you like to go down there? Oh and we could find other places to go maybe like that one time you-"
• Loves to buy you stuff of whatever your into, like a large plushie of a slime thing? Alright! Paid for!
• Venture doesn't worry if you bop them or play with their clothes/hair, but worries when you get stressed and start to get really frustrated.
"ughhh! This is so hard!"
"shh.. it's okay baby, Cmere mi amor, you need to take a break. Your getting to frustrated, you might hurt yourself!.." venture states as they start to hug and cuddle you, their tall and broad figure supporting you as you curl up closer to them.
• Venture like collecting things with you, they also stim alot when happy!
*ventures hands shaked in delight at the new found artifact, their fact lighting up with joy. After punching and getting a bloody nose from fighting someone for it-*
•| that's it! I hoped you like this, it's my first time writing headcannons- |•
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colemorrison · 12 days
Hi :P
I require Venture fluff bc I love them
I have such a hard time getting up some mornings
If only I had my big strong Venture to help me get up
(Please understand what I’m trying to say here)
"The sun it up, you should be up!"
They watched you roll over, using the blankets to cover your eyes but they just shook their head. Venture wanted you up now and they'd be damned if you didn't get up.
"Come onnnnnnnnnnn."
"Five more minutes."
You begged, peeking from under the covers but they crossed their arms and moved to pounce on top of you.
"You asked for it."
They stood and jumped, stomping as hard as they could on the bed.
"Up! Up! Up! I say!"
Venture leaned down, gripping your arms and pulling you into their chest.
"Don't use the excuse that it's cold out of bed, I'll keep you warm. Now come on."
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froggibus · 23 days
Rose Quartz - Venture
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Pairing: Venture x gn! reader
Genre: fluff, bit of crack, one droplet of angst
Word Count: 1.4k
Summary: in which Venture wants to confess their feelings for you, but keeps giving you rocks instead
CW: awkwardness, crushes, kind of unrequited love, mentions of crystals/rocks and their meanings, Venture avoiding their feelings, one (1) argument, aggressive kissing, reader calls Venture "nerd", NOT PROOFREAD
NEW BANNERS!!! IM SO EXCITED!! ive been wanting a more cohesive graphic for my posts rather than just reusing gifs, so I made these and I adore them!! first time writing about Venture and tbh it's a little juvenile but it kinda works with the theme. they're so adorable and i absolutely love them ^.^ (also happy canadian moment that they gave us an interesting canadian hero finally lol)
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“Hey! Y/n! Wait up!” Heavy boots trail after Sloan’s voice, prompting you to turn around. 
“What’s up?”
They give you a toothy grin, holding up a hand to pause while they catch their breath. It’s a hot day in Petra, nearly scorching with all of the gear you have on just to enter the dig site. Even standing in the sun is enough to have you panting and sweaty. 
Sloan releases one last heavy breath and closes the last few steps between the two of you. “I, uh, I wanted to talk to you about something.”
They’re so close you can see the sweat shimmering across their brow, smelling that familiar earthy scent of theirs that you’ve thought about for weeks now. The sun beats down overhead and you’re sure they must be boiling under their safety equipment. 
You cock your head to the side, “what is it?”
“I just—I’ve been thinking for a while, you know? And I really thought that maybe—is it really hot out here? I’m really hot.”
You nod in agreement, cupping your hands around your eyes to block out the sun. You were just on your way back to the shuttle to your hotel room when they caught you, and you have little interest in staying in this heat. 
“I should probably get going,” you admit, “it’s boiling and I need to eat.”
Sloan agrees all too quickly. “Yeah, yeah. I—I just wanted to know,” they loose a sigh, “do you want this rock?”
You’re taken aback for only a moment as they reach out a sweaty palm with a jagged pink crystal no bigger than a dollar coin. You reach out and grab it, your fingertips brushing their hand as you do. Sloan doesn’t miss the way you shiver from the contact. 
“It’s pretty, what is it?”
Sloan scratches the back of their neck. “It’s rose quartz, I just thought you might find it pretty or something…”
“It’s beautiful, thank you.” You tuck the rock into your pocket. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Yeah…see you tomorrow.”
Sloan watches as you spin on your heel and slowly disappear into the horizon. As soon as you’re out of eyesight, they let themselves sigh in disappointment and drop to their knees. 
Confessing is much harder than they thought it would be. 
You hold the rose quartz the whole shuttle ride to the hotel, rolling the cold stone across your aching palms. It really is a beautiful stone, even if it serves as a physical reminder of your own disappointment. 
You thought, just for a moment, that they might feel the same way as you. That they were going to ask you on a date, at least. But you’ve thought that the past few weeks, and it’s only bred chagrin. 
The cold air of your hotel room doesn’t feel nearly as nice as it should. Your skin still feels sticky, a layer of dust stuck to the sweat from the sweltering sun you spent the day under. But it’s not the sweat or the dust that has you feeling withdrawn—it’s the sight of the stones lining your night table. 
You place the rose quartz at the end of a line of eight stones, admiring them all together. It’s a beautiful array of clear, pink and green stones. Some are smooth—like they’ve already been tumbled—and others are jagged, found raw and expertly cut from the rock they once formed in. 
Your favourite, given to you just a few days ago, was a raw piece of rhodochrosite. Sloan had a big grin when they gave it to you, the stone warm from them holding it in their palm for so long.
You roll the stone in your palm for only a moment before ordering your usual room service, shrugging off your clothes and going to take a shower. The cold water feels amazing on your skin, washing the heat and shame of the day down the drain. For the time you’re in the shower, you hardly even think about Sloan or the collection of rocks starting to accumulate. 
You only get out when your phone buzzes with the usual courtesy notification letting you know the room service cart is on its way up to you. The air conditioning feels much better after showering, chilling the bite of your skin. You dress quickly in pyjamas and get to the door just in time to let in the kind lady with your dinner.
It’s the same woman as the last few nights—an older lady with a dazzling smile that she flashes at you as she crosses the threshold into your room.
“Same as usual?” She prompts while she lays out the dishes on the small table in the corner.
“You know it.”
She finishes laying out your spread, the delicious scent nearly making your mouth water, before grabbing the cart and starting to back out of the room. She pauses just as she gets past your nightstand, her eyes flicking over the array of stones.
“Well, aren’t those pretty.” You smile in agreement, “they are, aren’t they?”
“Lots of love stones,” she says. “Were they gifted to you?”
“Love stones?”
“Yes,” she nods, “like rose quartz, and rhodochrosite. They represent love in certain practices.”
The information is like a slap in the face, leaving you so dazed that you forget to thank the woman as she leaves your room. Love stones? Why would Sloan be giving you love stones?
You’re near frantic as you collect all of the stones into your hand, forgetting your shoes as you burst out of your hotel room and storm down the hall to Sloan’s. You’re not sure if they’re even back from the site yet, or what you’ll say to them when you get to their room—all you’re sure of is that you want to know why they gave you the stones. The real reason.
Sloan is utterly confused when they open their door to see you there, hair wet and dressed in pyjamas with no shoes, holding out a handful of rocks. “Hi?”
“Why did you give these to me?”
Sloan swallows, dark eyes examining the stones clutched in your palm. “I just thought you’d like them.” A lie, a complete and utter lie.
They curse themselves for being such a coward and not confessing sooner—but you’re just so cute, and they like you so much, and they felt so damn awkward trying to tell you they liked you. Except now, with you standing so close to them, water dripping from your hair and rendering your pyjama top near see-thru, they feel much more awkward.
“Just because you thought I’d like them?” You’re breathing hard, eyebrows knit together in confusion, “or because they’re apparently ‘love stones’, whatever that means.”
From the way their mouth hangs open, you know you’ve caught them.
“Listen, I—I—”
You cut them off, “did you know what the meanings were when you gave them to me?”
“Yes,” they sigh defeatedly. “But I thought you knew!”
“Of course I didn’t know!”
Sloan peers down the hall, hoping no one is around to hear your rising voices. “Why don’t you come in?”
“Why? So you can keep leading me in circles, so I can keep wondering why you don’t feel the same way as I do?” The words come out before you can stop them, even the hand you clamp over your mouth doing nothing to keep them in.
Sloan’s shoulders sag. “I wasn’t leading you in circles.”
“Weren’t you?” You shake your head, turning away from them. “You just wanted to hide behind a bunch of rocks forever.”
“Y/n, wait!”
You shake your head, starting to walk away. You don’t get far, as Sloan grabs your shoulder and spins you to face them. You have no time to react as they grab the back of your head and shove your face into theirs.
The second their lips meet yours, all of the built up disappointment from the past few weeks melts away. You relax into their touch, letting their calloused fingers tangle in your hair. They taste citrusy, over just a hint of salt, and electrify you like a shot of tequila.
You pull away breathlessly, looking at them over your lashes. They’re smirking like an idiot, eyes practically sparkling.
“Still think I’m leading you in circles?”
You rest your hand on their waist, pulling them back to you in desperation. “Shut up and kiss me again, nerd.”
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overwatch masterlist | masterlist
(if you enjoy content like this, interactions go a long way! comments, likes & rbs are always greatly appreciated ^-^ !!)
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vip3r-r · 2 months
Venture x shy reader HCs??
Smooth venture likes making reader flustered and tease them!! <333
You didn’t specify if they were already on a relationship with the reader so I did some coworkers to lovers type of HCs, I don’t really like how this own turned out because I talked more about what they would do instead of the actual reader reactions ??? Idk I just don’t like it but here you go
anywho I do believe venture would be a smooth operator. Yes they’re silly and goofy, but if they like someone?? Expect them to get the most smooth pick up lines ever (not only archeology pick up lines don’t worry) would probably offer you a rock while they eat the rest
Warning — probably bad spelling, no proof read, gender neutral reader
Imagine you were assigned to an expedition with venture
But instead of smiling and laughing with the ball of energy
You only nodded and went to do your own part of the job
Obviously this action switched something on ventures head, they HAD to make you smile, or at least try to
So what happens after that?? You’re running away from venture who is making you blush like crazy with the comments they made
“Are you an excavation site? Because I dig you” — “Let's pretend you're C14 so I can date you.” And some other pick up lines that absolutely made you melt (of cringe, maybe laughter, who knows)
They would be the type to “accidentally” touch your hand trying to grab something next to you knowing how you’ll react, you know they do it on purpose yet you don’t stop them
Tried to move you once out of they way, putting their hands on your waist looking at what they wanted to look at (still holding you) find whatever info they needed and leave like nothing happened
If venture is out on an expedition without you, they’ll bring the prettiest of rock that they could find, give it to you and say something cheesy just to see those red cheeks
Now if you two started dating, oh will venture play around
Pulling to a more private area of the cave and kissing you, and I mean like sloppy hot kiss where you tell them to stop but they don’t, you’re so worried about others finding you two likes this but venture only wants to taste your mouth a little longer :(
If you two go out on dates, venture would have a habit of holding you by the waist while in lines, talking to people, holding your thighs while sitting on restaurant, etc just because of that silly face you make, blushed face lips on a semi nervous smile, eyebrows curled up. They could be the happiest alive because of that face
Would Definitely say “Are you a Nahua priest? Because you’re totally holding my heart in your hands.” — “You must be an ancient ruin, because my jaw drops every time I see you.”
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shadybiotics · 2 months
VENTURE × READER headcanons [ NSFW ]
The brain is still rotting with Venture thoughts so here is the inevitable smut content... im sorry in advance...
They love leaving hickeys on your body, on your neck, chest, thighs. You've told them in the past to not be so rough as to leave any marks and they listened but in those moments, when both your heads are spinning they forget themselves and run on instinct.
They will be sorry and feel guilty the day after when you try to cover said hickeys with makeup or clothing.
They don't mind receiving hickeys as well, but unlike you they wont try to hide them. Instead Venture will wear the hickeys you gave them like jewelry and wont mind if anybody notices.
Venture definitely has an oral fixation so get ready for sucking, licking, biting and nibbling. Its all on the table. You never know which it will be though as they tend to switch things up now and then.
They don't look like it but they can be a little rough with you sometimes when they are extra needy. Venture doesn't wish to purposely hurt you but they can forget the capacity of their own strength sometimes, leaving you with some lovely bruises after.
Kissing Venture will be very messy. It will start as a sweet innocent peck but as things get more heated their kisses will turn sloppy.
Loves having you sit in their lap, they are broad and tall so their secure thighs serve as the perfect seat for you. While you sit there Venture will have their hands underneath your shirt, feeling your back, under your ribs and all over.
Venture doesn't mind wearing some makeup, casually they will mainly wear eyeliner but as a special activity for the two of you they let you do their eyeliner and eye shadow. They will have you in their lap and ride their strap as you do their makeup but if you stop or smudge something, they wont let you finish.
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vindoesanything · 10 days
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[You came into Venture’s temporary "hideout", hoping to surprise them as you hold something inconspicuous behind your back.]
Y/N: Yo Venture! Miss me?
[Venture's ears perk up at the sound of your arrival and cheerful voice. They slowly peer over the couch to find you at the end of the hallway, flashing them a smile that radiates absolute bliss. Out of excitement and utter joy, they quickly hop over the couch and rushed over to you with their arms open wide.]
Venture: Y/N! You're here!
[Before you know it, you get pulled into Venture's tight but surprisingly tender embrace.]
Venture: Oh c'mere you...
[Venture's head nuzzles into your chest with their arms firmly wrapped around you, having no intention of letting you go. Until the sound of something shuffling behind you alerts their ears.]
Venture: Hm? What do you have on you?
Y/N: Oh? You mean... This?
[With a smug smirk curling up on your lips, you finally pull out the "surprise" you've been wanting to give them during this whole visit.]
Y/N: Tada~!
[As you pull out what seems to be a transparent bag, Venture's eyes widen like saucers at the display of contents residing inside the bag.]
Venture: Wait... Are those...?
Y/N: Rocks? Yup! From sweet and savory candies to aesthetically cool minerals!
[The moment you confirm their guess, a dumb, cheerful smile slowly comes to their lips, which quickly turns into a fit of squeals filled with extreme, unadulterated joy. Venture sure is happy as they quickly lunge forward in your direction, tackling you onto the ground and pulling into a long, tight HUG.]
Venture: Heheheheheee!!!
Y/N: Glad you like it...
[Despite the discomfort of having your back against the hard ground, the warmth in Venture's embrace completely eradicates the sensation before they start nuzzling their head against your chest once again. It's an adorable sight in all honestly... After a minute or so, they lift their head and gaze upon your face in slight awe, muttering between the lines of...]
Venture: [blushes] Marry me...
Y/N: Hmm? Said something?
[Realizing their mistake, they quickly scamper off of you and blurted out an apology as they held your gift tightly in their grasp.]
Venture: [deep blush] I-I didn't say anything!
[As quickly as they got up, they hurriedly dashed out of their hideout in a fit of joy, embarrassment, or maybe a bit of both? Who knows... But you sure as hell know that the gift you gave will be cherished until the end of time.]
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(a/n: I've been seeing a lot of Venture lately so I thought I could make at least one of this silly little goober...I haven't been posting much cuz procrastination and EXTREME laziness. Soooooo yeah. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed and have a wonderful day. :) )
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venturelovebot · 10 days
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Valeria is doing free cameos/voice messages for anyone who donates to Care For Gaza! If you're interested you should consider donating!
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venture4treasure · 1 month
“And if you leave me. Rest assured, it would kill me.”
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Words: 1881
Premise: Yandere!Venture kills someone and you catch them. You respond in an atypical way. 
Warnings: Minor character death, Blood, Unhealthy relationship, Irresponsible use of prescription medication, Mental breakdown, Obsession 
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“Venture~”, your voice sing-songs from outside your shared home. 
Venture freezes at the sound of your voice, you weren’t supposed to be back home tonight. They glance at the blood drying on the floor, mind racing on how to keep you from seeing it. 
You’re too quick to open the door, ecstatic about getting out of work early despite your scheduled overnight shift. The sight in front of you makes you freeze. Your kitchen floor has splatters of blood and streaks from where you can only assume a corpse was dragged. Your mind immediately jumps to the worst and you tighten your grip around the handle of the door.
“Venture?” You call out hesitantly, “if this is a joke, it’s sick and I mean that in a bad way”, you add when there’s no answer. 
After several beats of silence, you pull out your phone, prepare to leave and call the police. Your attempt is interrupted when the door is forcefully torn from your grip and slammed shut behind you. You feel yourself shoved against the door. You shut your eyes and duck your head from the impact. Your hands are pinned above you and your phone is pulled away. 
You anticipate something, anything to happen to you, but when nothing happens. You hesitantly open your eyes and look up. And you don’t know what feels worse, opening your door to a crime scene or seeing who the perpetrator is. 
“Sloan…” you manage to choke out. 
So many questions race in your mind – why did you, who did you… But the desperation and fright in their eyes sobers you. In your forced rationality, you observe that their hand is warm on your wrists, their grip means no harm. 
You cut them off by pushing them away, they stumble a couple of steps back, looking at you with wide eyes. 
“Don’t say anything. We’re cleaning this up. Right now. Go get some hydrogen peroxide and gloves. And change into something you can throw away,” you force the words out, “do not say anything that makes me any more complicit”. 
Venture is stunned at your reaction. They’re slow to follow your instructions, prompting you to ask more, “no bleach, that’ll only make things messier. We’ll refloor all of this tomorrow anyway. Do you have animal blood?”  
They shake their head, and you shoo them off to get what you told them to as you step around the kitchen to assess what needs to be done. You’re careful to avoid making the mess worse by tracking any more blood around. The mess is bad, it is a lot of blood, and it makes you think someone must've bled out. Part of you wonders if any of it is Venture’s, you hope not. You shake yourself, you don’t want to dwell on the thoughts of why it’s so bad. Your only task at hand is to clean it up, you remind yourself. 
After double-checking you won’t trail any mess around the house, you take your own advice and go to get changed into some clothes you won’t miss. You also force yourself to take two extra pills for your anxiety – double your prescription – to keep yourself grounded. 
You meet Venture in the kitchen again and help set up several trash bags. You instruct them to help you soak up the bulk of the blood in towels and throw it away. When it’s done, you show them how to clean up the rest of the blood and explain to them how hydrogen peroxide will destroy the traceable genetic material. You try to explain everything you can if only to fill the silence and to keep your mind busy. When the reality sets in a little more, you feel sick talking – you were quite literally talking about how to get away with murder. You put on a playlist to help with the silence instead.
Venture doesn’t say anything when you talk. And definitely doesn’t say anything when you stop. They’ve never seen you act like this, they never would have thought this would be a possible outcome. They’re scared anything they say will make you react poorly, so they choose to maintain the current equilibrium you’ve set. 
Eventually, when everything looks clean and normal you finally give the okay to take a break. 
“You should shower and sleep,” you say, going through the motions of brewing some instant coffee. You wanted the caffeine and you probably weren’t going to sleep anyway. 
“I promise I’m not planning to do anything while you sleep. But you’re going to help me with moving flooring tomorrow and you’re going to need the rest,” you insist, tapping your hand on their shoulder. 
Your contact makes them startle. They want to hold you and tell you how much they love you. They want to explain how this was for you. They were only doing what was best for you. They wanted to tell you how they knew you’d never see it that way and that’s why you were never meant to see them do this. But instead, they swallow the bitter reality and do as you say. If you were willing to help them this much, then they should keep their complaints to themselves. 
You note that Venture is resting on the couch in the living room, and for a moment it does cross your mind that if you wanted to call for help, now would be the time. Any other time, Venture easily overpowers you. But it’s also the first time calling the authorities has crossed your mind since you came home. The idea makes you nervous and you turn your phone face down on the counter as if to reject the possibility of doing that. You finish your coffee and start another pot of water before heading up to shower and change. 
You spend the rest of the night until morning, re-scrubbing the floor and cleaning anything you can. You know that you don’t have to at this point, you’re fairly confident you got everything done the first time around, but you needed to do something to stave off the looming anxiety. Your body aches from being on the floor and cleaning so much, but you just take an ibuprofen and ignore it. 
Venture, thankfully, wakes by themselves and saves you the mental distress of figuring out how to approach them. They follow you around for a bit like a lost puppy and it makes it really hard for you to not embrace them – but you know if you do, you’ll break and you can’t afford that. 
The drive to and back from the store is relatively uneventful. You explained the plan, and Venture did as told. The whole time you could feel them look at you for some reaction, but you ignored it. 
The two of you spent the rest of the day tearing up the floor and replacing it. It was mostly Venture and you helped where you could, you didn’t have the strength to match theirs on a good day, much less when you’ve pulled an all-nighter and barely eaten anything. 
The project is done by late afternoon. You were hoping to finish by noon, but at least it’s over now – and you probably didn’t contribute too much anyway. 
You take a long shower and pick something comfortable to wear. When you are done, you call out for Venture to do the same. Who, like everything else you’ve said these past two days, follows.
You collapse on the couch, and the give of the cushions is a relief your aching body needs. The thought of taking some more ibuprofen crosses your mind, but the idea that you’d have to get up deters you greatly. 
Venture eventually finishes their shower and slowly creeps into the living room as if to not scare you. They settle on the carpeted floor some distance in front of you. They’re looking at you the whole time, there’s a desperate desire in their eyes. Both of you can feel how fragile the atmosphere is. If you had any energy left to spare, you’d notice how uncomfortable it was that your constantly chattering partner had been silent for almost a whole day, not a single joke shared. Instead, you take note of how their usually fluffy hair is soaking wet, and barely dry. 
To your body’s protest, you force yourself off the couch to close the distance. You pull your towel off your shoulders and drape it over Venture’s head. You use it to dry their hair, gently patting their hair and running your hand through clumps you’re afraid will tangle. Venture lets you do this, all but melting into your touch. Their breaths are slow and relaxed for the first time since you got home. You take more time and care than needed to dry their hair, but the action just felt so domestic and right. And you couldn’t let the feeling go.
When you’re done, you take your time folding the towel neatly, taking care to not maintain eye contact with Venture. They stare at you with a sadness that you know would break your heart if you acknowledged it. 
“Let me explain-”
“Sloan,” they flinch at their real name being used and the sternness of your voice, “I have done so much for you, please do not repay me by saddling me with information that makes me any more guilty than I already am”. 
Your head is still dipped in a way where you won’t meet their eyes, you wring your hands together anxiously, unsure what to say. 
Venture saves you from the silence, “okay,” they pause, “do you want anything? Tea or food… dessert?” And darkly, they consider their options of drugging you and getting you away from here. Maybe to some place where they could do everything best for you. 
You shake your head. 
“Do you hate me?” Venture’s voice cracks at the end, they’re not ready for the possibility of being rejected.
“No- never,” you exclaim in shock, looking up at them for the first time, “I trust your judgment. I trust you. Because I love you”. You confess, stomping down the part of your brain that tries to add ‘a little too much’.
Venture lets out a breath they were holding and almost collapses in relief. Thank god. You still love them. It’s okay, everything is fine as long as you are theirs. 
“Do you need some space,” Venture tentatively offers, they don’t really want to leave, but they want to do something right by you. 
“No,” you choke out, “no, please don’t leave”.
You reach out to wrap your arms around their neck and pull yourself against them, they hesitantly return the embrace, holding you tighter when you don't react negatively to their touch. 
“I think my meds are wearing off,” you’re breathing hard, “it’s all too much to think about. And everything hurts”.
Venture comfortingly traces shapes on your back, letting you cry into their neck as sobs wrack your form and you dig your nails into their back to anchor yourself.
“Don’t go, don’t go, please don’t leave me alone,” you beg.
Venture leans their head against you and pulls you into their lap to hold you closer. 
“I’ll never leave you, mi vida”. 
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Author’s Note: I saw some yandere Venture art and fics here. It inspired me to write about Venture killing someone because of their significant other – be it out of jealousy, possessiveness, or defense. 
This probably doesn’t fall under the typical yandere type stories, but I still consider it yandere because I think in the end, Venture doesn’t regret killing for you, they regret getting caught by you. 
For it’s worth, Venture probably orders you your favourite takeout and drink when you start to wake up so you can have something nice to eat since you haven’t eaten in over a day. 
I don’t think I’ll mention this always, but it should be obvious that both the reader and Venture here are not sound of mind. 
Quote is from Oleander by Mother Mother. Oleander is a toxic plant, it is sometimes used to symbolize desire, destiny, everlasting love, and caution.
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