out of a desperate need to entertain myself while doing dungeons for wondrous tails i kept double pulling, manderville mambo-ing, and only healing emet-selch at the last moment. he used invuln.
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draculas-husband · 2 years
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Sometimes you just gotta pose your blorbos like the main characters of a romance novel...
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Presenting #1 The Raven bestseller "Counting on you", An Account of Two Lovers. Written by Momofu Mofu (Tataru Taru). Now with a brand new COVER.
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ushirominya · 2 months
Yah! How’d you like this? Gyah! Sloppey! I’ll tear you limb from limb. Jya! For Ala Mhigo! I ‘ave you now. Yaaa…! Ough…
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exclamcook · 10 months
[there happens to be rustling inside the dumpster. soon enough a loud bang followed up by groaning from the pain of someone or something hitting their head against the closed dumpster lidded door] @settinggeneral
[Kat was just about to toss the last bag of garbage for the night when she hears the noise, and pauses fir a moment}
Ugh, if it's tha' li'l salesman agin, I swearrrr...
[She sneaks up to the dumpster, and flings open the door, ready to yell until she realizes there's a normal exclam in there}
Oh! Weel, hello there! Ye puir thing, ye seem hungrrrey. Doon't luuk in there for anythin' edible, there's oonley some burrrnt brrread with bad butterrr, and sloppey burrrgerrrs.
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lonebaelsar · 2 years
Do not cook with ilberd he will call your technique...
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sigil-of-3 · 3 years
HAHAHAHAHAHHA I’VE GOT AN IDEA FOR DONNIE HAHA- In the Rottmnt series, I noticed donnie wasn’t as extremely obsessed with working on his tech than in other serises. He is still a techie, but i have a harder time seeing him spending days up at a time to make one or two machines. He may have but ehh- we’ll just assume for this idea he doesn’t oki? Oki! SO! delving into the actuall idea! I can see the situations in the movie becoming EXTREMELY stressful (My other idea posts can testify lol). And donnie at the end of the Rise series lost ALL of his tech, including his right hand man, sheldon (The baby ^^). So, with the threat of the kraang, his brothers freaking out and stressing over a possibly bigger threat than shredder, AND a family quarrel? That’s gotta be a lot to handle for anyone!  And so, with all the stress and having to rebuild all his tech, Donnie would get overwhelmed pretty quickly. And, while looking for a way to fix everything and calm himself down, he dives into his work. he works and works and works and works, not resting, barely eating, only drinking when he absaloutley HAD to. And he only really stops after the battle is over, and he pratictally collapses from the adreniline drop and exaustion,
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simmersdioxide · 4 years
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gelidjuggernaut · 6 years
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best friends listening to eachother ramble abt their crushes
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luckyspacerabbit · 3 years
Okay I already asked one sorry but I just remembered Javik existed! Pls gimme the deep lore about the time traveling involuntary tourist that makes me crack up during quests
Subjective Javik Lore:
Is still trying to figure out where to get Hanar jelly delivered to him so he can make toast (Has approached the black market. We do not know if he has succeeded)
Calls every vehicle including the Normandy a "hunk of flaming garbage" because he thinks they're all the equivalent of a sloppey jalopey
Has a monogrammed soft blue handkerchief Liara gave him that says J.P (Javik the Prothean).
Absolutely fascinated by those dollar mega marts (Like Daiso and Miniso). Obsessed, even. He buys the 1 credit slippers, the 1 credit back scratcher, the 1 credit loofah. He is the King.
Has seen a dog. Did not care for it.
Believes crabs will be the next species to take over, post-reaper eradication.
As such he eats them in plenty, to take advantage of the moment before it passes.
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sarenhale · 2 years
Hopefully i will finish EW in the next days, but the only critique i have right now is: the dramatic and sad moments sometimes push on too much. It's not a matter of not having them altogether, quite the opposite, I feel like in some moments the TRUEEE DESPAAAIRRR moments drag on too long and become annoying and excessive to the point of getting borderline comical sometimes. It's difficult to pace tragedy in war and loss and death, so I dont hold this against the writers or anything, but it is something i noticed. For a story that is so well paced and realistic 90% of the time, there are some stark stark oppositions were the "villain" dialogue is so exaggerated it reads as comical, and the tear jerker moments of desperation do kind of feel pushed into you, and drag too long. I guess showing loss and despair works, sometimes, but what this game does better than that is implying the despair and sadness and making you reflect onto it, not shoving it onto you all at once. That feels a bit displaced and SLOPPEY, like they dont believe you will truly reflect on it and come to your own conclusion?
It's weird and totally a mistake of pacing and going too strong with tear jerker moments in some occasions, because like I said 90% of the game is perfectly fine. I guess that does serve to make the displaced moments contrast even more though.
The part that suffered the most of this for me was Thavnair, all the part in Palaka's Stand and partially in Raz Ad Ahn. When we got to the massive nonstop despair and tear jerker moments of Palaka's Stand i was already over it, i was basically tuning out because they've lost me at that point, and i was just begging to move on to the next part. Alright i get it! Now to the next part, please!
I'm now even more curious to see how they handle the final part and ending, since it's gonna be a very emotional moment. I get the feeling the clunkiest parts were in the middle of the story though, so I'm not that worried.
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imperskiy · 2 years
sloppey. anyways mm starter call?
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cicidraws · 3 years
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lindwurm-prince · 6 years
Michael Myers, Jason Vorhees, Freddy Kreuger
(for the fuck marry kin ask i assume) 
fuck Michael because ooooo thos hands
marry Jason because hes a good country boy and i love him
kin Freddy because i also am a sloppey bisexual who loves scaring people dhgkdshg
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lonebaelsar · 2 years
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things Griffin can do
Giant flaming swords that fall from the sky
energy beams
chains you sexily
flashes you with gunpowder
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gelidjuggernaut · 6 years
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party rockers in the hou
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se tonight
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lonebaelsar · 2 years
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