starrybl1ss · 6 months
Enchanting secrets ✧˖°.
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★senior/quidditch captain/slytherin!ellie williams x senior/gryffindor!reader ★warnings: making out lol, swearing, (smut in part 2 that is complete link below) ★inspo: so basically yk the drarry ships?? this is kinda basically it but with ellie & reader and the hogwarts!ellie headcannons ★please read! harry potter fans please don't come at me because the timeline of this fic is probably not accurate from the books and movies. and yes, i did watch the movie but im not really in the fandom that much so i did as much as researching as i could.
Hogwarts has been a big journey for you and all the wacky magical things happening. as now you are in senior year, the last year in hogwarts, after that you'll have do the N.E.W.T.s test that is known to be increadibly difficult.
Your really nervous, luckly your friend, Dina is a fellow gryffindor as well. And she's a smart student.
You really want to do well in the test. magic isn't as easy as flickering a wand in the air and boom! your a frog. Its much more complex than that. theory or practice, its hard.
Your now in the library with Dina, studying your ass off. its quite stressful with all the subjects.
Tomorrow is the quidditch match. your house versus slytherin. you can't wait to watch it. its always so much fun watching quidditch. you never really liked playing quidditch since it all looks so exhausting and dangerous, not like hogwarts is not itself. but you rather focus on your studies.
"Dina, im going back. real tired. you coming?" you ask the black haired girl. "Yeah all go back after its actually time for students to get back and sleep" she replied. "Cya" you left the library grabbing your books.
You walk all along the school corridors and went on the anoyying stairs that always move to a different place. its still quite busy. but only with all the seniors. running up and down.
You suddenly bump into someone. an auburn haired girl making you drop your book. "shit, sorry let me get them for you" she bent down to your knees grabbing the books you dropped.
The girl hands out the books back to you. "thanks... ellie?" you thank her while a bit skeptical if thats her name. "no problem" she replied and continues walking down the stairs.
You were right, Ellie williams. captain of the slytherin quidditch team. You see her a lot. she's a big deal. the some what 'anoyying' quidditch captain that always makes their team win in quidditch the past years shes been in hogwarts.
You continue walking up the stairs towards the 'fat lady' painting. You stood infront of the painting. "fibbertigibbet" you said as the painting opened and you step in.
Your basically the first senior to enter since everybody was busy studying while you cant take it anymore. you were too sleepy. so you changed in to your pyjamas and went to bed
Your sleep was interrupted by Dina. "wake upppp, it's already time for brekfast!" she shook your unconcious body. you quicky open your eyes and saw that it is perfectly 7.30 in the morning.
Your sleep felt so quick. "wait up, im gonna get dress" you got up and dressed up as Dina waited in the common room.
"Let's go Deen" you went outside the gryffindor house and quickly went down the stairs to the great hall where brekfast is served until around 8.
You went ahead and sat down and grabbed the food you wanted. chicken, again. your kind of obsessed with eating chicken by now.
You glaired at the slytherin table where you saw, ellie williams again. for some reason, since you two bumped to eachother on the stairs, you couldnt seem to get her of your mind.
Dina waved her hand infront of your face trying to stop you from zoning out and daydreaming too much. "who's the lucky guy your gonna take to dance after the exam?" Dina looks at you hoping you already have a guy to take out to the last senior prom.
"Oh uh, dunno" you slightly shook your head. "who we're you looking at anyways?" she asks curiously. "no one, just uhh.. someone that helped me grab my books when we bumped into eachother last night"
"see? i dont think thats a 'no one' after all! who is it?" she shook your shoulder excitedly. "a girl... you know? slytherin's quidditch captain?" you said nervously.
"are you kidding? ellie? you mean ellie williams? she's bad news!-" Dina said out loudly as you stopped her to make her a little more quite since there was a lot of people looking at you two.
"My god, she's so anoyying! she's our rival y/n!" she looks at you. "i knowww, but-" you stopped talking trying to think what to say next.
"but what? okay, i could quickly find you a good looking, smart, green flag gryffindor guy in a minute! it'll be easy, almost every gryffindor wants you. not to meantion, a lot of other boys from other houses would want you"
"i'll just worry about it later, whats the point of having a 'guy' that wants you but you don't want them anyways?"
You couln't focus the whole time in potions. you kept having your eyes on ellie making it difficult. you exited the class and went towards the bathroom to wash your face.
You went inside hearing someone crying and ofcourse it is moaning myrtle. the ghost who haunts the girls bathroom.
You saw another girl infront of the sink. you got closer and it was ellie. god, you meet her everywhere. you went to the sink next to her as you turned on the faucet.
Ellie looks at you "hey, never really catched your name last night" slightly tilting her head. "I- im- uh, y/n" you introduced yourself.
"nice meeting you"
"y-you too!" you said nervously.
"whats your next class y/n?" god, she said your name making you blush a little. suprised that she brought up a conversation. "defence againts the dark arts" you replied.
She looks at you while not sayying a thing. just admiring your face making your heart skip a beat. you couldn't handle the tension anymore.
"i should get to clas-" you stepped a bit further from her but she grabbed your left arm. "the teacher wouldn't mind you being late right?" she said teasingly.
"y-yeah he wouldn't min-" suddenly ellie pulls you in a kiss. fuck, you didn't know this would happen so quickly. you kissed her back. her hands on your waist.
"c-can we a go somewhere a little more private? Just incase...-" ellie grabs you and puts you two in one of the stalls locking the door from behind.
She pins you to the door and started giving you hickeys on your neck with you letting out choked up moans as she lifts up your sweater.
You hear someone sniffing, moaning myrtle. "Looks like things are getting a little too spicy in here. you stupid kids forgot i haunt this place? Jeez, get out!"
Shit, you totally forgot about her being her- fuck! Your missing out on professor lupin's class!
"El- ellie im missing class i should go-" you push her back a little. "See you after the match?" You nod as you went outside the stall
You ran around the corridor. 14 minutes late into proffesor lupin's class. luckly it was him teaching so he didn't make a fuss about you being late and you just said you were in the bathroom constapated as hell and he led that slide without you telling him you hooked up with the slytherin quidditch captain.
"were you that constipated? your lucky proffesor lupin isn't absent or you'd be in hell!" Dina did made a fuss about it.
You rolled your eyes and continued writing in your notebook.
This evening the weather is perfect. Not too hot, a bit cloudy but no sign of rain. The quidditch match had begun 15 minutes ago.
Slytherin are currently in the lead. Brooms going back and forth in lightning speed.
You could care less about the match, you were drunk in love admiring ellie on her broomstick. She was your house biggest rival!
Your mouth accidently slipped "Go ell-!" Dina looks at you confused. "Shes our rival! Snap out of it!" You stayed silent gazing at ellie like your some dumb 12 year old thats so drunkly inlove.
The match has ended with slytherin, again. everybody went back inside the school corridor as the slytherin kids all cheered for ellie and her team.
you were completely starstruck by her. shes so... mesmorizing its driving you insane.
suddenly you felt someones arm touching yours in the crowd. you looked at your left to see... ew! its that icky popular gryffindor guy that cant seem to get your hands off you.
"hey, i was wondering if you'd want to come to the dance with m-" you cut off his words. "sorry, fully booked" you tilt your head with a smug face.
You were lying, theres been a lot of guys asking you but you just rejected all of them.
You walked away from him without looking back. as the corridor got a little less hectic, ellie approaches you. "hey, about that..." she stopped. "would you go to the yule ball with me after the exam? any chance? you already got someone... dont you?"
You giggled "i don't, ellie" you smile. she smiled back at you and pulled you in for a kiss infront of people including dina.
★read please!
HIIII soooo its donee, sorry if i misspelt stuff. ik the pole i did alotta people voted for smut but i wanted this one to be clean???? so if you want to read the next part (that has smut) you can read it here!
lmk if you wanna see the yule ball part after the n.e.w.t.s!
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just-two-blokes · 6 months
Slytherin Thomas Barrow and Gryffindor Richard Ellis stumbling into a transfiguration lesson, Thomas wearing the Gryffindor tie, Richard the Slytherin one.
And Professor McGonagall only raising her eyebrows and saying: 'At least now I know the reason why Mr. Barrow is always too occupied to do his homework.'
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v1ct0la · 5 months
sorting tlou2 characters into hogwarts houses because i’m bored and cbf to finish the fics i have stared 😀
i'm getting back into my harry potter era becuase i've been bingeing all the movies before they leave aus netflix tomorrow 🥲
pls ignore any grammatical mistakes i truly just could not be bothered to properly edit this
TWs: mentions of killing but just within tlou2 plot, nothing heavy
ellie williams - slytherin
ellie is 100% a slytherin IMO and i’m tired of everyone saying she's a gryffindor. she’s incredibly ambitious, driven, cunning (uses her own intelligence and skills for personal gain, i.e. tracking abby and killing all her friends), ruthless (in the aforementioned killing), self-reliant (rejects help, oftentimes from joel, i.e. at the dance), and brash, all of which are big traits of slytherins. we see her cunning, ambition, and drive particularly in her drive to kill abby, and ellie's disregard for the people that get in her way (i.e. owen, mel, nora).
abby anderson - gryffindor
in my eyes, abby is definitely a gryffindor. she's brave, stubborn, can oftentimes be blunt, and is not one to back down. i know some people argue that she'd be a slytherin because they have an idea that abby = evil and evil = slytherin, but i disagree. abby has drive, but it isn't pushed to the extreme like we see with ellie. abby also has a pretty solid moral compass, with the exception of killing joel, but i would argue she was haunted by grief from her father's death. i think, in general, she understands what's right and just, and tends to act accordingly, rather than choose pretty self-centred actions like we see ellie do.
dina woodward - ravenclaw
i was tossing up between ravenclaw and hufflepuff for dina, but i settled with ravenclaw because i think it just makes more sense. dina is rational, logical, is an observer rather than someone who acts, and she doesn't jump into things on a whim - we see this when tommy visits ellie and dina at the farmhouse to try and get ellie back on abby's trail - dina is rational in understanding that continuing ellie's revenge quest will get them nowhere and leave them with more blood on their hands.
joel miller - gryffindor
joel was a really hard character for me to sort, because i think he has traits from both gryffindor and slytherin. ultimately, i ended up in gryffindor, because i think, especially in the first game, joel shows his bravery and stubbornness to leave ellie with the fireflies. while joel's killings might be more slytherin, as they are quite self-serving, they weren't intentionally so, unlike ellie's.
jesse - hufflepuff
jesse's a hufflepuff to me. he's hardworking, honest, compassionate, practical, and dependable. jesse is loyal, and determined to protect the greater good. i see this especially when he tries to get ellie to go with him when they suspect the sniper in seattle is tommy, and make sure he's safe (where ellie stays to track down owen and mel, jesse finds tommy).
tommy miller - gryffindor
i put tommy in gryffindor because not only is he loyal, especially to maria and joel, but he's also very brave and definitely stubborn. i do think he's a little brash, like ellie.
lev - hufflepuff
lev was definitely a bit harder, but i landed on hufflepuff because of his drive to do good. i can see this in him especially when he calls off abby from killing dina. he's loyal, especially to his mother (despite everything), yara, and also abby once he begins to trust her.
yara - ravenclaw
yara is very rational, analytical, and intelligent, hence sorting her into ravenclaw. she's also very emotionally intelligent, especially when it comes to lev, and i noticed this in how she talks to abby.
owen moore - hufflepuff
i put owen in hufflepuff because he's got a very strong moral compass, diffuses confrontation, is generally good-hearted, and very practical. he doesn't jump into things irrationally and is loyal to his close circle.
mel - slytherin
mel is realistic, determined, and quite assertive in what she wants, hence slytherin.
i hope all this makes sense! pls don't hate on me if you disagree 😅, but my comments are open and i'd love to hear what you guys think!
also i used this image for sorting info...
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jazzstarrlight · 1 year
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Felt like drawing triple threat in Hogwarts since I'm on a wizarding world kick again.
Not sure if I should build on this AU. Questions welcome though. Maybe we can build it together!
What do you think?
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ilovescarymen · 2 days
Hi! Welcome to my blog!! I’m Nat (pronouns she/they/it) I write Harry Potter, cod, tlou (only after Ellie is 18) fanfic and oc based blurbs!
Things you will find here
☆-smut! (I will take requests, not demands. If you want something ask politely)
☆-afab/feminine reader!
☆-fluff! Sickfics, angst and comfort, blurbs, full stories.
☆- readers and y/n of all different races, weights, and aesthetics!
☆-chubby chaser characters!
☆-mentions of mental health disorders in fics and blurbs
☆-trigger warnings will absolutely always be provided
☆-submissive male characters (I go feral for a whimpering whiney man)
Free Palestine!
What you will NOT find here
☆-ddlg/ageplay. That is disgusting, fuck that.
☆-pregnancy sex.
☆-amab reader.
☆-use of baby girl
☆-threesomes,non monogamy, polyamorous content (I support it it’s just not my kinda thing)
☆-hard drug use
THIS MAY GET CHANGED OVER TIME. I’m new to tumblr bear with me and enjoy my blog my babies!!
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mysticalthingphantom · 8 months
death calls monsters and monsters call death - dorlene oneshot
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SUMMARY ➠ Marlene a strange orphan girl living in an isolated island. she wants to put an end to her infinite loneliness. moved by despair she decides to summon a siren to make her company.
WARNINGS ➠ death, murder ( but it only men so it doesn't count right jennifer's body), blood, flesh eating?, weird rituals, english is not my native language. this probably has a million mistakes so feel free to correct me.
The warm night amplified her loneliness. There was no star in the sky to wish upon nor any god left to pray. Just like her heart, the air carried the familiar heaviness that precedes a storm. Marlene finally decided it was enough, she would no longer endure such pain. With that thought in mind, she puts on her best dress, braids her long blonde hair in a delicate crown around her head and hides a knife under her sleeve. “Great things comes with a price” she tells herself while she walks to the tavern. “Sacrifices must be made” she thinks when one man smiles at her, so she smiles back. The others don’t notice when Marlene lures him to the darkness outside of the tavern. Neither do they hear the profanities that escape his mouth when they are against a wall or his muffled scream when she stabs the stranger's throat. “I can’t be alone anymore,” she apologies to him before he finally dies. “death calls monsters and monsters call death” it’s what her mother used to say, so the young woman carries the man’s body to the rocks above the ocean, take off his clothes, fill in his mouth with special herbs, let salt and sand fly around his body with the calm breeze and say her enchantment to the sea when she throws his body to the waves. 
Marlene kept the same ritual every night until the moon cycle ended and the storm reached the small island. Her pretty dress was already ripped in certain parts where the blood stains couldn’t be washed off, the knife was losing its sharpness and there were no more herbs left. But even after the ocean had ignored her call and with its silence told the girl that despite her attempts she would be alone forever, Marlene had slowly found relief in the simple act of murder. She lost all hope of receiving an answer and repeated the enchantment for nothing more than a habit but was only when she seduced men to dark corners and felt their blood drip around her wrist that her heart felt less heavy. Strange rumours were spreading around the village because of the great number of disappeared. Wives begged for their husbands to stay at home at night and mothers no longer allowed their sons to adventures during the dark hours. But it was only when the storm got stronger that they finally listened. The waves started to bring back the bodies to the shore but they were nothing more than bones and seaweed, the only ones with flesh enough to recognise were covered with strange bite marks. The only doctor on the island asked for an older fisherman to help him analyse and he attested that it wasn’t a shark or some natural sea creature. The old ladies soon started to share stories about sirens and monsters of the dark waters, no one actually knew but Marlene’s mother that those kinds of monsters only came when called and since she had passed away a long time ago the young woman secret was safe and she was free to leave her home at night, lure men and repeat her spells.
When the storm passed, the blond stopped throwing bodies into the ocean, choosing to hide their bodies in the small house's basement and spend the rest of the night looking hopefully at the horizon. It was only then that the true darkness came so black that almost looked blue under the moonlight, with long limbs and eyes as deep and endless as the ocean itself. Marlene's whole body trembled: her prayers were answered. The siren looked at her with hunger and the girl soon invited her to her home. Marlene led the beautiful stranger to the small cabin, feeling her cheeks burn when she entered. - Sorry for taking you so far but I really wanted to meet you.
The siren didn’t answer. instead, she followed the smell of rotten bodies and fish until the door was open and the delicious dead were within her reach. Marlene watched in silence as the other girl tore them apart and fed herself. When there was nothing left and the stranger gave her hostess a satisfied smile, all sharp teeth and dripping blood, the young woman accompanied the siren to the beach and watched her leave to the sea. The next night, instead of hiding the body in the basement Marlene placed it on the table, surrounded by candles and gorgeous seashells. The siren didn’t express any reaction about the change of scenario but she did sit down to eat. This soon became a new ritual: each night Marlene would kill a man, get the table ready and wait at the beach for the Siren. Occasionally the blonde girl would try conversations but as she was always discouraged she finally gave up. One night, before returning to the ocean the Siren gave Marlene a pearl and looked deep inside her eyes. With that gesture, she understood that “death calls monsters and monsters call death”. The Siren’s silence was what kept Marlene safe the entire time they were together. - This is probably a fool attempt but can you write? - The girl asked the night after while she puts sand on the table. 
The siren answered with a movement of her finger still wet with seawater and blood, drawing an ancient figure in the sand, a dead language Marlene had only seen once in her old grandmother’s book, the one she used to her spell. She wondered if the stranger in her home was a goddess. - What’s your name?
For the first time, the Siren seemed outraged, shocked by the fact Marlene didn’t knew the answer and wrote in the sand one word the girl had repeated every night during her calling. The only word that after months she finally understood the meaning. - Dorcas - Marlene pronounced in a way her ancestors always disapproved but the Siren seemed to enjoy - That’s a name as beautiful as you. 
Dorcas answered with one of her bright sharp teeth smile that made Marlene’s skin burn. Months passed and for each new death, Marlene received a pearl and a drop of something in her heart that now was full with the whole ocean. She no longer cared about the marron stains in her dresses or the difficulty of sharpening a knife every day to feel not only the warm blood of strangers in her fingers but the presence of Dorcas in her home. Little by little the loneliness and pain gave away space for everything that the Siren was made of and that obsession with bringing Dorcas to her every night made her careless. The villagers started to notice how a man disappeared every time she entered a room, how her intricated braids were now decorated with shine pearls and how all her dresses were of a dark shade of red. They invaded her home a few hours after sunset and found her table decorated in a strange way with a stained empty space in the middle. There were bones still hidden in the basement and the cabin smelled of seawater and death. Convinced that the girl that everyone in the village knew since birth was in fact a demon, they chased her with weapons and torches all night until she found herself surrounded at the top of the rocks. 
Marlene was scared pressed between her hunters and a long fall into the ocean until she heard a calling. Marlene had never heard that voice before but she knew exactly who that magnificent melody belonged to and that single thought made all her fear go away. “death calls monsters and monsters call death” except Dorcas was no monster: she was a goddess. And who wouldn’t follow a call from the divine? On the horizon the sun was rising, the bright colors painting the ocean with daylight. The cold day embraced Marlene with love.
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strigital · 3 months
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just a quick doodle in-between customers of the besties 🐍💚
(looking a bit older here, innit? let's say it's year saven and the boys are all grown up)
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Moodboard of Slytherin!Audrey Weasley.
Face-claim: Ellie Kendrick.
Requested by: anon.
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mxqdii · 2 months
my requests are back open!! just a disclamer I am NOT writing headcannons or smut rn (for anyone) but ill write any type of fic for anyone else (as long as it isn't weird lol)
have fun and go mad!!
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ellis-malfoy · 2 years
Oc universe as tiktok sounds pt1
Snape: it’s cool when they do it…it’s a problem when I do it..fuck ‘em!
Ellis: AYE AYE AYE- LEMME SAY THIS, BITCH… if I say I’ll smack everybody in here…and you go “smack who?🤨”…YOU GON BE THE 👊🏽💥 FIRST BITCH I SMACK
Mulciber: I’m going to remind you in advance that I’m very sorry, and I apologize….for the inconvenience of me NOT GIVIN A FUCK
Lucius: Tell me why I shouldn’t throw this drink in yo bitch ass face
Tobias: *crying* what are you doing in my house? WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE!?
Slytherin gang:^ I want waffle fries 👁👄👁
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gaygryffindorgal · 2 years
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hphl; elyan goldcrest + family line for @potionboy3​
“i can run, but i can't hide from my family line”
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starrybl1ss · 6 months
Enchanting secrets
part 2!
read part 1 here!
<> warnings: smut, fingering, swearing <> timeline: after the yule ball and n.e.w.t.s (lmk if u wanna see a fic abt the dance!)
Your now all sweaty from the dance at the great hall. you have a lot of fun with ellie. everybody now knows that you and ellie are together since you two couldnt resist the urge to make out infront of people.
Your all so tired from it but it isn't even midnight yet! "els, can we go back? my legs hurt and im sleepy" you slightly pout at her hoping for a yes.
"yeah sure, do you want me to bring you there?" you nod.
Dina catchs you exiting the great hall and ran up to you. "already leaving?" she asks. "s'too tired" dina nods and went back.
You arrive infront of the fat lady painting. "ellie, could you stay?" you ask her. "am i allowed to?" she smiles. "from yes, from the school i dont know. but please?" you ask her again
"are the juniors in bed?" she asks. "its 11 pm ellie, they are" you answer. "alright".
"fibbergibbet" you whisper as the painting opens. "shhh..." you whisper to ellie as you two went in and got to your part of the dorm. "so who do you share a room here with?" she asks "Dina, yara and marie- hey, do you mind if i change my clothes?"
"y-yeah i don't mind" she replied. she sits down on your bed waiting for you as you grabbed your pyjamas and slowly took off your dress leaving on your bra and underwear.
ellie couldn't help staring at you like a freak. she cant get your eyes off you. you put on your pants and the shirt.
before you could button your shirt ellie stands up. "you look really pretty" she smiles. "yeah?" you chuckle.
she walks towards you and grabs your chin. she kisses you again, pushing you on the bed. "ellie- lock the door" you mumble as she goes towards the door and locks it.
she pins you down the bed holding both your hands and kisses your lips and neck. "bloody hell-" she pulls down your pants leaving your pretty lacy underwear and your unbuttoned shirt revealing your white bra.
"i get to have you right?" she smirks as you nod. she traces her fingers on your stomache moving down slowly and grabs the lining of your panties.
"sh-shit.." you groan as she slips her hands down your cunt feeling her skin on you. "its fucking wet" she she chuckles a bit. she slips in one of her fingers in you.
"oh blimey-!" you groan out. "s' so tight" she said curling her fingers in. "nghhh- ellieee, s'too much!" you cry out. "really?" she teases you.
"hold up els- its almost midnight! bloody hell! they'll be back soon!" you said. "i better go, s'kay if i leave you?" you nod. "maybe the sorting hat has spoken that i belong to you" she said with a wink. "shut up ellie, your so cheesy" you giggled.
she kisses you on the forhead and walks to the door. she looks back "get dressed and sleep alright?" you nod smiling as she unlocks the door and left.
you couldn't sleep. its 12.15 already. you hear a sudden comotion not far from where you are. they're back already. the door opens as you saw dina and 2 others enter.
"hey, you aren't asleep? thought i'd be back with you snoring!" dina says. "n-no, i cant sleep" you reply. "because of that bloody slytherin quidditch captain huh?- is that a hickey?" dina spots bruises on your neck.
blimey, how are you going to explain it now?
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v1ct0la · 5 months
Omg yes Ellie as a Slytherin, finally someone says it. Tired of people still viewing Slytherin as ‘the bad house’ and not realising that your favourite characters can exhibit Slytherin qualities and still be a good person. It’s far too easy to put all the protagonists into Gryffindor and all the ‘villains’ into Slytherin. I’ve always had her aligned as a Slytherin far more than Gryffindor. Glad someone else sees it
ugh yes yes yea and yes!! slytherins get such a bad rep in the fandom because people assume that they’re evil, when really they just have ambition. ambition, cunning, and drive for some reason are all assumed to be negative traits, because maybe it comes off as aiming too high, but i think they’re very admirable. though many slytherins *cough voldemort cough ellie* use their ambitious nature for bad. i must say though traditionally ambition is, when used for bad, so disastrous (peep macbeth). anyway, this is all coming from a ravenclaw and i’m glad you agree ☺️
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joelsdolly · 3 months
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summery: enemies to lovers with slitheryn ellie:3
warnings: light angst, fluff, a wee bit of smut
notes: chat did I eated with this one>_<
tags: @ellslvr
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slytherin!ellie who's best friends with draco and they decide to start a one side prank war with you
slitheryn!ellie who makes it her job to terrorise you but never take it too far, but one day she does in fact take it too far leaving you sobbing as your covered in syrup and feathers, she thought it wouldn't be that much of a big deal because it's a classic prank
slytherin!ellie who feels sooo bad, she tried apologizing to you multiple times but every time you ignore her and move on, she even tries to sit next to you in class but you end up just leaving the seat
slytherin!ellie who shows up to your door with flowers and chocolate, you take the chocolate and then shut the door on her
slytherin!ellie who during class gets the bright idea to start leaving love letters in your dorm as an anonymous person
slytherin!ellie who spends hours writing love letters that'll last her a month, she slips one under your door every morning for a week straight
slitheryn!ellie who gets paired up with you for an assignment, while working she's inches away from you, you glance at her notebook and see it's the same writing as the love letters
slytherin!ellie who of course didn't think of changing her writing for the letters
slytherin!ellie who slowly gets closer to you while you guys are working on the project, you start talking instead of working
slytherin!ellie who has no clue the only reason you've sort of forgave her is because you know she wrote the letters
slytherin!ellie who's laying in bed reading a book when she hears a knock on her door, she opens it up to see you standing there
slytherin!ellie who's caught by surprise when you confess to her, her jaw dropped and her eyes are wide, 'really?' she questioned in pure shock
slytherin!ellie who takes you on the sweetest dates, picnics, pubs, or just in her dorm room
slytherin!ellie who fucks you in the slytherin common room when everyone's asleep
'shh, baby hush, you don't want anyone to hear you right?'
slytherin!ellie who's mean to everyone else but you!!! she acts all tough around other people but she's a total softie with you
slytherin!ellie who treats you like her princess and would never ever hurt you again:3
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sheeple · 5 months
Miracles don't exist | 34: Stay and leave
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Genre(s): Riddle!reader / Slytherin!reader / kinda slowburn / little happy moments Fandom(s): Harry Potter Pairing(s): Theodore Nott x Reader / Harry Potter x Riddle!reader Summary: Being the Dark Lord's daughter and raised under the strict supervision of the Malfoy's is no easy life. Especially if you start crushing on your father's arch-nemesis, Harry Potter. And that while being engaged to one of his follower’s sons. Warning(s): None really [Masterlist] [Mini masterlist] [Playlist]
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You wouldn't have thought that shadowing Dolores Umbridge was the worst part of the Voldemort takeover. But surprisingly, it is. The woman takes a true delight in bringing dread and sorrow to other people. 
You're not even listening to the hag questioning the poor Muggle-born witches and wizards. Instead, you write letters with no intention to send them. They're mostly to Sirius. You miss the man. The safety and comfort he provided is a far-away concept in the middle of the war.
Sirius,  How are you? Are you safe? Is the Order still fighting the fight? I wish I could join. But I am under close observation at the Manor. The Dark Lord has great expectations for me and I am scared what will happen if I don't follow them to a T.  I am married now. For a while actually. To Theodore Nott. It's the same boy who was at the hospital. Despite it being a forced marriage, I am happy it's him. He takes good care of me, so don't worry. We keep each other safe in the eye of the war.  How are Harry, Hermione and Ron? Are they safe? The last thing I've heard was that they are on the run for the Ministry. Do you know what they are doing? Maybe I can find some things out for them to help them?
You look up from the letter and your frustration with the words on the page only grows when you look at the pink hag. There is a constant high-pitched ringing that follows Umbridge wherever she goes. And it seems like only you can hear it. It brings you to the brink of insanity and your hands itch to grab your wand and silence the witch and the ringing once and for all.
A chill rolls over your back while your head twitches. The thoughts scare you. And they have been getting a lot worse ever since you have been ordered to shadow the Muggle-Born Registration Commission. You glance up at the ceiling, where a pack of dementors hoover above the Patronus barrier Umbridge created. 
Mafalda Hopkirk has been giving you skittish looks the whole time and every time you give her a small but awkward smile when you catch her eyes. She then quickly looks away, her eyes wide as saucers. Shaking your head, you crumple up the letter to Sirius and put it in the pocket of your jacket. 
The high-pitched ringing around Dolores picks up when she speaks. "Marry Elisabeth Cattermole. Of 27 Chislehurst Gardens, Great Tolling, Evesham?"
"Yes", whispers Mrs Cattermole scared.
"Mother to Masie, Ellie, and Alfred? Wife to Reginald?"
Mrs Cattermole turns her head. Her husband gets dragged in by Albert Runcorn, the former having a skittish look on his face. Mafalda tenses in her seat at the arrival of the two men and you raise your brows. Interesting.
Mr Cattermole goes to stand next to the chair his wife is seated on while Runcorn stands in the doorway.
Umbridge continues after thanking Runcorn, "Marry Elisabeth Cattermole? A wand has been taken for you upon your arrival at the Ministry, Mrs Cattermole. Is this that wand?" She holds up the wand.
Runcorn starts to circle Mrs Cattermole as she answers the crude questions the hag throws at her, her voice getting thick with desperation.
As Umbridge accuses Mrs Cattermole of lying, Runcorn's face hardens with hatred. It piques your interest as the man always has seen impartiality of the many claims Dolores makes. You sit up straight, no longer leaning with your head on your hand.
As the poor woman begs her husband to defend her, the ringing intensifies. It's almost unbearable. Your head snaps towards Umbridge, seeing that Runcorn has snuck upon her, his wand in his hand.
Suddenly, Runcorn's face starts to bubble and deform. A nightmarish sight as his face morphs. "You're lying, Dolores. And one mustn't tell lies." 
Runcorn- no Harry! Harry fires stupify at Umbridge, who slumps in her seat. As Mafalda reaches out and janks something from her neck, Mr. Cattermole hits Yaxley with a spell, which makes him fall off his seat.
You have no clue why the two strangers help Harry, but you're quick on your feet, running after them as they bolt out of the interrogation room with Mrs. Cattermole. 
The dementors swoop after you as the Patronus charm disappears with Umbridge rendered unconscious. Just before you jump after them in the elevator you send your hippogriff down the hall, which fends off the dementors.
The elevator speeds off and you're met with two pairs of wands in your face. You hold up your hands in surrender as you try to catch your breath. "Please", you pant, "I'm on your side. We have to escape the Ministry as soon as possible as it is likely that the fireplaces will be shut off at any moment. But we have to pretend. Please..."
Mr Cattermole takes a step towards you, his wife still tightly clutching his arm. "And why should we believe you?" Now that you hear his voice you recognise him. It's Ron. So that means that Mafalda is... the Poli-juice has run out of her system and Hermione looks at you, an unreadable expression on her face. But she gives Ron and Harry a look that tells them to trust you.
The doors of the elevator open and you all bolt out. You decided to run behind them so it looks like you're chasing them. As the police storm your group, spells fly around your ears. You can hardly dodge them.
"They're mine!", you growl at Yaxley as you pass him, throwing spells yourself that you misfire on purpose. 
With Yaxley hot on your heels, you fire Depulso at the man so he crashes into the opposite wall, before diving after the Golden Trio into the last open fireplace.
You twist and turn, your body contorting uncomfortably until you roll onto the ground, dirt and try leaves in your mouth. You cough and wheeze as you try and scramble upon your feet.
Your wand flies out of your hand and a hot glowing tip gets pushed into your face. You up scared at Harry as he holds you at wand point. But painful wailing catches your attention and you look to the side.
Ron lies squirming on the ground, the flesh of his arm removed in graceful twists. Blood coats Hermione's hands as she tries to comfort the wailing redhead.
She yells to Harry for him to grab the bottle of Dittany from her bag. As he searches haphazardly, you reach for your wand before crawling towards them. "I know a spell. Please, let me help."
Hermione nods, tears and panic paint her face. Closing your eyes, you begin to recount the sing-like incantation of Vulnera Sanentur, the same spell Snape used on you after your incident in the toilets a couple months back.
Ron's twitching slowly eases as his wounds gradually close. Hermione pets Ron's head while she watches you work. Her bloodied hands leave red streaks on his forehead.
You sit back on your heels, watching your spell work. Your eyes travel from Hermione and Ron towards Harry, who stands off to the side with something in his hand. A necklace or some sort.
"Why- what were you thinking?! Do you realise how incredibly dangerous the Ministry is right now for you lot?!" You raise from your feet, dusting off your knees. You run frustrated a hand over your face. "Was it at least worth it?"
Hermione and Harry share a look with each other, the former giving Harry a sympathetic look. Harry sighs and holds up his hand, showing you what Hermione snatched from Umbridge. A locket.
You reach for it and when you touch it, a weird feeling goes through you and your head twitches violently to the side. And so does Harry's. 
"Wha-what is it?"
Harry still looks hesitant. "A Horcrux."
Raising your eyebrows, you look at Harry, silently asking him to explain.
The bespectacled boy sighs. "You-Know-Who has split his soul into seven pieces in order to be immortal and put them in objects. And to defeat him, all those objects need to be destroyed."
Your eyes flicker towards the locket. "So... You're telling me that a part of the Dark Lord's soul is in that locket?"
Harry nods and you sigh heavily. "How many did you destroy already?"
"Dumbledore managed to destroy two, but other than this one we have no clue what those objects are."
Chewing on your bottom lip you frown, thinking deeply. "I imagine that the Dark Lord keeps those objects close to him or in a secured place. I mean... I wouldn't be surprised if Nagini is a Horcrux. She's everywhere he goes. Except for a couple of times, she's with me when it is not safe for her to join him."
While you and Harry discuss the locket, Hermione has set up a tent and is placing protective charms around the encampment. Her voice makes you turn towards her.
"I have to go. If I stay any longer people will be suspicious."
"You-you can stay", blurts Harry out, his eyes wide. "With us... if you want. Or we can bring you to Sirius, where you are under the protection of the Order." He takes a step towards you, his hand reaching out. But you flinch away from him, not having forgotten the pain his curse caused.
You shake your head, playing with the ring on your finger. "You know I can't Harry. I'm so afraid of what they'll do to him if I don't return. Once they discover I betrayed them, they will kill Teddy to make an example. I am sure of it." Your bottom lip wobbles at the thought of those warm, brown eyes staring up at you blankly. Just like Mrs Burbage's.
"You're married?" Hermione has finished the protective enchantments and grabs your hand, examining the ring. "It's beautiful..." Her eyes catch the faded outline of the bracelet around your wrist and frowns. She looks at you with silent questions in her eyes.
You snatch your hand away, tugging it behind your back. "Ancient wizarding traditions", you say, hoping it explains enough. 
You turn around to walk out of the protective barrier, but just before you stop. Turning around, you say, "you have to hit me with a spell. Preferably in my face."
"I'll do it", quips Ron, who you honestly to Merlin kind of forgot that he was there. Hermione shoots him a look.
"Yaxley saw me leave with you. I can't come back and claim to have battled you without any proof. I'm not saying you have to break my nose. But just a few cuts here and there."
After some convincing Hermione reluctantly agrees to do it, as she is arguably the most skilled out of all of them. She stands a few metres away from you, wand at the ready. 
"Just... don't scar my face again, please", you say before closing your eyes. 
You hear Hermione take a sharp breath in before wordlessly firing a spell your way. It hits you square in your face and sends you flying back a few metres. A pained groan escapes you as Hermione hurries towards you, helping you to your feet.
"How do I look?", you ask weakly, half a smile on your face. You feel blood run out of your nose and staining your lips while your forehead stings. "Thanks for not going easy on me."
Hermione engulfs you in a tight hug. "Please be careful."
You hug her for what could be the last time for a very long time before stepping outside of the boundary. The encampment is gone when you turn around. Taking a deep breath you dissipate back to the Manor.
You land safely back in your and Theo's bedroom. Expect it's a total mess. Every door, drawer, and cabinet is wide open, and clothes and papers are strewn about. Everything is turned over like it was searched for something. And then you see it. The box you stored all your letters to Sirius is pulled from its hiding place under your bed and empty, every letter taken away.
Shit! SHIT!
The door flies open and you raise your wand. Theo stands in the door opening, eyes wide and hair dishevelled like he has been running his hand through it. 
The two of you stare at each other before it finally clicks in your mind. You wildly search the pockets of your coat for the letter you wrote today. But it's gone.
Within two strides, Theo's next to you and grabbing your face, wiping the blood away. "What happened? They are turning the house inside out in search of you. Why are you covered in blood?"
"You have to leave", you say, turning around and grabbing the first bag you find and stuffing it with clothes for him. But he grabs your arm which effectively stops you. You look at him guiltily, casting your eyes to the ground. 
"I'm not leaving without you."
You shake your head. "Listen to me, Teddy, please. They will kill you if you don't leave. Please." As you beg, you grab his hand and push the bag into his hold. "Quickly, before they find me."
You hear footsteps down the hall. Panic floods your system and you look around the room. you spot one of the first letters you wrote for Sirius and take it, pressing it in his hand. "Go to 12 Grimmauld Place and show them this letter."
"I'm not leaving without you. We're married, (Y/n). We're supposed to do this together."
Shaking your head, you hear the people near your room. "Now, Theodore", you growl, your breath picking up. 
Just before the Death Eaters storm your room you hear the distinct sound of disapparition and Theo is gone.
The door gets thrown open and a handful of Death Eaters pour into your room. "Get her!", one says before they pound upon you.
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Taglist: (bold means I couldn’t tag you): @the0doreslover @lqndkxlmqma @st4rrry  @choppedpartymuffinwinner @ledtassoo @literallyobessed @lestat-whore​ @vanishingcherry @harrysnovia @pietrobae @ireallywannasleep127 @yeolsbubbles @fruityfrog505 @fluffybunnyu @theroyalmanatee @shinrjj @hegdus @kermits-bitch @m1kasawps @noah-uhhh-what @mypolicemanharryyy @fals3-g0d @decapitated-coffee @thatgirljas13 @slytherinambitious @raineisms @mastermindmiko @timmytime17 @regsg18 @supernatural-lover @bubybubsters @lafrone @hermionelove @the-sander-fander @akengii @aliciacat20 @unstablereader @burns-in-the-sun @rachelnicolee @damagelove @mqndrqke @llpovi @clairesjointshurt @222244445555 @jolly4holly @padf00ts-l0ver @fandom-life-12 @prettyb1tchsblog @pari-1 @f14ever @nopedefe @randomgurl2326
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savannahsdeath · 7 months
call me silly but i cant stop thinking about hogwart au ellabs uhhh istg . i cant . also im pretty sure im the first one to make a hogwart au so please give ib if you want to make your own fic🤭 if im not the first one then sorry and please lmk who is !!
summary: you're roommates with your best friend and girlfriend, which don't seem to get along well.
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you and abby often wondered what's ellie doing in gryffindor, as the setting hat had doubts itself, wanting her to go to the slytherin for a split second.
"i mean, i'm happy she's with us." you quickly explained, realizing she might hear you through the bathroom door.
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abby frowned, not looking away from her book. "oh, you are? and why, exactly?"
you laughed, leaning in to see what is she reading about, but she slammed the book shut with a loud bam! right in front your nose. "well, first of all, she's my girlfriend. self explanatory—"
"but... why?" she cut you off and sat up. "what do you see in her?" oh, you knew that one. it wasn't the first 'you deserve better' talk you had with abby. "wouldn't you rather to be with someone smarter, stronger and, i don't know, just... not a total loser?"
for a moment you sat there, so close to her your shoulders were touching, with your mouth parted and lips going dry. a moment passed as the door opened and ellie came out, sloppily wiping ruffling her wet hair with the towel. her gaze wandered between the two of you and she raised her eyebrow, but her obliviousness made her shrug the weird feeling off. "how much time do we have?" she asked, ignoring abby's presence, who just went back to reading her book.
"less than an hour." you annouced, getting up and taking the towel out of her hand, replacing it with a little bottle you picked up from your bedside shelf. "drink up."
"the fuck is that?" she twirled the unappetizing green liquid around the glass, noticing it's weirdly dense texture.
abby chuckled, winking at you as if to laugh at your low standards. "just listen to your girlfriend."
you smiled at the blonde girl before looking back at ellie. "it's going to rain, i don't want you getting sick."
"yeah, we don't want to hear you whining like a baby just because you catched a little cold." abby added, smirking as you gave her the stare. her comment passed by ellie's ears, not getting any reaction out of her.
she downed the potion in a few sips, wincing and letting you take the glass bottle out of her hands. she took a deep breath, trying to get rid of the taste. "i'd rather be sick." you giggled and rised on your tiptoes to reach her forehead, placing a loving kiss on it. she smiled for a second, before her face flashed with a grimace again. "wait— it's going to what?"
"it's going to rainnn" abby cooed, mercilessly but melodiously drawing out the vowels. you frowned, seeming to be the only one who doesn't see a reason to panic. yet, ellie was now pacing around the room, stopping to look outside the window. the clouds above the horizon were, in fact, dark blue, what predicted a downpour.
you came up to her, wrapping your hands around her tensed waist. "are you scared of some water?" you teasingly asked, nuzzling your head in the crook of her neck.
"that's not the point." she turned around, taking your hand and parting her lips. you just knew you'll probably spend the next minutes listening to the rules of quidditch, hopefully not enough to be late. "you see, when it rains, it's usually quite... foggy. pretty hard to see anything, yeah?"
"yeah, but..." you walked towards the bed, ellie following closely after. "slytherins won't see anything too, so it's fair, isn't it?"
she quickly shook her head and pursed her lips in a tight line, as if disappointed you don't get it. "someone gifted them special lenses. someone— i mean, anonymously, but everyone knows who it is. their captain's father." she stood in front of you as you sat down, fiercely gesticulating. "fucking bastards. they think money can solve everything... well, it kinda does but—"
"can you shut the f..." abby chimed in, deciding against cussing in the last moment. "...up. jesus, i'm just trying to study." she rolled her eyes as the attention was now on her.
"what are you even studying?" ellie walked closer to her, trying to see the book's cover through the blonde girl's pulled up knees, which she used to lean the volume on.
abby was quick to get defensive, closing the item as soon as she made sure the tab is on a right page. "none of your business."
"it doesn't look like one of our student's books at all..." ellie teased, tauntingly smiling as she got closer.
you sighed, taking a deep breath before speaking. "come on, els, we gotta go - get you ready and everything." you stood up and started rummaging through the drawers to think what should you take with you. ellie nodded and left your dorm, promising she'll wait for you before entering the quidditch's pitch.
"you really should go, it can be fun." you friendly nudged abby's shoulder, trying to keep your eyes away from the pages of her book, which seemed to attract your gaze and curiosity.
she looked up at you, visibly annoyed that she has to repeat it for the hundredth time. "that's not my thing."
that's not my thing.
yet, about fifteen minutes after the match started, you felt her warm presence next to you. she didn't say a word, probably too embarrased to admit she somehow got convinced to get her priorities wrong.
yet, you could hear her breath hitch when she saw your rivals score another point. no matter how hard the rain would hit her, soaking through her clothes, she'd calmly stand her ground and squint her eyes to see how bad the situation is.
yet, you eventually noticed she was holding her wand the whole time. and you noticed how her grip tightened as she mumbled a few words under her breath, inaudible because of the cheers. you couldn't believe it, but after a few minutes the clouds turned purely white and bright sun rays made people take off their coats. the same abby anderson, who always had to be the best student, not letting herself be distracted from studying just broke one of the school rules.
"you know you're going to have problems if anyone finds out?" you innocently looked up at her, gratefully smilling.
"then don't snitch on me." she shrugged, admiring the weather, which was her own creation.
yet, she made gryffindor win.
let me know if you want to see more!
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