#the goldcrest family
gaygryffindorgal · 11 months
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the goldcrests; vela the blood-witch
vela the blood-witch was born some time in the early to mid 10th century. she was a powerful seer and a user of blood magic. she lived in the woods, preying on villagers to steal infants, whose blood she used to remain young. in the last decades of the 10th century, she met and allied herself with eadric spinebreaker a powerful wizard intent on conquering the british isles. the two married and eadric achieved greatness with the help of vela before his untimely death (some say it was vela's doing, after eadric was no longer useful to her). after that, vela focused on the son they had together, elyris, and shaped him into a great leader. she fled with baby elyris and hid him from eadric's enemies, biding her time. when elyris was old enough, he returned to continue his father's work, while vela mysteriously disappeared, never to be heard from again. vela was the one to receive the goldcrest prophecy and she shared it with eadric. vela saw the opportunity to seize power and influence through eadric and she took it, effectively becoming the mastermind behind the entire goldcrest rebellion.
vela belongs to @potionboy3
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potionboy3 · 9 months
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elian goldcrest | family line
my muse's past @gaygryffindorgal
I'm just a would've been, could've been
Should've been, never was and never ever will be
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savetheundoneyears · 25 days
Save the Undone Years Main Characters:
Christopher "Kit" Enfield @potionboy3
Kit is a squib who ran away from home at 17, joining the army. His rank is lieutenant (later promoted to a captain). Kit is part of the "A company" and he gets along well with his men. His company respects him a lot and he's very liked in the army. He gets embroiled in the wizarding plot to overthrow the British Ministry of Magic when he sees Ares Gaunt using magic and foils a plot by the anti-muggle organization TOWER.
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Ares Gaunt @gaygryffindorgal
The second son of Marvolo Gaunt's elder brother Argus. Ares's family is known for its blood-supremacist views but Ares has attempted to cut all ties with them. At Hogwarts he was sorted into Slytherin. He's an auror and works as an undercover operative in the muggle army, posing as a captain for the "A company". Later he's promoted to the rank of major. His objective is incapacitating members of the terrorist organization TOWER. Ares is distantly related to Elian and Theo Goldcrest through their mother Kerina.
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Lunas Avery @cursed-herbalist
First-born son of the pure-blood Avery family, Lunas is an auror who works undercover within TOWER and infiltrates the German Ministry of Magic and Muggle army. He's a trained soldier and Royal Flying Corps pilot. He later joins the "A Company" along with Alexej Kavinsky. He wants to take down TOWER. Lunas was a Gryffindor at Hogwarts.
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Alexej Kavinsky @potionboy3
Alexej is the son of Anton Vogel, the head of the German auror office (later Minister for Magic and Supreme Mugwump). He goes by his mother's last name to avoid association with his father. He attended Durmstrang and joined the AM (Anti-Muggle) movement associated with Grindelwald. While being undecover in the German army, Lunas Avery discovered his identity, causing Alexej to flee the country and join TOWER for a while. He later becomes part of the "A company" along with Lunas Avery.
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Odessa Avery @cursed-herbalist
Odessa is the younger sister of Lunas and childhood friend of Kit Enfield. At Hogwarts she was a Gryffindor. She is a journalist, uncovering injustice and reporting on the events of the war. She later marries Kit.
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Leda Gaunt @gaygryffindorgal
Younger sister of Ares Gaunt. While at Hogwarts, Leda was in Slytherin. Near the end of the war, Leda finds out about Ares's involvement with TOWER and goes looking for her brother at the Front, disguisng herself as a muggle soldier.
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Other characters:
Sydney Barlow @gaygryffindorgal
A muggle-born wizard who spent years lying about his blood-status to avoid discrimination. He was sorted into Slytherin and once it was discovered he was actually muggle-born, joined the army along with his muggle half-brother Aiden.
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Melvyn "Melv" Enfield @potionboy3
Older brother of Kit, Melv works for the British Ministry as an Obliviator. Kit and Melv have a troubled relationship, not helped by the fact that Melv has feelings for Odessa. Crosses paths with Kit and Ares during their time in the frontlines multiple times.
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Joel Mayfair @magicallymalted
Joel is the medic of the "A company" that Kit and Ares are part of. He volunteered for the war not approving British Ministry's strict rules concerning wizard involvement. He's a a good friend of Kit's as the two are similar in many ways. He was sorted into Gryffindor.
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Ione Avery @cursed-herbalist
Younger sister of Lunas and Odessa, attended Hogwarts as a Gryffindor as well. Ione is creative and sensitive. Not willing to openly rebel against her parents she accepts an engagement to the son of a friend of her family, Zedric Faust. During Hogwarts she was involved with Colm O'Shea.
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Colm O'Shea @unfortunate-arrow
Presumably muggle-born Gryffindor who joined the British muggle army after his and Ione's break-up. He's a proud Irish and supports the Irish independence movement (getting him in trouble from time to time). He's part of the "A company" and gets badly wounded at the end of the war.
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Linus Sullivan @unfortunate-arrow
American young man who takes part in the war under the Canadian army. He got in trouble with the law after violating Rappaport's law. He later joined the "A company". In Ilvermorny he was sorted into Wampus.
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Maritza Krum @potionboy3
French ministry intelligence operative who has a famous family history. Maritza attended Durmstrang. During the war she helped Ares on several ministry related issues. She also met Linus Sullivan and the two fell in love.
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Anthony "Andy" Vallen @kathrynalicemc
A Ravenclaw and a brilliant scientist, experimenting with and disarming magical weapons of war. He crosses paths with Kit, Ares, Lunas, and Alexej during their search of said weapons. He later becomes a teacher for a muggle school.
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Joanna Vallen @kathrynalicemc
Joanna is the sister of Andy. She is an undercover intelligence operative and a Slytherin alumnus. She has a fake identity and she poses as a singer during the war to get knowledge from the troops.
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Klara Belikova @gaygryffindorgal
A childhood friend of Alexej Kavinsky, Klara attended Durmstrang with him. She left her immensely wealthy family behind because she didn't want to marry a man of her parents' choosing. Klara moved to France and reunites with Alexej there during the war.
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Ophelia Lovell @unfortunate-arrow
Ophelia follows her brother Eugene to war and becomes a nurse. Later she joins the owl air-force. She's also marries Eugene's childhood friend and Kit's good friend Patrick Simmons. Linus is her other half-brother. During her Hogwarts years she was sorted into Hufflepuff.
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Zedric Faust @potionboy3
Zedric was engaged to Ione Avery but she broke the engagement after learning that Zedric was part of the German Anti Muggle movement AM. He and Alexej were part of the movement together and Zedric tended to take a lot of credit from Alexej's actions rather than having the courage to act himself.
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Cayetana Narváez @endlessly-cursed
Caye is a Spanish spy. She picks up on rumours about the Dark wizard organisation TOWER and gathers intel about the war parties. It is her goal to collect as much information as possible and she isn't afraid of putting herself in danger to do so.
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Mysterie Charmsworth @potionboy3
Mystie is Odessa's childhood friend and like her, also a reporter. Unlike Ode, though, she would do anything for a good story. She was a Gryffindor at Hogwarts.
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Aiden Barlow @gaygryffindorgal
A muggle and the older half-brother of Sydney Barlow. Aiden is a decorated war hero, being a captain at the start of the story and advancing through the ranks as the war goes on.
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Adeline Blackburn @cursebreakerfarrier
Adeline is the youngest of three sisters born to half-blood parents and they all live in the rural north. After Hogwarts she becomes an auror and works as an investigative assistant during the war.
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Kateryna von Engelhardt @cursebreakerfarrier
Kateryna, Klara and Alexej were all friends during their Durmstrang years but grew distant after the death of their shared friend Fiete Tegeler. She is later involved with Zedric Faust.
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Conrad St. James @endlessly-cursed
Conrad is a French-Canadian journalist and photographer who works together with Mystie Charmworth. He attended Ilvermony and was sorted into Thunderbird.
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Irene Griffiths @camillejeaneshphm
Irene is a young nurse who tends to Kit's wounds when he is shot during a battle. At Hogwarts she was sorted into Gryffindor.
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Patrick Simmons @potionboy3
Simmons joined the army around the same time as Kit. The two are good friends. He's also childhood friends with Eugene Lovell and later marries his sister Ophelia. Simmons has no knowledge of magic.
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Andrey Belikov @gaygryffindorgal
Younger brother of Klara, Andrey lives with her in Paris after his parents disown him. He has a keen interest in fashion. He gets involved with Andy Vallen.
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goldenchocobo · 6 months
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Here's this year's Christmas cards- sent to family and close friends. I decided to make some this year, since I wanted to do something nice. the theme obviously being British birds.
Here we have: Dunnock, (Eurasian) Robin, Barn Owl, (Eurasian) Goldcrest, Tawny Owl, (Eurasian) Bullfinch and a Capercaillie.
I'm getting better with watercolours. I just need to practice fine details. Each card took 2-3 hours to paint; they're not very big.
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endlessly-cursed · 1 year
A Living Dynasty, Prologue: Who Is She?
A/N: The prologue is here!! I know it’s short, but as the story goes and progressess, there will be more. I’m excited to write the era of the founders. Let me know if you want to be tagged or removed from the list!! 
Summary: Many legends plagues Henriette’s memories. After many centuries, she finally speaks up 
OCs featured: Reuben Willows ( @that-scouse-wizard​ ) Professor Capell ( @camillejeaneshphm​ ) 
OCs mentioned: Elian Goldcrest ( @potionboy3​ ) Atticus Doherty ( @hphmmatthewluther​ ) 
Word Count: 794 words 
Taglist: @hphmmatthewluther​ @camillejeaneshphm​ @gaygryffindorgal​ @that-scouse-wizard​ let me know if you want to be added or removed from the list!!! 
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3rd of May, 1897
Everyone had huddled up in History of Magic’s class, curious of the ‘pleasant surprise’ Professor Capel had for them. Primrose looked around and saw the only free seat was next to Reuben Willows. She smiled “May I?”
Reuben nodded “Of course! Do sit down. You’re Lady Gray, right?”
“I am. And you are Reuben Willows.”
She extended her hand and he shook it “It’s nice to meet you personally. I’ve heard much of you.”
“And I, of you as well. Especially of your gifted girlfriend.”
Reuben chuckled “Gifted is one word for it, yes. But I wouldn’t have her any other way.”
Primrose was to say something when Professor Capel cleared his throat and smiled. Many of the ladies, many of her friends, stared at him “Be welcome, class, today is a special day, for we will be personally studying the time of the founders. As I promised, there is a surprise: many of your ancestors lived there and were allies of each founder. Notorious members such as the Doherty family, apprentice of Rowena Ravenclaw,” Primrose tried not to blush, remembering the other night’s escapade with Mr. Doherty “your ancestor had a splendid power that banished the changelings into the class. Lady Coventry, your ancestor Mathilde was notorious as well for… well, poison and conceit.” She could almost hear Georgia chuckle “Miss Dubois, your ancestor, Brunhilda, was infamous for being a tad too close to Mathilde and committing several war crimes during the wars. And lastly, Lady Gray, your ancestor Henriette was a loyal companion of Helga and her story is a most certainly intriguing one.”
Primrose frowned “Oh? I don’t follow…”
“There are legends about her. Especially of her love life. Many said that she had an affair with the Sovereign of the Changelings and could’ve had a child with them, and that she married someone else to correct that mistake. His name was Frederick of Kent.”
She could see Reuben stiffen “That is my ancestor!” He looked at Primrose and she blushed, feeling awkward of all sudden.
“And, of course,” Professor Capel carried on “there was the Goldcrest rebellion, but now we will focus on…” Primrose looked for Elian and found him there. Their eyes connected and he shrugged. She almost forgot that his birth had been closer to her ancestors. He didn’t look or behave like he was almost six hundred years old.
As she started to take notes on what she was reading of Henriette, she wondered if she have had indeed an affair and married Frederick out of duty. She now had a purpose: uncover her true story.
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Three hours later
Primrose knew that, if Henriette had been that crucial to the founders, she’d be in the castle somewhere. Suddenly, a striking young woman with clothes of the century stared at her. She had a beautiful blonde hair, though most of it was covered by the headwear of the time and tightly brushed into a complex hairdo. She wore a yellow dress, richly decorated and had her blue eyes she often saw in the mirror.
“Henriette?” She whispered “Henriette of Wessex?”
The portrait smiled “Ah, you must be another of my descendants! Come along, sweet girl. What is your name?”
“Lady Primrose Gray of House Somerset.”
Henriette smiled sweetly “I’ve heard that you will run Winbourne on your own. Well done, my child. But you’re not here to discuss that, are you?”
“You are correct. I want to hear your story. All of it.”
Henriette sighed, still smiling “It’s been nearly a thousand years, many Somersets have come to see if the rumours about me are true. But you, my dear, want to hear all of it instead of jumping into conclusions. Very well. Take a seat, dearest, this is a long story. You will want to hear if it was true that I had an affair and a possible child and married out of duty and obligation. I never did such a thing. Never.”
“You’re saying that you loved your husband?”
“I did, by God, I did. Not at first. I do not know when it began. Before our lips touched for the first time, I knew I was his and his alone. But the way I loved Betwixt was different, and not many would understand it. But you are different. There’s something about you that I like, that will make of my legacy something worth keeping. I shall begin where it all started: when I left the first groom chosen for me when I was but fifteen by my over-ambitious father, Marcus the Spineless, and indeed, he had no spine in battle or when it came to hand over his only child to the highest bidder.”
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vivianquill · 7 months
Vivian is spinning. She feels like she's spinning, at least, even though she's sitting on her bedroll in the tent she shares with Malady.
Nothing feels quite right anymore, and perhaps that's simple-minded of her, but life wasn't supposed to be like this.
She should've found her brother by now. Surely, six months and going halfway-round the shard would have yielded some result. Right?
Half of her wants to simply leave Goldcrest and continue on her own, to the fates with what Middle told her. He wouldn't know anything about her family. Why would she think that? Why would anyone know anything about her family?
Why would he have said that she needed to stay with her current adventuring party?
How does she know that she can trust him?
Realistically, Vivian knows that she should've told someone by now. Anyone, really. By the time she finds little Aiya-- well, she might not be so little anymore. It makes Vivian want to scream and pull her hair out and it makes her want to go find something to fight. Being in one place for a while has taught her a few things She's been able to learn more skills from the people here, but it still feels useless.
She should've pushed harder for a lead. ANY lead.
Vivian regrets giving up her wishes to Vadhir. At the time it had seemed right-- but--
She wasn't going to get another chance like that.
Jardium had been so hectic and everything had happened so fast that beyond cornering Nibor-- before they knew he was a djinni-- She'd done nothing but chase down relics and kill cockatrice. And beyond that was the matter of everyone from Goldcrest being there.
You couldn't blame her for getting distracted!! Bor'gah and Esh'lan's fight had consumed everything else, not to mention the cauldron-born and the 'potato' farmer and--
And now she was back in Goldcrest, and she'd spent the last while searching for a mothkyn who she'd hardly met-- instead of her family.
Refocus. C'mon Viv, you need to stop getting distracted. This isn't like a festival in Varyyyk, you can't just run off. Your entire family is waiting for you.
Focus better. The dragon scales shouldn't matter to you. You don't have one. You shouldn't ever end up with one. You shouldn't want one what is wrong with you?? So what if there's missing scales? Not your snare, not your rabbits.
Not your bees, not your honey.
Yes, you're gonna go on this heist, but it's just an excuse to go to the Capital. Yes you were bluffing to Axel and Karenza on how skilled you were with traps, but--
It's not like you're not going to shove off at the slightest hint of Reynard being in the Capital. If you ditch the group before you have to actually put your neck on the line, then there's no harm done.
All you have to do is find him, and then you and Rey can go find your father and Aiya and-- well, at least Viv knows what question she's going to ask Fate, if this heist is the death of her.
How many stones was her mother on? Vadhir said that Fate lets you pull from a bag of stones-- but if you get a black one, you're gone.
Vivian didn't stay around long enough to see if the body had reappeared.
Vivian hadn't wanted to, not really.
"Not my bees, not my honey." she whispered to herself, rolling herself up in her blankets and trying to go to sleep. "but-- why is it so sweet?"
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abookishdreamer · 1 year
Character Intro: The Litae (Kingdom of Ichor)
from top to bottom: Lití, Katharina, & Ikesía
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Nicknames- The Divine Trilogy by Hermes
The Saintly Sisters by Dione
Mothers of Prayers by the people of Olympius
Age(s)- late 40's to late 30's (immortal)
Location- Hearthwood neighborhood, New Olympus
Personalities- The sisters share core values they hold dear of pious conservatism in favor in duty of traditional values & social institutions like patriotism, family values, and religious traditions. Being the oldest, the leadership role comes naturally to Lití, likining herself as the "anchor" of the family. Being the middle sibling, Katharina is quite neurotic while Ikesía is a hopeful optimist. Above all else, being mothers and protecting the religious integrity of Olympius is important to them. They're all asexual & single.
The Litae have the standard abilities of a goddess except shapeshifting. Their other powers/abilities include photokinesis, having an eidetic memory (can recite all religious texts), ambrosia manipulation, purification (of different materials & objects), truth sense, blessing bestowment (temporarily), and inducing feelings of piety, mercy, & forgiveness in others.
Even though the sisters have a suite apartment at the royal palace on Mt. Olympus, they prefer living next door to each other in three houses near a cul-de-sac in the Hearthwood neighborhood of New Olympus. They generally love the family aesthetic with the seemingly low crime rate being an added bonus! Their houses share similar interior designs with cotton furniture, large kitchen islands, woven rugs, hardwood floors, a fireplace, framed inspirational quotes as well as spacious backyards & gardens. They like the fact that one of them can walk a few feet to see the other. The sisters often rotate where they'll have dinner. The sisters each have a pet/companion- a griffin, the three of them having the majestic creatures since they were fledgelings! Lití's griffin is named Goldcrest, Katharina's is named Sundancer, and Ikesía's is named Aurelia. The griffins are usually their mode of transportation.
The Litae decided to have children on their own through the use of the fertility services of Gaia (goddess of the earth). Lití has a son Epidotes (god of purity). Katharina has a daughter Pompe (goddess of rites) while Ikesía has a daughter Telete (goddess of prayers). The sisters are very involved in their children's lives almost to a fault. They push forward to make sure the kids have the best possible start in life. They want them to be happy of course, but also well rounded, respectable, & traditional.
They don't like visual media and music with strong violence, coarse language, nudity, and explicit sexual content.
They rarely partake in alcohol except a glass of white wine every once in a while. They do not partake in illicit drugs.
Lití thinks that smoking cigarettes is the nastiest bad habit ever. Her go-to drinks include iced tea, cafe au laits, and a small coconut banana splash from The Roasted Bean.
Ikesía likes lemon infused sparkling water & large iced chai lattes while Katharina likes mango smoothies, coconut water, green tea, and large vanilla iced coffees.
The Litae oversees the records for all the offerings and sacrifices ever recieved by the deities. They've been shifting from the information being recorded on scrolls to digitizing them. For this reason, they have enlisted the help of Techne (goddess of arts, crafts, & invention).
The sisters dress in minimalist conservative style clothing, keeping their makeup subtle & natural looking. They keep their nails short, neat, and expertly manicured.
Ikesía loves using the honey & magnolia body oil for her skin. Lití attributes her skin health to cocoa butter while Katharina prefers the use of almond oil.
Lití's favorite frozen treat is banana ice cream, opting for an olympian sized cup when at The Frozen Spoon. Katharina likes coconut sorbet while Ikesía likes salted caramel ice cream topped with crushed pecans.
The Litae's main "job" are being ministers at the Eleutherus Cathedral, the largest church ever built in New Olympus! They also work alongside Zeus and Eusebeia (Bea) (goddess of piety, loyalty, duty, & filial respect); in part with establishing content for her faith based conservative TV network. The sisters also surprisingly work well with Atë (goddess of mischief, ruin, blind folly, delusion, & downfall of heroes). For other means of income the sisters have their own charity organization as well as writing for Hearthside magazine. They're also a co-author team of wholesome & uplifting romance novels that explores the greater themes of family and community. They also model for/endorse Cleanstream, LipCalm, & White Lily Gallery.
The sisters will stop by at The Bread Box for lunch, prefering it over Olympic Chef. Katharina likes the curried cauliflower quinoa salad while Ikesía likes the tropical kale salad (with creamy coconut curry dressing) along with a small corn chowder. Lití likes the baked mac n' cheese sandwich (on sourdough bread).
In the pantheon they're friends with Hestia (goddess of the hearth), Pistis (goddess of trust, reliability, & good faith), Soteria (goddess of safety), Eunostos (goddess of the flour mill), Peitharchia (goddess of obedience & discipline), Themis (Titaness of justice), Eudaimonia (goddess of happiness), Penia (goddess of poverty), Apheleia (goddess of simplicity), Ptocheia (goddess of beggary), Promylaia, Aletheia (goddess of truth), Praxidike (goddess of judicial punishment), Pathos (god of emotion), and Aeschyne (goddess of modesty & honor).
The deities they don't like is a long list including Kakia (goddess of vice & moral wrongdoing), Hybris (goddess of insolence, hubris, & reckless pride), Apate (goddess of fraud & deception), and Dyssebeia (Bess) (goddess of ungodliness & impeity).
Katharina loves using the Glory's Crown almond & shea butter hair creme for her twist outs. Lití likes the rice water clarifying shampoo while Ikesía likes the ambrosia honey curling custard.
The sisters love planning family vacations for the six of them. Their last one was to the state of Achaea where they went to the Achaean Beignet Festival!
The Litae have a joint Fatestagram account where they mainly post inspirational quotes & livestreams of them performing sermons.
Katharina's favorite Olmorfia nail polish is "Sheer Fantasy." Lití likes "Clear as Cotton" while Ikesía likes "Blanc Blanche."
Lití has recently been to a breadmaking class!
Ikesía's favorite desserts from Hollyhock's Bakery are the honey cake & cream puffs (with a generous dusting of powdered sugar). Lití likes the sweet potato pie while Katharina likes the bougatsa.
Katharina has just gotten out of a long term long distance relationship with Olympos, one of The Ourea.
Ikesía has been enjoying her newfound friendship with the god of honor. She enjoys his company & has wondered on occassion if there could be more between them, but hasn't brought up the topic due to fear of how he would react to her asexuality.
In their free time the sisters enjoys horseback riding, cooking, knitting, baking, journaling, bike riding, pottery, gardening, swimming, basketball, yoga, tennis, going to museums, reading, and spending time with their children.
Katharina's go-to dish is rice & gravy with biscuits and porkchops. Lití is known for her pastitsio while Ikesía is known for her fasolada.
"A day without prayer is a day without blessing, and a life without prayer is a life without power."
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magicallymalted · 2 years
Lineage Challenge - Day 2 (Herrity Family)
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The main snippet of the Herrity Family Tree, inspired by @gaygryffindorgal 's family tree image for the Goldcrests
Here it is, a (still somewhat incomplete) family tree for the Herrity family, but the bulk of it (aka, the "important people") are present and accounted for.
If there's one thing that the Herrity House is terrible at, it's keeping records of their own people. After all, when you're as reclusive a bunch as they are, sometimes it can be hard to truly trace things back to people who simply want to be left alone. Meddling in another's affairs has rarely ended well for a single member of the Herrity line, but through intentional communication and keeping things within the familial unit (and in the early days, mostly between Purebloods), later records of the families members were written down by way of gathering information through word of mouth. The last seer in the family line, Doireann Herrity, used her gifts in the realm of divination to fill some of the gaps and transcribe what she could, though much after the original bearer of the Coat of Arms remains inconclusive beyond what is believed to be their original ancestor, Fionn mac Cumhaill.
That's Day 2 complete of the Lineage Challenge by @kathrynalicemc
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dansnaturepictures · 1 year
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01/01/2023-Blog 1 of 2: Lakeside and home 
There is a unique feeling that comes over me as one year reaches its end and the hours tick by until first light of a new one, it’s reminiscent of that childhood excitement of waking up on Christmas morning. A feeling of excitement for the unknown, waking up having not seen a single species of bird yet in the New Year and that beautiful mystery of what is to come. I just love starting new bird year lists and having to look for all the species again, the first few days of the New Year are a time when seeing even the commonest birds make me so excited and it’s one of my favourite times of year. You only get this unique morning once in a year so it’s one to savour. My birdwatching for 2023 got off to a fantastic start with 29 species seen between home and on my tradition of a New Year’s Day morning walk at Lakeside Country Park. 
At Lakeside this year it was a tale of two families, woodpecker and thrush. As soon as I got towards Lakeside along the northern path and in the woods late on in a long walk round looking for and watching for things in most parts of the country park respectively I saw two each of Green Woodpecker and Great Spotted Woodpecker both of the pairs interacting with each other the greens doing a bit of bill rubbing the great spotted noisily interacting. These were euphoric moments seeing the first two of my thirty four favourite bird species this year always a powerful moment. It’s only the third time I’ve seen Great Spotted Woodpecker one I don’t always see here but had recently on the New Year’s Day Lakeside walk, and each of those times I’ve managed to see Green Woodpecker a more regular one I see at Lakeside and on New Year’s Days as well. I took the tenth picture in this photoset of one of the Great Spotted Woodpeckers. Thrush wise another standout species Redwing beat the commoner Blackbird onto my chronologically ordered year list by one place and a few minutes, it’s always nice when I see something before something commoner and adds to the charm of New Year for me, as I got stunning views of this gorgeous species near the north eastern kissing gate entrance in trees for the second year running. I heard Song Thrush well in the eastern meadows but didn’t see one, but in the woods had perhaps that standout moment I get on these Lakeside New Year’s Day walks which sets it apart from all other years in terms of something different happening that is unique in the year when I spotted a big bold Mistle Thrush high in a tree. Not only a year tick, but a patch tick too the first I’ve ever seen at Lakeside it was great to get that so early on in 2023. 
The eastern meadows especially an area by gorse and trees proved productive with Goldcrest, Dunnock and Long-tailed Tit seen well with Wren nearby seen elsewhere on the walk too other key year ticks of the walk. Coot, Moorhen, Common Gull for the second year running on this walk which is brilliant a bird I do like, Mallard as shown in the eighth picture I took today in this photoset and a Greylag Goose flying over the park added the splash of waterbirds to the walk to help the variety to help it be a pleasingly long list of species seen. I took the fifth picture in this photoset of a Black-headed Gull atop a buoy with Moorhens below it seeing one of the former with a summer plumage chocolate brown head coming interestingly. At home for the first time ever that bird I opened the curtains to as though unwrapping a present as I heard them as two were on the feeder, my first bird species seen this year was my favourite garden bird the Goldfinch I saw it nicely at Lakeside too. Garden bird regulars but still quite notable ones right now Blue Tit and Robin as the first picture in this photoset shows, a House Sparrow and Pied Wagtail on the road as soon as I got out the door were other home highlights. The rest of my year ticks this morning are listed below.
It was good to take part in the New Year Plant Hunt as I did last year, where it was great to see the dependable in flower gorse I always seem to find some at Lakeside on New Year’s Day now and amazingly some winter heliotrope a very beautiful flower I enjoyed and learnt on the verges by the road entrance last year there was one flower there which was so delicate and alluring to see I took the second picture in this photoset of them. I also saw red deadnettle, daisy and yarrow out the front on the walk to Lakeside with gone over dock I believe, dandelion type flowers coming to their end, the common or garlic penny cress out the front which I have enjoyed seeing again a lot the past few days, with cleavers and teasel seed heads standing out at Lakeside and berries, rose hips and yellow leaves on a rose bush at Lakeside looking nice on the walk with some coloured leaves on a tree and lots of beautiful catkins at Lakeside including those shown in the third picture in this set.
The fungi on the post between the lakes which I saw on Friday in the sixth picture I took today in this photoset and others like it on trees was a highlight of the walk as well as one other mushroom seen. It was great just to be out in the morning enjoying starting the year in the comfortable surrounds of the outdoors for me, and I took in some beautiful views over the lakes in good weather for the walk with notable flooded areas and frequent puddles and creamy light behind the clouds the wetness of the landscape the key landscape feature that is also unique to the year I seem to get for this annual walk for me now. I took the fourth, seventh and ninth pictures in this photoset of views here.
Wildlife Sightings Summary: (Home)-My first Goldfinch, Carrion Crow, Robin, Feral Pigeon, Starling, Woodpigeon, Collared Dove, Blue Tit, Jackdaw, House Sparrow and Black-headed Gull of the year, Magpie, Grey Silverfish, spiders and an insect flying around the room tonight. I saw my first Magpie and Pied Wagtail of the year on the way to Lakeside I often seem to see these two similarly sounding named birds close to each other on the way to Lakeside on New Year’s Day and I first caught sight this year of one of my favourite birds the Green Woodpecker from outside the park to the north of it. (Lakeside Country Park) My first Mistle Thrush of the year and at Lakeside ever, my first of one of my favourite birds the Great Spotted Woodpecker this year, my first Redwing, Blackbird, Herring Gull, Wren, Dunnock, Goldcrest, Long-tailed Tit, Great Tit with a few of these seen well, Coot, Moorhen, Common Gull, Mallard and Greylag Goose of the year, my first Grey Squirrel of the year, another of my favourite birds the Green Woodpecker, Goldfinch, Robin, Blue Tit, Woodpigeon, Collared Dove, Jackdaw, Magpie and Black-headed Gull.
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nothingunrealistic · 1 year
The sound of Billions, the television drama series about power and wealth in the world of high finance, is, in many ways, the sound of silence.
According to re-recording mixer, sound editor and sound designer Eric Hirsch, the mission of the Billions sound editorial and mix teams, who are based at Goldcrest Post in New York City, centers on a simple question. “What is the sound of nothing?” he says. “And how do we make it sound like nothing, but sound good?”
The answer? “It’s a rich palette of various unobtrusive things,” Hirsch says. “And every once in a while, there will be a sequence where it's a little bit more of a whiz-bang moment.”
Wall Street types value their peace and quiet, it seems. The Goldcrest team, together with the creators of Billions — Brian Koppelman, David Levien and Andrew Ross Sorkin — plus executive producer Mike Harrop and showrunner/executive producer Beth Schacter, agreed on some basic sound design rules almost from the beginning. “Nobody’s got a phone; there's no such thing as a ringtone in this show. And you can’t hear anything from the other side of the office doors,” Swiatlowski says.
“These traders make a lot of money, and they can invest a lot of money into their offices,” he continues. “So, anytime you're in an office and the door closes, no sound is getting through. But the moment the door opens, we can hear some stuff. That makes it easy for us to prepare what the showrunners are going to want to hear in a scene and what they're not going to want to hear.”
Billions is a very talky show, so the focus is always on the dialogue, whatever else is going on in the background. “So it's about somehow managing to take anything that would interfere with the dialogue and mixing it in a fashion that you can hear it, but it doesn't compete,” Swiatlowski says. The show is mixed in 5.1, although there has been some discussion about Dolby Atmos for the future, he says.
Since many scenes take place in quiet, glass-walled offices, you might imagine that the production mixer would be challenged by reflections. “We have very controlled spaces. They do a lot of work on putting blankets over the glass, so it's not super reflective,” Swiatlowski reports. “And they will sometimes put a blanket above the actor to minimize the amount of pinging around.”
There are also plenty of scenes outside of the brokerage houses on the show, a number of them filmed in Manhattan, where the environment can’t be controlled. But very little looping is done, per the wishes of the showrunners, who would rather have noisier production dialogue than record ADR. “There are probably only 20 cues, at most, in an episode. We do as little looping as possible,” he says.
That said, there are times when ADR is needed: “Mostly it's just adding lines or fixing a story. If we can just squeeze in a word or syllable to fix up a moment, we'll do that.”
There is a lot of music in Billions. “The showrunners, particularly Brian Koppelman, have very specific tastes about needle drops, and they make liberal use of them,” Swiatlowski says. Indeed, the needle drops — previously produced songs not written for the score — have taken on a life of their own, spawning Spotify playlists of tracks by the likes of U2, Fun Lovin’ Criminals and Sly & the Family Stone as well as indie rock favorites from the Replacements, Pylon and Pixies that have featured on the show over the years.
“There are a lot of cues with very, very, very short spaces in between,” he continues. “Also, the score, by Brendan Angelides [also known as Eskmo], is just everywhere. It’s kind of aethereal, but that contributes something to the emotional nature of the scene.”
Much like the sound design, Hirsch says, the music should generally be subliminal. “It's not quite the sound of nothing, but it is sort of the same idea. You don't ever want to be thinking about it, but you want to be propelled by it.”
Their job is to make the words shine and have everything else support that, Swiatlowski stresses. But of course, when the script takes the action outside of the office environment, the Goldcrest crew can have a little fun. “Then we can get a little bit more creative with our ambiences and the things you hear.”
“One thing I found interesting is that there's the dialnorm level that we have to get to,” Hirsch says. “A lot of the time, people are having these very intense, whispered conversations. So we monitor at 77 dBSPL, a really low level, because we have to just crank the mix in order to get up to where it needs to be. And because there's so little other sound, the dialogue has to be really loud. That's been an interesting thing to figure out.”
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gaygryffindorgal · 11 months
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the goldcrests; kerina slytherin
kerina slytherin was the great granddaughter of the hogwarts founder salazar slytherin. she was always headstrong and wanted to carve out her own path. she married aegar by her own choice, although both of their parents had hoped to further their own goals by arranged marriages. kerina had political ambitions of her own but preferred to work behind the scenes instead of taking on an active leadership role, like her predecessor nienna had done. keeping up a certain standard of appearances was important to kerina and she was always immaculately dressed. she and her husband had a close relationship but it became troubled, when aegar began to favour their younger son theodric, since he was said to be the chosen one. kerina grew closer to the pair's elder son elyan, while aegar took theodric along to his travels and raised him to be a leader. kerina didn't want elyan to be sent off to fight in the battles of the rebellion but was overruled by her husband. she always knew elyan had a good mind for politics and that he would have been a better successor. she did care for theodric as well, but felt as though he was being taken away from her and struggled to form a close bond with him. kerina died when elyan was 18, in the same attack that turned the boys into vampires. her death broke aegar's heart and fundamentally changed the family's dynamics. henry of alderly named one of his daughters after her.
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potionboy3 · 1 year
The Goldcrest family | Vigilante shit | Lately I've been dressing for revenge.
In the video: Eadric Spinebreaker (ewan mitchell)  & his wife Vela the bloodwitch (marie avgeropoulos) Elyris Goldcrest (charlie vickers & clive russell)  & and his wife Nienna Wenclock (jeanne goursaud) Aegar The Uncrowned (peter franzén) & his wife Kerina Slytherin (claire forlani)  Elian Goldcrest (gijs blom) & his husband Gabriel Grimm (cody fern) Theo Goldcrest (spencer macpherson) & his husband John Arthur (darren barnet)  + Eadric’s ex; Salazar Slytherin (tom ellis)  
With @gaygryffindorgal
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pleistocene-pride · 18 days
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Regulus regulus better known as the common goldcrest or as the "king of the birds", very small passerine bird in the kinglet family which is endemic to much of Eurasia from the Iberian Pennisula to the Korean Pennisula and from as far north as Siberia to as far south as India, along with patches of North Africa and several islands including but not limited to Japan, Iceland, Sicily, Taiwan, Sardinia, Crete, Ireland, Corsica, Britain, and the Azores. These birds typically live alone or in monogamous pairs which tend to inhabit heathlands and coniferous forests up to 9,800ft in elevation. Here they feed primarily upon insects and other arthropods such as moths, crickets, amphids, spiders, caterpillars, springtails and flies, as well as tree sap. This species is partly migratory, with the northern most populations traveling north to breed and south to over winter. Reaching just 3.3 to 3.7 inches (8.5 to 9.5cms) in length, .16 to .25oz (4.5 to 7 grams) in weight, with a 5.3 to 6.1 inch (13.5 to 15.5cm) wingspan, the common goldcrest is Europe's smallest bird. It is similar in appearance to a warbler, with olive-green upper-parts, buff-white underparts, two white wing bars, and a plain face with conspicuous black irises. The crown of the head has black sides and a narrow black front, and a bright crest, yellow with an orange centre in the male, and entirely yellow in the female. The small, thin bill is black, and the legs are dark flesh-brown.The breeding season begins in April or May depending on the region. A pair will build a well-insulated 3 layered cup-shaped nest out of moss, small twigs, cobwebs, feathers, hair, and lichen in the branches of a tree. Here the female will lay 6 to 13 eggs which are incubated 16 to 19 days until hatching. Which are cared for by both parents until they fledge some 17 to 22 days later. It is not uncommon for common goldcrest pairs to lay 2 or more clutches in a season. Under ideal conditions a common goldcrest will reach sexual maturity at around 1 year of age and may live upwards of 7 years.
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peace-coast-island · 4 months
Diary of a Junebug
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Campfire soups, an unexpected snowfall, and the question of whether some things are better off left alone
What’s the best way to deal with an unexpected winter storm? Piles of warm, cozy blankets, piping hot tea, and yummy soups. To be honest, it wasn’t like we really had anything planned outside, not with how cold it’s been lately. Getting all nice and cozied up in front of a fire is my ideal way of spending these long and often freezing winter days. It’s good - and I think absolutely necessary - to set some time for yourself to be a potato in the dead of winter.
Before the snow hit, I was meeting up with Lana, Michi, Hanzou, Eiko, Lan, and Ruby in Goldcrest, which is about 45 minutes from the camp. They were helping out someone over there, and Daisy Jane and I got sort of involved too. Basically, someone wanted to confirm the identity of a missing person, so Connie asked Michi to handle the case since he’s a detective. So he recruited Hanzou, Eiko, and Lan to help out since they happened to be there. And by chance, the requester, had also hired Lana, which was why she finally received a break in the case after all these years.
Then Ruby asked to tag along as she happened to have some connection with the missing person, though not in a good way, and she needed to warn the others about what they were getting themselves into. In other words, the ending is not what everyone expected and since then, it’s been on our minds. It’s just one of those things where nothing really gets resolved and its completely out of our hands. I can’t help but feel a little let down, but sometimes things just don’t work out and you just have to leave it as it is.
About 25 years ago, Blaire’s younger brother Ricky ran away from home. Blaire said he left out of guilt after accidentally causing a fire in the house. Thankfully, no one was seriously injured, but the second floor of the house required extensive repairs. Being the youngest out of eight, Ricky was often left out, often unintentionally. After getting into a lot of trouble because of the fire, which involved him using a soldering tool unsupervised and leaving it unattended, he probably thought the family would be better off without him.
Because of the repairs going on in the house, Ricky was going to stay with his friend in the meantime. Ricky used that opportunity to escape by telling his friend’s parents that he was gonna stay with his brother instead and having his friend cover for him. With everything being sort of hectic and all, by the time the family realized that Ricky was missing, he had already left the country with an infamous con artist known as Ash.
As for how Ricky ended up with a con artist is a bit of a long story according to Blaire. The year before, the family had a run in with an elderly man who caused quite a bit of trouble by trying to break in. Once they realized that he wasn’t dangerous, just somewhat senile and very lonely, Blaire and her siblings insisted that their father not press charges. Since he had nowhere to go, the family let him stay for the winter. Then after that, they made some calls and got him in contact with some old friends in a city a couple hours away.
It was by chance that the old man was featured in the newspaper on an article about a charity event. When Blaire’s sister noticed the clipping hanging on the fridge was missing after Ricky disappeared, their father immediately took a bus to Ornament Beach. By then, Ricky had been missing for a little over two weeks.
They later found out that Ricky did arrive at Ornament and asked about the old man’s whereabouts, only to find out that he passed away not too long ago. The one who informed him was a friend, the con artist Ash. According to the locals, Ash took Ricky in and it wasn’t long before they were causing trouble. Ash was known for being slick, which was why he often got away so easily. After taking Ricky in, he became more daring with his scams. Eventually, their troubles began catching up with them and so they fled.
Since then, there was no trace of Ash and Ricky. The family was told that it was unlikely that they could be found, especially if they left the country and changed their identities. Blaire held out hope that something would come up, as did her father. She said the family fell apart when Ricky disappeared, though she felt the bad luck really began with her mother’s death months before. Other misfortunes that later followed were her older brother’s failing marriages, her oldest sister’s unexpected death, and her younger brother’s legal troubles. Blaire considers herself lucky that she’s led a relatively uneventful life.
After years of searching on and off with no luck, it was Lana who finally got something. She didn’t want to get Blaire’s hopes up, but it seemed like a lot of things were adding up. To confirm her speculations, she reached out to a local guild in hopes of finding more information about the mysterious individual who might be Ricky. When she found out that he might be troublesome, Lana got concerned, which was why she felt that she needed reinforcements just in case. Given what we uncovered about Ricky and what he’s been up to, I think she made the right call.
Michi and Lana were able to confirm that Rick and Solace are the same person. Ash had trained him well in the art of being a master con artist. Although it’s been years, Blaire felt very strongly that Solace is indeed her brother, nothing how much he resembled their father. I imagine that it was hard for her not to walk right up to him, a thought she said crossed her mind many times while tailing him. Obviously, doing that would end up causing unnecessary trouble. Michi, Lana, and Ruby have dealt with con artists and scummy people, and they know from experience that people like Solace are on a different level.
About 10 years ago, Solace had been living in Marippe. When Ruby heard about Michi’s assignment, she really hoped that she was wrong when she saw his picture. Beryl understandably didn’t want her to tag along but she had to confirm her suspicions. It wasn’t easy for her - and she absolutely didn’t have to. However, Ruby didn’t want Blaire and her family to get hurt if Ricky did indeed turn out to be Solace, especially once they find out what he’s been up to.
Just as we dreaded, Solace was more than just a con artist. Ruby said she never forgot the faces of her kidnappers, the guys who were intent on turning her into a child prostitute. She and her brothers were living in the streets after their mother died, so they became street performers in order to survive. They later caught the attention of some noble who was later convicted for human trafficking. He took Ruby and her brothers in, spoiling them with lavish gifts and insisting that they were like his own children. And then he turned on them by selling Ruby to a friend, another noble who had a thing for young girls.
Ruby obviously didn’t go into much detail, but she recalled that the man had a couple companions with him. The younger man stuck out to her as the man referred to him as inexperienced and eager to learn, which is ugh. It didn’t take long for Ruby to figure out what was about to unfold. Thankfully, before the noble got his hands on her, the authorities came rushing in. She didn’t recall what happened after, though she suspected that the young man and his companion likely fled. If they stayed in Marippe, she would have heard something about them.
Hearing Ruby’s story was more than enough to make Blaire reconsider. Yeah, that’s a horrifying experience. I’m glad that she managed to escape, but even if nothing ended up happening, that kind of thing scars you. What is wrong with some people? If someone I grew up with ended up like that, I don’t know what I’d do either. It’s one of those things where once you find out, you can’t go back and now it’s ruined.
And not surprisingly, there’s also circumstantial evidence that Solace is involved with human trafficking. Lana and Michi have their sources, so let’s just leave it at that. Blaire was understandably in shock and kept going back and forth on whether or not she should tell her family about what she uncovered. Like I said, I really don’t know what to say or do. Maybe it’s one of those situations where trying to get closure does more harm than good.
I wish I could say we were able to help Blaire out, but sometimes things are just left hanging in the air. She said she needed more time before deciding as it’s not something you can just casually tell your folks. Like, how would you even start? “What’s up guys? Good news, I found our long lost brother. Bad news, he’s a fucking creep who scams people for fun and forces young girls to sleep with him.”
I think I agree with Ruby when she told Blaire that the brother she once knew as Ricky no longer exists. Maybe it’s better off to say that he died a long time ago - it beats telling the family what kind of person he became. The family’s suffered through so much, the last thing they probably need is even more pain. Blaire said Ruby’s got a point, though it’ll be hard for her to lie to her family, especially to her father. Again, it’s a difficult call to make, and it’s ultimately up to Blaire to decide what she wants to disclose to her family.
Eiko, Michi, and Hanzou fully agree with Ruby while Lana’s kinda on the fence. It makes sense for her to be the kind of person who cares about getting the truth out, even if it’s hard to accept or could potentially cause more pain. Though she also agrees with Ruby on her reasoning, she feels that maybe telling the family that Ricky died is going a bit too far. But again, maybe it’s better off for the family to think that so they can move on.
Despite how things turned out, Blaire thanked us for helping her out. Even though the truth was difficult for her to accept, at least she was able to find out what happened to her brother. She also reassured us that we shouldn’t feel bad and that in a way, she did find some closure. As for the rest of her family, she obviously needs time to figure out what to say, if she decides to tell them.
Lana and Michi are used to cases ending sort of anticlimactically without a clear conclusion, but they still can’t help but feel inadequate sometimes. However, like Blaire said, it can’t be helped. Sometimes you just have accept things as they are and resist the urge to look into it further, especially when it’ll cause more problems down the road.
Although the whole thing’s still on our minds as we can’t help it, at least the snow’s helping us as sort of a distraction in a good way. This is one of those times where I don’t mind chopping a bunch of veggies as the repetitiveness is quite relaxing. Not mention that the end product - soup - is always worth the effort.
Potato soup is always my go-to when there’s a lot of vegetables that need using up. It’s hearty and filling without it being too heavy, especially since the recipe I loosely follow doesn’t use cream. I specifically looked for a dairy free recipe so I wouldn’t have to use cream and cow’s milk. The recipe calls for soy milk, but I don’t usually have that on hand, so oat milk works. Of course, the texture won’t be the same, but I actually prefer that as it’s still creamy, but not too heavy. Also, the recipe dairy free, but I really only use the recipe so I can make the roux part, so I add cheese and butter, as well as any other veggies I have on hand. It really is a versatile recipe, which is why I often make it.
Since the special fireplace we have holds three pots, we made two other soups. Hanzou, Eiko, and Lan wanted to recreate a seafood soup they had in a restaurant they visited not too long ago as we happened to have all the ingredients on hand. Since they’re pretty sure the restaurant uses a lot of MSG, the taste isn’t exactly the same, but they felt like they did a pretty good job of replicating it. However, they did have to cut down the spice level, so Hanzou made some tweaks to the recipe to make up for that, which Eiko said improved the recipe. It wasn’t hard to put together, just a lot of prep work, and it turned out good.
The third soup we made is more of a stew that kinda combines two recipes. Ruby and Lana came up with the idea to combine them, so it was sort of experimental as we weren’t sure how it was gonna turn out. The reason for that was because they had a recipe in mind, only to find out that we were lacking something. And since both recipes were kinda similar, they figured it won’t be a bad idea to combine them. That’s how we got this hearty meat and veggie stew that’s perfect for a cold winter evening.
Along with making soup, we’ve also been doing some knitting. I’m starting the Traveler’s Cardigan and the wool yarn is so soft and nice to work with. Ruby and her brothers finished their cardigans from our knit along and she brought it with her to show me. She’s very happy with how it turned out, especially since it’s her very first garment. Her brothers also finished their cardigans and she showed me pics. The Epiphany crew also finished theirs not too long ago, as did Connie and Pai and Eloise. I’m happy to say this first knit along was a success!
As for the follow up, we agreed on the Traveler’s Henley tee. I’m still working on finalizing everything, so it’ll be a while before we get started as I want to make sure everyone who’s participating have all their supplies. I’ve extended the invitation so it’ll be much bigger, which means it can be a bit hard to manage. Again, it’s not finalized, but along with everyone from the first knit along, we’ve now got at least 20 more participants, which is exciting!
I never expected it so turn out so well, and that’s kninda making me nervous. And with a turnout like that, I obviously have some projects in mind for future knit alongs. I don’t want to just limit ourselves to garments, so I’ve been looking into accessories like hats and scarves and maybe shawls if anyone’s interested. I don’t wear shawls so I don’t know if I’m interested in making one, but I’ve seen a lot of people make them and they look nice. Socks, I’m iffy about since I’ve never done them before, and I’m afraid it’ll put off the beginners. But obviously, that can change as time goes on.
For now, I’m fine with basic patterns that still keep things engaging so it won’t bore those who are more experiences while not be too intimidating for those who are still learning the basics, which is what this group mostly is. Thankfully, there’s a lot of patterns out these days that can easily satisfy knitters of all skill levels.
Lan also gifted us with tea from Danyang Village, which is known for their pu’er tea. I’ve been really into black tea lately, so this was perfect! Ruby happens to be a tea aficionado and is curious about Yuexing’s tea. While she’s traveled Yuexing Harbor a few times for missions, she has yet to visit Danyang. Apparently, Connie and Pai have yet to visit Danyang too despite being well acquainted in Yuexing Harbor.
According to Lan, it doesn’t really make sense location wise since Danyang is closer to Marippe since it’s up north while the harbor’s more to the southwest. Ahen again, Connie somehow decided to take the long way by traveling from northern Adrikha to Port Maritoise in southern Marippe rather than the more conventional route of Danyang Village to Petrichor, which is a much shorter route. Not to mention that Petrichor is much closer to the city than Port Maritoise.
Then again, if Connie and Pai hadn’t gotten lost in Port Maritoise, they wouldn’t have run into Ruby and Beryl, and later Eloise, Fontaine, and Lady Roselyne. So either way, it all worked out in the end. Though for an experienced adventurer, Connie is said to be somewhat unreliable when it comes to navigation. There’s taking the scenic route, and then there’s Connie doing whatever. Hard to believe that it won’t be long before I hear about their escapades in Sazona and Melovka!
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endlessly-cursed · 2 years
WWTG22: The Welcome Ball 2.0; Prim’s version
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“Don’t worry, I’m a good enough dancer for the both of us,” she whispered, as the first notes of the waltz began to play. 
Primrose started to dance, and Malcolm was still nervous and tense. She whispered “Breathe. Right now, the only thing that matters is us.” She gently squeezed her hand into his shoulder as a reassurance, and kept guiding him, their eyes never parting from the other. a sky blue meeting the blue sea, like Gaia and Uranus found one another again. 
Though her heart was racing, she told herself that she’d be the one who was calm and collected. She whispered him to follow her lead and think of nothing else but the dance. He spun her around, and Primrose’s breath caught in her lungs, but said nothing of it. His rather big shoe nearly stopped on her, but Primrose’s quick feet prevented it, and Malcolm nodded her thank you. 
The next step was for Malcolm to pick her up and he did, and was surprised of how light she was. He easily spun her around, and slowly put her on the floor, their noses nearly touching. She prayed that Elian was far enough not to hear her heartbeat, that was as quick as a hummingbird. His hand moved to her lower back and dipped her, and she took a deep breath, collecting her thoughts. When she came back to him, they were close again-- too close. She could hear him gulp, and she was glad that she was not the only one. 
With one last spin, the song stopped and everyone clapped. Malcolm gently kissed her hand and she curtsied to him, her cheeks warm from the activity “I look forward our next dance.” 
“As do I. You’re an excellent teacher, Lady Gray.” 
She smiled and he left, probably to drink champagne. She could notice a presence behind her, and she quickly spun around to find Henry, and she sighed of relief. He was quick to ask her to dance, as they had done every Christmas. Primrose smiled “Thought you’d never ask.” 
The minuet started, and they went to the dancefloor, and the guests clapped, glad to see the iconic couple back into the dancefloor. Henry politely bowed, and so did Primrose, and soon began dancing, imitating the other’s gestures and talking back-and-forth, teasing one another “It’s a crying same you can’t dance with Elian, truly.” 
“It’s fine. Last thing we want is to cause you another scandal. You’ve got enough in your plate with Lord Archibald and your dissolved engagement to Mr. Devlin.” 
She nodded, and enjoyed the last minutes of the minuet, bowing again and everyone clapped. When everyone started talking to one another and Henry was gone, she beckoned her trusted valet, Ms. Barry, to come to her, “Aye, my lady?” 
“When everyone goes to bed, please ask Mr. Goldcrest and His Highness to come here. Lit a few candles as well.” 
“Of course, ma’am. Anything else?” 
“Yes. Do keep this to yourself.” 
“As you wish, my lady.” 
She smiled and turned around to find a nervous William Devlin waiting for her conversation to end. He bowed politely and asked “May I have this next dance?” 
She nodded, now a bit nervous-- she had done many events with Mr. Devlin, but this time, all eyes would be on them. This had been agreed between Lord Carlisle and her father to show everyone there was no bad blood between the families and that all was well. 
The moment the country dance started, Prim sighed relieved. Though very jumpy and with far more movement, it was lighthearted and fun to do. The jolly song started, and William and Primrose started to dance and spin, and soon the majority of guests joined, forgetting for a moment their troubles. William and Primrose spun around, and she couldn’t help but laugh, and so did he. Soon, the dance ended and they bowed to one another, breathless and smiling. The applause was sound and everyone whispered about how good they got along. 
When she went for a small bottle of champagne, she spotted the Earl of Wexford holding a scented handkerchief. It had the initials N.S embroidered beautifully and whispered “Missing a certain sultana, are you?” 
He gasped, waking from his trance and nodded, fully knowing he couldn’t fool the lady “I was wondering if she would’ve accepted to be here, should she had remained in England. She’s probably to marry a Pasa of the empire.” 
“What if she isn’t? If I’ve learnt something this past year, is that true love finds its way back where they belong.” 
“And where is that, my lady?” 
Primrose smiled “Where they are loved.” 
She curstied and left, sipping her champagne and spotting her father talking to Jesse Seymour. A wave of feelings came over her. She still loved her father, but was hurt and betrayed of his role in her engagement and his true intentions. He looked over his shoulder and spotted her. He grinned at her, but she just couldn’t. His confession still hurt. 
She emptied the glass and went over to talk to Miss Fawley, who was trying to keep track of a conversation between her fiancé and a guest she was yet to recognize. 
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Midnight fell upon Winbourne, and Elian was looking for Primrose. When he saw candlelight in the hall, he went there... to find an equally confused Henry, who was looking for her as well. They both were surprised and delighted to find one another there “Elian. Primrose summoned you here as well?” 
“Yes. I wonder where that girl is.” 
Henry was about to propose to look for her when another candle was lit and a beautifully romantic sonata started playing... with Primrose there, sitting in front of the gigantic piano. Elian chuckled and Henry smiled. 
Elian offered his hand “May I have this dance, Your Royal Highness?” 
Henry beamed, playing alone “You may, Mr. Goldcrest.” 
Primrose kept playing as both men danced in the small but intimate candlelight. focused on no one but them. Henry was smiling wide, and Elian had a small smile on his lips, clearly glad he got to dance with Henry in the end, with no scrutiny. Impossible to miss the sparks between them, who put to shame electricity itself. 
At one point, Henry rested his head on Elian’s shoulder and Elian rested his on Henry’s head, both savouring this rare moment. Primrose gave them one more minute, making the song a bit longer. Then, she got up and told them to enjoy a few minutes more and they promised not to leave evidence. 
Content to have helped the lovers, she headed upstairs to her room, but not without glancing at Malcolm’s. 
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Malcolm Stolberg-Burke and Henry of Alderly belongs to @gaygryffindorgal​ 
Elian Goldcrest belongs to @potionboy3​ 
Selina Fawley belongs to @gcldensnitch​ 
Simon Battersea belongs to @unfortunate-arrow​ 
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notesfrommyvalley · 2 years
Here, let me tell you a story, it’s quite true you know, but it happened a long time ago.
It’s a story of tiny cunning and how to win, maybe even a story of how to win by cheating, but who are we to judge.
There was a time when the birds had got out of hand, infighting and family squabbles had nearly become war, and so the owls proposed a idea.
‘We should have a king’ they said. A wise bird to rule us all and settle all these disagreements.
The other birds could quite easily see where this was going, and as the owls have sharp beaks and talon’s they are not always to be trusted. Wise they may be, but not kind. Still, it was agreed, it was a good basic idea. A king to settle things, to keep order. But who?
Because the chickens and the ostriches seemed not ideal leaders a plan was hatched to have a flying competition, the bird that flew highest would rule. Not fair maybe to the smallest birds, maybe, or then again, maybe not.
So the day of the competition was set, a fine flying day, clear blue sky, good warm thermals and at a call from the cockerel (given the job of herald to make up for having no chance at all) the birds set off. A great flurry and clatter, the air pushed this way and that as all the birds took to the air at once. Up and up they went, pushing through the air further and further until wings ached and lungs burnt and one by one they stopped trying and floated down.
As the day went on the larger and the faster birds still flew, the swifts may well have won but they got bored and flew suddenly off, streaking away in pure joy of flight. The owls tried hard, but couldn’t match the peregrines, the hawks and the eagles.
Up and up they went, one by one even the largest birds tired, until only a few eagles were left, gliding up on a thermal where possible, flapping with effort, exhausted but competitive, one after another tiring and gliding away to watch. Finally the last eagle, a huge golden one was left, alone above all of the other birds. He was exhausted, barely able to hold his wings straight but also triumphant. ‘I’m king’ he screamed into the air! But even as his voice rang out he felt a rustle on his back between his wings, out from his feathers a tiny wren popped. With a few fast flaps he was out of reach, small, brown and laughing.
‘Thanks for the lift kingmaker bird’ the wren called down ‘but it’s me that’s king of all the birds’
Obviously there was outrage and legal challenges, but the rules were straightforward and the wren hadn’t broken any. He had, and all eventually agreed, flown higher than every other bird, even if he had only really flown about 10ft from the back of the eagle. He was also loud and well able to keep order, his voice rings out to this day scolding the other birds for misbehaving.
You can tell this is a true story, because sometimes, if you are lucky, you will see the wren in his king robes and crown.
People who don’t know the story call him a Goldcrest then, but now you know who he is you must remember to bow.
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