smallturtlebomb · 24 days
In my head I have these scenarios where my different fandoms will either fight or hang out. And my main 2 fandoms rn are rottmnt and dungeon meshi so I have this crazy scenario.
Raph is just chilling, minding his own business before Senshi comes OUT OF NO WHERE and kicks Raph in the face. Then Donnie tries to attack him but Marcille takes him down with her magic powers (since magic is better, science is for 🤓☝️) . Anyways, they pick up Donnie and Laios is like “ooo soft shell ^_^ they r the most edible so let’s cook him!” But before Senshi and Chilchuck can put Donnie in the pot to make some banger turtle soup, Mikey and Leo come in like: “hey hey maybe don’t do that! Pls don’t eat out brother. How abt u guys just make pizza for all of us to eat ^^” They all agree on that and Senshi gets to work like he’s Walter White making meth. He finishes the meal and it looks like the most jaw dropping pizza ever made, better than an Italian chef. They soon make up and eat the food and became buddies.
My brain comes up with the most goofiest scenarios I’m sorry. but I just REALLY had to write this down.
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smallturtlebomb · 3 months
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(Here is the original screenshot btw)
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smallturtlebomb · 3 months
Oh mi gosh…. What’s that in the distance…? MY AU BITCHES‼️🚨‼️ In present to you: New Generation AU! Oc x canon ship has kids basically and they have trauma. Anyways I write my au on Wattpad and idk if I should make a comic or not. These r old drawings btw and I might change up their designs in some drawings! But I finally finished up the reference sheets for the main six and I hope u like them!!! ^^ if I wanna learn more btw feel free to ask me :3 (also reference poses made by mellon_soup)
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smallturtlebomb · 1 month
More lore… How the Mad Dogz met TLND :3
There was a celebration going on in the Hidden City… Every year. Different clans will visit the underground city and participate in different activities and challenges. April soon found out about this event and decided to tell the turtles, Splinter, and Draxum. Soon they signed up the Hamato clan for the event and entered the area with different traditional Japanese clothing. There was also a barrier that made the undead members of different clans be alive for one day for this event so Karai was able to participate. The boys walked around the area while Karai soon bumped into somebody.
“Oh my apologies sir-“ She soon looked the person in the face, its was her old friend Kori. He had his usual spiky toothy grin on his face while looking at Karai.
“Well well well… isn’t it the traitor Karai. How was the Twilight realm?” Korii said with a smug smile while Karai glared at him.
The boys soon looked over at the two with confused faces. “Uhm gram-gram? Who’s this?” Raph asked while Korii looked at the four.
“This is… an old friend of mine..” Karai said as Korii soon interrupted her.
“I wouldn’t say friend. I’d say, enemy of the Hamato Clan.” Korii said with a chuckle, soon putting his hands hands his hips and judging the four. “And this is the future of the Hamato clan? They look.. puny and weak, just like you.” Korii teased.
“Hey don’t you disrescpt gram-gram like that!” Leo glared at Korii.
“Or what? What are you going to do with those toothpicks for arms?” Korii giggled while Karai made him back up.
“Calm down Korii. No need to bully some teens.” Karai said as Korii groaned.
“Ugh! You’re no fun. Still the same old Karai from four hundred years ago..” Korii said.
“But I have a question… why are we rivals exactly?” Mikey asked as Korii smirked.
“Oh this’ll be good..” Korii mumbled as he went up to Mikey.
“Well long ago, me and Karai were childhood friends. We were inseparable! Doing everything together. But one day i got a curse put on me to look like this.. and since yōkai weren’t respected by humans, Karai instantly became frightened of me and ran me out of the village, she even made some humans try to find me and defeat me. I struggled and struggled but i eventually made my own clan called the Nakaruma Clan and we would have many battles. We eventually stopped fighting but still remained enemies. Guess your gram-gram is not so pure-hearted as you think she is..” Korii said while faking a pout. Karai sighed.
“But I’ve changed Korii-.” Karai was once again interrupted. “ah pup pup! You’re many years too late. So are you signing up your future leaders for the battle?” Korii asked.
“Battle? What battle?” Donnie questioned.
“It’s where different leaders pick different members of their clan to fight other people from different clans so they can win first place in a competition. And I’ve already got my team picked out!” Kori said confidently.
“What are they? Annoying like you? Karai said, Korii had an annoyed smile.
“Now not really. I can show you though.” Korii soon whistled with his fingers. “Dolls! I need you over here!” He called out. What looked like two mutants and two yōkai came running down one of the hills. One of the yōkai turned into a giant panther and tackled Raph, trying to scare him. He screamed a bit before the panther began to laugh.
“That! That was priceless! Can’t believe a big guy like you was scared!” The panther said. They soon transformed back into their normal state which is a nekomata yōkai wearing a fire themed kimono She got off of Raph, putting her hands on her hips. The other three soon came down the hill. It was two sea turtles and a kitsune yōkai that stood next to the nekomata.
“Mari-Lynn.. can you maybe not do that again? You caused a scene.” One of the mutant sea turtles said. He was pretty tall and was wearing an ocean themed kimono.
“So what? You’re just killing the fun.” The nekomata said. “Scaring people is not fun.” The tall sea turtle mutant said. “Well you’re just too much of a wuss to have some fun.” The short mutant sea turtle said. “Can you three stop bickering? We got some company.” The kitsune said, hinting at the brothers
“Hamatos. I would like you to meet the future of the Nakaruma clan. The cat here is Mari-Lynn. Tall guy up here is Akira. Short girl down here is Mina. And grumpy pants is Rae.” Korii listed.
“So, are you guys signing up for the battle?” Mina asked.
“Well actually-“ Karai soon interrupted Raph. “Yes, they are.” She said. “Gram-Gram what are you-“ Leo was soon interrupted as well. “Boys, Korii has been non stop bothering and annoying me ever since we were kids. If you win this his charisma will die down. Plus all you have to do is defeat some nerds.” Karai said while the four nodded. “Alright. We’ll beat you in this battle.” Raph said. “Sure you will..” Mari-Lynn said confidently. “See you one the battle field turtles.” Mari-Lynn and her friends walked away to get ready for the battle .
Half and hour passed and it was time for the battle. The Mad Dogs and TLND were ready to fight. They went against different clan members before rising to the top to defeat each other. It was set in the order of Raph VS. Mari-Lynn, Donnie VS. Akira, Leo VS. Rae, and Mikey VS. Mina.
Mina used both of her Charkram to attack Mikey. Slashing at his face while Mikey dodged some of her attacks with his nunchucks but eventually got cornered, attacked, and kicked out of the battle.
Rae soon tried to slash Leo with her Tachi but Leo tripped her making her fall face first. Rae growled and slashed her Tachi against his ankles soon maki him fall to the ground. Rae got up from the floor and kicked him hard in the plastron, winning their section of the battle
Akira then went speed fast towards Donnie with his Kanabō, aiming for his head. The two kept on battling each other before Donnie struck Akira hard in the back with his Bo staff, winning the fight.
It was now Raph and Mari-Lynn’s turn. They were battling for a few minutes before a screen showed up above them. It was Big Mama and she did not looked pleased. “The turtley-boos? And the brat cat that ruined my hotel? No this won’t do!” Big Mama said as Raph looked at Mari-Lynn. “What did you do to the hotel exactly?” He asked with a suspicious expression. “I may or may not have trashed her hotel once.” Mari-Lynn crossed her arms, Raph’s expression turned into a shocked one.
Big Mama soon entered the arena, ready to fight the two. “Shit… ML get out of there!” Somebody yelled, it was her uncle Reggie. Of course Mari-Lynn didn’t listened and began to fight Big Mama. Raph soon joined in as well, trying to take her down. They kept failing to keep her down son Mari-Lynn looked over at Raph.
“Hey! Big red! It looks like we’re not gonna take her down unless we work together so… truce? For now at least?” Mari-Lynn said. She wasn’t used to making truces with the enemy but she decided to do it this time so she can stop fighting the pain in the ass which was Big Mama.
“Fine. Let’s beat this bozo.” Raph said. The both of them did different distractions so the other can land a hit on Big Mama. They both dashed towards her, aiming to kick her face. “Smashin! Dashin! Like a boss!” They both yelled, knocking Big Mama down with a hard kick. Big Mama fell to the floor, the both of them smiling. The crowd cheered for their victory.
“I didn’t know a Hamato can be that strong.” Mari-Lynn said, impressed with his skill. “And I didn’t know a Nakaruma was that fast.” Raph said, smirking at her.
Splinter and Reggie soon came rushing to the both of them. Reggie immediately pulled Mari-Lynn into a hug. “Goddammit Mari I was so worried! You could’ve gotten yourself killed..” Reggie said as Mari-Lynn patted his back. “Sorry tío..” She mumbled. Reggie let go of the hug and sighed.
“Good, now… ¡¿EN QUÉ ESTABAS PENSANDO?! ¡IR CORRIENDO A LUCHAR CONTRA MAMÁ! ¡¿ESTÁS LOCO?! OH, JURO POR DIOS QUE SI VUELVES A HACER ESTA MIERDA, TE CASTIGARÉ DURANTE MESES, JOVENCITA.” Reggie started to scold Mari-Lynn. Splinter soon did the same with Raph. The two kept scolding each other before Korii and Karai soon interrupted them.
“If we may intervene, you two work surprisingly good together. You two were basically in sync, knew all the weak spots to Big Mama-“ Korii soon cut Karai off. “And did some cool catchphrase.” Korii said while Karai nodded. “What we’re saying is that you two should work together. Even though me and Korii still hate each other, that probably shouldn’t stop you from being together.”
Raph was surprised by her words while Mari-Lynn smiled. “Well he was pretty good. I can see myself being buds with him. So wanna keep this ‘truce’?” Mari-Lynn asked, sticking out her hand for Raph to shake. “Sure.” Raph nodded, shaking her hand. The others heard the news too, surprised but they eventually started to talk to each other. Both groups then kept hanging out and talking for the rest of the event until it was time to head home. All eight of them surprisingly enjoyed the others company and went home, hoping to hang out and fight bad guys together again.
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smallturtlebomb · 1 month
LORE TIME!1!!1!1!1!11!!!1!1!1!1!
‼️‼️TW/CW: mentions of beheading, death mention, childhood trauma, etc… just really gorey stuff…‼️‼️
Maria Linda or Mari-Lynn, born April 22, had a very normal life for a nekomata yokai. She’s apart of a clan called the Nakaruma clan. She has loving parents, caring family, amazing friends, and shelter. Until one day, one of the powerful clan members, Daichi Meiyo, a tengu yokai, went insane by an unknown spell. He told Mari-Lynn’s parents aka the leaders named Adella and Vincent that he deserved to be leader since he said that he had many big plans for them. “You’re going insane Daichi! You have to leave and sort this all out before you put us all in danger!” Vincent shouted. Daichi huffed and left them alone for years. Mari-Lynn was now six years old and now has a little brother named Duncan. But just as things seemed to die down Daichi came back with a few allies to accompany him. They soon began to attack different clan memebers. Daichi aimed for the leaders of the clan with his odatachi. Vincent was using tekko-kagi’s to try and attack Daichi back while Adella used sai’s to aim for Daichi’s back. She was about to strike him until Daichi turned around quickly and held her by the neck. Mari-Lynn was hiding in the background watching the fight as he baby brother was holding onto her. Vincent saw Adella get choked in front of his eyes which cause his fire powers to trigger and fight in a blind rage. The fire soon got near flammable decorations that soon lit the decorations and house on fire. Different members tried to escape the fire but some were either killed by Daichi’s members, burned to a crisp by the fire, or tried fighting off Daichi’s members. Daichi had a wicked smile on his face as he looked at Vincent. “Adella was always a skilled ninja that could move at the speed of light but she always thought she was better than everybody and thought she could get through everything… but she won’t be thinking that no more….” Daichi soon cut off her head with her odatachi. Mari-Lynn and Duncan watched in horror as their father soon charged at Daichi at full speed, ready to get revenge for his loved one but ended up getting his head chopped off as well. Duncan began to cry and dig his head into Mari-Lynn’s chest. The crying caused Daichi to look over at the two, his crazed smile still visible on his face. Mari-Lynn soon grabbed the weapons from her parents’s lifeless body and ran away with her brother in her arms. Daichi soon started to chase them, his odatachi already on her neck, bleeding and ready to be cutoff. Until her uncle Reggie swooped in just in time and knocked the odatachi out of Daichi’s hands with his bo staff. He quickly grabbed Mari-Lynn and Duncan, running into the forest in front of the burning building. Daichi didn’t bother to follow them and soon left the area with his allies. Reggie and what was the rest of the clan regrouped in the forest. There was many members either had severe or minor injuries. Some were talking to friends or family members, some were resting, and some were helping others out. Mari-Lynn and Duncan went over to their friend group where Akira, Mina, Igor, and Rae were resting on a log. Reggie soon got the attention from the other clan members and began to speak. “Hello everybody, i know this was all sudden but i have some bad news. Vincent and Adella have left us which leaves me in charge of the clan until Mari-Lynn is old enough to run it.” The people were surprised, sad, or angry. Especially Mari-Lynn. Reggie soon sighed. “Well we do have some options for all of you. Stay here in Japan and stay in the Nakaruma clan in Japan, go back to your home country and lead that version of the Nakaruma, or join me and travel to find a new place to start another generation of the Nakaruma.” The members soon decided what to do. “Well stay with you.” The Kimura’s ans Koji’s said. “Well go back to our home country.” The Owens said. Igor soon frowned about this news. “But mom-“ Igor was soon interrupted. “It’s for the best son.” His father said, Igor looked down at the floor. “Then it’s settled. Everybody grab your remains from the fire and make your leave, let’s try to stay in contact.”
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smallturtlebomb · 3 months
Yo my name is smallturtlebomb but u can just call me STB or Luz. I’m here to post abt my art, hyperfixations, fics, and random stuff. I’m gender-fluid (but typically i like they/them pronouns). And I like boys and girls as well :3 I am also a MINOR so please for the love of god, dont send anything weird.
My carrd:
Persona/irl stb ref sheet:
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Roleplay Blogs:
@c0m1c-c0llecter (Odyn from the last ronin)
@n0-1sc0ttp1lgr1mfan (ML my tmnt oc)
@s3a-sc3n3-k1ng (Akira my tmnt oc)
@s0ur-fl0wer (Mina my tmnt oc)
@th30r1z3r (Rae my tmnt oc)
@gradient-orange (My version on Michelangelo!!)
Right now I’m obsessing over: tmnt (mostly rise), dungeon meshi, guilty gear, splatoon, tadc, trolls, itsv/atsv, studio ghibli films, amphibia, the owl house, and a bunch more…
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DNI: basic dni, transphobia, homophobia, heavy nsfw, proshipping, incest, pedophilia, zoophiles, ableism, racism, sexism, just people who are mean and weird like that...
Tmnt oc stuff:
How the Mad Dogz met TLND
ML’s backstory.
Mari-Lynn’s ref sheet
Akira’s ref sheet (coming soon..)
Mina’s ref sheet (coming soon..)
Rae’s ref sheet (coming soon..)
Korii and Daichi ref sheet
New Generation (rottmnt bad future au)
NGAU ref sheets/some other au stuff:
Junie, Mayday, Niccolò, Kiyoshi, Lou, Diana’s ref sheets
Voice claims for the Mad Pupz and L.I.T.A.
(Old) F!ML ref sheet
(Old) F!Akira ref sheet
F!Mina ref sheet
F!Rae ref sheet (coming soon..)
F!Raph ref sheet
F!Leo ref sheet (coming soon..)
F!Mikey ref sheet (coming soon..)
F!Donnie ref sheet (coming soon..)
Kraang 8 ref sheet
Kraang 7 ref sheet
Kraang 6 ref sheet (coming soon..)
Kraang 5 ref sheet (coming soon..)
Kraang 4 ref sheet (coming soon..)
This user:
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annndddd that’s about it.. hope u have fun here!!
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last updated: 5/29/2024 on iPhone
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smallturtlebomb · 3 months
The urge to write and draw about my oc x canon ships is strong rn.
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smallturtlebomb · 11 days
GO READ IT!!!! ^_^
Never read the first chapter? Start here!
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smallturtlebomb · 3 months
Lowkey I’m gonna try improving my shading and highlighting my drawings. Maybe work on some animation and comics. I’m just feeling really productive and I hope this continues :3
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smallturtlebomb · 3 months
Section 1: Akira Kimura
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Akira Kimura is an Olive Ridley Sea Turtle. He has two moms and one sister (His moms being Kōki and Miu Kimura and his sister being Mina Kimura). He is gay and uses he/him pronouns!! He is 6’3, Korean and Japanese, and loves to play his drums and piano. He also likes writing, drawing, surfing/skating,,singing, crafting, training. He is the drummer in his band (The Late Night Dolls/TLND) and the backup vocals. In his private time he likes dressing up as a girl (yes he is a drag queen). Also by joining Mari-Lynn’s clan (The Nakaruma Clan) He got two special powers. He can control water and he can clone/make life (but he doesn’t know about the second power yet..)
Some head canons:
• He will totally listen to you rant about your interest, as long as you do the same with him.
• His favorite music genres are Punk rock, Jazz rock, j-pop, k-pop, hip hop metal, and grunge!
• He is a huge nerd about romance films (mostly movies like studio ghibli)
• He has a big fat crush one Donnie and tries his best to hide it (it’s sometimes obvious)
• He calls Donnie “Don-Don”. He also calls Rae “Rae-Rae”
• He loves writing songs and poems (some songs in the band are made by him).
Andddd…. That’s all I can remember for Akira. Feel free to ask him (and other characters) some questions as well!
Section 2: Mari-Lynn Nakaruma
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Maria Linda Nakaruma (also known as Mari-Lynn), is a 5’9 Nekomata yōkai. He has one brother and one uncle (where r her parents? That’s a story for another day!). She is Pansexual and uses any pronouns (mainly She/He/They)! She’s also Japanese Puerto Rican and plays the guitar and is the lead vocals for her band. He also likes drawing (mostly doing graffiti art tho), skating, training, reading comic books, doing punk stuff too! Her main powers are Controlling fire, shapeshifting into different felines, and raising the dead (but she can barely control the zombie power). He is also the next leader of the Nakaruma Clan and sort of looks forward to it.
Some head canons:
• She loves watching/Reading “Ryan Collin Vs. The Alternate Universe” which is just rottmnt’s version of Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World”
• Big fan of horror movies (Like human centipede but I’ve never watched it in my life)
• Her favorite music genres are: Punk rock, metal, hip hop, grunge, and j-pop
• Also has a crush on Raphael and hides it pretty well (he can’t hold it in much longer, he has to confess..)
• Her uncle helped her make her band and learn how to play music
• ML is a chill but chaotic person
And that concludes ML’s section! U can also ask her some questions if you’d like! ^^
Section 3: Mina Kimura
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Mina Kimura is the little sister of Akira. She is a 5’3 Kemp’s Ridley Sea Turtle but doesn’t have the marks like Akira (She actually gets the marks from her mom Koki)! She uses She/Her pronouns and is AroAce! She is also Korean and Japanese as well and is the bassist and music editor in the band. She loves creating a bunch of outfits and clothes (Akira mostly gets dresses made from her), Swimming, doing makeup, skating/surfing, drawing, and painting. Her powers in the Nakaruma Clan are controlling nature and Telekinesis.
Some head canons:
• Mina provides clothes for everybody (including some yōkai’s and mutants living on the streets of New York or The Underground City.
• Mina loves watching stop motion films
• Mina is chaotic but sweet too
• Mina gives good advice to people when they need help
• She protects her older brother since he can be insecure at times
• Her favorite music genres are: Punk rock, metal, hip hop, breakcore, Indie music, and Chiptune
And that ends Mina’s section. Now for my last but certainly not least oc…
Section 4: Rae Koji
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Rae Koji is an 5’9 Kitsune yōkai. Her family has been ‘missing’ ever since an incident (that I’ll explain next time). She is a lesbian and uses She/Her pronouns. She’s Japanese Chinese and the backup guitarist and vocals for her band. She likes graffiti, skating, playing games, watching movies, and reading. Her powers are controlling wind, shapeshifting, and healing. She is most of the time grumpy and silent but cares about her friends a lot.
Some head canons:
• Painting can calm her down
• She has a crush on ML and gets a bit jealous whenever ML talks abt Raph
• Her favorite music genres are: Punk rock, lofi, metal, j-pop, and hip hop
• Rae collects anime figures and action figures (she also puts them in cool poses and takes pictures of them)
• She’s really competitive while playing games with her friends
• She also has some Lou Jitsu merch in her room
And that concludes the info/head canons of my ocs!! This took a lot to type out so I hope u enjoyed reading! Baii now! <3
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smallturtlebomb · 3 months
I literally have a bunch of art projects unfinished but I have been writing a lot more than usual. Idk if I should wing it and try to finish my projects or continue writing until it dies down and try to continue my art.
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