#sns: naver
loonavrsl · 2 months
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240223 Jaden Jeong blog post ARTMS' debut album DALL will be a full-length album; mastering expected to be completed by Monday
Source: orrery_nim
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rfgjusgfys · 2 months
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인스타 계정 판매 전략, 텔레 @id1688전문가의 비밀 노하우
인스타그램 계정 판매의 중요성
계정 성장 전략
콘텐츠 품질 향상
타겟 오디언스 파악
해시태그 활용
유료 광고 전략
인스타그램 광고 타겟 설정
광고 캠페인 최적화
커뮤니티 구축
팔로워와의 상호 작용
협력 관계 구축
포스팅 빈도 및 타이밍
최적의 포스팅 빈도
타이밍의 중요성
인스타 계정 판매 전략, 전문가의 비밀 노하우
인스타그램은 현재 많은 사람들이 소셜 미디어 플랫폼으로서의 역할을 경험하고 있는 중요한 플랫폼 중 하나입니다. 특히, 비즈니스 관점에서는 인스타그램이 제공하는 시각적인 콘텐츠를 통해 상품이나 서비스를 홍보하고 판매하는 데 매우 유용한 도구가 되고 있습니다. 그러나 인스타그램 계정을 성공적으로 판매하고 홍보하기 위해서는 몇 가지 전략과 노하우가 필요합니다.
계정 성장 전략
콘텐츠 품질 향상
인스타그램에서는 시각적인 콘텐츠가 매우 중요합니다. 따라서 판매하려는 제품이나 서비스에 관련된 고품질의 이미지나 동영상을 게시하는 것이 필요합니다. 콘텐츠의 품질을 높이기 위해서는 고해상도의 이미지를 사용하고, 창의적이고 독특한 콘텐츠를 제공해야 합니다.
타겟 오디언스 파악
인스타그램을 활용한 판매 전략에서는 타겟 오디언스를 정확히 파악하는 것이 중요합니다. 제품이나 서비스를 소비할 가능성이 있는 고객층을 명확히 이해하고, 그들의 관심사나 선호도에 맞는 콘텐츠를 제공해야 합니다.
해시태그 활용
인스타그램에서는 해시태그를 통해 다양한 사람들에게 콘텐츠를 노출시킬 수 있습니다. 따라서 관련성 높은 해시태그를 사용하여 포스팅을 해야 합니다. 또한, 인기 있는 해시태그를 파악하여 활용하는 것이 중요합니다.
유료 광고 전략
인스타그램 광고 타겟 설정
인스타그램 광고를 효과적으로 활용하기 위해서는 정확한 타겟 설정이 필요합니다. 광고를 노출할 대상 그룹을 명확히 정의하고, 해당 그룹에 맞는 콘텐츠를 제공해야 합니다.
광고 캠페인 최적화
광고 캠페인을 최적화하기 위해서는 광고의 성과를 지속적으로 분석하고 개선해야 합니다. 클릭률이나 전환율 등의 지표를 통해 광고의 효과를 평가하고, 필요한 경우에는 광고 전략을 수정하거나 변경해야 합니다.
커뮤니티 구축
팔로워와의 상호 작용
인스타그램 팔로워들과의 상호 작용은 판매 활동에 매우 중요합니다. 팔로워들과의 소통을 유지하고 그들의 의견이나 피드백에 신속하게 대응하는 것이 필요합니다.
협력 관계 구축
인스타그램에서는 다른 사용자나 브랜드와의 협력을 통해 판매 활동을 더욱 효과적으로 진행할 수 있습니다. 유명한 인플루언서나 다른 회사와의 협업을 통해 더 많은 사람들에게 제품이나 서비스를 홍보할 수 있습니다.
포스팅 빈도 및 타이밍
최적의 포스팅 빈도
인스타그램에서는 포스팅의 빈도가 팔로워들의 관심을 유지하는 데 중요합니다. 너무 자주 포스팅하면 팔로
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safrdshrtyku · 2 months
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인스타그램 계정 판매, 텔레 @id1688성공 비결을 밝히는 전문가 인터뷰
Created with AIPRM Prompt "Human Written |100% Unique |SEO Optimized Article"
인스타그램 계정 판매, 성공 비결을 밝히는 전문가 인터뷰
1. 소개: 인스타그램의 성장과 계정 판매의 트렌드
1.1 인스타그램의 인기와 확장
1.2 계정 판매의 부상
2. 전문가 인터뷰: 성공적인 인스타그램 계정 판매 비결
2.1 전문가 소개
2.2 성공적인 계정 판매 전략
2.2.1 품질 있는 콘텐츠의 중요성
2.2.2 타겟 오디언스 파악
2.2.3 소셜 미디어 마케팅의 활용
2.2.4 계정 유지와 성장 전략
3. 판매 프로세스: 인스타그램 계정 매각 방법
3.1 계정 평가와 가격 책정
3.2 계약 및 이전 절차
4. 성공 사례 분석: 실제 성과와 경험 공유
4.1 성공적으로 판매된 계정 사례
4.2 판매 과정에서의 경험과 배운 점
5. 인스타그램 계정 판매의 미래 전망
5.1 시장 동향과 변화
5.2 미래에 대한 전망과 전략
6. 결론
7. FAQ
7.1 계정 판매 시 걱정되는 사항은 무엇인가요?
7.2 어떻게 인스타그램 계정을 가치 있게 만들 수 있나요?
7.3 계정 판매에 필요한 시간과 노력은 얼마나 되나요?
7.4 인스타그램 계정 판매의 위험은 무엇인가요?
7.5 계정 판매 후 유지 관리에 대해 어떤 조언이 있나요?
인스타그램은 현재 가장 인기 있는 소셜 미디어 플랫폼 중 하나로 자리매김하고 있습니다. 특히, 이 플랫폼에서 활발한 활동을 통해 수많은 인기 계정이 탄생하고 있습니다. 이러한 계정들은 다양한 분야에서의 영향력을 가지며, 그만큼 많은 사람들의 주목을 받고 있습니다. 그러나, 일부 사용자들은 자신의 계정을 판매하고자 하는 욕구를 느끼게 됩니다. 이는 다양한 이유로 인해 발생할 수 있는데, 예를 들어 시간적 제약이나 관리의 어려움 등이 있습니다.
이에 대한 솔루션으로는 자신의 계정을 판매하는 것이 대안으로 제시되고 있습니다. 그러나, 이러한 프로세스는 쉽지 않을 수 있습니다. 이에 대한 전문적인 조언과 인터뷰를 통해, 인스타그램 계정 판매의 성공적인 전략과 비결에 대해 알아보겠습니다.
2. 전문가 인터뷰: 성공적인 인스타그램 계정 판매 비결
인스타그램 계정 판매에 대한 전문가로서, 저는 다양한 경험을 바탕으로 성공적인 판매 전략에 대해 이야기하고자 합니다.
2.2 성공적인 계정 판매 전략
2.2.1 품질 있는 콘텐츠의 중요성
인스타그램에서는 콘텐츠가 모든 것입니다. 사용자들은 흥미롭고 가치 있는 콘텐츠를 찾으며, 이를 통해 계정의 인기와 가치를 결정합니다. 따라서, 판매하려는 계정에는 품질 높은 콘텐츠를 제공하는 것이 매우 중요합니다.
2.2.2 타겟 오디언스 파악
성공적인 계정 판매를 위해서는 타겟 오디언스를 정확하게 파악하는 것이 필수적입니다. 자신의 계정이 어떤 종류의 사용자들에게 가치가 있는지를 이해하고, 그들의 관심사와 선호도에 맞는 콘텐츠를 제공하는 것이 중요합니다.
2.2.3 소셜 미디어 마케팅의 활용
인스타그램을 비롯한 다양한 소셜 미디어 플랫폼은 마케팅에 매우 효과적인 도구입니다. 계정 판매를 위해서는 이러한 플랫폼들을 적극적으로 활
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minggukieology · 1 year
Hello hello,
I am new around here. I really enjoy Kookmin’s bond, and I am also a researcher in the narrative space. I found you on Twitter and I was so impressed with your transparent, eloquent commentary on this whole thing. Thank you for running this blog. My question might be odd, but I am really curious to see how much of this ship/fan wars translate within the Korean social media space? The last few days have been nothing less than hell on the bird app, the anon requests on some of the blogs here are just people thinking they are so slick, but are just purely undermining Kookmin’s bond. I assume Naver is like one stop destination for SNS in Korea. I also see that the members have quit Twitter officially (I have no doubt they lurk though). Are ship wars this intense in the online spaces in Korea? Is it between the same ones we see on the I-Army side? I know shipping is a common theme in the pop space there and people might have healthier approach to it? This is also me being wishful that the members don’t see the pure vitriol that’s being expressed. Thank you in advance.
Hi, there! Thanks a lot for your nice message 😊
To put it shortly: no, such shipwars don't typically happen within k-army online spaces (at least not in the same way we know them) because there is never any need for debate around any meanings of words and no wiggle room for alternative explanations and seeing hidden signs in shadows. However, that doesn't mean that I have not come across any Korean accounts on Twitter that like to twist narratives and *especially* in case when their desired narratives feed into what their non-Korean speaking followers want to hear (they do like to take advantage of that language + cultural gap). As with every assessment though, Koreans are not a monolith, the same goes for k-armys or any netizens. There are some general tendencies but there will always be exceptions. Also it is important to note, even though the fandom largely organizes on the Twitter platform, I find it it less prominent among Korean ARMYs as to the amount of time they spend on there and the conversations that are held there.
From my perspective (my subjective opinion, therefore isn't unbiased and might not be representative of the whole community) ships or to be more accurate 'duos' / 'insert name line' are first and foremost among the majority about the members' chemistry, cute moments, looks, vocals and performances together; not about any potential romantic involvement of the two (that is not to say there are absolutely no Korean shippers of course). It is important to remember that the general premise has been that the idol sells their Korean fans the idea of a boyfriend/girlfriend, therefore the whole fantasy revolves around him/her and the fans having a connection, hence why for example idol dating life is still a big no no in the public etc.
To add, sadly since Korean fans can't get away with twisting the meanings of what the boys said (unless they want to appear ridiculous and stupid) the 'wars' therefore turn more vicious than that. There are some prominent 악개 akgae groups within the BTS fandom too which use all kinds of tactics to tarnish the reputation of the other members by spreading rumors through Korean forums, discussion boards, trending tags and by even reaching out to Korean reporters to run stories based on false evidence. So I would say, these things do happen, just in a different way because Korean online space can be truly unhinged.
I don't believe the members have ever witnessed any of the craziness on the international side as it for the most part thankfully only happens on the international side (objectivelly imagine if Koreans were having real arguments over, for example, the meaning of 동생 'dongsaeng' 😂😂😂 it sounds absolutely ridiculous). And in the instances they did, when e.g. someone tried to push a 'ship' narrative on any of them directly, we got the infamous 'get out of your imagination' response.
Hope I answered your message clearly and covered all your points. Once again, thanks a lot for reaching out!
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outsidereveries · 8 months
dokyeom’s possible solo activities
request from curiouscat, done on 28.08.2023
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here i’m using selfmade flashcards instead of tarot cards, so what we might see from him:
1. activities
very strongly for musicals
strongly for photoshoots
weaker energy for anything sports-related
weaker energy for brand ambassador
weaker energy for host
weaker energy for concets (possibly because that’s not on his mind)
weaker energy for radio
weaker energy for own game (like family-type one, i’m not sure about what’s his idea about his own goods)
weaker energy for voice acting
weaker energy for jury
weaker energy for awards and music shows (for music shows possibly because the group’s comeback is coming in october apart from the group’s collaboration with new kids on the block)
weaker energy for some types of variety shows such as tabloid, educational and other types
weaker energy for his own fragnance (like joshua?)
weaker energy for interviews in magazines (weverse magazine??)
weaker energy for movies
2. sns
i see that dk also use many social medias for personal use, these popped out:
weverse (strongest)
discord (strongest)
telegram (possibly kakao too)
similar sns as rumble
weibo (weakest)
twitch (weakest)
tiktok (weakest)
threads (weakest)
other sns such as naver and so on (weakest)
3. keywords we might see (overall)
strongly for:
plastic surgery
brand, possibly fashion one
many activities in once
politics (idk what can mean…)
creating his own company
mainstream content
weaker energy for:
activities in foreign lands as well as in Korea
something related to streaming apps
breaking records
inside-related activities as well as outside-related activities
recognition from people
awards, wins
questions (same as wonwoo)
unordinary content
drugs/alcohol (including cigarettes and vapes)
law breaking
mistreatment from pledis/hybe (truck protests??)
styling outfits
freedom (he can do whatever he wants to do)
beat making
philanthropy actions and activities
him calling out as well as him being called out
hope you enjoy this post, lol
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Release date: 2 December 2022
Official page
Pre-order notice
Content Recording Participation Details
Identity Film: Twitter, Youtube
Photo (see below)
I-Log Puzzle: 1/6  (translation, alt text), 2/6 (translation), 3/6 (translation), 4/6 (translation), 5/6 (translation), 6/6 (translation)
MV (see below)
Album Magazine Film (teaser)
Weverse live
Indigo Short Behind on Weverse
Naver post
Official Youtube playlist
[BANGTAN BOMB] RM's Cyanotype Experience with SUGA and Jimin
Stories on BTS Instagram
RM’s SNS posts: Weverse (Eng), Instagram stories, post #1, post #2, post #3, post #4, letter on Weverse (Eng)
Tiny Desk (Home) Concert (Today’s Bangtan) (RM’s Instagram post)
Live in New York @ Dia Beacon (Today’s Bangtan) (Episode) (RM’s Instagram post)  (thread presenting the museum and the featured art)
Live in Seoul @ Rolling Hall (Episode) (RM’s Instagram post) (video of the special gifts that were given)
Photo Sketch
RM’s Instagram post about all the performances
Thanks to (Eng)
Official merch:
Concept Teaser
Texture Teaser
Mood Film
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RM is the third member to do a solo release in Chapter 2. According to his posts, notably the identity film and the preview of the content, this album is:
Record of RM : Indigo From the colors of nature, human, etc.
Use it
While taking a walk a shower, drive, coffee-break, work, dance, read a book, when flowers bloom or fall.
Documentation of my youth in the moment of independent phase. An honest, unadorned record with shades.
Sun-bleached record faded like old jeans.
the last archive of my twenties
He explained in the episode of the jacket shoot, that after releasing Mono that’s black and white, Indigo is the color that express himself (he also mentions it in the interview of Proof collector edition (src)). He adds brown too, with natural and warm shades.
The studio Sparks Edition was in charge of the album design.
Some people also noticed that in Korean, indigo is written 남색, which can be interpreted as an acronym for 남준의 색깔, meaning Namjoon’s colors (cr.).
RM posted several stories on Instagram before the release, including a picture of Oregon blue, a pigment considered as the bluest blue (src).
Yun (with Erykah Badu)
Doolsetbangtan’s translation
@immbbzxbangtan noticed that the song was used 3 months before Indigo’s release, in the teaser for RM’s Me, Myself &
Still Life (with Anderson .Paak)
Doolsetbangtan’s translation
All Day (with Tablo)
Doolsetbangtan’s translation
Rin’s (ktaebwi) translation
건망증 (with 김사월) (Forg_tful with Kim Sawol)
Doolsetbangtan’s translation
Closer (with Paul Blanco, Mahalia)
Collabo MV: a video associating a lo-fi remix of the song with extracts from the movie 헤어질 결심(Decision to Leave)
Interview for Park Chanwook’s anniversary book. He’s the director of 헤어질 결심(Decision to Leave)
Interview with art director Ryu Seong-Hee about the collaboration.
Change pt.2
Doolsetbangtan’s translation
Hectic (with Colde)
Doolsetbangtan’s translation
들꽃놀이 (with 조유진) (Wild Flower with youjeen)
The title is a wordplay on 불꽃놀이 which translate to fireworks but literaly means “fire flower” (src)
Youjeen is the vocalist of the rock group Cherry Filter. The collaboration was announced even before the release of the tracklist (src #1, src #2)
Several people noticed the title is connected to a letter RM published on the fancafe in April 2017 (src #1, #2)
ZIN and Youjeen's"Wild Flower" recording VLOG without RM
Doolsetbangtan’s translation
No.2 (with 박지윤) (parkjiyoon)
Doolsetbangtan’s translation
Rin’s (ktaebwi) translation
Producer John Eun talked about the song during an Instagram live (summary)
Photo: Twitter, Weverse
Photo Sketch
Episode of the Jacket Shoot Sketch
RM’s Instagram post
In his photos, RM is surrounded by props meaningful to him:
a painting (see below) by Yun Hyongkeun, called Blue, 1972 (src #1, #2, #3, you can also check page 4 of this PDF for more info). RM admires Yun a lot, to the point that the first song of the album is named after him and has citations from him in the lyrics
Pierre Jeanneret’s desk and chair. He’s a Swiss architect RM likes
Namjoon’s old jeans and stools. He mentioned that jeans feat well with the concept as the more you wear them, the more comfortable they get
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들꽃놀이 (with 조유진) MV
Photo Sketch
Episode of the MV Shoot Sketch
Outfits and accessories
You can see traditional Korean firework in the MV, called Nakhwa Nori (src #1, src #2)
The exterior scenes were filmed at Mount Hwangmae in Hapcheon (Gyeongnam) (src) and in Saemangeum (Jeonbuk).
RM 'Still Life (with Anderson .Paak)
MV Photo Sketch
Episode of the MV Shoot Sketch
The female crew member was played by Emiko Tokuda (Instagram)
Press releases/Promotion
Weverse magazine: “The musicians on RM’s Indigo: Part one”
Weverse magazine: “The musicians on RM’s Indigo: Part two”
Weverse magazine: “RM paves the way”
Weverse magazine: “Development notes on RM’s solo album, Indigo”
Press pictures
Spotify: teaser, Hero Film: Behind the Scenes, K-Pop ON! Track catches up with RM of BTS
NME: “RM of BTS: ‘My whole twenties were an exhibition… but I chose to be a star’”
Variety: “BTS’ RM on His ‘Indigo’ Album, Duets With Erykah Badu and Anderson .Paak, Military Service and Why Solo Careers Will Bolster the Band”
Consequence: “With Indigo, RM Makes Fleeting Moments Feel Permanent”
RM on Melon station (English translation: episode 1, episode 2)
Rolling Stone: “BTS Leader RM Pushes Against the Weight of Fame, Looks Towards a Bright Future on ‘Indigo’”
Zach Sang Show: “RM Breaks Down His Debut Album 'Indigo'“
Artnet:”How K-Pop Star and Budding Mega-Collector RM Wove His Favorite Art and Artists Into His First Solo Album, ‘Indigo’”
KBS news: Behind story of ‘Indigo’ / KBS 2022.12.19. (unreleased footage)
Hypebeast: “RM of BTS Wants To Be More Like a Wildflower”
Psick Show: Asking RM of BTS on Income tax (teaser)
Newsis: “’RM and Soyoon collab.’ Park Jiyoon, the ‘old future’ of young writers musicians” (eng trans)
Promotion in Spain
El País: “RM, the leader of K-pop band BTS: ‘We work so hard in Korea because 70 years ago there was nothing’” (original English version of the interview)
Vogue Spain: “RM, líder de BTS: “Si me muriera esta noche, creo que nada cambiaría. Un granjero o un barrendero son más relevantes para el funcionamiento de la sociedad”” (English translation)
EFE: “BTS leader isn’t thinking about future, but would like to work with Rosalía” (English version)
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koreanstudyjunkie · 2 years
Plz tell me about korean social apps used in Korea which make me always read and listen to Korean language
I don't know exactly what you mean by that exactly, but I'm assuming you mean social media that is used in Korea / is mostly or all in Korean - forcing you to read, listen, and use to it all the time.
Technically, any social media can become that. You would have to follow a lot of Korean speakers/Korean learners and maybe even change the language to Korean on that specific social media platform or even your phone language - but you don't have to do that.
Korean Youtube Channel
A good Idea you could do is to make a new account for youtube and subscribe to only Korean speakers and It can become your Korean account. Not just korean teachers, but any things that you usually like to watch. For example, vloggers, gamers, cooking videos, fitness influencers, people who do fashion content, kids educational content, etc. But a less extreme version would be just subscribing to a good amount of Korean youtubers on your regular account.
Social Media Koreans Use
I'm sorry that I don't actually know a ton of specifically Korean sns, but I looked up a few
> NaverCafe
> KakaoTalk
> Line
> Cyworld
> Band
> Basically anything else like Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, Facebook, Etc.
V-live is a live-streaming app where you can watch livestreams of your favorite Kpop groups. Usually they speak only in Korean, but I'm pretty sure there are subtitles added on to past streams anyways. You can practice listening and reading.
Twitch is a live-streaming platform as well, that doesn't only have Koreans but these days Korean gamers are very popular. You can find a person that you like to watch and practice your listening skills.
NAVER (blogs, webtoons..) Apps
Basically anything naver. But Naver is kind of like the "Google" of Korea. You can find a ton of blogs in Korean over there about a wide variety of topics. Naver webtoons is a good place to find cool webtoons to practice reading and you can learn lots of vocab, phrases, and slang.
This is different from the social media mentioned above, but there are native Koreans ans Korean teachers here. Basically, there are chatrooms that you can go into and practice speaking with native Koreans and other learners. You can also do that for other languages.
There are some good language exchange apps out there that you can use to practice speaking and texting with native speakers. Some will work better for some people than others.
> Tandem
> HelloTalk
> Meeff
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lattesarchive · 11 months
BOYS PLANET – Here I Am (난 빛나) [English Lyrics]
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Turn on the spotlight, it’s showtime See how we shine
[Verse 1] Can't pretend I don't know The answer's staring at me Found you there, in a poem Between the purple prose I can see, clear as day The dream that you wanna be You’re like me, hey there, it's me, look closer, yes, me
[Verse 2] (All day, all night long) Needing you just like I need air (Leave it all to me) I’ll dazzle your heart Hold on to my hand, together we will stand Me plus you
[Pre-chorus] (You) here with me, (me) just like you (Us) side by side, I won’t be afraid I will make you smile, I will keep you safe Turn on the spotlight, it’s showtime See how we shine
[Chorus 1] Because it’s you I shine, Shine a light Dreaming of you and I, Shine a light Beyond the tallest skies, Shine a light, a light Wow, brighter, brighter, brighter, brighter, brighter, oh
(I shine, see me shine) See how we shine (I shine, see me shine) x4
[Verse 3] Nonstop, nonstop, Giving all I’ve got Heartbeat nonstop (Woah-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh)
[Verse 4] (Breathe in, breathe it out) Feelings bloom just like the spring air (My reason to be) You keep me going So turn up the heat, together we dive deep Me plus you
[Pre-chorus] (You) here with me, (me) just like you (Us) side by side, I won’t be afraid I will make you smile, I will keep you safe Turn on the spotlight, it’s showtime See how we shine
[Chorus 1] Because it’s you I shine, Shine a light Dreaming of you and I, Shine a light Beyond the tallest skies, Shine a light, a light Wow, brighter, brighter, brighter, brighter, brighter, oh
(I shine, see me shine) See how we shine (I shine, see me shine) x4
[Bridge] But you know, I am scarred from reaching for the stars It's fine though ‘cause I’ve got you, hold on to me tight Thank you so much I will be right here I'm here for you
(Here I am x4) So here I am (here I am, here I am) So here I am x3 (Here I am x4) So here I am (here I am, here I am) Now here I am
[Chorus 2] I will do all I can, here I am I’ll be your biggest fan, here I am With you is where I’ll stand, here I am with you Oh, I know where I wanna be it’s here with you
[Chorus 1] Because it’s you I shine, Shine a light Dreaming of you and I, Shine a light Beyond the tallest skies, Shine a light, a light Wow, brighter, brighter, brighter, brighter, brighter, oh
(I shine, see me shine) See how we shine (I shine, see me shine) x4
Original: BOYS PLANET - 난 빛나 (Here I Am) • M/V: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mjr47ikehQE ZEROBASEONE SNS • YT: https://www.youtube.com/@ZB1_official • IG: https://www.instagram.com/zb1official • TWT: https://twitter.com/ZB1_official
Translation reference • Official lyric video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=to6vFq2kltI • Google Translate • Naver Papago
Adapted lyrics: Latte (hi!) • YT: https://www.youtube.com/@LatteNolastname 
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mt83i · 2 months
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loonavrsl · 4 months
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231223 Heejin - K Behind-the-scenes photos from Heejin's Algorithm MV shoot (part 2)
Source: ARTMS Naver post
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whateveritsmyshed · 2 months
I uploaded AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL the aipri cards and aipri verse coords at my KOREAN SNS NAVER blog.!
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hopeonmyphone · 2 months
BTS j-hope unveils the medley of the title song "NEURON" → New Highlights [Naver]
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BTS's J-Hope draws attention by releasing part of the new album.
According to the highlight medley of j-hope's special album HOPE ON THE STREET VOL.1 released on BTS's official SNS at midnight on the 27th, the new album includes the title track NEURON (with Gaeko, Yoon Mirae), "on the street (solo version)," "i wonder… (with Jung Kook of BTS)," "lock/unlock (with penny blanco, Nile Rodgers), "i don't know (with Heo Yoon-jin of LE SSERAFIM)," "what if…" (d) In particular, J-Hope participated in writing the lyrics of all the albums and displayed his capabilities generously.
The first track is J-Hope's solo version of "on the street (with J. Cole)," which was released in March last year. 'i wonder…' is a fan song that contains J-Hope's sincerity to enjoy every moment together based on electro-punk sound. Jungkook, a BTS, will be featured and share his heart for ARMY (fandom name).
"lock/unlock" is a song that talks about the lines that must be observed between people with the keywords "control," "break," and "step," which are dance terms. "id don't know" is a minimalist house genre song with J-Hope's calm sensibility, and Le Seraphim Heo Yoon-jin is named in the feature, making the two look forward to the harmony they will show. The song "What if…" from j-hope's first official solo album "Jack In The Box," released in July 2022, has been reborn as a dance remix and will be placed on the fifth track.
The last track of the album will be decorated by the title track "NEURON". "NEURON" refers to "neuron," which generates electricity when stimulated from outside and delivers information to other cells, and a dance crew with the same name that J-Hope was involved in before his debut. The song is an old school hip-hop genre from the 2000s that most influenced J-Hope, conveying his musical roots, motivation for life, and expectations for a new start. Dynamic Duo's Gaeko and Yoon Mi-rae participated in the featuring, doubling the song's charm.
In this new report, not only top Korean musicians but also U.S. producers Benny Blanco and Nile Rodgers are particularly interested in the participation. J-Hope heralded a wider music world through collaboration with artists across genres.
Meanwhile, j-hope will simultaneously release his special album "HOPE ON THE STREET VOL.1" at 1 p.m. on March 29th. The album is based on his artistic roots, "street dance." The first episode of the documentary series "HOPE ON THE STREET" will be released at midnight on March 28, a day before the release of the new album. The documentary is available in 240 countries/regions around the world via the Online Video Service (OTT) TVING and the U.S. online video service Prime Video.
Source: Naver
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kintsuru · 4 months
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onepactbrasil · 6 months
ONE PACT de ‘Boyz Planet’, poderoso ‘GOAT’
Uma dica para o grupo ONE PACT foi revelada.
No dia 23, a agência Armada ENT (doravante denominada Armada) abriu um teaser de vídeo de performance para a música de pré-estréia 'GOAT (GREATEST OF ALL TIME)' no SNS oficial.
O teaser, que chamou a atenção com sua batida forte desde o início, mostra os integrantes finalmente reunidos em um só lugar após estarem em seus próprios espaços. A química e a performance de One pact, que podem ser sentidas mesmo em um breve momento, despertaram a curiosidade sobre ‘GOAT’.
One pact é formado por membros que foram reconhecidos por suas sólidas habilidades em programas como 'Boys Planet' e 'High School Rapper 4' da Mnet, incluindo o líder Jongwoo, Sungmin, Tag, Yedam e Jay. As expectativas já estão aumentando quanto à sinergia que se desenvolverá quando as habilidades dos membros se unirem.
One Fact é uma palavra composta de 'um' e 'impacto', e o significado de 'unir-se como um só para criar um grande impacto' está incluído no nome da equipe. Antes de sua estreia na indústria musical no segundo semestre do ano, o vídeo da performance de ‘GOAT’ está programado para ser lançado às 18h do dia 24. Notícias detalhadas podem ser encontradas no SNS oficial da Armada.
fonte: https://n-news-naver-com.translate.goog/entertain/now/article/144/0000920316?_x_tr_sl=ko&_x_tr_tl=pt&_x_tr_hl=pt-BR&_x_tr_pto=wapp
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