#so I asked her to drink water bc she mentioned she was on meds and we’re drinking and again I am not mentally able to take care of people
what-even-is-sleep · 1 year
Mmmmmmm mad bc I am too empathetic and also on my period and that makes me more empathetic and I am MAD about it.
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where-is-francis · 2 years
Chrissy dating a male! Reader who is becoming a nurse headcanons
𝘾𝙝𝙧𝙞𝙨𝙨𝙮 𝘾𝙪𝙣𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙝𝙖𝙢 𝙭 𝙈𝙖𝙡𝙚!𝙉𝙪𝙧𝙨𝙚!𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙃𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙘𝙖𝙣𝙤𝙣𝙨
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Before You Interact - Rules Of My Blog
𝙋𝙧𝙤𝙣𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙨: He/Him — she refers to you as her boyfriend [fem aligned DNI with this particular post]
𝙎𝙩𝙮𝙡𝙚: Pure fluff bc Chrissy deserves better :)
𝘼/𝙉: This was what I had completely written out like last week and went to post it and my tumblr fucking ate it. :) anyways, we’re back now. Also you’re in your first year of nursing/med school when Chrissy is a senior. I hope this is like. Alright. I was pretty young when my sister went to school for nursing so I remember a bit, but not much.
𝙏𝙒: Very very brief mentions of injuries/bruises (she’s a cheerleader like shit happens), petnames (she calls you baby; you call her Angel), I think that’s it.
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Everybody knows that Chrissy Cunningham is head over heels for you.
And by everybody, I do mean quite literally everybody in Hawkins.
She was really drawn to you because of how sweet and compassionate you were, so it didn’t take long to start dating.
During high school, you had extra classes as prerequisites for your future schooling. Chrissy didn’t mind, and suggested that you study in the gym while she had cheer practice after school.
As soon as you started hanging out during said practice, she IMMEDIATELY had to introduce you to everybody.
“This is my boyfriend! He’s studying to go into nursing next year.”
Unlike Jason and Billy, the team was really interested and thought your career path was cool. They pretty much adopted you onto the squad instantly.
Chrissy’s got a pretty average tolerance when it comes to pain, but she DEFINITELY will let you baby her as a joke.
The first time it happened was during practice in her junior year. Everybody was in the gym working on the pyramid for the upcoming game, and Chrissy was higher up in the chain. Everybody made sure to lay out the mats, but it only helped a bit when she stumbled after reaching the ground.
You were nose deep in a textbook and didn’t notice what had happened until you found her limping over to get a drink. Everybody had decided to take a break, leaving you to check up on her.
“How bad does it hurt?”
“Baby, it’s fine. I just didn’t make the landing.”
She laughed when you moved to play a medical version of 20 Questions, asking her to extend her leg and wiggle her foot. The strawberry blonde did get concerned when your expression grew more serious and you shook your head.
“Nope, this isn’t good, Angel. I’m afraid I have bad news.”
“What? You can’t be serious — I just rolled it! I’ll be fine by tomorrow!”
You wiped a fake tear from your eyes. “I don’t think you’re gonna make it, Chrissy, I’m so sorry.”
She lightly punched your shoulder and laughed along. When that was over, she gave you a quick kiss and then held the cold water bottle to her ankle for a bit. When it was time to leave, you scooped her up onto your back to carry her to the car.
Since then, you insist on being dramatic because it makes her laugh. Deep down, she just thinks it’s nice to know that somebody cares, and that you’ll do anything to take care of her.
Loves it when you kiss any bruises that she may get. It’s just so gentle and loving and sends her into orbit.
If she had just a tiny bit less self control, she would’ve paid for a billboard or something to announce when you got accepted to your dream school. She was as excited as you were.
During her senior year, you asked her to move in with you. It’s a lot better for a multitude of reasons but she’s just excited to come home to you after a long day. Normally, you’re in the living room working on things, and will unpack her cheer stuff after she walks in.
She absolutely loves hearing about what you’re studying in the moment. Your eyes light up and you get so passionate (even if it’s something boring). It reminds her of why she fell for you in the first place.
After school, your first job is just at the local hospital, but she doesn’t care — it might as well be the most prestigious place in the whole world. She’s your #1 cheerleader — no pun intended.
She also insists on keeping everything regarding your accomplishments. You’re mentioned in the local paper? It’s going into the memory box. Somebody left you a nice note? Into the box. Got your badge updated? The old one is being put into the box.
Chrissy Cunningham cannot, for the life of her, keep her hands off of you when you’re in scrubs. That’s all.
The watch you wear is from her. Specially engraved with both of your initials on the underside. Any time you have to check somebody’s heart rate, the watch makes you think of her.
She also 100% knows how to comfort you if you’re exhausted or have had a bad day, and will do anything in her power to make you feel better.
Chrissy Cunningham couldn’t be more proud of you 💕
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More male/GN reader content on my blog. Reblogs over likes — it helps other people find my stuff, as well as motivates me to make more stuff. Stranger Things requests are still open!
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killbaned · 4 months
okay final update:
fire rescue lieutenant that's been out here multiple times for this shit with her made her go to the hospital based on the fact that she couldn't answer "what year is it" and "who's the president" (it is, apparently 2003 and bush btw)
i had to sit around for about two hours which, in hospital time isn't actually that long. the rn and doctor both agree and believe that part of her current issue is because she's just not capable of caring for herself and thus, hasn't, despite my best efforts because like. they're fully aware i can't you know. force her to take her meds and drink water.
i explained to the nurse that i'd gotten mom a weekly pill organizer to help so all she has to do is morning/night and not worry about it and "instead if she remembers them at all she just takes them both at the same time" and the nurse was like 👁👄👁 "oh, oh noooo"
there's nothing coming up on blood work or brain/chest scans that show like "something reversible" as he said, IE "oh she's altered because she's got an infection and fever" or something. i explained that i think it's fallout from all the strokes, and that there's literally no telling how many she's had over the years because of reasons (too long not explaining here).
they're admitting her bc her bp and kidneys are god awful, i reminded them she's got stage four kidney disease on top of everything else.
the doctor has already mentioned she's most likely gonna need rehab once they figure out if her altered status is being caused by dementia or something and i asked if we can get her evaluated while she's admitted because once again, me, and the medical professionals see that she CLEARLY cannot make her own decisions any more and that her going AMA from the rehab shows this.
he said he genuinely doesn't know because that's not in his wheelhouse as an ER doc, which i understand BUT he also said he's going to chart it that an eval should be done.
i am going to leave a message w the PCP asking if there's anything she can do from her end about it.
bc this is. the thing that's causing all the problems, no one has officially in a medical capacity put to paper that she shouldn't be allowed to make her own decisions which means her just going AMA.
i feel like this is the same shit that's been happening the last four/five months but like. idk besties lets hope someone does this fucking eval. an in depth one.
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taestefully-in-luv · 3 years
Always You | JJK (Drabble#2)
Summary: Jungkook is sick and needs your love.
Pairing: Always You!Jungkook x female reader
Genre: fluff, implied smut.
Word count: 2.2k
Warnings: none really! enjoy
Notes: no smut in this one! I’m surprised at myself lol Enjoy:)
Taglist: @seagulljk
© taestefully-in-luv
You are the definition of exhausted. Work was hectic today to say the least, you didn’t think all these cookie orders would come out of thin air like the way they did today. You and your coworkers are so god damn tired but still decided that you guys were going to hit a bar to celebrate that the day is over. You were going to at least. That is until you were on your way to your car when your phone started buzzing with incoming messages.
Jungkook 9:24pm
Baby I am dying I think I am actually dying
Jungkook 9:24pm
Is it normal to have hallucinations while on nyquil
Jungkook 9:25pm
Bc I keep thinking you’re here and your gorgeous lips are on my dick
Jungkook 9:25pm
Oh my goodddd I am dying, I need you
Jungkook 9:25pm
I need you
You look at your screen and frown…Jungkook mentioned this morning he was feeling sort of…under the weather. But now he’s talking about dying? While you are stubborn while sick, Jungkook is quite the opposite. He’s needy, wants attention and will pretty much do anything you ask.
y/n 9:27pm
Do I need to come take care of you?
Jungkook 9:27pm
Yes:( please come home…
“y/n!” Jade jogs up to you, stopping when she gets to you and your car. “Want to ride together?”
“Ah,” you bite down on your bottom lip, “Actually my boyfriend is sick and—”
“You can say ‘Jungkook’” Jade rolls her eyes playfully, “But I get it, saying ‘boyfriend’ is fun, huh?”
You blush, feeling embarrassed. “Yeah, well. Jungkook is kind of sick and he’s such a baby when he’s like this and—”
“No need to explain.” She smiles, “Go. Next time,” she promises. “But you owe me a drink for leaving me with these fools. Hazel is apparently meeting us too, and you know how Adam gets.” She teases, “So, you owe me.”
“Noted.” You laugh, “See you later, Jade.”
You get inside your car, turning the ignition on when your phone starts buzzing again, this time a phone call from none other than your boyfriend.
“Hello?” you bring the phone to your ear. “Jungkook?”
“Baby.” Jungkook drags out the word in a whine, “Please bring me more medicine.” He softly begs. You have to admit he does sound pretty pathetic. You can’t help but pity him as he starts dramatically coughing on the other side of the line.
“And please hurry. I need you. Need you to cuddle me and kiss me. I think your kisses could possibly cure me.”
“I’m about to leave work right now,” you confirm, “Which meds should I get you? What are you feeling exactly?”
“I’m feeling so…so in love with you.” He slurs from his drowsy state, then starts giggling.
“Jungkook.” You deadpan. “What are your symptoms?”
“It’s just a cold.” He says, “I think it’s what Jimin had a few days ago. That bastard passed it to me.”
“And you want me to kiss you?!” you laugh, “I’m not trying to get sick.”
“No, no. Don’t worry baby, our power of love will fight against it.”
“You are so…” you begin laughing again, your blush deepening. “I’ll be home in like 30 minutes, okay? Think you’ll be alive when I get there?”
“Your love keeps me alive.” He teases, “See you soon. Love you.”
“Love you, bye.” You bring the phone down and click the end button. The AC is blowing in your face, cooling you from the warmth that had crept on your cheeks while talking to Jungkook. It’s unbelievable that he’s able to make you blush like this, like as if this was completely brand new like you haven’t known him for years.
The apartment is completely dark when you walk in and also completely quiet. Did Jungkook fall asleep? Did that NyQuil finally do its job? You set the bag of meds down on the breakfast table and turn on the kitchen light. You walk into the kitchen and grab a glass from the cabinet to fetch you some water, it’s nice and cold as if travels down your throat. It feels nice… the dark, quiet apartment—you need the rest after today. You think you’re about to go find a sleeping Jungkook and get some sleep yourself when you feel two strong arms wrap around your waist.
“You’re finally here.” Jungkook whispers, “I waited all day for you.” He whines and you smile for him even though he can’t see.
“All day?” you ask, “Should I have left work to come take care of you?” you tease.
“Yes,” he responds shamelessly. “I missed you so much…I think that’s why I just got sicker throughout the day.” He tightens his hold on you but immediately loosens his grip from how weak he feels.
“Come to bed.” He commands and you spin around in his grasp to face him.
“I need to shower and get ready first.” You explain and he looks at you with sad, tired eyes.
“No.” he pouts, “Who cares? Just change and come to bed.”
“Jungkook.” You chuckle. “I worked hard today, I need a shower.”
Jungkook brings you into his chest and he inhales you, taking in your scent and he melts.
“You smell fine, y/n.”
“I smell like cookies.”
“Smells good.”
“Fine, let’s go to bed.”
Jungkook’s sleepy face lights up and he turns your body around so your back is flush against his chest and he holds on to you.
“Lead the way.” He chirps, “I’m not letting go.”
“Jungkook…” you whine as you try walking forward and he follows you while holding on to you as tight as his tired body possibly can.
You two walk into your shared bedroom and he finally drops his arms to his side and makes his way into bed. You go to your drawer and pull out one of his t shirts…you slip off your work clothes for the day and drag the t shirt of your body.
“Cutie.” Jungkook comments as he lays back and watches you change.
“Oh shit, I forgot to grab your meds. I’ll be right back.” You say making Jungkook frown. You make your way back into the kitchen and grab the baggy full of medicine plus a glass of water and walk back into the room when you notice Jungkook dozing off.
“Babe?” you whisper and his eyes immediately shoot open.
“Come cuddle me.” He weakly pats the spot next to him and you smile.
“Take these first.”
“Yes mam.”
He looks up at you with his beautiful doe eyes, a look of submission written all over his face.
“These first.” You hand him two different pills as you sit on the edge of the bed and he swallows them down quickly while staring into your eyes.
“Now these.”
Jungkook nods his head while taking another two pills.
“Any more?” he asks quietly.
“That’s it for your meds.”
“Wrong.” He states. “I need the most powerful medicine of all.” He gives you a soft smile, “Need a kiss from my baby…please, please kiss me. Missed your lips all day.”
“Your kiss will cure me, I’m sure of it.” He whispers softly. “All I need is you to be okay.”
Your eyes widen at his cute confession, he’s so god damn sleepy—you can tell. His eyes are barely staying open but he just wants to be with you. He is trying his hardest to stay awake because he missed you so much throughout the day.
“Please.” He quietly begs. “Need you.”
You search his eyes and find nothing but love in them, you can’t help but beam at him. One kiss can’t hurt you, right?
You scoot closer to him on the bed, your hands finding themselves in his Jungkook’s hair as you softly bring his face closer to you.
“One kiss.” You promise and Jungkook nods his head slowly with a dopey grin on his face.
“We’ll see about that.” He says under his breath and you laugh while leaning in closer to his face.
You lean in until his breaths hit your lips, your lips just barely touching his and he grows weaker at the contact.
“Please.” He begs again, his words hitting your mouth. “Please.”
You peck his lips softly, just giving him a slow kiss. He kisses back, his lips moving against yours so tenderly it makes you melt. You can tell he has no energy but he continues to kiss you. He slants his mouth over yours and tries to deepen the kiss, you tilt your head and give him a better angle. You said one kiss but…
Suddenly, you feel the wetness of his tongue poking out, trying to find its way between your lips. You open your moth just a little wider to give him access to your own tongue, he slides his in your mouth and slowly caresses his with yours. He releases a long, soft moan and you hate that you get so turned on hearing him. This isn’t a moment to get turned on, this is a sweet, tender moment.
Jungkook slips his tongue out and begins pecking your lips again, a little faster than before. But then he pulls back, his breaths nice and heavy.
“I’m so dizzy.” he says with his eyes closed.
“Me too.” You admit, feeling quite breathless yourself.
“No…I mean, like, literally. I don’t feel good.” He breathes out, “Kissing you, I think took all the energy I have left…what are you like a succubus or something?” he jokes.
“Baby, you need to sleep.”
“Snuggle with me, please.” He pats the spot next to him again and you get up and walk over to that side of the bed. You slip underneath the sheets and move your body close to his. You can feel all his heat radiate off his body and you frown…he must have a fever.
“Let’s sleep, my love.” You say but Jungkook weakly shakes his head.
“Wanna hear about your day.” He sinks deeper into the covers and lays his head on your chest, wrapping his arms around your waist.
“It was busy, we had what felt like a million orders today. Yoongi even came by but left because we were so busy.”
“Mhm.” He nuzzles his face into your breasts, “Did you think of me today?” he asks.
“I always think of you.” You admit.
“I thought of you so much today.” He says between heavy sighs, “Missed you so much.” He squeezes your body tighter. “I don’t think I can be without you for very long.”
You feel your heart pinch in your chest…because…
“You can. You’re just a baby.” You tease.
“No, I really don’t think I can. I felt myself grow weaker every moment I was without you.” He huffs into your chest. You caress his back as he speaks, his words becoming more and more slurred and distant from on another. He’s so tired.
“You love me that much?” you get out in a whisper and it’s silent for a few moments, you think maybe he finally fell asleep until you hear him sigh out.
“I literally don’t love anyone as much as I love you.”
You keep quiet for a few moments too long because after around a minute or so you hear Jungkook lightly snoring into your chest…you can’t help but smile down at him. He’s wrapped his entire body around you, holding you, squeezing you. You caress his back some more and start to feel yourself fall asleep as well. Your eyes getting heavier and heavier until the world becomes dark.
“Good morning!” You feel Jungkook’s breath on your ear, you begin to open your eyes, blinking lazily at your surroundings.
“Morning?” you question since it’s still dark in the room. “It’s still night?” you ask.
“It’s like 5am.” Jungkook states. Your eyes finally begin adjusting in the darkness and you notice Jungkook looks ten times better. He still looks tired but he has more life.
“Your kiss cured me, if that’s what you are thinking about.” He smiles that bunny smile and you laugh.
“I thought it drained you of your life?” you sit up on your elbows, “That I’m a succubus?”
“No, it helped me sleep so it could work its love magic on me and now I feel almost all the way better.”
“Almost?” you quirk a brow and he chuckles.
“I think I need more from you to make me all the way better.” He wiggles his brows at you and sends you a wink.
“What more do you need?” you lean forward and peck his lips, but you linger in his space. He smiles against your mouth and kisses you again.
“I think my hallucinations were actually visions of the future.”
You tilt your head, trying to remember what his text said about hallucinations when realization hits you.
“You need my lips wrapped around your cock?”
“I think that’s the ultimate cure.” He kisses you again, “Don’t you think?”
“You’re so needy.” Your lips move over his sensually, your tongue making its way into his mouth. He whimpers into your mouth when he feels your hand grab a hold of his hardening member. He pulls away from you and smiles softly.
“I’ll always need you.”
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anordinarymuse · 3 years
Hey girly could u maybe write something where one of the marauders ( u can pick ) is comforting y/n on her period- because I just gone mine and I feel icky🥺 thank you!!
the way i stopped everything to try and think of how to write this. and i hope you feel better !!! being uncomfy on your period really sucks, so feel better take pain meds (if you can) and drink water <3
Sirius Black x Reader
Summary : another period oneshot bc i love.
Warnings : blood; eating; swearing; mention of pregnancy; unedited.
Word Count : 781
A/N : the way the first time i read your request i thought you wanted all the marauders so i spent two days trying to think of how it'd work only to reread it and see that you wrote one- but it's all good bc this is so cute hehe :3
the masterlist.
request here.
"Did you see Snivellus' reaction after what I did to him in potions today?" Sirius grins, while mimicking Snape's expression. He had put something in Snape's cauldron, causing it to explode. It was so bad that even Professor Slughorn took points off of Slytherin.
"Priceles- oh shit," your books drop out of your hands, clutching your stomach while stumbling. You grab Sirius' arm for support, but miss it. Within the few seconds you had been walking, the pain of a million knives pierces into you stomach.
Sirius quickly takes hold of your underarms, trying to keep you standing up. You sink into his arms, scrunching your eyes trying to bear the unbearable pain.
Sirius helps stagger you to the wall, and you lean against it. Your arm squeezes around your waist, and you clench your stomach to try and numb the pain.
The pain almost subdues, but as soon as you relax, your body cramps up again.
"Are you ok Y/N? Should we go to Madame Pomfrey?" Sirius asks, eyeing you with worry as he picks up your fallen books.
"No it's fine, I went to her this morning..." you mumble, biting your cheek to distract the pain to somewhere else.
"She couldn't heal you?" His eyes go wide at the thought of Madame Pomfrey not being to heal your cramps. He then whispers in a hushed tone, "You aren't-"
"No I'm not pregnant you arse," you manage the let out a breathful giggle. "I'm just-" you cringe as you feel a pool of blood release from your body. "-I'm just...on my period," you groan quietly, for only Sirius to hear.
"Can you walk?" He asks, glancing at your clenched stomach and pained face.
"Um..." perhaps saying you couldn't was being a bit dramatic, but to be fair the idea of walking right now did not seem intriguing, "...no."
"Then I guess I'm just going to have to carry you like a baby," he sighs shaking his head, but he can't hide his playful grin.
"Wait wha-" you hadn't fully comprehended what he had said until you were being carried like a bride down the corridors of the castle.
Somehow your books had ended up in your hands, and you covered your face with the object. You were completely embarrassed, but still you giggle the whole way down.
Sirius beams as he carries you, even having the nerve to wave at fellow peers. When you take small peeks at him his grin is wide, and his eyes full of mischief mixed with pride.
Sirius marches the two of you into Gryffindor Common Room, and upon entering James wolf-whistles, flushing your cheeks an even redder shade of crimson. Lily and Marlene break into a fit of hysterics. Remus raises a brow looking between you and Sirius while Peter just smiles, going along with James.
You wanted to die of humiliation.
Sirius, on the other hand, beamed even brighter. That was the only thing keeping your sanity.
Sirius carries you to his dorm, laying you gracefully on his bed. The whole time he had paraded you around, you had completely forgotten about your sufferings.
As soon as Sirius lets go of you, the sharp jabs in the stomach return.
"Fuck," slips your lips, and you quickly grab the pillow that's beside you. You push the pillow against your stomach in a weak attempt to lessen the pain.
"Shit- here I'll lay beside you," Sirius flops onto the bed next to you, causing you to float in the air for the most split of seconds. "Do you need anything?"
Pressing you lips together with the upmost of force, you can only mutter out a reply, "No- j-just stay right there."
Sirius takes your hand, squeezing it, "I love you...ok? And besides I have something that'll make you feel really good."
"...you do?" You groan with a stifled giggle.
"Mhm," Sirius turns to rummage in his nightstand before handing you a chocolate frog. "Chocolate, makes everything feel better...right?"
You grin at the chocolate, tearing apart the wrapping and devouring the sweet, "Thank you...shit...this tastes really good." The milk chocolate melts in your mouth, and you savor the frequent treat.
"I love you, Y/N," he reassures, planting a sloppy kiss your cheek. "Let me know if you need anything else ok?"
"Ok...," you voice withers as you lean against his comforting shoulder.
"And the good news is..." he pauses for the dramatic effect, mystery filling the air, "...you aren't pregnant!" He cheers, laughing hysterically at his on joke.
"You fucking arse," you let out a laugh before closing your eyes, trying to rest, while blindly slapping his cheek with a good amount of force.
taglist : @marimorena06 @missryerye @agirlwholovescoffee @nicole198205 @blackpinkdolan @gabitanaka47 @psychowanarchist @siriuspvdfoot @hufflepuffflowers @thatguppienamedbae @peachykeen3502 @missryerye @kaslupin @ayla-1605 @chazzyb73 @youngblood199456 @oranee @silly-little-bl0g @bobbyjohnsonbeat @jasgreen101 @will-to-live-who @erinblack003 @bellatrixscurls @krishavania @wh0re4blaise @thegirlwhocriedlupin @mrsaliciamalfoy @wwweasleystan @modernvellichor
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shadow--writer · 3 years
I Got a Feelin' I Might Have Lit the Very Fuse
hmmm it’s a writing weekend. And the start of what’s going to be an awful week haha. So expect more of me peddling my brainworms (halp I have fallen back in love with these two to the point where friends have started sending me prompts for them)
title (it’s slowed bc WHY TF NOT)
Maeve x Lucas. Second meetings might go better than firsts 3k
TW: none!
A week had passed, and it was slow. Her regulars, of course, had been popping in and out keeping things from being boring. As much as she appreciated that...she was going to kill them. 
How on Earth someone could anger a squirrel that badly she would never know. 
But today was calm. Calm and yes sure the ‘q’ word. 
She refused to even think of the ‘q’ word. Knowing her luck the moment she thought it, seven people would be flooding into her clinic. 
With food poisoning.  
She let out a low groan. Slow days were nice and all, but usually she had company. It was eerily silent when she was alone. 
And she was bored. 
Maeve pushed herself off the counter. She could stand to reorganize her herbs and medicine cabinet. She needed to relabel some of the bottles and jars anyways, with the amount she pulled them off the shelves she smudged her script.
She started moving the jars off the shelves, muttering to herself as she looked at the labels and did her best to decipher the smeared ink.
She had only pulled the herbs off the shelves and onto the counter when the bell above her door rang sweetly into the silence. She stopped her humming, pushing the fraying edges of her handkerchief away from her eyes. 
Oh yeah sure so now someone came in. 
Forcing a smile and a fake cheery tone to her voice, she turned around. “I’ll be with you in a moment!” she called. She couldn’t see the door over the stack of herb jars on her counter. Some were pretty empty, she’d need to stop at the market again or go foraging. 
Ugh foraging. 
It wasn’t that she disliked foraging. But it was time consuming. 
And she usually got lost.
But she didn’t like to talk about that part. 
She froze. She knew that nickname. She knew that voice. 
The smile climbing onto her face became real. 
“Giant!” she said, moving out from behind the counter. He looked better today. Not as bloody. In his arms he cradled the little boy from the dock. “Oh! You must be Will!” she said, dusting off her skirt. 
The boy looked much better than he had. Colour had returned to his face, and he didn’t seem to be in as much pain. That was good. She knew the bite must ache but it was good seeing him up and about.  
She stepped forward, offering her hand to shake. He shook it once, swinging their arms up violently before slamming them back down. 
Whoa there.
She laughed in her surprise. “Firm handshake you’ve got there!” she said, drawing her hand back to her side. “So what brings you to my corner of the world? Need more pain meds? The stitches okay?”
Lucas blinked at the questions, she directed her attention to the boy in his arms (who looked so tiny compared to Giant, she noted with a giggle). 
Will smiled, he was missing one of his front teeth. “Nope! Lucas brought me over to say hello! And bring you somethin!” Will ducked his head closer to her, mock whispering. Or whispering at the volume a seven year old thought was a whisper.
Aka not at all. 
“He also said he wanted to see ya again!”
Her eyes flicked back up to the man in question. His cheeks had been flooded with pink. The blush climbed all the way up to his ears. This was why she never told seven year olds anything. They had no filter, it was cute, but embarrassing. 
Though the way Lucas blushed was adorable.
She pressed her fingers to her lips as she chuckled. “Well, I’m glad you came by. It’s nice to see you again,” she said. “Would you care for something to drink? I have tea in the back.”
Lucas’ head snapped up. “We don’t want to bother you! To- W-Will here just brought a gift over to thank you.”
“Thank me?”
“You...saved his life.”
Oh yeah right she did do that. “And you’re just the messenger?” 
Will tugged on Lucas’ sleeve, the man gently setting the boy down on the ground. He was walking, that was great!
“The others n I made you somethin! Sylvie mentioned yer cloth head thing.”
She touched the ratty thing on her head. It was falling apart at the seams but she didn’t have time to make another.
Will held a deep green fabric up to her. She blinked, reaching down to grab it. It was made from a soft cotton, and it smelled nice. Like cinnamon and other spices. “So we made you a new one!”
She pulled the one in her hair out, shaking out her bangs. They were a gnarled mess, but soft against her cheeks. “Thank you,” she whispered, pulling the new handkerchief into her curls. She tied it under her ponytail, bringing her hand down as she smiled down at the little boy. “It’s beautiful.”
“Lucas also wanted ta help!” the boy chattered on. He reached over to Lucas, tugging on his hand. Lucas shuffled forward, looking a little embarrassed. “We couldn’t afford any fancy fabric so Lucas gave us one of his old shirts!” The boy beamed up at her, his hand so tiny in Lucas’. “Sylvie did the little flowers!”
Oh! She didn’t even notice the messy embroidery. She ran a hand against them, it was bumpy beneath her fingers. 
She loved it. 
She squatted down, it made it easier to be at eye level with him. “Well tell her I said thank you and that her flowers are beautiful.”
“She said they were bellflowers. Those are Lucas’ favourite flowers! They’re the only ones she knows how ta make though...”
She looked back up at Lucas. He looked like he wanted to be anywhere but there in that moment. She giggled. “Bellflowers are beautiful, Lucas has good taste.”
“Do ya like it?” He stood on his toes, eyes all lit up. 
She smiled, closing her eyes as she tilted her head. “Oh I love it! I’ve been needing something new to pull my hair back for a while now. It was very kind of you to make something for me.”
“I uh, also brought you lunch,” Giant said, bringing her attention back up. Squatting down to be at eye level with the seven year old boy was a smart idea. 
Until she realized how much more he would tower over her. 
Goodness gracious.  
She froze, teetering on her toes. “What?”
He held up a little cloth bundle tied with a string. A nervous smile worked its way across his lips. “It’s some extra stew I made to bring with me. A...thank you from me.”
“You didn’t have to do that. I’m fine eating out.”
“But a home cooked meal is much better than eating out, wouldn’t you think?”
She pressed her palms to her knees as she got to her feet. “Well...yes, but I don’t have time to make a home cooked meal. Let alone a good one. I am an awful cook,” she joked. 
“Oh I’m sure you aren’t that bad.”
She cringed. He was so very wrong. “...oh no I am that bad. ‘Permanent ban from the kitchen back home’ bad. And that’s when I even eat something- oh.”
He was glaring at her. 
She did not like him glaring at her. 
“What?” she asked, drawing out the syllables.
“‘Even eat something’? Thumbelina you’ve got to eat. You’re tiny enough already.”
“Well I don’t have time! Dumba- dumb people don’t wait.” She caught herself. No swearing in front of the kid. 
“You should still find time to eat something. Were you even planning to get something to eat today?”
“Well y-yes!”
He raised an eyebrow, unimpressed. 
“Okay, no, but I usually get something to snack on during slow days. What’s got your goat in a twist anyways? It’s not like we know one another well.”
Her words struck a chord. He looked away from her, rubbing the back of his neck. “I...I cook,” he admitted. “So I’ve started paying attention to people’s eating habits. Yours are atrocious by the way.”
“Atrocious? You only know my lunch eating habits!” She sulked, placing a hand to her chest. “You wound me.”
“It’s true. Worse than the kids at the dock. At least they come to bother me when they’re hungry. Like stray cats.”
“Hey! We aren’t stray kitties!” Will whined. 
Lucas affectionately rubbed his knuckles into the crown of Will’s head. He swatted at the taller man to no avail. “Well to me you sure look like cats.”
“Yer just blind then!” Will huffed, trying to smooth down his hair. 
Giant turned back to her, handing her the cloth bundle. She took it, her lips twisting. “I brought you lunch out of the goodness of my heart, so I expect you to eat it at a reasonable time.” His tone was teasing but she knew his words had weight. 
“How will you know if I don’t?” she asked, her voice taking a sing-song tone.
He was still not as impressed. Ugh he was no fun. “I’ll come back to check on it.”
“...you wouldn’t.”
“I would.”
“You have work!”
“I can take breaks. I work hard, the least they could give me.”
She sighed, cradling the meal he made her to her chest. “Fine! I give, I give! I’ll eat your lunch.”
He smiled. “Good.” His eyes kept moving to her hair. She touched the handkerchief, his cheeks darkened a little. 
Wait...if this was made out of his shirt…
She felt her cheeks warm. 
The spices she was smelling was him.
They locked eyes, before they both turned away. She swore she was blushing down to her toes. And she never really blushed. 
Damn you Giant. 
He coughed, looking back at Will who was watching them very amused. “We’d better go little man,” Lucas said.
“Awww but I wanna stay a little longer!” He had wandered off to look at her herbs before exploring the clinic’s many tables. Currently he was looking at the deep grooves on the table. 
Lucas caught her eye again. His eyes were still a vibrant blue. Reminded her of the water when it reflected the sky. “We don’t want to bother her anymore than we have,” he said with a low chuckle. “She’s very busy.”
“Not today I’m not!” she blurted out. She hated to admit it, but she enjoyed his company. Teasing or not it was nice to be able to talk to someone. 
Lucas paused, she bit her lower lip as she smiled nervously. “If you’d like, you can stay for tea. No one’s come in today, and so it’s been very...eerie. I’d appreciate the company.”
Lucas’ brows crinkled. She wanted to smooth out the lines. “Is...that okay?”
“Of course! I’m offering.”
Will grinned, grabbing her hand. “Well if she says we can stay it’s only polite! That’s what ya taught us, right Lucas?”
Lucas sighed, rubbing his eyes. “Sometimes I wonder if you guys listen to me and then you pull this crap.”
She chuckled. “As the little eel survivor says, it’s only polite.”
“Fine. We can stay for tea.”
She smiled broadly, leading them to her small backroom. There she kept a few extra aprons, gloves and her more powerful medicines (magic pills and all that) locked up tight. 
She grabbed her kettle, settling on the fruity green tea she’d found in the market a while back but hadn’t had the chance to try. She hummed as she put it over her small stove. 
Will was chatting with Lucas about the magic items she had strewn about. Lucas looked at her, pleading for help. 
She laughed, answering the plea. “You like my charms?” she asked. “I had help making them.”
“You can do magic?” Will asked, eyes lighting up. 
She was a little taken aback, but to a little kid, of course magic was...well, magic. She smiled. “Oh yes! I can do all sorts of things. Takes a bit out of me, but I can do some illusions, I know some healing. Herbal magic is fun. And palm reading was just something my sisters and one of my cousins picked up on.”
“Palm reading?” Giant asked as the kettle started to sing. 
She moved, putting some of the tea leaves in her infuser, letting it seep in the hot water for a bit. 
“Yes, palm reading. It’s quite easy actually.” She brought the tea over to the table. She could bring glasses and the ice when the tea was steeped enough. “I can do a reading if you’d like,” she offered. 
Will bounced up and down. “Can I help? Can I? Can I?”
Giant laughed. “Calm down little man, let’s let the fairy doctor do her thing first.”
She winked at Will. “I can teach you after I do his reading.”
Will grinned, sitting back. He wiggled in his seat. He was very energetic. It was refreshing. 
Lucas held out his right hand, she reached forward, their fingertips brushing. “Your hands are cold,” he said, his hand jerking back a little. 
She held firm as she laughed. “I’m aware.”
His palms were calloused. Rough under her touch. Scarred from hard labor. She traced the lines and creases on his hand. She felt his pulse jump under her fingertips as she brushed his wrist.  
“Fire hands,” she said, meeting his eyes. 
“Fire hands? What does that mean?”
“The type of hands you have. Our hands represent one of the four elements, just like astrology. Earth, air, fire, water. You can tell a lot about a person based on their hands.” 
She looked back down at his palm. She traced the length of his palm, and then her fingers danced over his own. “Fire hands show people to be passionate, confident, and industrious. Driven by desires and on a bad day you may lack tactfulness and empathy.”
“And what about your hands?” His voice was soft. 
She looked at her hand, her fingers freezing over his own. “Mine are...water hands. In tune with my emotions, intuition, and psychic ability. Fueled by compassion and imagination, often creative. Also extremely sensitive and my feelings are easily hurt, causing undesirable interpersonal stress.” 
He chuckled. 
She brushed the edge of his hand by his pinky. “Marriage line.” Her fingers moved down to the long line below the marriage line, it curved up between his middle and index finger. “Love line.” Below that was a small curve starting at the flesh of his thumb meeting his palm. “Wisdom.” Two more lines, starting at the bottom of his palm. One curved to match the wisdom line, the other straight up to the middle of his middle and ring finger. “Career and life lines.” Small sun line. 
She searched his palm for his health line. “What are you-” he cut himself off as she traced the broken up health line.
He paused at her touch, she could feel his heart beat race under her touch. “Well Thumbelina? What does my palm say?” 
She breathed in, letting the air out with a sigh. “Love and marriage,” she started, tracing his love line again. His hand jerked under hers. “Line is long and curved. A happy long lasting love. But it’s all in your hands. Communication is key with this love.” 
His eyes widened. “How can you tell?”
She winked. “I just can.” She brushed her thumb along his career line. “Career and business. You’re ambitious and have strong self-confidence. If you have a dream in your heart and you’ll work hard to see it come true.”
She bent closer to his hand. “Health. You’re easily tired. You exercise a lot but don’t take the breaks you need. Short breaks will keep you refreshed and healthy. Don’t forget to exercise even if it’s hard. Don’t forget to rest and take care of your body.”
He chuckled. “I think my work is all the exercise I need.”
“But you still work out?”
“And do you rest?”
“Thought so.”
She smiled, looking at the last lines on his palm. “Your personality and mental state. Connected to life and health. You know your mind well, you adapt easily. With your adaptability people look to you to lead them. Though reading other people and their feelings is a challenge for you.”
She looked up at him to see his face. 
But his face was close to hers. 
And he looked back at her at the same time.
So their foreheads slammed together. 
Hissing a yelp, she fell back, palm pressed to her forehead. He did the same, Will laughing at them both so hard he fell over. 
“Well now we have matching bruises,” she said with a groan, making sure they didn’t break skin. No blood. Just a bruise. Goddess of the unholy stars did that hurt. 
“My bad,” he wheezed, pressing a finger to the reddening skin. “You’ve got quite a noggin.”
She got to her feet, smiling a little. “Could say the same about yours.”
He watched her move back. She couldn’t tell what he was thinking about as she turned away from him. His forehead where they bonked heads was starting to turn red.
She got to her feet to go get ice and cups. She set three glasses down, pouring the tea over the ice. The ice cracked under the heat. She slid the glasses to the boy. Giant was still looking over his palm. Her fingers tingled from the small use of magic. 
She handed his cup to him. He grabbed the cup from her hand, their fingertips brushing again. 
There was a small spark of magic at the touch, making her jump. 
He didn’t seem to feel it. Or was able to hide the fact he could. She wondered if he had magic, it was like a surge of something strong coming from deep within her. It was unfamiliar. 
It had to be his. 
Waving her thoughts off and ignoring the weird flutter in her stomach, she turned to Will, who was gulping down the tea like a dog to water. 
She chuckled, holding out her hand. Her eyes were alight with the challenge and excitement she felt when she got to teach something. Her voice was low in pitch, but her tone was filled with lithe amusement. “So, wanna learn how to read palms?”
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jesusmick · 4 years
Sad Boy Hours in Mexico
I have always wondered about the deleted scene from s9e6 where Mickey meets a guy wearing a Gay Jesus shirt. Here is a little drabble I wrote to try to fill in some gaps and explain how Mickey decides to go back to Chicago and prison. Featuring Mandy bc I love her. (2000 words).
It is dark by the time he turns the key to his apartment, the faint click of the lock rattling the loose doorknob. He doesn't know why he even bothers to lock it. He has nothing worth stealing, the drugs and the cash both locked up safe in Alonzo's apartment across town. Even if he did have something of value stashed away in his shitty third floor apartment, nobody in the neighborhood would dare try to break in. The people here, his neighbors, they left him alone. Come to think of it, his coworkers did too. Maybe it was because getting in with the Sinola cartel had been his dad's idea. He had been working with them for over a year now selling overpriced party drugs to stupid American tourists, but the other dealers still called him "El Menor". The younger. The lesser. Even 2000 miles away in Cabo, Mickey was still living in his father's shadow.
He kicks the door shut and toes his shoes off, dropping his backpack by the door. He's exhausted. The fog curling around his mind begs him to collapse on the bare mattress in the corner of the room and sleep until he forgets. He has done too much remembering for one day.
Instead, he moves to the beat-up mini fridge in the other corner of the room. Besides the mattress, the mini fridge, and the broken dresser that had been in the room when he moved in, he is alone. The single bare light bulb hanging from a wire in the ceiling does little to make his home for the last 14 months feel lived in.
Opening a beer, Mickey steps out onto his balcony and folds himself into a plastic picnic chair he inherited from his neighbor when she moved out.
Elena. She had been nice, Mickey thinks. Young and terrified, she had reminded him of Mandy. They would occasionally sit out on their balconies together and smoke. She didn't speak English, and Mickey's Spanish was fairly limited, but they got on. She had moved out a few months ago after getting pregnant with her drug addict boyfriend. Mickey knew he was in jail now. He also knew that he was the one who had sold Hernesto the drugs he had been on when he robbed the liquor store down the block. Mickey suspects that Elena knew too, but she never mentioned anything. She never blamed him and when she moved out, she gave him a potted plant and the plastic chair.
The plant had died weeks ago. Mickey wonders if Elena had her baby.
Taking a sip of his beer, Mickey's mind wanders to Mandy. He knew she had left Chicago years ago. They didn't talk much, but last he checked she was in Los Angeles working as a cocktail waitress in a bar frequented by the same trust-fund babies who made up the majority of his clientele. In a way, he was jealous of her, but also incredibly proud. She had gotten out. Out of their father's clutches, out of their shitty neighborhood in the Southside, and out of her own way. She was making something of herself, all by herself, even if that something was watered down appletinis.  
Mickey, he could never be that person. He needed others too much, he thinks. He was too soft, too lost in his own head, too attached. Those first few weeks in Mexico had been some of the loneliest of his life. That was why he fell in with the Sinola cartel in the first place. Well, that and the fact that he was in the country illegally, making holding down a regular job impossible. His father had connections and he was desperate for a distraction. He wasn't stupid enough to call his group of dealers and distributors a family. He knew that they wouldn't think twice about killing him if he did something he shouldn't. But Mickey wasn't stupid, and so far, coasting along in this new life had made things easier. He had a job, a purpose, and a small shitty apartment to come home to at night. It was enough.
Until it wasn't. Until today.
He thinks that maybe he was a little bit numb. That being on his own for so long had turned his head to business and buried his anger, his sadness, his fear under a thick layer of dust and cheap Mexican beer.
Suddenly, he realizes that he is crying. He doesn't know when it started, maybe since he sat down on the porch, but if the dotted teardrops soaking into his shirt are any indication, he has been silently crying for a while now.
He rubs his eyes with the heels of his palms and pulls out his phone. He doesn't know why he does it. But he finds himself scrolling through his contacts and pressing call before he can think twice.
She picks up on the 4th ring. Mickey thinks maybe he would have preferred it if it had gone to voicemail.
"Mickey?" She sounds like she is somewhere crowded, Mickey can hear car horns softly in the background and the sound of high heels clicking on the sidewalk.
"Hey, Mandy." His voice is softer than he intended.
"Hey." There is a long pause before she continues and Mickey thinks that maybe this was a mistake. "I thought you were in Mexico."
"I am. How's LA?" God, this is awkward. Fuck, he and Mandy had never been good with words, even at the best of times. Now, after not speaking in years? What was he thinking?
"It's good, I'm good. I'm on my way to work actually."
"Oh, right. Do you want me to call you back? Sorry, I should have texted first."
"No, no, its fine. I still have a bit of a walk. What's going on?"
And that's it, isn't it? Nothing is going on, at least nothing that should have any affect on Mickey's life. But here he is, sitting on his shitty porch, drinking his third beer, and trying to keep his voice from betraying the fact that he's been crying.
It's just not fair. It's not fair that he should be out there, moved on to some new chapter of his life. Some new partner. While Mickey is here, still somehow waiting for him.
"Mick, you still there?"
"Yeah, I'm still here." He rubs his eyes again, pressing hard until he sees spots. He keeps them closed.
"You heard from Ian?"
It's out there now. The reason he called Mandy. The reason he was so distracted and irritable after seeing that college kid from Chicago wearing the "Gay Jesus" shirt. Alonzo had shoved him out of his apartment while they were counting the day's profits and told him to go fuck himself after his fourth nasty remark.  
"Yeah," Mandy answers, "I've heard from him."
"And?" Mickey asks, suddenly frustrated. He stares out across the balcony railing, streetlamps flickering and the warm glow from neighboring apartments illuminating the street below. They should be staring out at the street together.
"He called me a few day's ago. I guess you heard about the whole Gay Jesus thing. He stopped taking his meds, got in with the wrong people, blew up a van. His sentencing is on Friday."
"Jesus Christ." Mickey exclaims softly.
He's quiet then. He can hear the sound of a crosswalk through the phone and Mandy's heels on the pavement. He thinks she might have pressed the phone to her chest because he hears her greet someone softly and the background noise suddenly fades.
"I should go." Mickey says and he hates how his voice breaks. Hates that he let himself get this affected. Hates that he is here, alone, in his shitty apartment with his shitty job stranded in fucking Cabo of all places.
He is about to press end on his phone and go grab a fourth beer when Mandy's voice, suddenly clear, speaks again.
"He misses you, Mickey." And that is just too much.
"If he misses me so much," Mickey's voice wobbles dangerously, "why did he leave me in fucking Mexico?" And he is openly crying now. He knows Mandy can hear it. And he hates that too.
Mandy sighs. "He's fucked up Mickey. Just like we all are. But he does miss you. He's pissed at himself for going off his meds and embarrassed that he let it go so far, but I think if you called him, he would listen."
"But he wasn't off his meds last year. He was himself. Or maybe he wasn't, I don't fucking know. He kept saying that he had is life together. He said he had a boyfriend."
"Some fucking boyfriend he turned out to be." Mickey thinks he hears real anger in her voice then, and he reminds himself that Mandy cares about Ian too. That Ian's sentencing was probably just as hard for her to hear as it was for him.
"He didn't even notice that he was off his meds, Mick. He just let him spiral until it was too late to do anything about it. He didn't even go to his hearing."
Mickey could hear the sound of metal scraping in the background and he thinks maybe Mandy was opening her locker before her shift started.
"What should I do?" He knows he sounded desperate, lost, but he doesn't care. He is desperate and more than a little lost.
"You love him, and even though he may be shit at showing it, he loves you too. Figure it out, my shift is starting."
"Yeah," Mickey sighs, "Okay. Thanks, Mandy."
"Bye. Call me later if you want."
She hangs up and Mickey drops the phone to his lap.
This whole day was just too much. Mickey isn't sure what he had expected Mandy to say, but hearing that Ian had gone off his meds and blown up a van wasn't it. When he saw the kid's shirt, he assumed that Ian had taken a job as some sort of gay preacher or social media activist and was now living a cushy life with his boyfriend in one of the hipster neighborhoods up in Chicago. His boyfriend who was probably just as smart and attractive as Ian. Someone who appreciated craft beer, who wrote poetry, and drank soy milk. Not someone with a lengthy criminal record, a fucked up family, who didn't know how to love someone without driving them away.
Somehow, knowing that Ian's life was falling apart, that his boyfriend as a piece of shit, and that he was going to prison gave Mickey a sick sort of vindication. He would never have let things get that crazy. He would have noticed Ian's mood swings and erratic behavior. He would have taken care of him and set him straight before he could have hurt anyone. Before he could hurt himself.
But Mickey knows that isn't fair, and truthfully, he is more worried for Ian than anything else. He has no idea what mental state he is in or how long his sentence will last. And prison is no place for someone like Ian. He's too soft. Too caring. Too proud.
With a new resolve, he wipes his hands on his jeans and picks up his phone. He doesn't really know who to call about something like this, so he finds the phone number for the public defender's office.
The call is quick and to the point. He knows what he wants and he knows what he is going to risk.
He agrees to meet them at the border in Tijuana in two days.
In the morning he will have to get a bus, a nearly 24 hour drive up the coast. But now, for the first time in over a year, a calm settles over him.
The plastic picnic chair strains as he stands, scraping against the concrete of his balcony.
He's not scared of prison. Looking around his room, he realizes that he has been practically living in a prison cell since arriving in Cabo. He is scared of Ian, though. Scared that Mandy is wrong. That Ian doesn't love him and that he is giving up his freedom, his future, for a man who has left him heartbroken so many times before.
As he crawls into bed, arranging his limbs under a threadbare blanket, his mind jumps back to a lifetime ago.
What you and I have makes me free.
Mickey thinks that he was right, back then. There is no freedom for him without Ian Gallagher.
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Sunday 5/6
My roommates name is Shauna. She doesn’t flush and when I got here there was what I can only assume were soiled clothes in a brown paper bag. 
A woman in the hall is also talking about her shit. I’m the youngest person here and im afraid to shower, there’s no door. The poop lady is cackling. 
My roommate and I talked, she’s nice, and I met her night nurse and she is so nice. Her name is Maria. 
I’m having a hard time figuring out why I feel like this. Its hard b/c I’ve been hungover but surely that’s not all it is. How do you recover from a hangover so bad you end up in a psych ward?
It weird not having my phone, I want to check twitter. I don’t want to go to group therapy tomorrow. 
I just can’t stop crying, my eyes actually hurt. 
My mouth tastes bad but I have no toothpaste. 
I started reading this book called notorious nineteen and it is truly trash. 
I don’t have the lights on bc Shauna’s sleeping- I feel like Mozart. 
My eyes hurt, I might go call my dad again to get my moms phone number. 
Ill be back. 
Got Taylor’s # and called her/my mom. Maria gave me some antihistamines to try to calm me down/sleep. 
My sisters want to come visit me on Tuesday. 
I’ve only eaten a donut this morning. 
There’s a painting of a window that is 100% mocking me. 
I’m sweaty. 
Some snaps I would be sending if I had my phone 
*a pic of the little card that was on my bed when I came in w/ a number on it for housekeeping. Caption idea- 
is this a joke?
It’s a work in progress. 
*def a snap of me whipping/nay naying to the woman whose been singing in the hall all night (singer)
Shauna is snoring. There’s no joke there but its absolutely worth noting. 
I just want to play candy crush. 
(12:30 pmish) I feel like I’m in a dream. I’ve been sleeping all day- it turns out it was only like 3 hours tops.
I had so many dreams. 
I just went and talked to a big ass table of doctors about my life and I just feel so groggy. They’re in there talking about me. 
I skipped lunch b/c my tummy hurt so bad after breakfast. 
Shauna puked everywhere. 
I think she’s leaving. 
Also turns out she’s in withdrawal AND pregnant. 
And she has an infected injection site on her arm. 
I just talked to my mom/dad/Taylor and asked them to bring me some books + shirts. 
The nice psychiatrist said she would give me some adavan to calm me down. Also I skipped lunch b/c my stomach hurt so bad from breakfast but now I’m hungry so I guess they’re gonna order me something. I feel so weird. (might have napped here)
4ish pm
40 mg stratera (sp?), one mg atavan. 
Finally left my room, I’ve been asleep all day. 
Nurse went and got me a coke + a water and I saw they’re watching forgetting Sarah Marshall so I thought Id join. Everyone called me out when I came in since ive been hiding out. Bitches. 
Movies suggested by the dude I’m watching FSM w/
- assassin’s creed
10 positive ways to describe myself
1. Legs that go up to my asshole
2. College educated
3. Big heart
4. Good sense of humor
5. Love babies
6. Love my friends 
7. Good communicator
8. Love the outside
9. Big smile
10. Lovely family
9 positive coping skills 
1. Talk to Taylor
2. Going on walks
3. Calling my parents
4. Reading
5. Going to therapy
6. Doing hw
7. Watching movies
8. Candy crush (questionable) 
9. Eating veggies
8 things I’ve accomplished 
1. College
2. Getting into grad school
3. Learning Spanish
4. Coming to the hospital
5. Making great friends
6. Moving a lot and making it through
7. Driving to SLC 
8. Supporting myself (for the most part)
7 healthy things I can do each day 
1. Eat well
2. Shower
3. Talk to my friends
4. Not drink
5. Clean my room
6. Clean my clothes
7. Do my hw
6 things I can change
1. My eating habits
2. Drinking
3. Exercising more
4. Getting a routine
5. Whitening my teeth
6. How I see myself
5 things I can’t change
1. How my family acts
2. How my friends act
3. The status of the US public school system
4. The amount of sunlight in my apt 
5. My face 
4 reasons I can’t give up
1. My family
2. I’m going to change the world
3. My friends
4. My future students
3 places I can get help
1. w/ dr. whose name I can’t remember 
2. my apt (Taylor)
3. the hospital 
2 people I can really trust
1. Taylor
2. my parents
1 reason I’m here
1. I need to not feel like this anymore
I’m holding myself back from asking why everyone’s here. 
Assassin’s creed guy, also known as biting guy (an inside joke from earlier) and sweater girl are talking about if the food delivery guy has extensions. 
We got called to dinner, now were finishing Sarah Marshall. 
Biter dude told hair guy “nice hair”.
Oh my god, when peter sings about how much he hates himself, biter and white shirt turned to me and said dang sounds like he’s going to be in the room next o me! way to be self aware guys! 
Just called my dad to find out about my stuff getting dropped off but turns out he did 2 hours ago and its all been in my room. 
I started crying immediately b/c Taylor is amazing- she brought me the perfect books. It was like she was talking to me through the books. 
She gave me b Franks autobiography and Jesse Donaldson’s ‘on homesickness’. And the book Amanda gave me. also wuthering heights and pastures of heaven. All so perfect. 
Shirts is roasting the shit out of double lasagna (he ate… double the lasagna we all got for dinner).
He keeps saying he looks like he’s about to give birth 
“I mean were already in the hospital we just gotta figure out what floor is maternity”
Wuthering Heights
1801- Mr. Lockwood +Heathcliff
Thrushcross Grange
Double lasagna is talking about the last time he had tequila- brother the last time I drank it I ended up here. 
What an anecdote. 
“they could have stolen my jewelry or even my virginity!” – about the guys who helped when he got too drunk. Double lasagna’s real name is * but he just introduced himself as Dorothy (to hair the night nurse helper). 
Fake Abby (biting guy came to my room thinking I was her) is here and shirt just said “you’re awfully quiet” and she rejected him hard. It was awk. 
One of the helpers is just chillin in here w/ us while I read my shitty book and we watch “just go w/ it” – its so bad. 
One of the nurses (pony tail) just made me go on a walk down the hall w/ him. They all keep asking me how I’m feeling and I keep saying fine but I’m not. As long as I don’t talk I don’t cry. I’m starting to think I want to stay here longer but also leave right away. Its all so confusing. 
Double lasagna just asked hair nurse if he could have his phone out of his bag and the way just looked up from his phone and said “nuh uh” was iconic. 
Its 805 pm and I think I’m going see about getting my sleeping pills so I can just crash. 
I need to document stuff better tomorrow b/c I don’t like how much of a blur today is. 
I finally showered and I feel better I think. I just don’t know what the move is once I get out. Like I don't know how to talk to anyone. 
I need Taylor to contact Morgan I think. 
I’m sure she’s confused. Or maybe she doesn't care literally at all.  Who cares. I’ve been surprised at how easily I’ve been sleeping today especially without my phone and with everything on my mind. 
I need a talk therapist like yesterday.
I can’t bring myself to get through any of the books Taylor brought. The 19 book in such trash but it’s easy to read.
 The shower needs to be pressed every 45 seconds to say on. I wore shower shoes.
 Fake Abby doesn’t know what the move is, I can tell.
I called Taylor + my mom then got snack in my night meds. I mom told me to call back to talk to Mack so I just did. She’s lovely. 
Double lasagna somehow talked to snack nurse into giving him a full sandwich. I got a strawberry poptart and a coke. 
They’re checking in a new girl now who looks a bit like she’s closer to my age. 
I’m happy she’s not my roommate. 
I think tomorrow ill try to call family/friends less and trust the process. I need to really take a step back. 
I’m just happy I feel comfortable sitting in the sun room. I knew a lot more about movies than they did 
Goals for tomorrow-
Check out group
Find rec room/sign my name by Mack’s 
Document everything
Keep room clean
They still haven’t cleaned Shauna’s side. Its off putting. 
Have I mentioned they check on me every 15 minutes? 
Its off putting also. 
I wish I had just like some mascara or something. I hate to be that girl but damn. 
My mom keeps trying to talk about the funny aspects of this but I can’t say I’m feeling them yet. Today just really was such a blur. I sept a lot then talked to therapists then I think went back to sleep? Then begged for lunch then I think slept? That’s where its fuzzy. Called my fam too much, I need to not tomorrow. 
I also want to gain control of tv room tomorrow. Power move!! 
Did I mention I called Chelsea? My brain is mush. 
- Be more present tomorrow-
- Ask more questions- 
be warned: new beginnings are rarely pure, and neither are the men who seek them
On Homesickness pg 23
Scott County
We are homesick most for the places we have never {truly} known
37, Franklin County 
Questions to Proteus -> how do I get home? 45, Montgomery County 
7:10 am 
slept super hard but also had super vivid dreams. Mack and I talked about that last night. 
She said she had never brought it up. I was a little restless, prob just bc they were constantly opening my door and eventually just stopped closing it. 
I’m just trying to let go of control. I don’t want my phone back. I need to talk to someone about the insane anxiety I feel when I think about home back to the real world. 
Even just being in my apartment scares me b/c it feels like its full of negative energy. I need to focus on the good when I get out. 
I keep thinking about my phone bill and I can’t remember if I paid for internet. Also the maintenance light is still on in my car. 
Even though mom and dad are coming today I need to be communicating less w/ outside world. If I really want to be off the grid I need to really b alone with me thoughts and be okay with it. 
I kept feeling for my phone throughout the night. 
I wonder what the nurses think of me. do I seem different than everyone else?
I keep finding myself trying to relate to the nurses, esp. the young male one (hair) but what am I trying to prove? That I’m not like everyone here? 
Newsflash, asshole, I am 
(I’m the asshole)
I need a sharper pencil- do you think a lobotomy joke will be appropriate when I request one orr?
I wonder if Prather has texted me. I’m supposed to sub on the 21st. 
Not looking forward to checking my bank account. I really spent a lot w/out giving a shit. It was freeing but I also haven’t worked in over a week + a half soooooo. 
On homesickness is so dramatic but I love it. Makes me think of Taylor. (bc home, not the drama)
Also I think I’m getting fucking sick. Or, according to Lula (Flula) in 19, I’m getting hospital cooties. 
7:27 am 
I’m in TV room w/ singer. I asked what we’re watching and she said “some kind of cartoon”. She’s not screaming which is awesome. I’m going to read Wuthering Heights. 
Almost 8 
Called dad and asked him to bring me a pair of readers since my eyes hurt. Nice nurse #2 is here again. She’s blonde. I haven’t seen Maria again. Met another nurse too. She was young. Also there’s a fake nurse (fake nurses are in teal, like hair, and he real ones are in blue) who I def. know. Cant figure out from where, maybe high school? Either way, not cool with it. Also, they sharpened my pencil. 
Having a hard time focusing on reading. My eyes hut. 
I don’t like waiting around. 
Is it petty to point out inconsistencies in the rules? There’s different info on different sheets in the packet they gave us. Makes me wonder how closely these patients are reading it. Its all petty though, like whether or not we should take 5 or 10 minutes to use the phone or how many visitors we can have at a time. 
I know myself too well, ill be bringing it up. I’m going to check on breakfast. 
breakfast was sub par. Sat alone. New girl, sat w/ double lasagna. She only wanted milk so homeboy asked if he could eat hers! Has he learned nothing?? I ate pretty quick; I think I need to go back to sleep. I feel weird. 
Dr.?? (nice psychiatrist) came in and we talked. Started fine but I got really upset b/c of how much I feel like garbage and I don’t now if I want to be here. But also I don’t want to go back to the real world. She left and I went to go get a visteral 25 mg b/c I’m so upset. They gave it to me and when I got back to my room I 100% had a panic attack. 
I felt like I was a kid again. Maybe its b/c I’m here but I’ve never been sure that what it was until now. They happened a lot as a kid and usually ended in my mom holding me and saying everything’s ok. Its so hard not having that now. I left my room and the med student from Sunday was in the hall and he came and talked to me until I calmed down. 
With talking to them I finally feel like I’ve been able to verbalize how anxious I feel here along with how I feel about leaving. I just need to rest my eyes for right now, but when I’m up I need to write down what Dr. B said about when I get out. 
I miss my parents. 
Time unknown
Honestly can’t remember what happened next. 
Social worker came in, she’s lovely. Talked a bit then I kept resting. 
She gave me some info on how to stay grounded during a panic attack. 
Then I think I went to the rec room to do a puzzle but then religion group started. I stuck around but then little dr came to get me and asked if I would meet with big table of doctors even though I hate it. 
I did it but it made me upset again. They said they would come talk to me but they haven’t. 
I fell asleep again then not Maria nurse came to tell me they’re gonna give me more adavan once my visteral wears off. Fell back asleep then got a drink/ate lunch.
My puzzle got hijacked so I brought a new one into my room. I hit a wall so I stopped to write all this down and go find out what they talked about it my meeting. 
I think its around 1 pm. 
Sat and watched how I met your mother for a little. Started crying. Asked a nurse when I was gonna get talked to when little doc came up. they gave me an adavan and now I’m waiting for him to come talk to me. the maid is making up Shauna’s old bed while I sit and cry. Very awk. 
I don’t know why I keep crying. I just feel like I’m going to keep having these attacks. I feel so hopeless. 
Still sitting here crying. Still no doctor. 
My name is Abigail and I am safe. I am in the present and I am safe. 
lil doc came to talk to me and I got upset. I don’t understand what my next move is. 
Just slept pretty hard until now then got dinner. Going back to sleep is very tempting. 
I think I’m allowed another pill. What’s the point? 
6:50 pm 
I honestly don’t know what I’ve been doing since after dinner. I’ve been doing the puzzle in the TV room. I’ve been watching the office. I asked nice nurse if I could have another pill but she’s pretty sure she cane until its time for bed. My anxiety is pretty high right now my parents will be here in like an hour. 
7 pm
officially been hoarding pencils. They say I can have an atavan at 10 pm for bed, but they gave me a V. im wondering if that’s going to help me sleep. They’re going to put me on abilify on top of my startera. I’m hoping they’ll give me some of this visteril to take home in case I start to freak. 
Decided that in order to help me not get stressed I want someone to take my phone and ask me one by one about who texted/called/emailed and help me deal with it. Same w/ my bank statement. 
I want to say I feel better, but I don’t know. Its just all a blur. 
I want to see m parents so I can find out what the move is when I get out. Maybe a meeting with Andrea and social working and one of them would be cool. 
I don’t want to get out after Taylor leaves. Fuck.
Double lasagna and biter left. 
* is still here, and fake Abby is MIA. 
New girl who I don’t know 
New guy Brandon- wears vans 
And tad who Mack warned me about. Apparently he called 911 on the nurses from the phones. 
Bold move. 
Fake Abby and I are friends. I think she’s lonely, I know she wants to be my roommate, but I can’t deal with that. 
Now I just kill time until mom gets here. 
930 ish?
Mom and dad came and I feel a bit better. Mom and I did our crossword puzzle and dad and I figured out grad school. I also had him assure me I don’t need to worry about $ right now. 
I asked for a pen but they said no. but I STOLE ONE FROM MY DAD!! 
Honestly its low on ink but just having it feels great. 
Just called my mom and said goodnight to Mack. I feel ok. Mostly just shook b/c of how much of a dream this all feels like. But I’m ok. Time to crossword and eat my poptart like the star patient I am. And I’m gonna do it in god damn pen! 
Goals for tomorrow- 
- track when all meds taken
- get better at checking time 
slept like shit. But I think I might go home today?! I’m sick so my head fucking hurts. I dontknow what to think. I just want to sleep in my own bed. 
talked to dr. B + some of the team and I think I’ll just stay another night. It was hard for me to think of what I wanted to b/c I just woke up. but she made a good point that if I’m sick and drowsy it could be good to stay since they’ll change the time I get the abilify. I don’t know. Just very tired. 
Watching fresh prince. Thought there was gonna be group in here, but so far nothing. Fuck this. 
Fake Abby told shirt he looks like Carlton and no shit he kind of does. He deadass did the dance while he was walking out. He thinks side burns were cool. Now singer is singing Elvis songs. 
Newer girl is even scarier she’s very touchy. Seems like she doesn’t listen. 
singer is standing directly in front of the tv. She threatened to fire the nurse that told her to stop. 
Shirt is leaving today. 
New girl just came in and snatched the stuff out of singer’s hands and then tried to talk to everyone. Now singer is out for blood. New girl is wild. 
going to lay in bed until lunch. 
slept a little until lunch. Hamburger and a coke. 
I’m def staying another night. Thinking of some ideas for pickup since I need someone to go back to my apt w/ me. 
I think that’s the move. And then if its horrible I can try to stay somewhere else. I’m thinking of asking my sisters. Idk. Might call some of them now. 
I’m really just waiting to get something for my cough. 
just slept super hard
even denied taking my cough meds so I could sleep more
I finally got into the rec room and unsurprisingly it was a disappointment. 
Couldn’t find macks mark so I left. 
Gonna go try to get more crossword 
just called Chelsea, she said she would try to come over after work/talk to liv about doing the same. I just want to take a real shower. 
Crazy Tad just said hi to me. 
New girl (maid) is asleep sitting up, we’re watching that 70’s show. 
My shirt smells like Keenan. 
Also its almost snack! 
Hmmmmm 4? 
took a shower after smashing a poptart. The sheets they gave me to use as a bathmat smells like actual piss and shit- maybe I shouldn’t have wrapped myself in it. 
A little before 5
Slept again. Got woken up for dinner. It was ok. God I’m so fucking tired. 
I’m glad I’m writing everything down b/c its all such a blur. 
Cant remember if I already wrong down that I talked to chels. I want help meal prepping and doing some laundry. Also someone to sleep over. I want my own bed, but I don’t want to be alone. I don’t want my phone. I don’t know what good anyone can do me right now until my meds get figured out. I don’t know!! 
I met my new nurse, DD, who said I’m taking my abilify in an hour. Then I want my sleeping pills so I can konk out, ugh. 
Time to lay down. Again. 
I think I fell asleep again?
Went to get my abilify around 615. Panic attack happened again. 
I can’t stop crying and I don’t want to be here anymore w/out talking to someone about all my regrets. 
I think more than anything I’m really disappointed with how this whole thing is going down. 
Just want to stop crying. 
830 pm
calmed down. Kind of okay w/ leaving but also so anxious. 
Singer has 12 different personalities. 
About to go ask for my meds/follow up on what’s up w/ the nurse’s research 
Ate a poptart. Nurse was doing meds so she hasn’t looked into anything. Took 2 hydroxizines (50 mg) + a 3 mg melatonin. Called dad, still not a grad student. Very frustrating. Everything sucks but its ok bc I am Abigail Nash and I am safe in the present. I am not in the past. The present. And there are people that love me. 
- if… because then 
- one day at a time 
9 am?
Had breakfast, found out I’m going home today. 
Called mom + dad, and mom is gonna pick me up around 5 
2 more free meals! 
Getting a therapist is going to take a minute but I feel ok about it 
Nurse Nadine is so sweet. 
These people are getting the wildest thank you cards later. 
I’m going to get a watch 
I don’t like not always knowing the time 
That fucking short haired nurse came in again and gave me shit for being in my room
 Don’t know her name 
But I don’t want to 
I’m getting out here short haired lady! And I’m pulling out to win! 
I’m getting sleepy, fuck 
I have like 8 hours to kill 
Suddenly now that I know I’m getting out I feel like some kind of bubble has been burst and I feel semi normal 
Am I really the Angelina Jolie of this place? Not actually Angelina, but her character from Girl Interrupted? 
She’s hot in that too, though.
Final thoughts for now- RIP Brittany Murphy. 
group- only going because nurse Nadine is leading it. 
Tad gave a very sweet little speech about his dad
Grabby girl wouldn’t share, she it nuts
But now miss congeniality is on!!
cute rec therapist let me into the rec room. I wrote 
In big letters on the table, and made a picture frame. Also played ping pong with grabby. I’m not even going to go into how that went. 
Update: grabby thinks I’m her mom 
My best gift:
The gift of travel. Travel in the sense of moving, traveling to see a friend, or a friend traveling to see me. travel has allowed me to maintain friendships w/ people I usually wouldn’t. Another gift coming from travel is my best friend, Taylor who traveled to another state for school, where I met her. And the gift of going to visit my best friend in France a few years ago who I’ve known since I was 9. 
~~~~ when the party is at it’s best, it’s time to leave the party ~~~~ 
- Tad’s ex-father-in-law
almost noon 
Tad (ok turns out its not the Tad Mack was talking about) said some really good stuff in group and when he was talking about finding balance I said, “like the yin for your yang?” and he did not know what I was really talking about but it fit into the convo really well. So I started to draw him one and when it was over I gave it to him and he was really touched. I feel really good about it. It sucks I’m just now getting to go to group but I think my meds might be working b/c I haven’t gone back to sleep yet. 
Also, they said I could keep 19! 
I need to get some books together to donate. And some puzzles. 
After lunch 
Pulled pork. Singer change the channel on TV to cartoons. I see a nap in my future. Also brushing my teeth. 
There’s a new kid, he’s gotta be newly 18 b/c he looks young. 
Tried playing monopoly w/ Tad, maid, and new guy, but it devolved. 
Thought he was cute but he might be nuts (shocker)
I said he was welcome to my books and he looks a mans search for meaning and I’m about to leave so I don’t think im getting it back. 
Amanda wrote a nice note in it. That sucks. I gotta stop being so nice. 
I asked them to give me a visterile and they did. I should be ready to rock when mom gets here. 
did more painting- made a weird sign for door knobs. No sign of homeboy + my book. I kind of don’t want to leave, but I refuse to let myself have fomo in a place like this. Idk what the move is for my book. He better be reading it. I don’t want to leave before dinner so he can at least have a chance to say something to me about it. 
Tad is really fun to hang out w/. he is really nice. We talked about grounding during panic attacks and he invited me to play monopoly and we talked about how it sucks that we all just started talking to each other but that’s also prob just a sign that the meds are working. 
I saw he put my yin yang in the front of his journal. Very sweet. 
This isn’t to say he isn’t totally nuts. Also, young guy said my voice reminded me of “stuff” what the fuck. 
Grabber called me mom and tried to give me her hand. 
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hayjeon · 7 years
Memory Lane | 03 ft. Yoongi
Tumblr media
→ grumpy husband yoongi au aka lots of fluff and a little smutty language → 1.7k words → part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | BTS in 10 years!AU
also highly inspired by this video and dedicated to my dear friend who is currently suffering from wisdom teeth pain bc i cant fucking wait til shes drunk of her ass bc of the meds cause i’ll be ready with the camera to make sure that shit goes down in history
“Oh shit, who are you?” His groggy voice croaks out.
You look up from your organization of the clothes you packed for him and your eyes widen when you see him come to. You rush to his side, leaning down to get a good look at him. 
“Babe, are you feeling okay?“ 
He frowns, movements even slower than usual because of the anesthesia. His eyes rake over your features, eyebrows furrowing as he examines how your lashes flutter in confusion and your hair falling around him smells so damn good. 
He squints. "Wait what? Babe?" 
You laugh, grabbing a chair. The doctor warned about something like this, momentary memory loss or delusion was common for any patients coming off of such heavy anesthesia from a surgery. 
He turns to you, and you hand him his crackers and some water. He chews on the plain stuff slowly, still looking up at you in confusion. 
“Woah, are you a nurse here?” 
You raise and eyebrow and curl a piece of hair behind your ear. Propping your elbow on the side of his bed, you smile down at him, “Uh, I’m your wife, Yoongi.” 
He pauses, cracker mid-chew and his slanted eyes turn to you, wide. “Wait, we’re married?!” 
You chuckle and nod, guiding the hand that’s holding his cracker back towards his gaping mouth. “Yes, honey. Eat your cracker.” 
He catches sight of the ring on your finger and gapes. “Fuuuuck, I’m a genius. Holy shit, did I buy you that?” 
You look down at the jewel, a gorgeous round diamond halo embedded in a platinum band studded with smaller ones. It was an obnoxiously gorgeous one, sitting right on top of the plain silver promise ring he gave you on your year anniversary. Smiling down at it and extending your hand out in front of the both of you, you nod. “Mhm, don’t you remember when you dropped it in the sink drain when you proposed?” 
He closes his eyes, chewing thoughtfully. “No. Do we have kids?” 
“Not yet.” 
“Okay I take it back, I’m not a genius. Why haven’t I knocked you up yet?”
Giggling, you help prop him up against the pillows and press a cup of water to his lips, and he drinks with gusto. When you press another saltine cracker against his lips, he cringes away from you with the cutest expression, pouting at the taste. 
“I don’t wanna.” 
“Yoongi, you have to eat your cracker so that the anesthesia will wear off faster.” 
“Hot nurse I don’t know what you are doing to me but I am married.” He holds up his left hand, brandishing his own matching platinum band with two simple grooves in the upper and lower part of the band, wrapped snugly around his finger. Your favorite part about the otherwise simple band was that Yoongi never took it off. Even when he had gigs and other important meetings, or even shows that requested that he model their own choices of fashion and jewelry. Ever. 
You chuckle and press the cracker into his mouth when he’s finished speaking. Grunting, his eyes open and send you a glare as he chews on the cracker, eyebrows furrowing at the plainness. “My wife will beat you up.” 
You smile thoughtfully. “How is she?” 
He closes his eyes, his voice sexily husky and groggier than it is when he wakes up or is trying to seduce you. It’s also a bit slower and muffled, as his tongue weighs heavily in his mouth, but he talks surely, and you notice his speech becoming a bit more clearer as he continues. This was good, because the doctor recommended that he keep talking to help him wake up. 
“She’s so hot. And so fucking nice. So fucking nice. And her legs and ass look really good when she wears the heels I bought her but I’ll never tell her because I know they make her feet hurt.” 
You giggle at that memory, when Yoongi bought you the prettiest pair of Louboutins in your favorite color for your birthday once and you wore them the following week to a fashion show event he was invited to as his plus one. You were the talk of the night but then he had to piggy back you back to the limo at the end of the night because of the blisters on your heels and soles. 
“And also she likes watching deep shit like Your Name or Get Out and secretly I love that because I know Namjoon’s wife still makes him watch Frozen with her and I swear I’ll never babysit his kids again or else I might break every copy of that goddam disney movie.”
“She’s super independent. Did I mention she’s a vet? Like shit if that’s not the epitome of my fucking fantasies then I dunno what is.” He hiccups and you bite back the huge smile on your face to press the cup to his lips and let him gulp more water. 
“We fight, sometimes. But I’m happy because she knows who she is now and we don’t fight about identity stuff anymore this far into our marriage. It’s more like endearing shit like ‘you left the toilet seat up’ or ‘get your own goddam milk’ and I fucking live for that shit.” 
He chokes on a bit of crumbs from the cracker and explodes in coughs, and you scramble to pat his back and give him some more water. Suddenly his mother scrambles to his side and joins you, helping you refill the cup and caressing his back.
“Ah, mother! When did you get here? You should’ve called, this stuff is so heavy!” You grab the cooler from her, and set it aside, most likely filled with food for you two to eat while here at the hospital. She smiles at you and sits down, gazing down at her son. “You know that means he really likes you.” 
You blush, taking the other seat beside her and also gazing down at Yoongi’s still groggy figure chewing slowly on his cracker, oblivious to your conversation. “How much did you hear?” 
“Enough to realize he was talking about you and not some other woman.” 
You giggle and press another cracker into his hand. She grasps your hand and smiles. “I know he’s not really good at showing it but, he really loves those that he keeps close to him. I’m so happy he married someone like you, someone who draws him out of his little shell. I haven’t seen him so happy, ever. Even when he’s grumpy and in pain.” 
You giggle at the way he groans and furrows his brows when you urge him to eat another cracker. Whining, he turns from you and rolls over, his back towards the both of you. The minor surgery from appendicitis had given you a scare but definitely was something turning out to be a milestone in your books. Smiling, you respond. 
“I’ve never been this happy either.” 
“What the fuck are you talking about? What did I say?” 
He turns to you in the passenger seat, as you pull out of the driveway of the hospital. 
“Well, you first hit on me, and then you congratulated yourself on marrying me.” 
“There’s no way I said that. You’re joking.”
“100% positive Yoongi. I was there.” 
“What else did I say?” 
“Not much.” 
“Are you sure?” 
You smile secretly to yourself, giggling as you pull into your home. “Yeah, not much else.” 
“Babe, we have literally two minutes to get into the car. Are you ready yet?” He checks his watch, sighing as he fiddles with his cuff links. 
“I’m ready!” You appear at the top of the staircase with a gorgeous white blazer and shorts set. You bound down the steps and stop in front of the door to put your shoes on and he notices the high heels he bought you a while ago. He silently watches you smooth back your curled locks and balance a hand on the wall to keep yourself steady as you pull on the suede heels onto your jaw dropping legs. Inwardly he keeps himself from popping a boner right then and there. Three years of marriage and waking up to your bloated sleepy face did nothing to stop his attraction for you. It was the same, the you who woke up in one of his shirts and tiredly shoved your glasses on your face and prepared his coffee or the you who dressed up in designer clothes and spent hours perfecting your already perfect face with makeup and jewelry for Jimin’s third baby shower. 
But outwardly he grumbles, “Don’t those shoes give you blisters?” 
You smile at him, and he melts. It was the fucking highlight of his day, seeing the way your smile literally lit up his world even brighter than any stage lights or morning suns he’s ever seen. “I can deal with it.”
“To show who?” He rolls his eyes and stuffs his hands in his pockets as he grabs his keys and follows you out the door. 
“You, babe.” You turn and sling an arm through the crook of his own, and he clenches his jaw to keep himself from smiling too hard. 
“Whatever.” He grumbles as he opens the car door for you and then starts the engine with a scowl. You giggle as you notice the way he only drives with his left hand so that his right is free, and taking the hint, you weave your fingers through his as he merges onto the freeway. He’s still scowling though. 
But you love it, and you love him. 
He doesn’t love the traditional way others do, with the googly eyes and kisses and sweet words dripping with honey. But you see it in his actions, and anaesthesia-induced speeches, and it was the best you could ask for and ever wanted. 
Because he was yours and you were his, and it was all that mattered. 
Because you caught a good one there. 
Yeah, you’re sure you did. 
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lilragekitten · 7 years
I’m so frustrated, I just need to vent for a minute.
My mother was placed in a nursing home this summer as her dementia was deemed to be to far progressed for her to live on her own unsupervised anymore. I moved into her house, and took over the care of her two cats, who are about 13/14 now. 
The long haired one, stopped eating and drinking last week, a solid five days. I called the vets and tried to get her an appointment, but when I explained I was bringing her in for my mother, and no she couldn’t possibly attend and no she can’t give consent, I was directed to have her power of attorney call due to ‘pet/patient confidentiality’ to make sure it was okay for me to make decisions about this cat who I’ve been around since she was 6 months old. I was blown away. Yes I get some people do abuse animals, and I can see how it’s a problem, however I wasn’t making an appt for her to be euthanized, I was trying to get her help (which was the reason for this I was told)
Anyways, the POA called and said yes, and that she’d foot the bill (well, mom would) and so we bring her in. Her tooth is pretty nasty with tartar buildup and there’s an abscess right next to it so swollen it’s almost completely covering the tooth. When mentioned to the vet she said “Oh yeah that is pretty bad but cats can go a really long time with tooth pain and still eat and lead normalish lives so I’m not concerned that’s the issue” and then proceeded to run three different blood tests and ask if we’d like to send her out to a specialist five and a half- seven hours away, to which I refused bc... no. They found some things high in her liver, which looked basically like her body was eating itself, and makes sense after five days of not eating??? but when I questioned it, I was told they were more concerned with treating this symptom then finding the cause.And like yes that needs to be addressed, but shouldn’t you also focus on WHY she stopped eating and drinking in the first place??????
So they hooked her up to an IV and she stayed there for three days. They texted me updates once a day that she was eating and seemed to be doing well. On friday I missed a call but the message stated that they wanted her for an extra day and run more blood tests and does she normally dig for her food and try to bury it? I called back that no I would be picking her up at 3, no more blood tests, no she doesn’t try to bury her food. When I was questioned I said that the bill was already very high (the quote was between 700-800$) and I wasn’t adding more on that if she seemed to be doing well I was taking her home and btw did they pull her tooth? 
No they didn’t. 
Go and get her, but they still made us wait over half hour, even though they had three hours to prepare for our arrival, and I’ given soe drugs and a nice discharge paper that says, summing up here: “Sorry we still don’t know why she stopped eating. bring her back if there’s issues”
She had a few bites of food friday night, did not appreciate her pain meds, and today she had four licks of watered down wet food, three thumbnail sized bites of chicken and no water. I tried giving her her other pill which is to help give her an appetite, and she started foaming up at the mouth and now shes pissed off. 
Oh also, the vets told me that she would eat if they sta there and cuddled her and petted her. She did last night, but not tonight.
I’m so sad and scared and mad. There’s only three vet offices within 40 mins of me, and one I refuse to see after the way she treated several of my cats before, (making one bleed excessively after missing giving a shot the first time, refusing to see a kitten bc it was young- the vet tech who answered the phone actually LAUGHED at the kittens problems, failing to explain that the test she was going to perform as a learning aide to her student would be charged to me and not letting me know it was an over 200$ test) and teh other office is affliated with the one we were just at. Debating going over into Quebec or North Bay. Going to call the this office on Monday though and explain what’s going down and if they refuse to listen or decide to recharge me, I’m going to find someone else. 
Sorry for the ranting and if we could not reblog please. Any suggestions can be put into comments. Thanks guys. 
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