#so he’s basically the only adult supervision
I’ve loved replaying The Quarry but one thing that I really love about the game (aside from nearly everything) is that Travis throughout most of the game is like “These fucking kids…” like he’s so annoyed by them lmao
In the car scene every time Laura and Ryan make a comment he’s just like 🤨 he’s so baffled by these kids and the way they talk.
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I think something that also gets me is outside, irey, the west side of the speedster bloodline families are chosen to become speedsters whether it’s Barry’s spirit, fate, the speedforce itself, they have a element of being chosen for the job while the Allen side of the family, outside Barry, are born with these powers, they are just given their connection and their strength, there is no sense that they had to earn or learn anything. Obviously, this is a massive oversimplification. But I think when it comes down to the differences, I think that’s also often why a lot of the Allen vs West descendants come into conflict on a theme level. Like, the question of is it better to be born with great power or given it later on. What makes someone better? The answer is neither but it something hat floats in their heads. Like for instance, Wally isn’t Barry’s son but he was chosen by him while the twins must have felt proud to be Barry’s kids but didn’t feel especially wanted.
(Side note: this is also sorta why I kind of hate yjtv’s flashfam so much sometimes bc esp season 2, they play up that obviously Bart is better bc he’s BLOOD RELATED to Barry. And it’s just weird and so….oddly light years away from the core of what makes the flash fam great, but whatever)
Huh. I don't mean to poke holes in your thesis here but I don't think there's enough to say anything definitive vis-a-vis given vs inherited?
Given, Inherited
Wests: Daniel, Wally, Ace, Irey, Jai, John
Allens: Barry, Don, Dawn, Bart, Jenni
Barry, Daniel, Wally and Ace were all given their speedforce connections through accidents/fate. Don, Dawn, Irey, Jai, Bart, Jenni and John all inherited their speedforce connections from their parents, albeit with different rates of inheritance. Don and Dawn's powers were present at birth with no abnormalities or malfunctions. Bart, Irey and Jai manifested malfunctioning powers at birth. Jenni manifested powers at puberty with no abnormalities or malfunctions. John manifested powers as an adult after extreme stress and danger. It was assumed that his lab accident gave him powers but it was later revealed that they just triggered his latent powers to activate.
And that's not even looking at the long line of superpowered Allen descendants shown in Chain Lightning.
There are a lot of Allen descendants that inherited speedforce connections but there are also a lot of West descendants that inherited speedforce connections. We just have a skewed perspective of it because we've seen more of Barry's family tree (his grandkids and all the Allen descendants in Chain Lightning). But John's existence several centuries in the future shows that the West genes have just as much sticking power.
That's not to say that I think you are wrong, it's just that I think it's more of a localized issue. Specifically, this is a Wally & Ace vs Don, Dawn and Bart issue. And the issue is all about Barry at its core.
Subconsciously or not, Barry gave Wally and Ace their powers. In doing so he made them metaphorically his children, his 'Kids' if you will. If you look at the emphasis on speedforce connections and inheritance through bloodlines, Barry giving them those powers was a symbolic adoption of sorts. It didn't stop at metaphors and symbols either. Barry raised those two as his sons. They were his kids.
Wally struggled a lot with Bart being "actually" related to Barry. When Bart first showed up Wally was being very hard on himself and he felt like a failure. A large reason why he hadn't stopped being the Flash was his sense of duty to Barry and the legacy. He was the closest thing Barry had to a child. He was Barry's legacy and, even if he thought he sucked at it, he had a duty to carry on for Barry. Bart threw that entire line of thought into question and caused him to spiral. The fact that Bart could do things he couldn't? It was just fuel on the fire. In Wally's mind he was just a pretender to the throne and Bart was the rightful heir. It isn't a coincidence that Wally only thought about Bart in terms of Barry at first and wanted to be his guardian. Keeping Bart safe, training him and giving him the mantle was the only way Wally thought he could make it right. (It's a really good thing Iris didn't let that happen and Bart wanted nothing to do with the legacy aspect, cause that would've been a disaster)
The powers definitely played a part in it but it wasn't because Bart was born with powers. It was because Bart was born with Barry's powers. I mean, Wally had issues with Bart being able to vibrate through walls (a thing Barry could do but Wally couldn't) but Wally had no issues with Bart's ability to create scouts (a thing neither Barry nor Wally could do). It had nothing to do with Bart being 'more adept or skilled'. It was all about Bart being more like Barry than Wally was.
It was the same when Wally met Jenni. The only reason Jenni escaped Wally's jealousy and misplaced self loathing was because she provided him with two bigger threats. The Tornado Twins.
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(what's interesting is that this word choice 'favorite son' legitimized Wally's relationship with Barry in his head. Here were Barry's "actual blood" children confirming that Wally was Barry's son. This is what caused Wally to realize that his issues with the twins were unfounded and silly)
The twins hated Wally. He was the prodigal son. The golden child. Barry loved Wally, Iris loved Wally and the twins grew up in the shadow of an older brother they could never live up to. To the twins, Wally was the son Barry chose. They were the kids Barry never asked for.
So, TLDR: I don't think the question is "Is it better to be born with great power or develop great power later on" but rather "is it better to be born Barry's kid or develop that relationship later on".
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evilminji · 6 months
Thinking About Ghost Writer's Library ( o.o)
Yeah, that's right folks! It's ya girl! Back on her bullshit, with PONDERING TIME. But like? GW? Is AT BEST? Somewhere around Victorian or Edwardian, given his aesthetic, right? And? Granted! It COULD be, he just vibes SUPER HARD with this Hot New Look(tm).
But like?
He is Baby.
They basically ALL are Baby. It's the... no, A(!) Baby area of the Zone. A place where sentient life is JUST sort of beginning to happen. On the COSMIC, INTERDIMENSIONAL, scale of things. What, after all, is a MERE few millenia? When the average is counting things by Eons? And even WORSE? When your ENTIRE COUNTRY and HISTORY is? What... CENTURIES?
Zygote. You are not but an infant. Back to daycare with you.
Which of course, leads the baby sitters. Even the occasional Adult. SOMEONES got to watch them. But it's not like THEY want to volunteer their eternity. They have Obsessions to follow. And there are A LOT of Baby Zone's to watch! More forming every day! The great dance of Life And Death etc etc, Yada yada!
Who's being punished? Make them do it! *Clockworks in long term plan*
But! Not the point here! Though fascinating to consider! The POINT? GW->Baby. His Library? Larger then then any Earth libraries, yes. But! Still SMALL. A BABY'S collection of books! Still growing. And for all his bragging and posturing? FAR from the Zone's BEST Library.
It likely doesn't even get to make the LONG FORM list.
Which Danny? Who is STILL banned? Quickly figures out. Because? Amity Library is... DECENT. It's working with the funding It's gotten dispite the damage ghost fights have done. Danny loves that library. He does. But... he also? Kinda has run out of things to READ.
And like HELL is he gonna BEG to enter GHOST WRITER'S Lair. Mister "Love Christmas or I'll torture you with it" can SUCK [REDACTED] and shove it up his [REDACTED BUT WITH VIOLENCE THIS TIME]. So? He asks, vaguely of course, Mr. Ho the librarian what he should do.
The man practically froths at the mouth at the thought that there is some BASTARD denying children books over PETTY PERSONAL BULLSHIT. Wants to meet this guy out back. "Talk books". Mr. Ho is like a bazillion years old and a tiny grandpa, he's amazing and Danny STILL kinda wants to be him when he grows up.
But since Danny won't let him deck Ghost Writer. He shows him how too look up other libraries in the area. Which... sparks An Idea(tm). He thanks his favorite librarian and races home. Makes a Bee Line for the Far Frozen.
Can he LOOK at the Infinity Map, Frostbite? He knows taking it is only for Important Events, but... why, you ask? Well...*explains*
Which is how he ends up, with a pen and paper, watching Trained Yeti Map Makers(tm) quickly sprawling out Map after Map, as Frostbite (who is apparently the only one AUTHORIZED to do this, who knew?) formally asks the Map in? Weirdly specific and oddly phrased ways, for the best libraries? Huh?
Ooooh! Frostbite is authorized because he's the only one TRAINED in the exact workings of the Map. Yeah, that makes a lot more sense. When Danny was using it, it dragged him at like Mach bajillion all over the place and he had to keep rephrasing things.
So? He can go now, right? Since he has the directions?
What do you mean "not quite"?
Danny finds out he needs an "Adult Escort". Because he is Baby. And much like children can not fly to Peru alone from halfway across the globe, so too, they can not LEAVE the baby zones to travel through Adult Territories where they could get Ended by accident, WITHOUT Adult supervision. Safety first!
D:< He just wants BOOKS!
Fine! Clockwork is old as BALLS! Older probably! He's LITERALLY TIME! How's THAT for OLD, huh?! Can he GO NOW!? He just wants to check out their ghostly sci-fi section! He's curious AF! He bets they have ALIEN Sci-fi! Come oooooooon!
Clockwork, of course, let's himself be dragged along. Because this is hilarious. AND going to terrify so, SO many assholes. Which is Funny :)
Danny gets his library card to *Unpronouncable without several neck bones humans do not have*, which is the size of Jupiter's BIGGER BROTHER. It isn't even the "Best" library. Just the closest. Danny has a manic... everything, the Fenton blood is strong with this one. So Many Booooooooks~!
And yeah, school books or whatever, probably a great learning resource.
BUT THE SCI-FI AND COMICS SECTION! It goes on for MILES! LITERAL MILES! *incoherent noises of joy*
Needless to say, the Librarians think he's ADORABLE. Such an eager reader! And so SMALL! A BABY! Look at his lil hands~! Be careful with the books, okay sweetie? Oh heck yeah! He WILL be!
And obviously? He gaurds those books with his LIFE. That's his Premium VIP Celebrity Gucci Bespoke Comics of The Multiverse Access! You'll have to pry it from his multi-dead, still smoking, Ended 5Ever hands!
The problem with THIS is?
Even with careful book covers? Those are CLEARLY glowing books. Like... day glow. Unnaturally glowing. The OTHER problem, is UNLIKE that baby GW? Adults can make their books multilingual. OMNILINGUAL. Is this book in French? Or Ainu? Yes. If it's YOUR language, then that's what you're reading in. Is it a bit clunky at times? With things that don't translate well, having to be explained in side notes? Yes. But better then not being able to read them at all!
And of course, comfort and repetition breed mistakes. You get too used to doing something. Forget you're supposed to be HIDING it. Maybe you go to college. Maybe the world moves on. You bring down a government agency with your friends. Become an infant king, much to the unspeakable alarm of the adults who SHOULD have been watching and protecting you. Maybe you have WORDS with them. Who's to say.
You're tired. It's been a long month.
You just want your coffee and a snacky lil treat. Something yummy for the you. Surely you've earned it, right? You've been good. So you take your sweet new alien sci-fi epic, your scrunkly feral Racoon lookin self, and you crawl like the half dying man you are. Towards the sweet relief of sugar and caffeine. Pride? You don't know her. Gib the coffee or you bite.
Unfortunately! There is some shitty "the Youth Today blah blah blah, let try and catch them of gaurd with loaded questions to prove my point and make a whole generation look dumb" reporter on campus. You see them out of the corner of your eye. They clearly think you are the weak link.
They are making their way towards you, mic raised.
Ah. Tragic, they have chosen death.
Before they can reach you, you raise your voice and not so much throw them under a bus, as drive the bus over THEM. Because THIS Coffee shop is the Punk hangout spot. And you've made casual friendly acquaintances with the six foot something, Sam clone from Scotland, whose life goal seems to be "Fight God".
And THESE fine folk DEFINITELY want an interview :) Have Fun, Thorn!
Needless to say, the clips go viral. With Danny sitting in the background, coffee and muffin achieved. Minding his business. Reading his glowing book. Which everyone ignores, on campus. Because EVERYONE knows Danny can make things glow! It's his weird minor power. Some lab accident in his teen years. NBD
But like... no body ELSE "knows" that. So it attracts attention.
Which would be FINE.... if he was reading an EARTH book.
But he's NOT.
And someone recognizes it.
Maybe it's Martian. Kryptonian. Could be Asgardian. Depends on the crossover you want! Because it could be ANY crossover! Lost books. Not just the Great Classics(tm) that people like to save. But the silly ones. The small ones. The equivalent of dime store novels and cheap drug store comics. Children's books. Banned books. The things Powerful People tried to erase from history itself. The things TIME tried to erase, with the fall of nations and the coming of war.
The destruction of worlds.
All of it there.
Imagine it. Standing on a planet, far from the world that was once your home, KNOWING in your heart that everything is gone. Everyone. That NOTHING but what you carry with you remains. And looking up one day to see, in the background of some average and silly video? Not "War and Peace" or "Great Expectations" or some other likely exported peice... but? Some youth reading that overly dramatic trashy sci-fi book that your cousins wouldn't stop raving about. The ones all the adults were SICK of hearing about.
It would NEVER have passed the bar for export.
It was silly and embarrassing but culturally significant.
It's... it's right there.
Wouldn't the desperation that fills you be suffocating? Are there others? Is that an original? How is it here? How can he READ it? Who taught him? Who IS he? Is he one of us? Where? How? HOW?! Please. PLEASE!
And Danny? Would have no idea! :)c it's great~
@hdgnj @hypewinter @the-witchhunter @ailithnight @mutable-manifestation @nerdpoe
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oneread · 2 months
Imagine being the head of a two-bit gang who gets roped into raising some feral children for a sorta crooked cop from your hometown so he doesn’t turn you into the feds because he doesn’t want them to grow up in danger because of their family criminal connections but he also won’t bother raising them himself and then basically the second the youngest is grown and out of your eyesight this fucking deadbeat is trying to get them arrested and/or executed for being criminals even though he forced you, a literal criminal, to be their only consistent adult supervision
Dadan is gods strongest warrior for not killing Garp and framing that bigass tiger
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humanityinahandbag · 1 year
Steddie Modern AU: TikTok
Steve would absolutely be that guy who would not understand TikTok. He and Eddie are older by the time it comes out, and most of the content there is of young kids going completely buck wild. Steve of course disapproves, hands on his hips, huffing about no supervision these days even though he was absolutely a terror in high school.
Eddie, rock star that he is, gets it to an extent. "They're expressing themselves!" he'd say.
Steve would only shake his phone around and point aggressively to a video playing on loop of a young man dancing along to some new trendy song, trying his hardest to seem cool and popular. "This isn't expression," he'd say, mother hen voice at top volume. "This is them trying to peacock to the world!"
"You did that once, too, Stevie."
"Yeah, and I was a little shit!"
And so Steve, in an effort to curb the young teenage population and keep them from making his mistakes (mostly due to parental neglect and hopeless, crushing self deprivation), would start his own TikTok channel.
"Hey there," he says into the camera, because for all the pride around his good looks, he has zero clue how to record a video of himself. "My names Steve, and I've been noticing a bunch of you on here who are out of control! Listen to me, alright? You need to dial it back. All that shit in high school is completely null and void when you're an adult. Trust me. From a former popular asshole, there's better shit you could be doing. Now let me show you how to scramble an egg."
His videos mostly consist of simple lessons. Giving out little pieces of advice. Teaching them basic life skills he had to learn on his own. How to cook. How to clean. How to iron a polo shirt. How to style your hair. How to do laundry. How to do basic first aid.
He often becomes transparent, telling them about his own childhood.
Sometimes he brings Eddie into his videos.
"This is my husband's favorite," he says, by way of explanation as he shows TikTok how to make pasta sauce from scratch. "He used to eat spaghetti out of a can. A fucking can!"
Despite his posturing on stage, Eddie becomes shy whenever a camera is in his face, and ducks his head away, smiling quietly towards the camera. "It's not that bad," he says.
"Not that- The sodium in that could kill an elephant!" Steve laughs.
"Yeah, well... I don't want you doing too much for me."
"I like doing things for you."
Eddie flushes and ducks his head, hiding his face away behind a curtain of curls.
Steve leans over a kisses his temple, pushing him gently out of frame where he'll be more comfortable, before turning back to the camera. "Anyway, this recipe is great if you're on your own for long periods of time. Especially because you can freeze some for later. Now the trick here is garlic. Let me show you how to peel it without making a huge mess!"
It's a month later where Dustin shows up at their door and shoves his phone into Steve's face. "Why the fuck," he'd snap, "are you trending?"
It turns out, the tiny community that Steve had been lecturing to wasn't as small as he originally thought.
There are so many kids out there desperate for parental affection, and they look to Steve, feeding off his pride, his kindness, his stories, his advice. Not only that but the fact that they get to see a former bully, a former popular kid, a man who grew up from neglect, become someone happy and married?
That's just... so wonderful.
"I've been on TikTok from the beginning and I only have, like, two thousand followers."
"So what? I don't have that many."
"You've got three million, Steve," said Dustin. Steve was not expecting that, squinting at the phone screen in his face. "Three fucking million! People are stitching your videos saying you guys are their new dads," Dustin squawked. "How did you not know you were this popular!?"
"I didn't know how to check my follower count!" Steve said, sincerely. It wasn't like he actually checked the thing! He just enjoyed making videos.
"You're so old."
"Hey," said Eddie from the kitchen, "don't talk about your mother that way."
"Yeah!" agreed Steve. "Don't talk to me that way! Now get into my next video so I can introduce you to your three million siblings."
And that is why I firmly believe that, if given the chance, Steve (and subsequently, Eddie) would absolutely become the internet's favorite parental figure(s).
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dannyphantom1234 · 4 months
Reborn as Dan Phantom.
A fan of the show is reborn as Dan, the evil version of Danny just as he was created— but what no one knew was a fangirl had taken over the body and knew just what to do to help her family that would suffer what she just went through unless she did something to help. So— she creeped towards Clockwork, stole the time medallion, went to the timeline of the original, and immediately took over as big brother figure to help these poor children from suffering the future they would have to endure alone without adult supervision.
She— now he— didn’t care for gender, and just wanted to help and protect his new(ish) family from bad people. What he didn’t know was he was also thrown alongside the dc universe, which was an awesome discovery on his part later on.
Dan— or Dante— as he wished to be called, came to the group with sorrow in his heart as he explained what would happen in the future if Danny cheated on his test, not that it was anyone’s fault but fates. He explained how no one was at fault and it could all be avoided if he could help it.
He took over the ghost fights, and had a long talk with Clockwork about what would happen and his real purpose for being there.
His original timeline was obviously erased, and the only reason he survived was because of the medallion, so later he had to go through ghost magic and make himself his own person, gained a whole butt load of tattoos intertwined with ghost time magic and becomes the next king of the infinite realms after defeating the old guy easily after seeing him beat up his little bro.
Dante became king instead of Danny and took over all the overloaded paperwork along the way.
What he didn’t know, was that he would be summoned because of his status. He really thought the fan fictions were just exaggerating what would happen if he was ever given the position and power. Well, it was all true from what he read.
(I’m making this a Dante/King Phantom x Jason Todd/Red Hood).
He made an actual legal identity for himself with the help of Technus and Tucker, who became better pals after they set aside the fact that they attacked each other at some point or another.
Danny became a little brother to him, Jazz became his little sister who likes to treat him as if he were still Danny at times, and Danielle became his daughter.
Dante legally adopted Dani after they got his papers in order, and made her an identity as well. Elle was much younger than he remembered, but then again, she was deaged recently and just came back into contact with the group, who couldn’t take care of her because they were still children as well.
Vlad was still a little evil but leveled out after a huge diabolical involving Maddie, their so called mother.
Madeline Fenton had thought her son and daughter conspired with the ghosts and attacked them in their own home, Danny was greatly injured with multiple blast wounds and Jazz suffered a concussion while trying to push him out of the target zones.
Jack had football tackled Madeline and the rest was history.
Vlad had fallen out of love with her after seeing what she did to her own children, and instead got his head out of his butt and realized he was in love with Jack all along.
Jack divorced Madeline, took custody of his kids and decided they should move, all while Vlad made plans to take down GIW with Team Phantom.
Jack and Vlad met him and decided to emotionally adopt Dante as well in their messed up family.
Dante got a job as a mechanic and started his own business in Gotham. Very cliche from all the fanfics he read in his past life but he wanted to do something he knew and loved. He loved fixing things and his side job as the king of the infinite realms was basically being like a father to ghost children while scolding those who thought it was a good idea to attack innocent mortals.
He mainly spent his time raising Danielle. Giving her everything she deserves and making her happy now that his family was safe.
He was randomly summoned by the Justice League who were ready to full on attack him until they saw him reading to his child, not realizing he was summoned until someone cleared their throat. He was literally in his own little bubble, reading his two year old daughter a storybook while holding her against his chest as he floated above the ground, laid back in a relaxed position.
How it would go:
I looked up from the book after feeling a sudden shift in my surroundings, seeing multiple very brightly dressed people in front of me. I glared, shifting completely into my ghost king form while holding my daughter close to my chest. The storybook I was reading had disappeared into a pocket dimension for later, as I had to deal with this madness.
“Who in their right minds would summon the Ghost King? I literally burnt all those summoning books to ash.” I grumbled, and looked down to see Elle had slightly woken up at the sound of my deep voice.
“Dada?” She mumbled, rubbing her right eye as she sat up from my chest.
“It’s alright, Elle,” I rumbled, kissing her forehead as she plopped back down to take her nap again at my reassurance. “We can finish reading time later today.” I murmured to her as she went back to snoozing.
“What do you want, mortals?” I asked nonchalantly.
“Why does the ghost king have a child? And how in the hell are you not attacking us as the books state?” Zatanna asked, looking on at me in shock.
“You willingly want to be attacked after summoning me? That’s idiotic. “ I state, looking bored with their conversation. I still held Elle close, not answering their questions about my child just yet.
“No, a bloody idiot summoned you just as we defeated him as a last defense!” Constantine spat out, looking hysterical.
“Well, sorry to break the news, coward, but the last king was defeated by me after trying to take over the world, he is now locked away in forever sleep until we can find a way to get rid of him completely.” I explained to the coward looking at me in shock on the ground, bruises across his face and the usual weird looking villain costume on him.
I looked around for a quick second before stopping at the Batfam. Who were all here in a more relaxed formation seeing a child in my arms. My favorite fandom family in my last life.
I looked them over before spotting the Red Hood, my celebrity crush I had on him was no secret to my family, but they had no room to judge for themselves.
His aura admitted contaminated ectoplasm, and I knew I had to heal him sometime in the future.
“May I ask what your goals are? And who is this child?” Superman spoke up after a moment of digesting my information about my new position.
“I protect both living and the undead. I don’t have a world ending goal in mind, just to raise my daughter and give her the life she deserves.” I said, looking down at my daughter with a small smile that would be unnoticeable to most.
I looked back up to see the large group had softened at my words and I was about to ask a question about Red Hood, when my daughter suddenly decided this was taking too long and too much noise for her to take a nap.
“Dada! Where puppy?” She demanded answers, smacking the side of my face with her chubby hands, as I floated there, unmoving with an emotionless face towards the group.
“Cujo is with the twerp, remember? He will come by later for playtime.” I answered, which was slightly muffled as she squished my cheeks together and smiled at me happily.
“Dada! Fishh—“ she squealed out, looking happy with herself as she giggled at my face.
“You gremlin—“ I muttered out, tickling her sides as she squeaked, her flying out of my arms and turning into her young ghost form, looking ready to play.
“Playtime?” She asked, bouncing a little in the air, clapping her hands a little.
“Not yet, blob ghost. We need to head back home for snack time.” I explained, crossing my arms as she pouted, my arm muscles bulged a bit as I crossed them, and I still always forget the fact that I’m taller than most, alongside bigger. In my past life, I was a stick of a girl that had spaghetti arms, much different for sure.
Her pouting turned into the famous puppy eyes, and I turned back to the group to avoid them, only to see amused faces all around.
“Do you guys need anything before we head back? I’m sure you don’t want to deal with a Princess tantrum.” I rumbled out, looking on in disinterest as Elle decided to hug the side of my face like an octopus. She probably still had the puppy eyes on.
“You have an adorable daughter!” Princess Diana exclaimed soon after I was finished speaking. “How old is she?” She asked, looking at me curiously as I lowered myself to the ground, Elle now floating behind my head as she played with my low ponytail.
“She is now two years old.” I answered, swiftly nabbing Elle from behind me while reaching the back of my head. I lowered my arms to see I had her upside down now, her hanging like a sack of potatoes as she giggled.
“Dada!” Elle exclaimed, waving her arms around her in glee as she looked up at me.
“You don’t feel like a ghost completely… neither does she, what are you exactly?” Constantine asked, waving his hand at me in confusion.
“I don’t know if I can trust you with that information, Constantine.” I growled a little, glaring at him as he stepped forward while Elle hid behind me.
“Hey now! Let’s calm down, no one needs to start anything!” Nightwing stepped in front of the glaring Constantine who looked more and more like a bug the longer I looked at him.
“There isn’t anything to start, really. His soul is in shreds at the moment, not very powerful compared to my kind anyway.” I stated, crossing my arms once again as Elle peaked out from over my shoulder.
“Now, I need to speak with a Mr. Red Hood.” I said, looking on at the Batfam who tensed at my words.
“Why?” Batman growled out, stepping in front of the confused Red Hood.
“To heal him, of course.” I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose as I heard sounds of confusion from everyone else.
“His ectoplasm is very corrupted. He has the ghost flu, in which case makes my kind very moody and in need of pure ectoplasm to filter it and his emotions.” I briefly explained, unpinching my nose as I looked up from the ground. Willing my headache away for now.
“So his pit madness is basically the ghost flu?” Red Robin murmurs out hysterically, almost giggling in disbelief.
“Yes, I have heard of his haunt, Crime Alley, that being under his protection, I have never stepped foot on his property because I didn’t want to seem like a threat to a sick person who can’t control themselves completely with such a sickness.” I explained myself a bit nervously, rubbing the back of my neck a little with my right hand as Elle now sat on my left shoulder, swinging her legs.
“Wow, the ghost king is a dork…” I heard Spoiler mutter to Orphan, who nodded in agreement.
I huffed, crossing my arms and floated once again. “I can come back another time. I just wished to help a little. My doctor can probably fix him quicker than I, but I know what to do as I have studied under him for more than over a year now.” I informed them.
“So the pit madness can go away…?” Red Hood asked, stepping from around Batman to speak to me clearly.
“I’m unsure of what this “Pit Madness” is, but yes, I can heal you and make sure you properly get the help you need from your emotional roller coaster sickness.” I said, looking down at him as he took a few more steps to me, his family following behind him.
“Well, when can you fix me?” He asked, his voice modifier cutting all emotions from his voice, but I can clearly feel his emotions bursting from his almost formed core. It seems this sickness had stopped him from forming his core completely and left him sick for many years.
I could feel his hope, his rage and especially his bursts of want for some reason.
“I can fix you right now, but I wasn’t sure if you wanted privacy or not. It’s very…. Intimate. I can take you somewhere private if you would like?” I rumbled out, the burst of want came out more clearly, and I could tell Red Hood was clearly not expecting that word choice.
“Take me anytime—“ I could clearly hear his muttered out answer behind his helmet with my enhanced hearing, but I don’t know if I was supposed to hear that.
“Nope! Little Wing— you are not going with the ghost king—“ Nightwing suddenly yelled out, the whites of his mask bigger as Spoiler, Red Robin, and Signal burst into loud laughter. Batman sighed loudly in disappointment. Robin just “Tt” and sighed alongside his father, looking like a mini bat. Orphan just smiled at me.
“By intimate, I mean having a look at your soul, I will essentially have to take a closer look at that and cure you.” I fixed my words, making it seem as if I didn’t hear anything and I could feel a little disappointment coming from Red Hood but he nodded at my explanation.
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oggirlboss · 2 months
[untitled and unedited]
pairing[s]: yandere! janitor!levi ackerman x afab student!reader
warnings: flirtatious behavior, power imbalance, m!masturbation, voyerism, age gap, and hella weird so read at your own risk.
summary: levi ackerman has to supervise a certain brat in detention. needy little virgin hours ensue before school is in session.
word count: 3000
art belongs to columbo on twitter
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     levi ackerman was the type of man that made the existence of female dress codes nessacary. he couldn't stop himself from looking up girls skirts when he knelt down to pick up their trash, or avoid looking down girls shirts when they leaned over to wash their hands in the sink. he didn't even regard his perversion as an awful thing. after all, there are other guys out there who let their obsessions go to the absolute extreme, their crimes delving into horrendous depths like rape and murder. levi could never imagine such things happening, the thought made him sick to his stomach. he wasn't that bad... was he?
       principle erwin certainly didn't think so. he's known about levi's little habit since grade school, but that didn't stop him from writing levi a letter of recommendation and convincing the board of regents to hire him as the primary janitor at shiganshina high school. surely if erwin thought he was so bad he would have tried to protect the girls of the school from him, right?
       it wasn't like all of his attention was centered on one individual, levi knew that type of behavior was out of the question. he was just liked looking that was all, he didn't have the skills to actually approach one of these girls. despite these perversions, he was disgusted by men that touched girls. the ones who prey on the vulnerable, whose sickly minds allow them to prey on girls and use their positions of power and authority to manipulate these girls into doing whatever they want. to use them however they want. levi didn't think he was like that at all.
       but he did take a great interest in you during your sophomore year. you probably got put into detention for a stupid reason, and he couldn't help but sympathize with you. he figured that you got caught doing something mildly dangerous by an administrator and shoved into detention with the rest of the rejects. except since it was nearing the end of the year, all the other teachers didn't even bother to put their students in detention. they dished out more tame punishments to their students and basically took it easy for the last stretch of work until summer break. the teachers were just as fed up with their jobs as the students were with their mundane classes. you, unfortunately, were the unwritten exception to this unspoken rule, and as a result you were the only one sitting in a desolate cafeteria.
       that was the first time levi truly paid attention to you. you were a shy kid, you mostly kept your head down and didn't talk much. he had seen you around before and he figured that it'd be creepy if he struck up a conversation before going off to clean the bathrooms in the teacher's lounge. as soon as he saw your silk-smooth skin peeking out of your too short shorts, he knew he'd need to find an excuse to spend more time with you.
       "oi! brat." he spoke calmly, feigning disinterest when his heart was beating out of his chest. "i'm your assigned supervisor for detention. you can start by picking up a rag and some disinfectant to wipe down all the tables and chairs." his stomach lurched at the lie, this was exhilarating. he watched you hurry to do as he commanded, feeling pride swell in his chest. you believed him. he was a trusted adult, and his authority in the matter didn't need any questioning.
       "i was told professor miche would be in charge of detention today." levi pondered on a good response, but he couldn't stop mulling over the fact that bastard had snatched you up first. miche would have had you all to himself if levi hadn't spoken up just now
       "miche couldn't make it on time, so i'm here to cover for him." levi had a teasing tone in his voice, a smile ghosting his fine features for less than a second. "now are you going to stand around looking pretty, or are you going to get to work?" his taunt didn't have much of an effect on you as you marched up to his supply cart and snatched up a rag and some random chemical mix. "no no no. that won't do." levi sauntered towards you, snapping the rim of his plastic gloves as he did so. "you can't use furniture polish for cleaning surfaces. while the lemony scent does have it's perks, a bleach based product would help you much more." your eyebrows furrowed as you nodded. maybe you could learn something from his guidance, after all, he was a professional.
       "alright. will clorox work?" you picked up the product by its handle and squeaked as you gripped the hilt, causing a foamy string of liquid to burst from its container.
       "hey, hey, no funny business." levi smirked at your playful tenacity. you were so much more fun than he'd thought you would be. "who even taught you how to clean?" he scoffed in a light-hearted manner.
       "i guess i'm self taught, but i always get the job done good enough." you smiled at him as you sprayed the different tables and wiped them down with an old blue rag.
       "well maybe your good enough isn't good enough for me and my standards." levi hovered over your shoulder, carefully observing your movements. he wrapped himself around you, pressing his chest against your back and helping you grasp your hand around the rag. "move your arm in a circular motion, but don't press too hard into the wood, you'll tire yourself out too quickly that way." you carefully listened to every word he said, this is a learning experience, isn't it? this knowledge came straight from the mouth of a professional, you'd be absolutely daft to not pay attention to him. but it didn't help that he was easy on the eyes or that you could feel his muscles flex through your clothing. he was undeniably attractive and it was hard for you not to entertain the notion. his sharp breath ghosted the skin behind your ear.
       "what sort of cleaning products do you use at home?" his question and his proximity startled you.
       "um, i use the mr. clean stuff. my mom thought that their super bowl commercial from a few years ago was the epitome of comedy ."
       "tch." you could feel his grip tighten on your hand as he shook his head. you frowned at his reaction.
       "well what's that supposed to mean?" he sighed before spiraling into a lecture.
       "mr. clean, although sexy in his own right, is much too expensive. especially those magic erasers of his. they are outrageously overpriced, and they're not even real magic." your nose crinkled as you snickered at his joke, and his face lit up in a blush. "they're uh, they're made of uh sodium bisulfite copolymer, and it's ridiculously cheap. for half the price, you can buy ten times the amount that damned company scams you with."
       "i suppose that's one of the many miracles of capitalism." levi's deep chuckle vibrated through your back. his presence was comforting, and it was beyond a relief to have such a friendly person around, even if it will only last the span of detention.
       "you're funny." he leaned into the crook of your neck and lightly sniffed the perfume you'd applied earlier that morning. it's probably for that bastard, miche. levi did his best to shake that thought out of his head, and hurriedly stepped away from you.
       "is everything alright, sir?" you threw your rag down, abandoning your place at the table and rushed to his side. your hand rested on the bare skin of his arm, and your eyes widened seeing levi acting so odd. he was perfectly fine seconds ago, it was hard to understand how this change could have taken place so quickly. "you look very pale." before he could blink the backs of your fingers were pressed against his clammy forehead and he was in heaven. he basked in the attention you were giving him, and in this shaken state narrowly avoided lathering you with the same touching care.
       "yes, yes." levi cradled his head in his hand, and stared up at you with his hair falling into his eyes. "it's just a little headache, it's no problem." he frequently struggled with migraines, but those were nothing compared to whatever was coming over him now.
       "well, i have some extra tylenol in my purse, i can go back to my locker and get some." you couldn't register the speed with which he reached out and held your wrist in an iron grip.
       "no." his voice was gravely, like a frog was caught in his throat. "don't leave. it's really nothing." he smiled to comfort you but it only did the opposite. there was a glint in his eyes that made you want to run away and never come back. you reluctantly agreed to stay with him, and worked through the rest of your detention in relative silence.
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       the following morning you were called into professor miche's office over the intercom. there were oohs and aahs from your classmates and a resounding thunder of commentary.
       "i don't think y/n has ever gotten in trouble before." armin spoke to himself.
       "she isn't going to be able to worm her way out of his one." snickered to her friends.
       "how much you wanna bet she's screwing him to get a better grade?" reiner joked as berholdt berated him for making assumptions. wrong. wrong. wrong.
       ɬɧɛყ'۷ɛ ɠơɬ ıɬ ąƖƖ ῳཞơŋɠ, ʝųʂɬ Ɩıƙɛ ɬɧɛყ ąƖῳąყʂ ɖơ.
       you slammed your fists on the table, effectively silencing the chatter. you didn't bother to push your chair back in as you raced down the hallway to pound on miche's office door. you heard a sigh from inside as he beckoned you inside. his menacing figure towered over you
       "it's not polite for you to skip out on detention, l/n. where were you for our session?"
       "well, you would know if you weren't tardy for detention, sir." you smiled in an effort to brush off the discomforting feeling his stare brought you. miche leaned down to your level and violently sniffed the air around you. "i was with the janitor, you told him to fill in for you. does that ring a bell?" you could care less if you were sounding rude, but his questioning was getting tedious.
       professor miche sneered down at you, mulling over the consequences that would be brought down upon you if he discovered this was a lie. "is this true, levi?" your eyes widened as turned around to see levi leaning on the handle of his cart. the hallway was utterly devoid of people, and you didn't understand how you didn't hear his footsteps or the squeak of the wheels on his cart. it's like he was invisible the entire time, appearing silently like a ghost. levi cleared his throat as he stared back at miche.
       "quite so, yes. she worked very well under my guidance." he let his gaze drop to the ground as he licked his lips. "it makes me wish that miss l/n could get detention more often so i could have some help keeping this place tidy." he absentmindedly swiped two fingers over miche's name card that hung on his office door. "she worked well, and i'm sure she'll learn from the experience." miche scowled at levi, something was off about him. while the two of them weren't particularly close, he could certainly tell if something was wrong. he'll have to report this to principle erwin, if only to ease his conscience. "well, if that's everything, i suppose i'll be on my way." you gave levi a little smile and mouthed a quick thank you before he set off down the hallway with his cart.
       the rumbling of the wheels echoed through the empty hallway as he moved closer and closer to the bathrooms he'd set out to clean. his cart was placed to the right of the entrance to the boy's bathroom and upon entering he was greeted with the welcoming scent of orange spice. levi took great care to make sure he was alone in that bathroom before he retreated into the furthest stall. he undid the buttons of his pants and slid them down his milky thighs until they rested around his ankles. he ran a swift hand through his silky black hair as he gripped the base of his cock tightly, gently smoothing over the thick skin and working to calm his unsteady breathing. he's never been this wound up during his work hours, but he had a feeling that this was soon going to be a normal occurrence. his brain began to wander away from the bathroom stall as he thought back to the porn he'd watched in his car before he came into work. he imagined the movements of the female model's body beneath the man, and how her body shook with every impact of their hips. his manhood twitched in excitement as he thought of her y/h/c hair that laid spread across her red pillows, but that was too perfect. it wasn't dirty enough for him. he needed the real deal, but nobody wanted to touch an old man, and they certainly didn't want to touch someone as creepy as levi ackerman. so he had to resort to doing it himself.
       his hand stilled, cock sitting at attention against his pale stomach. he ran a finger over the mushroom-like head and began to roughly fist his cock like a madman. his eyes clenched shut as he tried to think of something that would get him off. the first thought that came to his mind wasn't even erotic, but it gave him a renewed vigor and sent a primal ache coursing through his aching cock. he wondered how you would look sleeping. you have to be the most heavenly creation in existence, vulnerable and at peace while you dream. it would only be too easy to get into the file cabinets that contain thee student records and discover your place of residence, and finally be blessed by the sight of you snuggled into your bed with your stuffed animals cradled to your chest. he could shimmy your cute pajama shorts off your body and press his hot tongue against your cunt. it'd be slimy and wet and lewd and absolutely gross. and he'd love every goddamn minute of it. your face would be flushed red and sweat would bead your forehead as you unconsciously rut against his mouth. he wants your juices to lather his lips and hold your breasts in a death grip as he makes you squirt onto his waiting tongue. he wants to be 𝖘𝖔 𝖌𝖔𝖔𝖉 to you, and spoil you in every way imaginable. he wants to spear you on his cock and bury his head in your breasts, smothering himself and coating the valley between the two mounds on your chest with a mixture of his heavy drool and your wet release. he'll pump you full of his cum until you're absolutely bursting and pull up your panties to hide his mess. he'll sneak out your window and drive home while you lay in warm in your bed with your face shoved into your pillow.
       he lets out a heavy groan as he brings his hand to his mouth to bite on his knuckles to stop any sound from escaping his treacherous mouth. he began to imagine what you would look like if you gave him a handjob. would you be slow and tentative? or would you opt to beat his manhood dry? no doubt your delicate fingertips would feel like heaven on earth, and your soft breath would hit his cheek as you focused on bringing him immense pleasure. he heard the door to the bathroom open, but he couldn't break free from his lusty haze. his mind was too focused on the constant phap phap phap of his hand beating against his manhood to register the footsteps that slowly neared the stall he occupied. a hand pressed against the unlocked door to fully expose levi's perversions to the open air. he looks up to see erwin staring down at him, a disappointed look coating the principle's face. no words were spoken as levi continued his assault on his cock. a broken cry left his lips as he threw his head back, eyes clamped shut as he felt his creamy cum shoot out onto his shirt and hand.
       "really, levi?" his eyebrows furrowed as levi looked him dead in the eye. "the boy's bathroom?" levi groaned at his question, not bothering to answer before bending over and pulling up his pants. levi had no shame, and certainly not in front of erwin.
       levi laughed as he wiped the cum off his hand with toilet paper. "would you prefer i did it in the girl's?" his bland retort left a dumbfounded erwin unable to move from where he stood. levi used that moment of shock to escape from the stall and out into the hallway. he was going to enjoy this newfound sense of freedom.
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m4sonn · 25 days
The outsiders, Aftermath AU (no deaths)
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(Thanks to my friend @peachyponyboyy whom I collaborated w/for this and probably will collaborate with for any future works like this)
Basically what would happen after the book/movie, also if johhny and dally didn’t die
Ponyboy: Gets a scholarship into UCLA for literature, When he's finished with college he gets his masters degree and becomes a professor at UCLA.
Sodapop + Steve: (NOT THE 'NAM!!!) Soda and Steve get together, both working as mechanics at the DX, they live in the old curtis brothers house when everyone left, the gang only coming back on holidays to visit steve and soda. Soda would later propose to Steve at a nice restaurant, inviting the rest of the gang to see. (Spoiler alert: the entire gang bawled. Absolutely WEEPED, happy tears ofc) they couldn’t get married legally since it was the 60s but they had a nice little ceremony somewhere nice for the gang. They would later adopt a little red head after finding her on the streets.
Darry: Would move out to give Soda and Steve space. Living in the house across from the two, would settle with a wife and kids, Having a special room just for Ponyboy when he visits from college, His family would always cook the turkey during thanksgiving. Would definitely remodel the house.
Dally: would still be a delinquent, fs. Would sleep in his car if he's not already crashing at soda and Steve's place. He appears every now and then, and definitely joined some weird gang with like 13-15 year olds. NOT aloud near darry's kids without adult supervision, too much of a bad influence. He also says he doesn’t like kids so he would probably end up punching them
Johnny: all the way dating Ponyboy, got into UCLA by dumb luck. Nobody even knows how he got in. He kinda just did, def got into a psychology major so he could help other people like the help he needed when he was a kid/teen. Ponyboy and Johnny live in a decent sized apartment near the university. Definitely don't have kids but have a Golden retriever (goldie, named after the poem nothing gold can stay) and a black cat (windrixville, after the town they hid out at.)
Two-Bit: Still has an obsession with Mickey Mouse, probably lives in an RV parked in the vacant lot near the gang's house. Adopts a mouse he found off the street, probably has diseases but it's ok. Named it Mickey, now searching for his Minnie. Probably sells tobacco to kids and teens out of his RV, somehow hasn't gotten caught yet.
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samgirl98 · 9 months
Forgotten Demon Twin 4/?
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Damian crossed his arms. A part of him wanted to be angry at Danyal. How dare he lie to them? They wanted to ensure he was fine, and here he was, not telling them the whole truth.
Then, the guilt set in.
Damian wouldn’t have to have asked if he had checked up on his brother if he had remembered he had a brother. Why was he so angry? They were strangers to Danyal. Of course, he would keep his secrets close to his chest. He had lied to the League, knowing that it could result in his death. Lying to the famous ‘no killing allowed’ Batman must’ve been easier.
Danyal sat in midair, his legs crossed.
It was difficult to see Danyal as, was he a ghost? Was his brother dead?
“How did you gain powers,” Richard asked, “Neither Talia nor Bruce have the metagene.”
Danyal shrugged but didn’t answer.
“Listen, I appreciate that you guys care enough to come and visit me, even if it is years later,” he mumbled the last part. It still made the family flinch, “But I don’t owe you guys anything. I don’t have to explain the ifs, whys, and buts. Just because you guys feel guilty, you can’t just uproot my whole life and claim to care and want to take me away from the only loving family I have ever known.”
“I’m not in any danger here—”
“You’re a child hero without adult supervision,” Bruce said.
“—And I have everything under control.”
“You shouldn’t have to have everything under control, Danny. I understand the need to help, but you’re young. You deserve to have some help.”
“What makes you think I don’t have help?”
“Really, do your parents know you’re Phantom?”
Danyal said nothing.
“We want to help, Danyal,” Damian said.
A look of anger marred Danyal’s face.
“Help? Like when you said you would help me train, shoved a sword through my shoulder, and then pushed me from a tower?”
Damian flinched and ignored Tim’s judgmental look.
“That was wrong of me. I apologize for everything I’ve done to you.”
Danny was about to say something before stopping. He still wasn’t one hundred percent sure this wasn’t a trap and didn’t want to give Damian a reason to take him back. So far, it looked like the League was no longer involved, but Batman and his…children were an unknown factor. If he could convince them to leave…
“Daniel James Fenton, you are in big trouble, young man!”
Uh-oh. Irate older sister alert.
Every member of the Batfamily was surprised that an angry teenage red-haired girl had snuck up on them.
She was carrying a green and white baseball bat, and her eyes seemed to glow.
Duke noticed she had a weird aura around her, too. It wasn’t as strong as Danny’s, but still there.
“Who are you people? Why is a group of mostly adults meeting my younger brother in the middle of the night in a desolate park?”
The girl looked at everyone at them and gave a double take when she spotted Damian. She turned to Danny.
“Why are they here,” she asked loudly.
“Jazz, this is Bruce and Damian Wayne. They are my biological father and twin brother. Oh, and everyone else is Bruce’s adopted kids, I guess.”
Wow, he had Damian’s introduction skills.
She turned around and crossed her arms. The bat was still in her hands.
“I’ll ask again: why are you here?”
“I just found out about Danny and wanted to meet him?”
Jazz walked up to Bruce and, without hesitation, poked Bruce’s chest with the baseball bat.
“Oh, and you couldn’t have waited until morning and talked to our parents first? You just had to lure my baby brother away from the safety of his home and basically ambush him?”
“Jazz,” Danny whined, embarrassed.
“I’m just saying it how I see it, little brother.”
“There were some outside circumstances that would’ve made meeting,” Jazz interrupted Bruce by banging the end of the baseball bat on the floor. It left a crater.
“I don’t care about you’re ‘outside circumstances.’ Most of you are adults, and you have a minor with you at night without his legal guardian’s knowledge. If you want to talk to Danny, meet our parents first and set up a meeting like a normal person.”
“Jazz, you don’t understand who they are—”
“I don’t care if they’re the president. Rules exist for a reason. Now come, Danny, we’re going home. Tucker and Sam are worried.”
Danny detransformed and followed Jazz. The last thing he heard was the butler say, “I like her.”
He sighed. It was going to be a long ride back home.
Tim had yet to learn what happened.
One minute, he was introduced to the Demon Brat’s twin brother (who seemed more mellow than Damian). The next, they had been attacked by some creature that Danny beat in under ten seconds.
He knew Danny had been lying when he opened his mouth, and Cass had confirmed it. He hadn’t had time to interrogate the kid, though, before an angry red-hair, who reminded him a bit of Barbara, showed up and chewed Bruce out while holding nothing more than a baseball bat.
“Well, that was…interesting,” Duke said.
“I like her,” Jason said, “She stood up to Bruce.”
Bruce glared at Jason. It wasn’t often he got chewed out, and it had never been from a teenage girl. He didn’t like it.
“So, next course of action,” Tim asked.
“Tt, obviously we get Danyal out of this…situation. He shouldn’t have to deal with all of this alone.”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea, baby bat.”
“Why not?”
“Danny seems to be attached to his adoptive family. He’s suffered a lot in the League. Don’t you think we should consider his feelings?”
The brat thought about it before deflating a little but said nothing.
“So, I repeat: what now?”
Bruce said nothing, not sure what to do.
Suddenly, the smell of earl grey tea was heavy in the air, and he felt the phantom hand of his late surrogate father.
He took a deep breath and said, “It’s time to meet the Fenton.”
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radiance1 · 8 months
Let's combine your most common AUs
Instead of a teddy bear, 5 year old Danny has a plushy eastern dragon when he has his portal accident
Alternately, teen Danny gains the power to turn into a bear. Maybe an Ursa from MLP:FiM. Aragon probably still wants him for being a magic star bear in that case
Forgive me for the late response.
Hm, a two in one that I'm not sure which to do, so why not both!
Danny's favorite mythical creature was the eastern dragon, so much so that he begged his parents for a plushy of one for his birthday, they ordered one, and then he got one.
He's only ever been so happy when he found out about the wonders of space.
Despite his parents multiple attempts at trying to get him involved in Ghosts, he's just been spending his time playing around with his plush imagining both of them flying through space on super dangerous missions or exploring.
Of course, the one time he was interested in one of his parents inventions was because they said that the place they were trying to get too was basically like space.
As in, they meant the vastness of it and the unexplored territory.
But Danny took it as that it actually was space, and got extremely excited over it, much to his parents glee because he was finally showing interest in their work.
None of them could have guessed the fate that would befall such an interest, however.
An amount of time later, when his parents and sister were dead asleep, Danny sneaked his way down into the lab. Bypassing the security systems by using the methods he watched his parents do, not that they were sneaky with it, but they probably didn't expect him to remember them either.
So, in the dark of the lab, flashlight in hand, dragon plush in the other. He approached the portal. His parents said it was incomplete, but looking at it he didn't really see anything wrong with it, something about a power source and a few kinks they had to iron out that he booted from his mind. So, Dany stepped inside, just to look around, then he saw a random hole (where a button is supposed to be) and then, with his brilliant 5-year-old mind and under zero adult supervision, stuck his flashlight inside it to look around.
Such was the case of it somehow turning on, zapping Danny, his plush, and his flashlight all at once and remaking him into the body of a plush dragon boyo.
He was ecstatic at first when he found himself his plush toy because its cool, confused the next because he was glowing, even more so confused when he looked around and saw green and floating islands.
This wasn't space.
He didn't know how to get home, so he went exploring to try and find one.
Never has Danny so hated yet loved an ability of his.
Turning into a bear was never on his list of things he thought would ever happen to him, despite having fought an alternate him from a different timeline. Danny just, never thought that far about things like this.
Of course, an instant plus for him was that there were literal stars floating around inside his body and, if he concentrated enough, he would be able to form any constellation he wanted to!
The size was another plus, along with the physical strength that came with it. He could literally look down on anyone he wanted to, which is always good in his opinion.
Of course, the part he hated came in the form of an enemy previously forgotten and discarded, coming back for round 2, 3, 4, 5, etc. Trying to force him into a marriage.
Recently, he's just been slapping the guy around for a bit because leaving. But Prince Aragon was many things, surprisingly persistent was one of them, even if Danny could always be sure of his victory, it was annoying to the farthest reaches of space and back how many times he keeps coming back.
Of course, Danny had to vamoosh as soon as Prince Aragon came close to beating him even once, which is way too many times in his opinion. Hell, he even got Vlad of all people to help him cover for him when he went on the escape (how Jazz managed to do it, he would never know).
He eventually ended up in some random mountain, that's surprisingly furnished as if someone lived here, yet also extremely dusty and rundown as if it was abandoned. Then he decided, hey, why not just live here?
He just needed to fix it up a bit, which was require him to be human-ish (same as Dragon Danny, except this time with the bear paws, ears, tail and that) to get at the places that need a smaller and more dexterous hand.
Eventually, he did manage to clean up the place to relatively working order! Maybe replace some things, like that TV, but all in all he's happy with what he did!
What he wasn't happy with however, is these random people pulling up to his place and calling it their base.
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liminal-space-lesbian · 11 months
Loser IV
Pairing: Enid Sinclair x fem!reader
Warnings: Mutual pining, scary Wednesday, bullying / harassment, the d slur, physical violence, blood, panic attack, mentions of police and EMS
Summary: During a field trip to Pilgrim World you and Enid are paired up for volunteering. Things are going well until a group of boys decide to harass Enid.
Words: 3,659
Part One // Part Two // Part Three
a/n guyssss this is kinda bad ngl... I got carried away but OH WELL. Also any legal stuff I mention is all mumbo jumbo bc I have no clue how any of that works so just ignore it please 🫶
The days following your confession to Enid were... awkward to say the least. Though you both had promised things could go back to normal there was a tension between the two of you. You caught Enid staring at you more than once during Vampire biology, and you weren't quite sure what to make of it.
Today wasn't the day to worry about it however, considering you and your classmates were on a field trip of sorts to Pilgrim World to... volunteer? You weren't really paying attention during the announcement so you weren't even sure. All you knew was that getting away from Nevermore for a change of scenery was just what you needed for a distraction.
Or so you thought.
Apparently your teacher was pairing up students for their tasks of the day, and you were paired with none other than Enid. Perfect.
"Ready, partner?" Enid asks, bouncing up to you excitedly and looping her arm through yours. You stiffened at the contact, your heart skipping a beat at the warmth of her arm against yours. Her smile faltered as she noticed you tense, trying to casually release your arm. The atmosphere between you was awkward now. Great.
"Ready as I'll ever be. What are we even supposed to do anyways?" You ask, trying to diffuse the tension as you begin walking side by side. Enid lets out an agitated sigh, rolling her eyes.
"We get the boring job. We have to check tickets at the entrance." Enid says with a groan, purposefully dragging her feet as she casts a forlorn glance at you. You can't help but chuckle at her antics.
"Well at least you'll have good company." You say with a cocky grin, causing her to smile, pink tinging her cheeks. You felt your heart stutter in your chest. 'Wait, was that flirting? Did I accidentally just flirt with her? Oh God I hope I didn't weird her out.' You think frantically as you turn your gaze ahead.
"Mm that's true. I do think I got the best volunteer buddy for the day." Enid says with a wide smile, her eyes glittering with mischief and something almost like affection. You had to look away from her gaze or else you'd stare for too long. 'Why is she so pretty, oh my God.' You thought as you felt your cheeks burn.
"Oh hey, are you guys the Nevermore volunteers?" A young man with a scruffy beard and messy blond hair asked with a half smile. You nodded, stuffing your hands in your pockets.
"Yep that's us. Are you like our adult supervision for the day?" You asked, eyeing the pamphlets in his hands. He barks out a laugh, causing you to flinch slightly.
"Well, something like that. I'm not gonna be here to supervise much though, you're taking over my job for the day. I'll show you the ropes, and if you need anything I'll be in the lounge." He explains simply, handing you some pamphlets and a hole punch to Enid.
"It's simple, you," he points at Enid, "take a look at the tickets and make sure the date and price is correct, then hole punch the upper right corner like this." He demonstrates on a ticket he pulls out of his pocket, then he turns to you. "And you hand out the pamphlets, which is basically more information on Pilgrim World and also a map of the grounds. Easy peasy." He says, patting you on the shoulder and flashing you a smile. "Well I'm off, goodluck." And with those words he was gone.
You turn to Enid, only to already find her staring at you wide eyed.
"Well that was... a less than ideal introduction." You say, stifling a chuckle at Enid's distraught expression.
"Yeah, that's one way of putting it. We totally got this though, how hard can it be? Like he said, easy peasy." She says, shrugging her shoulders as she tries to stay optimistic, turning to face the entrance as a few people approach with their tickets.
"Hi! Welcome to Pilgrim World!" She says in her usual enthusiastic tone, causing you to smile. This day was gonna be a peace of cake.
~ ~ ~
Oh how wrong you were. After about an hour of standing in the hot sun waiting for people to arrive, this job was looking very bleak. Pilgrim World wasn't as popular of an attraction as it used to be, if it was ever popular to begin with. You were simply standing there sweating miserably, and you now understood why that guy was so eager to leave you two to this job.
"Well this sucks." You say with a sigh, wiping sweat off your forehead. Enid chuckles, gently pushing your shoulder with hers.
"Hey, don't be so negative. I mean we've already been here for," she checks her phone for the time and blanches, "forty minutes?" She nearly shouts in astonishment, her expression crumpling. "Oh my gosh we're going to actually die here." She dramatically says in despair. You couldn't help but laugh, causing her to playfully pout at you.
"Hey, how about I run and grab us some water from the fridge inside? A cool drink will probably make this a bit more bearable." You offer, and Enid turns to you with wide eyes. She grabs you by the shoulders and looks in your eyes seriously.
"At this very moment in time I wouldn't love anything more than a cold water." She says in a dead serious tone and you stifle a laugh, gently patting the hands that rest on your shoulders.
"Yes ma'am! Think you can hold down the fort while I run and get them?" You ask, wiggling your eyebrows playfully as you gesture to the empty queue. She scoffs, playfully pushing you in the direction of the lounge.
"Yes, I am more than confident that I can handle it." She says with an eyeroll and you giggle as you scurry off to get some water. You let out a relieved sigh as you enter the cool ac of the lounge. The guy who was supposed to be supervising you was lying on one of the couches, dead asleep. You chuckle softly as you open the fridge and grab two chilled bottles of water. You turn around to head back outside only to be met with Wednesday standing right behind you.
"Holy shit." You nearly scream, flinching back from Wednesday sharply. The girl doesn't react, simply staring at you with the same intense dead eyed stare.
"What are you doing?" She questions, her tone cold. You feel goosebumps rise on your arms from the intensity of her stare, and you swallow nervously.
"I'm getting water for Enid and I, since it's hot in the sun." You explain, voice shaking embarrassingly as Wednesdays eyes narrow. There is a tense silence for a moment before Wednesday takes a minuscule step closer to you, causing you to take a step backwards, nearly bumping into the fridge.
"Enid cares about you. I can't even begin to understand why, considering you are nearly as unremarkable as a drop of water amidst the ocean. However you are important to her, considering you're nearly all she ever talks about. So I shall give you a single warning." She leans closer to your personal space and you lean backwards away from her, heart racing in fear at her unblinking gaze. 'How does she never blink? It's like she has creepy soulless doll eyes.' You think as her dark eyes bore into your soul.
"If you hurt her, I will eviscerate you and strangle you with your own intestines." Wednesday says, her tone clear and colder than ice. You shiver, and nod, not trusting your voice. There is another moment of tense silence before Wednesday turns on her heel and leaves you alone, heart still hammering in your chest.
"What the hell was that?" You whisper to yourself, blinking at the space Wednesday occupied only moments before. What did she mean, Enid cares about you? She talks about you all the time? You couldn't help feeling a flicker of happiness at the thought. You shake your head, quickly leaving the lounge and heading back to Enid. You'd unpack your encounter with Wednesday later, right now you needed to get back to Enid.
As you approached, you noticed three guys standing a bit too close to Enid for comfort. You could see the jeering smiles on their faces before you heard their voices, and you felt adrenaline begin to flood your system as you approached.
"Isn't this the little werewolf chick from Nevermore?" One of them drawls, pinching the shoulder of Enid's blazer, causing her to lean away from him.
"Yeah I think so. She's the one who can't even shift though, right? Like some sort of runt or something." One of the other boys taunts, reaching over to tug at a piece of Enid's dyed hair.
"Hey, what's going on here?" You announce your presence loudly, shoving your way through the boys to stand beside Enid, placing your body between them. Your tone is cold and your expression is serious as you stare down the boy who touched Enid's hair.
"Tsk, chill we're just trying to get her number." The boy lies, a disgusting smile curving at his lips as his eyes drift from you to Enid, who was still standing slightly behind you. You shift your body to shield her from his gaze.
"Well she's not interested. So either show me your ticket or fuck off." You say, your voice hard as you grit your teeth. He raises his eyebrows at you, a scoff leaving his lips as he glances at his friends for support, who chuckle as well.
"Oh, what, is she your girlfriend or something? Damn, can you imagine being a dyke and a Nevermore freak?" He directs his question to his friends, who jeer and laugh along with him.
"Hey!" Enid protest from behind you, but you cut her off, wrinkling your nose in disgust as you stare him down.
"Seriously dude? Grow up." You snap, your tone laced with distaste. The kid straightens up to his full height, trying to loom over you and intimidate you. Your heart pounds nearly painfully in your chest with fear, but you keep your exterior calm.
"Or what? What even are you anyway, a vampire or some shit? Gonna bite me?" He taunts, and you stare at him with an unimpressed look.
"You're really fucking pathetic, you know that?" You say, anger flaring in your chest now. 'Can't this douchebag just leave us alone? God, why is he so entitled.' You think as your grind your teeth.
"What'd you just say?" He asks in a threatening tone, stepping into your personal space. You hold your ground, meeting his gaze. Your pulse roared in your ears and you felt Enid's hand grip the back of your blazer tightly.
"Oh, are you deaf or just stupid?" You taunt, feeling a shred of satisfaction at the way his expression contorts with anger. You see the way his hands ball into fists and you gently reach behind you, pushing Enid away from you.
Just as you expected the boy shoved you hard in the chest, causing you to stumble backward. Enid cried out your name but you ignored her. He had put his hands on you, now you could beat the shit out of him.
You drop the bottles of water into the dirt and fly at him, driving your elbow into his face. He stumbles back with a grunt, but before you can land another hit one of his friends grabs your arms and wrenches them behind your back. He lifts you up painfully, forcing you to stand on your tiptioes as your shoulders strain under the angle he has your arms pinned at.
"Fucking whore." The boy spits, punching you across the face. Your head snaps to the side but you hardly feel the pain from the adrenaline in your system. You don't know where the third boy is, too focused on the one holding your arms. Your punched in the face again and you twist and writhe, trying to escape the firm grasp on your arms.
Suddenly you're released and sent sprawling into the dirt face first. You scramble to your feet and glance behind you to see Wednesday standing over the boy who had been holding your arms. You turn back to the one who had punched you and lunge. You slam your shoulder into his stomach and tackle him to the ground. He gasps for breath as the wind is knocked out of him. Before he can recover you are slamming your fist into his nose repeatedly. Your vision narrows, solely focusing on continuously hitting him. Your heartbeat roars in your ears and rage seems to fill every inch of your body. 'How dare he harass Enid? How dare he say those things about her?' Your mind repeats this like a mantra as you continue hitting him.
Suddenly someone is dragging you off of him, shouting at you. You shove them away, trying to claw your way back to him, but their grip is too strong.
"Let me go! I'm gonna kill him, I'm gonna beat that motherfucker until he can't breathe." You snarl, writhing and struggling against the arms holding you back. Your voice tears through your throat as you scream, slowly losing steam as you feel ever emotion flood your system.
"Y/n, you need to calm down." An even voice says close to your ear, and you sag into the arms, tears streaming uncontrollably down your face. You feel overwhelmed in every sense of the word as you try to catch your breath, hyperventilating as you begin to sob.
The next thing you know you're sitting in the dirt crying, Wednesday in front of you with something akin to concern in her gaze. Enid hovers behind her, looking panicked. You notice her claws are out and covered in blood.
"Y/n you need to take deep breaths." Wednesday says in a steady reassuring voice. You try to even your breathing, still gasping and hyperventilating as your eyes dart around. You notice a few adults are kneeling over the boys. who are all lying on the ground or sitting up clutching various injuries.
"Let's get you three to the lounge." One of the Pilgrim World employees says before leading you to the lounge and away from the boys. You wait for EMS and the police to arrive, slowly calming down, wiping your eyes as you stare down at your shaking and bloodied hands.
"Here." Enid's voice says softly beside you, her hand gently tilting your head towards her so she can dab at the blood dripping down your face. You avoid her gaze, your breathing shaky from crying.
"I'm sorry." You whisper, sniffling slightly. Enid lets out a quiet breath, her thumb tracing your jaw gently.
"You don't need to apologize. You were just trying to help; those guys were being creeps." She says softly as she finishes wiping at the blood on your face. You look up as an officer enters the room, speaking to one of the Pilgrim World employees before nodding and leaving once more to retrieve EMS.
"What'd he say?" You ask the employee nervously. They sigh and look at you with their hands on their hips.
"Well, since we have security footage of the fight we know you're not the aggressor, so long as neither of you press charges the cops are willing to let it go." They say with a heavy sigh, looking relieved. "Of course you'll all be banned from Pilgrim World in the future but I assume that's the least of your worries." They say with a tight lipped smile and a nod.
"Oh okay... Thank you." You murmur, dropping your head to rest in your hands as you take a deep breath, The adrenaline had long since fled your body and now your face and knuckles were throbbing terribly. Your shoulders felt strained from how they had been held as well.
The rest of the day was a bit of a blur as EMS checked you out, patching you up and giving you a few stitches on your lip where it had been split from the boy punching you in the teeth.
Soon you were back at Nevermore and lying on your bed with an ice-pack pressed to the entirety of your face. Every heartbeat sent pulsing pain through your face and hands, causing you to groan. You didn't regret it exactly, you knew you'd fight a thousand people to protect Enid. You just wished it didn't have to escalate that far.
There was a knock at your door and you mumbled for whoever was there to come in. You pulled the icepack off your face and were surprised to see Enid standing there.
"Oh. Hi." You say dumbly, sitting up to stare at her in surprise. She offers you a small smile, padding over to stand in front of you, fiddling with her hands nervously. "Uh... Sorry again for earlier. I didn't want to fight him but he just wouldn't-" Your rambling was cut off as Enid threw herself at you, wrapping you in a tight hug. You stiffened in shock, gently resting a hand on her back.
"Thank you." Enid whispered, pressing her face into your neck, and you felt goosebumps prickle your skin as her breath tickled your skin.
"I- it's no big deal." You say casually, rubbing Enid's back soothingly as she tightens her grip on you..
"I was really scared when they were... I didn't know what they wanted with me. You have no idea how relieved I was when you showed up." Enid admits as she leans back to look at your face. Your heart lurches when you notice her eyes glistening with tears.
"Hey, it's okay. I'd never let them do anything to you." You say, attempting to comfort her as you brush hair away from her face, offering a gentle smile. Her eyes soften and her gaze flicks down to your lips for a moment. Your heart races in your chest, and you think maybe you had just imagined it.
"Well I appreciate you. And I'm sorry that you got hurt." Enid says, leaning back slightly as she adjusts how she's sitting in your lap. Her fingers trace the stitches on your lip and suddenly the throbbing pain was replaced with pleasant tingles.
"I'd do it a thousand times if you asked." You whisper before you can stop yourself, and Enid's lips part slightly in surprise. Her eyebrows pull together slightly as her thumb traces your bottom lip, her breath fanning over your face. 'She looks like she wants to kiss me.' You think, sure you must have some sort of head trauma. No way Enid would-
All at once, she's leaning down and her lips press to yours gently, softer than rose petals. Her mouth is warm, her lips tasting of cherry lipgloss. Your eyes drift shut and your hand on her back presses her closer to you. Your head feels light and airy, as if it's full of clouds. Surely you're dreaming?
No, the way Enid cups your jaw in her hands is all too real. The soft breath she exhales through her nose as she moves her lips against yours, tilting her head slightly so her nose brushes your cheek. All too soon she pulls away and looks into your eyes, her face tinged with a blush.
"I like you too." She confesses in a quiet voice, and you simply stare up at her dumbly, mouth agape. "When you were avoiding me it made me realize I thought of you more than I did Ajax. I was more upset over you than I was over my breakup with him." She murmurs, looking a but ashamed. You bring your hand up to brush your fingers across her cheek lightly.
"I can't say I'm disappointed." You say with a breathless chuckle, a smile curling at your lips involuntarily. Enid smiles back, giggling slightly as she leans into your touch.
"So... will you maybe be my girlfriend?" She asks quietly, her hands sliding down from where they cup your jaw to rest on your shoulders. Your stitches burn from how big you smile.
"Only if you'll be my girlfriend too." You tease, chuckling at the way Enid covers her giggle with her palm, gently giving your shoulder a playful swat.
"Okay, we're girlfriends then." She says with a broad smile, bringing her face close to yours to place a gentle kiss at the corner of your mouth. You gently guide her lips to yours to kiss her fully, relishing in the taste of her lipgloss as you inhale deeply through your nose, smelling her vanilla shampoo.
You lean back onto your bed, pulling her down on top of you, cuddling her close. She is more than happy to oblige, curling into your side and nuzzling her face into your neck, placing a gentle kiss there. Your arm is wrapped around her shoulders while your free hand is laced with hers where it rests on your stomach. Her legs twine with yours lazily and you let out a contented sigh.
Your face and knuckles are still throbbing, and you know your lip will scar. However those worries seem small and far away as Enid's warmth seeps into your body. You feel sleep tugging at your mind as you roll over, tucking Enid's head under your chin as you wrap your arms around her. She quickly reciprocates, her arms looping around your waist as she holds you close to her. She's so soft and warm that it's not long before sleep fully takes you.
When you wake up the next morning with Enid still in your arms, you fully realize that it was in fact not a dream.
p.s. I've never kissed anyone before so if it's poorly written that's why 💀
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ep2nd · 3 months
Anonymous reminder to talk about you pj mcyt au! (I was told to name a smp in the tags so… fable? Do you have fable smp? I ask, knowing the answer is probably no) anyways! Have a good day, I love reading headcannons
Sadly, I did not put Fable in here, have herad of it, and maybe I'll dig into it and add it later
Athena and Ares Kids
False- Favored daughter of Athena. Best War strategist, greatest Archer of her siblings. Her father died when she was young, leaving her defenseless. Single-handedly got to camp at the age of 6. Oldest member of camp. Joined the Hunt at 16.
Etho- Always planning something. Typical gray eyes, used to have black hair. Went on a quest and came back with a scar, white hair, and very broody. Disappeared after a few years- unknown.
Gem- Gets along great with the Demeter cabin. Came to camp with Sausage, Fwhip, and Zed and now they are all honorary found family. Great swordswoman. Joined the Hunt at 14.
Impulse- Smart. Great tinkerer and craftsmen. His Dad was an inventor, and alive. Can craft almost anything, honorary brother of Hephaestus cabin and Skizz. Tango and he get into lots of fire trouble. Not the best at being strategy smart, or good at fighting, but great with people.
Pearl- Greatest daughter of Ares. Blood-thirsty. Has several mood swings. Great with plants, love playing pranks, and loves fighting the best. Knows how to weild several weapons. Once fought her own father and won. Came to camp when she was 8. Don't talk about her dad.
Puffy- Great strategist, fighter, and people person. Loves kids. Will fight anyone for the kids. Veteran Camper. Came back to help.
Reddoons- showed up at camp, found out he was a son of Ares, then disappeared. May or May not be working with the enemy.
Tapl- great Archer, and that's kinda it. Knows how to get out a situation. Very bored. Wished his dad was Apollo.
Techno- Greatest son of Ares. One of the few people who can beat Pearl, Liz, False, and Dream. Wished he was a son Athena. Doesn't like his dad. Tries to not be bloody thirsty like his dad, but in the heat of battle- well. Was brought to camp by Phil. In college. Mom died at War.
Xisuma- Veteran camper. Basically the adult supervision. Has the best plans. Took False in and helped her, along with several others, dubbing themselves as Hermits. Has a stygian sword, gift from Hades and Joe after helping them in the Underworld- yes he's been to the underworld, he's been to several places. Waves the fans off- but let's be real this guy was SICK back in his day.
Bek- strongest Ares kid. Both physically and will. Doesn't use weapons- only fists.
Welsknight- Doesn't like his dad, but understands the honor and need of War. Man came from a line of knights, holds up chivalry. Veteran person. Visits sometimes. Best friends with X, went on several adventures with him, like that time he held up the sky or killed a hydra or fought a Titan- ya know stuff.
Quig- Uses sword and only sword. Quick, in everything. Doesn't like to talk much. Great friends with Pete. In college. Dad died in shooter stampede. Hates guns.
Pete- Veteran camper. Earned a chariot in battle. Has pet birds. Great Archer and sword fighter. Green eyes that can peirce the soul or make you eat your vegetables.
Pigical- Also doesn't like his dad- surprising I know. Uses fast and nimble combat. Tries to be a pacisft. Weak. Very kind though. His mom banished him.
Boffy- most cruel son of Ares. Uses a scythe. Great fighter, but also very dangerous. Rumors said he tortured his victims, enjoying death. Disappeared. No one knows where, hopefully not to the enemy.
Muka- carries a gun. Son of Ares with modern weapons. Has a pet mechanical wolf. Disappeared, but more of a loner. Found the other camp, kinda just chills. Great mom visits regularly.
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suzukiblu · 6 months
Look we all know the existence of certain risks of things like child stardom, mediocre adult supervision, and people who go for specific kinds of positions of authority being fucking bastards, SO: there is an unnecessarily involved omegaverse AU in my head where Rex Leech takes way, WAY worse advantage of a freshly-decanted omega!Superboy in order to pay off all of that money that he owes to assholes, and instead of JUST betting on metahuman fights and making shitty investments and selling Superboy's likeness to anyone who's buying and all that, he kinda just . . . gives Superboy some "tips" for how to win over or get favors from certain people in the entertainment industry and similar fields. Or just anyone Rex is trying to wring some cash out of, basically.
So Rex makes better money! Pays off a couple of debts! Is still irresponsible and shitty with it and making stupid decisions, but look, a couple extra bucks never hurt, and the Kid is fine with it! ‘Course he is!! 
And this read-more will DEFINITELY support that POS POV! Definitely!! For sure!!!!
And so not-even-technically-presented, definitely-not-legal Superboy is hanging out with and being encouraged to FLIRT with skeevy older people and general creeps who are taking full advantage of this naive teenager with Superman's face every chance they get. Superboy doesn't know better, and he trusts Rex; the guy can be a little sleazy sometimes but he's still watching out for him, so . . . this is normal, right? And Rex says they REALLY need this investment/this opportunity/this money, so . . . 
So like, Superboy gets abused and doesn't have the frame of reference to understand it. He really doesn't like that part of this gig, but Rex says it's important and, well, if it's just this once . . . if he already did it last time . . . if it'll only be a night or two, or maybe a long weekend . . .
It's not technically prostitution, but also Rex absolutely DOES just fucking sell the Kid a few times and repeatedly justifies it to himself with crap like "he's a teenager, he's a horndog and a flirt anyway, and obviously he likes the attention" and other fucking awful bullshit like that, because he is more concerned with the money than, idk, anyone’s mental health?? Though he doesn’t mention it to anybody who’s not a client, obviously, Roxy’d kick up a fuss and Moon might get territorial and talk the Kid out of it, and Dubbilex, hell, he doesn’t even understand how show business WORKS!! 
But of course word DOES get around about it, just a little, and then it starts happening more and more often, and Superboy likes it less and less and starts to halfway HATE it, honestly, but Rex keeps saying it's IMPORTANT and NEEDS done and just . . . 
He gets–used to it, kind of. Almost. 
It’s just how it is. 
And then like, hand-wavey convoluted I’m-still-undecided-what-exactly shit happens and Superboy somehow ends up in alpha!Lex's official custody, probably through Lex bribing a lot of people and committing some fraud and shameless lies, and Superboy assumes . . . alright, well, he guesses now he's like a fucking kept boy or something, huh. He doesn't like that idea at ALL, but at least Luthor's only one guy. And he seems like the jealous type, so he probably won't wanna share too much. Right? 
So that could be worse, Superboy guesses. 
Lex, an oblivious supervillain who is actually NOT aware of what kind of way worse advantage Rex was taking: this is great. I’m going to get a good grade in clonefather, something that is both normal to want and possible to achieve, and then we’re going to conquer the world. >:3 
Superboy, simultaneously: . . . seriously, I’ve been here like a WEEK already, is he gonna fuck me or NOT?? 
And thus ensues a not-actually-funny comedy of errors where a traumatized kid keeps expecting to get abused and even Lex FUCKING Luthor is not that much of a prick and therefore totally misses literally every sign of the Kid trying to follow the appropriate “script” with him. Hm, Superboy wants attention for some reason, fine. MERCY, get the kid a black card to entertain himself with. 
. . . now the kid wants attention even MORE? 
Superboy, internally: if he keeps buying me all this stuff he must REALLY want something BAD, but where the fuck else would I go anyway, so . . . 
Lex: I’m putting on a movie and reviewing my files in your general area. Congratulations on receiving my attention, now don’t interrupt me. 
Superboy: . . . . . . what is even happening right now. 
And then a very peculiar experience of very slowly accidentally making a pack happens to both of them, wherein Superboy did not expect a dad out of this kept boy scenario and Lex did not expect an actual PUP out of this world domination plot and they’re both increasingly bewildered by everything the other does.
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rottingbricks · 5 months
3000+ Word Rant On Why Boris and Theo Are Endgame and Had a Romantic Connection ✯
Forever and always will believe Theo and Boris are soulmates and they got married and lived their life together. (Maybe that's too much. Let me just explain why they have a very deep relationship)
Where do I start? So for one Boris was Theo's first kiss and sexual partner. They had a deep connection, felt safe with one another, and were practically inseparable. It's explained that Boris basically lived with Theo and was hardly ever at his own house. They also looked out for each other, Theo cleaned Boris' wounds after being beaten by his father and Boris comforted Theo on the loss of his mother —Here's a quote from the book; "And I suppose if either of us had lived in an even halfway normal household, with curfews and chores and adult supervision, we wouldn't have become quite so inseparable, so fast, but almost from that day we were together all the time.” (Tartt, chapter 5, section 12)
WHY THEO LIKES BORIS (YOUNGER) Everything is great between Theo and Boris but when Boris meets a girl: Kotku, it all goes to shit. But the way Theo responds to it is very telling. First off, Theo reflects on good moments with Boris after Boris got so wrapped up with Kotku; “I told myself I didn't miss him, but I did. I got stoned alone, watched Adult Access and the Playboy channel, read Grapes of Wrath and The House of the Seven Gables which seemed as if they had to be tied for the most boring book ever written, and what felt like thousands of hours—time enough to learn Danish or play the guitar if I've been trying—fooled around in the street with a fucked-up skateboard Boris and I had found in one of the foreclosed houses down the block. I went to swim-team parties with Hadley—no drinking parties with parents present—and on the weekends, attended parents-away parties of kids I barely knew, Xanax bars and Jagermeister shots, riding home on the hissing CAT bus at two a.m. so fucked up I had to hold the seat in the front of me to keep from falling out in the aisle. After school, if I was bored, it was easy enough to go hang out with one of the big lackadaisical stoner crowds who floated around between Del Taco and the kiddie arcades on the Strip. But I was still lonely. It was Boris I missed, the whole impulsive mess of him: gloomy, reckless, hot-tempered, appallingly thoughtless. Boris pale and pasty, with his shoplifted apples and his Russian language novels, gnawed-down fingernails and shoelaces dragging in the dust. Boris—budding alcoholic, fluent cursor in four languages—who snatched food from my plate when he felt like it and nodded off drunk on the floor, face red like he'd been slapped. Even when he took things without asking, as he all too frequently did—little things are always disappearing, DVDs and school supplies for my locker, more than once I'd caught him going through my pockets for money—his own possessions meant so little to him that somehow it wasn't stealing; whenever he came into cash himself, he split it with me down the middle and anything that belonged to him, he gave me gladly if I asked for it. (and sometimes when I didn't, as when Mr. Pavlovsky’s gold lighter, which I admired in passing, turned up in the outside pocket of my backpack)” (Tartt, chapter 6, section 4)
Theo took note that Boris was very physically touchy and that it made him a little bit nervous; “The funny thing: I’d worried if anything, that Boris was the one who was a little too affectionate, if affectionate is the right word. The first time he’d turned in bed and draped an arm over my waist, I lay there half-asleep for a moment, not knowing what to do: staring at my old socks on the floor, empty beer bottles, my paper-backed copy of The Red Badge of Courage. At last—embarrassed—I faked a yawn and tried to roll away, but instead, he sighed and pulled me closer, with a sleepy, snuggling motion. Ssh, Potter, he whispered, into the back of my neck. Is only me.” (Tartt, chapter 6, section 4) Then, Theo has a little gay panic — because of Boris being so affectionate; “It was weird. Was it weird? It was; and it wasnt. I’d fallen back to sleep shortly after, lulled by his bitter, beery unwashed smell and his breath easy in my ear. I was aware I couldn't explain it without making it sound like more than it was.” (Tartt) Near the end, Theo tries to play it off that what was happening between the two wasnt romantic, If Theo wasnt thinking of Boris in a romantic way why would he even be written to question or worry that they could come off in such a way? The fact Theo is worrying about it so much can only lead me to believe that Theo does think of Boris in a romantic light and is trying to deny it. Theo continues to explain ways Boris was affectionate towards him, further deepening the connection between the two of them; “On nights I woke strangled with fear there he was, catching me when I startled up terrified from the bed, pulling me back down in the covers beside him, muttering in nonsense Polish, his voice throaty and strange with sleep. We’d drowse off in each other's arms, listening to music from my Ipod.”
Then, the final nail in the coffin, Theo recalls the nights when he and Boris would partake in closer intimacy; “And yet (this was the murky part, this was what bothered me) there had also been other, way more confusing and fucked-up nights, grappling around half-dressed, weak light sliding in from the bathroom and everything haloed and unstable without my glasses: hands on each other, rough and fast, kicked-over beers foaming on the carpet—fun and not that big of a deal when it was actually happening, more than worth it for the sharp gasp when my eyes rolled back and I forgot about everything;” (Tartt) Afterwards, Theo mentions Boris and him never spoke of those nights, and that if people found out they were having sex they would; “think the wrong thing if they knew,”. However, Theo thought about those strange nights a lot and they clouded his mind at times, but, for Boris, it didn't seem like that. Theo notes Boris seemed unbothered by those nights; “But all the same he [Boris] seemed so completely untroubled by it that I was fairly sure it was just a laugh, nothing to take too seriously or get worked up about,” (Tartt) Since Theo uses multiple ways to get the ‘it's not a big deal’ point across. Saying it was a laugh, not serious, nothing to get worked up over, and uses all that when he's just going off of how Boris thinks and reacts to those nights. It can make the reader think that Theo, in contrast, does think of those nights in a serious, worked-up way. To further prove my point Theo was urged to discuss those nights with Boris, so he didn't ‘have the wrong idea’; “More than once, I had wondered if I should step up my nerve and say something: draw some sort of line, make things clear, just to make absolutely sure he didn't have the wrong idea.” (Tartt) Theo gets defensive over the thought of those nights, more importantly, the thought that Boris viewed those nights as something more, something romantic. This is even further pushing my earlier statement that a person who sees these moments as not romantic wouldn't be written to be worrying that it is romantic or that the other person sees it as romantic. So the fact Theo is worrying so greatly that these nights could even possibly be interpreted as romantic (especially when Boris isn't doing the same) can only have me further believing that it's because Theos is trying to deny or block out the actual romantic feelings he is having. Theo is so obsessive on this romantic or not topic that it comes off like Theo has a fear of becoming an orientation that he believes he isn't and that bleeds into internalized homophobia. Theo ends off this recall moment by stating; “I hated how much I missed him.” (Tartt)
There's another moment when Theo is thinking about how Boris is constantly around Kotku and hardly ever with Theo anymore. Theo tries to reassure himself; “But who cared what crappy girl Boris liked? Weren’t we still friends? Brothers practically?” (Tartt) Theo says he and Boris have a brother-like companionship, this, out of context is weird to use to prove my point that they are romantic. But considering all the context provided above this can once again be Theo trying to find an excuse to prove to himself that he and Boris aren't romantic. It's also obvious they aren't brotherly because the two are litterally having sex. In addition to this, right after that quote Theo admits; “Then again: there was not exactly a word for Boris and me.” (Tartt)
Finally, when Theo leaves Vegas he is rambling, trying to convince Boris to come with him, when; “I was still babbling when Boris said: “Potter.” Before I could answer him he put both hands on my face and kissed me on the mouth.” Shortly after. Once Theo is in the taxi he thinks to himself and admits to himself; “I'd stop myself from blurting the thing on the edge of my tongue, the thing I’d never said, even though it was something we both knew well enough without me saying it out loud to him in the street—which was, of course, I love you.” (Tartt, chapter 6, section 19)
WHY BORIS LIKES THEO (YOUNGER) All the content that is romantic between Theo and Boris is most of the time, if not always, initiated by Boris. Boris was the one who draped his arm around Theo, Boris was the one who pulled Theo closer when he rolled away, Boris was the one who cuddled Theo, Boris was the one who calmed Theo down from nightmares, Boris is the one who kissed Theo on the mouth while he had a girlfriend. Undoubtedly, all these things are romantic. Especially since these moments are told through Theo's perspective, who is interpreting these things as romantic, which rubs off on the reader.
When Theo is leaving Vegas and getting in the taxi, Boris hums the song "After Hours" by The Velvet Underground which is a band Theo and Boris listened to together. He hums a specific part of the song where the lyrics sing; "But if you close the door, I'd never have to see the day again" My interpretation of those lyrics in the scene’s context is: “But if you close the door” = If Theo doesnt leave Vegas. Correspondingly, those lyrics about closing a door means closing the door is giving privacy and leaving the character alone with someone they love. Another thing to mention, before those lyrics take place these lyrics are in the song; "Oh, someday, I know someone will look into my eyes and say, 'Hello, you're my very special one'" All of this feels very intentional. When songs and SPECIFIC lyrics are mentioned in novels it's always to convey something and those lyrics are just very romantic and are also about whether the character is going to choose to be alone or be with someone. Considering the lyrics are hummed by Boris right when Theo is leaving him is very telling. It's also to convey that Boris is debating whether to leave with Theo or not.
Everything I just mentioned was the Vegas era when they were teenagers, I will now discuss when they are adults.
WHY THEO AND BORIS JUST MAKE SENSE (OLDER) Now that Theo has lived and been with more people than Boris I will break down Theo's love interests and explain why they aren't good for Theo and why Boris ends up being the best outcome.
KITSEY: Kitsey is Theo's fiance whom Theo cheating on while Kitsey is also cheating on him. Theo is having affairs and hookups with pretty much random women. Kitsey is having an affair with Tom Cable, an old fake friend of Theo's who was the reason why Theo and his mother were leaving the house the day of the bombing. Once Theo witnesses the two kissing in secret he confronts Kitsey, this ends with Kitsey gaslighting Theo to stay in the relationship for the happiness of Mrs. Barbour rather than themselves. Kitsey also admits their ‘love’ has always been head not heart, that they get along well but neither is in love with the other.
PIPPA: Pippa was another victim in the bombing in lost her uncle, this led to her and Theo crossing paths as young teenagers. Finding comfort within shared traumatic experiences. As they grow older Theo begins to romanticize her. Although it's not love, it's more of an obsession if anything. Theo obsesses and overly plans their meetups making sure they are perfect, Theo shows mild jealousy and irritation to Evveret: Pippa's boyfriend, Theo keeps a shirt of Pippa’s without her knowledge, and as creepily as it is..Theo has a lock of Pippa's hair that he took from a trashcan after Pippa cut her bangs in the bathroom. Theo eventually confesses his love for Pippa in a downtown restaurant after seeing a film. He tries to reason that Welty, Pippa's uncle who she lost in the bombing—put Theo exactly where he needed to be at the right time with WHO he needed to be with (aka Pippa and Hobie). Pippa eases Theo into rejection, however, she admits she has a thing for him as well. She begins to explain reasons why the two of them cannot be together: With their shared trauma..if one of them ‘fell’ the other would go right with them as there is no emotional stability between the two, one cannot be there for the other if they can't even support themselves. They are close enough to star-crossed lovers: lovers who are destined to not be together being pulled from one another by outside forces.
If Theo can't have Pippa and doesnt want Kitsey it's reasonable to conclude that Boris is a valid romantic option for Theo. When the two reunite Theo feels alive again after living a boring tucked-away life. He's laughing and enjoying every second with Boris.
BORIS: After years of separation and keeping a secret from Theo news reports come out about how The Goldfinch painting was not ruined in the bombing and is being used as collateral. Boris is under the impression Theo has already unwrapped The Goldfinch years ago and found out what Boris did. With the rise of these news reports guilt rises in Boris that he took the painting from Theo and ended up losing the painting. Boris has a hint that Theo would not want to see Boris ever again and even wants to act violently against Boris for taking the painting from Theo, however, Boris is aware that he must try to fix what he’s done. So, he goes to New York and goes to Hobie's old shop, seeking Theo. When Theo isn't there to be found Boris is sure he’ll never see Theo again, but they happen to run into each other later in the night outside a bar. They then spend the night till 4am talking and catching up. Theo admits in college he took a conversational Russian class because it made him think of Boris. Boris admits Theo was the only boy he's ever been in bed with—but brushes it off as they were desperate teenagers in need of girls..but that doesnt make sense as Boris has a girlfriend, Kyoto- and he was talking to girls before her too. He wasnt partaking in sex with Theo out of desperation for pleasure by any means. -- Boris then says he thinks that Theo thought their relationship back then was ‘something else’, after saying this Theo gets upset and begins to leave the table. Within this mix, Boris apologizes for what he did to Theo all those years ago and he deeply regrets it, Theo is confused about what he is speaking about and Boris is shocked that after all these years he’s never unwrapped the painting. Leaving Boris to admit what he did with the painting with picture proof. Boris wants to apologize to Theo and attempt to find the painting— for Theo.
In the hunt to regain the painting, Boris interrupts Theo and Kitsey's engagement party to take Theo onto a flight to Amsterdam. After some bickering..Theo agrees and says goodbye to Kisey and packs his bags with a nice suit and lots of money. — Boris arranges a meetup with the holders of the painting, but the sellers seem suspicious as they are missing one of their men and one of the men gets away after Boris and his crew pull guns on the men. — Boris and Theo successfully retrieve the painting, Boris taking note of how Theo has his bird once again — But when returning to the parking garage to leave the two men who were absent earlier and one new man arrive with guns pointed, two of these men are killed by Theo and Boris but one man gets away with the painting — The next few days Theo is sent into a deep depression in his hotel room….however this ends differently varying from book to movie. In the book, Theo is urged to turn himself in to the police for murder … In the movie, Theo goes through with a suicide attempt by overdose but is forced to throw up the drugs later by Boris. Both versions end with Boris interrupting, calming Theo down, and telling the good news that he tracked the painting down in a house holding many more missing paintings and he sent in an anonymous tip to the police on these paintings and their location. Boris splits the reward money between his crew, Theo, and himself.
Boris makes a good partner to Theo as they get along, have a close history, make each other feel alive, know the do's and dont's / in's and out's of each other, show each other unconditional care, left a big positive impact on each others lives, and both share a deep love for art and beauty.
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what would the doctors visits tom apparently endured have been like? what if he had been institutionalized as he apparently feared? what would have happened to him?
Sorry this took a little while! I had to do some research for this because I'm not super familiar with healthcare from this period.
This is potentially triggering for ppl who are neurodiverse or experience mental/chronic conditions as I'm discussing outdated language and treatments, some which are still prevalent today despite medical suggestion. So after the first part on general healthcare, I'm going to put the rest as hidden.
From what I can gather, general healthcare (like doctors) were largely free for working men, but that left women, children, the unemployed and homeless without. This also means Tom. Tom would've likely been treated, if he ever got ill (and I think its mentioned in Order of the Phoenix that wixen don't get the same health issues that muggles do, although that may just be JKR batshittery), by one of the staff at the orphanage, who would prescribe cod liver oil for colds and thats about it. Penicillin was only discovered in 1928 so its likely kids were still dying from infections, especially in the orphanage. A doctor might've been called for something more serious like a broken bone, but operations still were being done on stuff like kitchen tables, so I wouldn't trust a 20s/30s doctor. There would've been a sanitarium (basically a sick room) although I can imagine that children went there to essentially die, especially from the more dangerous conditions that were rife at the orphanage, which I also discussed here.
(This next part is the potentially triggering section. Read at your own discretion.)
Tom is commonly read, particularly to outsiders (as we are when we view him through others eyes), as neurodiverse or with an Anti-Social Personality Disorder. Especially with his magic, he likely would've been perceived the same way by those at the orphanage, most prevalently by Ms Cole and others in charge as kids just don't notice these things. Germany's Aktion T-4 during the 30s an 40s (the proposed eugenics and selective breeding, but in reality murder, of anyone 'mentally retarded') mirrored the attitudes of the first half of the 20th century. Not a lot was known about how children think anyway, so they were often treated as mini adults or dolls, despite children not even having the mental capacities to comprehend why they're doing something until they're literally 15.
Tom (with whatever condition he does have) would have fallen under the Mental Deficiency Act (1913) which was passed almost unanimously with only 3 votes against it. It was a step forward from the previous Idiots Act (1886), but the language and treatment was still poor. It categorised people into four groups:
a) Idiots. Those so deeply defective as to be unable to guard themselves against common physical dangers. b) Imbeciles. Whose defectiveness does not amount to idiocy, but is so pronounced that they are incapable of managing themselves or their affairs, or, in the case of children, of being taught to do so. c) Feeble-minded persons. Whose weakness does not amount to imbecility, yet who require care, supervision, or control, for their protection or for the protection of others, or, in the case of children, are incapable of receiving benefit from the instruction in ordinary schools. d) Moral Imbeciles. Displaying mental weakness coupled with strong vicious or criminal propensities, and on whom punishment has little or no deterrent effect.
It suggested institutionalisation was the best response to these conditions, and the now-obsolete Board of Control for Lunacy and Mental Deficiency oversaw this implementation of 'care'.
Tom wouldn't have been aware of what occurred in these places (lobotomies and shock therapy of various kinds for 'treatment', including insulin and forcing seizures; but also horrible treatments of patients by 'carers' including violence and abuse), but would know that it meant you were crazy. Bedlam (12th century — present) was notorious based on rumours alone. Tom would've been genuinely fearful of what happened in those places even though he had no idea himself.
I remember playing games about asylums when I was a kid, and I doubt children in Tom's time were much different, but there was no one around to de-stigmatise and so rumours perpetuated. I think Tom was very scared because he believed his magic was a sign of insanity or a hallucination, and although he probably wasn't politically aware, he realised his own ability to hurt and was afraid of what that meant for him. To Tom, as a young child knowing nothing about his strange powers, being crazy was just as frightening as death because it meant the end of freedom.
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theblueprincess590 · 25 days
The Winds of Youth-A Character Analysis of Ventus
Ventus began his story much like Sora, as a starry eyed youth who dreamed of broadening their horizons and seeing what lay beyond their small homes. Yet unlike Sora, Ventus had something to prove. Ventus wants to be an adult, wants to be his friend's equal and yet he is denied this time and time again. Everyone treats him like a child, they dote on him like an infant that needs constant supervision, They coddle him in his training never letting him from reaching his true potential, and worst of all they keep him cooped up in his room like a cage bird all while using their infantilizing of him to justify it. With his found family refusing to ever let him leave, to let him fight, and never teaching him anything more than the basics, The Land of Departure eventually becomes a prison surrounded by wind for the pure hearted boy. Making it no wonder that when the call to adventure finally arrived he grasped it without hesitation even if the hands that offered it were stained in filth and hate.
It is Vanitas who initially gives Ventus the push to leave his home and travel to other worlds. Doing so by nagging on Ventus’s insecurities and fears by implying his best friend Terra will no longer be the same person, that the earth will grow into a mountain higher than the winds can reach. However it must not be mistaken that Vanitas is just doing this out of cruelty. No Vanitas is using Terra to help Ventus justify his decision to leave. Vanitas is Ven’s darkness, his other half, and thus knows all that Ventus feels all he truly desires. He knows how desperately Ventus wishes to leave, to prove himself more than a child. So he gives Ventus what he has always wanted, a “justified” reason to run away, a chance for him to indulge in his selfish desires without any guilt. And this is ultimately Ven’s greatest failure.
Ventus left the Land of Departure not to save Terra but to indulge in his own desires of freedom. Terra was merely the just cause. After all if Ventus was really just acting out of concern for Terra then he would of voiced said concerns to Aqua or Eraqus, returned home after encountering Terra again in Radiant Garden, brought up the existence of a mysterious intruder in his room (which he only does when seeking praise from Terra and Aqua for “defeating” him), or most importantly of all he would of told Terra of the warning he received before Terra left when he had the chance but he didn’t because if he did he did then he would of lost his chance to prove himself. That is why Ventus continues his adventures after succeeding in his goal to find Terra because it was never about Terra in the first palace.
Yet the journey still holds a great meaning to it. Just like Sora’s adventures Ventus manages to make countless friends, each of who manage to help him grow as a person. Through the kindness of Snow White Ventus grows from one who needs protection to a protector  ultimately pushing him to save Princess’s Aruroa’s heart from Maleficent, which in term gives him the convention of a Hero that allows him to train alongside Hercules and Zack. Of course though it is not just strength that the Disney characters impart on Ventus but also wisdom and perspective. Through their adventures together Ventus learns what it means to truly have a dream, no longer accepting the aimless life he lived before and instead striving to become a keyblade master just like Terra and Aqua so he can truly be their equal. He learns what it really means to be a friend through the joy of Lea and Isa. Which in terms helps him come to better appreciate Terra and Aqua when he sees just how much their friendship made Stitch’s life better. And in the end discovers the true value of bonds when treasure hunting with Peter Pan, That a bond is not something physical but rather an invisible link that will always connect your heart to the ones you love. 
However these lessons can not protect Ventus from his cruel fate. He fights alongside Terra and Aqua in the Key graveyard despite his heart being weighed down by the tragic truth of his existence. Yet even with his inner strength Ventus only becomes a burden. Not only does his presence end up distracting Terra and Aqua but he is quickly incapacitated by Xehanort, reduced to a mere object by the old man yet again. And when he does manage to finally put up a fight in order to save Aqua he only ends up giving The Masked Boy what he wants. Vanitas reveals to Ventus that it was he who orchestrated this hero’s journey. Everything from the UnVersed to the disney world to Terra, Aqua, and Eraqus were set up by Master Xehanort and Vanitas to make Ventus stronger, so he could forge the X-Blade. From the very beginning Ventus was playing a rigged game, blindly following a shallow script of lies and deception all because it fed his ego, because it made him feel like a big man, like a hero. When in reality he was just a pawn. 
At least that's what Vanitas wants Ventus to believe. This “Coming of Age” Story may have been written by a Dark Imp but that doesn’t mean Vanitas has the right to decide its value. The path he followed may have been a lie but the friendships Ventus formed and the lessons he learned were anything but false. Ventus got stronger not because of Vanitas but in spite of him. It was Snow White, Cinderella, Jaq, The Three Good Fairies, Lea, Isa, Minnie, Huey, Dewey, Louie, Hercules, Zack, Phil, Stitch, Peter Pan, Tinker Bell, Mickey, Eraqus, Terra, and Aqua who shaped Ventus into the boy NO the Man he is now. It was them who imparted on him the values that gave his hearts strength, that helped him push forward past the darkness, and that gave him hope, love, and Dreams. Not this Shallow Shadow. Which is why Vanitas can never defeat Ventus. Vanitas made no effort to understand others, no effort to connect with others, and no effort to change himself. He simply remained the same, a spiteful parasite that sought conflict and conflict alone. He visited the same worlds as Ven and yet never once formed a connection of his own, only filling the worlds with more hatred and violence. Even his pursuit of Ventus and the X-Blade was just to instigate further conflict with a second Keyblde war. And Because of his unwillingness to change Vanitas could never understand Ventus, even when his heart was bare to him in their final battle. Vanitas could only see Ven as the lesser half, unable to understand why he put so much value in his friends, why this wayward boy was so ready to die for them. And because he stay the stayed the same, because he indulged himself in violence and ignorance Vanitas lost to the only bond he ever had. As it was the shared D-Link between himself and Ventus that ultimately destroyed Vanitas.
Ventus began his journey with selfish intention masked as richness ultimately resulting in his free spirited time of youth coming to end through harsh truths. And yet he was still able to grow from it. Because just like Sora Ventus is at his core a kind and heroic person with his heart open to all. He sought not only strength but connections allowing the bonds he formed to change him, gifting him with great ideals and power through every new command, keyblade, shotlock, D-Link, and Command Style earned. All of which help him grow from a shelter child to a true Man, one who always puts his friends before himself, reaching for the first time in the series the complete understanding of the power of friendship “My friends are my power ands I’m theirs”   
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