#so i click onto it
oifaaa · 4 months
No clue on ur policy on cursing but if you do not like it pls delete this ask and I’m sorry I cursed but the concept was so funny.
Batfam au where Damian accidentally ends in the past (by himself or if any of his siblings join is optional) and needs to quickly stop himself before calling Bruce, Father.
So on a slip up, he accidentally calls him Fuckboy instead, and has to continually use it.
I see this going one of two ways depending on how old Bruce is - if it's teenage angsty Bruce then there will be a fight which will result in Bruce getting his ass kicked bc teenage Bruce was just constantly looking for a fight but couldn't hope to win against Damian - if its Bruce post training/ early batman Bruce then he will recognise that Damian looks a mini talia and realise this kid is his son or maybe a younger sibling of talias either way calling him a fuckboy is definitely deserved
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theofficialuriel · 4 months
orvies when they remember that the reason Dokja hated Kim Namwoon sm was because he was the character Dokja could see the most of himself in and he couldn’t understand why Jonghyuk kept taking Namwoon in in every regression
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 7 months
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Collection of edits from this comic with Disco Elysium dialogue.
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muninnhuginn · 8 months
You know what's gonna kill me when we get the inevitable Lu Guang flashbacks?
The fact he's always described as "mature" as his post-dive self implies he must be different now than before. It's hard to imagine exactly what his personality was like before, and if it's written well, he shouldn't be completely unrecognisable. But we know he's been changed.
Imagine a first timeline where Lu Guang just follows along with Cheng Xiaoshi, no attempts to reign him in whatsover. Cheng Xiaoshi having the opportunity to come up with more of his complicated tricks but channelling it into lower stakes stuff like pranks and Lu Guang actually enabling him in that and having fun with it. Imagine tragedy striking when Lu Guang and Cheng Xiaoshi are both allowing themselves to be genuinely happy, no facades.
We know that Cheng Xiaoshi used to put on a brave face in light of his parents' disappearances and what that meant for how he was treated and what he was missing out on. But we also know that Qiao Ling and Lu Guang together have been able to lift that into something more genuine. Imagine a world where Cheng Xiaoshi was able to do the same for Lu Guang. Where they both mutually brought that light into the other's life.
It's still true to some extent in the current worldline, but it's complicated by Lu Guang's own actions. Lu Guang can never be fully honest with Cheng Xiaoshi without (in his mind) losing him forever. But he has to stick by his side in order to have any chance in his hopeless quest. And so, he must distance himself in other ways, protect Cheng Xiaoshi, enforce the rules. Swallow the guilt. It leads to a more lopsided relationship, one where one side is always hiding something from the other and refuses to open up themselves. A relationship that in the original timeline must have been more equal, as partners.
There's something that's been lost here, and it's not just the original Cheng Xiaoshi.
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lavenoon · 11 months
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@naffeclipse since I never bothered to explain (and also will not do that in the future) how my modern day self insert actually ended up in the SJ-verse, here's an imagined menace4menace speedrun <3
*self insert is not a girl (he/ she)
og detective au by sunnys-aesthetic!
Also throwing this silly character sheet out there with this because why not
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jade-lynxx · 5 months
One thing I've learned rewatching Link Click:
Lu Guang is so full of shit
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alien-from-planet-zog · 8 months
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or…is she, you know…
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mxtxfanatic · 2 months
Book of the Week: Transmigrating Into The Heartthrob's Cannon Fodder Childhood Friend
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Author: This Concubine Is In Shanyang (妾在山阳)
Genre: transmigration, high school setting, danmei
Rating: T (despite Xie Sui’s best attempts 😔)
My Synopsis: If you’ve ever wondered how someone can play both bully and victim, look no further than Song Yu, our transmigrating main character who’s first instinct when faced with conflict is ✨violence✨ while his second is calling the cops, as he fights against his system to befriend and protect the reborn blackbelly protagonist-turned-love interest, Xie Sui, from a slew of dickwad suitors. Watch as Song Yu threatens to take on the whole damn world if he has to in order to keep Xie Sui single while Xie Sui just wonders whether he’ll even get a turn to enact his revenge on his foes without interception, thank you very much.
My Actual Review: The moment Song Yu walked into a room and immediately tried to brain an antagonist with a bottle of alcohol without so much as a “by your leave,” I was hooked. I think this is the first cnovel I’ve read where the MC’s first solution to a problem is just his hands 😭 Song Yu’s name can be found in the dictionary as an example of the word “tyrant.” But don’t worry! He’s only a harbinger of pain towards those who mess with the innocent and his loved ones (plus Xie Sui totally thinks it’s hot that this short king fights his battles for him). And for all of his violence, Song Yu’s goodness and persistence draws in both reader and LI, translating into an especially soft romance to counteract Xie Sui’s tragic romantic history. The drama and comedy tastefully interwoven into the high school setting makes for a lovely and moderately gripping read without becoming too stressful.
While the translation is currently incomplete, I finished it with an mtl and it was fine. However, it is still currently being translated and is almost finished, so if you want to wait for completion, that’s fine too.
Translations: currently incomplete
Dummy Novels: unlocked, last updated Sept. 2023:
Foxaholic: locked (though password available), still currently updating:
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von-karmas-a-bitch · 10 months
just remembered a silly doodle i did of a franmaya date that i never posted here so. franmaya enjoyers come get y'all juice
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randomartist-1 · 9 days
im still thinkin abt in stars and time, so heres a rant. this is a long one, sooo.....
i didnt spoil anything, but there is like a single spoiler @ the end of the tags
i love ista's gameplay and story, but one thing i especially love is the fact you can tell how much care is put into everything. the fact that theres so many little details in the visuals, that there are parts to each character that isnt technically needed to progress the story, the fact that each character is so complex.... its refreshing, 2 be able to go "yeah, ppl who worked on this rlly cared" even with just playing through one of the games once
idk if anyone else does this, but when i relate 2 a character, i feel emotionally attached 2 them. even if i dont know i relate 2 them. and i love when i relate 2 a character, bc it makes me love the media all the more
it also makes it easier 2 put myself in a characters shoes and understand. like with sif, even tho isat being a video game instead of a tv show helps, i seemed as though i could feel what sif was feeling (def not as extreme, tho)
and even side characters. even tho we didnt get 2 know much abt them (bc, yknow, theyre side characters) they still had personality, and i could relate 2 some
i love how theres so much personality in each character. the main cast is obvious, but i feel like its rare for side characters 2 have almost as much personality as the main characters (or maybe i just stick 2 the same pieces of media lol)
it makes me happy 2 see so much care put into a piece of media :)
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satansleftnutcheek · 7 days
No bc the way Dot and Bubble is so well crafted color wise is insane. All the pastels and LIGHT values being a reflection of the “cleanliness”, “perfection”, and racism of Finetime is just a stroke of brilliance.
For those who don’t know art terms the word “value” refers to how light or dark a color is and “saturation” refers to the vibrance of the color. I’m sourcing this from a brief lecture one of my art teachers gave, but often times lighter values and desaturated colors are seen as “better” to use. This is due to white being seen as a “clean” and “pure” color. According to my teacher these ideas are DEEPLY rooted in racist beliefs. Assuming my teacher was right and that this is factually reliable information, having Finetime be covered in these light values and desaturated colors reflects their white ideals. Their city is built on racism, they wrap themselves in racism, and all they see is the “perfect, clean”, all white word they live in. This is literal with the all white city, but also doubles down with the pastel zoom call backgrounds.
This is what makes 15 stand out SO MUCH and “clash” against the aesthetic of the world. Not only is his skin a darker value than the entire aesthetic of Finetime, but his sweater is also more saturated than their entire city. He doesn’t even conform fashion wise because he can’t conform physically. Compare that against Ruby who blends in with being white, but also blends in with her crème jumper. There’s some dark stripes, but for the most part she’s just another person in the system.
Absolutely brilliant with having the racist city colored entirely in racist ideas. I absolutely ADORE how much Dr WHO has been utilizing color and value in this series keep it up team 🔥🔥🔥🔥
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muninnhuginn · 8 months
I do sometimes just like chucking ideas at the wall just because I think they're thematically really cool but have no real stake in them being canon.
So say for instance, I often wonder why Lu Guang latched onto Cheng Xiaoshi. Realistically, it's likely linked to his whole thing about CXS being "naïve" and acting impulsively to help people.
And then I think about how s1 and s2 both have visuals with Lu Guang at the very top of a building. How Emma herself wanted to kill herself by falling. And I'm like, wouldn't it be really neat if CXS's action to help Lu Guang in the first timeline was to talk him out of suicide?
The implications are so fascinating when you think about the fact that Lu Guang being saved then means he wants to save Cheng Xiaoshi. A life for a life.
But not even that, because Lu Guang was willing to die in the s1 finale if it saved Cheng Xiaoshi. A hypocrite with going against his rules, but even beyond that, still bargaining away his own life. Telling CXS what to do as he ignores what CXS himself taught him. Cheng Xiaoshi always wanted him to save himself.
And thinking how the node they keep returning to is Emma's. How Cheng Xiaoshi almost talked *her* out of suicide before she was possessed and the option taken from her.
The recurrence of "falling" and all the different forms that takes.
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ethereal-maia · 7 months
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@quezify you said something a couple days ago about an egg themed popstar and I could not get that idea out of my head… I present to you all the band Eggregious!!
Happy Halloween everyone!! 💛🎃🍳
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7roaches · 6 months
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relearning how to draw them in a new fucked up way
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beneathsilverstars · 1 month
i've been going through my entire spotify liked songs list one by one to pick out which songs are about siffrin and i'm SO MAD bc i keep finding SLOOP SONGS!!! this is not what i'm looking for here!!!!!!! i made a list for them ofc but why does it have more songs than the isafrin list. probably bc songs about fucked up disasters go harder than sweet lovey songs sorry isa
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mymp3 · 9 months
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Ryoji and Minato share the same exact pose and it's making me rather unwell
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