#so if there are any mistakes — idc
petricorah · 1 year
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lee from the tea shop boutta get it (wip) [id in alt]
edit: completed illustration here
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rodolfoparras · 1 year
Smoke Sprite
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Pairing: Captain Price x Trans Male Reader
WC: ca 7k
Synopsis: Price teaches you how to smoke cigars among other things
Content warning: 18+, • MINORS DNI • dry humping • boot worship • boot grinding • verbal degradation • praise • alluded exhibitionism • Sub! Reader • Dom!Price • reference to afab anatomy (sparsely!) • power dynamics • age gap (no specific age stated but in my head it’s like 10 years between them) • no after care
Stand alone/ part of a series:
A/N: The usual disclaimer: English isn’t my first language so excuse any grammatically incorrect sentences, spelling mistakes, ooc, plot holes… heads up for long sentences as well, who needs proper structure anyway.
First time writing smut too bc at some point we ought to dive into this. Am I right or am I right? Also idk how to do accents, as a non native speaker I have a whole vocab that consist of American and British words and at some point something may sound whack but just rewrite it in your head and enjoy the fic hehe
Also don’t be fooled, you will actually learn about cigars here I did a deep dive for this
Few things were hard to come by when enlisted in the army. One of them being a good night's sleep. It was something you as well as many other soldiers battled with. You’d found that the best way to cope with it was to stay up til your mind was as exhausted as your body and one of the ways you’d  make the time pass was by smoking. 
That’s how you found yourself sitting on the window sill of the little kitchen provided on base, half way through your third cigarette, wishing your mind would let your body go to bed.
It wasn’t always bad being unable to sleep. Hours you spent awake (albeit against your will)  were also sometimes hours you’d felt the most at peace.
Tonight felt like one of those nights and the peace washed over you in waves, so much so you finally felt like you were ready to head to bed. 
Just as you’re about to follow through with that thought, a sudden noise at the door catches your attention. 
You turn so quickly you almost drop the cigarette you’re smoking, ash falling over you with the motion.  
It’s too dark to see the intruder’s face but you’re still able to see how he freezes in place and quickly raises his hand in defense.
“Relax sergeant” the tension leaves your body when you hear the intruder speak. You’d recognize that voice anywhere. It was after all one that was on your mind when you couldn’t sleep. “Didn't mean to scare you, was just gonna get something to drink” His voice sounds husky, he’d probably just woken up from his sleep.
You nod your head, as you go to sit down again, taking another drag of your cigarette as you observe the surprise guest. 
His steps are sluggish, head almost dropping as he makes his way over to the fridge and you wonder to yourself if you should turn on some light so he doesn’t trip.
“Don’t know how you can smoke that shit” Price says, somehow managing to express his disdain through his sleep like daze. 
You snort at his words before taking another drag of your cigarette, blowing out a cloud of smoke only to watch it disappear again. 
 “Look who’s talking” you say referring to the cigar that always seemed glued to his hand.
He opens the fridge, seemingly searching for his drink before he takes out a bottle of water. Soon after he makes his way over to the kitchen counter, across from where you’re sitting. The light from outside shines down on him and you can finally see him properly as he leans on the counter and takes a sip of his drink. 
He’s dressed in some gray sweatpants and a matching tank top to go with it. It wasn’t an unusual sight per say. Many times he'd complain about running hot easily so he always dresses lightly when he sleeps.  However that didn’t mean that you were unaffected by it. 
“Seriously they taste like shit and smell bad too”he says before downing the rest of the water. 
“I don’t smoke for the taste”  you say as your eyes wander from his clothes up to his neck, taking notice of the dog tags on him and the way they’re  glistening with the light shining down on them. Your gaze wanders further up, over to where his Adam's Apple lays and how it bobs every time he takes a sip of his drink, until your gaze finally lands on his face. His eyes are half lidded, lips parted and puffy and a flush coats his cheek. It’s clear that he’d just roll out of bed especially with how mussed his hair is. Despite that he looks good, really good actually.
“You should since these will take you out anyway” he says, bottle now discarded on the counter and hands tucked into his pockets. 
“Teach me how to smoke cigars then” You say tossing your cigarette out the window before turning in your seat to face him properly.
Price raised an eyebrow at that.
“What? You can’t sleep, I can’t sleep, might as well do something useful here. Teach me how to smoke cigars”
The older man scratches at his beard in thought before seemingly making a decision.  With a grunt he signs for you to move over and you do as he says. He sits down next to you, one foot propped on the window sill and the other hanging to the side of it.
Price digs his hand into his left pocket,  pulls out a wooden box of something, pops it open before sliding it over to you.
“Take whichever you want, it doesn't matter. You’ll be prepping it anyway”
“Prepping?” You look at him like he’s grown three heads. It's a cigar after all, what is there to prep anyway?
He nudges his head, signaling for you to take one. When you do so, he takes one himself before he closes the box and pockets it again.
“It’s not like a cigarette. You don’t just shove it into your mouth and smoke it. All good things come with preparation and in moderation.” 
“Are we still talking about cigars here “ you grin widely as you wiggle your eyebrows suggestively.
Price grunts at your words but doesn’t do much more as he goes into teacher mode.“First thing first, you want to know what you’re working with. That can break or make the experience”
You nod as you look down at the cigar in your hands. However, figuring out what you’re working with wasn’t as easy as it seemed. You’ve smoked for years but cigars were outside of your expertise. 
Price must’ve seen the stupefied look on your face because he says “Don’t look at it like that, lad. It’s a cigar not a ticking time bomb“
“Sorry” you say, shifting in your seat as your free hand fiddles with some loose lint from the sweats you’re wearing. 
“That’s alright. Let’s start with something familiar, yeah?” he mindlessly strokes his beard, brows furrowed in concentration as he tries to think of how to explain it. 
“You lick your cigarettes right? How come you do that?” You’re momentarily stunned by the fact that he’s picked up on this. But his question hits you next and you can’t help but feel embarrassed when you confess. 
“Force of habit I guess” you shrug, rubbing at your neck as your eyes wander from him to some random spot on the window sill. 
Hey, you’re a smoker not a smoke connoisseur. You don’t know the ins and outs of nicotine. 
He sighs heavily and drags his hand down his chin before he speaks  “That’s alright.” he says before he goes to explain. “ It's a form of prepping, not really necessary for cigarettes but some smokers do it. However prepping is essentials for cigars”
He then goes on to raise his arm in the air, giving you a clear view of the cigar in his hand.
“First thing first you do a pinch test, it’s pretty simple really. You pinch it between your thumb and point finger. Do not roll it however. If it’s dry it’ll cause unnecessary friction which in turn will cause more tears in the leaf”
He starts to demonstrate the step. You try to focus but your eyes can’t help but wander all over his hands. 
Despite the cigar being quite big, it looks something akin to a cigarette in his grip and although he’s got a rather delicate grip on the cigar you know just how rough he can be with his hands. You’ve seen it many times out on the field, and have even imagined what it would be like to be on the receiving end of the treatment. His hands always look so big and strong, dusted in chestnut hair and lined with thick blue veins. You can’t help but think of how pretty they look as he demonstrates the step. 
“You still with me, lad?” 
You lick your lips, mouth feeling dryer than any tobacco leaf. “Yeah “
“Now do so with yours. Remember just add some light pressure, it doesn’t need much more than that” he says, once again demonstrating the step. You start to feel a pressure in your chest as heats floods from your head down to your feet. You try to focus on his words but they only seem to add to the lightheadedness you’re feeling. 
“You listening?” He asks, taking note of your dazed expression.
You only manage a hum in response to his question as you go to follow his instructions. “It shouldn’t crackle since they should be properly humidified anyway but it’s always good to know the basics yeah?” He says when you both notice there’s no crackling to be heard from the cigar in your hands.
“Now we cut it. I keep this baby on me at all times “ Price says before he pulls out a pocket knife. 
“There's all types of fancy shit for cutting but the principle is to cut as little as possible rather than the opposite. You just kind of snip it off” he says as he places the knife at the tip and executes the move perfectly.
“Now you try,” he hands it over to you and you can’t help but feel quite confident in this part. The task didn’t seem complicated anyway. But as you go to cut it, it turns out to be much harder than it seemed.  The cut is nothing like Price’s. If anything it’s jaggedy and has the tobacco leaves crackling at the tip. 
 “That’s alright, you can-“
Before he gets the chance to say anything else, you wrap your lips around the tip, allowing your spit to smoothen out any loose pieces. 
“Oh- “ you look up at Price only to see him swallow hard. 
“That’s a good lad” he says, voice sounding deeper when he speaks “was gonna say to not slobber it down in saliva but you seem to know your thing “
Your face feels hot when you go to respond.“Thanks” 
It’s strange- this relationship you got with your captain. At first sight it might seem that you’re the one throwing flirty remarks around here. And he’s the one who acts unphased, or even annoyed at your flirting attempts. But matter of fact is he’s the one making suggestive remarks whether consciously or subconsciously and you’re the one phased by it. You wish you too could be as unphased as him because his recovering time for these types of situations is remarkable, really. 
His voice is void of any previous emotion when he goes to speak again “Now to the last part, we light it”
And of course you try to keep with him. 
“Never thought we’d get to it” you say, hoping and praying you seem just as unphased as he seems . But you can still feel your face burning and your voice slightly wobbling and the intense look he’s giving you isn’t helping you very much either. 
“Hey you wanted me to teach you” Price reminds you with a pointed look. 
“Go on please” you gesture dramatically before leaning back in your seat.
“The way you choose to light it will affect the taste. It’s all a matter of preference so to say “
“And how do you like yours to taste?” Your words come out more suggestive than intended and you can hear Price sucking in a sharp breath, head tilting and his eyes boring into yours when he says “I prefer to take my time with things, enjoy it thoroughly, make the most out of it if you know what I mean”
The mood feels different; stirring in a direction that has nothing to do with cigars and everything to do with something else, something-
“You’ll achieve that with a soft flame”
And it's quickly broken again. 
Price fishes a box of matches out of his pocket, slides it open and takes a few of them before pocketing it again.
“Always use two matches but don’t be fooled, you can’t hurry the process this is just to ensure the cigar burns even. You with me?”
You nod - maybe a bit too eagerly to show him you’re listening, brows furrowed and lips puckered in concentration and if you’d be focused on someone else you’d see the ghost of a smile on Price’s face. 
“You strike the matches and tilt them downwards, then rotate your cigar around the them “
“Like a marshmallow ”  the words slip mindlessly out of your mouth and his eyes widen in surprise before he laughs. 
You feel the tip of your ears go red but smile at what he says next “Fuckin’ hell, sure like a marshmallow “
Instead of saying something else that would result in making a bigger fool of yourself, you choose to do as he says. 
You take two matches from him and attempt to strike them. 
However it feels like the universe is on a mission to make you seem like the biggest fool because for some reason you can’t light up your match. 
After your third failed attempt paired with some curses under your breath Price decides to offer you some help. 
He leaves his place on the window sill, and leaves his cigar in the ashtray to stand behind you instead. But just as he does it, you manage to light them yourself. However for some reason he chooses not to go back to his seat.
“Like that,” you hear him before you see him, and smell his cologne behind the clouds of smoke. 
You try to keep your focus as you slowly rotate the cigar in your hands
“Good lad you’re doing so good,” the words make you feel like a match ignited, burning from your head down to your toes.  
“Is it done?” You don’t know what you’re asking about- the lessons or the torture he’s unknowingly putting you through.
“Ever heard of the word patience, kid?“ he chides and if it weren’t for your close proximity making you feel all funny you’d say something to him.
“Just one more round of matches and you’re good to go yeah?” His voice is gruff and breathy when he speaks, almost akin to the tone he uses when he gives commands on the field. You feel the wisps of hair from his beard brushing across your ear and the heat from the close proximity of your bodies. You chose to nod in response, opting to bite your tongue in fear of saying something you might regret later on. 
Soon you find yourself with a lit cigar in your hands. 
“There now to the last step” the heat quickly disappears as a gust of cold wind creeps onto your skin and you’re sure it’s not because of the open window but rather from the space between your bodies as he goes back to his own seat.  
“The most important rule of smoking- if you’re to remember anything out of this- is to not inhale it but rather take a light drag. Your body and your lungs will be thankful for sparing them, see it as something you slosh around in your mouth rather than shove down your windpipe”
You raise a brow at his choice of words.
“I am not the best teacher, “ he shrugs before picking up his cigar again.  
He puts it between his lips and takes a light drag of it and you can’t help but think that he looks attractive doing it. 
You never thought smoking was attractive. You smoked to ease your nerves and couldn’t wrap your head around what would be so attractive about a little nicotine stick and the awful smell that came along with it. But looking at him now with his eyelids hanging low, head tilted to the side as he exhales the smoke, you finally understand why people thought so. Especially now, with his Adam’s apple on show, dog tags gleaming behind the clouds of smoke and his toned arms flexing every time he goes to take another drag of the cigar. 
“You do the most work in the beginning until you see white smoke. That’s how you know it’s properly lit and you can actually start to enjoy it“ Price’s voice sounds stern when he speaks; like a knowledgeable teacher sharing information to his interested students. And you sure were interested: in more ways than one. 
“Most work in the beginning huh?” You grin wolfishly at him.
“You pull a lot of jokes, kid “ he chuckles as he continuously spins the cigar in his hand. 
Kid. Your nose scrunches at the word  “Not a kid and who said it’s a joke?” 
He doesn’t say anything. Instead he tilts his head and rubs his beard as if mulling over something before speaking again.
“You try now”
You nod your head as you attempt to focus on the task at hand. But it isn’t easy,  your eyes flicker from his fingers, to his lips, to the way he sits leaned back in his seat with smoke surrounding him.
Before you know it you’re inhaling the cigar, doing the complete opposite of what he told you and within seconds you feel the smoke hitting you all at once; blurring your vision and sending you into a coughing fit.  
“I told you not to inhale it” he tuts as he leans over to take the cigar from your hands before he goes to pat your back “damn shame you seemed so good at following directions, what happened?”
You try to speak but the burning sensation in your throat cuts you off. His hand is once again on your back rubbing up and down aimlessly before he suddenly gets up and you instinctively grab onto him “I’m just going to get something to drink” he says, repeating his words from before and you nod, allowing him to do so. 
“Here” he says a moment later, pressing a cold water bottle against your cheek.
You flinch away from the cold sensation, but grab it anyway, downing more than half the bottle within seconds. 
“Take it easy or you’ll choke again, boy”
Despite the advice you find yourself unable to slow  down and you down the rest like a man parched. 
He chuckles at your actions and grabs hold of your chin, turning your head to face him. 
“That good?” He asks, eyes shining with both hints of worry and amusement.
You nod in response feeling heat creep up your neck and ears. The feeling intensifies when his thumb swipes across your bottom lip, wiping off any remaining liquid before he pops it in his mouth to lick it off of him. 
“I - I can do better” you croak out, still trying to catch your breath.
“What’s that boy?”
You clear your throat and take a deep breath, braving yourself to speak  “I meant what I said I can do it, let me try again”
His gaze shifts between your eyes and your lips, seemingly making a decision when he goes to speak.
“Alright, come here “  he says before he goes back to his seat on the window sill, cigar tucked back between his lips, and with smoke surrounding him. He looks delectable to say the least. 
As if it were a reflex your body complies to his request, shuffling over to sit closer to him. 
You can feel your knees brushing, smell the scent of his cologne mixing with the cloud of smoke, can even see each and every eyelash on his eye along with  the gray hairs sprinkled across his chestnut beard.
You thought you couldn’t get any closer than this but suddenly he leans further in and your eyes go wide as you watch him. His hand goes to your head,  strokes your hair, and brushes back any loose strands or flies aways before it glides across your cheeks, until finally stopping at your lips. 
“Open up, now” he says, one hand under your chin and the other tapping his cigar against your lips.
“Lets try this again, yeah? You did so well, don't want the lesson to go to waste” You hum in response, parting your lips before wrapping them around the cigar. However you don’t take a drag. Instead you await his command. 
“Remember gently, no need to put much effort into it, yeah?” 
You nod as you put all your focus into doing as he says and finally you manage to take a proper drag of it, enough to taste it and enough to blow it out properly as well.
“Good lad. I knew you could do it “  the look of pride on his face along with his words goes straight to your head. Like the cat that got the cream, you think to yourself.
You go to take another drag of it and as you do he places his hand on the small of your back, soothingly rubbing up and down the length of it. You try to focus on the cigar rather than his touch because you fear that in itself will send you into a coughing fit. But it’s hard to stay focused on the cigar when his hand leaves the small of your back and makes its way up to your neck instead. You’re just about to blow out the smoke when his hand wraps around your neck and gently squeezes it.
You part your lips in surprise and as  you do so smoke leaves your mouth, coming out in little circles that quickly dissipate in the air. Your eyes widen at your little trick and he just chuckles at your reaction, before releasing his grip completely and leaning back a bit.
“Little trick I learnt “ he says innocently, shrugging even before he clears his throat, eyes avoidant of your own but manages a thank you when you pass the cigar back to him.
A rather awkward silence falls over you two as you try to process what happened. Price’s hand around your neck- the shy reaction you got from it- the fact that he knew this trick in the first place. It all hangs in the air like clouds of smoke and puts your mind in daze. It’s hard to snap out of it but once you do you wonder if you should say something or move on to the next subject. Looking at him you can clearly see he’s embarrassed about it so you choose to spare him but you also choose to store this moment in your mind for when you’re in desperate need of a replay.  
“Gotta give it to you, you were right about the taste. It’s pretty nice actually” 
He inhales sharply at that, eyes falling to your lips as he goes to speak “Yeah? Why don’t you describe it to me? Last part of the lesson. Need you to name the flavors ” His hand is now at your thigh, fingertips mindlessly tracing circles onto it and you think it isn’t fair of him. He can clearly see the way your body is reacting to him- to his touches- to his words and he still expects you to function.
You must’ve taken too long to respond because Price’s hand squeezes your thigh in warning “Sergeant” 
“Creamy- it tastes creamy sir “ you stumble over your words but still manage to get out a response. 
He hums in response, hand tightening at your thigh before once again squeezing it to get your attention. “Anything else? Any specific flavor you can name. Go on, take another drag of it“ he says before passing the cigar back to you. For once you’re thankful that your body reacts so easily to his commands. Your head’s far too gone at this point to be able to give your body instructions. 
You take another drag of the cigar, allowing the smoke to coat your tongue before exhaling it. There’s a rich sweetness accompanied with a certain bitterness dancing across your taste buds “Coffee tastes like coffee sir- maybe even hits of almond as well?” you say through batted lashes, eagerly awaiting his response.
“Correct. My favorite” he hums in approval.“You’re a quick learner,huh?” The phrase like the cat that got the cream rings through your head again but this time you couldn’t care less. This time you'd gladly accept it.  You’d gladly be the cat and you’d gladly take all the cream especially if it was -
Price grabs you by the collar of your shirt and pulls you close. “You know what else is good to learn? “ 
You gasp at the sudden motion and instinctively grab onto him, one hand at his arm, the other barely holding onto the cigar. His voice is dangerously low and breathy and the way his hot breath washes over your neck raises goosebumps all over your body.
You can even feel the tell tale sign of his thick mustache brush up against your neck as he goes to say “subtlety, my boy”  
There’s little to no space between your bodies. He’s so close to you that you can hear his gruff voice forming the words at the back of his throat, and feel how they vibrate against his chest as he speaks them.  Yet you ache to be closer so you grip tighter onto him and press your body closer to his. 
“You were fidgeting around in your seat and barely paying attention to what I was saying. I almost thought you were getting bored of the lesson but that can’t be right now can it? ” 
It's no longer wisps of mustache hair brushing against your neck but rather a full beard trailing up to the spot behind your ear. And every time he goes to speak, it brushes relentlessly against the skin,  leaving burn marks behind him. 
“No- no sir. I’m very eager to learn” your mind’s starting to feel hazy, your breath’s quickening and you can’t help but tighten your grip on him, nails sinking into supple skin. You hear him wince but can’t bring yourself to care nor to loosen your grip. 
There's a nagging voice at the back of your head telling you this is just a wet dream or even worse a hallucination as you lay bleeding out on a field. So to silence it you tighten your hold on him, hoping and praying you aren’t just imaging him.
However he seems very much real because his arm feels firm and flexes under your tight grip. Every time you go to take a breath you smell the scent of smoke and cologne that seem to follow him and all you can see is his broad back and the small curls at the back of his neck. 
“Mm eager you say '' His accent is much thicker now, desire coating his tongue and slurring his words and his tone is playful like you’ve never heard it be before. All of a sudden you feel his fingers at the back of your head, fingers burrowing into the thick mane of hair before he pulls your head up to face him.
“I expect a response when I speak sergeant “ he says, tugging at your hair in warning.
You whimper at the sting, eyes batting up at him as you go to respond to him “Y- yes sir I’m very eager to learn”
Price looks at you with half lidded eyes and with an arrogant smile across his lips as he goes to cup your cheek.  “I suppose someone so eager wouldn’t have any issues repeating the steps we learned today”
“No sir” you manage to spurt out a response as you lean into his touch. 
“That’s a good boy” he says as his thumb caresses your cheek. “So good for me, yeah?” His voice almost sounds like the one he uses on the field when he goes to praise his team, except this one is just a bit lower, more breathier and wraps around endearments only meant for your ears. 
“How about this,”  he begins to say, hand slipping from your cheek, trailing down to your neck and landing on your shoulder. He takes his time to straighten the collar before he speaks again 
“if you can tell me all the steps we went through today” he trails off once again as both of his hands slide down the length of your arms before finally stopping at your thighs where they rub soothing circles onto them. “I’ll reward you for it “  
“Only if you want to, of course” he says, as he goes to take his hands off your thighs. 
“Oh I want to ” you say hurriedly as you grab onto his hand to keep them in place.” A lot, actually” you add in a shaky tone feeling your face heat up at your own words. 
His eyes flare with desire and he takes a sharp breath before he says  “Sit back for me yeah? One leg on each side of the window, need you to sit comfortably for this okay?” 
You do as he says, one foot on the desert ground and the other one on the wooden floor and you automatically lean back on the window frame to make yourself comfortable.
He on the other hand, has one boot clad foot propped on the window sill and the other one hanging to the side of, leaning back comfortably.
Your hands are trembling in your lap, fingers still gripping onto the cigar and you can see goosebumps rising on your bare skin but it’s not because of the cool metal pressing against it or because of the howling wind. It's rather something else and  Price seems to know the very reason behind it because he says.
“You’re shaking my boy are you nervous about presenting?” He asks in a mocking tone, before he takes the cigar from you  and puts it in between his lips. While you’re trembling in your seat he looks as relaxed as ever, leaned back against the wall, arms crossed and with an expectant smile on his lips.
“No-no sir” you respond as you squirm under his expecting gaze.
“Get on with it then” he says sharply and you spring into action.
“The first thing you do is prepare your cigar. That can make or break the experience… “ you trail off as you scramble your brain for what to say next. But your train of thoughts is quickly cut off by a sudden pressure on your left leg.
Price’s foot gently nudges your thigh and once again, as if it were a reflex, your body responds to him; legs spreading further apart, to make more room for him.
Suddenly, he starts tapping  his foot impatiently, purposely grazing his boot clad foot against sensitive skin as he waits for you to recite the next step. Despite the sweats you’re wearing, you’re so worked up that every touch feels like he’s grazing bare skin. 
“Go on. I didn’t tell you to stop” he warns as he puts a punishing pressure onto your thigh, harsh sole digging into soft skin and you wince at the impact before you speak. 
“To check if your cigar is moist you use your thumb and point fingers and squeeze - squeeze it from top to bottom” the air is punched out of your lungs, your words breaking up as the boot moves from your thigh to instead rest directly atop of your dick. 
You gasp, fingers grabbing onto the edges of the window sill as your hips buck to get more of the feeling “I’m sorry- I’m sorry sir” you say, feeling embarrassed at your body’s reaction. 
However Price doesn’t acknowledge your action nor your words. Instead he decides to raise attention to something else. 
“No underwear ?” He asks, taking notice of the wet patch forming on your gray sweats.  
“No sir I sleep commando”  Price curses under his breath and you feel the pressure increase in between your legs.
 “ Of course you fuckin do” he hisses and presses down even harsher, making you jolt at the movement and you just know that the embarrassingly big patch is growing larger by the minute with the way Price grins down at the spot between your legs. And when you look down at yourself you don’t only see the large wet spot on your sweats but you also see soil covered footprints all over it.  The mess in between your legs shouldn’t turn you on but the sheer sight of it makes you whimper and buck your hips.
“What’s the next step?”
You go to respond but end up choking on your words when you feel the fabric of your sweats slip between your folds and push directly up against your sensitive clit. He even goes to rock his foot side to side, boot continuously assaulting your sensitive numb. 
“What’s gotten your little cock so excited you can’t even speak?”
You whimper at his words, eyes squeezing shut as you lose yourself in the pleasure. “You’re being mean sir”
“Mean?”  he asks, voice dripping in faux concern but never once letting up on his torturous movements. “I’m just trying to reward you here. You want your reward, don’t you?”
You nod frantically as you buck your hips up at him. All of a sudden he ceases any and all movements and you snap your eyes open up to look at him.
He raises a brow at you with a wolfish grin on his lips. You blink up at him for a moment, before it clicks; he wants you to work for it. 
You almost huff at the realization. Nonetheless you adjust in your seat, hands propping behind your back as you bend at your knees before you gently start to rock your hips: his boot once again hitting your sensitive clit. 
“We - we cut it. Not too much though, just the tip” you manage to get out the words before you break off into moans.  You don’t realize how loud you’re being until he shushes you. It’s only then you realize that someone else can see or even worse hear you two. 
“What if- what if someone sees us sir?” You ask but never once letting up on your movements. 
It takes a while for Price to respond, too entranced with the sight in front of him, leaned back in his seat, arms crossed and cigar between his lips. You can barely see his face from the smoke surrounding him but the way his chest is rising and falling at a rapid beat and the way the cigar is shaking in his grip you know he is enjoying your performance. 
Truth be told you don’t even know if he heard you in the first place but when you go speak again he says “No one will see anything I promise” he says in reassurance.”Everyone’s fast asleep and if someone even tries to look or listen I’ll teach them to mind their own fuckin business. “ 
With that you turn your attention back to chasing your high, this time uncaring about who can see or hear as you lose yourself in the pleasure. 
However your attention is brought back to him once again when he says “But maybe you’d like them to?” He says, voice sounding thick and gruff. You snap your head towards him only to see him glowering down at you with desire swirling in his blue irises and a playful smile at his lips.
You know he’s just entering the thought of it, he wouldn’t do anything you weren’t comfortable with. And you can see his gaze switching from your face to your body to gauge your reaction.  And he must see the positive reaction your body gives because he continues “you’d like for them to see how pretty you look all worked up for me? Maybe even jerk themselves off to you? Can't blame them if they did. You look too good like this” you can only moan in response as he continues to talk “maybe you’d even want them to join us. One cock isn’t enough for you. A slut like you needs to get all your holes stuffed to be happy isn’t that right?” 
Your pace increases at his words as you lose yourself to the pleasure. But you’re quickly brought back to the present when he says  “What’s the next step sergeant?“ 
You blink back the haze, as you try to scramble your brain for what to say next.
“Next you light it - you need two”  at this point you’re just spurting out nonesene, too busy chasing your pleasure. 
Although his boot does hit your clit, many times - due to your fast paced beat- it’ll miss, aim too clumsy and messy to reach it. It doesn’t take long for you to make the decision to latch one hand onto his leg, the other making sure to support your weight as you adjust his foot so that the tip of his boot hits your clit every time you rock against it. 
You know you’re putting on a show for anyone who might hear or see; legs spread wide apart, arousal and mud covering your sweats as you desperately cling onto Price’s leg and moaning desperately. However you can’t find it in yourself to care,  can’t  focus on anything other than the pleasure coiling between your legs.
You look up at Price through half lidded eyes and mouth agape only to see a similar expression on his face. 
“Jesus, look at you grinding on me like a bitch in heat, you enjoying this hm?”
“Yes yes sir, enjoy it so much” At this point you're slurring your words, mouth agape and eyes squeezed shut as you focus on nothing else but the heat growing in your core.
 Your heels dig further into the floor, knees cramping from the awkward position and arms aching from supporting your weight for so long. But you refuse to let up on your pace. You’re so close to the finish line you can almost taste it.
“Almost there” you warn him before your mind’s too far gone to say something.
“Then you better explain the last step or there will be none of it, sergeant “ he says as he squeezes your thigh in warning. 
“Yes sir” you groan out before you will yourself to speak again “you puff it - you do the most work in the beginning until-“ you don’t get to finish your sentence before you’re cut off by your own moan.
 “until what sergeant?” Is the last thing you hear before you lose focus of your surroundings, eyes squeezed shut and mouth agape as you chase your high on Price’s boot.
“Until - until - it starts working by-. “ is all you manage to get out before you’re cumming- stumbling over the finish line with your back arched and with a cry of victory.
You don’t even get to warn him before you’re falling back in your seat, arms giving out and legs losing their footing.  As you do so the boot accidentally rubs against your clit and for the first time since you ended up in this situation you jerk back from the friction, dick too sensitive. 
You end up leaning against your elbow, window frame uncomfortably pressed against your spine and Price’s hands on your thighs keeping you from falling straight to the ground.
“You alright?” Price asks after a moment of silence  and you feel his hand on your thigh again, rubbing soothing circles on them.
You hum in response, still lost in bliss and he chuckles as he gives you a moment to come down from it.  
Once you do, you flutter your eyes open and smile lazily at him. 
 “Good job my boy, you did so well”
“Thank you, sir” your face burns as you respond. him and the phrase like the cat that got the cream rings through your head once again. 
Suddenly you see Price’s brows furrow, tongue poking past his lips as he looks down at his feet. 
“Looks like you left a stain there” he says as nonchalantly as possible and points to his soiled boot “could you clean it up for me please?”
Your eyes flash in surprise and for a moment the words hang in the air.  
But as quickly as they came, the words  dissipate leaving a haze behind that seems to take over your brain.
“Of - of course, sir “ you say as you scurry out of your seat but before you can get any further he stops you with his foot, firmly pressing it against your chest “with your tongue sergeant “
You suck in a breath and you can feel your dick twitch in your soiled sweats. 
“Yes sir” 
You lean in so that you’re face to face with the boot he’s wearing. It’s a simple black boot, worn out  from everything it’s been through but there’s one spot on top of it that shines like it’s been newly polished.  It’s the very same spot you zoom in on, tongue poking past your lips as you trace a path from the very bottom up to the top of it.
You feel the soft leather scrape against your tongue as the familiar taste dances across your tastebuds. And every time you go to lick the boot your nose brushes against the leather and you smell yourself on it.  Despite the work you put into cleaning it you know you’ve ruined the spot with your arousal and instead of feeling bad about it you can’t help but moan at the fact that he can’t hide the evidence of the event that had transpired. You give it one last lick before you kiss the boot and smile at him.
He curses under his breath, a mix of swear words accompanied with your name leaving his lips and your grin widens as you sit up again. 
“Enjoy  the rest of your night, kid” he says all of sudden, patting your thigh lightly before jumping to his feet. “When you’re ready to put out the cigar, just let it rest on the ashtray, it’ll put itself out that way” he says as he shows how to do it with his very own cigar before making his way over to the door.
Within seconds you’re up on your feet, moving on wobbly legs you almost fall back on the window sill. 
“Hey, where are you going?” 
“Lesson’s over” he says  simply before looking down at the watch on his wrist “and I’m old and need my rest. “ He looks away from his watch to the mess between your legs. 
“Besides, you need to get cleaned up. See you tomorrow, kid” he says with a wink as he leaves. 
“See you tomorrow” you say into the now empty room, chuckling in disbelief as you plop yourself back down on the window sill. You’re a sticky mess and should probably go shower but instead you take a drag of your cigar before you say “This man’s truly something else”
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Fandom can be overwhelming. And a ton of writers surely can agree that it puts an immense pressure on your shoulders you sometimes struggle to take care of.
And it was like that for me quite some time ago. Back when I started writing, I was a half-baked writer and even less experienced with fandom etiquette in general. I just stumbled into fandoms, not really knowing what it all was about. After posting my first fanfic that was based on a role play storyline a former friend and I had, and seeing how well it did, I got lost in the rush of attention and interaction as well in the people asking for a part two and what not. I am wiser now, and things like that don‘t affect me anymore (honestly), but back then, it led me to resort to shitty things to be able to post stuff as quickly as possible.
And that‘s plagiarism.
Many, many (traumatic) things have happened to me in the years before that, and while that‘s no excuse, knowing it might give an insight of what‘s been going on with me.
Just so you understand, it all has happened more than a year ago, I got called out by the original author and very quickly deleted the few things related to it. I have also not done it again since then, but it has still happened. I have lifted a good bit of that writer’s things of a series I truly enjoyed, yet it didn’t help with my anxiety. But I still received recognition for it and should feel good, right? It felt nice, right? No, no it didn’t.
I refused to say it out loud, because I was ashamed and afraid, and should have known better back then (although there was no way for me to know. I was inexperienced in writing, fandom, and some life things in general). But with all the fandom bullshit going on now, and these informations in the hands of the wrong people, I deem it most fitting to admit it now to free myself of that burden and take back my power. There are screenshots where these people admitted they wanted to call me out based on the apology doc I made to inform them, but couldn’t simply because they didn’t have any access to it anymore, and how they made fun of me for it — while they also called me nasty things. And on top of that, these people went around and told my secret to several people. While I trusted them to keep quiet, they always claimed there would be other people I told that would definitely spill the secret, but these people didn’t. It were them.
I am by now way justifying what I did, I don’t want to do that. But it‘s meant to finally show my responsibility for that mistake. I‘m an adult, yes, but that doesn’t mean I am immune to making them. I am still learning, and with this, I‘ll take a step back from writing for I don’t know how long. Could be a few days, weeks, months or until season two airs.
Thank you for reading, I’m sorry, and lots of love,
Unfollow me, unlike my stuff, stop supporting me: do whatever feels right for you. I don’t blame you. But it‘s been done, and I’m sorry for it. There‘s nothing more I can do to make it better.
I won‘t shut down my anons. So, if you have something to say to me now — feel free to do it.
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xxxemogrrlxxx · 8 months
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insert really smart comment here that makes you go "wow that was really smart i like this guy"
his note i wrote under the cut
Dear Betty,
Firstly I want to thank you, for everything. All your sacrifices, your wishes, your love and care. I wont let them go unnoticed any longer. I was a fool, blinded by my own blissful ignorance. You were my princess but i failed as your hero. This experience has opened up my eyes, made me realize things I should have seen sooner. Its silly really, I cared so much for you that I ended up hurting you. I am forever sorry for the pain i’ve caused. I wont let you down again, I don’t think you’ll let me.
I will live every day to the fullest, for you but especially for myself. You’ve shown me I deserve to live, and I’m going to. I have daughters, both capable and intelligent. I have a family, I can no longer waste my life away, I am not alone. Thank you, for helping me realize that. Love, Simon
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fangoverfang · 3 months
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emily-mooon · 3 months
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Did some outfit sketches for Stacey cause my girl deserves some cute outfits for the summer!
(Read tags for more info if you’d like)
#the first outfit comes from my most recent nordegrim piece#the second one I made for a panel edit#so it’s the outfit I think she’d wear to the beach at the beginning of volume 4 if she went#I just added some pizzaz to it cause it was rather simple in the panel edit (that I’m not going to share)#the third outfit is based on that one bust drawing Bryan made for a Scott pilgrim website#that I believe you can find at the back of the colour edition for volume 4#and the fourth I made on my own#I just wanted to put her in a chunky cardigan and wear a cute dress :]#I found a chunky cloud cardigan while looking at refs and I thought it was cute so I put her in it (added the buttons myself btw)#I’m not sure if it’s something she’d actually wear but shhhh it’s cute she’d wear it on like a casual date or something#if you want to draw her the ones I designed myself (3rd one doesn’t count cause I took a hypothetical stacey look and just completed it)#*draw her in (why must I forget ‘in’)#go on ahead cause id love to see them :]#idc if i made any mistakes this is just some sketches I decided to colour in#same pose for all of them too cause I’m lazy and also it’s just concept designs nothing fancy#gonna stop with the tags cause there are too many now and I’ve been talking too much her ok bye hope you like the outfits! :D#*here#scott pilgrim#scott pilgrim comic#scott pilgrim takes off#stacey pilgrim#HER <3333333#<-#my new personal tag for Stacey cause um yeah HER
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cosmicallyavg · 1 year
when they bring thirteen back for a multi-doctor episode they should bring yaz back too and then they should kiss
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The funniest thing about criminal minds never fails to be the fact that Reid is literally NEVER following protocol in the field. He’s got his gun down when they’re sneaking round the back of the house, he doesn’t have a flashlight on him when they’re going after the unsub after sunset, HE NEVER WEARS HIS GODDAMN VEST, he doesn’t check around corners correctly (if he does at all), he carries a REVOLVER which is NOT a good service weapon bffr Mr. PhDs, he randomly fuckin goes off on his own to talk down the unsub bc he relates to them (😭literally whaaat), sometimes he just straight up doesn’t wait for backup WHEN THEY SHOULD REALLY WAIT FOR BACK UP SPENCER!!!!!!???!!! The fact that this man is not immediately killed in season 1 is the miracle of all plot armor miracles bc YIKES Dr. Reid
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beauty-proof · 21 days
Saying the women at the Nova festival deserved to be r*ped to death isn't activism. Retroactively saying they deserved it in light of Israel's actions afterward is unconscionable, and it definitely isn't feminist.
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opuswrites · 10 months
he gets his tail and height from thresher sharks. his tail is a biiig one and it's so silly considering how small he is.
he often has trouble carrying it around for a long set of time because of that. it's very heavy and sometimes exhausts him. makes him very sore too, keeping it lifted all day so it doesn't get all dirty from the ground.
like a thresher shark, he knows how to hit with his tail too. he hit alpha during one of their playfights once and the fire ghoul was flabbergasted.
also like a thresher shark, the sweet boy knows how to ROCKET himself out of the water.
during beach days, pebble could be just chilling in the water, talking to air who was sun tanning on the dock, when water swam up to the little air ghoul under the water and hugged his waist tightly, then LAUNCHED themselves upwards, giggling and all.
since then pebble always asks him to do it again and again when they're at the pond.
speaking of the pond. oh boy.
he's very dependent in my opinion. like... he can go anywhere alone but he prefers company and will drag atleast one of them with him anywhere he goes.
mostly targets alpha. wherever water goes, alpha goes. if he doesn't like it? well that SUCKS bc water needs his emotional support personal heater.
oh, and alpha.
he only tolerates water messing with him. like... water has the permission to mess with alpha's hands, horns, tail... anything. also the other way of messing, alpha & water are often harmlessly bickering, most of the time ending in play fighting
in water's early days, alpha would let him win. not anymore, he's not afraid to go hard on water anymore, who's not afraid to fight back.
he was never afraid, honestly. he never saw alpha as threatening, or someone he should watch his back around.
also, back to alpha being a personal heater
not in a way sodo is to rain. or how ifrit was to dew. nope, water doesn't really get that cold. but he enjoys alpha's heat nonetheless and keeps him close.
sleepy boy. naps a lot.
while other water ghouls trill with their gills instead of purring, water actually purrs.
in my opinion primo's and secondo's ghouls aren't really friendly with the "newer" ghouls, so he didn't really know he was supposed to trill
so he just learned it over time from his bandmates
LOVES to party. alcohol drugs- anything, but he's very lightweight so alpha usually ends up carrying him back to their room
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lavellander · 2 years
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hey I heard the nerds scholars are having a pregame at the winter palace. could be fun
since I’m annoying and literally half the people here are OCs jssdkskkf
top image, left to right:
hollis, she/they (free mage and scholar)
bottom image, left to right:
zaniyah, she/her (non-inq lavellan) (not a scholar. she’s just the weed man)
rowan, they/them (free mage who works in the skyhold library)
also the top pic was the one I had to completely redo but I was kind of proud of the embroidered inquisition logo I put on the front of solas’s tunic so you get a crop of the original too lol
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gibbearish · 1 month
am finally back home and can say without a doubt that i am just fundamentally not built for long distance travel however the train was much nicer than planes
#that being said. pressurized cabins drive me insane a little bit#and also it gives you pretty intense sea legs for a While#like. the ones from the first trip hadnt gone away by the return one. so. might be stuck with that for a few days#we shall see#also ajr live fucks severely#the albums were already incredible but that was a goddamn religious experience#like. idk the way i think abt it is theyre more djs than a regular band esp w their performance showing the making of way less sad#like their music is very electronic‚ theyre making mixes of their own sound effects more than singing in one go#so like. the vocals were a teeensy bit rough at times#notably times it has taken me Literally Hundreds Of Hours Practice to be able to consistently sing along with#and times ive found its literally physically impossible to like. no matter what#idc how big your lungs are‚ there is no human on earth who can do that final run of karma in one breath#much less to An Entire Stadium After An Hour Of Jumping And Dancing And Singing Loud As Fuck#so like i dont blame them for that‚ you dont go to live shows expecting it to be 100% perfect anyways jwbdjsbfksb#the trumpet however. well she was certainly playing sometimes. and was very enthusiastic about her flares.#however. in most of their songs they use midi trumpets to my ear at least#meaning she was likely an addition specifically for live performances and in my personal band kid opinion#prooobably was not in any of the like. higher tier bands? idk just. a lot of the mistakes she was making were hitting as stuff that got#taught out of us the instant we joined any band beyond regular concert#so i would guess she was probably just like. a friend who happened to play trumpet in high school or maybe even just middle school#and they knew that the trumpet parts in their pieces were big and distinct enough that like they /had/ to get a live player#and just kinda. didnt anticipate the audition -> performance gap#like. her tone was really fried the whole time like she was playing as hard as possible#which. she was mic'd. have the sound guy turn her up.#the way they did it made it sound like she was using a mute but not. like she only got the bad parts of a mute from it yknow#her tempo and timing were. bad. theres no nice way to put that one it just Was Bad‚ like the trumpet runs in ajr songs arent. complicated#like. quite literally if you handed me the sheet music right now i would have it down perfect in a week at absolute most#and better than that player on sightread. like. we did so many sightreading drills.#like ill share my band kid creds if anyone cares but i need to emphasize this isnt me being braggy like. they genuinely just arent hard#fuck im out of tags. w/e i think only like one of yall also listens to them anyways so i can leave it there
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septembersghost · 2 years
I know it all ended/will end in tragedy, and there’s plenty of angst in there too (her imploding and finding the comfort in a loud aggressive persona, his dumbass thinking later this is what she wants) , but I’ll never be over Kim finding the Saul Goodman thing “titillating” when she has an opportunity to create the persona with her husband. I want to spray them both with a water bottle
THEY'RE LITTLE FREAKS, this is why it's utterly baffling how anyone could think they're not in love or attracted to one another or sexy enough or fully aware of each other's likes and actions. (ugh i saw a comment on reddit today hoping we get one "hard core scene" so that "for once they'll seem like a real couple," wtf is wrong with these people's brains? we've HAD scenes showing their intimacy and how stupidly aroused they are by one another, just because it's not explicit or objectifying kim doesn't mean they aren't a real couple or aren't connected in every way! I'M GOING TO START BITING PEOPLE!) he literally looks at her like she's the most astonishing, beautiful thing 😍🔥 and she literally looks at him like he deserves the world 😏💋, they've been like this from the start and have only gotten worse ahsdhsjdf. they love each other so much that lalo wanted them to shut up immediately. what part of them kissing by the pool, her shoving him against the wall, their silly role-playing always turning romantic, them cuddling and laughing in bed together, her sobbing on the phone when he called to say he was alive, them telling anyone in their vicinity that they're married, being willing to die and kill for each other!, does anyone not understand? kim finds the saul goodman thing funny and alluring, and him knowing it turns her on causes him to lean into it further? they're completely deranged over one another. i'm dousing them in ice water. weirdos. (i love them)
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4arconinoma · 1 year
Listen to me listen I sont even know how to convey this right at all I just think Yoshikage Kira is one of the absolute best fucking villains in absolutely everything with rhe Coolest most fuckinf satisfting final battle and demise ive ever seen in my entire entire ENTIRE godforsaken life I am soooooooo
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soldier-poet-king · 2 years
Ppl be like: I'm going to post critical analysis of X piece of fiction and then post the absolute worst brain-dead, genre NOT aware, stupid things I've ever seen
Just read the worst "analysis through a critical lens" of [thing I love dearly] and it was like.....so stupid???? And not just because it's smthn I love dearly BC usually I just get flustered and upset when ppl attack things I love (I'm working on not doing that) but I'm just??? This is so stupid genuinely???
I'm sorry the fantasy politics aren't realistic enough??? Or suited to your tastes??? I'm sorry the book about kindness and goodness and interpersonal relationships didn't....checks notes....enact anything other than a "feelgood neoliberalism" rather than whatever political revolution you desire??? Like read the room my dude, it's not a book about politics and privilege and power, it's a book about people and small gentle kindness and love that happens to be dry against a backdrop of politics. Do you genuinely expect every single book to like.....solve every world crisis if a single character holds a position of power??? Every fictional monarch to immediate abolish the monarchy and instate universal income or they're problematic??? You do realize that's not even how the ACTUAL REAL LIFE WORLD works yeah??? I'm supportive of both those initiatives among others and drastic change is needed but y'all don't even want to do the dishes, but will shit on the little actions and small changes and, yes, the naive "niceness" of kindhearted people
Like???? Sometimes I am violently reminded that there is a fundamental rift between how I and most other leftists see the world and what our duty and obligations are and the values of kindness and why love matters even if theres no result and nothing changes and ultimately you lose and it's a tragedy it's the Christianity babes
And also. It's just a book?????? It's not even a problematic or controversial book??? Are you really out here GRRM-ing everything you read??? Do you ever have fun???
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fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
Also at what point should I be concerned about shoulder pain. Like just out of pure scientific interest.
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