#so it might be created as headcanons or random little posts about my interpretation that i feel the need to talk about
phoenixspeaker · 2 years
     Someone laughed behind Harry. Turning, he saw Fred, George, and Lee Jordan hurrying down the staircase, all three of them looking extremely excited.      “ Done it, ” Fred said in a triumphant whisper to Harry, Ron, and Hermione. “ Just taken it. ”      “ What? ” said Ron.      “ The Aging Potion, dung brains, ” said Fred.      “ One drop each, ” said George, rubbing his hands together with glee. “ We only need to be a few months older. ”      “ We’re going to split the thousand Galleons between the three of us if one of us wins, ” said Lee, grinning broadly.
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frozenartscapes · 3 years
does dragongard have a crest stone?
So, I think this would be a good time to talk about how I’m approaching Crest stones and Relics in this AU (partially because this is a good question and partially because I’m not sure if it will ever come up organically in the story and I hate writing exposition dumps within a story)
Short answer: yes, technically she does have a Crest stone
Long answer: I’ve always interpreted original Crest stones as being the hearts of dragons. The stones in all the Relics, and the one grafted onto Byleth’s heart, were all once the organic, beating hearts of living people. However, when those people died, the magic contained in their bodies rushed into their hearts and the whole organ calcified, trapping the magic within.
So this would have happened to all the Nabateans who became the Relics (we don’t know their names because the weapons crafted from their bones and hearts are named after the humans who possessed the weapons, not the Nabatean themselves). And any Nabatean Rhea was able to lay to rest in the Holy Tomb, assuming their bodies were intact.
We know that TWSITD are able to eventually manufacture artificial Crest stones (and Relics, from the look of it). But they still needed Nabatean blood (it’s implied they only get this technology once they get their hands on Flayn’s blood). So this is partially why, in this AU, they go for turning Edelgard into a Nabatean over just giving her two Crests. It would be far easier if they had a more reliable blood source - since it would seem that they had to figure out how to artificially manufacture blood, too. Finite resources, and such.
So, going back to the question: yes, Edelgard technically has a Crest stone, because her heart is her Crest stone. It won’t look like a traditional stone unless she dies, but it functions very similarly. It grants her additional strength, boosts magical abilities, and allows her to access Nabatean-specific skill sets like turning into a dragon or healing sleep cycles. There is the complication that she is still technically human, so as a result things like age-based immortality have been significantly affected. (As in: she’ll live a long time, far longer than most humans, but not to the extent that someone like Rhea has.) This is also how I interpret the other living Nabateans, like Rhea, Seteth, Flayn, and the other saints. They all have “Crest stones” but until they die the stones are in reality their hearts, their source of life and power.
Ok, now I’m just going to ramble about the Relics for a sec, but I’ll put it under a cut because this post is becoming long
So: the Relics. Imma be real with you guys for a moment: I grew up Catholic, and I minored in Art History (with a heavy lean to Medieval and Renaissance history). So these Relics... Ok, here we go.
Relics in Christianity, and specifically Catholicism, are things not many people know of if they aren’t part of the religion. If you are they are something so weirdly normalized half the time you don’t even think about it. But many things about Catholicism are. (Like Transubstantiation. That is such a fun thing trying to explain and not sound like a lunatic.) But we’re talking about relics, here, because the creative choice to call them Relics in the game was fucking phenomenal.
Catholic relics are basically dead people. There are some that aren’t - the True Cross and the Crown of Thorns are notable, non-dead people relics. But for most relics boasted about by various churches, they are either part of or a whole person. Whether or not that person is the saint they are claimed to be can get rather dubious, but yeah... Dead people. Often displayed in gilded boxes or holders, covered in gold or jewels, surrounded by paintings done up by famous artists. (Also note, too: If they aren’t a person-based relic they still have some morbid connection to how the saint they are connected to died, like, for example the True Cross - an execution device, or St. Paul’s Chains - chains that bound him before his martyrdom). It’s all very morbid and a little creepy but what’s more creepy is how normal it is to walk up to a box with a perfectly preserved saint just eternally sleeping away inside before asking her to shoot you a little prayer before your big test. But I digress.
In Three Houses, the Relics are also dead people. Dead dragons, to be more specific, but the Nabateans were both dragon and human so my statement still stands. The Relics themselves are bones (which are common for a church to hold as a relic of a saint). And in order for a Relic to function properly, it also needs the Crest stone (heart) of the dragon the bones came from. 
We also have seen that the Relics are highly unstable. If someone were to wield a Relic without possessing the Crest that matches it, the weapon can turn them into a Demonic Beast. And even having the Crest might not save you, as we see with Maurice, it’s possible to still be turned into a Demonic Beast through the power of the Relic/stone combination anyway.
So here’s my take on this: In Christianity, relics are meant to be a strong link between the physical world and the saint being represented by the relic. Praying with St. George’s arm present provides a better link to the saint than just praying to him normally. Sort of like, calling his office via an extension rather than using the main office line. The spirit of the Saints are closely linked to their relics, which is partially why they’re venerated so much.*
*I should note, however, that many of these relics are listed as the “real” relic, but in reality are more like a piece of wood or random body part discovered on a Crusade and brought back as a “treasure” from wars that ravaged many parts of the Middle East. They might hold spiritual significance, but just remember that the acquisition of many of these relics was certainly not the Divine miracle people claim - which also conveniently relates back to Three Houses when you realize what the Relics truly are and how they were obtained
So in Three Houses, every Nabatean crafted into a Relic still has their spirit present within the bones and Crest stone. They can’t really interact with anything outside of the Relic, but there is a strong connection between their spirits and their heart/bone/blood. This is why only someone possessing a particular Crest can wield the corresponding Relic. A Crest (the blood) ignites the power in the stone (the heart), which then prompts the body to come alive (the bones of the Relic itself). If any one of those things is missing or incorrect, the spirit behind the weapon will do one of two things: nothing, or react to the error. The angrier the spirit, the more violent the reaction. And I don’t know about you, but if I was ever murdered so my body could be twisted into a grotesque weapon to then be used to kill more of my family, I’d be pretty pissed about it.
If the bodies of the Nabateans are not laid to rest, they cannot be at peace. And the anger they feel about what happened to them and their brethren will continue to burn and fester. For some Nabateans, their anger was stronger than others. Whoever Maurice killed to get his Relic was so furious that it didn’t matter Maurice also had their blood - that rage still turned him into a Beast anyway. (But at the same time, Maurice was also the asshole who did the deed. Marianne, however, is a kind, gentle soul who does not enjoy raising her hand against any living creature. That would be something the spirit of the Nabatean could sense, and it would reflect how they respond to the user of the Relic.)
This is also why, in the canon game, characters with weapons made from artificial stones/bones did not face any issues. It’s implied that Aymr, for example, was created specifically for Edelgard. Despite holding the Crest stone of Maurice, she has no issue using it, because they reconfigured the stone to be attuned to the Crest of Seiros. (It’s also entirely possible that they just created this stone, and the Crest of the Beast was carved on it for ??? But this would effectively make the stone a blank slate to pair with any Crest that was available.) So these artificial weapons would not have a spirit of a Nabatean connected directly to them, and would be safer to use as a result.
(In terms of Crest stones being able to turn people into Demonic Beasts, even without the Relic, I see that more like handling something like a radioactive substance. The sheer amount of raw draconic power contained in a Crest stone would be enough to transform a human into a monster, just through contact alone. Even the artificially created ones still stem from that same magic, so holding one of those without any sort of protection would result in the same thing. That's why I'm starting to headcanon that, rather than just her two Crests activating at the same time, Edelgard just ripped the Crest stone out of Aymr when she turned into the Hegemon. Real or not, holding a Crest stone in your bare hand is a lot like that scene from Chernobyl when a firefighter unknowingly picks up a chunk of the exploded reactor core with his bare hand: You're dead before you even realize what you're holding.)
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HPHM Patronus Headcanons
We all have one, and we all have ideas for what the characters would have. Let me know what you guys think too! Rakepick isn’t listed because we already know her Patronus, and I’m probably going to talk about OCs in a different post, or else I’ll add them later once I’ve finally made up my mind.
Rowan Khanna - Aardvark
I’m not the only one who sees it, right? Our wonderful Rowan is quirky and inventive and if they were a wild animal, they’d employ such brilliance and like the aardvark, devise a unique way to catch their food. On a more somber note, Aardvarks are nocturnal and they aren’t pack animals - making them a good symbol for a kid who preferred to stay inside and read rather than help with the farm, a kid who really didn’t have that many friends beyond the people they knew by association to MC. Still, aardvarks are weirdly adorable and if you tell me you wouldn’t pet one, you would be a liar.
Ben Copper - Field Mouse
A small creature that is able and hide very easily, definitely suits a character who was, for such a long time, very timid. A character who knew how to cover his tracks - whether or not he was using such abilities for shady reasons. Mice normally symbolize innocence and modesty, but they’ve also been seen as unlucky before. In more traditional times they were seen as symbols of dark magic, or even the underworld - since they could often carry disease, were hard to capture, and usually came from the ground. Mice do have that dark side, and so does Ben - we’ve seen it in Year Six, and he’s definitely still hiding something. That was never really resolved. 
Penny Haywood - Mourning Dove
This one is pretty easy. Doves have always been seen as a fundamental symbol of innocence. A messenger that comes to banish worried or troubled thoughts, and usher in goodness in their wake. Penny is nothing if not a force for good. Characters like Merula have even lamp-shaded how irritating it is. However, the Mourning Dove in particular is known for it’s melancholy call, invoking the symbolism of losing a loved one. Between Scarlett and Beatrice, Penny has demonstrated that however helpful she is to her friends, she doesn’t know how to deal with her own serious problems. She’s a hopeful, caring person...but there’s a distinct sadness blended in as well. When someone innocent is hurt, the pain is that much worse for them. 
Beatrice Haywood - Chameleon
Beatrice seems to be a person that absorbs a lot from the people she looks up to or associates with. Not just in personality, but in physical appearance too. In Year Five, by her own admission, she was a “Mini Penny” and in Year Six, she takes after Ismelda quite a bit. Chameleons are of course, known for their ability to blend in with their surroundings. It’s their claim to fame. What’s more, the Labord’s Chameleon hatches after the parents have already died, meaning they have to make it without any support from the grownups. Not that Beatrice doesn’t have support, but...the teachers/staff have failed to protect her in the past, and she’s well aware of that. 
Merula Snyde - Cat
Oh, she is such a cat. Few characters come close to being as cat-like as Merula. From her haughty and arrogant nature tying in to how people often see felines, to her actually being very lonely and desperate for love. If you’ve never had a cat, then believe me, they want your attention - it’s just that most of the time they refuse to admit it. Merula is the same way. Because of her upbringing, she seems to gravitate toward being a predator animal, or at least wanting to be one. But also the kind of predator that would play with it’s food and make a game out of it. Think of it this way - given Merula’s background, she wouldn’t know what a laser pointer is. And with her stand-offish personality, she would totally try to investigate it like a little cat. 
Bill Weasley - Koala
The Koala Totem is said to symbolize a gentle nature, and give a calming effect on people. Bill isn’t just the oldest brother to all the Weasleys - he looks out for everyone in the Cursed Vault gang. In general, Koalas are social and easy-going animals who have been known to represent kindness and family. They’re also known for being inactive - which I wouldn’t say that Bill is, but despite his Big-Bro energy, he never really tries to stop MC and their friends when they’re getting into mischief. He didn’t stop Harry from trying to make a deal with Griphook either. He just kinda lets people do their own thing most of the time, or comes along if he’s invited.
Charlie Weasley - Dragon
What can I say? I couldn’t resist. Sure, it may be unlikely that he would actually have a Dragon for a Patronus, but we do know that such a form is possible. Just very rare. Well you know what? This wonderful cinnamon roll has earned it. Doesn’t mean he would summon a full-grown dragon on his first attempt though.There’s a head-canon I’ve seen that I really like, which says that Animagus/Patronus forms can sometimes start as babies, and “grow” the better at them you get. Alternatively, his Patronus could literally just be a baby dragon. As for the breed, I’ll leave that open to interpretation, but I’m gonna say Norwegian Ridgeback. 
Skye Parkin - Hyena
Frequently scavengers, and often seen as cowardly - Hyenas are still vicious and are typically able to claim the kill. Sometimes even driving off larger predators and stealing their hard earned prey. Which is exactly the kind of dishonorable thing Skye would do. She seems to believe strongly in her “pack” or her team, and depend on them to have her back even when she’s getting into nonsense. Traditionally, the Hyena is also seen as secular, with it’s constant laugh being an act of defiance. Skye is a cheerful person most of the time...but she has shown that she has little regard for rules or authority figures that are not her Dad. 
Murphy Mcnully - Bottle-nose Dolphin
Dolphins are interesting. They have a reputation for being very sweet and excitable, but they can often be...shall we say, rude or invasive. I love Murphy to bits, but he doesn’t always know how to read a room, and he’s entirely open about his bias toward MC’s team - even more-so than Lee Jordan. That being said, Dolphins are social, playful, and intelligent creatures. With unusual abilities like echolocation, they certainly match Murphy in his quirky brilliance. They’re caring, helpful creatures that will actually aid other animals in need, including humans. Even though Murphy isn’t actually a player on MC’s Quidditch team, he might as well be. 
Orion Amari - Elephant
Orion is such a wonderful character. He might be an oddball, but he’s truly wise beyond his years. Elephants not only represent wisdom, but have been known to symbolize loyalty, sensitivity, peace, stability...all the great qualities that Orion embodies. They’re known for taking care of the herd, just as Orion looks after his team. They might be a little quirky, with their large ears and trunks that most other animals don’t have...but Orion is quirky as well. Some say that with their trunks down, Elephants are accumulating positive energy to push through their trials, which takes me back to the scene where Orion gives MC Quidditch robes. I cry every time.
Erika Rath - Lion
To be clear, a male lion. I know that a lioness can be interpreted differently, and we already have a character with that Patronus. No, Erika is a pack leader. Even if she’s not the Captain of her team, they seem to depend very heavily on her. She’s also ferocious. I mean, tell me with a straight face that you could take her in a fight, or that you’d ever want to. A full grown male lion lives by the code that ass-kicking equals authority, even if they don’t want to. Furthermore, the Lion and the Hyena tend to be natural enemies. Sure, a lion could take a hyena in a one-on-one fight...but what if the Hyena had it’s pack for backup? We’ve all seen Lion King...and we’ve seen how Skye has targeted Erika.
Barnaby Lee - Brown Bear
Barnaby is a man of brawn, not brain, and that’s totally fine because is also a man of heart. He’s already pretty much a bear in human form. Ranging from sweet and dopey in modern media, like Winnie the Pooh, to being seen as warriors and symbols of courage in mythology- the Brown Bear captures all of the very best parts of our favorite Slytherin cinnamon roll. He’s a gentle giant, but as we see in Year Three, he’ll jump into action to protect those he cares about the same way coming near a mama bear’s cubs will act as her berserk button. I would say the Bear really symbolizes his character arc in Year Three. 
Andre Egwu - Satin Bowerbird
This is still my favorite head-canon about Andre and you can pry it from my cold dead hands. The bowerbird, aside from being a bird and thus connecting to Quidditch - is a creature named for the “Bower” that the males build. A structure that can be made of anything from sticks to flowers to random human garbage, that they create specifically to show off to potential mates. It’s not a nest, and they don’t use it as one. It’s exclusively for mating. The Bowerbird has a sense of fashion, and it understands how to score a date. Tell me this isn’t Andre’s favorite animal. I mean it could also be the Peacock, but that’s just too obvious. 
Tulip Karasu - Jackal
I can’t believe I didn’t see it before, but this animal is perfect for the rebellious Ravenclaw. Let’s start with the fact that in the bible, Jackals represent isolation, loneliness, and abandonment. It’s okay Tulip, I’m sure she’ll forgive you one day. Then there’s the fact that they howl to establish territory, not unlike the way Tulip guards her findings with little padlocks. They’re usually seen as opportunistic, to the point where calling someone a jackal tends to them being collaborator with a sneaky or mischievous agenda. In folktales, they’re depicted as intelligent and cunning pranksters - which is just checkmate, if you ask me. Even the Jackal’s coloring kinda suits her.
Ismelda Murk - Anaconda
Like the Snake, and the Hogwarts House that carries it as an emblem, Ismelda is a misunderstood person - but that doesn’t mean she isn’t dangerous. Much like how there are stories of Anacondas eating people, that have never been verified...Ismelda talks a big game, but has never actually used the Dark Arts. A snake sheds it’s skin, just as Ismelda seems to have shed any connection to her sister, or even the rest of her family. In particular, the Anaconda is actually beloved by cultures in South America, and it was once common to sacrifice one in the name of a happy marriage...of course, that’s a pretty raw deal for the Anaconda, and I can’t help but see Ismelda as a sacrifice for the sake of her sister.
Liz Tuttle - Tortoise
As fun as it might have been to just choose a lizard and be done with it, I think a Tortoise represents Liz far better. In so many ways, it’s the ultimate symbol of patience, endurance, and persistence. If Ismelda meets all the criteria of the Slytherin stereotype - Liz is the opposite. She’s one of the most resilient characters, having to work against people thinking she’s odd, people not trusting her because she’s in Slytherin, and people generally being at odds with her belief that all creatures deserve protection. It’s not only the Hufflepuffs that care for magical critters, and Liz proves that. The Tortoise represents her decency, and her steadfast attitude. What’s more, Tortoises tend to have very long lifespans. And if Liz can face off against chimeras and come out of it unscathed...she’s gonna live a long, long life.
Talbott Winger - Golden Eagle
I doubt I need to explain this one. In the past, Animagi have been show to transform into the same animal as their Patronus. It hasn’t been confirmed that this is a rule or anything, but it applied to James and McGonagall. Besides, an eagle just suits Talbott. He’s a dreamer, a drifter, and he’s got his head in the clouds. But he also knows how to fight - having been forced to leave the nest far too early. Birds of prey generally represent victory, courage, and overcoming adversity. Which Talbott does - he’s learning to let his walls down. Taking the first steps toward accepting the losses that he’s suffered, and moving on.
Chiara Lobosca - Labrador
Supposedly cats, dogs, and birds are the most common animals to have as a Patronus. Which makes sense, but if anyone out there was truly a dog, it would be Chiara. Between her self-sacrificing loyalty to Remus, to her protective instincts in shielding MC from Greyback, she is the physical embodiment of the “we don’t deserve dogs” sentiment. As sweet as she is, she’s also quiet, so I figured a large dog was more appropriate, especially a Lab. What’s more, she’s interested in Healing, and that reminds me of service dogs. Or even just dogs that can sense when their human is sick, and gives them therapeutic cuddles.
Jae Kim - Raccoon
An inventive, practical animal - the Raccoon is known for having paws with defined fingers that allow them to do most things with their “hands” and that’s actually where the word “raccoon” comes from. I feel like the Racoon’s elusive ways and their nature as scavengers pretty closely reflects Jae and his business. Raccoons are frequently associated with adaptability and illusion. Their ringed tails and masked faces being seen as signs of thievery. But you know what? These animals are far more friendly then media would have you assume. I know from personal experience. So I think a character like Jae who is shady and skirts the law, but is ultimately a good guy, would fit the raccoon well.
Badeea Ali - Owl
Despite the magical community’s affinity for them, Owls are said to be highly rare as Patronuses, according to Pottermore. Most people don’t have them, but I think she would. I don’t think it would suit anyone better than the elusive, creative Badeea. They tend to represent wisdom, good judgment, and knowledge. It’s sharp vision representing insight and observational skills. Only a truly clever witch could be a spell inventor at this age. What’s more, Owls are an integral part of the Wizarding lifestyle. They’re constantly helpful. MC would not have survived the nightmare that was the Peeves Chapters in Year Five if not for their most mystical friend. 
Diego Caplan - Grebe
If you know anything about Grebes as birds, then you might not be too surprised. Then again, I hadn’t even heard of them until recently, but when I did I thought “Diego.” They’re waterfowls that are related to flamingos. But the Grebes have an entire ceremony dedicated to mating, which involves intricate dancing. They compete with each other for a female’s attention. I’m not saying Diego is jealous of Cedric cause he has a thing for Penny - all I’m saying is that Diego is jealous of Cedric because he has a thing for Penny. Beyond that, Grebes symbolize fearlessness and perseverance in Native American culture, supposedly bringing a calm, peaceful presence. 
And that’s it! I did it, I actually did it! I didn’t think I’d make it this far. And if you did as well, thanks for checking it out. I’d love to know what you think!
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passmeabook · 4 years
Servamp: The Dead Mom & The Nameless Mother Club
Many of the mothers of Servamp are either dead, nameless, or both. So here I created a little post of my own personal headcanons on what their names might be. There are also little notes for each name to give a bit of background on why I chose the names I did. I believe that the only mother we’re introduced to in canon with a name is Kurumamori Shifumi, and even then she’s deceased. If you like the names please feel free to use them.
Shirota Haru
The Shirota surname is obvious because it is the family name of her son and younger brother. I chose the name Haru because it ends in -ru and I wanted the -ru theme the Shirota family had to keep on going: Mahiru and Toru. I also chose Haru because while it can mean “spring” it can also mean “light, sun, male” or “clear weather”. These are the examples I got from Behind the Name, so other kanji combinations are likely possible too. Having her name be similar to Mahiru’s which is connected to sunlight made me want her to have this name.
Kagamine Sumire
The surname Kagamine is supposed to mean “mirror sound”. I was inspired to choose it from Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There. I wanted to keep the Alice theme going on in the Alicein family and those affiliated with them. Her name Sumire means “violet”. I chose this because in the movie adaptation she is shown with purple hair, so a purple flower for purple hair. I also chose it because violets are the birth month flower of February and since Misono is a February child I thought it fitting his mother would have a name connected to him.
Alicein nee Tsukimitsu-Langley Dinah
My reasoning for this name is a bit of a headache. In Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There you have the Red Queen and the White Queen. Chess and the red side and the white side are a theme for the Alicein brothers. Mikuni himself is heavily associated with the red king chess piece, but despite this I also feel the two brothers have a lot in common with the queen pieces from the book. At the end of the story Alice shakes the Red Queen until she turns into Alice’s black kitten Kitty. Her white kitten Snowdrop is the White Queen. Both kittens are the children of Alice’s cat Dinah. When I found out the meaning of this name I thought it was too good to pass up. Dinah means “judged”. This is the woman who judged the affair between her husband and his ex-lover as being enough to commit murder. She is also the mother of Mikuni who’s whole Lead is centered around judgement and being judged for the weight of killing human lives e.g. sins. Dinah is also a name from the Bible which fits Mikuni’s theme of having biblical undertones such as with his Abel doll. I chose to cast her as a Tsukimitsu because I headcanon that it is common practice for the Alicein’s to marry Magicians. When a family lives with an immortal vampire it might be better to marry a person who knows what they’re getting into rather than just a random stranger who might not handle it so well.  I chose Langley because with C3 being a secret organization that seems to be government funded I wanted to do a bit of a homage to Langley, Virginia and the CIA. I hyphenated the Tsukimitsu name with Langley, which is an English surname, because London and England seem like such a big deal in the vampire/C3 world and blonde hair is not native to Japan. There are a few more reasons I chose to headcanon her as a Tsukimitsu relative, but I’ll put those under her headcanons at a later date.
Sendgaya Hisako
The Sendagaya surname is obvious where it comes from, but I chose Hisako because in New York City there is a three-Michelin-starred Japanese and sushi restaurant named Tetsu owned by chef Takayama Masayoshi. He was once married to a woman named Ishii Hisako, so that’s where the name came from. I looked up Tetsu on Google and I went from there.
Henriette Jekylland
The name Henriette comes from the fact that part of Licht’s name comes from the inspiration of Dr. Henry Jekyll from the book Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. So I just chose a feminine Germanized form of the name Henry for her.
Kurumamori Yoshie
Her name takes inspiration from Koizumi Yoshie the wife of Koizumi Jun’ya and the mother of Koizumi Junichiro. I honestly just typed in Junichiro in Google and Koizumi Junichiro was one of the people that first popped up so I explored what the name of his mother was, and I liked what I saw.
Tsuyuki Tomiko
I looked up Yoshimasa the name on Google and found Ashikaga Yoshimasa a shogun from the Muromachi period. Ashikaga Yoshimasa’s official wife was Hino Tomiko. Hence the name of Tsuyuki Tomiko.
Tsukimitsu Teruko
The surname Tsukimitsu is obvious where it comes from, but I chose Teruko because it means “shining child” and with all the Tsukimitsu connection to the moon and it’s brightness I thought it was fitting. We get one very small frame of her from Yumikage’s perspective and it seems she bears a strong resemblance to Iori with hair that is fairer than Yumikage’s natural black.
Touma Karolina “Rina”
With Touma Taishi’s name meaning “Warrior of peace in a tower” I wanted to keep a bit of a connection. From the one small frame we see of the woman she bears a strong physical resemblance to The Mother of Wrath only her hair appears to be much lighter. I chose Karolina because Touma’s mother seems to be foreign with her fair hair, and Touma’s green eyes are not native to Japan. Karolina is a feminine form of the name Charles, and the name means “free man”, but in alternate interpretations can also mean “army, warrior”. If Touma’s mother had moved to Japan then her name might be harder to pronounce, so I shortened down Karolina to Lina, and then got Rina. This is all just headcanon of course.
Hilda Nobel
The inspiration for her first name comes from Hilda Ellis Davidson. Hilda Ellis Davidson contributed greatly to the study of Norse mythology. Check out her wiki page for more information. Hilda is derived from the name Hild formed from the Old Norse hildr meaning “battle”. In Norse mythology Hild was a Valkyrie who conveyed fallen warriors to Valhalla. So it ties in nicely with Idunna’s name and the Norse mythology going on in C3.
Kurumamori Shifumi (Only Canonly named Mother)
Don’t you just love how I went super in depth for some names, but for others I just looked real quick on Google? Again feel free to use the names. I just got a bit tired of referring to character’s continuously as “Misono’s mother”, “Mikuni’s mother”, etc. If or when I write about them I’ll likely be using these names.
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ashpentagram · 5 years
HH Theories/Predictions/Headcanons Part 1, let’s go!
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Notice how it states part one, due to theories/headcanons that will more than likely surface after either the Pilot, or with new clips. When creating a new post containing them, I’ll add theories that have been explicitly debunked, headcanons might be included but we’ll see.
🔮 Theories/Headcanons 🔮
1 — Angel Dust’s mom is in Heaven. This has been suspected by a lot of people in the fandom, and it could be his reason for wanting redemption. We can guess this by the fact we’ve only seen his brother, father, and sister in Hell, but no mother.
2 — Alastor does not seek redemption, only the throne of Hell, OR he wishes to be redeemed so he can become an Exterminator and go after Lucifer. There’s not much to go off of with this one; we don’t know if the Exterminators are sentient beings or robots (speculated by some that they’re robots due to the whole face glitching thing they do in the trailer), however Alastor is a very cryptic demon, portrayed as a cocky, self-absorbed lunatic who only wants power. He offed so many demons in his time in Hell, who’s to say he isn’t actually suffering though? His name is derived from the God of Revenge, so perhaps when he is redeemed he wishes to unleash his unstoppable Archangel-wrath upon the King of Hell, for damning him to such a cursed place. Who knows. Maybe he wants to kill the ruler of Heaven and rule over both realms.
3 — Charlie cannot be redeemed without dying first. Due to being born in Hell, the only sin she truly committed that kept her there was her birth from Lucifer and Lillith. Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure she was raised in a life of sin and did some bad things maybe, but those don’t count once you’re in Hell; what counts is when you’re alive and have a choice of where you’re going after death. Charlie never died in the mortal world, so if she were wanting to be redeemed, she would have to die in Hell and her soul would be judged after her passing to see if she were going to be reincarnated (she would just wake back up in Hell) or if she had the right to ascend into Heaven.
4 — Exterminator weapons are useful only against beings who have sinned. They are each infused by stardust from the Libra constellation, and can only target demons and the angels hunting the demons (I’ll get to that second part in a moment). The stardust gives the weapons some sort of scale of good and evil within itself (a weapon could be anything from a spear to bow & arrows; think angelic weapons. It’s like how a lot of demons have weapons based on explosions and loud noises [excluding Vaggie.]). In my OC Rosier’s case, the Angels and Archangels that descend into Hell to extract the souls from the demons are committing a sin themselves (murder, duh), however once the Extermination Period finishes, their souls are cleansed by the waterfalls in Heaven and they can no longer be killed by their own weapons. When in Hell, they could die by demons who have stolen the weapons or by each other.
5 — Vaggie will have to choose between being with Charlie or redemption. Due to number 3, Charlie would have to die to have a chance of going to Heaven. The Misfits will learn about this from either Alastor, Lucifer, Lillith, or the other noble family that Charlie dated the son of. If that becomes the case, Vaggie would have to choose between seeing the one demon she wants to protect die, or never being able to ascend. I speculate she’ll choose Charlie, but we won’t know for sure until later :)
6 — the son from the noble family died in an Extermination Period. It seems far-fetched but hear me out. Why would Charlie keep pictures of him if they split up? Sure, they could potentially still be friends afterward, but just by the looks of him, he doesn’t seem like the chill-guy type. Maybe that’s what kickstarted the whole Happy Hotel project, to remember him by. She watched him die, and she couldn’t do anything to stop it, so she began plotting the Happy Hotel so no more demons she loved had to die ever again. It would be a real good in-depth reason for the hotel’s ideation origin I think.
🗝 Headcanons 🗝
These are going to be randomized headcanons that I don’t have much to go off of other than personal interpretation :)
- Alastor and Rosie practiced voodoo
- Mimzy is a humanoid siren-demon
- Alastor has to ability to control robotic archangels to make killing easier
- Baxter died on the Titanic
- Lucifer calls Charlie his “little hellspawn.”
- The Magne family are actually very close to each other
- Vox has an older brother named VHS whom he surpassed easily
- Rosie can create replicas of herself to use to spy on other demons and/or use to prevent her true self from getting harmed. (Think to the Hello Dolly speedpaint by Viv; don’t those vacant grins and eyes seem a little... Rosie-like?)
- Alastor has voodoo doll creatures he can spawn from himself to wreck havoc and take down demons
Whew, that was a lot! Hope you don’t mind :)
All characters belong to @vivziepop
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arojenniferwalters · 5 years
No canon straight characters; using labels needed for canonicity? and period accuracy in fanfic
These are some random thoughts I have on couple of posts I've seen on my dash lately, so I'm just randomly writing down my thoughts:
1) most characters are not actually straight on canon because they don't specifically say 'I'm straight' or 'i'm only romantically and sexually attracted to people of the so called opposite gender'.
This is very true. In fact, most character never identify as straight unless there are non-straight or trans characters in the work as a counterpoint. Grace Adler says she's straight. Jennifer Walters is not lesbian. Peter whatever from Doubt is still straight when dating a trans woman. Kenzi from Lost Girl reciprocates Bo's coming out.
I recently wrote a long meta on another sideblog about how a character never identifies as straight and how the writing and portrayal lead to credible non-straight interpretations even though I know he's supposed to be straight.
So basically, straight characters are usually explicitly straight when it's known that not everyone is. If there exists character who are trans or not straight, other characters then might also express their straightness in response.
But mostly it's cisheteronormativity that makes us accept that unless they state otherwise, they are supposed to be cis and straight.
(Of course this gets complicated when we talk about rep bcus 'they didn't say they aren't x or y' doesn't really count as proper rep. But it's complicated, but like headcanons are fair game. Like, 'you shouldn't hc this canon straight character as not straight' isn't a good argument, because few character actually *are* canon straight. Most characters just have the potential to be or are in m/f pairings but that doesn't mean that straight is the only thing they can be.)
2) Labels are great. Labels tell people without a doubt who that character is and it is incredibly validating to see characters identify the same way you do (shoutout to Aled Last!). But does a character need to use a label to properly count as having this identity, if there is strong coding and word of god?
I'm conflicted. I really am. Because you can do a decent job of making characters gay/lesbian/m-spec without necessarily using a label (although not using it can be obnoxious, especially with m-spec characters), that's not necessarily the same with a-spec characters. Because there's not enough rep for us for people to read in and accept the subtext/coding. (Canon ace, coded aro is another issue but that's semi besides the point)
Here I'm mainly thinking of Raphael Santiago in books vs TV show, and comparing 2 word of god demi characters; Rivka of Mangoverse and Julian Blackthorn of The Dark Artifices.
So, book!Raphael for a long time was barely/maybe coded aroace and after he was killed off he became a word of god aroace through twitter. Then came 2017 and the tv show and new book appearances and suddenly he got to verbally say ace (and/or aro) things without using the label. I haven't read-read the books with that canonization yet but it seems to be very clear now that he is sex and romance repulsed aroace. Great.
The tv show canonized his aceness before the books did but they did it without using labels and basically making a mess of his romantic orientation (is he still aro? Arospec? Alloromantic who just didn't feel rom attraction much? He never did pursue a romantic relationship with Izzy after the addiction mess even though they acknowledged that they cared for each other, but was it romantic from Raph? We don't know! *throws hands in the air in frustration*).
As much as I love show!Raphael, "I'm just not interested in sex." isn't necessarily the best way to establish aceness. Mostly because if you google 'not interested in sex', you get articles on libido and how to increase it, with one article talking about aceness, but not in the title. But the fact that Raphael says he's always been like this, that he's never pressured into having sex and is at peace with his orientation does, to me, make it good rep. I still kinda wish he'd used a label though.
Then the demi rep: neither Rivka nor Julian identifies as demi in text. Shira Glassman didn't at first realize she was writing Rivka in a demi way, in fact the backcover identifies her as straight (kinda as a 'there will be no romantic tension between Rivka and Shulamit' way, similar to Bo and Kenzi in section 1). But when people mentioned that she seems like a hetro demi, Shira embraced that and while the world doesn't do labels the way we do, she is still demi. I love her and I am happy she exists and she is accepted demi rep.
Now, Julian is a different thing. In TDA, he is 17, the year is 2012 and the Internet exists. After the 2nd book, people started speculating that Julian is demi based on how he thinks about never being attracted to anyone but Emma, and how he had started to feel different from his peers when he didn't start experiencing attraction like they did. Someone asked about this from Cassandra Clare and she answered the ask privately, saying that if he was a modern, non-Shadowhunter teenager and he had access to information about the identity, that he would identify as demisexual. The issue is that considering the timeframe (2012) and everything about his situation, he doesn't have access to that label so he doesn't use it.
So. Here we have a canon demi character, based on coding and word of god who has semi realistic reason for not knowing the label and thus not identifying with it, even though he would if he could. But a lot of people don't want to accept that. And that's where my issues come from: Julian says and thinks some very demi things, and to me doesn't do anything that invalidates his deminess. Why is that not enough? Like, I absolutely want him to use that label, I want to read him say it and find comfort in it. But why is his character not demi rep enough because he doesn't use the word?
Rivka has similar reasons for not having the label (not our world and the terminology doesn't exist) and while I doubt there are that much overlap between the 2 fandoms, I am curious about the difference. Neither one is not identifying as demi because they aren't demi, they don't identify as demi because they don't know the identity exists. Yet both are still demi characters.
How much does a character have to emphasize that they've only ever been attracted to one person/very few people, with the author validating that reading, before they are acceptable demi rep?
Another point is Princeless: Raven the Pirate Princess. That one has at least one demi character and maybe two acearo characters but they don't use labels. I love them all, but I feel uncertain about talking about Cid as an aroace character because she hasn't been talked about in that way the way Jayla has been. And I love Quinn and I cried when I read that the (pirate) ship has characters who identify as demisexual in a creator letter, but again, no one is using a-spec labels. It's frustrating. But it doesn't invalidate the rep.
3) I think the level of knowledge characters have on queerness should be an in-character discussion. Like, I've written characters as demi without the character using the label; I've written characters discovering a label; I have one fic where there's little possibility of the character having knowledge of the identity (because it's possible the label hasn't been coined yet). I try to stay in character about whether the character would know or have use for label and keep in mind the timeframe. There's a demi pairing I can't really write because neither characters exist in 2006 and beyond. Someone once complained that a book published in 2003 didn't describe the character as demi when the label hadn't yet been created while asexual worked as an umbrella term which included demis, so it still makes sense that the character would identify as asexual.
I don't think it's wrong to have a character be very knowledgeable about queer things if that's what you want to write, whether or not that's in character or realistic within the timeframe. Fanfic is about self indulgeance after all.
Some of that relates to what I'm in the mood to write. My magnum opus is 'this character is demi in all 78 eps of the show, but he'll only figure it out towards the beginning of the last season, just because I want that' and then I have another that's 'screw it, he has a better idea about his queerness but realizes the full picture in s4'.
I do try to be period accurate and think about whether or not the character would have access to the term. But sometimes I just want to have my faves identifying the way I want them to.
4) These are some very random, semi connected thoughts and I'm not even quite sure what the point was. I just feel like writing more about these things.
I am interested in discussing these issues. How much coding does a character need to be accepted as proper rep if the label isn't used? Can rep be valid if a random person reading it doesn't realize that there is that specific coding? If the book has queer readers, is there more leeway (sp) to not using the label, assuming that people reading a book with bi and trans characters or an f/f might also pick up the demi/ace/aro coding? If the author unknowingly wrote a demi character, does it still count if they accept that reading of the character and keep writing them as demi?
Anyway that was a lot of randomness.
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wyvern-dork · 6 years
001 for Archanea?
ALL RIGHT HERE WE GO! Thank you anon
Favorite character:
Like who’s surprised? Anyway some runner ups are, of course, the Whitewings and Maria. And Caeda. And Nyna. 
Least Favorite character
There are a lot of forgettable characters in Archanea, unfortunately. Like, the ones that show up without any dialogue/only a snippet of dialogue in the games, who are you even? Like Cesar? Who ARE you? New Mystery brings a lot more to the table than Shadow Dragon does in that regard, so I can’t complain too much. I dunno, it isn’t enough for me to have them as least favorites, but there are certainly some of these “random characters” that I’ve ignored. 
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon)
Minerva/Palla (it is canon)Marth/Caeda (they’re bff’s and I love that)Marth/Merric (thanks to tinsil’s wonderful art)Caeda/Catria (I don’t know why but I love them)Lena/Julian and finally…Nyna/Fulfilling Relationship 
Character I find most attractive:
They’re all fantastic in their own right, I lov them? But if I had to choose… Palla is mindblowingly gorgeous, Minerva is Strong and Amazing. Might be my bias talking, lol.
though I can’t ignore how I’ve basically screamed out loud to my s/o about Nyna, like “ISN’T SHE BEAUTIFUL????!!?”
Character I would marry:
Real talk though, I have a real hard time inserting myself into any fictional universe. I just don’t find it interesting. If I try my hardest to deduce what I’d be like in said universe, I’m guessing I would end up with Lena, if she’d have me. Calm life at the priory, likeminded talks over tea, I dunno. I’m really trying here, guys.
On the other hand, if one interprets the question as Character I Can Never Get Tired Of And Love A Whole Freaking Lot then - MINERVA. Again. 
Character I would be best friends with:
Oh sh– another difficult question. Caeda is so friendly with everyone, it would make sense?
a random thought:
Nyna didn’t deserve all the crap she’s been put through.
An unpopular opinion:
This isn’t an opinion per se, more of a headcanon. It is already present in what I write, but it is all I can think of, so:
Linde doesn’t know how to socially interact. She tries her best, and fails a lot. People are weird, Linde. It’s ok.
My Canon OTP:
Minerva/Palla (I’ve gotten too far away from the source material in my writing. It Is Canon Now)
My Non-canon OTP:
Caeda/Catria. Catria deserves better than having her heart broken all the time, and I feel like she and Caeda would be besties immediatly. Again, I’ve daydreamed about all this for so long and so deeply I barely remember canon anymore.
(also this excludes all my favorite ships with the Valentian cast, like, Est/Genny is so gosh darn cute and I have detectiveroboryan to thank for learning that)
Most Badass Character:
Most Epic Villain:
Archanea’s main villains are pretty generic. I’m talking Gharnef and Medeus. On the other hand, it has Michalis and Camus as Sympathetic Antagonists, and out of the two I find Micky the most interesting. Hardin is a nice one too, he starts out gentle and honorable and then goes into terrible tyrant-mode - and it is pretty dramatic since Team Marth don’t wanna fight an old friend - though possession as a means to create a villain is sort of overdone in general, it is in a way much more interesting with a villain that makes the villainous desicions on their own even though they suck. (read: Michalis) 
Pairing I am not a fan of:
Any ship involving Michalis and someone in the Leauge, tbh. With Micky it’s like, any character with a strong moral compass would suffer from his callousness, and he’d drain them without giving anything back, you know? I’m mostly thinking Michalis/Lena. Even a potential post-redemption Michalis is difficult for me to imagine in a romantic relationship, because of guilt and/or inability to open up, but you know, maybe. I just can’t imagine him being nurturing, like at all? And that’s what I’m looking for in the ships I enjoy.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another):
It’s Archanea, it is pretty vague. But I’d enjoy if everything regarding Palla crushing on Abel was scrapped, and they’d kept all of Palla’s interactions with Minerva. With a confession of love at the end. yes. though it might not count as a screw up, it’d make me (and a lot of you?) very happy
Favourite Friendship:
Maria & Est! Wait, that’s just my headcanon. Uh.. Minerva & Catria? Marth & Nyna? 
Character I most identify with:
I’ve been writing so much from Minerva’s pov, so yeah, Minerva. Again. I can relate to loving my little sister so gosh darn much, and being a bit of an anxious mess that loves weapon-based martial arts.
Character I wish I could be:
The Invisible Tactican hovering above everyone’s heads. I’d just, fly around and observe and be super invested in the drama without having to be a part of it. because honestly which of the characters isn’t tragic and/or betrayed in this game? I’d rather not be any of them
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mittensmorgul · 6 years
Wow... remember the s12 Hellatus Meta Wank-A-Thon? Remember how toxic and awful it was? If you’re not in the mood to relive it, you probably don’t want to click the read more.
Or: the one where Mittens picked on an innocent crack post because I was sick of reading Dean Character Assassination.
AKA: That one where Mittens goes spare defending actual meta from wanky crack that completely misrepresented Dean Winchester.
i.e. That one where Mittens explains the difference between Dean’s instincts and the quality of information those instincts supply him with, and the fact that Dean’s instincts really are never wrong per se but also don’t imbue him with the power of Omniscience.
also, read at your own risk... there’s a reason this is under a cut. However if you’re an unapologetic Dean girl you’ll probably enjoy it.
From this post (which I do understand as crack, due to the fact it pulls random scenarios entirely out of context to support a headcanon that contradicts pretty much every bit of meta I’ve ever read... including this post and the attendant photo/gif set that also went around recently, which I can’t seem to find on my blog but essentially proves the opposite of this-- and honestly y’all can’t have it both ways just because the opposite interpretation is convenient):
Dean: Cas would never say 'no' to me, it's not Cas. Trust me, I'm the Cas expert Sam: Hold on Dean: What? Get the Holy Fire! Sam: *Pulls out list, puts on reading glasses, begins reading from list* Won't acknowledge Castiel gone dark side, when he was working with Crowley. Although all the signs were there. Made up false memories from purgatory because you couldn't accept Cas choosing to leave you Dean: Shut uppp Sam: Didn't realise Cas was possessed by Lucifer
Because yes, Dean IS the Cas expert, even when he doesn’t understand the fact.
Let’s go point by point:
1. in 6.20 Dean refused to accept that Cas had gone “dark side” until he had evidence to prove that Cas could do something so horrifying. Just the same as Dean has spent basically the entire series giving SAM the benefit of the doubt. Dean is not quite so eager to condemn his loved ones without undeniable proof that they’ve betrayed him, you know? Let’s look at 2.05 for evidence of this, because that example also conveniently includes a form of mind control:
Andy: Tell the truth! Sam: That's what I'm - Dean: We hunt demons. Andy: What? Sam: Dean! Dean: Demons and spirits. Things your worst nightmares wouldn't even touch. Sam here, he's my brother... Sam: Dean, shut up! Dean: I'm trying. He's psychic. Kind of like you. Well, not really like you, but see, he thinks you're a murderer, and he's afraid that he's going to become one himself, 'cause you're all part of something that's terrible. And, I hope to hell that he's wrong, but I'm starting to get a little scared that he might be right.
Or perhaps we should look at Dean’s low-level suspicions of Sam’s “demon powers” in s4, carefully noting that he refused to prematurely make accusations against Sam until he had evidence to base his ~gut instinct feelings~ on.
Despite months of suspicions, despite NUMEROUS attempts at practically BEGGING Cas to let him help, to at least listen to what Cas was involved with, Sam and Dean spent most of s6 entirely in the dark. It’s not that they didn’t CARE about Cas, it’s that Cas REFUSED TO INVOLVE THEM. From 6.03:
CASTIEL: I can explain later. Right now we have to -- DEAN: No, not later. Now. Stop, all right? Too many angels, Cas! I don't know who's on first, what's on second. CASTIEL: What is "second"?! DEAN: Don't start that. CASTIEL: It is simple: Raphael and his followers, they want him to rule Heaven. I -- and many others -- the last thing we want is to let him take over. It would be catastrophic.
DEAN: Why does Raphael want to bring back all this crap? CASTIEL: He's a traditionalist. DEAN: Cas, why didn't you tell us this? CASTIEL: I was ashamed. I expected more from my brothers. I'm sorry. Now I need your blood.
At this point Dean has been out of the loop on EVERYTHING for near on a year, and Sam is currently soulless (but we don’t know that yet, aside from the fact that Dean is side-eyeing Sam and having uneasy and wary ~feelings~ that something is not quite right with Sam). Dean’s playing a game of Cosmic Catch-Up set to the highest difficulty level. He’s not about to go flinging around accusations that he can’t back up with evidence. His ~gut feeling~ isn’t enough to condemn his loved ones. They’ve earned better from him than that.
Even Death warning Dean in 6.11 about Cas, and the dangerous road he was traveling down regarding “the souls” (despite it being so vague as to be entirely unhelpful to Dean, other than to give some credit to that gut feeling of ~wrongness~ about Cas’s behavior, without giving him any direct evidence to bring to Cas and confront him in a way that Cas can’t wriggle out of yet again).
Like the end of 6.15:
SAM Cas, what the hell? Wait, wait, you were in on this, using us a diversion? CASTIEL It was Balthazar's plan. I would have done the same thing. DEAN That's not comforting, Cas. CASTIEL When will I be able to make you understand? If I lose against Raphael, we all lose. Everything. DEAN Yeah, Cas. We know the stakes. That's about all you've told us! CASTIEL I'm sorry about all this. I'll explain when I can.
As we learn in 6.20, we understand that even in 6.15, or in 6.17, or 6.18, or 6.19-- all episodes where Cas had an opportunity to come clean to Dean and Sam and yet CONTINUED to hide the truth from them, not because he was short on time but because he knew what he was doing was morally wrong and that he would lose their support, yet he was far too deep in his web of lies (can you see why this “reimagining” of canon is infuriating yet? And how horrifyingly painful s6 is when you look at it honestly as the narrative presents these cold facts?)--
CASTIEL I had no choice. I did it to protect the boys. Or to protect myself. I-I don't know anymore.
SAM Castiel...This is really important, okay? Um...We really need to talk to you. DEAN Castiel...Come on in. CASTIEL But I didn't go to them...Because I knew they would have questions I couldn't answer...Because I was afraid.
CASTIEL Wonders never cease. They trusted me again. But it was just another lie.
Or the fact that Cas asked God for a sign, to let him know he was doing the right thing... and despite it really being too little too late, God sent him the sign. Dean literally told him to stop. That was the sign. Cas plowed right over it anyway.
And it is clear REPEATEDLY throughout s6 that Dean KNOWS there’s really important stuff that Cas has not told him, but again... he still TRUSTS Cas to be honest with him. That trust doesn’t break until 6.20, and it breaks so horribly that he doesn’t even know who or what to trust in again. That’s essentially his entire s7 arc, after all. Cas’s betrayal practically destroys him.
But sure, he refused to accept Cas’s betrayal without actual evidence in 6.20 because he’s an idiot with bad instincts.
On to point the second: Dean creating a false memory of his escape from Purgatory because he couldn’t bear the thought that Cas wouldn’t want to leave with him.
When he first arrived back, one of the first things Dean tells Sam in 8.01 is this:
SAM: What about Cas? Was he there? DEAN walks a few steps away and speaks with his back to SAM. DEAN: Yeah, Cas didn't make it. SAM: What exactly does that mean? DEAN: Something happened to him down there. Things got pretty hairy towards the end, and he... just let go. SAM: So Cas is dead? You saw him die? DEAN: I saw enough. SAM: So, then what, you're not sure? DEAN: [turning back to SAM] I said I saw enough, Sam. SAM: Right. Dean, I'm sorry.
This is the first and last time he admits out loud in words that Cas LET GO. That it wasn’t HIS fault that Cas didn’t make it out. He does honestly admit it here, when the wound is so painfully raw. And when Sam presses him for details, for clarification, he shuts that conversation down, but the wound’s been poked at now.
Yet life goes on, and Dean’s back in it but Cas isn’t. The reality of that takes a bit to settle in for him, the fact that Cas DID let go, and the only explanation he can think of for WHY he’d do that was because Dean himself wasn’t worth holding on to. And dear me, without being able to ASK Cas about it, all the while spiraling into a horrible guilt and depression, grieving the loss of the best friend he ever had yet again, Dean began to turn that memory into something that wouldn’t drive him straight to the bottom of a bottle. He knew the truth of it, just as well as he was suspicious of Cas from the MOMENT he arrived back from Purgatory, but for Dean Whiskey-And-Denial Winchester the only way to keep going is to shove all that down.
Nobody said that was a healthy response to horrifying loss, tragedy, and grief, but it was all Dean had back then.
So no, that’s not a valid point either.
On to point the third: “Didn’t notice Cas was possessed by Lucifer”
Except what basis did he have to believe that was even a remote possibility? As far as EVERYONE knew at first, Rowena’s spell sending Lucifer back to the cage had been a success. Sure, Cas didn’t return to the bunker like he told Dean he would at the end of 11.10, but Dean knows how this goes. In his mind, Cas has better things to do than hang out with him and Sam (because Dean’s self-deprecation is one of the longest running themes in the whole series), and at the beginning of 11.11, only a day or two post 11.10, we have this as proof:
SAM: And what about the Darkness? What about Cas? We haven't heard from them. DEAN: Okay, first of all, we've got zero on Amara. And Cas -- Cas will be fine. He always is.
What was he about to say there? In that stuttering blank? “Cas does what he wants, why would he suddenly think I’m more important than whatever he wants to do?”
But right from the start, he’s wary of Cas and his sudden appearance at the bunker. Go rewatch all of his exchanges with Cas(ifer) in 11.11. He has no reason to suspect that Cas had said yes to Lucifer and currently WAS NOT CAS, but he’s confused by Cas’s unusual behavior. I think we spent that entire week between episodes screaming about Dean’s discomfort and confusion and WRONG SHOULDER OMG, Everything about that scene is jarring and uncomfortable and awkward... But again, Dean doesn’t lob unfounded gut-instinct accusations at his loved ones. He gives them the benefit of the doubt until his suspicions are confirmed.
Not to mention the fact that Dean is only just then beginning to come to grips with the fact that Amara is exerting some sort of control over HIM, and he doesn’t really know how to deal with HIS OWN MANIPULATED FEELINGS.
(seriously, do ALL of these references actually mirror directly to possession and mind control? Hmmm, I’m sure that’s entirely coincidental...)
That doesn’t mean he’s NOT suspicious when his SOMETHING’S WRONG alarm bells are going off... from the end of 11.11:
SAM: Is Cas gone? DEAN: Yeah, I guess so. SAM: What was he doing here anyway? DEAN: He was looking for lore on the Darkness. Something a little off about him, too. SAM: Something always seems a little bit off about Cas. [Scoffs] Yeah, you know, being so close to Lucifer probably wasn't easy for him, either. DEAN: We'll just keep an eye on him.
The VERY NEXT TIME they interact with Cas(ifer) in 11.14 the entire truth comes out. And they are shocked and horrified by it.
The exact same way they’re ALL shocked and horrified to learn that Lucifer is still at liberty in 12.22, and Cas is equally shocked and horrified to learn that fact in 12.23. Dean had no reason to even believe it was a possibility in s11 until his uneasy feelings about Cas’s odd behavior were revealed to be Lucifer possessing Cas.
Doesn’t mean he didn’t see the odd behavior and react accordingly.
Okay. THIS is meta. The other is crack. That’s the difference.
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violetemerald · 7 years
So the tumblr mobile app is really frustrating me these past couple of days but…
for this: http://luvtheheaven.tumblr.com/post/159203462757/jerseydevious-ricobrzenskas-hypocean
I got two asks. One I accidentally answered privately despite a really long answer I meant to have be public. Great. Stay tuned to see if I can get it back from the person I sent it to via copying and pasting.
And the other…
@traumacarriedsara asked me the other of the two “asks” I received about this… and THANK YOU. This was too much fun lol. (BTW I’d happily do this again and much much shorter once you catch up on Legends of Tomorrow…) I had a lot of fun with this, saved it as a draft, and… lost it. Maybe I sent it privately by mistake *again* just like the other, I don’t even know…
So… idk what’s going on but let’s just create a text post, shall I? I still have the whole post because of the magic of copying and pasting and me having prepared this time to maybe lose it... lol
Character Aaron Hotchner from Criminal Minds, you say?
Headcanon A: what I think realistically
Headcanon B: what I think is fucking hilarious
Headcanon C: what is heart-crushing and awful but fun to inflict on friends
Headcanon D: what would never work with canon but the canon is shit so I believe it anyway
Well really, almost all my Hotch headcanons are some combination of the A, C, and D types.
I think they wouldn’t realistically call it that, but David Rossi and Aaron Hotchner are straight (albeit Hotch I think has a more specific type or might lean demisexual) yet they are clearly in a queerplatonic relationship with each other. I’m talking way beyond typical best friends. They have each other’s backs at work and for home life. They know each other’s secrets and hardships. Rossi helps out Hotch with practical things whether it be coaching Jack’s soccer team or helping him go into Witness Protection in the new season. In general Rossi has been painted as everyone’s protector on this show but especially Hotch’s because Hotch helps protect everyone else and doesn’t have anyone else to particularly look out for him. That being said, I like to headcanon that way more than on the actual show, there have been times when Rossi needed things and Hotch goes above and beyond to help him. There’s hints of it anyway but I imagine also that there are times when maybe Hotch has acknowledged to himself, even, however more difficult it is… acknowledged to Rossi! just how important Rossi is to him.
A headcanon that amuses me a bit that I often think about while rewatching the show is that Hotch is in love with JJ. Usually not heartbreaking although… I think if it is requited at all it’s mutual pining at best.
I believe Hotch and Beth wouldn’t have broken up.
I headcanon that until Beth, the only person he’d ever slept with was Haley. They met in high school after all.
I strongly headcanon that Hotch grew up in an extremely complicated abusive situation and only Rossi knows these kinds of details about his past, although the rest of the team are good at their jobs and have plenty of suspicions. It doesn’t work with canon exactly UNLESS I really force it but I’ve been taking notes in my rewatch and so many little things about Hotch add to my thought process about what could’ve happened to him, and I’ll try to write a Hotch fanfic at one point.
Part of what doesn’t work with canon is that his parents, either of them, abused him. Because of the way he talks about his father’s (contradictory two different causes of) death, and after Morgan prompts him in a season 7 episode, his mom too. (She made him good breakfasts and he serves the same to Jack.)
I have concocted an elaborate headcanon for myself in the meantime where Hotch’s father kidnapped, sexually molested, took out rage, and probably killed random kids and Hotch was “only” a helpless witness for some of this, his father’s main form of abusing Hotch was subjecting him to watching this happen to others. This man was the epitome of psychologically abusive to his own family, to his wife/to Hotch’s mom, to Aaron, to his brother Sean but maybe *only Aaron* ended up really knowing a large chunk of the horror.
By high school or so Hotch and Sean ended up luckily in a new home or perhaps separate homes. I forget the age difference between them but Sean is a lot younger so I’m thinking Aaron was in high school and Sean was… very little. The people Hotch chooses to consider Mom and Dad are his adoptive or foster parents. They might’ve been an older couple when they took him in which is why they died before the show started…
I imagine the horrible things that he watched happen to other kids but that didn’t happen directly to him make Aaron constantly feel that he’s lucky, that any trauma he’s endured is nothing compared to the horror others have had to survive or others didn’t survive at all. I imagine his extreme involvement in cases involving trying to rescue children from monsters is not just inspired by his own feelings of love for his own son but much more than that by many memories. I take little moments from the show for his character and interpret how they’d fit in with this, like the way Hotch is often the one doing CPR on children at the end of an ep if there is a child…
Since you, @traumacarriedsara, and I already discussed seasons 1-3 Hotch moments from angles of him being abused I’ll start with some season 4 ones. Hotch tells Morgan at the end of 4x01 that the fact that he’s alive, his own life, means a lot to him. It seems like a significant and oddly vulnerable moment. This is the aftermath of the explosion and an episode where Hotch tries so hard to save a friend’s life but unfortunately fails… and then the next episode, Hotch reacts to the bad news that his hearing problems could become permanent with almost no reaction. Doesn’t let it bother him. And he takes risks that hurt his hearing and cause him physical pain like going on the plane anyway, because his job is so important to him? Hotch is also the agent, of all the agents it could’ve been, to in this episode look into the dead baby’s nursery, Hotch takes it all in, then knows to look in the chest with the flowers on top and finds the corpse.
There are more moments I wrote down but I want to skip to a few more pertinent ones:
4x04 Hotch is upset he had talked to the unsub and missed the this was the guy they’d been looking for. He’s driving, rossi in the passenger seat,and Rossi reassures him that it could’ve been any of them. Hotch is still upset about it at the end if the episode though. He bows his head shamefully and Rossi tells him we’ve all been there. Hotch takes it so personally that he couldn’t tell.
4x06 there’s a lot to unpack but… skipping a little… he has to regretfully inform the parents of the kidnapped boy that they did find a preferential sex offender at the funeral but not the person who has their son. The mother asks how many of these people are out there and he sadly and solemnly answers “more than you want to know”. I think it’s interesting how much Hotch gets to be the one dealing with the emotional parents in this episode. Later, the mother grabs the phone from Hotch and tearfully begs thar her son not be hurt. He watches her sadly.
4x09 has so much… Hotch yells at Jordan for lying to a family during one of the worst times of their lives, lying about having a sister who died. He takes it very personally. As he leaves angrily, Jordan turns to Morgan 10:45 and asks him how badly she screwed up. Morgan says on a normal scale of 1-10 probably a 6, but on Hotch’s an 11. For some reason this is a particularly sore spot for Hotch. (This reminds me a bit of the serial killer on death row lying about his childhood and Hotch reacting especially negatively.)
There’s other things I took notes on while rewatching season 4 but I’ll slip just to the simple fact that in 4x17, when asked whether or not he believes in evil,  he gives the in between answer between Rossi and Morgan. He mentions how he thinks we’re all capable of unspeakable things.
In 4x18, the first episode with George Foyet, Hotch chooses to make a pretty long trip to Boston when Shaunessy is on his death bed and it seems like that’s kind of what Hotch tends to do repeatedly, people he doesn’t know well, sometimes unsubs, he still wants to be a comfort in a dying moment if they have no one else. Hotch firmly states “we don’t let them get away with it” and what Shaunessy did was wrong. Hotch clearly and explicitly refuses to make a promise to the dying man that he doesn’t intend to keep. He will tell the victim’s families he’s sorry but not that he had no choice, because Hotch believes Shaunessy did have a choice. But by the end of the episode, after Foyet asks Hotch why more people had to die , trying to blame him, Hotch is strong enough to say “Don’t ask me,  you’re the serial killer”. I think from the perspective that Hotch had lived through his father being a serial killer and maybe his mother letting the guy get away with a lot or even helping, a lot of types of scenes work in a new light. I love rewatching the whole show with this headcanon in mind.
Even 4x24 Hotch stays professional whole anthrax ep and can’t focus on Reid dying either, he draws a firm stance around protocol and around how if there’s nothing more that they as fbi agents can do for Reid, they need to focus on the bigger picture. And it’s practically cold and kind of a contrast to how he has acted in some other episodes, but at the same time I think it’s interesting that he’s got that kind of strength and focus and determination and ability to compartmentalize.
I didn’t want to go into later seasons because we’d be here all day but I do briefly want to mention 5x08, where the whole ep deals with families being murdered again.  I find his argument with Emily about whether or not to show pictures of a dead 12 year old to a serial killer interesting. She says they’re not “just” images and he says that’s exactly what they are!! I could honestly see the scene reversed having worked too. Either character could take the practical, “these are pictures, they aren’t causing additional harm to real people” stance and either could be too blinded by emotion. But like.. considering how protective and viscerally angry Hotch is in cases involving kids… considering this headcanon of mine…
I feel like Hotch is focused on whatever it takes saving children. He stopped being a prosecutor because while putting away the monsters felt good, it always felt like it was too late. He wants to catch them earlier, be a part of literally saving lives in a less abstract way, and while it does upset him if a serial killer gets pleasure out of others’ pain, most of the time his focus is more on trying not to care about what the serial killer feels or doesn’t feel. He is extremely determined in wanting to *practically* figure out how to save the most future pain, save victims.
Now the biggest thing is that however much I try to make it work with canon, this extremely intense headcanon actually doesn’t work with canon, I just believe it anyway. It doesn’t make sense that it would never have come up. Especially with the whole Ashley Seaver arc… It probably doesn’t make sense that Hotch is this well adjusted, even. But… I like to believe it all anyway.
I am exploding with so many thoughts and feelings when it comes to so many characters on this show, really…
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seven-oomen · 4 years
So today’s moments of random thoughts (and attempts at including links) are brought to you by the fact that today they replaced the back office computer at work that controls the store’s music, so it was uncomfortably silent for several hours, meaning that my brain suddenly had to provide the soundtrack again, and that’s always a total craps shoot.  Will it be 48 hours straight of “Toss A Coin To Your Witcher”?  Will it be some surreal all day medley of AC/DC, Rihanna, and the South Park version of “Pokerface”?  Will it be a non-stop Disney sing-a-long?  Who knows?  Everyday is an adventure with an ADD brain jukebox. 
One of today’s tracks of choice was “Little Red Riding Hood” by Sam the Sham and the Pharaohs, a favorite since long before I was old enough to understand the implications or subtext.  And since you enjoyed the last terrible porn scenario so much, why not throw out another classic?  Because there is NO WAY they haven’t done this one.  Like.  Just no way.  Oh no, will the brave and daring young hunter woodsman manage to subdue the wily Alpha wolf, or will poor innocent Omega Riding Hood be devoured by the lustful lupine?  (I think the only correct answer here is yes to both.)  And because part of me wondered if such a thing even existed (I just had to know if I could bring in the plaid), I searched Google and found this (for a more casual approach) or this (for if they’re feeling fancy) for Noah, preferably paired with some tall black combat boots, perhaps (also, just saying, both would be a great option for a chase night).  For “Grandma”, I was thinking something along these lines (theoretically demure, yet also highlighting the collar bones, especially if unbuttoned slightly and allowed to slide off one shoulder.  Perhaps in the blue to bring out his eyes. XD ) because it comes across innocent in all the ways Peter would very much not be at that point.  All Chris would really need is his tightest jeans, deepest v’d henley, and maybe a nice denim or suede trucker jacket.  (Have I spent WAY too much time thinking about this?  Probably, but in my defense it kept me from snapping at all the idiots out without masks who refused to properly distance.  So.)  And because why the hell, not, I haven’t confused my Google search enough yet, here’s a couple of options for Chris that are a little more classy, as far as such a thing can apply to an outfit like this.  I mean if the other two are getting nice, quality outfits in that scenario, dammit he deserves the same.
Oh, and to briefly segue it back towards the more serious (and god, I really hope this comes out the way I mean it to, I am legit terrible at trying to word stuff like this), I would just like to say that frankly this version of how the physical/biological/however you want to phrase it aspects of the male/female vs alpha/omega spectrums play out makes so much more sense than a majority of the a/b/o I’ve seen.  I may not read it often, but I’ve been in fandom too long (and in a few too many small ones) not to have read a fair amount.  There have been a number of times where I just end up going “…his body has/did what now?…"  Whereas with yours it’s just like "oh, cool, that makes total sense”.  It’s natural, logical, and easy to understand, unlike my first few experiences back in the day when I kept having to Google the whole Omegaverse concept (a TERRIBLE idea, btw) to try and figure out how things worked.  So, yeah, I, at least, am a fan of this variation/interpretation/whatever.
Anyway…having hopefully managed to avoid cramming my whole entire foot into my mouth, would you care for some more assorted headcanons?  Maybe one day Stiles and Noah are in the attic working on sorting and organizing some things (Stiles is about 14 or 15 at this point), and after going through a couple boxes of Claudia’s sketchbooks, he finds one that contains a few mangled pairs of fishnets, a mesh shirt or two, maybe a pair of extremely short black cutoffs, some studded bracelets and collars, and he’s just like “man, Mom was a little more hardcore than I would have guessed."  After a couple moments of pointed silence, Noah finally offers ”…that’s not your Mom’s stuff, Stiles" while very determinedly not looking his son’s direction.  Cue a hysterical sequence of microexpressions of shock and horror contorting Stiles’ face, culminating in a brief full body flail and ending with him shaking his head with all the intense desperation of someone trying to clear an Etch-A-Sketch, before he just quietly goes back to sorting through the other boxes and they just never speak of it again.  Alternately, I would accept this same scenario for Chris and Allison (thinking the box had belonged to Kate), because I feel she would have the next best reaction faces to Stiles (less grimacing, but more internal screaming), with basically the same end result.  Or perhaps both had an incident like this, and they use it as some sort of bonding moment.  They’re an odd family after all.
 Don’t think I didn’t notice that the preview changed again.  Just going straight for the feels this time, huh?  God, poor Peter.  I feel so bad that he’s missing out on all the cuddles (familial and romantic), but I’m sure they’ll all be more than willing to make it up to him later.  Really hope he was doing that super speed thing on the way back to the hospital, or the Sheriff’s station might get some strange reports of a naked man running through neighborhoods.  
On the subject of the kids and education, I would vote BioChem for Allison.  It would be useful in learning about all the stuff hunters use, and figuring out ways to combat them, as well as potentially offering some overlap with Lydia’s degree.
I’d vote Criminal Law for Jackson.  It would be both a nod to his adoptive dad in the show having been the D.A. and offer a connection to the traditions of the family he’s just now learning about.  And I suspect that it’s entirely possible that if Stiles went after a Criminal Justice degree (or similar, I’m not entirely sure what it would be called), they’d likely have some overlapping classes, which would just piss Stiles all the hell off.  So win-win, really.
I think Malia could do really well with either type of Engineering.  I want to lean more towards Mechanical, particularly for the auto repair aspect, but part of me really wants Electrical for the Ant-Man connection (speaking of high Intelligence, low Wisdom…)  I think she would hate it while she was getting the degree (WHY DID NO ONE WARN ME THERE’D BE SO MUCH MATH???!!!), she’d be so proud once she’d graduated.  I feel like I could see Derek partnering with her on the shop (he’s working on a Master’s in Business.  Anything Law just felt too close to what he’d lost, but he also couldn’t bear to stray too far.  So, business.  Eventually I think he’d join in with the artsy side of the family and go after a degree in Design, so he could help build up the shop that way, as well.)
Totally agree on the other two.  I can also totally see Kira and Malia coaching some sort of intramural sport for kids one day.  Soccer (football), Little League, Lacrosse, doesn’t matter which.  They absolutely love it, and the kids love them (they totally get the smaller Pack kids involved, too).  Eventually they talk Isaac into creating a team for some of his kids that are looking to socialize more (they make sure that the experience is 100% positive for any of them that play.  They refuse to tolerate any bullying or poor sportsmanship of any kind.)
Hmm…not sure about the others, either, but I like the idea of Boyd ending up as a professor of Mythology and Folklore.  He was the one that actually thought about whether he wanted the bite, and whether it would be worth it in the long run.  He seemed the most interested in the reality of being a werewolf.  I can see him learning as much as he can about the supernatural from Peter and Noah (and some of the other side of things from Chris), and utilizing that in getting his degree (and eventual Doctorate).  And let’s face it, after dealing with the Pack’s shenanigans over the years, college kids aren’t intimidating in the slightest.
And before I forget, may I just say that “People buy it because it’s Tumblr, why wouldn’t two gay dads run a wolf rescue?” had me laughing so hard I started snorting.  Moving on; I know you recently shared a post that featured shots from the episode where Stiles gets his dad drunk to distract him from reopening the Hale case (I have Opinions about that black shirt, and how disappointed I was that it Never Showed Up Again, so I notice when it pops up in Tumblrs I check, okay?  Don’t judge me.), and some of the other blogs I try to keep up with have shared some pics of J.R. in glasses, and now I can’t help but wonder if that becomes like a Thing for Peter at some point.  Like, once they start to get a little older (once Chris has grown out his beard again, and maybe Noah has retired [my uncle was a cop and retired in like his mid-forties, I think] and started letting his hair get just a bit shaggy again) and his husbands start occasionally wearing glasses for reading, or fine detail work, etc.  (I would not judge him if it did, because, uh…, hard same.  I blame too many years of anime.)  Like, they slip them on and his brain just immediately starts going to more terrible porn scenarios.  Stern librarian, called to the principal/headmaster’s office, courtroom shenanigans.  Actually, if Peter is supposed to have been a lawyer they probably do that one anyway.  The Prosecution and the Defense take turns attempting to sway the Judge/Jury Foreman in their favor.  Who is who just depends on their mood at the time, and who feels willing to put on a suit (god help Peter if he gets both his mates in well cut suits and at their persuasive best.  He can barely keep it together long enough to stay halfway in character.  They are fully aware of their power, and file the information away for use in anniversary/graduation/other celebratory settings.)  Wow…that kinda got away from me.  Again.
Anyway, I tried to do the reader poll thing, hope my responses went through/made sense.  Hope the assorted links I’ve attempted work, I’ve never tried adding them to something before.  I probably still have the tabs open if I need to try again, unless my computer randomly decides to close them, which I have had it occasionally do.  Glad that you are feeling somewhat better, and that it doesn’t appear to be anything serious (and possibly even somewhat positive, in the long run, at least?  If it’s a sign of things trying to heal?)  Sorry in advance if some of this makes assisting customers difficult tomorrow.  XD  I feel like it should just be implicit, like my brain just compels it’s own warning in general.
I think I’ve read through this at least ten times because it’s just so good. I don’t really have the energy to reply to everything, but I do want to leave you with some headcanons of my own. 
Mainly Hogwarts houses:
Ravenclaw: Lydia, Melissa, Natalie, Julio, Stiles
Gryffindor:  Noah, Derek, Kira, Allison, Boyd
Hufflepuff: Scott, Chris, Jordan, Ben, Isaac
Slytherin: Malia, Jackson, Peter, Danny, Erica
Ben’s super cute playfulness as a wolf pup
Peter definitely wears a pair of wolf ears during sex, although he’s a little sad that he can’t mark up Chris and Noah as he used to. He liked to bite hard and draw blood, but with him as an Alpha, that’s just not an option anymore. Although there are plenty of other ways he can mark them up and he enjoys finding new ways. Even if they’re not as visual and permanent.
Peter also makes time for each of his kids and enjoys being a father. He revels in the role and loves reading bedtime stories to his younger kids, PTA meetings (he rises to the top of the rank really quickly, starts a turf war with a Karen but gets backed up by Mack’s mom. So it’s all cool.) And With his older kids he finds new ways to guide them through life as young adults. He’s there for every homework assignment, every break-up, every report card, and all the little moments he’s had to miss out on.
Also when Noah is pregnant, he’s closely monitored by Melissa and his licensed midwife. (He’s given birth to Malia and Stiles at home, he’s planning to do it again. Chris too, only has had homebirths, although Ben had to be rushed to the hospital because the doofus swallowed amniotic fluid during birth and turned blue after ten minutes. (Which is based on a true story, my brother had that complication after homebirth. Homebirths are very common in my country which is why I put them in my fics.)) And Peter and Chris go into protective overdrive. He keeps working for as long as he can but at four months pregnant with twins, he has to take a step back and only work desk duty until he’s 7.5 months along. He takes some time off after that and gets time to recuperate and rest. 
Chris for his last pregnancy also chooses to have a homebirth, Julio comes to work for him to do his arms deals and meetups while Chris takes a step back and works from his office until the day he goes into labor. And even then he’s still trying to get this deal done while breathing through contractions.
Also, imagine Peter getting to experience both of his mates being pregnant again. I like to imagine the smile on his face when he hears the heartbeats for the first time, how he just knows when his mates are pregnant, he recognizes the scent change now. He knows Chris is pregnant before Chris does. With Noah it’s a bit more of a tie since Noah can pick up the twins’ energy signatures and heartbeat at 4-5 weeks. Which is when the scent change happens.
I imagine the three of them curled up together after the youngest has been born, all tuckered out and completely passed out. The new baby curled up in the cosleeper next to the bed. Malia sneaks in without waking her dad and starts snapping pictures for the family album. And at one point during the night, Ben and the youngest twins end up sleeping in their parents’ bed as well. It becomes a routine until Ben is ten and generally likes to sleep alone. (Unless he’s upset, then he comes running.)
Also, the mere image of Chris wearing glasses and Noah wearing his police sunglasses (or regular glasses), like yes, sign me up. Also, Peter shows solidarity and starts wearing glasses later in life too. Which doesn’t only do wonders for their sex life (though that was never bad, to begin with) but also every single parent at Ben’s high school and the twins’ elementary school suddenly have the hots for the three extremely hot dilfs.
It also helps with getting justice for Ben when his son is being bullied at school and Chris has to convince Peter not to kill anyone, Noah shows off the sheriff’s  badge and starts suggesting a few things, and Chris likes to remind people that his son (Jackson) is now the youngest DA in the country and works from Beacon Hills and his other son (Stiles) is now an FBI agent who certainly wouldn’t mind digging into the past of whoever is bullying his little brother. (Not that he ever has to get that far, usually he smiles warmly and charms the principal or the teacher with his trademark smile and within a day Ben’s bullies are disciplined by the school.)
I have no idea where I’m going anymore as I’m pretty tired at this point. But these were stuck in my head and I had to share.
(Once again, I adore every single headcanon you’ve send me. <3)
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