#so just read them as two images.
fungi-maestro · 2 months
Happy tdov to fat trans people. 🏳️‍⚧️ Biggest thing that helped me as a trans kid was seeing older fat trans people. There were a lot of really irritating "advice" posts going around early in my time on the internet with a lot of misinformation in them, but one that I constantly saw (in addition to people claiming you should wear your pants rediculously low or only wear button ups) were posts saying you had to lose weight to transition. Can confidently confirm that is completely untrue. 👍
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ganondoodle · 9 months
i often really do feel like an .. unwanted part of the fandom, i dont draw beautiful landscapes, i have unpopular but strong opinions im constantly annoying about and rarely change, dont like/dont draw the pretty young popular twinks and hot gurls to fanboi over nor do i turn characters into one, the opposite moreso, draw only one ship no ones heard of really, got little energy to interact with the few people that are nice to me and send me asks so it probably looks like im ignoring everyone and unfortunately but still rarely get so stressed i get overwhelmed and emotional about pehaps seemingly minor things and spiral almost into a breakdown feeling super embarrassed about it afterwards but the damage is already done and i look like a freak or agressive weirdo
#ganondoodles talks#also probably sounds like self pity#but this feeling hits everytime i see a super popular artist be the popular cool artist#i am a little weird i know that and thats not somethign bad i think#but the internet never gets to see that much of me#i tend to write posts when i am at my worst bc it has to go somewhere#so the image it tells people is that im a weirdly strong opiniod freak that gets breakdowns over nothing#i also dont feel like im otherwise -cool tm- enough to balance that out#i dont think my art is as stylized or as inventive as others nor am i cool to interact with bc idk how to be cool to interact with#i feel double bad when i misstepped with someone i used to talk to bc of something stupid ... or just dont know what i did wrong#im guessing its especially when i am in that spiraling state of mind where i really am not myself tbh#it still feels very bad bc i feel like i can never make it up to anyone again#sorry i acted like a jerk my brain was exploding in emotions in a desperate attempt to deal with something idk how to deal with-#-and made me not act like myself but now i feel really dumb about it#doesnt sound like a good excuse#... i want to thank those that do stick with me#even if i acted strange sometimes- even if i disappointed sometimes- even when i couldnt keep a promise#there are little things that still make me angry at myself#like that one time i asked in the tags whod read as long as the end of them and if someone did shoudl send me an ask so id draw a lil thing#and i got two#and i kept trying to remeber oh shit i need to do that and forgetting again/not having energy for it in a loop#i still feel like a jerk about it but now its probably too late#i wish i could answer all asks i get but man my energy for that is always rock bottom#no matter how much i enjoy the ask#and i love getting asks!!!#im sorry :((
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po-cky-o-o · 2 years
I present a very unnecessary analysis of the scaralumi talk before the big fight
First of all I love the way they both can see through each other. I think often times we overlook how good Lumi is at understanding the feelings of others - mostly because Paimon does most of the talking - but here we can see just how good she is at reading him since (I believe) this is the most she has ever talked in a quest. Scara believes he knows what he wants, but Lumi knows what he needs.
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I like how he says this because it is true. We have been proven time and time again how Lumi cares about others, which is why despite her being enemies with Scara she can’t help but empathize with his situation.
But she’s not stupid, there’s where it comes the “almost” part. She is saying that as a way to try and stop his plans, not simply because she is worried about him and he knows that, but he still tries to convince her about him being, even though for a moment it almost sounds like he’s trying to convince himself.
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Scara then moves on to say how his life has been meaningless up to this point, as if becoming a god is his only purpose and without it he is nothing. So he tried to understand why would Lumi bother going through such “futile errands” of protecting everyone.
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But once again Lumi sees through him asking why then would he keep the connection with Haypasia (and consequently with Lumi herself). Even with his answer she is not convinced so he just deflects with his arrogance.
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Not to mention how everything he says about Haypasia can also be applied to Lumine, since they both share a connection with him and saw his past. I find it interesting how he was able to sense Lumi and immediately entered her consciousness to observe her
Once again Lumi is able to figure him out and say what she needed to tick him off. He says how bad she is at sewing discord, but he still goes ahead and attacks the fatui calling it an “expression of affection”like he did for Haypasia, putting the two girls on the same wavelength
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hauntinglyghostie · 26 days
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peridots-pixiwolf · 10 months
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sketches from @mipexch 's whiteboard a couple days ago!!
also feat. a very small reference to @onlineviolence :]
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augustheart · 2 years
i think that the cape comics fandom mantra of “comics suck don’t read comics” has been very detrimental to new readers and to the general state of comics fan circles online in general. criticizing something is good and it’s not exactly the death knell of the industry to go “i think this thing isn’t well written/has poor characterization/isn’t well illustrated,” far from it, but i guess it’s just… i don’t think it’s good to only ever tear down and complain about something that you claim to really love.
it’s also just not encouraging for people who want to get into comics. if comics suck and are universally terrible then why should someone read them instead of getting all their information from random comic panels referencing memes posted on twitter? consuming them that way must be inherently superior to actually reading them because comics are bad and these specific scenes are flukes in otherwise terrible issues, right? there's no point in reading comics if they're all just awful.
of course i'm guilty of this. there are definitely characters where i look at their backlog and i'm just like wow, all of this sucks, but at least more and more i'm seeing people explain why they don't like or wouldn't recommend something. and just saying "this comic sucks" can easily be shorthand for "this work has something fundamentally flawed in it like racism or misogyny or what have you" and it's good to discuss those things and call them out when they might be hiding behind a shiny exterior. but while i kvetch and moan about comics all the time i do earnestly love them. more than anything, i want people to love comics the way i do. i want them to like the characters i like and enjoy the stories i enjoy, because some of those stories are the best i’ve ever read anywhere! i want them to see this art form as something worthwhile and incredible!
comics are bad, but comics are also good. i think more people would like them if they knew that.
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sisterdivinium · 3 months
All her life had she been selfish, placing her needs and whims above all else; all her life had she defied an institution whose entire foundation was built upon the branches of a tree whose fruit was forbidden for its flavour of knowledge.
Still could Jillian not force her to stay — she barely recalled how she had gotten her into her bed to begin with.
Come morning, she always relinquished Suzanne to her habit, to her prayers; she would watch her don the veil Jillian herself had pulled off and rush out for service.
And, somehow, selfless, she let her.
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mari-lair · 11 months
Hello! I just want to say thank you for serving the Aoikane nation! I appreciate all the in-depth analysis you made for this ship considering that almost all of the TBHK fandom looks down on the ship because it's "toxic" and they're not good enough for each other. It's so nice and refreshing to see someone who view the ship in a more positive light! Thank you!
It’s my pleasure, Anon! Their flaws only make their love more endearing to me, and if no one will talk about it you bet I'll be here ready to go insane over them!
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scatterpatter · 1 year
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FINALLY giffed up my sweet boyes in their debut!!! Thank you S3E05 Where Is Thy Sting for giving us these lil idiots I care them so many
Bonus Jetfire getting absolutely clonked because this is so freaking funny:
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skeletalheartattack · 19 days
remembering a dream i had, where i was visiting a family member who was showing us around the new house they moved into, and at some point i was desperately trying to find a bathroom, but not to do my business or whatever - i was specifically looking for a bathroom that had a mirror.
so i'm going around this persons house, going from bathroom to bathroom, trying to find a mirror because i guess i wanted to make sure my hair looked good, and for some reason, not a single bathroom had a mirror. eventually in my search, i run into the woman who can only be described as either my aunt or a representation of my mother, and i'm like "hey listen, do you have a mirror anywhere?" and she looks at me and laughs, and she says "oh honey we don't have any mirrors, we use god's most important invention" and then proceeds to hand me her phone.
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get-back-homeward · 10 months
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Davidwache Police Station | Painting by Klaus Voormann Prior to being deported, Paul McCartney spends a night in the Davidwache police station.
In the meantime, the final four could start playing [at the Top Ten club] now, and move themselves into the bunk-bed accommodation at the top of the building.c Tony Sheridan was already here, possibly others too, and the Beatles were welcome to shoehorn themselves in. It was neither the Ritz nor the pits. John was the first to move. Then Paul and Pete went back to the Bambi to grab their gear.
The place was in near darkness, as usual. They had to strike a match to see their way about … and then they decided to leave Koschmider a little gift. Pete had a few “spunk bags,” and he and Paul had the idea to hang them on nails in the wall in the long concrete passageway and set light to them. “The place was dank and dark,” says Pete. “They spluttered, they stank, and OK, maybe they singed a tiny bit of tapestry on the wall. It caused nothing but a little smoke and a few scorch marks and then they went out.”41 It was the ultimate fuck you, Bruno, or so they thought.
They got to play one night in the Top Ten, and it seems to have been a good one, pulling business away from the Kaiserkeller, but it was just this one night. Having been shafted once by Eckhorn, when he’d prized away the Jets and Tony Sheridan from the Kaiserkeller, Koschmider wasn’t going to sit back and let it happen again. He might also have guessed the Beatles would make some grand gesture for his “benefit”—they could even have hinted of it—because an inspection was made of the Bambi’s rooms very quickly. When the stinkende qualmende Piedeltüten were found, he decided to form the view it was an attempt to burn down his cinema, and informed the police.
The chronology of events over the next twenty-four hours is rife with confusion and contradiction, but may have gone something like this. Paul was picked up by the police while walking along the Reeperbahn, taken by car to the Davidwache police station (two hundred meters from the Top Ten) and locked in a cell. Pete and John were also arrested. Koschmider didn’t know which of them was responsible for the “attempted arson,” so the Polizei rounded them all up. As Stuart wrote in a letter back to Liverpool a few days later:
I am living in the lap of luxury and contentment. Better than the cell I spent a night in last week. I was innocent this time though accused of arson—that is, setting fire to the Kino (cinema) where we sleep. I arrive at the club and am informed that the whole of Hamburg Police are looking for me. The rest of the band are already locked up, so smiling and very brave on the arm of Astrid, I proceed to give myself up. At this time I’m not aware of the charge. All my belongings, including spectacles, are taken away and I’m led to a cell where without food or drink I sat for six hours on a very wooden bench, the door shut very tight. I fall asleep at two in the morning. I signed a confession written in Deutsch that I knew nothing about a fire, and they let me go.42
John was also allowed to go. It was now clear who’d done the dirty deed, and for them the ordeal continued; Paul would always remember the little one-way peephole in the door of their detention room, through which he sensed they were watched. It seems he and Pete were then allowed to leave, but a few hours later—early the following morning—they were dragged out of their Top Ten bunk beds and interviewed a second time. Pete suggests they were taken to Hamburg’s main prison at Fühlsbuttel, Paul remembers it being “the Rathaus … it doesn’t mean rat house, it just felt like one.” They were interviewed by an official of the Bundeskriminalamt (Federal CID), one Herr Gerkins, and it was definitely inadvisable to snigger. Instead, they requested permission to contact the British Embassy, like people did in the films, and were refused; then they were taken for a car ride. “We tried our best to persuade him it was nothing,” Paul says, “and he said, ‘OK fine, well you go with these men.’ And that was the last we knew of it. We just headed out with these couple of coppers. And we were getting a bit ‘Oh dear, this could be the concentration camps’—you never know. It hadn’t been that long [since the war].”43
Criminal charges were not pressed, but Koschmider, inevitably, had the last laugh. It wasn’t a camp to which Paul and Pete were being taken, but the airport—and in handcuffs, according to Stuart. They were being deported, and banned from reentering Germany unless they lodged an appeal within a month. Auf Wiedersehen, Piedels! Handed their passports at the gate, they were put on the London plane, set to fly for the first time in their lives. It then got even tastier for Koschmider because Eckhorn was billed for at least part of the cost of the plane tickets. Bruno must have been rubbing his hands with joy.
—Tune In, Ch. 17 (Oct 1–Dec 31, 1960)
Sources: 41 Author interview, March 7, 1985. Pete says (Beatle!, p72) there were four rubbers and always speaks of them in plural, Paul speaks of one. 42 December 12, 1960, sent to Ken Horton. This letter provides the only suggestion that John was arrested in the roundup; he’s not mentioned in other accounts. 43 Interview by Paul Gambaccini, Rolling Stone, June 12, 1979. Rathaus means “city hall.” Instead of the main prison at Fühlsbuttel, it’s more likely Paul and Pete were taken to the remand prison near St. Pauli called Untersuchungsgefängnis (easier done than said).
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askthekirbysquad · 10 months
I've been working through RtDL DX's Extra Mode fairly slowly, so I'm only just getting close to finishing it up now. I got all 120 Energy Spheres earlier today, and uhhhhhhh
Fun fact: This dialogue is entirely new to DX! It's not in the original. I went back to my old file on the Wii and checked.
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Haha yeah you little shit, we know you're planning to betray us soon (still love you though <3)
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EXCUSE ME????????
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And then he goes on to explain a bit more, as seen above. But uhhhhhh,,, yeah!!! He's not actually Halcandran!!!! That's a new piece of Lore right there. My jaw dropped while reading it lmao
Anyway, moving on from that bombshell of a sentence, since we still aren't done with the full dialogue,
Remember that post I made a bit over a month ago talking about some of Manager Magolor's dialogue, where I was wondering if that dream of his regarding the theme park also applied to Main Mode Magolor?
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Hell yeah this is such a victory for me I was so excited to read that dghsghfs
Magolor stole the Master Crown so he could make a giant theme park Confirmed and Canon and Real /hj
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And then we also get a fun little reference to the Kirby Clash games!
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A steal in Kirby's eyes, maybe, but that's only because he doesn't understand real-world currency.
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And to close out this post, here are the last two lines of dialogue from this conversation!
Anyway. I'm losing my mind 💖
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batsplat · 11 days
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deeply compelled by this photo
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sysig · 2 years
I have a request, if you haven't already done it before! How about your favorite of the made up stories from the Vargas parent teacher night sidefic? I like seeing them get along, haha
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Day 15 - “Memory”
#My art#Requestober#Vargas#Scriabin#Edgar#You got me on two technicalities anon - I have already drawn one of the stories from Parent-Teacher Night#If you remember all the way back to the second sketchdump the very first picture is their first kiss ♥ Which I love very much!#Other than that one my favourite of the made up stories is actually Scriabin wishing he could set everything on fire lol#Not exactly one they constructed together but since it's impossible with his wings as they are ouq Doubly as they are!#Only in his own memories now ahh 💔#So picking one that I first of all remembered and then also enjoyed as much - ah that's a bit of a challenge actually lol#I'm still not rereading >:3c You can't trick me that easily! Haha ♪ But that means I pulled around from half-remembered images haha#I feel like I might've combined Christmas and rescuing Edgar from a party I don't remember if those were separate events lol#Ugly dog Christmas sweater?? Fuzzy fuzzy fuzzy brain lol#Pretty sure I had a different mental image when I first read as well but pfpshfsphpshsph it's fine lol#I mostly just wanted to draw them drinking happily together ♥ And I pulled the colours from their matching Christmas sweaters :D#It does make me curious what fake backstory scene resonates with everyone differently hmm ♪#Oh yeah and the two onlookers like ''Why are they arguing that sounds like a nice time but the tone they're telling it in...'' lol#Expectation vs. Reality haha#Oh I just remembered the proposal! Ahhh!!!#Well next time haha
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yuusuno · 10 months
i'm listening to the audiobook for good omens rn and i've always been under the impression that ppl who read the book first were happy with season 1 because from what i heard, the adaption was super close to the book. but now i'm looking through the book omens tag (only found out this existed today and i enjoyed looking at the fanart) and it seems like it's not as universally liked as i thought? for season 2 and even the ending of the season 1 i get why fans of the book may not enjoy it. but from what i've seen, the show characters' personalities were just slightly different enough that some people didn't like them at all.
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wandaxpietro · 3 months
relapsed thinking about eriklorna again. fucked up fucked up fucked up
#daddaughter about a questionable father and a very angry daughter who are also mirror images of each other is so real to me#his favorite daughter... his youngest daughter...#the thing with the two of them to me(tm) is that wanda&pietro are such a unit(tm) that erik and lorna will always be left behind#lorna and pietro are very close but she'll never escape the wanda&pietro(tm) yknow#once wanda is there it's her her and only her#similarly erik has fucked up w the twins obvi but even if he didn't it'd still be wanda&pietro and then everyone else#it's fascinating.#i think she's his favorite bcuz of that but also bcuz she has his powers which means she understands(tm)#aka they both have that vague canonical magnetic mutation disorder that's just bipolar#and she's also the one he respects the most out of his children historically (even when he uses her like he does everyone)#<- which is hilarious bcuz then leah williams came along and ummmm. yeah#the thing about the leah williams eriklorna dynamic is that canonically it's bad and completely inaccurate to their histories together#BUT it's also really hot to me personally. which is a dilemma#dad who tries to mold his daughter into the perfect little woman... the pressure of their 'legacy' and his being overbearing just leading#to her rebelling... it's great idk.#but also not great bcuz this woman doesn't read comics. so i'm permamently stuck flipflopping#which eriklorna dynamic i like the most lol#like... do i listen to my head or do i listen to my pussy... so complicated smh#txt#don't even get me started on ultimate eriklorna i will never shut up about it
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