#so maybe having a long break or smth is gonna help
kalki-tarot · 5 months
Love & Career in 2024 🖤🍷💸
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I'll be using tarot cards and my own intuition so it may not resonate with everyone. Keep in mind that this reading is purely for entertainment purposes so be mindful of your own actions and choices. I'm not responsible for any decisions you make on behalf of my readings.
Pick a pile masterlist 🖤
Pile 01
8 wands, 6 wands, page of swords, queen of swords, knight of pentacles
Hello beautiful souls 💓
Let's talk about your career first. I'm seeing you getting praised or popular very fastly. If you're manifesting something career related then it's your sign it's gonna enter your life soon! You'll get a promotion at your workplace and if you're still studying then I'm seeing you're gonna be the top student of your class. Everyone will praise you and you'll be in Everyone's talks and gossips about how did you achieve it.
If some things got stuck or stagnant then a change is coming soon. All this stagnant energy will flow away and new creative and inspiring energy will lead you towards success my dear pile 1. Don't worry just be consistent and your efforts will be recognized and appreciated very soon.
New ideas will be put into action or will be manifested in reality. If you wanna start a new course then it's the right time to do so. I'm seeing communication for you too. You'll get new opportunities and will make new contacts and connections in your work life which will help you alot leveling up more.
Your overall energy is the Queen of swords which tells me that this year, you'll just focus on your goals and won't spend too much time thinking about the bs. Your plans would be clear cut and will be put into action. I'm not seeing you procrastinating or smth like that. It's a very fast, quick and easy going energy, but stable throughout.
New opportunities on the way! I'm seeing you getting a job letter or something like that. If you're struggling with getting a job then an opportunity is out there in 2024! So be ready ♡
2 wands, 8 wands, 9 pentacles, Temperance, 6 swords, 9 swords ( 5 pentacles, the devil, 4 pentacles, the moon, 5 swords)
Woah! You know what pile 1, we need to let go of some things before before it's too late. We need to let go of things even if it hurts only for our own good. The bad or good news is I'm seeing you breaking up or finally letting go of a toxic relationship or love. You've held it in for so long and in 2024, I'm seeing you releasing all of that. It's better to leave than being left out in the cold, right?
2024 is the year of a fresh start and ending the cycles. It's the year to relax and heal. It's great that you're walking away from such people. I know it takes a lot of strength and courage to do that and you have the guts to leave someone so toxic and unhealthy for you. I'm not necessarily seeing someone new entering in your life. I'm seeing YOU, choosing to walk away from this situation.
You'll know that the grass is greener on the other side. You'll explore new things in love. Maybe go on a few dates? By the end of 2024, you'll be balanced spiritually and physically. You'll be properly healed and you'll discover much more about yourself rather than other people. It's necessary to know ourselves before trying to understand some one else. That's it for you, please reblog this post if you liked it. Thanks ♡
Pile 02
3 of swords, page of pentacles, ace of swords, 6 of wands, the devil, 8 of wands
Career wise, Things may get a little rocky for you this year. But don't worry, with extra caution and mindfulness you'll be able to thrive through this. The advice I'm getting for is to not take any shortcuts for success to come fast, as it'll only result in your own downfall.
Be careful of people who look very nice and popular as they're not what they seem from their outer side. Just focus on grabbing opportunities and working truthfully for yourself and your loved ones. Your creative energy would be at peak this year, it's time for you to realize your potential and work with it next year.
Your 2024 is the year to hustle hard so be dedicated to your work/study. Lot's of success will be at your door if you don't fall into any traps.
Knight of cups, wheel of fortune, 9 of pentacles, 4 of pentacles, the hermit, 7 of wands ( 9 swords & 8 pentacles )
Wow babe! You've done lots of healing and lot's of self care in 2023! And now it's the time for love finally coming into your life through divine intervention in 2024. As we have the wheel of fortune here, I'm seeing You've finally let go of the old cycles and karmic patterns.
The old thinking patterns and attachment wounds will be healed. You'll fight your way through this very powerfully. You've done a lot of self introspection and self discovery in 2023.
You are one step ahead of pile 1, you're asked to just go with flow and let the universe guide you through the vast ocean of sadness to the never ending love. A romantic, water sign energy may approach you with love 👀 next year. Abundance and clarity will flow through just don't complex your emotions any more. Trust your intuition and let it guide you.
That's it! Pile 2 ♡ If this helped you a little bit please comment and reblog xoxo
Pile 03
The magician, Temperanc, ace of wands, 8 wands, ace of cups, the fool (king of cups)
The year 2024 will bring you lots of emotional satisfaction in terms of your career. You would be a successful person, but with the right actions and decisions. Create a path for yourself and walk on it. You should have the desire amd commitment if you wanna achieve something in life.
In 2024, there is a need for you to have a clear mindset snd step wise approach. Do everything in a proper balance. Good things take time to manifest. Your dedication and ability to stay composed under pressure will help you stand out.
Whatever you're thinking about, go for it. Just "go for it", don't think too much if that gives you happiness. Whether you've been thinking about launching a project or reaching out to a new networking connection, 2024 is the time.
Next year would be an year of swift progress and rapid growth. Everything will seem so fast and would gain momentum. You may even travel for work.
Something would be headed your way in your professional life, whether that's a new job, a new responsibility within your current role, or even a new business partner or connection, a new and promising path may be opening up.
You'll overall enjoy this year in terms of your professional or career life.
10 swords, 2 of wands, knight of pentacles, 5 of pentacles, queen of swords, 5 of wands, the tower ( 9 swords, 7 cups, magician )
Listen pile 3, to be honest 2024 would be rocky for you, you know. I channeled that you should not go alone in clubs or pubs or take any drinks with strangers. Be careful guys.
For some of you I'm getting that you guys are just staying single this year and focusing more on your self growth and options in love. You may solo travel or go on solo dates. You know loving yourself and all.
You may actually reach out to a therapist if your experiences were not so good in love before. If not, then I'm seeing you reaching out for yourself, my love. You're giving yourself the love and warmth you've never received from anyone else. You're now, not letting bs people get into your life and make a hell out of it. You're tryna stay healthy and happy.
For some of you, there's an advice of manifesting new love in your life. Get into that mindset. List down all the qualities you want in a partner and visualizing would also help you.
I'm seeing a divorce for some of you, or even a legal matter that involves a person you once loved. They probably lied and deceived you. You may fight for yourself in the court this year. Sending Lots of hugs and love to you dear if this is happening to you. Stay strong and you'll be more blessed. 💓✨️
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alexxncl · 1 month
normal and hard
masterlist | all lessons | lesson 31 | lesson 33
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i know i said i like angst and this is exactly what i meant by angst but OUCH ????
and ik i've (probably) said this about satan but i wish they'd show and tell levi how much they care about him to his face, like it'd at least help his self-deprecating and self-loathing tendencies be pushed to the back of his mind at least for a little bit yk
everyone needs a bit of reassurance, especially when they're so deep in a cycle of self-hatred that their default setting is to think the worst of themselves and believe that everyone around them thinks the same
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also i feel like it's pretty obvious that levi and lotan are in the flood equivalent of the "eye of the storm" right? RIGHT???
he's completely submerged, which means he's still at least near the HOL, which means he's still in his room in his tub-bed right ?????
also, jealousy and envy are two different things, though they're very similar. jealousy is the threat of losing someone or something, evny is wanting what someone else has. we've seen levi act on his envy all the time, but the fear of losing mc forever is something he's never had to deal with until now. imagine they left without saying goodbye?? then he'd be envious. if the avatar of envy jealous is this bad, the avatar of envy being being envious is realm ending
also, this is the first time we've seen levi use his powers to this extent in the entirety of both games if i remember correctly. have we seen mammon and lucifer do the same ??? imagine what that would look like...
there's already a power gap between levi and mams, but the power gap between lucifer and the rest of the brothers is immeasurable. like lucifer ripped 2 of his wings off and birthed the 4th most powerful of 7 and is STILL the most powerful of all of them by a long shot. if this is what happens when levi's almost completely acting on and engulfed by his sin, what would it look like if lucifer did the same? or worse?
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maybe i'm getting ahead of myself and thinking too hard, but what if levi's little d is lotan? like what if he can shapeshift or smth???
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see now i'm really thinking his little d is lotan, bc how else would they teleport from the castle back to levi's room in the HOL and be underwater while being able to talk if lotan/no. 3 hadn't hadn't bought them there ???
"consumed by a snake" or whatever the fortune was, what if this is jonah and the whale type shit ???
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ok so i was right about him being in the HOL, but not his room. he's in mc's room from the current timeline
"our love transcends time" or whatever the login screen for the game's opening is, this is a physical and spiritual manifestation of that. they love mc so much that even in different universes, they still feel an indescribable and irreplaceable connection to them. even in his darkest mental state, levi still seeks mc's presence, or at least the remnants of it, for comfort. the same can be said for the others
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while yes, he did kiss them to save them, the fact that he was able to push away his anxiety to save someone he cares about with no hesitation is proof that he's also deserving of love and affection and care regardless of what he thinks about himself. and the fact that he's still blaming himself for having feelings (even though the intensity of those feelings did end up flooding the devildom) makes me so sad
i just want him to be happy and love himself as much as he loves his brothers and mc and as much as they love him :(
he's getting there though, and i love how the devs take time with exploring how difficult it is to break yourself out of such a detrimental mental state not just for levi, but for everyone
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luveline · 2 years
omg omg your reqs are open!! can you pls write smth with james spoiling his s/o who doesn't know how to accept bcs they're not used to being given anything unless there's a special occasion? thank u so much!!
thank you for your request! I think this might be really long i wrote it in the app so idk how much it is ♡ fem!reader
James bursts into your flat like he owns it. The door slams up against the wall and his bags fall to the floor in a tumultuous heap. He groans so loud you can feel it in your own chest, and then he asks, "Where's my girl?"
You poke your head out from the living room and take in all his things with wide eyes. Your smile quickly turns elated. "You're staying the night?"
"A few, if you'll have me."
You stroll straight into his arms, ignoring the cold of the rain on his windbreaker and how chilled his cheeks are as you take his face into your hands.
"It'll cost you," you joke, smile fond enough to have him laughing, thrilled. Adored.
"Good, because I brought gifts."
You giggle at him and look down at his bags. There's a rucksack, a bigger duffel bag, a grocery bag, and what looks like something from a clothes shop — a canvas bag with a fancy brand printed over the side. "Is that one for me?" you ask, pointing at the supermarket bag. "You've brought me something nice for dinner?"
"I have, my angel."
James rubs the length of your arm with his hand until your drop your hold on his face and wrap them around him instead to hide in his chest. He kisses over the top and side of your head a handful of times, each one gentle and very, very warm.
"Okay, give me a real kiss and let's put this lot away," he says after a moment.
You raise your head and pout. His lips are hot and sudden as he ducks down — he steals your breath, grasps your cheek in one hand and your shoulder in another. He means it when he says a real kiss. This one warms you all the way to your toes.
You break first. He chases you, pecking your fizzing lips with a quirk to his own.
James makes you feel very lucky to be loved the way that he does. His affection leaves you dizzy and giddy in the silly breathless way, like the rush of a schoolyard crush buffeted by a stickying devotion. You're more than reluctant to move away from him now, as if your hands have been glued to his coat.
"Alright," he says gently, giving you another kiss. "Alright. I brought ice cream, and it's melting. Otherwise I'd stand here and kiss you all day."
You help him carry his bags into the kitchen and peak into the supermarket bag cheekily. When he catches you looking you shy away.
"It's okay, shortcake. You can look. It's all for you, anyways."
You beam and open the bag. He's brought the makings of your favourite food, expensive branded ingredients and off the counter cuts. You delight at his spoiling though it really is too much. It helps to know he'll be sharing; it's not entirely for you. Still, his spending always surprises you, used to shop brands and reduced stickers.
"Are we gonna make this now?" you ask.
"Maybe in a bit? I have some other things I want to show you."
You blink. "Okay."
He pulls the fancy clothes bag onto the table and smiles at you. "I had to get new polo's. If you don't like anything I can take it back."
"You have good taste," you say, quizzical. James hardly cares if you hate his clothes anyways. He'd once worn Hawaiian themed shirts for an entire fortnight.
He pulls out the first thing and you abruptly understand his meaning. It's a soft white top made up of very thin cotton. It's a sleep shirt, the fabric delicate and brushed to the touch. Tiny, dainty flowers are cut out in lines down the length.
"That suits you, don't you think?" he asks thoughtfully, holding it flat to his chest so he can look down the front of it. "There's matching bottoms, too. Here."
He hands you the top and pulls out the bottoms, shorts made up of the same fabric with lettuce, ruffled hemming.
"I got the bottoms a size up because they looked on the smaller side, but I can swap them out if they're wrong." He runs his hand over the hem. "They might've been a selfish purchase. They're lovely, aren't they?"
You smile a second too late. "They're really nice," you say sincerely.
He puts the shorts down and reaches back into the bag. You're excited but also in awe, the kind that plays with your tummy, has you shifting from foot to foot.
He shows you a warmer pair of pajamas. Just as sweet as the first but in a muted lilac and made up of a more substantial fabric, he holds a pair of relaxed fitting bottoms and a short top with short sleeves.
"I think the bottoms might be a bit long on you, shortcake," he says. "What do you think? Are they alright?"
"They're nice," you say, mouth dry.
He nods, satisfied, and digs right back into the bag. Last up is a t-shirt with your favourite artists album cover on the front. "I knew you'd like this, so I basically cheated. It's a big one. I think it's meant to be a proper shirt but I reckon you can wear it for pajamas if it's not your style."
He's very thoughtful. You run your hand down the fabric and can't choose where to look, the clothes and their tags or his face, waiting casually for your feedback.
"James, what have you got me all this for?" you ask. You can't keep the love out of your voice.
"You like it?" he asks, relieved.
"I love it. All of it. I mean..." You turn back to the white and lilac pajamas on the clothes. "They're really beautiful. Almost too nice to wear to bed."
"That's not really true. You look so pretty when you sleep," he says, reaching out to poke the soft of your tummy.
You rub your lips together. "It's not- I haven't missed our anniversary, have I?" You laugh weakly, scared for your life.
James' dark curls bounce as he laughs. "No, of course you haven't. It's three weeks and-"
"Two days," you finish. "That's what I thought. But why?"
"Why what?"
"Why have you got me all this?"
He shrugs. "I mean, 'cos I wanted to? I thought it would make you happy. Why else do you buy things for people?"
You bring your feet together and beam at him. "I don't know. Special occasions?"
"It is a special occasion. I'm staying with my girl for the weekend."
He must see on your face that you're going in for a thank you kiss because he puts down the shirt and opens his arms to bring you in. His forearms press to your arched back and pull you up, and he receives your gleeful kiss with a similarly overlarge smile.
"I don't know what to say," you confess against his lips, driving in for another kiss. "Thank you."
The words are all smushed up into him. He encourages your head carefully to one side and kisses you silly, hands roving appreciatively up the slope of your back and thigh pushing between yours.
"That's more than enough," he says after pulling away.
You make a terrible, indulgent squealing sound in the back of your throat. It's rather exciting, getting gifts for nothing. Not that James hasn't bought you things, he has, but some pajamas just because he likes you?
It feels amazing, the gift and the feelings behind it.
"I got you some other stuff, too," he admits, hands having moved to a more amicable place on your waist. He clings as you try to move. "I'm sorry! Sorry, but there was this candle that smelled like your moisturiser and then there was a whole section of things, don't run away!"
You stop your struggling and pretend to go limp. James catches you, pulls you in until your torsos are kissing. You bring up your head and narrow your eyes, softly chastening.
"I love you," he says lightly, hedging for forgiveness.
How can you stay mad?
"I love you too. I feel throughly spoiled," you say.
"Good! You deserve to feel spoiled, angel. I'm spoiling you."
"Yeah, gonna make you dinner and everything."
You straighten out to kiss him again. You really are spoiled.
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screampied · 1 month
Any suggestions on how to write smut
yuh! i can’t speak for everyone but these are some things that help me 💛🌟.
tag things properly: tagging your kinks, warnings are really important. it’s normal to forget a few things after you post smth, i have a few times and you can always change it later — but make sure to list every or just about every kink/thing that’s happened (ex: fem! afab! /etc.) and for kinks such as (ex. dumbification, spanking, daddy kink) some things that aren’t tagged properly may end up triggering someone. always specify the reader beforehand.
synonyms are your best friend: i mean like, you’re gonna eventually find yourself thinking you’re repeating words. maybe you’re like “how many variations of 'thrust' can i use?” use a thesaurus! i use wordhippo and its a really good resource to strengthen your word structure, especially if you have a hard time with building up pace.
be dramatic: this is fiction, it’s okay to have fun in your writing. when you’re writing smut, not everything has to be so serious—in real life, there’s lots of awkward and silly moments! have fun, don’t be worried about whether this character won’t do this or say that, it’s your story.
do research: whether you have irl experience or not, it’s completely fine to do research! maybe you’re trying to fully describe a certain position. there’s no shame in it, besides the more descriptive, the better!
don’t rush through it: take your time, it’s different for everyone but i know that writing actual smut takes a bit long sometimes. rushing through smut scenes will make it feel not as natural, a build up in between / during scenes are sometimes very important. sometimes a tip to help not rush through scenes is outline it beforehand. jot down certain brief things you want to happen before fully executing it. once you feel like it’s a good time to end it, you’ll know!
be captivating: when writing smut, you kinda wanna do certain things that may catch a reader's eye. whether it’s aesthetics, a good synopsis, or even a few steamy paragraphs before the read more! your synopsis doesn’t have to be too long, but make it a strong sentence or two giving a brief summary of your piece. before you go to the read more break, write a bit in a captivating way to where someone would want to click read more and read your entire post!
be patient: lastly, be patient. whether you’ve been writing smut for years, months, or even a few days, at the end of the day it takes time. it takes time to build up and be comfortable with your writing and your own personal writing style. there’ll be some days where you feel like you’re not getting enough recognition or feel like your work isn’t good enough compared to others—that’s totally valid to feel that way! the important thing to remember is that, try to have fun. don’t force yourself to write, take breaks when necessary. you won’t be able to master the writing of smut in a single day, just practice and you got this !!!
there’s probably more stuff i’m leaving out but this is the most i could think of heh. hope this helps u love!
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minas-linkverse · 7 months
Do you have any tips or tricks on how to start a comic like this? Or even just how you got started?? I've had my own au for years that I so badly wanna put out into the world but I've been struggling with finding a good way to start it!!!!
Hm!! Ok!! This is a tough question with many different answers even just from me. I'll do my best to answer tho!! 😮
The main bit of advice I want to give, and which I think is vital to anyone creating anything:
☆ Know yourself.
When looking up advice for creating, people love to tell you that by doing things a specific way is the best and only way to go. Often advice of this sort has solid points, you should plan ahead, you should have easy character designs, buut... You don't have to.
I do not work well with outlines or scripts. I dislike sketching. You'd think that'd make being a long form comic artist impossible for me, but nope.
I know theres things I cannot do, so I've put all my practise to what I can do. My lineart style allows me to almost skip sketching completely, my scripts are more of an A to B structure than law. I improv 90% of the time when making pages. It's kinda like dnd with myself.
I would absolutely not reccomend what I'm doing to others, but I know it works for me. People can tell me I'm doing it wrong but its either wrong or no comic at all, SO. Suck it. 👍
Er. Rambling now.
My point is, figure out what you can and cant do, and do your best to give yourself the ideal work enviorment and process.
☆ Deal with being overwhelmed
Making just a few panels and suddenly realising its gonna take years to get anywhere is SO demoralising. It's gonna happen and its gonna happen again, and again, and—
But continuing with the earlier advice, you gotta ask yourself what would help you. Are you willing to sacrifice quality? Do you just need a break? Maybe you're like me and like to include smth you love in every update so you'll have something to get excited about making.
That feeling of overwhelm is trying to tell you something, so figure out what that is so it wont end the project for you.
☆ Start it
You wont like what you make when starting. I've never heard of an artist who has.
I'm not saying start this instant, not everyone is as into improv and flailing around as me. But I will say you'll never feel ready. Figure out the minimun of what you need to start and do it. Show friends first if youre afraid to post.
Also where to start? Well sure there's lots of good advice online about that, but you can also just doodle random stuff until you feel like diving deeper. That's what LV started with, just Twi and Wild hanging out with animals and some headcanons. It may not be the most tightly written work but theres beauty in the humanity of a mess.
☆ Extras
A "failed project" or "forgotten WIP" is only a failure if you let yourself feel that way. Yea it can be a hauntingly strong feeling thats hard to deal with... But it can be beaten. WIPS are proof you tried and not everyone can say they have.
Lv is far from done and I have no intention of dropping it, but because the journey has been so nice I'd satisfied even if I had to call it here. Its smth that helps me with the overwhelm... What I've made is beautiful even now.
Comparing yourself to others is gonna rip your heart out. I love that theres other links meet aus out there and hope the best for those artists but I caNNot follow any of them or I'll crumble to dust.
So Uhm.
Basically. Have fun and be yourself. 👍
Ps. Readability is basically the most important thing for a comic artist to pay attention to, that and not destroying yourself with details and rendering. 🙌 Good luck out there!
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amaesama · 1 year
this is so fucking specific so i understand if you don’t wanna do this but ..
could i req smth about the pastas (particularly toby, ben, and ej) with a super cuddly, affectionate s/o, who’s also prone to getting hurt easily because of a genetic disorder?
i bruise from basically nothing and i’m more prone to breaking bones, which isn’t smth you want when surrounded by serial killers, but GOD i wanna cuddle them so bad. unstoppable force meets immovable object
I- LOVE THIS IDEA??? SO MUCH?? I’m extremely anaemic and I also bruise very easily, I know my condition might not be the same as yours but I think this is a really interesting idea oml. Also I don’t write romantically for BEN so his section is altered just a bit, sorry for the inconvenience:(
Characters: Ticci Toby, Eyeless Jack, BEN Drowned, Jeff the Killer (I thought he’d suit this so I added him)
Ticci Toby
Toby himself has a long list of diagnoses so when you first tell him about your condition he’s like ‘omg we should make a club.’ Why? I don’t know but it’s cute of him.
However he quickly learns that his Tourette’s and your disorder are not a very good match, something he first learns when you pounce on him for a hug and his motor tics makes him slap your arm and you’re like ‘:( owie’ and a massive bruise ends up forming.
Ever since then he’s very cautious when he touches you as he is very aware of how destructive some of his motor tics can be, and you’re like ‘no it’s ok, it’s not your fault :(‘ but the poor guy will still feel awful.
In the end you’re not gonna leave him because of something he has no control over and he’s not gonna let his Tourette’s stop you from loving each other. He tries to suppress them as much as possible but you just know how uncomfortable he will be when he stops so you try your best to stop him doing that. Sometimes he can feel his tics coming so he will tell you to make a bit of distance from him, which you’ve decided is the best way to keep the both of you safe.
BEN Drowned
BEN is a trickster at heart, and when he hears that there’s someone around who shouldn’t be pranked because of how fragile they are he’s like ‘yeah sure whatever’ and just brushes it off.
HOWEVER when he tries to spook you this one time in your room by pulling some poltergeist shit and throwing stuff around and you get really hurt when he lobbed a teddy bear at you a bit too hard he’s like 👁️👄👁️
Although he adores the look of anger and shock whenever he pranks someone, something about actually causing you damage just makes him so uncomfortable. He will leave you alone for a bit, and when you ask him why he’s like ‘yeah you’re no fun to mess with >:(‘ which is a total lie he just doesn’t want to hurt you.
From now on he looks out for you to makes sure you don’t end up hurting yourself somehow, and if you point this out to him he’ll play dumb and pretend like he had no clue what you’re talking about.
Eyeless Jack
Part of Jack already knows about your disorder and wants to learn more about it with you helping him out; he has a passion for medicine and biology so he’ll try his best to chemically reduce the chances of you breaking bones or injuring yourself.
The other part of him is inhabited by a demon that is very stronk and could kill a man without breaking a sweat. This means that any affection of any kind makes him very on edge, and when one wants to cuddle and relax one should not be on edge.
So when you pull him into his room and make him flop on his bed cuz you feel like hugging him he’s like 🧍‍♂️cuz you can squeeze him as hard as you want (‘actually maybe not too hard, Y/N if you strain your arms too much you might pull something out of place - can you loosen your grip a bit please?’) and he won’t break, but there’s no way in hell he’s gonna bear hug you anytime soon.
Also have you seen his nails?? The guys got straight up talons on his fingers and what if he accidentally brushes your arm or something? Nope, he has to wear gloves. Big oven gloves. He doesn’t care if they’re awkward to wear, your safety is his priority.
Jeff the Killer
Pfffff lmao you’re weak.
This dickhead finds it HILARIOUS, he will make fun of you all the time, being like ‘oop be careful walking down the stairs, grandma, you might get a splinter’ or something dumb like that.
Absolutely zero remorse.
And then you get into a relationship with him (god knows how) and he has a sudden moment of realisation of how serious your condition is, which is very sobering.
He will totally threaten anyone if they’re holding anything he deems as heavy to not come near you, and if you pass someone in a corridor he’ll stand between you and them in case they try anything.
Turns into one of those protective mothers who puts nappies and duct tape on all sharp corners in the house, and if you point it out to him he’ll be like
‘Umm.. no?? That’s for me, I don’t give a shit about you bumping into things.’
He’s a liar.
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darkwitchingflower · 2 months
ITS BEEN A WHILE but here's things me and my friends have said as pjo character pt 4/5???
Annabeth: That's not very feminism of you (@wraith--2)
Hestia: maybe build like a life size bread bloke (@carpcranium)
Leo: Feels like my toes are bleeding but it's just cause they're defrosting (@wraith--2)
Percy to annabeth: Nooo pookie don't leave ill get her a spider abortion (friend not on tumblr)
Annabeth: I thought I'd die before seeing common sense in this gc (friend not on tumblr)
Jason: It's not boring to want money and to not be even more mentally ill (@indecisivenb)
Leo: Sure bud (me)
Piper: Jesus was not straight (@wraith--2)
Some random camper in the dining pavillion: Hes staring into my soup (@wraith--2)
Leo: Everyone needs a piece of Leo (friend not on gc)
Leo: Me dehydrated: must not drink sex juice (@wraith--2)
Jason: Me and Percy cockfight like 3 times (@chefchennan)
Piper: Harry x hermione
Ron x jesus or smth
Luna x whoever tf she ended with? (Friend not on tumblr)
Mr D to someone being given a quest: You don't have a choice
They don't have a choice
It's equality all around (me)
Piper: Im not a people pleaser, im a woman pleaser (friend not on tumblr)
Jason (idk why but i instantly thought Jason): saggy balls? (@chefchennan)
Thalia: From your local asexual xx (@wraith--2)
Thalia: Homicide on Pinterest is an interest (@wraith--2)
Chiron: oh that's nice to see! A camper with a smile! (My criminology teacher)
Annabeth: ye I made percy smile by telling him I didn't like him in greek! (Friend not on tumblr)
Apollo: Will! Thoughts on be crime do gay?! (@carpcranium)
Thalia about Frank: Me and him are still friends we shoot kids together yesterday (@chefchennan)
Will doing some form of doctor test idk: I'm gonna skedaddle into your scrotum (@wraith--2)
Thalia: I f**king love garlic bread yummers. Its gotten so bad that I eat is everyday. I sweat garlic butter and shit out logs of bread. It's an endless cycle and I remake the garlic break with what I unleash (friend not on tumblr)
Percy to Annabeth (leo helped after frank found them in the stables): Thine eyes are blessed with the sight of her. Her.
Who I wake to every morning and think of
Who I dream of at night
Aphrodite has forsaken me yet she is my light
The waves will roar and crash
And I know, she is always up for a smash (@wraith--2)
Leo to literally any girl with a pulse: When I see her thoughts are gone
And all I can do is simply long
She could never be mine
Yet still I pine (@wraith--2)
Rachel thinking abiut percy: Days will pass and the sun shall set
All the while I'd place a bet
That I'm still there
Twirling my hair
Dreaming of something that was never fair (@wraith--2)
Thalia: is is the most fun I've had in ages, I'm trying to teach the bot aromanticisum (@wraith--2)
Thalia: As a matter of fact I am definitely aromantic but thanks for the suggestion (@wraith--2)
Leo, he meant to say floppy disks: Have you ever seen one of those floppy dicks-...🤏 (friend not in tumblr)
Mr D: Anyways orgies (@wraith--2)
Will to Nico: She's like nah, no love hearts have an onion were like Shrek now (me)
Percy: When I go to sleep I'm going to dream about gay sea creatures aren't I? (@wraith--2)
Annabeth: It's okay I'm a big girl I cry into my pillow (@wraith--2)
Annabeth: ohhh right in the trust issues (@thatonelazyghost)
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ohbo-ohno · 8 months
(Video description: When I went to agressive haunted house with a signed waiver and two masked workers told me to get on the ground and bark like a dog)
I immediately thought about your Ghoap writings!! Just imagine Reader being a victim of Ghost and Soap who are basically retired gracefully, get a bunch of money saved + their military payments, moved to some rural area and found themselves a new interest of hunting down tourists/just doing fun retired husbands shit. Ghost has an ongoing project of building a place for possible animals, but we get locked here instead. And we are just their little pet!!! Their house is in outskirts, literally the forest, no one would hear our screams. Sometimes Soap also gets chained outside because They Are Freaky Like That.
Dilf!Soap and Ghost that can basically be by your side 24/7 because they don't have to work anymore!! And maybe they are not as muscular as they used to be since their last deployment, but they can still break us like twigs!!! In normal ghoap AU we at least get some rest because they need to leave for missions, but not anymore!! Also cuddling near fireplace, watching Ghost and Soap all sweaty doing hard work while we are just here, with huge and heavy chain on our neck (literally a cow bell and a chain from the barn) fetching them lemonade like a good pet.
Sorry for incoherent thoughts, I just need that dilf itch scratched or else I am going to write it and explode
"found themselves a new interest of hunting down tourists/just doing fun retired husbands shit" is fucking killing me lmfao.
also if you want scenes of people being locked outside in the cold by their partner.... check out His Captive Pet by Measha Stone. MMC locks FMC in a cage outside because she refuses to behave :/ he's very mean to her
obsessed - OBSESSED - with the image of reader (you) knocking on a door because you're lost or smth, and just picking the absolute worst people to ask :/ you just want directions but they're gonna keep you all for themselves :/ i swear to god i've read that concept somewhere but i cannot for the life of me remember where and it's driving me insane
anyways... johnny invites you in for a warm meal and of course you accept! you've been on such a long journey, a warm meal sounds like heaven. maybe they drug you (you wake up chained to the wall, heavy cuff around your ankle and wrists tied behind your back) or maybe they convince you to stay the night (give you their bed, you wake up and swear your feel their eyes on you, they don't let you leave in the morning)
soap is bad and gets chained up outside.... ohhhh the things that does to me. ghost railing you and you look out the window and just see soap drooling there :( simon slams you up against the window and johnny paws at the glass desperately, your skin right fucking there, it's killing him that he can't touch you. ghost standing just outside of the chain's reach, watching as johnny leans his full body weight forward, clawing desperately to try and get closer :(
and the contrast between them chaining you up outside, leaving you naked and alone in the cold, shivering and a little scared :( and then curling up with you in front of the fire, making sure you're toasty warm and helping you stop shaking. rubbing the red spot on your neck from where you pulled at the collar :( locking a heavy chain around your neck when you're outside, locking a muzzle around your face so they don't have to listen to you bark the whole time.
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hanatagami · 1 year
Twilight Characters with a GN! Light Fairy Reader
Twilight cullens with a light fairy reader. The fairies are based off of fate the winx saga ones, just because their powers are pretty cool. The show kinda sucks tho, but im an original winx fan so im a little protective of the original lmao. I might do other fairy types as well, and maybe with more characters idk yet
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Edward Cullen
this man is. SO enraptured by you and your entire existence. He truly believes with all his heart you don’t belong with him, and it’s honestly kind of heart-breaking.
your like a symbol of everything he isn’t and he can’t help but remark to himself about the irony of it all.
ur a creature of the light, he can’t let others see him in light at risk of death by volturi. You have a temporary life-span(albeit long), he is immortal. ur whole existence is to be loved by nature, and he is supposed to be the top of the food chain predator.
ur the exact opposite of like everything he loathes about himself, why would you even consider being with him
but he gazes in awe of the way you can hold light in your palms, how the light hits your face and enhances every perfection, that you seem to almost glow in it, your entire aura radiating inviting warmth.
he just can’t seem to pull himself away from you, despite how much he believes you don’t belong together. he would be a fool to reject your love
he loves to play piano and watch you dance in the light peeking through the windows, orbs of light dancing around with you like a thousand tiny personal spotlights
the way he could watch you in your guyses meadow forever, you sitting amongst the flowers showing off by making a tiny rainbow in your hands, a little light show. the indescribable warmth he feels as all the colors hit your smiling face, he knows you have him wrapped around your finger, but he doesn’t want it any other way
dont even get me started on when he sees your wings. i imagine wings of light fairies are wings that are never the same color from one second to the next. your wings fluctuate from all colors of the light spectrum and to see you fly with them is like the most magical thing hes ever seen in his 100 something years of life
any comfort or desire you have on behalf of yourself or fairy traits, like maybe stones that absorb sun energy, plants for nature, literally anything, he’s pulling out that edward cullen card and buying everything
he would definitely buy plants anyways. he likes to see you bend rays of light and things to tend to the plants and it just makes him so happy
theres a fun little game you play, where you turn invisible and he tries to find you in the forest via your thoughts and other senses. when he finds you, he gives you a cheeky smile and a kiss. it’s kinda fun when he thinks he found you but your actually behind him or smth, you get to spook him a little and its very funny to see
Emmett Cullen
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this little shit
to be honest i don’t think he’d notice your a fairy until you told him
but when he found out he was like “sick”
he’s suddenly very cautious physically, thinks you might be very frail or squish easy
until you tell him that absorbing the light makes you stronger so it’s fine
he’s very curious to see the capabilities and limits you have as a fairy. primarily, are you stronger then a human? if so he kinda wants to wrestle you
see whose stronger. his pride might be a little damaged if your able to win, he’d mumble something about a vampire being weaker then a fairy isn’t very cool, but i think he warms up to the thought very quickly and begins to find it kick ass
wants to see if you could beat jasper and edward in a fight too, and if you win he’s gonna be so proud of you
he feels like a very good match to you. while it isn’t necessarily super cool that vampires sparkle, he loves that in a way it matches you
orbs of light surrounding you like a bunch of stars, casting light on him and making him sparkle, like you guys are the lights of each others life or smth romantic like that
he’s not a poet
but he can’t help but grin cockily when you create a small orb in your hands just to watch how his hands and arms sparkle, he’s suddenly very proud with his sparkling ability
he’s asking-no begging- for you to pick him up and fly him around forks or the forest or anything. he wants to fly, jumping high isn’t the same
and you dont have to be afraid of dropping him! he’ll be fine!
you have to be careful, cause sometimes he’s a little too proud of you, he might accidentally spill a secret to someone while bragging about you
like “you should see how they look when playing with the light” and your like “EMMETT SHHH-” and just hope they think he’s talking about a ringlight or lighting in a picture or smth
he truly understands nothing on how fairies work, might buy a couple of scam things online on accident, in hopes of them being of some use to you
your vampire boyfriend just thinks your so cool, he wants to pick you up by the waist and hold up in front of everyone and go “look at my fairy s/o, aren’t they cool”
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jasper hale
now major whitlock over here
he’s kinda like edward, he’s done a lot of bad in his life, something as innocent as a fairy truly can’t be into him
though its hard not to interact with someone who feels such a strong love for him
he doesn’t even have to feel it, cause you can show it via bright pink lights
you don’t allow him to brood on it to much
you do help him adress his past faults tho
he’s not proud of being in the confederate army, and thats something you had to establish very early on in the relationship
he helps you with magic training when you tell him emotions play into magic output
he feels this very innocent joy at being able to enhance your powers via boosting certain emotions
like the light you produce together is a product of your love, its a very wholesome feeling
he likes seeing how emotions effect your powers, how the colors change, fluctuating between a couple shades of one color depending on the emotions
how they differ in brightness, sadness being more dim, but things like happiness and anger being ridiculously bright
the light even moves differently, sometimes being more flowy and graceful, others being more fast and jagged
he’s kind of a history buff, so he is so interested in the history of fairies
the traditions and customs, and how they came to be
he could literally sit and listen to you talk about it all day, how fairies have had impacts on the world and human history that they had no idea about
how myths and legends of old are because someone saw a fairy, you being able to tell the full truthful stories and make them sound so interesting
he always compared alice to a fairy, but now that he knows one, he can’t help laugh to himself whenever you guys talk to each other
thinking as to how he was right in some areas, wrong in others
please let him dance with you
he wants to teach you so bad
swing dancing, line dancing, literally anything please
like swing dancing can be so intricate now cause he can literally throw you and you can do stuff in the air
the country man in him is so excited
he would show off if he had any country friends still alive from then
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Carlisle Cullen
is curious in the medical facts of fairies fepoefsj
kinda cant help it, he;s been a doctor so long, and its mostly him wondering if you get injured if he can help you the same way he does humans
because he’s seen a lot of pain in people, and if what he usually does can’t help you like it did them, it might distress him a little
will feel much better when you enlighten on the best way to care for a fairy
also interest in hearing about the political dynamics of fairy kind
mostly if their anything like the volturi and if he should be concerned about them knowing about you
loves to see you interact with his children, you seem to be very wise and in tune with the feelings of others
you would very quickly become another parent to them, and it was clear you had final word in the house fepskf
loves when you surprise in his office at work by suddenly appearing out of thin air
or when he’s working and suddenly feels a kiss on his cheek and nothing else
the nurses all giggling at the joyful smile on his face, not knowing its because his s/o came for a single second just for a kiss before letting him get back to work, it makes his day that much better
hunting could be a little easier with your synergy with animals, but he would never ask that of you
loves to see you try on clothes, using your powers to view outfits at different light levels and angles
thinks your flawless in all of them, so be careful if your trying clothes on at the store
he’d buy the entire store-
considered buying you an entire forest too, but you claimed the forest belonged to the earth so he didn’t
you force the entire family out to secluded places in the woods and other places when its sunny, wanting to share its good energy with your family
the sight of his family playing around with each other in the sun, lead by his most favorite person makes him feel like he could take on the entire volturi
and yeah the volturi kinda see you as a threat, your powers alone could reveal a lot of vampire even at night
but they wont do anything at the risk of a species based war, they know so little about fairies that killing you and potentially making others angry could be very dangerous
plus the promise of a temporary, although very long, life length reassures them a little
carlisle would worship like you floated down from the sun and directly into his arms like some sort of celestial being
and he told you that, and the way your face and eyes lit up made him swear he’d never stop saying things like that to you
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mmmfanfiction · 5 months
Hi!! Ik your probably stressed bc ur really active XD but I hope you drink some water and get some rest. When you find the time to write could I request a flippy/flipqy x reader Christmas head cannons?
Also if your doing the anon thing could I be -🌹 anon ?
Thats super sweet of you, anon! I hope that you’re getting a bunch of water and rest too! Sorry this came in so late, I started writing but didn’t finish. However I did give myself the deadline of Christmas which helped me actually finish this (finishing things on the deadline gang) anyway, I hope you like it!
warnings: mentions of death, literally nothing else just me imagining Fliqpy being like a lethal house cat-
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🧸I like to think Christmas is like a sense of nostalgia for Flippy.
🧸Like he’s done it his entire life, so it brings him back to his childhood.
🧸Flippy defo decorates, but not in the overboard, as soon as thanksgiving ends, everything’s lit up kind of way.
🧸More of a chill decorator. Doesn’t go all out but theirs definitely decoration.
🧸However if your one of those big decorators he will definitely help out with some things. Also he won’t let you go on the roof unless your experienced. Even then he’s like hovering below you.
🌹”Babe I’m not gonna fall, you don’t have to follow me wherever I go with that pillow.”
🧸”But I don’t want you to get hurt :(“
🧸I feel like he knows how to make REALLY good hot cocoa
🧸Like, tastes like it’s straight from heaven.
🧸He makes amazing cookies too.
🧸Also crochets cute little Christmas sweaters.
🧸Even makes matching ones.
🧸Flip definitely puts lots of thought into gifts.
🧸Like he will ask everyone you know just to gauge the best thing to get for you.
🧸His wrapping looks really good!….. if you don’t look at the bottom-
🧸Is open to trying new traditions. Like if you have a bit more spice added to your Christmas traditions then he’ll try them out too!
🧸Has like really obscure but also really sweet Christmas movies.
🧸Also old ones, like the stop motion Rudolf the reigndeer. 
🧸Just please don’t let him watch nightmare before Christmas, or at least avoid the one scene where the military starts shooting down Jack. That will not be a good time for either of you, especially not poor Flips.:(
🧸All in all, very warm n cuddly being w/ Flippy on Christmas. 
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🔪Now this little shit-
🔪Idk where that was going I just wanted to call Fliqpy a little shit.
🔪Anyways he’s not used to Christmas.
🔪Would 100% use the lights to strangle someone-
🔪Though he’s really good to have around if you wanna chop your own tree.
🔪The first Christmas he spends with you I don’t imagine him really getting you anything, and also getting flustered when you give him a gift.
🔪Afterwords he starts putting a bit more effort into this whole Christmas thing.
🔪Either a really shitty gift giver or a really great gift giver. No inbetween 
🔪Will fall asleep during Christmas movies.
🔪Unless maybe it doubles as a horror movie. Like idk Black Christmas or smth(I’ve never watched Black Christmas so don’t quote me on that but I really want to but I don’t want my mum to walk in and be like ‘WTF ARE YOU WATCHING!?’ Anyways back on track)
🔪Flippys not used to the domestic vibe of Christmas
🔪However if you also believe in Krampus he might be a liiittttleee bit more into it(long live Krampus)
🔪I imagine he really likes hot cocoa but won’t admit it.
🔪Also thinks Santa’s a creep
🔪”So, let me get this straight. You celebrate a dude BREAKING INTO YOUR HOUSE??”
🌹”…. He gives us gifts-“
🔪Really good at wrapping things to make them look like something they’re not. Like you think you’re opening a doll but it’s actually a pocket knife :)
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lxvenderdreamy · 10 months
could you do a kinda pre-relationship fic between soul X m!reader X kid? where its like during the fight between soul and blackstar VS kid when he first gets to the school? except m!reader is there? maybe hes a weapon who fights on his own but as there fighting (and losing...) kid does his signature drop down to shoot m!reader and when he does m!reader gets that stereotypical nosebleed when smth hot happens? idk where it would go from there, if he would play it off or be laid out for the rest of the fight but yeah :)
🍓(and idk if it qualifies as this but🍋)
YOU ARE SO WELCOME!!! Thank you for requesting! But I am not able to do 🍋 because the characters are either 13-16 (not 100% confident on this). But hey, thanks again for requesting again, it makes my day! I also really hope that I set this up right!❤️❤️❤️
❤️🍓Soul x M!Reader x Kid pre-relationship🍓❤️
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This is all..really interesting and..exciting? Well at least for Soul, Blackstar, and you. And possibly Kid?
Anywho, Dr. Stein had informed the class about a new classmate, who was Lord Death’s own son. You and your two friends loved some action and a challenge so why not give this fellow classmate of yours a nice greeting?
You and Soul had your fair share with a battle together, you two are rather close to one another. If Blackstar isn’t there with y’all, then it’s just you and Soul. Soul prefers to be alone with you rather then Blackstar being there
So, here you three boys are, skipping Dr Steins class to go and take on this new classmate.
It wasn’t long before you came into contact with Kid. You were really stunned, you didn’t expect to see such a handsome boy..and he’s gonna be coming to this school? He’s gonna be in your class? That’s a blessing right there. Just…pure. At first you didn’t want to fight him at all because you didn’t want to damage that beauty of course. But you really did want to fight him though..just don’t aim for the face then it will be just fine.
When Blackstar ends up breaking one of the red spikes on the DWMA while giving out his awesome speech, this sets Kid off immediately. He’s complaining about the symmetry…
Your a lone weapon without a meister, upon seeing that, Kid couldn’t help but be all so curious. You’re a weapon that doesn’t have no meister at all, fighting on your very own. Shouldn’t you have a meister now..? That isn’t important right now, he has to take down the three of you.
All four of you got into fighting stance, preparing for battle. The tension between y’all was thick and intense as you all stared daggers at one another.
When Soul and you was going in to do y’all’s first move..you ended up getting pierced in the damn head. Blackstar jumped in and tried to pick Soul, who was in his weapon form up but..he couldn’t. If Soul was so heavy then how in the world did Maka swing him around as if he was a fidget spinner?
Yeah…this wasn’t going as planned as it should’ve went. Were you guys even taking this seriously one bit?? Even if you were it sure did not look like it..
This isn’t going to work out like it should. You guys can’t even sense each others wavelengths.
“Y/n…it’s over between us.” When you heard those words fall out of Soul’s mouth, you stared in disbelief..is he really breaking up with you at a time like this?
This is all so sad for the two of you. Having to spilt up away from each other like this..it’s heartwenching..it’s terrible.
Stein, Maka, and Tsubaki are all looking at the two of you as if they are watching a dramatic sad scene in a romance story.
Kid was just standing there with his guns, asking if he could shoot the two of them now. But Liz told him to hold it on back.
“Okay Soul…I understand..but..is it okay if we stay friends?” You asked him, looking away with a hand ok the back of your head. Your eyes widened when you saw Soul running to you, he wanted to be friends again!!!
You two began running towards each other so dramatically..so romantically. This was a dream come true, you two did NOT break up, you two are back together. Blackstar is running towards yall as well..
You all crash into each others arms as you all hugged each other tightly.
You all fall to the ground. This is due to Kid shooting his guns at the three of you, ending the bromance.
Y’all’s wavelength sucked like hell so you guys decided to attack Kid individually. Different and various moves were across the entrance of the school as you three were going right on at it.
You were trying to avoid hitting Kid’s face of course, you didn’t want to knock the beauty out of him.
Despite the three of you fighting with all your might, it was obvious that you three were losing as well. Kid was way more faster and flexible out of the three of you, as well as being able to have access to far distance with his twin pistols. It also didn’t help that the three of you were pitiful morons…
The fight is coming to a closure when Kid is so sick and tired of all the mess going on, fooling around. Kid decided to do his signature drop down to shoot you. You and Kid were so close to one another. Very close.
You felt heat rise to your face as your face was painted to red much to Kid’s surprise. You threw your head back as blood came out of your nose as you fell onto your back so asymmetrically.
Everyone just kinda stood there as you got a nosebleed. Kid just kept on holding his guns as he stood there staring at you. Now why on earth would you get a nosebleed? How did you get one? Why did it happen?
Black star immediately darted over to your body and started to shake you furiously, asking if you were okay and how they will kill Kid, shaking you all around. Soul on the other hand scoffed as he looked away…I think he knows why you got a nosebleed. He wished he didn’t. Feeling a little jealous…
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shadow-genesis-yay · 6 months
Gimme them Memory headcanons! Please!
Say less! o7
>headcanons under the more/reading<
(Sorry it's long & for late response, was shopping for birthday stuff)
First 1: Memory in my design has white streaks they got from Void's side! Void just dyes his hair black to hide em for unknown reasons (probably ego or smth I dunno. Voids out of my control /j)
2: They're 6'4, uses mostly It/They but also uses he. They prefer mostly the other two tho but won't get mad if he is also used. (This one's mostly based off how in canon, Memory was referred to as a thing by Sabre, and he would use It/They until switching to He. Mem was still called a thing but used he ig). Oh and ig they also used nicknamed but only like it when Void calls em them. Like Memmy/Mem/Memoy/Fancy Steve lol
3: He has light sensitivity and uses their mask to help it when outside of the void/memory dimension
4: It has heterochromia, but in a different way! His left eye doesn't have a iris/pupil, and the area that's supposed to be white is pure red like Voids. (I think it's called the sclera) and also on said left side, they have a scar on its cheek that it got during some event they doesn't like talking about
5: Memmy likes cats and owns two! One tuxedo cat named Voodoo, and the other, a black cat (Bombay I think) called Morticia! Memmys had them since they was a smol lil swirly peppermint boi, and treats them like royalty as deserved 😤
6: (this one's kinda from a quote my friend made but it's too funny to not make a Memory headcanon) If Memory got called a specific slur I'm not gonna say, he'd just be like "Yeah no duh, it's obvious. Now please tell me something I already don't know about myself, or leave please and thanks."
7: Memory is highly skilled in swordsman ship, archery, and fighting. It's won awards in competitions they entered secretly (not because Void would be mad, but because they're Void's son. Void's like a king/God in the eyes of the other steves [of course except Nightmare LMAO] and terrifies em.) They's only lost once and that was more on its end since he didn't want to do competitions anymore, so they purposely disqualified itself by starting a fight.
8: while this one may be more of a ship that was started for funnies, it took my brain over so uh yeah. Memory is married to Faceless. The reason for why (to me) is because since Faceless doesn't have a face (no duh), he's immune to Memory's powers, even when mimicking others. And Faceless just couldn't resist a fancy boi in a suit. (I love this ship but at the same time I'm like "I want it gone from my mind its been 3 months help") ik they never met canonically but I speculate they met a tiny bit when Elemental worked for Void and El had to capture Faceless. It's a long shot but yolo I was bored
9: Memmy boi like flowers. Mostly roses or any black flower, but they'll be content with any other color if red & black are unavailable :)
10: While Memory may seem stern and cold, when you get to know them, he's really nice! Though it's usually always on guard and will unintentionally break your arm if you happen to spook them (somehow).
11: Memmys very sneaky and will smile a cheeky smile when it scares someone from behind.
12: Memory really hates cameras. Like, REALLY REALLY hates em. Whether it's off or not, they don't care and WILL throw a dagger at it. This one's more from a funny thing Sabre himself replied with in his discord when I said "I wish Memory had more screen time. He would of bee such a cool villain" with Sabre replying "maybe he did but we forgot".....I walked basically right into that joke but I love it so I'm considering it canon /hj
Uhhhh yeah anyways I think that's it other than more funny meme ones me and a friend made when I was bored and thought 'what if after the camera was off, Sabre and the steves would have a smp world together' and Memory would be the sometimes chaotic one of the server.
Ye uh I rambled alot lmao idk if this will even post but thank you so much for the ask and willingness to hear the headcanons about our silly little peppermint boi! Memory deserves so much more love that what's seen, I love him so much
Memory Steve, our beloved 'forgotten' king <3 👑
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minquiec · 7 months
Some lore stuffs + how her story ends
This is kinda all over the place bc I don't have a coherent idea but I just need to write it all down before I forget
How Jia was bit was on a hot ass day and she basically fell asleep on a spider and gained powers unknowingly
Doesn't find out for maybe a week
Has a weird dream one night where she basically meets a deity in her dream and the exchange was literally like
"You, Jialin Chen, now bear the powers to protect this la-"
"Uhm yea no thanks, pass 😬"
And then a comedic exchange occurs between mortal and god haha! Until the deity was like ENOUGH this is your DESTINY you will bear it whether you like it or NOT 👹 so Jia's kinda like alright fine damn 🙄 but obviously we all know how she really feels abt the whole situation (she hates it bc of issues) but anyways
The reason why it took a whole week is cause uhmmm plot hole lelel or smth the deity can't actually interfere directly with the world
EITHER WAY this is basically spoilers for endgame but it's not like I'll ever make a coherent plot bc I'm too lazy and dum but basically
The deity of Jia's universe is border on obsessive with creating a story line and destiny and heroes and stuff like that and ofc it has to be perfect (bc ofc it has to be, totally not cliche or anything)
Anyways this obsession makes them interfere TOO much with Jia's universe because if the deity was never this obsessed
Jia probably would've gotten over her issues (bc she's meets someone to help her copeeee 😋😋 cougjocughcgpuccough)
But bc the deity is an unreasonable shithead, they're literally the root of every problem:
They're responsible for Jia's split soul because of how abrupt her duties were suddenly forced on her
Bc of the split soul problem, it nearly upsets the world balance that could've been very bad for the universe! (the day she had lost the plot and had a existential crisis breakdown I think I posted it here but basically on that day she was flickering between both before Lin took control)
-> the logic is rlly,,, idk nonsensical for this bc what I thought as world making is that you can't have two souls in control at once and it goes again natural laws so it nearly ficked up her world cause it AINT SUPOSE TO HAPPEN ITS NEVA SUPOSE TO HAPPENNN but moving on
So then Lin switches in place of Jia and the world balance is briefly restored YAYY 🎉 everything is fine‼️
Cause now Lin went and 'broke up' (idk it wasn't rlly a break up bc she never said 'lets break up' but she kinda did go 'we aren't meant for each other 🖕' and dipped) with hb so NOW HES GOING THRU IT and the rest of her friends back at spider society are like ???? What the??? Fuck???
Lin does manage to spend a few days or more at the hq cause technically she is still Jia but just
But everyone's kinda weirded out cause she's Serious™ now and even Miguel's kinda like wattafack 🧍 plus the fact she has long white hair that spawned out of nowhere so they kinda piece some form of logic together that she's a different Jia
Anyways some time passes and one day an especially big anomaly is warned abt in Jia's (still Lin) universe which is bizarre cause they're not usually this big but it's all because of that STOOPID FUKASS deity GOING AROUND FUKIN THINGS UP and somehow created this ridiculously bad threat as a 'enemy' for the 'hero of their story' to defeat
The biggest problem with the anomaly is that while it doesn't really like, belong in Jia's universe, it doesn't belong in any OTHER universe either BECAUSE THAT DEITY BOUGHT IT UP OUTTA NOWHERE BC THEYRE PSYCHO I need to stop hating on characters that I literally made anyways
So HQ can't exactly deal with it like they usually do but they can try to offer assistance at least
Obviously for obvious (cliche) reasons CERTAIN PEOPLE are gonna be there cause yknow they still care abt Jia even tho she's changed (to Lin momentarily)
Battle occurs blah blah I'm not good with action scenes and things are looking a littttlee bleak for Lin and Co and all the sudden Lin receives a bad injury that nearly knocks her unconscious but thru her ringing ears and muted background noise she hears SOMEBODDYYY CALLING HER NAAMMEEE (god I really wonder who)
Because her state of unclarity from the Blunt Force Head Trauma makes things a little weird, the fine line between Jia and Lin also becomes a little muddled and the Jia that's been hiding behind Lin can hear his voice and it quite literally brings her out of that dark room in her mind to control again so TLDR Jia is back again instead of Lin
Reunion happens for maybe 3 minutes tops before shit hits the fan again and suddenly the deity has teared through time space fabric out of anger to speak directly to them mortal little earthlings on the ground because they're a little bitch
All because they thought Lin was the true protagonist they've been searching for all along and now 'that insolent fool' (hobie) has ruined everything (he does no wrong)'
But suddenly because the deity is in direct contact with the mortal world, they're like wait 🤨 you're not from this universe and sees other things also not from this universe and goes on a tangent about how they don't need to rebuild a 'story' anymore and can just find another 'story' to pilot (TLDR AGAIN: local deity discovers universe theft and wants to ditch this universe cause Jia's spiderman story wasn't perfect and now wants to find another universe to force to become their 'perfect story')
Obviously spider people are like 😨😨😨 UHMMM NO TF UR NOTTT so they start retreating (as they should tbh) and Jia's like helping to round up people to gtfo of her universe before some batshit deity absorbs them or smth
Atp bits of her universe is already crumbling and disintegrating because the deity is already trashing it because it's worthless and imperfect now (ngl me when art 😭😭)
So now it's the last of the people to go back thru the portals and its Jia and Hb :)) (y'all should know what's coming next)
Truthfully, Jia wants to so so badly go thru the portal to stay with the rest of them but she knows that there was the possibility of her connection with the deity of her world and her as a creation from the said deity
So she says goodbyes
Pushes him thru
And throws in her watch before it closes properly so the FUCK ASS DEITY CANT GET ANY KIND OF CONNECTION TO THE MULTIVERSE
And thus it concludes her coming of age plot because she found the proper courage to do what was right in all senses and came to terms with her spider girl identity
Even though she had so much she wanted to do with the rest of them was what she had thought while the thread of her universe on the multiverse crumbled into nothingness
ANYWAYS THE REAL CONCLUSION IS THE DEITY IS THE REAL ANOMALY THEIR OBSESSION DROVE THEM INTO AN ANOMALY AND INTERFERING WITH THE LIVING WORLD but thats kinda what happens when you've been living for centuries, you kinda go a little nuts
Anyways thanks for this long and incredibly messy read, don't kill me ✌️ peaces
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bluest-planet · 11 months
Some fun Mexican HCs for Miguel as a mixed Mexican/Salvi first gen American person (don't take these too seriously I haven't read his comics so sorry):
Being Hidalguense I am claiming him for my state >:) suck it Michocanos, Oaxaqueños, Poblanos, Yucatecos, Morelos, Leonés, Potosinos, y Jaliscienses! (And every other state I missed lol.) ((Also this is a BIG joke of course he can be from any state lol))
Not only does he love empanadas but he also loves Pastes. Basically the same thing but better imo. I feel like he'd like Mole Verde, papa con carne, and tinga the best (totally not projecting)
Ik he's from the future and raised by his Irish parent (?) But that man has eaten barbacoa somehow. Idk when Idk how but he has. Bonus points if he's helped in making with friends or smth but I doubt it.
Has tried pulque and does not like it. Loser for this.
Has fished mojara in a shallow lake with his bare feet and claws I bet. Enrichment. I feel like he'd totally know how to skin and gut em to cook but he's also... From a cozy looking futuristic world so maybe he's too modern to get his hands dirty lol.
Tried tenango embroidery at some point as a hobby. Did not work out.
Big fan of drinking atole in the mornings instead of coffee.
Has the weird ability to tell when it's gonna rain. Cause it's always raining in Pachuca lol.
Maybe he visited or stayed in Mex for a hot minute for mission and came back he was friendlier, saying good morning and other pleasantries more often bc the older folks there would constantly say hi to him in buses, streets, shops whatever. (It's actually kinda nice. It fosters camaraderie between strangers in public spaces 100% recommend being friendly to strangers more often.)
Likes fresh juice and agua frescas. Particularly fresh OJ and agua de jamaica.
On that note he also likes fresas con crema. He makes a good bowl and doesn't share with the kids (all of whom try to steal a bite cause it's simple but good)
Starting to realize this is all about food.
MOST DEFINITELY HAS A PAIR OF NICE HUARACHES and a good leather belt. Necessities.
Do you think he'd have that stereotypical Mexican dad sombrero/cowboy hat? I think it would be so funny if he did but probably not lol.
Doesn't like soccer (yes I'm American ik I'm being a traitor by calling it that) so he gets another loser point for that (not that I like it either tho so like. Same hat.)
One of those customers that somehow knows when the panerias just finished baking a good batch and comes back with bags full of fresh bread for the commissary/as a reward.
My man's just likes carbs okay.
Actually I don't think he'd last very long in the campo.
Spent one night in a rual town and came back covered in bug bites in the worst places (bad experience he also has now.)
One bite was on his eyebrow and got hella swollen and red. Avoided the kids at all costs while it was healing so they wouldn't roast him.
Scolds miles for his spanglish but never offers to correct him so he embarrasses himself. (I'n a teasing way)
Miles picks up on Mexican slang from him like Ashcale doña! Me calle gordo, tragasolas, nada pescadito! and more. He also picks up on saying: "aguas!" As a warning/heads up like Miguel.
They talk shit about others in Spanish in the rare moments they get along.
Miguel always wins at loteria.
Does that thing older relatives do where they sit and talk to each other for hours outside on a sunny humid day breaking and eating countless peanuts and/or walnuts. Then sends the kids with pocket change to buy some homemade popsicles from an old lady down the street that are the best damn popsicles you'll ever eat in your entire life for only 5 pesos. But only when they actually get over their issues and bond.
Certified glass bottle guava bong! Fan. If you know u know.
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ghost-of-you · 3 months
hiii! I was hoping you could help me understand a couple things because I've been gone from the fandom for a v long time.. are the boys on hiatus or something because I just saw a video of them at their last show (I think) saying "this is it" and "we don't know when we'll be back" but I also saw a video of Luke saying they're making new music this year so I'm kinda confused? also was that show like a farewell show or smth because it seems like it was random but also like it was a big deal?? I'm sorry I'm so out of it LMAO and if this is too much DW about it at all <3
Okay, so they are on a break for all we know because of Lua, Michael's daughter, and the general desire of wanting to focus on her for those first few months of her life, she was born at the end of October, so it's a totally understandable thing. Michael is also dramatic, and I think that at the time that last show happened, they didn't have any specific plans to tour any time soon, and that makes the this is it for a while create a certain effect. They did not market that show as a farewell show, they did not say they were never coming back, in fact both Ashton and Luke kinda implied that they have been working on 5sos music along with their solo projects, since we know ai2 and lh2 are being created right now. It is a little bit confusing, Luke could have been talking about his own music, but a few weeks ago there was a bit of a buzz around 5sos and a possible 5sos6 because some fans received a dice that looked like the one they were throwing in the crowd this last tour with the word lighter, including some fan pages, but as far as I know nothing happened with that. Right now, personally, I'm accepting that Luke misunderstood the question and he was talking about lh2 not 5sos6, and that they are gonna take a bit more time off the band until Lua is a bit bigger. But honestly, knowing the boys and how they work, I don't think they can not make music for too long, so maybe they will stop by with something soon. But 5sos soon lol. So, honestly, work with the assumption that 5sos is on hiatus indefinitely but with plans to come back, Ashton and Luke are busy with their solo stuff, Michael is out being a dad and Calum is under the rock he likes to hide under when they are not touring, it's less stressful this way kspaksoakpsa
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multif1fan · 10 months
All I need in this long break is a fic where lestappen are out to the world but initially are not very publicly affectionate, Charles becomes bratty and sassy in public and in front of the cameras (maybe someone in ferrari tested his patience and as we know he suffered from anger problems when he was young so those issues came back and from then he stopped playing nice) and max is such a cutie pie he sits there smiling at his boyfriend's chaos.
I have this headcanon where in one of the races (probably one in the US) they have the drivers parade and Charles is late so he has to hop in in the middle of the parade so he has to get through some fans. When he reaches the track, he has his phone in hand and he's live, some girls who are just there for the pics tell him to back off or smth he tells them he has to go onto the track and they tell him to back off and that he's probably just here for the drivers , he laughs and says "yeah I'm here for max verstappen" so one of the girls tells him to back off, he's hers and that max won't even look at a whore like him and that she's famous and rich and more suitable for max. And in that moment, the truck that carries the drivers stops and max hops off and comes to Charles and helps him down.
(Yes very unrealistic but this is fanfic so, I don't care!)
(also im a sucker for Media au and fans reactions to characters relationships in general, and since f1 is a sport that heavily involves fan interaction and we have the amazing f1twt i love to see fans reactions to drivers being publicly affectionate and to their relationship in general)
Im gonna Tag the amazing fic writers I know in case any of u gets ✨inspired✨ by even a bit of this headcanon 😉 @fabbyf1 @lestappenforever @scuderiafemboy @nyoomfruits
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