#so pls enlighten me
perseabeth · 2 months
These lines by Apollo, aka Lester, live in my mind rent free
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Listen, i have no theory, i have absolutely no idea what is the connection here
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I mean HELLO?? A four-thousand-something years old god saying that. plus i might not be knowledgeable about genetics and how it works but doesn’t percy possess these eyes because of Poseidon ?
this is an extract taken from The Lightening Thief:
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I’ve been a reader of Rick Riordan for so long that i know he doesn’t just add things randomly
I don’t know what’s happening here, but I do know that Estelle Blofis, the very lovable energetic child who is very much capable of dominating the planet (Apollo’s words not mine) might have an important role in the story
but again, who knows
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mlchaelwheeler · 2 years
the boyfriendism loserification of it all...
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linusbenjamin · 9 months
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Person of Interest | 3.03 'Lady Killer'
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akkivee · 25 days
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kuukou encourages and believes in jyushi’s strength while firmly believing that he’s a weak person. if kuukou is having a bit of a rough time forgiving himself for past mistakes while telling hitoya that he needs to move on from his past weighing him down in harmonious cooperation, then i hope with every fibre of my being that this is going to be something jyushi and hitoya are actively saving kuukou from (from himself lol)
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bsd-verse · 9 months
All the questions I got after the season finale
Who is the man Fyodor was talking about before the helicopter crash?
Is Fyodor really dead?
What's going to happen now?
Where have been Lucy, Yosano and Kyouka all this time?
Where is Kouyou? And Mori along with PM?
Will Sigma ever wake up?
What was Fyodor's ability?
What will Nikolai do after all these events?
What was Teruko's backstory?
Where was Jouno?
How about Tecchou's past?
What's going to happen to One Order? What really it is?
Will Dazai and Chuuya come back to Japan?
And probably many more....
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shiemori-writes · 2 years
(but still vv tactical ) ( like mother like son ofc)
I THINK SHE'D BE RLLY SWEET TO MC IF SHE FOUND OUT THEY WERE DATING AZUL LIKE "aww sweetie! my boy found a partner <3" then cue blushing azul pspspsos AUGH I NEED A FIC
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anitalianfrie · 3 months
Ngl the fact that vale still has on his suit "the doctor" printed on the ass even when nobody is going to see it makes me die of laughter
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icrowler · 1 year
Can someone explain to me wtf happened with that explosion on Zuko's ship laid by the pirates? To this day I still don't understand if they knew about it or not. Clearly not bc Zuko got injured and wtf did Iroh mean w "Never leaving you without protection", but Iroh reacted like Zuko had died but then they also clearly knew that it was Zhao. Ig they just came to the conclusion it was him but didn't know about it until it was too late? I am so confused man.
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wander-wren · 2 years
it’s 5am i have not slept i have a hot take
i see antis argue sometimes that you CAN portray “problematic” things in fiction, as long as you show they’re bad/don’t romanticize them.
first of all that’s super subjective. second of all.
have you ever read major character death. have you ever read hurt no comfort. have you ever read, like, mindbreak.
i’ve never seen anyone complain about a fic that is graphic torture and nothing else, or like, a mental health ventfic with a dark ending. and i think about that quite often, the different standard we have for sex.
yknow? it applies in other contexts too. have you ever noticed that when people argue fanfiction is a lesser form of writing or otherwise bad, they always bring up sex? “the odyssey vs your 200k destiel omegaverse mpreg” “the great gatsby vs your slowburn stucky hs au where the climax is a full chapter of smut”
it’s a trend i noticed. it exists outside of fanfic too! original fiction circles have this whole thing about not including sex scenes bc The Plot, or dismissing erotica as a less serious, or maybe just lesser, form of literature?
and maybe, just maybe, that’s bad. to some degree i think we put sex on too high of a pedestal. it’s just a thing people do. and, i dunno, i write a lot of angst and whump and what-have-you. i like exploring trauma and recovery, it’s literally a thread somewhere in 90% of what i write. maybe all of it, in some small capacity. i don’t have encyclopedic knowledge of my own work.
so i’m not directly affected by this, but i do think it’s hypocritical, and i do think it’s strange to impose limits. you can create, but only within these boundaries, defined arbitrarily by me. like, okay jan. sure.
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krynutsreal · 1 year
ik I said I'll answer the asks I've gotten but I'm just curious,,, could u guys give me ur domestic ishimondo head canons? the idea of them living together is rotating in my brain rn
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dreamlandgirlie · 8 months
was i mistaken or was clayton kershaw supposedly a good pitcher?
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darkmeow159 · 8 months
I really don't get why people think Louie was controlling the final boss in Pikmin 2. It seemed more to me like he was passed out on the treasure and needed rescuing.
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aprilias · 6 months
How did Jorge celebrate? Can someone tell me pls cause the tags under one of my posts is quite interesting…
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Some of the DRAMATIC/COMICAL moments in pibtlw
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Explosion in the bkg when Kitty brought up Santa Coloma
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Death's timed hit (or, that's a smash, right?). Btw, who cheats who, exactly?
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undefeatablesin · 11 months
do you artfight? 👀
Hey there! ✨I'm not actually too familiar with artfight, I'm sorry to say! I have seen other artists participating in it, though I never got around to looking into it myself. But now you mention it, I'd definitely be interested to know what it's all about and maybe give it a whirl for myself 🔍👀 It seemed like a fun time omg...
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amaranthineoni · 11 months
Bleach OC - Name Games
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Ibaraki [伊原木] Tomoe [永萌]
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Ibaraki [伊原木]
伊 (I): A phonetic element, providing the name with a certain sound or rhythm. Can be used as a pronoun, "he/she/it", "this/that", "just". (Also used as a stand alone to mean 'Italy' which is completely irrelevant here.)
原 (Hara): This character means "meadow/field/plain/prairie", "original", "primitive", "tundra", and "wilderness." It is often associated with nature, open spaces, or the beginning or source of something. In personal names, it can evoke a sense of groundedness, natural beauty, or an ancestral connection. (Most famously in Bleach, this kanji is the same as used in 'Urahara' [浦原], of which it seems to derive no special meaning.)
木 (Ki): This character represents "tree" or "wood." It symbolizes strength, growth, and vitality. It can also be associated with qualities such as stability, flexibility, and a connection to nature.
This name has little upfront meaning, and there isn't a widely recognized symbolic interpretation of it. It's most recognizably the name of Ibaraki Prefecture, however the kanji used for that is 茨城, roughly "thorny castle". Where as Tomoe's Ibaraki "伊原木" might be more aptly read as "that original tree" (as "that field of wood" makes little sense".)
Further, I admit it was chosen a little haphazardly. Tomoe was originally written as a sister to Tatsuki, and thus used her surname 'Arisawa' but due to the tastes of tumblr RP and my own development of this muse, she eventually diverged from this original form and needed a new name to accompany it. The name, consequently, wasn't picked with a specific meaning in mind.
Rather it was picked due to the use of its name for Ibaraki-doji, a supernatural entity depicted as a grotesque, one-eyed, hag-like creature with long, disheveled hair in Japanese folklore. It can be described in certain folklore as an Oni or Oni like creature. The Ibaraki-doji is known for its mischievous and sometimes malevolent behavior.
This is an obvious connection with Tomoe's own Oni symbolism of her inner hollow, however closer readings of Ibaraki-doji's folklore would be necessary to gain a deeper understanding of Tomoe herself.
For example, many tales of Ibaraki-doji often focus on:
Transformation and Hidden Nature
Feminine Power and Rebellion
Morality and Consequences
Exploration of Otherness and Otherworldly Beings
All of which are major themes of this blog, and which I might return to touch on at a later time, but this post is already getting SO LONG, and I still have to talk about her first name. 
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Tomoe [ 永萌 ]
永 (nagai/ei) - This character represents "eternity" or "perpetuity." It conveys the idea of something enduring or everlasting.
萌 (moe) - This character has multiple meanings, but in the context of the name "Tomoe," it is often associated with "sprouting," "budding," or "to be full of life." It can represent the concept of new growth, vitality, or the awakening of potential.
When combined, the kanji "永萌" in the name "Tomoe" can be interpreted in several ways:
Eternal Sprout: The name can signify a continuous, evergreen presence of growth and vitality, suggesting an enduring and lively nature.
Everlasting Potential: It represents the idea of unceasing potential or the perpetual capacity to bloom and develop.
Eternal Awakening: The name may convey the concept of an eternal awakening or the continuous realization of one's inner self.
In the context of Tomoe, herself and my creation of her, I leaned into the last two meanings, with a preferential reading of 'Everlasting Potential'. Her name represents the idea of enduring possibilities, growth, and the constant realization of one's capabilities. It can be seen as a name that embodies the concept of ongoing development, resilience, and the ever-expanding horizons of one's potential - a concept that's tied into multiple other parts of her design including the inclusion of:
Amaranthine - from the word "amaranth," which refers to a group of plants known for their vibrant, long-lasting flowers. When discussing flower symbolism, the term "amaranthine" often represents enduring beauty, immortality, and eternal love and this meaning is preserved both in the name of this blog (though I've recently considered changing it), as well as in Demonio's design, which features a changing tattoo of flowers on her skin. While the flower motif doesn't crop up frequently on this blog it is one that should be kept in mind.
Amatsu-Mikuboshi - Amatsu-Mikaboshi is a deity in Japanese mythology and Shinto cosmology. In Shinto belief, Amatsu-Mikaboshi is associated with darkness, chaos, and the unseen forces of the universe, and often placed in juxtaposition to Amaterasu. It is an opposing force that must be carefully tempered by the other gods, and while he can be suppressed or contained, he cannot be killed or defeated. The universe maintains its careful balance between order and chaos.
Her Age - She's a character that is designed to look at personal growth, how one develops and grapples with challenge. Since her creation she's aged several years. No longer a child, this is a character that's had to face great adversity and transformation in order to develop into the woman she is at this day. 
However, while this understanding of Tomoe's name is one of the conventional meanings, 萌 (moe) may also be used in certain contexts to mean 'to show symptoms of'. This usage is more commonly seen in medical or clinical contexts rather than as a standalone name. In medical terminology, it can be used to describe the manifestation or appearance of symptoms or signs of a condition. While this is not a meaning that would be used when discussing stand alone names, a non-conventional reading of "Tomoe" (永萌), may be translated as "to show symptoms of eternity" based on the literal meanings of the individual kanji characters.
In this sense, her name reflects, quite literally, her curse of immortality bestowed upon her by Amatsu-Mikaboshi, and the ability which will allow her to act as its avatar and the executor of its will.
Tomoe (巴) is also the name of the comma like shape and is a motif I've used in her design previously, which also ties in to her themes of spirituality. It’s a common symbol used in shinto design, as well as regarded for its protective properties. Further, the swirling motion of the tomoe shape can symbolize change, transformation, and the continuous flow of life. It represents the cyclical nature of existence and the ever-changing world.
Finally, the name is shared by another famous figure of Japanese history: Tomoe Gozen. Though the kanji differ, one can't help but think of the celebrated and renowned female samurai when one hears it, and the implication I hope it invokes for Tomoe Ibaraki is that of a loyal and devoted warrior.
In sum the final reading of her name and the images it evokes is one of conflict, and a battle between good an evil, order and chaos. Homonyms with both heros and demons, and evoking imagery of potentially limitless growth, and expansion, her name embodies many of the themes her character grapples with.
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