emmieedwards · 9 months
Resenha: Perdida, de Carina Rissi
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Livro: Perdida Série: #1 - Perdida Autora: Carina Rissi Gênero: Romance de Época, Fantasia Ano de Publicação: 2013 Editora: Verus Páginas: 364 Classificação: +14
É, estou começando a achar que o amor da minha vida está mesmo a dois séculos de distância de mim! 😂
O favorito dos romances de época nacionais, Perdida é um livro indispensável para os amantes do gênero.
A história contada é a de Sofia Alonzo, uma jovem antenada do século XXI, amante das tecnologias e tudo que a evolução da ciência pode oferecer, acaba deixando o seu celular cair numa privada nojenta de um bar dando adeus a todas as engrenagens que fazem sua vida funcionar.
Que exagero… Porém, determinada comprar um novo, Sofia acorda no dia seguinte e parte em direção a loja mais próxima onde uma agradável e peculiar senhora lhe oferece um modelo único de celular garantido que Sofia terá tudo o que precisa.
Ao sair da loja e tentar ligar o aparelho, uma luz ofuscante faz com que ela tropece e acabe caindo literalmente no século XIX. Ela fica desnorteada por um segundo e então alarmada ao notar que a primeira pessoa a lhe prestar socorro é um homem sobre um cavalo usando roupas formais e um pouco antiquadas para o tempo de Sofia.
Ian Clarke, o cavalheiro, fica abismado com os trajes "estranhos" da garota mas ainda assim oferece a sua casa agora que ela fique hospedada até a lembrar de como volta para casa.
Logo, Sofia descobre através de uma mensagem no celular novo, que o pequeno aparelho causara toda aquela confusão e que se ela quisesse voltar para o seu século, teria que completar uma missão que nem mesmo ela sabia qual era.
Enquanto tenta se adaptar às formalidades, costumes e à falta de modernidade do século XIX, Sofia começa a se apegar às pessoas que ali vivem. Além disso, para seu pesar, parece que cada vez que se aproxima mais de Ian, mais perto de voltar para casa ela fica. Ou melhor, o que ela costumava a chamar de casa.
Perdida é um livro envolvente, divertido, engraçado e romântico que te faz desejar ser levada a outro século só para ter certeza se sua alma gêmea não está lá. É um livro sobre encontrar a si mesma e o lugar onde você e seu coração realmente pertence; mesmo com todas as dificuldades, o amor acaba vencendo.
A obra foi o primeiro contato que tive com um livro de romance de época anos atrás e não fiquei nem um pouco arrependida de dar uma chance; acabei me apaixonando pelo gênero e pela escrita incrível da Carina Rissi.
A série Perdida é formada por seis livros (o último ainda não foi lançado) e está muito perto de ganhar uma adaptação cinematográfica!
Ainda não leu? Tá esperando o quê para viajar no tempo e se apaixonar perdidamente por Ian Clarke?
NOTA: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 + 💖 - 5/5
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*resenha escrita e publicada originalmente no skoob em 2016*
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mensuited · 11 months
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charleslecler · 8 days
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Sofiane Pamart & Charles Leclerc - The Dream Continues (Official Videoclip)
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peax-hy · 9 months
props to gay people for inventing handholding
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44lh · 1 year
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Sofiane Boufal celebrates with a family member after the team's 1-0 victory in the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 quarter final match between Morocco and Portugal. © Mike Hewitt.
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petit-papillion · 3 months
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Of course the vinyl is red. After all, he dreams in red...
📸 leclerqz
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smokers-guys-black · 5 months
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>>> Collection Sofiane Zermani (Fianso) smokes
[ Source : fiansolevrai ]
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rk1kincorrect · 11 months
ac revelations is so funny because ur altaïr at the ripe age of 82 going back to your hometown to take over the corrupted order after 20 years of exile and seeing ghosts of ur past all around u as u fight ur way up to the castle u used to live in, u have a badass dialogue with ur lifelong enemy and the prompt just says “pop abbas with ur divine glock” it will never be unfunny
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teecupangel · 6 months
Hello Teacup! I just need you to know I've basically devoured everything on your AO3 and a multitude of the snippets here and I've adored everything!
But now I have a Thought that I must share.
Imagine Umar Ibn-La'Ahad is mid-mission, fleeing Saladin's tent and just about to attack a general in his way, only for said general to be knocked unconscious by a young boy. He looks a bit like Umar's son too.
The two stare at each other for a moment before the boy opens his mouth.
"You're a bit shit at this, aren't you?"
The boy disappears in the chaos and Umar returns to Masyaf safely if a bit put out at being called out like that and worried for the boy.
Later, Saladin sends a message stating he will retreat on the condition of compensation for his concussed General, warning them that he would have demanded the Assassin's head had the General died. (In other news, Ahmad also returned to Masyaf looking very disgruntled and ruffled, muttering about nosy boys and he WAS a Master Assassin thank you very much.)
So all's well that ends well. Except that no one has any idea who this kid is or where he came from.
Umar wants to know if the boy is ok.
Ahmad has a small grudge and is sulking a bit. (Abbas is also holding a grudge in solidarity.)
Al Mualim wants to see if this boy could be of use.
Altair just wants to thank the person who saved his father. (He can read between the lines.)
Meanwhile, Deaged!Desmond is kicking himself for opening his mouth like that in front of Altair's father. All he wanted to do was make sure Umar got out safely! (and maybe rescuing Ahmad would ensure Abbas didn't grow into such a dick.) The next stop though is Jerusalem for the Apple. He'll go from there.
(There's a Tiny!OP!Desmond loose in the Levant. Nobody knows what he's going to do next, least of all Tiny!Desmond.)
Thank you! It always makes me happy hearing/reading how you guys adore my stories in AO3 and the snippets/ideas here in Tumblr <3
Okay, you know what would be funny? If said general knew that it wasn’t an Assassin who knocked him out. Noooo, he definitely saw it was a boy.
And he also know the Assassin he was chasing saw the boy as well.
So the main reason why he asked Saladin to just ask for compensation was because his pride was wounded so badly that he just wants this entire situation to end already. He’s afraid Umar would tell everyone that a boy, a waif, was the real culprit and he’s too honorable to lie.
When Umar goes to them with the compensation, he can’t even look into Umar’s eyes and Umar ignores him because he’s worried of how Saladin would take it if he does say that it was all that boy’s fault.
They asked him if any wayward brothers had returned during the night and he has no real idea what they’re talking about, only realizing they were asking when he saw that Ahmad had left, mumbling about how some waif had no reason to tell him to take care of his son better, who does he think he is?
So now Umar is wondering who this child is…
And why their paths seemed to be intersecting strangely too much.
Unorganized Notes:
Desmond is either super unlucky or the Calculations is at play because he bumps into Umar too many times that he stopped counting already.
I’m thinking Desmond is around Altaïr’s age because (1) it would make him knocking out a general two or three times his age funnier and (2) it would make Umar’s worry for him easily meld into Desmond reminding him of Altaïr and he can try to reason it’s because of the similar age and not because Desmond… pretty much have some of Altaïr’s mannerism.
You know what would be funny? If the general finally confesses to Saladin and Saladin starts to get curious about this ‘waif’. This would mean another powerful man is out looking for him.
Desmond is winging the entire thing but is also being chased by the Templars because he stole the Apple right under their noses (in this idea, there are already Templars in Levant but they were lying low, waiting for the perfect time to infiltrate the vault underneath the temple when Desmond did his thing).
Desmond turns into an ‘urban legend’ among the Assassins who say that seeing him means some shit is gonna go down. There are even whispers that he’s a harbinger of chaos and destruction because that’s what usually happens when he’s there. (It’s really not. Desmond is mostly stealthy and a lot of Assassins don’t actually see him and they just start attributing those chaotic ‘issues’ to him because… well… they needed a reason XD)
Altaïr starts to think of him as this… strange person who caught his father’s attention which means he caught Altaïr’s attention. Whether that’s a good thing or not is up to you XD
Abbas and Altaïr are friends here but they have differing thoughts about the ‘harbinger’ with Altaïr wanting to meet him (and maybe tie him up so he can bring him to his father) while Abbas wants to punch him because he always feels annoyance about him thanks to Ahmad always being annoyed when he hears the word ‘harbinger’.
The Al-Sayfs want no part in any of these… except Kadar. Kadar supports Altaïr 100% even if it’s something illegal. That’s just a fact at this point.
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gael-garcia · 7 months
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It Must Be Heaven (2019)
directed by Elia Suleiman cinematography by Sofian El Fani
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>>> Collection Sofiane Zermani (Fianso) smokes
[ Source : fiansolevrai ]
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makeagif · 3 months
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Sofiane Pamart & Charles Leclerc - The Dream Continues (Official Videoclip)
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dozydawn · 13 days
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guy60660 · 3 months
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Charles Leclerc | Sofiane Pamar
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petit-papillion · 3 months
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Charles and Sofiane, with a special appearance by Cloud Pants
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