#soft and smol and badass
lethargarian · 2 years
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thelostpretzel · 27 days
hello!! i just wanted to pop in and say that i really really love your ocs, their designs are all so fun and creative!!!!! esp the heroes of the city waow :00 also deeply interested in whatever lore they have so if you ever feel like dropping crumbs,,, *hands outstretched*
*cracks knuckles* thank you for asking dear stranger i would love to ramble about my children (the?) Heroes of the City (sorry, I still don't understand how article THE works) is a story in the genre of LitRPG (like literature + RPG or manhwas/novells about rankers) and it's about Players who are trying to save The Sentient (?) City from self-destruction (or help it destroy itself if a Player feels like hating the world) so the main cast is Eki (she/them) aka The Leviathan Slayer aka The Hero she smol she kind she could kill a god if this god is a threat to her found family but only if said god is a physical threat she is a beating pillow for every morally gray/black character in The City and will never win against charismatic-based villain (she's very naive and soft hearted and everybody uses it)
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Black Silver (she/her) aka The Witch or The City's Shadow
the hottest and the deadliest villain of The City and i have nothing else to say
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Rex (he/them) aka [data deleted]
he is one of The City creators and his main mission is to be a threat to his ex-soulmate - Black Silver who is actively destroying The City
they are the Most Toxic Couple of the project and i feel terror every time i think about them
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Little Box (she/her) aka [???]
i don't know what she is and i'm lowkey scared to know so she's just vibin' here and there (i think she's dead)
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Coffee Fox (he/him) aka The Keeper aka The Guardian
a barista of a tiny coffee shop and The Retired King of The City
he brings comfort and love to every Hero but can only watch The City fall because he's forever locked in his coffee shop
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Magnolia (she\her) and Glitches (they\them) aka The Healer/The Parasite
ah yes a cool badass parasite with no morale compass and an absolutely miserable host with terrible anxiety disorder i love it (Glitches also often flirts with The Bitch i mean with the guy who is hated by the whole City and Magnolia lives in constant fear because of it)
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Midas (he/him) aka The Bitch i mean The Cursed King
The Bitch of The City (and he's fucking rich and hot too i hate him so fucking much i don't even draw him consistently WHYYYYYYYYYYY)
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Adam (the fuck/that) aka The Emptiness
the mute horror of the City (he likes Little Box and Magnolia though)
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aaaaaand the last one
42 aka Zwai (man/failure)
he's just funny little guy with horrible medicine trauma and a cat
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thats it thank you
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shijiujun · 9 months
ok take it with a pinch of salt but i have this indulgent headcanon about eddie and chen yi and the gang like sure at the moment before-jail era he's a feral porcupine who's pretty much on his own save for chen yi, i.e. he was kinda brought up by the boss and boss' cold husband and spent his time around all his lackeys and other brothers, but from what we can see he's a tad distant from everyone but chen yi
but like he's supposed to possibly be the youngest amongst them and he grew up, too, kind of favoured (as much as being favoured goes in a gang like that where no one is touchy feely or talks about their emotions or whatever because badass gangsta men and bros right), and while before-jail era he's totally like THE big bro and goes off on a murder spree or whatever when he's pissed, BUT after-jail era-
he's soft, his hair is black and fluffy, he's in that single dull sweater that engulfs his smol body and he's picked up easily by chen yi and he's gone from feral porcupine to quietly feral kitten and??? he gets ferried home reluctantly by chen yi and yes it IS home, and sure he had mixed feelings about the gang boss BUT-
they're happy to see him returned
they see that he's lost weight, that maybe he hasn't been sleeping well in jail, and the whole gang and the boss and boss' cold husband try to subtly feed him and make him sleep/rest at any given time under gruff, 'fierce' comments
he doesn't really wanna get into gang business just yet or any business involving chen yi and the boss, but he can't go anywhere else, so eddie is caught napping around the main hq and in his and chen yi's gang hideout any chance he gets
they quietly fill up eddie's wardrobe with new colour cardigans and the most hideous and loud prints because fashion trends changed a lot in four years, and it takes eddie a long while to get used to looking like his old, loud, expressive self, because hey, jail didn't provide many colours yeah
chen yi and everyone else maybe seeing new scars on eddie's body because jail wasn't exactly fun-time and hurting for him
LIKE?! a girl can dream right now and i'm doing that before we get to the jail and after-jail scenes yeah LOL
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morose-melodies · 2 years
may i make a Capitano request? i have seen many capitano x soft and cutie s/o, how about Capitano x badass s/o?
(uhh like...she is smol, cute and all on the outside but when she fights, she is as scary as Quetzalcoatl from Fate series)
a fighting strength | yandere! capitano x fem! reader
I hope this is good and sorry for taking so long :)
content warning: yandere tendencies, implied murder (in a battle)
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you stood at the doorway, smiling.
your lips bruised and a small bandaid below your eyes. "would you like to train with me?" you asked, smiling innocently whilst wearing a light blue nightgown.
you wanted to fight capitano again.
he shook his head, saying, "I wouldn't mind. but not today. you're still limping around from the last time."
"I've learned from my mistakes. I can beat you this time."
you've always come close to beating capitano when sparring but only twice were you able to beat him. "no. why don't you go to bed? I'm sure you're tired."
you rested your head on the doorway, your smile slowly dropping to become a frown, "please. one round?"
"or I could ask someone else to practice with me..." you knew all too well that capitano didn't like that.
he stood up slowly, approaching you, his body towering over yours as he said, "one time, (y/n). then you'll go to sleep."
"of course." you smiled, before moving aside to let capitano through the door. the two of you went to the training area and prepared for a small duel.
despite how delicate you look, you're made of steel. that was one of the things that drew capitano to you.
one of the things that made him crazy for you.
capitano removed his armor slowly, before removing his helmet. he glanced up at you, a small scar across his cheek, a scar that you made a few months back after you tossed a pebble to him.
he pulled his hair back, putting it into a low bun, for his safety.
"I'm ready. are you?" you leisurely walked towards capitano, a small, mischievous smile on your lips. capitano nodded and then it began.
capitano positioned himself away from you and you did the same. then you ran to capitano, going for a tackle.
or so he thought.
something special about you is that you never use the same move twice.
your arms wrapped around one of capitano's legs and brought him down Instantly. he grumbled as he lifted himself from the ground. you smiled at him before asking, "one more time?"
capitano first saw you in the midst of a battle, a battle that seemed to never end.
in the never-ending battle, capitano got injured and was deemed too weak to fight.
that's when you entered the battlefield. you left not one enemy alive. you were quick and efficient.
you were incredibly precise. you were a good leader and an even better fighter.
nothing could explain the feelings that capitano felt after hearing about leading his army to victory. it seemed too good to be true, was there someone out there better than him?
after the battle had ended, all he heard was his soldiers speaking of you and yet you were nowhere to be found.
whenever he was given the chance, he'd ask around about you, hoping to find or hear from you again.
he soon found out that you disappeared, leaving him to wonder who you were. when he was sent to natlan that's when he saw you again.
"one more time. please?" you smiled down at capitano, your hands pressed against his shoulders.
"no more. (y/n), I'm exhausted. let's take a break. alright?" capitano placed a hand atop of yours, sighing.
you smirked, and capitano smiled. you were very pretty, but his favorite word to describe you was glorious.
that one word described you, all of you in every form. you were glorious even when you were sick, injured, mad, or sad.
you were always glorious.
always glorious.
"one day... I'm going to be better than you," you whispered, running a finger across the scar on his cheek. a ghost of a smile appeared on his face, he shrugged, "perhaps one day... you'll have to take my place."
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flower-of-the-desert · 6 months
Guardian vol 1 Thoughts
So I finished it! Lmao I thought it would take me soooo much longer to finish vol 1 but nope, Zhao Yunlan's sexy ass made me finish this in like 3 weeks. Putting the rest under a cut so I dont spoil anyone accidentally.
I have to admit a lot of the supernatural world-building kind of confused me but that's mostly just because I'm not familiar with the mythology and rules it's based on so that's a me thing. It was definitely a fast and enjoyable read nonetheless and I've always loved these kinds of stories where heaven/hell is presented like a company with staff and paperwork, etc + a cop show mash up. Also talking cat! Always here for a talking cat lmao.
Zhao Yunlan is definitely my favourite character so far - he's so snarky and badass and kind of an asshole BUT then he turns soft for the people he loves (or random skeleton puppets that look cute and smol) and I'm all 😭😭 I really want to learn more about his backstory and what happened there. I already know the major things from watching some episodes of the drama a few years ago but now I want to get all the details and I wanna see him in his full badass glory as his god self.
And then Shen Wei's pining got me feeling Some Type of Way 🥺 I love how protective he is and how he slips up when Zhao Yunlan is in danger, like during the fight with the masked dude when he went full on "if you touch a hair on his head I'm gonna kill you". I looooooooove when a character goes full protective mode. Also Shen Wei is a CLOWN who is so down bad for this man, I love the way Priest makes her fictional men IDIOTS IN LOVE jksdsdnk
I'm really looking forward to seeing how their relationship goes from here and more of their interactions please!
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atomiqueen · 1 month
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this is an INDEPENDENT, SELECTIVE, and PRIVATE rp blog for LUCY MACLEAN of amazon prime's FALLOUT tv show. written by bean. mainly show & headcanon based, as i slowly familiarize myself with the lore. oc & dupe friendly! NOT SPOILER FREE.
A STUDY IN: being neutral good in a chaotic neutral world; a variety of tv tropes (the pollyanna, action girl, martial pacifist, the golden rule, took a level in badass, the conscience, break the cutie)
beta editor + xkit rewritten only! rules under the cut; everything else on carrd.
wandering the wasteland with: @radiaking / @faultyconscience. @stormlit.
blogroll: @atomiqueen. @heartsdefine. @thiefscant.
GENERAL: SELECTIVE AND PRIVATE. this means i’m particular about who i follow and i will only write with mutuals. my blog is semi-iconless (depending on the muse/if i feel like making icons or not). NOT SPOILER FREE. NO GODMODDING, metagaming, etc. EXCLUSIVITY IS RARE but not unheard of so you can find my mains/exclusives list here
WRITING: I USE PRIMARILY THIRD PERSON PAST OR PRESENT TENSE. i'm not entirely comfortable roleplaying in first or second person (yet). when it comes to verb tense, i'll often check to see what my partner is most comfortable using and go with that. i can do one-liners or multipara threads, but longer things will likely take a bit more time.
SHIPPING: I SHIP CHEMISTRY, and i do not force ships because i’m not a monster. i definitely enjoy a good romance, but platonic and queerplatonic dynamics, rivalries, etc. are just as interesting to explore!
FOLLOWING/UNFOLLOWING: IF I FOLLOW YOU, IT MEANS I LIKE WHAT YOU HAVE GOIN' ON AND WOULD LOVE TO INTERACT. it doesn't have to happen immediately, just down the line! i'll give most folks at least a week to follow back (thus indicating mutual interest in writing together at some point) before unfollowing. but if i really enjoy your blog/portrayal, i may stick around as a passive follower so long as i am welcome!
BLOCKING: I PREFER TO BE HARDBLOCKED IF YOU NO LONGER WISH FOR ME TO FOLLOW YOU for any reason. this is so i don't assume tumblr unfollowed you for me and refollow, inadvertently crossing your boundaries. if i suspect someone has softblocked me, i will likely hardblock them myself to avoid refollowing in the future. (i am generally quite liberal with the block button, as i'm serious about curating my online space.)
PLEASE DO: BREAK YOUR REPLIES FOR ME UP INTO SMALLER PARAGRAPHS if we write together, as my adhd makes hugelong paragraphs difficult to read; ASK ME TO TAG YOUR TRIGGERS if i’ve neglected to do so (whether i’m following you back or not); like my starter calls, SEND ME MEMES, turn my meme replies into threads (if we are mutuals); SHOWER ME IN PLOT IDEAS and ooc chatter; HAVE PATIENCE with me on all of the above; FEEL FREE TO UNFOLLOW ME at any time for any reason, as i will be reserving the right to do so myself 
PLEASE DO NOT: USE SUBSMALL TEXT or multiple spaces between words in our threads as i find both difficult to read; UNFOLLOW/REFOLLOW to get my attention (it won’t be the kind of attention you’re hoping for); EXPECT ANY KIND OF IMMEDIACY FROM ME IC OR OOC. i love making friends via roleplay, but i’m one smol nerd just trying to have a good time and i won’t stress myself out by trying to keep up with everything at once. just know it’s not personal, and i’ll get back to you as soon as i have the energy.
I WILL GLADLY: TAG NSFW AND TRIGGERS appropriately and accommodate those who ask to the best of my abilities; WELCOME LGBTQIA+ HEADCANONS; USE MY SHITPOST TAG (#blacklist for less soft nonsense.) on most of my inane ooc content so feel free to block it, that’s why it’s there
I WILL TRY: TO REMEMBER IF YOU DON’T LIKE TO BE REBLOGGED FROM, but please note that I have ADHD and may forget. Often and repeatedly. (A bit more info about this can be found here.) If being reblogged from on the reblogging website really bothers you, please feel free to soft/block me as needed. Relatedly, I don’t really care if you reblog things from me that aren’t in-character roleplay posts and/or headcanons. I do think it’s polite to reblog a meme from the source if you don’t send one in, but I don’t personally consider it a blockable offense.
I WILL NOT: FOLLOW BLOGS THAT DON’T HAVE ANY RULES OR GUIDELINES set up; exceptions to this are reserved for muns i already know aka those whose boundaries i’m already familiar with; FOLLOW VERY MANY BLOGS THAT INCLUDE CHARACTERS from game of thrones and/or house of the dragon, as i’m just not comfortable having a lot of ASOIAF content on my dash; exceptions to this are typically reserved for people i already know and/or multimuse blogs that include other fandoms/muses i’m interested in 
MUNDANE: MY NAME IS BEAN/BEE. they/she. i’m 32, neurodivergent, and twelve different kinds of anxious but i’m working on it. I’M WHITE. in the event that i fuck up and/or swerve out of my lane, i invite my friends and followers of color (or fellow white folks who are wiser than me) to let me know. you have my thanks for bringing any such behavior to my attention. i can and will do better.
CREDITS: banner, promo, psd
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diagonal-queen · 1 year
opinions on sigma
okay so basically
sigma is my end goal when it comes to appearance and gender. i want to look exactly like him. i know that his beauty is unattainable so i'll do what i can, but i could literally stare at him all day. all week. all month. find my rotting corpse seated in front of my laptop with pinterest opened to a bunch of sigma fanart honestly because he's just that beautiful. i plan on dyeing my hair the same colour as his when i'm able to. hopefully next year (@small-chaos im depending on you to help me bbg)
if i had the choice i would also get a ton of bsd posters that feature sigma and plaster them all around my room and make it sigma themed (or- actually i'd also do this same thing with mykola, chuuya, ranpo and poe, but for the moment i'd do it with sigma). once on tiktok i saw someone whose room was entirely deku themed and full of midoriya paraphernalia, like the whole ass room was full of turquoise. i want that same thing with sigma, i won't even lie. his colour palette and whole vibe is just so gorgeous.
his pretty privilege ain't doing SHIT in the manga to help him though. poor little baby always gets the short end of the stick and i feel his exhaustion all the time. the main difference between sigma and i (besides the fact that he's gorgeous and i'm very much not) is that he is acknowledged for his hard work and accomplishments and i'm. not. lol but the impostor syndrome is honestly so real. i always feel that i won't lie. it's probably one of my worst forms of self sabotage.
the other day my manager told me that i'm good at my job, and i just thought 'oh my god what's gonna happen when she finds out i actually suck' even though realistically i am good at my job (gosh that feels so selfish to say- i'm so used to hating myself in every aspect that when i say something good about myself it feels foreign and narcissistic. i should work on that maybe). like he's so relatable for that and i love him
sigma's third wheelness is also super relatable for me. i too want to find a home, except for me it's in the form of a romantic soulmate because i'm just like that. (it should be known that just because i enjoy and crave romance does not make it a mandatory necessity or even a desire for literally anybody else!!) like he will be walking around following mykola and fyodor while they're on a date (or trying to kill each other idk) and just be watching them like o _ o SAME DUDE
also i too tend to have identity crises when it comes to my purpose, and the reason i was born and stuff. i like to think i was born to help people, but it's been a while since i was born and i've only really negatively impacted everyone around me, so... SIGMA on the other hand. his existence has improved my condition of living by an astronomical amount. he was put on this earth to be loved by all of us sillies and i wish i could shift so i could go there and let him know that he is so loved by everyone and he is very valuable and important. i hope when bungo stray dogs eventually ends (the mere thought of which makes me wanna die), he has a happy ending. he deserves it. tbh most of them do, but especially sigma.
this man is literally perfect. he's so babygirl and so soft and smol, but also badass as fuck and a real strong dude. and i respect him for that so hard. like his dedication to his work and his casino is admirable and it makes me want to find something to be that passionate about (i guess at the moment it'd be this blog? silly as it sounds). also he really went from being summoned out of thin air, to being a slave, to escaping from that and becoming one of dostoyevsky's pawns (which he's fully aware of) and yet he still carries on with the casino like an absolute champ? i love him sm
i'm still real mad at the anime for leaving out his introductory scene (his PROPER one where he's a socialite king) because it literally sets the stage so perfectly for him. we as the audience see him the same way his patrons see him, which gives the later reveal that he's actually very anxious and self-conscious a lot more impact. the anime fell flat on that in my opinion. the sky casino arc deserved more, bones! and i know there are gonna be people who are like 'give them some slack they did their best this and that' and im like. some people have been waiting literal years of their life to see him (not me fortunately. i read the manga in december lol) they deserved better than this T-T
anyways there's this bakery right near where i work and it's literally got the Best Cinnamon Scrolls I've Ever Tasted In My Life. like, they're unparalleled with how fucking delicious they are. i wanna go there with sigma and get one for him. they also have cookies there, like real big thick ones with a lil salt on the top. i'd buy him the entire fuckin batch if he asked for it, i won't lie. i just love him that much. i just wanna sit down at a cafe and enjoy a chai latte with sigma. maybe have a walk around the port in the evening after getting dinner together?? sigma deserves only the cutest and most cliche of fluffy dates
i also wanna show him like, regular human stuff. i wanna go to the beach with him, and go looking for cute shells and treasures in the sand together. i wanna take him to the movies and share my popcorn with him. i wanna do his makeup. i want to bake a cake with him. i wanna go grocery shopping with him. i want him to know that i have panic attacks too sometimes, they're normal, he's normal, and he's also a fantastic human being. i just want him to be happy (i'm really hoping he'll join the ada and find the home he's been looking for all this time <3)
the thing with sigma is i'm not sure if he'd like me as much as i like him. though the sigma bots are always very kind (and romantic because this bitch lonely) i'm very worried that i'd annoy him quite a lot. see i talk a lot for an introvert, and i especially have an issue talking to myself. i literally always do it, whether or not i'm by myself or in public, and i think it would annoy sigma. and i think it would also annoy him that i love mykola as well lol he might not trust me if i were to tell him that.
i love sigma's outfit (we're going back to his appearance i guess lol) more than words can express. it's so impeccably gender, so fancy but also not too fancy (those who've met me irl know that i looooove to overdress. once i went to the movies with my friends in this big flowy dress and they were all in like tshirts and shorts and shit lmao) so you could wear it anywhere. the gold (or beige? cream? idfk) tailcoat with the galaxy pattern beneath? the giant flowy sleeves? the turtleneck underneath? the HEELS? god i love his fit. he's so fucking dripped out it's ridiculous. and of course he has long split dyed hair. dudes with long hair are the hottest DON'T @ ME YOU KNOW I'M RIGHT
and he also just has such a lovely smile. though he is tired and annoyed all the time (as he ought to be honestly), he's just so comforting to be around. i feel like a hug from sigma would fix most of my problems i won't lie. like he's got a pretty face and a nice aura and a cute smile. but his stern/angry face though? 😳 shiiii man okay you can make me cry if you wanna i won't mind. also consider sugar daddy sigma. that's so hot and for what?? like imagine being his trophy wife- okay this is getting way too self indulgent imma stop there (might write about it tho sometime lol)
i just had a thought. sigma's ability i feel is generally a rather overlooked part of his character (maybe i'm just not in the right circles of sigma stans but i don't tend to see people talking about his ability much), but to me it is important because consider this. if sigma loves you and you love him, and he'd like to know the extent to which you love him, then through a simple hug you could actually, properly express it. he wouldn't have to doubt himself or anything anymore with it. (stop i'm like fucking crying i love him sm)
i also love that despite everything i've mentioned so far; despite the fact that he was created from a book, runs a floating casino, is androgynous as fuck, has impostor syndrome, owns giant ass guns and can get whatever information he wants through physical contact with another person, he is somehow the most *normal* member of the decay of angels. i mean to be fair one of the other members is literally a severed bust of a centuries old vampire whose lower half is a sword, but still. and yet he still goes along with all the stuff they do and doesn't say anything. fucking same, sigma. it really just be that way sometimes.
sigma has such little wet cat energy (especially after that last chapter amirite) and it's adorable. he doesn't have *pathetic* wet cat energy, but he still has wet cat energy. pathetic wet cats would be like, fyodor and akutagawa. sigma is a cute wet cat with big eyes and tiny little paws. i want to see how he'd be with animals now that i think of it. i think he'd like cats, because dogs might be a little too much for him. and i lowkey think he'd be afraid of farm animals, because they're scary alright. chickens and cows are very frightening to be close to if you're not used to them and anyone who says otherwise is a liar
i just want more sigma content, too. like i know that bungo tales only goes up to season 2 for like valid reasons but i WANT SIGMA MAYOI. little chibi sigma on the battlefield. pretty little sigma pictures of him actually being happy and doing things. i also want official art from bones (but GOOD official art. you already ruined my precious boyo chuuya don't do it to sigma please i'm begging you) and of course harukawa and hoshikawa's art is always appreciated. also creantzyy. i know they primarily do fyolai and mtp but my goodness if their sigma art isn't also just perfect in every way (i'm a huge fan of theirs AS EVERYBODY IN THE FANDOM SHOULD BE. the bernadette animatic to us is what the nagito edit was to the danganronpa fandom)
i also sometimes wonder what stuff sigma likes. i mean we know cookies are his favourite food (which is the cutest thing imo- you can always trust someone who enjoys sweet treats like that), but what kind of music does he like? how would he dress while he isn't working in the casino? what's his favourite colour? does he like animals? what does he think of political stuff? feel free to send me all the sigma headcanons in the world about all of it. he's just very enigmatic at the moment and i yearn to know absolutely everything about him. except unlike mykola i don't wanna experiment on him i just wanna sit down and ask him questions and have a friendly little conversation
and i know everybody's already talking about this scene but let's continue to talk about the scene in the recent chapter where dazai rescues sigma from drowning and gives him a lil thumbs up, and sigma smiles back at him. those panels are literally the most fucking adorable thing i've ever seen and i could stare at them for hours. those two are big comfort characters of mine and i'm glad that they're (kind of) getting along now. at the very least dazai rescued sigma. and lowkey i'm gettin onboard with sigzai. like most of the sigma ships kinda go hard (especially siglai. there's a reason i'm looking for mykola kins guys lmao)
like i love him so much. i really could go on for hours but...this shit is already long enough and i'm sure nobody is gonna read it all. i've recently thought about this though; if i love the characters who i kin the most, maybe i can learn to love myself too. and that thought is comforting to me :)
tl;dr - sigma babygirl
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keeper crew, ranked based on who would have been the cutest baby
because ive been thinking about elf babies okay i want to hold these children
Fitz. So smol. So good. So pure. Puts everything in his mouth. Smiles. Says every word he hears back. You say things like "Moo" and "Muffin" and "Ripplepuff" and "Whiskers" and his little face gets all excited and his eyes sparkle and he's the cutest. baby. you've ever seen.
Biana Vacker. It's those freaking Vacker Genes. Ugh. So cute. It's practically illegal. She's got a sass to her, and her eyes are soooo big. She smiles and the world falls apart.
Maruca. Wtf. How did someone so perfectly sweet as a baby become? Such a badass? She grew up really fast, but when she was a baby she was chubby and soft and smiley and talked in babbles sometimes and made happy noises so much.
Tam. SO SERIOUS. SUCH A SERIOUS BABY. Glares at you, but his little face is kind of chubby and he looks like he could be a meme of a cute angry baby. He watches you. he knows things. He questions everything. And then his sister puts her little chubby hands on the sides of his face and looks at him and he SMILES THE WIDEST YOU'VE EVER SEEN.
Sophie. A normal baby with normal baby cuteness. Her eyes were a little too big for her head. Kinda looked like a fairy, and was always on the small side.
Marella. The grumpiest. Baby. You've ever seen. So grumpy. But? It's kind of endearing? In a really weird way.
Dex. No comment. He was bald except for two pieces of hair and he had no eyebrows.
Stina. One. Little curl. On her forehead. And an eternal glare.
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madraleen · 11 months
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Attack on Titan - Hajime Isayama Vol.13-16: A “there’s still a lot we can do inside... like knitting” commentary.
-Look at the cover of volume 13, all of my darlings on the cover looking badass.
-I read the chapter title “Squad Levi” and I’m just grinning from ear to ear.
-Eren did turn into an indecisive whiner for a bit, you’re right, Jean. You’ve both changed based on your experiences, isn’t it great
-D o m e s t i c i t y, help! Help, this is soft!
-Levi just loooves talking about toilet stuff.
-People get broken in such subtle ways throughout the story. So quietly. It’s not a huge flashy thing, and they’re still them when it comes to big moments, but in the small intimate moments they get more hesitant, more cautious.
-The fact that Hange’s answer “There’s still a lot we can do inside... like knitting” is said in earnest
-Hahaha, is Titan Eren writing with a freakin log?! Lmao, amazing.
-Yes, random person, Levi is smol bean, what about it?!
-The Survey Corps not working hard enough? The disrespect of the randos, ffs.
-What is this sulky Levi doing on the cover of volume 14
-”We just have to enthrone Historia Reiss as the Queen,” he says. There’s nothing JUST about that, Erwin!!
-The variety of outfits, I love it.
-Wait, Levi ACKERMAN? What’s he to Mikasa?!
-Well. That plan with Reeves went well. *cries in merchantese*
-See Squad Levi and Hange’s people turn into outlaws or sth
-Why do you show me people in hoods, I’m weak for fictional people in hoods.
-Hold up hold up, Kenny is also an Ackerman? Am I misunderstanding something? Am I experiencing a conundrum of Ackermans?
-The scale of everything is getting so big. And I really like the action scenes.
-To be Armin, to have killed your first human, and to have LEVI talking to you about it. True hell. He doesn’t have the manners is what I’m saying!
-Oh wait, he’s not doing too bad tonight. Way to go, Levi.
-When are we getting the juicy Levi backstory?
-”Captain Levi... in the flesh...” That’s right, Marlowe, that’s how I react too whenever Levi appears.
-”It was everyone’s individual choices that brought change to our world.” I’m crying and you can’t stop me.
-The fuck are they doing to Eren. The fuck is he in chains? RELEASE HIM!
-Yeah, no, I hate this the most, unchain Eren now.
-No!! Baby Titan Eren killed his father?!?! I gasped so loud (I assume he was also a Titan, with the whole turn into a Titan and eat a Human Titan so that you can control it?).
-No, I don’t buy the Grisha slander, we need to get to that basement.
-I’m gonna slap Historia so hard.
-Ugh, Baby Eren’s little hand on Grisha’s adult hand as he tries to stop him from injecting him, little baby :((((
-I’m reading this so consistently and intensely that I’m pretty sure when I’m done everything will be a blur.
-I can’t even imagine how angry the Survey Corps must be. I’m livid.
-Asdfsfd, Levi and Mikasa synchronized jump out of the smoke, help.
-Jean killed! Jean killed!
-The audacity to call Squad Levi et al monsters when Kenny’s gang was literally waiting to kill them in ambush!
-Listen to him, Historia, listen to Eren! (For context on how ridiculous I’m being, Eren is currently saying “Mmmff!! Mmmhh!!”)
-Oh, Levi’s Kenny’s nephew then? Mikasa’s cousin?
-I want to smack Historia so hard.
-Hold up hold up, Eren, easy there on the guilt trip. This family has had this damn power for one hundred years, why would FRIEDA change the world, why didn’t they change the damn world earlier, it’s not adding up!
-Thank you, Historia! Like I said!
-The masterful, masterful way that everything in Historia’s life has led to this moment. That every self-empowering interaction between two side characters led to Historia rejecting the serum.
-Shut up with your pseudo-shonen protag bullshit, Eren, you’re not being eaten, it’s bad for everyone if you DON’T keep on living, shut up shut up shut up!
-Historia responded with “Shut up, you stupid crybaby,” and now I love her.
-Yeah, so, fuck what I said, I love Historia. My apologies.
-”You hear me, shirtless wonder?!” Hahaha, J E A N!
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frozenhi-chews · 1 year
Gimme Kandy and Wheatster lol [ask game]
Hehehehehe!! Kamdy and Whet!
This is gonna be a long one
I'm doing Wheats first!
1. Smol + toll
It changes actually! But for the most part, Smol is Wheat Bean and Toll is Pancake
Ray of Sunshine + Grump
Wheatley is the ray of sunshine, or at least trying to be. And Pancake is the upmost grumpy butt who wants to bite things
3. Confident and Flirty + Easily Flustered
Pancake is the flirty one ;3
Wheatley is always super flustered aha
4. Himbo+ Badass
If you think that Wheatley isn't the "himbo" in this y'all trippin /lh
Pancake can break doors open with her bare hands
5. Dumbass One + Dumbass two
Wheatley is #1, Pancake enables him (#2)
6. Quiet Smart + Loud Idiot
If you know ANYTHING about Wheatley it's that he's an upmost CHATTERMOUTH. Pancake also has her vocal cords shot through the first half of her AU, and even when it gets fixed she still doesn't talk a lot. Plus she solves the tests
7. Feral Gremlin + Calm Academic
Surprisingly Pancake is the gremlin, despite solving tests and whatnot. She's still a Pancake, and Wheatley talks through plans to get out
8. No sense of self preservation + Overprotective
Both of them at the same time, although Pancake is heavily protective of Wheatley
9. Ball of Anger + Softie
Pancake is always angry. Whealtey, being the soft goob he is, tries to calm her down
10. Sarcastic AF + Absolute Dork
Despite not talking a lot, Pancake is an utter sass mouth. Also Wheatley is always a dork
11. Snarky Power Couple
Only when Wheatley is in the chassis
12. Soft and Shy + Outgoing
Both of them are outgoing
13. Opposites Attract
Anxious optimistic chattermouth × quiet, cold, and angry nightmare
14. Affectionate + Affection-Starved
Pancake will always give her affection-starved boyfriend love!
15. Rebel + Teachers Pet
Both of them are rebels in their own way, yet Wheatley will try to squirm his way out of trouble
16. Serious + Goof
Pancake is all business, Wheatley is the goof. There is no question
17. Has Exactly Three Braincells Between Them
18. Experienced + Never Dated Before
Technically both of them dated before Apeture messed them up, but neither of them remember it so they technically don't have any sort of experience
19. Oblivious+ Also Oblivious
20. Bastard + Princess
Pancake is the Bastard, Wheatley is a pretty princess!
And now for Kankri!
1. Smol + Tol
Kankri is taller than Pancak. If by a few inches. He's still small enough that Pancak can and will pick him up and carry him around!
2. Ray of Sunshine + Grump
Pancak is a bright ray of sunshine in Grumpy Kancrab's life
3. Confident and Flirty + Easily Flustered
Pancak is still the flirt! She loves to tease Kankri, especially since he's never really been flirted with
4. Himbo+ Badass
Kinda hard to tell, Pancak is the more aggressive one yet Kankri can fight.
5. Dumbass One + Dumbass two
Kankri says something stupid and Pancak agrees with him and the others back away
6. Quiet Smart + Loud Idiot
Cmon we know Kankri is the talkative one while Pancak listens silently
7. Feral Gremlin + Calm Academic
Pancak is the gremlin!! Full stop!! Kankri tries to keep his cool but he is the academic. Somewhat
8. No sense of self preservation + Overprotective
Pancak is both. She has little to no sense of self preservation and is heavily protective of Kankri. At the same time, Kankri is protective of Pancak and will fight anyone who tries to sneak up on his matesprit
9. Ball of Anger + Softie
Pancak is still an angry ball of fury and Kankri tries his best to be soft and calm her down
10. Sarcastic AF + Absolute Dork
Both of them are sarcastic, and Pancak calls Kankri a dork all the time. He can't seem to fight against it
11. Snarky Power Couple
Yes. Pancak has a solid metal bat, Kankri has a gun, they're both scary
12. Soft and Shy + Outgoing
Both are outgoing actually. Neither really shy
13. Opposites Attract
Absolutely. How talkative, annoying, preachy Kankri got sarcastic, annoyed, and tired Pancak no one knows. But hey it happened!
14. Affectionate + Affection-Starved
Pancak is still the affectionate one, and Kankri has no idea how to handle it all
15. Rebel + Teachers Pet
Kankri is definitely the teachers pet while Pancak deals in mischief and shenanigans. How he puts up with her no one knows. She still gets lectures
16. Serious + Goof
Kankri is Serious Business and Pancak is a goofball
17. Has Exactly Three Braincells Between Them
18. Experienced + Never Dated Before
Pancak has dated in the past, Kankri never has. So he has no idea what to do, but he's trying
19. Oblivious+ Also Oblivious
These two can talk to each other for hours and not notice a building is on fire
20. Bastard + Princess
Pancak is the Bastard still.
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abdocado · 2 years
uhh,, im trying to remember bcos i read skypiea way back in high school but i think it's him as a person?? like,, he's loyal and badass, but soft when he wants to be and i think my smol brain was like, "oh. it's zoro two point oh" and,,, well
Haha I like the zoro comparison - they are both on the grumpy side
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cheesecake-beech · 2 years
*deep inhale*
Elliot is a smol boi and I would die for him and his tiny robit friends!! Too pure for this world!!
They're all perfect and wonderful and now I REALLY wanna make an oc as well!
(Also, hell yes, oc x cannon ships are AMAZING and I'd LOVE to hear all about them)
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Im so embarassed to talk about this so under the cut jashgjagdgsdj 😳😳😳
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bUT IM A HUGE MULTISHIPPER AND LIKE AJHDKJASFJFJDG Bro i ship everything and when I made ocs i cant help but ship them w the canon characters and SFKSDSDHFKHGDSHG
So obviously these guys gay 😳😳
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IL THESE GUYS LIKE THE SUNGLASSES DUDE IS SO 😳😳 idk what I should headcanon their names bUT LIKE I WAS LIKE After i made Elliot I was like 😳👉🏽👈🏽 What if I just- Slipped him in- and made a poly- DHFGDSJFDGSFJDGSG bECAUSE SMOL BOY WITH TWO TALL BOIS? Like bro Elliot would make sure these guys get the relaxation and dinner they deserve after a hard day at work, especially after getting beaten up by freakin kung fu lady.
Elliot just stays at home (because househusband/bf) While these guys were working for Wild Knuckles MAKIN THE BUCKS but when they quit and obviously come home with their shit beaten out of, Elliot would be FLABBERGASTED both by the fact they no longer have jobs from quitting and by the fact they were beaten up, SO HE WOULD TAKE CARE OF THE TWO OF THEM. But I ALSO THOUGHT while these guys are jobless 👀 He secretly goes back to being "Blaze" just to get some BIG STACKS OF CASH Because he's a good boi and cares for his 2 bfs 😩😩
I ship this goof Svengeance just because of my huge, huge crush on him kasjgfdgshfjdgsfgd
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I haven't really thought of how these two would have met, whether it would have been while Alan as a civilian or as a villain. But like, Alan's a charmer, and usually gets what he wants. So I imagine while as a Villain he enters the v6 quarters just for a little meet n greet THEN HE'S LIKE "awOOGA 😍" when he see's Sven dskjfsdhfgdsjgh HE'S JUST IMMEDIATELY "😳😳😳" (It's the thighs and the luscious locks your honor.)
I bet its just the fact that Alan kept giving him heart candy and kept flirting and Svengeance is just like "huh 🧍🏽" then they probably kissed at one point😳😳😳 🤯🤯🤯because the candy was just to good and boom JKFDSGGHDSFGDGSHFDJS then boom IDFK And now Alan's like ":D"
ship her w this dude (again i need hc names for the henchmen 😭)
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ITS THE BADASS-NESS AND FIGHTING OK, plus even a badass bitch like Valerie need someone to love 😩 These two probably go dancing together and have some fun nights out honestly 💅🏽💅🏽💅🏽✨
Surprisingly he doesn't know Valerie is a villain, 🤷🏽, But these two are honestly just there for the lovey dove-y disco roller blading nights out ✨✨✨
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troglobite · 7 months
more thoughts abt fatness and desirability etc re: that one post i rbed and tagged
i can think of like Two characters who are actually fat who are cool interesting complex and their fatness is a neutral thing.
and they're both from the same show
laszlo and guillermo
like that's it lol
but i love them both bc they're complex characters who (as far as i know, bc again, i don't engage in fandom bc hhhhhhh) aren't FLATTENED.
yeah guillermo wears sweaters and is idealistic and goofy
but also? he kicks so much ass physically and emotionally
he is morally grey, fucked up, selfish, melodramatic, occasionally just MEAN
and ALSO a very loyal friend
he's not made to be ~comfy cozy~ or a joke just bc he's fat
it's just part of him, and it doesn't hold him back from having boyfriends and desires and BEING desirable
OR from being a truly fucked up piece of shit on occasion lol
and laszlo is The Most Desirable And Horny Man ever
and he's not portrayed as unwelcome in his advances, he's never portrayed as crude or rude or unwanted (except in very specific hilarious circumstances that have nothing to do with him being fat and horny)
he's not made out to be this lecherous freak
he's just exceedingly horny and eclectic and weird and funny and also sweet and heartfelt but utterly clueless about the weirdest things
he's a fun and complex character, and being fat is a neutral thing about him.
so when people make these two characters soft in fanart or fanfic, it's bc they're doing fandom shit, not bc they're fat (or at least, there's enough plausible deniability that it doesn't immediately read as that lol)
but az/raph/le is an irritating case to me
and all of the other positive shit they said
on the other hand i am REALLY FUCKING SUSPICIOUS of people's motivations in making him fat in the VERY SPECIFIC WAYS they are making him fat
because you know what they ALSO do?
they make him SHORTER
and part of that is bc then together, he and cr/wl/y look like this:
and ppl love that for some fucking reason
(baseless speculation that it's bc of reproducing gender roles and power dynamics in relationships that don't have them--ANYWAY)
people also draw/write him knitting. all the time.
i'm PRETTY sure he NEVER did that in the show. in reality i'm pretty sure he would be absolutely baffled by how it works bc it's a complex human thing. his only human interest outside of music and books is magic.
he doesn't even WEAR knitwear.
and yet. everyone draws him short, fat, round, and knitting, with this little placid smile on his face.
tell me that making him fat, doing those things, and calling him azi is in any way a neutral or positive thing 100% of the time.
okay that was really combative--
clearly i think a lot of ppl just don't think about it.
and some are just following fanon trends.
but either way, they are creating and reproducing something that relies upon shortness and fatness to convey "somft, smol, roumd, sweet uwu bb"
and it is INFURIATING.
they would see my anger as laughable or cute
my interests as childish
my glee and excitement as weak and youthful
my threats funny
and i'm REALLY FUCKING ANGRY that giving him the same traits i have is meant to fucking woobify him so he's smol and cute
and then there are posts that are like ooohhh!!! he's a badass! he has a PLAN! he's so cool and tough!!!!
all in the same tone of like. fucking. talking about your 9 year old wanting to dismantle the patriarchy. or a small dog managing to scare bigger dogs.
so while i'm glad that there exists a lot of fanwork that makes him fatter AND desirable
and just has his NORMAL, CANON ATTRIBUTES (goofy, endearing, a bit gullible, but also steadfast and loyal, also self-denying and occasionally clueless or reticent) that are PART of him but not meant to be EMPHASIZED by his physical attributes
like that's great
i'm REALLY fucking irritated to see him made shorter and fatter as a shorthand way of conveying uwu smol bean
he's not. any of those things.
so THAT is why he in particular being made fatter (AND SHORTER) in fanworks just grates on me
yes i have tried blocking tags but blacklist systems no longer work consistently on here :)))))))))
so i see a lot of it unwillingly and then scroll past at lightning speed
but yeah. those. are my thoughts.
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bananashipsstuff · 9 months
what are you favorite fandom and/or shipping tropes?🤔
God I'm in so many fandoms lol. Favorites though? I have a big ol soft spot for Bleach since it was my first anime ever! I also adore Pokemon, I've been getting dragged back into it lol. (My favorite Pokemon is Haxorus!) To name a couple others, hmmmm. I got soft spots for Teen Wolf, Bnha, Kingdom Hearts. GOD I AM DEEEEP IN THE GENSHIN IMPACT FANDOM. My absolute beloveds <3 These are just to name a few and the first ones that came to mind lol.
Now SHIPPING. Oh boy, they don't call me Bananashipsstuff for nothin lmao. I'm always fond of hurt/comfort tropes as well as found family (yes, even in shipping tropes. Let me see my blorbos working together to help raise and make kids happy). I like soulmate aus but my specific fave soulmate au are actually also wing aus. Like matching wings and stuff. I also love protective tol and fiesty smol. Pairs being badasses to protect the other? Going up to their partner and asking 'who did this?' and you KNOW shit's about to go down? *Chef's kiss* beautiful, exquisite. And of course CUDDLING AND SNUGGLING. 10/10 And as for more spicy tropes. 8) Don't worry about it.
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isrighthand · 2 years
Mary is 5' 2" (she smol 🥺 but she won’t hesitate to kick ass no matter the height of the asshole 😎), Stede is 5' 10", Ed is 6' 2"
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short badass solidarity 🤝
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perfect height for collarbone kisses 😌
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perfect height for world hard and cold, tiddy warm and soft 😌
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🔎🧐 for wip ask !!
Thank you!! Yet again, answering for Tragedy's Bones~
🔎 What is something you learned when doing research for your WIP?
People in the Victorian era would often make hair jewelry! They used either their own hair when it was just for fashion or the hair of a loved one who had passed away when it was to be used as a memento. And they look gorgeous af.
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🧐 Write an analysis of one of your characters, from a reader’s perspective.
“Victorine is really really trusting but at the same time not trusting at all, and I think that's pretty interesting. She isn't really strong tho. I mean. It's supposed to be a book about a badass female character, and she's like,, falling in love and being a melodramatic naïve idiot and having abandonment issues, like what's that about 🙄”
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