#soft ashton
fear-ne · 7 months
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bells hells chaos, volume 6
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densitywell · 6 months
thinking about Orym not just telling Ashton that he cares about them, but the things he says after: I get it, to a degree, I do. You would never fuck off. You really do have a soft heart. I know you mean well.
there was so much questioning of Ashton and his intentions by the other Hells, accusations that he was power-hungry and that he didn't care about them, that he manipulated or coerced Fearne into giving him the shard, that he was just a "bad" person. even the new shared understanding they had by the time they left for the Feywild, that Ashton took the shard because he was misguided and mired in self-loathing, only gets reported back to Ashton in pretty obtuse ways.
Orym has the benefit of getting time to think, and who knows what he would have said or done had Liam been there for ep 78. but even still he's the first to tell Ashton not just that he cares about them but also that he sees the good in them. most people have never bothered to even look for that. if Ashton can even see it right now it must seem tiny, meaningless, completely drowned out by all the bad in them.
and the other Hells do see that good, to varying degrees, even now. they love Ashton too, and they love him for a reason. but the first one who actually thinks to tell Ashton that is Orym.
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undead-knick-knack · 2 years
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I just think they're neat :)
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towards-toramunda · 3 months
Look I just think a bloody Orym should gently kiss Ashton’s bruised knuckles after a fight sue me
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sapphiregem01 · 19 hours
Something something just Taliesin and Liam fully leaning into each other whenever the other one does oh my word my heart
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danwhobrowses · 22 days
Okay yeah I wasn't ever gonna be contained with just one post so, Callowmoore stuff that's on rotisserie in my brain from ep.94
Long and deep looks at each other and a hug right off the bat!
When asked by Laudna if they were okay in ep. 91, Ashton deflected with 'say that again?' and 'are any of us?', but when Fearne asks they give a genuine answer and then also ask her how she's feeling, because she's been quiet and they care
Ashton, despite hurting when they're touched and exhausted so the chronic pain is as intense as the first time, still wanting to cuddle with Fearne - and feeling at ease when they do
And like, the way they were trying to articulate it implies that they've wanted to ask for quite some time, but the timing has been off or situations have gotten in the way, and they don't want to wait any longer
But also they don't ask if they can cuddle they ask if Fearne wants to; they want to, but they ask Fearne if she doesn't want to sleep alone, because her comfort is as important or more important than their own
Fearne given her past experiences with people of course thinks they mean the other kind of company, which she notes she does want (so that's not off the table) but asks if they could just cuddle - to which Ashton doesn't entirely deny either, but notes that they're tired and in a lot of pain right now so they too was asking for the same
Also the fact that Fearne, who has been in a threesome inside a corrupted haunted wood, will later flirt with a dark echo of herself, and spooned with a ghost pirate captain, got so flustered about asking Ashton that she just wants to cuddle
Despite the awkwardness they still just laugh and joke together through it, they're awkward but it's in a sweet way
All of Ashton's immediate action the second they realised Fearne was missing - similar to how they wanted to find her after the shard incident but this time in a position where they could take action - no nonsense, no pissing contest with Chetney about her scent being on their bed, "Find. Them. Now."
And then still being soft after seeing Fearne again, because all that matters right now is that she's still here. And another post I saw said it better but, Ashton never seeks to change or 'correct' parts of who Fearne is; she can still follow cute animals just next time bring a buddy along (which given how they were in bed together would imply meaning them), they love her for her, fae and all, they just want her to be safe
Not entirely ep. 94 but given how on 91 Ashton pointed out that they needed to sleep and 'figure out who they wanted to be', and then here ask Fearne to be there beside them so they could have someone to wake up to, it to me at least says a lot about what Ashton has already decided; and how despite both of them having dealt with grief and anger and helplessness by bottling it up, hiding away, and shouldering it alone, this time they both wanted to just feel at ease with each other
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bumblingdragon · 2 years
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"I was soft once"
I need to know more about Ashton's past, i need details...
also where are their parents, i just wanna talk 😀🔪
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difeisheng · 5 months
tbh. tlt2 wins for the fact that they let xiaoge dress Comfy
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daydadahlias · 7 months
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pretty man x loaf of bread
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kindahoping4forever · 5 months
Ash on Ai FM
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tearsofj0y · 2 years
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shes all i ever wanna be
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thatfaerieprincess · 16 days
I don't usually blog directly abt CR I just reblog but uhhhhhhhhh I am STILL thinking about Ashton getting his head inspected by Essek. That was literally almost everything I wanted from that scene!! I have been dreaming about nearly exactly that scenario for MONTHS!!
Ever since we first saw Caleb in C3 I've been sitting on this fic idea I'll never write where Caleb and Essek get to sit Ashton down in their shared study and inspect them and ask them questions and answer questions for them!!! I wanted Ashton to be treated SO gently and so respectfully and yet completely depersonalized as just A Thing for them to study, but still being checked in on!! Caleb being SO careful to make sure Ashton doesn't feel uncomfortable bc of his own history Being An Experiment, the two of them getting Ashton's full story and just Making Eye Contact over their head!! Swapping notes and theories, Caleb filling Essek in on what he knows abt the potions of dunamis, teaching Ash abt what they know, Caleb keeps going into teacher mode, Ashton being somewhat zoned out when they aren't being spoken too, sitting in a comfortable chair just letting themself be moved and positioned! Caleb asking if they need any water or snacks or extra pillows !! Ashton is deeply uncomfortable but in a very comfortable way, not used to being treated with this kind of respect and care, especially not being studied by someone who isn't LEERING !! They give Ashton a full briefing at the end with all their conclusions!! Maybe some other time they run some tests on their abilities!!
And obviously the scene in c3e95 is entirely different by way of No Caleb, but with just Essek that was p much everything I could've wanted!! Being asked "may I touch?" And then taking their jaw and tilting their head?! Peering into the hole in their head and going "O.O Oh Boy!" Getting to teach Ash abt dunamancy and the Luxon!! The only thing that could've made it better was if Essek mentioned the need to confer with his partner about it!!
My only dearest hope rn is that Some DayTM when all this is over and they get that chance to study a little more in depth, that Caleb can be there too. Idk if it'll ever happen again like that in campaign and not just post-campaign fic but!!! I was at peace for like 10 whole minutes there! nevermind Everything Else that happened in this episode!!
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undead-knick-knack · 9 days
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Not Fearne with her Chetney carving hanging from her garter 😍😭
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fear-ne · 10 months
no no no you don’t understand. there is just something about ashton “i punch things for money” greymoore (who has been reduced by circumstance into being a tool for brutality, who has LITERAL stone hands and a glass hammer and a hardened heart, who is the product of years of cycles of violence) taking a look at other people and being ineffably gentle with them
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pocketgalaxies · 2 years
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Don’t think I’m crazy, okay? Never. Never, never.
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danwhobrowses · 6 months
Ashton Greymoore we need to work on your charisma because there's only so many times I can mentally yell "KISS HER GODDAMMIT" at the screen
#critical role#cr 3 spoilers#cr 3#bells hells#ashton greymoore#fearne calloway#ashton x fearne#fearne x ashton#callowmoore#this is probably the closest I've had to the 1% chance of my mental scenarios coming true#I mean Ashton did not hesitate to save her or trust her in the challenge even at the threat of her being a doppelganger#also that's the closest to 'I don't believe in fate but I believe in you' I can get#and they gave her their ring to protect her!#didn't know they could literally GIVE THEIR HP TO HEAL HER too that was awesome#and Imogen knows she KNOWS I mean Laudna and FCG also know but Imogen is the one being soft about it#and now they feel whole and they feel whole with her#and their powers amplify near one another just as I hoped!#and they didn't say they didn't want to kiss her just that it was a lot of pressure#but still mate you gotta kiss her the only time you did you blew up you could've done it at the lava or the clock tower too#this was another perfect moment to kiss her#mentally yelling because I'm in the office squirming before work time zones are a bitch and the office would stare#will take that as a late birthday present thank you Tal and Ashley#my week has been made#let me yell into the ether some more#because I've been repeating 'it can still be a good day' from every inconvenience today because I knew this'd have me in a chokehold#and it is a GOOD DAY#taliesin jaffe#ashley johnson#I get being flustered Ash the beauty and your reason for living is giving your believed-unlovable ass the come hither eyes#but that's when you cast aside that belief commit and hither! Hither Ashton! Let yourself be loved by those who love you!
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