#someday i’ll finish this fic. someday.
backhurtyy · 5 months
beloved you Know i Gotta say,,, shattered edges glistening 🥰 also hi ilyyyyy
corey beloved idek what this was about anymore or when it was sent but. i am just giving you a random snippet. enjoy
Long breath out.
It was almost funny, he thought. For so long, he’d thought he’d been broken because he couldn’t keep up with everyone else’s skating.
Turns out, he was broken, just… Not the way he’d ever imagined.
Deep breath in.
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honkshoo-zzz · 10 months
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eepy and sleeby
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thebluestbluewords · 1 year
more road trip adventures with the gang
Mal lunges across the camper for her phone. She's been waiting a whole two days for them to get cell service again, and she's not letting any of the chaos goblins she's sharing a camper with steal her boyfriend before she's got the chance to explain herself. 
"Hi hello I love you," she says breathlessly, stabbing the button to accept the call at the same time. "Hi, babe." 
Ben laughs. 
"Hi, Mal," he says, and his voice is so warm and familiar that it makes Mal want to scream. In a good way. Because she's good now, and she would never scream every time she experiences an unfamiliar emotion, because that would be awfully immature for her to do, and also because she's in a moving vehicle and they're not really supposed to scream while they're driving. "I heard you had a bit of an adventure with some cows?" 
"For the record, we didn't touch any stupid cows. They're the ones who came and bothered us, and I didn't barbeque any of them about it, and if the farmer calls about damage to property, he's lying." Mal says in one breath, before anyone else can do something like grab the phone and put their own spin on the events of the last three days. "We maybe had a bit of an accident with a fence, but the cows were all fine, and I fixed it before anything happened." 
Evie, who is sitting on the bench seat next to where Mal is lying on the floor with her phone, snorts. 
"Keep your mouth shut," Mal whispers. She's gotten this far on fixing her mistakes before anyone notices, and she's not going to start letting people know about her mistakes now. "Or else I'll throw your shoes in the lake." 
Evie rolls her eyes, which is a victory on its own, but not one that Mal is especially inclined to appreciate at the moment. "She's lying." 
The phone isn't on speaker, but modern phones are unfortunately high quality. Mal would know, as she's tried to break this one about eight times now, and it keeps defeating her and surviving anyway.
 Ben's voice is unfortunately audible on the other end of the line. "What?" 
"She's lying to you, Ben!" Carlos hollers from the front of the camper, because apparently Mal's private phone call is now a free for all. "We murdered all the cows and did ritual sacrifice with their bodies! There's demons in the farm now!" 
"Shut up!" 
There's a noise like a door slamming, and then, muffled, "No!" 
“Yeah, babe?” 
“Do you want to tell me what actually happened?” 
Mal considers this offer for a moment. “Not really,” she says finally. “But I guess if it’ll help us in court.” 
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danvillecheese · 1 year
god ive had an idea for a very specific dakavendish fic floating round in my head for like. two months and ive done absolutely nothing about actually writing it
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dirtbra1n · 3 months
heyo dirtbrain I got two for you for that ship ask game. first is wangxian. second is zhongli & childe bc i know nothing abt genshin impact and also bc the opinions i do have kind of relate to both of these asks which is fun
hello kiri Really tickled by your second selection here. I will try to be brief, (1/137)
literally every single time I think about mdzs I have this constant incessant need to say out loud I DO LIKE WANGXIAN. to my ghost audience. because I really really do. but I’m not Compelled. there are things that compel me and wangxian’s not doing much of any of it. it’s all there already….. which is . where’s the fun in that for me…….. granted though I still haven’t read the properly localized novels yet. started reading the first one the other day but it’s at the bottom of the priority list I guess you could add this one. because there are other more pressing issues at hand. I guess it’s. I’m a terrible marriage (complicated definition) fan and wangxian are so Regular marriage. good for them! but come on guys…..
Also colored in large part probably by the way mdzs fandom was in like 2019/20 and the shredding of lan zhan’s character . different rabbithole different day I hope it’s gotten better in the time I’ve been away . I do still miss my friend wei wuxian though They could never make me hate you king…….
zhongli childe genshin impact though Ha ha. ohhh man.
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boring people yaoi is the worlds most egregious crime to me and I’m NOT kidding. I think I’ve mentioned to you kiri my extensive personal genshin mindpalace. and these two are both in there as two of four major players. probably also mentioned the debaucherous tilt this entire mindpalace has happening.
the point I’m not getting at here but am steering towards anyway is that childe knows that zhongli has the power to crush him and the earth he stands on with a lifted pinky and is so into it because he’s a violence freak. and so he’s constantly trying to push zhongli’s buttons, trying to see if he can move the mountain if he just shoves hard enough, shoves in the right way, at the right time. not that there’s not also like. resentment. some complicated feelings bubbling. I wouldn’t care at all if there wasn’t. mindpalace wouldn’t exist if there wasn’t. another rabbithole for another day.
anyway zhongli feels far too old for this. consciously. he feels too old for this consciously I don’t think the boring yaoi people are wrong on principle when they put that old man in Situations. I do so myself. they’re just wrong because they’re not putting enough struggle into it. because I think that zhongli knows what childe’s after and is determined not to give him anything. and yet simultaneously will see him in the right lighting or covered in gore and think I want to eat him. no quicker way to feel your age. he was a martial god, you know. it’s not that he’s averse to violence or the eroticism of it on principle you can’t be a martial god who is Normal about violence. but if you see this twenty-something human being who is trying to rile you up, trying to get you where he wants you, and you let him… you have to be a much kinder, more feeble minded man than zhongli. work harder, gongzi. try harder.
he’s also just not immune to it is the thing. pride be damned the actual thing stopping him is probably the ‘feeling like a cradle robber’ thing
all that said on this topic I’m citing one of my favorite tweets ever
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cha1cedony · 3 months
how do you feel about gothcleats cause if you wanna be on a server about it
im in one you can be in
Ooh sure! I do actually love Gothcleats o_o !!! Can’t promise I’ll talk much (or at all), but I’d be happy to join if you’d have me 🕺 If not, no worries. Regardless, tysm for the offer! I appreciate it <3
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elendsessor · 1 year
one thing that’s stuck with me since i replayed smt 4 is how ashamed i feel for never finishing any fanfic i tried writing for it the differing vibe based on when i’ve played it. the 4 duology was my first proper introduction outside of persona and i first played them during quarantine, particularly around the latter half of 2020 so peak covid time. compared to other mainline titles they’re not as lonely (especially 4a for the most part), but the actual settings of both makes it so playing during a point where you’re shut off from everything is surreal. and yeah blasted tokyo hits particularly different post-lockdown.
idk it’s like an awkward hug. it may be due to when they came into my life as opposed to the actual tones of both but somehow i feel playing post apocalyptic shit while in that kind of lonely state amplifies the experience. (i watched a ton of disaster movies and played some “darker” stuff during that period since i felt like it could help me laugh it off or something but really it does change enjoyment/attachment to things.) megaten is pretty perfect for that sort of situation. just has a certain vibe be it dev intention or not you can’t replicate otherwise.
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deeneedsaname · 1 year
I wrote 100k+ words of Lego Movie fanfiction back in the day and tbh that’s what I want to be remembered for
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justaboot · 1 year
I know you’ve already given us some Scroldie but…… I’m gonna request some Scroldie anyway 😁
Maybe some human Klondike Scroldie????
Literally every human ducks piece you’ve done is fucking fantastic. I LOVE THEM. What a gift you are!
Oh my gosh, thank you so much, that is the kindest thing ever and made my day! And I will NEVER be done with Klondike Scroldie 🥹. The answer is YES, and I actually have something for you tomorrow!
Also, a fun fact that nobody asked for, I found out recently I had not one but two ancestors who were Klondike miners, who hiked the Chilkoot Trail to Dawson. My grandmother asked if I knew what a sourdough was, and I was like…Yes, Nana, for two reasons…
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august-anon · 1 year
Hope I’m not too late but I’d love it if we got some crit role or witcher fics for tktober! Also hope you have a great day!
Already planning on at least a couple m9 fics for tktober!! As for Witcher, I am aiming for at least 1-2 for the event but I’m waiting to plan anything out until after both parts of s3 are out lol
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satashiiwrites · 2 years
tagged by the lovely @radio-chatter​ for snippet Sunday.  I yeeted my Sterek chapter I was working on yesterday so digging into the vault for unpublished stuff (i think?).  I have MReyder on the brain this morning but housework to do so….
Tagging the usual suspects: @quietborderline​ @imsupposedtobewritting​ @missanniewhimsy​ @outtoshatter​ @muffinsandsweets​ @elisela​ and anyone else who wants to participate. No pressure as always. 
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Title: An Andromeda Tale, unknown future chapter
Fandom: Mass Effect Andromeda
Pairing: Mreyder 
Other tags/warning: first draft. Parting is such sweet sorrow. I might have put this out somewhere previously but *shrugs*.  
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Reyes followed him into the small vestibule of the airlock, crowding up against Scott’s body until they were pressed together now that they were away from prying eyes as the outside doors of the Tempest shut. Reluctance to part was etched across his tanned face, dark eyes soft when they met Scott’s and drew him in.  Scott for his part didn’t move any further away, waiting to see what Reyes wanted to say now that they had a bit of privacy.  
“Reyes?” He whispered his lover’s name in question, face tilting so their eyes met. 
A storm of emotion flickered behind Reyes’ eyes, intense and focused on him as their chests touched.  Scott didn’t move as Reyes tangled their fingers together, grip strong and firm as they interlaced. “Scott....” was the barely there breathing of his name, accent thick with longing and sadness.
“I have to go,” Scott felt like the words tore out of his chest, regret coloring the air. Reyes knew he didn’t want to go and Scott could see the same emotion reflected back at himself. Scott regretted that he hadn’t fought Tann on his assignment, hadn’t argued for more time on Kadara.  However, as Cora had pointed out, they’d already spent more time delaying before their next mission than they’d originally been allotted.
Touching their foreheads gently together, so that their faces were resting against one another’s, Reyes sighed.  The puff of minty breath shared between them made Scott press closer. Scott let his eyes fall closed, just breathing in Reyes’ presence.  He squeezed his fingers, letting his body curl into Reyes’ for just a few more moments, the other man easily supporting him. The many reasons he was being sent on his next mission that would take him to another system momentarily forgotten as he sunk into Reyes’ body heat and presence. 
“Mi vida,” Reyes’ hands parted from his so he could wrap around Scott, pulling him into a tighter embrace that pressed them together from knee to shoulder tightly. The scratch of Reyes’ unshaven cheek against his was rough as it sensitized his skin for just a brief second before they were kissing and all thought fled Scott’s brain. 
Scott’s hands crept up to wrap around his lover’s shoulders, clinging to the kiss as it deepened. Reyes tongue licked at the seam of his mouth and he opened to allow him in, his own tongue darting in to taste. It was easy to lose himself in the tenderness of the kiss, enjoying just one more embrace, one more moment. 
The constant awareness of SAM in the back of his thoughts was heavy but he ignored it as Reyes’ hands slipped down his back to curl protectively, hands curling around waist and back.  The cold feeling of the wall of the airlock pressing against him was startling when he bumped against it.  Scott hadn’t realized they’d moved a few steps but Reyes didn’t release him as they pressed tight, continuing to move his mouth against Scott’s. Moaning as his body responded, Scott let Reyes have whatever he wanted.
Breathing became an urgent necessity but their mouths parted for just long enough to take a breath before diving back in. The worries that Scott had been fretting about all morning fled in the wake of Reyes’ determination to have one more kiss, one more moment of holding Scott. 
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backhurtyy · 8 months
BELOVED!!! because i’m the worst and didn’t finish your bday fic, you’re getting a snippet of that. as a treat. for me having worms for brains lmao
He’s lost count of how many flowers Hiromi has given him at this point, after seven years of friendship, but it never stops being special. That Hiromi thinks of him, that he continues to share this love of flowers with him… It always reminds him just how lucky he is to have Hiromi as a best friend.
“You’re the best,” he says genuinely. He twists the stem between his fingers thoughtfully, then asks, “Do me a favor and hold onto this while I skate? I don’t want to mess it up.”
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honkshoo-zzz · 1 year
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no one look at me
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killherfreakout · 1 year
tagged by the one and only @vexedtonightmares MWAH
currently reading: i am finally starting bones and all by camille deangelis
fav color: pink of all kinds
last movie watched: rewatched 13 going on 30 :’)
last song: unlucky by purity ring
sweet/savory/spicy: sweet + savory
currently working on: my head is full of ideas but unable to make anything at the moment so. everything and nothing
tagging @swimmingback @martinskiseyes @jordanshenessy no pressure 💞
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3fling · 2 years
Last Lines Tag
Rules: Write the latest line from each of your wips (or post where you last  left off in your art) and tag as many people as there are wips you are working on.
I’m a moron Thanks @iam-jacks-redacted-information for tagging me to do this, it was super fun looking through all my abandoned children WIPs
I. Homies I’m gonna be real with you, if it wasn’t a one-shot then it’s a WIP bc I love to start stuff and then immediately abandon it. So buckle up I suppose we’re gonna go on a batshit wild ride!
The water below bubbled away, unbothered by Kenma’s quiet rage.
She could see massive blasts of cursed energy ripping through buildings, shattering windows and sending shards of glass cascading through the air like snow in a blizzard.
Nick suspected his things were likely carefully hidden away somewhere in Miles’ office; he didn’t bother to verify this suspicion.
That made his heart flutter and weakened his knees — he was definitely going to get some later.
“Is it always like this?” Sakusa asked. //“Every. Damn. Day,” Atsumu replied. (Ik ik I cheated again but this exchange is too funny to leave half out)
“I don’t want to touch that shit, and I don’t want it in my house.”
He should have been there to drive her home.
She took the blunt straight from Molly’s hand and took one long drag before delicately returning it between his outstretched fingers.
Simon was pulled from his grim reverie.
Okay that’s all the standalone WIPs, I also really wanna do by-chapter for my magnum opus that I haven’t touched in like a year 😅
He’d just watch Kenma play a few more rounds, and then check on her.
“I look cute,” Kuroo said firmly, jerking his chin up proudly. // “Let’s go home.” (Ik this is cheating but I can’t post three words)
Kuroo groaned and his shoulders slumped in utter defeat.
“No,” Takae said, resolute, “you’re right.”
“Akaashi couldn’t have been more wrong.”
“Just ask him… Ask him about the night we all went out drinking.”
Bokuto had been in top form that night, unstoppable and unflappable, much as Kuroo tried.
I’m tagging @thatradicalrobot @couldjanot and anyone else who’d like to give this a shot!!
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amsterdamhotelroom · 2 years
Hawkins (as a word 👀)
Instead, she made a multitude of different bad choices, each of which led to the moment she woke up in Hawkins National Lab with the lower half of her body numb and a carefully sliced gash in her stomach. Two Martins loomed above her, one slightly blurry and translucent and the other solid and real.
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