#kaylynn tag
zukkaoru · 4 months
oooh prompt 28: “It’s okay, you will move on. We will move on.”? with whatever fandom you want lol
ummm it's bungou stray dogs bc this prompt just gave me post-doa arc kunidazai feels fdgfhgjhk also it got a bit longer than intended but it's fine we're fine we're doing great!
tw: dazai-typical suicide mentions/suicidal ideation
“It’s okay,” Dazai whispers, his fingers carding through Kunikida’s hair. He isn’t good at this—he has never known how to comfort another person—but he refuses to leave Kunikida to suffer alone. Not when there’s something hanging heavy between them, not when Kunikida is trusting Dazai enough to be this vulnerable around him, not when Dazai is the only one Kunikida will come to for help.
Kunikida sniffs, but he doesn’t respond verbally, so Dazai continues.
“You will move on,” he says, because he knows this to be true. He knows what it is to face the empty void of loss and not see a way forward. He knows what it is to be trapped in the darkness, unsure if you’ll ever make it through to the light. “We will move on.”
Kunikida nods, faintly, which Dazai feels more than he sees. He stares at Kunikida’s glasses, abandoned on the floor nearby, unsure if he should say more. Unsure if there is anything else to say. It’s been months, and no one in the Agency has fully recovered. Kunikida is not the only one losing sleep to nightmares and spiraling anxieties. Dazai would be lying if he said he hadn’t noticed the growing bags under most of his coworkers’ eyes.
“How do you…” Kunikida’s muffled voice trails off. He tightens his grip on Dazai’s shirt, then lets out a shaky breath. “How do you deal with this?”
“The trauma?” Dazai asks, his tone lighter than it should be for such a topic. “Or the insomnia? Or the knowing your body will never work as good as it used to?”
“I don’t know. All of it?”
Dazai snorts. It’s not funny, really, except—
“I don’t.”
Kunikida lifts his head. He offers Dazai a half-hearted glare, made weaker by the wetness of his eyes. “That can’t be true. You’re still here.”
Dazai blinks.
Something in his chest tightens. It’s almost painful, but vaguely pleasant too. He scoffs, looking away.
“I don’t deal with it,” he whispers. “I just ignore it. It’s not healthy, but I’ve never planned on living long enough to deal with the consequences. So.” He shrugs. “It’s not genuine. No part of me is genuine. Not for as long as you’ve known me, at least.”
“I don’t believe that for a moment,” Kunikida argues. He sighs, leaning his head back against Dazai. “And anyway, how can you assure me I’ll move on if you haven’t?”
“Well…” Dazai frowns. Instead of answering, he pinches Kunikida’s arm and mumbles, “You’re mean.”
Kunikida hums. The lack of an argument is enough to tell Dazai that he’s still shaken from whatever nightmare woke him. So Dazai swallows down a joke that wouldn’t have landed and searches for something honest to say. If Kunikida thinks he can be a truthful person, maybe he should give it at least half a shot.
“It takes time,” is what he finally settles on. “Grief, loss, pain—only time can lessen the weight. And even if they never go away, you will learn to live with them as time goes on.” It’s a miserable sentiment, knowing that there is nothing you can do to ease your ailments. Knowing that the only solution is to wait them out and hope death doesn’t come for you first.
(Or, in Dazai’s case, hope death does come for you.)
But it’s the only advice Dazai has that is true. Any other claims he could make would provide Kunikida with nothing but false hope.
“I was afraid you might say that,” Kunikida whispers. “I don’t have time.”
“Nonsense! You’ve got your whole life planned out, and I’m sure you didn’t plan your death before thirty.” Dazai pokes his cheek. “That gives you at least seven years.”
“Not what I meant.”
Dazai ignores that comment. “Me, on the other hand? Well— I’ve only got til about twenty-five before I—”
“No,” Kunikida cuts him off, lifting his head sharply. He reaches for Dazai, then stops himself midway, curling his hand into a fist and dropping it back into his lap. “Don’t…don’t say that. If I have to take all that time to heal and move on, then so do you.”
Dazai grimaces. It sounds nothing short of torturous—living to thirty? Three decades spent walking through such miserable existence? He never even wanted to make it to eighteen.
But he did make it to eighteen—he made it past eighteen. And now he’s twenty-three, still putting in the effort to navigate the new life he’s found himself in. Maybe hanging around for a few extra years wouldn’t be the worst fate he could suffer.
After all, his dream of a completely painless suicide cannot be fulfilled if the people he leaves behind will grieve him.
This isn’t about him, though. This is about Kunikida.
“Fine,” he relents, the lie falling easily from his lips. “But that won’t make it any easier to pass the time.”
“It will,” Kunikida says. And before Dazai can argue, he kisses him softly. “It’s easier, knowing I’m not alone.”
Dazai’s brain short-circuits, for a moment, and then he buries his face in Kunikida’s shoulder to his whatever horrid expression he must be making. “Stupid,” he mumbles, his cheeks burning. Traitorously, his heartbeat won’t slow like he wants it to.
Kunikida chuckles. “You said yourself that we will move on. That means you have to be there too.”
“Shut up.”
“My point still stands whether I continue talking or not.”
Dazai purses his lips. Kunikida doesn’t say anything else, but he doesn’t need to, because he’s right. He already made his point. Dazai included himself in Kunikida’s healing process, and he can’t quite bring himself to regret it, though he knows he’ll be no good at helping. Even now, when he was trying to offer Kunikida comfort, the conversation got turned onto him instead.
He sighs, allowing his eyes to slip shut. “Kunikida-kun?”
“You’re too kind to me.”
“I’m not,” Kunikida argues. “But perhaps we can have this conversation when it’s not two in the morning?”
Dazai nods. Then, for good measure, he turns his face so he can press a kiss to Kunikida’s neck. “In the meantime, can we—?”
“No,” Kunikida interrupts. He peels Dazai off of him, and Dazai whines, but he allows it to happen. “We still have work tomorrow. Or…later today.” He shakes his head. “We should try to fall back asleep.”
Dazai pouts, but when Kunikida only glares back, he gives in with a melodramatic sigh, flopping back down on the bed. “Fine.”
He goes completely limp, forcing Kunikida to maneuver him back into a normal sleeping position. He half-expects him to just give up part way through, turn over onto his side, and leave Dazai to sort himself out. But he doesn’t, of course, because Kunikida is too kind and when he’s finally comfortable, his head is lying on Dazai’s chest.
“Goodnight,” he whispers.
Dazai’s response gets stuck in his throat, so he just resumes running his fingers through Kunikida’s hair and listens to his breathing until it evens out and he’s drifted back to sleep.
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backhurtyy · 1 year
i am humbly asking for “i don’t know where to put my hands” and zukka cat shenanigans <3
as you wish beloved!!! zukka hands fic, fresh off the press:
After stumbling upon that poetry center in Ba Sing Se, Sokka had tried to write poetry, another attempt at creating something beautiful with his hands instead of something violent, but that failed just like all his other attempts at art. 
He thinks now, fighting in tandem with Zuko, that he had failed because he wasn’t writing about the right thing. 
Any poem he wrote wouldn’t be about the beauty of the moon rising, the gentle floating of a leaf falling to the ground, the softness of the spring air. It would be about the push and pull of him and Zuko, of the twisting of Zuko’s hands as he reflects Azula’s flames, of the singing of Sokka’s sword as he rushes forward. It would be about them fighting as two halves of a whole, two warriors with a single mind, two people blending so seamlessly it is difficult to say where one ends and the other begins.
and cat shenanigans:
“Hi,” Zuko says, and Sokka wants to curl up into a ball and scream at the sound of his voice alone. “Are you okay? I heard…” His eyes drift over Sokka’s shoulder to land on the pile of books and the toppled over bookshelf, and he huffs out a laugh. “Well, I guess I heard your bookshelf fall over.”
“And me,” Sokka says, because Sokka is stupid when it comes to talking to beautiful people. “I fell over, too.”
He kicks himself mentally— first time he’s ever talked to the guy beyond a short greeting, and he’s making a fool of himself. 
Zuko’s lips, though, just quirk up in a small smile. “Oh, I see. So that would be the second loud bang I heard, then.”
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koheletgirl · 14 days
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHIRA!!!! i hope you have a perfect amazing day!!! 🥳🎉🎈🎂🎉🥳💞💞💞
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kaylynn thank you so much and i love you but my birthday is in februray <33
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retrogradedreaming · 2 months
1 and 9 for the writing ask game 💞💞💞
1. that makes me smile
“Fuck you,” Husk sighed, no bite to the words.
Angel laughed. “Later, sure.”
9. with characters i love
Husk relaxed and nodded, and soon, gentle fingers ran through the fur between his shoulder blades. He hummed contentedly as Angel moved over the knots and tight spots that sent a stabbing pain through his muscles each time he moved wrong. As some of the tension bled away, Husk shivered in bursts, and Angel paused, hand resting between Husk’s shoulder blades.
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gonna combine two fandoms and ask for renga miraculous ladybug au 👀 <3
Reki never meant to fall for Chat Noir.
He knew it was unprofessional, he knew, yet... while he (as Ladybug) handled the press and kept the situation under control, he always saw Chat Noir kneeling beside the akumatized person. Usually, he was overcome with pride at the sight of his partner wrapping a blanket around their shoulders and handing them a water bottle, but this time, it was different.
This time, it was a kid, someone around Koyomi's age. All they wanted was attention - they just wanted their parents to notice them. It was akumatization like these that were the hardest.
So, when Reki concluded the interview (he hated doing those - he hated when the news swarmed him and Chat after every battle) and turned to fist bump Chat, he froze, unable to tear his gaze from his partner - the kindest person alive - consoling the kid. When he blinked, it was as if he were watching Chat wiping away his sister's tears instead of this kid's.
His heart swelled, as something far different than pride coursed through his veins. The rhythmic thumping grew faster and his throat grew dryer by the second.
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jaanii · 2 years
ooooh would love to hear about i am my mother’s son?
omg okay this was supposed to be for sokka week last year but then i wanted to kind of parallel how sokka and zuko are their mother’s sons and how that affects them especially with their younger sisters being just like their dads and it became no longer a sokka-centric piece so i sorta dropped it but i recently started writing it again !! i’m pretty sure i already shared this snippet or a similar one but it’s whatevs bc that’s from like a year ago and i haven’t written anything snippet worthy so i’ll just share it again !
“That’s it?” Katara asks, voice rising. “That’s it? You just yelled at Dad for the first time in my entire life, for the first time in your entire life, and that’s all you have to say.”
“Katara. It doesn’t matter.”
“But it does,” Katara insists. Sokka looks at her, sees the anger, the way her eyebrows furrow just like Hakoda’s, the way she holds herself all regal and proud. She’s perfect, exactly what she should be. “Is it always going to be like this, Sokka? ‘It doesn’t matter, Katara’, ‘I’m not gonna talk about it, Katara’. Are you never going to talk about anything? All of this, and for what? What is going to happen if you tell me what you feel, Sokka? Do you always have to do this? Why?” She grasps his hands now, furious, unshed tears in her eyes. “Why do you never tell me?”
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beachytablecloth · 2 years
ooooh can we hear about “zuko + fire”??? i am very intrigued 👀
hi kaylynn!!
this is something i've been working on for gen week - really hoping to have it finished in time! it's basically just following zuko and his journey but looking at it specifically through his relationship to his fire--starting in childhood and following him through the events of the show! here's a snippet:
Mama smiles when she looks at Zuko, and when she reads bedtime stories to him and Azula, and when she holds the turtleducks out in the garden. 
Father isn’t happy very often. He looks angry when he looks at Zuko, even when Zuko tries his best to sit up nicely and practices bowing with the sign of the flame and makes sure he doesn’t have mud on his clothing when he comes inside for supper. 
But Father smiles when he looks at Azula, who’s almost three and already knows her basic katas.
ty for asking <3
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greenplumbboblover · 6 days
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Life is Sunniest in Sunset Valley - Chapter 9
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zukkaoru · 2 months
1 and 8 for the excerpt ask game? 💞💞💞
1. that makes me smile
Dazai weasels their way through the crowds of Sky Casino patrons until she finally arrives face-to-face with her target.
“Sigma-chan!” she cries, thrusting her phone out. “Look at this! Oh my God, it’s so over we’re so doomed, what are we supposed to do?!”
Sigma blinks. “Dazai,” she says slowly, “I am working.”
“But this is more important!” She shakes her phone, emphasizing her point, because her entire world is crashing in on itself thanks to some dumb eleven-year-old Kunikida half-adopted.
from a silly fun bsd fic i’ve been working on in between other projects
8. that hurt my own feelings to write
“I was just helping him. With a…personal matter.” It’s a weak excuse, but Chuuya won’t expose anything further. Even if he has every right to be angry and spill all of Dazai’s secrets as revenge, even if Akutagawa and Gin deserve to take out their own revenge on him, Chuuya still—
Chuuya still…
“I understand,” Akutagawa whispers.
He would, Chuuya supposes. He, too, has spent years hanging off of the beautifully tainted memory of Dazai despite being cast aside.
from my chuuya wip <3
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backhurtyy · 2 months
i wish you could see who you’ve booped so that i could see how many times i’ve booped @rejectscanon …it’s been a lot.
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koheletgirl · 4 months
happy birthday shira!!!! 🥳🎂🎉🥳 i hope you have an amazing day!!
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THANK YOU!!! and thank you for this kitty i love her 💖💖💖
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tag 9 people you want to know better!
thank you so much @rejectscanon for tagging me!!
favorite color: yellow! (also dark green though)
currently reading: does a book on chinese history for my east asia history uni class count?
last series: if we're talking about series, i'm watching High Seas (a spanish tv series) in original language and it's really good so far!! if we're talking about anime, i started one piece! after my sister kept talking about it, i gave in, but now i'm loving it!
last movie: i don't remember honestly... I think it was Elvis, i went to the cinema to watch it with some friends
currently working on: the last chapters of Boy's Don’t Cry!! we're so excited about it, it's taking a while but me and @likelytowritesomestuff are working hard. we have everything laid out we just need to find time to write... on this note we're also working on an erasermic fic about how the two of them got together after a series of accidents, and it'll also be part of our boys don't cry!verse series + we might have an idea for a haikyuu fic
i don't really know who to tag, so i guess whoever sees this and feels like it is free to do it!!
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Happy Valentine’s Day!! Hope you have a great today 💞
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[ID: a light blue valentine’s day card with a picture of sokka posing with his boomerang. to the right, the card reads “Like Sokka & Boomerang, we’ll always come back to each other <3 Happy Valentine’s Day! To: Corey From: Kaylynn” End ID]
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jaanii · 2 years
AHHH HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIN!!! (it’s still 11:30 where i am i hope it’s not too late for you lol) i hope you had an amazing day!!! 💞🥳🎉🎊🎂🎉🥳
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beachytablecloth · 2 years
AHHH BROOKE!!! Happy birthday!!!! 🥳🥳🎉🎊🎂🥳🎉💞💞💞💞 i hope you have the absolute best day ever! you’re such a wonderful person i’m so grateful to have gotten to know you 💞 i hope you have a fantastic day, get good news, find a random $20, all the randomly good things possible ily 💞💞
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omg kaylynn 🥹 tysm!!! i’m so happy to have you as my friend!!
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isimchi · 2 years
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off to the Pleasant’s! Day one goes pretty much how you’d expect, except with a happier ending.
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