#something is poking me and Im very pissy about it is basically the long and short of it
ivymarquis · 8 months
TMI under the cut
On the one hand I want to get my IUD taken out because Im not sexually actively right now and really don’t see myself *becoming* sexually active anytime soon, (also Id like the random cramping to go away and see if some of the weight Ive gained is from the IUD, since Im now getting light periods again so I dont even have “no periods” anymore to keep as a reason to keep the iud) but also I live in Texas where they are constantly regulating women to second class citizenship and like keeping my IUD in is a “better safe than sorry” because I very simply do not trust my government to look out for my best interests which at this moment means staying not-pregnant for as long as possible.
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red-sneakers · 1 year
Pairing: Midoriya Izuku/Bakugou Katsuki
Rating: G
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Eri, Bakugou Katsuki
Summary: Katsuki helps Izuku babysit an unruly Eri who has opinions about how Katsuki should treat the person he likes.
Genres: comfort, humor, romance
Word count: 1,020
For @gil-shalossssss as a thank you for the adorable fan art of my fanfic, Go Get Your Man, Young Bakugou!
Check out their cute art here!
Usually, babysitting Eri was a piece of cake. She was such a good kid. In some ways, she reminded Izuku of his younger self: always on his best behavior for fear of being a burden. In his heart of hearts, Izuku was glad Eri’d been acting up today, because it probably meant she was getting more comfortable with him. That said, he was exhausted.
“No, you’re saying it wrong!” Eri stomped a socked foot on the carpet of the common room for the 100th time that evening.
Izuku sighed from under a mountain of pillows, making sure his irritation wasn’t loud enough for the little girl to hear. “What do you want me to say, Eri?”
“It’s not fun if you’re not scared!” 
Izuku buried his face in a cushion. He’d never been a very good actor. When he was a kid, it was different, because the make believe games felt real, especially the ones he played with Kacchan. Right now, however, he was having trouble “getting into character.” It’d been a long day.
“Come oooon!” Eri whined.
Izuku drew a bolstering breath. “Save me, Healing Hero: Uni!” He cringed at his own voice. Eri was right; he didn’t sound scared at all. “My legs are stuck under this pillow.” Izuku realized his mistake too late. “I-I-I mean rubble! Under this rubble!”
“Noooo!!” Eri’s yell flipped into a piercing whistle register.
“What’s with the damn racket, hah?!”
Izuku poked his head from the pillow pile at the sound of Kacchan’s voice. Despite the angry eyebrows and tense grip on his wooden spoon, Kacchan looked soft in his black pajama shirt and sweats, stirring a pot of what smelled like his signature spicy curry.
“He won’t . . . s-say it right . . .” Eri murmured, her face almost as red as her dress. She must’ve been embarrassed to be caught in a meltdown.
“Heh. That’s ‘cause Izuku can’t say anything right.” Kacchan grinned. Izuku’s face burned with a mixture of embarrassment and indignation. He opened his mouth to make a retort, but then Kacchan’s face melted into something softer. Awkward, even. “But he, uh . . . He always does his best. So give ‘im a break, eh?”
Eri’s lower lip quivered. Oh no, oh no, it was starting. Izuku’d known Eri for about a year, and he’d only seen her cry about four times. She held it in, because she didn’t want people to know they’d upset her. Izuku could tell. Eri only ever cried when she thought she’d hurt someone else. But she wasn’t to blame! Izuku should’ve been able to keep her happy. Why couldn’t he have just been a better ‘helpless civilian’?
“Hey, it’s okay, I’m okay.” Izuku stumbled free of the pillow pile. “See? No tears!” He squatted in front of Eri and pointed to his own dry eyes. Somehow that only made more tears pool in Eri’s until they spilled over. “Oh, gosh, please don’t be sad, Eri! I’m not sad. Really! I’m just a little tired, that’s all! Three hours is kind of a long time to play hero, and—“
“Three hours?” Kacchan interrupted. “No wonder the kid’s pissy. She’s fucking hungry, idiot.”
A few minutes later, Izuku, Kacchan, and Eri sat around the circular kitchen table, each with a large, steaming bowl of Kacchan’s famous spicy curry (Izuku with an extra side of rice, because he was a ‘wimp’ according to Kacchan). 
Kacchan’d been right about Eri. She seemed much happier with a belly full of a delicious, home cooked meal. Izuku often forgot his own meals, but forgetting Eri’s dinner was basically a crime. He’d have to do better next time. Maybe he’d start getting healthy, pocket-sized snacks to keep in case Eri got hungry randomly during the day. The grocery store sold veggie snacks, but she’d need something with protein so—
“Quit muttering, nerd.”
“S-sorry, Kacchan.” Izuku stuffed his cheeks with rice to stifle any unconscious muttering.
“Why do you call Deku names?” Eri asked with curry stuffed in her own chipmunk cheeks. She could handle spice almost as well as Kacchan.                       
“‘Cause he’s a nerd.” Kacchan answered flippantly, adding even more hot sauce to his own bowl.
“But don’t you like him?”
Izuku inhaled a chilli flake and choked. 
Kacchan slapped him hard between the shoulder blades, and the flake dislodged. “Yeah, so?”
Izuku wheezed. Kacchan was admitting to liking him? Of course, he didn’t mean romantically. There was no way. But still, Izuku never thought he’d hear Kacchan admit to more than tolerating him.
“You’re ‘spose to call him something nice,” Eri insisted. Izuku held his napkin to his mouth, more to hide his flushed face than clean the sauce on his chin.
Kacchan leaned across the table, grinning like the cheshire cat. “Oh yeah? Wadda you suggest, Eri?” He addressed Eri, but he looked right at Izuku, and the hairs on the back of Izuku’s neck stood on end.
“Hmmm . . .” Eri scrunched up her face in serious thought, as if she’d just been given the task of choosing the number one hero’s official hero name. This was dangerous. Lately, Eri’d been getting more and more interested in the kind of stories where princes and princesses fall in love at the end. There was a non-zero chance she was about to suggest a super lovey-dovey nickname.
“It’s okay, Eri,” Izuku tried to redirect the conversation, “I really don’t mind when Kacchan calls me a—“
“I’ve got it!” Eri lit up. “Honey Bunny!”
Izuku froze. 
Kacchan’s shoulders quivered and he covered his mouth with a broad hand, presumably hiding his laughter.
Eri bounced in her seat, clearly proud of herself. “‘cause of the ears on his hero costume!”
Izuku was at a loss. Surely, Kacchan would shut down that nickname (err, pet name), and it’d probably hurt Eri’s feelings since she was so proud of it, but how could Izuku console her without admitting that Kacchan calling him a pet name would be a dream come true that could never in a million years actually—
“Alright.” Kacchan leaned back in his chair, smugly crossing his arms. “Honey Bunny it is.”
If anyone is inspired to continue the story, PLEASE DO! I’d love to read it. (Just please don’t useChatGPT.)
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