#sorry for the late answer ahoy
hendersister · 11 months
everybody knows
summary: your little brother dustin finds out that you're dating steve.
pairing: steve harrington x henderson!sister reader
title 🎵: everybody knows by leonard cohen
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You’re in the middle of your lunch break from your job at Waldenbooks. Instead of going to the food court, you went to Scoops Ahoy to see Steve. As soon as you arrived, Steve told Robin that he was taking a fifteen minute break and you two went into the back room. 
Before you could even ask Steve how his day was going, he leans in and kisses you. You two have been making out for the past ten minutes, barely stopping for a breath. It’s been like this for the past couple of days, ever since you and Steve admitted your feelings to one another.
Things have been a little hectic for you since Dustin got home from camp so you’re keeping your newly formed relationship on the downlow for now. When you and Steve are around other people you pretend you're just friends and that nothing’s changed, and then the minute you're alone it turns into this. You plan to start telling people once things are more settled.
Suddenly Dustin comes rushing into the backroom. You and Steve immediately pull away from each other, but it’s too late. 
“OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!” Dustin freaks out.
He quickly leaves.
“Do you think he saw us?” Steve jokes, trying to lighten the mood.
“Shit,” you curse to yourself.
You follow your little brother out and Steve follows you. You manage to convince Dustin to stay at Scoops Ahoy so you can explain. To try to help cool things over, Steve gives Dustin a free sundae. The three of you go to one of the booths to talk.
“What the hell guys!?” your little brother groans.
“Dustin, I’m really sorry you had to see that,” you apologize, “ Steve and I-”
“We’re dating,” Steve says bluntly.
Dustin shakes his head, stunned. He knew that you and Steve were friends, but he didn’t think you were that close. Dustin never imagined that you and Steve would actually start dating. 
“How long has this been going on?” Dustin questions you.
“Only a couple of days. You were still away at camp,” you tell your little brother.
“Why didn’t you say anything?” Dustin asks.
“I mean Steve and I just started dating. No one really knows about us yet,” you answer.
“You’re like the first person we’ve told,” Steve tries.
“You didn’t tell me! I walked in on you guys!” Dustin points out.
“Yeah well you would have been the first person we told,” Steve replies.
Your little brother shrugs.
“I’m sorry that you found out this way but we weren’t purposely keeping it from you. Steve and I… we got a lot closer when we both started working at the mall and it just like turned into something more over time. We didn’t rush into this,” you try to explain.
“Yeah man. I really care about her,” Steve tells Dustin sincerely.
Dustin is quiet for a beat. And then he slowly starts nodding his head.
“Okay fine,” he sighs, coming to terms with it.
You and Steve exchange a small look.
“But don't let me walk in on you guys again! I don’t wanna see any of that,” Dustin warns.
“It won’t happen again,” you nod.
“Try knocking next time, Henderson!” Steve rolls his eyes.
You glance up at the clock. Crap! Your lunch break is about to end.
“I need to get back to the store,” you announce.
You rise to your feet. Then you put your hand on Dustin’s face, covering his eyes, as you lean in to kiss Steve.
“See you after work,” you smile.
You pull away from Steve and take your hand off Dustin’s face.
“I’ll see you tonight at home, dork!” you tell your little brother before you walk away.
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strawberryspence · 1 year
sit with you in the trenches
Steddie Week / Day 4: Hurt/Comfort ( @steddie-week )
Eddie paces around the small living room. All the lights are open, every single one. It’s the only thing that gives him comfort.
The television is murmuring softly in the background. The man is still going on and on about the names of the victims of the fire.
Eddie wrangles his hands, waiting to hear the worst news of his life.
“Hanes. Hanewood. Hawork.”
Eddie pulls on his hair, a breath of relief caught on his lungs.
No Harrington. Steve’s fine. He’s just late. A day late. His “stickler for a schedule” boyfriend has been missing for a day and Eddie can’t even do anything. Can’t do anything because if he does anything it would raise questions.
There’s a crunch of gravel outside that makes Eddie jump, immediately opening the trailer door. There it is. The beamer.
Eddie freezes on his spot, a sound in between a sob and a cheer escaping his mouth. He watches as Steve comes out of the car, but the side door also opens, and— who?— Eddie squints. Robin Buckley comes out.
“Hey, Eds.” Steve greets him, his voice cracks, as soon as the lights hit him. Eddie gasps.
Steve’s face is swollen. Swollen is saying it lightly. His left eye is swollen shut, his lips busted. He’s still wearing the damn Scoops Ahoy uniform.
“Oh my god, swe— Steve.” Eddie pulls the door open, but his eyes stray to Robin who’s glued beside his boyfriend’s side.
Steve pulls her closer, “Eddie, you know Robin, right?”
“Yes.” Eddie trails slowly.
“We were in the fire together and she didn’t want to leave my side. But then, I wanted to go see you.” Steve says, “She’s safe.”
Robin nods earnestly, “I am a lesbian.”
“Oh.” Eddie whispers, blinking before saying, “Oh. Come in, come in.”
He opens the door wider for the two of them. They both stumble inside the trailer like conjoined twins, falling immediately on the couch.
“What happened, sweetheart?” Eddie asks, though he is afraid to hear the answer.
“There was a fire.” Steve answers, “I saved Robin and a few other people. Hence… my face.”
He moves to get an ice pack for his face and blanket for Robin. Eddie doesn’t fully believe it, but it doesn’t really matter right now.
He’ll ask tomorrow and Steve will tell him the same thing. Eddie will learn the truth by himself, in a few more months, a floating cheerleader in front of him.
“Here,” Eddie sits beside him, putting the ice on his boyfriend’s eye, “Robin, do you need anything?”
Robin stares at him with owlish eyes. So different from the girl he had band practices with. He always had his inkling that she might be one of them, but he never thought he'd find out this way.
She shakes her head slowly, accepting the blanket and wrapping it around her arms, “No. This is good enough. Thank you for letting me stay."
They all sit in silence for what could’ve been hours, and Eddie doesn’t really believe in God, but he thanks some kind of deity for letting his boyfriend come home safely.
“I am sorry.” Steve breaks the silence a few minutes later, taking the ice off his eye.
“For what?”
“For being late. For making you worry.” Steve says. Eddie turns to Robin to check on her, but she’s dead asleep on Steve’s lap.
“Does she know we’re dating?” Eddie asks.
Steve smiles shyly, “Yeah. It was a big bonding moment. She thought I was talking about her, leading to her coming out to me and then I told her about my wonderful, metalhead boyfriend.”
Eddie smiles, brushing his hand through Steve’s hair as he lays on his side with a sigh of relief.
“You did good, baby. You just adopted your first lesbian.” Eddie jokes, making Steve crack a smile.
“Does anything hurt? Why didn’t you go to the hospital?” Eddie asks.
“No.” Steve says immediately, like he hates the prospect of going to the hospital, “I just— I just wanted— wanted to see you. I know if I went then you won’t be able to come.”
Eddie smiles fondly, “Alright, Stevie. Go to sleep. I’ll be here when you guys wake up.”
Steve hums in response, but he’s already drifting into sleep, falling deeper into Eddie’s arms.
Eddie kisses the crown of his head, pulling him closer to him. The relief of having Steve here beside him, safe and alive, is something he will never take for granted again.
Tomorrow, Eddie will shower him (and Robin) with love and care. But right now, he tightens his embrace around him and let’s the relief sweep him off his feet.
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hairrington · 2 years
Below the Surface
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Summary: You’ve always been more on the quiet side: introverted, misunderstood, and at the worst of it, anxious. When Steve enters your life, he seems to have a knack for seeing past the wall you've built up between you and the world. But when your anxiety gets the best of you, you're not sure if your boyfriend can handle it.
Anxious female reader and soft boyfriend Steve being a cute, sappy couple! Requested by anon. Canon divergence; this is a world where the Upside Down is quiet for once and Eddie isn't being hunted down anymore. Because our fav characters deserve a little normality!
You don't realize just how nervous you really are until you bring your lipstick to your mouth and notice your trembling hand.
You sigh, dropping your hand to your lap.
You’re sitting in your bedroom in front of your mirror, getting ready for a concert you thought you were excited for. But that's the thing about anxiety. It tricks you.
You, Steve, and Robin have tickets to a local metal show. Eddie's band is performing tonight and he had given free tickets to you three.
"A perk to knowing the band," Eddie had boasted at his party. His trailer and front yard were littered with high schoolers and a few college kids, and as usual, you felt like you stuck out like a sore thumb in the crowd. 
Not to Steve, though. You never looked out of place to him.
The four of you were by the kitchen and your boyfriend was leaning against the counter, arm slung around you.
You and Steve had met at Starcourt Mall when you worked at the pretzel booth across the vast hall from Scoops Ahoy. Steve would visit the kiosk once, sometimes twice a day, just for a chance to talk to you.
After the mall burned down, he still had your phone number and finally took the chance to ask you out. To you, it was obvious you were head over heels for him. But to Steve, he couldn't read you so it was a total shot in the dark.
Not anymore, though. After months of hours-long phone calls late into the night and dates he tried his best to make fun for you, he understood you like he understood himself. And tonight, he was proud and admittedly pretty giddy to be seen with you.
"Is your band actually good?" Robin asked Eddie after taking the free tickets.
"Are we actually good," Eddie echoed with a scoff.
"Is it like that hair metal stuff?" Robin asked. Eddie put a hand on his hip, bewildered.
You were slightly amused by the conversation, but couldn't ignore the nerves gnawing at you. Steve noticed immediately. Like always.
"You okay?" he asked lowly.
"Yeah," you fibbed.
"Now answer for real this time," Steve says with a gentle smile.
"A little claustrophobic," you answered.
"We'll be outside," Steve says louder to Eddie and Robin, taking your hand and leading you out of the warm trailer. The way he immediately fixed the problem made your heart leap.
The cool summer air pressed against your face and you instantly felt better. Steve led you to an open pocket between groups of people standing outside the trailer and faced you, hand cupping your shoulder.
"Better?" he asked.
"Yeah, I'm sorry," you answered. Steve eyebrows moved closer together as he confusedly shook his head.
"You don't need to be," he reassured. You sighed out of relief, stepping towards him and holding your cheek against his chest.
Feeling his heartbeat always calmed you down. Steve didn't know this was the reason, but he did know you always liked pressing your cheek to his chest when you were overwhelmed. You both call it your "cheek on chest thing" and if you weren't so infatuated with Steve, you might cringe at the sappiness.
"I love you," you said to Steve.
"I love you more," he replied.
"That concert sounds fun," you mumbled into his shirt. He smelled like cologne and boy.
"Yeah?" he said with a sweet laugh. His warm hand found its way to your back. Steve looked down at the top of your head, smirking to himself. You were unbelievably adorable to him.
"I know, we just left the trailer because of a crowd and I'm talking about going into an even bigger crowd," you acknowledged. "But I've never been to a concert. I want to experience it. And you'll be there. Hopefully?"
Steve kissed the top of your head. It's what he loved about you. Even though you were more on the reserved side, you didn't let it stop you from living life.
"Yes," he said. "And we can step outside just like this if it gets too crazy. Let's just hope Robin didn't offend Eddie so bad that he took the tickets back."
You giggled and felt him kiss the top of your head again.
You felt fine that night. You felt fine the week leading up to the concert. But now, the anxiety has hit you like a train. Of course, on the night of the event.
You imagine what Steve's doing right now. Probably finishing touches - he's going to leave home to pick you up in a matter of minutes.
You look at the clock. Ten minutes left to finish getting ready. You're nearly done your makeup - the last step to your process.
You look into the mirror and try to soothe yourself. You breathe in and out slowly. You can't cancel now.
But your fear has taken full control, telling you something will go wrong. The crowd will swallow you. Or you'll get made fun of. Or Steve will realize that you're simply too much work for him and leave you there.
You shake away the thought. He would never do that.
You hear your mother call your name from downstairs.
"Yeah?" you call.
"Steve's here!" she shouts. You swallow hard.
"But I'm early so take your time!" you hear your boyfriend yell. You laugh to yourself, the anxiety slowly dissolving from your chest. You can imagine him standing down there, being his charming self, making easy conversation with your mom.
It seems anything social is easy for Steve. Even when he's unsure of what to say or making jokes that don't land, it's like he has an undying confidence in himself.
Unlike you. You've been asked "why are you so quiet?" and told "you don't have to be so awkward" all your life. The ridicule has always been hard to deal with.
You try to dismiss the thought.
You finish applying your makeup, grab your bag, and head downstairs.
When Steve sees you walking down the steps, his heart stops. You're stunning. He can't believe how lucky he is to call you his girlfriend. He doesn't want to gawk, so he forces himself to look away.
"You look so pretty," you mom says. Blood rushes to your face as you look at Steve and he nods.
"No," you laugh.
"You do," Steve answers.
"See?" your mom says. You shake your head and laugh again, putting on your shoes.
When you settle into Steve's car, expecting him to start the engine, you realize he's staring at you instead.
"You really do look beautiful," your boyfriend says softly. The look in his eyes makes you believe him.
"Thanks, so do you," you say with a laugh. There's really no other way to describe him. Steve styled his hair into easy tousles and is dressed in black jeans and a black long-sleeved shirt - looking the part for a metal concert.
"If at any point, it gets too loud or too crowded or anything, just tell me," he says, eyes travelling over your face. Flowers bloom in your chest as you look at Steve. You hold your hand out to touch him and press your palm against his cheek. He lightly nuzzles his jaw into your touch and his stubble grazes on your fingers.
"Thank you," you tell him sincerely. "And I can do my cheek on chest thing?"
"Oh, goes without saying," Steve says. "I love the cheek on chest thing." You giggle, thinking about your weird little routine that only you two know about. You wouldn't change a thing about your sappiness.
After picking up Robin, you arrive at the venue only a half hour away. When you exit the car, you can hear the music from inside the building, and instead of getting nervous, you feel excited jitters.
"I should've invited her," Robin mutters as the three of you walk towards the venue.
You and Steve share a look, knowing exactly what she's referring to. Steve had been trying to encourage Robin to invite her crush Vicky to the concert for a week. She had shot down the idea every time - until now.
"And that's why you should listen to me next time," Steve complains.
"I'm convinced I'm never gonna have the guts," Robin says. "I screwed up. I totally screwed up."
"Well, I told you so," Steve says with a shrug.
You've been around Robin long enough now that you feel comfortable talking to her, so you open your mouth.
"For what it's worth, you probably couldn't really talk to her in there anyway," you console her. "It's loud."
Robin looks up and considers your point, then nods.
"I like your girlfriend better than you," Robin states to Steve. You laugh.
"Eh, so do I," Steve says with a toss of his hand.
After handing your tickets to the bouncer, you enter the loud venue and immediately feel Steve's hand find yours. He interlaces his fingers with yours and you slowly step into the crowd facing the stage.
A band seems to be finishing a song, the drummer going wild and the lead singer belting out a loud note. Sure enough, they end their song and the crowd explodes with applause and screaming.
Even with the volume, the electric energy of the crowd is fascinating.
You glance over at Steve then at Robin, who's standing on the other side of Steve, sharing smiles. The zooming lights pass over Steve, highlighting his handsome features.
Sure enough, the singer thanks the crowd, and the band begins to unplug and remove their instruments.
"Eddie should be next, I think," Robin says over the sound of the crowd talking. "What if they suck? Do we lie and say they were great to be good friends? Or would good friends be honest?"
You laugh, envious of Robin's ability to say whatever she thinks.
"Harrington, no way!" you hear. You step back, letting go of Steve's hand and looking up at the man clambering towards you. Two others follow him.
"Timmerman?" Steve exclaims. He gives him a half handshake, half-hug, laughing. "What are you doing in town?"
"Parents' 25th anniversary, they're having a whole thing," the man says with an eye roll. "It's tomorrow but I got in today so I figured I didn't want to just be bored at home all night." He notices you.
"This is (Y/N), my girlfriend," Steve says, motioning to you. "And my friend, Robin."
"Mike and Cody," Timmerman says, motioning to his friends behind him, who give uninterested waves.
"We were on the basketball team together," Steve tells you, motioning between himself and the man.
"What are you up to these days?" Timmerman asks.
"Just working, still figuring it all out," Steve says. He's also saving the world and fighting monsters every chance he gets, but you understand why he doesn't mention that part. "How's college?"
"Fucking amazing, dude," his old teammate answers. "You planning on going?"
"Not sure yet," Steve answers.
"You?" he asks Robin.
"One more year," she says.
"You?" he asks. You freeze. He's staring right at you. You can only shrug.
"Yes? No?" he presses, chuckling. You only shrug again, your anxiety blocking you and making your brain feel empty.
"Same as me," Steve says.
"She not much of a talker?" Timmerman asks, looking to Steve, and even though his tone is light and his smile genuine, it makes your stomach drop.
Steve looks over at you and can immediately tell you're uncomfortable. His fierce sense of protectiveness kicks in and he puts his hand at your waist, gripping it gently.
"Alright, be nice, man," Steve says, and even though he has a forced smile on his face, his tone is serious.
"Just asking," he answers with a judgmental look.
"Learn how to ask nicer," Steve replies. "See you around."
Timmerman gives a tight, disingenuous smile and widens his eyes before turning on his heels and leaving with his friends. You had seen that exact look so many times growing up - the look that says someone thinks you're weird or odd or wrong in some way.
The crowd erupts in cheers and the three of you turn around to look on stage. Sure enough, Eddie is waving to the crowd, dopey smile on his face.
"Think he's looking for us?" Robin asks with a chuckle.
"Probably," Steve answers. His hand still at your waist, your boyfriend dips his head to speak.
"That guy was always kind of a dick," Steve mumbles. You look up into his warm eyes.
"I'm sorry I don't talk more," you say. "Conversation just doesn't come easy-"
"It's not something you need to apologize for," Steve reassures you. You hear cymbals crashing at the front of the room, and the band begins to send piercing sound waves of drums and guitars throughout the building.
"I love you how you are," Steve continues, getting closer to you and speaking in your ear, his breath hot on you. "All I care about is that you talk to me, okay?"
Steve's cheek is against yours, and you can smell his hairspray. It's become a familiar, comforting scent.
"Doesn't it get tiring? Being with me?" you ask impulsively. You're not sure if it's the noise and the fact that you can barely hear yourself think, but you begin to spill out the deepest, darkest anxieties that you hardly ever even recognize yourself. “How long until you feel like I'm a chore to you?" 
Steve pulls back, eyes searching you like he'll find the answer to why you're asking this on your face.
He looks heartbroken and mouths what? as he stares at you. You look so small, so vulnerable, and it’s a kick to the gut to him.
Steve comes close again, his jaw against your cheekbone.
“Want to go outside?” he asks. You shake your head ‘no.’ Something about the thrashing music and the inability to hear your own thoughts gives you a sense of clarity; a real look at the ugly thoughts your anxiety gives you.
“Nothing about being with you is tiring,” Steve says. You wait for a ‘but’. It doesn’t come. “I don’t give a shit what people like that idiot think. You’re perfect to me.”
“But you always have to reassure me like this and-”
“And what?” he interrupts. “I’ll remind you how much I love you and how safe you are with me a million times a day. You do feel safe with me, right?”
“Yes,” you breathe, letting the comfort of his words wash over you.
“You’re not a chore. You are never a chore.”
“Wouldn’t it be easier if I just... wasn’t so shy?”
“No,” Steve says. “You are perfect.”
“I love you,” you say over the music. “Can I do the cheek to chest thing now? I want to feel your heartbeat.”
You feel Steve’s warm breath on your neck as he lets out a soft chuckle.
“Is that why you like doing it?” He pulls back just to look at your expression. You smile in a way that he can only describe as angelic. Steve pulls you in tightly and turns towards the stage so that you can watch the show and feel his calming, steady heartbeat.
Moments like these, you feel far from perfect. But the way Steve holds you, you think maybe, just maybe one day you could see yourself through his eyes.
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weird-an · 1 year
It's her birthday. It's her birthday and they always used to get ice cream together. His mom would buy each of them two scoops.
What's worst about Hawkins is that the longer they stay here, far away from all the places she has touched, he begins to forget. He tries to remember if she preferred chocolate over strawberry, but the only thing he can remember is that she preferred Billy's blood on Neil's hands instead of Billy in her arms.
But he has to remember. If he forgets, it's all just Neil and his words trying to change Billy into a copy of himself and erasing every bit that'd left of her.
That's how he ends up here. At Scoop's Ahoy. Steve Harrington is standing in front of him in a sailor's uniform and it's just another cruel joke Hawkins has prepared for him.
"What flavor do you want?" Harrington asks, frowning a little. Maybe because Billy hasn't leered at him yet.
Billy stares him. "I can't remember," he says. He can't. He doesn't even know if there was any flavor she hated. Why is he here? Why is still chasing every little piece he can remember of her? She left. What if he is wrong and she didn't even like ice cream?
Harrington rolls his eyes and begins to tell him every fucking ice cream flavor on the planet.
"Billy?" Harrington leans forward, when Billy still hasn't answered.
"I can't remember," Billy repeats. The next words roll of his tongue, like melting ice cream. "I can't remember what my mom liked."
Harrington looks behind him like he's looking for her. Billy fights the urge to check if she is there, just showing up, running a bit late for her ice cream.
"I'm sorry," Harrington says instead of laughing about him. "You can choose whatever you like. It's on me."
Something warm is blooming in Billy's chest. He doesn't need pity. But no one ever said that they are sorry about her leaving. She never did, too.
"Do you wanna hang out tonight?" Harrington asks when he hands him a way bigger ice cream cone than Billy ordered. "You don't have to talk about her, but uh… you could …"
He sounds honest. Billy isn't sure why Harrington even cares. He stares at the melting chocolate ice cream in his hands. Talking won't bring her back. But maybe he won't forget as easy.
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ltwilliammowett · 2 months
Ahoy there! I see you post a lot about cats on ships (they are lovelyyyy btw) and I was wondering: where they on board even during voyages and where they common even before the late XIX century? Many of your posts about it are old photos, so I assume it was very frequent to find some of them back then.
Have a good Easter and get well soon!
sorry for my late reply but I'm not feeling very well again at the moment. But let's get to your question. Ship cats have been on ships since ancient times to keep vermin away and to give the crew some comfort and happiness.
The ship's cat sunday has somehow crept up on me and so for a few weeks now there has been a cat to admire every sunday :)
Hope it will answer your question and have a great day.
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steddie-thirst · 2 years
Prey VS Predator | Steddie X Fem! Reader 18+ |
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🔞⚠️ Warnings ⚠️🔞:explicit language, cursing, daddy kink, a little Halloween fun, stalker Steve, Steve being a mean daddy and pervy Eddie, a lot of smut, unprotected sex, dirty talk, rough sex, oral (male/fem receiving), voyeurism/watching/being watched, dom/sub dynamics, slight overstimulation
Summary: Steve and Eddie have always been a big fan of theatrics. However, close to Halloween they make a suggestion to change things up in your sex life, you didn't plan on them going through with it while you were at work. Leading to a very thrilling chase that ends with them pleasuring you for hours on end.
"Finally." You sigh in relief, "Closing time." The best part of the day had arrived. After a brief few hours of suffering you are more than enthusiastic about this time of day. Getting to go home, relax, make some time for your very needy boyfriends and maybe catch up on some things. Pulling the gate shut you glance over at the brightly lit 'Scoops Ahoy' sign. Steve and Robin were scrubbing away at the floor. Steve must've felt your piercing gaze because he looked up across the way over at you.
"Ahoy sailor!" Steve shouts across the way a smile pulling at the corner of your lips. Grabbing your keys and ducking under the security gate Steve watches as you hurry over to him. Robin still scrubbing away in the background. He glances over his shoulder, before sliding the gate aside to quickly peck your lips.
"I saw that!" Robin grumbled displease with the horny, childish behavior. The two of you grin like lovesick children and smiled. "Hey, I'll see you after I clean up. I told Robin I'd clean the ice cream tubs today so I'll be out around 9:45."
"M'kay." You agree leaning up to kiss him once more. God, Steve's lips were so soft. The faint taste of cherry and vanilla still present on his lips. When you pulled away Steve was smiling. You reached up and run your fingers through his hair checking to make sure Robin wasn't listening. "I've got some books to put up on the shelves anyway. I'll be waiting for you and Eddie by the food court." With that said Steve kisses you one last time before he gets back to scrubbing the remnants of spilled ice cream and sprinkles.
You walk back over to your store just as the phone line rings, "Ugh, stupid customers." Reaching for the phone and answering with a huff. "Books Galore, this is Y/N speaking to tell you were closed."
"Aww, that's to bad. I was hoping to see that really hot chic who works there." You scoff at the comment.
"Eddie!" You whine. "I told you to stop calling the store after hours, you're gonna get me in trouble."
"What if I like trouble, baby?" He replied. Smug little shit he was. Steve Harrington and Eddie Munson were your terrible duo. They both always had bad ideas and an even worse sense of humor.
"You're such a pain in the ass, Eds." You grumbled through the phone. Eddie laughed.
"Sorry, baby." He apologizes though it was probably another open-ended apology for him to do the same shit again.
"Why did you call, Eddie?" You ask turning back to task at hand of stacking books on their proper shelves.
He chuckled, "Wanted to let you know I'd be running late today. Had a little trouble."
"Okay, are you okay, Eddie?" Your usual quirky and caring boyfriend was acting a bit odd. His voice was low, husky, as he spoke. "You sound.. different?" You posed it as a question.
He only chuckled in response. "Do I?" You heard his voice again on the other line. As you were about to say something else, you heard the line go dead. Did he hang up? With a huff, you put the phone back and slowly continued to close up. With each of your men being late, you didn't really need to rush. Continuing with the task of setting the empty boxes in the back for them to be dumped the next morning. In this process you noticed the back door had been left cracked open.
“What…?” Dropping the box that was in your hand rushing to pull it shut with a loud THUD. You sighed, “Shit.” It was only open just by a crack, so the worst thing that would’ve snuck in was a fly. Walking back to the register it was time to begin the count for the safe deposit. As you do this there is a sort of overwhelming dread that pools in your gut. Trying to put all focus on counting the money, you lose focus and glance over at Scoops Ahoy. Maybe catching a glimpse of Steve would put all fears you had to an end. However, there was no Steve and definitely no Robin the mop bucket he’d just used was set haphazardly on the floor which was very unlike Steve.
"Steve? Robin?" You called out. There was no answer. Maybe Steve went into the bathroom or something? "Fuck.." You physically shook your head to clear out the anxiety and moved on to fully close the security gate.
Halfway through closing it the gate screeched to a halt. "What the-" You noticed the metal gate wasn't shutting fully. "Fucking shit!" You cursed in frustration. Something that should've been fixed a week ago had never gotten done. As you attempt to push it down further the phone rings again. “Fuck Eddie..” You muttered already tired of tonight’s endless bullshit.
"Ugh! Hold on!" You snap, forcing the gate down. It finally went down with a loud clang and immediately locked into place. Then, you stormed over to the phone and picked it up. “Sorry we’re closed!”
"That's not a proper way to talk to a stranger young lady." A raspy voice scolds you over the phone. You froze, "Who's this?"
"No one you know. Or maybe you do."
You looked around the cashier's desk to see if anyone had snuck into the store. "Listen, I'm going to hang up. It's been a long day and we're closed."
"I don't give a fuck if the store is closed. You're about to be split open."
"Ugh!" You hung up and half-laughed at the audacity of that guy. "Jesus Christ.."
You finally finished with the cash and grabbed the keys. Bending down to grab your purse and jacket you scoff. Steve and Eddie are going to owe you a drink later. When you stand back up and look at the gate you freeze. It's open. Wide open.
"But... What?" You walk slowly to the gate and look around. There was no one inside the mall that you could see. And how did you not hear it come open?
You walk out of the store and into the open. Okay, it was definitely time to go home. Then from home you could file a complaint. "Steve!" You call out his name as you dart over to his own store. You rap your knuckles on the gate, "Steve please!"
You sighed in relief when his familiar face rounded the corner. "Baby, you look as pale as a ghost."
"Yeah, this weirdo scared me on the phone."
"Aw, you got scared?" Steve cooed down at you as he sauntered over and leaned on the gate. You couldn’t believe he was choosing now to be an arrogant little shit
"Yeah! You should have heard him. I think he threatened to kill me."
He didn't look to serious about the situation. "Then the back door and.. and the gate." As you explained it became increasingly clear that Steve didn't seem to be taking it seriously.
"Baby, just relax. You're just getting worked up about nothing. Why don't you go to the food court and sit down."
You whimper, not willing nor wanting to be on your own at the moment. "Steve, I'm scared."
He walked off without a second thought and you whined. Steve was obviously in a bad mood tonight, but you knew better than to argue. Overcoming your current fears and sense of dread you slowly walk towards the food court. On your way you pass the game store Eddie was working at. Part of you wanted to see if he was still in, but you didn't want to disobey Steve. You just leaned over to see if you could spot him, but unfortunately, it was completely closed. But wait.. if it was closed, where was Eddie? "Eddie?" You called out softly. Two hands suddenly grabbed you by the waist and you let out a horrified scream. Chest heaving as you turn around to swing at whoever dares to touch you. A very confused, but concerned Eddie stands there hands up in the hair. "Woah, woah, easy sweetheart. Didn't mean to scare yah."
"Eddie.." You were relieved and immediately collapsed into his arms. The familiar scent of smoke, pine, and mint filling your senses.
"What's got you so on edge, princess?" His fingers run through your hair and he rests his chin atop your head.
"Someone's scaring me and Steve doesn't care." You whined.
"He doesn't? Dump him."
"Eddie that's not funny. Why are you both dismissing my concerns so quickly?" You whined. "It's not funny and I feel like shit!"
"I'm sorry, babe! I was just joking. Trying to cheer you up." Eddie claimed a grin forming on his lips. The brunette was acting a bit odd, if not more so than his counterpart.
You weren't feeling too comforted by Eddie now either. "Was it you on the phone?" You find yourself asking. Eddie had pulled pranks on Steve and you before. Having such a knack for scaring people it always bothered you deep down. "Yeah, I called you earlier-"
You shake your head and pull away. "No, was it you on the phone threatening me."
"Why would I want to kill you?" Eddie scoffed.
"I don't know, you say stupid shit-- hold on." You paused and looked at Eddie with wide eyes. "I never told you about what he said."
"Baby." He furrowed his brows as he looked down at you. The pieces had begun to fit together. Eddie's game store connected to yours through the back door. He was the one who had a direct line to your phone. You couldn't believe it, "Eddie.. how could you do that to me?"
"Do what?" Eddie asked. You shook your head and started to walk towards the mall entrance doors. The boys were being a bunch of assholes towards you for no reason. You didn't care if you had to hitchhike home. This was not okay and it was bullshit.
As you reached the doors and pushed nothing happened. "The fuck?" You gave shove after another against the doors, but they didn't budge. Eddie huffed, "Quit playing around, Y/N. If you wanna leave then leave-"
"I can't the door is-" When you looked back there was a strange figure moving behind Eddie in the distance, "...locked.." You trailed off. The figure was closing in fast.
"Eddie!" You tried to warn him. Eddie looked around, and somehow, the figure slunked behind one of the many decorations and plants throughout the mall. "Oh come on! He was just behind you!" You argued.
You were growing frustrated and decided to just leave Eddie there on his own. "You both aren't getting head for a week!" You snapped at Eddie, but hoped Steve could hear as well. He watched you walk off towards the back entrance arms crossed and teeth grit in anger. "Fuck." He hissed quietly. You had made your way back past the bookstore and Scoops Ahoy. This time all the lights were out. The store was closed? Why didn't Steve meet you back at the foodcourt? Something wasn't right about tonight. Eddie was being a piece of shit and Steve was being dismissive two very unnatural behaviors from both boys. Was it because it was Halloween?
"I just wanna go home." You whined to yourself and thought maybe you should just picklock your way out of here. Worst case scenario, you'd text security and they'd get you out of here. As you finally made it to the other side of the mall and went to push on the doors they were locked to. "Shit! Stupid door!" You curse. From your right you heard a crash followed by glass breaking. "Hello?!" You call out slowly walking towards the noise.
"Eddie? Steve?!" You called out. What if they got hurt? You could never forgive yourself if they got hurt or worse while you stormed off. "Fuck, answer me, guys!" You called out. From around the corner a dark figure appeared. It wasn't Eddie or Steve. It was some sicko in a Halloween costume, "Uhmm I'm looking for a way out.." You began, but are cut off when the figure starts sprinting towards you.
"Fuck!" You ran in the opposite direction as fast as you could. Unfortunately, the figure was taller, therefore had longer legs than you and could run faster. He tackled you to the ground and flipped you over on your back, clamping a gloved hand around your mouth so you couldn't scream.
You let out a scream into the palm of the hand although it was silenced. Their weight kept you pinned to the ground and not feeling like being a victim tonight you reach your leg beck and kick the fucker between his legs. The person let out a pained groan and lost their grip on you allowing for you to sprint off. However your cut off by the same figure. Glancing back the other one is still very much recovering from the damage dealt to his balls. However, the other was up and ready to go. You noticed the furniture store's side door was open and made a run for it.
As you ran, you could hear the second figure was close behind. Tears pricking in your eyes, you try and run past all the furniture and weave your way to an exit. Unfortunately, the second grabs your hair just as you enter the couch section of the store. He pins you on the couch in the dark and makes sure your legs are pinned.
You let out a pathetic whine struggling against the masked figure. Managing to free your hand you reach up and punch the attacker in the face. "Aw, Shit!" A voice whines.
You freeze up a little, the voice sounding eerily familiar. You struggle again, but this time he growls at you. "Just fucking keep still."
"Steve?!" You cannot believe this for a second.
A chuckle escapes him as he removes his mask. You stare up at him horrified, "Steve what's going on?"
"She fucking kicked me in the balls!" You look over your shoulder and watch the second figure approach and remove their mask. Eddie?
“Surprise, baby girl.” Eddie smirks. No, this couldn’t be happening. Had they done all this just to scare you?
"You fucking deserved it, asshole!" You cried. "You scared the shit out of me, I can't believe you two! Let me go! I want to go home!" 
"Babe, no--"
Your eyes were focused up on Steve."Fuck you! I hate this! I just want to go home without you! I don't wanna see you!" You were livid. They put you through a nightmare that most people don't wake up from. It was shitty and they didn't even bother to give into the concerns you had earlier.
"No, fuck you!" Steve hissed back at you making you bite your tongue. Steve rested his hands by your head as he peered down at you."This was all your idea, baby." 
"Sure was." Eddie agreed. His gloved hands find their way to your shoulders. Gently rubbing them as you take in the information. "Remember?" You shake your head and the two lock eyes with each other. Eddie decides to elaborate. "You, me, and Steve were watching that horror movie and you," Eddie's fingers wrapped around your throat squeezing it as Steve watched. Eddie was so pretty when he was angry, eyes dark with lust, and lips carefully whispering every word. 
 "You, naughty thing," Eddie pressed a kiss to your jaw making you squirm, "Told us how completely arousing it was to be chased around, going on about how horror was the greatest form of foreplay." Eddie's lips were dangerously close to your ear as he whispered each word. Steve chuckles, "Then you went on about how Halloween was around the corner and would be fun if we tried it. But we," Steve gestures between himself and Eddie," We decided how much fun it would be if you didn't expect it."
However, this wasn't how you had wanted it to happen. "That's the thing princess." Eddie cooes, "We didn't want you to know. We wanted you to have a bit of a thrill. Something about the adrenaline pumping through you affects how aroused you are. That rush got you going didn't it?" He asked lips curling up into a grin. You now noticed how trapped you were between Steve's legs that rested on either side of your hip preventing you from escaping. Eddie's grip on your throat wasn't letting up either.
"But.. I thought I was gonna be killed. That's not hot." You whined, reaching up to rest on Eddie's hand on your throat. "I was so scared."
"I'm sorry baby." Steve leaned down to kiss you while Eddie's grip started cutting off the oxygen to your brain a little bit. Everything was becoming foggy. What was going on? The mix between those soft lips and the lack of oxygen was affecting the way your thinking. You wanted to be mad, but it felt so good. Eddie and Steve were always so attentive to you but not like this. You moaned softly into the kiss, Steve's lips left the lingering taste of vanilla against your tongue and he chuckled. "You look so pretty, princess." The blissful feeling Steve's kiss left behind was cut short by Eddie.
Letting out a short whine when Steve pulled away, his hands roaming up your sides slowly. "You, know you really pissed me off back there." Eddie hissed in your ear. Your chest rose and fell with uneven breaths.
"I'm sorry--" You whimpered lips trembling in fear of being in trouble.
"Sorry doesn't heal the bruise you left on my fucking balls." Eddie grit out removing his hands from your throat, the flow of oxygen rushing back into your lungs making your head spin. "But maybe you should try to make it better with that smart mouth." He stands up and removes his gloves, tossing them aside.
Steve smirks down at you and laughs. "So much for 'no head for a week' huh, princess?" The way he managed to make you feel so little was intoxicating. Steve was always the one in charge. Eddie could make suggestions but Steve was always in control. "I did catch her first, Munson. But I'll let you have her mouth, I've been waiting to taste this sweet little pussy all night." It was very rare you got to hear Harrington be so vulgar. He normally was a passionate man, but not tonight. Not with the way you ran them in circles.
You didn't even know what to do, let alone say. Eddie however was quick to let you in on his plan. "Flip her over, eat it from the back. I'm gonna fuck her throat." Eddie's voice was gruff. Steve took you by the arms and flipped you so that you were on your stomach, shoving a pillow under you so your ass was angled in the air. Eddie cooed down at you, "You've been a little brat today. Got anything to say for yourself?" All you can manage is a pitiful apology. 
Good thing they had caught you in the furniture store. Things were about to get real out of hand. It would be highly uncomfortable anywhere else. The sound of belt unbuckling brings you from the trance you were in. Catching Eddie's and yours attention. Steve takes his belt and pulls both arms behind your back and loops his belt around them. "No more fighting from you tonight, sweetheart. We have had enough of that today. You're going to do what we say and when we say it, got it?" Eddie loved it when Steve got like this. It made his cock harder than it already was. You nodded and Steve delivered a quick pop to your ass.
"Respond, properly." He demanded.
Eddie watched as you got all flustered trying to respond.
"Y-Yes, Daddy." Your voice was a little hoarse from being choked earlier. 
"Good girl." Eddie praises. He grabbed your hair near your scalp, bringing it closer to his crotch. He unbuckled his pants with one hand and tugged his boxers down. You stare up at him, with wide eyes at the cock that springs free. For someone like Eddie he was always talked a big game, but only you got to experience it. None of the girls at Hawkins High would ever believe that Eddie Munson was truly a freak in the bedroom. 
He sighed in relief, "Doesn't he have such a pretty cock, baby?" Steve questions hands busy moving your dress out of the way. 
"Yes." You moaned quietly. Earning another pop to your ass making you cry out.
"Don't tell me. Tell him, look him in the eyes and say it."
Tonight was definitely different and the boy's behavior was proof of that. Eddie was just ready to fuck your throat and Steve was going devour you like his last meal. "Y-Your cock is pretty, Eddie."
"Such a slut. She'll do anything I tell her to. Right baby?" Steve inquired and you nodded eagerly. "Go ahead, Eds." 
 "Come on, pretty girl. Open up." You look up at his soft brown orbs gazing down at you, hazed over with lust. "Come on." He encourages again. Steve pushes up the skirt of your dress and delivers yet another smack to your ass, yet again making you yelp out in pain giving Eddie the chance to shove himself inside your mouth. His grip on your hair tightened and he sighed lips parting as his hips thrust forward, shoving his cock further down your throat.
"See, that wasn't hard. Was it, angel?" Steve's fingers are already teasing the hem of your panties ready to rid you of them. You squeaked in surprise as he thrust into your mouth, but it was so erotic, you didn't care. Just as Eddie got what he wanted, you could feel Steve completely rip your underwear off and dove tongue first into your pussy. The way his tongue moved was making you weak in the knees.
Your moans had adverse effects on Eddie as he was inside your mouth. The vibrations from your little noises fueled his pleasure. "Fuck, Steve. If you keep that up I'm going to cum down her throat." Steve pulled away, letting out a chuckle.
"God, do it. Make a mess." Steve groaned. Eddie grabbed your hair with both hands and thrusted in and out of your mouth. 
"Fuck.. oh fuck.." He panted. "Take it, baby.. such a little slut."
You were completely riding the high that came with being pleased at both ends. Both of your boys were. Taking care of you in a way you didn't think was quite possible before. 
Steve took a break from his assault on your clit and leaned over your back to grab Eddie's chin. His lips captured his and Eddie groaned as his dick twitched in your mouth. Steve bit at the metalhead's bottom limp earning a soft moan from him. He pulled back and looked him in the eyes, "Who's my pretty boy, hm?"
Eddie whines, "I-I am."
"That's right, pretty boy." Steve praises as his fingers brush over your clit electing a whine from you. "You close?" He asks gently, caressing his cheek. Eddie's speed in fucking your throat picks up as he whimpers pathetically.
"F-Fuck.. shit.." He cursed. Steve taps his cheek, and Eddie's eyes flick back up to him. "Yes." He replied almost in a whisper. Steve's fingers dug into the skin of Eddie's cheeks and he growled.
"Good, then fucking cum down that pretty bitch's little throat." He demanded. Eddie held your head in place as he shoved his cock all the way down your throat. He grit his teeth as he came. "Fuck!" Steve smiled and let go of Eddie. He slowly pulls out of your mouth managing to swallow every drop, some leaking down your chin.
"Good boy. Now pull up a chair." Steve sits back and pulls you with him. Your back pressed flush against his chest, arms still tied with his belt. You are placed in his lap legs dropped over each of his own. Eddie quickly grabs a chair from one of the furniture displays and takes a seat in front of you and Steve.
He holds the skirt of your dress up so Eddie has a full view of your pretty little cunt. He's practically drooling at the sight. Thank God this store's cameras never worked, because whoever was watching would get a full show.
Eddie slouched back in the chair, legs spread as he gripped his cock. Steve's careful fingers tease your clit leaving you a moaning mess as Eddie watches on stroking his cock. To them you were the prettiest like this, out on display, for them to use and touch freely.  "Mmm, Steve.." You rock your hips forward to obtain more friction. Which only earns you a pinch to your little bud.
Eddie's lips curling up into a smirk as he locks eyes with Steve. Watching as your body trembles beneath his grasp. "That's not how you say my name, angel." He growled in your ear.
"Daddy." You sigh out lout as his fingers get back to work torturing your clit. As he picks up the pace that oh so familiar feeling begins to coil in your abdomen. Steve could tell as the little moans, and whimpers became more desperate louder.
As Eddie watches his hand tightens around his cock picking up the pace as Steve does. Stroking himself in rhythm with the circular movements on your clit. 
Steve was so smug as he watched on, leaving wet kisses along your jaw and neck, nipping at the skin. "D-Daddy… I'm-"
"Are you,slut? Huh? Going to cum all over Daddy's fingers while he watches huh?" You whimpered at his words. "Such a dirty girl. You like being watched don't you, angel?"
"Yeah she does." Eddie agrees watching as her walls flutter, on the verge of her orgasm. Steve smirked he knew the day that he and Eddie picked you out to be theirs you'd be perfect and tonight was proof. 
"Then cum." At that exact moment you feel as if your world comes crashing down. Eddie looks on as Steve's fingers continue to rub at your clit as you cum. 
"Fuck, Daddy! I-I'm…" You whimper and he shushes you kissing your cheek as he helps you ride through your first orgasm of the night. It was going to be a long night after all.
"There we go, angel. Shh, that's it. That's my girl." Eddie halts his movements and stands up. 
Your head leans back against Steve's shoulder trying to catch your breath when he speaks up. "Now, baby. Who do you want first? Eddie or Daddy."
Your eyes flick between the two boys and you can only whine out a name, "Eds, I want you."
"Hear that pretty boy she wants your cock first." Eddie had already came. Steve always came before him and he knew that.
"But, Stevie." Eddie tries to argue as Steve stands up and positions you as he wants on the couch. Arms still fastened behind your back, which was trapped between the cushions and your own body, legs still spread, closing them surely would get you in trouble.
"No buts, pretty boy. Do it." Steve now takes a seat in the chair, legs crossed over another as Eddie makes his way over to you. You and Eddie lock eyes as his hands carefully guide his cock into your walls. 
"Shit!" He cursed. The way your walls tightened around him would've usually made him cum on the spot, but he'd already warmed up, therefore could last longer. Which was exactly what Steve wanted. 
He had planned this from the get go. Telling Eddie where to go and which way to run to so he could get to you last. Steve wanted to be the one to catch you and the last to fuck you.
You sigh as Eddie fills you to the brim hitting that magical spot inside you. His lips capture yours in a heated but sloppy kiss as he begins to thrust his hips forward. "Eddie, you better fuck her like you mean it." Steve spoke up. The silence fell around afterwards as the sound of skin on skin filled the room. 
"There we go, now it's a fucking show." Steve encourages the scene before him. Watching his boyfriend fuck the daylights out of their girl. "Come on, Munson. You're always going on and on about how good you are. Let's see it."
Eddie's fingers dig into the side of your hips as he picks up the pace at Steve's relentless teasing. "Eddie." You moaned softly struggling at the resistance that the belt provided you. "Please.." 
"Baby, just fucking keep quiet." He snapped at you with one hand coming up to grip your throat. You let out a moan and he chuckled. "Now I know why you picked me, princess. Thinking I'd let you out of your restraints huh?" You whimpered and shook your head at the accusation.
"Choosing me over Steve cause I'm nicer huh? Is that it?" He suddenly out of nowhere had switched temperaments throwing you for a loop. Steve chuckled as Eddie suddenly picked up the pace. He unbuckled his belt and removed his own cock stroking it as he watched the two of you. 
He swiped his thumb over the tip and slowly stroked himself to full hardness. God, he could watch you get fucked for hours. It was his own personal show all put on by you and Eddie. Tonight though he needed to feel your mouth around him. 
"Stop." He orders. Shocking both parties as he stood up, circling around the two before speaking. 
"Pull out. I've got an idea." Steve finally elaborated as he pushed Eddie aside and helped adjust to your lack of mobility. He places you down on your knees before him and looks back to Eddie. "Now, baby boy. You fuck her while she warms my cock with that smart little mouth of hers." He explained and Eddie is quick to pull your hips back to him as he slides back in with ease.
Steve sighs as your lips wrap around his cock, revealing in the warmth provided. "Fuck, angel. Your mouth is just as warm as your pussy." Steve compliments fingers brushing through your hair reassuringly as Eddie works on taking you from behind. The moans going muffled by Steve's cock down your throat.
"God, Harrington. She's so fuckin' tight."
Eddie grunts.
"That's because she's a slut. She likes being stuffed and filled." He replied nonchalantly. "Don't you baby?" His eyes are on you, mouth filled with his cock, and unable to respond or struggle. It made him feel in control of something he never got outside of the bedroom at work or around the gang, but here. What he said would be what goes.
His eyes were half-lidded and clouded with a feral hunger. Eddie was practically fucking you down on his cock. "God, Steve, she's squeezing me. I think she's getting ready to cum."
"Yeah, is that right?" Steve looked down at you and watched you shut your eyes to avoid looking at him. He pulls you off his cock by your hair and you grit your teeth to prevent yourself from whining. "You ready to come, angel?"
"Yes, Steve, please." You beg. "I'm sorry I've been such a brat, just let me cum again." He chucked at the pathetic attempt, but would allow it this time. 
"Go ahead and cum then, princess." You let out a strangled cry as your walls fluttered around Eddie's cock buried deep within you. Steve starts stroking his cock ready to cum with you, "Open baby." You take him in your mouth moaning around him as Steve finishes inside your mouth and Eddie inside you. His hips slowed and he sighed.
 "Fucking hell, sweetheart." He groans finally after coming for a second time tonight. You lock eyes with Steve as he comes down your throat letting out his own string of curses.
"Fuck! You're such a dirty fucking girl." He hissed. You whimpered around him, but swallowed what he'd given you. The torture was finally over and Eddie moves to undo the belt allowing you to climb up into Steve's lap. His fingers brush back your hair and he kisses your forehead.  "Good girl. You did so well tonight." He praises and Eddie flops down on the couch next to them completely spent. 
"Fuck, that was hot. We've gotta do that again.." He sighs. Going to light a cigarette as you curl up in Steve's lap. He snatches the cig and tosses it. 
"What the hell Steve?!" The metalhead huffed.
"Sprinklers." He replied gently, running his hand over your back in calming circles. "You okay, baby?"
You reply in a quiet voice, "Yes, Daddy."
"Good, both of you did very well." The rest of the night was spent at Eddie's trailer cleaning up and relaxing on the bed. You curled up between your two boys.
The very next morning Steve awoke to the smell of bacon and eggs. He opened his eyes searching for the both of you, turns out Eddie had gotten up, but you were still tuckered out. Eddie came back to the room with two plates of food. "Sorry." He apologized noticing Steve was wide awake.
He sets one plate down and leans down to kiss him on the lips. 
"Morning, Eds." Steve grumbled and they stare at you adoringly as he takes the plate from Eddie's hands.
"She really must be tired huh?" He asked Steve with a grin and he chuckled. "I'd be to if I got brutally fucked." Harrington joked lightly and Eddie had the biggest smirk on his face. 
"Ugh, later Munson." Steve grumbled and Eddie chuckled. 
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morganwrites12672 · 1 year
Steve Harrington x Henderson!Reader
'I'm No Nancy Wheeler'
Steve has never fallen for a type like you. Never.
"How long does your hair take you little fucker," you yell at your brother as he puts in the finishing sprays of some Farrah Facet hair spray.
He had already been in there for half an hour. You still had to basically do everything but change. It didn't matter how long he took at this point. You were always late to class. He never was.
"One more damn minute in there, and you're going to be very late to your favorite class," you want and Dustin burts out of the bathroom, hairspray in hand.
"You wouldn't dare," he says and points the bottle at you. You scoff as you get into the bathroom. He was convinced you would never do something that serious. Mr. Clarke was his favorite teacher, Dustin worshiped the man.
"I would," you say as you shut the door. Your hair was, there wasn't the right word for it. It was a mess.
"Son of a bitch," Dustin yells as you begin working on the mess of hair resting atop your head. Dustin was definitely going to be late.
You finish up and look at your watch, 7:40am. Shit you were a lot later then you had wanted to be. You groan as you walk into your room and grab your backpack.
You take a last look in the mirror, tight flare jeans and a Bowie Tshirt. Bowie wasn't one of the main bands you listened to, but your brother persuaded you to listen to something less metal.
You slip on a black leather jacket before waking into Dustin's room. You notice his alarm clock says 7:42 A.M.
"Dustin, why is your clock set early?" You ask. There is no fucking way he would set your clock an hour ahead. He wouldn't.
"Shit, shit, shit, shit," Dustin yells and grabs his backpack. He did.
"I didn't want to be late," he reasons. You scoff and go to grab your backpack before storming to your car.
Dustin gets in shortly after and you tear out of the driveway. He made you lose an entire hour of sleep. Why? So he wouldn't be late.
"Fuck off, I'm no Nancy Wheeler," you say to Steve harrington. He was a total asshole. He expected to get whatever he wants whenever he wants it.
"I'm not with Nancy Wheeler, plus I don't want to be. I want to be with you," he says and you cringe. Ew.
"So. You went from Nancy Wheeler, to Yn Henderson?" You ask him motioning to your attire. Did Nancy Wheeler even know what Bowie was?
"Look, I'm over her," Steve insists. You raise an eyebrow and scoff.
"Okay, what do I have to do to prove it to you?" Steve asks. He was so hopeful you would say something easy so he could just kiss you.
He loved your 'fuck off' attitude and was instantly pulled into a choke hold by you. He hated the fact that he fell for the biggest outcast in the school, but you were worth it.
He was getting over having to deal with all of the pressure of keeping his reputation perfect. Being king Steve wasn't easy.
"Fine. Fuck off and I will think about it," you reply and stalk off. You left to walk to some class you had, either history of math, and thought about it.
The answer was no.
It had been two years since you had rejected Steve Harrington. He respected your wishes and waited for you to come to him. You hadn't.
That all changed when you saw working at scoops ahoy in that stupid uniform. Honestly, it should be illegal to look that good.
Steve and his stupid, slutty thighs. Steve and his stupid, slutty waist.
You walked over to the counter and rang the bell. Steve turned around and blushed.
"Get it over with Henderson," he said with a groan. You smiled and let out a little laugh. He had so idea you thought that that stupid uniform was hot.
"I don't know. Maybe you could help me?" You ask and lean on the counter. "I'm thinking cherries jubilee, maybe a banana boat sundae?" You say with a smile as Steve's eyebrows hit his hairline.
"I'm sorry?" He asks. He was very clearly shocked. "is this a stupid prank?" Steve asks.
"I did not plan this. Blame that slutty sailors outfit," you reply with a wink. Steve's jaw drops. You tap your finger under his chin so it doesn't literaly hit the floor.
"So, pick me up at,- what time do you get off?" You ask. Steve is still in shock as you fold your arms over your chest.
He couldn't believe it. He couldnt. You were different
There were a few small tattoos adorning your arms, and your black jeans clung to you. Low on your hips. Steve snapped back to reality and kept his mind from wandering.
How many nights had he pined over you? Wishing and hoping for a single kiss. A single hug even.
"Um, ten," he blurts and you smile before grabbing his hand and writing your number.
"You can pick me up at 11, maybe we could go to the arcade. They are open late on Saturdays during the summer," you say and give him a kiss on the cheek before walking off.
Steve stands in shock. H-
"You rule Harrington," Robin says with utter shock. How had Steve had a girl, a very, very, hot girl come up and basically ask him out?
"I rule?" Steve says and hears a groan.
"Was that my sister?" Dustin asks. That was when it hit him.
Steve had gotten a date with his sister. You despised Steve? Or did you?
Dustin didn't want to find out.
Requests are open! Check my pinned post for details!
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heathersgameoftag · 9 months
I was such a huge fan of your work years ago; I doubt you’d remember me, but I was a mod in your discord server and kept a document organizing all the TAG AU asks you answered for reference. I don’t have any idea what name you’d have known me by back then, though, so nevermind that.
I just wanted to let you know that I’ve been rereading your work after accidentally getting back into the show via seeing it in London- the current production and cast is SO gay, you’d love it- and I don’t think I really appreciated how good your writing was back when we were 17. Your work still holds up better than that of people twice your age, and you’re basically the reason I ever started writing fanfiction, for this and for anything else. Hell, I actually named myself Heather after Chandler, and I don’t think I’d have done that without reading your version of her.
I also met a group of friends through your server that I talked to for years, some of whom I still know. And the degree to which I was obsessed with Heathers- in no small part thanks to you- got me into everything else about theater. I’ve never been involved in a production of anything myself, but it’s a huge part of my life, and I’m incredibly grateful to you and fans like you who help people fall in love with stories like Heathers.
I wish you the absolute best, and, though you’re (understandably) no longer hyperfixated on Heathers, I hope you keep writing whatever you like and sharing your talents with the rest of us.
Stay very,
Heather ❤️
aw hey, it's been a while! :)
this was very nice to read (sorry about late reply im on the grind yknow how it goes) but i am so glad my work inspired you as much as it did and that it has still stuck with you. it's funny you came back when you did, TAG is about two fics away from its end! i often refer to TAG as just a silly fanfiction i wrote when i was 17 but seeing stuff like this does warm my heart a lot and remind me why i loved writing it as much as i did so thank you for taking the time to write this out!!! <3
hope you're doing well heather! good to hear things are going good :D
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dilf-whore · 2 years
I’m such a sucker for the hurt/comfort trope! Could you do one for Steve Harrington where the reader and him are dating but him and the whole group forgot the readers birthday until it’s too late but they try to make it up to them :)
special day
pairing: steve harrington x gn!reader
genre: angst, fluff
A/N: thanks for requesting and i’m sorry for only posting this now. comments/feedbacks are highly appreciated and likes/reblogs as well 🫶🏻
requested: yes
word count: 1.4k+
requests are OPEN
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You enter Scoopy Ahoy with a huge smile on your face, you were wearing your newly bought outfit for your special day today: your birthday. You hold on to the McDonald’s you bought for your boyfriend and best friend, you were planning to just come by and eat with them during their break, a small intimate celebration like how you prefer it - eating with the people you love and just talk about whatever it is you all have in mind.
“Baby you look amazing!” Steve approaches you, hands already reaching out. He pulls you into him and gives you a kiss, “what’s this?” he asks, pointing at the takeout on your hand. “It’s for you and Robin” you raise the paper bag to meet his eyes.
He takes it from you and gives you another kiss, “thank you Y/N! but what for?”. You furrow you eyebrows in confusion, he knows you treat them food whenever it’s your birthday - or did he forget?
“I, uh, it’s my-“
“Is that McDonald’s?!” Robin cuts you off and runs towards you both, Steve nods and she gasps in delight - she doesn’t really get to eat these kind of food as often as you and Steve do. “It’s for us” Steve says, he already forgot what you were gonna say. Robin pulls you both into the backroom and puts out a sign that says ‘lunch break’ on the counter. She starts devouring it the moment Steve settles it down the table, causing you to giggle softly.
You take a seat beside your boyfriend and have your lunch, you look at them ever so often, your veins flowing with so much anticipation as you try to patiently wait for what they have to say to you.
Your meals are now finished and neither of them greeted you, Robin’s been ranting about a rude customer she encountered and Steve just complained about the kids using the back door to get in the movies for free. You look at the time and your body slouches, their break is over which means you have to leave - your excitement is now gone.
“What time are you guys closing today?” You ask as you all head out to the front. “Around 8:30 or 9pm I think” Steve replies, taking out his scooper, preparing for the upcoming customers. You nod in response and finally bid them goodbye, they both immediately go back to their jobs and you suddenly feel weird on your way back home, disappointed? sad maybe?
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You immediately change into something much comfortable, your outfit no longer serving its purpose. You ring Dustin’s home in hopes that maybe he remembers and would like to hang out with you, but his mom answered instead, saying that he’s not at home.
You don’t bother calling the rest, they would have called or came over if they knew.
You decided to spend the rest of your day watching some movies you rented, making yourself some popcorn and do some self-care as you watch. Despite the film being a comedy one, you can’t seem to at least smile even though you laugh at the smallest things. You knew you can’t spend the whole day with Steve and Robin because of their job but you did expect at least a greeting from them, you also planned on taking the kids to the arcade - you already had your savings prepared but guess they’re all busy today.
You try to brush off the disappointment inside, you feel pathetic with how down you are today but the feeling just keeps coming back.
You didn’t want to remind them, you don’t want to seem desperate for attention. You’re too shy to do so anyways, what were you supposed to say? It’s my birthday! or thought we were gonna hang out and spend some time with me.
Do they really not remember what day it is today?
You sigh and continue your movie, guess you’ll just sit down until it’s time for bed.
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Steve and Robin are on their last hour before they could finally call it s day. Steve just wants to come over to yours and have you in his arms - he already misses your comforting and radiant presence.
Their last customer was a group of kids, around the same age as Erica Sinclair. They come in Scoops Ahoy with a little boy at the front, he was wearing a crown and had a stash - he looked like a king.
“What can we get for you?
The boy gets on his tippy-toes to reach the counter, “I want to get your special ice cream for birthday boys like me!” He exclaims and hands over his crumpled bill. Steve takes the money and Robin prepares the so-called special ice cream which is a huge bowl with all their best selling flavors and toppings. She then brings it over to the table where they’re seated.
Steve watches them as they munch on their dessert, he hears them saying “thank you for the ice cream!” and some happy birthday’s from time to time. He puts a hand on his hip and puts his weight on the counter, he’s staring at them as he suddenly felt like there’s something that slipped out of his mind - he just can’t point it out.
His eyes grow wide, “Robin! What day is it today?”
“It’s (your birthdate). Why?”
He smacks his forehead, leaving a red mark on his skin. “I’m so fucking stupid! It’s Y/N’s birthday today, that’s why she brought food earlier!”
“Oh shit, I also forgot!”
Steve rushes to the group of kids, “time to go! keep the bowl and the spoons. Happy Birthday again!” He pushes them out of the ice cream parlor and they close up as fast as they could.
They head out to the parking lot and goes to the payphone, dialing the Wheelers’ number. He taps on the metal box as he gets impatient from waiting.
“Mike? It’s Steve! Do you know what day it is today? Are you with the rest?”
“Uh, it’s a Saturday? And yeah we’re playing D&D and Nancy’s upstairs with Jonathan”
He lightly tugs on his hair - he’s disappointed in himself, “it’s Y/N’s birthday today! I can’t believe we all forgot”
˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗
You step out of the bathroom and change into your pajamas, the day’s almost over and no one bothered to at least call you.
You snap out of your thoughts when you hear your front door open and a bunch of footsteps downstairs. You start to palpitate, is there really a stranger breaking in your home? Your eyes frantically roam around your room and you spot Steve’s bat at the corner, you grab it and quietly go outside, taking your steps softly. Your breathing becoming shakier the closer you get to the living room.
A figure abruptly appears in front you, causing you to scream and move the bat over your shoulder as you prepare to swing it towards the intruder.
“Dustin? What the fuck are you doing here? How did you get inside? I almost killed you!” You drop the bat and scold the curly-haired boy in front of you. He catches his breath and motions you to look around, “Jesus Christ! S-Steve has your spare keys remember?”
You sigh in relief and pat his arm.
Your eyes land on a banner that says “happy birthday!”. You let out a small gasp when you see the balloons decorated everywhere and some food on the table.
Steve suddenly comes out of the kitchen with a circular cake on his hands, followed by the rest of your friends. “Happy birthday to youuu…” they start singing as they approach you. Tears are now threatening to fall, everyone’s here and it just makes your heart so full.
You blow your candles and Steve wraps an arm around you, placing a soft kiss on the side of your head. “Y/N, we’re so sorry. We didn’t mean to forget, especially me and I’m your boyfriend for god’s sake!”
“We’re really sorry, promise it won’t happen again” Nancy speaks up and the rest nods in agreement and say their apologies to you.
“It’s alright! At least you’re all here now, that’s what matters. But I can’t say I’m not sad though”
You turn to face Steve, “you better make it up to me later” you tease.
A smirk forms on his lips, “oh I definitely will”
“Ewww” you friends say in unison, disgusted looks plastered on their faces.
˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗
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ginneke · 1 year
already too late (if we arrive at all) - #3
It's a little late, sorry, but here's part three! I know it's late, but firstly, I wasn't at my best yesterday. Secondly, it's longer. Those are my excuses.
Technically no Revali in this one, and only indirect Link. We've got some other perspectives this time. (Including insight into a certain character that some of my readers have met before, in a different story. Minor perception check ahoy for A Seed of Song.)
Note: there's hints at [hylia / the spirit of the hero] and zelink in this one, but only hints.
Pairing: Link / Revali Rating: T
(A soulmate AU, sort of.)
– Prompt #3: was it something i did? –
It is said that once, a very long time ago, so long ago that any records have faded into legend, and legend slowly morphing into myth…
Once, a long time ago, a goddess fell in love with a mortal.
But while she gave up her divine powers and came to live as humans did, for love of that brief life, still she could not overcome his mortality. He fell in battle and her hands could not turn back the blow, nor stem the fast elapsing time that raced towards a sunset when her own lifespan was an eternal dawn.
She grieved. Oh, how she grieved: for a goddess, half-mortal yet still half-divine, it must have been the first she felt of such an emotion. Sorrow, for the love she’d lost. Yet joy as well, for the happiness even a few short years had wrought.
And so it was writ upon her, a hope and a prayer to be reunited with that lost soul again as fate’s wheel turned; and to know, this time, just how long they might have: that she might know to be grateful for each day, and not waste time waiting for that inevitable end, hands spinning out a spool without knowing where the thread might snap.
Ah. But then the marks started appearing on others, too.
Link is twelve years old when the mark appears upon his wrist.
It's the first time in a very long time that one of Hateno's children has been so blessed, and some people point out -- well, of course it would be that child; why, he'd been marked out as special for so long already, since the day he claimed to see mighty Naydra in the sky above the dragon-god's mountain home; to say nothing of his strange self-possession around weapons, the one thing that everyone agreed was odd, but some children were like that, figuring out their interests from very early on and clinging to them tightly, without deviation. 
Well, that's besides the point, really. The point is this: at first, Link's soulmark is something positive, something innocent. Nobody in Hateno has the skill to read the threads, and there's no time to detour all the way to Zora's Domain, where their priest and their princess both have a reputation for being able to understand the mark of years, the unspooling thread and the countdown of time. How long the mark might bear the touch of gold, and just when the span of potential time would fade to ashen grey.
Bless her, but Hild tries to advocate for that anyway. Vicente knows her well enough to see through to the ulterior motive — to give Link the chance to see his friends among the Zora youths, since he's… always struggled, somewhat, at connecting with other Hylians. (The army’s cadets tend to see him as a threat.)
But duty calls, and Vicente cannot be away from his post much longer — and there are, at least, still options, even if they’re not the choices his wife thinks best. Still, he makes his promises: Hild is stubborn, and won’t be satisfied unless he agrees to have Link’s soulmark read. He has to know, she says - insists really - and Vicente can understand why. 
There might not be anyone capable of reading the threads here, in Necluda, but it’s different in the heartlands of Hyrule. So many hold the potential of the sages’ bloodlines, there. Better that they find answers for LInk soon, and from friendly quarters. 
Still, it isn't until their return to Central Hyrule that Vicente learns just how mixed a blessing the soulmark really is.
He argues for and wins a day’s leave further, long enough to take Link to the temple on the banks of the Regencia, and the sage who meets with them blanches at the sight of the gold around Link’s wrist. She’s quick to bid the boy sent away; she refuses to proclaim it within his earshot.
…The thread, she whispers to Vicente in hushed tones, is... a lot shorter than any other she's seen or heard of; why, she fears it won't even last six years.
Link's ears are sharper than the sage suspected. 
Link is, understandably, quite upset.
These things… aren’t unknown, though. And so Vicente can only repeat something he heard, once, from his own father, whose wrist had been marked by an ashen smudge by that point — “Not every bond is one of romantic love, lad…”
Link looks at him with an expression of fierce betrayal and refuses to talk to him for a sennight.
…Vicente should have seen this coming. A child like Link, so unlike the other children his age, would surely be attached to the thought of his bonded even without the reality of that person in front of them; and to know that that person wouldn’t survive much past his own entrance into adulthood…
Link always has had such a strong sense of justice.
Still, though there’s always that faint sense of a strain in their relationship now, his son does lapse back into obedience for a time; and if he refuses to speak to Vicente about the soulmark, well — that’s something he probably deserves, and something he hopes to fix with time…
Then his son goes missing.
Sending him to the training camp near Eldin was a mistake; it almost leads Vicente to blows with the man who’d ordered it. For all Link’s adaptivity, for all his skill and all his certainty with each and every weapon that finds its way to his hands — he’s just a boy, and Hild was right: he’s too young by far to be here. 
Vicente pleads to be allowed to leave his post; his commanding officer refuses. He petitions somebody else, and his requests fall on uncaring ears. 
He’s on the verge of leaving anyway, duty be damned, when Link reappears, a full week later, trailing an unfamiliar sword that’s almost as tall as he is. 
Unfamiliar to Vicente. The kingdom’s Sheikah allies, steeped in the histories and the dark whispers of their nation’s past, recognise it at once: Blade of Evil’s Bane. The Sword That Seals The Darkness.
The blade which, according to legend, answers to but a single hand.
If anyone still doubted the portents of the Calamity’s return, there’s no doubt now. Not now that sacred sword has been found. They drag Link in front of the young princess, who echoes the pretty words of ceremony and looks at him with pain shadowing her eyes: it’s been over five years since Her Royal Highness, the Queen, passed away; and despite her heartfelt efforts to awaken the sealing powers she’s meant to inherit, still the princess’ birthright eludes her. Vicente’s son must be a living symbol of everything she has yet to achieve.
Vicente can only try to watch out for the boy as best he can. 
He writes to Hild. She replies to him with silence. Still, at least Hild does write to Link; Aryll as well, in her clumsy six-year-old hand. Link shares the letters with him, the way he always did, and he doesn’t suspect a thing.
Vicente bears it quietly, the crumbling wilderness that his marriage has become: he reflects, and thinks it fair. Hild had never wanted this for Link. For him to be a soldier was the extent of what she could accept; she never wanted him to tread the path of knighthood. This is something out of a nightmare. There’s no chance at all that Link will be allowed to live out a quiet life in Hateno, now or at any time, and even the opportunities to visit home, which were always few and far between, will soon be beyond them.
The mistakes are his. He let Link follow too long in his shadow.
…But that’s not the only thing.
It would be one thing if it was just the sword. But soon a whisper starts to surge through the court, eyes trailing after Link with suspicion and fear. Not for anything he had done, but because of the mark on his wrist. The bloodline of the Goddess and the warrior fated to wield the Master Sword are entwined throughout history and legend, their destinies following the same path.
Princess Zelda is but eleven years old, still weeks shy of her twelfth birthday. Too young, yet, for any answering soulmark to appear upon her. But if it does —
If it does, and she is tied to Link —
If so, Princess Zelda has less than six years to live. 
“What did I do wrong?” Link wants to know, twelve and scared and overshadowed by the fears of the adults around him, and Vicente holds his son like he hasn’t since he was a tiny child, just seven years old. He’s still tiny, tucked into Vicente’s side and shaking like a sapling in a storm. “What did I…”
Nothing — Link did nothing wrong, and it’s cruel, so cruel, for these children to bear such a fate and the burden of an entire nation’s fears. But all Vicente can offer is this. He holds his son and lets the force of Link’s emotions shudder through him, lodging behind his ribs like blades.
He prays — not to Hylia, but to Hild’s ancient goddesses instead. Spare him, he pleads. Isn’t this enough? Hasn’t the soulmark brought Link enough pain? He doesn’t even know who his fated match is, and yet…
Spare him. Please.
Vicente’s prayer is answered.
The day of the princess’ twelfth birthday dawns, and her wrist remains quietly empty.
Princess Zelda is the only person disappointed by this. To hear the rumours, she thinks it is just another way that Fate has looked at her and found her wanting. Under other circumstances, Vicente might have felt some sympathy for the girl. But he, like so many others, can only feel relieved, even if his reasons stem from a different source.
The pressure on Link eases, the stares subsiding as though they’d never looked at him or his soulmark and seen the stain of treachery in them. But they can’t pretend it never happened. Even if he’ll never be allowed to act on it, Vicente remembers and quietly nurses the start of a lifelong grudge.
So does Link. Too-young Link, passionate enough to feel an impotent rage over the way they looked at him and inexperienced enough to show it, until Vicente has no choice but to take him aside and to bid him to try to temper his anguish, if but a little.
But Link can’t accept that. He turns wild eyes upon his father and demands, with all the premature grief of a loss Vicente cannot spare him from, “Why?”
Why. Oh, why indeed. What can he say to his son, that might explain the fickleness of people’s hearts? To  the experienced or the jaded it is obvious; because she is the princess of Hyrule, and its last remaining heir. The last potential claimant to the only certain power that stands between their country and the nigh-guaranteed destruction that awaits. 
But that’s not what his son is asking, is it?
In reality, it is only because she is of the royal line, the last of the royal line, and so she matters more, in the eyes of the kingdom, than some nameless, faceless someone.
Link stares at him like he’s a stranger. 
“They matter too,” he insists, that indomitable sense of justice raising its head again and stoking Link to a fury. “They matter!”
“They matter to you,” Vicente agrees. 
But he’s never had the gift of gentle speech, and what he means is this — he’s proud of Link. Proud of him for caring. Proud of Link’s principles and his unflinching sense of justice. He’s so, so proud and he wishes more than anything that he’d been granted more eloquence; maybe then Link would understand him.
That’s not what Link hears: to him, Vicente’s words are the blunt blow of reproach. He sees the way Link goes rigid, and doesn’t know how to prevent the distance that rips its way between them in that moment.
Link pulls away.
This time his silence doesn’t last a mere sennight. A fortnight, a month goes by, three months, and by the time Vicente realises that Link’s newfound silence goes far beyond stubbornness, it’s been more than a year and comes far too late. Link doesn’t speak to anyone, anymore. His secrets are locked up tight behind an impassive mask he learned to wear too young. 
Vicente suspects his anger still burns as fiercely as it ever did. But he cannot say for sure: the young man forming behind his son’s face is a stranger to him, and Vicente has long since lost his trust.
All that’s left to him is his duty and his prayers.
Let Link find that person soon.
Let the legends be true
Let him find a way to value the time they have, and not mourn the lost potential of years.
It’s a foolish hope. But for his son’s sake, Vicente hopes for it all the same.
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lollaika · 6 months
Chapter 5 of The Agony is here!
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Chapter 5, the aftermath of season 3, featuring hurt Steve and in over his head Eddie. Also, like always very lovely artwork by @cuips-not-cute, it's nsfw, so be warned. (It's very good, though, so go and check it out.
TW: Rape, Non-Con, Alcoholism
Excerpt under the read-more!
“He’s dead.” It’s said without inflection, like the flatline of a heart-monitor, like the mirror-flat of a calm sea above a deadly current dragging you down into lightlessness. Eddie doesn’t have to ask who he is, briefly wonders how Harrington managed that, poison in the alcohol? A knife through the chest? But then he focuses on more important matters.
“Do you need help hiding the body? Because I will, but I doubt that I’d be much help.”
And now Harrington startles, eyes focusing on him for the first time.
“What? No, no, I didn’t kill him. The–um, the mall burned down? While a bunch of people were in it? And Hargrove–he–he–fuck, he saved a girl from falling debris, took it to the chest, died there on the spot.”
If Dio wasn’t playing, there would be silence. Eddie lets the words play over and over in his head. He still can’t make sense of them, it just doesn’t form a picture in his head, not one that includes all the details Harrington just offered and that usually isn’t a problem for Eddie but–the mall burned down? The fucking mall where Eddie had been just two days ago checking out the music store and staying far away from Scoops Ahoy? That mall? That mall burned down to the point where there had been debris? Fucking debris falling onto little girls? And Hargrove was supposed to—No, no, the picture wouldn’t come together, dissolving into static every time he tried. Maybe he’d heard wrong. Maybe Harrington had said something, anything, but what Eddie had heard.
“What? No, seriously, what?” He couldn’t keep the incredulity out of his voice, because that couldn’t be right. No way, no fucking way.
Harrington starts to chuckle, almost breaks into actual laughing, and then he’s crying again. Silently, softly crying. The music dies and Eddie can hear the cassette keep on turning and he should take it out, should make sure it doesn’t get damaged, but he’s rooted to the spot. He cannot turn his eyes away from Harrington, from the tear tracks streaked on his face that he doesn’t even attempt to hide.
“Yeah,” he says, and it sounds relieved deep, deep inside, behind walls of hurt. “Yeah, he’s dead, and people will remember him for, for saving a girl, and it’s not fair, it’s not fucking fair that he gets to have that, that he gets to be a hero to, to these people who didn’t even know him, who didn’t even like him, but, but at least he’s dead, you know. At least, at the very fucking least he’s dead and I don’t have to fucking deal with him.”
Eddie stares at Harrington, so many questions filling him, wanting to be asked, wanting to escape his lips, and he asks none of them. He doesn’t ask how Harrington got those injuries, if they were still inflicted by Hargrove. He doesn’t ask about the other people at the mall, that apparently is no longer, doesn’t ask who else has died. Most importantly, he doesn’t ask how Harrington knows all this, if he had been there himself and, if so, why he had been there this late. There are so many possible answers to those questions, and he doesn’t want any of them. Instead, he gestures to the first aid kit again.
“Please,” and now he’s the one pleading. “Please allow me to patch you up?”
Harrington waves him off. “No need already had first aid. I’m fine, it’ll heal in time. And I’m sorry for disturbing you at night, I just wanted to—well, I wanted you to hear it from me, firsthand, I guess. And now you know and um, yeah, now you know.” Harrington shrugs, the tears have stopped. He’s clearly still unbalanced; he clearly still needs somebody to help him come down. It’s just also very obvious that Eddie won’t be that person, that Harrington will not allow him to do that.
“Will you allow me to drive you home, at least?”
He gets waved off again. “No need, no need. I got here fine enough, I can drive myself home.”
And as fast as he had appeared, he disappears again, out of the trailer door, down the steps and into his car. Eddie watches him drive off, stands there in the night's cool air and watches the frozen pack thaw inside the wrapping, small drops rolling down, pooling at the edge of the still unopened first aid kit.
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hendersister · 11 months
the power of love
summary: you and steve sneak into a preview screening of back to the future.
pairing: steve harrington x henderson!sister reader
title 🎵: the power of love by huey lewis & the news
a/n: sorry i didn't know how to end this so it just like kinda ends...
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“You almost ready, Steve?”
You’re sitting in the back room of Scoops Ahoy, waiting on your friend Steve. He’s in the bathroom changing out of his work uniform into some normal clothes. 
“In a minute!” you hear Steve yell from the other side of the door.
You and Steve have big plans tonight. One of the projectionists at the mall's movie theater told you that they were having a secret late night preview of the new movie Back to the Future. It’s not set to open for a couple of weeks and you’ve been dying to see it. As soon as you heard about the preview screening you asked Steve if he wanted to come along. You wish your little brother Dustin wasn’t away at sleepaway camp because you know that he wanted to see the movie too.
“Ok I’m ready! I’m ready!” Steve announces as he opens the bathroom door.
You jump to your feet. 
“C’mon, let’s go!”
You and Steve leave out the backdoor. Working at the mall has some perks. You both know all the secret passageways and found out a way to sneak into the movie theater. You aren’t the only people who take advantage of this. Dustin’s friends bug you or Steve at least once a week about sneaking them into the movies.
“Relax Y/N! We’re not going to miss it,” Steve reassures you, and then, “I’m sure that projectionist guy will hold off on starting the movie until you arrive. What’s his name again?”
You roll your eyes.
“His name is Danny and he wouldn’t do that,” you answer.
“Yeah he would! That dude totally has a crush on you,” Steve tells you.
“No he doesn’t!” you deny it.
“Trust me, he does,” Steve insists. There’s a hint of jealousy in his voice.
You shake your head in disbelief.
Steve opens the door that leads into one of the side hallways at the cinema. He lets you out first and then follows closely behind. You lead Steve to the theater. Even though this was supposed to be a secret sneak preview, the theater is pretty crowded.
You and Steve find two seats together just as the trailers start. Steve knows he has a few minutes to spare before the movie begins and he’s going to take advantage of that time.
“I’m gonna get a coke,” he tells you as he rises to his feet.
He walks away before you have a chance to respond. As you watch him leave the theater you shrug to yourself. Oh shit! I should’ve asked him to get me one too… 
Steve steps out into the lobby and approaches the concession stand. He recognizes the girl behind the counter. They went to Hawkins High together.
“Hey Steve,” she smiles. 
“Hey Jennifer. Can I get 2 cokes?” Steve nods.
Jennifer raises her eyebrows. 
“Who’s the lucky girl tonight?” she questions Steve.
“Oh, uh, no date tonight. Just here with a friend,” Steve replies.
“Sure,” the cashier rolls her eyes, unconvinced.
A few minutes later, Steve returns to your theater with the drinks. 
“Hey. What’d I miss?” Steve asks as he sits down beside you.
“A lot! There’s another movie coming out soon with Michael J Fox. He’s gonna be a werewolf that plays basketball,” you tell him.
Steve scrunches his forehead.
“Wait… What?” 
“Yeah! It’s called Teen Wolf,” you laugh, “Don’t judge me but I kinda want to see it….”
Steve chuckles and hands you one of the cokes. Your eyes widen. You didn’t even get the chance to ask for a drink but Steve got you one anyway. You’re touched by the gesture.
“Thank you,” you say sincerely.
“Of course,” Steve smiles.
The lights start to dimmer and the “Our Feature Presentation” graphic appears on screen. It’s showtime.
You and Steve watch the movie in awe. Back to the Future isn’t like anything you’ve ever seen before. You know that you’re watching something special. The movie isn’t out for another few weeks but you just know it’s going to be a huge hit.
While watching the scene where Lorraine makes a move on Marty, you close your eyes. It’s just too cringey. You impulsively flinch, accidentally taking Steve’s hand. You’re about to pull your hand away but Steve, still focused on the screen, instinctively intertwines his fingers with yours. 
You let out a deep breath. You don’t know how to explain it but holding Steve’s hand just feels right. You feel safe and at ease.
You and Steve quietly hold hands for the rest of the movie. You don’t let go until the end of the movie when the entire theater erupts into cheers. Everyone is clapping, including you and Steve. You loved it.
The two of you are hyped as you walk out of the theater. 
“That was one of the best movies I’ve ever seen! I think it's now in my top three!” you exclaim.
“Yeah! It was so good I can almost forgive the fact that the girl was trying to bang her son,” Steve jokes.
“You should go as Marty McFly for Halloween this year. I think you could totally pull off that costume,” you suggest.
“Oh yeah?” Steve smirks.
“Yeah definitely. Just don’t include those suspenders. Not many people are able to pull off that look like Michael J Fox,” you advise.
“Mhmm,” Steve nods, taking in what you just said.
“But on the flipside, I don’t think Michael J Fox could pull off your Scoops Ahoy uniform. You are the only guy I’ve seen that actually looks good in it,” you tell him.
Steve’s face perks up.
“You think I look good?!”  
You shyly smile.
“Yeah… but you look good in like everything,” you quietly reply.
Steve smiles. His heart melts a little bit. Since hitting puberty people have been telling Steve that he’s good looking. But it means more coming from you.
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one-piece-aus · 2 years
Hi may I please ask for day 30 with Raiju for Whumptober? Thanks found your blog through @simpforroses!
Ahoy! I'm glad to have another follower on here! I hope you enjoy the story ^-^
Whumptober Day 30
Reiju x Reader
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"Aw look, the human's waking up."
You stirred, frowning your brows at the unfamiliar voice. It had to be someone you knew right? Why wouldn't you know- did he just call you human? Your thoughts dissipated when you were yacked into the reality before you, quite literally, by the hair. Blue, the first colour you saw, followed by the face of a snarky bastard.
"Took you long enough," he snickered.
"Niji, leave the hostage alone," a feminine voice ordered the man in front of you. "Father wanted me to keep an eye on the human, and you have training to do."
"Tch, you're no fun, sis," Niji scoffed and dropped his hold of your hair. He walked out of your viewpoint and a door slam bounced into your ear.
"Sorry about him." The female came to stand in front of you. "He doesn't have the capability to feel sympathy towards others."
"Where... where am I?" you asked, glancing around and looking back at her.
"You're in Germa," Reiju answered. "My father took you hostage so it'd be easier to negotiate your kingdom's surrender-"
"I'd rather die," you grunted, shifting your demeanour when you knew this had to do with your kingdom. You didn't want your home to fall to save you.
"Hm?" Reiju looked at you curiously. "Well, it's too late now. You're here, and father has already made arrangements."
"Call it off!" you demanded, jumping up to get in her face but you were pulled back by chains. You growled, glancing at the restraints and tugging on them. You could feel the binds close around your limbs tighter each time to struggle against them. A hand on your chin drew your attention away from the chains, making your eyes focus on the luscious blue eyes.
"How 'bout you be a good little captive and quit wasting your breath."
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rebelrobin86 · 1 year
Platonic Stobin Month
(Prompt list by @lesbianancyy)
Part 2
Protect (Robin)
Robin got up and walked over to the door of the elevator. "If there really are Russians on the other side, I've got your back Steve."
"I'll protect you Robin." Steve responded.
"You don't need to. I got this." Robin started pressing buttons and looking around for another exit.
"You remember at Family Video when you thought there was a ghost?"
Family Video (Steve)
"I didn't think there was a ghost!" Robin laughed.
"It did creep me out when the Phoebe Cates from Fast Times cardboard cut out was following me!"
"The scene at 53 minutes and 5 seconds, I used to haunt you til you asked Vickie out on a date." Steve reminisced.
"I still can't believe you pranked me like that, do you know how stupid I looked asking Keith to get rid of that thing?"
"It was funny!" Steve laughed.
Upside Down (Robin)
"Steve! It's not funny when you have nightmares, where you're stuck in the Upside Down, but Phoebe Cates turns into Vecna!"
Nightmare (Steve)
"That actually makes it funnier." Steve laughed. "I don't think we'll ever stop having nightmares about the upside down, but we both know being there with Phoebe would not be the worst thing."
"That's true." Robin smiled.
"Do you remember after everything when we all went to the beach for our free day?"
Free Day (Robin)
"Yeah, that was fun. We played volleyball and the winner got to pick the movie. It was me, you, Nance and Eds, but you tried to trick me into swapping Eddie for Nancy."
"You wouldn't go for the trade and kept Nancy on your team." Steve shrugged.
"It was good I did, without her we might not have got to watch Gremlins."
Vampires (Steve)
"I think we had to go to the beach to prove to you that Munson wasn't a Vampire after the Upside Down."
"Well he was bitten by demobats, it was vampire or rabies and I didn't want to take my chances!" Robin replied.
"I still remember you threw garlic bread at him yelling 'VAMPIRE'" Steve affectionately mocked his best friend's silly behaviour.
"It was a test to see if he was a vampire."
"A test?"
"Yes, a test that he clearly failed by screaming at the garlic bread I threw at him." Robin and Steve laughed.
D&D (Robin)
"You remember when he taught us how to play D&D?" Robin smiled. "He really got into being Dungeon Master."
"Taught Henderson everything he knew so he could take over after graduation." Steve remembered proudly.
Wedding Guests/Crashers (Steve)
After a while, the elevator operators came and got Steve and Robin out safely.
"Is it bad that, it was a lot more fun when we had to climb out the one at Starcourt Mall?" Steve groaned.
"Come on dingus, can't be late for the wedding!" Robin grabbed Steve's hand and they ran.
"Henderson?" Steve asked as he burst open the doors in the middle of someone else's wedding ceremony. Everyone looked very annoyed at them and Robin ran out laughing. Steve looked confused.
"Henderson wedding is the next room." The minister answered seriously.
"I'm so sorry, congrats by the way, I-" Robin then dragged Steve back out, before he rambled like she usually did.
Picnic (Robin)
A few weeks later, Robin and Steve sat on a bench in a forest. Steve's daughters running around playing, while those two were eating sandwiches and catching up.
"I still can't believe Dustin and Suzie are actually married." Robin smiled.
"It was even better when we got to the right wedding. Late, but I think they understood."
"Sure." Robin sighed. "It's weird everyone's getting married now, even Tommy."
"I remember you stopped him from beating me up. That was awesome, you're awesome! I wish we'd been real friends in high school."
"Me too but at least after Scoops Ahoy, we were like friends for life." Robin reassured Steve, making him smile.
1983 (Steve)
Steve was at the gas station, his face rightfully beaten up by Jonathan. He looked at Tommy and Carol and started to defend Nancy. They didn't notice Robin watching them, after leaving the store with a bag full of snacks.
"You know neither of you ever cared about her. You never even liked her, because she's not miserable like you two. She actually cares about other people."
"The slut with a heart of a gold." Carol gave a cold hearted response.
"I told you to watch your mouth!" Steve yelled back at her.
"Hey!" Tommy pushed Steve against the car. Robin didn't know why watching this made her so angry, thinking Nancy Wheeler was a priss and Steve was a bully. Robin couldn't stay quiet any longer.
"Can you two losers back off?" Robin yelled. Tommy backed away from Steve, both him and Carol turning their attention towards Robin, laughing like hyenas.
After seeing King Steve the Hair Harrington risk his reputation, standing up to the bullies, made Robin feel braver. "What are you gonna do about it?" Tommy got uncomfortably close to Robin's face, as she spat in his face. Tommy shoved Robin.
"Let's go!" Steve yelled, as Robin ran into the car. Steve drove away, they saw Tommy and Carol yelling at them as he kept on driving.
"I need to go to band practise, but if you can drop me off wherever we won't get chased by those two idiots, I'd really appreciate that!" Robin panted.
"No, I owe you, I'll drop you off at school. Thank you for saving me back there, I'll drop you off, then I need to talk to Nancy."
"Good luck." Robin smiled then got out of the car as Steve dropped her off outside the school. "Thanks for the ride."
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leonscape · 1 year
🚢Ahoy! It's WIP Wednesday. Share a little something if you can! 🚢
Sorry I’m a little late! 😅
I wanted to work on my Ikesen fic so here’s a little bit of it :)
A man on horseback galloped towards her at a raging speed. Her stomach dropped and her legs buckled under her. The mud grabbed onto her feet and she crashed to the ground and twisted her wrist trying to catch herself. The man on horseback swiftly cut her train of enemy soldiers down without breaking a sweat.
“Please,” she rasped, “don’t…”
Instead of raising his sword, he extended a hand to her. “Get on.”
She stared at his hand in shock, but she reached up and took his hand. As she stood up, an enemy soldier was sneaking up behind her savior.
“Die, Masamune Date!” he screamed, announcing his presence.
She thrusted the spear in front of the sword coming down on Masamune, giving Masamune a chance to take the enemy out. “Thanks, lass. Speedy reflexes.” He hoisted her up into the saddle and she sighed a breath of relief. “What are you doing on the battlefield?”
“I don’t know how I got here,” she answered.
This might never see the light of day ever again.
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Billy Bones x Reader: asking out oneshot!
Gaaa this was in my head this morning after feeling Billy deserve some love! And after writing this my gosh I think my heart made explosion! 😭💞
Hope you all enjoy this writing and sorry if you see grammar wonky.
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Okay, this is it! This is your chance on asking him! The Walrus has docked on a pirate city as few men along you need a break from plundering all week.
And this was the moment you want to ask Billy Bones, the man you have major crush on since you join Flint’s crew to go grab a few drinks with him.
When you saw Billy being the last one since this was his turn to watch over the ship. You nervously walk up to him and saw he was getting his cigar out.
You silently took a deep breath and make a small wave. “Ahoy mate.”
Billy turned to see who was speaking to him and saw you standing. “Oh ahoy Y/N. Aren’t ye leaving with others?”
“I am but are you..um..doing anything after someone takes your place?” You replied. You saw him raise an eyebrow and before inhaling his cigar he answered.
“Not really, just gonna walk around the city,”
“Great! I was thinking we could..!” You stop dead when Billy was taken by surprise by your sudden excitement. You curse yourself for letting yourself get thrilled.
Then the turtle alien asks you with a puzzled tone. “We could what?”
You bite your lips and did your best to respond. I-I was thinking we could..maybe hang out at the tavern. You know, get a few drinks and…”
Billy stops you and blew smoke out before asking this question. “Wait, are ye trying to ask me on a date?”
It made your heart pound hard out of nervousness and nod slowly.” Yes?”
He looks at you long and not too seconds later he burst out laughing. You panic thinking your ask was stupid and he doesn't have any interest in you.
You wave your hand out fast. “I’m sorry! I shouldn’t ask! I-I didn’t know you were not into this.!
“Oh relax!” He sighs from laughing and coughs a little. “I never realize anyone has a gut to come and ask me out,”
You gulped. “So? You like to hang out later?” Billy gives you a small smile.
“Aye, when someone takes turns guarding meet me at the tavern,” he finishes by inhaling a cigar.” Don’t be late,”
You find yourself smiling happily after he accepts your offer. “Oh yes! And I’ll buy drinks for us. I’ll see you soon!” You run down the dock and you were all giddy and want to scream at the world you got a date.
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