#sorry guys its sooooo hot like
rometabss · 1 year
infidelity wins cause feeling the other person's wedding ring on your skin while having sex is kinda the most erotic thing ever
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sinsofsummers · 11 months
push & pull
5.7k | din djarin x f!reader
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summary: after convincing him to help you hide from the guild, you teach mando how to enjoy himself. this is the way. warnings: smut (duh), 18+, mdni. canon-typical violence, but otherwise it's super canon divergent. din is a touch-starved virgin, soft touches, lap-sitting, the helmet stays on, mask kink, din does lots of whimpering, experienced!reader, mutual masturbation, virginity loss (m), praise kink, creampie, brief aftercare at the end. note: look me in the eye and tell me he wouldn't crumble at the thought of skin-to-skin contact. yeah. you can't. anyways this is so long and so self-indulgent. pls forgive me. if mando takes his helmet off by the end of this, mind ur business this is sooooo not canon. note p.2: i'm so sorry this took so long but i was hungover. also this was not meant to be this long. so count this as a big fat thank you for 1.4k as well as my bday present to you guys (for my bday.) impaired editing i apologize.
With the light of both suns in your eyes, forcing you to blink the spots from your vision, you brushed a hand across your forehead. The dry, dusty atmosphere of Tatooine was no joke, and you scowled under the cloth you'd brought with you to cover your mouth and nose.
"Figures," you mumbled to yourself, looking down to see a small pile of sand building on the tops of your boots, the wind blowing it into place. "Why would anyone choose to live here?"
Of course, you weren't looking for a resident; you were looking for a fugitive. The infamous Mandalorion, no less. You'd been given less-than-satisfactory information on the bounty hunter and the reasons for such a high reward for his capture, but it wasn't like you had much choice than to accept the job. Despite what you told yourself, you did actually need the money.
That was before you'd figured out that everyone else in the Guild had been tasked with the same job, turning a high stakes bounty hunting gig into a near-definite suicide mission. Something you didn't want anything to do with.
But alas, here you stood, practically sinking into the hot Tatooine desert. You had to keep shifting your weight to keep at least one foot above the surface. You never knew when you'd have to make a quick getaway. There were still a handful of Guild members left that presented a challenge to collecting your bounty, and of course they were the most dangerous ones.
You kicked a foot forward and watched the sand shift, cursing the trouble that was inevitably on its way. You'd managed to bribe your way to Tatooine, where the Mandalorian was apparently hiding from the Guild. And if you had found the Mandalorian, there was almost no possibility that the others hadn't found him.
Because, if you were being honest with yourself—the one task you excelled in—being a bounty hunter wasn't exactly something you were good at. In fact, you were far from it. With luck and just enough anxiety to keep your feet moving, you'd floundered your way through three years in the Guild, searching for a way out just as quickly as you'd begged for a way in.
So you'd gotten yourself into this mess. Wasn't that how it normally went, though? Quick decision-making skills weren't necessarily a blessing if the decisions you made would determine your chances of living past thirty (spoiler: the chances were significantly slimmer).
You rubbed the dust out of your eyes once more and saw some movement in the distance, the subtle glint of beskar blinking toward you as it reflected the sunlight. Gotcha, you murmured inwardly. The Mandalorian was here, and you were going to get him. Not to turn him in, no; you held no loyalty to the Guild and its cult-like policies.
This job was an escape mission. If he could stay hidden, maybe he had room for one more. You'd cut a deal.
There had to be something you could offer him, if not your skills in combat, or stealth, or—
Or simply human mobility, you groaned inwardly as you felt your ankle roll underneath you, the sand softer than you'd anticipated. It'll be a good day when I leave this damn place.
It was a wonder that the two of you had survived. You'd hardly gotten the chance to give your proposal before he was aiming his blaster at you, and then at the Guild members that showed up in droves behind you. It was all you could do to get out of the way, knowing you'd be hopeless in the fight.
Now, with their bodies scattered around your feet, the Mandalorian standing a few feet from you with his chest heaving, and his beloved ship somehow still functional, you had your chance.
"You're not...very good at this," he said, the helmet masking his voice in a way that made it scratch along the insides of your ears as it traveled to your brain. "You do know that?" he asked, but it sounded more like an accidental insult than a real question.
You threw your hands up, letting them fall heavily to your sides. "Yeah, I told you that," you scoffed. "That's why I'm asking to go with you. Wherever you're headed."
His head tilted, the beskar shining in the setting suns, and you wondered what his eyes looked like under that helmet. Would they be sparkling with mirth or lined with mockery?
"I thought you were kidding," he said sheepishly, shifting his weight. "To get me to underestimate you." He looked like the picture of careful relaxation, although his blaster was still held tightly in both hands, poised in case he needed to aim and fire.
You couldn't help the exasperation in your tone as you lifted your head to the sky, squeezing your eyes shut and placing a curled fist over your eyes. "Why would I do that when I don't want to turn you in?"
He didn't answer.
"You know that there's only two ways out of this, right?" He still didn't answer you, just held his blaster taut and his head tilted to the side, so you continued. "You killed every Guild member that's left. Now it's just you and I. If I don't bring you in—which I'm not exactly dying to do—those rich fucks that are more powerful than us are gonna come find us."
"Find you," he corrected. "Why would I want to add another target to my ship?"
You shrugged. "Yeah, they probably will. But that's only part of the first option. Either they come for me, and you leave me here, and I die—also something I'm not particularly thrilled to think about—or the two of us..." you gestured with your hands to imitate the pair of you getting on the Razor Crest and flying away from Tatooine and its dusty expanse of a landscape.
"Could be a third option," he said quietly, "if you think about it." He lifted his blaster until it was lined up with your chest. "I might just kill you and cut my losses."
Fear might have struck you, but you didn't have the energy to entertain the panic unspooling in your chest. "That wouldn't be very humanitarian of you. Besides," you insisted, hands lifting to portray the image of surrender, "I'm light. I'm quiet. I won't stay with you longer than I need to. Once you get me off this planet, I'll find a place for you to drop me off."
He didn't answer for a moment.
"Literally," you pushed once more, "you can open the back door and push me out for all I care. I just want out of the Guild and all their dumb shit."
You'd known Mandalorians to be quiet, pious, and ruthless, but something about the way his helmet betrayed no hint to what he was thinking or how he might respond...it made you more anxious than you'd ever been in your life. Finally, he spoke, his voice calm. "Well...you're not coming with me. Ship's full."
"Your ship?" you said, incredulous. "That thing would be gone without me."
"Damn luck, that was." His voice had gone hard, but his body was still.
This was...partially true. Your mind flashed with a memory of the way you'd accidentally pulled the trigger on one of your blasters, effectively stunning the last Guild member who'd been attempting to strap explosives to the hull of the Crest. It was the only good thing that you'd done all day.
You curled your lip, annoyance rippling off you in waves. Lifting a middle finger in front of the helmet, you scowled. Hope he can see this under all that beskar, you snarled inwardly. "Still counts."
With a soft huff that you could hear come from under his helmet, the Mandalorian lowered his blaster. "One jump into hyperspace. The first little space rock that's big enough to stand on—"
"Perfect," you interrupted firmly. "I'll be out of you...armor...soon enough."
You'd missed your stop about three years ago. One jump into hyperspace had turned into four, and then ten, and...now you had your own spot to rest your head at night on the Razor Crest.
On that first day, you hadn't known the Mandalorian—"Din Djarin," he'd introduced himself reluctantly one day—was still traveling with Grogu, the sweet child that had begun his journey across the galaxy, hiding from the Guild. But you'd quickly decided it was nice to have another partner in crime, to interact with whenever Din was in the middle of one of his quiet days.
As the days had turned into months, and subsequently into years, the inability to meet Din face-to-face had become less frustrating, although sometimes you wished you could sneak a glance at his hands, or his wrists, or something that might resemble the human underneath the armor.
Once in awhile, deliciously, you could tilt your head just the right way and look forward at him when he was in the cockpit, his helmet pulling away from the cloth under his armor. Between helmet and armor, a sliver of golden skin would glimmer back at you, just begging to be touched. Of course, you never gave in to your silent desires.
This was not the Mandalorian way; you knew this well. Even when you felt his head turned toward you, even when you were sure his hands were reaching for you when you needed his help climbing somewhere, you kept your distance.
Well, for as long as you could. Until he forced your hand.
It wasn't long before you were unable to keep your hands away from him; going up and down the ladder on the Crest, or climbing over the occasional boulder on the routes you walked along when forced to take a respite on an unknown planet. His gloves were always rough in your grip, but you couldn't ignore the way his hands seemed to squeeze yours, tighter than might have been necessary.
And you'd begun letting your hands linger on the beskar of his armor for moments longer than you should—his helmet, tracing the indented curves of the spot where his cheekbones rested underneath, or on his chestplate, where you swore you could feel him lean into you, as if pressing your hands closer and closer to his skin beneath the armor.
You stood beside him as he sat in the chair in the cockpit, guiding the Razor Crest through the galaxy once more, aiming for some undisclosed location he'd neglected to tell you. He usually did things like that; you'd learned not to be offended by his unbreakable instinct to keep things to himself.
It hadn't occurred to you just how long he'd been wearing that helmet until you looked toward him again and noticed the soft curl of a few brown strands of hair that crept from the edges, kissing the back of his neck. They were short strands, but they were long enough to wink up at you as they curled around each other, begging to be touched.
"Din?" you asked, hoping to distract yourself from the thought.
He didn't look at you, but he tilted his head in your direction, just a centimeter. It was enough.
"Why'd you let me stay with you?" you gripped your hands together, as if they had a mind of their own and couldn't be trusted to remain at your sides. "I was horrible at any aspect of being a bounty hunter."
You were used to the way that it always took him a few seconds to answer, coming up with an evenly-expressed response. This, of course, gave you more time to stare at the tendrils spilling from the edges of his helmet.
"You were a risk," he admitted with a shrug, the helmet (of course) not betrayed anything. His voice was calm, even as he continued softly. "I have a particular...proclivity for picking up foundlings," he said with a tilt of his head toward Grogu, who cooed at the mention of him.
You lifted an eyebrow. "I'm not a foundling, though."
If you could have seen his eyes, you were almost positive that they'd be giving you a look that said, are you sure? Instead, he only spoke in his perpetually smooth voice. "You were lost, though, mesh'la."
You still weren't sure what each word in Mando'a meant—he'd been dropping a few words here and there, as if he knew you couldn't interpret them—but you blushed all the same. Before you knew it, your hands were releasing their grip on one another and reaching up to comb through the curls at the base of his neck.
They were softer than you'd imagined; smooth and thick in your grip. "Alright," you said gently, "maybe I was. I never got to thank you, you know."
Your hands were moving on their accord now, silently twirling the curls around the tips of your fingers. You were used to his silent, immobile exterior, so you didn't think he'd be able to feel the way you pressed your hand to the back of his neck. He'd never said anything before that gave the impression that he was aware of your ministrations, so when he leaned back into your touch then, something strong and addiction bloomed in your gut.
When he spoke, you were surprised to hear how shaky his voice was. After three years of hearing nothing but steady syllables fall from his masked lips, you nearly flinched at the stutter in his voice.
"Thank me?" he said quietly. "For..." you could have sworn you felt his heartbeat flutter rapidly in his neck when he trailed off. "For what?"
You pulled your hand away, pretending not to notice the way he shuddered at the loss of touch, his shoulders slumping as if in a pained relaxation. You hid your smirk. "You're not seriously asking that, right? Without you, I'd probably be dead by now." Or worse, you reflected with a quiet pang in your chest.
Din's response was quick this time, an unusual—but not unwelcome—surprise. "And without your perfectly timed luck, I might be without a ship." His voice was thick, trembling with something that might have sounded like desire had it been someone else speaking.
You didn't even think Din had the capacity to know something as heavy as desire. Well, not that he was incapable of feeling desire, just...you'd never thought about what he might do if he did feel it. Would he shove the temptations down, destined to die in the corners of his mind and body?
Your cheeks warmed at your next thought. Perhaps he took care of it himself in the dead of night on the Razor Crest, or on those mysteriously long patrol walks that he insisted on doing alone.
"Yeah, well..." your answer was pitiful and you knew it. But you were too busy looking at the way his body was slumped in his seat, facing forward despite every limb beginning to turn toward you, as if you were a magnetic beacon.
His fingers twitched in his gloves, angling toward you just as his knees began to do the same thing. "Will you..." he trailed off, clearing his throat awkwardly. "Mesh'la," he breathed, and he leaned to the side, as if his shoulder was chasing your touch. "Put it back."
You were going to ask what he meant, but you didn't have to. Even with his helmet on, you could practically see the pleading in his body language. Here he was, a devout Mandalorian, begging you to put your hands back on him.
"Please," he said quietly, almost a question. It sounded so unlike him that you wondered briefly if he'd been killed and replaced with an imposter. But by the way that his hand trembled as he took his focus away from flying the Crest and moved it toward you...this was Din.
"You...okay?" you asked, but you obliged his request in return, replacing your hand at the base of his neck. You watched in an unfurling dizzying sense of satisfaction as he reached up his own gloved hand to cover yours, squeezing it gently. "Din," you started, but he shook his head.
"I've never disobeyed the Way of the Mandalore," he said, his voice muffled under the mask. You strained your eyes, wishing you could see beneath the beskar. "I've never wanted to. Not before..." he brought your hand around to rest on his chestplate, and you could feel the pressure of his chest leaning into your touch. "Not before I knew what it might feel like to want someone like this."
Your eyes widened, but you didn't pull your hand away. "You...what?"
His head tilted down. "For once, I don't know how to manage this." He stood up, and suddenly he was towering over you, the cloth under his armor making your fingers itch to tear it off. "How do I manage this?"
"I..." you couldn't hide your shock. "I don't know. It's...isn't it against your religion? It's not the Way."
Din shook his head. "No, it's not." He spread his hand down your wrist and extended it toward your own chest, the leather of his glove seeping into your skin. "But I've also never told anyone my name. Never heard it spoken since I was a child."
You swallowed roughly. "So?"
He huffed a chuckle. Lifting your hands to his helmet, he let your fingers find the divots of the beskar. You didn't miss the way his chest shuddered with a stuttering breath at your touch. "So," he said, "to hell with the Way. For tonight, at least. I need to know you in every way I wish I could."
Such a harrowing request, given the circumstances. But you couldn't stop your hands from tracing the lines of his masked face. "Din..."
"Please." His voice cracked over the single syllable, and it was all you needed.
To hell with the Way, your thoughts echoed his words, and you nodded softly. "Alright," you acquiesced. With one look down, you saw the tent growing in his pants, sending a spike of desire down your spine, settling in your core. "How'll you have me?" you asked.
He let out a soft noise that sounded like a whimper. "Any way that I can," he choked out, his hand returning to your wrist and enclosing it in his grip. "I'll have you any way you'll have me."
You could hardly speak, so you didn't. With a gentle nudge, you pushed him back into his seat. When he sat back, his legs fell open; there was an inviting space between them.
Standing in the spot, just inches from his face, you stared into the black mass of his helmet, hoping you'd get a glimpse of his face. Of course, you knew he would only go as far as he wanted to. If the mask was destined to remain, then...so be it.
With your eyes on his, you moved his hands to your waist, pressing them to your skin and enjoying the feeling of his leather against your body.
He shook his head. "Take them off," he said, again with that whimpering voice. "Please."
You nodded wordlessly and shed his hands of the barriers, heat pooling in your core at the sight of long, thick fingers, his skin finally exposed to you. Returning his hands to your waist, you tilted your head back at the sensation. You were never going to forget what his skin felt against yours.
The melody of shuddering breaths that fell from his lips was unreal, and you wanted to soak up every second of it. Without more than a second thought, you slid your legs over his, straddling his hips and pressing your chest to his chestplate. His hands remained on your waist, but he let them wander, curling them around to cup your ass.
The feeling of his hands on your body made you unconsciously roll your hips forward, which released a strangled moan from his lips. "Oh, god," he mumbled. "Mesh'la, please take it off."
You paused. Your hands fell to your lap, and your eyes were wider than saucers in the reflection of his helmet. "What?"
He picked up your hands in his own, the rub of skin against skin an intoxicating intimacy. "Please," he begged. "If I'm going to touch you like this, I need to see you, cyar'ika. Nothing in the way."
You were going to argue further, but you couldn't ignore the pulsing need that was clouding your thoughts, the same need that pushed your hips further down into his lap. It was impossible to miss the way his cock twitched against your clit, eliciting a soft moan from your lips.
“Are you—”
“Don’t fuckin’ ask me if I’m sure,” he begged, and he squeezed your hips under his hands. “Never been more sure, mesh’la.”
This time it was your turn to let out a shaky breath. “Okay,” you whispered, more to bolster your own confidence than his own. His resolve was clearly rather strong in this matter, and nothing would change his mind. 
With a hand on either side of the helmet, you gently pulled it up and away from his face, hardly able to believe that he’d agreed to let you rid him of his every barrier. For a moment, as each inch of skin was revealed to you, you caught yourself frantically wondering what he might look like. 
Would he look like anyone else? Would he look familiar to you in that way that only lovers can? Or would he be hiding a deformed brow bone or an abnormally small nose or a crude smile?
Of course, you shouldn’t have even worried. When the helmet lifted off of his head and you let it fall to the floor with a hard thud, you smiled at the face that blinked back at you in wonder. With those brown strands that were just long enough to hang down over his forehead, and the matching brown eyes that twinkled with the moonlight in his pupils, Din Djarin was exquisite.
“I knew it,” you hummed, your eyes tracing every line on his face, every strand of hair that clung charmingly to his forehead. 
His response was a strangled moan, and his eyes fluttered closed of their own accord when you dragged a finger along his jaw, then the hooked line of his nose. “Knew what?”
“I knew you’d be one of the pretty ones,” you grinned, and you leaned down to press your lips to his, swallowing his groan of ecstasy.
You drank it down like the sweetest liquor, the sound pulling your own moan from your chest. His lips were chapped and dry from lack of care, but his mouth was warm and wet and his tongue was deliciously shy as he darted it towards yours. His hands stuttered as they pressed further up your chest and felt for your breasts. You weren’t sure how long he’d last; his chest was already heaving. 
“Din,” you pulled back with a grin. “Din,” you repeated when his eyes remained closed. “Thought you wanted to look at me?”
“I do,” he said, his voice choking in his throat. “I do, mesh’la, I just…I think I might come in my damn suit if I look at those lips too long.”
You cooed, letting a hand search for the roots of his hair, finding a home on his scalp. You curled your fingers in the strands and watched his eyes squeeze shut, his jaw go slack, and felt his hips buck up into yours. “You’re so sensitive, baby,” you hummed, your mind running wild with thoughts of what this could mean. 
“Never been touched like this,” he mumbled, voice cracking again. “Feels perfect, mesh’la.”
“I need you to look at me, Din,” you nodded. “It’ll keep feeling good, I promise. I just need you to look at me.”
When his eyes opened, you could have fallen apart right there at the sight of his glassy brown depths. His lip quivered and you almost thought he’d cry, but then he was letting his hand fall from your chest to your waistband, trailing his thumb along the skin there. “Can I?” he asked gently. 
Nodding, you stood up. “Just keep breathing, pretty boy,” you said softly. “I’ll make you feel good. Show you just how good it can be.” You guided his hands to your waist and let him pull your pants to your ankles, revealing the front of your glistening slit to him. 
Din was just starting to understand the drug-like effects of physical touch, so you weren’t surprised when he leaned forward, fell to his knees, and pressed his forehead to the soft skin of your stomach, breathing deeply as if he were a zealot bent to pray at the altar. 
“C’mere,” you whispered, though unable to hide the growing smirk on your face. There seemed to be nothing more addicting than the sight of the Mandalorian on his knees before you. “Sit back down for me, baby,” you said, tilting his chin up to look at you. “Take those pants off, they look awfully restricting.”
He nodded quickly and obeyed, slipping his pants down to his knees as he sat back on his chair. It was downright sinful—the beskar on his chest but his helmet removed and his cock springing free, the tip red and angry and leaking. “Please,” he begged. “I—”
“I know,” you breathed, stepping closer to him. “We’re gonna make each other feel good now, yeah?”
Din nodded once more, his eyes fluttering shut. “Please, please.”
Well, how were you going to deny him then? 
You straddled him once more, your clit throbbing at the sight of his cock underneath you. But rather than shock him with the feeling of your pussy milking him for all he was worth, you hovered over him, just enough that the head of his cock lay just an inch from your entrance. 
“Mesh’la,” he begged, “please don’t tease. I’ll be good. I’ll make you feel good, I swear to everything I’ve ever believed in—”
A finger pressed to his lips, you shook your head. “I know,” you repeated. “Deep breaths for me, Din.” 
He inhaled sharply and shoved his breath out of his chest. For a moment, his eyes cleared. 
“Good,” you encouraged him, relishing in the look of his wide eyes at the praise. “Such a pretty boy, baby.” You moved his hand to your core, guiding his fingers to your clit. “Rub little circles for me, baby. Make me feel good and I’ll make you feel good.”
He obliged quickly, rubbing tentative circles to your clit in a way that had you smiling gently, loving the sacrilege you were participating in. “Is that g—oh!”
Din’s question was interrupted by your hand reaching down to grip his cock, delivering a quick stroke and making his hips stutter. He tried his best to lift his hips from the chair, clearly aiming for your entrance, but one hand on the beskar on his chest had him sitting back. 
“It’s okay, baby,” you cooed, “just like that. Just touch me for a while.”
Ever the gentleman, Din kept his eyes on you and his hand on your pussy, pulling sweet sounds from your lips just as you wrecked him beneath you. Your thumb slid against his tip and he almost came; you could tell by the way his breath caught in his throat and his eyes squeezed shut, lip trapped between his teeth. 
You wanted his fingers to wander toward your dripping entrance, but you knew he might not last long enough for any more foreplay. Next time, you thought smugly. 
Now…now you needed him inside you. 
“Gentle, baby,” you reminded him when he gripped your hip too tightly. You didn’t want to tell him you enjoyed the near-bruising strength; that would be for another time. You could already see that you were close to losing him, and you weren’t going to end this experience without riding him until the both of you saw stars. “One more deep breath, yeah?” 
He was a mess of tumbling words in Mando’a that you didn’t understand, and his brow was furiously furrowed, as if it was taking all of his focus not to come on your hand. As a matter of fact, it probably was taking all of his focus. “Please, mesh’la,” he said again. 
You wondered briefly if you’d begin answering that now; treating it as your name. Mesh’la. 
“Deep breath, baby,” you reminded him, and when he obeyed, you sank your hips towards his. The tip of his cock slid in with no resistance; you were wetter than you’d ever been in your life. “Good boy,” you moaned as you kept your hand on his neck, softly cupping the underside of his jaw to look at you. “So fuckin’ pretty like this.”
The stretch of his cock inside you was delicious, and pleasure licked sharply at your insides, begging for a quick release. You knew he wouldn’t be able to hold himself together much longer based on the whimpers that still crumbled from his throat, broken and jagged. 
“So fuckin’ pretty?” he repeated, his voice a high squeak. He gripped your hips and threw his head back. “So fuckin’ pretty for you?”
Your breath rushed out of your chest in a strong blow and you had to take a deep breath yourself to calm down. “All for me, Din, that’s it,” you continued, and you lifted your hips up. Dropping them back into his lap, you soaked up the feeling of being filled so completely by his cock. With every shred of patience left in your body, you pushed your lips back to his and tasted his moans on his tongue. 
His hips began lifting into your own, the only clue you’d get to his desperation for more. Without a word, you began moving faster, more rhythmically, as you bounced gently on his cock. With the base of his cock pulsing against your clit at every drop of your hips, you were approaching that edge quicker and quicker. “Din,” you moaned, “baby, I’m gonna—”
“Please,” he said, “I want you to feel good, mesh’la. Use me, please, use me, please…”
You were sure your brain short circuited. With no more patience left in your bones, you picked up the pace and chased your own orgasm, knowing he wasn’t far behind. With every squelch of your pussy on his cock, your moans became less coherent, and you leaned your head forward against his neck. 
Pulling back to press a kiss to his jaw, you felt his loins tense beneath you. Something nearly snapped inside you at the sound and sight and sensation of his pleasure so close to release; at the knowledge that it was you who had done this to him. “Good,” you mumbled against his jaw, getting closer to his ear. “Pretty boy, just for me,” you mumbled. 
Din’s chest tightened and his moans became longer and more high-pitched, true whimpers if you’d ever heard one. “Mesh’la,” he begged, “Mesh’la, I—”
You dipped your head down and, while grinding your hips back and forth on his cock at a feverish pace, you darted your tongue out to his neck. Licking a stripe from the crevice of his neck to the spot just behind the soft part of his ear, you groaned in his ear as you crumbled on him, releasing the tension in your body as you came hard.
Din was ruined beneath you, with his neck bobbing and his eyes shut, his head thrown back. Mouth opened in a wide moan, his voice broken over the sound, you felt his release sink into your fluttering walls. He let out a deep cry of words that you didn’t recognize, but you blushed all the same. With the way that his eyes glossed over when he said it, you were sure it was something that reeked of sin and sweat and sacrilege. 
“So good,” you mumbled again, “you’ve done so good for me, Din.” Your face tucked itself into the crook of his neck, and you inhaled the heady scent that belonged only to him. You sat motionless on his lap, but you could still feel his head pulse inside you at the overstimulation. “Did that feel good?” you asked, your hand reaching up to smooth down his hair comfortingly.
He let out a breathless laugh. “If this is sin, I’ll want more of it,” he replied, his arms snaking around your middle to tug your chest closer to him. “I’ll never know how to thank you,” he finished, sighing deeply. His eyes twinkled at you when you pulled away to look at him. 
You shook your head. “No need,” you assured him. “Just catch your breath, brave Mandalorian. Then we’ll talk.”
He nodded, his eyelids growing heavier with the expense of energy now catching up with him. His cock had grown soft inside you, but he made no move to lift you from him. “I did well?” he asked. This wasn’t surprising; you’d known him to be quietly confident, but the Mandalorian was never one to pass up the opportunity for someone to reassure his talents.
You grinned and leaned forward to press your lips to his hooked nose, fighting the urge to nip at it with your teeth. Next time, you reminded yourself. “You did well,” you nodded. “Feeling okay?”
He splayed his hands on your back and inhaled near your chest, his face buried into the soft skin of your breasts. “Never better,” he reassured you, rubbing his hands along your spine. “So sweet to me, baby,” he murmured, repeating your own affection back to you. 
The two of you remained like that, just wrapped together in a mess of limbs and sweat and come mingling together. When he began to wince with the overstimulation, you lifted off of his cock but remained in his lap. You pulled back and leaned your forehead against his. You watched his lips, plump and sitting perfectly, waiting to be kissed again. 
“What does mesh’la mean?” you asked instead, the word strange and unfamiliar on your tongue.
He looked at you for a long time, bringing a finger up to trace the line of your mouth. “Put your lips on mine again and I’ll teach you,” he offered casually, as if his pupils weren’t still blown wide, his eyelashes still fluttering from the power of his release. 
You smirked. “This is the Way, huh?”
For once in his life, Din Djarin smiled at you. “This is the Way.”
tysm for reading! so glad to be back, i'm sorry if the smut scene seemed rushed and out of pace! again: i was hungover. pls forgive. lemme know what you think!
adding tags here cause i'm going grocery shopping at 8:30pm BYEEEE
this is a good morning fic for @thetriumphantpanda and the aftercare bit at the end was specifically for @cavillscurls i know u crave it girl
the rest of the taggies: @mingiast @iluvurfather @cupofjoel @morning-star-joy @darkroastjoel @tightjeansjavi @chaotic-mystery @dinsdjrn @huffle-punk @tommymilllers @milly-louise @struig @butiknewyoudlinger @alejaa-a @worhols @thegreat-annamaria @easaud @country2212 @sleepdeprived-feelalived @pertinentpostmortem @lailaispunk
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rottingcorps3s · 5 days
god i’m obsessed with men eating box. sue me.
konig is ravenous for some putang. little bit of mean!konig, but not too bad. overstim. mention of bruises. siiiizzeee kink bby.
this was not proofread. who has the time? ENJOY!
i see konig as someone who isn’t fully aware of how strong he actually is to a normal person. like yeah, he obviously knows he’s big and strong, but thats when he’s being compared to other military personnel. it becomes evident once you enter the picture. he doesn’t mean for it to happen. you’re just so fragile and…sensitive in so many ways.
once you guys were ‘official’ is when it started. konig had always been respectful of your space and your body. having never gone out of his way to seek physical contact unless you initiated it first. it was like a light switch had been turned on, day to night within weeks.
his hands were constantly on you in one way or another. first off, his hands are MASSIVE. no matter who you are or what size you may be, his hands will always dwarf your own. he was rough, unintentionally…mostly. the finger print bruises on your hips, your ankles, your ass; the hickeys that littered just below the neck of the shirt you wore. juuuussstttt barely out of sight.
it had started in a play fight, one you had initiated and frankly, weren’t prepared for. konig had just come back from the gym, adrenaline and testosterone still coursing through his veins. he just looked sooooooo good…irresistible, really. sweaty and slightly out of breath from his run back. he b-lined straight for you, like he always did when he arrived home. he yearned for his ‘welcome home’ kiss.
his arms encircled around your waist, his neck craning down to collect what was rightfully his. his eyes flashed with disappointment when his lips made contact with something other than your lips. he thought maybe he had accidentally missed your lips, but when he tried again and was met with your forehead, he pulled back. a shit-eating grin spread across your face.
“fucking kiss me.” he’d demand, his eyebrows furrowing in frustration. you had yet to say anything, only offering a quick ‘no’, smile still on your lips. before he had a chance to retaliate, you were gone. running down the hall and disappearing.
he was on you within seconds, he was a professional after all. you had just made it thru the doorway of your shared room, konig grabbed you by your arm, his leg kicking the door closed behind him. he spun you around to face him. his hands now holding both of your biceps, his fingers digging into your soft skin. definitely leaving behind a trail of bruises.
you squealed in pain from his tight grip, “ow! konig you’re hurting me!” you whined, a small pout on your soft lips. his eyes held a dark stare, your small protest not affecting him in the slightest. you’d played the same card in the past, faking being hurt to get him to knock his guard down before you’d strike. he had you this time.
“ooooohhh, schatz…” he said in a fake tone, almost as if he were mocking you, “i’m sooooo sorry…” he apologized, his grip on you loosening slightly, but not all the way. he could see the excitement in your eyes, thinking you had him wrapped around your finger again. “let me make it up to you…” he said, a wicked smile threatening to appear. you only nodded, smiling sweetly at him.
you know what they say about men with big hands…
big tongues 0_0
just the thought of the big…hot…wet appendage toying with your clit for hours…oh brother. and it would be hooooouuuurrrrsssszzz (yes with a z).
he’d pull you by your ankles to the edge of the bed. completely towering over you as he worked on getting your shorts off. which was easy enough considering he was able to maneuver your body in ways no one ever had. your thighs would sit comfortably on either side of his shoulders, his arms wrapped around the backs of your legs, holding them tightly in place as his tongue made its first assault.
your thighs would tremble from the sudden stimulation. broken curses falling from your lips as his tongue would flick your clit back and forth, unrelenting. tears would prick your eyes as your first orgasm approached at the speed of light.
“ko-n-ig,” you pleaded desperately, your fingernails digging into his scalp to try and push him back to relieve some of the pressure. he was as still as a statue and as strong as a bull. his grip around your thighs only tightened.
the pleasure was overwhelming, washing over you like a giant wave, boarding on painful as his pace didn’t falter. tears had now begun streaming down your cheeks. so soft and sweet…one of konig’s favorite spots to kiss…
he didn’t stop, no matter how much you tried to beg and plead your case…i mean he did warn you that he was going to make it up to you…you just never asked how.
only after you had your third orgasm did he stop, his grip on you finally relaxing, his face pulling away from your wet cunt. his face dripped with saliva and cum. his breathing was labored. similar to how he walked into the house earlier, the only difference being his pupils that was blown out to the size of saucers.
oh and the cum on his face.
Oh my gawd i had to force myself to stop writing 😔 would’ve been here for hours.
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analog-kidd · 4 months
If Fire Emblem Had Tumblr Part 2
(part 1)
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🪙annablr-staff ☑️
Introducing New Features!
Keep reading
🔪v-a-n-t-a-g-e Follow
😈fallenwyvern Follow
this is annablr ofc theyre gonna try and scam us
#smh new users bitching abt annablr are so annoying #yeah no shit its a scam
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💜mlm-sewer-assassin Follow
Gods why are the men from Tellius so hot!?!
Like look
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ugggggggggghhhhhhhlsslcdk;nakc king cainegusdisisudapdaso sooo hottttt 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤
🦁the-real-king-of-beasts☑️ Follow
I'll take that as a complement haha
💜mlm-sewer-assassin Follow
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🐴cantocantocantocanter Follow
*Edit* I know on other continents archers can promote to other things but I was thinking about Ylisse, Elyos, and Magvel when making this poll
💘no-i-wont-shut-up Follow
in valentia and fodlan snipers promote into bow knights 😎
🏰armored-general Follow
🪶lighterthanafeather Follow
Youre just jealous that we have a bigger movement range
🏰armored-general Follow
and whats that mov gonna do when you get one rounded by a lvl 6 fighter cause your winged donkey falls apart by a light breeze
🪶lighterthanafeather Follow
Sorry! Can't hear you with that 4 mov!
#armors stop being slow challenge (impossible)
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🔫tastemyfeglock Follow
Ugh,, can breidablik STOp summoning fredrick???
I already summoned like 7 of him today!!!
🪨pickagodandprey Follow
what??????? who's breidablik??? why am I being summoned??? I am right here next to my lord in his castle, I'm confused???????
🔫tastemyfeglock Follow
GO AWAY!!! YOURE USELESS!!!!!!!!!!!!
🪨pickagodandprey Follow
Excuse me?? I don't even know you!
🪚sidecharater121 Follow
Hey look! A Fredrick that hasn't been summoned yet
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⚜️youngknightnight Follow
Sorry guys for being inactive for so long,,
I was having family issues,,
basically I'm a sword knight about to promote and I wanna be able to use bow upon promotion but my fucking parents keep insisting on axes but I don't wanna use axes!
They keep saying that "axes are sooooo much better than bows" "we encounter so many lance users, why don't you want that advantage?" or "bows only works at two range, why do you want to be defenseless at one range?" bro stfu let me live! I just wanna use bows OKAY?!
Sorry everyone its just been a lot.
#elitists dni #or I will cut you
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🌠thracianstar Follow
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found this weird looking lance an enemy dropped while on my trip in Fodlan.
Gonna try an use it in the next battle!
🎏h-o-l-l-o-w-v-e-s-s-a-l Follow
uhhhh op? I don't recommend using that lance unless you have a crest but your post implies you're not from Fodlan soo uh
don't fucking use it if you wanna live
🐟fishphish Follow
op? op are you there? OP??
🦴️armorcrusher Follow
OP?!?!? OP!!!!!!!!!????? ANSWER US OP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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🥩singingnmeat Follow
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this is the best thing in the world on divine dragon
❤️️crimsonrider Follow
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#this is something my wyvern would say if he could talk #anyways #back to hating on my brother
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💚blueplusyellowunit Follow
I found this blueish-white wyvern near Crimea but it wouldn't let me ride it!
It started to thrash around, I had to stop when it started breathing fire
ik you just can't tame a wild wyvern without a lot of time, but the wyvern looked so pretty😭😭😭😭
💭dragon-ggilf Follow
💚blueplusyellowunit Follow
OH SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOURE NOT A WYVERN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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😉sranks Follow
I tried to use his lance but my rank was D
😉sranks Follow
easy website
(24,998 notes)
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🏋️‍♂️chop-official Follow
gonna use the devil axe,
wish me luck!
🏋️‍♂️chop-official Follow
I'm liking my odds!!
🏋️‍♂️chop-official Follow
(492 notes)
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👺foxythings Follow
Swords are the worst weapon type in my kitsune opinion
🗡theawesomemerc Follow
#you dont even use weapons wtf #how tf should you know
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xoxogossipmal · 3 months
Hii i was wondering if you could do Johnny Cade w a reader who is like the absolute sweetest, and while they hang out in the lot, she decides to do little pig tails in his hair and he gets all shy and she reassures him by kissing him all over his face??
Ahh idk if it’s too specific but i think it would be so cute, thank youuuu <33
broooo :( this is adorable holy fuck.
⯎ "Pigtails." Johnny Cade x f. reader.
warnings/content : flufff :(, sweet reader.
♡ A/N : im screaming i love this request
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° ᡣ𐭩 . ° . "Oh my good looking boy, my good looking boy."
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₊˚⊹ ᰔ YOU were sitting with Johnny at the lot, talking and enjoying the cool, breezy night. It wasn't too late out and the sky was a cool blue. "Hey, Johnnycake?" You said softly. Johnny looked at you and smiled slightly. "hm?"
"Can I like.. do something with your hair?" You asked, smiling softly. Johnny thought for a moment then shrugged. "Okay, just be careful, alright?" You nodded and went over to do his hair, slowly running your fingers through it.
"Man, your hair is greasy Johnny." You said quietly, chuckling lowly. "Yeah, yeah." Johnny chuckled. As you were doing little pigtails in his hair, Johnny started fiddling a little. "Are you done yet?"
"Not yet! Just wait!" You said, putting the pigtail in. Once you were done, you sat next to Johnny and turned him over to face you. "You're so cute!" You squeaked, looking at Johnny. Johnny felt his face get hot and he smiled shyly.
He looked down and started fiddling with his fingers, smiling. "You think so?" He said quietly, looking back up at you. You smiled and nodded. "I know so, Johnny!" You said, smiling softly. His face was all red and he looked down again, smiling.
You cupped his face and made him look up again. "Your face is all red," You giggled softly, leaning in and giving him a kiss on the temple. "Is it?" He said softly. You nodded and giggled, giving him kisses all over. "Okay, okay!" Johnny giggled, letting you kiss him all over.
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im sorry its short and if it sucks yo 😞 writer blocks a BITCH fr. posting this before i post some smut sooooo yeah i lobve you guys. COMMENT IF YOU WANNA BE TAGGED FOR THE OUTSIDERS OR TOKIO HOTEL POSTS. :3
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Alright, I took a quick nap and Ive decided that I wanna get the UTM reenactment over with as quickly as possible so Im reading chapter 42 and then I'll reward myself with some pain au chocolats and not thinking about this book for the rest of the day and watching the 2002 takarazuka flower troupe production of elisabeth instead. lets go
Chapter 42
here we fucking go with the illyrian wingspan-dicksize correlation, how would Amren even know that isnt she above sex or something. Honestly, I think Cassian would know wayyyyy more about that. on account of all the gay sex hes having i mean. I thought of that joke and then I realized that you could interpret it to mean that he knows about that because hes illyrian and has a dick, but I want to make it very clear that this is a gay sex joke
how come wings are so sensitive that just barely stroking them makes you moan and shudder but you can still fly with them in harsh winds with no issue. My headcanon is that wings arent actually that sensitive, Rhysand and Cassian are just weirdos with a specific kink
This conversation Feyre and Rhys are having about his wings is so weird, its like dirty and yet uncomfortably clinical
oh Rhysand is quicker than death just fucking kill me, im getting so angry again
Syphons are called 'Trichtersteine' ['funnel stones' or 'funnel gems'] in german which is more accurate to how we're actually told they work imo but it sounds pretty lame
Is it just me or is Rhysand being kinda weirdly paranoid rn. I mean granted, they did just get attacked with ash arrows so maybe hes actually doing a good job for once and Im just biased against him
Okay so we finally get some night court fae wearing white, but of course its not for moon symbolism its so they can blend in with the rock of the mountain because this series does nothing but disappoint me
The Hewn City actually sounds really cool, why couldnt this have been the secret city where we spend most of our time, you couldve made it a whole thing about Feyre healing from her trauma UTM through like, exposure therapy or something idk. That wouldve been neat and dramatic, her healing from her UTM trauma in the place that inspired it with the person that inflicted it. I mean, maybe that would be less healthy and even more controversial than Feysand already is but then you could atleast lean into the dark romance of it
I mightve said this already but you knowwww sjm is NOT a painter and consulted ZERO painters because Ive never heard of anyone think about creating art the way feyre does
and Mor is wearing red AGAIN why would you make this a trigger for Feyre just go back and edit it out its not like it matters
God, the description of her outfit is so deeply discomfortingl like it literally is exactly what she wore while she was being drugged assaulted but atleast they left the bodypaint out this time
"[Keir] looked at my face, then my body. I had thought that he would stare and drool greedily but... there was nothing. No emotion. Just ice cold. Shaking internally, - from anger and revulsion - I followed Mor." Im sorry, is she mad that Keir doesnt find her hot????
Theres something uncomfortable about Feyre referring to Rhysand as 'Mor's Lord' especially when we just had a whole paragraph describing her as a proud and empowered queen
"Usually, one Syphon was enough for an Illyrian to to able to steer his urge to kill down the right path." what???
Now shes describing Azriel as dark and beautiful as death and oughhhhhh i knoww im the only who cares about this and its for a pretty stupid reason but I care a lot and it makes me very angry
Feyre referring to a 19 year old Mor as 'barely more than a child' is weirdddddd
of COURSE hes wearing a black tunic for this, I cant believe this is the guy that the fandom has designated the fashion lover when he has two (2) outfits
Feyre describing Rhysand as sooooo powerful and beautiful with a face of nightmares and dreams makes me want to vomit, but more importantly, it makes me yearn to rewatch the 1996 takarazuka star troupe production of Elisabeth with Asaji Saki as Death who unirionically fits all of Feyres descriptors 1000 times better
Not Rhysand using Feyres Cursebreaker title while hes thoroughly humiliating her
Now Feyre is calling him a god, bro youre not gonna be able to have sex if you jack him off this hard hes gonna be all sore
Imagine being a hewn city noble and you all get together because your high lord wants something from you and youre kinda scared because hes the worst, and then you just have to watch him finger some random lady. and you cant leave because then he'll just kill you
I dont like that this is framed as empowering to Feyre, i think its one thing to write a female character who sexualises herself in order to empower herself but the fact that Feyre is doing this at the behest of Rhys automatically renders it non-empowering to me. Like yeah, she obviously consented to this but it wasnt her idea but this was not her idea and this is not something she usually does, the only times shes been sexualized like this is because it was part of some plan that Rhysand came up with
"[Keir] apparently clung to the power. But Rhys was the power." i hate that that sentence made me think of Keir/Rhysand as a ship why am I so goddamn yaoi-brained. And yeah, i know theyre related but according to Rhys himself, he and Mor are only cousins in the most distant sense, so. Man, that would make the IC dynamics so much more fucked up but also so much funnier
Theyre trying so hard to make this hot n sexy but its just so unappealing and dragged out. Granted, sorry if this is TMI, but I did just jerk off so Im all out of horniness for the next little while so maybe I just dont like this because Im not in the mood but idk. theres something so annoying about this, i think its how over-the-top and artificial Rhysands hotness feels, not to mention the fact that he is absolutely not my type
Imagine being Keir rn, just trying to do your job and tell your high lord everything that he needs to know, meanwhile his high lord is sitting in front of him fondling his new sex slave and you just have to keep a straight face. i mean, he sucks ass so i guess he deserves it but man
Presented to you with no further comment: "My breasts became heavy and full, longing, desiring, just like my crotch."
goddamnit, Rhysand just said that he put Feyre on his leash and then Keir made a kinda slutshame-y remark about her clothes and then I thought Rhys was like "maybe I'll put you on a leash too" but it was Feyre who said that. another loss for big gay incest
"He liked this as little as I did" uhhhhh no offense girlie but you actually seem to be having a pretty great time rn
I dont even know what to say about this part where Feyre is like, detaching herself from her thoughts that are calling her a traitor a liar and a whore ?? I think thats whats happening here?? Like, its trying so hard to be sexy but its invoking the imagery of Feyre's (and even Rhysand's) trauma and its just very strange
It took Rhys a fucking eternity to actually touch her pussy
What if Keir developed a voyerism kink because of this. would that be fucked up or what
Its so weird how Feyre thinks about how maybe Rhysand doesnt like sex or being desirable anymore because of amarantha and that certainly sounds like a trauma response he should have but instead it just never matters
"I had been tortured and tormented but my pain was nothing compared to his." YOU DIED
Oh man I cant believe I completely forgot about the absolutely iconic part where Rhysand gets so mad Keir for calling the woman he introduced as a whore a whore that he telepathically breaks his hand about it
what was the point of doing that, Feyre didnt even seem to like it that much
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boydepartment · 8 months
enhypen as middle school songs + an AU
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a/n: i’m so sorry for disappearing :( pls take this guys i’m sorry. i’ll do a text au right after this i am SOOOOO sorry. ive been dying after my enha concert
warnings- none ❤️
wc- idk like 200
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jungwon- girlfriend by avril lavigne
listen… it just fits his vibe idk what to say!
jungwon…. whoever you’re dating, he does not like them because he wants to be with you. he acts overtop and just tries to tell you “just date me.” of course you don’t think he’s serious. but he’s REALLY serious. probably best friends to lovers
heeseung- hot mess by cobra starship
need to see this man dancing to this song- anyways
heeseung has a HUGE stage presence of just like being insane right. so it leads you to believe he’s just a hot mess in relationships. that’s not true, the more you get to know him he’s just a dork with a facade. nuisance to lovers 😋
jay- vampire money by my chemical romance
good lord can you imagine him performing this song WOAAAHAAHHHHHHAHAHA
band AU. battle of the bands. you vs. jay. he performs vampire money and instead of being mad at him for the good performance you’re enthralled. especially when you’re about to go up after his performance and he smirks at you. enemies to lovers
jake- dear maria, count me in by all time low
he’s just so all time low idk what to tell you
you met him during one of the tours. it was totally by accident (he spilled his slushie on you at 2am.) immediately he was in love with you. love at first sight. tongue tied. you know how it is. but even after talking to you, he forgot to ask for your name, number, anything. so now every show he’s just looking for you in the crowd. soulmate au - strangers to lovers
sunghoon- angel with a shotgun by the cab
omg i’m imagining like a streetracer AU or something. like you’re his ride or die but you have absolutely no clue how he makes his money. you’re just happy to be around him and sunghoon would do ANYTHING to protect you. sun + moon au (grumpy x sunshine)
sunoo- cliche by mxmtoon
i can imagine sunoo crushing on you and not knowing how to talk to you at all. for the first time he doesn’t know how to charm his way around things. it’s very cute and cliche. PROBABLY A CAFE AU! dumb and dumber trope
riki- love me dead by ludo
“you’re awful i love you.” he is driving me NUTS rn. so i had to pick this song. like….. i can’t even describe shit rn. this is just his song and i’m going insane that’s all you guys need to know 😇
i can imagine both you and riki bickering on and off but no matter what you don’t want anyone else to bother the other. like for example if someone makes fun of you or him, it’s game over for that person. oblivious x more oblivious
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immortalmsmoon · 6 months
hihi!!! Been a while!!!
so, I had a thought
Yusuke with a S/O who does and loves photography…. and one day they ask for him to be a model in me of their photos…. Like how he would ask them to be a model in his artwork…. BEHEHWHDHAGRHEGGRGRG I love this idea sooooo much I want your thoughts (๑>◡<๑)
Yusuke x Photographer Reader
A/N: AGHAGAHG this was so much fun to write and it's Absolutely adorable!! Sorry it took so late to post and sorry its so short! I hope you like it!
warnings: NONE!!!
word count: 177
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he LOVES the idea of posing for your photographs, and he LOVES to watch you work.
the two of you would make the most ethereal and beautiful pictures together
he's the best at posing. like its amazing how good his and how far he will go for your photography
he loves to walk around Shibuya with you and just people watch while you take pictures
sometimes the two of you make up stories for the people that pass and try to guess what kind of jobs and lives they lead
also loves to go out at night with you and take pictures
sometimes the two of you will go out of town to some sort of secluded hot springs place and take pictures of the nature and the sky
sometimes he'll try to paint the pictures you take, and sometimes his paintings inspire you, you guys' are each others muses :))))
honestly taking pictures and going out with you has quickly become one of his favourite things, he gets inspired so quickly when he does this with you
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liyawritesss · 1 year
Hi! Hope you having a great day, do you still taking Arcane request. If so can you do a Ekko x GN reader where the two of them having really bad fight then the reader said they should take a break of this relationship and left the Firelight place. Didn't come back for a while. Both of them regret that decision but they too stubborn to said it.
It's been a week since that fight, the reader was a mechanic. They trying to fix something for a friend but ran out of things to fix, so the reader go out to find some supply. At that time the firelight was out fighting Silco's people, At first the reader choose to ignored but notice Ekko got injured from one of the guys that when the reader run out to help Ekko and the firelight beating those bad guys.
After a while helping Ekko get back to the try to make the wound better. The reader about to leave, returning to their work place. But Ekko pulling back, want to make up the fight before and didn't want their relationship to end like that. The reader apologize about that fight and they make up!
(You can make it a little drama like having a boy or girl got too comfy with Ekko or not your choice! Angst at the beginning then fluff in the end and sorry if my grammar bad, English isn't my first language)
ꜱʜᴇ ɪꜱɴ'ᴛ ᴡᴏʀᴛʜ ɪᴛ, ᴅᴀʀʟɪɴɢ; ꜱʜᴇ'ꜱ ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ɢᴏɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ᴄʜᴀɴɢᴇ
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Pairing: Arcane!Ekko x Black!Fem!Firelight!Reader
Type: Fic
Word Count: 5.0k
Synopsis: When a minor mistake leads a stakeout mission astray, Ekko’s choice of words has you wondering where his emotions for you lie. It becomes apparent that even after seven years, the toic of discussion is one that still cuts deep for the both of you.
Warnings: cursing, show-accurate violence, mentions of drugs and drug-use (shimmer), mentions of guns & explosions, mentions of injuries
A/N: havent written for my man in a hot minute so thank you for this request! Absolutely adore Ekko, and while I think this could be way better, i know if I mess with it it wont be as good as I want it to be lmao. Sooooo here it is, hope you enjoy! Song Inspiration: “Devil Doesn’t Bargain”, “Boy in the Bubble”, and “Let Me Down Slowly” by Alec Benjamin, “lovely” by Billie Eilish ft. Khalid, “Broken Clocks” by SZA, “like that” by Bea Miller
Tags: @writingintheshadowsforever @mbakuetshurisprincess @verachii @cafehyunji @lulu-network @babyboiboyega @badass-dora-milaje @vander-affectionate @evermorewest
Sign Up For My Taglist Here!
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The air that surrounded the Firelight soldiers as the squad returned to the hideout could be described as something akin to tension.
It was heavy, weighing on the soldiers shoulders as the squad of five hung their battle wear and accessories in their respective cubbies for housing. No one dared to speak, for fear that the unbridled temper that was thinly veiled by their leader’s quiet demeanor would be unleashed if a word was spoken into the unanimously agreed upon silence.
It was thick, evident in the way the squad members pushed through the hot and sticky summer air to hang their belongings. The hesitance slowed their movements, careful not to cause any abrupt disturbances in the carefully crafted momentum that would guarantee the three other squad members precise escape from the gear room and into the open clearing of the sanctuary, where although the air was still blazing hot, it was better to breathe than the air inside, looming with hostility.
Three would find their escapes successful, returning to their individual rooms to release the stress that had settled in their muscles from the night's events. And although they had escaped the worst of it, something still lingered in their stomachs as the distance between them and the last two remaining squad members in the gear room grew.
It wasn’t just tension. It was apprehension.
White locs were dirtied with gunpowder and sweat, a thin layer of it also coating his dark cacao skin. A deep frown makes its way onto the leader’s face, frown lines prominent on his forehead, thick nose scrunched in vexation. He leaned against a nearby table, arms swollen and toned with muscle folded across his chest as he stared at the woman before him. He was trying to calm himself, formulate the words he would say in a way that wouldn’t be regrettable, but as the events of the night continued to replay in his mind, he found his efforts nugatory.
It wasn’t just tension; it was apprehension.
He watched the woman before him take her precious time in putting up her gear. She wasn’t ignorant to the tension in the room. She wasn’t ignorant, but she knew the cause of it. She knew the reason why she was taking her time in stripping off her coat, making sure it hung on the right hook by the right tag. She knew the reason behind taking extra care in extracting her mask from her face, placing the facial ornament flat onto the floor of the cubby. She knew the reason why she was taking extra care in removing her gloves instead of ripping them off like normal.
It wasn’t just tension.
It was apprehension.
“So,” the leader’s voice echoes out into the room, the first vocal sound to do so outside of the rustle of clothing against wood and clacking of the same material against the frame of the cubby made from metal. His voice  was deep, laced with madden, restrained, “wanna talk about what the fuck that was out there?”
“Nothing,” you responded, short and curt. You were biting your tongue, the both of you knew it. You were restraining yourself just as much as he was, “it was nothing-”
“Bullshit,” the white haired boy interjects, “you don’t do shit like that and call it ‘nothing’, (Y/N).”
He could see your jaw flexing, attempting to keep your mouth closed and your resolve intact as you stored away your last glove, closing the cubby door, all without looking at him. 
“I’m not doing this with you.” You firmly announce. Your pair of feet that had been stuck in the same position finally followed your will to move as you turned to the doorway, preparing to leave the room.
“You don’t have a choice, Captain!”
His voice is booming, thunderous like a God, and it commands you to halt your movements. The use of your title makes you grit your teeth, a tight breath slipping past your lips in a gamble for reclaiming your composure.
The leader pushes himself from his leaning position, standing firmly on his own two feet, hands coming together in a prayer motion in front of his face to stifle the agitation in his voice he was sure to let slip.
“We had a plan,” he says securely, though ironic in the current situation, “we had a plan to track movement. We had a plan to solely track that shipment; why the fuck did you divert from the plan?”
This wasn’t just tension; it was apprehension.
“The fuck do you want me to say, Ekko?” You seeth through gritted teeth, slowly but surely turning to face the boy behind you. “What the fuck is there to say?”
There’s an intensity in the air that comes from the severity of the situation at hand. Both of you restraining yourselves from enacting a yelling match, attempting to prevent the inevitable; trying to remain civil for each other’s sakes. Because if anyone knew how badly this could end, it would be the both of you.
“I fucked up,” you admit, though that was already evident in the heated silence that followed the squad home, “I made a fucking mistake. Is that what you want to hear?”
“No,” Ekko answers imply, “no, that’s not what I want to hear. Because that’s bullshit, too.”
“Excuse me?” You scoff, your expression mixed with shock and disbelief. “How are you gonna tell me about what I did? You think I don’t know what a fucking mistake is-”
“That wasn’t no fucking ‘mistake’, (Y/N)!” Ekko interjects again, and it’s the subtlety of which he does so that begins to spark an ember in your core with him. 
“We been in this game- we been together- for seven years, (Y/N),” the brown eyed boy continues, “seven fucking years. You think I don’t know your mistakes by now? You think I don’t know you?”
Of course he does, you think. Otherwise he wouldn’t be as angered as he is right now. 
“I know what it was,” he proclaims, pointing at you in an accusatory motion “it was your head.”
“My head?” You reiterate, said limb on your body tilting to the side, a growing annoyance evident in your voice. “What about my head, Ekko?”
“You really gon’ make me say it out loud?”
“Yes, cuz I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.”
It was a lie; you knew very well what he was referencing. You weren’t sure how it was so easy for such words to spill from your lips. Maybe it was because of the suddenness of this confrontation, despite knowing it was bound to happen. You’d played every plausible scenario of how this exact moment would play out, attempting to prepare yourself for Ekko’s questioning, and the inevitable argument that would take place. Maybe it was because you wanted him to hurry this charade along, despising his natural skill of dragging things on for far longer than what they needed to be.
“I have you as my sniper for a reason,” Ekko begins, “I have you as my second in command for a reason. Not because you’re the only person I’ve got left-” a fib of his own spills from his lips, but addressing it would not steer the conversation anywhere but in circles, “-not because you’re my fucking girlfriend, but because you proved that you could always hold a chill head. That you could take the orders given. That you could make the calls when I can't.”
“I’m sure you’ll get to a point eventually, Ek.” You scoff, refraining from rolling your eyes as he lectured you as if you were still children, holled up in an alleyway on the streets of the Undercity, hiding from enforcer soldiers.
“Whatever the fuck that was out there, was not a calm and chill head. So I need you to tell me,” Ekko steps closer, the sound of his combat boots echoing throughout the tattered walls of the gear room, “what did you see that knocked you off?”
“This is ridiculous, Ekko,” you profess, “what’re you gonna do if I don’t?” Take me off the tracking team? Demote me?”
Perhaps it wasn’t wise to say such daring words to the very leader of the rebellion you swore your life to. If there was anything about Ekko that was redeeming, it was his unyielding devotion to owning his title and standing on his word. And as he stands before you, an arms length away with chocolate brown irises blazing into yours with a fire so hot it could scorch your own fierce ones, there’s a gnawing at your stomach that tells you that he absolutely would. 
“You think I won’t?”
Silence filled the already tension-thick atmosphere, seeping into the folds and making it all the more unbearable. You weren’t sure how long the two of you stared at each other in a battle of will, a common practice the two of you engaged in whenever a disagreement arised. Without an audience, the glares in exchange lasted for what felt like minutes, hours. 
And Ekko wasn’t backing down.
“Are you serious?” You muttered through gritted teeth. “All this over a dumb mistake that will never happen again?”
“It was a mistake that could have costed us lives!” Ekko bellows once more, and if it weren't for it being the second time he had raised his voice, you may have flinched by the volume it had risen to. “We can’t afford to make mistakes, (Y/N) - especially with what we do - you know that more than anyone here!”
“And it wont happen again!” You declared, garnering agitation in your voice from having to repeat yourself more than you would like to. 
“And how can I know that, (Y/N)!?” Ekko shouts, challenging your words once more, and it more than suggests to you that he doesn’t believe them. He knows you’re not telling him everything, and it irks him to his core.
You turn once again with a mission to leave, even getting your feet to start moving, but that doesn’t stop Ekko from continuing to speak his mind. “What’s so hard about telling me what you saw!?”
“How many times do I have to tell you that it was nothing?”
“You can tell me a thousand times and I still won’t believe you-” the white haired boy rebutted, “because this isn’t you, (Y/N)!”
You weren’t sure for how long your back and forth ensued. Countless minutes of shouting back and forth, overlapping words, pleas to come clean, pleas to forget. This kind of situation wasn’t unfamiliar territory for the two of you. Ekko had a lot of weight on his shoulders, a lot of trauma he hadn’t yet faced, that he had pushed deep down to never be addressed. You understood, because you related. 
You both were there that night. You both witnessed the same act of monstrosity from the sworn enemy of your people’s leader. It was the very catalyst for the current occupation the both of you shared as leaders in a dwindling community, striving for peace and unadulterated existence while simultaneously fighting against the overwhelming clutch Silco’s grasp held on Zaun.
The woman you had become was because of that bastard's treachery and cruelty, who played a game that cost the lives of thousands. A woman of practicality, precision and calculated action. In this world there was very little room for emotion. Years ago, you wouldn’t gotten roughed up a little, but now, it got you a one-way ticket to the green, polluted waters of the desolate sewer system to be feasted on by the rats…and whatever other poor monstrosities that came from SIlco’s Shimmer.
Ekko knows this. Ekko knows all of it. Which is why he finds himself so frustrated that you won’t talk to him. It’s only in the midst of his grunting and growling that it clicks to him. A possibility as to why you acted out of such a practiced routine. Yet, he doesn’t know if he should rejoice about his revelation, or grow even more heated.
“You saw her.”
Three words that seemed to silence the world spilled from his lips in a breathy gasp. He knows he’s right when your lips come together in a tight line, and for the first time since the confrontation was initiated, your eyes divert from his.
You saw her.
“You saw her, didn’t you?” He asks, but is met with silence once again.
The topic of Jinx was always a sensitive one. Ekko may have been able to fool himself into detachment from the blue haired girl, shredding whatever hope he had left of recovering the old Powder who loved to go on runs with the two of you and made trinkets for your birthdays out of scrap metal and hard work. However, the same could not be said for you.
“So what if I did?” The rebuttal is sharp tongued and weighty, heavy with emotion, and Ekko knows what is inevitable to come.
“So what if I did see her, Ekko? What would you say?” You ask through gritted teeth, words strained as you feel the dam of emotions inside of you starting to overflow. “The same old shit you say all the time? That she’s gone and there’s no path of redemption for her? That she’s not worth saving?”
He’d never said such words aloud, but Ekko was guilty of thinking them, and to hear them verbalized tore open the same wound in his heart he’d patched up time and time again with each mention of the long lost friend.
“You may be able to let go, Ekko,” you grumble through gritted teeth, eyes watering over, and Ekko doesn’t know if its the sight of you crying or if it's the way the conversation has shifted that has him stilling, jaw clenched tightly, “but I can’t do that…I just can’t.”
And then, you left. And suddenly the unbearably thick summer air turned bitingly cold against Ekko’s skin as he watched you walk away. And as Ekko wipes down the length of his face, he knows there’s nothing much left for him to do but wait.
Wait until the air has become more bearable to breath. Wait until the tension has subsided. Wait until apprehension no longer clogs his stomach heavily, so that regrettable words would not be spoken.
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“Hey, I’ll be back in a bit.”
“Going to the market?”
“Yeah. Your bike needs a rotator chain, I’m gonna see if I can find one on the west end.”
One week. Seven days. 168 hours since you’ve last seen Ekko.
“Be careful out there. Silco’s goons have been making rounds again, and they aren’t sparing anyone in these parts.”
You don’t remember leaving the sanctuary. You just remember waking up on your friends couch after, according to them, was a rough and stormy night. You probably blacked out after your screaming match with him, and had an overwhelming desire to just get away. Your friend’s place was the only spot safe enough for you to crash at until you got your head straight.
Though, after seeing what you saw, could you really expect to snap back in a mere few hours?
“I’ll be good. They won’t touch me if they know what’s good for them.”
You left the tiny home of your friend, clad in the same clothes you had left in and a jacket you were quick to grab from their wardrobe. They lived pretty high up above the marketplace - the homes of the residents of Zaun were built into the underside of the extravagant Piltover, where everything was dark, dank, and cold. Layers upon layers of makeshift apartments stacked on top of one another for conservation of what little space the undercity did have.
Your hand grabbed the pole of the crossbridge that led from the side your friend’s apartment was to the other, and with expert precision, you maneuvered your way down the several levels and layers of homes connected by bridges of wood, metal and concrete.
Memories of parkouring as a little girl began to flutter into your mind. How you loved to best Ekko, the self proclaimed ‘King of Parkour’, at his own game. How Powder would tag along with you because she wanted to be with her friends-
Fuck, you weren’t suppose to think about her.
You were thankful your feet met the ground before more thoughts of Powder filled your mind, because if you had still been swinging from pole to pole and jumping from wood to metal, you’d surely lose your balance and come falling down the rest of the way. It was the effect the past had one you; and an unfortunate one at that.
It’s as if the second you find landing and start to walk in the direction of the marketplace, your ears catch wind of commotion to your left. The muffled grunting and clamoring causes you to pause and turn, peering out of your hood to see what was happening.
You’d always been the one to answer a call to action, so there wasn’t much surprise when you found yourself inching closer to the alleyway of which was producing the concerning sounds. It had only been ingrained into you from your youth, and had become second nature in the wake of Silco’s reign. Having a knack for helping people was a blessing and a curse, and while it got you into more trouble than you would like, the favors that you’d stocked up on came in handy.
Approaching the alleyway closer you could make out two figures standing - Silco’s men, no doubt, given the way they dress and the horrible filth they speak. Then there’s a person on the ground, wearing green.
Green was the color of the Firelights, and so naturally, you assumed the worst.
With your ankle pressing against the small knife hidden in your boot, you knew what had to be done. You crouched down behind a stack of crates and whistled, catching one of the perp’s attention. As they approached your direction for inspection, in one quick motion, you slipped the knife from your boot, took hold of the perp’s arm and knocked him into the wall. The blade made itself a home in his neck, muffling any yell he would’ve mustered out.
By the time you were finished, the second perp had been taken care of as well by the victim they were cornering. Revealing yourself from behind the stack of crates, your worries had been confirmed when getting a closer look at the coat the other person was wearing.
It was indeed a Firelights coat - a deep forest green to blend in with the shadows but still be distinguishable. The Firelight had been injured it seemed, as they held their arm close and with care, wincing with every movement of it that was made.
“Hey,” you called out to them, advancing closer to them as you did so, “you alright? Where’s your partner? You know if you’re patrolling you gotta be in pairs-”
“(Y/N)!” The Firelight gasps out in relief, confusing you. “Lieutenant- you’ve gotta help us! We were outnumbered- a-and got split up, they jumped us!- from every corner, we didn’t see them coming-”
“Hey, hey, hey,” You quickly soothing, grounding the obviously frightened soldier with reassuring hands on their shoulder, guiding them to breathe, “you have to slow down for me, and breathe so you can clearly-”
“-a-and it’s Ekko- Ekko, he got hurt-”
And in that moment, your world slows, and there’s an instant pit in your stomach that comes from thinking the worst. If Ekko of all people got taken out of commission, whatever that was going on was serious.
“...okay,” you start after your shock passes over you. As if a switch in your brain is flipped, and now you’re in fight mode, “you need to take me to where you all split from. Now.”
Your voice is commanding and stern, leaving no room for discussion. The Firelight, still holding his arm, nods at your command. As the two of you leave, you pick up the weapon that the second perp had been carrying on his back; it wasn’t anything compared to your sniper gun, but it would have to do.
According to the Firelight, the mission was to stop one of Silco’s Shimmer transports to a hotspot location known for distribution of the drug. The normal prep for such a mission was done properly, but there was an underestimation of power in numbers on Silco’s end. What’s more, a certain blue haired girl decided to make her presence known as well, and her erraticness threw everyone off square. To save face, Ekko commanded everyone to split up.
Which meant Ekko was alone, and hurt, and probably wallowing in some form of guilt, and that could not do. A guilty Ekko was not a functional one.
“We were over there when the fight started,” said the Firelight as the two of you stood on top of a roof overlooking the distribution post, “when he made the call, I saw him go east in the direction of the Last Drop. The two other soldiers went west, and I ran south.”
Two large, burly men, littered with tattoos and hardened by the streets, guarded a small cart covered with blue metal barrels, a strip of thick translucent plastic going down the side, showing the bright magenta liquid inside. Four more paced around the small clearing area, seemingly on the lookout for someone.
Six men within a ten yard radius of each other. If you were right, that cart held about thirty gallons of Shimmer. Tests done on the drug proved that it was highly flammable, which normally meant that with your sniper gun, setting the scene ablaze would be easy. But with a mere regular shotgun in your possession, you’d need an extra boost.
“Look in your pouch for me,” you direct to the Firelight soldier, “do you got any of those spark pouches?”
The Firelight uses his good arm to fish in his thigh pouch, producing a small, red sack of gunpowder. “What’re you thinking, Lieutenant?”
“We need to take these guys out while destroying that shipment in the process,” you explain, pointing towards the triangular shape of trajectory between each of the guardsmen and the cart, “the spray of the Shimmer is about fifteen yards, which will cover more than enough of the ten yard radius those guys are in. I need you to throw that spark pouch right in between the two guards on my signal. When I shoot, it’s gonna be enough Shimmer spray to kill them…but we gotta move fast to avoid it.”
It wouldn’t have been the first time someone looked at you crazy for such a straightforward plan. You’d garnered many such stares since you first began in the Firelight ranks. There was a method to your madness, as Ekko would put it, and there had never been a reason for anyone to not trust your judgements or plans. Despite the Firelight’s initial questioning of the credibility of such a plan, there was no choice but for him to go along.
The two of you backed up as much as possible on the rooftop to make it easier for a clean getaway. Once in position, you pulled out the gun you had acquired earlier, checking the magazine for sufficient bullets. Then, you took aim at the center of the cart, inhaling a deep breath to steady your hand and focus your vision.
At one, the world began to slow when your aim focussed steadily.
At two, you prepared your wrist for the recoil that would shock your hand.
At three, the Firelight soldier threw the spark pouch with expert precision. Not a second later, the shot from your gun rung out.
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The sight that Ekko wakes up to is a pleasant one compared to the week he’s had.
The sun is blinding through his makeshift sunroof. There’s a dull pain on his side, and a ringing in his ears that subsides the more his vision focuses. It’s a great contrast to what he thought he’d be seeing when he awoke, but he welcomes the feeling of home that washes over his being.
His eyes turn to his side where he sees you, sitting next to his bed. His jacket is thrown loosely over your shoulders, and in your hands, you twirl a piece of folded paper. His eyebrows furrow at the sight; he isn’t expecting you to be here with him.
Noticing that he’d woken up, you focus your attention on the injured man. The folded letter is placed on the crate that acts as a nightstand next to Ekko’s bed, and you lean forward onto the bed to get closer to him. His hair is disheveled, locs splayed everywhere on his pillow and on his face. His abdomen is bandaged tightly, yet even the white gauze leaves little to the imagination. And the sun shines on his cocoa colored skin, contrasting against your own as you slip his larger hand into your own.
You needed to feel him, and be thankful that he was here.
“Hey, you,” Ekko croaks out, voice raspy and patchy from what you can only assume was yelling and sleep.
“Hi,” you mutter out against the back of his hand, lips pulled into a tight smile.
“Thought you were still mad at me.”
“”m not mad,” you mumble, shaking your head, “just glad you're okay.”
The fact that you’re not being snarky with him tells Ekko that there’s something weighing on you; something that’s not remorse for your absence, but something deeper. His eyes travel over to the nightstand, falling onto the letter once again.
“What’s that?” He points out, curiosity filling his patchy voice.
There’s a moment’s pause before you speak again, your voice somber and emotional; “It’s….what I saw.”
What I saw can only be referring to the incident a week prior, Ekko determines. His eyes turn back to you, his hand giving yours a gentle tug towards him, gesturing for you to climb into bed with him. He meets little resistance, and takes a little pride in how easily you slip into his side, molding against his form as you were made to. His arm wraps around your shoulders, helping you hide in the crook of his neck; a much needed escape you’ve wanted to indulge in for a while.
“Deal with it later,” he mumbles against your hairline, “jus’ stay with me.”
Resting against Ekko’s broad chest, you thought on his words. Knowing yourself, dealing with things later wouldn’t be as productive as he’d hope. You’d want to forget the subject entirely, revert back to the same concealment as before. Knowing the both of you, it couldn't be dealt with later.
“It was her eyes, Ekko,” You mumbled into his shirt, prompting the darker male to turn his attention to you, “there was something in them, Ekko. I swear there was.”
Seeing Jinx on that night wasn’t what any of you had intended. She’d very scarcely shown her face on the streets of Zaun, presumably at SIlco’s behest. As mad of a kingpin he was, he himself couldn’t deny the deranged nature the blue haired girl had. And yet, when she showed signs of stability, he seemed to allow her off on transportation missions at the very least. And it just so happened that after six years, a week ago was the first time you’d seen Jinx since the night Vander died.
When you saw those blue eyes, dulled and lifeless, it hurt. Hurt to know that the possibility of Powder truly being gone was higher than what you’d let yourself believe. Hurt to know that you would never have your friend back, and that there would never be any chance of recovering the family you’d list all those years ago.
You’d seen her, and then, she saw you. And when she did, the world slowed. And for a second, when your eyes caught each other, a flash of something came across her eyes that caused your body to react against your well-trained judgment. It was as if she had recognized you and felt a sense of…wistfulness.
Though it didn’t reflect anything of the like when she raised her gun towards you, and you had no choice but to act before she could.
“There was a moment where I…thought she recognized me,” you muttered, “but then she….raised her gun to me.”
Ekko’s chest stuttered as he released a shaky breath to your words. There’s a pause before you speak again, “Is it easier for you to just…believe she’s really gone?”
A long moment of silence passes…”Yeah, it is.”
Ekko has always thought about Jinx. It’s hard not to when her presence can change any of his plans on a whim, since he has people to protect and her mentality is as finicky as a time bomb. But Powder…he hates to think about her.
“If she was gone from the start,” Ekko mutters through a voice crack, “it means there wasn’t a chance to save her in the first place. Means I never failed in saving her, I guess.”
Your hand reaches up to caress Ekko’s face, jaw clenched tight from his own words, and when you look into his eyes, you can see the vulnerability he tries so hard to hide when talking about the blue haired girl. There was beauty in it, you always told him, though you never thought he truly believed you when you said it. Ekko was never given much grace to be vulnerable, to be a boy. He’d found that in you; so you knew it took a lot for him to even admit as such to your question.
You don’t really get to be a kid after watching the people you love die in front of you. Even the ones who still walk the land with another soul in their bodies.
You press a kiss onto his lips; gentle, affirming, and grounding. Your thumb runs the length of his cheekbones and  you find comfort in the crevice of his neck once again. When Ekko relaxes against your hold, you release a breath of air, and think that perhaps it’s best that you adopt his way of thinking as well.
Powder was gone, but at least in this hell, you had each other.
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doublydaring · 3 months
can u say more about the monkee killjoys because i am so intrigued.... i love killjoy-ifying my faves and the drawings of yours that ive seen are so intriguinggg
hiiii I am working on making more art of them but it is going to take too long so and I am too excited to not respond so here goes.
davy is called Raggedy Andy and he is a droid. i AM born sexy yesterdaying him. He was built in some sort of bli facility and never made it to battery city. he has never been activated when the boys find him, hes some sort of song and dance droid, i have him in his little violin playing outfit from head. the boys discovering his pod can be seen in my little comic. they have to teach him how to be a person. hilarity ensues.
micky is called Shorty Blackwell. he is a zone rat if there has ever been one. idk the timeline of killjoys anymore sorry gerard but if its plausible his parents were zone rats too, they were! he is happy-go-lucky, carries a blaster but very rarely uses it, that being said, is pretty desensitized to shooting dracs, doesn't really seem to comprehend hes killing people because of how he was raised. knows his ways around the zones and is really into astronomy and geology, pockets FULL of rocks.
mike is Carlisle Wheeling. hes sort of a classic dark gunslinger type but god guilty guilty guilty about everything. he doesn't say that though. of course. anyway. he was born in battery city and loves to moralize about it. hes always like, you know you guys should be grateful cuz back in battery city and theyre all like groan mikeeee we just want to eat our freaking beans without a lesson okay?????? he is sooooo fucking DRAMATIC. wears a leather duster in the desert and complains about it being hot.
lastly my beautiful wife peter - moniker, Free Love, but they call him love because that is very cute. heart. will not carry a blaster. uh huh. absolute doozy of a right hook though. <- guilty about that too. talks a big game about pacifism but gets really overwhelmed easily and starts lashing out. then he feels bad -> the cycle continues. he doesn't talk about where he's from which could mean nothing. always wearing as few clothes a possible, much to mikes chagrin. serial pontificater. always got a tab of whack ass zone acid if you need one.
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brisquad-unit-4402 · 1 year
Hello unit 4402!
So tomorrow's luxiem new outfit reveal and judging from the silhouette, we're hoping for some ponytail shu yamino. Can't help but come back to your mini hcs about him having his hair tied up and reveal his neck..
Ok im sorry i've fallen too deep into this rabbit hole called simping for shu yamino i should be going by now bye have a nice day ashwbshwuqwjkl
but also not really bc we as a society have not talked enough about shu with long hair being so pretty and now i’m glad that we can address what a massive fucking dub that is. i could be going so insane rn.
you guys are sooooo lucky i’m too tired to type out how handsome shu is. soooo lucky i can barely think in full sentences much less articulate how nice it is to see his face in all its amethyst glory and still be able to comb through his hair through your fingers.
dude i’m so gone rn i wanna kiss his forehead SO BAD. maaaan. he deserves a million and one kisses and all the love in the world, he’s actually so gorgeous and has such a comfortable personality. he’d be so modest and shy when you tell him that too. all blushy and stuttery even after you kiss every inch of his face and the top of his head and his exposed neck, which isn’t used to his hair being out of the way and shivers so much at just the feeling of your lips on his nape. he just goes from stuttery to speechless the more intense you get against his skin like he’s your territory, and your hands in his ponytail can go from relaxing to hot real fast. you’ve got the driving wheel in your hands and he’s willing to follow your lead even when he thinks all your love against his neck is what will make his heart explode
(also uhhh. idk how to integrate this one here but corsets cinch the waist and makes them look way smaller than they actually are. so like. either hoel-mama commits to the biceps + sideboob muscle and lets him have such a nice set of abs, or turns out his waist is just that snatched naturally, you know, like he was invented to be perfectly grabbable. or we keep the corset which has to be one of the top 5 pieces of clothing ever. we literally can’t lose)
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twost3ps · 27 days
Listen! Listen! Listen to me! How about this: Paimon is the 7th ex, and Adam is the real mother of Stolas. 😂 I immediately thought of this when I listened to "No Way" from Six The Musical.
The only reason they break up is because Adam finds out that Paimon had an affair that he didn't know about. (Basically like Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon's situation.) This would add a layer of trauma to Stolas's situation. I guess it's like father, like son, except the father was an asshole while the son was forced into a child marriage and just wanted to be happy. Stolas didn't know or remember Adam being his mother because Paimon got child custody, and Adam wasn't allowed to see him. This would add some drama once Adam finds out about the child marriage and Stella abusing his son. Also, I want to see Lucifer find out that one of the Kings, more obedient to fight than the other kings, has two hundred legions of demons under his rule and is the asshole who wouldn't allow his now-boyfriend to see his son. I want to see how the fight would happen.
I'm so sorry for tge late reply it's exam week 4 me so I've just been jumped by work but-
This is so good actually omg...
AUSGSHSJSN man I love a good Adambowl hhhhhh
But so so good yummm
But I think Paimon's affair would definitely add more trauma to Adam.
Bro. If he's added, that mean THREE people cheated on him- Lilith, Eve, and now Paimon
It would KILL him
For Stolas, I think this could be fixed by saying Adam laid an egg and the incubation period is LONGGGG. And i mean long af, probably due to one being a Goetia and the other being a human, sooooo. It also puts out good reason why Stolas would have no idea that Adam was his mom in the first place because he hatches after Adam is forced away.
Paimon probably threatened to reveal Adam's residence in hell to Lucifur and heaven and it drove Adam away, scared of punishment. Either way, he would have to leave the baby. Still hurt tho and it made him so upset for years.
Sadly, the stolas plot point would most likely have to be scrapped to complexity and timeline stuff. I have no idea how it would work sory wiseee. But I'm gonna write this thing. It's more of an idea, so for now, yes, Adam has a baby ✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️
Oh but when Adam finds out what's going on 💀💀💀
Death man. He's gonna make Lucifur throw hands. Not on just Paimon but on Stella too. BRUHHH
Imo, I think Adam was and is a good parent. He's just an asshole to literally everybody else. He might have wanted to find Stolas before, but he had no idea where to go. And for plot reasons, he doesn't understand hell heigharchy or any of its big leaders, he just got with a big strong hot bird guy for a while. He just hoped his kid was fine (he was not lol)
As for Lucifur, yeah, he's gonna throw hands. He knows it's hypocritical of him to get mad at Paimon for cheating on Adam but he's still so pissed. And for not letting Adam see his kid, man if he could never see Charlie again he would actually die, so he's gonna beat tf out of him
I think Paimon would just take it ngl, he upset his king and although he doesn't understand why it's a big deal he's just gonna take it o3o
This thing is all over the place and has so many loopholes that I would have to get help for piecing this in but I do love this idea
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https-furina · 8 months
spoilers for neuvillette’s story quest (completed) utc so be mindful if you’re only like halfway through that i’m gonna talk abt the ending !!
HELLO I AM SCREAMING okay so from the moment where sedene is like “a melusine is being threatened and monsieur neuvillette wants to investigate the case himself!!!” i was like OKAY FATHER I SEE YOU PROTECTING UR CHILDREN 🤭🤭
and then kiara ?!!! is so fucking cute i love her so much but the whole time i was like )): ofc the melusines are discriminated against but its so sad - then she called paimon big sis and i was instantly like ((: happi
charlotte cameo !! hi to the fontainian yanfei /j i got so excited i was like OMG CHARLOTTE !! but then she’s talking abt wanting to interview neuvillette but the palais always said no and i’m like we’re friends with him we could just ask him for u 🤨
the whole time talking to charlotte i was like GUYS we’re supposed to be protecting kiara what if something happens while we’re gone 😭 but then there was CLORINDE AND I SCREAMED
talking abt how she regularly gets her clothes custom made by eloffe and i’m like ma’am you need new ones asap that button is gonna pop any time now- 🌚
the entire experience at the fountain had me crying. from seeing carole with neuvillette to seeing carole be a victim of hate crime (something that indescribably familiar and made me both so angry to see (on her behalf) and also upset…) to vautrin’s mild anger when he realised carole had sacrificed herself just for peace ): he saw his deceased little sister in her and so he made the decision to execute everyone who had wronged carole… fucking in tears the whole time
not to mention neuvillette losing carole (which he must have felt guilt for because he’s the one who brought her to the court in the first place) but then he had to do vautrin’s trial for murdering people as an act of revenge and he followed the law and had to say he was guilty even though he was the only person left who was closest to him ?!
and then we get navia ?!?! content i was like damn hoyo is whipping out the GIRLS FOR THIS STORY HUH !!! i screamed when she said spina di rosula were helping !! i was like damn you two are the cutest now after she screamed her feelings at you and you stood at a grave together 🤭
also no one is talking about how he feels emotions from every single aspect of water; the rivers, the rain, everything. this man must be so incredibly overwhelmed by the constant surge of a complete stranger’s emotions..
smuggling case 🤨 yeah we read smth on that monsieur ! *hurried tippytaps back to the palais while wiping my tears* and then navia found smth ?! MA’AM HOW QUICK DO THE SPINA DI ROSULA WORK- fucking underground mob asses /j
and then 🌚 we’re going to the fortress?! and i gasped and got so excited like omg we’re going to my husband’s office 🥰🥰 and the way he greeted us and paimon was like “we’re back!” I LAUGHED SO LOUD
wriothesley hinting at using physical force on the dude threatening melusines and i literally looked at my screen like
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but then neuvillette was like “wriothesley.” and i was like LMAOOO WE HAD THE SAME REACTION NEUVI 😭😭 sorry for my husband we forget hes a FUCKING CRIMINAL TOO.
when we were talking to the members of the mutual aid network and they mentioned their first president from over four hundred years ago and i sat here with the saddest expression like “vautrin?? 🥹” bc the badges were designed after the medal of peace badges ):
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sir had the audacity to stand there looking sooooo fucking hot in the centre of the room like hello i’m !!!?!!!?? i’ll have dinner on the table wrio i swear
i literally zoned this part out staring at wrio and giggling over him folding his arms across his chest 🥰
neuvillette learning from wrio that vautrin didn’t hate him and i just… sobbing loudly. the whole story i was just sobbing over neuvillette feeling as though he is an outsider even in today’s society but the society had reformed from that of four hundred years ago and it had reformed around him. like he is the centre of fontaine now, he’s their chief justice, the iudex- god i cried again
also wrio offering tea i swear to god husband i’m 😭😭 i would have had tea with you i promise but there was no option )):
the cutscene !!!! officially one of my favourites in the entire game 🥹 (alongside the wriothesley one in the archon quest with clorinde, neuvillette’s archon quest one and kokomi’s arrival in the archon quest) when it started raining and the kid came out to say hydro dragon hydro dragon don’t cry !! ):
and lumine and paimon smiling at him and he smiles too and the rain clears up (that shot of the sun coming out over the opera was GORGEOUS i’m so impressed with how much genshin’s graphics have improved since launch!!) and the PUDDLES ON THE GROUND !!!!
charlotte finally getting that interview she wants so badly scheduled and she’s so excited and thanks him !!! and then just all three women stood there together ?? i took photos of them ofc omg navia and clorinde together- but if you talk to them and charlotte is basically fangirling and clorinde is just like “just write all your questions now, he’ll decline all the ones he can’t answer so it’s worth a shot anyways” 🥹
KIARA SLEEPING !!! crying he’s such a parent to them i cannot
and then FINALLY the reply note to his absence note on his desk from furina!!! my wife had her cameo <3 in the sweetest of ways, asking if he’d finally woke up and decided to go outside and he should follow her footsteps more and do it more often - and that it doesn’t matter if something bad happens because you’ll meet plenty of characters along the way
and if you talk to him behind his desk he’s like “what am i supposed to do with her” 🥹🥹🥹
for the record i will be vocal stimming furina’s “oh me, oh my” in that reply note for the rest of eternity <3
i’m so forreal that this is my favourite story quest ever, perhaps because i could relate to it but it also shows that in my opinion not a single fontaine character hates the other as of right now. lyney specifically has no bad blood with anyone; he seems to clear it up with wriothesley and sigewinne in the archon quest but having clorinde, navia and charlotte together talking just like a group of friends and they all came together on their own accord to help neuvillette and even furina’s cameo in her reply note shows that she has some assortment of care for his wellbeing and how he shuts himself away. it was incredibly heartwarming to have each fontaine character have a cameo in some form and other than arlecchino telling the fontaine siblings to keep an eye on neuvillette, they all had positive interactions and intentions.
i’m sorry but fontaine is my favourite and it will always be my favourite, nothing can top the amount of love i have for neuvillette’s story quest. that was the best thing that’s ever happened in this game <3
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unhappycylinder · 1 year
Hellfire’s Newest Member (Eddie x fem!Reader) Pt. 15
“I don’t see why you don’t just come work at Family Video with me and Steve” Robin cried out, slamming herself against the locker next to yours as you grabbed your books.
“Because, Robin, I dont think I have the time for a full time job on top of school and hellfire and Eddie and adjusting,” you sighed, “I don’t know its just a lot”
“Yeah butttt moneyyyy” she taunted.
“Don’t remind me,” you said slamming your locker. Your dad had been working more and more at the testing facility, meaning you saw him less and less. Its not that he forgot you were there…but he definitely had forgotten to leave you money on more than one occasion. And, since you never saw him, its not like you could really explain to him that $40 every two weeks was not enough to get you groceries or enough food to sustain yourself. 
“Look, y/n, I know that its tough with your dad and everything, but come on the perks are endless. I mean we get to hang out after school, and you get paid! Plus there’s like no actual work involved!” Robin was practically yelling as you walked down the hall to your history class.
“So if I say yes does that mean I’m hired?”
“I mean technically Steve is the one who has to actually hire you, but he’s got the hots for you so there’s no doubt in my mind that he will-”
“Wait Robin,” you paused in the hall, your brain spinning at what she just said, “Steve has what for me?”
“Uhhhh nothing! Nothing at all!” She fumbled over her words, “I don’t think I even mentioned Steve, actually, I don’t know how he’s involved in this conversation at all.”
“You said Steve has a crush on me?” You laughed out, a slight blush rising to your cheeks.
“Okay Y/n look, I totally fucked up right there. Steve told me he thought you were pretty after you came to work with us after school a couple weeks ago, and ever since then he hasn’t stopped talking about you,” Robin talked so fast you could hardly keep up, “so I asked him the other day if he had a thing for you and well, he didn’t exactly say no”
“Ugh Robin!” You groaned, throwing your head back, “now its gonna be so awkward whenever I’m at work with you guys!”
“So you’ll take the job?” She exclaimed.
“Because I know you won’t stop spiraling until I say so, yes I’ll take the job, but I’m gonna need these Steve details so I know what I’m getting myself into”
“Yes! Oh my gosh yes! We’re totally gonna be coworkers!” Robin jumped up and down, grasping your arm tightly.
What the hell have I gotten myself into?
“Come on, come on, hurry up losers,” Steve said impatiently as he beckoned you and Robin into his car after school.
“Hey Stevie,” Robin smiled sweetly at him from the passenger seat.
“Robin,” he looked at her quizzically, “someone’s in a good mood today. The hell did you say to her y/l/n?” he asked, turning around to face you.
“I may or may not have accepted a certain job offer…” you bit your lip as your eyes found Steve’s.
His mouth hung open in shock as his eyes slid from yours to Robin’s, who was eagerly bouncing up and down in the passenger seat.
“You- wait what?” Steve squealed, turning to face you in the backseat, a blush flushing across his cheeks.
“Robin said you guys had a job offering and that I should take it sooooo” 
“Well yeah we did,” he turned to Robin, his hair bouncing over his forehead as he nodded, “but I didn’t think you’d be the one to take it”
“Oh I’m sorry if I’ve disappointed you, Stevie,” you drawled out the last word.
— Steve’s POV —
Stevie…that damn nickname. It was bad enough that Y/n was now gonna be working with you, but now she had adopted Robin’s taunting nickname?? And you hated to admit how sweet it sounded coming from her lips.
Your eyes lingered on hers for a moment too long after she said that before panic set in and you quickly snapped around to the front of the car, hands finding the steering wheel. You could feel Robin’s knowing stare burning holes into the side of your head, and oh lord were you dreading this workday.
Putting the car in drive, you began the silent voyage to family video, fingers nervously tapping the wheel as you coasted down the highway. 
“So uhhh,” you broke the silence, finding y/n’s eyes in the rearview mirror, “Munson let you off the hook today?”
Y/n sighed, shaking her head as she smiled out her window, “Eddie isn’t my babysitter, Steve. Besides, he was pretty excited when I told him I got this job.”
“Oh yeah?” Surprise filled your voice, “I’m surprised the freak wasn’t bugging out at the idea of not getting to spend every waking second of everyday with you,” you scoffed.
“Stevie if I didn’t know better, I’d say you were jealous,” y/n teased, her eyes returning to the mirror just in time to catch the blush that spread rapidly across your cheeks.
Robin whipped around at that statement, muttering y/n’s name under her breath.
“What?” she responded, eyes going wide at Robin as she turned around and slicked back her hair with her hands.
So, signs point to y/n knowing about your crush on her. Shit. You never should have trusted Robin…told her you thought y/n was cute even though you knew full-well she was head over heels for Eddie Munson.
That freak? You thought to yourself as the car fell back into silence, wondering about how Y/n could have been yours if you had just managed to get in before Eddie had. You could make her happier than he ever could.
— Y/n's POV —
Steve pulled into the family video lot, your eyes not leaving his face the entire drive, hoping to yourself that he hadn't caught you. He was a good looking guy, Steve, and you couldn't help but feel flattered after hearing Robin tell you how he was the king of Hawkin’s High for his 4 years, and how every girl wanted nothing more than to hang on the arm of Steve Harrington.
But no. You were with Eddie. You loved Eddie more than anything. He had shown you nothing but kindness since you got here and had welcomed you fully into his space with no hesitation…but then so had Steve. He was totally your type; tall, great hair, freckles, real cute, goofy. He was no Eddie, he lacked that edge, that spark that Eddie had that made you feel so giddy inside. 
“So y/n since it's your first day,” Steve snapped you out of your trance as you all walked up to the front door, “I think we're just gonna have you chill behind the counter with us and kinda observe everything we do”
“Sounds good to me,” you shrugged, entering the building as Steve held the door for you.
You introduced yourself to the daytime employees as Robin and Steve took over for them at the desk, taking a seat on the counter next to the register.
“Oh my god y/n this is so totally amazing,” Robin buzzed, running up to you from the back with your very own green vest, “I’ll make you a nametag and you can pick whatever pins you want and slap them on there!” She held the vest up to make sure the sizing was right before handing it over to you and getting to work on your nametag.
“Damn I guess this is really official then huh?” You slid the vest over your t-shirt, smiling at the family video logo now resting on top of your left breast.
“What do y'a think?” You asked as you shifted side to side, flaunting the vest, “do I pull it off alright?”
“You look bbbbonkers gorgeous y/n,” Robin said, slapping her palms against the sides of her cheeks, making you both giggle.
“Yeah no, you uh,” Steve stood in front of you with his hands on his hips as he stared at your vest…at the logo of your vest, “you look great. It looks great. The vest I mean. It looks good on you. You look-”
“I'm gonna stop you there Stevie boy,” Robin came to his rescue, “welcome to the family video family best friend,” she said, gently slapping Steve’s chest.
The workday went by quick, with the Dr. Zhivago double vhs playing softly in the background, you and Robin occasionally remarking about how romantic it was, Steve growing more annoyed with each enamored sigh.
Six hours later and your shift was done. Robin grabbed your vests from you and Steve and took them to the back room to hang them up, your nametag now sitting just above the family video logo.
“So y/n, Munson picking you up?” Steve asked while leaning against the counter.
“No uh, I didn't really know what time I’d be done so I told him I’d find a way home tonight”
“Mind if I give you a ride?”
“Yeah actually that'd be great. Last time I turned you down I ended up walking several miles in the dark…which was freaky to say the least”
“Yeah I-” Steve paused, “I was worried about you.”
“Stevie you don't need to be worried about me, I was fine”
“Well regardless, I’m driving you this time, and really any time you need a ride…can't have you walking the streets of Hawkins alone…this place is weirder than it seems”
“Ominous, but okay,” you laughed as Robin came back to the front
“You buffoons ready to go?” 
“Let's do it.” Robin slung her arm around you as you all retreated to Steve’s car, him locking the store behind you.
“Alright miss Buckley, your stop.” Steve drummed on the steering wheel as he waited for Robin to hop out. 
“Thanks, as always, for the ride Stevie. You two kids get home safe,” she winked at Steve as she grabbed her backpack and closed the door behind her.
“Bye y/n, see you tomorrow for our favorite class in the world!” Robin yelled as she walked towards her house.
“Cant wait,” you yelled back at her, chuckling to yourself.
“So are you gonna stay back there like I'm some chauffeur or are you gonna hop up here?” Steve asked, turning around to face you, his hand gripping the headrest of the passenger seat, drawing your eyes to it.
“I don't know Harrington you make a pretty good chauffeur”
“Come here,” Steve said lowly, gesturing towards the front seat with a nod.
You blushed, grabbing your backpack as you exited the backseat and slid into Robin’s, setting your back beneath your feet.
“Better?” You taunted, Steve’s hand still resting on your headrest.
“Much.” He brought his hand down to put the car in drive, returning it to the wheel after. You couldn't help but feel an emptiness at his hand not being there. 
“Where am I taking you?” He asked quizzically, “I just kinda started driving,” he laughed.
“You mind taking me to Eddie’s? It's pretty close, you're going the right way already actually,” you laughed with him.
“Yeah sure,” you couldn't help but notice the defeat in his tone.
“So I hear you used to be the king of Hawkin’s High…” you tried to begin conversation.
“Oh,” he blushed, “that’s what Robin’s been telling you huh?”
“Oh yeah. She told me all about how popular and untouchable you were. How all the girls wanted to date Steve ‘the hair’ Harrington,” you said with air quotes and all.
Steve laughed, “is that so?”
“All the girls at Hawkins High want to date me…” he hummed, an amused grin across his face, “I suppose that’d include you wouldn't it?”
“I said wantED Steve, don't get ahead of yourself buckaroo,” you said through a smile and a blush, one which Steve definitely noticed.
“I don't know y/n, the color of your cheeks right now is telling me something different,” he tapped nervously on his wheel, trying to hide his anxiety through his flirtatious voice.
“Steve, you're literally driving me to my boyfriend's house as we speak…” you suggested.
Steve just looked at you, eyebrows raised, begging you to continue.
You laughed, “oh my god don't look at me like that!”
“Like what?” He laughed back.
“Like you want me to say something else! There's nothing else to say!” You held your hands up in defense.
“Alright whatever you say.” Steve chuckled as his eyes returned to the road, Eddie’s trailer only a block away, “but that doesn't mean I have to believe you L/n”
The sound of gravel crunching signaled that you were pulling into Eddie’s driveway. You began to pack up your things as Steve parked the car, turning to face you as his arm reclined on the wheel.
“Believe what you want Harrington, I know where I stand” you said with a smile and a friendly wink as you opened the car door and stepped out.
“Oh I will y/n, believe me I will,” he said, making you laugh and shake your head.
He definitely was smooth, and confident, you had to give him that.
“You are a pain in my side Steve Harrington, you know that?” 
“Just happy to be there Y/n L/n” and with that he gave you a small salute and drove away, leaving you blushing, alone, on your boyfriend’s porch.
You turned to face the door, hand coming up to gently knock on his door, careful not to wake his uncle in case he was home. Before you could make contact though, the door swung open to reveal a very ticked off Eddie Munson.
Taglist: @definitelynotecho @sadbitchfangirl @lfaewrites @tlclick73 
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vacantgodling · 8 months
Oh no, sorry about the last ask **sent it and immediately saw the post that Alizath is a place** ^^' But please still provide The Information
LMAOOOO NAUR that’s my bad. like i said i talked about this wip like once and never mentioned it again pfffff
but basically the information:
who is alizath
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this fucky landmass up north. the smidge of yellow at the bottom is galeré, the country paramour’s mess takes place in cuz SURPRISE… these share a universe pff
what is alizath?
a hot mess basically. the government is run by “courts” or factions (perhaps cults… at least one of them kinda is) and there’s a central parliament that’s supposed to be the voice of the common people. like. it barely is but we move.
anyway tho there’s the iron spring, the titanium summer, the brass autumn, and the steel winter.
we mainly focus on the brass autumn bc the “dad” of our mc kirsi, used to be the ruler of the brass autumn but then he was framed for killing a guy and was exiled.
the story? well basically kirsi is supposed to bring favor back to her family by attending socialite events so that her father can be allowed back into alizath. also so that they can stop being horribly poor (they aren’t terribly bad off cuz they’re getting help but it’s complicated).
the real plot however is found as kirsi starts getting close to people and it becomes very apparent that the iron spring wants to become a sole monarchy. power struggles, romance, death, chaos, war, and more ensue!
but some basic important to know characters:
kirsi: she’s the mc. she’s also adopted (does not know this), part of a prophecy (definitely doesn’t know this), and isn’t fully human (kirsi knows jack shit about anything basically)
jeanna sunniva: she’s kirsi’s aunt who helped raise her for the purposes her brother has. she is strict but very protective over kirsi and her life has been Rough
juven: current leader of the brass autumn in his father’s stead. he’s also one of kirsi’s love interests (end game ot3 situation). he’s too young to be shackled with this shit but yknow. he’s here now. also he wants to keep alizath out of the hands of the spring and would rather it turn more into a republic or smthn.
amarette: juven’s best friend and from the titanium summer. his mama hates him teehee. he, juven and kirsi are end game ot3. he just wants to be able to live his life how he wants.
greye: eldest daughter of the iron spring who hates her father and is uh…. plotting lmao.🧍‍♂️
lord flykrost: the leader of the steel winter and tbh the only one with a head on his fucking shoulders. he values his family more than anything and is ready to turn the steel winter into its own nation at the drop of a hat to protect his family and the citizens who live in his region. very chill dude but he used to be the head of the general alizathan army so idk don’t fuck with him
lady love: lord flykrost’s wife and she’s scarier than him. she did settle down and loves those loyal to her fiercely. she and jeanna used to be good friends but why hmmm 🤔
and a bunch of other characters but yahhhhhhh
how did you get inspiration?
dude i used to love the app game helix waltz (it’s no longer a thing rip) and i wanted to make a story where i could romance my favorite character juven (i didn’t change juven’s first name but a lot about him otherwise has changed lol) sooooo this story got born out of that.
so yah i hope that’s a good overview pff
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fortheb0ys · 24 days
Soo my situaction with my "friend"
im gonna Call her L.
So we started Being friends at start of this school year and we were unspereable but at first secret Santa in our class i see that she dont treat me same. I give her what she wanted and added few other things that definitly costed more than limit to buy gifts. She gave me comic book and pack of gummybear i needed to choose for myself. I have her comic book, some sweets, hot wheels car and few trinkets. Same with our birthdays i MADE for her anatomicialy correct model of mushroom (Red one with white dots) from scratch and she, she didn't get me anything, like not even fucking chocolate. Also, she dont take things seriously, like now we have project and we need to plan a project. I do almost everything and while i was stressing myself as hell she was laughing with her sister. like girl, we need to give this thing tommorow and you talk with your sister about some useleds shit and not even help me?
Next thing is that there if group of girls on my class i Feel comfortable with, even if im nonverbal most of the time they respect me very much(AND THEY BUY VEGAN SNACK JUST FOR ME 🙏🙏🙏). (In this friend group is around 5 girls and me, the gay friend) So here is example why i want to be away from L and be in this friend group ;
I llive laugh love all handmade stuff and i can make these cool braided braclets. And on monday on sport class i didn't work out so i decided to make braclet(with Name of my favorite pookie with choking kink who killed 30000 of Solider 🤭)
And i needed to put beads on it so one girl from that friend group grabed all beads from me and she was giving me excact letter i needed do i wont stress myself about dropping the bead. And all these girls where obsessed with all my handmade shit and i decided to starts making braclets for them. I make custom one for girl who was keeping beads for me and i send her pic of it and she THANKED ME SO MUCH I STARTED CRYING. And im giving her this braclet tommorow so we will see it she will get me candy or something
So here is the question, how i get away from L and get more into that friend group? How i tell L that im dont with her shit?
Ps. L's mom dont like me bacause :
1. I have long hair
2.at L's birthday part i didn't eat some fucking pasta she made and she thinks its disrespectful
3. I wear kandi braclets
Sorry if its long but i seen some other anons also writing their stories here 🙈😅
In my opinion, I think she's taking advantage of your kindness. You sound like a really sweet person and some people take that as an opportunity to take more than they can give. I've been there especially as a neurodivergent kid, I sadly find people will use you for their own gain.
Be honest and tell her what she does is hurtful and distance yourself from her. Your project is ending and now your time with her can end to.
I know it can be hard to voice your emotions but in the long run it's sooooo much better for you. At the end of the day be there for yourself. Maybe ask one of the girls if they could go with you for some support!
Don't let people like this make you lose your kindness or make you feel bad for who you are. Surround yourself with people like those girls. They make your kindness grow. Still be kind to L but you don't need to be her friend.
They sound extremely sweet and I'll be honest it made me tear up a little hearing about them.
L's mom also seems like a factor to how L is. She didn't teach hee daughter well. I think long hair on guys is the best! I love my long hair!
I hope I could help and good luck 🥰🫶
Also I swear I will work on some Makarov fic soon!!!
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