#sorry im feeling nostalgic about feeling bad and summer has always been one of many low points in the year for me
graveyardmouth · 3 months
its that time of the night
#and the year.#really makes me feel like summer especially middle school and before#completely isolated from all my friends panic attacks every time the sun went down hiding from my mom trying to block out screaming as#best i could staying up til dawn drinking dr pepper stealing my moms books listening to my dads cds stealing chocolate chips and eventually#wine from the kitchen puking in the bathroom reading the perks of being a wallflower goinf out for bike rides in the early morning walking#to the library and collapsing on the way home cause i hadnt eaten in 2 days walking past the church holding a knife in one hand#biking because i just knew there was somebody waiting to kill me dying my hair three times begging for escape from the monotony making#friends on twitter and discord in bad places getting attention from strangers for my relationship with a razor blade staying up all night#for the quiet because i needed to be alone because i couldnt sleep to feel something besides numbness getting yelled at for keeping my room#messy and crying thinking about people knowing i was eating finding a book that made me happy and knowing that once i finished it id#return to awful numbing boredom nothing could fix god ive typed a lot#sorry im feeling nostalgic about feeling bad and summer has always been one of many low points in the year for me#anyways ✌️#dw about me im actually in a really good place mentally rn i just. am worried for how long itll last#and quite scared about getting taken off my antidepressants tbh#bug shut up#delete later#Youtube
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warmau · 3 years
☆ [nostalgic] summer romance!au yukhei  happy (not tooooo late at all, for a change lol) birthday yukhei!~ find others here: johnny | haechan | taeil | taeyong | mark | jaemin | yangyang | yuta | sicheng | chenle | kun
“that’s the worst sound i have ever heard in my life.”
you stand up too fast from behind the counter and bump your head with an ouch before looking to see what sicheng is complaining about now
outside the window of the cafe, you see a group of laughing boys and the bright, loud dirt bikes they’ve started riding around town
the sound of the engines and skidding tires managing to make their way through the windows
you wipe your hand on the front of your uniform’s apron and shrug
“i think they’re kind of cool.”
sicheng swivels around on the creaky bar stool, a script open halfway through is laying beside his iced-coffee
“extreme sports is just the polite way to say hey, this shit will get you killed”
you roll your eyes and check the clock that hangs above the display of baked goods and menu - almost eight, so almost time to close
you point it out to sicheng who packs his things up, you go over to help an elderly regular clean up their table and when the customer leaves you tell sicheng he doesn’t have to wait up for you
he throws his bag over his shoulder and looks over his shoulder at the parked dirt bikes 
“hey, if one of them bothers you when you’re locking up just call me.”
“im pretty sure they’re not even going to notice me.”
sicheng still frets as he slips out of the door
you hum as you fall into your end of the day routine. you’ve been working here part-time through university, but with summer coming around, you’ve come on full-time
it’s a lot of work for one person, but the boss trusts you like their own children, and you actually enjoy having the quiet responsibility of locking up
you sweep the floor, put away all of the left over food and milk in the fridge, check the register and print-out the sales for the day
your last task is to close all of the blinds, the cafe always has them up in the summer, the tops open to let a slight breeze in when it coasts by
as you go through each them, you finally reach the last one that faces directly out of the front of the cafe. out onto sidewalk across.
it’s right in front of the intersection where the sidewalk turns into the boardwalk, and there’s a bike rack and some parking spots
the dirt bikes have all been left there, tires soiled with wear and sand
beside one of the bikes, a sleek red bodied one with various silver accents, stands a lone figure
in the summer heat, he’s still got leather gloves on that clutch the matching colored helmet in one hand, long jeans and lace up heavy boots 
the only breathable part of his outfit is the white tank top that clings to the obviously toned lines of his upper body
a silver chain hangs around his neck, the links look so small on his overall broad figure, but they still shine against his sun kissed skin
he chews on the end of a toothpick and staring -
you step back slightly - he’s staring right at you
something in your stomach feels off, the crossing wires of concern and shock tell you to enter a state of heightened awareness
scurrying back to your work, you tell yourself you are just seeing things. you should listen to sicheng, finish quickly and hurry home.
the summer sun is quietly being pushed out by the summer moon by the time you lock the front door of the cafe and drop the keys into your bag
you turn around and whisper a small - shit! - when the figure from before is still there
he’s probably waiting for his friends, but sicheng was all wound up about them so now i am to- oh wait i think he’s coming over here!
and you’re right, the figure looks both ways before he crosses the street and jogs easily up to you
suddenly your hand itches to fish those keys out of your bag because what can a guy (a very handsome guy, up close) on a dirt bike have to do with you-
“hi - do you work in the cafe?”
he asks, voice deeper than you expect, his eyes are large and the color of autumn chestnuts
he sees the way your shoulders are tensed and he immediately retracts himself a step backwards
he puts his hands up, helmet still in his right, “oh right - sorry to scare you, i was just asking because ive seen you around-” 
something like a flush coats under his cheeks
“wait - that sounds weird too, i just meant to say that i think you’re - that i wanted to know your name is all....”
you blink, your shoulders don’t relax completely, but you can tell there isn’t any bad intent coming from him
“well, what's your name first.”
he stands up taller and grins, white teeth almost blinding in the dusk
“wong yukhei! i came here for the summer with some of my buddies.”
he tilts his head toward the bikes and you nod, saying only your first name - sichengs cautiousness seeping into your own
yukhei repeats it, with an almost a bit of a goofyness in his smile when he does
“well - ill see you around then?”
you aren’t sure what to make of the situation, so you just shrug - “maybe?” - he seems satisified with this answer though, and crosses back to his bike
you don’t know why, but you feel embarrassed just standing there, so you shuffle your feet and start your walk home
at some point you turn to look over your shoulder, right at the corner that you have to take, but when you do - yukhei and his bike are gone
“really? see, this is why i should stay while you lock up.”
sicheng’s eyebrow twitches as you finish telling him what happened
it’s the next day, and it’s noon - right when the days get the hottest and most of the cafe’s customers are just coming in for the free air conditioning
“i don’t think he’s dangerous, i think he just wanted to say hi.”
you answer, fixing what must be the twentieth order for shaved ice-cream
the slices of strawberry fall gently onto the heap, and you place two pairs of the forks beside the dish
carrying it carefully to the pick up counter, you call out the order number and watch as a young couple - still dressed in their beach attire - comes up together, unable to break apart for even a second
you smile at them and return to sicheng, taking his empty glass and turning to fill it up with ice 
“you can think he’s not dangerous, but any idiot who owns a death trap like a dirtbike-”
“sicheng, it’s like a normal bike but with an engine. it’s like a car but without the-”
“the safety, without the safety. really - i didn’t think you’d be the type to be into bad guys like that.”
you make a pfft sound with your lips, filling the glass with water and setting it down beside him
“first off, im not into anyone - i talked to him once. and just because they like bikes, doesn’t make them bad - you’ve been reading too many of those cliché scripts.”
sicheng makes his own sound of disapproval, but takes the drink you offer and brings the straw to his lips
you get busy with other customers, at some point kun and xiaojun turn up and distract sicheng
the whole time you work, something in you keeps making you stop to look out of the window
last night, the row of bikes had been there, but now they’re gone - maybe they’re not coming into town tonight?
you reprimand yourself every time you do look, because really it is just like you said to sicheng - yukhei was just saying hi. 
finally it’s time for you to close the cafe again
the only reason sicheng doesn’t stay is because kun drags him somewhere else and if there’s anyone more stubborn than sicheng, it’s the elder of the pair
you take your time - calling the boss to let him know you’re leaving 
“did that group of loud boys wreck havoc again?”
“group of boys?”
“the ones on those bikes, not motorcycles the other ones-”
your hand gets a little sweaty as it holds the phone
“no, they didn’t come around today.”
“good. be safe going home.”
you think about the conversation as you subconsciously start walking after you lockup 
there’s a way to get home that’s faster, and much safer, but there’s a longer way too - that has you walk most of the boardwalk
really, it’s still safe - because of summer the beach is as bright as a movie screen till midnight - but you avoid it for the crowd and the noise
your feet urge you to turn at your usual corner, but you don’t, you make way to the little stairs that lead from the sidewalk and onto the old wooden boardwalk
there are lots of people still about, packing their things up from their time at the beach or coming to stroll by the waves when the sand isn’t burning under their feet
groups of friends, smiling strangers, couples with kids or without 
everyone is enjoying their summer, and you almost feel out of place because your summer is going just as you thought it would. completely uneventful. long days at the cafe, lonely nights in your room
you hear your name suddenly and turn your head left to see yukhei leaning against one of the benches
on the bench are what look like some of his fellow friends, some have those moto jackets you’ve only seen on tv  hanging off their shoulders and others are drinking out of cups and swinging the keys to their bikes around their fingers
yukhei comes over to you and everyone in his crew throws a look over their shoulder
you blink when he stops in front of you - right, you think, he’s pretty tall
“are you getting off work?”
“it’s really late, your boyfriend doesn’t ever walk you home?”
you retort almost sarcastically, because where did the sudden idea that you - walking alone on a boardwalk made for summer romance - have a boyfriend
yukhei scratches the back of his neck and you notice some scrapes on his elbows
“oh there’s the guy - in the cafe with you all the time, he glares a lot - uh-”
“sicheng? oh no, he’s a friend.” you can’t help but chuckle “but you’re right he doesn’t smile often.”
yukhei seems to suddenly beam at the confirmation, which makes something inside of you feel a little warm, but awkward so you point to his injuries
“bike accident?”
he pokes at the yellowing flesh and winces, “yeah. but it happens a lot.”
“it seems like a dangerous sport, do you not mind getting hurt?”
the question is more curiosity than anything - you’re not trying to be mocking or even mean - and yukhei can tell from the way you’re still casting a concerned look at his other arm for evidence of any other “accidents”
“i mean i mind it, but i love it too much to give up” 
yukhei laughs and it sounds nice, pleasant - people with good laughs tend to have good hearts
“and im not really good at anything else. like if i was to be a waiter in a cafe like you, id probably hurt myself a lot more than i do on a dirt bike”
you want to correct him, you’re technically not a waiter - but a barista - but you stop because you are slightly transfixed by the kindness that glows from him 
you’ve never seen someone else radiate so......positively
suddenly one of his friends calls out his name, asks if he’s going to join them as they head back to get their bikes
yukhei looks at you before he answers - “i could walk you home, since it is late.”
“that’s ok, thank you for offering.” you push your hands behind your back a little as you tell him goodnight, before you’re a couple of steps away someone from his group shouts out
“yukhei’s not only good with dirt bikes - he’s a good kisser too-”
by the sound of it, yukhei jumps on his friend and tells him to shut up! you hear the aftermath of the scuffle, but don’t turn around as you giggle to yourself
a couple of times after that, you see yukhei simply in passing
sometimes you’re in the middle of your shift and he walks by the window with his friends, he looks up and sees you and waves - but he doesn’t come in
you wave back every time and a part of you pinches when he the door doesn’t open after
other times, you’ll see him after work - or you’ll hear his bike somewhere and he slows down to ask how work is before speeding off to catch up with friends
little bits and pieces of interactions, never anything more than that 
you don’t really tell sicheng about it either, he grumbles enough about the noise they make and the other things he doesn’t like so you decide not to bother even though he’s a close friend
and the twilights of a little crush on yukhei are most definitely seeping into your brain
but everything changes when you find yourself closing the cafe after a super busy saturday, where you hadn’t been able to get everyone out until it hit past eleven.
the boss had thanked you profously and promised a good overtime check since you’d stayed so late
and you were too exhausted to be too mad about having to stay past your schedule
as you went through your routine, you nearly jumped from your skin when the door opened and you turned to explain - no really, you were closed now when you came face to face with yukhei
the side of his cheek is obviously bruised, scrapes that look like bad road rash cascade down past the angle of his jaw and onto his neck
he limps a little when he makes it across the doors threshold and you see dried blood on his knuckles
“yukhei?” you rush over and take him by forearm, making sure to hold onto the skin that isn’t covered in some kind of wound
“yukhei what are you doing here - did you fall off your bike, you have to go to a hospital now!”
not anywhere close to being a doctor, you can only prematurely tend to him with the cheap ass first aid kit from the kitchen
the entire time you keep saying that he has to go to the hospital
and yukhei mumbles that he doesn’t know where one is, his friends weren’t with him either - he got hurt alone - so he came to the only place that was close by and familiar
you look up at him - he’s sitting on the same bar stool that sicheng is usually in  and you’re standing between his legs, bottle of ointment uncapped on the counter - bandages in your hand
“ok, ill take you - ill call a friend who has a car.”
“im ok.”
he lifts a hand and wraps it gently around your wrist. you can feel the wear on his skin from his leather gloves and old callouses from old injuries
he stares at you and the only light is from the kitchen, flickering on and off
“you’re not ok, you might have a more serious internal injur-”
“if i was bleeding inside, i would know.”
you frown, he says it like it has happened before - you wonder how many times has yukhei fell off his bike, or gotten hurt some other way - how many times has he done it alone 
“fine, you don’t have to go now but go sometime soon. promise me.”
he looks at you, the autumn chestnut color you saw when you first met him is glazed now in a darker brown. 
“ill promise you if you promise me something too.”
swallowing, you become acutely aware of how close you are - his knees are grazing either side of your thighs. your wrist is still in his lax hold.
you smell sweat, blood, and cologne on him. he smells the tiredness of your work on you.
“this isn’t a joke yukhei, i just want you to be-”
“i will go, i promise but promise me something too.”
“ok. ok fine, what? do you want free coffee or -”
“promise you’ll kiss me at least once before this summer is over.”
before you even realize it, you agree. simply because you want him so badly to go to the hospital, or at least that’s how you come to terms with it on your own.
you itch as the promise swirls around your head, even hours after you watched yukhei walk away from your front door - banged up and bruised and stilling insisting on walking you home
when you see sicheng the next day, you want to tell him about everything because your head feels like a tangled mess 
but you don’t - you just pick at the strings of your apron, make drinks and heat up pastries 
three days go by and yukhei doesn’t show himself anywhere. he’s not even in his group of friends who you see once again on the boardwalk one night after work
you somehow push past the nervous feeling and ask one of them where he is
“ah, his bike is all fucked up so he’s been mopping about it while it’s in the shop.”
“did he go to the hospital?”
the guy laughs, shakes his head - “knowing yukhei, probably not. but we haven’t seen him for a while either.”
you say thank you and turn to leave - you hear some kind of buzzing, some kind of mention of you and yukhei and what kind of ‘relationship’ you’re in - but you push past it
you don’t even know where he lives, let alone where he rides his bike so you can’t really go and check on him
you have to wait for him to come to you - that bothers you.
you stop and return to the group, who all simmer to silence when you come close again.
“where do you guys usually ride your bikes?”
you’ve never been this far up the beach, mostly because this part is relatively blocked off from swimming because of the high ridges of rocks and the part of the coast that disappears into the mountains 
there’s a trail for hikers that leads off and into the trees, but you don’t go there - worried you’ll get lost without a map or guidance
yukhei’s friends said they mostly biked here  - dirt bikes aren’t motorcycles you know that right babe?
you cross your hands over your chest - on your one free day of the week, you want to be splayed out on your floor under a fan. not looking for yukhei - someone who is practically a stranger to you
is he though? we might have talked less times than i can count on all my fingers but would i really call him a stranger?
you look around but it seems barren, almost eerily quiet and isolated
so when the loud sound of an engine roars from that opening into the mountains, you almost teeter back 
with a flair of dirt and sand that flies toward you in a storm, you hear a bike rip down and into dune
the red bike strikes against the sizzling backdrop of the summer day and your eyes widen when you see it do a half-circle and come to a halt
yukhei pulls the helmet off and shakes his sweaty hair from his forehead - he looks over at you and you think you have lost the ability to speak
i know im supposed to be angry and concerned, but he looks so hot it’s almost unfair
the road rash on his cheek is healing better than expected, but his wounds are all still clear as day - scabbing as they heal
he doesn’t get off the bike - just looks at you and then beckons you over with a tilt of his head
you almost protest because you came here to be all strong willed and insist that he go see the doctor, also when did his bike get out of the shop? 
but you bend to the command and make your way over
he kills the engine and stares at you - you stare back
“where have you been?”
“i went to the hospital like i promised.”
the sudden confession makes you drop your hands - “really! what did they say?”
“no internal bleeding.” he leans his body slightly over the side of his bike “told you id know if i was dying.”
“still, im happy you went. it’s better to be safe than so-” 
he drops his helmet on the sand and your sentence cuts off with the sound
“so i kept my promise, do you want to keep yours now?”
don’t be silly, im not kissing you - you don’t even like me and i don’t -
all the excuses in your brain just get lost in the jumble that’s already made a home up there, so you just decide that fine. you will keep that idiotic, dumb, heat of the moment promise.
you grab yukhei by the sides of his tank top, starling him as you push yourself toward his mouth
using the leveraged grip you let your hold relax only enough so that you can dig your nails through the fabric and into the skin of his ribs
yukhei makes a growling noise into your mouth that is somehow more sweltering than the summer sun
he cranes his neck slightly so when you run your tongue across the slip of his lips he can easily grant you any of the access you require, one hand goes up to grip the back of his neck
he takes one hand from the handles of the bike and slips it to the small of your back - then up between your shoulder blades as he pushes you closer
it’s supposed to be one kiss. one little, flimsy kiss, and yet the attraction you feel between you two is so charged that you cannot stop
you only break back to see if yukhei feels the same thing, and it is written all over his face, he does
that and the way he tells you to step back as he gets off the bike, it falls to the sand and you start to ask why in the world he’s so careless with everything when he just wraps you up in his arms and starts kissing you again
“i wont be careless when it comes to you”
his mouth is magical, even more so as it drags down to your neck and the layer of sweat between your bodies is threatening to turn to fucking cement and keep you stuck in this embrace for the rest of eternity (not that either of you would mind)
but it’s so hot and you are not about to fall back on this sand - so you somehow manage to tell yukhei to meet you later tonight
“want a ride home?” he pants, but you unglue yourself from the plane of his perfect chest and shake your head, “meet me at ten.”
yukhei is there on time. he didn’t bring his bike, which is a good idea considering the noise it would make, he looks so sweet when you come downstairs and he asks if you want to go on a date
a date, like go get dinner if you haven’t had any or play boardwalk games until midnight
you say yes. just not tonight 
yukhei’s look of childish confusion makes you laugh as you take his hand and lead him back inside.
sicheng might have warned you about yukhei being “bad”, the only little problem is you might have always been the “bad” one all along 
with how big, strong, dirt biking yukhei looks up at you with absolute awe as you forgo chitchat over shared ice-cream and push him down onto the sheets of your bed
in the morning, you have to go to work and yukhei has to leave through the window, but you kiss him one last time and he mumbles he’ll meet you after your shift
“now i do have a boyfriend to walk me home, huh?” 
you giggle and yukhei nearly trips over himself at the word
you do let yukhei take you on a date, of course you do - and it’s as soft and sweet as you expect because yukhei is the opposite of what he looks like at first glance
all the bruises, all the confidence, all the arrogant handsomeness that is ingrained in his perfect features is just a cover. he’s a big teddy bear.
refusing to let you pay, giving you his jacket, offering to come over early and help you lock up
holding your hand gently, kissing your forehead when you complain about dumb customers, the absolute sugary-sweet pillow talk that sometimes makes you feel like you’re in a hallmark movie romcom
when sicheng catches yukhei with a hand around your waist on the boardwalk - he nearly calls the police, but you explain everything - sans the more intimate details and it takes a long time for sicheng to accept it but
you are happy, god you are so happy it is pouring out of you - especially when you are with yukhei
even your boss warms up to him (only him, the rest of his buddies are basically barred from coming into the cafe) 
and yukhei, when you see him with others, it’s obvious that he is an extroverted charmer - one afternoon he helps you with orders and when he returns, the receipt is covered in numbers
of course - he crumples it and tosses it into the garbage as he lets a secret hand sneak up your shirt behind the shield of the counter
and then, the summer is whisking away, and you feel the first kisses of autumn when yukhei is helping you steady yourself on the dirt bike - even though you refuse to actually ever ride it
you shiver at the breeze and yukhei feels your goosebumps under his fingertips
“hey, are you going to leave once summer is over - i know you and your friends are just staying here because it’s a great place to bike but-”
he leans down and buries his face in your hair
“why, you gonna miss me if i leave?”
you reach behind you to try and flick him, but he dodges
“i just wanted to know - if i should get ready for heartbreak or-”
“don’t ever say that, i would never hurt you.” 
his tone drops and you know he’s being serious
“i love you and im not going anywhere.”
he helps you off the bike and then pulls you into his arms
you whisper, but yukhei hears it and you feel him nod 
a couple of years later, you hear a loud sound from the living room and rush out to the garage 
you see yukhei rubbing his head - wrench in one hand and a broken looking bike on the floor
“what happened?!”
“i didn’t put the kick stand down all the way so it toppled over”
you kneel down beside him and examine him for any wounds, 
yukhei watches you and the concern that is always so bright and tender in your eyes when it comes to him
you turn his hand over to make sure, the engagement band on his finger catches the light as you do 
the matching one on your hand feels cool against his skin.
“you’re so careless, seriously!”
you puff your cheeks out and chide him with all the love, he smiles back and leans in to kiss your frown
“true, but im never careless with you.”
you roll your eyes, but it’s true - ever since he first said it till now. 
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arsyirachie · 3 years
Photograph Journey ~Hiroshima & Kanagawa Hen~ English Translation
Note :
english wasn't my main language, and me also still studying Japanese...
Therefore, please kindly understand that this translation might not that accurate^^
Chapter : Hiroshima Route Prologue / Opening -part 1-
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If I take a look at the calendar, it's almost the end of summer....
Even so, the heat still as hot as in the middle of summer.
One day, my condition wasn't quite good that I need to stay on bed.
I got a fever since last night, and I didn't leave my futon until this morning.
Haruho :
*Cough cough*
Richard :
"Are you okay?"
Haruho :
"Mm.... It's alright. Also, I'm sorry...."
Richard :
"Why are you apologizing? Sick person didn't need to apologize at all"
Haruho :
"But.... I've been causing Richard too much trouble since yesterday...."
Richard :
"Hey! hey! Don't get in low spirit and putting your face down like that, that's no good y'know~"
"I know that having strong sense of responsibility is one of your good traits, even so, at least when you're sick, please be more dependant on people around you"
Haruho :
"...yes. Thank you, Richard"
Richard :
"It's nothing!"
"If there's anything I can help you with, please tell me, okay? I'll do anything!
Haruho :
Richard is always kind to me who is having cough.
Talking about Richard.... Actually, he is a foreigner who are currently living in homestay in my house. He come from English.
Since long ago, my dad and Richard's dad has been close friends...
And so, when Richard come to Japan, it's decided that he will stay here.
He is a gentle person, or you can say he's very kind and polite.
Since he like Japan very much, he always brimming with curiosity.
He really want to know about anything related to Japanese.
He kinda like a full spirit brother to me.
Richard :
"It's about the time you should eat something, I'll go and made some porridge first."
Haruho :
"Thank you. But, Richard... You can make a porridge?"
Richard :
"Of course! Yesterday your mom taught me how to make it!"
Haruho :
"Is that so.... Then, I'll be in your care"
Richard :
After smiling at me, Richard went to the kitchen and disappear from my sights.
Richard is always enthusiastically nursing me.
Whenever I opened my eyes after having a nightmare, he is always besides me. Thanks to that, I can feel a bit relaxed even after having a nightmare.
But still... Getting sick is really....
My body feel hot and sluggish.
I feel like a in daze, having my head absent-mindedly.
That's why, when I'm alone in the room, the silence will immediately permeate.
If I'm alone, im sure it will be lonely as I need to take care of myself alone. I'm glad Richard is here....
Talking about that....
As my minds in a daze, I recalled about some memories of the past.
(at that time... When I were feeling anxious, there was a boy who filled my empty heart)
As I closed my eyes, from a long long buried memories, his figure comes to mind.
(what a nostalgic feeling.... Ah, no...)
I can recalled it vividly, as if our last meeting wasn't long ago, but happened just recently.
But, the boy in my mind... He was much younger than the current me.
So many times has passed, but I can't stop thinking about it.
---Ah, that's right.
Whenever I feel sick and lonely, it always made me recalled about those days.
Those days... When I were still a little girl---
Back then when I still 6th grade on elementary school, I lived in Hiroshima.
The me at that time, she were more shy person compared to my current self.
I were transferred into different schools so many times due to my parents job. On the other side, I'm also not good at making friends, thus I don't have many friends.
What worse, during the time when I moved to Hiroshima, my condition suddenly worsened.
Eventhough the symptoms weren't that bad, i had to be hospitalized for a while.
After finally getting closer with my classmates, but now I couldn't meet them.
Being hospitalized alone, it was so lonely for me who were still elementary schoolers.
Haruho :
"Umm, Mom.... I beg you, please come to visit me everyday, okay?"
Asking something like that, I just want to be spoiled by my mother after being hospitalized.
But, since my mother is very busy, she couldn't keep thinking about me only
After being hospitalized, she always visiting me everyday fo a while, but...
Mom :
"I'm sorry, Haruho. Tommorow mom have a lot of works to do, so I might not be able to come visit you. But, mom will surely come to visit you again"
Haruho :
"But, Mom...."
Mom :
"Mom really sorry.... But, you are a good girl right? I'm sure you will be okay"
Haruho :
Since mom said something like that, it can't be helped.
(Even if mom not coming and I alone here, I must stay obedient)
(Because I am a 'good girl' after all)
I keep telling that to myself and secluded myself inside that sick room.
Because it was quite scary for my little self to wandering out alone in hospital.
But, as I spent day by day alone, gradually i started to enjoy having time for myself.
Haruho :
"I already finished reading all the books that mom brought for me"
(should I try to ask mom to buy me some new books when she coming here? Just right in the moment there's a book that I want to read...)
(but hey... Now that I take a look to the outside...)
"The weather outside seems nice..."
"Hmm... Should I go out for a little bit...?"
Just like that, I try to encouraged myself.
That day, for the first time, I went out from my sick room.
(Ah---- so this is what's outside the hospital building....)
(What a beautiful garden. There are plenty of flowers in bloom)
As I walking around the garden, I caught a figure of small animal hiding behind some plants.
(Ah! There's a cat here!)
Haruho :
"Come kitty, come here..."
As I try to approach it slowly, the cat suddenly ran off.
Haruho :
"Ah, Mr cat, wait---"
I try cat chase that ran away cat.
As I trying to run with all my might, finally I am able to catch up the cat.
Haruho :
"It's okay Mr. Cat. I won't do anything bad to you."
As I try to reach out my palm, the cat seems a bit hesitant. But, after a while, finally the cat come closer and begin to lick my hand.
(Eh? He licked my hand)
"Hehe... He's so cute"
As I crouching down and hold the cat, at that time....
Haruho :
".. .?"
I can see the tip of someone's shoes.
Just like that, I try to raised my head.
"What a cute cat..."
There, standing a figure of a boy with somewhat fragile atmosphere.
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//Continue to part 2🎉🎉//
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chicoboco · 4 years
Suzuki Aina’s 1st Photobook interview
Today is Ainya’s birthday! 2 years ago, I worked with Ray to bring you the interview from her first photobook “Airabu.” ! Enjoy reading as our favourite shiny ojiisan share with us her experiences as she goes around Kominato Railway and look back at the past 2 years, and pray for us to get a 2nd photobook of our smol ojiisan!!
The scenery from the train window, the station gives me a nostalgic feeling.
The location of this photo album was taken at Kominato Railway in Chiba Prefecture. With three patterns of costumes, with the first costume being a school girl’s uniform.
Ainya: I was worried that I would look like a fake high school girl (laugh). But I was able to remember the nostalgic feeling about the high school days and I was very happy.
Rather than a fake high school girl, isn’t it more like a junior high school?
Ainya: Junior high school is too young you know!  (laugh)
I’m sorry (laugh), it wasn’t meant to sound weird
Ainya: No, it’s okay. I don’t mind, anyway, thank you. (laugh)
The shoot that was taken in the train had a nice atmosphere didn’t it?
Ainya: Well I’m from Hokkaido, and the train was running in a similar atmosphere.
It certainly does not seem strange to be running in Hokkaido
Ainya: It is, well the trains I mean. We can see the rice fields and there are no tall buildings visible from the train window, the scenery and the train station are also nice. It has the same familiar atmosphere as my hometown. In addition to having to wear the uniforms, I started to feel all the nostalgia come back to me.
Have you ever been on a train?
Ainya: I have, that was when I was in high school. While shaking and rattling for about an hour, I fell asleep
At the time of the shoot, did you feel like you were returning back to the high school days?
Ainya: Mm that’s right. The theme of this photobook is “Journey”.  When I was actually travelling on Kominato Railway, it felt like I was going on “A journey to look back on life” and it reminded me of my high school days.
I see. By the way, while inside the train, you were playing (messing) around with the hanging strap like crazy weren’t you?
Ainya: At that time, there weren’t many people on the train so I messed around like crazy (laughs). Of course when a passenger comes, I won’t scare them away.
I understand (laugh). By the way, have you ever actually traveled by yourself?
Ainya: I haven’t, because my sense of direction is pretty bad. Even when I was at my parents house, I felt like “travelling by myself was unthinkable” (laugh)
It’s dangerous to have Aina to travel alone huh (laugh)
Ainya: Yeah that’s right (laugh)! Because there’s a possibility that I will get lost while wandering aimlessly. Of course there is always that feeling of wanting to go somewhere far away by myself. A desire to walk around a place with good scenery while listening to a music.
Is there any place you would like to travel by yourself specifically?
Ainya: During the shoot this time I soaked my feet in the foot bath right? Well I love hot springs in the first place but thanks to that foot bath, my love to hot spring become even stronger!. So I would like to go around Atami. (TL Note: Atami is a hot spot for hot springs)
It is quite close from Tokyo so it may be nice right?
Ainya: Ah, but it will be too lonely to go to the hot spring alone (laugh). That’s why, if I go I’ll drag my friends! It will be a short trip by train.
It will be a fun trip. However, it seems to be still a long way for you to go on a trip by yourself.
Ainya: It is. I wonder if I can become more independent?  (laugh)
Experiencing my first foot bath helped me relaxing my mind and body as I remembering my childhood
The second costume was a one piece, a cardigan, and a straw hat. What do you think of this costume?
Ainya: A white one-piece cloth and a straw hat gives off this street girl feeling isn’t? It’s packed with the feelings of a pure girl. Something that’s been loved by everyone since a long time ago, and that no one dislikes. Because I haven’t really had the experience of wearing those sort of “pure girl” clothes, being able to wear them makes me happy. The thought of “girls wearing these kind of clothes often appear in anime” and “a girl that is smiling and laughing on a sunflower field while basking under the summer sun” came to my mind while i’m wearing it, (laugh)
But instead of sunflower field, it’s a quite nice scene how the costume reflected together with the ripened flowers
Ainya: Really? I also thought how the ripe flowers blossoms were cute.
The clothes, your presence and the the ripen flowers. The feeling of these three things combined were giving this nice feeling
Ainya: Im so happy! Thank you very much!
Do your feelings also change when you are wearing the clothes?
Ainya: It gave me the feeling that I be more graceful than usual. While waiting for a train, I thought that “I should not do things that look indecent or too vulgar”. Ah, it’s not like I’m usually indecent or anything! (laugh)!
I don’t think you’re like that. Well, occasionally you do something weird don’t you? (Laugh)
Ainya: That’s right! There are times where I do stupid things (laugh)! Anyway, when I was wearing those clothes, I wanted to behave a bit more elegantly. That one piece must not be disgraced!
That feeling, was then able to be reflected on the 3rd costume isn’t?
Ainya: That’s correct. That costume is like the clothes that I wear usually and something I thought that I would love to wear. I didn’t feel out of place wearing it and I was just in my usual self.
It just felt really natural huh?
Ainya: That’s how I feel. Also, sometimes I wore sneakers and beach sandals, so I thought there’s this “summer” atmosphere feeling in my heart.
The feeling of playing around on the riverside was also nice isn’t it?
Ainya: Ah! It’s time to fish! I’m in high spirits when I do that~ (laughs)
Also in this costume you soaked in the foot bath which I was talking about just now
Ainya: That foot bath was my first experience, and it feel really pleasant! Although it was only the legs that were soaked, it’s amazing how my whole body was also also warmed up from the foot bath.
Nonetheless it is nice to have a foot bath at the station isn’t it?
Ainya: I really think so! Especially in the winter! If you’re tired from work and you’re on the way home, having a foot bath by the station is the best thing. I want my home station to have one too~  (laugh)
Seeing old trains and soaking your legs in the foot bath at this station gives off a nice feeling huh?
Ainya: Yeah, I thought that I could stay here forever. I wanted to stay more~
Overall, what are your thoughts on this location?
Ainya: To summaries, I really enjoyed myself. I think that it was a good journey in sense that it made me feel like I was in my teenage years again.
Are you feeling that you just had both a train journey and a space-time journey while relaxing and soaking in a foot bath?
Ainya: It felt exactly like that. Somehow it’s kind of embarrassing (laugh). But it was really comfortable. Everyone, if you get the chance to visit, please try to soak in the foot bath! (TL Note: “space-time journey” I’m guessing it’s talking about whether the foot bath felt spiritual or something like that)
Looking back at the first installment series… I thought that I grew a little bit
In this photo album from the March 2016 issue, Suzuki’s series that is still going on “Magical Girl Miracle Aina” are also included. I heard that you used to like “Magical Girl” from a long time ago?
Ainya: I liked it a lot! Since I was young, as I’ve always liked concepts like “Magical Girls” and “Transforming girls”, I used to watch those on TV a lot. For example…when I was in elementary school, the show I liked was “Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch. I yearned to be like Mermaid Princess Naomi Ruchia-Chan who would transform and sing songs. Later on of course, I also loved “Beautiful fighting girls Sailor Moon”! Other than that, “Futari wa pretty cure” and “Magical Doremi”…
It’s all coming out huh? (laugh)
Ainya: I’m sorry (laugh). Oh, and also, I really liked “Fushigiboshi no ☆ Futagohime ” – It is a story about the twin princesses that try very hard to use magic! Anyway, when I was a child I really had a longing for  magical girls. I’ve always pretended to be a magical girl and I thought “I also want to fly in the sky one day” (laugh)
In Seiyuu Paradise, your dream of becoming a magical girl has came true didn’t?
Ainya: Yes! I also was longing for “Futago Hime” at that time, so I thought that I wanted to be a princess, and it also came true at the second series (May 2016 issue). I was really happy~
By the way, do you remember the time when the shoot was taken at the hamburger shop for the first series (March 2016 issue)?
Ainya: Yes. At that time, as I wasn’t used to taking pictures at all. I didn’t know how to strike poses, even when I was told to “walk a little there”, I was worrying over “How should I walk?”~
Then, looking back on the first photos how do you feel?
Ainya: It’s embarrassing (laugh). When I look at close ups of my pictures, I think “Wow, I’m really doing my best!”. But even though it’s embarrassing, I think I’m doing pretty well now. When I look at the pictures, it feels like I may be growing up properly now.
I see.
Ainya: Also, I think that through this series, I’ve also learned various things such as posing and expressions.
You said that you wanted to be a magical girl when you was in elementary school, but what kind of girl was Suzuki-san when she was a junior high school student?
Ainya: I like to move my body around a lot so I entered the track and field club. However, even though I had the stamina, I didn’t have power at all. So I was doing medium to long distance runs.
To say that you like to move your body, did you had a fun when you become a professional tennis player in the fourth series (September 2016 issue)?
Ainya: It was a lot of fun! However, although I like to move my body , I’m not good at any sports that involves balls, I can’t play tennis that well, after all, I don’t have the power, So I guess I’m not suitable for sports that involves balls I guess~
Actually in the previous issue of Seiyuu Paradise, A.U was also also wearing a tennis player outfit! And coincidentally you were also wearing a tennis player outfit. A.U thinks that you’re super cute in that outfit.
Ainya: No no no! No way! A.U is 100 times cuter than me! I swear! I truly respect her as a voice actor and even being compared to her is ridiculous!
In the next fifth series (November 2016 issue), you became a maid right?
Ainya: That’s right. I was wearing mint blue costumes, and I remember that costume was so cute. Speaking about maids, I think a white apron with black outfit is a classic one. But I also really liked that costume. By the way, I’ve been always wanted to try becoming a maid.
Why is that?
Ainya: I always liked Moe-type animations, and maid costume are one of the items that’s indispensable to Moe. So, when I was a high school student I thought that I would like to work as part-time at a maid cafe, although it didn’t come true.
In this series, you are becoming to what you really want. In the sixth series (January 2017 issue) you become Alice from “Alice in Wonderland”
Ainya: I really love it! if I get asked “What costume you would like wear again in this series?”, I will choose this costume. Of course, I really love “Alice in Wonderland” I was really happy!
Earlier you said that you “wear costumes”.
Ainya: Oh, no! I was “transforming” using magic! I’m making such a careless mistake ~ (laugh)
In the eighth series (May 2017 issue), you made the “transformation” to Tinkerbell and Wendy from the “Peter Pan”
Ainya: I was happy to be able to become Tinker Bell, a familiar character when I was a at young age. It had a dreamlike feeling as if I could go to “Neverland”.
You said you want to become Wendy.
Ainya: It’s the feeling of my brother saying “If I have a sister like that, I’m going to paper you”. (laughs)
Huh? You mean “sister” right?
Ainya: That’s right. it’s the elder daughter of two sisters, and there’s also a sister who is still under 2 years old. (TL Note: At this point they are probably talking about Tinker Bell which I have no knowledge on, sorry if I get anything wrong!)
Well, of course, you would like your sisters to be like Wendy, wouldn’t you?
Ainya: I wonder? (laugh) No, we get along well! Usually, because I’m really carefree while my little sister is the serious one, there’s a lot of times where she has to pull me back. It’s become a situation where the roles of the older and younger sister are reversed… I’m embarrassed.
What a sight for the eyes (laughs). But it’s a nice relationship isn’t it?. You seem to have learned folk songs since childhood, is it together with your sister?
Ainya: Yes. We were doing folk songs together. So there are dozens of yukatas and kimonos in our house.
As it turned out, the yukata appearance of the ninth series (July 2017 issue) really suits you well.
Ainya: Thank you very much. Certainly at that time, I had to stop “transforming” and “change clothes” like a normal person. (laugh).
I see.
Ainya: Really, because I was doing folk songs, it just makes me feel calm whenever I wear a yukata, and I like to eat soumen to help me feel more relaxed.
After that on the tenth series (September 2017 issue), you became a wife and the child. I don’t think that there’s that many people who can perform both at the same time
Ainya: For me, I also have the desire that “I want to be a good wife someday” and I’m glad it become a reality. Also because there’s the children, I also want to play as the child!
You’re probably the only seiyuu that entered the stroller. (laugh)
Ainya: Even though I’m considerably small, that stroller is quite cramped (laugh). Even so, to become the wife & the child at the same time, if you think about it, it is amazing. (laugh)
It sure is (laugh). Well, looking back on the series again, what do you think?
Ainya: When I look back at the two years of history, I start to feel somewhat emotional. Also it’s all thanks to Seiyuu Paradise R, the staff behind this, and everyone that have been supporting for allowing me to be able to continue to serialize the series. Just thinking about it like that, the word “Thank you” really is the only thing that comes to my mind.
This photo collection is packed with my 2 years of growth and appreciation
Then, what kind of book do you think this photo collection is?
Ainya: Generally, I think it became a book that’s filled with my feelings of “gratitude”. 2 years ago, I was in a state not knowing what to do, but I was helped and raised by so many people. I think that is exactly how this series appears, and in this Kominato Tetsudo location, I took the feeling of gratitude from everyone to my heart.
This photo collection included about two years of growth and appreciation isn’t?
Ainya: It is that kind of feeling.
As you was talking earlier, the way you makes expression may has change considerably
Ainya: It was awkward at the beginning because the smile was kinda forced. Everyone who looked at this photo collection would surely be thinking like “she’s getting the hang of this”. Now I can even make a pretty natural smile and a brave smile.
Even the relaxed smile on that foot bath scene may not have been happened?
Ainya: I don’t think that I could have done it.
Finally, a message to those who bought this photo collection!
Ainya: Truly, thank you so much for buying this photo collection! It was only because all of you that we could realize the dream of releasing a photo collection. From now on, I will continue to work hard so that I can become a voice actress that everyone will think “I want to support her.”, please continue supporting me!
Everyone who bought this photo collection must have been waiting for the second book!
Ainya: No way! It’s still too early! But if it possible to do such a thing, I wish I could give out a different feeling from this one.
Oh, is that mean a 2nd photo collection will come out?
Ainya: Aha, no way. it’s still too early! Anyway, please enjoy this 1st photo collection from corner to corner!
TL – Chicoboco, Ray
TLC, QC – Ray
Thank you all for reading this! We wish Ainya a very happy birthday!
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merrysithmas · 5 years
Chief Hopper
but it is El, quietly and distinctly not telepathically, protecting the small town she came to love far into her future even after all her friends have moved on. her first and only home. the site of the thinnest veil between worlds. after hopper protected her with his life she picked up his hat, indiana jones style. she is a person of few words, who keeps to herself. but she conveys her concern by her eyes - trustworthy and serious eyes - and the townspeople have come to rely on her as their town bumbles slowly into the future, unnoticed by the rest of the world.
el has come to love it here. the sand in her toes by lover's lake, the solitude of the night, the familiar gleam of local signs in the cold, the know it all neighbors, the kids swimming in the public pools in summer screaming and happy. caramel apples in the fall, her favorite tv set, tuned every night to channel 12 at 9pm, to see a familiar face. and beneath it all, a shadow that must stay a shadow.
and one day, far in the future, it happens. the bad thing.
and she debates it, she actually does, but thinks -- i have to call them. i do.
and the phone screams off the hook in the dark silence of mike's seattle apartment, but he doesnt frantically duck in from the rain until ten seconds later, shining lacquered fingernails pulling him in for another rain-drenched kiss as the ringer dies. things are spikey and new and exciting again, his keys clang as he tosses them against the table, wet jackets in a pile on the floor, boots dragging silt from the sidewalk. wires crisscross the flooring, from the kitchen to the living room, to the closets, to the bedroom. a fire hazard to be sure. there are a thousand sticky notes piled over one another on the fridge with coding project due dates, all of them missed. dozens of photos of art people would never expect him to be into under magnets, a tv guide flipped to a specific schedule, a picture of the twin city and two old friends embraced by the skyline, one decked out in scholarly robes. the dark apartment in littered with band posters, ash trays, notebooks with half written storylines, stacks of video games and books he refuses to grow out of. the locks on the door go click, as the web he is building hums omnipotently on the servers with blinking green lights in the dark. some people would say he doesnt have a life -- some people have no imagination.
lucas' pager goes off as he gets out of a meeting in downtown chicago - he thinks its maya, asking him about this morning. his expression freezes when he sees the number. and he fumbles, heart speeding up. he almost rips it off his belt and whips it into the pavillion. but breathing hard, he looks at it again, just to make sure he didnt make it up. no - ever the realist - of course he didnt. there it is. the number. it's there. and he turns, having just been offered the promotion of a lifetime should he nail next week's meeting, looking up at the giant monolithic towers like they are suddenly unforgiving guards in a game he forgot how to play years ago. damnit, damnit, damnit. he pulls his suitjacket over his head as it starts to rain. the concrete glimmers and he sees his reflection running, running beneath him.
dustin's secretary hounds him as he flits away buzzing assistants who are preparing him to go on air, "but mr henderson... mr henderson... it's-". she gets hollered away. they go on in ten! "how many times have i told you my precious precious -gregarious- brenda, write. me. a note. do we not have paper in here? make a smoke signal, fingerpaint it just let. me. prep. alone! thank you!" he repeats and repeats tonights bits, looking at himself in the mirror, practing a couple pre-canned facial expressions. but his expression cracks like glass breaking when the note jammed into the corner comes into focus. Chief El Hopper - with the phone number scribbled below in Brenda's unmistakable pink ink, underlined three times. dustin forgets all his lines.
max gets an email - it happened. her eyes are glued to the dark screen and she struggles to bring her fingers up to the keyboard, ocean lapping at the silence in the background. she turns, facing the giant window and the dark sea ahead. the computer backlights her. california is a world away. her hair got even longer, her shorts shorter, her attitude sharper and keener. her eyes kind and carefree again. a lot has changed. but suddenly she feels shrunken, younger, more alone. she hears the heap computer's fan gasping behind her, the email still up. waiting. the headlights coming up the drive in the familiar, comforting station wagon catch her eyes. it's dad. older, more frail, just as loving, just as light. and maybe if she doesnt look back at the screen, itll disappear.
and will.
will knew.
he always just did.
he is there, on the front porch, when she opens her door the next morning. without prompting. like a ghost that haunts you he says, "no one ever really leaves the place that made them." he touches the doorframe, as if studying the wood, nostalgically, a half regretful smile on his lips.
she gives him a pleading and apologetic expression.
and he hugs her back.
"im sorry, will," el says, searching his eyes for fear, blame, anything.
"why?" he responds, searchingly.
"i couldnt keep it closed," she confesses, broken up, confused as to how, or why, or when.
"then we will fix it together," he says with a strength she forgot he had, and feels his warm hand over her own. the light above them brightens approvingly as if to emphasize his worlds.
but his hand starts to go cold, and he takes it away almost too suddenly. his answer to her questioning look is a hurried reponse about getting his bags and he descends the stairs.
the phone rings behind her before she can follow.
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rinovarka · 7 years
questions questions game:
rules are: if you get tagged you gotta say the rules, answer the questions, create your own questions (11) and tag 11 others so the cycle can continue. so I will tag people, but only answer if ya want!!
so the questions by @epoint25…
1. favorite scene from any movie
…I am racking my brains to remember BEST EVER SCENE but I cant?? Im at a loss??? Maybe the end scene in Dreamwork’s “Home” where Oh gives the “stone” to the Gorg, and explains why the Gorg wanted it so much?? I also love the scene in El Libro de la Vida where Manuel has to deal with the giant skeletal bull…any Cinderella movie the scene where Cinderella is able to leave her abusive fam forever…
Favorite scene in any text story (as I feel these more deeper) are
a)IDW Trypticon in Transformers:Salvation, his end…I only read this is TFWiki (as I JUST read the entire TFwiki on My Son just now) and…Trypticon across all Transformers series has been created for hate and destruction and has never had a say in his like…and the fact that he gets the opportunity to be free and…I cried….
b)scene in the book called “The Rapture Effect” where….basically, the AI, called “Core” in the story is trying to stop a war between an alien group and humanity, and eventually just…has an emotional breakdown and feels so bad about mistakes they made and feels alone and stressed, so two main protagonist humans help them out…and one of the humans have the same kind of insecurities and???? Its an amazing book okay, a recommended read, (though it has some rly drawn out tension and 0/10 female characterization,0/10 use of the diverseness of characters, needs a rewrite bc it has so much potential)
c)How to Train Your Dragon book series, not just a scene but…the whole arc with Furious, and Hiccup growing…aaaaa!!! (please read the series)
2. movie or tv show sequels or spin-offs that you think were a mistake.
…I am also at a loss again??? Can’t think of one rn sorry???
3. do you have siblings, if so do you get along with them?
I have an older sister and brother, I have an ok relationship with them, not as close as I suppose people “normally” have tho…
4. are you a city slicker or a farmboy (boy in this case being nongender specific)?
I live in the suburbs BUT if I had to choose…and its a close call…farm! I love to garden, ( I grew okra this summer, and am trying to grow kale, salad, and swiss chard!), and love the countryside nature. I love city too tho….
5. what was the best grade for you? elementary? high school? College?
Definitely college. In each grade, I ALWAYS had some existential crisis, especially in college, and social anxiety! BUT…I can deal with those crises better than I can with school drama and social circles. In college, aint nobody care about what you do! So, my last two years in high school, I WAS in college at the same time, and hOO boy I would make a storytime about senior year problems!
6. what’s your comfort video game? what do you play to relax?
…I don’t play video games, sorry!
7. who is your favorite actor, and what did you first see them in?
…I don’t particularly care for movies or celebrities tbh XD
8. which do you like more: marvel, dc, dark horse, other?
…dont murder me but I do not like either at all XD. I can not care for the superhero genre if my life depended on it! THOUGH, @eoscomic, @heartstoppercomic , @rejectedprincesses, and @iguanamouth sometimes makes cute comics that can be…weird? in a good way??
9. are you a fan of the transformers? if yes who’s your fav? if not, what is your fav robot\alien tv show-movie-comic-what have you?
…mmmm I have mixed feelings about Transformers…basically, I like certain concepts and characters in various series and know what generally happens in a good amount of continuities, but in no way would I sit down and read/watch a whole series…and I find it hard to talk to people in fandom and feel like people don’t like what I think, so I guess I am not a fan?? Maybe?? pseudofan??
Favorite characters….you cant make me choose just one…Trypticon, Metroplex, Astrotrain, Sunstorm, Skyfire, Starscream, Soundwave, Hound, Huffer, Tracks, Cosmos, Omega Supreme, Kappa Supreme…many I cant think on top of my head aaaa!!!
If you like having your feels ripped out of your limbic system, and sentient robots, watch Brave Police J Deckerd.
10. favorite yankee candle scent\flavor
I have SEEN Yankee Candles before, but I don’t buy candles. My sister buys Bath and Body Work Candles, and I think they smell good!! Dont remember the smells I like, though I remember there was a tomato vine scented candle and it smelled like hell…
11. can you cook? what can you cook? if you can’t cook what food do you like above all else?
I love cooking!! I am taking a culinary class next semester!! I CAN cook, but am not the best admittedly…I am allergic to dairy, egg, and abstain from high fat and pork…I wish I could bake decadent vegan desserts but ??? how??? (I settle for Cinnaholic cinnamon rolls and other rare vegan delectables…)
I like making Tinola (chicken soup with ginger, chayote squash…I add ripe papaya to it) and garbanzo bean coconut curry! If I can’t cook, I’d love to get chicken from Thai BBQ, sushi/poke bowl, or El Pollo Loco. Due to nostalgia, my top favorite food of all time is Beef Gyudon from Yoshinoya, which is sadly not in my state!
Questions for yall!
1) Nostalgic food?
2)What are two seemingly different YouTubers/artists/etc do you like??
3) Side dish: rice, pasta, bread, or potato??
4) 2d animation or 3d animation??
5) Song that is currently stuck in your head/on repeat right now?
6) What is one relatively unknown piece of media/story that you wished others would know about?
7) Steampunk or cyberpunk? (other punk?)
8) Are you inclined to science/math or social sciences/art/humanities?
9) Space or the ocean?
10) Cartoony art style or detail art style?
11) Giant robot friend or small robot friend?
@epoint25 @redacted-metallum @roboops @scotsdragon @bloodsweatandpreciousmetals @astro-femme @freeflighttemeraire @zerodestiny169 @phasesixes @brokeneisenglas @tracks-and-raoul
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thetaekooklibrary · 7 years
Heyy! Its summer holidays and I'm bored as fuck, so do you guys know any fics that would blow my mind? Like a long fic with an amazing well-made interesting plot? Thats not really specific im sorry, im willing to read anything as long as it has an impressive, mind blowing, not boring at all plot Thank you for this amazing blog 💖
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I’ll keep this as short as I can since it’s such a broad request and I have no idea what you guys have already read lol you can also look through our above 50k tag for long fics, and if we rec’ced them we probably gave some kind of opinion on them so you’ll know what we thought of them
Only When the Sun Sets by sacramento - Jeon Jeongguk was never meant to handle so much responsibility, but when he sees a vision foretelling the King’s death, he cannot just sit back and let it happen. The ‘right’ thing to do would be to stop it, but as Jeongguk soon discovers, doing the ‘right’ thing is never so simple, or easy. Stuck in between underhanded plots for the Iron Throne, Jeongguk must figure out who he is and what he stands for. He must choose a side, and he must choose well, for in the Game of Thrones, you win… or you die. There is no middle ground.
Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast by Kavbj - Taehyung has magic in his veins and Jungkook’s determined not to let it kill him. 
Lucky strike by expplipo - “You’re bad luck, I’m good luck. Two sides of a coin. Head and tails. We match.”
Terrible Things Happen (Sometimes, They Save You) by mindheist - Min Yoongi wakes up from a nightmare on a sunless afternoon to a reality more twisted than his dizziest daydreams.
refrigerator humming, chewing gum and instant karma by locks - Taehyung sets the flowers down on the dining table, plucking the card off the little holder. “Dearest Taehyung, just wanted you to know that I’m thinking about you. I hope you’re thinking about me too. Love–” he pauses and squints before cocking an eyebrow and pursing his lips. “Hyung, why is the boss of your little boy band gang professing his love for me?” Yoongi drops the noodles on the floor with a loud curse as he burns his hand.Or, Taehyung’s been trying his hardest to avoid Yoongi’s criminal life for a long ass time, but a cute kid and his infuriating father keep pulling him deeper into the mix.
trust your heart if the seas catch fire by maxx - “Sometimes I wonder whether you’d be better off without me. Whether you really need me at all.” Taehyung has always doubted his necessity to the group, as well as to Jungkook. Usually a knock on the head would suffice to bring him back to his senses. But this time, it seems someone was listening to his request. Now, everything has changed. He’s in a world where Jungkook and the rest of the group are still famous, but he isn’t.
Veni, Vidi, Amavi by yourluckytae - (I came, I saw, I loved) Ever since that day, Taehyung has been looking for something, chasing a dream he seems to be missing. Something important that makes his heart whole. It’s a creeping sense of someone he can’t quite grasp, who’s always on the tip of his tongue, nails on a chalkboard screeching loudly in his ear to remember. But every time he tries, it hurts. But he chases the dreams, the feelings, whatever it is that he’s missing because he thinks it would hurt more to never find whatever’s gone. – Jeongguk stares at his palms absent-mindedly, body rocking with the movement of the train. His fingers trace over non existent words on his right palm. Something he hadn’t thought about in years. He has a feeling; something deep and nostalgic bubbling inside him tasting like chocolate muffins and caramel lattes and smelling of vanilla and strawberries. It stirs within him as his fingers trace each stroke over his palm. It stirs something melancholy, something sad. A feeling. (Kimi no Na Wa (Your Name) Au)
起死回生; To Live Again by mindheist - Fiction gives us a second chance that life denies us.
Abaddon’s Waltz by eclairdeluxe - Hell hath no fury like a lover scorned.
(thought you knew) you were in this song by expplipo - Taehyung nearly chokes, but only nearly. Instead he raises an eyebrow and puts on the most suave smile he can manage. Hopes he looks far more collected than his for-some-reason racing heartbeat would let on, more suit-and-wine than elementary-schooler-with-a-new-crush. “You like me?” Jeongguk blushes, and looks at his feet. He’s smiling. “Of course.” “Really?” Taehyung says. “Like? Or like like?” (So much for suit-and-wine.)
I’ve read all the ones I just listed and I know for sure those are good, but these next ones I haven’t read. most are on my list to read and seem pretty good from skimming the writing a bit and the plots all seem interesting, or they’re ones I know other people love, but I can’t be 100% sure since I haven’t read them
Swamp Magic by GinForInk - Two witches lure Jungkook into their cabin in the woods.
(I know admin guk read this and really loved it, and I read one other fic from this author and it was amazing)
Lupus Tales by kpopismydrug - This is one summer break that Taehyung will never forget. From dealing with a moody mare that likes to think she’s a stroppy teenager rather than a horse, to dealing with childhood memories that threaten to choke him, Taehyung will soon find out that when you take a trip down memory lane, some things are more than just memories.
(super long series that I know admin s loves)
An Interstellar Anomaly by PaprikaFetus - They are two heirs that belong to opposite sides of the universe.
Hustlers by tbz - Jungkook hadn’t meant to lose nine million. He certainly hadn’t meant to lose his kidney. And he hadn’t meant to meet Kim Taehyung.
summer; blue by Batman - More than you can manage, more than you can hide: a study in light.
Mutual Fiend by kkumkkatcher - “I didn’t recognize you with your clothes on.” An AU where Jungkook needs to kill Taehyung, but Taehyung also needs to kill Jungkook, and things get (more than) a bit complicated.
All the Years of Us by TrappingLightningBugs - From the moment a new family hobbled into town, having come a long way for sanctuary, Taehyung had eyes only for Jeon Jungkook.
Shifting On My Feet by MarionetteFtHJM - With the ever-growing crime rate in the city there’s no telling what the leading figures will do to remain leading. The safety of the people is at risk and the possible collateral damage looms over the authorities. There is only one safe option, sacrifice a few to save the lives of many. Tear them from the inside, cool the situation down- should be easy enough, right? Jeongguk was just trying to live out his days peacefully, but running from one’s past never really worked out for anybody- so why would he be an exception? He’s not. Demons tend to find who they’re looking for in the end.
Taste of Ink by sugamins - Jungkook is a drug runner for the largest gang in the whole of Busan: the Sam Yong Pa. One day he bumps into a runner for a rival gang in the next district that has trespassed into their territory: a Geum Sung Pa boy called Jimin. Jimin has a friend, a goon for the rival gang. Taehyung beats people up for a living, and boy, does he look good when he’s doing it.But their blossoming friendships reignite old gang flames and causes the most brutal gang war the country has ever seen.Dragons destroy and stars explode.
i know you wanna go to heaven (but you’re human tonight) by moonlightae - Taehyung just thought it would be a one night stand, but he gets more than he bargained for
Assassin’s Order by TaeSyubDKook - CEO Taehyung gets tangled up in some illegal business without even knowing and when Assasin Jeongguk gets assigned to extract information from him after being caught, he realizes in what mess he’s gotten himself into and agrees to cooperate with the assassins, after learning their true reasons, to bring down his uncle’s company. What Jeongguk and Taehyung didn’t expect was falling for each other in the progress.
Kiss With a Fist by byeolguk - “Need a little help, love?” Jungkook asks, teasing him. “Nah I had it all under control, sweetheart,” Taehyung answers with a smile, blood oozing from his split lip. Goddamn even smiling hurt now. Fuckity fuck fuck. Jungkook only rolls his eyes, his cocky smirk never slipping and Taehyung almost forgets how much pain he’s in. prompt-Can you please write the “ kick his ass for me” prompt with taekook!
got a question or request? check our tags page first to see if what you’re looking for is already there, or use the search bar on our blog! if you don’t have any luck with that, feel free to send us an ask when the inbox is open^^
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kyluhh21 · 7 years
Sorry Anon I accidentally deleted your ask.So here it is :)
1: My name?Kyla 2: Do I have any nicknames?Ky,Tank, and Knucklehead 3: Zodiac sign?Sagittarius 4: Video game I play to chill, not to win?Minecraft? 5: Book/series I reread?Percy Jack and the lightning thief. 6: Aliens or ghosts?Ghosts 7: Writer I trust enough to read whatever they write? Idk a fanfic writer I guess.. 8: Favourite radio station?Anything but country 9: Favourite flavour of anything?Chocolate 10: The word that I use all the time to describe something great?Cool or nice. 11: Favourite song?Say you won't let go-James Arthur 12: The question you ask new friends to get to know them better?Whats your name? 13: Favourite word?My dad said I say Seriously a lot and also are you kidding me. 14: The last person who hurt me, did I forgive them?Yes 15: Last song I listened to?Gasoline-Halsey 16: TV show I always recommend?24 17: Pirates or ninjas?Ninjas 18: Movie I watch when I'm feeling down?Titanic 19: Song that I always start my shuffle with/wake-up song/always-on-a-loop song?Idk 20: Favourite video games?I don't have any. 21: What am I most afraid of?Not making my family proud. 22: A good quality of mine?My cheeks! (I messaged all my friends and they answered my cheeks lol) 23: A bad quality of mine?I don't have Patience. 24: Cats or dogs?Dogs 25: Actor/actress you trust enough to watch whatever they're in? Anna Kendrick 26: Favourite season?Summer 27: Am I in a relationship?No ( I could have if I didn't reject the person who ask me out about a week ago.) 28: Something I miss?Filipino food 29: My best friend?Grace and Hollie 30: Eye colour?Dark Brown 31: Hair colour?Black 32: Someone I love?My Mom 33: Someone I trust?My Best friend 34: Someone I always think about? Sage. 35: Am I excited about anything?Im going to Florida in 4 days and also going to the Philippines this summer. 36: My current obsession?Chocolate 37: Favourite TV shows as a child?Dora the Explorer 38: Do I have someone of the opposite sex that I can tell everything to?Yeah Corey. 39: Am I superstitious?No 40: What do I think about most?My future 41: Do I have any strange phobias?No? 42: Do I prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it?Behind it. 43: Favourite hobbies?Playing soccer and watching kids. 44: Last book I read?The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. 45: Last film I watched?Beauty and the Beast. 46: Do I play any instruments?Yes I play the Clarinet. 47: Favourite animal?Penguins and Pandas 48: Top 5 blog on Tumblr that I follow?Woso blogs. 49: Superpower I wish I could have?Able to read people's mind. 50: How do I destress?Listen to music or playing soccer. 51: Do I like confrontation?No 52: When do I feel most at peace?Im playing soccer all by myself. 53: What makes me smile?My family and Friends 54: Do I sleep with the lights on or off?Off 55: Play any sports?Yeah I play soccer,Basketball, and Softball. 56: What is my song of the week?Gasoline-Halsey. 57: Favourite drink?Water 58: When did I last send a handwritten letter to somebody?About 3 weeks ago. 59: Afraid of heights?Yes 60: Pet peeve?When people say they are sorry so many times...ugh it kills me I hate it. 61: What was the last concert I went to see?Adele 62: Am I vegetarian/vegan/pescatarian?No? 63: What occupation did I want to do when I was younger?A singer 64: Have I ever had a friend turn enemy?No 65: What fictional universe would I like to be a part of?None 66: Something I worry about?My grades 67: Scared of the dark?No 68: Who are my best friends?Grace,Hollie,Corey,Hunter,Bailey,and Arrie 69: What do I admire most about others?Their eyes and smile. 70: Can I sing?Yes I can. 71: Something I wish I could do?Teleport to anywhere. 72: If I won the lottery, what would I do?Shopping lol and save it up to buy a house someday. 73: Have I ever skipped school?No 74: Favourite place on the planet?The woods! 75: Where do I want to live?Oregon. 76: Do I have any pets?No 77: What is my current desktop picture?A picture of me and my friends when we went to Boston. 78: Early bird or night owl?Early Bird. 79: Sunsets or sunrise?Sunrise but I don't want to get up so early to see it. 80: Can I drive?No not yet. 81: Story behind my last kiss?Umm it was 8 days ago when my friend and I went to watch a movie.He grabbed my face and we kissed. Which I didn't want to happen at all and now we have been really distant from each other..So yeah. 82: Earphones or headphones?Headphones 83: Have I ever had braces?No 84: Story behind one of my scars?When I was a little kid someone threw a broken glass piece in the side of my face. 85: Favourite genre of music?Pop 86: Who is my hero?My stepfather 😂 87: Favourite comic book character?Clarke 88: What makes me really angry?When people lie 89: Kindle or real book?Real Book. 90: Favourite sporty activity?Soccer 91: What is one thing that isn’t tight in schools that should be?Idk. 92: What was my favourite subject at school?Social Studies and English. 93: Siblings?I have 3 brothers and I'm the oldest :) 94: What was the last thing I bought?Ice Cream 95: How tall am I?5 feet and 3 inches. 96: Can I cook?Yeah but not really well lol. 97: Can I bake?Yeah 98: 3 things I love?My family,friends and God. 99: 3 things I hate?Clowns,Scary movies, and Trevor. 100: Do I have more girl friends or boy friends?Girl friends 101: Who do I get on with better, girls or boys?Girls 102: Where was I born?Ozamiz City, Philippines. 103: Sexual orientation?I don't know I'm still figuring that out. 104: Where do I currently live?America 105: Last person I texted?Grace. 106: Last time I cried?Last week I cried 7 times :/ 107: Guilty pleasure?Chocolate 108: Favourite Youtuber?Shannon Beverage 109: A photo of myself.Nah maybe later 110: Do I like selfies?Heck No. 111: Favourite game app?I don't have any. 112: My relationship with my parents?I love them to death and they love me to death. 113: Favourite accents?Australian and British. 114: A place I have not been but wish to visit? Spain. 115: Favourite number?21. 116: Can I juggle?A soccer ball yes. 117: Am I religious?No 118: Do I like space?Yeah 119: Do I like the deep ocean?No 120: Am I much of a daredevil?No 121: Am I allergic to anything?Im allergic to Pine cones. 122: Can I curl my tongue?Yes 123: Can I wiggle my ears?No 124: Do I like clowns?No 125: The Beatles or Elvis?The Beatles. 126: My current project?Painting my room. 127: Am I a bad loser?Sometimes 128: Do I admit when I wrong?Yes 129: Forest or beach?Forest 130: Favourite piece of advice?Don't let anyone ruin your day :) 131: Am I a good liar?Haha no 132: Hogwarts house / Divergent faction / Hunger Games district?Lol Idk. 133: Do I talk to myself?Sometimes 134: Am I very social?No I'm so quite. 135: Do I like gossip?No 136: Do I keep a journal/diary?Nk 137: Have I ever hopelessly failed a test?No 138: Do I believe in second chances?Yes 139: If I found a wallet full of cash on the ground, what would I do?Find the person who dropped it. 140: Do I believe people are capable of change?Yes 141: Have I ever been underweight?No. 142: Am I ticklish?Yes. 143: Have I ever been in a submarine?No 144: Have I ever been on a plane?Yes a million times 145: In a film about my life, who would I cast as myself, friends and family?Idk 146: Have I ever been overweight?Lol no 147: Do I have any piercings?Only in my ears. 148: Which fictional character do I wish was real?Lexa 149: Do I have any tattoos?No 150: What is the best decision I have made in life so far?Moving to America. 151: Do I believe in Karma?Haha yeah. 152: Do I wear glasses or contacts?None 153: What was my first car?I don't have one I'm only 15 lol. 154: Do I want children?Yes I want two boys. 155: Who is the most intelligent person I know?My oldest brother Pierce. 156: My most embarrassing memory?I thought that Albany was a state for like 2 minutes. 157: What makes me nostalgic?idk 158: Have I ever pulled an all-nighter?Almost. 159: Which do I value more in others, brains or beauty? Probably both. 160: What colour mostly dominates my wardrobe?People at my school said I look good with the Color red. 161: Have I ever had a paranormal experience?No 162: What do I hate most about myself?I get mad easily. 163: What do I love most about myself?I love to make people smile and laugh. 164: Do I like adventure?Yes 165: Do I believe in fate?Not really. 166: Favourite animal?Panda or Penguins. 167: Have I ever been on radio?No 168: Have I ever been on TV?No 169: How old am I?15 years old 170: One of my favourite quotes? "Everything will be ok, if it's not ok then it's not the end". 171: Do I hold grudges?Mhmm. 172: Do I trust easily?No 173: Have I learnt from my mistakes?Yes 174: Best gift I’ve ever received?SmartTv. 175: Do I dream?Yes 176: Have I ever had a night terror?Yes 177: Do I remember my dreams, and what is one that comes to mind? Yes and it was about me and someone I love 👀. 178: An experience that has made me stronger?Idk. 179: If I were immortal, what would I do?Im not sure 180: Do I like shopping?Yes But I don't like shopping with my mom. 181: If I could get away with a crime, what would I choose to do?Id kill myself. 182: What does “family” mean to me?It means that they are always there in your happy days and bad days. Always go to your sport games and cheer you on the sideline. And just being supportive anytime! 183: What is my spirit animal?A monkey. 184: How do I want to be remembered?I want to be remember as a good set of example to other people in my school. 185: If I could master one skill, what would I choose?Juggle for a very long period of time. 186: What is my greatest failure? I don't know. 187: What is my greatest achievement?Making my family proud. 188: Love or money?Love 189: Love or career?Love 190: If I could time travel, where and when would I want to go?I want to be in the Philippines right now. 191: What makes me the happiest?When I'm with my family and friends. 192: What is “home” to me?Be with my family. 193: What motivates me?My family and soccer. 194: If I could choose my last words, what would they be?Deuces! 195: Would I ever want to encounter aliens?Heck no 196: A movie that scared me as a child?Chucky. 197: Something I hated as a child that I like now?Pizza 198: Zombies or vampires?Vampires. 199: Live in the city or suburbs?Suburbs which I don't like. 200: Dragons or wizards?Wizards. 201: A nightmare that has stayed with me?When somebody pointed again at me. 202: How do I define love?I don't...the dictionary does. 203: Do I judge a book by its cover?No never. 204: Have I ever had my heart broken?Yes. 205: Do I like my handwriting?No but a lot of people do they said it's really neat. 206: Sweet or savoury?Sweet. 207: Worst job I’ve had?None 208: Do I collect anything?Soccer balls? 209: Item of clothing or jewellery you’ll never see me without?A chocked. 210: What is on my bucket list?Skydiving before I die. 211: How do I handle anger?I just seriously go to my bedroom and listen to music. 212: Was I named after anyone?I was named after a singer in the Philippines. 213: Do I use sarcasm a lot?No 214: What TV character am I most like? Kimberly Bauer? My brother said. 215: What is the weirdest talent I have?i don't know. 216: Favourite fictional character?Lexa from the 100
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warmau · 4 years
☆ [nostalgic] summer romance!au taeil~ happy late birthday moon man!! |  find others here: johnny  | haechan
part of you is sad that the closest you’ll ever be to him is at a safe distance
peering out of the window and into the baseball field below
you can kind of make out the details of his face from here, but you can’t see the birthmark on his neck or the glint of starlight thats always somehow in the deep back of his eyes
you can see the worn-out back of his uniform jersey - spelled out in hand-stitched letters - moon
but part of you is happy that you can at least enjoy the comfort of knowing he’s nearby
just the little whisper of the fact that his joy is minutes away from yours
you lay your head down on the desk
its the last day of classes and summer is begging you to go outside and enjoy it 
but summer also means you wont see him anymore, even if youve only been seeing him from far away
not seeing him at all is a feeling you cant wrap your head around - no matter how many times youve tried to 
“what are you doing?”
a hand comes down on the corner of the desk and you peek up to see the familiar, yet frowning face of your friend doyoung
he’s got the same baseball uniform on - he’s the pitcher for the schools team
“sorry, im about to leave-”
you slowly pull yourself together and up out of your chair, but doyoung interrupts before you can gather your things
“no, im asking what are you doing? this is the last day of classes and unless you tell taeil how you feel - you’ll have to wait months to see him again!”
im ok with that, admiring in secret is kind of a talent of mine
is what you want to say
but its too late because doyoung has taken you by the wrist and is tugging you out the door and down the stairs 
you have just enough energy to pull away when you both come to a stop in the middle of the sandlot 
taeil turns just as you want to break away, he smiles and says your name 
doyoung lets go and everything around you looks like it might start floating, taeil included
because you didn’t even know he knew your name
“well, ill leave you two alone”
doyoung disappears - not that you pay any attention - all of your senses feel like they’re being overridden as taeil comes closer
his black short bangs are stuck to his forehead with sweat from practice, his skin glows under the hue of the afternoon sun
“do you have any plans for today?”
“n-no. i was just going to walk home.”
“can i walk with you?”
he swings his bat over his shoulder and waits expectantly for your answer
at this close a distance, its all visible
the birth mark - the universe in the dark browns of his eyes, the little blemish on the side of his cheek
you swallow a lump thats threatening to close up your throat
you’re both walking slow, the other members of the baseball team have already trotted passed you
throwing whistles and waves your way before disappearing into the summer air, some people have passed you as well - on their way from work or classes
but still, that feeling like everything is gently out of place, lingers over you
because you don’t get it - why are you here? since when did your crush have any sort of interest in you?
“i asked doyoung why you never come to any of our games.”
taeil suddenly says, looking at you from the corner of his eye
his smile is a little teasing, and so is his tone, but it doesnt stop you from flustering
“oh- i just - i have book club so-”
“don’t worry, he told me.”
“im starting to worry about what else he told you,,,,,,,”
you murmur without a second thought, before covering your mouth with your palm
but its too late, you know taeil has heard you, and that smile widens a little more
“he told me, even though you dont come to any games, im your favorite player.”
you both come to a stop at the same time
“so ive been thinking about it, why id be your favorite if you dont even like baseball.”
you think youre shoulders start to shake a little, maybe its your imagination, but you think you can feel nervousness creep its way all around you
hes talking so casually, but you dont know what it means and you dont want to be told - on the last day of school - that your feelings have been discovered and rejected
you were sure you could just carry them on with you until graduation and then never tell taeil how much you really did like -
“and i think i know why.”
he takes a second to tuck his bat back into the pocket of his bag, then he reaches out and locks your fingers with his in a safe, steady grasp
he starts walking and you have to push yourself to stumble after him 
because you cant believe it but ,,,,,,,,,, you didnt get rejected
in fact you think this means,,,,,,,,youve been confessed to too
taeil doesnt kiss you when he drops you off at your doorstep, he asks for your number and tells you to meet him on the weekend to watch him train at the park
you expect a message on saturday morning, but you get one fifteen minutes later
by the way, i like you.
sorry if i didnt make it clear, im bad at these things.
but,,,,,,,,i like you. i really like you.
who knows how many times you reread those messages, holding your phone close to your heart and then bringing it up to mouth the sentences over and over
on saturday, you see taeil and doyoung - both already with their baseball equipment on
taeil is swinging the bat as he warms up when doyoung pulls you aside by the elbow
“so, are you guys dating now?”
“all he did was walk me home do-”
“but he likes you, and you like him!”
doyoung’s wide eyes are searching for an answer and you just feel a shyness overtake you because, well, you dont know what this is 
youre just happy to be here - beside him
but doyoungs question does weigh on your mind, even when the training is over and its just you and taeil and hes offering to take you somewhere for dinner and you blurt out;
“is this a date?”
taeil chuckles
“i hope it is - arent people who are dating supposed to go on dates?”
the summer descends into hot, long days - and before when the stickiness and heat used to irritate you, now youve found yourself falling in love with it
laying on a park bench, eating ice-cream and watching your boyfriend practice until the fireflies came out
then you’d sit up, watch him take his hat off and abandon his bat in the grass
stretch out, exposing the strong lines of his arms and back before joining you on the bench, getting kisses for another day of practice well spent
sometimes he’d end practice early, or show up at your doorstep when you didn’t plan to meet and take you to the beach
splash around in the waves and then rest his head on your stomach under the umbrella - shared towel spread out beneath you
he’d fall asleep there, and you’d open up a book you’d brought with you - only distracted when taeil finally shifts awake and presses kisses to your skin
you learn how to hit a homerun with his arms wrapped around you for support
you learn that he harbors an extensive collection of LPs that you shift through when the summer rain has come out and he cant go out to the park, instead you’re on the floor of his bedroom picking dreamy songs to play and dance to, washing out the sound of thunder from outside his windows
you learn where taeil is most sensitive, right below his ribcage - when you end up splaying your palm on the skin there an digging your nails in just a bit - he makes a sound and grabs your arm, pulls you down to muffle out some string of curses against your lips
you learn a lot that summer, but most of all you learn that you were never happier pinning from a distance than you are from experiencing the real thing
you hate to admit outloud, but you thank doyoung for giving you the push to finally enter the bubble around taeil you never thought you’d be welcome into
and doyoung just grins, says “i told you so”
and forgets to mention that he’s actually known about not only your feelings, but taeil’s all along - ever since a home-away game where taeil had asked doyoung before they’d climbed onto the bus 
“whose your friend? the one whose always looking out of the window?”
when the summer starts to shift herself into the fall, and the heat dwindles down
you find yourself wearing that shirt, the one with ‘moon’ handstitched on the back, as taeil wraps a hand around your waist and tugs you into his side on the bus ride home
you go back to classes soon, and your time will be short between schoolwork and his practice
he presses a small kiss on the top of your hand and you want to give him back the shirt before you get off at your stop
but he stops you, those starlight eyes sparking, “you should keep it.”
so you do 
you keep it and are amused when you see taeil get a new one, this one doesnt have his name handstitched on the back though - its printed in shiny black letters
you run your hands over the name sometimes when you miss him
waiting for a latenight call with good news
“we won the game!”
you rub your sleepy eyes and murmur that you’re so happy, before you two hang up you hear him whisper - like he always does
“i love you, i hope you dream of me”
even now, all these years later, when taeil’s become an all-star player for one of korea’s biggest baseball teams
and you’ve fallen asleep watching one of the live games 
when he gets home, your husband kicks his shoes off and drops his bag 
sees you spread out on the couch
the sports channel glaring
that old uniform shirt from his high school days tucked in your arms
he leans down, kisses your forehead and he whispers
“i love you”
you shift
eyes opening to meet his with a half smile and yawning as you say;
“i was dreaming of you.”
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