#sorry y'all i needed to put this somewhere lol
elliesbelle · 10 months
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anonomouswriter-blr · 3 months
Oikawa x Reader: School Festival [a haikyuu one-shot]
Ok y'all, so my friends and I had an all-nighter where we write one-shots. The twist is, we each wrote down on different sticky notes a character, a plotline, and I think the third is a location. We did this a year ago and I forgot all about this, but I recently found it so I'm posting it here lol
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I hope you enjoy.
1145 words
Story under the cut.
Being a foreign exchange student, experiencing life in Japan was a bit of a culture shock: different introductions, different eating customs, different school traditions. One school tradition you noted was that Japan had school festival days. For the past week, your class had been working on an idea and building the vision. Today was the final day where the booths would actually be open to people and you were kind of nervous. Why? Who knows. Maybe it was more excitement than nervousness.
Your class finished assembling the booth reasonably quickly, so you figured you’d find your friend Oikawa to see if his booth needed any help. It wasn’t long before you found his booth and he was waving you down. Oikawa was one of the first people to introduce himself to you. Of course, you now realize he was just trying to scope out the new girl considering his… following, but it ended up being a good friendship; mainly consisting of you helping Iwaizumi call him names and him being a weird flirt even though he’s pretty much a dork.
“Hi, Y/n! Couldn’t stay away for long, eh?” he asked, waving.
“No, actually I’m looking for your pretty friend. Hey, Iwa!” you responded jokingly, to which Oikawa feigned a sad pout. “How’s the booth coming along?”
“We're almost done. Just need to put up the last few banners,” Iwaizumi said.
“You may want to be careful, Y/n. As soon as we open, girls will swarm the area. You might get trampled and die,”
“Yeah, I’m sure,” you said, rolling your eyes. “What are you guys doing anyway?”
“Kissing booth,” Iwaizumi said boredly as the title banner was hung up. You turned your head to Oikawa,
“It’s the perfect concept! There's no girl in the world that wouldn’t want to kiss me! Just think of the revenue,”
“I wouldn’t count on it if it’s gonna be you, Oikawa. How is this even allowed in a school setting?”
“It’s just on the cheek. He does have a big following of girls at this school. It’s not like we can use his brain to help our booth,”
“I guess that makes sense,”
“How mean! Everyone undermines my intelligence,”
“Oh yeah, how did your game go Saturday?”
“It was fine. We won, of course, but it just felt too easy. I need a challenge in my life. You should come to my next game! You can wear one of my jerseys,”
“Hmm, tempting, but I’ll pass. Volleyball isn’t really my thing. Well, if you’re pretty much done, I’m gonna head around to look at the other booths. See ya around!”
“Bye, Y/n~!”
Everything looked amazing and you were having a good amount of fun before someone grabbed your shoulders from behind, making you jump. “Ya ho~!”
“Gah! Oikawa you scared me! Why would you do that?” you exclaimed and punched him in the arm.
“Ow! I can take the abuse from Iwa, but from you, it’s just too much,”
“Sorry. I saw opportunity and couldn’t resist,”
“The abuse I endure for you. Do you wanna go do something together?”
“What about your booth?”
“I’m all kissed out and on break. Girls wear a lot of lip product,” he said while rubbing some gloss and balm off his cheek. “But anyways, let’s go get some food or something. I’m so hungry,”
“I saw a teriyaki booth somewhere. Wanna get some of that? You’re paying,”
“Don’t I always?” The two of you walked the booths, trying different foods and desserts. The games were pretty fun too! It was nice playing games that weren’t rigged. You were clowning on Oikawa a bit at how much he sucked at some of the games compared to you, though you're sure he’d thrown some of your matches together. As your escapade continued, you noticed some girls you passed had their hands pressed to their cheeks while pointing and gazing at Oikawa, undoubtedly gushing over how they kissed each other on the cheek.
“I don’t understand how you can manage all the female attention. I’d get too tired of having to interact that much,”
“It does get bothersome sometimes. I used to love it, but now I think I’d prefer to have only one girl's attention, you know?”
“Ah, the development of a teenage male. From boyhood to maturity. All ready to settle down,” suddenly you gasped dramatically, almost making Oikawa drop the snacks he had bought. “A Ferris wheel! How did they get a Ferris wheel here!?”
“Y/n, I don’t think I’d trust that. It looks a little old,”
“Old shmold! Let’s go on!” Without a moment to protest you were dragging Oikawa by the hand to the big ride. “Woah! I can see the field yard from here!”
“Y/n! Please don’t lean out the side like that. You’re gonna fall!”
“Oh, you mean like this?” you asked and leaned out,”
“Y/n!” he said, reaching for you.
“What? Are you scared” you asked, and started rocking the box. He grabbed you and forced you to sit still beside him, like a mother to her rambunctious child.
“You’ve lost your fun privileges. Sit still until the ride is over,” you couldn’t help but laugh at him. You wondered if rides were a fear of his or if it was just Ferris wheels. Either way, it was fun to be out like this. You guys only ever really interacted at school during classes or studying. “Hey, Y/n. I think you should rethink going to my next game. I think I’d play better if you were there,”
“Why would you need to play better? You already win don’t you?” by this time the wheel had stopped and it was time to get off. You left the ride with a ‘thank you’ to the person running it and continued on.
“It’s less about the winning and more about… Y/n, would you just listen for a sec?” he grabbed your hand and pulled you back nearer to him. You blinked twice, looking down at where his hand didn’t leave yours.
“Kawa?” he started running his thumb over your knuckles nervously, his eyebrows knitting together in conflict.
“I want to see you at my games. I don’t care if I win, I just want to see you wearing my jersey number at my games,”
“What do you…” this wasn’t… was it?
“Earlier, I was wondering if you were gonna show up to the kissing booth at some point today. But now I’m realizing I’m glad you didn’t.”
“Because now it feels more genuine,” he looked up at you, into your eyes, it felt invasive, uncomfortable, but not altogether unwelcomed. “Y/n. Can I kiss you?”
“I…” but the decision was clear to you then. “Yes.”
Sure enough, you were at his next game, the number one displayed proudly on your back.
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dropdeadgorgeos · 9 months
So this is just like a thought of like imagine (I swear I say that word all the time 💀) if the twst boys(expect orhto and the staff) we like yanderes like... I can't get my head off this subject-
𝔾𝕣𝕠𝕦𝕡𝕤 𝕚𝕟𝕔𝕝𝕦𝕕𝕖𝕕
Riddle Rosehearts:
Tbh I can see him working with Trey and Chenya all to get your love like they all can have a role where Chenya is like the scarast Mitch and he can like stalk you in his invisible form and riddle can make sure your always doing well and IF they hurt you which I don't see it happen but it could riddle would gladly heal you up and Trey could bake for you and protect you.
Ace & Deuce:
Okay so I think this would work as like they both try and like lock you somewhere where only they could find you though that's what most would probably do but whatever and like I don't see much here sorry-
Okay so like he forces you to take pictures with him all the time and always tries to hide your sad face of being trapped in his room so he puts filters on and make you smile and always shows you how much people love your fake smile.
Jamil & Kalim:
Y'all KNOW these guys are working together like they don't even need to lock Y/N up Jamil just needs to hypnotize you and hide the fact your spellee and like they could just walk around holding your hand and they lock you up like Jamil did in book 4 lol see he's my favorite character and he is absolutely horrifying
Okay so like he spells the Apple as a love spell feeds it to you boom! That easy! He doesn't even need to chain you up.
ℝ𝕠𝕠𝕜 ℍ𝕦𝕟𝕥:
HOLY FUCKING GOD OMG okay so like this dude already stalks you imagine him actually taking you as his prey and like chaining you up as a trophy or something like he's already scary you gotta get scarier like god man I don't think I'll be able to live with that.
I don't really see it but that's probably because I'm not a big Epel fan so I don't know much other than he likes being strong or something I'm probably even wrong on that so I'm so sorry to all you Epel fans/simps I can't do this one sorry.
𝕃𝕖𝕠𝕟𝕒 𝕂𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤𝕔𝕙𝕠𝕝𝕒𝕣:
Imagine ge respects women to much to do this 😘 but I mean if he did he'd probably chain you up yeah and just like sleep with you while your chained up and bring you meat eat (so of you are a real plant eater us better get going-)
I can kinda see this maybe he could side with Leona or just keep you there I don't really see it happen but just tell me what you guys think.
𝕁𝕒𝕔𝕜 ℍ𝕠𝕨𝕝:
Hm....fuck... Your up against one of the strongest (physical form) students how the heck you escaping that??? Your not at least I wouldn't my body is to small and fragle he'll break me the moment we touch bruh.
𝔸𝕫𝕦𝕝 𝔸𝕤𝕙𝕖𝕟𝕘𝕣𝕠𝕥𝕥𝕠:
I feel like the fish mafia are some of the scariest yanderes because like I could see Azul actually using a spell to turn you into a fish or like a mermaid or something in than like he locks you in a tank and sits in his chair and just looks at your beauty and maybe made you sign a contract to forever be his oh! He didn't use a spell your silly ass signed a contract Hehehe hehehe fuck azul's yandere it's scary( I have a fear of being in water to long :'0)
𝕁𝕒𝕕𝕖 𝕃𝕖𝕖𝕔𝕙:
I feel like this could work with him and his brother bit also not I can totally see this man using chains like for sure and he changes your emotions from scared and sad that your locked up to happy and loving like fish mafia = scary fucking yanderes
𝔽𝕝𝕠𝕪𝕕 𝕝𝕖𝕖𝕔𝕙:
He's... Already scary enough yep he doesn't need to go any farther to give me nightmares he chains me up and I'm as good as dead and I know you are to let's just be honest I think Jade would help him chain you up tbh.
Maybe lock you in his room or the lab idk cause I'm not at that part of the game yet but I know a few things so maybe like that and he would XD omg imagine he forces you to play Mario Kart with him XD just a thought lmao
𝕄𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕦𝕤 𝕕𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕚𝕒:
Probably tries to turn you into a fairy or something crap maybe makes you prick your finger so you don't run away and your fast asleep or something and he just watches you and forces you to be his queen I bet on a lot of these you aren't human like they turn you into some sorta creature that's from there home or kind.
Hm... Yep... Yep that's scary alright so like imagine your just living hour life than this 200 year old man short as your dresser walks in and is like "your mine now" he take you home and you wake up the next day chained up and bleeding like.. Lilia I could see them playing rough tbh.
Y'know I don't really see it maybe you do but I don't.
𝕊𝕖𝕓𝕖𝕜 ℤ𝕚𝕘𝕧𝕠𝕝𝕥:
Okay just a funny thought imagine he like ties you up and you guys are sitting together and he just tells you how much he love waka-sama XD and like he just explains it and he's like "oh yeah I love you a nd your here because I love you but I love waka-sama so much I could never tie him up" like boi-
PLEASE tell me if I forgot someone brain not going through
I could imagine Azul sitting as his desk saying a little peom
"Dear the deep blue sea! Let me be the only light you see!"
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brittscafe · 5 months
can i get headcannons for lieutenants in drunk kareoke? i wanna know who’s getting 100 scores on songs and who’s hitting those high notes while drunk!!
lmaooooo I think this is sooo funny!!
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Renji: He thinks he's singing really good and is bascially Celine Dion, but he's quite the opposite. Everyone has to cover their ears when he starts to sing because he's not really singing, he's just screaming in a hitch pitch voice that tends to break a lot.
Shuhei: Is actually really good at karaoke and is definitely scoring a 100 on any song. Especially song by Whitney Houston, he hits all the high notes.
Izuru: Ehhh, I think he's somewhere in the middle. If he's really feeling his emo self, then yes, but expect some emo songs then and maybe hardcore metal. Probably tries to do a crowd dive once the song is over and ends up on the floor, groaning in agony.
Ikkaku: Honestly, he's not that bad. He refuses to do karaoke until he's got the whole bar cheering for him and Yumichika included. He's acting annoyed the whole time; rolling his eyes and not really trying until he really gets into the song.
Rangiku: Is a laughing mess the whole time she's singing so she's barely forming words and it's just laughter. I think that she def interacts with the crowd though as the song is playing in the background.
Isane: I think it'll take a lot to get her up on the stage and her voice really isn't that good, but everyone cheers her on. Like she knows that she can't really sing, but having her friends encourage her makes her have fun at least.
Marechiyo: 10 out of 10, def hitting that score of 100. Has a deep alto voice, but he's never sung in front of anyone. Everyone is just mesmerized by his voice the whole time and their jaws are hitting the floor.
Yachiru: lol, this is so funny to even think about. I think that Kenpachi has to be there when she goes, but he doesn't allow her to drink, if she's of age. (I have no idea how old she is lol sorry) but Kenny puts her on top of his shoulders and they have a duet.
Momo: I like to think that Momo has the voice of an angel and she's just reallyyyy shy. She can hit the score of 100, but she needs her ego to be boosted and she's super shy at first. If y'all have ever seen Victorious, where Tori takes over Trina's spot in the first episode and she's really shy about singing at first, but then she becomes confident; that's Momo.
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toxicanonymity · 1 year
Michael in Ambrose
2k words | Michael Myers x f!Reader | NSFW
It's International Fan Works Day Feb 15 with the theme of crossovers. This puts Michael Myers in a House of Wax AU where Bo Sinclair wears a one-piece mechanic suit and Michael needs a new one.
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18+ Noncon, manhandling
If you already read this unabridged & unbetaed on AO3 I'm sorry it was so bad lol.
If you're wondering about the logic of Michael being there, originally the bf was John Tate from H20 and y'all were on a road trip and Michael followed but it was a hot mess.
"Ya need a fan belt. . . Is that so?" Bo smiles broadly and looks down, bemused. His sleeves are rolled up and his bronze forearms flex as he crosses his arms.  "Where'd your boyfriend go?"  
"He went for help. He thought he saw someone in the wax museum, so he followed them in." 
Bo looks at you like that's the most interesting thing he's ever heard.  "And he left you all alone here,  huh?"  He turns his head and spits out his toothpick, then steps even closer, closing the gap between you.  He smells like sweat and oil and man.  He cradles your chin with a grimy hand.  Your lips are only a few inches from his. "How bad do you need it?"
The blood drains from your face, then shamefully pools somewhere lower.  You say nothing.  You  look over your shoulder like your boyfriend is going to come back any minute.  On the back of the pick-up truck, a sticker catches your eye, the silhouette of a pin-up with her knees spread. 
 "He ain't coming back, darlin," Bo says, grinning.  His pearly teeth are quite the contrast to his dirty face.  "I'll help you out though, I will," he says softly.  He brings his lips to your ear, pressing his cheek against yours.  "Just be a good girl for me."  That sends a tingling rush to your core and you're frozen. Your heart races. 
Bo pulls back to see your facial expression.  He laughs to himself then looks you up and down again, letting the silence linger. "Okay, I can get you a fan belt.  I was just fixin’ to close up, though,"  he says. He goes to the rolling door and starts to close it, but it gets stuck.  His uniform hugs his shapely ass as he bends down with it and tries with all his weight. The door won't close, though.   
A large, rough hand stops the door at the bottom.  Then, the hand begins to push it back up.   At first, you assume it's your boyfriend, until you see the huge work boots.  Bo struggles against the hand and you can only see little by little.  You can tell from the legs it's an imposing man.  Bo grunts as he pushes it down.  The door creeps up a little more and you can't help but notice whoever he is is packing.  He also seems to be another mechanic, but something is strange.  One side of his suit is tattered and covered in something. 
The door keeps lifting, revealing more of this huge man - his broad chest, a thick arm.  One side of his collar is popped and the other is glued down by a mess of wax.  Bo gives up and  watches the man in awe, hands on his hips, waiting to see what he wants.  The door finishes rolling up, and instead of a face, you see the mask of Michael Myers. He should be dead, but the sinister air about this man leaves no doubt in your mind that it's really him.    
Michael stands patiently with his hands to his sides and subtly wiggles the fingers of one hand.  Bo looks confused.   Maybe the folks out here in Ambrose hadn't even heard of Michael. Michael turns toward you.  
Bo says, "Hey man, who-" but Michael cuts him off with a huge hand around his throat, then forces him against a wall of tools.  Bo reaches out and grabs a huge wrench off the wall and his  forearm flexes desperately as he thumps Michael in the head with it.  Michael staggers back, disoriented.    
Bo lunges for you and to your surprise says,  "come on, Darlin" as his large, dirty hand grabs yours.  He covers your body and tries to get you to the office door.  
Michael grabs Bo by the fabric of his suit and throws him against the truck. They struggle, but Michael puts Bo in a sleeper hold until his body goes limp. He's unconscious.  
Michael seems to have forgotten about you.  You stand there frozen, afraid to make any sudden moves.
Michael pins Bo against the truck with his hips and starts undressing him, exposing Bo's tan, muscular biceps.  Michael has the jumpsuit half off him when he lets the dead weight slump to the ground.  He takes off Bo's shoes and removes the jumpsuit completely.  As the jumpsuit slides over Bo's boxers it briefly hitches on what appears to be a massive erection.  Michael had to have felt it against him when he pinned him to the truck.     
Bo is left with only a navy undershirt and engorged boxer briefs.  With his arms and legs bare, you're struck by how strong he is. If Michael was able to overpower Bo with relative ease, he could surely snap you in half like a twig. 
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Michael hangs Bo's jumpsuit over the bed of the truck, then unlaces his own boots and steps out of them.  When Michael stands back up, he unzips his own jumpsuit.  You're captivated.  His big arms emerge and you can see his pecs under a navy undershirt similar to Bo's. They both look slutty with their muscles stretching their too-small shirts. 
When Michael lowers the zipper below belt-level your eyes are drawn back to his crotch.  You feel a pang of anticipation in your throat.  He pulls down the jumpsuit and, oh my.  His underwear is tight enough to leave no doubt that he's very aroused. Something flutters in your core. He lets the jumpsuit fall to the floor.  
Michael lazily takes Bo's uniform off the truck and starts putting it on.  He has to push down on the hardness of his briefs with one hand to be able to zip up.  God, that makes you so wet. He's left with an obnoxious bulge.  The arms are a little tight on him, too.  Your unwelcomed arousal intensifies.  Finally, both his hands come to the collar and pop it up so it frames the mask.  He looks so imposing and striking that you audibly gasp.  
Michael abruptly looks in your direction.  You think about running, but you don't move.  He  walks toward you slowly.  You can't take your eyes off his bulge.  He seems to notice, because when he stops within arm's reach of you, he looks down at himself before he looks back up and grabs you by the throat and jaw.  
Michael lifts you several inches off the ground.  You try to scream, but you're choking.  He pivots toward the back of the pick-up truck.  Your limbs flail as he holds you with one hand and uses the other to unlatch the tailgate in one swift motion and put it flat.  He slams you face down onto the bed of the truck. You get up on your knees enough to start  crawling away, toward the cab of the truck, but you don't get far before he jerks you back down toward him.  His hands wrap around your hips and pull you to the edge.
Your shirt rides up and cool metal chills your abdomen as Michael slides your thighs off the tailgate and your feet kick for the ground.  He unbuttons your jean shorts then sends them to the floor.  You try to move, but a massive hand on your back slams you back down as his other hand gropes you and the pressure of his middle finger wedges your thong into your ass. He pries your legs open from behind. 
Your drenched thong barely covers anything.  Michael easily pushes it aside.  You feel his digits slide against your folds and you're humiliated by how wet you are.  A thick finger plunges inside you and you grunt.  He fucks you with two fingers for a few seconds then withdraws his hand and begins to unzip himself.  At the sound of his zipper, your cunt thirstily replaces whatever moisture he took with him.  You silently curse yourself, then accept you're going to need it. 
You're face down on the bed of this truck, ready for the taking, and you can feel Michael Myers looking at your exposed ass like a piece of meat.   You glance back and see his jumpsuit fall down and hang around his ass.  Then, within seconds you feel his shaft pressing hot and hard against your crack. I mean, rock-hard.  His jumpsuit presses against the back of your legs.   He spreads your  thighs with his knee and lays a massive hand on the small of your back, holding you steady on the flatbed of the truck.  You tilt your hips to give him better access to your cunt, telling yourself it's that or your ass. 
A few seconds later, you feel the tip of his cock at your entrance.  It's big.  You feel it against your inner thighs, too.  He huffs as he pushes the head inside and you wince as it stretches you. .  The stretch initially hurts, but you're so wet that it starts to feels good.  You can't deny part of you wants to be filled even more. He puts both hands on your hips for leverage,  then shoves more of himself inside.   He pauses for only a second then jerks you back on his shaft and sheaths himself entirely in your poor little cunt.  He retreats a little, then thrusts again, hitting that spot deep in your core.  Your shirt rides up more and your belly button ring scrapes against the metal of the flat-bed.  
He reaches down and grips your thighs.   He holds you face-down like a wheelbarrow at the end of the truck, using your thighs to pull you back deeper, harder.  You slide against the cold metal, your belly button clinking.  Each thrust seems deeper than the last until he can't possibly fit any more of himself.   He fucks you slowly, and you feel a knot forming in your core.  You find yourself actively meeting his thrusts.  He speeds up and you feel hotter, weaker, more desperate, ready to unravel.  You're on the edge of climax when his hands tighten around your thighs and you're jolted back into him, harder than ever. 
The tension in your core explodes all at once.  As you see stars, you clench tight around him, your whole body tensing every few seconds.  Then, as you're still riding guilty waves of pleasure, you feel him pulse violently into you, and you're pumped full of his hot cum.  Michael breathes heavily in his mask.  You lie there weak and deflated, catching your breath.  
He shoves you almost all the way back onto the bed of the truck for safe keeping while he zips up. Your feet still dangle off and you're still face down.   You hear a series of loud thuds as the truck dips under his weight.  Michael stands still, feet straddling you. You finally flip over on your back and watch him loom over you.  He crouches down between you and the cab of the truck.   You lift your chest and head up and he grabs you  under the armpits and drags you, leaving a snail trail of cum, until you’re up against the cab.  He gently positions your legs so you’re in the same pose as the pin-up silhouette on the sticker.  
Michael leaves the garage wearing Bo’s uniform. Your face is hot and your eyes well up, but you stay posed like that for some reason. After a few minutes, you hear rustling from the ground and finally leave the artful pose to get on your knees and peer over the side of the truck
Bo is alive.  He squints up at you and brings his hand to the back of his head.  "What happened, Darlin'?" You feel the strangest urge to take care of him.  
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issuesdolly · 2 months
Jonathan Davis DIRTY Camping trip with You
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#jonathandavis  #jonathan davis #korn #jon davis #fanfic #fanfiction #smut #edging #degredationkink #degredation #jondavis #degredationkink #exhibition #publicsex #exhibitionkink #edging #edginganddenial
Warning 18+ sex, exhibition, edging and denial... but also romantic lol
Summary: You are Jonathan's girlfriend and the two of you hop in his deluxe RV on his days off to go out into nature together, which you both love. You plan on having lots of romantic time and sex but things keep interrupting. You decide to get a bit of revenge and tease, edge, frustrate Jonathan after he sexually frustrated you. It winds up being a very hot trip.
*Side note, I have a TikTok where I make a lot of Jonathan Davis thirst traps/edits, if y'all are interested. (Apologies if that isn't allowed, new to Tumblr, I'll remove my links if that's not permitted). Example vid:
My TikTok:
You and Jonathan had been taking turns at the wheel all day. There were many cans of Monster energy on the RV dashboard. He'd promised you just you and him out in nature in your RV. The two of you love getting away into the country and rotate camping in a tent with time in the RV and sightseeing. Although one of the biggest getaway highlights is the amazing sex the two of you like to have in nature with no one looking. Both of you get off on public sex but it's definitely not a risk he can take anywhere except somewhere very remote. Your pussy has been wet all day thinking of all the hot sex you can do in various places, whether it's the comfort of the RV with a beautiful view, in the deluxe tent, or somewhere random out in nature like two animals. You love when he gets playful and chases you down in the woods, pinning you against a tree or taking you in some gorgeous location. You love how loud the two of you can be and it's the only sound around. You've been picturing it all day.
However, for Jonathan, the day has been long as hell. He just got off touring and he's only managed to sleep a few hours in the last couple of days and now you and he have been driving to the campsite all day and didn't arrive until long after dark. Jon is beat. When the two of you arrive, you eat a quick dinner in the RV and Jonathan takes off his shirt and pants and crawls into bed in just his boxers. You love watching him undress. No matter how often you see it, it never gets old. You put your nightgown on but decide to take your panties off as a suggestion as you crawl into bed with him. He's rubbing his eyes and making sleepy, groaning noises. You crawl on top of him and straddle his lap as you pull the covers over the two of you and start gently kissing his forehead, cheeks and lips tenderly.
"Oh baby, I'm so happy to finally just be with you. You feel so good," Jonathan said.
The two of you start slowly, tenderly making out in bed. YOu start slow, knowing he's very tired and if you guys have sex, you'll definitely need to do more of the work. You start slowly grinding your crotch into his lap with your legs spread across it while hunched down giving him kisses. He puts his big hands on your thighs and holds them while kissing you and sleepily moaning in pleasure. Through his boxers, he realizes you aren't wearing panties as he can already feel the front of his boxers getting wet from the liquid coming out of you in anticipation of fucking him. His cock starts instinctively firming up. He's wearing boxers with a little flap so you reach your small hand in and start rubbing and teasing his cock with just a few fingers inside his boxers. He kisses you harder and begins moaning. His cock isn't getting very hard though. He reluctantly stops you by gently taking your hand and stopping you from touching his dick.
"Baby. I'm really sorry....REALLY sorry, but I have basically not slept in weeks... like not more than a few hours here and there. My head is killing me, I'm like... feeling half dead right now" Jonathan says apologetically.
You reluctantly stop and remove  your hand. "Are you sure? Seems like.... some of you wants it? I can just make it quick.... I'd love to just sit on top," you suggest, half begging at this point.
"My cock ALWAYS wants you. Fuck. I could be on my deathbed and still get hard for you sweetheart. But I really don't feel good right now honestly. I'm so sorry, " he said slowly planting kisses on your cheeks and forehead. "If I get any rest, I guarantee I'll want to tomorrow. I swear," Jonathan continued.
Disappointed, you hopped off of him and curled up next to him. You loved him. You understood it was bad timing. Your pussy was soaked and you were frustrated though. He was asleep in minutes, lightly snoring while his arms were wrapped around your waist, spooning you. You thought of bringing yourself off but you were actually really annoyed and didn't feel like trying to have an orgasm now either. You quickly realized how tired you were also and managed to fall asleep.
The first thing you felt when you woke up was a hand between your legs, sliding up your thighs and slowly rubbing your naked pussy, since you'd gone to sleep without panties on. You opened your eyes to see Jon in bed next to you very close, waiting for your eyes to open. This was the best wake up call ever. "Fuck... good morning to you too!" you said playfully. The two of you began tenderly kissing as he rubbed his thumb against your clit.
"I got some rest baby, and I woke up so hard for you," Jonathan said in a soothing, whisper voice. Your pussy quivered in anticipation. Morning sex with him was always amazing. He'd wake with morning wood and he would share his rock hard dick with you slowly and awesomely as the two of you had sleepy sex and let the adrenaline gradually wake you up together. He wasted no time taking his boxers off, revealing his very hard dick and hopping on top of you. You spread your legs wide for him and invited him in. He put his hand on his dick and aimed it at your pussy, slowly sliding it in while crawling on top of you. You shut your eyes in immense pleasure and moaned as he started missionary fucking you and tenderly resting his arms above you, one placed behind your neck, holding you in place and squishing you against the mattress and pillows. You wrapped your legs around his back as he started taking slow, deep pumps inside you.
Your pussy was getting wet SO fast. The two of you began moaning together, more and more loudly. It had been several days since you had cum with him and you knew this was going to feel so good. His cock was already twitching but you knew he would pace himself and make it last. Make you feel really good. Your legs fell turther apart as he kept satisfying you with his dick. He began licking and love biting your ears and necks while making more aggressive, longer pumps into you. You moaned louder as he started pumping deeper and deeper, rotating pumping with just pressing his cock deep inside you and holding it there. He loved to tease you like that. Stop pumping for a second and just push his dick in deep and let your pussy squeeze and throb around it, begging for more. Your pussy was soaked by now and you squeezed your muscles around his hard dick while he was deep in you. "AHHHHHH,..... mmmmmfffff.... baby. You're so fucking tight. GOD. I want you to cum first but you're gonna make me fucking lose it," Jonathan whispered in a whiny tone.  He started pumping faster.
Just then his damn cell phone rang. It was right next to the two of you in bed. You bucked your hips against him as your way of saying "DON'T TAKE THE DAMN CALL." Jonathan did look at the caller ID though... and immediately made a sour face. "FUCK. It's my management team......" You were immediately livid. "DON'T TAKE IT! Call them fucking back!" you said while pulling his neck and trying to get his attention. "Ummm.... I think I know what this is about" Jonathan said, wincing and shaking his head. Jonathan reluctantly pulled out of you, leaving you hanging and begging. He answered the called.
"Hello?" Jonathan said shyly with his voice breaking.
You immediately heard yelling on the other end.
"I..... I know.. I mean.... I know now... I'm really sorry. I fucking forgot... I---"
You could hear the caller cutting him off and giving him instructions.
"Ok.... fuck! Ok fine. But.... nothing else for the rest of the day you fucking swear?" Jonathan growled.
"Ok... fair enough. Fuck!" he said while hanging up.
Jonathan looked at you with a heartbroken expression. "I fucking forgot I had one phone interviewed scheduled this morning. The media station is gonna call me for a phone interview in like... 15 minutes, I have to do this press thing. It's a contract obligation. I'm so so fucking sorry" Jonathan said in an extremely apologetic voice.
"I can't believe this," you said, throwing  yourself back in bed feeling resigned. Jonathan caught his breath and put clothes on reluctantly.
"I promise you. Last thing. Then we have the rest of the day to ourselves. I can't apologize enough sweetheart.I hate it just as much as you do,"
You sat in bed, brooding while Jonathan did the phone interview. He fidgeted and played with his hair and rocked. No matter how much press he does, he still fights social awkwardness and hates it. He got off the phone and slumped back down into bed next to you.
He shook his head and rubbed his eyes. "I'm so fucking sorry hun." You didn't want to dwell on it. You just wanted to hold him. The two of you faced each other and embraced in bed. You went to start making out with him in hopes to pick up where you left off. Jonathan reluctantly stopped you.
"I've got to be honest.... that pissed me off a lot.. that management shit. And that interview. They touched on subjects I'd already fucking told my manager to make sure they don't ask. I'm so angry right now.... I--- I don't think I can do this right now...." Jonathan said in a very upset tone.
You were  so frustrated by now. You knew he loved you. Sadly this type of stuff happens too often. All your romantic and sexual moments can be interrupted and Jonathan is an emotional guy. If something bothers him, he can't give you all of him. And he doesn't like to make love to you unless he can give you all of him without his headspace being fucked up at the time.
However, your pussy was extremely needy and infuriated by now. Jonathan climbed out of bed and looked out the RV window.
"Looks like rain coming pretty soon," he said. "I wanna go for a walk and clear my head..... then maybe we can pick up where we left off," he said. The two of you awkwardly ate some breakfast and he got dressed in his warmer clothes. You had a devilish idea though. You were going to get him back. You knew it wasn't his fault... but at this point, you wanted to show him how it feels to get extremely turned on. He made your clit hard and left you hanging twice now. You are gonna make his dick hard and leave him begging.
While he wasn't looking you got dressed but no panties. Just leggings. Flimsy leggings. And your regular sweater and coat. The two of you stepped out of the RV together holding hands and starting on your walk. Jonathan was still apologizing and telling you sweet and loving things. He really hates his career and times and was trying to say he understands how upsetting it might be for you.
You were just quiet and nodding and reassuring him. But you still had your plan. The two of you stepped onto a footbridge trail that led to a remote gazebo that served as a bird watching camp/shelter out in the nature preserve the two of you parked in. Luckily no one else was parked in the RV lot and you didn't hear a single sound except birds and distant thunder. The two of you get to a railing and look over to see the view.
Jonathan was relaxing his mind and had his arms wrapped around you from behind. You savored the moment with him.... then slowly started pressing your ass more firmly up against his front as he stood behind you. "Ohhhh.... so ... I guess you're not mad at me anymore?" Jonathan said in a naughty, low tone. You didn't reply. His hands slid down your waist and slowly cradled your stomach, first above your sweater, then underneath it. You let out soft, teasing moans and then pressed your ass harder against his crotch. Jonathan moaned a bit in response, realizing how turned on he still was from this morning since he never got to cure his morning wood with you.
Jon slid his hands under your shirt and slowly caressed your tummy with his warm hands, which felt great given the cold day. You let all his body warmth warm you up. His hands went higher under your sweater as he started pressing you against the railing from behind, pressing his crotch harder against your ass. "Mmmmmm..... fuck..... are you saying we should get back to the RV and pick up where we left off or--?" Jon said, somewhat confused.
"Why don't you feel up my lower body, Jon?" you suggested in a devilish voice. Jonathan groaned and moved his hands off of your breasts, which he had been massaging under your shirt. He slid his hands down to your waist and then to the front of both of your thighs. You leaned back and moaned the sexiest moans you could to turn him on while lulling the back of your head against his chest as he stood behind you. His big, warm hands inched up your hips and towards your pussy, He pressed his fingers against your pussy through your thin, flimsy leggings. You moaned louder while nodding your head.
"Wait.... w---what are? Are you.... even wearing panties?" Jonathan said in a giddy tone with a silly laugh.
"Why don't you check?" you suggested in a quiet voice.
"Jonathan reached on hand behind you and slid a hand into your waistband, pulling your leggings back to reveal just your bare ass underneath.
"FUCK! Look at you......mmmmfff," Jon said, his voice shaking with arousal.
You pressed your ass hard against his crotch again as your leggings were still slid half off, letting half of your ass out of your pants and pressing hard against Jon's crotch. You reached behind you and grabbed his hips from behind, pulling it hard against your ass. He briefly lost his balance and pushed you further into the railing, his cock quickly firming back up.
The two of you had a sloppy, off balance moment where you both felt each other up and he reached his hand into your leggings and started caressing your ass and then your pussy before sliding a finger into it and finding it wet and ready for him.
"You dirty girl," Jonathan said in a naughty, scolding voice. "So.... you wanted me to fuck you out here hm?"
You didn't reply. You just grabbed the hand he had on your pussy and pushed his finger further in as he added a second and pushed it deeper into your pussy.
"Hmmmm??? mmmm" Jon groaned in frustration waiting for your answer. "Well???? " Jon said breathing hard. "Did you???? Did you plan this? You want me to fuck you right here? Cuz I will" Jonathan said in a deeper voice.
"Hmmmm, maybe," you said in a naughty, teasing tone.
Jonathan was getting so turned on at the thought of fucking you against this railing. It would be easy. He would just need to undo his zip, take his cock out, push it into your pussy from behind and cum." His dick was now extremely hard. He began to pull down your leggings.
"My naughty girl," Jonathan said in sexy, low voice. "You better hold on to this railing tight, you're gonna need it" Jon said in a dominating tone as he grabbed your hips and humped against you teasingly. Suddenly you decided you were gonna make him work for it. You slowly turned to face him. He was unbuckling his belt and undoing his zip and breathing hard and you could see the outline of his hard cock through his cargo pants.
"I don't know Jon.... you made me wait twice.... and I'm kinda cold. Kinda uncomfortable. Maybe we should just keep walking until we find  a better place for it," you said in a naughty, teasing voice. Jon was breathless, staring up from his belt. "Seriously?" he said. "YEAH. Right here looks.. hmm.. a bit uncomfortable," you said (lying).
Jonathan moaned and whimpered in frustration. "FUCK baby.... but I'm so hard. How am I even gonna walk now?" he whined. "Hmmm just try your best. I think there's that gazebo up ahead," you said nonchalantly.
Some raindrops were starting to come down. "Maybe we should just rush back to the RV. I ---- I don't give a fuck about the walk anymore," Jonathan said in a pleeding tone. "NO! I'd like to see this gazebo," you said in a controlling tone. Jonathan groaned and followed you as your pace quickened and you felt him trailing behind you, knowing his dick was still hard, desperate to fuck you now.
You get to the gazebo and the rain has begun. It's quite bad. Within a few minutes it went from little raindrops to pouring rain and the two of you had already gotten a bit wet by the time you reached the shelter of the gazebo.
Jonathan looked at you shaking his head. "Well.... this sucks" Jon said. "If we went back to the RV, we would be warm and dry and I'd be inside you," Jon said while laughing in a mix of horniness and frustration.
"Guess we'll have to just wait out the rain for a little bit," you said. There was a bench and several window ledges inside the gazebo. Jon sat down on the bench with a resigned sigh and groan as he adjusted his dick through his cargos. You could see the outline and he was still hard. His legs were spread and he placed his hands on his forehead and threw his head back looking frustrated.
"I'm cold," you said. "Lets warm up together." You sat next to him on the benched and he sighed while putting his arm around you and holding you close to him. He was frustrated but still so flustered, it didn't take long before the two of you were cuddling and making out again, warming up and hearing the sound of the rain on the roof. You straddled his lap again and he needily reached his hands back under your sweater and up to your breasts. You pushed your tongue further into his mouth. You felt his cock firm up even more, pressing against his pants.
"God damnit" Jonathan complained. "I JUST WANT TO FUCK YOU!" he continued. "I know baby... I've wanted to fuck you too. All day yesterday. All day today," you cooed. Wordlessly you undid his zip, pulled his cock out of his boxers, and without warning, knelt down in front of him while he sat on the bench. You held his knees and locked eyes with him as you lowered your mouth onto his cock, first licking and caressing the tip, then pushing your mouth down against it.
"AHHHHHHhhh! AH FUCK!!! So--s-soooo fucking good!" Jon whined as he threw his head back. "Mmmmmffff.... baby. YES. I need it. Y---y.... please don't stop..... aggghhhhhh" he continued as he placed a hand on your head and started stroking your hair while watching you suck his needy cock. You kept at it for several minutes, listening to the pitch of his moans get higher and higher and increasingly desperate.
Then again, without warning, you stopped. You took your mouth away and left him hazy and confused, bucking the air. "Wh--what are you doing?" Jon said, truly confused by now. "Hmmm.. I don't know... what am I doing?" you said in a devilish tone. Jonathan begged, "just.... just sit back down on my dick. PLEASE. Sit on my lap. I need to cum so bad right now!" He went to grab your waist and pull your leggings down. You stopped him and took slow steps away.
"I don't know Jon... do you deserve to cum right now? I wanted to cum so bad earlier..... and I couldn't," you said, letting your eyes bore into his. Jon's demeanor changed as he sat on the bench, legs splayed, his hard cock still out of his pants. His gaze went from confused to knowing and his eyes darkened with realization and a bit of anger. "Ohhhhh..... so THAT'S what this is about," Jon said in an equally devlish tone. "I made you wait.... now you're gonna make me wait... hmm???"
You said nothing. Just smiled a really dirty smile and took more steps back. You leaned yourself against a ledge within the gazebo. Jon slowly stood up from the bench with his eyes locked on you, boring into you while smiling a very dark naughty smile and looking increasingly knowing now. He nodded his head slowly while smiling at you....."Well... I've got news for you. I'm not letting you leave this gazebo until I fucked you. Nice and hard. Just like you deserve for this...." Jon said. You smiled a dark smile back at him.
Without warning, Jon took rapid steps towards you and pushed you hard against the gazebo ledge. He opened your legs as he sat you on the ledge and pushed his face between your legs. He pulled the fabric of your flimsy leggings away from your crotch and bit into the fabric. It easily tore. You gasped. He pushed a finger into the hole in the fabric and while locking eyes with you and giving you a dark smirk, ripped it open at the crotch. Your pussy was now exposed through your leggings.
He leaned back up and grabbed your thighs nice and firm with both hands. His cock, which was still out of his pants, was now pressed right against your exposed pussy where Jon had ripped the fabric.
"Mmmmm? You want it? HMMMM? Speak up!" Jon said.
All you could do was moan. You LOVED it when Jon gets this aggressive. 
Jon rammed his cock into you and you both let out huge, loud moans that echoed in the gazebo over the rain. Jon pounded into you as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders and dug your nails into his jacket as he fucked you nice and hard.
"Mmmmm .. GAHHH.. You... h-happy now?" Jon growled at you. All you could do was yelp and moan and love it. He took long, hard pumps deep into you while firmly gripping your hips. You leaned against him and bit is neck. "AHHHHhhhffuuuu.. You ---f---really wanna be punished!" Jon said, slamming even harder into you and throwing a hand up against the gazebo wall for balance. He bit your neck back... nice and firm. You moaned and yelped and your clit throbbed at the mix of feeling him finally taking you the way you wanted and knowing you were finally both going to cum. He pulled your shirt up and licked and bit your nipple as you continued to moan and get fucked hard. You clenched your pussy muscles around him and he let out a more feminine moan. He was seriously desperate to cum by now and you felt your orgasm coming fast too.
You both started scream-moaning and totally losing control, becoming animals as he pumped hard into you while squeezing and pinching your nipples. You bucked against him and could hear him slapping against you with each pound as they got faster.
"Mmmmm ! Fuuuu....naughty fuckin---- I'm gonna fuckin fill you so-s,..." Jon was losing control now. You tightened your pussy around in as your clit starts throbbing. You couldn't even handle it anymore.... he felt so good and you loved watching him totally lose control when he was trying to be dominating. Your orgasm hit you fast, you had wanted and needed it so bad for so long. Your pussy clenched around him and your pussy throbbed with a delicious release. "Auhhgggh! MMFFF!!" Jon growled as he felt you cum. His throbbing cock shoved hard into you one more time and he froze as he held onto you as tightly as he could, releasing his cum deep inside you. You felt it up in your cervix. He definitely fucked you really hard. You had made him so frustrated. You knew you were going to be a bit sore for the rest of the day but it was WELL worth it. Jon continued to moan and yell as he came for you, pumping spurts inside you while letting out growls as his frustration melted away into profound relief.
Jon kept growling as he slowly released his grip on you and lost his breath, whimpering against your shoulder. The two of you really love each other... you don't "hatefuck" but you will definitely "punish" each other from time to time. You LOVE when he "punishes" you for various reasons. This was definitely one of those times.
Jonathan gently and slowly pulls his cock out of you, seeping cum down your legs and onto your leggings.
"God I came so fucking hard," Jon groaned. He looked at the damage he did do your flushed pussy and ripped leggings. He knelt down slowly and gave your pussy some gentle licks and kisses while moaning into it as you held his sweaty hair. He raised up and looked at your neck which had a pretty visible bite mark too.
"mmmmm.... baby....I-- I'm sorry... " Jon said.... "you make me CRAZY!"
"Don't be sorry," you said. "I wanted it. I wanted to get fucked SO BAD. That's why I did it" you said. Jon smiled with tired relief, happy to hear that he did exactly what you wanted him to do.
"I'm fuckin sorry" Jon said catching his breath.... "About making you wait I mean..... Sorry stuff kept holding me back from just being with you" Jonathan said apologetically.
"It's ok now," you said in a naughty tone looking down as his cum seeped out of you and the crotch hole in your leggings.
"PFFTTT.... damn!" Jon said while laughing and realizing what he'd done. He took his jacket off and wrapped it around your waist so you wouldn't have to walk back to the RV uncovered like that. He slowly put his cock away and did his belt and gave you tender kisses while picking you up and pulling you off the ledge and into his arms.
The rain was slowing now. The two of you embraced while feeling physically weak.
"I gotta say.... I LOVED fucking you like that.... jeez. I feel like I could already cum again, you turn me on so much when you let me get sick like that...... I needed that so bad. You really know how to tease me till my head explodes, literally" Jon said while laughing.
"Mmmmm.... well I'm a little sore now" you admitted.... "but I think I might still need you too" you admitted.
Jon's hands were shaking. "I love you baby. I promise. No more interruptions this weekend. Let's get back and warm up. Then see what happens hmm?" he said in a naughty tone. Sounds good. Your legs were shaking hard. Jon supported you in his arms and half carried you back to the RV. He REALLY had fucked you nice and hard. But you were sure the weekend had more delight in store. 
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goose-duck · 2 months
Mandela Catalogue Texting 👁️
✨Jonah and Adam✨
🌙Adam: we have no power
☀️ Jonah: why
☀️Jonah: what
🌙 Adam: the power is out
☀️ Jonah: ehy
☀️ Jonah: why
🌙Adam: they are working on the lines
☀️Jonah: why
🌙Adam: I don't know
☀️ Jonah: is it day 7?
☀️ Jonah: or day 3
☀️ Jonah: it's the same day
☀️ Jonah: it's one of them
🌙 Adam: 7
☀️ Jonah: thank you
🌙 Adam: I only count the first 4 days
☀️ Jonah: I had to think harder abt that than I would have liked
🌙 Adam: haha
☀️ Jonah: Well, that makes sense, it just repeats
☀️ Jonah: I don't know why they even give us 8 days
🌙 Adam: yeah
🌙 Adam: knowing the days repeat it's weird
☀️ Jonah: maybe it's for fun
☀️ Jonah: maybe 8 is someone's lucky number
🌙 Adam: maybe
☀️ Jonah: I just tripped up the stairs, I'm so proud of myself
🌙 Adam: ahaha
☀️ Jonah: I feel like my shoes are loud
☀️ Jonah: it's very quiet
☀️ Jonah: it's weird when the school is quiet
✨Evelin and Sarah✨
💕 Evelin: Sorry I haven't answered ur messages today, I've been in Halifax
💕 Evelin: I'm very happy for you though <33
💕 Evelin: tell me abt ur boyfriend :D
🍓 Sarah: :33
🍓 Sarah: his name's Crow
🍓 Sarah: he's like a year younger than me
🍓 Sarah: but he's super sweet
🍓 Sarah: and like gives off soft boyfriend enrergy
💕 Evelin: Yayayayayay
💕 Evelin: I'm happy ur happy :D
💕 Evelin: y'all know eachother in person?
💕 Evelin: Crow is such a cool name
💕 Evelin: it's a name one could eat
💕 Evelin: soft bit energy is such a vibe
🍓 Sarah: he's from Canada
💕 Evelin: SARAHHHH
💕 Evelin: UR CURSED
💕 Evelin: I'm happy you have Crow but it's very funny that he's Canadian
💕 Evelin: what part of Canada?
🍓 Sarah: I think New Brunswick
💕 Evelin: :0
💕 Evelin: that's really close to NS
💕 Evelin: the school I wanna go to is in NB
💕 Evelin: u rlly like ppl from the south shore lol
💕 Evelin: must be the accent
🍓 Sarah: I think it is
🍓 Sarah: I heard his accent and I just knew
🍓 Sarah: but idk if it's Canadian
💕 Evelin: Sorry to just complain randomly, but I've been in this vehicle for an hour and I need to tell someone abt this lady's terrible driving
💕 Evelin: She keeps almost driving off the road 😭
💕 Evelin: She's barely making the turns
💕 Evelin: I'm just scared
💕 Evelin: Anyway, I'm very happy that u and Crow are together :D I hope y'all are very happy for a very long time, maybe even forever >:D
🍓 Sarah: that's scary
🍓 Sarah: and yes
🍓 Sarah: hes a total husbando
💕 Evelin: cone
💕 Evelin: FUCKKKK
🍓 Sarah: bruh
💕 Evelin: SAVE ME
🍓 Sarah: YOU DRIVE
💕 Evelin: I MIGHT
🍓 Sarah: get her her driving glasses
💕 Evelin: She slowed down, we're doing the speed limit now
🍓 Sarah: what's that in miles
💕 Evelin: 150 m/hr
💕 Evelin: I think
💕 Evelin: I don't have internet, so I'm doing my best
💕 Evelin: She's supposed to be dropping this old lady off somewhere b4 me bc it's on the way to Milton and she passed it 😭
💕 Evelin: "oh, there's Dansville" *keeps driving* "oh, right, we needed to go there" *does a fucking U-turn on the highway*
🍓 Sarah: oh my
💕 Evelin: I hope she actually makes it to Milton
💕 Evelin: Never trust a Canadian mf with a French accent istg
💕 Evelin: French Canadians are insane, I swear
💕 Evelin: Our asses are not making it to Milton
🍓 Sarah: lol
🍓 Sarah: be safe pls
💕 Evelin: I'll message u when I get home so u know I'm not dead lol
💕 Evelin: I'm gonna try to have a nap
🍓 Sarah: ok good
🍓 Sarah: Au revoir
💕 Evelin: I'm home :D
🍓 Sarah: ok good
💕 Evelin: I'm gonna have a bath and try to relax
💕 Evelin: Should I have a bubble bath or a normal bath?
🍓 Sarah: Mmmmbubbles
💕: it's gonna be the best bubble bath ever
🍓 Sarah: u enjoy it
💕 Evelin: Merci très cher
🍓 Sarah: ?
💕 Evelin: Je t'aime, Salutttt <33
🍓 Sarah: <3
✨Jonah and Adam✨
☀️ Jonah: I can't fucking see
☀️ Jonah: fucking
☀️ Jonah: Aahdbsks
☀️ Jonah: Sorry I was not happy eafukng
☀️ Jonah: Earkk
☀️ Jonah: worss
☀️ Jonah: help
🌙 Adam: huh
☀️ Jonah: I'm fucked
☀️ Jonah: fucking
☀️ Jonah: can't see
🌙 Adam: wdym
☀️ Jonah: can't look at shit
🌙 Adam: why
☀️ Jonah: fucking
🌙 Adam: are u ok?
☀️ Jonah: When the pictures send you'll see
🌙 Adam: why
🌙 Adam: are you high
☀️ Jonah: I can't see
☀️ Jonah: This ddudkc
☀️ Jonah: Sycj
☀️ Jonah: fuck
☀️ Jonah: Why CBA I wrote that but nkw workx
☀️ Jonah: Fuck j
☀️ Jonah: When will this he'll end
🌙 Adam: I dont understand bud
☀️ Jonah: I don't understand either
☀️ Jonah: I can't read
🌙 Adam: get better
☀️ Jonah: Instahrm
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jittyjames · 10 months
for the fanfic writer asks!!
3, 11, 13, 19, 20, 24, 33, 39 (bc your fics drive me insane and i need more of your incredible works), 42, 45, 69 and 74!!!
sorry that i put loads, just choose whatever ones you want to answer out of the ones i’ve asked <3
3- ok so my process is basically non-existent, but i'll walk you through it anyway. so i'll have an idea for a scene literally at any point. sometimes it can be a single sentence or sometimes it can be a vague concept, but i always write it down. if i have my phone it's almost always going in my notes app. from there, i just kind of expand on the idea as it develops when i get back to my laptop. i tend to write the exciting and important scenes first in a very rough fashion, and then go back to fill in the blanks. then i go back and polish by combing over it for grammar mistakes and adding a few more details. that's pretty much it!
11- OOO! i'll do three for hamilton and three for jcs to appease both sides
FAV HAMILTON FICS AT THE MOMENT ARE a more perfect union by holograms (thanks to crys for introducing me to THIS), the monticello furlough by michelle_a_emerlind, and death of a nation by cyanspica
FAV JCS FICS AT THE MOMENT ARE obviously the incomparable ruined ambition series by @solarflicker (which i literally trip over myself to go read every time i get the email that it's been updated), picking up the palm fronds by onetrueobligation, and the cup that can't be filled by @ohsoldier (literally the good omens/jcs crossover of my dreams)
13- "write for yourself, your dick, and your six closest friends." SHARED BY @fireballdance
19- my most used rating tag is mature, my most tagged ship is hamilton/laurens, my most tagged character is hamilton (obv lol), and my most used additional tag is hurt/comfort
20- i use a lot of rain imagery i think. actually i use a lot of weather imagery bc i'm annoyinggg. and then ofc i use aspects of my trauma in most of my fics (even ones you wouldn't suspect) but no one really would pick up on that since y'all don't know, but themes of abuse are certainly littered through out. obviously biblical imagery, too. i can't think of any phrases, SO IF YOU KNOW OF SOME THAT YOU NOTICED I'VE USED A LOT LEMME KNOW.
24- the worst advice i've ever gotten is if you're stuck, delete everything and start over. absolutely not. you can start over, but i wouldn't ever delete anything. even if i don't use lines in one fic, i can always recycle and put it somewhere else. NEVER DELETE. YOU'LL REGRET IT. TAKE MY WORD FOR IT.
33- YES I WANT TO BE PUBLISHED. i have so many original novel ideas and i want to write southern gothic literature so badly. i doubt it will ever happen but that's the dream. i would also really like to write my own plays :))) but for now, i'm sticking to universes and characters i'm already familiar with
39- OOOO I HAVE SO MANY WIPS BC OF WHUMPTOBER (currently have a little bit over 30k words written 👀👀 and that's not even counting the kink stuff BUT I'M NOT GOING INTO THAT WITH YOU BC YOU ARE A MINOR) BUT LEMME PICK ONE I THINK YOU'LL LIKE
Philip’s forehead burned under his hand.  Alexander felt something in his chest and stomach plummet to what seemed like hell. He remembered the feeling of this. He remembered how hot his mother’s flesh had seared as she shivered against him, her arms wrapped tight and secure as she hummed shakily to him. He remembered how she soothed her hand over his hair as she whispered te quiero over and over.   He remembered her going still and cold. 
42- THE LAST FIC I READ WAS calm you and anoint you (envy) by a_trick_or_two_with_lepers AND ABSOLUTELY. I LOVE IT. GO READ IT RIGHT NOW.
69- hmmm i'm always embarrassed when i post smut but i'm not really embarrassed that it exists. and the fics i were embarrassed about have long been deleted from the internet SO NOT REALLY ANY OF THEM I GUESS
74- if it's a fic posted in an obscure musical fandom about trauma and has my long-winded ass writing style, it's probably me :)
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cadiacore · 2 years
.。*゚+.*.。 cal calore x fem!reader
warning(s): gore, blood, violence, spoilers for war storm, death, love triangle, angst, fluff if you squint, etc. if there is more, pls let me know.
wc: 1.1k
a/n: hello everyone! i'm back with another fic this week! two in one week is a record for me lol. i hope you enjoy this fic i wrote mONTHS ago when i was in a very angsty. so, i put my pain and sorrow into this. i hope you get some angsty enjoyment out of it lol. also, I'm so sorry for what I'm about to put y'all & @ofelia-writesxox through...
There was smoke and ash covering the battlefield as she lay there surrounded by the dead. Blood soaked through her cotton shirt and covered her arms. Some of the soldiers were from her own legion and some from Mavens. Y/N gagged at the sight before her. Too many bodies and too much death. She reminded herself that it had to be done, that Maven had to be removed from power, or else Norta would go down in cobalt flames.
I need to find Cal. 
As she stood, she saw Maven to her left, cutting down the soldiers in his way. Y/N scrambled to stand but her body was so stiff. Each time she tried to move, pain shot through her nerves and muscles, making her cry. Orange flames shot up from the sky and that’s when she ignored every ounce of pain and bolted toward the flames. White blinding pain tore through her, each fiber of her skin felt like it was being fried. Y/N needed to get to him. To be with him. 
Seeing Maven running after her, she flung her hand out and lightning pulsed through her veins before striking a point in front of him with the hand that wasn't holding her side. The ground shook, making her stumble. She was so close. 
Please let me get to Cal,
No matter how much she pushed herself in the end it wasn’t enough, Maven had still grabbed and thrown Y/N to the ground. She held back her scream as she landed on her side. Tears began to run down her face but they weren’t from fear or pain, it was from anger. 
“Let me go, Maven,” she said, 
When she reached for her knife, it was gone. It must have fallen out as she was running. His blade pressed against her throat with enough pressure that blood began to trickle down the column of her throat. Her fingers squeezed and clawed at his wrist but he pressed his blade harder against her, 
“You turned against me. To my own brother!” he said, “I showed you, love, and kindness, and I fought for you!” When Y/N looked into Maven’s eyes, there was nothing left that was familiar. His eyes were cold and cruel. Her Maven was gone. Even though she chose Cal, she wanted to hope that her Maven was somewhere still in there. She was wrong to hope. 
“You turned against me!” Maven gritted out through his teeth. Y/N swallowed and looked further into his eyes, desperately trying to cling to some familiarity. 
“You can do the right thing, Maven. Let me go and tell your legion to stand down,” she said, 
“You know I can’t do that.” 
“No, you just don’t want to.” she spat, but out of the corner of her eye, she saw bright orange flames coming toward her. While Maven was distracted, Y/N pushed him off her and rolled out of the way of the flames. Cal called for her but when she looked up, blue and orange flames collided. 
As she watched the two brothers fight, Y/N couldn’t help but wonder how it had all come down to this. To this violence between what was once a good sibling relationship. They had loved each other but now it was like someone had torn their happiness with each other apart. 
Realization sank into her mind. She was the reason. Maven loved her and so did Cal. But, in the end, she chose Cal which resulted in Maven waging war against his own brother.
“Get out of here, Y/N!” Cal called out to her, but she ignored him. Instead, Y/N pushed herself off of the ground and ran to Cal’s side. She lept over bodies, one by one, ignoring the searing pain that coursed through her thigh and side. Once she finally reached the burner, her lightning began to thrum through her heart and her blood. It made her ears pop and another wave of power surged through her.
Lightning crackled above her while Cal and Maven’s flames roared. Y/N shot her hand forward and with a scream, lightning surged from her hand, striking the cruel king in his calf. 
Pure hatred burned in Maven’s eyes. A flash of cobalt fire and before Y/N could register what was going on, the flames licked around her skin. It burned and burned and burned. All she could hear was Cal’s scream of rage along with Maven’s. Her lightning swirled and collided with the flames, forming a protective barrier around her. She can’t even remember if she screamed. Black spots danced across her vision and she felt like her head was going to explode from all the agony. 
 It was hard to breathe. It was like the fire was in her lungs and ran through her veins. As her electrical currents shone bright purple, orange overshadowed it. 
“Cal!” Just saying his name burned her throat and the heat made her want to die. She couldn’t hear or see Maven but she hoped he burn just as bad as she did. He told her he would never cause harm to her but yet he did,
I’ll never hurt you, 
Those words rang through her head for several seconds but when Cal knelt beside her, she began to sob. Not from the pain and agony she was feeling on the outside but on the inside as well. Maven’s body lay lifeless in front of her. She wanted him to change, to see that she still cared for him even though she chose Cal. 
He was her first love, her first kiss, her first everything. Y/N loved him. As grief flowed through her, Cal held her in his arms, and tears stained his face too. The burns had hurt but this hurt worse. Her vision became spotty again and it felt as if her throat had closed. 
When Cal stood, he kept her in his arms as he walked toward the ruined castle. Bricks fell and she could still hear screaming from all the men who were injured. Sleep called to her but she blinked rapidly to try and keep herself awake. 
Y/N placed a hand on the prince’s chest and it was sticky with what she assumed was blood. Cal kissed the top of her head and hummed as he laid her down on a cot next to a healer's tent. 
“You’re going to be okay, love,” he said as he brushed a piece of her hair from her face. Y/N tried to smile but it was weak. She felt weak. It was like her body was made of lead and her own limbs were too heavy. That’s when sleep began to call to her again and this time she let herself succumb to it. And the last words she heard were his, I love you. 
And Y/N loved him too. 
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always-andromeda · 1 year
“La Belle Fluer Sauvage” for Nick Flynn. Nick has a really rough night at the shelter and comes home to discover reader decided to surprise show up at his place. Nick actually wonders if he’s hallucinating. She’s wearing a sexy outfit and does some moves on the stripper poles to try to cheer him up (Nick isn’t really quite in the mood so it takes some time). She does win him over, and he becomes ridiculously horny for her - would love it if you include extended oral sex/fingering, primal/carnal vibes, real hot and heavy dirty talk, maybe they both take turns trying to dominate one another 😉
Lol sorry for so much detail ahhhhhhhh 😅
Author's Note | lmao, you're totally fine, bb!! in fact, I should be apologizing for this being part of literally the last batch of milestone posts? like damn, thank you for your patience on this one lol.
Warnings | smut (MDNI), y'all read the request lol, we have oral sex (female receiving), fingering, thigh riding, and a little bit of Nick being an ass, nothing else I can think of!"
A Disclaimer | As with any characters that I write who are based on real people, I would like to say that the Nick Flynn I am writing about here is not meant to reflect the real life Nick Flynn, merely the character Paul plays in Being Flynn!
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The waiting is what makes the knot in your stomach twist tighter. And not the good kind. Regardless, the pressure keeps mounting with every minute that passes as you sit on the couch. Even though it's entirely the point of the skimpy red lace set that you have on, you felt unsettlingly naked sitting by yourself.
The only thing you could think of doing was stealing one of Nick's old flannel shirts. You buttoned a few of the middle buttons and fiddled with the ends of the sleeves. To say Nick had been having a rough time lately was an understatement. Ever since his father had shown up at the shelter, your boyfriend was seeming to do everything in his power to hold it together. Every time you saw him the circles underneath his eyes seemed to be getting deeper and darker. You can't even begin to imagine how much of a strain the emotional turmoil of his job wrecks on his mental state.
But now you're second guessing your assumption that Nick is just like any other guy; only in need of a quick fuck to relieve his tension. Because when Nick walks through that door looking as exhausted as ever, you feel none of that confidence you had earlier. Especially when he plops down beside you, barely sparing a glance at your unusual appearance.
He groans and leans his head back on the couch, burdened by some work altercation that you're sure you'll hear about later when he feels ready to tell you. But, for now, you push down the rising guilt and advance forward in your plot, bringing your legs up on the couch so you can kneel beside him. Laying your hands on your knees, your arms press your tits together slightly. 
You hope and pray that the awkwardness wears off. That somewhere in the middle of your act, it'll start to feel natural and effortless. The discomfort only deepens when you reach forward to place a hand on his thigh and Nick finally looks at you.
His eyes go wide in the worst way, betraying the same kind of unease that you're feeling. "Something bothering you, dear?" he asks hesitantly. 
You put on a bright smile. "No," you blink rapidly, "Just wondering how your day went."
"About as good as they all are now..." he sighs and runs a hand through his greasy hair.
"Oh," you swallow thickly. "Maybe I can make it better?" you wonder aloud, lifting yourself from the spot on the couch and strolling around it. Nick's turns so his gaze can follow your figure as you walk towards one of the poles mounted on the stage behind where he sits. His brow raises when you grab it and swirl around once, reaching your hand out with a flourish.
You plant a foot firmly on the platform and gracefully slow to a stop before looking at Nick again.
"That was...nice," he says carefully.
You pout, "Just nice?"
Realizing the obvious surprise in his tone, he over-corrects. "That was fantastic, really. I just didn't expect this...why don't you come here?" he looks you up and down, only now drinking in the whole look before urging you over with a sly tilt of his head.
You try not to give into your nerves as you step down from the stage and make your way toward him. Nick notices the way his flannel loosely hangs from you, exposing the thin, lacy straps of the scarlet lingerie laying on your skin. 
As soon as he takes it all in, he's grabbing your hand and bringing you around the couch again and encouraging you to straddle him. His hands rest possessively at your sides and slide up underneath the flannel.
"You look really good in this," he comments distantly.
From your spot on his lap, you look down with a bashful smile. "You actually like the set?"
Nick blinks blankly before shaking his head. "I mean this," he rubs the fabric of his shirt between his fingers, "I like this on you."
You nearly roll your eyes at the sentiment. You should've predicted that the poet would turn to jelly once he saw it. You could put in infinite amounts of effort on your appearance but it wouldn't compare to the simple but tender gesture in his eyes. But you're glad that something is working on him, regardless of if it fits in with your plan. He still looks up at you like you hung all the stars in the sky just for him. It's a type of exclusivity that makes pride swell in your chest. 
"What else do you like about me?" you lean in a little closer and roll your hips, practically daring him to do something to you with the sheer proximity between your bare skin and his.
Nick reacts with a deep breath and swipe of his tongue over chapped lips. "What kind of question is that?" he shoots you a trivial look.
"It's a simple question." Your fingers tease the folded collar of his leather jacket. "I think a smart guy like you should be able to answer it pretty easily."
Nick takes you by surprise, turning you so you're flat on your back against the couch. You adjust so you can sit up and get a better look at him as he begins to travel.
"Hmm, I'm a smart guy now...why don't you tell me what I should be paying attention to, honey?" He leaves sloppy kisses down your jaw before pulling the flannel away just enough to he could continue down your chest. Though his descent down your body is quick, each kiss is filled with vigor; you hear it in how he breathes and hums, waiting for you to answer him.
The closer he gets to your panties, the more your voice falters when you respond, "I think you should appreciate...how hard I try...for you..."
That makes him stop dead in his tracks between your legs. He rests his cheek against your inner thigh and when you look down, you see how his brow furrows.
His tone takes on a note of sincerity, "You know you don't have to try for me, right?"
You reply breathlessly, "I know. But I just– you do so much at that shelter and–"
Nick sighs and starts to chuckle humorlessly, "But that's my job. Not yours. You don't have to worry about me. I'll be just fine, okay?"
You catch how he sleepily blinks. Still, he's nearly salivating being this close to the warmth between your legs. His voice is hoarse as he teases, "Besides, why would you have to try when you already have the perfect answer right in front of me?"
"You think I'm perfect?"
Nick laughs again, "Of course. You know, Shakespeare once said, 'Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate..." Then he kisses you above your clit.
You groan, mostly from the cheesiness of the line. "I don't think that Shakespeare was talking about pussy, Nick."
"Who knows. It's open for interpretation," he waves your comment off as he hooks his fingers around each side of the waistband. You lift your butt off the couch to allow him to pull the garment down, just for him to crumple it into his pocket. 
Now gazing directly at your folds, Nick drags a long finger up the center of them, gathering the little bit of slick that's formed. It's been a while since he's touched you like this. So you're still sensitive when he dips in, coating his finger in the slick. 
"I take it that I should recite poetry more often when I'm about to make you come, huh?"
"I will slug you if you do, Nicholas,"  you threaten halfheartedly, earning another pompous laugh.
As he pushes the lubricated digit against your entrance and lets it slowly swallow him, he breathes deeply in time with the way your walls clench around him. He continues his recitation, "So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see, so long lives this, this gives life to thee."
And with that, he can't help himself any longer. As soon as his finger is buried completely inside of you, his mouth goes to your clit. He circles the bud with his tongue and smiles when he feels it harden slightly.
Hands flying to his hair, you hate the thought of possibly degrading him, but you need more of his face against you. So, using your grip on his dark locks, you begin to faintly thrust against his face, trying to find that sweet spot that you can ride all the way to the end of your rope. That's when his lips wrap around your clit, sending you through the damn roof almost entirely.
Nick lets you have your moment; lets you put an entire show into rolling your hips into the thrusts of his finger and the suction of his mouth on you. He waits for your gasps to get higher and feels your thighs tense up with the consistently building pressure against your clit. Each of your strangled little sounds of pleasure just increases his ego. And that, on it's own, builds him up enough to where he pulls his finger from you and grabs your wrists from where they'd been grasping his hair.
Gathered in one of his large hands, he holds your wrists up and crawls his way towards you again. "I thought that you were trying to impress me?" He chuckles before giving your parted lips a searing kiss. Even though you don't kiss him back, you taste yourself on your own tongue; it's impossible not to, considering you're all over his chin. But based on the way he smirks smugly into the kiss, you know he's enjoying the power play. And a Nick Flynn who is full of himself is one that you don't want to encourage.
Finally recovering from the devastating edge and regaining a semblance of a grip on yourself, you break your wrists free from his hand; a move that he didn't expect you to have the willpower to do based upon the way his brows raise. You push back on his chest until he's properly sitting up and take your place on him once more. But this time, you're planted firmly on his thigh.
Even if you'd been wearing those red lace panties, the material of his dark wash jeans would've overwhelmed your still sensitive cunt. But you commit to the moment and grind down on his thigh, bracing your hands on his shoulders.
"Maybe I changed my mind," you whine, barely able to stand the electric wave that makes you quiver.
Nick can tell that you're not nearly as strong as you're making yourself seem, spacing out each roll of your hips sporadically and reacting severely each time. The sight is almost pitiful.
"Then at least let me help you," he murmurs. With your eyes closed, you feel Nick's hands rest at your sides before they travel down to your hips. Then there's his fingers digging into your flesh and guiding you into a temperate rhythm, turning your pathetic rubs into steady grind against his jeans.
You squeeze your eyes shut as that really makes the coil start to form again in your belly. Like muscle memory, it all comes back quickly. Your body is familiar with this slow burn and is eager to rush through each twist and turn just to get to the ending. Nick is going to absolutely ruin you with this one and you can do nothing to stop it; and what's worse, is that you don't want it to stop.
Long after the end hits you, you're still clinging to him. The climax moves through you so fast that you feel like if you move even a little bit, you might just fall apart. So you stay, waiting for the tension to simply fade away. You bury your head into the crook of his neck, shaking as your arms snake around his torso.
"Fuck, I really needed that," you whisper.
Nick chuckles hollowly, taken aback by the way you attach yourself to him like a lump. He decides on rubbing your back over his flannel. That texture makes the smile reappear on his expression. He hums, "I think I needed that too."
Being at that shelter takes something out of him. Every single day he works his ass off, taking care of people, often to what feels like an unsympathetic audience. He thinks back to his father; always so disappointed that the world hadn't simply folded to his obvious brilliance. Seemingly disappointed with Nick for not bearing the burden of his mistakes. It's thankless work.
But this isn't. And Nick, himself, clings to that. That, here, especially when he's holding you, he has a place where he is treasured.
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whiskeynwriting · 2 years
Red String – Chapter 10 Teaser
Okay y'all, I wanted the full chapter out tonight, but shit happens. I randomly felt like adding in a sweet, sexy, soft af scene with Frankie and now I don't have the time to finish it tonight LOL. Hopefully y'all will accept this teaser as an apology <3
Chapter Ten: Julianna's Words
Word Count: 5.2k
Warnings: 18+ (minors DNI) mentions of ptsd, mentions of divorce, dirty talk, the beginning of some sexy times, lmk if I missed anything
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“Vale!” you holler throughout the house, tying your hair up into a bun as you look for Frankie’s daughter. “Vale? We have to go, honey.”
“No!” her small voice shouts back at you from… somewhere in the home.
“Ugh,” you sigh, rolling your eyes.
“You need me to help?” Frankie asks, walking out of the bathroom.
“No,” you instantly spin around, pointing a finger at him. You’re determined to get this right. “I got this. I can do it.”
Frankie stifles his chuckle, giving you a supportive nod before watching you turn around and march off through his home.
Ever since that one night, your nickname of not-mom stuck like super glue. Vale even started giving you an attitude, and not just here and there, it was now a regular occurrence. The more you stayed at Frankie’s, the more honest she became with you. Her filter faded away within mere days, and within a few weeks, she told you that she didn’t want you there. Not only that, but on certain days, Vale didn’t like your hair. She didn’t like the way you said pancakes or the way you put on your shoes. It was little things here and there, just nitpicking with you. And after about a month of this, Frankie sat you down to talk to you about it.
“I’m really sorry she’s been like this, babe.”
“It’s not your fault, Frankie. I just hope she gets used to me.” You’d said it timidly, glancing down while you picked at your nails.
You really were trying your best. You didn’t try to step in as her mom or even a general caregiver, not in the slightest. With your greatest efforts, you gave Vale the space to grow and become used to you.
“I think it just…” Frankie tried explaining to you, thinking his thoughts over in his head while he rubbed the back of his neck. “It’s the first time I’ve ever had a woman around that wasn’t her mom.”
“Yeah,” you agreed with a sigh, returning your gaze to him.
“I know she doesn’t have a great relationship with her mom, but she’s still her mom.”
“I know, baby.”
In the time between now and Julianna’s last visit, it had been over a month. Frankie hadn’t seen or talked to her, either. Which in all honesty, he was fine with. It made things easier. And after your talk, you both agreed that you’d try a more forward approach with Valentina. And with this, came your twice a week morning routine. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, you’d get Valentina up, and Frankie would have the morning to himself. You’d wake her up, help her get dressed and do her hair, and you’d have breakfast with her. Her dad would join the two of you for breakfast, of course, but the entire routine was up to just you and her. And today, was one of those days.
“Vale,” you exasperate, now in the kitchen as you look around. She’d opted to have breakfast before doing her hair today, which you begrudgingly allowed. “We just have to tie up your hair.”
“That’s it?” she asks, and immediately, you spin around.
Vale’s short frame comes into view as she steps out from behind Frankie’s new recliner, her feet now pattering up to you.
“That’s it.” you smile gently, looking down at her.
“Do we have to brush it?”
“Honestly,” you sigh, pulling your phone out and glancing down at the time. “We don’t even have time to, honey. Let’s just tie it up.”  
She simply shrugs. “Okay.”
“Sentémonos.” You nod toward the couch, and thankfully, she bounds over to it. (Let’s sit down)
Quickly, you round up her flurry of dark brown curls into a scrunchie, tying it into a ponytail at the back of her head. Some days, she’s more stubborn than others. Today might just be the easiest day you’ve had with her so far.
When coming up with this idea, you and Frankie had a specific goal in mind. For Valentina to have respect for you, just basic respect. And by spending the morning with you, some mornings with you, maybe she’d learn more about who you are and see that you aren’t all bad. She’d see that you can be kind and caring and helpful.
“Gracias, linda.” You grin, giving her a gentle pat on the head. “Vamos.” (Thanks, sweetie. Let’s go.)
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A day off seemed like a good idea, to the both of you. The game plan you’d come up for Frankie’s recovery wasn’t exactly working out, so an extra day to sit down and meditate on it boded well for the two of you. He was either too busy or too tired to attend AA now that he had Vale full time. And you helped where you could, but you couldn’t do it all. He attended a few meetings here and there at first while you stayed home with Vale, but sometimes he was just too tired to go. He was picking up shifts at work left and right in order to buy her dance recital costumes, school supplies, new toys, and basic snacks for around the house. You offered to contribute to this but since you didn’t live together, Frankie refused.
“Okay,” he sighs, slapping his palms as he takes his seat on the couch. “What’ya got?”
“Picture this,” you say to him, standing center stage in the living room. “A new pet.”
“A pet?”
“Yes! A pet!”
He just stares at you, confusion and slight amusement written all over his face. He raises a brow, prompting for you to continue.
“Baby, I think you getting a pet would be a great idea. It would give you something to do to busy your mind when Vale and I aren’t here.”
“Well, when neither of you are here, I usually just sleep.” he responds, shrugging thoughtfully.
“That’s not the total truth, babe. C’mon, you need to be honest with me if I’m going to help you through this.”
The two of you had gotten into quite a few arguments in the last month or so, all surrounding Frankie’s addiction. The biggest altercation occurred when you took his phone to delete his dealer’s number. Now, should you have taken his phone? No, absolutely not. That’s Frankie’s personal property and there shouldn’t be any reason for you to do that. But then again, desperate times call for desperate measures. Frankie swore up and down that he needed to keep that number, he needed it in his phone. Deep down inside, it was his backup, the cushion to catch him when he would inevitably fall back down that hole again. Only this time, Frankie wouldn’t fall, he won’t even stumble as long as you have anything to say about it.
But Frankie just sighs, rubbing the back of his neck. “I don’t know, I’m so busy lately.”
“But Frankie,” you continue on, stepping over to the couch and taking a seat next to him. “I know you’re tired, but there are so many nights throughout the week where Vale is at dance and I’m at work. I know you sit here and stew, I just know it. And I don’t like thinking about you here all by your lonesome, stressing about life and feeling like you need to reach for your phone.”
Now at a pause in your sentence, you hear Lucky scratching at the door.
“Hang on,” you say, standing up to let him in through the back door.
When Frankie told you to bring Lucky over, you did so that very night. He wasn’t as socialized as you’d like him to be considering his age and breed, but to your surprise, they got along just fine. Diablo seemed uninterested, to be honest. He was probably the most serious Dalmatian you’d ever met. He is a service dog, after all.
In one swipe of the sliding glass door, he comes bounding in, immediately running up to Frankie and nudging his fidgeting hands with his nose. What a little attention seeker.
“Tell me how my dog loves you more than me.” You joke, walking back into the living room.
Frankie smiles, leaning in a bit to pet Lucky’s head and neck. And Lucky, well, he just eats all of Frankie’s love right up.
“I guess you have a point.” he then mutters softly, still petting your rather large puppy. “You have Lucky, and Vale has Diablo. Maybe a little buddy might not hurt.”
“Exactly! And it doesn’t have to be a high maintenance pet, either!” you’re thrilled he’s starting to come around to the idea, plopping down on the couch next to him once again.
“So, what’re you thinking? Like… a fish?”
“No,” you roll your eyes with a laugh, looping your arms around Frankie’s left one and cuddling in close to him. “Something a little more high maintenance than that.”
“Hm,” he returns, narrowing his brows. “Like a… a bird?”
“Oh my gosh, no. Frankie, birds are not low maintenance. They need so much attention. I was thinking more like a hamster, maybe a guinea pig.”
“Oh, I’ve actually always wanted a guinea pig.” He perks up a bit, giving you an intrigued look. “I thought they were so cute when I was a kid.”
“Well then,” you smile, giving his arm a tight hug and laying your head on his shoulder. “A guinea pig it is.”
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While you’d been busy with Frankie and his daughter, your personal life was piling up in the background. You’d never say anything to Frankie about it, but you hadn’t been taking as many shifts at work lately in order to help out with Vale. He wouldn’t let you pay for anything, and you felt a dire need to contribute more than just nights spent next to him in bed. And your schoolwork… let’s just say you’re thinking about taking next semester off. Summer is right around the corner anyway, so that should be easy enough. But tonight, you’re thankful to have the evening to yourself to catch up.
“I know, I know Lucky.” You huff, giving him a light push. “I’ll take you out soon.”
You’re about five assignments deep and still have three left to go, the majority past due. But your education means a lot to you, it’s the only way you’ll get out of working at a bar, so it’s still worth it to submit them.
You and Frankie ended up officially deciding on the guinea pig, immediately grabbing your laptops to do the necessary research on how to care for it. You also calculated how much it would cost for food, toys, etc. All in all, not too bad. The only thing is, is he wanted you to come with him to get it. For some reason, he felt nervous about the process of it all. And while you were more than happy to go with him, you also had to do your homework. So, it looks like tomorrow will be the day. Even when you were apart for only a single night, you missed him. But he was never very far away.
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You giggle at Frankie’s playful nature, holding your phone with both hands as you await his response. But before you can receive it, you hear a knock at your door. It’s timid, and you turn your head in the direction of your entryway, having set up shop in the living room. After a moment of silence, another knock comes, immediately followed by a multitude of rapid and harsh pounds. At this point, Lucky had gone from a quiet growl to an outright frantic bark.
“Hey, it’s okay.” You tell him, placing a soft pat atop his head before making your way over to the door.
Strangely, something about the whole situation feels off. You’re weary of answering the door because you honestly have no idea who it could be. Their frequent strikes against your door don’t exactly come off as friendly, either. Just to be on the safe side, you take a look through the peephole before opening the door.
“Julianna?” you whisper, twisting your face up in bewilderment. How does she know where you live?
Even though she can be volatile, and is very clearly upset, you let her in.
“Julianna, how did you –”
“I need to speak with you.” she instantly says, cutting you off and taking a step closer to your door. But you move to the slide to block her from entering. You also move to block Lucky, who is currently barking furiously, from getting out.
“How did you get my address?” your voice comes off firm, almost as a warning. This isn’t exactly normal behavior.
“It’s not exactly hard to figure out that you live across the street.”
“But how did you get my apartment number?”
“I walked into your building, saw the mailboxes, and found your last name. Duh.”
Right, duh. Why wouldn’t someone do that? Totally normal explanation.
“Can you let me in?”
Against your better judgement, you agree. Leaning down, you take Lucky’s collar to hold him back while moving both of you aside. In an instant, she practically flies through the threshold, eyes scanning your home as she does. She always seems to be in such a rush, so frantic and out of sorts.
“Look, I don’t think you know what you’re getting into with Frankie.” She begins, spinning around as she stands in your living room. 
“Not this again.” You mutter, rolling your eyes and crossing your arms once you’ve closed the door. You shift your weight, now giving her a soft glare. “I know about Frankie’s addiction, I’ve met your daughter, I’ve been with Frankie for seven months, Julianna. What else do you have to scare me with?”
“You haven’t been through this before, you haven’t seen someone you love fall down that path.”
“Not that it’s any of your business, but I definitely have. I’ve been through this, and I’m prepared to help Frankie avoid it.”
“I’ve tried, too.” She takes a step toward you, speaking with compassion in her tone. “But this isn’t something you can do. Frankie and I have been through this before as husband and wife, and you need to let us do that again.”
“What the fuck are you talking about?!”
For a moment there, you thought she was actually being kind. But this again?
“You aren’t together anymore! What do you not understand?”
“We’re still married! What do you not understand?!”
“Julianna, do you even really want Frankie? Because it seems to me like you’re jealous.” After your sentence, your face grows stern, arms still crossed while you gesture here and there. “You didn’t want anything to do with him before I came along.”
“Maybe I needed that, okay? Maybe I needed to see that what I had was really special in order for me to appreciate it.”
“But that’s so fucked! You treated Frankie like shit! And you’re right, he is really special, but you don’t get to appreciate that anymore! You’re the one who fucked that up, not me.”
“Look,” she sighs, pinching the bridge of her nose. “Frankie isn’t the man you think he is. I know you look at him like he’s some giant teddy bear, but he’s not.”
At this, you outright scoff. “The relationship Frankie and I have is nothing like the one you two had.”
Julianna’s dark eyes stare daggers directly into yours. “Has he told you about his time in special forces?”
Okay, she’s got you there. One thing you and Frankie haven’t touched on almost at all was his time in the military. You knew he’d been deployed and probably saw more than any person should ever see, and that’s the exact reason you never brought it up. Those memories are what led to Frankie’s addiction, so why would you ask him to unpack all of that?
“He’s done things that he isn’t proud of. Things that were hard for me to look past.”
“Like I said,” you remain firm in your stance. “You and I are not the same.”
“Why don’t you ask him about it?”
“Ask him about Tom’s last trip.”
You have no idea who Tom is, and honestly, you don’t want to. If whatever happened with him and Frankie was important enough for you to know, then he would have already told you. And suddenly, all at once, anger consumes you.
“How dare you try to come here and speak to me about Frankie like this. How fucking dare you.”
You take a few firm steps toward her, with Lucky following at your side. He’s been a good pup, remaining on the hardwood floor near the front door. With fury rushing through your veins, you point a finger directly in her face.
“If you ever come to my door again, you’re gonna be met with something a lot harsher than words. You need to leave.”
At your swift movements, Lucky perks up, sprinting to yourself as he starts barking once again. Julianna’s eyes shoot down to your dog, growing wide as she maneuvers herself back.
“There is nothing you could ever say or do to change the way I feel about Frankie. Now go.”
“Really? You love Frankie?”
“Of course I do.”
“Then I hope he doesn’t put you through what he put me through.” She returns, promptly marching forward and seeing herself out your front door.
You turn to watch her leave, your lips parting in wonder as she shuts the door behind her.
What does that mean?
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He’s texted you three times, but all you can do is stare at your phone. Why are Julianna’s words getting to you more than normal? Frankie sounds worried, you should respond. But you don’t want to give off the air of your unease, even through the phone. So, you decide to call it a night.
“What?” you whisper, confusion crossing your face as you look down at your now buzzing phone. “Frankie?” you ask, answering his call.
“Baby, are you okay?” he asks you, very clearly concerned. “Did I cross a line? I’m sorry I bothered you while you were studying I just –”
“Frankie, it’s okay, baby.” Comes your almost instant reassurance. “You didn’t cross a line, not at all.”
“Well… why’d you stop responding?” it sounds like a whisper, almost like he’s scared. You hate to hear him so worried.
“I, um…”
“See,” Frankie insists, “Something’s wrong.”
On the other end, you sigh, closing your eyes. There’s really no way around this. You’re bad at lying, and even if you weren’t, Frankie’s not easy to fool. “Julianna came over.”
“What?” he’d been lying in bed when he called, but your words make him shoot directly upward. The initial pang of adrenaline doesn’t subside, the concern only heightening his heart rate. “To your apartment? What? Why? What did she say? How did she even get there?”
“Frankie,” you coo to him on the receiving end of your call. “Breathe.”
“Baby, this shit makes me so nervous.” And when he says this, his voice cracks. He almost sobs on the other end, sucking in a harsh and deep breath.
“Frankie,” you repeat to him, your thoughts already going wild in your head. By the time Julianna had left, it’d been an hour. Now, it’s almost eight o’clock. Valentina is most likely in bed right now, and he can’t be alone when he’s like this, or at least he shouldn’t be. Even if he wasn’t recovering, you’d still want to be there for him right now.
“I hate seeing you like this, Frankie.”
“I’m sorry.” He sniffles, running a hand over his face.
“Don’t be. Would I…” with an almost defeated sigh, you give into what you both want most. “Could I come over?”
“Of course.” It makes Frankie beyond happy to know just how much you like coming over. Even with your separate and busy lives, you still make time for each other. You have since day one. “Do you think you’ll stay the night?”
You grin from your boyfriend’s response. “I’ll definitely spend the night.”
After a quick goodbye, each of you excited for your arrival, you hang up the phone. You told Frankie that you have tomorrow off, so you’ll likely stay at his house during the day to study. He doesn’t mind, of course, because that means he’ll get to come home to you when he gets off work. So, you pack your books and laptop into your backpack, along with your chargers and two of Lucky’s favorite toys. Since you’ll be at Frankie’s all day tomorrow, you decide to bring Lucky’s chew toy and stuffed rabbit so he’s not bored in what will be a mostly empty house. Plus, you’ll be busy, so these should occupy him.
All Frankie’s in when he opens the door are his boxers and a sweatshirt, making you instantly grin. But Frankie has a more somber look on his face. He gives you a fake smile though when he realizes you’ve seen his expression, stepping aside so you and Lucky can come in.
“Hi baby,” you whisper, quickly leaning down to let Lucky off his lead while Frankie closes the door.
The entire house is dark; no lights are on except for the one above the kitchen sink. Immediately, Lucky goes to lay down on the couch; his signature spot since he’s gotten comfortable at Frankie’s place.
“Hey,” Frankie quietly responds, his voice sleepy and gruff.
He opens his arms when you move toward him, the two of you meeting for a gentle embrace. You can already feel Frankie’s shaky breaths, your hands then moving to slowly rub his back. And he leans down when you do so, dropping his head to rest on your shoulder.
“I’m so glad you came over.”
“I know,” you agree, feeling his arms tighten around you. “Me too.”
After you’d told him that Julianna visited, worry struck him like a fist to the gut. For a brief moment, he thought that maybe she’d finally gotten to you. Maybe she’s finally said the perfect words to send you off; these thoughts growing in multitude when he learned that she’d mentioned his days in the service to you. He isn’t sure how you feel or what you want to say, isn’t even sure of everything that she said, so he lets you take the lead.
“Are you going to bed, baby?” you ask him, leaning back to look up at him.
Frankie shrugs. “Just laying down.”
“Why don’t we go lay down then? And maybe we can talk?”
He lets go of an unsteady breath before he nods, shoving his hands into the pocket in the front of his hoodie. You follow Frankie into his bedroom, doing your best to keep quiet while setting your back down on the floor.
“So,” he starts quietly, sitting on the edge of his bed. “What uh, what did she say?”
“She said a lot of things,” you sigh, leaning back against the wall while looking at him. “She mentioned how you treated her in the past, saying she hopes you don’t put me through what you put her through. I don’t really know what that means.”
Frankie’s face twists up; he doesn’t know either.
“She mentioned something about, um, a man named… Tom.”
At this, his eyes widen. Frankie’s stomach drops, an entire whirlwind of memories forcing themselves to the surface. Unpleasant recollections of his time in the Andes, the last time he saw Tom before he died. Jesus, why would she bring that up to you? Fuck, oh fuck, he’s going to have to explain himself to you.
You can see the look on Frankie’s face, easily interpreting his upset and fear. His eyes can’t stop staring at the ground, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he gulps heavily, nervously.
“I, um, I…”
“Baby, you don’t have to explain yourself to me.”
Again, Frankie’s face twists, but less aggressive this time. More so curious than confused. “What?”
“Frankie, I won’t ever force you to open up about that.” you take a few short steps over to his bed, sitting on the edge beside him. “I know it’s hard for you to forget, and I would never want to make you bring all of that back.”
Internally, Frankie’s heart is pounding. Before, he’d usually reach for his phone when under this kind of worry and stress. This isn’t something he likes to feel. But he feels like you’re holding him back from that edge, your eyes glued to his own and flickering back and forth.
“I know you’re a good man, Frankie.” You tell him, reaching out for his hand. “I know sometimes people do things they’re not proud of. But I know you’re a good man. I love you for that, baby.”
“Are you,” he whispers, his voice becoming hoarse, throat burning as tears begin to well in his eyes. “Are you sure?”
“Yes, baby,” you reply with a nod, your hands rising to his face. Gently, you urge him to look up at you, and he does. “I’m sure.”
He wasn’t expecting this, not at all. He thought you’d come here demanding answers, he thought you’d be confused and mad and an entire mix of emotions. When you mentioned Tom, he was sure you were ready to leave. This is too much shit all wrapped in one fucked vessel of a person. Eventually, you’d have to have a breaking point, right?
Before he can think any worse of himself, you lean forward to grace him with a kiss. He welcomes it, of course, leaning into you fully as you drain all the worry from his body.
“Frankie, I love you, baby.” You coo to him, thumbs stroking the graying hair along his chin. And as if you can read his own thoughts, you then say, “I’m not going anywhere, I’m not leaving you.”
You want to reassure him as best you can, because you know that’s exactly what he’s thinking. You could tell just by the look on his face. Frankie doesn’t deserve all this worry, he’s worked so hard to build a life he can be proud of, he should be able to rest in it happily.
“Thank you, baby.” He sighs, voice breaking slightly. His right hand comes up, landing on your jaw while the other wraps around your back and holds you close. “Thank you for everything.’
He hadn’t intended for you to do so, but you crawl onto his lap. You’d read his slight pull as a sign to move onto him, instead of next to him. But then again, he isn’t complaining. He lets you slide over him, getting comfortable above him while he holds you the entire time. Your arms wrap around his neck, head lowering to rest on his shoulder while you tighten the hold you have on the other. And just like that, you can feel Frankie relax, sighing out a deep breath just from feeling the weight of your body against his.
“I love you,” he murmurs against your hair. “I don’t deserve you.”
“Hush,” you return, placing a loving kiss along the column of his neck, the sensation making him internally moan. “You deserve everything good in this world, baby.”
“I don’t.”
“I really, I don’t des –”
“Francisco,” you lift yourself from his neck, staring down at him with a warning in your eyes. He blinks almost dumbly at you; you’ve never called him that. “You need to stop thinking so badly of yourself.”
I can’t help it. But he doesn’t say it.
“You don’t owe anyone anything, Frankie.” He gives you a small chuckle. “What?”
“Kinda liked it when you used my full name.”
You smile at him, hoping this means he’s lightening up a bit. “Yeah?”
“Uh-huh,” he nods, leaning in to nudge your nose with his. “I appreciate you, baby. Some days I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“Yeah? Our one-night stand seemed to work out in your favor, huh?”
At this, he lets out a full laugh, both palms sliding down to grab your backside with both hands. “It sure as hell did.”
“Yeah, well, it worked out for me, too.” You return, a bright smile growing on your face from his touch. “You make me happy, honey.”
“Can I lay you down?” Frankie then asks, wiggling his eyebrows when he says, “Maybe make you a little happier?”
“Baby, I kind of wanted to talk to you about something else.”
“Oh,” he says, cocking his head. “What’s up?”
“I was wondering… do you know when you’ll finalize your divorce?”
Oh, right. That.
Technically, Frankie and Julianna were still married. They were only separated and haven’t even started to legal process of their divorce. But you bring up a good point. It’s time.
“I think I should start the process of it.”
You offer a gentle smile, happy with his response. Your right hand lifts to his hair, softly combing through those beautiful curls.
“Just want you all to myself.”
That makes Frankie sigh.
“Please let me have you.”
“You want to?” you giggle, biting your lower lip.
“I always want to.” he grumbles, rolling the two of you over and onto your back. “Will you let me, baby?” lips mumbling over your neck, beginning to bite and lick.
“Frankie…” you sigh, both sets of fingers now digging into his locks. “Yes, please.”
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Uh content warning ig for me talking about really gross mould n probably tmi ED kinda stuff idk but it's nasty,,
DUDE. From my room I removed some mouldy dishes + some rubbish bc I'm moving out and I needed to remove them finally before my family tidy it while I'm gone.
It's rlly bad and the disgusting result of me struggling to tidy + bingeing + purging. Most of the time I find it hard to keep on top of clearing the dishes from my room since I eat and drink up there fairly often.
Occasionally I've left dishes for too long and they start to grow mould, if it's not too bad I'll do an intensive bleach-y clean on them while my family is out (idk if this is safe uh) or if it's real bad I'll just chuck them out. Also sometimes when I leave dishes it's because I've binged and I feel too ashamed to bring down the mass of post-binge dishes in front of my family, I don't want them to be concerned and I feel so gross for bingeing.
Also some of the time when I have binged I'll purge, and there's been a few times where I've just regurgitated the food back into the dish I'd eaten it out of (I'm so sorry, I need to vent this, good lord). Idek why I do this bc the toilet is so close and it just makes the tidying/leaving dishes issue so much worse bc I can't exactly bring down a fucking bowl of saliva and bile and food mush down to wash in front of my family.
It's always so bad and stupid, I can deal with it but still the mould really (I think understandably) freaks me out and it's just drenched in shame and asjfgkhdgfhj it's not fun and it's my fault entirely. It is interesting to see the different types of food mould tho lol, especially when it's purged stuff it reallyy makes mould thrive, delightful.
Anyway fucking I was throwing everything into a bin bag and I moved a box that was under my bed bc it had some broken mugs inside it that I hid but wanna try to repair. No big deal, but I see another (whole) mug that was hidden behind the box. Huh that's not good, idk why I hid that but it's almost definitely got mould in it. I put the box down and took a proper look at the mug.
What the fuck. Let me tell you that that thing was housing some godforsaken, unholy, horrifying entity. This absolute creature was like a fucking demon slowly creeping out and growing under my bed over an untold period of time, I'm so glad that it wasn't touching anything except its ceramic home. It had these long, glossy, black hairs all fountaining out and hanging over the edge of the mug. A deeply unsettling fungal wig spilling out, slithering out. Some of the hairs had small beads on them, and they were all growing out of this mysterious greyish mound at the bottom of the mug. Awful. This fungus has come from the deepest depths of hell and risen as a spectre to haunt me for my disordered wrongdoings.
Truly, what the fuck. At 5.30am I sealed its demonic body and soul into that bin bag and snuck through the house, out the back door, and across the gravel and wet grass to banish it into the bin. Thankfully I managed to get back inside into my room without my family waking up. I am relieved but shaken, holy shit lmao.
It's all good now ig and honestly pretty funny overall, quite an experience - typical ED shenanigans. I doubt any of y'all will be bothered to read this wall of text but goddamn, I just needed to write it all out somewhere. Hopefully the writing is alright bc I'm quite sleep deprived. Mental illness is cool. What even are eating disorders lmao, this is horrible. Hello if you read this, I hope it was worth it and not upsettingly nasty.
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equustenebris · 1 year
The Very Noisy Night
Moon hated thunderstorms. They were loud, distracting, dangerous for electronics of all sorts. But he didn't hate them as much as Sun. And putting Sun down for a "nap" overnight during a vicious storm proves a lot more difficult than the Naptime Attendant anticipated. [Read on AO3!]
Set sometime before the events of Security Breach, when everything is fine and Moon is just a regular feature of the Pizzaplex instead of a homicidal stalker ✌🏻 Though I like to headcanon that to some degree Moon was always just Like That. A little rough around the edges, a little (unintentionally) sharp and curt, lol. Short, snappy sentences, feels kinda predatory, yadda yadda. 
This is technically a Whumptober 2022 prompt, but it's not really...uh...whumpy, lol. I just find them really inspiring. :>  I always like to use the Whumptober titles when I use those prompts so that's where the title comes from, but I think I probably could have just called this one Daycare Attendant Has Overstimulation Meltdown lmfao. 
I haven't read, like. a ton of Security Breach fic or anything so I don't know how conventional this is, but I'll be using <> to denote Sun/Moon's internal speech to each other. Blame Animorphs.  lol nvm Tumblr keeps eating my italics so y'all get French quotations on here. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
prompt: caught in a storm
Another deafening boom shook the walls of the daycare, causing Moon to leap up several feet in surprise for about the twentieth time that night. The summer storm overhead had been raging for hours, and the thunder and lightning was near constant. The Pizzaplex still had power, for now, though it was nearing two in the morning and the daycare's lights were off, leaving Moon in charge.
Moon was pacing, skulking around the floor of the daycare, knocking over and fixing various stacks of toys over and over again for want of something to do. He desperately needed something else to focus on, to distract. Too much pent up energy, too much anxiety. Putting lightning safety first meant no staying in the comfort of their high-up room or using his ceiling-connected cable to get around, and so he was grounded for the time being, slinking around the middle of the daycare floor. Stressed.
He hated storms. He hated the lightning, the electric bursts were incredibly dangerous for the animatronics. He hated the thunder, explosive and sudden, overwhelming and scary. And he hated the pouring sheets of rain, loud and distracting, too hard to hear anything else around him whenever he was trying to focus on security.
However, as much as he feared and hated the storms, he still wasn't as bad as Sun.
There was a strangled scream from somewhere deep inside his head as another lightning strike cracked thunder nearby; the screaming was louder than the thunder itself and Moon put a hand to his faceplate.
"Sun!" he growled aloud, patience already worn thin from the stress of the storm.
«Sorry, sorry,» he whimpered in response, strung tighter than a violin and twice as screechy. «It's so loud, Moony!»
"Go to sleep," Moon snarled audibly, leaping on top of a pile of stackable barrels. "If you would go into sleep mode, you wouldn't have to hear it!"
«Sleep? Sleep? Hah -- I can't sleep! Who could sleep with all this racket?» Moon could tell by the crackle of Sun's voice in his head that if he physically could be pacing around like a headless chicken right now, he absolutely would. «Nooo no no, it's too loud, much too loud! And there's the danger of the lightning, maybe hail, oh, or the ceiling could get water damage --»
«You need rest mode tonight,» Moon tried again, internally this time, more snarled than comforting despite his position as the Naptime Attendant. He couldn't help it, he was frustrated. Sun was driving him crazy with all of his anxiety, and the hammering of the torrent on the roof of the Pizzaplex was already enough to set him on edge. He drummed his fingertips against the sides of the barrels before leaping off again, crawling on all fours along the floor. «Running too long. Need garbage collection.»
«I keep my threads tidy enough, thank you!» Sun replied stiffly, momentarily distracted out of his anxiety by the utter audacity.
Moon paused for a moment, silently calculating, and drew himself up to full height. "2,378 open processes," he replied aloud. 
«I -- but that's not -- Moony!»
"Using my cores right now," he continued. "Sleep. You won't hear the storm. I get my processors back. Everybody's happy."
There was a soft grumble of frustration somewhere deep internal. «...I'm too scared to go to sleep, Moony,» he replied, soft and timid.
As if on cue, a bolt of lightning arced the sky outside and the thunder rattled the very floor of the Pizzaplex. Moon jumped, Sun shrieked, and it distracted him into a misstep on the landing; his ankle joint caught on his other foot and he tumbled forward, head over jingly heels, face first into the ball pit. 
For a few confusing seconds, Moon couldn't tell which way was up, lost in a sea of rainbow colors -- or, more accurately, a sea of off-green, with his nighttime infrared cameras active. Finally he broke the surface, springing up and out of the ball pit, landing in a crouch at the edge and giving a stray ball an angry slap back into the pit. 
«Sun,» he growled, frustrated. But Sun wasn't paying attention, softly whimpering instead. Moon softened and hesitated, listening, feeling for his other half. «...Sun?»
«I hate storms,» he muttered lowly, almost a whisper, highly uncharacteristic of the bright and vibrant animatronic. Moon couldn't help but soften at that, slumping a little.
«...me too, Sunny,» he tried, putting a hand to his faceplate. He paused for a moment, just listening to the sound of the rain hammering the roof. Then suddenly, he brightened. «...I have an idea.»
Sun appeared to pause in his anxious, racing thoughts for just a moment. «You do?»
«Just wait,» Moon mumbled, taking off on all fours toward the daycare's stash of costumes and supplies. 
It took him a few minutes to prepare, ignoring Sun's near-constant questioning the entire while as he dragged a massive pile of fabric, blankets, and costumes out into the center of the room. He got to work quickly, Sun metaphorically hovering over his shoulder as he started stacking up towers and laying down blankets. 
By the time he was done, it had really taken shape. A large tent made of a hapdash mishmash of different items, piled high with essentially all of the fabric available in the daycare. A colorful mix of blankets hung off of the sides, dotted occasionally with the odd princess dress or cowboy pants. 
Satisfied with his handiwork, Moon quickly closed the distance between the tent and the side wall. He plucked a large, hard plastic ball off the shelf, giving it a twist that turned on the soft glowing light within in the motif of a sun. They used it sometimes during naptime whenever a child was particularly scared of the dark; it wasn't bright enough by any means to trigger a shift, but it might bring a touch of comfort to the otherwise pitch black daycare. Moon tossed the ball aimlessly back and forth between his hands before returning to his makeshift tent, peeling back the blanket of the "door" to toss it onto the middle of the pile of fabric on the floor.
He could feel Sun's confusion as he climbed inside, sealing the tent behind him. He took a seat cross-legged on the floor, lit by the gentle glow of the sun-ball in front of him. The tent was wide enough underneath that the both of them could fit together, if such a thing were possible, but only just tall enough that Moon had to sit a little slumped. 
«Anti-storm tent,» Moon announced finally. He paused a beat, tilting his faceplate. «Cozy.»
Sun didn't immediately reply, but Moon could sense his curiosity, anxious, but tentatively inquisitive. «Moon --» he began, but was cut off by another strike of thunder. 
Sun yelped, but this time, Moon didn't jump -- the sound of the storm was muffled by the layers and layers around them, the thunder brought down from a deafening roar to a deep, low rumble. Moon's eyes narrowed to slits and he tilted his faceplate again. «See? Quiet now.»
He could feel Sun's hesitance, but also the slight relaxation of his hold over Moon's running processors. «...it is quieter in here,» he finally agreed. 
«Yes. Right. Quiet. Warm. Restful.» Moon spread out his legs before lowering himself to the ground, gangly limbs curled up in the mound of clothes around the sun ball. «See?»
Sun didn't respond. Moon drummed his fingers along the ground. «Safe,» he tried again. 
«...safe,» Sun repeated, «yes. Yes. Yeah. Safe. I do feel pretty safe in here. Okay. Thanks, Moony.»
«Rest mode now?» he queried, flexing and twitching his fingers.
There was another aching pause as Sun considered. «...will you sit with me?»
«I'm always with you,» Moon retorted, tone equal parts comforting and teasing, nearly mock-annoyance. He pulled himself back up into a cross-legged position nonetheless.
He could feel Sun pull away, like a wave ebbing from the shore, freeing up resources. Memory slots opened, closing open processes, relaxing.
Out loud, Moon softly hummed some gentle notes, a familiar lullaby he would often sing to his naptime group. There was a sense of amusement from his other half as Moon began his song; now that he was finally calming down, it was at last hitting Sun just how much Moon had been treating him like one of his children, doing whatever it took to put him down for a nap.
«...you should use this tent with the kids,» Sun offered, a little embarrassed, a little deflecting, overwhelmingly grateful. Moon gave a soft, audible shh in response before resuming his tune.
Sun took the hint. Before Moon was able to finish his song, he pulled himself into sleep mode, finally relinquishing the hold he had on their shared resources. Moon visibly slumped with relief, his own anxiety lifting. He was much more comfortable in his makeshift tent, being buffered against the crashing storm, but more than that, it scratched a familiar itch to finally get his other half put down for his nap. Like fulfilling a deep purpose, he was more than calmed, he was satisfied.
Moon closed his eyes, grasping for the sun-ball in front of him, hand resting loosely.on top of it, grounding. He would sit in the tent until morning, when the storm was finally over and the Pizzaplex was bright again, and gently wake his other half before leaving the darkened tent to start the day.
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sillysadduck · 1 year
Ok so I scroll down on your account and read from the last thing I liked on your blog each day, so apologies if someone already said this, I haven't caught up yet and I'll forget if I don't write this down.
Also, Sorry if I just took what you and the asker was saying and just reworded it, I'm tired and I barely comprehended what was being said.
So referring to this ask, I thought, "What if Warren was a part of the love cu- *ahem* "club" for a long while and had a sort of mission to go recruit some other people."
He stumbles across Lily and Todney and thinks "Well, this is good enough", and starts interacting with them so he can uh... "smoothly" slide in the question of them joining. This takes a few days, so they all bond and get to know their stories and such. Once Warren asks the big question, they have no idea what they are getting themselves into, but they heard "love" and "family", so they're all in.
Warren grows to actually like them and enjoys their company. He learns of their home situation and is... frankly a little concerned. But he's gotta focus on bringing them to Shrigs and Malcolm.
Once he brings them over, him and Shrigs talks about initiation and celebrating and stuff while Lily and Todney become fast friends with SO.
I'm getting lazy on ideas so stuff happens, Warren ends up finding out about the marriage thing, thinks "this whole situation is NOT very cash-money", and just bails with all three of the kids.
For some extra spice, I'd like to think that Shrigs is basically hunting them down to 1) Find his daughter and 2) to kill Warren for taking his sorta child away with no warning. I'd like to think that on that journey, Shrigs thinks a whole lot about SO and it kinda sinks in for him like, "damn, I care about this kid more than I thought" (like, in a father/ daughter type way) and he reflects on what he's noticed with SO and how she must be feeling and starts to actually question Malcolm.
For some MORE spice, the twins family is after them too, not out of much care or concern, but because they need the twins to find new mothers in order to get the family discount. So if they get their hands on the twins... they'll probably not be able to leave the house to get new mothers ever again. And they will kill Warren, like, for real. No hesitation.
So yea all four of them are on the run.
Then Shrigs could find them all, have a talk with SO, everyone makes up, blah blah blah, then the twins family shows up and it's like a final showdown. I'd honestly think that Warren and Shrigs would put up somewhat of a fight, but then Shrigs gets hurt real bad or something and they all just flee.
They're all just sorta... constantly on the run for a while, since Shrigs is having a hard time dealing with all of these emotions about Malcolm and he feels like he is unworthy of going back, Warren doesn't have an actual place to stay, and the kids have nowhere to go.
Eventually they do live somewhere but man I'm just here for the angst and redemption arks, I'm not good with coming up with happy endings, y'all gotta do that for yourselves XD
But anyways I'm so sorry this is loooooong.
(Idk where to put this but I HC that Shrigs is homophobic, but because he's just uneducated, not out of pure hatred. When he gets use to it and learns about the LGBTQIA+ community, then he'll be either and ally or he'll realize he's actually pan.
Also In that whole story, I saw Warren as a teenager (around 15-17 idk), not an adult. And idk about Shrigs but he's pretty young too, probably 19-21ish. Maybe a little bit older.
And this wasn't suppose to be a ship thing with any of the characters mentioned!)
Thank you for reading :,)
THIS IS SO COOL TYSM!!! I really like this concept, it would be so cool if the kids met bc of the love cult but then they end up leaving thanks to Warren. And Shrig joins them too! Maybe they end up living at the trio's house like the other teachers lol they probably have enough room😭
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any advice on telling people we're a system? we've been private for so long it's hard to imagine going public about our experiences... we're traumagenic so dw about that. it's been something the host has taken much care to hide since we were bodily 7, when our first alter formed... only a few close irls of the host know and we've blogged about it on here many many posts down on our page so we aren't too worried about people finding out that way. we want to go public, but the host is incredibly afraid of how their non-close irls will react because they hid our existence for so long. we're also not diagnosed, so the host is very worried about assholes telling us we don't exist. because we're private it's been really hard trying to get a diagnosis. any tips on just telling people? how should we phrase the announcement? should we have someone else be fronting that day so that they can deal with it and not the host? sorry to be anon just don't want the host to freak out
Hello anon!
It's ok that you're anonymous!
Generally what we do, and what I'd recommend for safety purposes, is telling people who need to know first. Friends, mental health professionals, and doctors. It should help mitigate the anxiety and help you prepare for the type of questions and reactions you could get from people.
We aren't fully out in person. Part of the reason for anonymity lol. If y'all wanna just rip the bandaid off and go fully public, you can. But remember you can't take back telling people. I’m not saying don't do it. I’m saying be careful.
Generally I'd say do it in this order:
1. Doctors, teachers (trusted ones only), close friends who don't know.
2. Certain communities you interact with often (ex: work, school, clubs).
3. Social media. This can be especially scary. Having a page where people can only see if they are friends really helps.
Other advice: we tend to be nonverbal at times and have trouble communicating issues through words. Writing notes/emails/texts is definitely appropriate, as long as you specify why it is in that format. Hell, you could send it by snail mail.
It took a while for us to tell our doctors. Many friends knew before they did. You need a support system of people who understand and can help you. Even if that's just a couple irl friends. I'd say try first putting it on a disused social. Or telling just one person. Baby steps.
For the most part, the people we've told have been polite, if confused. Some have previous experience with systems. We have a friend(s) who also is a system who had a much worse experience in talking about them being a system. Put your safety above anything else.
I read a post somewhere about how it's not a secret if someone does not deserve to know.
And some of this might be some of our own fears on going public. I just hope your host gets more comfortable and perhaps okay with saying things. It's helpful to also remind the host that they are not the only person in their head. Like, everyone else has opinions and needs and wants. They might not be all able to vocalize them strongly or at all.
Listen to your intuition. I don't know everything about your situation, but I believe that you know what's best for you. You got this. 🫂
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maglors-anion-gap · 2 years
Glorfindel and Ecthelion for the bingo?
firstly: they are fucking. I don't make the rules. Actually, the only things the residents of gondolin know how to do are Remodel Archway Again, Put On Theatrical Plays, Develop Convoluted Hookup Cultures, Eat Hot Chip, and Lie (build secret tunnels). So I think there are some very interesting parties going on in gondolin, since people can only take so much before they invent new and creative ways to cause (and avoid) scandals.
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I find myself spending more and more time thinking about how glorfindel gets sent BACK to middle earth by the valar. And i'm like, how much of that is being ordered to go, how much of it is genuine desire to go, how much of that is capitulating out of a sense of duty a la "I didn't want to lead the group project but..."
He needs therapy! It is so weird for him to be back somewhere he thought he would never return, but for some (many) people to not be there with him, and for the place he spent so much time to be lost forever. But then him getting to meet elrond is really interesting to me because like, he died to protect the potential for elrond to exist. So i imagine elrond has weird (good weird) feelings about that too.
so the godsent muse is.... literal. lol
one thing i love about tolkien is that all the guys have great hair. immediate gender.
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Ecthelion defies all classification because he is an incredibly overpowered character. Killing four balrogs - the worst of which he piths on his helmet and drowns with him. Who is this guy anyway????
Fish fear him, women fear him, there's not a person alive who doesn't have some sort of fear-boner for this guy.
I'm sorry for calling him soggy y'all, is it too soon?
I submit a proposal that the only person who loves the city more than turgon is ecthelion because otherwise why fight like he's hellbent on earning that A+ ??
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