#specifically the winner takes it all and voulez vous
friendlygirlswag · 1 month
rip gale dekarios you would’ve loved abba
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biscuityskies · 3 months
I gotta know: what do you think Cody’s favourite ABBA song is (specifically Cody from your fic “what dreams may come”)?
Thank you VERY much for the ask!!! I sort of last minute ended up going into the field for over six hours today, which gave me the time to mull it over - here are my findings:
• Cody’s favourite album is ABBA Gold. All the greatest hits in one spot, all bangers no flops for REAL. This makes it very difficult for him to pick just one song. There may be a favourite, but there are close seconds… and thirds. And fourths. Maybe fifths.
• his favourite song is probably Voulez-Vous, it’s so dramatic and has a fantastic riff. Certified banger. It’s also kinda horny??? But probably he’s known this album since he was pretty young, and so it was only once he was older that he realised that the song is about more than speaking French. It was a whole revelation for him, and it did subsequently become his theme song.
• each song on ABBA Gold definitely has its own vibe, and Cody can appreciate multiple facets of life having multiple songs that apply. He is not immune to the dramatics of The Winner Takes It All, nor the bittersweetness of Chiquitita and Fernando.
• another top song for him is Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight). The irony is not lost on him after meeting Ben.
Bonus findings:
• Rex likes to pretend that he hates ABBA but it’s definitely nostalgic for him, back when Cody would squish him in a tight hug and sing Chiquitita at him. He’s also just mad that Cody’s better at the Just Dance for Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! than Rex is.
• Cody would put Mamma Mia on blast every time Rex got in his car during the tumultuous time with Rex’s off-again-on-again relationship with a certain Skywalker. Cody was never fond of the guy, but any opportunity to lovingly tease his brother was not one to pass up, so. It’s another reason Rex pretends to hate ABBA.
• Rex does still have a favourite song. And yes it is Dancing Queen.
• Ben’s favourite ABBA song (he’s been around for like a thousand years, he did NOT miss when ABBA first came around) is probably Andante, Andante, but he would tell Cody it’s Does Your Mother Know just to watch his expression.
Thank you very much again - I’ve just discovered a plot point based around ABBA discussions that would probably be HILARIOUS; there’s certainly potential for opening up a whole universe in this where it’s just fluff and some (surprisingly kinky???) smut… and one could say those are my specialities, so. <3
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that-particularbug · 6 months
here’s me being an annoying little bitch again but tell me more about your fav artists
- ☀️
favourite artists !! i will do top three for right now because im a little tired guy (chemistry final today) (finals season will try to kill me but i am fending it off with a stick)
i am Legally Obligated to put billy joel on this list. he has been in my top five spotify artists for the past two years in a row, and probably will continue to hold that spot. i started listening to it because a guy i liked really liked him, and i am but A Sheep in this world. turns out, billy joel is reallyreally incredible and i LOVE his work !! i think that's when i first started realising i liked 70s-80s music a lot more than i thought i did. his favourite album of mine is 'an innocent man', with my fav off that album probably being 'the longest time' or 'tell her about it'. some of my other favourites from him are 'zanzibar', 'movin out', and 'you may be right' !!
then there's abba !! i only really started listening to abba this year, but god am i glad that i did. again, im really big on 70s and 80s music, and they are the Definition of 70s-80s for me. i've wanted to perform their songs forEVER, and i might this year at my school's talent show (if all goes well) !! favourite album from them is 'voulez-vous', with my favourite being 'if it wasn't for the nights'. kills me every time. some of my favourites outside of the album are 'the winner takes it all' and 'money, money, money' !!
and then that isn't classic rock, for funsies: the mountain goats !! i need to listen to more of the mountain goats, i was lowkey disappointed to not see them on any of my top five this year :< they're very much alt indie rock if that's something up your alley. they realised their album 'jenny from thebes' this year, and it's SOSOSO good !! i also really like their album 'tallahassee', which is probably their most popular work. they also have a lot of live albums that they title the 'jordan lake sessions' which are highly worth the listen. some of my favourite songs from them atm are 'murder at the 18th st garage', 'wage wars, get rich, die handsome', and 'no children' but specifically the jordan lakes version.
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lostxinfinity · 3 years
what if she-ra was actually mamma mia
I heard mamma mia in a she-ra playlist and made a stupid comment about it to a friend and now here we are...
I present to you: mamma shera - the musical
Of course Scorpia sings it to Catra. She's most likely frustrated after losing another fight to the princesses. She hides in a corner somewhere in the Fright Zone but of course Scopria find her anyway. The song starts out by them sitting next to each other but eventually Scorpia stand up and starts performing. She tries to get Catra to join the dance but she's very stiff.
Adora sings this to Catra after being captured by her. She is tied up on the floor at first when the song starts. Catra is at the other end of the room, not interested at first. As the chorus hits, Adora frees herself and starts dancing. She emotionally strides across the room as the song progresses, mostly moving around Catra in circles. She watches thoughtfully. She joins during the last when you're gone, how can I even try to go on?
I Have A Dream
Hordak sings this longingly when building the protal. No I will not elaborate, you know I'm right.
Does Your Mother Know
Emily sings it to Entrapta. You only hear robotic beeping in the rhythm of the song with subtitles of the lyrics. Maybe you can hear Scorpia whispering the actual lyrics in the background , I'm not sure about that one.
Slipping Through My Fingers
Angella sings it with Glimmer. It's very emotional, everyone cries (including me).
Lonnie, Kyle and Rogelio. It's a whole sequence that starts during a mission where it's only them. As the song progresses, you see the trio back in the Fright Zone. Now Catra, Hordak, Scorpia, Entrapta and everyone else from the Fright Zone join the performance bit by bit. They do the background choreography and vocals.
or maybe imp sings it idk
Dancing Queen
Sea Hawk. The song starts during a heated battle. But suddenly all the lights go out. There is one single beam of light. It then cuts to DT, they're the one shining the light on Sea Hawk. You see Mermista shaking her head as Sea Hawk starts going ham on the battle field which has now transformed into a dancefloor. The song ends because she splashes him with water.
Our Last Summer
Hordak is back on Horde Prime's ship. He should be happy about, you see him slowly walking down the corridors. He then stops, you can hear the first few notes of the song. He puts his hand on the glass of a big window and as he stares at the stars he starts singing. You see Entrapta roaming around Darla, she seems happy. But her facade stars to crumble. Eventually, she stops and takes the same pose as Hordak. As she joins the song, both of them appear on screen you know, this ugly splitscreen where there's one character on each side.
Take A Chance On Me
Scorpia and Catra again. The performance follows them through their day. Scorpia takes every chance to try and convince Catra of her qualities. She pokes over Catra's shoulder when she's planning, sits next to her in the cafeteria, follows her even into Hordak's lab. Catra ignores her the whole time. Entrapta and Emily do the background vocals Emily tries her best but it's just beeping again.
Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!
Double Trouble. Even though it is meant to be only a side performance they outshine everyone. Sea Hawk does the lighting.
Super Trouper
Glimmer sings about Bow. You see her in Bright Moon fulfilling her duties as queen during the day. At night, Bow joins her and they dance. Adora does the background vocals.
Money, Money, Money
Kyle is just fed up with everyone in the Fright Zone. The sequence begins with him, Lonnie and Rogelio coming back from a mission. They make fun of him again as he suddenly bursts into song. The other two do the background vocals but the focus lies only on Kyle because he deserves it.
Adora and Catra are in a heated one on one battle. Suddenly they get very close. They intensely stare into each other's eyes. Then, the song starts and suddenly the continue fighting, every move is on beat. Both, the other princesses and Horde soldiers stand in the background looking very confused.
Why Did It Have to Be Me
Hordak and Entrapta. He wonders why the hell she ended up staying with him. It's a funky performance and the rest of the Horde members just watch with very confused looks on their faces.
Lay All Your Love On Me
I couldn't really decide on two specific characters so this is a duet between all of the couples. There are a lot of cuts jumping from one couple to the next.
Knowing Me, Knowing You
This is definitely Catra. The song follows her through her daily life in The Fright Zone as she thinks about her relationship with Adora. You sometimes see her being with the other princesses while you hear Catra singing.
Mamma Mia
This song belongs to Mermista. You see her alone in Salineas. She's thinking about Sea Hawk when she starts singing. It starts slowly but then the scene jumps to her on a ship together with Sea Hawk and the rest of the crew. She shines, this is her song and she knows it. The others do the background vocals.
The Winner Takes It All
This is the final song. It takes place during the endfight between the Horde and the Rebellion. Everyone sings but the focus is mainly on Catra and Adora.
thank you to @lcnelywclf who contributed some of these
feel free to add your own ideas. and if you're an artist i'm offering you my firstborn to draw this.
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morganalefays · 4 years
top 5 mama mia cinematic universe moments
1. when cher yelled and it suddenly became clear why the writers had chosen to give a latin american hotel manager an extremely vague yet very prominent role throughout the movie and brought donna’s mother back to life just to be able to include the very specific song “fernando”
2. the scene where gimme gimme gimme/voulez vous is playing and everyone is like SOPHIE I AM YOUR DAD
3. “why did it have to be me” on the boat. if donna had any taste should would have gone for young bill 
4. meryl streep delivering the HELL outta the winner takes it all while running up a greek mountain
5. dancing queen numbers in both movies cause they are just peak mamma mia cinematic universe
BONUS 6. lay all your love on me for being sexy ass heck
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mr-spoooks-blog · 7 years
Mamma Mia for the musical thing
favorite ensemble song: voulez-vous OR dancing queen
favorite small ensemble song: uhhhhh i can’t really choose maybe honey, honey
favorite solo: name of the game OR mamma mia
the song i love to sing st the top of my lungs: take a chance on me, winner takes it all, OR dancing queen
the song i sing in the shower: does your mother know AND slipping through my fingers
the song that always gets stuck in my head: does your mother know
the song i relate to because it describes me/my life: i have a dream OR winner takes it all
the song that gives me the most feels/makes me cry: winner takes it all
the song that puts me in a good mood: literally any of them but if i had to chose then either take a chance on me OR dancing queen
the song that makes me laugh: does your mother know
the song i never remember the lyrics to: when all is said and done ((it’s such a sweet song and i hate that i can never remember it))
the song i know all the lyrics to: literally all of them ((except for the one above))??? i’ve been watching this movie for 9 years???
the song i had someone to sing with: sos or lay all your love on me
the song i would listen to on repeat for hours on end: ALL OF THEM
the song i don’t like/get tired of easily: uhhhhh none???
the song  that I’m used to hearing a certain way (a specific version or recording) and get upset if I hear it a different way: does your mother know :/ nobody messes with tanya’s voice (ง'̀-‘́)ง
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