#spiritual offerings
conjuremanj · 6 months
Cologne And Perfumes In Your Practice.
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Now in my previous post I spoke on spiritual colones, waters like Florida Water and their uses and while this is one way to use it, there are other ways to tap into the power of these products. When looking at colognes and perfumes, try not to see them as just fragrances. They were made from herbs, resins, and oils.
Beside Florida Water, Rose Water Cologne or Kananga Water there are other colognes and perfumes that are made to be used for spirits deities and workings. It's not enough to buy a spiritual perfume and begin using it.
To get the most out of them, they need to be blessed either by the Orisha it's for or the Lwa it's for. If for hoodoo a blessing to the ansestors will do.
If you choose, you can ask your guides, angels, saints, or deities for help to make it more effective at whatever you want it to do for you. Basically you're making an holy item or spiritual item.
Colognes Perfumes As Offerings: While many deities have their own type of offering that is giving to them, these colognes could be good to used as a wash to honor your deity or spirit. Other deities like receiving perfumes that contain their favorite ingredients like Ezurlie or any love deity, that created specifically for them.
Scents Used In Your Space: Perfumes and colognes are placed on the body to give their properties to the wearer, they can be added to washes or sprinkled around your property for protection of a place like Saint Michael.
Saint Michael for instance a perfume dedicated to him can be used to help fortify your home and protect those within it and also be used as a offering to him on his fest day. Use it as a floor wash, or sprinkling around the perimeter.
Can I Use It In A Ritual Bath: No these are not a bath their are perfume/, colognes only sprinkle or out in your body. (If can burn privates if you add to bath)
Working For St Lazarus: Using natural water not faucet water, you don't really know what's in it. ( Rain Water is good). Add a little St Lazarus cologne or use a St Lazarus wash or both is fine too. You can add his oil if you choose. Add that to the bowl of water, place his colored candle in the middle of the bowl and light it. This we'll get St. Lazarus attention, then pray his prayer and tell him what you need. Let it burn.
Perfumes as Spiritual Food Just as perfumes can be given as offerings to spirits, they can also be offered to mojo's, washes, dolls, crystal etc. If a liquid is called for in a ritual, often a cologne or perfume can be used or added to it to power the liquid with its properties.
List Of Some Of These Perfume/Cologne.
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Often provided in exchange for asking the spirits to assist the practitioner or/and to show appreciation and veneration.
The kinds of offerings that are provided may differ from culture to culture and the types of spirits.
Offerings are typically left on the altar for 1 to 2 days, then discarded.
If you have pets that can reach the altar, it is safer to keep the offering in a sealed container to prevent them from stealing or consuming the offering which may not be safe.
Types of Offerings
Items – Jewelry, Weapons, Dice, Keys, Statues, Crystals, etcetera which you dedicate to the spirit, and then either wear/use in their honor, or break in this world so it goes to them.
Perishables – Food and Drinks which you give to them from your kitchen, either to lay out on the altar, or at a time/location that is sacred to them.
Intangibles – Art, Writings, Prayers, and Songs. Sometimes Physical or Mental Self-Developments, or a specific piece of work you create that is specifically dedicated for them.
Some spirits will allow an offering to be consumed by you the practitioner in their honor, and some will even allow it during invocation or evocation where both parties may share the experiences. Once your offering has been made, the spiritual essences of what you offered will be consumed.
After consumption perishables shall be poured outside or thrown away.
For non-perishables, the items can be worn or used, or simply left to sit on the altar.
If you ever wish to re-purpose or replace an item, it is necessary to disconnect it from that spirit with a cleansing method of your choosing beforehand.
For the more experienced practitioners there are other types of offerings and agreements I don’t see many people talk about. I will try to discuss those types now.
Bodily Fluids –Saliva, blood, tears, etcetera can be given to an entity you fully trust. It can also be used to seal, bind, or strengthen rituals including curses and hex workings.
Energy Contracts – When business deals or agreements are made between you and a spirit, you invoke a contract between parties. It takes your energy to communicate toward the other world, and to receive information. It’s a give and take dynamic for everyone involved, even the spirits.
Energy Bindings – This is a more unique exchange of energies. The practitioner would bind their energies or pledge themselves to the spirit in question. This can be done in several different ways. The one that is the most common is taking a pledge of loyalty to a deity for the duration of the practitioner’s life or beyond that.
Astral Dreaming Gestures – For practitioners that can dream walk and are aware of their surroundings or for those of you who channel energies oftentimes messages are being received and exchanged by the spirits being called upon. When one dreams, they discover themselves, and sometimes gestures are exchanged between you and the spirit.
 Hybrid Workings –Sometimes a combination of offerings take place depending on the ritual. To give a perspective, getting a tattoo to honor the spirit is a contract sealed away within the flesh of the practitioner. It’s an energy contract and binding offering using blood and flesh pledging yourself and your alliances to the spirit in question or/and what they symbolically stand for.
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that's okay, let's see how you do it // put up your dukes, let's get down to it
yt link✨
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mysticheathenn · 3 months
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E- Offering for Goddess Nyx
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mamaangiwine · 8 months
A constant thing that I tend to run into irl, whenever I meet a new person who also has an interest in the occult and/or magic, is the immediate assumption that they are more educated or experienced than myself.
It's like- guys, maybe, just maybe, in the era of the internet and information, perhaps we can give people the benefit of the doubt? That they might be educated? At least until they've shown otherwise?
Not every new person you meet is a "baby witch" and, even if they are, not every "baby witch" is looking for help from some random practicioner they just met.
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twojackals · 2 months
Some ideas for Kemetics looking to mark the Eclipse if this is of interest:
Eclipses may have been seen as bad omens as it was potentially representative of Ra being defeated by a/p/e/p. Each year at Wep Ronpet (the New Year) Ra's process of triumph over a/p/e/p and evil is celebrated, so the disappearance of the sun in the middle of the year would certainly be of some concern. The concepts which we use for the New Year could also be helpful during an Eclipse:
Light candles where possible, electric candles will also work
Images, Statues, representations of Ra brought out
Imagery of Ma'at who is both a Netjeru / Goddess and the concept of truth, justice, and balance is also appropriate
Offerings, as simple as cool water, in specific to Ra and/or Ma'at
Prayers / Devotion / Poems to Ra and Ma'at
Loud noises! Scare away the evil -- sistrum / rattles / drums or percussion / music / etc.
Depictions of the smiting of is/fet and/or a/p/e/p
Various ideas for smiting of a/p/e/p that are used in New Year traditions include images of snakes that are in some way destroyed, the destruction of clay pots with images or words written on them, or similar concepts. The most common way to depict a/p/e/p is as a snake having been cut or stabbed with a knife or multiple knives, spears, etc.
You should avoid depicting a/p/e/p as a whole entity or representative entity (eg: whole snake) that has not in some way been shown as sliced-and-diced / destroyed / defeated / etc. Words and images have serious power in Kemetic practice, and we take away the power of a/p/e/p through depiction of its destruction right from the beginning.
Written down or drawn depictions can be destroyed additionally by tearing, burning, crushing, breaking, etc. the medium on which they were depicted (safety first, ideally try not to burn paper indoors, use a fire-proof vessel, and when in doubt avoid burning entirely unless you know you can do it safely).
Dispose of whatever remains ideally in an outside trash area if you can (to remove it completely from your home). If you can't get it outside right away, at least contain it within its own trash bag which you tie up securely, and then put in the household trashcan.
Light, prayer, noise, and smiting of evil: The perfect recipe for those who are interested in fending off darkness.
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A/p/e/p's depiction as being stabbed 5 times - Temple of Edfu
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broomsick · 1 year
Quick and easy Midsummer celebration ideas for norse pagans!
Spend time outside to bask in the sunlight, as a devotional gesture to Freyr and/or Sól
If the day is cloudy, find a moment to go connect with the earth, for example, by walking barefoot in the grass!
Make a simple offering to the Vanir, Lords and Ladies of the fertile season!
Short prayer, or ritual to ask the Gods for the next half of the year to be prosperous
Dedicate a song, or dance to Yngvi-Freyr
Take a cleansing herbal bath in honor of Freyja
Make a list of the new blessings this year has brought so far!
Have a divination session in honor of Frigg, to know how the rest of the year will go
Go and pick/buy a flower to display in your home
Play some lively summer music and invite a deity to come and join you as you enjoy it!
Light a bonfire, or candle, to represent the sun’s light
Bake, or cook a little something to make use of the earth’s gifts
Pour a libation to Thórr to thank him for his gift of fertility
Do your best to adopt a peaceful, harmonious state of mind, for the day!
Watch the beautiful sunrise, or sunset!
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khaire-traveler · 1 month
Ok, I'm burnt out, pretty grumpy, and having a really hard time, so I'll be turning asks off for awhile. Posting will be more sporadic. I know I don't have to announce things like this, I figure I'll let people know so they don't think I'm ignoring them or anything. I'm just having a shit time, y'all.
Take care, everyone.
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wayti-blog · 2 years
Did I offer peace today? Did I bring a smile to someone's face? Did I say words of healing? Did I let go of my anger and resentment? Did I forgive? Did I love? These are the real questions. I must trust that the little bit of love that I sow now will bear many fruits, here in this world and the life to come.
Henri J.M. Nouwen
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sistersatan · 1 year
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divinefemmefatalexo · 9 months
Lilith offering sheet 🌹
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crazycatsiren · 1 year
Spoonie worship tip:
Many things that are always present in your house make excellent offerings.
Water, tea, coffee, sugar, salt, flour, incense, spices, herbs, rice, bread, pasta, fruits, vegetables, etc.
Not only are they good and valid offerings, but also many of them are very much historically accurate.
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What Is Celestial Work?
Hello friends! I wanted to give a special spotlight to a practice that was introduced to me about 5 years ago! I know plenty of Celestial Practioners but no posts online about it other than in Discord spaces and some aminos. As a preface: I am not talking about celestial deities which are gods that rule over celestial energy, I am talking about an entirely separate practice/type of divine energy work What Is Celestial Work? Celestial work is when you work directly with planetary energies and celestial bodies themselves rather than a deity counterpart. So in our case, you can work with or worship the celestial body of Saturn, each planet will have its own energies, personalities, and preferred way of communication! With that said, how divination, altars, and worship works is actually very different compared to traditional deity work because of the nature of the planets themselves. Celestial work is also technically a form of primordial work because it has to do with the formation of our solar system and even how our neolithic ancestors looked to the stars and planets for guidance (even if that guidance was for hunt purposes) How is this different than regular deity work? With a lot of aspects of deity work you have so many methods of communication, resources for altars and worship, and set values and beliefs from a previously or currently organized religion but with celestial work there are only a few known constants 1. Most planets that are farther away speak slowly and take a long time to communicate because of distance. Planets are not omnipresent but they are semi-omnipotent because they are constantly watching over earth just at a different timescale. There are some optimal times to communicate when a planet is in line with earth, and often times messages come days after reaching out in the form of dreams or sudden waves of feelings.
2. Physical altars will range, and most offerings need to reflect a few things! Because planets don’t have their own set of everything you have to use a few points of reference; You can use astrology, color magic, their own personality as they interact with you, Roman counterparts (aka why they are named that way), science, and astrology! There isn't going to be set guides (yet, I would love to help create some) so you may have to get creative
3. Planets are semi-capable to reach out to work! Planets can “reach out” however it corresponds more with astrology and how they effect our lives, charts, etc, reaching out for work doesn’t really happen in a traditional sense: instead we are constantly connected to all the planets so how we perceive them and how they effect us will depend on our unique relationship to them. Instead they allow a unique dynamic that follows how celestial work was originally done, however some nuance applies! This is because some modern-day UPG can cause different perspectives and how people perceive celestial work, so note not everyone’s experience is the same this just seems to be the most common interpretation. The aspect of “reaching out” is different! Some people argue that planets can reach out 100%, some people argue that they can’t at all, this is the middle path and really depends on how you perceive energy and your own experiences! In my opinion, it may be easier to reach out yourself because it’s hard for a planet to individually pick anyone out of 8 billion humans and almost 20 billion organisms, it just is my perspective and yours can differ!
How can I get started? So you find celestial work awesome! you want to mingle with the rings of Saturn and clown around with the moons of Jupiter :) Lets get started then
Pick an energy that calls to you, what do you feel you need to learn? note that the further out you go the longer it might take to communicate and connect to said planet.
Pick a method of divination, dreams, energy and intuition, scrying, and sign discernment tend to be the best route for getting started because often times tarot or cartomancy have trouble connecting to said energy. You could use decks that were created with those energies in mind to help connect better!
Learn about safety and vetting, communication can be complex especially if you are waiting a few days for a response, have basic wards of protection up and overall keep yourself safe!
Set up an altar space, this can look however you want it to! It can be physical, digital, etc! You dont need an altar but I know a lot of people enjoy having a set space to collect memories or honor the planets
Alrighty yall! I hope this was helpful! if you do get any questions feel free to drop them below in the comments or shoot me an ama :3
Resources to start https://www.astrolada.com/articles/astrology-techniques/planetary-influences-and-symbols.html https://rsarchive.org/Lectures/SpInPl_index.html https://www.entitymag.com/how-the-planets-influence-you/
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Tip Jar
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mysticheathenn · 3 months
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E-Offering for Goddess Hestia
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00waywardalma00 · 4 months
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E-offering for Santa Muerte. 🌹💀🌹
Ofrenda electrónica para La Santa Muerte.🌹💀🌹
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twojackals · 2 months
Sharing some Root Beer + Vodka with Wepwawet this evening.
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