#stay movie 2005
toodetudpimedas · 8 months
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webbo0 · 8 months
hi. It’s me again. If I’m annoying just tell me and I’ll peace sign into the void.
I personally think that Henry Letham knew a lot of people as aqaintences; Athena was actually an actress so she had costars and directors, and I’m sure his parents knew a good bit of people. And he also knew what those people thought about him, shown by the inspector guy saying “pale, skinny kid always drawing pictures” and saying how Henry gave him the creeps or something along those lines. That makes me think that he didn’t have many or any friends but a lot of colleague types of people; that leads to them coming to his hospital room just to check up on him but obviously grieving for the ones who didn’t survive and him having immense guilt at being the one who lived. “I killed her. I’m sorry” to one of Athena’s costars. This is a huge ramble, and I understand if you don’t use any of this crap. This was probably also obvious so 😐
I also think he has a talent/copes by “filling in the blanks,” so to say. Not many people talk to him, he’s only seen Sam and the other people for a few seconds but he’s built personalities and lives around them, and from what we can see from Sam in the real world, his personality doesn’t seem too far off from the vision world (stays cool in stressful situations, wants to help, firm). I might be reaching but maybe this has to do with his obsession with Tristan Reveir? Like, if he has a person he’s obsessed with in the vision world I think it’s safe to assume he has one in the real world. And look at Tristian! There are blanks all over that guy; his artwork has never been seen, his suicide is the most famous thing about him. Henry has projected himself onto him. And going back to making up Sam’s personality and kind of being right (maybe???), Henry, from not being talked to and everything, is very emotionally smart and knows what people are saying from their unconscious body signals to the point where it’s weird. This can also be reinforced by Henry knowing what Sam was going to say before he said it; though that might just be because it’s the same mind.
This all just turkey shit that’s probably unusable. My apologies; to be fair I don’t have anyone else to talk to about this so hello person on the internet. ✌🏼
I will NEVER be tired of people talking about this movie you have no need to apologize!
I definitely see the vision of him having people in his life, in the brief flashes of his past we see he has a pretty healthy relationship with his family and others, so it's in character!
The thought of him constantly apologizing for killing them hurts me so much and is also my favorite goddamn concept ughhh
I DEFINITELY think he fills in the blanks of people's lives with his weird vision-version of what he thinks they're like, and him being kinda accurate is a fun concept! (Also easier to write lol)
I have SO many things I want to write about Tristan Revier 👀👀👀👀
(thanks for sending stuff in!!!)
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the-purest-wolf · 7 months
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thehumantrap · 2 months
Ryan Gosling Characters Spotify
I had the idea to make some playlists for some of Ryans characters - feel free to save them and follow if you like ❤️
Holland March
Colt Seavers
Ryan Characters generally
Sierra Six / Court Gentry
Henry Letham
Jacob Palmer
Luke Glanton
Officer K
Sebastian Wilder
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drivinmeinsane · 8 months
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{ requests :: maybe } ※ { ao3 } ※ { last updated :: May. 13th, 2024 }
All my works for this blog are related in some way to characters played by Ryan Gosling. Be aware that many of the fanfictions and thoughts contain content that is 18+ in nature. Please do not engage with those posts if you are a minor.
My inbox and messages are always open! ♥
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※ .{ O N E S H O T }. ※
{ Shot Through the Heart } ※ Colt Seavers x GN!Reader ※ ao3
You've worked with Colt off and on for years, building an easy rapport with the stuntman. The rest of the crew sends you to check up on him after he's bad off following a stunt that seems to have caused his nearly career-ending injury to act up.
{ Moves } ※ Colt Seavers x AFAB!Reader ※ ao3 ※ 18+
On unsteady feet and with linked arms, you and Colt stumble along in the sand. You’re hanging onto each other. The warmth of the man at your side is almost more intoxicating than the beer you’ve been sipping all night long. The ocean is refreshingly cool against your ankles as you trail through the lapping waves, shoes and socks clasped firmly in your hands.
※ .{ D R A B B L E }. ※
Golden Hour ※ Colt Seavers x GN!Reader Playtime ※ Colt Seavers x GN!Reader Scene Partner ※ Colt Seavers x GN!Reader ※ 18+
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※ .{ O N E S H O T }. ※
{ I Do Nothing but Think of You } ※ Driver ※ ao3 ※ 18+
He can't eat. He can't sleep. He's obsessed and restless. What else is there to do but go for a drive?
{ Under Pressure } ※ Driver ※ ao3 ※ 18+
Driver is feeling under the weather. Blaming the oppressive Los Angeles heat for the tightness in his chest, the mechanic leaves in the middle of his shift to try to recover only to receive a shock when it turns out to be something that he should be utterly incapable of.
※ .{ D R A B B L E }. ※
Choking ※ Driver x AFAB!Reader ※ ao3 ※ {request} 18+ Clumsy Stalking ※ Driver x GN!Reader ※ ao3 ※ {request} 18+ Maintenance ※ Driver x GN!Reader ※ ao3 Repercussions ※ Driver x GN!Reader ※ ao3 ※ {request}
※ .{ T H O U G H T S }. ※
Driver ※ Partner Headcanons ※ 18+
※ .{ M O O D B O A R D }. ※
Driver ※ "There's no good sharks?" Driver ※ Werewolf!AU
※ .{ F A N A R T }. ※
Werewolf!AU Driver screenshot study
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※ .{ O N E S H O T }. ※
{ Birthday Boy } ※ Officer K x Joi ※ ao3
Officer K does not often find himself surprised. He was made to be clearheaded and adaptable, able to get a read on most situations at a glance. Joi is a true wildcard in his life. She elicits feelings from him that he never could have predicted. As a result, he finds himself floundering in the wake of an unexpected gesture.
{ Somebody to You } ※ Officer K x GN!Reader ※ ao3
With a tremor threatening to shake his body, he slips his fingers under the edge of his shirt sleeve and pulls it up to his elbow. His soulmark is laid bare before your eyes. The wound that he had left in his own skin when he had tried to carve out the design has faded to a raised, pale line. “That wasn’t there before,” you murmur, taking his forearm in your hands. Your pointer finger traces over the scar.
※ .{ T H O U G H T S }. ※
Officer KD6-3.7 ※ Partner Headcanons ※ 18+
※ .{ M I S C }. ※
Officer K's jacket
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※ .{ O N E S H O T }. ※
{ Crimson Headache } ※ Sierra Six x AFAB!Reader ※ ao3 ※ 18+
You wonder something about Six. Will he allow himself to surrender to what he really wants?
{ Leap of Faith } ※ Sierra Six (solo) ※ ao3
What if the escape mission had gone a little differently? No outcomes are certain. No one is impervious to fault.
{ Witness in the Dark } ※ Sierra Six x Claire's Sister!Reader ※ ao3
Don't we all just want to feel the companionable reassurance of another human being?
It only takes a single tragedy to tear your life to shreds and make it to where you're unable to sleep through the night. You tell yourself that you will never trust a bodyguard again, but things don't go according to plan when a man with a number for a name is assigned to the Fitzroy household while your uncle is away.
※ .{ T H O U G H T S }. ※
Sierra Six ※ Partner Headcanons ※ 18+
※ .{ M O O D B O A R D S }. ※
Sierra Six ※ Just another Thursday."
※ .{ M I S C }. ※
Sierra Six's tattoos
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※ .{ DRIVER x KEN } ※ { ONESHOT }
{ Draw Me In } ※ Driver x Ken ※ ao3 ※ 18+
Ken's insatiable curiosity leads to a messy outcome when he fails to give Driver any semblance of personal space.
{ Take You In Real Slow } ※ Driver x Ken ※ ao3 ※ 18+ 🕊
He twists his house key in the door and turns the knob to open it. Locked. Adjusting the basket resting against his hip, he frowns and tries his key again. The door unlocks this time. The knob is slippery in his grasp. When he pulls his hand away, it’s covered in more of that red stuff from the elevator.
{ The Way You Stare } ※ Driver x Ken ※ ao3 ※ 18+
Ken has never learned the importance of being patient. His efforts to be the sole recipient of Driver's steady focus earn him a hard and frustrating lesson from a man who is not very composed himself.
Driver x Ken ※ "I'm thinking 'bout how I want to see you in some kinda lip gloss. Might feel sticky and gritty if I kissed you. Bet you would look pretty, just like now. All pink. Sparkly." 
{ Eyes Always Searching } ※ Officer K x Sierra Six ※ ao3 ※ 18+
Unpleasantly, K feels the return of the drowning sensation he had felt earlier. It is almost as though someone had placed a mirror in front of him in a dream. The reflection is him, but distinctly not. ※ chapter one: In some Sad Way ※ chapter two: I Already Know ※ chapter three: I Will Not Ask You, Neither Should You
Officer K x Sierra Six ※ K places his right hand on the table beside his guest’s. He can feel the warmth of his fellow Nexus sink into his own skin. He swallows, pulse jumping. The hand not on the table clenches around his thigh. His nails dig into the outer seam of his pants. “What was your most shameful moment? ” the baseline mocks at him in his mind. He can’t do it. He can’t bridge the gap. He can’t-
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※ .{ O N E S H O T }. ※
{ Bad Dog } ※ Ken x GN!Reader ※ ao3 ※ 18+
You have volunteered to give Ken a lesson in being a good dog. It takes a firm hand to get positive results.
※ .{ M U L T I C H A P T E R }. ※
{ Ocean Boulevard } ※ Holland March x Merman!Jackson Healy ※ ao3 ※ 18+
Struggling, he can’t seem to reach the surface no matter how hard he paddles upwards. He’s going to die down here if he can’t cover any distance. He’d failed to take in any air when he went over on account of knocking himself senseless. Making a mistake, Holland looks down and sees the darting shadow of a pointed dorsal fin. Shark. There’s a fucking shark in the water with him.
※ .{ D R A B B L E }. ※
Frequently Bought Together ※ Ken & GN! Reader ※ ao3 ※ {request}
※ .{ T H O U G H T S }. ※
Henry Letham ※ Partner Headcanons ※ 18+ Holland March ※ Partner Headcanons ※ 18+ Lars Lindstrom ※ Partner Headcanons ※ 18+ Ryan Gosling!Ken ※ Partner Headcanons (bad end) ※ 18+ Ryan Gosling!Ken ※ Partner Headcanons (good end) ※ 18+
※ .{ M O O D B O A R D S }. ※
Henry Letham※ "If this is a dream, then the whole world is inside it." Holland March ※ "I had to question the mermaids." Ken ※ "Every night is boy's night." Ken ※ "To be honest, when I found out the patriarchy wasn't about horses, I lost interest anyways." Ken ※ "What will it take for her to see the man behind the tan?" Sebastian Wilder ※ "Are you shining just for me?"
※ .{ M I S C }. ※
Favorite Ryan Gosling movies {ask} Favorite pairings for Ryan Gosling characters {ask}
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{ 12 Days of Goosemas } ※ 2023 ※ ao3 ※ 18+
This is a collection of twelve fanfictions all under two thousand words each and all pertaining to characters played by Ryan Gosling. Not all of these works are directly intended to be Christmas themed, but they are all set in the month of December and have some seasonal vibes! 01 ※ { Hot Chocolate } ※ Officer K / Reader 02 ※ { Christmas Movie } ※ Driver / Ken 03 ※ { Winter Break }※ Henry Letham / Reader 04 ※{ Snow }※ Sierra Six / Reader 05 ※ { Holiday Party }※ Julian Thompson / Reader ※ 18+ 06 ※ { Decorating }※ Sebastian Wilder / Reader 07 ※ { Alone }※ Driver / Reade 08 ※ { Lights } ※ Holland March / Jackson Healy 09 ※ { Cookies} ※ Driver / Ken※ 18+ 10 ※ { Snowstorm } ※ Colt Seavers / Reader 11 ※ { New Year }※ Henry Letham / Sam Foster 12 ※ { Mistletoe } ※ Driver / Reader ※ 18+
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A collaborative series written with @danime25 centered around the relationship between Holland March and Jackson Healy.
{ Give Me the Night } ※ Holland March x Jackson Healy ※ ao3 ※ 18+
What if Healy had broken Holland's right arm instead of his left? Like most jobs involving stakeouts, the night is going by slowly. That all takes a turn, however, when Holland March, pent up and frustrated, finally pushes his fellow detective too far. Part one of the Butterfly Effect Series. (Can be read as a standalone)
{ Don't Go Breaking My Heart } ※ Holland March x Jackson Healy ※ ao3 ※ 18+
Even during the most wonderful time of the year, Holland March can't help but be clumsy. A stressful hospital trip to set the detective's re-fractured arm leads an unfortunate revelation about his relationship with Jackson Healy. Part two of the Butterfly Effect Series. (Can be read as a standalone) ※ chapter one: It's Up to Us // ao3 ※ chapter two: I Think We Can Make It // ao3 ※ 18+
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※ .{ C R E D I T S }. ※
{ headers } ※ @drivinmeinsane { 18+ divider } ※ @cafekitsune { foliage dividers } ※ @saradika-graphics
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hamoodmood · 1 year
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cigarette-junky · 3 months
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From Stay (2005)
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maed4y · 6 months
Any recommendations for movies similar to these?
Fight club
The score
American history x
Murder by numbers
Primal fear
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enderstufff · 3 months
Posting my edit here cuz tiktok removed it
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tabubranku · 1 year
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I really like to draw him bleeding and dead? Shit)
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toodetudpimedas · 9 months
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these photos.
that's it. that's the post.
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webbo0 · 8 months
*sighs* because none of my friends have watched it and I’m at a soccer game and I’m bored out of my mind could I ask you some questions?
Have you watched Remember the Titans? (If you haven’t it’s on Disney Plus and is literally the best football movie I’ve ever seen; plus young Ryan Gosling who plays a guy named Allan which I screamed at because “all his clothes fit me”)
If you have…I dunno, thoughts, favorite moment, anything (beggar me, scrounging for crumbs)
More Tiny Little Headcanons for Henryyyy (+ some Henry Lives AU headcanons)
Because Athena acts in older plays, he’s tried to read more Shakespearean books and stuff like that so they can talk about it together and he can be of assistance when she’s rehearsing. (This is how I see it, you’ll probably have something different: he’s OKAY with them, but not the hugest fan. Whenever Athena is ranting about how useless the female characters are, he’ll just nod with a small smile and agree.)
He’s the kind of person to be kind of awkward around small kids, convinced that they don’t like him. I think that kids can sense a kind person, so that doesn’t deter them and he ends up teaching them how to draw and stuff.
I’ve never been in a hospital as a patient and I’m guessing ways to kill yourself wouldn’t be TOO numerous but when Henry first wakes up to a few weeks out he tries many times to pull the tubes out of him or turn off the numbing medication (the stuff that’s in the bag; not hydration but…ughhhh stoopid), get out of his bed and stuff to the point where they have to tie him down. (IS THIS FACTUAL I DONT KNOW). After that, when Sam comes to visit and he asks what happened, Henry says, “I’m a monster. Thats why.” Or something.
In a lighter note, Henry DEFINITELY makes for some awkward situations when he asks Sam “when are you gonna marry your girl?” And Sam tries to explain that he and “his girl” have been on one half date to get coffee after seeing his broken body being taken away to the hospital. “Where’s your ring?” “What ring, Henry?” “Your- the ring you were gonna give her; you didn’t lose it, did you?” “Who is her?”
That’s all for now. Probably will continue in ten minutes. Thanks for reading all this shit.
I haven't seen Remember the Titans yet, but it's on my list!
And I'm literally so happy to get headcanons I'm twirling my (non-existent) long hair ✨
• I would love to dive into their relationship more! We get so little about her but I love the classic "visual artist doesn't fully understand the literary artist and vice versa but they are super supportive of each other" bit!
• I also think he'd be good with kids, or at least they'd sense that he's chill, he's Definitely a cat person IMO
• I'm honestly planning on him being on a psych hold at some point in the story so I SEE the vision
• And yes!!! The blurring between realities!!! That's also something I'm Super excited to write about!!
As always I owe you my life lol, thanks for the inspiration!
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hihanki-ha-ha · 9 months
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I never drew fan art for films, but Stay sunk into my soul. And I love Ryan Gosling
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ants-personal · 7 months
Do you see the vision
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retrocinemv · 11 months
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𖥔 ࣪ ˖ 44. stay (2005) dir. Marc Forster
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the-purest-wolf · 7 months
It's kind of scary how obsessed you can be with Ryan. *obsessive search on tumblr and AO3*
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