#dr sam foster
webbo0 · 8 months
hi. It’s me again. If I’m annoying just tell me and I’ll peace sign into the void.
I personally think that Henry Letham knew a lot of people as aqaintences; Athena was actually an actress so she had costars and directors, and I’m sure his parents knew a good bit of people. And he also knew what those people thought about him, shown by the inspector guy saying “pale, skinny kid always drawing pictures” and saying how Henry gave him the creeps or something along those lines. That makes me think that he didn’t have many or any friends but a lot of colleague types of people; that leads to them coming to his hospital room just to check up on him but obviously grieving for the ones who didn’t survive and him having immense guilt at being the one who lived. “I killed her. I’m sorry” to one of Athena’s costars. This is a huge ramble, and I understand if you don’t use any of this crap. This was probably also obvious so 😐
I also think he has a talent/copes by “filling in the blanks,” so to say. Not many people talk to him, he’s only seen Sam and the other people for a few seconds but he’s built personalities and lives around them, and from what we can see from Sam in the real world, his personality doesn’t seem too far off from the vision world (stays cool in stressful situations, wants to help, firm). I might be reaching but maybe this has to do with his obsession with Tristan Reveir? Like, if he has a person he’s obsessed with in the vision world I think it’s safe to assume he has one in the real world. And look at Tristian! There are blanks all over that guy; his artwork has never been seen, his suicide is the most famous thing about him. Henry has projected himself onto him. And going back to making up Sam’s personality and kind of being right (maybe???), Henry, from not being talked to and everything, is very emotionally smart and knows what people are saying from their unconscious body signals to the point where it’s weird. This can also be reinforced by Henry knowing what Sam was going to say before he said it; though that might just be because it’s the same mind.
This all just turkey shit that’s probably unusable. My apologies; to be fair I don’t have anyone else to talk to about this so hello person on the internet. ✌🏼
I will NEVER be tired of people talking about this movie you have no need to apologize!
I definitely see the vision of him having people in his life, in the brief flashes of his past we see he has a pretty healthy relationship with his family and others, so it's in character!
The thought of him constantly apologizing for killing them hurts me so much and is also my favorite goddamn concept ughhh
I DEFINITELY think he fills in the blanks of people's lives with his weird vision-version of what he thinks they're like, and him being kinda accurate is a fun concept! (Also easier to write lol)
I have SO many things I want to write about Tristan Revier 👀👀👀👀
(thanks for sending stuff in!!!)
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krikeymate · 1 year
Foster AU: what if as Tara approaches her 18th birthday, she has this fear in the back of her mind that Sam will kick her out/want her to leave because that’s what “normal” people are “supposed” to do when they turn 18. Cue her pulling away a bit because she’s so anxious about it and Sam being confused and a little hurt until it finally just comes out that Tara is scared that she won’t want her around anymore.
And Sam subsequently saying something along the lines of “you can stay with me as long as you want but I don’t want you to leave ever.”
Tara usually joins Sam at work. Sam trusts Tara to stay home alone, and more importantly, she trusts in the rigid security system, thick doors, reinforced windows, and numerous locks, their new home - recently moved into - has had installed. But Tara doesn't like being left alone in the house, and her tutor - Sidney - has the week off for Thanksgiving. (She had actually invited them both over to stay for the holiday, but Sam had recently been promoted to manager because she works the holidays, and didn't feel right then dumping the responsibility on the others and disappearing).
So, Tara sits in the staff room on her Nintendo Switch playing Pokemon, exploring Kanto with Sam the Pikachu, when Jill, 19 years old and only several months into the job, takes her break.
Tara doesn't like Jill (she doesn't like anyone). The way she speaks to her makes her uncomfortable, but she can't quite figure out how to explain why, so she doesn't say anything about it at all. Sam says she needs to think about her words more. Sam was laughing when she said it, but Sam doesn't say things she doesn't mean, so Tara tries to think about her words more before she says them. Dr Martin says she should think about the why behind the words, and that if she can't really explain why she wants to say what she does, then maybe she shouldn't say them. Sam told her that was stupid and she could ignore what Dr Martin said, but Tara still thinks about it sometimes.
"Hey, so I hear it's your birthday soon," Jill pipes up, pulling out a chair at the table. Tara wishes she wouldn't speak, and just nods her head, eyes never leaving the game.
"Soooo... what're you gonna do when you turn 18?" she continues. The question confuses Tara and she flicks her eyes to the girl for a moment. "What do you mean?" she asks, frowning. She continues to stare at the screen, but her hands still on the controls, battle screen flashing.
"Well," Jill says, chewing obnoxiously on her gum, "are you gonna, like, go to college or get a job, or what?"
Tara puts the Switch down to stare at Jill. She thinks carefully about her words. Don't be stupid is probably the wrong thing to say. "Why would I do that?" she eventually settles on.
Jill stares at her in bafflement, a weird smile on her face. "Well, you can't just stay with your sister forever." There's a laugh in her voice, like the idea is ridiculous. "You're an adult, not a little kid. 18 is when you leave the nest and make your own way in the world!" Jill looks at her, waiting for Tara to speak, then frowns, as if remembering who she's talking to. "Well, I mean, for normal people anyway. I guess it's not the same for people like you, what with your..." she waves her hand around in place of finishing her sentence.
The door opens and Sam appears over the threshold. "Jill, your break was over 3 minutes ago and there's a line of customers waiting to be served," she chastises, not unkindly. Sam catches sight of Tara's face, tight and upset, and lingers, moving out of the way for Jill to pass. Once she's gone, she moves into the room, shutting the door behind her.
Kneeling down at Tara's side, she puts a hand in her lap and the other brushes against her cheek. "Hey, you ok, what happened?"
Tara squeezes her eyes shut and shakes her head. "Fine," she mumbles out, taking a deep breath. Sam frowns. "Did she say something to you?" Tara shakes her head again. "It's fine," she says, more solidly this time. Sam goes to push the subject, when they hear muffled yelling in the distance. Sam sighs, getting back to her feet, hand lingering on her cheek. She pulls Tara's head up to leave a kiss on her forehead and gives her a smile, "just a couple more hours," she says wistfully. "What do you want for dinner?" "...Mac 'n cheese?" "As my girl requests, mac and cheese it is."
Tara's quiet over dinner that night, and retires to her own room for once. Sam struggles to fall asleep without her. She's not used to sleeping alone anymore.
The following week is weird. Tara chooses to stay home, even though Sam knows she doesn't like to be alone. She sleeps in her own bed, and hides away, and picks at her food. She shies away from Sam's touch.
Sam thinks back, trying to determine when it started, what caused it. She thinks back to that day in the breakroom, and corners Jill, demanding to know what she said.
"I just asked her what her plans were," Jill exclaims, hands up and a little nervous at Sam's expression. Sam's face scrunches in confusion, "plans? What plans, what are you talking about?" "Y'know, for being 18, the future or whatever." Sam shakes her head, she doesn't understand, and voices so, frustrated.
"Wow, you two really are sisters," Jill mutters, rolling her eyes. "Look, normal people turn 18, they move out, they go to college, th-" Sam storms off before she's even finished speaking.
Normal. Sam hates that word.
Sam crawls into Tara's bed that night. She curls around her and pulls her back into her and whispers "you're not gonna leave, right? When you turn 18?" She watches Tara's fingers tighten around her wolf. "Cause," Sam continues, "I would really like you to stay, for like, the rest of your life, but I understand if you want to leave, if that's what you want."
Tara twists in her grip, shoving her face in Sam's neck. "Don't want to leave," she mumbles, voice barely audible. "Oh," Sam replies, "that's good, because I don't want you to leave."
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All-New, All-Different Avengers
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satoshy12 · 5 months
Demon Twins, but Danny has no idea about Bruce's secret life.
Bruce learns he has a second sons who were raised away from the league. Damian's foster/adopted parents, Dr. Fenton's.
In the Car to Amity Park
Bruce:" Damian, does your brother know about our secret life?"
Damian:" No. He has no idea about anything. He is supposed to take care of Grandfather's legal work."
Jason:" And what does he think Bruce is?"
Damian:" Well... What grandfather told him?"
Dick:" And what did Ra tell him?"
Damian snorted something you don't see him doing:" That father is a pervert who seduced his poor mother and left her behind as she didn't behave like he wanted."
Bruce:" What?"
His children all wanted to laugh, and Jason was laughing.
Damian:"Well, you saw how you behaved, right? And you tried to change, mother."
Bruce once regrets his Brucie personality:" She is an assassin!"
In Amity Park
Damian was just hugged by Maddie and she looked all over him to make sure he did eat well while away. Jack just hugged the rest of the group in a massive group hug.
Maddie:" Go to Danny Damian. I am sure he and rest want to spend time with you. I bet Sam wants to talk to you too. "
As Damian left
Maddie:" So you are the one who made poor Tals cry all the 9 months. "
Bruce already can see this won't go well.
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nerdpoe · 1 year
Like Facing off Against C'Thulu, but it's Really Just your Fears. Part 3
Part one, Part two, Part four, AO3
Sorry about the wait, stress and life happened, and also this chapter is gonna be a bit different. Sorry if it doesn't follow the flow of the previous two, feel free to ignore this one if you didn't like it.
Dick felt himself crawling towards wakefulness, and the second he realized he was waking up his body forced him to be fully aware.
Painfully so.
The ache was vicious, his skin burned on the inside, and his stomach muscles wouldn’t stop twitching; the memory of being cut open making his own insides flinch.
It was a terrifying feeling, when each movement made his skin pull against the stitches holding him together. 
But he recognized the lights above him, the smells around him. The chittering of bats and the gentle hum of electronics, the echoes of a cavern dark and deep enough to hide one of the world’s biggest secrets.
He was home. He was also very, very drugged.
His attempt to sit up instead resulted in one hand lazily swatting himself in his own face. Some kind soul delicately lifted his wayward hand and gently set it on his side.
Dr. Thompkins' relieved face was the first thing his bleary eyes made out.
“Welcome to the world of the waking, sleeping beauty,” she said, brushing his bangs out of his face.
Dick hummed, enjoying the feeling of a kind touch. 
It helped to banish the ghosts of hands that were tracing his ribs.
Against his will, his eyes closed. 
He was still very much awake, though.
“To prevent you from doing something monumentally stupid, yes, the boy was saved from his parents,” she continued, noticing his need for contact and leaving her hand where it was, “He is currently upstairs, still settling in. I believe Tim is showing him how to use the online high school they found.”
Dick knew that if he was not drugged up to his ears, the feeling of joy at the news that the kid would be able to continue his education would not have been as muted as it was.
“Bruce is fostering him right now, and it seems to be going well. Slow, but well.”
There was another set of steps walking into the room, but Dick couldn’t bring himself to turn his head away from the gentle hand laid on it.
“The boys…parents have been escorted to Arkham. Our only hope of them being there doing any good is if they turn on their fellow inmates during the next outbreak.” 
Dick agreed, and also agreed with whoever had put their hand in his own. He squeezed it lightly, taking note of its size.
The precise steps that walked in after Damian, along with the shuffling of the blankets being rearranged…
Two of his favorite people! This was so much better than being asleep.
“His name is Daniel, he goes by Danny; he’s a meta,” Damian’s voice cut through, steady for all that his hand in Dick’s was not, “He possesses super hearing and super strength at a minimum, so we felt it pertinent that he be made aware of our vigilante status before a miscommunication could drive him to an unsafe situation.”
That did make sense. Damian was so smart. Dick was so proud of his little brother.
“As for you; you’ve been in a small coma for around two weeks,” Leslie said, her hand removing itself from his forehead heedless of his pitiful whine, “Your body needs to heal, Dick. I’m sorry, but with physical therapy and how long we will need to wait until we can even begin to attempt that, you’re looking at being benched for a good seven to nine months.”
“Master Dick, language!”
Sam hadn’t been there when she’d needed to be.
And she knew that even past her Dying Day, she would never forgive herself for that.
She’d been out sick when Danny had finally broken down, had been snippy with her mother and gotten her phone taken away when he’d reached out to her, and had been asleep when his shit parents had finally taken the hint that no one wanted them in Amity and fled.
And they’d taken Danny with them.
So she may have lost it.
The past few months had been full of interesting new experiences for her; Domestic Terrorism, starting riots, getting arrested, committing assault, getting arrested again, performing unauthorized demolition, almost getting arrested a third time by the GIW instead of the cops…
Just girl things, really. 
Paulina had actually been with her every step of the way, and hey; they actually really got along when it came to burning down repressive regimes. Paulina knew how to make a fantastic molotov cocktail, and Sam had loads of unwanted clothing she needed to get rid of that could be used for scraps.
But after causing so much chaos, the entire town was now starting to get behind her. They didn’t give a shit about ghosts, but they wanted the GIW out of their home.
But they needed help to do that, and to get that help then that firewall and media blackout had to go.
Which was where Tucker had stepped in.
Tucker had locked himself in his house after the Fentons had run away, obsessed with finding Danny through any means necessary. He’d thrown himself into cyberspace, and had been essentially chucking himself at the firewalls the GIW had set up around all of Amity. Mostly it ended in excruciating headaches that Sam couldn’t do anything to help with, except to just be there for him while he recovered.
But it had finally gotten one result, the exact one they’d needed. 
The firewall was hosted on one server.
Just one. 
Stupid, but useful for them, and that was what mattered.
It had taken a week to plan the massive riot currently distracting the entire GIW-every single citizen that was willing was using their Liminal abilities out in the open for the sole purpose of being destructive.
Distraction firmly in place, she grabbed Valerie, grabbed Tucker and dragged him away from his hovel, and forced Vlad to comply.
Blackmail did wonders when dealing with rich megalomaniac assholes, although given his face when she’d mentioned Danny, there was a very real chance she hadn’t needed the blackmail at all. She knew he knew something, but she didn’t want to know. It was a feeling she had; if she was told, she would break, and at that moment, she could not afford any weakness.
Together, they’d broken into the Ghost Investigation Ward HQ in Amity and forced the tech blackout curtain to burn to the ground.
Every tweet, every Youtube video, every TikTok, every Paranormal Investigator that had ever been blocked had had their posts stored, apparently to be used in evidence as ‘treason against the state’. 
A stupid oversight, but the GIW appeared to make it a habit to excel in physical violence without the brains to back it up.
It had only taken Tucker fifteen minutes to have every single Twitter account send out all of those blocked tweets at the same time, absolutely flooding the Justice League Official with notifications and getting nearly everyone suspended for suspected bot use.
Youtube was suddenly absolutely filled with videos of people interviewing ghosts, insights into ghost culture, amateur scientists who hadn’t been allowed to leave Amity clumsily recording their findings of Liminality in Mortals.
TikTok was filled with teenagers making memes with Ghosts, Ghosts themselves making memes with stolen phones, and clips of pure unadulterated violence from the GIW chasing them both down.
Sam took a moment to appreciate the comments and retweets, watching as the internet denizens collectively went from curious and puzzled to absolutely furious.
Why should she be the only one angry?
It was time the world knew.
Then her phone pinged, an alert coming through from outside of the Amity area.
Jazz could wait, they needed to ensure the flow of information was uninterrupted. 
But it pinged again.
And again.
Then Tucker’s phone pinged.
Sighing at the intrusion, Sam pulled out the brick of a phone she insisted on keeping-and her mind screeched to a halt.
He said he was in Gotham, that he was fine, that he was staying with a Foster family and was recovering. The texts dated back by two weeks, and the texts after that were Danny just…talking about normal family stuff. He was seeing a therapist, seeing an actual doctor for his physical needs, getting used to having siblings again, eating regular meals, not being chased every day of his life just for existing.
Learning to live again.
Sam didn’t realize she was crying until Vlad, coughing awkwardly, offered her a handkerchief.
He was okay.
Danny was safe.
Bruce was watching on from the batcomputer as Danny and Dick reunited.
Danny had been unsure of himself at first, but Dick had beckoned him closer and worked his charm, citing that if he’d been able to sit up then he’d juggle for the traumatized teen.
Danny had, instead, juggled random medical supplies for Dick. They’d hit it off from there, and got on like a house on fire.
Tim was at work, Damian and Duke were at school, Steph and Cass had left citing that they “had to leave this testosterone-infested house and get some fresh air”, which meant they were probably working with Oracle on a case they were trying to hide from him.
He’d figure out what it was, of course, but if they wanted to handle it on their own he’d leave them to their own devices. Unless it was the fighting ring. No one was allowed to approach human traffickers alone, no matter how loudly Jason complained.
Bruce frowned and his hands hovered over the keyboard. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to just take a quick peek-
His phone pinged.
A message from Tim.
Another ping, a different tone; one from Duke.
Tim again.
Duke again, four times in a row.
A message from Steph.
Damian eight times in a row.
Tim again.
A whopping twenty-eight from Jason, all in a row.
What on earth was-?
A call, Barbara’s name on the screen.
He glanced over at Dick and Danny as he answered the call; Dick, still hopped up on pain meds, hadn’t noticed. 
Danny had, though.
His head had turned enough to keep Bruce in his line of sight through the window.
“Yes? Is someone hurt?”
“Bruce, you need to check twitter. Danny’s hometown? The weird one I couldn’t get past the firewalls on? Yeah, someone on the inside took down the media blackout. It’s been a hotbed of Crimes against Humanity, violations of meta and Alien rights, violations of Basic Rights, and I don’t even know how many treaties with other dimensions this place has broken.”
Bruce hadn’t been aware he was standing until the faint conversation between Danny and Dick came to an abrupt halt.
“Human experimentation, alien experimentation, coverups, abuse of power; Bruce, this is bad. Amity is going to need League presence to protect the citizens while the government gets this sorted out. There’s already fighting in the streets, I wouldn’t be surprised if casualties have already started.”
“I’ll go to the tower as soon as I can.”
Bruce disconnected the call and made his way over to the medbay, opening the door to the mostly sound-proofed room.
He had to take care of something very important first.
“Danny,” he started, ridding his voice of the edge it had gained and deliberately softening it, “Someone took down the media blackout on Amity, and the internet is having a field day with it. I’d like you to stay off of social media, but I’m not going to order you not to go on it; just be aware that there are some pretty disturbing things out there right now.”
He would never forbid this child from being able to access social media; the day Bruce became like Danny’s parents in any way he’d sign over the custody of all his legal children to Clark. He couldn't forbid the boy from basic social interaction for his age group. He would never isolate him like that.
Danny had just started trusting them; he’d fallen asleep in front of Bruce for the first time yesterday, and had actually talked back to Jason when they’d been in one of their morbid debates, not an ounce of fear in his face.
He would hate for Danny to have come so far, only to have it all negated with one badly timed peek into TikTok.
Danny stared at him with wide eyes, his hand tightening around Dick’s.
“What media blackout?”
He hadn’t…
No way.
“Didn’t you wonder why the League was never called to help out your hometown?”
Please, please, please-
“I mean, the government was there, and they were pretty-uh. Pretty…efficient, in finding abnormalities.” As he spoke, Danny’s face grew pale and his gaze dropped.
Damn it, damn them, and damn every person that had ever failed this boy.
Bruce pulled up a chair and sat down, silencing his phone and sliding it into his pocket.
“Danny, what do you know of meta rights?”
Danny’s confused look just grew.
“What’s a meta?”
Bruce closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and attempted to center himself. Danny didn’t know he was called a meta, and given the severity of what Oracle had just told him, had most likely been told that he deserved to be punished for existing.
It was difficult to ask for help when one didn’t even know there was help available.
“You, and I heavily suspect the majority of people in your hometown. You all fall under various laws designed to protect metas, to ensure that you are not abused or discriminated against.”
There was a shaky inhale, and Bruce opened his eyes to Dick rubbing circles with his thumb onto the back of Danny’s hand.
Danny was crying.
“So Sam and Tucker won’t be taken?”
Bruce knew those names, knew they were friends of his youngest charge. He hadn’t known they were metas, which begged the question; was Amity Park a city made up entirely of metas?
The concept was a bit too much for Bruce to consider, so he steered away from it and focused on the child in front of him.
“No. They have just as much right to security and safety as the next citizen. As do you.”
Danny shook his head, ignoring when Dick tried to gain his attention to reaffirm what Bruce had just said.
“But I’m not a meta; I’m only half human.”
Bruce took another deep breath, trying and failing to reign in his anger. He was not successful, and Dick took advantage of his silence to step in.
“Danny, you have abilities beyond being human; that makes you a meta by legal definition,” Dick explained quietly, anger hiding behind the sympathy in his voice, “So you deserve just as many protections as Duke.”
Danny’s eyes grew wide.
“So I can talk about Duke’s powers and he won’t be-he’ll be safe? He won’t get hurt?”
Bruce took out his phone and sent a text to Clark.
He would have to miss this particular mission, regardless of what he had told Barbara.
He had a previous victim of Amity Park right in front of him, and his priority was to ensure that Danny learned all the legal ways he was entitled to protection by the law.
Besides, as long as he stipulated that Diana be in charge, it would be fine. That was the beauty of being a part of a much larger team; the rare instance he was otherwise occupied, there were others to step in.
He would send over Red Robin though, just in case. And Orphan. Oracle was already overlooking the situation, she wouldn’t mind orchestrating rescue and containment, surely?
Instructions sent, he slipped his phone into his pocket and looked back to Dick and Danny.
“Do you want to go over the laws concerning metas, Danny?” He asked, leaning forward and resting a hand lightly on the boy’s shoulder.
Danny nodded.
Bruce nodded back, grabbed the tablet Dick had been using to entertain himself, pulled up documentaries about the history of meta rights, and began.
The streets of Amity Park were filled with a rolling mass of people and ghosts, all fighting against government agents in pure white suits. If there had been order, it was no longer present. 
Buildings were on fire, the few adults who still had their rationality were trying to either shepherd or shield the small children that had gotten caught in the crosshairs, corpses were lying on the street only to have the ghost of that person jump up and dive right back into the frenzy, and the few unlucky enough to get caught were being dragged screaming into vans.
The ghosts were clearly against the Guys in White, but also had no regard for the humans in their presence. The humans, likewise, were using weapons clearly meant for ghosts against the Guys in White, damaging their allies in the process.
The streets were one big free-for-all, and no one was coming out on top.
Even if the Justice League could round up the humans and give them proper orders, the ghosts were a risk as entities with unknown powers who were prone to severe emotional outbursts. Which, in turn, made the humans nervous, and more likely to keep anti-ghost weapons on them, which started the whole cycle over.
It was a mess.
Red Robin maneuvered the batplane over a football field, the only clear place of landing. 
Orphan was behind Red Robin, across from Red Hood, and he could hear the leather creaking in her gloves with how hard she was gripping the armrests.
And Red Hood, who had snuck on board because there was no way in fuck he was letting his siblings into a warzone alone, calmly switched out his rubber bullets for real ones.
This was not the kind of situation where a minor ouchie would keep the baddies down.
This had to be permanent.
He’d try for nonlethal shots where he could, but he’d seen the lengths the Guys in White were willing to go through the windshield. He would have to work in the background and rely on the chaos to divert the League’s attention away from his existence, but it was doable.
“Stand up, Pretender; we have work to do.”
There was no way Bruce had known how bad it was, or he would never have sent anyone other than himself. Large bad guys? No problem. But this?
This was war, plain and simple.
How lucky for Red Hood, then, that his little Pretender was far more violent that Bruce would ever know. The piles of Ra’s soldier’s corpses were a testament to that. If there was anyone else better suited for a battleground, it was Robin, and the kid had a very important math test in twenty minutes.
Orphan joined him at the door, and after a few seconds Red Robin joined them.
He shoved all the spare, useless thoughts to the back of his head and made his way off the plane.
He stepped into …something. Something wet, that stuck to his shoes, and smelled like stagnant water and copper. The grass was overgrown and wet with a mix of green and red liquid, and just from his position alone he could see the corpses of at least twenty white suited agents.
Whoever had laid them out had done a damn good job, but Hood had a feeling that whoever had done it was probably no longer among the living.
He looked at Red Robin and nodded.
Red Robin lightly touched the communicator in his ear and started working with Oracle to find out where they would be needed the most.
Hood, meanwhile, was distracted. 
For all that this place was drenched in terror and pain, it felt…homey. It felt like he was home, or close to it.
Like a piece of him that had been missing was nearby.
He felt, for the first time since his rebirth, almost complete.
The Lazarus pit was humming in the back of his mind, a constant presence of satisfaction pushing against what his humanity was telling him was very, very wrong. Why did this scene satisfy him? It was carnage, it wasn’t meant to generate this feeling of…of being pleased-
Orphan lightly tapped his arm, motioning with her head towards a large, fuckall knight.
The knight just in turn just stood there. Staring at them. Staring at him, specifically.
Hood quietly shifted so that he was in front of Red Robin; a bo staff would do fuckall to that metal armor, and Hood would have to provide the opening for RR’s other tricks to come into play.
The head tilted, the trio of Bats braced themselves, and-
“My Prince!”
“Your father still sleeps, locked in eternal slumber, but if you give us an order we will gladly obey!”
The knight was clearly looking at Hood. Hood tilted his head minutely at RR, but the bird shrugged his shoulders.
“What makes you say I’m the Prince you’re looking for?” 
Buy time; he had to buy time for either Red Robin to figure something out, Orphan to sneak up on the knight, or one of the Big Hitters from the League to arrive.
“You, and all who have been baptized in the blood of the King Himself and survived, have passed judgment and taken his bloodline unto yourselves.”
There was a whole hell of a lot that Hood did not understand about what had just been said, but he had a feeling it was something he didn’t want to know. This ghost seemed powerful, if not unhinged, so he could just send the guy away so he wouldn’t have to contaminate his ears with Shit He Did Not Need To Hear.
“Great; help defend against the Guys in White and tell the other ghosts to cooperate with the Justice League.”
The knight jackknifed up, and bowed.
“Your Will shall be done!”
And the knight…was gone. Just, poof! Disappeared.
Hood groaned and raised a hand to rub the bridge of his nose, only to hit himself in the helmet.
What was he supposed to do with that information?
“Well, Your Royal Liegely Highness Prince Red Hood Sir, Constantine says we need to get to the town square,” Red Robin gave an overly extravagant bow, pointing towards Orphan who was already almost out of the football field.
Hood ignored him and stalked towards Orphan.
He was never going to live this shit down.
“Also, My Royal Princley Liege, how the fuck are we going to explain you to the League?”
Fuck, he would have to be front and center to issue orders.
What a shit day.
Okay, so the idea behind this is that the Lazarus Pits, the mains ones the side ones the random ones-they're all Pariah Darks blood/ectoplasm. As he is King of the Infinite Realms, they're pretty powerful, so they can heal and, in certain cases, revive.
Provided you survive them.
If you survive them, you get a piece of Pariah Dark in you and a guarantee that you will become a ghost destined for the Zone. Every alive person and dead person who has been in the pits are viewed as legal Princes and Princesses by the Ghost Zone.
So by Ghost Zone standards, Ra's and Jason are related. Ra's and Damian are still grandfather and grandson, but both are Princes.
Danny Defeating Pariah did not count, as he had to use an external suit to do it and could not rely fully on his own power. What Danny did do is prove himself worthy to be Fright Knights Page and Successor.
Idk, weird idea, decided to roll with it, gonna need one more chapter to close this baby out
@skulld3mort-1fan @zelabee @waspsarebetterthanbeesanyways @ailithnight @randomkiddoscrewingaround @apointlessbox @pyramaniac @emergentpanda-blog @pastalavistamf @gin2212 @beacedocrime @spectralstardustandphantomnights @introvert-even-on-the-internet @candeartist422 @icarusinstatic @overtherose @toomanyfandoms11 @redhoneysugarorange @vythika96 @blueflipflops @undead-essence @readerzj @rainbowbunny0159 @cursedzucchini @firegirl108 @malice-of-the-sunrise @cryptid-fisherman @terzatheunderscorerima @avelnfear @amercurio @ritzocha @the-archer-goddess
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disillusioneddanny · 1 year
There’s a Fine Line
Danny stared at his shoes, eyes unseeing as the adults bustled around him. They were just messing around. Just taking pictures in the lab. None of this was supposed to happen this way.
The adults whispered to one another, a miracle they said. Standing in the portal had somehow been the only thing that had saved him.
But it hadn’t. It definitely hadn’t saved him, that was for sure.
Just five hours before everything had been normal.
“Come on Danny, just step inside so I can take a picture!” Sam had insisted, holding her phone ready to take a picture of her friend.
“Yeah man, it just looks so cool, don’t you think it’d make a pretty cool picture?” Tucker said with a smile. Danny just gave them a nervous smile and shrugged the jumpsuit on. His parents were upstairs cooking dinner, Jazz was in her room in her bedroom doing homework. No one would notice if he just stepped in for just a second.
Once he had gotten the suit zipped up, Danny walked towards the portal and took a step in only for his foot to get caught on a cord on the ground. He felt his body propel forward and caught himself on the wall, his hand slammed into a button.
After that, it was just pain.
When he woke up, the house was gone, fire blazed around him, sirens rang through the air but there was no house. Just him and the portal. He slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes, trying to wake up from this nightmare. But the house was still burning and-and that was Sam’s boot on the ground but where was Sam? Where was Tucker? Or Jazz, or his mom or his dad?
“We found the youngest Fenton! He’s alive!” A fireman shouted, running towards Danny.
It had been some kind of nuclear explosion, they said. Something in the lab had exploded just as Danny had turned the portal on.
Now he was sitting in the Amity Park police department as the officers tried to figure out what they were going to do with the fourteen year old. Apparently someone that had been scheduled to meet with his parents about buying some of their weapons was coming to talk to him.
Danny wasn’t sure what exactly was going on but he didn’t really care. Everything in him was demanding that he run away, fast away and disappear forever.
His Aunt Alicia refused to foster him after learning he had come out as trans, no one could get a hold of his mysterious god father that he’d never met, he was basically completely and totally alone.
Everyone he knew and loved were gone and it was his fault. He should have never gone in the portal.
Bruce Wayne hadn’t expected this to happen when he came to Amity Park. The twenty-six year old had originally come to this sleepy town to talk to the Drs. Fenton about their inventions and studies. If there was any credence to their work, he was interested in purchasing at least a few of their weapons, just on the off chance that ghosts ever attacked Gotham. He had not expected to see a large mushroom shaped explosion from across town at the very place he was supposed to go to in just twenty four hours.
Then he had learned that the only survivor in the house had been the Fenton’s youngest child, Danielle Fenton. Something in him had screamed that he needed to go and meet the young girl to see if she was okay, to provide some kind of comfort. He knew what it was like to lose your parents at a young age, he had been even younger than the young girl when he had lost his own parents.
He raced to the police department, already prepared to take the girl in. Only, when he had gotten there, he just seen a teenage boy sitting with a shock blanket wrapped around his shoulders.
“Ah Mr. Wayne!” An officer said upon seeing the billionair. “My name is Officer Haddis, we spoke on the phone. It’s so kind of you to offer your home to Ms. Fenton here-”
“Mister,” Danielle said, glaring at the officer. “I’ve already told you, I go by Daniel. My parents just never got to change my information,” Daniel snapped, glaring at the officer. They looked at Bruce with a scrutinizing look, their brows furrowed. “Who’re you?”
Bruce smiled and crouched down to the teenager’s level where they sat in the creaky, plastic chair and held out his hand. “My name is Bruce Wayne, I use he/him pronouns. I was supposed to meet with your parents tomorrow about their inventions. I’m so sorry for what happened,” he said quietly, his chest aching at the dullness in Daniel’s eyes. “I lost my parents when I was really young too. I was thinking, maybe you could come stay with me?”
Daniel stared at him for a moment before they took his hand. “Danny, he/him. It’s better than getting thrown in fostercare, I guess,” he mumbled, shaking Bruce’s hand. “If you misgender me, though, I’m kicking your ass.”
The vigilante just chuckled and shook his head. “I wouldn’t dare to do something like that. Now, how about we get some paperwork finished and we can go back to my apartment and start figuring out what we’re going to do from here.”
The rest of this fic will be posted here if you want to read more
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peach-and-bugs · 3 years
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characters that I write for are organized in alphabetical order by fandom and by name. links will lead to my complete list of posted work for said character:
willing to write for characters: romantically (➵ ) platonically (✸) or nsfw (✧)
Character Alphabets (sfw ✸ & nsfw ✧)
Ask Box Headcanons and Blurbes
Agents of shield
Bobbi Morse ✸ ➵ ✧
Daisy Johnson/Quake ✸ ➵ ✧
Jemma Simmons ✸ ➵ ✧
Jiaying ✸ ➵ ✧
Leo Fitz ✸ ➵
Malinda May ✸ ➵ ✧
Phil Coulson ✸ ➵
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina 
Hilda Spellman ✸ ➵ ✧
Madam Satan/Lilith ✸ ➵ ✧
Sabrina Spellman ✸ ➵
Zelda Spellman ✸ ➵ ✧
Doctor Who
Amy Pond ✸ ➵ ✧
Bill Pots ✸ ➵
Clara/Clara Oswald/Oswin ✸ ➵ ✧
Eleven/Smith!Doctor ✸ ➵
Jack Harkness ✸ ➵
Missy/Gomez!Master ✸ ➵ ✧
River Song/Melody Pond ✸ ➵ ✧
Simm!Master ✸ ➵
Thirteen/Whittaker!Doctor ✸ ➵ ✧
Twelve/Capaldi!Doctor ✸ ➵
Five Nights at Freddy (movie)
romantic (➵) platonic (✸) nsfw (✧)
Mike Schmidt ➵ ✸
William Afton ➵ ✸
Vanessa Shelly/Afton ➵ ✸ ✧
Killing Eve 
Eve Polastrí ✸ ➵ ✧
Villanelle ✸ ➵ ✧
The Legend Of Korra
Asami Sato ✸ ➵ ✧
Bolin ✸ ➵
Bumi ✸ ➵
Izumi ✸ ➵ ✧
Korra ✸ ➵ ✧
Kuvira ✸ ➵ ✧
Kya ✸ ➵ ✧
Kyoshi ✸ ➵ ✧
Lin Beifong ✸ ➵ ✧
Mako ✸ ➵
Opal ✸ ➵
Tenzin ✸ ➵
The Last Of Us (Games)
Abby Anderson ✸ ➵ ✧
Dina ✸ ➵ ✧
Ellie Williams ✸ ➵ ✧
Joel Miller ✸ ➵
Tommy Miller ✸ ➵
Agatha Harkness ✸ ➵ ✧
Bucky Barns/Winter Soldier ✸ ➵
Bruce Banner ✸ ➵
Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel ✸ ➵ ✧
Darcy Lewis ✸ ➵ ✧
Drax ✸ ➵
Gamora ✸ ➵ ✧
Hela Odendottir ✸ ➵ ✧
Hope van Dyne/Wasp ✸ ➵ ✧
Jane Foster/Mighty Thor ✸ ➵ ✧
Kate Bishop ✸ ➵ ✧
Layla El-Faouly/Scarlet Scarab ✸ ➵ ✧
May Parker ✸ ➵ ✧
Mantis ✸ ➵ ✧
Maria hill ✸ ➵ ✧
Monica Ranbough ✸ ➵ ✧
Natasha Romanov/Black Widow ✸ ➵ ✧
Nebula ✸ ➵ ✧
Okoye ✸ ➵ ✧
Peggy Carter/Captain Carter ✸ ➵ ✧
Peter Parker/Spider-Man ✸ ➵
Sam Wilson/Falcon/Captain America ✸ ➵
Scott Lang/Ant-man ✸ ➵
Sharon Carter/Powerbroker ✸ ➵ ✧
Sylvie Laufeydottir ✸ ➵ ✧
Thor Odenson ✸ ➵
Valkyrie ✸ ➵ ✧
Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch ✸ ➵ ✧
Yelena Belova ✸ ➵ ✧
Parks and Recreation 
Ann Perkins ✸ ➵ ✧
April Ludgate ✸ ➵ ✧
Donna Meagle ✸ ➵ ✧
Jennifer Barkley ✸ ➵ ✧
Leslie Knope ✸ ➵ ✧
Star Wars 
Ahsoka ✸ ➵ ✧
Captain Phasma ✸ ➵ ✧
Finn/FN-2187 ✸ ➵
General Hux ✸ ➵
Han Solo ✸ ➵
Leia Organa ✸ ➵ ✧
Luke Skywalker ✸ ➵
Padmé Amidala ✸ ➵ ✧
Rey ✸ ➵ ✧
Rose ✸ ➵ ✧
Stranger things  
Argyle ✸ ➵
Chrissy Cunningham✸ ➵
Dustin Henderson ✸ ➵
Eddie Munson ✸ ➵
El/Eleven/Jane ✸ ➵
Erica Sinclair ✸
Jim Hopper ✸ ➵
Johnathan Byers ✸ ➵
Joyce Byers ✸ ➵ ✧
Karen Wheeler ✸ ➵ ✧
Lucas Sinclair ✸ ➵
Max Mayfield ✸ ➵
Murray Bauman ✸ ➵
Nancy Wheeler ✸ ➵ ✧
Steve Harrington ✸ ➵
Will Byers ✸ ➵
Alma LeFay Peregrine (mrs peregrine's home of peculiar children)✸ ➵ ✧
Elizabeth Corday (ER) ✸ ➵ ✧
Laura DeMille/Madame Rouge (Doom Patrol) ✸ ➵ ✧
Lily Lebowski (Crossing Jordan) ✸ ➵ ✧
Marilyn Thornhill/Laurel Gates (Wednesday) ✸ ➵ ✧
Millie Rusk/MolotovGirl (Free Guy) ✸ ➵ ✧
Miranda Croft (The Flight Attendant)✸ ➵ ✧
Dr. Olivia Octaviouse (Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse)✸ ➵ ✧
Jackie Tayler (1996) ✸ ➵
Laura Lee (1996) ✸ ➵
Lottie Mattews (1996/2021) ✸ ➵ ✧
Misty Quigley (1996/2021) ✸ ➵ ✧
"Nat" Natalie Scatorccio (1996/2021) ✸ ➵ ✧
Shauna Sadecki (1996/2021) ✸ ➵ ✧
Taissa Turner (1996/2021) ✸ ➵ ✧
Travis Martinez (1996/2021) ✸ ➵
"Van" Vanessa Palmer (1996/2021) ✸ ➵ ✧
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suzukiblu · 9 months
den mother Tony from "oh don't you dare look back, just keep your eyes on me" AU excerpt:
“What?” Tony says in alarm, jerking his head up from the repulsor he was in the middle of fine-tuning. He thinks he just hallucinated something.
“We need you to babysit for this rut,” Darcy repeats from the other end of the video call. The sentence makes no more sense the second time around.
“No you don’t,” Tony says inanely. “Where’s Barton?”
“Home,” Darcy says.
"Mission with Natasha and Sam."
“Thor and Foster?”
“Running your company.”
“. . . J.A.R.V.I.S.?”
“Tony,” Darcy says patiently. “Can you handle this or not?”
“What?” Tony sputters indignantly. “I can—absolutely I can handle this! I am more than capable of handling this!”
“Okay,” Darcy says. “We’ll drop the pups off in an hour, then.”
“Okay!” Tony says. “That’s fine. That works. I can handle that.”
“Thanks, Tony,” Darcy says, and hangs up. Tony panics.
“J.A.R.V.I.S.!” he says, dropping his tools. “What just happened?!”
“You agreed to babysit the children for the duration of Ms. Lewis’s upcoming rut, sir,” J.A.R.V.I.S. says. Tony panics further.
“They asked me to babysit?!” he says.
“Yes, sir.”
“On purpose?!”
“Apparently, sir.”
Tony does the reasonable thing, which is to call Pepper on the emergency frequency. She answers, looking alarmed.
“What’s wrong?!” she says.
“They want me to babysit!” Tony says frantically. Pepper . . . pauses.
“What,” she says.
“Babysit!” Tony repeats, gesturing wildly.
“Tony,” Pepper says with a clear lack of respect for the crisis level Tony is currently operating at. “I’m in the middle of a meeting.”
“I know,” Tony lies.
“J.A.R.V.I.S., please pencil us in for a call in an hour,” Pepper says with a sigh.
“An hour?!” Tony protests. "They're getting here in an hour!"
“An hour,” she repeats firmly. “I’ll call you back then.”
“An hour,” Pepper says, and ends the call. Tony groans, dropping his head into his grease-stained hands, then mutters a curse as he remembers the machine oil and grit all over them. This is what he gets for taking calls when he’s working, he thinks. This is what he gets for ever taking calls at all.
“I cannot believe they want me to babysit,” he says.
“Ms. Lewis did say you were the last option, sir,” J.A.R.V.I.S. says, which is not helpful.
“So how was I an option at all, then?!” Tony demands. “They know me! They know better than this! What’s wrong with Bruce?!”
“Dr. Banner informed Ms. Lewis and Sergeant Barnes that he was not capable of babysitting fairly early in the children’s lives,” J.A.R.V.I.S. reminds him.
“Yes, but that was him being paranoid about the Hulk, not him actually being incompetant to do it!” Tony says, getting up to start pacing behind the workbench. “I’m incompetant to do it!”
“I wouldn’t know, sir,” J.A.R.V.I.S. says, which, again, is not helpful. Tony groans again.
“Oh my god, I’m not prepared for this,” he says. “They’re dropping them off in an hour. One hour. My lab isn’t childproofed!”
“Yes it is, sir,” J.A.R.V.I.S reminds him. “You’ve updated the childproofing in the Tower twice this year.”
“Not enough!” Tony says. “How often are they actually in here unsupervised? Never! They are never in here unsupervised!”
“You are technically supervision, sir,” J.A.R.V.I.S. says.
“Technically at best!” Tony says. “At best!”
“I suppose, sir,” J.A.R.V.I.S. says.
“Where’s Bruce?!” Tony demands, looking around the lab. He’s this close to calling Rhodey’s emergency frequency too, but Bruce is definitely closer. Rhodey’s in another damn state right now, and frankly it's a miracle it's not another damn country.
"I believe Dr. Banner is currently in his personal lab," J.A.R.V.I.S. says.
"Call him!" Tony says.
"Is that really the best idea right now, sir?" J.A.R.V.I.S. says.
"An hour, J.A.R.V.I.S.!" Tony says.
"I'll see if he's available, sir," J.A.R.V.I.S. says diplomatically. He's saying "sir" an awful lot, which Tony suspects is him trying to placate him or something equally ridiculous, but he's too frazzled to call out his own AI for patronizing him right now. People are leaving children with him. On purpose! And he agreed to it!
He definitely does not have time to call out J.A.R.V.I.S. right now.
"Tony?" Bruce says as a screen pops up in front of him. "Is something wrong?"
"I need you in the fabrication lab," Tony says, because "come help me babysit the Winter Soldier's pups before I fuck them up" is obviously not gonna work. Bruce would probably just leave the damn Tower if he tried that. Possibly the country.
"I'll be right there," Bruce says, getting up from his seat as the screen blinks out. Small victories, Tony thinks.
"That wasn't entirely honest, sir," J.A.R.V.I.S. says mildly disapprovingly. Tony still doesn't have time for AI patronization.
"It's an emergency," he says feelingly. "Bruce can be mad at me later, when the kids aren't all traumatized for life. Now what in this place is flammable and where can I hide it?"
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drivinmeinsane · 6 months
New Year ※ 12 Days of Goosemas
Day Eleven ※ Henry Letham / Sam Foster
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{12 Days of Goosemas Masterlist} ※ {Regular Masterlist} ※ {ao3}
※ Summary: There has been something destructive in Henry for as long as he can remember. Sam chooses to go looking for him at the wrong time.
※ Rating: No mature content.
※ Content/Tags: Inappropriate Relationship Dynamics, Unhealthy Behaviors, Age Gap
※ Word count: 863
※ Status: Oneshot/Complete
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“Henry.” A voice cuts over the roar of the wind, “This isn’t healthy.”
Opening his eyes, he sees the concerned face of Dr. Sam Foster himself. The other man is hovering over him, bundled up against the December chill. Henry is not nearly as concerned about the temperature. He is laying flat on his back in a long sleeved shirt with a polo thrown sloppily over it. His back has long since gone numb from iciness radiating from the rooftop of his Manhattan apartment. 
The college student turned tragedy survivor hadn’t wanted company tonight, had gone out of his way to avoid it. His efforts clearly haven’t mattered, Sam always has a way of finding him, no matter what. The other man is like a bloodhound, one calibrated specifically for his scent alone. 
Henry has an opened bottle of cheap alcohol in one hand and a lit cigarette tucked between the fingers of the other. The rush of the traffic on the streets fifteen floors below sounds both deafening and distant. He could just as easily be laying on the sidewalk instead.
Dr. Foster is not at all deterred by Henry’s apathetic silence. He speaks again, his tone softly scolding. “You’ve been dodging my calls. Can we talk about why? Maybe inside? It’s cold out here.”
“Go find someone else to lecture,” he says in return. He flicks the cigarette to the side, lets it roll away. Sam snuffs it out with the tip of his shoe. It’s a good allegory for the way the other man is always trying to help him, to put out the fire inside his mind. If only he hadn’t come into Henry’s life so late, maybe he could have helped in a way that actually mattered. 
“I’m just worried about you.”
“You worry about everyone but yourself. Look at you, you’re not fuckin’ sleeping,” he says, a touch of meanness to his voice. He is just so frustrated, so helpless to change anything. 
Sam just heaves that world weary sigh that he’s so fond of, and it proves to be too much for Henry. He surges to his feet in an inelegant tangle of limbs and scraped palms. He approaches the doctor only to grab hold of his lapel. Driven by an impulsive, reckless part of his brain, he backs him into the side of the rooftop stairway enclosure. He pushes the other man into the bricks at his back, all but grinding him into the rough surface. Dr. Foster lets Henry manipulate his body however he wants. He’s pliant, accepting. There’s no resistance to be found, just that same damnable concern in those blue eyes. 
“Henry.” Sam is too calm, too patient. It’s infuriating. 
Clenching his jaw, he tightens his hold on the other man’s coat collar. His knuckles feel like they’re creaking with how hard he’s gripping the cloth. The bottle in his other hand crashes to the ground and it explodes in a shower of glass. The alcohol inside slops up and over their shoes. Both men are going to smell like a distillery. Neither of them flinch. Sam is too used to Henry to be phased by it.
The artist is up in his face, so close that their noses brush with every small movement. Sam puts his hand over his, holds it firmly but makes no move to remove his hold on the coat. Henry catches the flash of the other man’s watch.
“We’re close to midnight, doctor,” he says, breath intermingling with Sam’s. “Why did you really come here?”
Against his knuckles, he feels the bob of Foster’s throat as he swallows thickly. His eyes can’t seem to stay focused on Henry’s, constantly flitting to his mouth and jerking back up. It makes something curl pleasantly in his stomach. He has always had a thing for older men. 
“Like I said, I was worried about you.” It sounds like he’s not sure of the answer any longer himself.
“Could have come at a different time.” Henry suggests. 
“Yes,” Sam Foster agrees, weakly.
In the distance, fireworks start to go off. He checks the other man’s watch. The minute hand ticks over and it’s officially midnight. Henry brings his other hand up and grips the back of Sam’s neck. He brushes his thumb over the side of it in a distantly calming gesture. 
“Happy New Year,” he says, not waiting for a response before he kisses the man he has pressed against the bricks. 
Underneath him, Sam gasps, mouth falling open. Henry licks his way inside. He devours him, finally feeling something other than the existential dread that has been plaguing him since the accident. He thinks he could grow addicted to the noises coming from the shorter man, a new drug, something to use until it just makes him numb.
When he finally pulls away, he does so completely. He fishes a cigarette from the pack in his pants pocket and puts it between his lips, lights it. Henry leaves the other man standing dazed and breathless amongst a sea of broken glass. He figures that Dr. Foster will know where to find him if he really wishes to.
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webbo0 · 8 months
*sighs* because none of my friends have watched it and I’m at a soccer game and I’m bored out of my mind could I ask you some questions?
Have you watched Remember the Titans? (If you haven’t it’s on Disney Plus and is literally the best football movie I’ve ever seen; plus young Ryan Gosling who plays a guy named Allan which I screamed at because “all his clothes fit me”)
If you have…I dunno, thoughts, favorite moment, anything (beggar me, scrounging for crumbs)
More Tiny Little Headcanons for Henryyyy (+ some Henry Lives AU headcanons)
Because Athena acts in older plays, he’s tried to read more Shakespearean books and stuff like that so they can talk about it together and he can be of assistance when she’s rehearsing. (This is how I see it, you’ll probably have something different: he’s OKAY with them, but not the hugest fan. Whenever Athena is ranting about how useless the female characters are, he’ll just nod with a small smile and agree.)
He’s the kind of person to be kind of awkward around small kids, convinced that they don’t like him. I think that kids can sense a kind person, so that doesn’t deter them and he ends up teaching them how to draw and stuff.
I’ve never been in a hospital as a patient and I’m guessing ways to kill yourself wouldn’t be TOO numerous but when Henry first wakes up to a few weeks out he tries many times to pull the tubes out of him or turn off the numbing medication (the stuff that’s in the bag; not hydration but…ughhhh stoopid), get out of his bed and stuff to the point where they have to tie him down. (IS THIS FACTUAL I DONT KNOW). After that, when Sam comes to visit and he asks what happened, Henry says, “I’m a monster. Thats why.” Or something.
In a lighter note, Henry DEFINITELY makes for some awkward situations when he asks Sam “when are you gonna marry your girl?” And Sam tries to explain that he and “his girl” have been on one half date to get coffee after seeing his broken body being taken away to the hospital. “Where’s your ring?” “What ring, Henry?” “Your- the ring you were gonna give her; you didn’t lose it, did you?” “Who is her?”
That’s all for now. Probably will continue in ten minutes. Thanks for reading all this shit.
I haven't seen Remember the Titans yet, but it's on my list!
And I'm literally so happy to get headcanons I'm twirling my (non-existent) long hair ✨
• I would love to dive into their relationship more! We get so little about her but I love the classic "visual artist doesn't fully understand the literary artist and vice versa but they are super supportive of each other" bit!
• I also think he'd be good with kids, or at least they'd sense that he's chill, he's Definitely a cat person IMO
• I'm honestly planning on him being on a psych hold at some point in the story so I SEE the vision
• And yes!!! The blurring between realities!!! That's also something I'm Super excited to write about!!
As always I owe you my life lol, thanks for the inspiration!
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sjsmith56 · 8 months
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Lord Buchanan - Series Masterlist
Series completed.
A bit of a mashup, set in an alternate universe, where a modern woman finds herself stuck in a medieval world. She needs the protection of a powerful man (guess who?) to stay safe in this world as there is danger in many places for an unaccompanied woman. The people of the medieval world (with touches of the Renaissance) are also aware of the modern world through the visions of their sorceress. Magic is accepted as being equal to religion. All MCU characters except for two will have different identities in this story. The two will be revealed during the story. Much of this story will be suitable for 18+ readers only. Minors should not interact with this story. If you follow me and your bio does not indicate you are older than 18 you will be blocked.
Characters: Lord Buchanan (James Buchanan Barnes), OFC (named), King Steven (Steve Rogers), Queen Peg (Peggy Carter), Sir Samuel / Knight Commander (Sam Wilson), Bruce the Giant (Bruce Banner), Lord and Lady Stark (Tony and Pepper Stark), King Thorn and Prince Loke (Thor and Loki), Dr. Jane Foster, Sorceress (Wanda Maximoff), Garrison Commander Rhodes (James Rhodes), Archer Barton (Clint Barton), the Baron (Baron Zemo), the Dreykov sisters (Natasha Romanoff and Yelena Belova), Prince Arthur David Joaquin de Torres Walker aka Quin Torres (Joaquin Torres as a teenager), Duke John Walker, Lord Fury (Nick Fury), and others in brief cameos. The final character of note is not an MCU character but a horse, Magnus, the black stallion ridden by Lord Buchanan; Magnus is a central character in several plot lines.
Warnings: sexual content, violent content, misogyny, talk of slavery, talk of child abuse, talk of sexual abuse, talk of incest, forced arranged marriages, death. There is also love, valour, honour, truth, and attention to duty so it balances out quite well.
Previously published on Wattpad and AO3 platforms, under the username SJSmith56.
Novels/Collections Masterlist Tumblr Masterlist
Read past the break for chapter titles.
Chapter 1. A New World
Chapter 2. To the Castle
Chapter 3. The Feast
Chapter 4. The Duel
Chapter 5. Declarations
Chapter 6. A Time for War
Chapter 7. Time to Live
Chapter 8. The White Wolf
Chapter 9. Two Brothers, Two Kingdoms
Chapter 10. Decisions
Chapter 11. Magic Moment
Chapter 12. Coronation
Chapter 13. Tactics
Chapter 14. Friends in Need
Chapter 15. Setting Things Right
Chapter 16. The Way Home
Chapter 17. Heavens Above
Chapter 18. At Home in the Rocky Woodlands
Chapter 19. Hope and Friendship
Chapter 20. Meeting of the Minds
Chapter 21. Solidarity
Chapter 22. Two Steps Forward
Chapter 23. Three Steps Back
Chapter 24. The Sweet and the Bitter
Chapter 25. Radio Silence
Chapter 26. Across the Waters
Chapter 27. A Single Step
Chapter 28. Home
Chapter 29. The Danger
Chapter 30. Celebrations
Chapter 31. Revelations
Chapter 32. Destiny Calls
Chapter 33. A Matter of Honour
Chapter 34. Time for Love
Chapter 35. A Call to War
Chapter 36. The Gathering
Chapter 37. Time to Fight
Chapter 38. The Last Time
Chapter 39. A Shot in the Dark
Chapter 40. Reap What You Sow
Chapter 41. Coming Home
Chapter 42. A Time for Everything
Chapter 43. Epilogue
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Crossover Ships Tournament Contestants
Alright, after putting it off for a bit (due to real life being busy and also I got lazy), I’ve finally gone through and prepared the list of ships for the tournament! Congrats to the lucky 64, and apologies to anyone else whose ship didn’t make it in. I did appreciate every single entry that followed the rules, though, and all the infodumps made me smile!
Before the list, however, I wanna say that this post and the eventual bracket matchup post are going to double as places to post your propaganda via replies and reblogs (or even asks). Going forward, I will use whatever propaganda people add to the posts/send via asks with permission to add as propaganda on the eventual bracket matches. By adding any sort of replies/tags/etc to any further tournament-related posts, you are consenting to having that propaganda added into the tournament. If you are uncomfortable with this, please state it outright on any posts/asks you might send.
Also the rule about fanart for the ships still remains; if you send/provide fanart, please also provide explicit permission from the original artist or proof that you made it yourself. Otherwise, I will not feel comfortable using it in the tournament.
With all that said, let’s meet our 64 ships for the tournament! Please let me know if anything is misspelled or any information is incorrect:
Bayonetta (Bayonetta)/Palutena (Kid Icarus)
Beastman (Masters of the Universe)/Lifeweaver (Overwatch 2)
Ben Tennyson (Ben 10)/Rex Salazar (Generator Rex)
Chibiusa (Sailor Moon)/Kid Trunks Briefs (Dragon Ball Z)
Damian Wayne (DC Comics)/Marinette Dupain-Cheng (Miraculous Ladybug)
Dib Membrane (Invader Zim)/Dipper Pines (Gravity Falls)
Dimentio (Super Paper Mario)/Jevil (Deltarune)
Ash Williams (Evil Dead)/Crawford Tillinghast (From Beyond)
Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III (How To Train Your Dragon)/Jack Frost (Rise of the Guardians)
Isabelle (Animal Crossing)/Wolf O’Donnell (StarFox)
Jake Long (American Dragon: Jake Long)/Juniper Lee (The Life and Times of Juniper Lee)
JD (Heathers the Musical)/Nathan Prescott (Life is Strange)
Jigglypuff (Pokemon)/Kirby (Kirby)
Johnny Bravo (Johnny Bravo)/Samurai Jack (Samurai Jack)
Leonardo Hamato (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)/Yuichi Usagi (Samurai Rabbit: The Usagi Chronicles)
Michelangelo Hamato (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)/Miles Morales (Marvel)
Reagan Ridley (Inside Job)/Toriel Dreemur (Undertale)
Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera (Ducktales 2017)/Clover Ebi (RWBY)
Gyro Gearloose (Ducktales 2017)/Hazel Rainart (RWBY)
Gandra Dee (Ducktales 2017)/Winter Schnee (RWBY)
Dewey Duck (Ducktales 2017)/Whitley Schnee (RWBY)
Mogar (Xray and Vav)/David (Camp Camp)
Jimmy Neutron (Jimmy Neutron)/Timmy Turner (Fairly Oddparents)
Jane Porter (Tarzan)/Captain Amelia (Treasure Planet)
Max Goof (Disney)/Yakko Warner (Animaniacs)
Huey Duck (Ducktales 2017)/Wakko Warner (Animaniacs)
Dewey Duck (Ducktales 2017)/Silver the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Wirt (Over the Garden Wall)/Dipper Pines (Gravity Falls)
Webby Vanderquack (Ducktales 2017)/Mabel Pines (Gravity Falls)
Max (Camp Camp)/Phineas Flynn (Phineas and Ferb)
Sora (Kingdom Hearts)/Jim Hawkins (Treasure Planet)
Angus McDonald (The Adventure Zone)/Shigeo Kageyama (Mob) (Mob Psycho 100)
Anne Boonchuy (Amphibia)/Nepeta Leijon (Homestuck)
Applejack (My Little Pony)/Hol Horse (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders)
Aqua (Kingdom Hearts)/Cinderella (Cinderella)
Commander Peepers (Wander Over Yonder)/Wilt Michaels (Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends)
Ditzy Doo (My Little Pony)/The Doctor (Doctor Who)
Jiminy Cricket (Pinocchio)/Timothy Q. Mouse (Dumbo)
Sam Winchester (Supernatural)/Spencer Reid (Criminal Minds)
Bowser (Super Mario)/Dr. Eggman (Sonic)
Kokichi Ouma (Danganronpa)/Venti (Genshin Impact)
Charlie Bradbury (Supernatural)/Rose Tyler (Doctor Who)
Alex Mercer (Prototype)/Desmond Miles (Assassin’s Creed)
Adrien Agreste aka Chat Noir (Miraculous Ladybug)/Berry Shirayuki aka Mew Berry (Tokyo Mew Mew)
Pinkie Pie (My Little Pony)/Shockwave (Transformers Prime)
Floyd Leech (Twisted Wonderland)/Kanata Shinkai (Ensemble Stars)
Skales (Lego Ninjago)/Starscream (Transformers Prime)
Selina Kyle aka Catwoman (DC Comics)/Loki (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
Phone Guy (Five Nights at Freddy’s)/Wally Franks (Bendy and the Ink Machine)
Megaman (Megaman)/Pit (Kid Icarus)
Merida (Brave)/Rapunzel (Tangled)
Ange Ushiromiya (Umineko no Naku Koro Ni)/Rin Tohsaka (Fate/Stay Night)
Bendy (Bendy and the Ink Machine)/Cuphead (Cuphead)
Luca Paguro (Luca)/Maisie Brumble (The Sea Beast)
Princess Peach (Super Mario)/Samus Aran (Metroid)
Blossom Utonium (Powerpuff Girls)/Dexter (Dexter’s Laboratory)
Daffy Duck (Looney Toons)/Donald Duck (Disney)
Kefer (Egyxos)/Dragon Shiryu (Knights of the Zodiac)
Gaz Membrane (Invader Zim)/Mabel Pines (Gravity Falls)
Gregor (Star Wars the Clone Wars)/Harley Quinn (DC Comics)
Sally “Thorn” McKnight (Scooby Doo Franchise)/Skwisgaar Skwigelf (Metalocalypse)
Astro Tenma (Astro Boy (2009))/Wilbur Robinson (Meet The Robinsons)
Apollo (Percy Jackson)/Clark Kent aka Superman (Superman)
Madoka Kaname (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)/Shinji Ikari (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
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wellspokenrambler · 3 months
Rambler @ PAX East 2024
Hi folks! I just got back from PAX East over the weekend and, while I didn't really take part in the Expo Hall besides a couple of stalls, I did go to a decent number of panels - and thought it was worth writing up my thoughts on each of them. The only thing I love more than playing video games is hearing people talk about video games!
(I didn't take notes while I was there so this will be certainly more of a "vibes"-based assessment and why each one appealed to me personally, so apologies if you came here looking for a more objective description of each panel! I'll put links to the VOD of each panel where available)
Panels and thoughts below the read-more (it's long as heck! get ready):
Metroid: A Community Retrospective and Look Toward the Future
Having only played Metroid Prime 3: Corruption and Metroid: Dread in my time, I wouldn't call myself a hardcore fan - but they are both games I've really enjoyed, and Samus Aran's pivotal positioning as a female character in video gaming history is always fascinating to me, so I had to check this one out.
It's so surreal to see the ways that a community like this had to adapt to long "dry spells" without any official new material for their fandom, and the joy that follows when something like Dread comes along to reaffirm their love for it. I don't know that I learned anything new from this panel myself, but it was still heartening to hear the panellists' clear passion for the games, and it does make me want to dip my toes into other Metroids (at the very least, the other two Prime games!)
Unlocking the Positive Potential of Gaming for Kids and Teens
I hadn't originally planned to go to this one, but met two of the panellists (Dr. David Bickham and Sam Schamm, MA) while eating brunch by the food trucks, and hearing them briefly discuss the subject matter fascinated me enough that I decided to pop along to it.
This was a deeply insightful panel on the ways that gaming can meaningfully help young people and foster their learning, agency, critical thinking, and other useful life skills - as well as thoughts on how to help them through the risks associated with gaming such as toxic multiplayer communities or, for want of a better word, the addictive potential of gaming. Having previously worked in a job which involved helping teenagers make informed decisions about their futures myself, it meant a lot to me to see serious academic thought being given to the subject given how prevalent gaming is as part of a child's social life these days. Excellent panel!
Mental Health and Gaming - Creating a Safe Space for Yourself and Others
While a difficult topic, I am nevertheless glad that I went to this panel as it covered the way that streamers and other "community figures" can navigate the creation of a safe space in the form of their community while also maintaining effective boundaries within that space. Of particular interest to me was reframing some of the language that often gets used in this context e.g. "trauma-dumping" and unpacking our own biases when dealing with uncomfortable situations.
If I had any minor criticisms of the panel, it would be that some of the suggestions occasionally felt like they veered a little too far into the side of... I guess trying to fix the lives of strangers? Now, in the interests of fairness I shall state my own biases that lead to this feeling, because it is not that I do not care about what happens to people: it is precisely because I've had to manage my own proclivity towards hyper-empathy in the past that I tend to take a step back from my emotions on that regard these days. Caring is good, but caring to the point of self-destruction helps no-one, and that to me feeds into what the panel was saying about boundary maintenance.
My own community is a small handful of regulars and a couple of hundred followers so this has not been something I need to worry about yet, but the panel has hopefully given me some tools with which to manage those situations if they ever arise, and for that I am thankful.
How Our Favorite Characters Have Real World Impacts on Us: A Look into Fictional Characters and ParaSocial Relationships
FASCINATING panel. I originally went to this because of my memories of being in the Gorillaz fandom and the weird and wonderful (and sometimes ugly) ways people interacted with the idea of the fictional band members in that space... But the conversation proved to cover a broad spectrum both of what constitutes a parasocial relationship AND what constitutes a fictional character; the panellists made the case that the personas of content creators and streamers themselves counted as fictional characters, and I think they are absolutely bang-on with that.
From my end as a Z-list Player of Games Online, even I am presenting a more polished version of myself there than I would have in the rest of my life - it's not "not me", but it's certainly not all of me, and that is enough to make "Well-Spoken Rambler" a somewhat distinct entity from the person who portrays them.
The inclusion of internet personalities into their definition ALSO meant, however, that at the Q&A I got to name-drop one of my favourite journal articles that I've read this year: The one-and-a-half sided parasocial relationship: The curious case of live streaming. This article holds deeply interesting connotations to me because of what it implies about the "half" of the one-and-a-half... which is that of course, behind the fiction of a "creator" is the person who creates, and that person is just as capable of developing fictionalised ideas of the people in their community (though with a more removed and likely self-aware perspective on it). The panellists had heard of the article and mentioned it was on their to-read list, but agreed it tied in well with the themes of the panel!
(... And yet the reason I was able to re-find the article so quickly is because I had linked it to a creator in a Patreon Direct Message a couple months ago because I thought it would be interesting to them... The irony is not lost on me. More on that later.)
Debate Club with Mari and PeeGTV
This was just a fun old time! I wasn't familiar with Mari or PG before watching this panel, but they have such a fun rapport here that I want to try and watch them more regularly now that I know of them. Jenna Stoeber acted as a firm but fair adjudicator of the panel - and I am definitely not just saying that because she is a recent convert to the Rambler channel and was pleasant and kind when we bumped into each other on the expo floor. She did a great job letting both sides of the debate (Millennial horror vs Gen Z horror) shine. If you listen closely around the 34 minute mark, you may hear a familiar little British voice raise a point about how you can't judge a horror by its synopsis!
Thinking Differently Together: Neurodivergence & Gaming
Folks... I am so so glad that there is a much greater emphasis on self-advocacy these days than there used to be. Look! Look at all those ND creators talking about their experiences and being listened to!! Look how it has a VOD so I can just link it and you can all see it too!!! Conversations like this one in a major event like PAX are a hopeful sign to me that progress is being fought for and won.
Only minor critiques for this one are:
could have used some discussion about more than just the usual ADHD/autism bracket that is discussed when it comes to neurodiversity (but then I think that about most ND discussions)
would personally have liked some chat about accessibility concerns while creating/streaming and neurodivergent (e.g. personally had to tweak my lighting because it was overstimulating me while I streamed)
Otherwise great panel!
Bridging the Gender Gap (13+)
Another great panel for encouraging diversity in the games industry - I appreciated the intersectionality of this one as well as the honest discussions about the ways in which things still need to be made *considerably* better throughout all corners of gaming. The panel also discusses actionable steps which could be taken to improve on these issues.
Surprised at myself for not having much to say about this one! I just think the panellists did a really good and succinct job at talking about the subject.
A Hunter's Dream: Bloodborne and Transness
I enjoyed this panel a whole lot - Having watched a playthrough of Bloodborne last year, hearing two trans women discussing the different trans allegories and interpretation of the characters and themes and lore of the game felt absolutely correct, even if it wasn't "canon".
If one was being pedantic one could call this the least polished of the panels I went to, but I honestly don't think that matters tremendously because both panellists were so utterly sincere about what they were covering that it carried the panel. You could easily tell just how much the subject matter meant to the two and it in turn meant a lot to me that they were willing to share it with a bunch of strangers as we were.
And then...
Um, Actually: The Panel
Hoooooo boy.
So remember earlier when I mentioned the irony of using Patreon DMs to grab an article about nonstandard parasocial interactions?
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[ID: a meme image of Morpheus from the Matrix saying "What if I told you the guy I sent that article to is at a PAX East panel"]
So of course the panel for the Dropout show Um, Actually was being hosted by its two new presenters, Ify Nwadiwe and Brian David Gilbert:
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Ify had been a wonderful host so far, and I really enjoy his work in general (especially his stint recently on Very Important People), so I was looking forward to meeting him.
...And then there's Brian, who has been streaming on Twitch for just under the past four years and who in that time has been subject to hundreds of my fun facts, insightful commentaries, and helpful actions (which he very much appreciated). That, alongside regularly taking part in Patreon livestreams, has led to a strange situation where I would not consider us friends, but we... don't not know each other? but we also don't know each other? Which is why the "one-and-a-half-sided" description in that article and the panel about parasocialness appealed to me (and why I sent the article to him too).
So of course when this panel got announced I wasn't gonna miss it. I really enjoyed what I've seen of Ify's hosting and Brian's fact-finding so far, and I wasn't gonna miss the chance to see the two chat about it - nor to potentially meet the guy who helped me raise £500 for ASAN last year.
But, turns out I wasn't the only one enthused by the panel, because it was Absolutely Rammed, like, an hour and a half before the panel started. I got lucky in that I managed to end up somewhere in the middle of the pack and got into the panel at all, but good grief did it remind me how I don't do well in crowds (even well-managed crowds, thank you PAX Enforcers xx).
It caused me to reflect a lot on the perceived casualness with which I interacted with Brian on Twitch versus the material reality of the level of interest from a LOT of people which he manages. It's the kind of thing which makes me wish to never become famous, because I don't know that I'd have it in me to manage that level of attention from everyone - even the very occasional instance of people recognising me online FROM Brian's streams and acting like it's a big deal always throws me off a bit (this has happened to me several times, I'm not even kidding!)
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But then of course the Enforcers got us all in neatly and sweetly, and the panel was a delight! It was fun to hear Ify and Brian (and Jenna!!) talk about working on the show and the kinds of things they enjoyed putting in and what to expect next - such as another new season after the current one, as it deserves.
There was also a live session of Um, Actually questions which was at the time enjoyable, but since then numerous allegations of cheating and defamation have come to light against one of the participants, Gabe Hicks, and it is disheartening that something as grievous as this could have been going on that very weekend. I hope that justice and reparations can be made for the people affected by this, and I am going to move on out of courtesy to those involved.
After the panel, a meet-and-greet line formed for both Ify and Brian outside of the theatre and I was able to join it - it also felt important to me that I follow the proper procedures and not assume any privileges, since I know full well how that kind of thing can read and wanted to put my best foot forward, so to speak.
The play-by-play of our eventual meeting is as follows:
I greeted Ify first on purpose to let him know that he was doing a great job as the new Um, Actually host and I liked him in VIP
I then went to greet Brian, but at that point he had very blatantly already cottoned onto who I was and seemed very enthusiastic that I was there. I didn't feel any sense of star-struckedness, it was more like that sense of when you talk to someone online and then meet them in person - surreal, but not stressful.
Jenna took that moment to gently interrupt so she could rendezvous with the two men before the line ended - seemingly because of our vague familiarity and prior assumption of goodwill on our parts
I made sure to pass along some greetings from a few Discord servers formed around Brian's Twitch streams I was in, which Brian appreciated, and gave him a small gift which I brought with me - a small bottle of vivid iridescent nail polish (Ciaté London's "Forbidden Fruit", sadly out of production now), since nail painting and structural colour is somewhat of a shared interest of ours
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Brian made sure to specifically compliment me on my shirt, to which I admitted the reason I wore it was because I knew Brian was the only person there who would appreciate it fully: it was from a game of Tee KO we played on Patreon at the end of 2022, which Brian won using a VERY existential t-shirt illustrated by myself:
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(sidenote, after repeated success with these silly skeletons in subsequent games of Tee KO, I am very close to just selling my own legally-distinct skeleton shirt if I ever have a merch page)
Finally, I asked if we three could cap off the meeting with a video'd selfie, to which they graciously obliged me:
Having filmed what can only be described as a Cannes-worthy masterpiece, I said my goodbyes to them and made my way to the next panel...
The PAX Panel Show
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...Which was just in the same theatre as the last panel, and with Jenna hosting and Brian on the panel. What a glorious event! I am so sad this one didn't get recorded - a truly deranged set of questions, including Portmantoad (guessing which video games have had their names spliced together based on the description of the resulting fusion), Ornstein and Sullivan (guessing whether a named character was from a Fromsoft game or from an opera), and a whole bunch of real-world questions about farming?? Joke's on all these city-slicker panellists, I grew up on a smallholding! So I was... actually no better at those farm questions than them. I can't tell you about industrial farming practices, but I can tell you how to hold a chicken! (gently, like a big hamburger).
After the panel, I approached Jenna one last time at the con and suggested that, given the inherent strangeness of our interactions (wherein we have become Twitch mutuals but still at best distant acquaintances) it would be funny if we took a selfie but made out like she was "the fan". She saw the funny side of it:
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[ID: a tweet by Well-Spoken Rambler @wellspokentweet reading "Always a pleasure to meet a fan, @the_jenna", below which is a selfie featuring Well-Spoken Rambler and Jenna Stoeber. A reply from Jenna beneath this reads "HONORED TO MEET YOU, BIG FAN <3" in all-caps.]
Play What You Don't Know with DesiQuest
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This was my last panel of PAX, and a bit of a last-minute wildcard! After relaying the above events to my good friend Hamish, he told me that his friend Omar would be doing a panel the following day, and that I should go and see it. And I am very glad I did!
It was really heartening to learn that a podcast like DesiQuest exists - a D&D actual play featuring an all-South-Asian cast and touching on the disparate cultures and themes that connect with them and their audience. As someone who is of Sri Lankan descent but without the cultural upbringing, it's something that appeals to me personally as another way to try and reconnect with that heritage. Definitely catching up on this one over the week!
I also got to say hi to Omar from Hamish, and it was a nice bonding moment cut short by my having to BOOK IT to a water taxi and conclude my time in Boston for good.
Well, thanks for reading all of that if you did! It was a weekend that was at once fun, interesting, and thought-provoking. I still don't consider myself someone who seeks out big events, but being much more free and able to take part in those kinds of things now is super refreshing and I hope at some point (though not in the immediate future, boy was that expensive) I will be able to go again! Or at least do other events like that. Possibly something a bit quieter, but conventions don't usually run in flavours of "quiet", haha. Perhaps next time I'll bring business cards to recklessly self-promote better with.
See you around!
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disabilityshowdown · 1 year
ROUND ONE: Complete
(Stay tuned for further updates)
(Full tournament list can be found here)
Round one winners under the cut:
Eda Clawthorne (Owl House)
Hiccup and Toothless (HTTYD)
Barbara Gordon (DC)
Toph Beifong (ATLA)
Edward Elric (FMA)
Ashton Greymoore (Critical Role)
Wade Wilson (Marvel)
Kitty Softpaws (Puss in Boots) AND Jean Havoc (FMA) - exact tie
Matt Murdock (Marvel)
Maedhros (Silmarillion)
Jancy True (Drawtectives)
Donatello (TMNT)
Dr Carmilla (The Mechanisms)
Nemo (Finding Nemo)
Renarin Kholin (Stormlight Archives)
Long John Silver (Treasure Planet)
Dagen Underthorn (Critical Role)
Viktor (Arcane)
Taimi (GW2)
Johnny Joestar (JJBA)
Vash the Stampede (Trigun Stampede)
Drey Ferin (JRWI)
Geordi La Forge (Star Trek)
Kaz Brekker (Six of Crows)
Melanie King (TMA)
Snake (Zero Escape)
Future Leo (ROTTMNT)
Janice Palmer (WtNV)
Wylan Van Eck (Six of Crows) AND Linh Cinder (Lunar Chronicles)
Alphonse Elric (FMA)
All Might (BNHA)
Della Duck (Ducktales)
Jayfeather (Warrior Cats)
Shouko Nishimiya (A Silent Voice)
Brightheart (Warrior Cats)
Briarlight (Warrior Cats)
Ticket Jerry (Dialtown) AND Darth Maul (Star Wars Rebels)
Dulcinea Septimus (Locked Tomb)
Ricky Potts (Ride the Cyclone)
Vanellope (Wreck-it Ralph)
Terezi Pyrope (Homestuck) AND Sam Vimes (Discworld)
Custas (Witch Hat Atelier)
Gunthrie Miggles-Rashbax (Dimension 20)
Moon Knight (Marvel)
Goro Majima (Yakuza)
Maria Robotnik (Sonic)
Kazuhira Miller (Metal Gear Solid)
Hermann Gottleib (Pacific Rim)
Heinz Doofenshmirtz (Phineas and Ferb)
Charlotte Webber (Marvel)
Sage Beldaruit (Witch Hat Atelier)
Mamoru Urakawa (Mega Man Battle Network)
Teo (AtLA)
Tavros Nitram (Homestuck)
Gabriella (Little Mermaid)
Mera Salamin (Epithet Erased)
Rani (Pixie Hollow)
Wilt (Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends)
Izumi Curtis (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Merle Highchurch (TAZ: Balance)
Massimo Marcovaldo (Luca)
Bentley (Sly Cooper)
Cyborg (Teen Titans)
Link (Legend of Zelda)
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