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A Halloween/Samhain art piece for @sterekweek-2022. You can also view We’ll See You Again on AO3.     I’ve always loved Gaelic traditions, lore and magic, so that’s the route I took with this piece. There’s something bittersweet about having a day to honor and pay respects to those who have passed on. If Derek and Stiles can do that together...yes. Maybe Samhain becomes their regular ritual so they can say hello to their families while also having each other’s backs. Also...glowing eyes are a weakness. I’m a sucker for Derek’s blue beta eyes and I love the idea of Stiles using his Spark to initiate old Druid magic to make this day special for them. Hope y’all have a great Samhain /All Hallows’ Eve/ Halloween! 🎃👻
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justjimedits · 2 years
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For Sterekweek 2022. 
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sterekbros · 2 years
Pumpkin Boy
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Stiles fumbled with the costume, frustration bubbling up inside of him. “Oh, my god .” He sighed and threw his hands up in the air. “This can't be this hard!”
Elijah looked from his costume, up to his daddy, and back again. “It’s okay daddy. Maybe dad can put it on for me.”
Continue on A03. @sterekweek-2022
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sterekweek-2023 · 2 years
DAY SEVEN - Halloween
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I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers. - L.M. Montgomery
All Hallows' Eve is our favorite holiday here at Sterek Week and we can’t wait to see what you create for this year’s Halloween theme. Magical, haunting, ghostly and bewitching, or cozy and playful - all is welcome! As Sterek Week comes to a close, wish us all farewell until the next year with your vision of what our favorite pair get up to this Halloween!
Will the boys be able to spend Halloween celebrating with their pack or will there be something sinister coming their way? Can Stiles convince Derek to dress up in matching, couples costumes or will Derek continue his grumpy wolf ways?
Use the tags #sterekweek2022 and #sterekhalloween6 to help us spread some Halloween fun!
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giveemhales · 4 years
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Moodboards for Sterek AUs: 19/?
For @sterekweek-2020 day 7
Halloween party / Red riding hood AU
When Stiles suggested that Derek dress as a wolf while he was dressed as Little Red Riding Hood for the Halloween party, Derek flat out refused.
When Stiles explained how he wanted to use the costumes after the party, Derek was suddenly all on board.
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halinski · 4 years
Bc we need more dragon fics!!!
Last day of @sterekweek-2020 and @acesterek week
Happy ace Halloween, lovelies 💜🖤💜🖤💜🖤💜🖤
“I told you a million times, Stiles! I don’t date!”
It’s like a stab to Stiles’ heart every single time but he’s never lost hope. They just get along so well. Derek even lets him hold his hand sometimes, and they share meals and talk deep into the night.
“Maybe it you would just tell me why-”
“You want to know why? I’ll show you.”
Derek shifts enough to let his wings spring from his back and unfurl halfway behind him.
Stiles is dazzled- quite literally, because Derek’s wings are white. Like glistening pearls of crisp snow. It’s the definition of dazzling. Stiles is absolutely and completely flabbergasted.
“Holy fuckin....” he starts but is at a loss for words. He settles on a quiet, “whoa.”
There’s a quiet pink rising to Derek’s cheeks, nicely accentuating the scales that had appeared down his lower neck toward the wings. But Derek juts his chin out and clears his throat and meets Stiles’ gaze head on.
“That’s why. I’m not normal. I’m …” Derek spreads his arms helplessly. “A classic age-old cliche dragon. I live in a cliffside and I don’t use technology and I collect things and… I’m ace. I don’t do that relationship stuff.”
The last bit comes out quiet and defeated as Derek averts his eyes.
Fidgeting, Stiles has to restrain himself from reaching to touch those magnificent limbs of Derek’s immediately. And horns! Derek has freaking horns. He doesn’t know what he wants to say first.
“Can you shift all the way?” he then asks, unable to quench his burning curiosity. “And breathe fire?”
Derek gives him an incredulous stare.
“Did you hear anything I said?”
“Yeah, yeah. Just, I gotta know.” Stiles waves his hands through the air and hopes that can signify they’ll get to the rest.
Derek huffs and crosses his arms. For a moment, Stiles is afraid he’ll get left here without another word. But Derek stays.
“Yes,” he says. “To both.”
“And I’m assuming you can fly, too, right? I mean-”
“Yes, Stiles. I can fly and I’m not carrying you.”
“Aww, why not?”
Derek glares and Stiles pulls himself together and levels Derek with a serious look.
“Okay, okay. About the dating thing, well… Just because you’re ace doesn’t mean you can’t have a relationship. You just leave out all the sex stuff- which, by the way, is totally overrated,” he says simply, smiling. Hopeful.
Derek shakes his head. “Who would want that?”
Stiles’ hands are the one flying then, gesturing wildly at himself and the vicinity around him in a display of conviction.
“Me!” he almost shouts. “I would want that! I mean if you’d like that, I would be super fucking happy, like the happiest guy in the world. It’s not like I haven’t been trying to woo you for the past 3 months. And I’d wager- here me out -that you’d like that too. We’ll take it easy, step by step, and figure it out together. Isn’t that the most important part in a relationship?”
Derek observes him carefully, a side of awe resonating in his features, as if Stiles was the magical creature out of the two of them. Stiles can already feel himself grinning victoriously.
“Just like that?” Derek asks, and Stiles can’t believe he’s still trying to look for excuses to deny them both of this.
“Just like that,” Stiles replies simply. “How about it?”
He watches Derek carefully, who looks away with a quiet sigh and shuffles self-consciously, making his wing glitter like starlight with the movement, before he looks up with a small smile.
Stiles manages to overpower his need to fistpump the air with a victory yell by just a sliver of willpower. He doesn’t know how he keeps the excited energy contained but he doesn’t want Derek to change his mind after all, so he just beams at the other male. They’ll take it slow and steady.
“We’ll figure it all out later but first, back to those beauties right there,” Stiles says, striding over to get a better look at Derek’s wings. “What’s your wingspan?”
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sterekstorm · 4 years
Title: scaredy-wolf Summary: Derek loses control of his shift in front of Stiles while watching a movie on Halloween, but hasn't told Stiles he's a werewolf yet. Pairing: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski Rating: General Length: Less than 1k Tags: Werewolf Derek Hale, Werewolf Reveal, Halloween, Movie Night, Popcorn, sterekweek2020, SterekHalloween6, Established Relationship
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yorit1 · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Erica Reyes, Vernon Boyd, Allison Argent, Lydia Martin, Malia Tate Additional Tags: Alcohol, Party Series: Part 7 of sterek week Summary:
Stiles and Derek take their daughter trick or treating and after that, they have a party with the pack.
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josjournal · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale & Stiles Stilinski, Vernon Boyd/Erica Reyes, Lydia Martin/Jackson Whittemore, Allison Argent/Isaac Lahey, Scott McCall/Kira Yukimura, Melissa McCall/Sheriff Stilinski Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale, Jackson Whittemore, Erica Reyes, Vernon Boyd, Peter Hale, Cora Hale, Mason Hewitt, Liam Dunbar, Isaac Lahey, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Allison Argent, Kira Yukimura, Melissa McCall, Sheriff Stilinski, Chris Argent Additional Tags: Halloween, Halloween Costumes, Pack Feels, Pack Bonding, Pack Family, Pack Nights, sterekweek2020, SterekHalloween6 Series: Part 7 of Sterek Week 2020 Summary:
The pack gets together to celebrate Halloween on the full moon.
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darkjediqueen · 4 years
Title: Spooky Series: Full Moon Fic(let) & Sterek Week 2020 Ratings: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Fandom(s): Teen Wolf Category: F/M Relationships: Stiles Stilinski/Derek Hale Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale Tags: Full Moon Ficlet, Sterek Week 2020, One-Shot, Rule 63!Stiles, First Time, Alternate Universe Summary: The haunted house was supposed to be fun. There was nothing fun about being targeted by joke idiots. Word Count: 5,551 Year: Future Spoilers: Everything Notes: One-Shot for @fullmoonficlet. For @sterekweek-2020 October 31st Prompt of Halloween. This is a completed One-shot. There will be no more written in the universe. Beta: ScarsLikeVelvet
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sterekweek-2023 · 2 years
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Less than a week away from Sterek Week, so here is a quick theme reminder as well as the tags we will be using this year!
Our main tag, to be used on all works regardless of day, will be   #sterekweek2022  
Day 1, Feels Like Home: #sterekhome
Day 2, Dungeons & Dragons: #sterekdnd
Day 3, A Box of Dreams: #sterekdreams
Day 4, Mirror, Mirror: #sterekmirrormirror
Day 5, Canon Revisited: #sterekcanonrevist
Day 6, Sing Me a Song: #stereksongs
Day 7, Halloween: #sterekhalloween6
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sterekweek-2023 · 2 years
Just a reminder that our main tag, to be used on all works regardless of day, will be #sterekweek2022.
Please make sure to add that tag to each of your works as it will help us find and reblog your work.
Additionally, please make sure to add the appropriate daily tag from the below list to your work!
Day 1: #sterekhome
Day 2: #sterekdnd
Day 3: #sterekdreams
Day 4: #sterekmirrormirror
Day 5: #sterekcanonrevist
Day 6: #stereksongs
Day 7: #sterekhalloween6
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sterekweek-2023 · 4 years
An Extremely Serious (or Maybe Not so Serious) Discussion - Day 7, Halloween
An Extremely Serious (or Maybe Not so Serious) Discussion By: Siberian Status: 1/1 *Word Count* - 1K Pairing: Derek/Stiles Prompt: Written for “Sterek Week 2020 - Halloween” on Tumblr Rating: Teen Summary: He wanted them to spend Halloween together. Unfortunately, he just wasn’t sure if they could. Disclaimer: I wrote this story solely for entertainment. No profit is being made and all rights belong to Jeff Davis and his affiliates. As well as anyone involved in the making of the series. Notes: This story contains no spoilers with the exception of where Derek’s lives. I doubt anyone cares about that, even so. There are no warnings for this one. It’s pretty much just another ball of fluff. I thought a slightly humorous, romantic, light fluffy one-shot was a great way to end Sterek Week. Enjoy! Can be found on LJ… https://kritikeragent.livejournal.com/36655.html
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sterekweek-2023 · 4 years
What do we tag our posts with
Okay, I am gonna be 150% honest with you: I have been searching for the works just under sterekweek2020 (we use the sterekweek + the year for every year), and people had been tagging stuff, so I assumed that we had a tagging list. Surprise! We didn't! 😭 And it is just me right now since Admin Asagi is having problems on her end, do forgive me for not answering sooner!
Here are the tags (most I have seen people use so bless you all, you're big brained) for this year! And you can so a mass posting tomorrow if you must and send links and submits - I'll try to get to them all asap! I am using mobile most of the time coz work has taken over my life, so for submits and links sent it might take a sec! 😅
Tags are as followed:
(Whatever else you gotta add to your tags!)
Sorry for the mess this year, guys. I feel like that is the theme of 2020: big mess. 😅 Hopefully things will smooth out in the future!
~ Admin Void
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