#stevie x rachel
scraregenrecs · 2 years
Rare & Gen Rec Round-Up - July & August 2022
We're back! Sorry for the delay while we sorted out a few IRL things. Check out some of our favorite rare & gen SC works from July and August 2022. We know you'll enjoy them! 
Dedicated to the One I Love by @wearpersistencewell, Alexis/Ted, Patrick & Ted, rated T, 1081 words
Summary: Patrick helps Ted navigate his breakup with Alexis and decision to stay in the Galapagos for three years.
Rec [written by doingthemost]: I love fics that look at the friendships behind the scenes, and this is no exception. I'm glad to see Ted and Patrick fleshed out more here. It makes perfect sense that Patrick could provide stability and support to Ted in Season 6.  
Farming podcast by Amanita_Fierce, David & Johnny, rated M, 600 words
Summary: David gives Johnny a lift and accidentally plays a little bit of his smutty audiobook farming podcast. Johnny is very helpful.
Rec [written by samwhambam]: This one made me LOL and cringe with extreme second hand embarrassment. I could just feel David’s humiliation and like, Johnny never makes situations like this better. It really feels like them. It’s a fun, quick read that will definitely have you laughing.  
Fluff and Fold by @brrose-apothecary, Davie & Stevie, rated T, 1785 words
Summary: Stevie has a secret she’s never shared with anyone: she’s not always playing solitaire behind that desk. David finds out and Stevie submits to the mortifying ordeal of being known.
Rec [written by doingthemost]: This is such an inspired secret for Stevie (of course she writes sexy fic, and of course she writes it at work) and the banter between Stevie and David after he finds out is an absolute blast to read!
Happy Hour is Here by @weathereyehorizon, Stevie & Patrick, rated G, 1190 words
Summary: Stevie is still figuring out David’s new business partner but she’s learned a few things: how much he loves baseball, that Ronnie is going to be his enemy for life, and what his preferences are. The only question is whether some other guy is going to catch Patrick’s eye before David does.
Rec [written by samwhambam]: i LOVE a good friendship fic, and will gobble up everything and anything that has Stevie and Patrick becoming besties. I loved this little look into them becoming friends. Stevie is observant and the perfect BFF to David, and teases Patrick just enough, even though they don’t know each other well yet. I loved it and highly recommend. 
if only i could have a puppy by @hullomoon, David & Stevie, rated T, 1626 words
Summary: After adopting a dog David notices an error on the adoption papers. Of course, everyone in town has an opinion about that.
Rec [written by doingthemost]: This is so funny and adorable. I love the idea of David getting a puppy pal early on in the SC timeline, and everyone's opinions on his new dog (and the dog's name!) are so spot-on. 
[Art] kindred spirits by angelandfaith, Stevie, Twyla, April Ludgate, rated G
Summary: April's pretty sure there are vegetables in her smoothie. Gross.
Rec [written by doingthemost]: This is such a cute piece of fanart—and an inspired crossover to boot! I love the idea of April hanging out with Stevie and Twyla… I'm sure they'd have some wild conversations 😁
Ranked, Filed by steviesflannel, David/Stevie, rated E, 1328 words
Summary: David is cataloguing Stevie. On a slow night in the Honeymoon Suite, he discovers something new.
Rec [written by petalwrites]: Did you hear that? It’s my incoherent squealing upon reading this fic. It’s such a soft, funny, sexy look into one of David and Stevie’s relationship in S1. It’s so sweet and kept me smiling the whole way through. I love these emotionally stunted, ticklish idiots so very much!
Sunrise in our eyes by @hullomoon, Rachel/Stevie, rated T, 471
Summary: Rachel has a little morning treat for Stevie.
Rec [written by petalwrites]: This piece is short & sweet… in more than one way! It’s two of my favorite ladies, love confessions, and no-bake cookies. What’s not to love?
[Podfic] The Guestbook of David and Patrick Rose-Brewer by Amanita_Fierce, B13-maybethistime, cottagepodfics, Djapchan, @godoflaundrybaskets, HowOldAreWe, @n0connections, @petalwritesx, poddingthemost, roseszain, @schittposting, @thesleepyskipper, @landofsonlali, @sunlightsymphony, @sweatersinthesummer, @whetherwoman, wi22iou, DevilWithABirdDress, everyone!, rated T, 9:02
Summary: “A home isn't always the house we live in. It's also the people we choose to surround ourselves with.” — The House in the Cerulean Sea
A look through the entries in David and Patrick's wedding guestbook
Rec [written by doingthemost]: I loved the original fic by @landofsonlali, and this is such a fun reimagining of it! Everyone's voices are a delight to listen to. Both the fic and the pod are a great way to honor all of the Schitt's Creek characters we love so much.
This is the miracle that I've been dreaming of by @hippolotamus, Alexis/Twyla, rated G, 830 words
Summary: “Oh,” she says softly, wondering if she’s making a mistake. Standing in the middle of the café, among the cracked vinyl booths and oversized menus, the romantic notion she had in her mind is replaced with anxiety and doubt. She’s spinning on her heel to leave when she hears it.
“Alexis!” comes the sunny voice she would know anywhere by now, followed by a warm hand circling her wrist.
She turns to see Twyla, still looking sleepy, with traces of yesterday's makeup on her face. “Twyla,” Alexis swallows, nervous. “Hi.”
Twyla scrunches her nose, never losing her rosy smile. “Is… everything okay?”
“Yeah! Yes!” Alexis sucks in a breath. “I… last night was real. Right?”
Rec [written by doingthemost]: This is such a soft, tender little moment between these two! I love reading about all the different ways that these two could get together after the show's end, and this is one perfect imagining of how it could happen.
Happy reading, friends!
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scrarefest · 1 year
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Want more stories about the Rose family’s found family? Interested in exploring the relationships between our favorite townies? Want to explore Patrick and Ray’s relationship as roomies, how Ronnie joined the Jazzagals, or what happens to Alexis in New York? What about all the potential throuples, moreples in this universe, or the rare ships that could’ve happened with a canon divergence? Or some post-canon happily-ever-afters, both romantic and platonic? 
We are the fest for you!
How Prompting Works
Between today, January 30, and February 13, you can leave prompts on AO3! Any ideas for rare or gen works can be left here for creators’ inspiration.
We will have catch-all prompts, for those who want to keep their ideas secret (instead of posting and claiming their own prompt) or for fanartists, vidders, podficcers, etc. who wants to create work for this fest that’s based off of an existing work. They will be posted after prompting closes so they are at the top.
Prompts featuring any non David/Patrick romantic relationship, whether they are canon or not-canon, or any non-romantic relationship, whether they are canon or non-canon, are welcome!
We ask that your work not be centered around the David/Patrick relationship. While it can be in the work as a background element—of course David or Patrick may talk to a friend or family member about their relationship!—we ask that your work be centered around their relationships with others. For example, what do Patrick and Stevie enjoy doing that David hates? What does a shopping spree between David and Alexis look like? Do Johnny and Patrick ever watch another baseball game together? If you have any questions about the intentions of this fest as it pertains to David/Patrick, we are happy to share more of our thoughts!
To give everyone a fair chance at claims, we will be removing claims made earlier than February 13. We will announce on Tumblr when claiming is officially open!
Important Dates
Prompting is open January 30-February 13
Works are due April 9
Posting will take place from April 10-14
Creators are revealed April 17
Our ask box is open if you have any questions. Help us spread the word, and start prompting today!
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elevatefemslash · 2 years
One Week Left to Sign Up!
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Don't miss out on all the fun! You have 7 more days to sign up for this year’s Elevate! exchange!
If prompting is holding you back, don't worry! You can be as general or as specific as you want to be with prompts. If you have favorite tropes, you can list those out. If you are truly up for anything, as US Weekly says, you can put that down, too!
What’s Elevate!?
At its heart, Elevate! is a Schitt’s Creek exchange that centers on Alexis, Moira, Jocelyn, Twyla, Stevie, Ronnie, Gwen, Ruth, Tennessee, Heather, Rachel, Shannon, and any other non-male character from the show.
You can participate in two ways:
Sign up for the exchange! You let us know what you want to receive and what you want to write, and we match you with a new friend. And now’s the time to sign up for this year’s Elevate! exchange!
Submit a solo work! Add a work to the collection—fic, art, podfic, or anything else—before the due date, and it’ll get posted as part of the releases.
Important Dates:
Sign Ups Open: August 1-14
Matches Delivered: By August 16
Works Due: October 9
Works Posted: October 10-14
Works Revealed: October 17
If I’m going to submit a solo work, do I have to sign up by August 14? No!
If I want to partner with a writer to create art, podfic, or something else, how do I get that set up? Email us at [email protected] and we’ll get you connected!
If I want to partner with an artist, podficcer, or someone else to have work included with my fic, how do I get that set up? Find us at [email protected] and we’ll take care of you!
Are there any restrictions on who can sign up? We only ask that fest participants (exchange and solo) be 18+. 
I have more questions! We have answers! Find us at [email protected] or here at our ask box!
Sign up for this year’s Elevate! exchange today!
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hullomoon · 1 year
hullomoon’s 2022 works: part one
it’s the end of the year, which means it’s time for a work round-up! this year i really tipped into being podfic heavy (and more multifandom!). if you haven’t yet, check out my 2019 roundup, 2020 roundup, and 2021 roundup! all works are ordered in chronological posting order.
part one | part two | part three | part four | part five | part six | part seven | part eight
i rule with the velvet tongue | Schitt’s Creek | Steve/Ruth | explicit | 789
Ruth takes Stevie apart 
[podfic] Natural Selection | Schitt’s Creek | David/Patrick | 0:32:31
David is a penguin. Obviously so is Patrick given that human-penguin pairings are rarely successful in business together, much less romantically in business together.
[podfic] twist yourself around me | Schitt’s Creek & Crazy Ex-Girlfriend | David/Rebecca | multivoice | 0:10:27
He’s seen her here before, he’s pretty sure, but this time, her friends have left her sitting alone, having wandered off to dance or drink or fuck. His friends have done the same, and he’s just drunk enough and lonely enough to approach her. Not that he never approaches strangers in the clubs. On the contrary, he does it with enough frequency that it would be alarming if he stopped to think about it (so he never stops to think about it). Those interactions, though, rarely involve many words, all sweaty bodies and hands and tongues. Something about this woman makes him want to strike up a conversation. So he slides into the seat across from her.
[podfic] kiss me beneath the mistletoe | Schitt’s Creek | Alexis/Twyla | multivoice | 0:12:58
twyla’s body magically produces plants whenever she feels any strong emotion, but she has it completely under control. that is, until she meets alexis rose. now what is she supposed to do with all these roses?
[Podfic] Through Someone Else’s Eyes | Schitt’s Creek | Alexis & David | multivoice | ~0:27:00
It’s all Mr Hockley’s fault.
The tea was supposed to get him high, not make him wake up in his sister’s body.
[Podfic] a lifetime of promises | Schitt’s Creek | David/Patrick | multivoice | 06:06
Their wedding song is playing at Brebner’s.
No, not their wedding song; their song. Not that David would ever try to claim the downright divine masterpieces of Tina Turner — he generally believes that couples having “songs” is cheesy and off-putting — but dammit, if anyone earned a song, this song, it’s him and Patrick.
or, sometimes you have a mini breakdown in the ice cream aisle of the supermarket, and that’s okay
Crawl Before You Can Walk | Schitt’s Creek | David/Patrick | 10:18
The continuing adventures of Ted the Turtle.
but it’s golden | Schitt’s Creek | Rachel/Heather | ~3.1k
Rachel knew that going back to Schitt's Creek meant she'd see Heather again. What she didn't expect was spending the weekend with her.
Femslash February: Chapter One | Schitt’s Creek | Alexis/Ruth | 100
Femslash February: Chapter 8 | Schitt’s Creek | Ronnie/Moira | 100
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jesuisici33 · 1 year
hi, always wanted to read Public Relations but wanted to wait until it's finished? Well now go ahead and read until you're heart's content! All 12 chapters (and epilogue) are now up for your reading enjoyment!
and for those who have been reading it as a wip, go read Chapter Twelve here. and Chapter Thirteen here !
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sexybabystevie · 1 year
Hi! I just saw you reply the Steve comparing hands as flirting and I had to also then check that your requests are open, they are 😂 so could I please request that one? I had a boy flirt with me in grade 7 by doing that with shoes/feet (mind you I was oblivious 😂) and that reminded me of it and I had a giggle.
A/n: Okay so first of all, thank you for this request! It's SO cute, and I planned on this being maybe 1k, but it turned into a bigger fic, which I'm not mad about lol. This is seriously one of the softest things I have EVER written and I adore it. Like seriously, this has my heartbeat skipping down sixteenth avenue type shit 😭 Anyway, enjoy some soft Stevie, Family-Video-loserboy-with-a -crush style!
Small Hands, Big Heart
Steve Harrington x Reader
Tags and Warnings: No Warnings, Pure Fluff, Soft!Steve Harrington, Semi-Shy!Reader, Flirting, Steve Harrington is a Major Dork, Family Video!Steve Harrington, Crushes, Hand Holding, Tooth-Rottening Fluff.
Word Count: 3581
Summary: Steve Harrington has a massive crush on you, but his recent lack of luck in the romantic sense has him stuck on how to make a move. Plus, something about you makes him nervous in a way he's never been – in a way he likes.
His simplest solution? Flirting via the old 'comparing hand sizes' method.
Steve Harrington Masterlist
There’s an air about you – something laid back and relaxed, comfortable and familiar – that strikes Steve Harrington every time you walk into Family Video. Hair perfectly styled even on the days when you’re in sweatpants, gliding around the store like some kind of celebrity on the red carpet, he can practically see the golden, glittering stars surrounding your body like an angelic halo. You don’t even notice though, he can always tell in the way that you smile at him as you shyly ask if there’s a copy of Pretty in Pink available, like you might somehow be imposing upon him by asking him to do his job. Like he wouldn’t set his entire workplace on fire for you if you batted your pretty eyelashes and asked him to.
Okay, yeah, he’s in deep. Deeper than he should be for some enchanting stranger, that’s for sure.
But you’re cool. Yeah, that’s it, cool, and what’s he supposed to do? Just not think about slipping a paper with his number inside the case of the latest movie you decide to rent? Not have Robin point out how he gets lost in romantic fantasies while staring at you, completely forgetting to tend to the other customers in the store? As if.
No, Steve thinks he’s not about to let this go, even if it means eventually messing things up by accidentally saying his favorite genre of movies is boobies – massive apology to Rachel Moore for that disaster, although at least Robin found new reason to start up another You Rule, You Suck chart on one of the fancy sticky notes embellished with the Family Video logo. Yeah, that was great.
So far, he’s losing zero to twelve, a score that’s humiliatingly worse than anything he ever achieved – or didn’t achieve – working at Scoops Ahoy, and he doesn’t even have to wear that stupid hat anymore. His self-proclaimed best quality is flawless and in full view of anyone around, a little messier than his high school days but stylistically so, and yet he still can’t work the charm like he could just a few years ago. If it wasn’t the ridiculous sailor uniform or the hat that covered up his hair, then did he just lack game entirely?
No, absolutely not. He still had it, and he was going to prove it. He would find some way to talk to you – really talk to you, not just the small conversation he’d make while searching your name into the computer system to charge your account – and he would pull it off. He was going to get a perfect grade from Miss Professor Robin, doctorate in the study of loser and non-loser romantic interactions. So much so that she would have to give him a million You Rule tally marks, something totally achievable and normal to want, he was certain.
Were you out of his league? Absolutely. Did that deter his persistence? Not at all.
He was going to do this, even if it turned out to be a dumpster fire. Even if his hair wasn’t looking exactly the way he wanted it to be. Even if Robin was jokingly preying on his downfall in that long-time-best-friend way that she did. Even if the doorbell was ringing right now to signal your superstar arrival, and even if you were flashing him a smile that literally made him forget how to breathe for approximately forty-seven seconds.
Steve’s leaning forward, his elbows plastered to the countertop, almost falling over it because he’s so glued to watching you. You give him a little wave that nearly sends him toppling backwards into the floor – now that he thinks of it, are you sure you aren’t a god with some kind of wind powers? You certainly are pretty enough to be one – before beelining straight to the romcom section. Like usual. He can’t help but smile to himself, definitely the lovesick puppy look Robin said he had mastered recently.
As you peruse the movies in stock, his mind does its typical wandering. Romantic-comedy seemed to be your favorite movie genre, but what was your favorite type of music? Favorite food, favorite color? Were you more into pop music, sweet vanilla cupcakes, and various shades of lilac, or did you prefer the darker hues of colors, savory cheeseburgers, and something a little more lyrically intense? Or were you a mix of both, maybe even neither?
Everything about you was addictively unknown; you were a package of silly little mysteries he wanted to unwrap bit by bit, saving the more intimate and personal details for later. The best for last, right? Thinking of the possibilities was driving him wild, though, because how could he not know your all-time favorite song yet? And, god forbid, your favorite ice cream flavor? Now that was something he was skilled in – he’d probably never forget the sweet but slightly nutty scent of pistachio ice cream ever in his lifetime – and maybe he could show you that. Would it impress you if he let you try the mean banana split he could conjure up? It was good enough to be the primary thing Erica Sinclair ever ordered from the ice cream parlor, even demanding that Steve be the one to make it himself instead of the other workers. Poor Robin – or maybe lucky Robin, knowing the sass of the young girl all too well. Yeah, lucky Robin, for sure.
But maybe Steve could be lucky too. He knew the moves other guys his age made, flirtatious comments that were borderline crude – and yeah, okay, he admits he has occasional conversations about boobies – but he doesn’t want to play that kind of game with you. He doesn’t want to be like all the other guys, expendable and almost disrespectful in his mannerisms and language; no, he wants to treat you right. He wants to be good to you, to treat you with all the care and love and wonder of a da Vinci painting, and if he’s finally lucky then maybe you’ll let him, because, really, what did the Mona Lisa even have on someone as beautiful as you, anyway?
Robin’s elbow crashes into Steve’s side a little too forcefully, which she seems to be aware of since she gives him a slightly serious, apologetic grimace before her eyes become knowing in that way that he sometimes is afraid of. Her head jerks to the leftt and she leans in to whisper, “Incoming, ten o’clock. Shoot your shot, dingus!”
It takes him too much time to realize that she means ten o’clock as in the direction the little hand of a clock makes, though, and he doesn’t have time to prepare his lines before you’re at the counter with a VHS tape between your fingers. He doesn’t even have time to properly wipe away his token furrowed brows of confusion, so when he turns to look at you, there’s a moment where his face is half grimace, half giant smile. Your eyes narrow a bit, undeniably trying to understand what that face is about, and Steve internally face palms. Great start, Harrington, you probably look like a total nutjob.
He quickly shakes himself out of it and relaxes his face into a kind smile, leaning off of the counter to make room for you to slide your movie on top of it. You do, but he’s too busy staring into your eyes – has he ever seen eyes as magnetic, as charming as yours? – to really notice.
“Hey,” he says, just like he’s talking to any other pleasant customer, except his voice is softer, more gentle. “How are you doing?” Unlike with any other customer, he genuinely wants to know the answer.
The way your eyes light up as he asks… he didn’t possibly think he could find them more adorable. If asking about your day did that, then how would you react to him actually making moves?
“Good,” you reply, tone matching the care in his. You then glance around the store briefly, giving Steve the chance to admire the soft curve of your jawline. He pretends not to have been staring when your gaze falls back onto him. “You must be pretty bored today. This place is empty besides me.”
Was there a hint of something teasing in that last remark of yours, or is Steve imagining things?
Either way, it’s only now that he realizes you’re right – they haven’t really had any other customers. Not very typical for a Tuesday night, but he couldn’t care less, really. Not when you’re here.
“Don’t worry. You’re my favorite, anyway,” he says, heart thudding with an annoying intensity. He resists the urge to wink at you – god, he really is a loser, isn’t he? – and his hand moves to rake across his head, fingers nervously tangling in his brown hair.
You don’t answer, eyes wide with a hint of surprise. Your smile grows more bashful, something that makes Steve’s mouth grow dry, and you look down, a few strands of your own hair moving to cover your eyes. The sight of you – so shy and cute – standing right in front of him, only separated by a mere old countertop, sends his mind reeling. So close, but there’s an island between you – literally.
Seeming to overcome your brief embarrassment, you look back at Steve and smile again, this time a hint of your teeth showing behind the tiniest gap between your lips. Noticing all the small details, wondering what other little things he could find out and memorize about you, he almost feels like he’s drowning in emotion.
Get it together, dude! he thinks to himself, the voice in his head sounding suspiciously like Robin.
He’s snapped out of it by your hand meekly pushing the tape further up the counter, undoubtedly trying to get him to do his actual job instead of being ridiculously distracted by you.
Like he could help it, though; you were practically his dream. Hell, he hoped that he had dreams of you each night, that he could spend time with you even if he managed to screw it up in reality. Dreams were less intimidating, despite the fact that he had no control in them. Reality was where he held the cards, where he could choose what to say and do. Somehow, that thought’s empowering enough to bring him back down to earth.
Steve takes one look at the movie you’ve chosen, though, and laughs to himself as he reads the title. Instead of staying in his mind this time, he can’t help but speak his thoughts aloud.
“Christine, huh?” He can’t fight the amused little smirk that takes over his face even if he wants to. “That’s quite a shift from your usual, isn’t it?”
You just give him a simple shrug, unapologetic aside from the way you cheekily bite the inside of your lip. Now there’s definitely a hint of that same playfulness that he thought he saw earlier, and Steve could scream out in joy as he notices that gleam in your eye. Maybe he really didn’t lose all his charm.
“Thought I might switch it up a bit, you know?”
Steve nods and turns to the giant computer next to him, tape in one hand as his other slowly and loudly types away at the clunky keyboard. He finds Christine in the film catalog and quickly flips over the tape to type in the exact product number before his deep brown eyes glance back at you. It’s like you’re a golden statue shimmering in the sun, the only neon sign in a pitch-black forest. His gaze just naturally gravitates towards you, not that he’d ever complain about it.
“You didn’t strike me as the type for Stephen King,” Steve remarks, unable to keep his true thoughts to himself.
“Is that a bad thing?” You let out a soft giggle, head tilting in a way that reminds Steve of a parrot learning how to speak. Have you been waiting to learn more about him like he has about you? You did always seem to stop by Family Video when he was on shift, making sure to have small conversations with him about your movie choices while he added the rented tape to your account, making sure that you always were in his line to be checked out, even if there were lots of other customers…
“Oh no, not at all. It was just a little surprising,” he says, shaking his head and letting out his own small chuckle. He makes sure to look you in the eyes as he says, “I’m the kinda guy who likes surprises.”
He doesn’t mention that he doesn’t like the more world-ending, Upside-Down-related surprises that seem to haunt him and his unusual friend group. No, that’s more of a fourth or fifth date kind of thing to bring up.
Steve relishes the more prominent curl of your lips – oh god, don’t look at them, don’t think about how soft they would be, don’t do it! – and the way it makes you look a bit smug as you say, “Noted.”
He could think of millions of ways for that to come back into play, each one making his chest swell in an almost delightful way, but instead he continues adding Christine to your Family Video account. He finally gets to the webpage where he has to type in the customer’s name, and you must be familiar with the process because you open your mouth, the first syllable of your name escaping your lips, before Steve cuts you off. He says your name before you can, and he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t proud of himself for the way your mouth parted in shock.
A little cockily, he says your name again as he types it. “I remembered.”
You’re only left gaping for a few moments, your expression then changing into a smile that’s even brighter than any from before, if that’s even possible. Looking at you out of the corner of his eye as the computer processes your name, Steve Harrington feels like he’s hit the jackpot.
A part of him can’t believe that you’d be so stunned at him remembering you. As if he didn’t spend far too much time thinking about you, as if he didn’t somehow end up telling everyone around him about you despite barely knowing you. As if everyone else who knew him didn’t know he was utterly infatuated and bewitched by you and your pretty little smile.
The computer finally processes the movie with a ding! and Steve reaches under the counter for a plastic bag. He takes some time packing the tape, a tiny thread of dread sewn into his heart because, while he’d certainly done a little bit of vague flirting, he still hadn’t made his real move yet, and he was running out of time. His fingers fumble with the handles of the bag as he racks his mind for anything that can help him – any line or gesture that might seal the deal.
It’s when he reaches out to pass you the plastic bag, and it’s when your knuckles brush against his that he gets a last-minute idea. With no time left to lose, he goes for it.
“Woah, you have really small hands!” he exclaims, and he’s not wrong, which is part of why it works. The other part, unbeknownst to him at the moment, is that you’ve got just as much of a silly crush on him as he has on you. “Here–” he raises one of his hands, palm facing you, “–put yours against mine and you’ll see what I mean.”
You search Steve’s eyes for a minute, a glimpse of a knowing smile on your lips, and he doesn’t even have to worry about you disagreeing or getting upset. He can just tell that you’re catching on, and that you may even be up to something when you lift your hand and press it to his.
Skin meets skin, and Steve feels dizzy. Nothing could have prepared him for how soft, how warm, it feels to have his palm against yours. It’s barely anything, an action that could be casual or friendly with anyone else, but it still makes his fingertips tingle.
He’s never felt like this with anyone else, never been quite this flustered at such a simple movement before. Not with any of the girls he knew or messed around with in high school, not with anyone else that he had few fleeting moments with working at Scoops Ahoy or Family Video. Not even with Nancy Wheeler.
He was always the cool one, always unbothered and rarely found himself blushing, never ever swooning. But here he was, feeling like he could fly over the moon because your palms were flush against each other, and despite everything, the anxiety and nerves were welcome. He likes the butterflies that gather in his stomach, that being around you puts him a little on edge, but in the best possible way.
If this is what it feels like to have a genuine, no-bullshit-attached crush on someone, he thinks that maybe he can get used to it.
He was right too; your hands are small. With the heels of your palms level with one another, your fingertips end where his finger pads begin. It’s cute, only making Steve’s heart race even faster – and if he really thinks about it, he can feel the vague vibration of your heartbeat in your thumb. He doesn’t even have to wonder if it’s pumping far too quickly like his own, he already knows it is.
His gaze moves from your hands together to your face, flickering to try and see what expression will be on that gorgeous face of yours. It’s a timid, happy smile and eyes that are staring right back at him, soft and doelike. The expression is so gentle, so special, that it makes his breath catch in his throat. He silently hopes that he’s the only one you’ve ever looked at like that.
“Told you,” he says quietly, to match the intimacy of the moment. “Small hands, but… they’re cute.”
Seemingly an instant after he says that, you shift your hand around and position your fingers between his. Before he can ask any questions or really even process it, you intertwine your fingers to hold his hand.
Luckily his body responds before his brain does, curling his own fingers and moving his thumb to rest on top of yours. Heat rises to his cheeks as he stares, and he can feel the dopey grin hopping onto his face before it’s fully there.
You giggle again, a bit louder this time, and for once his goofiness isn’t something he wants to internally chastise himself for. You actually think it’s cute, maybe even silly. He can be cute and silly for you, if that’s what you want.
Something in your eyes tells him that it is exactly what you want.
“You know,” you start, pursing your lips for a split second. “I’m used to watching all these fluffy, silly romance movies.”
You pause, eyebrows slightly risen as you wait for him to catch on to what you’re implying. He doesn’t, though; you can blame his heightened state of absence on the warmth of your skin. He’s far too caught up in that, in the fact that maybe he still does have game – thank god – to process anything you’re trying to hint towards.
The trance he’s in is visible – eyes spaced out on your face, his lips left parted so he can breathe out of his mouth slowly, and his hand gripping yours with more strength than before, like maybe you’re too good to be true and will disappear if he blinks. It’s all too much and you laugh – a real, genuine, hearty laugh that Steve immediately loves with every ounce of his heart. He’s certain that your laugh could cure anything that ails him.
“What I mean is,” you start again, taking a deep breath to recover from your short bout of joy. “I might get scared watching a horror movie.” Your eyes focus on his, giving him a little wink as you continue. “I might need someone there to keep me safe, Steve.”
The gears click in his brain, everything falling into place, and he becomes the embodiment of smugness with that signature smirk of his.
With a chuckle, he shakes his head and replies. “Well, what kind of guy would I be if I denied you that?”
The smirk fades down into a heartfelt smile, and his voice softens as his hand gives yours a brief squeeze. He can tease, but he also wants to make sure that he is being serious. “I’d love to.”
Half an hour later, after a little more conversation, you leave Family Video with a movie, a Family Video sticky note with Steve Harrington’s phone number on it in swoopy penmanship, and a promise to meet at his house tonight for a movie date.
Robin makes a reappearance from the back room, smirk on her face – Steve doesn't even have to ask her if she was watching the whole scene on the grainy security cameras, he knows her too well to already know that she was – as she marks a line and writes ‘You did it!’ under the You Rule portion of her notepad in congratulations. “Maybe you can be pretty lucky sometimes, Harrington.”
Steve can’t help but agree.
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ffverr · 1 month
I'd like to comment that I don't really understand how The dark phoenix saga can be interpreted as fridging Jean.... To me, it was an epic and heroic sacrifice much akin to when the protagonist throws themselves off the cliff with the villain. And well, in the end, Jean does come back anyways. Perhaps the sexist aspect is Jean being manipulated by the hellfire club ?
Because more female characters are introcued after jean's death so that's not necessarly a problem to me. Or perhaps it's the idea (that i dislike) that jean went crazy and DP saga is that kind of female hysteria storyline. I also disagree with this because i've always interpreted Jean to be the Phoenix. As in, jean was basically drunk driving but it was very much still Jean.
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I personally think it's pretty cool that a female character actually gets the role of savior of the universe and becomes sacralised as this X-Men icon. Then Storm gets to be leader and most of the NM are girls + Kitty,rogue, Rachel etc... So it isn't like the story is just discarding a rare female character in order to focus on the men. ( Ableit the rest of the girls are introduced a bit later, it was just Lorna, Amanda, Stevie and Storm at that point) .
Sure, Scott gets his "i'm a sad widow" moment but it never felt....insulting or demeaning like lots of fridgings tend to be? It was always HER story not his. Y'know what I mean?
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ellena-asg · 11 months
For the tumblr game: Danno
Thank you, Meri! ♥️
So, Danny...
Sexuality Headcanon:
The same as Steve's. Ever since I watched the show I see them both as "not hetero, not gay, not bi but the secret X thing" 😉
At the begining I felt they're aromantic (and forced so much by the show writers to woo/date/marry ladies) and I still feel they're definitely platonic when they interact with other people. But to each other - they're super romantic.
They're best friends and they're the special ones to each other. They feel (real) attraction/love only to each other. So I headcanon both Danny and Steve as definitely uniromantic and The Pilot is a very special episode to me cause the scene in the garage is like kind of "Geez, I'm interested. In THAT way. For the first time in my life I really fucking feel... Geez!" (also: "Gosh, I'm in love. With this irritating handsome guy? Gooood, Jeeeeesus, Maaaary, Anyone?" 😂).
So, uniromantic. And they're the first and only characters in my fandom life whom I see in this way 🙂
Gender Headcanon:
Man. Cis.
A ship I have with said character:
Only Steve, only McDanno ♥️
A BROTP I have with said character:
In some way it's still Steve. Best friends forever - being married doesn't change it 😉
But speaking about completely platonic brotp: Chin. Chin is like an older brother. But Lou and Jerry and Kame, all boys in Ohana are true brothers ♥️ And ladies! ♥️ Kono is his sister so much! Mary too. Abby. I also love his brotp with Amy (Meka's wife). And of course Gracie! His daughter is his brotp. His Big Friend!
What I see on screen is also brotp-to-be: Danny & Sang Min. Seriously, both are Daddies, they love their kids so much, they'll do everything for them. They understand each other as fathers (scene in the prison and in Danny's car/on the beach ♥️). They both are loyal to Ohana. They ARE Ohana. And both are sassy and silver tongued 😂 (just imagine poor Stevie with these two 😂😂😂). Both are Masters of Dorkness. In Sarcasm they trust.
And sometimes they both are BAMF! Sang once was on the dark side and Danny... when he fights for victims or his Ohana, for Grace and Steve especially, when he's furious or in vigilante mood, yeah sometimes he's close to darkness, he knows the Fire (like in that episode with Marco Reyes).
And they both would give Steve their livers (Danny gave his part and Sang: "I woulda offered you my liver, McGurrett, but we both know it’s no god" 😄).
Oh, and Danny is from Jersey, Sang is from China but they both love Hawaii and it's their home forever.
A NOTP I have with said character:
Any person who is not Steve 😉 Speaking about show's canon ones: Melissa (I like her but she and Danny are veeery NOTP), Gabby (l love her much but again: NOTP with Danny). Other ladies he dated. But especially: Rachel (sorry, I'm allergic to abusers). She and her family were highly toxic to Danny and Grace. She's like Doris, even worse sometimes. I feel anxious (and mad at show writers) every damn time she's somewhere near Danny or Ohana generally.
A random headcanon:
I once had a dream about Danny so here is my a bit angsty fluffy AU with happy end:
Kono (like in the canon) feels tired and sad and thinks about leaving Five-0 and going (with Adam) to the mainland & fighting with human traffic criminals. Chin and Abby think about living in San Francisco. Max and Sabrina think about Africa. Meanwhile Rachel comes (with her mother Amanda) to Hawaii (Rachel was somewhere far away with Stan) and claims she is sorry and wants Danny back. Williamses from Jersey also come to Hawaii. They more and more ask Danny about Rachel. Bridget mentions that they all miss Danny in Jersey.
Stevie is devastated, he is sure that Danny will go to Jersey with his family and with Rachel. For sure "for Gracie". He also can't imagine living in Hawaii without almost whole Five-0, his Ohana. So Steve decides that he will go back to the Navy (*drama*). Danny is devastated. Governor Sam is devastated too, no Kono, no Chin, no Max, no Steve and no Danny... He thinks that Five-0 has no future and promises Lou and Jerry that he'll find them a new job.
Clara, hearing about Five-0 news, says that her cousin from Italy has mentioned recently there's a job offer in Italian police with higher rank and higher salary and so on. Rachel's mother is like "oh, Italy, finally some civilized place and a job for ambitious people". Danny's family is like "Well, your friends want to leave Hawaii, we're so sorry honey, but... maybe you'll think about Italian offer? Your grandma spoke Italian, you are so brilliant, you can learn it too and...". Rachel smiles and smiles and is soo sure that she will go to Italy with Danny and Grace (sorry, I've got issues with Charlie's plot so he isn't there 😂).
So all other Ohana members talk now about The Four and Max and so on leaving them. Kono, Max, Chin and Steve decide they will leave Hawaii next year. Governor then says to Danny "Better take that job in Italy, Danny. It's a really good offer".
Danny is like "What the hell they all are talking about?!". He only listens to them and says nothing. He's too much anxious, surprised, devastated and veeeery pissed off. What? No Kono, Adam, Chin, Abby, Sara, Max, Sabrina... No Steve the hell???!!! No Hawaii?! No Ohana?! No Five-0? He and who? Rachel? Buahahahahha. No funny. No fair. Nightmare! She will never change, he knows. And he can't love her. And he loves... Steve. And why the hell they all are so sure he is okay with this? He's NOT okay. They can't decide what is better for him - Italy, Jersey, no Hawaii. Seriously? All he wants is his home, his Honolulu. His beloved job and beloved police unit. His beloved Hawaiian people. And beaches. Pineapples. His Ohana. His whole Ohana. And Steve the hell. And Grace. No Rachel, no Italy, just NO.
Danny is so devastated. He's sure that he'll never see his guys again. He'll never see... Steve. He's in his darkest mood. Anxiety attacks, panic attacks, ANGER attacks, they come back to his head.
One day at some party he drinks too much. Gracie sees it. Some other day when he and Grace are crossing the street Danny is almost hit by a car cause he suddenly stood still like frozen and Grace had to scream his name to make him safe. He generally is more and more quiet, each day he looks like "something bad happened" and even though he pretends all is okay, he's good, Gracie sees it all.
One day she just asks. He says all is okay. She then says she feels him cause she doesn't want to leave either. She wants Ohana. Uncle Steve. And Danno, her beloved daddy. He asks her about Jersey, Italy, Rachel. She says NO, NO and... NO. She says that she knew he's sad and she knows how much he loves this place and these people. And her. She says he can't always think only about her. And that he CAN always have both: her and uncle Steve. "What you mean, Monkey?" he asks.
She says she noticed his reaction on Rachel and Amanda (and also Williamses' words about leaving Hawaii) and wanted to know finally what's going on. So one day, when Danny was sleeping hard in the living room (when he drank a bit too much beer for a second time) she checked his room to find "anything". And she finally found. His old letters/messages to Rachel and to the court. She also found something like his diary or letters-never-sent. There was all in them, Danny's pain, truth about his marriage, about her grandmother and mother's cruel plan aka You Will Never See Grace Again, his fear that he would lose Gracie, his love for Grace and Ohana. His pain after losing Matthew. His memories of wanting to kill himself when Rachel took Grace. His bad days and good days. His soul healing in Hawaii with Ohana. With Grace. With Steve. And photos. There were many photos of Ohana being together. And happy.
So, Grace tells Danny that everything will be all right. That NOW they're Super Team. They have to fight for the happiness. They're staying in Hawaii. They need to change Ohana's minds by showing them how wonderful this land is. How many people still need Five-0. How much they all love each other. Danny is amazed. Grace talks and talks. She has so many ideas. One of them is: Gracie will go to court with Danny and say she wanna be under Danny's sole custody (cause the situation and Gracie's feelings have changed so much). She says that the judge will listen to her and she doesn't need as much money as Rachel to win. Danny is speechless. Then Grace says: "We're staying here. Forever. We need to be more Hawaiian, daddy". She has a plan. Danny is very intrigued.
Danny and Grace, when they're with Ohana, pretend they are excited about Italy. Danny says he and Grace learn a lot about their "promised land" (nature, culture, whole history etc) and they also learn "language of love", "language of their Ohana" (Clara is happy and thinks about her mother 😂) with Captain Tanaka's help (his wife knows Italian and some other languages). Lou jokes that Tanaka helps Danny cause he never liked Danny much and that Tanaka is happy that Danny will leave this land. Danny laughs and only says "Maybe, maybe not". When they are like "So, maybe you'll show us your language skills?", Danny says "No, not now". And when they try to ask Mrs Tanaka about Danny's progress, she only joyfully says "He learns so fast, he's truly a brilliant mind, what a memory, what a voice, when he talks I can see all: the sun, the sea, sand, the wind... he melts my heart, he sounds... like his people. His level? He'll be native one day, I'm sure!". Rachel is happy. Steve is devastated.
One year later. Steve, Kono and so on organize the Farewell Party. With looooong tables, with a big stage and microphones (to say Aloha to all their people), with flowers and all that jazz. There are so many people there on the beach. All of them. Whole Ohana and their little Ohanas. All people who know Five-0: survivors (rescued - forever grateful - victims), Hawaiian people, Ruth, Dekker, Victoria models, guy from the gun store, aunt Deb and her Leonard, HPD, SWAT, Williamses, absolutely everyone. So, they all celebrate and then Amanda says "So, Daniel. Your language teacher claims you're a master now. It's time to prove it, right?". Rachel's face is like "Aww, Italy, we're coming. I only need Danny to like me hmmm how to change his mind...". Steve fights with his pain. Deb asks "Maybe some song for your Ohana?". Danny smiles. "For my Ohana, you say? Well, I did it all to save my Ohana so...". When he said "to save my Ohana" all eyes were on Rachel and Grace. Danny continues: "So yeah, I can sing for Ohana too. Come on, Monkey. We'll do it together".
So they all wait there to hear some Italian words but then, on stage, Gracie grabs something and... she starts playing on ukulele. Then Danny starts singing... in the absolutely Perfect and Beautiful Hawaiian. He's singing Hawai'i 78. Soon Gracie is singing with him. All people around are in damn shock 😂😂😂 Kawika, Mamo, Kono's mama, all native guys are like *we're sorry, our brains are now loading, please wait a while*. Chin, Kono, Danny's parents... Lou, Mary, Gerard, Odell, Kame, Sang Min 😂 They all CAN'T BELIEVE 😂 And Stevie... Gosh, he can't breathe. Somebody ventilate him, quickly! 😆 Rachel? She realizes that she lost.
When Danny and Grace sing "Cry for the gods, cry for the people, cry for the land that was taken away and then yet you'll find... Hawai'i" - Steve and their Ohana, they all have tears in their eyes.
Soon Danny and Grace sing (with sassy smiles on their faces) some other Hawaiian songs for Ohana and in the end they and Steve and all Ohana talk about their feelings, Gracie explains her and Danny's plan to save Ohana, Danny finally fights with his anxiety, insecurity and all other demons and asks all his sunshines to stay with him in Hawaii. He whispers Hawaiian "I love you" in Steve's ear. Ohana laughs, they ask if Danny is bewitched or what. He answers "By you guys, yeah".
Of course all will stay in their beloved land, Five-0 is safe, Ohana is safe, all are happy together. They cry and laugh. Rachel comes and starts ranting and shouting at Danny but then Gracie gives her a card and only says: "What? You'll take me away from Danno? Not this time. By the way, it's MY lawyer's number. Call him. Goodbye!". Steve needs some air again 😂 Clara and Eddie are soooo happy that Danny finally fights for himself SO MUCH. They understand all and Clara is like "Hmm, Eddie, maybe WE TOO will have a home here?" 😆 And Eddie is like "But they don't have Papa's Tomato Pies here, honey. And you know, I love our place in Jersey and... We can visit. They can visit. You know".
Okay, I just wanted to say that my random headcanon is that Danny loves Hawaii more and more and one day he wants to be "one of these people totally" so he learns Hawaiian. Because he CAN. And because he is like One Big Surprise. He's booooorn to be wiiiiiild 😂 (and here he's free thanks to Gracie, he's determined and motivated and "I'll show you all!" 💪💪💪).
General Opinion over said character:
Danny? Danny is The Sunshine. The Warrior. The Protector. Care Bear Number One. He's anxious and strong. He's sassy and kind. He's sensitive and BAMF! He's wise. He's a lovely dork. He's the best parent, son and friend ever. He's Steve's everything. He is a great cop/detective. He CARES about people so much (and much more than about himself). His heart is golden. He's precious. Soo precious. Ohana loves him. Fandom loves him. He deserves absolutely the best! ♥️♥️♥️ We all can write looooong essays about him and his kindest heart, right? 😍
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Joe Keery f/os
All romantic
Umbrella tag: Joe Keery f/os
Emmett Bird- Chicago Fire
Aricka x Emmett, set my heart on fire
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Chris- after everything
Aricka x Chris, you make my heart race
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Jackson- slice
Aricka x Jackson, we took a Polaroid 📷
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Kurt Kunkle- spree
Aricka x Kurt; I have a killer good time with you
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Officer Reinhardt- no activity
Aricka x Reinhardt, protect serve and love you always
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Walter “Keys” McKeys- free guy
Aricka x Keys, my sweetling, you have the key to my heart 🔑 ❤️ , my blue shirt guy
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Sean Lockwood- finally Dawn
Aricka x Sean; wherever I go you’ll lead me home
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Gator Tillman- Fargo
Aricka x Gator, you’re still the one I run to
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Baron- Marmalade
Aricka x Baron, robbed me and stole my heart 💜
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Steve Harrington- stranger things
Aricka x Steve, Stevie my love, good old fashioned lover boy
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scraregenrecs · 1 year
Rare & Gen Rec Round-Up - January & February 2023
Hello friends and welcome! We hope 2023 has been treating you all well. It’s certainly been treating AO3 well. There have been so many great fics and we’re excited to share our favorites with you. So, make sure you grab a snack, your favorite blanket, and show these fics some love. 
at every table i’ll save you a seat by @nerdframed, Stevie/Ruth, rated T, 2,082 words
SUMMARY: Stevie didn't think Ruth knowing how she takes her coffee would mean so much, as well as other realizations.
Rec [written by hullomoon]: The unspoken way a partner learns little details about you is something that makes me 🤧 Woven throughout their travels, this is a perfect Stevie/Ruth fic.
Auld Acquaintance by @treepyful, Stevie/Ruth, rated T, 2840 words
SUMMARY: Ruth gets separated from her friends on NYE, but the night manages to go up from there.
Rec [written by doingthemost]: Okay, I might be biased, since this was written for me, but I love that this fic puts Stevie and Ruth into situations and tropes that we don't usually see for them. It's a breath of fresh air for these two, and the momentum towards the end is so fun!
a decision not taken by @alysiswriting, Patrick/Rachel, rated G, 775 words
SUMMARY: If Patrick had made a very different decision, and put the happiness of others before his own.
Rec [written by doingthemost]: Thank goodness for the "alternate universe" tag on this one! This ficlet is gut-wrenching, but also so wonderfully done at the same time.
Gentleness by @alysiswriting, Stevie/Twyla, rated E, 1,037 words
SUMMARY: Stevie wants Twyla. In every tender, gentle way her girlfriend gives her. Something Stevie had never expected, and now something she would not be without.
Rec [written by hullomoon]: Soft and sensual, if you love one partner gently worshipping the other this fic is for you.
She said I got her if I want (she’s so soft like silk chiffon) by Fuckingkity, Stevie/Alexis, rated M, 1,350 words
SUMMARY: After David and Patrick’s wedding, Stevie and Alexis spend the night together. Wink wink nudge nudge
Rec [written by hullomoon]: I am so here for the headcanon that Stevie and Alexis hook up at David and Patrick’s wedding. Stevie’s confession is well-done here and makes her first kiss with Alexis so satisfying.
where you go (forever and ever) by @anniemurphys, Alexis/Twyla, rated T, 2489 words
SUMMARY: On a January weekend, as a storm rolls in, Alexis Rose rolls into Schitt’s Creek too, much to Twyla’s surprise.
Rec [written by doingthemost]: I love the childhood friends trope, and we don't have enough of it in this corner of the Schitt's Creek fandom! This is such a fun take on Alexis and Twyla, haunting and moody and full of a quiet, hopeful optimism all at the same time.
you spoke to me so sweetly by @hippolotamus, Alexis/Twyla, rated E, 2653 words
SUMMARY: Alexis hums her appreciation, letting her eyes fall closed while Twyla repeats the circuitous route, and breathing in the blend of lavender and lemon oil her wife insisted upon for “calm and good luck”. The temporary serenity only lasts for three or four passes until a light knock at the door interrupts. She doesn’t try to hide her instant pout when the gentle pressure disappears and she’s forced to open her eyes again.
Dr. Rist breezes inside, far too perky in Alexis’s opinion. Perhaps it’s a good sign. Despite her nerves, Alexis plasters her PR smile on, and clasps Twyla’s hand – the only tell she’ll allow to indicate she’s worried while they wait to find out what kind of life changing the appointment will be.
“Well,” Dr. Rist says. “Alexis. Twyla. Sorry to keep you waiting. Let’s begin, shall we?”
Rec [written by doingthemost]: Mind the tags on this one, as there's some medical angst a fair amount of hurt/comfort, but if you want to feel warm and taken care of just like Alexis and Twyla take care of each other in this beautiful lil' fic, look no further. 
Happy reading, friends!
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scrarefest · 1 year
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Happy Wednesday! We’re halfway through the week, and raring for another day of reveals. Today brings more Jutt, plus some platonic Feelings... and a little something unexpected.
Want to follow along with us? Create a copy of this handy, dandy spreadsheet to keep track of the works you read & engage with. And don’t forget to leave a kudos or comment if you enjoyed the works!
Perfectly Fine
[Jake/Mutt, Explicit, 22,385]
Mutt comes back to Schitt's Creek for the birth of his brother, Roland Jr. There he meets a handsome stranger who connects with him over hard wood.
Blue Kamikazes for the Win
[Patrick & Rachel, Teen, 1,678]
The Toronto Blue Jays have made the playoffs, and there is only one person Patrick wants to celebrate with, and that person is Rachel. Can that fractured friendship be repaired?
Clean or Sloppy?
[David & Jocelyn, General, 578]
David has to make an uncomfortable confession to Jocelyn.
Daddy Issues
[David/Clint, Explicit, 1,564]
David calls his father-in-law a Silver Fox, and Clint shows his appreciation.
Creators, don’t forget to update your posting dates if your work was revealed today!
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elevatefemslash · 2 years
Matches Are Out! + How Else to Participate
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Are You a Writer Participating In the Exchange?
Yay, matches for Elevate! have been sent out! You might have received two emails about your matches—disregard the first one (our bad!). If you're confused about who is your final match, just email us at [email protected] or message us here on Tumblr!
Works are due Sunday, October 9, at 11:59PM Eastern.
Are You a Creator Who Wants to Be Matched With an Exchange Writer?
Email us at [email protected] or message us here on Tumblr to register your interest! Note that we cannot guarantee we can set up a match for everyone, but we will do our best. We are looking for:
Moodboard creators!
Playlist creators!
And more!
Seriously, if there's something you're thinking about and you don't see it on the list above, just contact us. We're sure we'll be happy to have your contribution!
Are You a Creator of Any Type That Wants to Contribute a Solo Work?
The collection is now open and accepting works! Just submit them by Sunday, October 9, at 11:59PM Eastern.
Got Another Question?
Email us at [email protected] or message us here on Tumblr!
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the storyteller trio - playlists for celia, urania, and nasira for @bombawife‘s OC week (album art by @thedragonchilde)
01. alice alone - joby talbot | 02. spark of creation - nikki renée daniels | 03. down the hole - molly gordon, colton ryan, wesley taylor, z infante, nkeki obi-melekwe, heath saunders, catherine ricafort, andrew kober, grace mclean, and noah galvin | 04. on the steps of the palace - denée benton | 05. someone to say - haley bennett | 06. snöfall - a cerulean state | 07. the whole of the moon - fiona apple | 08. moving - kate bush | 09. u - kylie mcneil | 10. the weekly volcano press - sutton foster, maureen mcgovern, jenny powers, danny gurwin, john hickok, amy mcalexander, robert stattel, and janet carroll | 11. impromptu op. 5 no. 5 - jean sibelius | 12. follow the light - pomplamoose | 13. stop - shoba narayan | 14. the maiden and the selkie - heather dale | 15. rêverie - duved’s transatlantic five x tatiana eva-marie | 16. what is a youth - joanna wang | 17. i am my own invention - darren ritchie and janet dacal | 18. op. 66a, th. 234 - II. pas d'action: rose adagio - petyr tchaikovsky | 19. fly me to the moon - the macarons project [listen]
01. magic to do - patina miller and the players | 02. takk… - sigur rós | 03. new constellations - ryn weaver | 04. fairytale - sara bareilles | 05. the projectionist - sleeping at last | 06. zephyrus - the oh hellos | 07. set el habayib - fayza ahmed | 08. parachutes - hans zimmer and richard harvey | 09. whenever i call you friend - kenny loggins and stevie nicks | 10. the life of the party - zoe jensen | 11. digital ripples - ludvig forssell | 12. rainbow veins - owl city | 13. moon river - audrey hepburn | 14. sky woman - anachnid | 15. platonic love song #1 - lauren bird | 16. dear moon - jehwi | 17. the lost words blessing - seckou keita, bethany porter, kerry andrew, jim molyneux, karine polwart, rachel newton, kris drever, and julie fowlis | 18. i’m going to go back there someday - dave goelz | 19. 14.3 Billion Years - andrew prahlow [listen]
01. milk cassette x.mp3 - analog_mannequin | 02. turnaround - camille and hans zimmer | 03. who am i - harolyn blackwell | 04. stay gold - first aid kit | 05. bookstore girl - charlie burg | 06. the wind is changing - howard harper-barnes | 07. take me home, country roads (whisper of the heart) - chelle | 08. trying something again (again) - lullatone | 09. snowflake - kate bush | 10. oh, what a world - kacey musgraves | 11. keep breathing - shoba narayan | 12. rainbow - dodie | 13. the romantic - lauryn marie | 14. quiet resource - evelyn stein | 15. helwa el hayah - carizma feat. bmd | 16. halfway - audrey brisson-jutras | 17. snow in venice - elizaveta | 18. pocketful of sunshine - natasha bedingfield | 19. rise up - andra day [listen]
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hullomoon · 2 years
Sappy prompts #17???
17. "Because I love you!" (Rachel/Stevie)
Stevie wanted to sleep for a little longer, but the insistent poking in her left bicep dragged her into consciousness. 
"What?" Stevie grumbled out, mouth still dry from sleep and realistically the booze. She inched her arm over to the nightstand and grabbed the glass of water. It wasn't until after she drained the glass did she focus on Rachel. Rachel, who had a plate ladened with food next to her on the bed. 
"Is that to share?"
"If you're willing," Rachel replied as she plucked a strawberry up from the plate and held it to Stevie's lips. 
She wrapped her lips around the fruit, taking in its tart taste and the flowery sweetness of honey. As Rachel moved her fingers back, Stevie's eyes spotted another plate. "What's that?"
"No bakes. You kept talking about them last night." She grabbed the plate and sat it in Stevie's lap. "I don't know how much of it was a drunk craving but I thought why not?"
She picked one up. It hadn't set properly, chocolate tacky on her fingers, a streak of unincorporated peanut butter stretched along the length of the cookie. Lifting it to her mouth, she took a bite. It might not look the best, but the taste. It was the right balance of chocolate and peanut butter and the oatmeal was chewy enough to provide texture, but not enough to take forever to chew. "You really made me these just because I talked about them?"
Rachel smiled. "Yeah, because I love you," she smirked, "and because you wouldn't stop talking about them."
Stevie ignored the teasing lilt in Rachel's voice as she tried to focus on the first part of her statement. Rachel loved her. Stevie can admit her life has been a bit fucked up when it comes to the romance department and it wasn't like she grew up in a warm and caring home. Still, this isn't the first time someone has said I love you to her. 
It's just the casual sincerity in which Rachel says it. It's the first time Rachel was saying it and it somehow already sounded well-worn like a favorite sweatshirt or handmade afghan with compacted yarn from its many washes and being wrapped up around a person. It's a concept Stevie only partly understood and as Rachel stared at her she knew she needed to say something. 
"I love you too, you know." She reached and grabbed Rachel's hand, chocolate streaking Rachel's wrist. "Maybe not enough to bake you something. I don't have those kinds of skills."
Rachel pulled Stevie forward, her mouth curved into a small smile. "These are no bake cookies, so I but you have enough skills to make them. If not I'm sure there's somebody who could teach you."
Before Stevie could reply, Rachel pulled her into a kiss. 
send me a sappy prompt!
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jesuisici33 · 2 years
hey chapter seven of this trope fest fic of mine should be up at the latest by friday but if you haven't read it and/or want to read it again, read the first six chapters here!
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tidemoonchild · 5 months
Updated FCs
I made some decisions regarding Katya's and Maggie's FCs. That's why I decided to make a new post (old one is here (x))
Katya Rogers:
Main: Red Widow Verse: Where she grew up under HYDRA and the Red Room. Her name in this verse is Yekaterina "Katya" Stepanova Novikova which was changed to Katerina "Katya/Kat" Stevie Rogers after defecting.
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Sadie Sink Sophie Turner Rose Leslie
AU: Lady Liberty Verse: Where Steve finds her as an infant and gets to raise her. In this verse her name is Katherine "Katie/Kat" Sarah Rogers. With her ability to change her hair color at will she decided to change her color to blonde to look more like Steve and to hide herself from HYDRA who is looking for her.
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McKenna Grace Kirsten Dunst
Secondary: Will be used for both verses, especially in the Lady Liberty verse, where she is the main FC for teen Katie.
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Dakota Fanning
Maggie McCoy:
Live Action:
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Teagan Croft India Eisley Alexandra Daddario
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Raven/Rachel Roth Pouder/Jinx
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