#stops caring altogether for the organization which they work for
otaku553 · 1 year
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Oc aged up? Redesign? Doodle
#goal was to make him 2x as unlikeable than before lmao#I think story bits are putting themselves together#older cot is now in a position of leadership#Vv left the team or retired for reasons after a big fight#during which xieran lost an eye and all of them got traumatized#cot grapples with the feeling of betrayal from Vv leaving them but also understanding of their reasons and cot’s own desire to retire#cot doesn’t like playing by the rule book anymore and actively goes out of their way to make things difficult for everyone besides xieran#ie getting paperwork done on time and then hiding it so the people who need it can’t find it or have to go to extreme lengths to find it#stops caring altogether for the organization which they work for#maybe even has several contingencies or leverage to bring the organization down to its knees#and instead of using it just dangles it over their head for the amusement of their grappling and vulnerability#their own petty revenge for what he perceives as the organization forcing his closest friend to break under pressure and leave#he also knows fully well that bringing down the organization would be forcing the several hundreds under their employment into poverty#which he doesn’t do mostly because xieran still exists as a voice of reason for them#probably feels some amount of guilt for being the only unharmed out of the battle that injured xieran and pushed Vv to retirement#after all their role is never at the front line. at the best they are a distance attacker#because they insist on bringing a gun to a sword fight
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goldyke · 1 year
LAP Bands should be illegal
This post is going to deal with medical fatphobia, weight loss surgery, coercion, emetophobia, food issues, disordered eating, and just all around bad shit. But it’s important.
Shortly after I reached adulthood, I was coerced into weight loss surgery. I weighed about 250 pounds and was considered morbidly obese.
The Lap Band is a disgrace to the medical profession and is just another example of how the medical profession does not care about the lives of fat people.
To preface this: the surgery works. I lost 70 pounds and people treated me differently and I hated them all for it.
The Lap Band made my life miserable. When it was filled, I could not eat until noon without getting stuck. Even then, getting stuck was always a risk. There was a strict diet to follow and you were supposed to be safe from that if you followed it. On top of that, there were rules for how you ate. One standard I saw was not to eat in bites larger than your fingernail. Can you see yourself doing that for a week, let alone years and years?
Getting stuck is a horror you can't imagine. The food lodges in the top of your stomach, blocking off your system. You continue to produce saliva and swallow it down. Slowly, the mucous in your saliva builds up. It feels like you're drowning. Eventually, you have to essentially throw it all up. A disgusting experience (and a mortifying one if you're in public.) The saliva is thick and ropy. This experience is often called "sliming" on the forums.
I became frightened of eating in public. In a way, I became frightened of food altogether. I knew something had to give the day I reacted to someone biting a hamburger in a tv show the way a regular person would react to a killer jumping out in a horror movie. I developed the disgusting and unhealthy habit of chewing and spitting out food. I completely lost my enjoyment of many foods I had previously enjoyed because of how problematic they were (I can no longer enjoy a chicken thigh for example.) I stopped eating meals and began grazing. I developed eating habits worse than the ones that "made me fat"
After 3 years, I had the band emptied of fluid, which significantly decreased, but did not stop, these problems. I regained the weight, and found it didn't bother me. (Along the way I discovered that my discomfort with my body had never been weight related)
I had my band removed after 6.5 years earlier this year. I am in a support group on facebook for victims of this malpractice. There are 5.6 thousand members, each with their own horror stories. Some of them cannot get the band removed because insurance will not cover the procedure, though they happily covered the band's placement. Some have tried to go through with removal but have had surgeons try to coerce them into getting a different weight-loss surgery instead of just removing it. Many have long-term damage from the band eroding the walls of their stomach or esophagus, or from the band adhering to multiple organs. Many of them had the band for 12-14 years, before removal because none of our doctors told us it needs to be removed within 10.
Many practices no longer perform Lap Band surgery and now believe it is unethical. The surgeon who removed my band still performs this surgery regularly.
A study performed in 2011 with 151 lap band patients, found that 22% of patients experienced minor complications and 39% experienced major complications. The person who coerced me into surgery actually experienced major complications and needed an emergency removal.
I experienced no serious complications. Everything I described above is considered normal. And It still drastically lowered my quality of life.
I don't know why I'm sharing this or who I'm sharing it for, but here I am. If you know anyone considering the lap band surgery, don't let them go through with it without knowing the truth. And please be kinder to your body than the medical profession wants you to be.
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crystaljade22 · 7 months
Batfamily with a Semi-forgotten sibling user
User is younger than Jason and Dick, but older than Tim and Damian.
Warnings: User death at the end, semi-graphic, not too bad, angst, bby Damian (Platonic). No fluff.
No gendered pronouns, only 'you'.
User is always swooping in to save everyone. Damian and Bruce seem to be the only ones who truly take notice.
Bruce swears he has a mini heart attack every time you crash through a window to save him when he's surrounded and clearly outnumbered. He gives you an angry (concerned) lecture when you get back to the cave about risking yourself. You continue to do so, and yet he still manages to scold you in new ways every time. He just can't bear the thought of losing another child.
Damian at first ignores you every time you come in to help. But slowly over time as you take care of him, and make sure he's taking care of his things, he slowly lets himself get attached to you as a sibling. He doesn't mind your help from time to time and definitely doesn't complain when there's a new reason to just hang out with his older sibling.
When Damian first came to Gotham, during his first winter he got slightly sick, which is really rare, and he was stuck in bed on Alfred's orders. So while Alfred was stuck tending to the others, you came in to make sure that he had eaten and was well-rested enough before you and him had fun playing games.
Now, the other boys however, don't notice you as much.
Tim gets too absorbed in work to notice when you bring him another cup of coffee or organize his files in a way that makes sense. On the field, he doesn't even recognize you as an asset. You often play support, standing on a nearby roof while you wait anxiously to hear if your father and brothers are alright. Most of the time, Tim doesn't even think you could change the outcome in his plan. Even when you come in to help, he blames it all on his "perfect" planning skills, and ignores your presence altogether.
Jason doesn't like you at all. He finds you to be a useless younger sibling. He makes sure that any time you try to interact with him, he shuts you down in the coldest, harshest way he can to make sure you stay away. There have been times when he's gotten aggressive with you on patrols together. Pushing you close to roof edges, threatening you. Of course, Bruce never lets this happen.
Dick, however, just ignores you or finds excuses to get away from you. He doesn't even really think of you as a sibling, more like an annoying stray that was brought in. He constantly uses his acrobatic skills to avoid you. If you're ever on patrols together, he finds ways to leave you alone, often going off on his own. Bruce constantly gets mad at Dick for this, trying to explain to him that you are his younger sibling, and you should not be left alone in Gotham, especially when the Joker is at large.
Now, onto the scenario.
You've been looking for Jason. All the civilians are out of the building, and so is your family, but Jason is missing.
Where is he?
You look back at the building, plumes of smoke still billowing up toward the sky. He's still in there. Your legs are moving before anyone can stop you. You hear Bruce call your hero name, but you're already rushing into the building.
"Red Hood!" You shout, scanning the building with your eyes as you run through the empty factory. You stop in front of a fallen beam, blackened from the flames that were now doused. You look over it, seeing Jason with a small child in his arms. In a rush of adrenaline, you crouch under the beam, lifting the probably 250 pound wooden beam above your head.
"Come on!" You shout to Jason, urging him to run. As he passes you, his shoulder bumps your arm. You lose your grip on the beam, falling backward. Time seemed to slow down as you landed on the ground, watching the beam succumb to gravity. As the beam crushed your legs, other parts of the building collapsed, covering up your blood-curdling scream. Fire licked at the roof of the warehouse, covering multiple other surfaces. Your eyes burned with tears, your lungs filling with smoke. As you stared up at the roof, you realized that Bruce was right. You weren't going to get out of this alive. As you saw the night sky, you saw some stars twinkling between the flames. A smile graced your face as you realized that you too, would soon join the stars, and you would always watch over your family.
Jason came barreling out of the building, the child clutched to his chest. The girl's parents came rushing over to take her from his arms. As Jason approached the others, Damian seemed to keep looking behind Jason, waiting for something to happen, or for someone to return.
"Jason, are you alright?" Bruce asks frantically, quickly approaching and scanning him over. Jason waves him off scoffing in an annoyed manner. But truly, he was a little happy that he was still cared for. Damian stood by Jason, looking out onto the burning building. His expression is serious, but his eyes hold a hidden worry. He shakes his head, turning to Jason.
"Where is Y/N?" Jason's eyes widen as he looks back at the building, his mind replaying his last moments with them. He bumped into them as they were holding up a huge beam. As he realizes his mistake, the building crumbles, ash and sparks flying into the night sky. Damian's face goes white, fear and panic coating his face as he stares at the flaming building. Tears streak down his face silently, as his body realizes, you're gone. Bruce's face darkens, his eyes going dark as he realizes he's failed to protect another child. He rests his hand on Damian's shoulder, silently telling him he can't go in to save them. Dick and Tim stared at the building, their faces numb. Dick turned out of guilt, his whole body sinking in defeat as he realizes what he's done to you. Tim can't seem to comprehend your gone.
"They'll come back later. They always do." Tim says, his voice unknowingly shaky as he watches the flames consume the building. Damian sinks to his knees, his shoulders shaking as he silently sobs. Bruce helps him stand back up, and orders everyone to return to the cave.
"No, we can bring them back. We can use a Lazarus pit and bring them back!" Damian tries to reason, trying to look back at the building.
"No Damian. They're gone. Their body is too damaged to bring back, and I'll be damned if I have to force another child back here."
Jason can only stare at the building as he realizes.
"If I hadn't bumped into them, they would be standing right beside me, like they usually do." Guilt fills his body as he realizes, he's the reason they're now gone.
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halfagone · 1 year
Wake Me Up When It's All Over
Going through Tim's things is a long, arduous process, made longer by the occasional stretch of time in which Bruce has to pause, gather his strength before he can continue his search. He commits to the act like he would any other case, even with his throat thick with emotion and fingers stiff from abusing the punching bags.
What he finds paints quite the picture.
Tim's room has always been slightly messy. While Bruce wouldn't quite call it a pigsty, he has to admit that Tim doesn't really commit to ordering his things as much as Jason might. Maybe that's why when he finds the boxes filled with items from Tim's parents, all neatly organized and carefully separated according to their type, he's a little taken aback. (The Drake's wedding photos, a small collection of baby photos, some small family heirlooms; all put into different boxes with black permanent marker scribbled over the top saying 'To burn'. As if they meant nothing, as if no one would come back to appreciate them.)
He finds Tim's photos, of course. These boxes are nearly enough to make Bruce stop working altogether, albums filled with Jason's smiling face taunting him- Every single one obviously well taken care of, adored as if they were treasured pearls (not like the photos of his birth family, the ones he's willing to part with. Bruce has never been stupid, it's not hard to notice the considerable lack of family photos of Tim with his parents.)
They find the will after three days.
Bruce doesn't want to read it. They haven't notified anyone yet of Tim's demise, worried it would be connected to the rather public death of one Red Robin, but he knows the time will come eventually. All too soon, at that, and while Bruce is always one to prepare ahead of time, he doesn't-
Bruce cards his hands together as he stares dazedly at his third son's will. He hadn't even realized Tim had made one. He was- He'd only been twenty years old. Most twenty year olds never thought to write themselves a will just in case... Maybe Tim had thought it pragmatic, with their volatile nightlife, or because he didn't want to risk Wayne Enterprises falling into the wrong hands. But Bruce had never made himself a will that young. Even a paranoid bastard like himself hadn't even-
To distract himself he scans his eyes over the names written out over the extensive will. He recognizes most names listed out, even though he arches a brow at how much money Tim leaves for Jason, or the grant to be sent to the zoo of Damian's choosing. It's little details like this that remind Bruce that for all Tim's brothers hurt him... he'd still loved them, thought of them even in absolution.
At the end of the will, however, Bruce comes across a name he doesn't recognize. He tries wracking his brain for answers, but he still comes up with nothing. So far most of the superhero community has been notified of Tim's passing, and the civilian friends in Tim's life will likely follow soon enough, maybe just before the public announcement so that they aren't taken off guard.
Nonetheless, Bruce looks into this unknown name, almost religiously, trying to pay respects to yet another son he'd failed to save in time.
He finds Daniel Draper on a farm in Scotland, skin sun-kissed even under the dreary skies. It takes a considerable amount of time to find him, due to all the safeguards Bruce ran into along the way. he recognizes the codes and habits from Tim; Tim had been the one to hide this man away as much as possible. It's not hard to figure out why. There's a little boy scurrying around in the chicken pen, maybe not even three years old, giggling as the tinier chicks hobble around his feet.
The man Bruce assumes to be 'Daniel Draper' looks up at him when he's close enough. He can't be much older than Tim, even if he's just a few inches taller.
The man calls out, "You must be Bruce! Tim warned me you might come around one day." He speaks so cheerfully, almost cheekily as he pads over to Bruce, climbing over a wood fence to get closer.
Bruce's mouth is dryer than a desert.
"Tim is dead."
Daniel's face falls in an instant.
In the distance, the little boy snaps his head up.
Bruce knows without seeing that the little boy looks exactly like his dead son.
"Did you know he was Red Robin?"
"I met him as Red Robin first, actually."
"He never told me..."
A snort. "What, that you're a grandfather? We couldn't risk it, what with Ra's..."
"Tim was sending you child support checks every month."
"He would have done it every week if I let him, honestly..." Quieter, softer: "He always was a paranoid one."
"...What will you do now?"
A sigh this time. "I'll figure something out. I'm not worried about financial stability right now. Do you want to stay for the night? I'm sure Jackson has plenty of questions for you..."
"Yes, I- I would like that. Thank you."
"Is Daddy really dead?" Little Jackson Draper (also known as Jackie Drake), named after two fathers that could've done better for their children but didn't, peers up at Danny with his wide, wide eyes and to this day Danny still hasn't figured out who Jackson inherited it from.
Danny reaches out, marveling all the while at how his hands don't tremble or shake, and brushes some of the errant hair out of Jackson's face.
"Daddy isn't dead..."
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Yes, yes, talk of a boycott mostly evaporated when the new Harry Potter game came out and people are doing "charity streams" or donating money to trans organizations despite the fact that jkr spends to the tune of millions to influence the uk to gut trans rights and buying it only gives her more money and emboldens her transphobia.
But also, talk about how antisemitic the plot of the game is literally disappeared with these same people. You don't see them donating to Jewish organizations. You don't see them saying "I can't buy something that has something so hateful as its in-game plot" which makes me think that a lot of the "progressives" who had some sort of biological imperative to buy the Antisemitism Game by the World's Richest Transphobe don't care about antisemitism, they used it to be like "Well if you don't care about trans people, maybe you'll care about Jewish people and not buy it" and when they saw that didn't work, they stopped caring about that altogether while only paying lip service to trans rights.
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gabelish · 2 months
crawls into your ask box like the girl from the ring. so i noticed you made a post about death stranding and what it says (or does not say/is not able to say) about labor and i haven't been able to stop thinking about that subject all during my playthrough but i don't have the vocabulary for it and was wondering if you had any other thoughts
Hi I have way too many thoughts about this but I tried to keep it short. I am assuming you’re referring to my joke about Drone Syndrome and Marx’s alienation theory.
We have no information as to what happened to the delivery workers pre-Stranding when drones took their jobs. Was there mass unemployment? Did people lose their homes? Did the government give them universal basic income and pay them to stay home or pursue passions (probably not)? Did they get retrained for a new field? All we know is that they developed Drone Syndrome which seems analogous to the theory of alienation.
But Death Stranding takes the alienation of labor further. It isn’t about people seeing little value in their exploited labor but people having no value because the have no labor and becoming depressed and developing hormonal imbalances. Without any labor to do at all, the delivery workers became miserable in the same way workers are when being alienated from their labor when they’re being exploited in industrialized work owned by someone else. There’s no choice, no sense of fulfillment, no sense of value, no connection. The game lore calls putting the delivery workers back in the process a step back from progress but for whatever reason doesn’t offer an alternative for what those workers could have been doing. Robots freeing people from drudgery could be good but only if those workers are able to transition into different work, or are supported without working, and not be financially ruined. We don’t know what mechanisms existed for this suddenly extinct labor field in universe. Not to mention how restless and bored many people irl get when they aren’t at work or doing basic household tasks. People want to contribute to things, people want to feel important, needed, like what they’re doing has value or impact.
There is another omission in the lore that’s interesting as well. Is there money post-Stranding? Many games have a pseudo-economy in them as a way to upgrade your abilities or gear. But in Death Stranding you get better gear by increasing your connection level with different facilities. Sam never gets paid, and no one talks about money. Igor never says “y’know corpse disposal is a dangerous job but it pays well”. Everyone seems to be motivated either out of a desire to help other humans or for personal reasons, nothing financial at all.
Post-Stranding, it was impossible to use autonomous delivery drones or planes anymore and the delivery workers who became porters were literally the most essential of essential workers so preppers and people living in cities did not die from lack of medicine or food. This sudden increase in the value of their labor caused some some of them swing the complete opposite way—developing Delivery Dependence Syndrome, becoming MULEs, contaminated by Chiralium. Literally a different class of human beings altogether, homo gestalts. The fact that they want the cargo itself simply to hoard and no longer care about delivering it to who needs it is important. That’s the breakdown. It’s no longer about helping people but simply getting things. They don’t even sell the cargo, they just keep it.
Lore-wise, the best way for porters to mitigate DDS caused by chiralium contamination was to join an organization like Fragile Express or Bridges, where the organization’s leadership, structure, support, and resources could alleviate the symptoms by increasing oxytocin production through human interaction or with smartdrugs.
Considering how anti-isolationist and anti-rugged individualism the game in, it’s clear Death Stranding is telling us being a part of a community is far better than doing it alone, and it isn’t trying to shit on self-employed labor or uplift corporatized mass organized labor, especially since there seems to be no profit motivation behind Fragile Express or Bridges. Porters are simply middle-men, filling a vital role in the post-Stranding society.
People go by nicknames based on their labor. Craftsman, Engineer, Roboticist, Novelist, etc. Sam’s name changes from Sam Strand (family) to just Sam (no family no connections) to Porter Bridges (labor and connection). Identity has become inextricably linked to labor that has once again become fulfilling. Everyone seems aware how vital their role is in the survival of humanity. Medicine and weapons aren’t all we deliver, but books and art, too. Although Sam himself is disillusioned with his labor and the world, but that’s a different topic.
Porters (and preppers) are the opposite of alienated from their labor. They know their labor is crucial to the survival of other human beings. Porters can choose the routes to deliver packages, can rest whenever they want, and aren’t doing it to make someone who owns the means of production richer. Preppers provide Sam with mutually-rewarding upgrades to his equipment, increasing his chance of survival, and humanity’s. They may not even get a wage from it, but do it because it is fulfilling, because they know other human beings depend on them. Their labor has objective value and is highly prized in the post-Stranding society. There’s no enriching shareholder value and, presumably, no money. Porters leave ladders, ropes, structures, and post-boxes filled with items for other porters simply to help each other out.
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antihero-writings · 7 months
The Uninvitation
Fandom: Pandora Hearts
Summary: Shelly's funeral was very nice. Everyone said so. Break isn't so sure. As he stands at her grave, an unwelcome visitor shows up. Written for the Pandora Hearts Month 2023 Prompt: "Grave."
It was a very nice funeral. Everyone said so.
As if funerals can be nice.
Sure, the sun was shining, the snow was sparkling. Maybe that made it nice. But should the “niceness” of funeral be measured in the kindness of the weather, and the youth of the flowers?
Then again, of course it was nice; Sheryl had spared no expense; the ceremony, the food, the flowers, the decorations were each extravagant in their own ways. Shelly surely wouldn’t have cared about pomp and circumstance, but nice plates and vases were all Sheryl had, so the rest of them weren’t about to stop her.
Sheryl always stood tall, but one day Break found her hunched over Shelly’s things, holding tight to one of her dresses, smiling softly, weeping. When he sat beside her, even though he didn’t ask, she told stories of when she was a child, murmuring old proverbs about how mothers shouldn’t have to bury their daughters.
So, no. They weren’t going to stop her.
And as she sat telling him stories, she had had the audacity to pause, look up, and ask, “Xerkkun, how are you faring?”
He smiled and said, “Don’t worry about me, Sheryl-sama.” in the most nonchalant voice he could manage.
Even though they both knew she had more than one reason to worry.
On a normal day, she would have pressed him on the matter. That day, she nodded, and looked away. They both knew talking about it would only be the hammer that smashed their fragile forms into bits.
How was that ‘nice’?
…Then again, of course it was nice; Reim had insisted on organizing it, he and Rufus shouldering as many of Sheryl’s burdens as they could, (though she still insisted on carrying more than her fair share). Rufus could be heard barking about how the roses were supposed to be red, and how the table was supposed to go over there, and the banners were all misaligned…
Break would never admit it, but he was grateful.
Then again, of course it was nice: the speeches everyone gave were full of the prettiest words.
The officiant said some generic adage about the Abyss one always hears at these things, and how she would be back to this world before long, which made everyone put their hand over their heart, and their kerchief at their eyes.
Sheryl told stories about when Shelly was a child, and liked to steal her shoes, and when she was an adult and liked to steal her duties, interrupted by those proverbs she iterated earlier, until Rufus had to take her, sobbing, off the stage.
Even Rufus, with his flowery, old words made a speech that was nice enough. Break had rolled his eyes about his turns of phrase, and profuse tears, but…even then.
It was nice.
Sharon told them all she wanted to say something, and they feared she wouldn’t get beyond the first sentence. They feared this was too much weight to put on a little girl who had lost her mother, even if she willingly took the weight on herself. But she stood tall at that podium, and voiced her speech and her stories with pride and eyes that shone with both joy and sorrow, and the crowd breathed a sigh, knowing she was far braver than they realized.
She’d make a wonderful duchess some day.
And yes, Break couldn’t deny, that was altogether nice.
They even asked Break if he wanted to say something. And maybe he did—he wouldn’t start sobbing halfway through—but…somehow he knew, if he started speaking about the woman who saved his life in more ways than one, then the words just might gush out of him until he was yelling, and cursing, and laughing like a madman. So he said something about how it would be ridiculous for a servant to speak at a noblewoman’s funeral, and bit his tongue.
He laughed to keep from crying, and he was sure they thought he was crazy. And maybe he was. He had never been someone particularly likable at first glance, and had heard gossip for a long time—about red eyes, bloodstained pasts, and underseved blessings—and wasn’t about to start caring what the world thought now.
He didn’t cry. No one would fault him if he did—it was a funeral after all. Still, he didn’t intend to.
Maybe that made him strong. And maybe that made him afraid.
Afraid he’d live up to his name.
Maybe it was something about caring. Crying meant showing he cared, cared a lot, cared too much. And caring meant losing. And crying meant a little girl and coffins and snow and “Don’t leave me!” and “Do you want to change the past?”  and “They were the most important people to you, and you couldn’t save them.”
And that wasn’t very nice to think about.
He always carried candy in his pockets, and the funeral was no exception. Some people probably thought he was insensitive, but it was all he could do to keep from biting his tongue until blood was all he could taste.
They were all fakes anyway. He didn’t want to waste his words or his tears on them.
Maybe the ‘niceness’ of a funeral is measured in how much sobbing one can hear. True, there was rather a lot of it. Even if they didn’t know her, and were only crying on general principle, rather than any specific memories, and later they would go about their days with dry eyes, and forget the nice funeral, and the nice woman.
Did that still count as nice?
The Nightrays were there; Gilbert had said he was sorry (sounding as if he thought it was his fault) and he meant it. Vincent, toeing the ground and playing with his hair, said it was all very sad, and hadn’t meant even that. (And Break would have done something violent and stupid if it wouldn’t have caused a scene). The other Nightray siblings bowed, and respectfully offered his condolences. The Vessalius’s were there too, or at least what was left of them. Oscar had tried to make them all feel better with words of encouragement, and beverages to cleanse the soul, and Ada had bawled, even though they never met.
Sure. Maybe that was nice.
Shelly was a ‘Kind girl.’ A ‘Strong woman.’ A ‘Wonderful duchess.’
Maybe that’s why they thought it was nice; they all had very fond memories of the woman who was nice.
They didn’t even know the half of it. The sunlight, the, smiles, the salvation.
He opened the box, and she was waiting for him there at the bottom.
What happens when she fades into he wind too, like all the shadows?
Despite the strength in her speech, Sharon had wept silently into his coat. He ran his hands through her hair softly, all the while praying this nice funeral would end soon.
And even then, even when she had been crying so much, for so long, even then she had the strength to stand up straight, to give sorrowful smiles, and bittersweet words to all the porcelain nobles who told her how sorry they were, what a shame, and what a nice funeral it was, and if she needed anything, don’t hesitate to send for them.
Well, she definitely had her mother in her.
Three queens on the chess board. How did he end up with them?
They all offered their condolences. With fake words, and fake sympathy, and fake offers to help.
They didn’t really know her.
As the funeral ended, Reim asked Break if he wanted a drink. It was appealing to have a quiet drink with a friend, who knew Shelly, and knew him, and wouldn’t fill the air with empty platitudes. But, if there were ever a day he wished he could drink to forget, it was today. So he laughed and said he was thinking of staying and talking to her for a while. But he knew his laugh didn’t sound quite right.
Reim nodded, patted him on the shoulder, and walked away.
Break decided to stay. To stay, and talk, alone (at last, alone,) to her grave. His words weren’t for the masses…but he’d spare a few for a stone.
When he finally stood alone memories—the good, the bad, and the beautiful—came like a flood, and he found himself at a loss for what to say. All the ‘Thank you’ and ‘I’ll miss you’s seemed worthless in the face of a name and a date on a headstone. The end of a life.
Is that all a life is? Some wordy flowers, some flowery words, a tear or two, a date on a headstone, and a nice funeral?
The last time he stood at a headstone everything was wrong with the world. Grief wasn’t a heavy, sad thing. It was a writhing, hot, angry thing. It came with a desire for vengeance, not against those who took them, but against time. And maybe, today, after the forward march, time was still unjust tyrant, and still needed a sword run through him. Or maybe Shelly lived the best life she could, and she wouldn’t want him to to be mad—in emotion or in mind .Would rather he hold flowers than a blade.
He still had the sword beside him. Just in case time came knocking.
And standing here, trying to think of what to say, and how to say it, his eyes stung with water. He sat there silently thinking until the silence filled up his lungs.
Today, grief was a heavy, sad thing.
And in this moment, alone, at the grave
Reality broke.
It cracked, and the pieces fell. Were stolen away. Something bore into it, and two red eyes shone through the hole.
“Do you want to change the past?” Asked the shadows in a deep, discordant voice.
And Break paused, eye widening, the red shimmering, swimming in itself.
See? Crying meant the Abyss.
Then…a smile crept onto his face. A spreading, stretching, stained, disdainful thing.
“Where might you be from?” He asked in the most nonchalant voice he could manage.
“I’ve come from the Abyss to help you. I can change your past, if you let me.”
Break looked down, still smiling, scoffing. “That would be a lovely thing, wouldn’t it?” He chuckled. “Make it so she didn’t have to die. Not that day at least.”
The hole grew bigger, pieces of reality falling off.
“Maybe,” Break continued, looking at the ground, “there’s another strand of time in which everything's alright."
“Yes, yes, exactly! I think we can help each other!”
A hand reached out of the hole. Cotton and lies.
Crying meant the Abyss.
And caring meant “Promise me you will keep living your life with everything you have until the very end.”
His staff clicked.
“Or maybe you're ruining a perfectly nice funeral." He chuckled. "You should find a better source of sustenance than human souls."
When he turned around to head back inside, reality refused, and only ash remained.
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mariacallous · 1 year
In the first months of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, TikTok was flooded with hashtags such as #RussiaForward or all sorts of letter Z combinations. Young bloggers praised Vladimir Putin's wisdom, expressed their admiration for Kadyrov and tried to convince their subscribers that the sanctions were ineffective. The Insider suspected that much of this content was being distributed for money and ran “background checks” on TikTokers who seemed particularly patriotic. It turned out that a video on a particular topic cost approximately 100 euros. The TikTokers themselves had little understanding of what it was they were being hired for, and for the specified price they were prepared to promote any agenda, even the most absurd one, for which The Insider promised to pay, posing as a customer on behalf of the Kremlin.
From the very beginning, Pro-Kremlin content on TikTok stood out not only because of its volume, but also because it sharply contrasted with the usual content for a generally apolitical social network - not to mention the fact that TikTok is the “youngest” social network (76 percent of the audience is under 25), and there are few sincere supporters of the authorities in this demographic. According to the NewsGuard agency, the algorithms showed fakes about Ukraine even to users who had just registered or had never been interested in the military conflict before. The service's statistics shows that in the first few months, TikToks with the hashtags #zanashih (for ours) and #mnestydno (I’m ashamed) have garnered more than 2 billion views. TikToks promoting the Wagner PMC collected another billion views.
The videos posted by blogger Yulia Pyatnikovskaya about how well Russia is doing without European food and resorts have been garnering millions of views. It is difficult to judge how many of the viewers are real people, but most of the commentators have the Russian flag on their avatars.
The blogger agreed to post a “patriotic” video for 7,000 rubles. According to Yulia, that's how much her other works with similar content cost. The only condition was that “the video should not be very harsh”.
As practice has shown, Yulia does not care what exactly she has to convey to her audience and whether there is any internal logic to it. A correspondent of The Insider suggested that Yulia post a video saying it was not the generals but pro-state bloggers like Anton Krasovsky who were to blame for the retreat of the Russian troops (the “test purchase operation” was conducted shortly after the event). The girl admitted that she didn’t really follow the events and asked for an explanation “from our government's point of view” of what exactly was happening at the front. And then she took initiative and read the articles “in one of the news feeds, which is now recognized as extremist,” and realized that the news about the withdrawal of troops “pointed people in the wrong direction.” Yulia tried to write a script but could not figure out how to blame bloggers for the army's retreat. Then she proposed a video in which she said that the Russian troops withdrew from Kyiv not because they surrendered, but to organize a humanitarian corridor.
Yulia refused to accept the full payment for the order until the restrictions on uploading content to TikTok were lifted, so the video was never published on her feed. In April, she stopped posting videos to the social network altogether.
Not everyone is willing to make politicized content. “We've already been asked. Our bloggers don't want to film such content, they are afraid of being blocked,” Yegor Charushin, producer of one of the TikTok groups, refused to post a patriotic video.
There were also those who asked for a fee several times higher than usual. For example, the manager of a blogger with one and a half million subscribers, Danil Zhandarmov, asked 40,000 rubles instead of the usual 5,000 for a politically innocuous video about the Ukrainian army being weaker than the Russian one. He blamed the content of the video for the difference in prices.
Yura Khomich, the 19-year-old owner of a small TikTok agency, turned out to be more cooperative. He was given the task of responding to a publication about Putin bathing in reindeer blood by explaining that it was normal and that other Soviet leaders had done so too. The main argument is the phrase “it is common knowledge that Stalin and Lenin bathed in blood”. The bloggers were not confused, and they agreed to put up the video for the price of several thousand rubles. Only one TtikToker refused, explaining that he “didn’t know how to present” the topic.
A few weeks later the bloggers removed the videos we had ordered from their accounts, as well as other content in support of the Russian authorities.
The Insider also experimented with even more ridiculous technical tasks. One of them was to post a video with the “sensational” idea that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky “is actually Jewish” and that his real last name is Bayraktar. Several TikTokers agreed to produce such a video, such as Maryna Bespalova, who had published videos about Zelensky before. She questioned the content of the video only after completing the task.
After Russia invaded Ukraine, TikTok limited the app’s functionality for Russian users. Bloggers from Russia were banned from posting videos and live broadcasting. The Chinese company explained this by the existence of the law on fakes. Because of the bans, TikTok’s customary user feed changed. While previously the algorithms offered users videos based on their known interests (with new users being offered videos based on common interests such as kittens, makeovers and epic fails), now military and patriotic propaganda filled the screens. This was confirmed by social media researchers: if before the ban, there was approximately equal number of pro-war and antiwar videos, after the ban 93.5% of war-related content turned into propaganda. This is still the case: most Russian users' feeds are based on old videos, and they are shown content uploaded back in February or March or even earlier.
To get around the TikTok ban, bloggers started using VPNs. They used it to change the visible location by rerouting traffic through a server in another country. However, because of the social network's algorithms, these new videos could only be seen by users who were also using a VPN. “There is indeed a way to upload new videos to bypass restrictions, but it's worth remembering that you do it under a VPN, which means your videos are only seen by those users who also have it enabled,” explained Semyon Yefimov, the author of the Russian Marketing Telegram channel. Such new videos and content from other countries can sometimes be seen by users from Russia: Tracking Exposed researchers believe that the platform’s “shadow promotion” is responsible, because the social network has not officially changed its stance. According to the analysts, in order to see political content from other countries, a user usually only needs to subscribe to the relevant account. According to The Insider, TikTok algorithms rely on thematic and political trends and select relevant content even from old videos. For example, when bloggers Yulik and Dasha Kaplan, who had been popular on TikTok, announced their divorce in the summer of 2022, old videos of them were added to the feed, even though no new videos about the divorce itself could be found in the feed.
Not all bloggers have adapted to the new realities - there are 8 times fewer new videos. According to Brand Analytics, the number of authors increased in March, but then started falling rapidly down to 45,000 in September – that number had been 300,000 at the beginning of the year. However, since TikTok users mostly watch videos picked up by algorithms, the social network's audience has not declined. According to the Mediascope research, every day about a quarter of Russians over 12 spend time on TikTok. Only Facebook and Instagram, both declared extremist in Russia back in March, saw a dramatic decrease in their audience, as Russians apparently switched to Telegram and VKontakte. Some influencers from TikTok also moved to those social networks.
This is not the first time that TikTok has been flooded with political content. During the protests in Myanmar in early 2021, people in military and police uniforms posted videos that threatened protesters with death. Content from anti-vaxxers was also a problem for TikTok. Back then, the company banned the use of certain words in posts. For example, users were blocked for mentioning blood. Russian feminists talking about menstruation had to contrive new ways to spell the word, such as “krov”. TikTok had already been banning individual accounts for violating the restrictions. However, a complete ban on posting videos for all users in a certain territory was applied for the first time.
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tortillasconsal · 1 year
Happy (late) Working Woman's Day 💜💜💜
Kinda late bc I had lots of work to do the 8th and forgot about it 💀 and then I went on strike yesterday in protest of women's rights and dignity.
Which is the thing I'll be talking about here in order to commemorate the Feminist Movement!
I don't know about other countries, but here in Mexico we celebrate Women's Day and protest for three days. One of those days being March 9, a peaceful protest named "El Nueve no se Mueve" (The Nine doesn't Move of something like that), where women and afab people don't get out of their houses for the whole day (we call this type of protest "Paro", it's closest translation would be stop)
We don't go to school, we don't go to work, we don't even take out the trash. Some people even take this all the way to their social media, like I did.
The point of this protest is to demonstrate a world without women. What would happen if your sister, your co-worker, your girlfriend or your bestie suddenly disappears? Because that's the reality for a lot of people whose loved ones actually did.
Now obviously not every single woman in Mexico follows this for various reasons: they don't believe in the movement or this protest, they can't risk their job/studies, they just don't know about it. And this is all ok and respected.
There are women who can't skip a day and have to go to work, but do different things in order to support the fight when they can't join.
They refuse to speak for the whole day, wear full black and/or purple or don't do anything that would make them stand out.
Now let's talk about allies
Many people and places also demonstrate their support for the movement in many ways.
A good example is schools and teachers who let their afab students skip a day without any consequences.
Sometimes they also organize little festivities in order to educate people on the feminist movement. Like my college did: they dedicated March 8 to a Film Festival with Feminist Cinema and today (March 10) some feminist icons from the region will come and do a speech about their experiences in marches and other types of protests.
Sadly, many places don't care or respect this protest. With most places not allowing women to skip a day and even punishing them for taking part in the paro, or go the opposite way and cancel classes altogether. Which completely dismisses the whole point of the day.
But anyways, this is just one of the many other things we have here in Mexico to commemorate women's fight for equality, equity, liberation and dignity. There's still the Bloque Negro (Black Square) of the protests, the case of Luis Castillo and his missing daughter Esmeralda Castillo, and the murals filled with stories and confessions that girls put in their schools.
Not every country is as safe or as dangerous as the other, and by proxy not every protest is the same. I thought sharing this little thing from my country would be a nice way to share, educate and celebrate Women's Day with you people.
Have a nice Women's History Month too 💜
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bloodsoaked-gown · 1 year
and yeah i did went on a quest to search and watched loads of youtube video essays(well professional doctors mostly but who knows(denial)) and the conclusion i s t h a t i n e e d h e l p, not like something i didnt knew and well not literally the most horrific things have been done to me it was quite a load of things and yes the baggage is a lot which is making me having all this symptoms(oh i hate this word) and what can i do about it well pretty simple few steps- (well this is for future me reference)
get away and have a safe secure space where these things wont happen to me ( for that i got to work which is what im not able to manage but well i will its not like i have much of a choice or luck so all left with me is this dumbass(myself))
talk about it, verbally, voice out my thoughts with my mouth to someone professional or just some friend or someone so that it does something in brain and yada yada (i dont feel like writing all of that)
slowly unpack traumatic stuff and work on them rearrange them, this is what self love or care is not that overrated internet get up early and go run and diet and all of that(they are important yes but thet arent the self care that are immediately needed or something very curing)
learn to be patient things wont get all better in one day or month it will take ages cause things have accumulated over ages, even if they were small they are now altogether this big mess like the woolen ball and you need time to slowly un-knot everything
and yeah be healthy cause well guess what *MENTAL ISSUES STRESS AND STUFF DO ALSO CAUSE PHYSICAL SYMPTOMS CAUSE BRAIN IS AN ORGAN UNLIKE OTHERSSS* thats very nerve-wracking tbh, and it wont hurt to be not rotting on bed as you hit your 40s
be positive and yeah check yourself when you are being negative or addicitive or doing something yk isnt right cause girl nothing is gonna be good if you are all about bad bad bad, its hard but start normalizing things you cant change and focus on good things (on that note, start the journalling a bit on paper tumblr isnt very private space for you tho typing is actually more easy for you and the other reasons but yeah stop that asap,)
so bitch get started with studying for your sake and everything at worse you die or fail but at best you get to be far from here and if the probability is 50/50 why are you not even giving hope in the 50 thats good instead of that shitty one.
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Thanks for answering my previous ask!
I have nobody to share this with so hopefully you won't mind me sharing it here: So far, recovery has been going pretty ok for me. For now, I'm avoiding the mirror and I shower with the lights off, and those are behaviours I'll have to work on one day too but for now it seems to be the best course of action, because seeing myself in the mirror would most likely cause me to relapse. Especially since I know for a fact that I'm totally bloated right now, so whatever I'd see in the mirror wouldn't even be an accurate reflection, but my disordered mind wouldn't listen to that.
I'm currently going through the dreaded extreme hunger phase, which is partly why I'm so bloated lol. For the first few days I've been alright with it but it's like the 4th day of my mind and stomach both screaming for food like vultures and tbh I'm starting to feel kinda guilty about it. I realise that it's a part of the process and that it's good for my organism and that my body is trying to repair itself, but my ED is slowly rearing its ugly head and scolding me a ton, saying that I'll gain weight, trying to convince me to look in the mirror, etc. So far I've been able to resist and I also keep reminding myself that I SHOULD gain weight because I've been horrfically underweight all of my life and I'd be much better off at a healthy weight. The only problem that keeps weighing on me is that I have a really big issue with folds. Even though folds are completely normal and everyone who's not very underweight has them when they slouch or sit, my mind has somehow become convinced that rolls mean being fat. I'm not sure how to get rid of that mentality. If you have any ideas, I'd love to hear them.
Another thing I found out is that I might have to give up romantic relationships for the time being. Even though I've struggled with anorexia for most of my life, going through on and off phases, my last relapse and the worst I've ever had occurred after I got into a relationship. Specifically it seems that a lot of my behaviour hinges on the obsession with being "perfect" for my partner. I can't let go of thinking about needing to be as thin and hourglass-shaped as possible for my partner, and I can't let go of the fear that if I get to a normal weight and perhaps lose some of that hourglass look, he won't find me attractive anymore and will leave me. I'm like constantly horrified of the possibility of being seen naked or in tight clothes, I'm plagued by the desire to be as attractive to him as possible and then to stay exactly like that for as long as possible. I attempted to talk to him about it before considering breaking up, but he made it clear that he doesn't wish to discuss my mental health problems with me, and as much as I'd like to, I can't just turn this problem off with a flip of a switch. So I decided that I'll most likely break my relationship off and stop dating altogether until I manage t somehow fix my chain of thought. At least I personally think that's the best solution for now.
I definitely don't mind you sharing! I usually do post things my followers choose to share, since I think it can really help create solidarity among the ED community. It can show others that they are not alone, and sharing recovery tips is always a plus too!
It seems like you've got some great harm reduction strategies in place in the form of avoiding scrutinizing your body while you prioritize getting regular nutrients into you again. That's really important. I think you're right that you will eventually have to learn to be able to view your body again, but if you just need to avoid visual triggers in order to eat better, that definitely comes first. You might want to practice just falling in love with your body exactly as it is - as the vessel that is doing its best to take care of you and keep you alive.
So, for example, if you did catch a glimpse of yourself and you happened to notice some recovery bloat or other triggers, you could take time to say to yourself, "That is my body doing what it needs to do to heal me. My body is trying its best to make me healthy and well, and this is what it needs to do." I think body image issues are something shared by all people who are going through health issues, since bodies do tend to do weird stuff while they're healing. Illness is only pretty on TV, not in real life.
Maybe when your ED is scolding you, you can take some time to examine where those thoughts are coming from? Like you could say "I wonder if I should be scolded for enjoying my food as humans do?" Or "I don't think it's such a bad thing to allow my body to heal." Don't try to fight the thoughts or stop them from coming, even though they're hard. Just gently challenge those thought patterns so that you can adjust your thought patterns gradually and become more aware of them. This is what I'd suggest especially when you start thinking about things like rolls, which seem to be a big trigger for you. You can perhaps engage with the thought directly, and say things to yourself like "If I need to hurt myself to pursue a roll-free body, is that something really worth pursuing?" Keep in mind that, since you're deep in ED thoughts, your mind might respond with "yes." As I mentioned before, trying to fight off negative thoughts will only give you more anxiety around them. Instead, acknowledge them, consider what feelings are causing them. The negative thoughts will not change overnight. It will take practice.
I'd also suggest, and this may take practice since it sounds like you've struggled with fear of fatness for a long time, that you just take a moment, when you have the capacity for it, to address how you have learned to think about fat bodies. Do people who are truly fat deserve less love, less respect, less estimation of worth? Society may have taught you that they do, but I think it's time to challenge that. Again, your mentality won't change overnight, so don't beat yourself up.
Lastly, I think it's so, so strong of you to prioritize your health over this relationship. That is such a hard choice to make! But honestly, even though it's really difficult now, I think you will realize down the line that someone who doesn't want to talk about/support your mental health is someone you can't build a healthy relationship with down the line. I hope you get lots of quality time to spend just pouring lots of love and energy into yourself, and perhaps work with a therapist on some of the body and intimacy issues you've been dealing with, if therapy is an option for you. I hope that you get together with someone down the line who is interested in building a relationship based on mutual support!
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copperfirebird · 2 years
Why is it always
that I'm writing a single throwaway line to set up a joke and then the throwaway line becomes it's own joke, and then I've got 500 words of gory violence and haven't actually gotten to Jack and Chase at all?
Wuya grumbled as she made her way through the ruins of the western abbey. She was certain she'd left a few wu here centuries ago, back when it had been home to a thriving community of Satanic nuns, but now it was little more than a pile of rocks that was slightly more organized than average and a historical plaque announcing that it used to be an abbey and a little knot of people from one of those damn ghost hunter shows Jack liked to watch when he was ignoring her and--
"Infrared is picking up a secret door!" one of them yelled, and now they had Wuya's attention.
She stepped closer, watching as they struggled to pull some of the larger rocks out of the way. It was pathetic in a way that reminded her even more of Jack, which reminded her of the fact that Jack was currently working alongside Chase on some evil plan that the warlord had not wanted to tell her about, which only made her more annoyed.
"Move," she told the humans, and they had the good sense to scuttle like insects before her even if the one with the camera was pointing her way. Wuya was not at full power by any stretch of the imagination, but she had the strength to move a few pebbles and open a rotting wood door.
She strode into the darkened passageway, then turned back to the humans. "You have a device to see in the dark, do you not?"
One of the hosts nodded.
"Very well. Come with me." She had some night-vision, but not enough for the intricate lock she remembered in their vault. Wuya might detest most of Jack's technological distractions, but she had learned that some had their uses. The host hustled to keep up with her, followed by the person with the camera.
Wuya gave careful instructions for the little man to follow, his hands shaking as he reached in, turning and sliding the pieces of metal embedded in the vault door. Finally there was a loud, solid thunk and a scream as the host saw through his device that his hand had been severed at the wrist before he even felt the pain. The metal on the door began to glow softly as blood absorbed into it, and then it swung open.
The host was still screaming, an altogether delightful sound, and the camera person was clearly frozen in place, not sure what to do, in the thirty seconds or so it took Wuya to step into the vault and collect the host's hand. She paused for a moment, but he had been properly deferential to her, so it was only fair. She took the man's hand back to him, pressing it against his wrist so the enchantment that went with the vault's spell would knit it back into place.
He stopped screaming, instead staring at it in mute horror. The camera stayed focused on the healing arm while Wuya went back into the vault, opening the chest and removing the small pouch inside.
It was, she reflected, a bit of a shame she'd never thought to bring Jack here. It would have been so much more fun if she'd made him open the vault. Still, she'd gotten what she came for. She thanked the host and the cameraperson as she walked out into the overcast afternoon and then disappeared.
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healthsupplement24 · 23 days
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Feel confident with ProDentim! Our 60-day money-back guarantee ensures your satisfaction. If, within the initial 60 days of purchase, you're not completely satisfied with the results, we've got you covered. No questions asked! Simply reach out to our ProDentim portal, return the product – even if the bottles are empty – and receive a full refund within 48 hours. It's a risk-free opportunity to prioritize your dental health. ProDentim is committed to your well-being, offering you the freedom to embark on this transformative journey worry-free. Your satisfaction is our top priority, making ProDentim the trted choice for a healthier, happier smile!
Prodentim Supplement's Ingredinets
ProDentim  Supplement is formulated with a thoughtfully curated selection of ingredients to support optimal dental health. This dental supplement boasts a distinctive combination of natural elements, including probiotics, minerals, and plant extracts. Below is an in-depth breakdown of the key ingredients present in ProDentim and their roles in enhancing overall oral well-being:
1.Lactobacill paracasei
Promotes healthy gums and sines by generating lactic acid. Maintains a balanced oral microbiome. Aids in preventing the growth of harmful bacteria.
2. B.lactis BL-04®
Clinically proven to restore equilibrium in the oral microbiome by balancing good bacteria. Supports oral health by preventing infections, inflammation, and maintaining healthy teeth and gums.
3. Lactobacill Reuteri
Known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Helps prevent inflammation in the gums and teeth. Stimulates the production of antimicrobial agents, controlling the growth of harmful bacteria.
4. Inulin
A prebiotic fiber derived from chicory root. Serves as food for beneficial bacteria in the oral microbiome. Promotes the growth of good bacteria, forming a protective barrier against bad breath, gum disease, and other oral health issues.
5. Malic Acid
An essential mineral for maintaining strong bones and teeth. Commonly found in natural sources like milk, cheese, and yogurt. Supports tooth health by providing a source of calcium necessary for tooth and bone structure.
6. Tricalcium Phosphate
An essential mineral for maintaining strong bones and teeth. Commonly found in natural sources like milk, cheese, and yogurt, tricalcium phosphate supports tooth health by providing a source of calcium necessary for tooth and bone structure.
Known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Helps reduce swelling and redness in the gums. Exhibits antimicrobial properties that kill harmful bacteria in the mouth, refreshing breath and soothing discomfort associated with dental issues.
ProDentim Frequently Asked Questions
What is Prodentim?
Prodentim is a dental hygiene product designed to promote oral health. It may include toothpaste, mouthwash, or other dental care products.
How does Prodentim differ from other dental products on the market?
Prodentim stands out due to its unique formulation, which may include advanced ingredients specifically chosen to address vario oral health concerns. It is designed to provide effective results in maintaining a healthy and clean mouth.
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smartcarediagnostics · 2 months
Simplifying Healthcare: How SmartCare Diagnostics Makes Finding Affordable Blood Tests a Breeze
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In today's busy world, keeping track of our health is super important. But sometimes, finding affordable blood tests from trustworthy companies can be really hard. There are so many diagnostic centers out there, each with different prices and services. It can be confusing and stressful!
That's where SmartCare Diagnostics Pvt Ltd comes in. It's a cool digital healthcare platform that makes finding the best blood test deals super easy. No more spending hours online or calling around – with SmartCare Diagnostics, it's just a click away.
Stress-Free Health Checkups
Whether you need a regular health checkup or specific tests done, SmartCare Diagnostics has you covered. They've got all the price lists from top companies like Thyrocare, Dr Lal Path, Suburban Diagnostics, Metropolis, and Agilus. You can easily compare prices and services without all the hassle.
All the Tests You Need
SmartCare Diagnostics isn't just about prices – they've got info on all sorts of tests too. From basic blood work to fancy screenings, everything you need to know is right there. No more guesswork or confusion!
Easy Peasy Home Sample Collection
Who has time to go to a diagnostic center? With SmartCare Diagnostics, you can get your samples collected right at home. Just pick a time that works for you, and a friendly professional will come to you. It's super convenient and saves you a ton of time.
One-Stop Shop for Health
SmartCare Diagnostics puts all the info you need right at your fingertips. Whether you're a tech whiz or just getting started online, their platform is easy to use. Say goodbye to the stress of booking blood tests – SmartCare Diagnostics makes it a breeze.
Taking Control of Your Health
At SmartCare Diagnostics, They believe everyone should have access to affordable healthcare. By making prices transparent and services convenient, they're helping people take charge of their health. It's all about making healthcare simple and accessible for everyone.
In short, finding affordable blood tests from top companies doesn't have to be a headache anymore. With SmartCare Diagnostics, you can take care of your health without all the stress. Say hello to easy, hassle-free healthcare – it's just a click away!
10 Title- Tips to Improve Liver Function Quickly
Tips to Improve Liver Function Quickly
The liver is an incredible organ with the remarkable ability to regenerate and heal itself. However, various factors like poor diet, excessive alcohol consumption, and sedentary lifestyles can hamper its function. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to enhance liver function swiftly. In this article, we'll explore effective strategies to improve liver health rapidly, including lifestyle changes geared towards fostering better liver function.
How to Improve Liver Function Fast?
Stay Hydrated: Adequate hydration is crucial for supporting liver function. Water helps flush toxins out of the body, allowing the liver to function optimally. Aim to drink at least eight glasses of water per day to keep your liver hydrated and healthy.
Consume Liver-Friendly Foods: Incorporate foods that are beneficial for liver health into your diet. Include plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins in your meals. Foods rich in antioxidants, such as berries, leafy greens, and nuts, can help protect the liver from damage.
Limit Alcohol Consumption: Excessive alcohol consumption can wreak havoc on the liver, leading to inflammation, fatty liver disease, and even liver failure. Limit your alcohol intake or, ideally, abstain from alcohol altogether to promote liver health.
Avoid Processed Foods: Processed foods are often high in unhealthy fats, sugars, and additives that can burden the liver. Opt for whole, nutrient-dense foods instead, which provide essential vitamins and minerals without taxing the liver.
Exercise Regularly: Engaging in regular physical activity is beneficial for liver health. Exercise helps reduce fat accumulation in the liver, improves circulation, and enhances overall metabolic function. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week.
Maintain a Healthy Weight: Obesity and excess body fat can contribute to fatty liver disease and impair liver function. By maintaining a healthy weight through a balanced diet and regular exercise, you can reduce the risk of liver-related complications.
Get Sufficient Sleep: Quality sleep is essential for overall health, including liver function. Aim for 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep per night to allow your body to repair and regenerate, promoting optimal liver health.
Lifestyle Changes for Better Liver Health
Quit Smoking: Smoking not only damages the lungs but also harms the liver. Quitting smoking can significantly improve liver function and reduce the risk of liver-related diseases.
Manage Stress: Chronic stress can take a toll on liver health by triggering inflammation and impairing detoxification processes. Practice stress-reduction techniques such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, yoga, or spending time in nature to support liver health.
Limit Exposure to Toxins: Minimize your exposure to environmental toxins and chemicals that can harm the liver. Use natural cleaning products, avoid prolonged exposure to pesticides and other harmful substances, and opt for organic foods whenever possible.
Stay Up to Date with Vaccinations: Certain viral infections, such as hepatitis A and B, can cause liver damage. Stay up to date with vaccinations to protect yourself against these infections and safeguard liver health.
Timely Detection Screening with Smartcare Diagnostics: Timely detection and screening are crucial for identifying liver diseases early on. Smartcare Diagnostics offers accurate diagnostic services to detect liver issues and provide timely interventions. By getting regular screenings, you can ensure early detection of any abnormalities and take proactive steps to maintain liver health.
Consult a Healthcare Professional: If you're experiencing persistent symptoms of liver dysfunction or have concerns about your liver health, consult a healthcare professional. They can provide personalized advice, conduct tests to assess liver function, and recommend appropriate treatments or lifestyle modifications.
In conclusion, improving liver function quickly requires a combination of dietary changes, lifestyle modifications, and healthy habits. By incorporating these tips into your daily routine, you can support liver health, boost overall well-being, and enjoy a healthier life.
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beyondicelebrities · 2 months
Book 2 reflection - How to do Nothing, by Jenny Odell
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When I first saw the book's name, I was worried that the book would be one more self-help about optimizing time in our lives. But his book turned out to be a great inspiration for me. It made me reflect on the balance in our world. We live in a world that doesn't stop. We are always doing something, worrying with time, working with the capitalist thinking that is engraved in us without us even realizing it. Social media, platforms are an example of that. Companies use different platforms to learn about you, to produce products that will make them profit, and to generate ads and algorithms that will distract you from a more self-centered life to a more consumerist life that might not be for your benefit, but for theirs.
Time from a human perspective is related to the productivity and accomplishments of new and innovations. However, this book brings the perspective on how we can deal with the world surrounding us, not being dependent on following the rigid timelines and expectations of capitalist thinking, breaking free of the need to be doing something, having something, and taking time to take care ( real care) of ourselves.
The author explores this idea in different scenarios, showing examples of people who stopped their lives as they were living and decided to take time to think, observe, listen, and learn. These people are celebrities to me. Very brave people who decided that different is okay, different is good, and different should be the new normal.
In the book, the author tells the story of a marketing intern who goes to work to exercise the power of thinking without doing anything at her working table, people would be very bothered by her behavior, and she stands to her right of not expressing, and doing nothing. This is one of the examples, maybe a little extreme, but it makes me think, that people were bothered because that seemed weird, they are so used to being burned out on things to do that doing nothing became a problem.
The notion of free time was an interesting topic for me. Before reading the book I saw free time as a time to clean my apartment, cook, and sleep. But the book made me think about what was free time for me when I was a kid. I used to draw, make collages, lay down on my room floor, and literally do nothing but connect to my thoughts, observe the shadows of the sun in the wall, create narratives, and write. I used to write short stories because it was fun. We grow, and we lose that. If you ask me when I stopped, I wouldn't be able to answer, because it was an organic change made by my surroundings. In the book, the author talks a lot about questioning our will to do nothing regardless of what is happening around us.
Nature is the greatest professor we could have in life. Animals live free from the "human timezone", the way they connect deeply in the moment and how they observe the surroundings is a great lesson for humans. It is important to mention that the book is not an anti-tech book, it simply makes you think about questioning our notions of productivity altogether. Technology has a big role in our lives regarding work, studying, and interacting with others. However, it is also important to identify the cost that it has to our most primitive senses, such as observing our surroundings, connecting to them, and allowing ourselves to connect internally with our thoughts, which also makes us achieve a new vision of who we are and who we not.
During the Pandemic, our workspaces were combined with our homes, and people started having more time in one place, being forced to interact with their surroundings in a way they hadn't before. There were last appointments and urgency to be in multiple places within an hour or at once. People started noticing things, plants that were there for years, but never really noticed. Hobbies and activities were introduced in many people's lives, it was a time to rethink, a time to recognize how crazy and intense routines were, how attached to the clock our lives are. In my opinion, it is essential. One of the most devastating moments in history was also life-changing. Maybe, this was the reason why this book became such a great read for the quarantine. People started having realizations but needed to learn how to deal with these realizations. A moment of realization is followed by the understanding that this realization, this one thing, is actually the door to many other ones, and the only way to look at them is by spending time and having the patience to explore in depth. But it takes time. And we don’t really have free time.
Practicing detox breaks is so important, and revitalizing. However, it is hard to have one if it is not considered a priority in the daily routine. I personally try my best, go for runs, and walk around the city without using my phone or earbug. But I needed to be reminded sometimes. Being 20, living alone, studying, working, and living in Manhattan is not easy to have time to ground myself, be off-screen, take a deep breath, and observe nature. I try my best, but it is hard.
Regarding sleeping, I try reading before going to bed, but many days I need to be working on school assignments until night, which also means having my computer and my cellphone with me for a very long time. This being said, I try my best. One thing that I do to try to minimize the impact of the blue light in my eyes before going to bed is to use glasses that block the light.
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“My experience is what I agree to attend to. Only those items which I notice shape my mind—without selective interest, experience is an utter chaos.” 
It was a great walk! Surprisingly calm considering my noisy neighborhood. I was able to observe some beautiful trees that were blossoming, and some birds ( many pigeons to be honest), and I saw some coffee shops that I had never realized before. Madison Square Park was really beautiful and it was a sunny day.
the map:
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mymedtrips · 4 months
Heart Treatment in India at Low Cost
Heart is the main organ of our circulatory system. It is a muscular organ which pumps blood throughout the body. The heart is about the size of a closed fist, and is located in the middle compartment of the chest, between the lungs and partially to the left of the centre. It rests on diaphragm, behind the breastbone. The heart is protected by the ribcage. The average weight of an adult’s heart is 250-350 grams.
The heart is made up of several layers of a tough muscular wall called myocardium, and a thin layer of tissue called pericardium covers the outside of the heart. There is another layer which lines the inside wall of the heart called endocardium. The heart is divided into two chambers, the upper chamber is called atrium or auricle, and the lower chamber is called ventricle, each are furthermore divided into other two chambers, left atrium and right atrium and left ventricle and right ventricle, so, there are total four chambers of the heart. The two atria are the receiving chambers for entering the blood to the heart whereas the ventricles pump out the blood from the heart. There are valves in the door which acts like doors between the heart chambers. They open and close to allow the blood to flow through the body.
The heart’s function is directed by the brain and the nervous system. Though the main function of the heart is to pass blood throughout the body, but it also controls the rhythm and the speed of heart rate and maintains the blood pressure of the body. The heart works with other systems of our body to control other body functions, like the nervous system and the endocrine system.
There are different types of heart conditions and problems which are altogether known as heart disease. Cardiovascular diseases include disease of the heart which is the leading cause of death worldwide. The following can be the heart conditions:
When the heart stops beating, the blood will not reach out to the brain and other organs of the body and the person may die within minutes. This is called cardiac arrest. When a person experiences cardiac arrest, he will be unable to speak and breath, and will have no heartbeat.
A plaque buildup leading to narrowing of the coronary arteries is called coronary artery disease.
Atrial fibrillation is irregular electrical impulses in the atrium. Heartbeat that is too fast or too slow, or beats in an irregular rhythm is arrythmia. Cardiomyopathy is the unusual thickening, enlargement or stiffening of the heart muscle. Pericarditis is an inflammation in the heart’s pericardium lining.
To keep the heart healthy, one should maintain a healthy lifestyle. Best heart doctors in India also suggest drug treatment and surgery are the other options for heart treatment and these can be done in best heart hospital in India. There are several tests to diagnose heart disease: chest X-ray, tests, electrocardiogram, holter monitoring, echocardiogram, exercise tests, cardiac CT scan, cardiac MRI scan. When the heart is damaged severely and the medicine is not effective, a heart transplant may be needed. Heart transplant involves replacing a damaged heart with a healthy donor heart.
Best Heart Hospitals in India
Some of the top heart hospitals in India which provide best treatments and care for a cardiac patient can be: Fortis Escorts Heart Institute, New Delhi; Asian Heart Institute, Mumbai; Apollo Hospitals, Chennai.
Best Heart Surgeons in India
Some of the best cardiologists in India are: Dr. Z. S. Meharwal, Dr. Naresh Trehan, Dr. Ramakant Panda.
My Med Trip is a leading medical tourism company in India. We are offering complete medical and healthcare services with medical consulting in India for foreign patients. We help patients in finding the best hospitals, top doctors, and good accommodations at affordable costs in India. We offer surgeries, treatment and transplant. Some of them are kidney transplant cost in India, heart transplant, bone marrow transplant cost in India, cancer treatment, liver transplant in India,  prostate cancer, best cardiologist in India, ovarian cancer, hip replacement surgery cost in India, knee replacement, shoulder replacement surgery cost in India, brain tumor,  breast cancer surgery in India, orthopaedic surgery cost in India, breast cancer surgery cost in India, shoulder surgeons,best hospital for prostate treatment in India, orthopaedic surgeons, liver cancer treatment in India, heart valve replacement,  top heart hospital in India, knee surgeons, best Kidney transplant hospital in India and so on.
Source: https://mymedtrips.blogspot.com/2023/10/heart-treatment-in-india_13.html
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