#storm lover
weeb-polls-with-pip · 5 months
Autistic Anime Boys Prelims - Propaganda Division - Group 8
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Itsuki -
"Does things in ways the protagonist sees as strange and talks in a very formal and roundabout way. He also talks with his hands a lot. He has admitted to faking his personality to be more to Haruhi Suzumiya's liking in both the main timeline and the timeline where he's an ordinary human."
Akira -
"Akira cares deeply for animals maybe even more than other people, he’s completely oblivious to the fact both his best friends are in love with him and when he fuses with a demon to become a demon hunter he calls himself Devilman because he’s a demon and a man at the same time."
Yukiteru -
"Yuki is incredibly socially awkward but also has a knack for befriending odd people, he writes everything he sees in his diary and is super dedicated to keeping the format exactly the same every time oh and did I mention his ‘imaginary friend’ is a science themed god?"
Haru -
"He's really into the patterns of storytelling, and his goal in life is to be a "protagonist". Once he becomes an Appli Driver, he places a lot of his self-worth in being a protagonist and the role he fulfills (which, in my opinion, is a type of script-following) and he winds up in a bad place when he realizes him being a protagonist was built on a lie. He spends all of his free time reading & sometimes gets so invested in reading that he skips out on social activities (and lets his 2ft monster (Gatchmon) go trick-or-treating in broad daylight all on their own). He always has the same pair of goggles on his head but wears them maybe once. His buddy Appmon (digimon partners are often reflections of their human partners) is basically the personification of a search engine and will go on tangents about whatever they've looked up."
Mio -
"Has special interests in ancient medicines and photography. Abstract thoughts and oblivious to social norms. Resists change (example: reacted negatively to the schools curry being unavailable since that is his possible safe food). Other characters notes him as being strange. Poor reasoning (example: Thinks it more efficient to just take supplements instead of eating). Ignores other in pursuit of his interests."
Akira Agarkar -
"A 25 year old man who works for a government agency named D.U.C.K., where flamboyant/eccentric people investigate aliens, and goes undercover as a highschooler to gain information about Haru; doing a poor job of trying to blend in. He is a quirky silly man and his best friend is a duck named Tapioca who he talks to. He also has a special interest in fishing and gets so excited by it that he sometimes yells "FIIIIIIISHH" in English when he reels them in. Bad puns upset him so much that he is physically incapacitated and lies on the floor. What else can I say, I love him."
Kaiji -
"Can't tell when he's being tricked by other characters, and sees human connection as pointless because of how isolated he feels. Says that other see him as weird and that 'being difficult' is easier for him than acting like someone he isn't."
Shou -
"His special interest is math. He uses math terms in regular conversations and calls people yoctograms/zeptograms which earned him monikers such as "math man" and "pi-face". Speaking of Pi, he once shouted 155 consecutive digits of it through a megaphone just because he could. He's so normal."
Saguru -
"high school detective who shows up to crime scenes in full sherlock holmes cosplay because this is totally a normal thing one does, right?"
Souji -
"this lonely genius used to be a computer-like man, now he's a (tragic) villain. the bisexual who swings both ways and misses both times, he's associated with insects/butterflies, flowers/black roses, anachronism, beautiful memories, elevators, and coffins- but who in SKU isn't, really? oh, and fire. he's also voiced by Midorikawa Hikaru at his raspy best."
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st-louis-fan-club · 8 months
My Storm Lover Merch (So Far)
Today I am showing off the merch I currently own.
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First up I have the Still Selection Bakappuru Custom Visual Book released by B'sLog (Left) and The Official Fanbook (Right) I have the Official Fanbook scanned so I may post some stuff from it!
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The Storm Lover Original UMD Video. I haven't got a clue whats on it since I don't own a PSP currently.
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The Winter Vacation Drama CD (Left) and the Winter Vacation complete set of Pins and Acrylic Charms/Standees (Right). I don't have Yuto since I'm giving him to my friend who loves Yuto. I have The Kyosuke set up as a standee on my shelf.
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2 clear files from the Natsu Koi Arashi event and The Official Fanbook.
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Some assorted Takumi items. On the left I think its a UMD case? I don't remember exactly. And on the right is a Rubber charm and a pin! (The pin was a bonus gift I got with one of the packages. It was a nice surprise)
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The Soya and Kyosuke spoons from the Stage play! I have a goal to find the other 4!
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The Normal and Natsukoi Mangas! (theres a 3rd Manga I'm waiting to get currently)
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And finally! I have the Yuna Acrylic Charm/Standee. She looks like a little fruit salad! (left) and a rubber bracelet from the Natsu Koi Arashi event! I wear it regularly! (Right)
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I hope you enjoyed! I will update when i have more stuff!
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This insane stormy weather we've had for the last 2 days straight is boosting me so much. This is MY weather ⛈🌩🥰
My body always feels better when it storms. My mood improves. My energy levels go up. It's like it's recharging me as it rages.
Love it.
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linasyell · 2 years
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hot girls have tailbone pain
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cherrymeowbangbang · 4 months
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Omg Inuzuka-sensei PLEASE look at me with such an indecent gaze #coquette #lanadelreycore
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I feel this in my soul. I wish it was storming now.
That said I’m excited to announce Hubby and I will be moving back up north where our hearts and souls never truly left... which means we will be down sizing and selling off some of our various collections.  
I’ll make one or two posts about it later on with a list of what we will be parting with for any one who might want to snag something. Wish us luck if you will <3
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Something Outside Their Standing Agreement [Pt. 2]
Summary: Yui deals with the feelings she caught along the way. Soya pressures her for a cinematic break-up.
Rating: K+ - Suitable for more mature childen, 9 years and older, with minor action violence without serious injury. May contain mild coarse language. Should not contain any adult themes.
Words: 2030
Notes: New year, old fic. Let’s go, people. BTW, Misaki is savage.
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Yui has not fully sorted out her feelings yet, and it is starting to get humiliating.
It has been another month now, hers and Soya's fake dating ruse still going on, strong than ever. The boys, so helpfully, tease them relentlessly about it, as some start to get an inkling about her changing attitude towards him.
Now, she is standing alone, in the middle of a crowded club, a sea of partygoers in different stages of domain of their mental faculties crowding in a mass around her. It is not her usual scene, but it was Wisecrack Revolver’s best gig of the year and so she felt inclined to attend.
Everyone celebrating together as the music added to the effect. It can be nice, somewhat.
Yui has not talked or seen her fake boyfriend yet, having only exchanged glances with him during the show, and even then, Soya barely paid attention to her. His gaze was always on the person who stood two rows to her front.
She tried not to get too affected by it, but it did not help that when he began singing a love ballad. His eyes never searched for her, but for a particular light-haired girl.
So, imagine her shock when he suddenly appeared next to her in the crowded music venue. He was changed out of his show attire, his hair washed and dried of sweat and spray gunk, and his scent enveloping her.
"Congrats!" Yui yelled in his ear, making sure he heard she.
Soya smiled at her, waving a modest hand her way.
"Yeah, yeah. I don't care about that…" He tries to say before she interrupts the boy with a bear hug. "Uh...?"
She squeezes him. "I'm proud of you. Truly."
In the two months that she has known him so intimately, it seems impossible not to like the boy. She pulls away from him but lean in to give him a small kiss on the cheek.
Then Soya starts to laugh awkwardly, confused about what was going on with his tentative friend.
"Yui, no one's here to watch us. Have you drank too much, or…?" He questions, her expression turning into an awkward one at his words.
"No, I just… I mean, am I not allowed to do that? You… You've never made rules about that. I guess, um, well, I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable or anything." She stuttered, her mind blanking as he stares at her weirdly.
"I'm not uncomfortable, you just never do that." He chuckles, patting she on the shoulder. "Alright, I'm going to go find Wakana. She talked to me right before the show, y'know?"
"She did?" Yui asked, her heart skipping a beat.
Soya smiled like a fool in love, remembering the scene.
"Yeah. She told me good luck and all that. I think she was about to kiss me, too! But of course, I'm in a relationship." He says cheekily.
Before she could reply to his story, however, Takuya came over to where they are, with some girl in his hold. He immediately captured Soya in a hug, though it looked like he was drunkenly depending his life on the boy.
"Soya, dude, we fucking smashed it out there!” He celebrates, laughing loudly and gripping the vocalist’s shoulder. “Just a heads up, Wakana has been staring at you since the moment you stepped in."
"Alright love, I think you've had enough to drink tonight." The girl interrupts, wrapping a hand to support Takuya. "Congrats, Soya. I think you two can end this business soon. I overheard Wakana hushing to Naomi about you during the show. She seems pretty obsessed with you."
Soya smiles to himself, the idea of Wakana thinking about him for a mere second making him flush red. When the couple had left them both alone again, the girl turns to him nervously.
"Maybe we should kiss." Yui blurted, not even registering what she just said.
Soya leans his head closer to her as if he did not just hear she say those words.
"Pardon?" He asked, his eyebrows knitting together in confusion.
"Wakana is, uh, looking at us right now." She tells him, in the way of an explanation.
Her fingers begin to fiddle with each other, nervously picking at her nails.
"Are you okay with that?" He asks her, still having at least one decent bone in his body.
At this, Yui swears she is about to explode. In the foggy-lit concert venue, standing in front of Soya as the music intensifies. She nods once, twice, and when he does not respond; she is ready to assure him again that it was fine. Then, his lips are on hers, quick and gentle. She moves her hands to his chest, balancing him so that he does not topple over as he is leaning down to kiss her.
The kiss does not last long, because Soya does not want the girl of his dreams disappearing before he gets a chance to see her, but Yui, on the other hand, savour every second that his lips are placed on hers. When the boy pulls away, his expression is plain and unaffected. She, in turn, she is a blushing mess. Her cheeks warmed and her lips tingled when he pulled away.
"Is she looking?" Soya asked, keeping his gaze fully on his fake girlfriend.
Yui looked to the right where Wakana and Naomi stood.
"She, uh, she's looking. Do you think that worked, though? Or do you need another kiss?" She offers, stuttering.
She is so, so stupid for asking him that, but she still wanted his lips on hers, needing it to last longer than the first time.
Soya chuckled. "No, Yui, that was fine."
"I hate myself. I hate myself. I hate myself." Yui chanted, her head buried staunchly in her hands.
Naomi clicked her tongue and rubbed the back of her friend’s head, soothing her with her fingers.
"I'm sorry if I have rubbed it in your face with Wakana at the party." The older girl said, a pitying smile on her face. “I really did think that you wouldn’t mind, given your little agreement.”
The redhead girl found herself frowning deeper at his words, remembering how joyful Soya got when Takuya’s girlfriend informed him that Wakana was giving signs to Naomi.
“Yeah, I wish. I hate myself.” Yui bemoaned in response.
"I actually kind of expected this from the start." Misaki boomed in with her loud, sexy baby voice, not really making the matters any better.
They were lying in the roof, enjoying the rare winter sun, both Naomi and Misaki listening intently at her confession. Naomi was surprisingly calm, taking in her words slowly and letting it process at their own pace. Misaki, for her part, however, could not be smugger at her pathetic display.
She really could not be bothered about how she is currently asking two self-proclaimed love rivals for advice. Perhaps because, if she is loaded down at Wakana, she will not be a problem for them and their exploits. Is every student at St. Louis Academy as romanced-obsessed as this?
Yui needs new friends.
Not only was the girl Soya had been mooning over for a long time was now into him, but also the girl who agreed to fake-date him to get the girl he had been mooning over for years. To be concise, it was kind of a mess.
Precisely a week prior, Soya had started begging for a fake break-up. He wanted it to happen in front of Wakana, cue the screaming and the throwing things. Yui responded him by suggesting for them to hold it off for a couple days, make Wakana truly feel heavy with love for him. He agreed, after all, expecting it to happen soon.
Yui, on the other hand, had been reduced to a panicking mess. She opted to tell Naomi and Misaki about the situation, including the part about the deception, already growing stressed and the countless reminders from Soya to break up already.
"So, what am I going to do? He's asking to stage a breakup." Yui asked the two girls.
"Well, I’d say to follow your heart." Misaki paused, gathering his things as he got up from the couch. "If you want to tell Tatsuhara that you like him, then go do it. It’s probably going to end very badly for you, but you can try. If you want to keep it in until you've found your true match, you can do that, too. It’s also going to end very badly for you, too, but what can you do? You’re old and ugly by now."
Yui rolled her eyes, resenting the usual remarks, but not feeling like arguing endlessly with the girl, who is just one year younger than herself.
"What do you say, Naomi?" She elected to say, instead.
"Hm, well, it is quite a confusing choice for you, but I know you'll be able to figure this out." Naomi smiled, like she gave any help at all.
"I never should've agreed with this arrangement. I thought I could fake it. Yeah, I guess I could. Until I fell in love." Her words made the two boys suddenly jerk in surprise.
Just then, the steel door that led to the roof opened. In came Soya Tatsuhara and Wakana Shintani, looking like a better couple than she did with him. Not that they ever were a real one.
Yui could not help but to grimace at the sight of them. Soya was laughing loudly, his uniform unkempt and messy as always. Considering the late hour, Wakana must have been watching the Wisecrack Revolver practice if she is still with him.
At this, Naomi and Misaki quickly stood up, Naomi pecking Yui a gentle kiss on the forehead and Misaki giving her a pair of thumbs up, the pair following along away with Wakana. It gave her at least some relief, waving them goodbye.
Soya caught her eye, his cheeks red and his mouth never stop grinning. He bid Wakana goodbye, then, telling her that he is going to chat with his girlfriend.
When he finally does plop down beside her, his face does not change. He looks amazing, as always. His hair messy and the top of his dress shirt unbuttoned. He barely notices the frown on her, like he barely notices it when she is not handling things well.
"We need to break up, like now." He pressures her even further.
"Oh, I know. I think I've finally made a decision." Yui told him, her breathing changing due to nerves.
"What is it?” He asks, curious and excited.” Did you decide to do the big thing with the screaming and throwing things? Or will you just, like…?"
"No, I have made the decision to, um, tell you that I..." She trailed off, fiddling with her fingers.
The musician stared at her so intently that his expectant gaze burned holes into her skull.
"You should just tell Wakana already. I think the screaming and throwing things is a little unnecessary, and we’re probably get in trouble, too." Yui finishes, following through with her second choice.
She knew, deep down, however much she wanted to follow her heart, it would not be for the best. Soya does not want her, he wanted Wakana with his whole heart, and the plan worked so well that the girl was now eating off his hand. He did not want Yui at all, he wanted her just as far as his fake girlfriend, and who was she to ruin the plan? She does not want to overcomplicate things further.
"So, we're broken up?" He laughs, filling the space with beautiful echoes of his laugh.
Yui nodded. "Yeah."
Out of nowhere, Soya tackles her with a hug. His warmth, and probably post-practice sweat, enveloped her fully.
"I know we've done this a couple times, but this time I mean it. Thanks for... Everything, I guess." He mutters.
Yui smiles sadly. It is done.
"Maybe one last shopping trip?" She offers, wiping a single tear off her cheek quickly.
Soya chuckles. "Of course, but the burgers are on you."
Something Outside Their Standing Agreement Masterlist
Storm Lover Masterlist
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oddthesungod · 8 days
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happy pride month to these two in specific <333
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just-a-gl1tch · 2 years
Hey ya’lls? Is it normal to experience intense euphoria when someone mentions a storm is on the way? Or feel so happy when it’s raining and thundering outside? Like? Does that normally happen? It’s been like this ever since I was a lil pickle!
Let me know -v-
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saltpepperbeard · 9 months
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“Our Blackbeard is a legend, a lover, a fighter, a tactical genius, a poetic soul, and quite possibly insane.”
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undead-knick-knack · 16 days
They're all gorgeous. But only one has what it takes to be...
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st-louis-fan-club · 9 months
Hi i'm Chi! Welcome to my blog dedicated to the game Storm Lover! Although i am still a fairly new fan and am in the process of getting through the first game i love it dearly and i wanted to make this blog dedicated to the series! I am hoping to post about merch i buy and about the games!
So far my favourite character is Kyosuke Mikoshiba and i own a spoon of him! (I may post about it in the future)
I also own a wiki with my friend for Storm Lover! Its still only a WIP but if you wanna check it out go ahead! It'll be linked at the bottom! please enjoy your stay at the St Louis Fan Club!
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chlobody · 9 months
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Riders on the storm
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mcroutfits · 4 months
[not related] never let him die.. but like NEVER
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immortalclarareborn · 1 month
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Reed and Sue sharing a tender moment.
Art by Drew Moss
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bitchthefuck1 · 9 months
The thing about Francesca is that it isn't just saying "loving you is worth any punishment," it's saying "a punishment that keeps me with you is no punishment at all." It's not that you can brave a hurricane if it's the cost of loving someone, it's that standing in a hurricane for eternity with the person you love is still an eternity with the person you love, and how could you be happy with anything else?
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