#stormsoul sylph
the-faramir · 4 months
Creatuanary 2024: January 26th
Meet Kassalee the stormy sylph. Whenever there's a thunderstorm, Kassalee dances. Or is it that whenever Kassalee dances it thunderstorms?
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the-raging-tempest · 2 months
I am in a ttrpg tonight but I've realized I should have Lariel and Zrise be related to a Sylph a stormsoul in particular. I'm thinking that's their paternal grandmother...
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Dreadnought (Barbarian Archetype)
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(art by BenWooten on DeviantArt)
 Intimidation is a powerful tool, especially in the hands of a mighty warrior that can turn hesitation into a death sentence.
It only makes sense, then, that there would be some warriors that specializing in that fear, taking a leaf from the books of the entities known as implacable stalkers, and train (or just have a knack for) evoking the feeling of inevitable death.
The result is a warrior similar to a barbarian, but rather than rely on their emotions, they instead stifle their empathy and compassion, becoming terrifyingly calm as they utterly destroy their foes.
Once they pick a target, only the strongest measures can keep them from their target for long, marching towards them with an air of menace and absolutely no empathy, seeming more like a machine or monster than a warrior.
 Their remorseless calm is not as vigorous as a true rage, reducing the benefits, but they also gain none of the penalties.
What’s more, they tend to shrug off effects that would slow or stop them with uncanny ease.
Later on, their emotionless fervor protects them even from magical and mundane fear.
Finally, the normal limitation on their dispassionate state is removed, and they can exit and reenter that state with ease.
An interesting archetype, but a bit lacking on the so-called intimidation powers on its own. If you want a character that cannot be stopped from getting into melee with a foe, this may be for you, though. In keeping with the theme, I would recommend taking various feats and rage powers that improve your ability to intimidate, potentially gaining additional benefits or greater bonuses.
 Obviously, this archetype has a lot of use with slasher and intimidating and deadly armored villains alike, but in the hands of a heroic or at least antiheroic figure, it can be an interesting idea to see merciless brutality turned against evil. That being said, I can imagine that at least a handful of creatures with the implacable stalker template might have started out as dreadnoughts.
  Baron Belkaran is well-known at a ruthless and cruel man, overtaxing his people and punishing minor infractions severely. However, the one they truly fear is his lead enforcer, a man who never speaks, and whose name is unknown. However, his cold brutality speaks volumes.
 Exuberant and irrepressible as a bolt of lightning, Halaxia is the very picture of a stormsoul sylph. However, she has a grim task she wishes to hire the party for, one that darkens even her skies. Retrieve her brother, who has become the servant of a merciless tyrant, so that he may be rehabilitated.
 They say that the moonflower hidden beneath Alman’s Pass bears the marks and disposition of the stoic and deadly Rachard Alman. However, they also say that Alman’s body also wanders those depths as well, but surely both cannot be true.
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rperboni · 8 months
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PATHFINDERS - The Sylph Necromancer
Necromancy is probably the most recognized school of magic in the most classic fantasy universes, but also the most ostracized and poorly seen, associated with villainous characters and the most recurrent elements among its practitioners, such as zombies, liches, skeletons and magical artifacts made from bones and tendons. However, necromancy, even though it is not much remembered for this, can also be linked to the cure of diseases and the journey of souls to the Great Beyond, including - at least in the setting of Pathfinder Second Edition, in which this entire series is based - divided precisely into three main disciplines: Vitalism, which seeks to purge and cure the evils of the flesh; Soul Magic, which manipulates spiritual energies, and Undeath, which is the classic stereotype of the wizard who commands the undead.
The blurred vision about this school of magic was what encouraged me to bring my friend as a Sylph Necromancer, probably more linked to Soul Magic, also taking into account the more free nature of a sylph, especially the one with heritage linked to a primal cloud dragon, a naturally mercurial being, who seeks to explore and discover new things, but who is also capricious in their actions. I tried to bring the colors linked to the school of necromancy - black, gray and white - in their clothes, and instead of a familiar, I brought an ancient and fossilized skull as the arcane link, so it can also deliver its magic, as well as the static touch of a stormsoul sylph.
As usual with friends who, like myself, are on different LGBTQIAPN+ spectrums, I brought two more flags linked to them, but this time not so hidden: Gender Fluid and Pansexuality. This time they're not so hard to find hehehe
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skeletonmaster69 · 4 years
okay codd soulmate not quite dnd au lets go
so i actually figured out miyashita first. Hes a resurrection necromancer kitsune with the realistic likeness feat. Necromancer because dead people, resurrection so he can,, yknow, bring people back from the dead for atleast a little while, and kitsune so he can actually get the realistic likeness feat, which lets him look like pretty much anyone. i am not giving these guys specific levels because if i did they would probably end up all over the place just so i can get things to work like their quirks, so just think of them as around the same level as the other two aus? So 3-4 with some people higher for Reasons and some people lower for Reasons
next, i am unfortunately making jotaro and kakyoin. but only because i have atleast some idea of what they could be meanwhile couch is a complete fucking mystery. How do you even get “permanent makes-people-sad gas around person”. its an interesting quirk but it is ABSOLUTE HELL to recreate and if you couldnt tell i am already tired of figuring things out! miyashita was the easiest and i already had to get weirdly specific for him!! i hate everything!!! anyways theyre both summoners so they can have their stands and jotaro multiclasses into monk so he can punch shit. Jotaro is human and kakyoin is an elf. 
now we get into the hard ones. aka todd and couch. aka todd first because SYLPH TOD. sylph tod is officially the best character and if you do not like sylph tod you will die immediately. also MAGUS TOD. sylph magus tod. why is tod the most fun to make?? because he is. anyways, more specifically, stormsoul sylph tod with the breeze-kissed alternate trait. This doesnt quite recreate his quirk but his spells would be mostly wind stuff with some support spells so it works out.
finally... couch.... the one ive been avoiding the entire time. ..i think he would be a tiefling probably. as for class.. main class probably isnt monk/rogue but he would multiclass into one of those for Combat. i have decided that with him its gonna be a little less “recreate his quirk’s effect” and a little more recreate the way people treat him/how he thinks of himself cuz of his quirk. purely because i just had to be a creative little bitch when i made couch and make it completely fucking impossible to recreate his quirk. so.. tiefling sorcerer with the corruption bloodline. plus some spell similar to cause fear to make his quirk a little bit. hopefully that works for him..
that should work for those guys, since idk who else to make rn. which means im done with the dnd aus! hooray! i dont have to do this anymore!
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the-raging-tempest · 1 month
For both of your swans 💕
🍎: Do they share any features or traits with any family members?
🍾: Does your OC believe in luck? If so, do they have any charm or ritual they do before a stressful event?
🍟: What does your OC admit to be their guilty pleasure? What actually is their guilty pleasure?
Thanks for the ask Dujour!! I answered 🍟 here! Once again Dolly rambling because can never make any answer short lmao. Sorry it's so long to anyone who reads this.
🍎: Do they share any features or traits with any family members?
Fun to have it all in one place! Yes! I’m a dork who likes to think of silly things like this! So! This will be probably way longer than it needs to be HAH. Too much info perhaps… Do I think people can inherit personality traits from people who didn't raise them? … I don't think so, but they aren't real so I shall do whatever LMAO
(Neither of the twins really took up the more detached and apathetic personalities of their elven family, but it's definitely how they were raised so it's their 'default', but they are both more passionate and impulsive.)
Lariel looks very much like a combination of her two grandmothers. With her father's coloration.
I see her having more the lightness of her build in her shoulders, wrists, ankles etc from her Elven grandmother Lahaliel. Has the pointiness of her nose. The heart shaped faced! So similar to Ordielau (who also got her mother's face shape) though most would say they look nothing alike. I think certain mannerisms she has probably remind Ianthos of his late wife. That strange thing where they never met but Lariel covers her mouth to laugh like her. Holds herself with that quiet grace much like she did.
As for the overall shape, pear shaped body she got from her father’s mother, Saesha. I imagine that's also were she (and Zrise) get their stubbornness. Lariel has her smile, lips, and cheeks. Has the slight upturned button like part of her nose. Lariel's kind of default expression is very similar to Saesha. Lariel has her pale skin, though not to her extreme. The wild whipping between gentle kindness and a powerful fury. And the sorcerer bloodline comes from her as a stormsoul sylph.
Lariel has her father's dark auburn hair and it's wavy texture. She also has his green eyes, though hers hold a slightly more blueish tint. He is also a sorcerer, so he is where Lariel inherited that.
Zrise looks a lot like his father. With certain traits from his elven side.
He has the triangular face shape of Ianthos but his chin is wider and stronger like his father. Has a very slight underbite, where his father has a more noticeable one. (When not cursed) Had his father's more ruddy skin color. Got part of the roundness, less harsh, nose from his father. He also has his father's smile. Which can be surprisingly disarming, boyish and mischievous. But not the one Zrise usually wears. Zrise has his father's eye placement. As in they way Zrise's brow comes forward and his eyes are deeper back. The strong brow being one of Banom notorious traits. It can make him come across much more unfriendly or intimidating when he wishes. Zrise also inherited his father's quick temper. Ordielau makes strange comments about Zrise's appearance as he ages and looks more noticeably like his father.
Zrise inherited his red hair (the curse makes it black) as more a combination of his elven grandmother and his father. That recessive gene just popped out for him. His grandmothers strawberry blond meeting the dark auburn meaning they both carried red. Zrise's build is a strange amalgamation. He didn't inherit the more slight elven build of narrow shoulders and hips, but he also didn't inherit his father's more top heavy build of wide shoulders narrow hips. He more so got a hybrid trapezoid.
From his elven side. He got his silver blue eyes he got from Ianthos. Got the strong nose, it's length, and downward point from him as well. Zrise has his mother's slight chin dimple. His mother and elven grandmother's lip shape.
🍾: Does your OC believe in luck? If so, do they have any charm or ritual they do before a stressful event?
This is such an interesting question. I think they sit on equal but opposite sides.
Lariel believes in luck in the sense of the randomness of the universe. Where you are born, who your parents are, what magic you have, what god listens to you, it's random. That's 'luck'. Not that it's something one can change or influence. She doesn't really believe in fate. Not a fan of the divine she rejects that some greater power might control your destiny. She has a strangely indifferent opinion towards luck. Things just are or are not. Things you can't change just are, but what you do with them is what matters. She does NOT view institutional or 'human' made problems as unchangeable. To be clear. More than she believes luck is irrelevant to the good deeds you do. 'Luck' might mean you are struggling to survive, she has empathy for that. And that does not mean she would not try to change the situation. But she believes in PEOPLE and the good they can accomplish over luck.
Lariel is not a very superstitious person. Despite loving stories and folklore. She views the world in very non-judgmental terms. Very passively accepting. She has curiosity. But not really interested in changing something, unless it hurts others. So she has no charms or rituals. She just looks inward for comfort. It's not about succeeding or failing. It's that she'd rather live in the world were she made the difficult choice and sacrifice for what a better world could be, than not.
Zrise says he does not believe in luck. Then turns around and says things like 'If luck is real I have the worst of it.' He deep down DOES believe in luck. But it's a hard pill to swallow. It makes him feel helpless. If every bad thing that happened to him was actually out of his control… then he's well and truly fucked. If every good thing that happens to him is only luck, fate, or destiny… then he should give up. His belief in luck harshly chafes against his wish to be in control. It's also WHY he so strongly devotes himself to a god. If it's all out of his control, he might as well have someone divinely better than him in his corner. If he must be a mere piece on the board he might as well try to ingratiate himself to the one who might move him around. This fight within him is often what can make him cycle between the two extremes of 'I must do everything I can to control my situation' and 'it's all hopeless and nothing matters I'm doomed'.
Depending on the stressful event, if its battle or something within the realm of his Goddess. He prays. Even though Calistra is not the most active or communicative Goddess. If it is something he would NOT like Calistria to be witness to… he has no comfort or ritual to turn to. He is a more superstitious person than his sister. But he is very fatalistic when it comes to his own luck. Deep down he wonders if even appealing for good luck would just turn itself around on him. Slapping him with something worse.
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Roleplaying Races 9: Sylph
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 Tapping into another elemental planar scion, I give you the elemental-kin of air, sylphs!
Flighty and full of wanderlust, but also intensely curious to the point of being nosey, sylphs have a reputation for being notorious snoops and eavesdroppers, and often find more enjoyment in listening in on others than they do actually interacting with them, something that vexes even those that share the sylph’s aloof nature.
Sylphs tend to dislike attention, and often leave home as soon as they are able, though they rarely abandon civilization, instead tending to wander cities and disappear into them, enjoying listening in and observing the bustle around them without getting involved more than they have to. This does, however, make finding others of their kind difficult, even among the same mortal race, as sylphs will spend time observing and spying on each other, learning about each other in great detail before deciding if they even want to properly introduce themselves or not.
Like all elemental planar scions, sylphs are the result of an introduction of elemental air energies into a newborn, either through accident or being directly related to a djinni, air veela, or even one of the legendary anemos.
There are even variant heritages, including smokesouls and stormsouls, the former favoring secrecy in addition to their curiosity, while the latter are incredibly intense, direct, and impulsive, acting quickly without thinking, especially when what they care about is on the line.
Unlike the past two elemental planar scions, the name “sylph” is actually the same one used in classical elementalism to describe the spirits of air. However, in past editions of The World’s Oldest Roleplaying Game, the name was used to describe fae-like true spirits of air, which is admittedly in keeping with Paracelsus’s description of them in his works.
Physically, sylphs resemble members of their mortal kin, though they tend to favor pale skin tones, often interlaced with silver or blue swirling patterns. However, some do have more natural skin. Their hair is often silky and whispy, moving as if in a breeze, while others sport fluffy curls the color of clouds, and might even be mistaken for such. (some might even darken when the sylph get’s angry!). Smokesouls tend to favor darker hair and ashen skin tones. Meanwhile, stormsouls tend to have intense expressions that can be mistaken for severe, and tend to double-down on the constant breezes that surround them, to say nothing of their stormy eyes, which might crackle with electricity when angered.
Sylphs typically have little interest in forming societies of their own, and indeed seem to favor engaging in society at arm’s length, able to slip away and be alone for extended periods when needed. Smokesouls take this further by wrapping themselves up in intrigue, obscuring themselves and their intentions, and favor mired and complex affairs to wrap themselves up in rather than the novelties of others’ personal lives. Stormsouls, on the other hand sport an impulsive streak that borders on similar to ifrits, but they tend to be motivated by what they care about, making them intense friends, and therefore much more involved with the people around them.
 The standard sylph is quick of mind and body, but a bit frail.
Their connection to the air does also ward them against electrical energies as well.
Prone to being far off the ground, sylphs can call upon their natural magic to slow their fall.
Their elemental heritage also grants them darkvision as well.
Sylphs can draw upon their heritage in order to empower the elemental bloodline of air or the divine domain of air, should they pursue those paths.
There is plenty of variety with sylphs, of course. Some have insight into how to make summoned air creatures last longer, while some can channel wind to protect themselves or blast foes away. Some are naturally fast, while others are nearly mortal by comparison. Some have a natural affinity to speak to animals that fly, while others are slippery when it comes to enchantment and divination. Some are healed by electricity, and some resist the thunderous power of storms better than the actual electricity. Some are able to predict the weather with uncanny accuracy, while others can move unseen and unheard like a breeze.
Smokesoul sylphs tend to be agile and of silver tongue, but are equally frail, and tend to blur their movements with their magics. Meanwhile, their internal power bolsters sorcerous power over shadow as well as divine power over smoke.
Stormsouls, on the other hand, are also agile and charming, but tend to behave irrationally at times. Their power over storms gives them access to shocking magic, as well as giving them affinity over the stormborn bloodline and the Weather domain.
 Due to their wanderlust, sylphs make excellent adventurers, always curious to learn new things in exciting new places. Their intelligence and agility (not to mention their affinities) tends to make them good spellcasters, while their tendency towards frail constitution makes them poor frontline fighters or kineticists (with the exception of stormsouls). You can easily imagine sylphs in pretty much any role because of this, and even in the frontline they can make up for their weakness by just never getting hit, which makes classes like swashbuckler more appealing than barbarian or fighter to them. They also have sky druid and wind listener wizard archetypes associated with them as well, so keep that in mind as well.
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