#strawberry pineapple pacman
dragonsflame117 · 1 year
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Gitrog is hungry tonight. They have been hidden all week so his feeding has been delayed.
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bleedthfreak · 5 years
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this is obito
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buglife · 3 years
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SO I WAS TALKING the other day about a possible cat allegory for the Hollow Knight world. It’s based off the real world thing where some species of burrowing tarantulas will keep tiny frogs under their protection because the frogs eat the ants that targets their eggs. So I ran with it, especially since my waifu said she’d be a tarantula tiny frog breeder in this universe.
So like cats, I imagine frogs domesticated themselves. Once bugs got together and started to farm and store food, it would ultimately attract pests looking for an easy meal. Frogs noticed the congregation of prey items and moved into these stone silos and store houses. There they would devastate pests because if you ever owned a frog, you know they will eat until they can barely move. Sapient bugs are much too big to be threatened by these frogs, so they allowed them to stay and do the work for them.
Eventually they started getting into houses and into rooms where larvae and eggs are kept. Feral bugs who usually would prey on these eggs and helpless young would find themselves getting pounced on and eaten before damage could be done. Again, said eggs and larvae are too big for these frogs to prey on. If they are smaller it was learned that by bonding with them, they’ll recognize who is and isn’t food in a short while. They aren’t too smart, but they are smart enough for that at least.
They became companion animals and also started to be professionally bred in a wide array of colors and gill patterns. Some are large, some are bred to fit into tea cups. A lot of these very fancy breeds were lost when Hallownest fell, but the hardier stock closer to their original ancestors fared very well. Many of them became strays and they didn’t realize much of a difference, save for not being pet so much. They still are primarily working animals. 
If you want to know what they sound like when startled, here you go. They scream like budgett's frogs which is hilarious.
Design wise I combined them with cave salamanders to give them a more fantasy flair and give them the traits needed for a mostly wet cavern. They can also secrete a mucus that makes them immune to acid if properly fed. 
I imagine that Hollow would love these and be a magnet for them and be covered in happy little frogs that scream if you try to remove them.
(BTW my pet frog is named Dio cause he’s a little bastard and he’s a Strawberry Pineapple morph pacman frog. I adore him.)
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sunny-possum-pal · 4 years
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Weird Dog Pacman Frogs available on RedBubble!
Normal | Mint Chocolate 
Albino | Strawberry Pineapple
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spacegate · 4 years
update 3/20
Hello my dear friends!
It’s been a while, and to be honest, the break from Tumblr has done wonders!
I’ve been getting a lot of medical tests done, and so far everything has come back normal. No cancer or any weirdness. I still got issues with sleeping and nightmares so I’m pretty damn tired.
Pretty much it’s just my body falling apart. To be honest I wasn’t expect to even MAKE it to 30 years old, let alone 31. I can’t deny tho that the wear and tear is getting bad. My back is just going to get more and more painful, hence why FINALLY I can try to get into the pain clinic.
Still fighting for disability. It’s going to take a while.
I’ll begin picking at writing again now that my over all mood is improving. The sun is shining and it’s warmish again.
As for the virus outbreak, I have enough supplies to last for a month, so I believe i’ll be okay.
I did get a pet leetle Pacman Frog. His name is Dio and he’s a strawberry pineapple morph. All my bugs are doing fine and are growing. Hopefully the ones hibernating will wake up soon.
That’s it for now. I haven’t been reblogging stuff to the babyblaster blog but @trustandblasters​ and @parsnipit​ have been creating excellent content and I’ll be doing my best to catch up with reblogs.
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eus-theo-pteron · 5 years
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My new frogs!
I just got them last weekend but I’ve been too busy to post
Frog 1:
Strawberry Pineapple Pacman frog
Frog 2:
Australian Blue Phase Whites tree frog
I have not named either of them yet but will once they become juveniles so that I can sex them and so I have time to see the personalities.
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jaxxbfox · 7 years
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New addition to the zoo! Gorro the anole passed, so I re-purposed his tank. Trying something new. I’ve always wanted one, just kept missing the opportunity (and finding a color morph I wanted). Until today. This is Tubby aka Tubs! He/she’s a Strawberry-Pineapple Pacman frog! I can’t get over how these animals are ALL mouth. Like, nature put eyes and legs on it as an afterthought. They’re hilarious! I’m so excited to have one finally.
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PacMan Frog Strawberry Pineapple PacMan Frog for sale Cute? Yes. Easy to care for? Yes. Reasonably priced? Yes. Strawberry Pineapple Pacman frogs make great pet frogs!
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dragonsflame117 · 1 year
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Gitrog had a vet visit today. Due to a recent power outage due to freezing temps and ice taking down power lines, he got cold for a while and is not eating. So vet time. He tried very hard to intimidate his vets by inflating and trying to look big.
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dragonsflame117 · 2 years
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A nice before and after picture. Gitrog’s bioactive has been up and running since …..February I want to say and it’s developed nicely.
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Thresh’s bio has been up a month less than that, but it is still growing and developing well.
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dragonsflame117 · 2 years
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Apparently all the snakes want to show off their cute chins. Plus one frog.
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dragonsflame117 · 2 years
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Another day, another worm is destroyed by Gitrog.
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dragonsflame117 · 2 years
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Gitrog is eating an extra large worm today! Also, caught watching mom, again.
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dragonsflame117 · 2 years
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Gitrog being a little gremlin (he JUST had a big meal too, he’s so round)
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dragonsflame117 · 2 years
A Gitrog eating a worm.
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dragonsflame117 · 1 year
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Gitrog… every night once their lights go out….wait for sacrifices of worm.
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