#stupid internet
antvnger · 1 year
Alright, gang, Ant-Man’s internet is on the fritz, so I gotta fix it. If I’m not back soon, I’ll be back tomorrow!
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Our internet is experiencing some kind fuckery and it's made me peevish.
My next chapter of Cry Mercy is delayed do to absolute frustration.
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yurifem · 2 years
wanting to play ur fav game and having bad internet is the like really wanting an apple and seeing how bruised it is
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50c14lly4nx10u5 · 2 months
jeez ig i'm not allowed to play the splatfest 😒
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finallyteatime · 5 months
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Had the weirdest thing happen a couple weeks back. This error's kept me out of tumblr all this time. Finally managed to get back in by changing my Wi-Fi's DNS server assignments. Fingers crossed it holds.
Anyway - hi, I'm back :3
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fefairys · 5 months
getting real fed up with my peers treating teenagers like shit. how did you forget so fucking quickly what it's like to be them. shame on you.
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xxxtherrcollectivexxx · 10 months
:: Internet is down. So I won't be around much until it's back.
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remimibanana · 1 year
I was trying to buy something but the internet decided to die midway through and I was so worried I couldn’t complete the order (the money went through) but I was able to complete the order just fine, thank goodness lol
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hikenoasce · 1 year
why does my wifi always act up when im reading shit 😒
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lady-charinette · 2 years
Boop doop
I'm sorry my internet is so shitty T_T
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aquadraco20 · 2 years
I read a really stupid argument against free housing today.
"Just live in nature/only the strong survive/we evolved to live outdoors/houses are just convenient!"
So there's just like, so many things wrong with this argument.
1. In many cases, you cant legally just like, live outdoors. Most property is owned and you would be trespassing.
2. Hunting and fishing licenses, hunting season, regulations, etc etc.
3. You got bills? You ain't going no where until they're paid. Dont make enough to pay them? Be homeless. Die. "No one is entitled to a house/people should be paid to build houses"
4. Before capital existed, when humans were first humans, do you think they demanded to be paid when they built little lean-tos with sticks, leaves, and vines? No, because either they or their comrades would die from exposure.
Humanity was built on working together. We wouldn't exist if we didnt put in the work for the sole purpose of helping each other.
5. Humans are domesticated!! Do you think you can just drop a human outside just like, literally wherever and just expect them to survive? This is entirely dependent on the location a d the food available. Look around you! Besides digging through fucking trashcans, do you see free food just lying around, growing on bushes? Chickens lining up to get their heads chopped off with a conveniently placed free axe? No! This is capitalist America! Everything is owned by someone else! The wild barely exists anymore!
6. Do you know how to make shoes? Make a bow and string with raw materials? Preserve meat without a freezer? Can you get all the shit you need to survive set up by yourself before you starve to death or die from exposure?
Fucking idiot.
On the plus side, I now think that everyone should be thought these things.
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elendsessor · 2 months
what also infuriates me about shit like kosa aside from how it takes away freedom of speech is that the sites these ass backwards adults want already exist. kids virtual worlds like animal jam, club penguin, moshi monsters, wizard101, that stuff existed and in some ways continues to exist.
they’re moderated by actual adults, and the most harm that actually comes out of it is kids falling for scam links.
many of the sites that used to be popular are dead and that’s worse than i think people realize. because of ipad elsagate stuff they’re unable to compete.
i hate to inform every neglectful parent ever (because let’s be honest if you’re for kosa you’re against the idea of parenting) but social media is not safe for your kid nor will it ever be. if you want them to actually be safe online, these virtual worlds encourage safety surprisingly enough. teach your kid to identify scams, how to report people, when to quit having conversations with strangers, and if your child is contacted by a creep, then fucking report it. that’s straight up why online virtual worlds succeed since they’re made to teach this stuff.
your only alternatives are kids tv channels, video games aimed at younger demographics, or no internet period. don’t go and point fingers at places whose websites aren’t made with children in mind.
and if you have a teenager on the web then just teach them basic internet safety. it’s that fucking simple.
oh and a reminder to all parents out there: censoring the internet to make it “kid friendly” means you can’t talk about your political mumbo jumbo or bash the damn liberals or post crappy facebook memes or go one minute without some lankeybox tier garbage being shoved in your face. you’ll be begging for the old internet back :)
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peachssodapop · 9 months
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the mention of their different dialects and languages immediately had my enraptured
so here's a very quickly drawn comic based on I cannot seem to find a good german equivalent to silly
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fdelopera · 4 months
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Accusing Jews of "BLOOD MONEY"??
You dumb fucking Jew-hating bigots have GOT to come up with some better material.
This is LITERALLY the charge made against Judas and (((THE JEWS))) for "killing Jesus."
Even though, no, we STILL didn't kill Jesus. The Romans did. G-d, you're dumb. Catch up!!
This is a TIRED blood libel charge.
And that's the best you got, Xiran???
Fuck off, you Jew-hating idiot.
Come back when you've got something original. But you never will. Because (let's say it all together, kids) Jew-hatred makes you stupid!
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plulp · 8 months
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genericpuff · 2 months
y'know something funny that just dawned on me regarding the "of course people use webtoons, they get access to a bigger audience unlike those SMALLER platforms" argument is that like
no one ever asks themselves if webtoon is the audience they actually want
like this might be a hot take but i'd rather a small audience of 100 mature readers who all have some semblance of literary analysis skills that allows them to engage with my work and comprehend it to the level I expect (if not beyond those expectations for the extra attentive, i.e. my favorite readers, the theorizers who I love dearly LOL)
than to have 50,000 teenagers who comment shit like GET UR HANDS OFF MY CINNAMON ROLL and OTP SHIP FTW and FIRST!!! and whatever other basic easy-to-upvote 10 character phrase they can mash out as fast as possible just to get top comment, and who resort to direct harassment for not shipping the characters they want (even the abusive ones because ofc), and who scroll so fast through the work that they don't even realize what they're reading and are asking "huh?? when did that happen??" after it literally just happened
and that's not a diss on teenagers as a whole, there's work out there that's catered to them and there are teens who don't behave like that, it's just my work isn't aimed at younger teens and especially not the audience of kids who are on webtoons
it's not the audience I want so why would I put up with the bullshit on Webtoons to get access to them?
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