#sucks :
bestoftweets · 4 months
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alwaysisrael · 7 days
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This makes me sick 🤮
You cannot compare Israel to ISIS or North Korea!
Israel didn't start this war
Hamas did
Israel responded to it !
What country let's you murder their people ,rape both women and men , kidnap innocent men women children and babies and then do absolutely nothing about it ???
The UN needs to be dismantled .
They are way to Anti Semitic , and have been Anti Semitic for decades .
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rjalker · 10 months
Let your characters be disabled without giving them a super power to "make up for it".
Your blind character does not have to have empathic powers or super hearing, so that you claim they "aren't really blind".
Your autistic character does not need to magically know how to read ancient rotting books that no one else can decipher through the power of....guessing? Inferring from context? And then pretending like this is magical and amazing.
Your characters with dyslexia do not need to be Super Duper Smart and so much better at memorizing music than other people and have people constantly tell them how Super Intelligent they are.
Your disabled characters do not need to be better at things than all of their abled peers to "make up for" the fact that they're disabled. And yes. These are all real examples of this obnoxious shit from the same author. [Facepalm].
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rocketcowboyblu · 2 months
Genuinely curious but what do you guys think the characters SPECIAL and perks are?
I saw somebody say Lucy had the wild wasteland perk due to her keep seeing some weird shit lmao and now I wanna know like each of the three mains of their SPECIAL's
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sallllltywater · 1 year
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nounaarts · 10 months
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I got an iPad !!
Still getting used to this app so take this messy sketch for now
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sisaloofafump · 6 months
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Daily Diana #22
I am going issue by issue through Wonder Woman (1987—) and drawing my favourite outfits on a very vague daily schedule.
Issue 22! I liked both of these outfits a lot. The bathrobe was my favourite outfit but I prefer my first drawing. If i have time, I might draw some of these agaon as a bonus thing as I didn't capture the vibe that I wanted to
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transmutationisms · 5 months
tbh i'm at a point where, although i do know opioids are not the solution for everyone and there are many reasons a person might consider and avoid them, i still just immediately stop scrolling or listening as soon as any kind of healthcare provider presents "didn't have to use opioids" as some sort of victory. like it may even be true in a particular case that that's the best outcome but the framing is so noxious and carries such negative potential consequences for people who do need/use opioids, including chronically, that i'm just not listening to it anymore.
and i think if you want to share info about pain management you do actually have a responsibility to counter not just the harm-minimising lies pushed by purdue pharma, but also the subsequent intensification of racist and scare-mongering narratives of addiction and the moral valorisation of non-pharmacological pain treatment. the actual issue has never been that people use, need, and/or enjoy opioids; it's the fact that they are forced to do so within a medical system that has multiple points where profit-seeking structurally conflicts with the production and provision of accurate and complete knowledge about the drugs.
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Vincent Price and Peter Lorre behind the scenes of The Comedy of Terrors (1963)
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knightmareross · 29 days
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Ya'll remember when the nun meta knight was a thing like 2 years ago yeah I also did art of that shit
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eidolons-stuff · 5 months
Yoko: "Why are you so homophobic!"
Xavier: "I'M NOT!"
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starishsky · 8 months
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werewolfenthusiast · 7 months
people say coriolanus and sejanus should’ve kissed but this scene literally already exists
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therecipelibrary · 3 months
Okay, I want to take the time to talk about boobs, and hear me out.
It's important.
I haven't been around much lately, I'm okay. I've been busy taking care of my mother in law with dementia. But, my sister recently found out she has breast cancer.
She had her first mammogram at 41, and unfortunately, we found out yesterday, it has spread. We are still hopeful it's treatable, but y'all. If you are 40, or about to be, or know someone who is, do not put off getting a mammogram.
Get one asap.
Procrastination is not in your favor with this.
If you have a family history of cancer, talk to your doctor and get a mammogram and genetic testing sooner than 40. I'm 38, just had a mammogram and found out I also need to have an mri every six months as well because my boobs are dense and apparently that increases risk.
You can even get them younger.
Sooner is better.
Don't ignore symptoms. My Mom put off seeing a Dr for pain in her side and passed away from bile duct cancer. I cannot emphasize enough to listen to your body, and go see your physician.
I knew someone who's cough turned out to be lung cancer, someone else's painful urination was bladder cancer.
Check that prostate and colon too, all the bits, whatever bits you've got, get them checked. Please.
If you've been putting something off, this is your sign to make the appointment and get it done.
If you've never been checked, it's not too late. If you think you're too young, you are not.
So please, talk with your friends, family, relationships, situationships, frenemies, neighbors, whatever people you have, help keep them safe.
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prettykikimora · 15 days
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Going down a rabbit hole sending eachother "cowboy wisdom" memes over the phone.
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jessafer94 · 3 months
I’d rather eat broken glass shards than get back into the lesbian dating scene and have to ask all the get to know ya questions again to someone new 🙃
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