#suddenly his whole look changes without his jacket and i was awestruck
solomons-poison · 2 months
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Have some jacketless Ellis, for reasons
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gothhisoka · 3 years
𝖍𝖚𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖚𝖓𝖎𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖘𝖎𝖙𝖞
𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 18- 𝔞 𝔪𝔞𝔰𝔨𝔢𝔡 𝔫𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱
Fandom: Hunter x Hunter
Ships: Chrollo x Reader, Leorio x Kurapika, Hisoka x Illumi
Genre: romance, dark academia, royalcore, university AU
Word count: 3k
Background: This is from my (gothhisoka) fanfic on Wattpad and AO3 called Hunter University. It is Chrollo x OC, but I decided to change it around for Tumblr. Both Chrollo and y/n are hiding things from each other but are both feeling the same attraction. A masquerade ball is held at your university. You don’t know if he even wants to dance with you, but apparently he does. He wants to do even more than that.
Tags: Fluff, first kiss, sfw
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The masquerade hall was astounding. The high stone walls were adorned with scarlet silk banners. Golden fabric streamers hung from every banister of the second-level balconies. As in the entrance, symbols of cherubs and mythical creatures were splashed across the ceiling in a dizzying array. The light was dim, for all the chandeliers were set low in the traditional style of Venetian masquerades. Candelabras were scattered on every table and upon every wall.
Symphonic music was emanating from the open stage in the front of the room. A live orchestra was playing a gentle concerto as the students poured in. It was only 7:10, so not many were on the floor. The true dancing would start in another couple of minutes.
It was a scene out of a fairytale. The hundreds of breathtakingly dressed students only added to the general fervor of it all.
"Beautiful, isn't it?" Chrollo said as he looked towards you. It was unclear whether he was talking about the room or how you looked tonight. Your bright eyes shone out underneath a bronze mask, which was catching the candlelight within its shiny material.
Still entranced, you were led by Chrollo to the table they had reserved. The troupe followed behind, engrossed in their conversation while you both remained in your own little world. He put his hand on the small of your back, simply aching to touch you once again. The feeling was mutual.
On the table, there were glasses already set up accompanied by a lavish bouquet of flowers. Uvogin pulled out a couple of bottles of champagne he clearly swiped from the restaurant. Everyone dropped off their bags at the table.
It appeared as if not all of the troupe members would be dancing. Franklin was already seated with his arms crossed. You looked at him questioningly, after which he said, "I have to guard the stuff." It was clear by his tone that he actually meant "I don't like to dance."
You smiled placidly and nodded in understanding. He was an unusual sort of guy. She was beginning to like him already. In fact, the whole Phantom Troupe was becoming gradually more likable as the night progressed.
You looked for Kurapika to bid him one last warning before he got whisked away by Leorio. By the time she spotted him, it was already too late.
You watched as Kurapika scratched at the back of his head, suddenly unaware of what to do with his arms. He was apparently awestruck by his dance partner's appearance.
The two made their shy greetings. Kurapika reached for his hand as any chivalrous partner would do. 
Soon a waltz commenced, floating around the room. A subtle violin and cello duet beckoned people out onto the floor.
You watched as Kurapika led Leorio out, their suit jackets glimmering synchronously as the lights passed. They took position still near their group's table, but far enough to have room to dance.
The wide floor soon filled with numerous other couples. Hisoka led Illumi out alongside Uvogin and Nobunaga. Hisoka and Illumi were practically professional dancers from the very start, moving to an elaborate step that drew the attention of all the students. People nearly cleared the floor to make room for them. This annoyed Illumi to no end, while Hisoka displayed a wild grin. They twirled, dipped, and did intricate step sequences, unquestionably rehearsed to perfection.
The rest were not as remarkably polished. Still, they appeared to be equally enjoying themselves.
Leorio and Kurapika laughed as one of them accidentally stepped upon the other toes or missed a movement. While they lacked coordination, they surely didn't lack chemistry. This was a good sign.
You could see their mouths moving but the music drowned out their voices. Kurapika attempted to guide Leorio in the basic box step, turning him once in a while. 
Most ignored the cameramen or simply didn't notice them lurking in hidden spots. You had some otherworldly feeling that sensed them under the shadows in the balconies. 
"Are you done watching?" Chrollo asked, holding his hand out to you just as Kurapika had done with Leorio.
You hadn't realized you were still staring out towards the masked partners on the floor. The ball was entirely overwhelming; the sound, the rapid movements, and the room itself were causing your head to spin.
Nonetheless, you snapped out of it and processed what Chrollo had just said. You just got offered a dance. A dance with him. 
You knew his indicative gestures were leading somewhere. That somewhere was here, into his arms. 
In front of hundreds of students, not to mention journalists itching to get a photo of the boy who was so famous. Not to mention his dance partner, who was no more than a low-level hunter wannabe.
Now's not the time to get nervous. This is what you wanted. Isn't it?
You stared down at his hand as if to ask "for me?"
You peered up to see the most gentle face slowly becoming riddled with doubt.
"This is what you want, isn't it?"
Is it? 
Now that you are actually here, in the position that used to be visible only in your imagination, you feel immense pressure.
In these weeks past, you didn't even question what you were getting herself into. To be fair, you weren’t sure what this night would be, exactly. Would you be met with a closed-off boy whose coldness warded you away or the courteous man who would rather teach you nen lessons than see you fail?
Is it even safe to get this close?
Chrollo's personality had shifted in the span of the night. It became full of genuine interest rather than his usual impassive curiosity. He, as a person, was becoming all the more real.
Real was dangerous.
This stream of consciousness only took a second. It took one look into Chrollo's eyes to know what your answer would be.
"This is what I want."
It was the first step. No, rather it was your first leap off a skyscraper.
You were falling. Hard.
His grip was delicate, holding your hand as if it was made of glass. Chrollo felt strange, being so unsure. He was normally an expert at figuring out people– what they felt and why they acted the way they did. 
You, on the other hand, were a labyrinth. He had always been so hesitant for this reason. Chrollo needed to be able to figure out a person in order to get close to them. With you, there was something buried deeper than you let on. It was virtually impossible to uncover. You put up almost as good of a front as Chrollo.
Or perhaps it was Chrollo's own mind that was muddied at the thought of you. His intentions versus yours, his morals versus yours. It all began to matter very much. What would he think in the end, after he got out of your what he so desired?
Nevermind that now. For Chrollo was feeling a mutual enthusiasm that you were plainly exhibiting. He led you out to the floor.
The Phantom Troupe watched with apprehension. They weren't used to their boss being so amiable. He couldn't be swayed by a simple person, and yet here he was.
"Can you dance?" Chrollo turned to you, putting an arm upon your shoulder. You already almost melted under the single touch.
You had reached the middle of the floor, far from the troupe. Was he that confident in his own dancing? The center could be viewed from all sides and balconies. You were sure to stand out.
"Not well," you said candidly.
Chrollo began a light step, swaying from side to side. This newfound tenderness was surprising. He was treating you as if you were a queen. And you couldn't get enough of it.
Wanting to grasp for more of this certain side of him, you said, "I can do more than this."
"As you wish," Chrollo said with a gracious smile.
He immediately followed a more complicated step, falling in line with the other couples on the floor. You pretended to ignore their whispers.
Just as you thought. He is an incredible dancer.
Every time you struggled to keep up he would adjust his pace. You worked like hands on a clock, moving as if set to one another's rhythm. The music now was a quicker allegro beat.
Your attire fanned out as you turned: your right hand in his, your arm on his shoulder. 
Now it was the students' turn to stare at Chrollo and you. It was unclear if it was because they recognized the boy under the mask, or they were observing the electrifying chemistry.
You couldn't help but beam as you sailed across the floor. Chrollo did not break eye contact and you did your best to do the same. 
A feeling overcame you as you continued to hold his hand in yours. It couldn't be described as fireworks or sparks, as often depicted by the romance novels she's read. It was more of an awakening.
Despite the weather turning cold, you felt as if it was spring. A revival. Things were blossoming, the rain washed away the grey of winter.
He was your spring.
It was odd. For Chrollo could be explained more effectively as ominous and intimidating, unlike a bright spring day. He should've been cold stone walls, closed doors, secret passageways.
But no, he was warmth itself.
If only you would turn away for a second you would notice a coldness settle that hadn't been there before. 
The way he looked tonight in his dazzling suit and mask, the way he said all those uncharacteristically gracious words: these were the things you would have etched in your memory for a very, very long time. Now, without Chrollo it would feel as if something were missing.
You would not realize this yet, as you were still in a state of pure elation. It was only the beginning.
But this was the connection you felt. Having it defined opened up a world of possibilities. 
Who would've known, it all came into fruition at a masquerade ball.
After a couple more songs, you left the floor. Sweat prickled at your brow. You were left panting after a rapid final dance.
Several students couldn't help but clap. You hadn't even done a thing. You were sure it was Chrollo's dancing that gained all the attention.
"You're better than I expected," you said.
Chrollo brushed back his hair which had fallen in his face with all the movement.  "I would say the same to you, y/n." He smiled, sizing your up.
You didn't dispute his return of the compliment. He was right. 
At the group table, Kurapika and Leorio were sitting drinking glass after glass of the bootlegged champagne. It would've been inappropriate to bring alcohol to such a prestigious event if many other tables weren't doing the same. Apparently, the students here did know how to have a good time.
Chrollo went to talk to Franklin as you sat next to Leorio and Kurapika.
"You both were amazing!" Leorio exclaimed as you approached. 
You grinned, "Where have you two been?"
"We were on the floor too, didn't you see us?"
You tried to laugh it off, "No... I was a little distracted." 
To be fair, you didn't notice the cameras, the students, or the other dancers either. 
"Sooo are you two going back out?" Leorio asked, leaning on his hand. His words slurred slightly.
You looked over your shoulder at Chrollo. He looked serious as he talked to Franklin. "I'm not sure. Are you two?"
"Yes, we plan on trying the group dance. Just like we practiced," Kurapika said, giving you a knowing look.
The synchronized dance was the signature of the ball. All those who learned it were allowed to participate. It was the last dance, so they would still be sitting for a while. The time was now around 9:00 and the hall would be closed by 12:00 a.m.
Before they could converse any further, Chrollo gently put a hand on your shoulder. "Sorry to interrupt, but I have something to show you, y/n."
He held his hand out again. This time you took it with no hesitation. 
"Ok," you leaped up, flattening out your dress.
You were all too willing to go wherever Chrollo pleased. There wasn't even a point where she needed to remind herself who this man was. His charm had influenced you too far already. There was no going back.
Kurapika gave you a warning look. You threw him back a smile. This did nothing to reassure him.
Chrollo interlaced his fingers slowly with yours, hesitating as you crossed under the balconies. You could've dissolved right then and there. It only further confirmed his gentlemanly attitude and respect towards you.
You couldn't even look at him. You felt your face growing hotter by the second. Thank god for a mask and several layers of foundation.
To your surprise, you were led far from the dance floor. You ended up at a small door in a quiet corner of the ballroom. The spot was underneath the alcoves and not a soul was in sight. Moonlight poured in from the tiny stained-glass windows.
"It's through here," Chrollo said, his voice barely audible over the orchestral music.
"Do I get to know where you're taking me?" You stopped in your tracks. You were thinking of what Kurapika would say. Even though you would follow him at the drop of a coin, you weren’t that stupid. He is a man, before all else. 
Something flashed in Chrollo's eyes. Was he hurt by your sudden distrust? 
"I'll show you. I promise you'll like it," Chrollo replied, creaking open the door.
There was nothing at first, only darkness. But stepping through the door bestowed an even more enchanting sight than the ballroom.
You gasped, "I didn't realize there was a courtyard out here."
Chrollo looked at you as if he were seeing you the first time tonight again. The profile of your face was highlighted by the moonlight. your jawline was your only feature that stood out, the rest of your was soft under the haze of darkness. The surrounding blue contrasted against your fading red lipstick. your hair had grown significantly more disheveled but it still looked utterly smooth. If Chrollo was bolder he would've run his hand through it and took you by your waist and done things he surely would regret for initiating too soon... he wanted to savor the moment when it inevitably came.
He smiled, despite himself. Neither of you noticed the cold, still warmed from dancing only moments ago. Chrollo watched as your eyes soaked in the scene before you.
It seemed as if the bushes and trees saved their last breaths for this space alone. Fall leaves hung over a gravel path. Ivy snaked up the surrounding structures, all encapsulating the tiny yard. A small table sat in the center of the path upon which a lantern was placed. He had come prepared.
The whole night: he had anticipated it all. He had realized your love, and, at this moment, you realized his. What he had yet to figure out was the depth of those feelings or where they came from. Or, most importantly, what was tucked underneath those feelings. That was what tonight was for.
The orchestra still echoed faintly through the ancient walls.
"Shall we dance? I never did like dancing in front of a crowd,"
You redirected your eyes to an equally beautiful scene. You were still in reverence. It was obvious now that he had planned it all.
Your heart swelled like an ocean wave, but all you could manage to get out was, "Are we supposed to be here?"
Chrollo looked at you dangerously, "To remind you, I'm not supposed to be anywhere." 
Before you could say another word, Chrollo stepped forward and lifted both his and your own mask off of your faces. 
Chrollo's undivided visage was in view now. The curve of his nose and tops of his cheekbones caught the light of the moon. His downcast eyelashes were full, framing his silver eyes.
As for Chrollos view, he simply needed to see your whole face to be sure that what you felt was really true. When he saw the arching of your lips and widened eyes, he knew it was.
He grasped your hand in preparation to waltz, deliberately intertwining his hand with yours. 
Timed perfectly, the music slowed. It was a couples' number. Inevitably, this had also somehow been planned by Chrollo.
This dancing was quite different than before. It was full of significance.
The song picked up with a violin. Chrollo pulled you close, your bodies almost touching. Your heat radiated off of one another. You felt almost giddy with attraction. What you wanted to do to him was far past your confidence, but you wanted it all the same.
His eyes didn't leave yours. A slight smile persisted on his lips. He hadn't enjoyed himself so much in years. And the last time he felt something like this, it wasn't nearly as genuine.
You swayed from side to side with only the moonlight and distant concerto guiding your steps. You made a move to rest your head on his shoulder. It was so that you could not look into his eyes as you spoke your next words. You snaked your arms behind his neck while he placed his around your hips. It felt good to be so close. You felt secure in his arms.
You really hoped this was going where she thought it was. But you needed to be certain.
"I want to know if this is true," you whispered, breaking the tranquil silence. Your breath was hot against his neck. It drove him absolutely mad. 
Unknowingly, you had echoed back the words Chrollo had been retracing in his head throughout the night. Is this true?
He feigned ignorance of the meaning behind your statement. "What's true?" Chrollo whispered back.
"Is all this premeditation for something else? Another scheme?"
Chrollo suddenly turned serious, "I will never do that to you again. This is for real."
You pulled back to look into his eyes, "But what is this?" 
Your face was lined with apprehension. After all that happened tonight, it still wasn't clear. Chrollo needed to change that.
He looked down at you, attempting to convey what you meant to him in his eyes. They overflowed with tenderness, admiration, and worship, even. 
You hadn't realized that he had these emotions in him. Now you understood. It was all because they were reserved for you.
His movement was swift. He lowered his face to yours, soaking in your divine scent. You didn't anticipate what was about to happen until his lips delicately brushed against your own, asking for an invitation. He clearly didn't need one, for your body responded immediately. Your hand trailed up to the side of his face. Chollo pulled your hips towards him. Your eyes fluttered shut.
And you kissed. 
It was intoxicating.
The taste of him nearly silenced your thoughts. It was a tang of wine and sweetness. You tried to let the feeling seep into your bones, agonizing over its ephemeral nature. 
Your surroundings dissolved into the inky night. You focused on how soft his mouth felt, how his hands upon your hips made you want to yield to all he could offer, and, in turn, all you could ever desire.
Seconds later, you unwillingly pulled apart. Your whole body tingled, edging for more. Both of your heartbeats were fluttering a rapid cadence. Remaining there for a moment– foreheads touching, breath tickling one another lips– you savored each other's presence. 
Your kiss was unlike anything either of you had experienced before. It was born out of lust but resulted in something deeper. Floating to the surface was an unbound attraction sparked by one mouth on another.
You both were left smiling with flushed cheeks. Goosebumps prickled on your arms.
"I hope that made it clear," Chrollo said pulling away at last.
The warmth disappeared and you were left in a state of longing. You could still feel the touch of his lips upon yours, a ghost of his sensitive movements.
You smiled lightly at him, "It did."
Chrollo held out an arm for you. "We best be getting back now."
You were frozen in place, coming to your senses. Holy shit.
The enormity of what that kiss meant came crashing down upon you. What would this mean moving forward? Everything had seemed so temporary with Chrollo, coming in and out of your life as he did in the past month. Was this temporary as well?
There was no time to dwell upon the future of their relationship. Although the promise of privacy in the courtyard tempted you to stay, there was still one more number to dance. 
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visander · 3 years
Young Love and Other Surprising Things | Ao3.
When everyone heard that Andrew and Lorenzo were soulmates, the entire school had assumed that it was a joke. They show everyone fairly quickly that it is not a joke.
This is my ‘Soulmates AU’ square for @shadowhunterbingo and it was also written for the @malecdiscordserver’s fic crawl.
Lorenzo and Andrew being soulmates was all anyone could talk about. The pair had bonded the Friday before the weekend and they’d become the talk of the school overnight. Mostly because no one could believe it. No one could see Andrew, handsome football player Andrew, with someone as stuck up as Lorenzo.
Most when they’d first heard about it had assumed it was a joke but Andrew assured everyone quickly that it was anything but. They were actually soulmates and that made it all the more unbelievable.
Why in the world would the fates have paired them together? Some had started to speculate almost instantly that it would be a broken bond - something that happened often enough for it to be plausible but when the pair had returned to school on Monday morning, they’d seemed anything but broken.
Lorenzo walked into school with Andrew at his side, clutching his book bag and blushing as the pair stopped near the hallway where they’d split up. No one had ever seen a look on Lorenzo’s face like they’d seen that morning.
Lorenzo was aggravating to nearly everyone. He thought he was better than everyone else and he was smart enough that it might have been true, which only made his arrogance even more infuriating. Lorenzo didn’t have any friends and he never seemed to want any, finding them all too beneath him. He’d sit and read big complicated books during lunch, seeming to find his own presence all very enjoyable. He hardly even looked at any of his classmates without a look of disdain present on his face - until now that was, when everyone saw him look at Andrew. A soft blush was across his cheeks as he stared up at the taller more composed teenager, an expression on his face as if he was awestruck.
They exchanged a few words, mostly unheard by all the people that were standing around blatantly gawking at them and then, Andrew ducked in and pressed a kiss to Lorenzo’s cheek. The man blushed intensely, his eyes instantly falling to the ground, embarrassed.
The expression on Lorenzo’s face only seemed to make Andrew grin. He reached out and tipped Lorenzo’s face up to his and as if he couldn’t help himself after seeing how Lorenzo reacted, he leaned in to press his lips against the man’s own.
A moment later, the bell rang. Lorenzo turned to make his way up stairs to his first class, his cheeks still bright red. Andrew turned to make his way into the gym and everyone else stood around gaping at where they’d been standing.
One thing was clear. Andrew hadn’t been lying. It wasn’t a joke. Andrew Underhill and Lorenzo Rey were certainly a thing now.
At his lunch period that day, Andrew sat surrounded by his friends, listening to them go on about how they couldn’t understand how Andrew could possibly be into Lorenzo, soulmates or not. Andrew himself took it all in stride and his friends seemed smart enough not to outright insult Lorenzo, so Andrew didn’t quite seem to mind but when his friends kept going on, Andrew finally smirked and murmured, “He’s not that bad.” A phrase that instantly aroused his entire circle of friends in laughter, disbelief and a couple knowing grimaces.
“We don’t need to hear about your sex life, Underhill,” Jace snapped, rolling his eyes in overplayed annoyance. His soulmate under his arm, Clary, laughed as she hit his chest softly.
“I don’t have a sex life yet,” Andrew snapped back. After a moment, he kept speaking, “-but he’s not bad at kissing.”
Instantly, the table erupted again and regardless of how many people seemed to try to change the topic, the conversation kept coming back to Lorenzo and Andrew, not that Andrew quite seemed to mind.
Andrew was happy. He was proud that Lorenzo was his soulmate and regardless of if his friends were grimacing or laughing, he was happy to talk about his soulmate. Lorenzo, not unlike the rest of the school, was all Andrew could think about anyway.
Lorenzo didn’t have his lunch period until an hour later. He sat in the corner of the cafeteria, sitting by himself completely by choice. He was leaning over his notebook, writing the rough draft of an essay that was due next week, occasionally taking a moment to stop and take the bite of an apple as he thought.
He was only a few minutes into lunch when a shadow fell across his paper. When he looked up, Andrew was there, grinning.
Lorenzo couldn’t help but smile back, completely against his own free will. “What are you doing here?” He asked, dropping his pen instantly, his essay forgotten about. He was smart enough to know that he’d get nothing done with Andrew there. “You’re supposed to be in class.”
Andrew dropped into the seat across from Lorenzo. “I know but I wanted to come see you," he replied simply.
Lorenzo pressed his lips as if he was displeased but his eyes were sparkling with amusement. “You’re going to get into trouble,” he murmured.
Andrew instantly waved Lorenzo off. “No, of course not besides, it would be worth it to come see you.”
Lorenzo blushed and Andrew instantly looked pleased at the sight of it. “You’re going to come over tonight, right?” He posed, reaching out to pluck Lorenzo’s apple off the table to take a bite.
“I have an exam tomorrow. I have to study.” Lorenzo said. It was not the first time he was informing Andrew of this and it would not be the last.
“I’ll help you study!” Andrew insisted instantly, also not for the first time.
Lorenzo rolled his eyes, “You said that you’d help me study this weekend.”
“And I did,” Andrew shot back.
“You helped me study for a few minutes and then we ended up kissing.”
“I said I'd helped you study and I did,” Andrew replied deadpan.
Lorenzo looked down to his paper, clearly trying to hide the amused smile on his face.
“So... you’ll come over?” Andrew asked again.
Lorenzo huffed softly but at last, he nodded. “I really do have to study!” He said as he looked up to watch Andrew rise to his feet. “I mean it. If you kiss me, I’m going to leave. I’m not failing because of you.”
Andrew nodded but the playful smirk on his lips didn’t disappear. “You’ve never failed a test in your life,” he said as he made his way around the table, moving to press a kiss to Lorenzo’s cheek.
Instantly, Lorenzo was blushing like he had that morning, a look Andrew seemed to bring about on his face quite often. “And I’m not starting now,” he murmured halfheartedly.
Andrew chuckled and leaned in to press another kiss to Lorenzo’s cheek before he was turning and starting to head out of the cafeteria, hopefully to go back to his class before he really got into trouble. “You couldn’t fail if you tried.”
Before Lorenzo could even respond, Andrew had completely turned and darted out of the cafeteria, leaving Lorenzo alone once again, smiling down at his half finished essay that he couldn’t even remember the topic of anymore.
Needless to say, when he and Andrew met that night, Lorenzo did very little studying. Still, nearly a week later, he was told he’d received an A. No one was surprised, least of all Andrew.
Everyone learned fairly quickly that Lorenzo was much less insufferable around Andrew. Everyone had been incredibly unsure when Andrew had started bringing Lorenzo with him around their group of friends. Even Lorenzo himself had looked like he wasn’t sure if Andrew was worth associating with all of these other people but slowly, they got used to each other.
Lorenzo still had his quirks. He’d still say things that went way over the heads of everyone else. He still never quite liked all the things Andrew and his friends did but they all at least learned to tolerate each other, for the most part.
Lorenzo had some issues with Alec’s soulmate that he didn’t quite seem willing to get over but he was still polite when he had to be, for Andrew’s sake. It became a common occurrence to see Lorenzo at their football games, looking proud when it had seemed that Andrew had done something good and trying not to look bored when he wasn’t doing anything.
Lorenzo didn’t really like sports but Andrew did. So, he went to their games and if he read a book during the downtime, Andrew never really seemed to mind. It was after one of those first few games that Lorenzo went to that Andrew approached him, still wearing his uniform, covered in a thin layer of dirt and sweat, his hair a mess on top of his head.
Lorenzo had to admit that he looked rather adorable like that and that was maybe why he let Andrew take his hand so easily and drag him behind the bleachers, into the dark where no one would see them unless they really looked.
Lorenzo laughed breathlessly as Andrew pushed him against the cold metal, holding Lorenzo by the sides of Andrew’s football jacket that he’d been wearing the whole game. Lorenzo was anything but surprised when his laugh was cut off by Andrew’s lips on his own, kissing him with all the adrenaline he’d built up throughout the game.
Andrew’s hand slipped under Lorenzo’s shirt, his nails gently scraping against Lorenzo’s skin as their kiss turned a little feverish, though Lorenzo wouldn’t quite say that was his fault.
Lorenzo tipped his head up further, his hands clutching Andrew’s damp uniform as he strained his neck to let the taller man kiss him with a better angle. A month ago, Lorenzo would have never thought he’d be here, kissing his handsome soulmate in a place where someone could so easily find them but now, he couldn’t find it in him to complain, especially when one of Andrew’s hands came up to gently grip Lorenzo’s hair, tugging softly and forcing a moan out of Lorenzo’s lips.
They kissed passionately for another few long moments before Andrew pulled away, suddenly lifting Lorenzo’s slender body until he was holding him against the wall at Andrew’s eye level.
Lorenzo wrapped his legs around Andrew’s hips to hold himself up, laughing softly as Andrew suddenly ducked forward again, kissing him just a touch more desperately than a moment before.
Andrew’s hips rutted into Lorenzo’s and instantly, Lorenzo broke away from the kiss and tipped his head back, clenching his hands in Andrew’s hair as he let out a soft broken moan. Andrew wasted no time ducking forward, biting gently at the smooth space between Lorenzo’s neck and his shoulder, alternating between sucking and nibbling softly.
Lorenzo had never kissed anyone the way he was kissing Andrew. He’d never shared anything but brief kisses with other people but even considering he’d never done this with anyone else before, he didn’t imagine anyone could manage to make him feel the way Andrew did. Everywhere Andrew touched him lit Lorenzo’s skin on fire, leaving him shivering and arching into the touch, desperate for Andrew to do it again.
They probably would have gone a lot farther than either of them would have wanted to, had they been thinking rationally and not had every thought in their heads drowned out by the feeling of the other’s touch, but they broke away as the sudden sound of someone slamming on the metal of the bleaches broke through the air.
“Underhill, come on!” Jace groaned, his voice loud and aggravated.
Instantly, Lorenzo blushed and Andrew had the decency to look a little sheepish as he lowered Lorenzo to the ground. “Whoops,” he whispered, unable to keep the small grin from breaking across his face.
Lorenzo rolled his eyes, trying to straighten out his shirt and his hair before they walked out and made it even more obvious what they’d been doing, as if anyone could not know. “You don’t have to act like you’re not pleased,” Lorenzo grumbled.
Andrew looked up at him, making a small attempt to fix his own clothes as he shrugged. “What’s wrong with being proud of my soulmate?” Andrew asked innocently.
Again, Lorenzo rolled his eyes. “Being proud we were caught making out is a little different than being proud of me-”
Andrew scoffed and Lorenzo felt a small smile coming across his own face as Andrew insisted, “Nonsense! I’m proud of our love and that’s all!”
Lorenzo looked up and quirked an eyebrow, “Love?” He asked teasingly.
Instantly, Andrew flushed. It was expected that soulmates loved each other but still, they’d only been bonded for a few weeks and they certainly hadn’t said they loved each other yet. Andrew shrugged softly, frowning. “Well, I mean-” He fumbled for a moment, as if he wasn’t sure if he wanted to say what was coming out of his mouth or not. “I uh- I love you,” Andrew mumbled, his words trailing off as if he thought saying them as quietly as possible might stop Lorenzo from reacting poorly.
Lorenzo’s hands tightened on his book bag, a soft expression coming across his face. As if he could ever be upset hearing something like that come out of Andrew’s lips. “I love you too,” Lorenzo whispered.
It took a moment for Andrew to seem to process what Lorenzo had said but when he did, a smile came across his face once again. He brushed back his curly, messy hair and reached for Lorenzo’s hand before he seemed to change his mind and wrapped his arm around Lorenzo entirely.
Andrew ducked in and pressed a warm kiss to Lorenzo’s head, his lips at just the perfect height to do so. “I love you too,” he murmured, as if he hadn’t been the one to say it first. Maybe, he was just looking for any excuse to say it again and Lorenzo couldn’t quite be upset with him for that.
“You already said that,” Lorenzo mumbled finally as Andrew led him out of the bleachers into the warm sunlight, where Andrew’s teammates stood, some smirking over at them, some rolling their eyes as they emerged.
“Finally,” Jace yelled, seeming to be the one orchestrating this assault on them. “We’re going out to eat, if you two had enough time to spare between sucking each other’s face off.”
Lorenzo blushed but a small smile came across his lips too. There was something nice about everyone knowing they were together, Lorenzo supposed, even if it was incredibly embarrassing.
Andrew looked down to him for a moment, seeming to consider it. “I think we’re a bit busy,” he concluded, which made Jace groan again and caused the rest of the group to erupt in laughter.
“I’m hungry,” Lorenzo murmured.
“Never mind, we’ll make time,” Andrew amended as he tugged Lorenzo towards the rest of the team. In the small cafe they found themselves in later, Lorenzo found himself smushed into Andrew’s lap in a booth, wrapping his arms around the taller man’s neck as they shared a smoothie and some pie that Jace had decided he’d also share with them.
Kissing was nice but as Lorenzo curled into Andrew’s neck, feeling the man’s laughter vibrating through his skin, he thought that this was pretty nice too. Besides, they’d always have time for kissing later.
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ghostspideys-moved · 4 years
We’ll Have Tomorrow
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Chapter Seven
A/N: We’re getting into those good Christmas and Hanukkah vibes.
Word Count: 2.6k
Pairing: Steve Harrington x OC, Jonathan x Nancy x OC (eventually)
Summary: Christmas is right around the corner, and that means it’s time for the Christmas party Steve’s parents decided to throw. Hopefully they can avoid noisy adults.
Christmas was less than five days away now. Nearly three days away to be precise. Which meant River was now stuck going to a Christmas party with Steve. She wasn't much of a party person, but, if she remembered correctly, it was mostly going to be adults. Probably friends or colleagues of his parents. 
Steve had been the one to open the door and let her in. Of course her first thought was about how huge his house was. She'd known his parents had a good amount of money, but she'd never been in a house this big before. 
He must have noticed her awestruck expression as she glanced at all the art hanging in the walls, because he laughed. 
River snapped out of her reverie and followed him up to his room. Even from here, she could hear the faint him of socializing downstairs, but it was barely noticeable. Besides, she had a bigger concern right now. 
Steve's room was hideous.
"Not to, like, insult you or anything, but what the fuck?" The wallpaper was a strange plaid pattern almost, and the curtains matched almost perfectly. It was horrible, and she was having a hard time focusing on anything but that.
"What?" Steve asked, still not catching on.
Rive snorted. "Steve, please never become an interior decorator," she pleaded.
Steve rolled his eyes and fell back on his bed. "Shut up. This is the one thing in this house I have control over."
"Then it's even worse than I thought." She laughed and took off her jacket, setting it on his desk chair. 
Admittedly, it felt a little awkward being in his room, especially given the fact that just a few days ago, she still hated him. Maybe hate was a strong word, but she hadn't liked him at all, that was for sure.
Steve probably sensed her apprehension and scooted over. "Don't worry, Matthews. I won't bite," he joked.
River rolled her eyes and hesitated before sitting next to him. She wasn’t really sure what it was, but being in his room felt weird. Because of her dad’s rules, she’d barely even interacted with a guy outside of school, so this was a first. It wasn’t bad or anything, she just didn’t really know what people did in this sort of situation.
Luckily, Steve was a lot less awkward than she was, because he seemed to have a better idea of what to do than she did.
“How about we play a game?” he asked.
Of course, River was instantly curious as to where this was going. “Uh, sure.”
He sat up a little, a huge grin on his face. By now, she’d become accustomed to feeling worried when he had that look on his face.
“Okay, we’re going to play 20 questions, which is exactly what it sounds like. I’ll ask you a question, and you have to answer truthfully. Then you ask me something, and we keep going until we hit 20 of them each,” Steve explained.
“And any question goes?”
“Pretty much, yeah.”
River thought it sounded innocent enough. She nodded and let him start off with a simple question.
“What’s your favorite color?”
“Purple,” she said without hesitation. She thought for a second before asking, “Favorite movie?”
“Star Wars.”
“Which one?’
Admittedly, he hadn’t known there was more than one, but rather than owning up to that, he said, “Nope. That’s two questions, missy.”
River laughed and rolled her eyes as she let him ask his next question.
“What’s your middle name?”
“Which one?”
“Hm. American one.”
Steve was secretly hoping it’d be something a lot more embarrassing from what she could tell. 
River leaned back on her palms, chewing her lip as she thought. “Okay, what’s your biggest fear?” she asked.
Steve laughed and gave her a shocked look. “Already asking the deep questions, I see.” He paused as he seemed to be seriously considering the question. “I’ve always been pretty scared of scarecrows since I was a kid,” he admitted.
It wasn’t the answer she was expecting, but maybe that was what made it all the funnier to her. “Scarecrows?”
“Yeah. I mean, not really anymore, but they creeped me the fuck out as a kid.”
River snorted and shook her head. “Well then that doesn’t count,” she said. “What’s your biggest fear now?”
“Woah, who says it doesn’t count?”
“I do, Harrington. Now answer the question.”
Steve sighed and thought again, this time really wracking his brain for a more truthful answer. Not that he’d been lying, but he felt like that wasn’t the full truth.
“Well, if you want me to get deep or something, I guess I’m afraid that I’ll end up alone,” he said. 
Somehow, that threw her off even more than the last answer. River didn’t really think he got insecure about those things, but she supposed it happened to the best of people. 
“Dude, you’re Steve Harrington. Do you know how many girls I’ve seen swooning over you over the years?” She’d never really understood it, but at least it was the truth. Even now, when he was a lot better than just last year, she still didn’t quite know what the big fuss was.
Steve scoffed and propped himself on his elbow, turning to face her. “Things have changed for me since last year. I’m not nearly as popular as I used to be.”
She never really understood why that was so important. “So what?”
Seeing the incredulous look on his face was enough to make her laugh, which only made him roll his eyes. “What do you mean ‘so what?’ My life has been in shambles since.”
“Not really. You have friends, Harrington.” “Yeah, a bunch of twelve-year olds.”
River sighed and shook her head. Not quite what she meant, but that was her point. “Yeah, but you like them,” she said. “If you didn’t I don’t think you would have really risked your life to save them.”
“Or maybe I’m just that good,” Steve insisted. 
“Harrington, you literally almost died to save Dustin.” And her, but that wasn’t her point, so she didn’t add that in. “I may not know you too well, but I think that’s about as close to a declaration of friendship as it comes for you.”
Steve ran his fingers through his hair, thinking over what she said. River could tell he knew she was right, but whether he admitted that was a whole other question. 
“Alright, if we’re getting deep all of a sudden, I get to pry into your head a little.”
She thought that certainly seemed fair enough. Though she wasn’t sure how truthful she’d be depending on where this next question went.
He sat up now, a much more serious look on his face. “You’re like that girl...El? So, then you had to be trapped in the lab for some time, right?”
There weren’t many ways to avoid answering this one. On the one hand, she could probably lie or downplay the whole thing, but she doubted he’d buy that. If she’d learned anything, it was that Steve wasn’t stupid by any means. He wasn’t always the brightest at times, sure, but he wasn’t dumb at all, and he would never buy it if she tried to be anything but truthful.
“Well, yeah.” River shrugged and flopped back on the bed, refusing to meet his gaze just yet. “I mean, ever since I was ten. And then my brother and I...we escaped about three years after that.”
Steve seemed surprised to hear that. He nodded and gestured for her to go on.
“Um, I’m pretty sure the only reason we didn’t get caught was because my dad was trying his hardest to keep us from the scientists,” she added. “I think after not finding us for so long, they gave up searching.” That’s what she’d always assumed anyways. “That was like five years ago, so I don’t see why they wouldn’t just give up.” He nodded, still absorbing all of the information. River was just grateful he hadn’t pushed her for more. She was surprised she’d even shared that much. Then again, he’d already seen the number on her arm when she’d showed them. And he was probably just as trustworthy as the rest of the kids.
“Can I see it again?” he asked suddenly. “Your arm?”
River hesitated for a moment before pulling up her sleeve and showing him once more.
“Holy shit.” Of course, Steve had already seen it before, but that didn’t mean it didn’t still shock him. After all, he was still wrapping his head around everything Dustin told him about El.
River nodded and pulled her sleeve back down after a moment. Before he could even think to ask anything else, his mom called them down for dinner.
Dinner went surprisingly well. Of course, Steve and River mostly just talked to each other, not wanting to have to interact with a bunch of nosy adults. In fact, any time an adult talked to them, they seemed to think she was his girlfriend, which she thought was absurd. Of course, Steve shut that thought down quickly, not wanting her to be uncomfortable. After all, he’d really just invited her over as a friend, not wanting to be alone. 
The rest of the night, they stuck to his room, avoiding the loud group of people downstairs. 
At some point, Steve even started playing some Christmas music. And at first, she wasn’t sure if it was on purpose or not, but he was singing so badly. But eventually, they sat back on his bed, relaxing and simply enjoying each other’s company. That was when she heard him singing quietly to himself, and it sounded beyond amazing.
River didn't want to say anything in case he stopped, so she was silent as she listened to him sing. Faintly, she could hear everyone downstairs, and the radio on Steve’s desk was playing quietly by now. Something about it all was soothing. This was probably the most calm she’d been in a long time, and she was trying to enjoy every second of it.
Once it was getting late, Steve drove her home so Hopper wouldn’t get worried. The flurries of snowflakes blew in the harsh breeze, making it nearly impossible to see. Maybe not the best time to be driving, but they’d certainly been in worse situations. 
Conversation was light through the whole drive, but still enjoyable. By the time they rolled into the driveway, they were both silent until Steve turned to her.
“I know we had to deal with nosy adults, but I hope you had fun,” he said. 
River smiled brightly and nodded. It hadn’t been so bad, really. And, in all honesty, she’d had more fun than she’d had in a long time. Maybe ever. 
“Yeah, I definitely did,” she responded. “Then again, I have some pretty low standards.”
Steve laughed, looking forward again as the porch light turned on, meaning Hopper was definitely up. And more than likely, he was waiting for her to come in.
River paused for a moment, her mind racing as she considered asking him something. “Christmas is coming up. Obviously.” Only five days and it would finally be here. “You don’t really like being home, so I was wondering if you wanted to spend the day with us.”
Before he could respond and possibly shoot her down, she backtracked, fumbling over her words for a moment. “I mean, I know El would get a kick out of that. She loves you so far, and I think Hopper wouldn’t say it, but he likes you, too.”
Steve laughed at how awkward she was being. She wasn’t trying to be weird about it, but the last thing she wanted was for him to think this was her flirting or something of that sort. Really, she just wanted him to have a decent Christmas, and if that meant escaping his parents, she was glad to offer an alternative.
“Yeah, I think I’ll take you up on that.” He grinned. For some reason, one she didn’t fully understand, it made her sigh in relief, feeling as though a weight had been lifted from her shoulders.
“Good. I’ll, uh, tell Hop to expect you,” she said. “Goodnight, Harrington.”
He waved and said goodbye as she got out of the car and trekked up to the porch, quickly getting herself out of the cold.
Inside, River pulled off her boots and set them by the door so she wouldn’t track snow inside. She’d done that many times before, mostly because she forgot simple things like that every now and then.
As expected, Hopper was up, sitting in his chair while the TV played quietly, a beer in his hand. From what she could tell, Hawthorne and El must already be asleep, or at the very least in their rooms.
As soon as Hopper noticed she was home, he turned as she was walking over to join him. He let her settle on the couch before asking her anything.
“How’d your date with Harrington go?” he questioned, taking another swig of his beer. 
River rolled her eyes and glanced at the TV. “It was not a date, for starters.” He only seemed to laugh at her insistence. “And second of all, it went pretty well, actually.”
“Glad to hear it,” he said. “I sure hope he didn’t think it was a date.”
She groaned, partially embarrassed by this line of questioning. “No, not as far as I could tell. You know, I can just be friends with him, right?”
“I’m not saying you can’t, but I am saying I know how boys are.”
The whole night, she hadn’t really picked up on anything like that from Steve. He really just seemed relieved to have some actual company, which she could totally understand. 
“Steve’s changed a lot, and it continues to surprise me,” River admitted. “And trust me, if he hadn’t I don’t think I would have agreed to go. So I don’t really think anything you’re thinking of was on his mind. And I should know.”
Maybe she was still learning, but she could control her powers well enough to hear anything Steve might have been thinking. Of course, there was a certain line of privacy she never wanted to cross, so she wouldn’t have pried.
“Yeah, I know, kiddo. He’s not as bad as I expected, either.” She could tell he really meant it, and she had to agree. Steve was oddly full of surprises, and she had a feeling he wasn’t going to stop surprising her any time soon. 
River stayed in the living room for a while. She tried to relax, either of them really saying much. It was a comfortable silence, though. Neither of them needed to say much right now, so they didn’t. 
Eventually, she was growing tired, and her eyelids were growing heavy. 
Hopper pulled himself out of the chair and turned the Tv off. He ruffled her hair, a slight smile on his face. “Get some sleep, kid.”
River nodded and slowly got up, stretching her arms and legs, before dragging herself to bed. Sometimes, it was hard for her to fall asleep, but this was not one of those times. Over the last few weeks, she often found herself lying awake late at night, unable to do anything but think. 
Her life was much better than it had been not long ago, but it was hard for her to really accept that. She was afraid she’d let her guard down, and the illusion of security would break. All of this might suddenly vanish, like a beautiful dream that she would never remember if she woke up. It might slip away from her forever.
Thankfully, she felt a lot less worried this time, and as soon as her head hit the pillow, she was out like a light. She couldn’t even remember having a nightmare, which was the first time she could think of that happening in a long time.
Taglist: @bravest-at-heart​ @musicalytrashpanda​ @queenofthehairharrington​
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Chapter 2 - Time Keeps On Slippin’ Into The Future
Detroit Michigan, MGM Grand Hotel - Room 1136 May 18 2017
ANDI: The sunlight began to pour through the large sliding glass doors of the hotel room balcony as I find myself laying facedown in a large comfy bed, probably the most comfortable bed I have ever slept in, my dark curls covering my face, blinking my eyes a few times to try to focus on the light pouring through the room.
Wait... where am I?
I flick my eyes open and lift myself off the pillow, pushing my curls out of my face. As I look around the room, I turn myself over and sit up in bed, pulling the covers up to my bare chest.
Oh no, not again...
I exhale and a stray curl flutters up and falls back down across my eyes as I glance around the room to figure out just where I was this time. I hate it when this happens. After months and months of not having any episodes, here I am once again, slipping through time. At least this time I'm not in the middle of an alley or on a long stretch of highway, naked with no one around. I stretch for a moment and yawn as I flip my curls out of my eyes, trying to figure out what to do about the clothing situation.
I wonder who's room I'm in anyways.
I see a suitcase by the door and laptop that was sitting on a desk. There was also a couple of cardigan sweaters that rested on the arm of the large reading chair that was opposite of the bed, and a guitar case that was leaning against the chair. I don't remember anything about last night, but that usually happens for the first few hours and then once I know where, or really when I am, I'm pretty much ok - at least lately that has been the case.
I decide to see if there were any spare clothes that may be in the dresser that sat across from me. I take the bed sheet and wrap it around myself, hop out of bed and walk over to the dresser to search for some much needed clothing. Nothing at all in any of the drawers.
Fuck, what am I going to do?
As soon as I close the last drawer of the dresser, the hotel room door opens which makes me jump and I slam the dresser drawer shut. I look up towards the door that opened and I swear to god, I thought I was going to have a heart attack.
Chris steps into the room, wearing a black jacket, a white T-shirt with the 90 logo and fitted jeans, holding a shopping bag and two cups of what looked like coffee.
Chris... Oh my god it's Chris... but he's so much older...
"Hi," He says so sweetly. All I could do was stand there like an idiot holding up the bed sheet I had wrapped around me while it felt like my heart was about to pound out of my chest.
"I uh, brought you some coffee and uh, I hope this isn't weird or anything but I picked up something for you to wear... since well... you know," He says shyly as he walks over to me holding out the bag and coffee.
I just look at him completely dumbfounded and awestruck in his presence, not sure what to do or what to say, but without even thinking, I move towards him and throw my arms around his neck and hug him.
"Whoa ok... I uh take it you're alright then," He chuckles and I nod quickly unable to say anything because I was so incredible happy that he's here.
Damn he's still so incredibly gorgeous. Wait... what year is this?
"Um, well... here these are for you," He says a little apprehensively, clearing his throat once I let go of him and he looks down at the shopping bag. He hands me the bag and I take it from him as I tuck the bed sheet around myself. I pull out a pair of ripped skinny jeans, a pair of black and white converse, a bra and panties and an old Aerosmith T-shirt from their 1984 world tour.
"Thank you," I say glancing back up at him into those gorgeous blue eyes of his. I flash him an excited smile and he smiles back at me.
"You're welcome," He says so sweetly. There was a few moments of silence between us as all I wanted to do was kiss those beautiful lips of his, but for some reason, I couldn't. I'm not sure what it is but I'm getting this weird stand-offish feeling from him. As if he doesn't know me. As if we're not the same anymore.
"Um... is it alright if I just... clean up a little bit?" I say apprehensively as I gesture towards the bathroom.
"Oh, yea of course... of course,"
I give him another shy smile and make my way into the bathroom as the bed sheet drags behind me.
I quickly finish my shower in no time and step out of the little shower stall, grabbing a towel to dry myself carefully then I step over to the bathroom counter where I place the bag of clothes he got for me when I suddenly stumbled but caught myself against the bathroom counter.
I look down on the floor where I stumbled and notice a red exercise band that was tied into a noose like knot laying on the floor. I began to feel a lump in my throat rise as I look down at that... thing on the floor.
I lean down and pick up the rubber exercise band and feel the overwhelming sadness that seems to emit from it. It was so surreal and just something that made me completely uncomfortable and so, so sad.
No... no, Chris... No...
As I stare at the rubber exercise band that I held in my hand, I wonder just what in the fucking god damn world made him get to that point that he wanted to leave this world. I was just with him yesterday and he was fine. We were in his studio working on a track he wrote - well we wrote it but I didn't want to be in the writing credits if he happens to put it on the album - and he wanted me to play lead on it as well. The last thing I remember was him going upstairs to answer the door and once again...
I shake my head to get out of my thoughts and drop the exercise band back down on the floor. I take out the clothes that he picked out for me and quickly change. I fix my damp curls in the mirror as they cascade down just passed my shoulders and I wish I had some sort of make up to put on, but it's alright.
Once I decide I look decent enough, I open the bathroom door to see Chris at the desk, on his laptop and drinking his coffee.
"Hi," He says so sweetly as he turns and glances back at me just as I step out of the bathroom, his gorgeous blue eyes sparkling in the sunlight that pours through the sliding glass doors, flashing me a shy smile as I push a curl out of my eyes.
"Hi," I say shyly back.
"Oh, uh, here... your coffee," He says after a few moments of him looking at me and he offers me the coffee cup. I thank him and take the cup from him and make my way over to the bed to sit down.
I want to move over and hold him but I can tell everything's different. I'm still me and he's so much older and I don't want to confuse him in any way. I want to ask him about the bathroom, what I found on the floor, but I don't know how to. I've slipped so far into the future that things have definitely changed and I can tell just by the way he is with me.
"Um... I um... I'm not exactly sure what to say, other than... um..." I fumble.
Why the hell am I fumbling? This is Chris, my Chris... why is everything so weird? Why do I feel weird?
"You don't have to say anything, I'm just glad you're ok," He says so sweetly, those incredible blue eyes of his studying mine for a moment before he turns back to his laptop and take another sip of his coffee.
Wait... I remember something... Someone mentioned something about a Vicky last night... Who the hell is Vicky?
Suddenly there was a knock at the door startling us both and knocking us out of our glancing embrace. He gives me a half smile and rises from the desk chair, and answers the door.
"Hey, the guys are pretty much ready to head back out at any time... we're aiming to leave by 3:00pm so we can get to Ohio by tomorrow,"
"Ok sounds good," Chris says.
"And uh, Vicky called again... she was trying to get you on your cell but it was going to voicemail,"
"Oh fuck, it's probably dead or somethin'. Um..." Chris trails off and I can feel him glance back at me.
"Just tell her I was doing an interview or something... what did she want anyways?"
They continue to discuss a few things from last night, and after a few moments, whoever was at the door left and it was back to just Chris and I alone in his hotel room once more.
Fuck, I wish I could figure out just what the hell made me slip so far.
"You know, it's ok if you have to go, I can figure something out with... you know, me and my whole situation..." I say as I sand up from the bed.
"I don't have to go anywhere, it's alright," He says as his eyes flick over my body, I push my curls out of my face and glance back at him.
" No... really, I don't want to keep you from... whatever it is that... um... " I start to fumble again I glance down at myself while I begin to feel a wave of light headedness that I'm so desperately trying to hide. I place my hand to my forehead and blink a few times to try to stop the feeling but now the ringing in my ears begins and I'm afraid I'm going to slip right in front of him again.
"Um, I just need to use the bathroom again if that's ok?"
He says nothing and looks at me confused while I make my way to the bathroom again, he moves back over to me, catches my hand and pulls me into him, suddenly embracing me in another hug.  Damn, he smells amazingly good. Like a mixture of warmth and freshness.
"Don't... don't slip if you can help it," He whispers.
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jennywritesfanfic · 4 years
like a hurricane (billy hargrove x reader)
Summary: (SMUT) Billy is the hot new guy with a bad reputation and you’re right in cross-hairs.
daddy kink, car sex, rough sex
Sometimes you wished you could go back to an earlier, easier time way before Billy Hargrove had ever stepped foot in Hawkins; other times you wondered how you managed to trudge through a life so dull, so unexciting as the one you led before he did.
Gym was your least favorite class — followed closely by algebra, but at least you had Nancy to help you get through that one. In gym you were all alone, mostly overlooked by the jocks and never really fitting in with the popular girls though they weren’t overtly mean to you. The one saving grace that prevented gym class from being completely awful was that the teacher never picked on you and you could get away with the minimal amount of effort you were willing to put in. 
On Thursdays you had gym in the morning, so you were extra lazy as a precaution against any sweating that might ruin your hair or your perfume. When you walked out of the locker room, clad in a gray t-shirt that hugged your chest nicely and a pair of green running shorts that seemed a whole lot shorter than they did a couple years ago, you saw the rest of the class crowded together in the center of the gym. 
“Hey, what’s going on?” you asked one of the friendlier popular girls who was on the outskirts of the circle.
She leaned closer to whisper, “It’s the new guy, take a look.”
You weaseled your way up to the front where the teacher was giving some half-assed speech about basketball and that’s when you saw him. He was standing nonchalantly with his hands in the pockets of his gym shorts, and you couldn’t help but let your eyes wander up his tanned, muscular arms that he obviously devoted a lot of time to. His hair grazed his shoulders, your initial ‘oh god, he has a mullet’ turned into ‘oh god, he has a mullet’. He caught you staring and met your gaze — fuck — you quickly turned your head as if something else has caught your attention. Out of the corner of your eye you could see a slow smirk break across his face and you were certain your cheeks were simply glowing by now.
Gym went by without much of a hitch. The girls were all obviously distracted, watching the new guy score basket after basket. The guys, on the other hand, exchanged disgruntled glares every few seconds which you couldn’t help but find funny. The real trouble started when out of nowhere the bright orange ball was coming right at you and you had no choice but to reach out and catch it. You whipped your head around — you didn’t even know who was on you team, never mind what the hell you were supposed to do now that you had the ball. 
“Let me take that, doll,” a rough, low voice said and before you knew it the ball was snatched out of your hands.
It was the new guy; you stood awestruck and mildly annoyed as he tossed it up to land another basket just as the teacher blew the whistle that signaled class was over. You could hear a few of the other girls snickering behind you when the new guy turned to you, running a hand through his curly hair. 
“I didn’t get your name,” he flashed a movie star slick smile.
You rolled your eyes on instinct, “Well it’s certainly not ‘doll’.”
He laughed in a way that was both warm and disconcerting, “I’m Billy. I’m sure we’ll see each other around.”
“I wouldn’t put money on it,” you called as you had already begun to make your way back to the girls’ locker room.
When you walked inside you could feel the eyes of every girl in there on you. A few whispered to each other, but you ignored them and changed quickly into your jeans and shirt.
You managed to get to your next class, algebra, right on time and plopped down in your usual seat next to Nancy. Mr. Ackerson began to drone on about exponents or something when you saw Nancy scribbling one a scrap of paper. Eyes forward you reached your hand into the aisle between desks and felt her deposit the now-folded note into your palm. 
You opened it in your lap, safely hidden below your desk: 
Something happened in gym? Heard from Stacy. New guy is kinda hot!
Posing as if you were taking fastidious notes you penneda reply:
Seems like he might be a douche — hard to tell. Definitely a big flirt. Never knew you were into mullets…
You handed the note to Nancy, who you heard stifling a laugh seconds later. Her next note read: 
Give him a chance and play along. Let yourself have a little fun.
Maybe you should let yourself go for once. There was no harm in flirting, anyway, and it had been awhile since any of the guys at Hawkins High even made you blush.
The rest of the day was perfectly average: you went to english and history, ate lunch with Nancy and Jonathon, and had almost forgotten about the gym class incident when you strolled into your last class of the day. Physics wasn’t your strongest subject, but you did well enough, and Mr. Clarke was just about the nicest teacher you’d ever had. You exchanged friendly smiles as you took your seat, nestled in the back corner near a huge window that looked out on the parking lot. It was good for daydreaming, people watching, or even dozing off since you were out of Mr. Clarke’s usual line of sight. There was also the fact that your lab partner, Danny, had been out for a week with mono and probably wouldn’t be back anytime soon. It sounded kind of mean, but you had to admit his absence meant you were free of any distractions.
The rest of the class shuffled in and Mr. Clarke began drawing something that looked like a large magnet on the chalkboard. When he turned around you saw his eyes focus on something behind you.
Before you could move to see what it was Mr. Clarke glanced at the attendance and said, “Billy Hargrove?”
Holy shit.
“In the flesh,” said the same low voice that had chided you during gym.
Mr. Clarke grinned, “Why don’t you take the seat beside Y/N,” he motioned towards me, “Seeing as she’s missing a lab partner.”
You’re whole body tensed as Billy slid luridly onto the stool next to you. You ignored him, staring intently at Mr. Clarke without hearing a word he was saying. Billy’s eyes were on you and you could feel it. 
“Y/N, Y/N, Y/N,” he purred almost inaudibly, “Pretty name.”
“Thanks,” you said, unable to think of a witty remark to fire back with. Despite your best efforts you were flustered; thinking of Nancy’s note from earlier wasn’t helping. 
“Are you hot for this old man or something?” Billy said, still keeping his voice quiet enough that the people around you couldn’t hear — not that it kept them from looking. Practically every girl, and most of the guys in the room glanced at the two of you periodically.
You turned your head to look at Billy, “Excuse me?”
“It seems like you can’t take your eyes off him,” he was obviously pleased with your reaction, the sly smirk tugging at his lips gave him away.
You adjusted on your stool in a way that you knew might emphasize your best features and said, “Well, I’m not looking at him now.” 
Play along. You let yourself take in Billy’s leather jacket, his dark jeans that were tight in all the right places, even the thin sliver of skin visible where his shirt was unbuttoned much further than necessary. 
His eyes widened momentarily before narrowing again to hide his surprise. “How about you let me give you a ride,” he paused a second too long, “home.”
You were shocked, Nancy was right after all, Billy was flirting with you. You realized you were taking too long to answer and Billy had furrowed his brow. “Uh, no thanks,” you said suddenly, “I have plans.” It wasn’t a lie, you did have plans to babysit, but that wasn’t until seven.  
“Another time then,” he said. His voice was soft, but something in it seemed to sent a shock of electricity down your spine.
“You said ‘no thanks’?” Nancy said, a look of disbelief on her face.
You shrugged, “I don’t actually want to hook up with him.”
“Y/N, saying ‘sure, you can drive me home’ isn’t the same thing as saying ‘take me now!’”
You couldn’t help but laugh at her ridiculous impression of you. She was right, but the way Billy had asked you, you had a feeling there was a little more on the table than just a lift home. Or maybe you were just reading too far into things. You had gone over the conversation once or twice in your head last night, but it didn’t bring you any more clarity. He was attractive, sure, but there was something that made him feel like bad news.
Hawkins High came into view and Nancy sprinted across the parking lot to greet Jonathan with a hug. You continued toward the building when you heard the sound of someone revving their engine closely followed by a sight previously unseen at Hawkins. A dark Camaro parked abruptly and your heart dropped when Billy emerged from the driver’s side, slamming the door behind him. He looked at you and winked, making you suddenly very aware of your own movements.
You had half a mind to go over there and say something, but just as the thought crossed your mind you saw Carol Jenson walk out from the other side. She said something to Billy, giggled, and turned to walk over to a group of girls a few spots away. You opened your mouth slightly in disbelief, tucked a strand of hair behind your ear in an attempt to collect yourself, and hurried into the building.
You stood at the edge of the court, pretending to care about who had the ball, and avoided looking at Billy. He was shirtless — of course he had to take his shirt off right now, you thought. The other girls in the class were all over him, shouting for him to pass to them, flashing enthusiastic grins, most of them wearing their tightest, shortest gym clothes. All you could think about was Carol Jenson — fucking Carol Jenson of all people — stepping out of Billy’s car all smug and beautiful.  Had they spent the night together? What had they been doing in that car before driving to school? You hated where your mind was wandering, but you couldn’t bring yourself to rein it in. 
You snuck a sidelong glance at Billy; he was fit, there was no denying that. You pictured him spending his free afternoons in the weight room, long hair slightly damp, eyes hardened in concentration. Oh fuck, you had a thing for Billy fucking Hargrove. The realization hit you like a brick wall. At almost the exact same moment you heard the crack of thunder followed by the light, constant sound of rain hitting the gym roof.
The teacher’s whistle echoed throughout the large room and everyone broke into chatter. You kept your eyes on the floor as you walked towards the locker room.
“Hey,” Billy’s voice called out from behind you.
You turned your head, making sure to keep your expression neutral, “Yeah?”
“I’m giving you a ride today,” he took a step closer and leaned in a little so his face was only a foot away from yours, “and you’re not allowed to say no.”
You couldn’t help it, you smiled ever so slightly, “If it’s still raining, sure. If not, no deal.”
He bit his bottom lip like he was thinking over a serious proposal, “Fine, you drive a hard bargain, Y/N.”
Once in the locker room you started to picture Carol Jenson again, and all the things she and Billy might have done last night, or this morning, or whenever. It made you feel grimy and kind of anxious, but you pushed the thoughts away.
When you told Nancy about the agreement in algebra her eyes nearly popped out of her head. Unfortunately Carol sat two seats behind you, so you had to be extra discreet when you told Nancy about what you had seen this morning. You could see Billy’s hands on her hips, her thighs, while she tangled her hands in his hair. Jealousy and insecurity washed over you in equal measure. God, you hated feeling this way especially when you knew getting involved with Billy just meant subjecting yourself to even more of it in the future.
The debacle of you and Billy Hargrove took up the entire conversation at lunchtime. Granted, Nancy did most of the talking while you and Jonathan exchanged exhausted looks once in awhile.
“She hasn’t been with anyone since she ended it with Matt,” Nancy said to Jonathan who just nodded, “Right?” now she was looking at you.
“Right. I really needed the reminder, Nance,” you rolled your eyes. You weren’t one to sleep around really, but you weren’t a prude either and the last three months since splitting with Matt had felt like ages.
“I’m just saying, that hair screams good in bed,” she whispered, patting Jonathan on the arm and muttering, “Sorry.”
“More like good in the backseat of a musty car,” you scoffed, thought didn't totally disagree. You hadn’t been thinking about it before, but now that Nancy mentioned it, you couldn’t help but wonder.
You were getting ahead of yourself, you thought, as you took your time walking to Physics. You have better things to worry about than some new guy with a perm. Taking your seat by the window you could see that the rain was still coming down in sheets. You had a good view of the dark Camaro, which served both as an unpleasant reminder of this morning’s incident and as a more pleasant one that you would be riding shotgun in only an hour. You didn’t know if it was just jealousy, or curiousity, or pure boredom that was driving you to Billy. Maybe it was the part of you that, as Nancy put it, just wanted to let yourself have a little fun.
All of the sudden you realized class was fully in session and Billy had just sat down next to you. 
“I said, hey,” he was obviously repeating himself, but you couldn’t remember him saying anything before.
“Hey, sorry, I was just spacing out for a minute,” you laughed, but it came out painfully awkward. You opened your notebook to a blank page and tried to catch up with what Mr.Clarke had written on the board.
“Maybe you were thinking about what all that rain means,” Billy murmured, not looking at you but pretending to listen to the lesson.
You felt your face get warm and you shifted around in your seat a little, “Walking home in this would be hell, I guess.”
“Exactly,” Billy drew out each syllable in a way that was oddly hypnotizing. You sucked on your lower lip and braved a glance in his direction. He met your eyes instantly and you gave him a tight-lipped smile, attempting to diffuse any tension. It felt like everything he did, everything he said exuded a kind of smooth, sexual energy. 
Mr. Clarke was talking at a mile a minute and you knew he wouldn’t call you out on anything, so you decided to take a risk. “How’s Carol?” you muttered, staring intently at your notes.
Billy looked up, his face contorted in confusion, “How’s what?”
“Carol,” you said, already regretting what you had said. You didn’t want to upset him, you had the feeling he had a short temper.
Billy laughed, the same warm honeyed laugh you’d been replaying in your head since yesterday. “I wouldn’t know,” he said calmly.
You didn’t know what to say. The hint of a grin on his face and the easy way he had brushed off your question suggested nothing had happened, but then what was he doing driving her to school? You had heard the rumors, everyone was saying they had fucked in the backseat or that she had blown him in a parking lot or whatever. “People talk, you know,” you said, only half joking.
“People can talk all fucking day if they want to,” he raised his voice slightly, making you tense up.
The final bell couldn’t have come at a better time. You breathed a sigh of relief and packed up your things. Billy slung his bag over his shoulder and ran a hand through his dirty blonde hair, seemingly composing himself. “Come on, doll,” he said.
You were flustered by the pet name, but not as opposed to it as you were yesterday. You mentally chastised yourself for being such a pushover and followed Billy through the halls out to the parking lot. 
By the time you reached his car you were both soaking wet. Once inside you peeled off your damp sweater to reveal the dry tank top you had on underneath. You knew Billy was watching you, so you took your time adjusting and taking in the new environment.
The interior was black leather, all very clean, and it smelled heady and almost woodsy. It was pleasant, especially with the white noise of rain battering the windows. “Nice car,” you commented, your eyes finally landing on Billy.
He looked like the living embodiment of sin with his wet hair pushed back off of his forehead. He had removed the leather jacket and had his shirtsleeves rolled up so you could follow the dark veins of his forearms. “Wait ‘till you see how it drives,” he laughed and switched on the radio. It was some rock song with heavy drums and lots of guitar riffs, he turned it down enough so that you could talk.
Once you told him where you lived and got on the main road he sped up to well over the speed limit. It made you kind of nervous, but the road was empty and it was unexpectedly exhilarating. “You might have to drive me home more often,” you said.
Billy smiled and leaned back in his seat, keeping only one hand on the wheel, “I won’t argue with that,” there was a hint of something odd on his face, “Do you mind if we stop somewhere real quick?”
You waited in the car while he went into the small convenience store. Through the large windows you saw him grab a Coke and a pack of cigarettes. It had stopped raining a few minutes prior so you had the windows rolled down. Billy slid back into the driver’s seat and lit one of the cigarettes, placing it in his mouth as he popped the cap off of the soda. His movements were fluid and you wondered if he was always like that.
“There’s a party tomorrow,” he took a drag of his cigarette, “You should come.”
You rolled your eyes, “I’m not much of a party girl.”
He leaned his head back against the seat and looked at you, “It’ll be fun, I promise.”
Have a little fun. You hadn’t been to a real party in months, you just weren’t a part of that scene. There was also the fact that you knew Nancy was going away for the weekend, which would mean you would have to take on the party by yourself. “I don’t think so, Billy. I wouldn’t know anyone.”
“You know me,” he replied matter-of-factly.
You huffed, “Well, yes, but I don’t really drink all that often and I don’t want to embarrass myself in front of the whole school.” 
“Come on, Y/N,” he groaned and the noise sent a shock straight down between your legs, “You know you want to.”
Saturday morning came and went; your dad had woken up early and surprised everyone with pancakes, your favorite, and then you had to work on a history paper that was due Monday. 
It wasn’t that you had forgotten about Billy, or the ride home he had given you the day before, but you didn’t see the point of dwelling on something that could never happen. You saw the way Billy looked at the girls in gym class, the girls in the parking lot, the hallways, anywhere and everywhere — he was a one and done kind of guy, not someone you wanted to get caught up with. 
You had been sitting at your desk trying to write for what felt like years when the phone rang and your little brother, Jamie, yelled for you to come downstairs. You knew it was Nancy, she must’ve finally reached the hotel, you sprinted down the steps and snatched the phone from Jamie’s hands. 
“Y/N!” she shouted, “Tell me all about yesterday, I want to know everything.”
You told her about the weird, but still kind of fun afternoon ending with, “Oh yeah, and he mentioned some party tonight.”
“Party?” Nancy asked, “You have to go. You haven’t been to a party in ages — god, I wish I was there to go with you.”
You grimaced, “I don’t think so, I won’t know anyone there and it’ll be really awkward— ”
She cut you off, “No, no, I’m sorry but it’s for your own good. You said it yourself, you felt something with him yesterday and tonight’s your chance to confirm it.”
You and Nancy chatted for another twenty minutes before you realized it was nearly dinner time. Your mom came into the kitchen and motioned for you hang up and help with the cooking, so you said goodbye to Nancy and started cutting up some vegetables.
“Uh, mom,” you said, unsure how to breach the subject.
She continued fiddling with the dials on the stove, “Yeah, honey?”
“There’s this party at Cathy’s tonight,” you began.
Your mom smiled knowingly, “Of course you can go, I’m happy to see you putting yourself out there again.”
The last part stung a little, you didn’t need to be reminded that you were on your way to turning into a social outcast, but she was your mom and you knew she meant well. Dinner went by at a painfully slow pace between your brother babbling on about some science fair thing and the endless string of worries parading through your head. 
What if everyone thought you were a loser? What if you embarrassed yourself in front of Billy? What if he abandoned you for some other girl and you couldn’t find anyone else to talk? You decided you were getting way too far ahead of yourself and excused yourself from the table by claiming there was some schoolwork you wanted to get done before the party. 
Once upstairs, in the comfort of your own bedroom, you began pulling outfit after outfit out of your closet. Billy had said the you should be there at nine and it was already eight, so you had to hurry. It was being hosted by Tommy H., who you understood to be Billy’s best friend, and luckily his house was only a fifteen minute walk from yours. 
It took a few minutes, but you finally settled on tight ripped jeans and a black top that showed off more of your chest than usual. You dug around your closet some more and pulled out a pair of chunky heels that you remembered buying, but had never actually worn. Slipping then on in front of the full-length mirror completed the look. Shit, you actually looked kind of sexy. By the time you were finished the clock read 8:45, so you spritzed some perfume on your neck and headed downstairs.
The sound of pulsing music and people laughing and talking spilled out onto the street in front of Tommy’s house. You stood on the doorstep, tugging at the hem of your shirt, wondering if the boots were too much. Finally you worked up the courage to reach out and press the doorbell. You heard someone inside yell before the door swung open and Tommy himself appeared. You stepped inside and he looked confused, “Y/N?”
You were kind of surprised he knew your name, “I’m a friend of Billy’s.”
He started to smirk, but tried to keep a straight face, “He’s out on the back porch.”
You said thanks and started towards the back of the house when Tommy shouted something about drinks in the kitchen, so you stopped there first. Every room was packed with people dancing, goofing off, or making out. You glanced at the stairs and noticed a jock leading some obviously drunk blonde freshman by the hand — a gentle reminder of why you had stopped going to house parties.
The kitchen was just as raucous and you grabbed a beer from the counter. You didn’t actually like beer, it was just something to hold onto and make you look like you belonged. 
Weaving your way through the crowd wasn’t too difficult. The porch was small, but all of the more popular guys and their girlfriends seemed to have congregated out there. You opened the screen door cautiously to join them. After waving at a few girls you knew from class, you tried to see over the heads of the people in front of you. They were cheering someone on, probably Steve Harrington, and you wanted to see what was going on. The cheering rose to a crescendo and someone accidentally elbowed you so hard you almost fell over. Still stumbling, you saw Billy himself emerge from the center of the circle. He was shirtless, wearing only dark jeans his leather jacket; you thought your jaw might unhinge at the sight. 
He was grinning from ear to ear, high fiving people as he went by. When he saw you he winked, just like in the parking lot, and motioned for you to follow him. You did and he stopped in the kitchen. Some of the girls were trying to get his attention, but he ignored them as he set out four plastic cups on the counter. 
He finally looked up at you with a told-you-so expression and said, “You came. I thought Ms. Perfect Student was too good to party.”
“I can make an exception for one night,” you shrugged, trying to seem as casual as possible even though your heart was beating like a hummingbird in your chest.
Billy laughed and poured something clear into each of the cups. He handed you one and you swirled the contents around a bit.
“Come on,” he teased, “Have a little fun.”
Ugh, you thought, have a little fun. You’d heard that one before. You thought about making an excuse about having to go home early tonight, but then you remember that your parents thought you were at Cathy’s and would probably expect you to sleep over. Fuck it. You knocked back the entirety of the liquid in one go and coughed when it burned your throat.
“Jesus Christ, Y/N. You’re definitely not a newbie,” Billy handed you another cup and you did the same thing. He drank the other two in quick succession. 
The two of you each took a couple more shots and before you knew what had happened you felt the familiar light, carefree sensation that came with being tipsy. If you were being honest you were a little more than just tipsy, but you were sure Billy was feeling the effects as well.
You hopped up to sit on the edge of the counter, dangling your feet above the floor, and gazed at Billy before breaking into sudden laughter. “What is it?” he said, moving slightly closer to you.
“I don’t even know you,” you giggled between words, “All I know is that you drive too fast and don’t like wearing shirts.”
He laughed, the sound was even more intoxicating when you were like this, “That’s all you need to know, doll.”
You took a small sip of beer, trying to mask the fact that the nickname still made your face heat up more than you’d like to admit.
Billy cocked one eyebrow, “And all I know about you is that you’re a lightweight and you blush every five minutes.”
His comment only worsened the blushing, which you were sure he intended to. “It’s just the alcohol,” you blurted out.
“And what about all the times when you weren’t drinking,” he lowered his voice, “Like yesterday in my car.”
Your voice felt like it was caught in your throat and the hand you had wrapped around a bottle was getting clammy. You were completely oblivious to any of the other party goers shuffling around you. He was leaning in closer now, your face was directly in front of his, and you spoke hesitantly, “Why did you invite me?”
He was silent for a minute, “You seemed like you could use a good time.”
His answer struck you as kind of strange, even in your inebriated state you could tell he wasn’t telling the whole truth. You turned the thought over in your mind, but then someone yelled Billy’s name from the other room.
“I’ll be back,” he said before walking off, leaving you alone with your now empty bottle.
Figuring you might as well do some mingling, seeing as this was a party after all, you wandered around the living room with a fresh cup of whatever had been closest to you. You chatted with some girls you knew from English class for a few minutes before continuing on into the hallway. It was darker and there were at least three couples feeling each other up. You bypassed them quickly, not too eager to see any of your classmates in the throes of whatever that was.
Most of the doors, presumably leading to bedrooms, upstairs were closed. The muffled sound of something banging steadily against the wall echoed from one of the rooms. You walked slowly down the mostly empty hallway, being careful not to trip, as your choice of footwear did not mix well with alcohol.
You closed the bathroom door behind you and downed the rest of your drink before tossing the cup into the trash can. Checking yourself out in the mirror you didn’t think you looked too bad, your cheeks were a little pink and your eyes were a little glassy, but all in all you couldn’t see why Billy wouldn’t want you. Wait, wait, wait, what were you thinking? You told yourself you weren’t going to get involved with him, and your decision to come to this party wasn’t going to change that. Even though you had to admit the whole time you were in the kitchen you had thought about reaching out and pulling him in by the lapels of that leather jacket. Fuck, you were spiraling. You let the cold water run over your hands for a few seconds and took a deep breath. When you walk out of here, you told yourself, you’re going to have it together.
There was a hard knock at the door that made you jump. “Just a second,” you called and shut off the water before drying your hands quickly.
You swung the door open to see Billy leaning against the wall, he was looking at your with hooded eyes, forcing you to notice how long his eyelashes really were. 
“I was looking for you,” he said as he took a few calculated steps forward, barring you from the door. You could smell alcohol on him, but underneath it was the scent of his cologne — musky in the way that made you want to lean in closer. He had clearly gone through a few more drinks since you had last spoken, but then again so had you.
“You’re drunk,” you pointed out matter of factly.
He looked you up and down, lingering a second too long on the deep v-neck of your shirt. “So are you, doll,” he purred, grinning. He had the same fluid, sexual energy that you had felt the day before when you watched him smoke.
He was a good head taller than you and this close of a distance you had to look up to meet his eyes. You felt a surge of bravery and spoke suddenly without realizing what you were saying, “Did you fuck Carol Jenson?”
What the Hell — never in a million years would ask Billy Hargrove a question like that. You bit your lip nervously and clenched your hands into fists, preparing for the worst.
When his face broke into a slow smile you were too shocked to be relieved. He laughed, low and barely audible, while moving in a way that forced you between him and the sink. The backs of your thighs pressed up against the countertop, but he was still less than a foot away. 
“You want to know if I fucked Carol,” he said quietly, “why, exactly?”
“I’m curious,” you replied bluntly, never breaking eye contact.
The smell of his cologne was even more hypnotizing up close. His voice stayed low and his words seemed to be chosen carefully, “And what if I did? What if she spread her legs for me in the backseat Thursday night?”
Those words sent chills down your spine, good and bad. You swallowed and your breathing had become shaky.
Billy continued when you didn’t have an answer, “I didn’t.”
It felt like one weight had been lifted off of your shoulders only to be replaced a different one. The fact that he hadn’t done anything with Carol meant that all those winks and suggestive comments weren’t just random. And god he was so close right now, if leaned forward even a little you would be pressed up against him.
You were lost in your thoughts and already feeling a little dizzy from all the alcohol when you saw something change in his expression. You were going to ask what was wrong when he leaned down and pressed his mouth to yours. His lips were soft and warm and he tasted like tequila, but it made you feel as if your entire body was vibrating with excitement.
He didn’t bother to pull away, he just put his hands on your waist and lifted you easily onto the edge of the sink. You couldn’t help but moan into his mouth when he situated himself between your legs, his body pressed against yours. He moved to kiss your neck, sucking hard enough to leave hickies. Your mind was completely blank of anything besides Billy. You placed your hands in his hair, like you had imagined dozens of times before. As he returned to your lips again you became very aware that he was obviously hard and doing nothing to hide it. The thought that you could do that to Billy fucking Hargrove turned you on even more.
You didn’t want to stop kissing him, but he pulled away and just stared. “Don’t look so smug,” you said breathlessly.
His hands were still on your waist and you let yourself lean forward to rest your head on his bare chest. You could’ve stayed like that forever, wrapped up in his arms, listening to his heart pounding fast right next to your ear.
“Fuck,” he whispered, “why don’t we take this to another room.”
Alarm bells went off in your head — you weren’t going to be that girl, no matter how much you wanted it right now. You barely knew him, you reminded yourself, all the while still trying to memorize how he had kissed you. You hadn’t been with anyone since Matt, and weren’t very experienced otherwise. Panic began to set in as you thought of all the other girls Billy had probably been with. Girls who felt the same way you did right now, girls he said the same things to, who he invited to parties to get drunk with. 
You pulled yourself away from Billy abruptly and shimmied down off of the sink. He stumbled back. You mumbled an apology and rushed down the hall and down the stairs where you elbowed about a dozen people on your beeline to the front door. You couldn’t stand being in that house anymore, with the music and the people and Billy, it was suffocating you and you needed air. 
The cool night breeze hit you and your pulse began to slow again. The steady rhythm of your feet hitting the pavement calmed you. Tomorrow is a new day, you thought to yourself, and you’ll barely even remember this.
You couldn’t bring yourself to get out of bed on Sunday until around noon, and even then you felt like you had been hit by a bus. After some Advil and a hot shower you felt more like yourself, but the fuzzy memories that you had about last night kept gnawing at you.
If it wasn’t for the glaring purple hickey on the side of your neck you would have a hard time believing you had actually made out with Billy Hargrove. Billy fucking Hargrove. The asshole from gym class was now taking up a significant amount of your mental real estate. You gently ran a finger of the mark on your neck and tried to recall exactly how it felt.
Downstairs you grabbed a bagel and quickly retreated back to your room, you weren’t in the mood to talk to anyone. You let yourself collapse onto your bed, staring up at the ceiling, and soon felt the familiar sting of tears welling up in the corners of your eyes. You were an idiot, god you were an idiot — you had him right there, ready and willing, and you ran away like a scared little girl. There was no way he would even look twice at you now; he probably thought you were a full on basketcase.
Monday morning was even more miserable because it meant you had to see Billy in a couple of hours. When you were anxious about one thing, you were anxious about everything; picking out the day’s outfit took twice as long as normal, you fretted over how to do your makeup and hair, and even picking what cereal you wanted for breakfast felt like an impossible task.
Your mom had evidently noticed your nerves and asked, “Do you have a test today, dear?”
You faltered, unable to collect your thoughts, “Uh, yeah—” you paused, “yeah, it’s a really important one.”
She smiled reassuringly and placed a hand on your shoulder before you could walk out the door, “I’m sure you’ll do great.”
You sighed, wishing that it really was just a test that had you this on edge. When you got outside Nancy was already waiting for you. She had a huge grin plastered on her face and before you could get a word in she insisted on hearing all about Saturday night.
Begrudgingly you recalled the events of the party up to your encounter with Billy. When you told her about how you ran out in a panic her face fell and you looked away awkwardly. 
“He hates me, Nance,” you said, “he has to.”
“You can’t say that, you haven’t even talked to him since the party,” she replied.
“I can’t talk to him, I don’t even think I’ll be able to look at him.”
You emerged from the girls locker room at the last possible minute, earning a glare from your teacher. You took your usual place on the side of the court and scanned the room for Billy. A wave of relief washed over you when he was nowhere to be seen. You could finally relax. Some of the anxiety crept back in when you noticed some of the girls on the other side of the court glancing at you with daggers in their eyes. You didn’t remember any of them being at Tommy’s, but then again word travels fast in Hawkins.
Class went by at a snail’s pace, and the rest of the day did the same. You were half expecting to see Billy at every turn. Your eyes were immediately drawn to anyone in your periphery with a leather jacket, but it was never him.
He was probably sick, or just didn’t feel like coming to school today, at least that’s what Jonathan and Nancy tried telling you at lunch. He wasn’t avoiding you, it was just a coincidence. Trying to convince yourself that you didn’t have anything to do with Billy’s absence was futile. When you walked in Physics you were certain he would either be totally absent or have moved seats.
Your heart nearly burst out of your chest when you saw him in his usual seat. A million different thoughts ran through your head, a million different ways you could escape this situation. Before you could make up your mind Mr.Clarke was calling your name from the front of the class, “Miss Y/L/N, please take a seat.”
The whole class was looking at you, your cheeks were on fire and your hands were sweaty. As quickly as possible you rushed to your desk and sat, keeping your eyes glued to the front of the room. The embarrassment was just too much, you felt like curling up into a ball and disappearing.
You were adamant about not looking at Billy, even though you knew he kept glancing over at you. You barely registered it when he finally said something, “Can I borrow a pencil?”
Instinctively you turned your head and saw him for the first time since that night. His hair was as perfectly messy as ever and he flashed you his classic award winning smile. You cleared your throat and handed him the pencil you had been using, reaching to get yourself another out of your bag. He said thanks and you again turned your attention to Mr. Clarke; you were trying in vain to remain unphased. 
You managed to actually pay attention to the lesson before you noticed Billy place something on your side of the desk. It was a folded scrap of notebook paper, under different circumstances you would have laughed at such a silly gesture from him. You considered ignoring it, but curiosity got the best of you and you opened it:
Offering free rides today if you’re interested.
You couldn’t help but crack a small smile. God, why did you have to fuck up the other night? You ripped a sheet of paper out of your notebook and wrote: 
Surprised, but still interested.
You slid the note over and he picked it up right away. He chuckled quietly when he opened it and you felt as though you could finally relax. He wasn’t angry with you, and that was more than you could ask for.
It was impossible to pay attention for the rest of class, as you were too engrossed in your own thoughts. Should you bring up Saturday, or just pretend it never happened? Would be bring it up? Would he try to make a move? Should you make a move? Definitely not, you told yourself, there was no point in risking further embarrassment. Anyway, you weren’t even sure what you wanted at this point. 
A few minutes after the final bell you found yourself in the passenger seat of Billy’s Camaro for the second time. It felt like home in an odd way, even though you felt like you might jump out of your skin every time Billy so much as glanced at you. 
He began pulling out of the school parking lot when you finally blurted it out, “I fucked up on Saturday.”
“What do you mean?” he asked, and turned the radio down.
You stared down at your lap and tugged at the hem of your dress, “You know what I mean. I shouldn’t have left all of the sudden like that.”
He laughed, forcing you to look up in surprise. “It’s not a big deal,” he said, “trust me, I’ve down worse.”
“You didn’t— I mean, you weren’t upset?” you asked earnestly.
“Upset?” he looked at you with wide, disbelieving eyes, “I don’t know about you, but I had fun.”
You didn’t know what to say. Your insides were a mess of butterflies and uncertainty, and you weren’t sure which one to trust.
When you looked at Billy he had a curious expression on his face. He seemed to hesitate before saying, “There’s a place near the lake I think you might like.”
Your breath caught in your throat, you knew what he was trying to say. You didn’t feel the panic you had on Saturday; it has been replaced by a skeptical excitement that this was really happening to you of all people.
Billy turned up the radio and a fast paced guitar solo filled the car. It wasn’t anything you would normally listen to, but in this case it seemed fitting. You laughed as he began to tap along to the rhythm on the steering wheel and mouthing the lyrics.
The lake wasn’t too far from Hawkins High and you got there in a matter of minutes. It was a small clearing, deep enough into the forest that you couldn’t be scene from the main road. The lake that Billy had mentioned was laid out in front of you in an overgrown valley. Thanks to the thick woods surrounding you it was shady and nearly silent, save for the radio.
Billy cut the engine and looked out onto the lake. You took in his profile, trying to burn the image, the moment, in your brain. “What is the mysterious Billy Hargrove thinking about now?” you asked mockingly, leaning on the center console.
He turned to look at you and smirked, “I think I have to show you.”
Your heart skipped a beat — you knew it was coming, but time still seemed to stop the moment his lips collided with yours. This kiss was different, it was softer and more practiced than Saturday’s had been. He was being gentle with you, placing his hand on the back of your neck, letting you take the lead. Fuck gentle, you wanted the urgency and the heat you felt last time.
You pulled away and he looked surprised which you found quite funny despite yourself. “I’m not going to break, and I’m not going to run away again,” you said, keeping your eyes locked on his, “I don’t want you to be careful with me.”
That was all Billy needed to hear. His mouth crashed into yours with more force this time, there wasn’t a hint of hesitation in the movement of his tongue against yours. He gently bit your bottom lip, earning a soft moan from you. You tangled one hand in his long curly hair and left a trail of kisses down his neck, where you made sure to suck hard enough to get him back for your now faded hickey. “Backseat,” you whispered before pulling away to slide carefully over the center console into the larger space.
Billy followed suit and as soon as he was seated you situated yourself on his lap, facing towards him. He looked up at you with an expression full of lust and awe before kissing you again and sliding his hands under the skirt of your dress. You shuddered at the feeling of his rough hands on your bare thighs and hips; he played with the edge of your panties and you were suddenly self conscious of how wet you had gotten.
You broke the kiss to pull down the straps of your dress; you hadn’t worn a bra and your nipples were hard the minute you removed the fabric. You let out a surprised sort of gasp when Billy leaned forward and began to run his tongue over your nipple. Every movement was slow and teasing and you needed more. You could clearly feel how hard he was beneath you and it was driving you insane. 
As if on cue he slipped a hand between your legs and felt you through the thin fabric. His mouth was right next to your ear, “So wet for me already, doll?”
“It’s been awhile,” you said breathlessly.
Billy laughed to himself and you took the liberty of reaching down and quickly undoing his belt. You unzipped his dark jeans and gingerly uncovered the length of his hard cock. You became even wetter at the sight of it, longer and thicker than any guy you’d previously been with. Billy was smiling smugly when you looked up. Your cheeks were on fire and you mumbled, “Sorry I’ve— I mean, it’s bigger than I thought.”
You began sliding your hand up and down on his cock, eliciting some satisfied groans from Billy. When you let go of him so you could focus on kissing him once again he surprised you by abruptly pushing your underwear to the side and running his fingers along your slit. You were dripping so much you thought you must be getting it all over his jeans, but he didn’t seem to mind as he slid a finger into you and then another. With the second you moaned loudly, unable to control it, as he hit just the right spot.
He began steadily fucking you with his fingers and you tried your best not to cry out as he went faster. When he stopped suddenly you whined in protest, making him chuckle. “Do you want it?” he asked, his voice low and slightly hoarse.
“I need it, Billy,” you said quietly, “please.”
With that he placed his hands on your waist and slowly slid into you. It stung at first, stretching you out more than you had ever experienced, but it quickly became pleasant. You moaned when thrust all the way inside you, filling you perfectly. “Shit, Y/N, you’re so fucking tight.”
You began moving your hips, riding him slowly. It became easier with each movement and you sped up a little. He groaned and said, “Open your eyes, doll.”
Before which you had barely realized your eyes were closed. When you opened them he was staring at you head on, his eyes met yours and you felt yourself clench around him. Something about the intimacy embarrassed you and you could feel yourself blushing heavily as a result. You slowed to gently rock your hips back and forth, feeling every inch of him. You were feeling kind of brave, seeing how desperate he was to go faster, bucking his hips up every once in awhile. He caressed your hips gently and you laughed quietly, “I told you not to be careful with me,” you said.
You had barely finished talking when his hand smacked your ass loudly and you call out in surprise. His face had hardened and he lowered his voice, “Then stop being a fucking tease.”
You sped up then, slamming yourself down hard on his cock again and again. The angle combined with his length were bringing you dangerously close. You were both panting loudly, the sound of skin hitting skin was intoxicating and your moans were getting louder and more frequent. “I’m close,” you muttered between breaths.
“You want to cum all over my cock?” he asked, gazing directly into your eyes.
You nodded feverishly before you felt everything inside of you wind tighter and tighter until it finally broke and you fell apart for him. You were pressed against him, chest to chest, and the scent of his cologne was overwhelming in the best way. You moaned his name over and over, shuddering all the while trying to keep up a steady pace. His face shifted into a pained expression and he bit his lip as you felt him throb and pulse inside you. He cursed loudly and you etched the contorted, yet beautiful expression on his face into your mind. It was a few more seconds before you both came down enough to untangle yourselves.
You moved back just enough for him to buckle his pants again. You could feel his hot cum beginning to slide out of you, a feeling you found surprisingly enjoyable. You couldn’t help but smile when he looked at you, with his disheveled hair and full pink lips. “This might be the best ride home I’ve ever had,” you said with mock seriousness.
“I would hope so,” he replied.
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ghostofviperwrites · 4 years
Training Day
Seiya Sanada/FC
Category: Smut
You pulled up short as you entered the arena, surprised to find the ring actually occupied. You had come very late at night in hopes of avoiding this exact circumstance. You were very new to Ring of Honor, very new to wrestling in general. You knew you had only been signed for your looks and the fact that you showed some athletic ability, but you were determined to get better. To prove you belonged. You just needed time in an actual ring to work on your timing and movements.
Shoulders slumping you were about to leave when you focused your attention on the ring. There were five men in there, all very attractive, but that wasn’t what caught your attention. You were almost awestruck as you watched them fly about the ring, performing amazing athletic maneuvers and working the ring with seamless grace. Even the bigger burly man in there seemed to fly with amazing athleticism. You sunk into the chair by the entrance, transfixed on the ring. You decided you would hang out until they were done, then you could have the ring. In the meantime, maybe you could pick a few things up as you watched.
You found yourself a bit jealous as you watched as it quickly became clear that these men didn’t just work together, that they were family. You wished you had friends like that in the industry. Being a newbie and knowing nothing about wrestling didn’t exactly endear you to the talent. They pretty much saw you as a nuisance, and everyone you asked for help turned you down. You were stubborn though, and you refused to let yourself be driven off just because people thought you fucked your way to a contract. You hadn’t, but that didn’t stop them from thinking it. Seeing them winding down you rose to your feet grabbing your bag as you waited for them to leave to trek to the ring.
Twenty minutes later your patience was coming to an end. You were tired and just wanted to get some work in, but they didn’t seem in any hurry to leave. Four of them taking a seat on ring posts while the fifth lay in the center of the ring on his back as they laughed with each other. To be fair they didn’t know you were waiting, it wasn’t like you announced your presence. Swallowing your nerves you decided you needed to let them know you were waiting on the ring. You didn’t know who they were, not recognizing them as Ring of Honor talent. You knew Ring of Honor had a partnership with New Japan Pro Wrestling so you figured this group was a part of that talent share.
Coming to stand by the ring apron you cleared your throat, shying back as you suddenly became the center of attention.
“I’m sorry to interrupt,” You said quietly “But I was hoping to get in the ring.”
“We’re using it,” The burly one said brusquely.
“I see that. But you guys have been in here for over an hour now and you seem to be done. So I was hoping I could get my work out in.” You replied.
“We were here first.” The man with longish black hair with red tips said petulantly, looking you over with hooded eyes.
“Again. I know that.” You said through gritted teeth starting to get irritated. “But you’re clearly done. I just want to get some extra work in and go home.”
“Say pretty please and we’ll think about it.” The man with the orangish hair laying in the center of the ring spoke up.
“I’m not going to say pretty please. Just get the fuck out of the ring.” You snapped only getting angrier as they laughed at you.  You could feel the heat flushing your face, fire dancing in your eyes as you glared at the obnoxious men.  
“Fine, fine.” He said pushing himself to his feet. “We’ll get out of your precious ring. We were just having a little fun.” You huffed as he waved to the men and they all climbed out of the ring. It was then you noticed they were all wearing gear bearing the stable name Los Ingobernables de Japon and your heart dropped into your stomach. The whole company had been called into a meeting to ensure the talent and staff treated the LIJ stable from Japan with respect and didn’t give them any issues. It was a big deal for New Japan to send the entirety of their top stable to the United States and ROH didn’t want to have a single issue with the men. Now here you were arguing with them like a brat.
“Thank you.” You said softening your tone. As soon as they were clear you hopped into the ring, stripping off your jacket and track pants not noticing that one of the men had stayed behind, taking a seat in the folding chairs as he meticulously organized his gear, folding everything properly and making sure it was in its place.
Sanada finished his task, satisfied his stuff was appropriately put away and was ready to leave when he looked into the ring at the annoying blonde. A sneer marred his handsome face as he watched your splotchy work. You were a mess and he wondered how you got a contract with Ring of Honor in the first place. Taking a long look at your tight little body answered that question. He was sure you weren’t hired for your ring prowess. He wondered who's dick you had sucked to get hired. 
“You’re terrible,” He found himself saying, outright laughing when his voice startled you and you tripped over your own feet, crashing into the ropes.
“Excuse me,” You asked indignantly. “I’m doing the best I can. I have no one willing to work with me so I’m learning as I go. How about instead of jackass remarks you offer some constructive criticism? Especially when you haven’t even introduced yourself.”
Sanada rose to his feet, moving to stand at the apron below her.
 “I'm Sanada and all the ‘constructive criticism’ in the world isn’t going to help you without someone in there working with you.”
Your face fell as he voiced what you knew in your heart. You couldn’t get used to working with other bodies if no one would work with you. Swallowing the bullet you hesitantly asked
“Would you work with me?”
 You looked everywhere but at him, not holding out much hope he would help you given the prickle attitude you had encountered so far.
“I don’t do anything that doesn’t benefit me in some way princess,” Sanada smirked.
“Please? I really need help. I’m going to lose my job if I can’t make improvements.” You practically begged. “I watched you, you’re really good and I know you don’t work for Ring of Honor, but you could help me while you’re here.”
You stepped back from the ropes when he effortlessly hopped up onto the apron.
 “I’ll teach you if you accept my conditions.” Sanada told you.
“What conditions?” You asked warily retreating further as he stepped through the ropes, utterly confident you had no choice but to accept his terms.
“For every hour I give you in the ring, you give me an hour out of it.” He proposed. “Anything I want, whenever I want it.” He stalked towards you until your back hit the ropes on the other end of the ring his hands moving to clasp the top rope on either side of your shoulders. “If I want you to fuck me, you fuck me. If I want you to suck me, you suck me. If I want you to fetch me water, you fetch me water. Anything I want.” Your mind whirled through your options trying to find another solution and coming up empty, realizing you were at this man’s mercy.
“Okay,” You said exhaling a shaky breath.
“Good. Get down on your knees.” Sanada commanded.
“Wait, wait, wait,” You protested. “I’m not doing that yet. You haven’t helped me at all.”
Sanada rolled his eyes impatiently. “If I work with you then you could just walk away without giving me what you owe me. Consider it a deposit.”
“I could say the same. I suck you off and you walk way, not helping me at all.” You huffed.
“Then I suggest you do a good job, make me want to stick around for more.” Sanada said pushing down his sweat pants and freeing his hardening cock. “Now let’s see you earn my time.”
Defeated you dropped to your knees, reaching your hand out to circle him as he stepped closer allowing you to bring his dick to your mouth. Hollowing your cheeks you sucked him deeply moving your tongue around him as he slid in. Bobbing up and down you slid Sanada in and out of your mouth, making sure to change your sucking pattern and circling your hand around the base of his cock to stroke what you couldn’t fit. Sanada watched you letting you work your own pace. He was being honest, he expected you to make him want to stick around. He had no problem walking out on their little deal if you couldn’t make it worth his while. You were doing a pretty good job so far he mused as you slid him deep into your throat, swallowing around him, throat gripping his length as you did so. When he could feel himself getting to the point of coming he lost the relaxed attitude, hands moving to the back of your head and taking control of the pace, thrusting his hips as if he was fucking your pussy until he spurted onto your tongue, holding himself deep inside your mouth until he felt you swallow.
“Clean it off,” He said as he pulled out watching as you licked all the remnants of cum off of him and sat back on your knees watching as if you expected him to walk out.
“You did alright.” Sanada said with a nod. “Let’s get to work.”
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littlebitoffanfic · 5 years
Fandom: Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends Characters: Wilt, Mr Herriman Relationship: wilt/reader Request: Hey! If you can be bothered another Wilt fic would be amazing! Anything kinda angsty, your choice anything is good!(no cheating though) if you don’t want to it’s totally fine! Hey same person with the wilt request, it’d be great If you made the reader some type of imaginary friend as well You stood outside the large doors, the rain falling off the roof and hitting your head. It didn’t really matter, since you were soaked anyway. You didn’t know what else to do or where to go. Having been abandoned, you struggled to get your baring’s again and when you did, the only place you thought to go was here. Fosters Home For Imaginary Friends. You had heard about it before, but never truly thought you would end up here yourself. You thought your child loved you. you had seen her grow older and helped her every step of the way. But then she didn’t want you, her parents didn’t want you. they started treating you very badly and more like a slave than a friend until they grew bored and you were tossed to the curb like trash. You would have cried, but you must have been out of tears by now. Your distressed appearance clearly showed the inner turmoil you were going through at the moment. Taking a deep breath, you reached out and rung the doorbell. There was a silence about the house that you found eerie and chilling. Until you head footsteps from inside. well, more like hops. As the door opened, a very peculiar sight met your eyes. A rabbit, the size of a man, and dressed in a smart yellow vest and black suit jacket. “I say, are you lost?” He asked you, his own shock visible. “um, I don’t know.” You said, your voice shaking a little from the cold. “Well, perhaps you would like to come in?” He offered you, and you were quite baffled by the strangeness of the situation that you couldn’t argue. You nodded and followed him into the massive house. He guided you into a side room that had a roaring fire. You fought every urge to run to it and warm your freezing hands. “are you homeless?” The rabbit suddenly asked, making you jump and look at him with wide eyes. “I hate to be upfront, but very rarely do friends turn up at our door without their owners to drop them off.” “I-um, I hadn’t thought about it that way. I was left at the side of the road over a month ago. So yeah, I suppose I am.” You admitted, that familiar sadness flooding through your body. “Well, there is always a bed avalible here. I am afraid the majority of our house are away this weekend, a spur camping trip. But perhaps it would allow you some time to settle before they come back.” The rabbit spoke more to himself than to you. “So im the only one here?” You ask, suddenly feeling very small in the large house. “No, theres myself, master Wilt and miss Coco.” He told you. “I shall go arrange your accommodation.” With that he turned on his heel and hoped out of the room. You would have laughed if you hadn’t have been so cold. But it did give you the opportunity to walk to the fire and sit down in front of it. You held out your hands, warming them. He was probably right. It was a good thing you had came when you did. You couldn’t imagine walking into a place like this and not feeling intimidated by a whole load of friends. Especially because you didn’t really know much about it all. Your family had kept a lot from you and never really allowed you to venture outside, so a lot of the world was new to you. you mulled over your thoughts when you heard a knock on the door that made you jump. “Sorry, sorry.” A new figure entered the room, and if you had been surprised by the rabbit, you were awestruck by this. he was at least ten feet tall, red, with a small body but long limps. His let arm was missing, leaving a stitch stump behind. The number 1 was printed on his chest. His eyes stuck at the top of his head, reminding you slightly of a insect. One of the eyes appeared to be broken in some way, the pupil lying to the bottom of the eye and moving as he entered the room. But he had a very warming smile. In his right arm, he held some towel. “Sorry, but Mr Herriman said you needed some towels.” He walked closer, holding out the towels as if to demonstrate he was telling the truth. “who?” You asked, completely confused. “Mr Herriman, the rabbit.” He told you, but seemed to doubt himself. “Ohh.” You nodded, showing you did understand but you just didn’t know his name. you got to your feet and he handed you the towels. “you’re freezing.” The grin dropped off his face as his fingers brushed against yours. “Do you want some blankets? A hot water bottle? I can go get-“ “No, no, im fine. Really.” You couldn’t help but laugh at his concern for you, because no one had ever really shown this much care for you before. You placed the spare towels down but kept one and used it to dry your face and attempt your hair. “Im Wilt, sorry, I should have said when I came in.” He suddenly blurted out, as if he had just made a massive mistake. “[y/n].” you smiled, and he repeated your name in the most endearing way. “Can I ask you something?” “Anything.” He said, a little too quickly but it made you laugh nonetheless. “What do the others look like?” You asked. “Ive never seen other imaginary friends before.” “Never?” he asked, apparently really shocked by this revelation. You shook your head. “Well, their kind of all different.” “How different?” You asked, curious. “Well, some are really tall-“ “Like you?” you chimed in. Wilt smiled, seeming to think it as a compliment. “yeah, like me. And some are shorter and smaller. Some are blue, and yellow, and green, well any colour really.” He spoke about the others with a tone of endearment which made you smile a little. He seemed to be a genuinely nice and caring person. “how many are there?” You asked as you knelt back down by the fire. “I-I don’t know. Sorry.” He joins you, seeming to sense you didn’t want to be alone. “The numbers change all the time with fosters and adoptions.” “Do, do you have to go up for adoption straight away?” You ask, looking away from him and into the fire. “What do you mean?” He leaned forward, trying to look at you properly. “Well, my family weren’t very kind to me towards the end. Im scared it will happen again.” You couldn’t stop the tears from flooding your eyes as you stared at the fire, the memories filling you with sadness and fear. “please don’t cry. We’ll keep you safe here.” He reached out to you, wrapping his long arm around your shoulder. You couldn’t help yourself as you turned and cuddled into his side, crying on his shoulder. He used the stump arm to gently pat your damp hair, soothing you. he didn’t seem fazed by your breakdown, nor did he mind you turning to him. Instead, he just held you. He kept you safe that night, introducing you to Coco and making sure you were okay. He would speak to madame Foster when she returned, and found out that because you weren’t signed off, you would have to wait a while before you could go on to another home because of legal reasons. He would gradually introduce you to the others in the house, sensing your fears of being overwhelmed. And as your friendship grew with each day, so did his feelings for you. Little did he know that he had found a constant companion, someone to truly connect to and be happy with. And you had found your own in him. Because you were home.
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sanderstalker · 6 years
Guardian Chapter 10
Warning: Mentions of previous panic attacks, slight manipulation, minor cursing, mentions of mind control. Let me know if I missed anything
Word Count: 4,313
Pairings: Eventual Prinxiety and Logicality
Chapter 9
“Okay great, let’s get going then,” Roman said stretching out his wings. They were still stiff from being wrapped for a little under 24 hours.
Logan nodded and turned to face Patton “We will be back when Virgil is safe sound. Until then remain inside.”
Patton just stared agape at Logan. “You’re kidding me right?”
Logan suddenly confused squinted his eyes as he spoke. “No, this is a very serious matter seeing as Virgil is in danger. Why would I be kidding?”
“You just get done telling me that Virgil needs me and you expect me to wait here? No way. Virgil is my friend I am coming with you guys.” Patton speaks with a firmness he has never heard from his small Ward, but Logan is going to stand firm on this it is too dangerous for Patton to accompany them.
“Patton it would be highly illogical for you to…” Logan started but was interrupted.
“No! I am going with you. Besides…” Patton turned on major puppy dog eyes that always melted Virgil’s resolve. “What if that scary Gatherer comes back while you are away? Who will be here to keep me safe?” Patton tapped his finger to his chin like he was contemplating a very serious topic. “Wouldn’t it be illogical to leave me alone.” Logan sighed his resolve wavering. Seeing this Patton seized his chance.”Please, Logan, I need to help my friend. He is hurt because he felt he was a burden to me… I have to help.” Patton let a few more tears well up in his eyes from his earlier panic.
This was all too much emotion for the stoic man to handle. He gave up. He sighed. “Fine, you can come with us.” He finally agreed.
Patton immediately perked up and wiped his tears away. “Great! Let’s get going then. Oh, let me go grab my jacket it’s kinda chilly out there. Do you guys need anything to keep warm kiddo’s?”
“No thanks, Pat we're good,” Roman responded.
“Okey-dokey!” Patton chirped. And skipped out of the room to get his cat jacket.
Logan was left in the middle of the room looking baffled. “What just happened?”
“You just got played like a fiddle.” Roman laughed. “You fell for his cute puppy eyes didn’t you?” Roman chuckled when Logan looked at him like he had grown a second head.
“So all of that was a fake in order to trick me into letting him come?” Logan asked bordering between annoyance and anger.
Roman suddenly became solemn and serious. He stopped to consider the question. “No, It was not faked. Don’t be angry at him. I really do think Patton feels like this is all his fault, and you will need to watch him carefully so his thoughts don’t spiral out of control again. Those weren’t fake tears. He just knew how to use them to get what he wanted.” Roman said. “ And Logan, I know you are new to emotions, but it seems like Patton usually masks his own pain so that he can help others. I would watch that.”
“Oh.” Was all Logan could think to say.
“Now I am assuming we will need the ability to fly to get to these people you think can help. So let's get your wings out and ready to go.”
A few minutes later Patton skipped back into the room with his jacket on, but then came to a sudden halt. Virgil's room was almost completely full. The two Guardians’ wings spread out in order to stretch after being so tightly bound. Patton couldn’t believe he hadn’t seen anything on the two men. Their wings were huge! An absolutely breathtaking! Patton finally was able to observe both sets in their full glory. Roman’s were larger than Logan’s and the color of fire. Each feather a slightly varying shade of red or orange. If Patton didn’t know any better he would have thought they were actually on fire. The feathers all but glowed in the morning light coming through the window.
Logan’s were a stark contrast to Roman’s. They were smaller than Roman’s but only slightly. His wings were a dark midnight blue. They shimmered like dark pools of water. Patton was awestruck by the cool crisp beauty of them.
Patton was in the doorway just staring at the two men as they stretched their magnificent appendages. His mouth was ajar and he felt like he was dreaming. That was the only rational reason he was seeing such amazing things.
Patton kinda wished this was all just a dream. That he would wake up and everything would be like it was. Virgil would be hiding in his room as Patton would skip to the kitchen to make breakfast. Virgil would make his way down stairs following his nose, and his stomach. They would eat and everything would be normal. They could figure out how to help Virgil with his anxiety and they could live their lives.
Patton mentally shook himself. This was his reality, and he had to deal with it. He would save Virgil, and if he started acting weak now Logan wouldn’t let him come. So he forced himself to be totally focused on the magnificent wings before him.
“Patton, everything okay?” Roman asked. Logan who had been facing the other way when Patton had entered the room spun around as fast as his wings would allow. He saw that Patton’s face was is some sort of shock and became concerned.
“Patton, are you feeling well? Are you still in some sort of distress?” Logan inquired. Roman mentally facepalmed. Logan still had a lot to learn when it comes to being subtle.
Patton vigorously shook his head. “No, no I am fine. It just… Wow! Your wings are amazing!” Patton said starstruck. Seeming to find his ability to move he darted around the room bobbing and weaving through their wings. “These are the coolest things I have ever seen!” He looked at them from every angle he could. Observing Roman’s wings first and then admiring Logan’s. His eyes lingered on Logan’s a little longer than Roman’s. “I really love blue,” Patton mumbled to himself but did not go unmissed by the Guardian. Patton reached out his hand like he was going to pet the blue feathers but then halted. ��Um, may I touch them, please?” Patton asked politely.
Logan felt his cheeks heat at Patton’s timid question but nodded. Patton them pressed his hand gently on the soft silky feathers. Patton gasp “Oh my goodness they're so soft!” Patton squealed. Patton placed his other hand on the wing to cart his fingers through the feathers. The feeling he had last night from when Logan had comforted him slammed through him again. He felt light like there was nothing in the world could ever be wrong. He felt safe.
Logan felt the same feeling go through his body that he had felt last night. He felt strong and protective. At that moment he knew that he would do anything to protect this smaller man who was gently petting his wings.
In the next moment, the two men’s eyes locked. “Do you feel that too?” Patton heard the words leave his mouth before he had even fully thought them.
Suddenly Logan’s good feeling shuddered to a halt, and he pulled his wings away. He huffed angrily “Of course. I am so foolish.” He said under his breath where no one could hear him.
Patton was left baffled and confused by Logan’s sudden change and feeling slightly empty without that feeling. “What’s wrong? Did I do something wrong.” Patton asked helplessly.
Roman trying to help jumped in to ease the sudden. “Oh, it’s nothing Logan is just a spoilsport and is probably embarrassed by this much attention. Here, Patton, you can touch my wings if you would like.” Patton nodded eagerly thankful for the distraction and began petting Roman’s wigs.
Logan had shifted to a corner and leaned up against a wall, his wings tucked up behind him. He was being ridiculous. He realized now that Patton’s mental well being was important just as much as his physical well being, but he couldn’t get attached. That would be highly unethical. His job was to protect. Not to get attached, and he should have known. When he was in contact with Patton it was simply an instinctual feeling created by the bond between the two. Nothing else! And for the life of him, Logan couldn’t figure out why that pissed him off so much.
Logan just sat and steamed for a few minutes observing the other two playing gleefully. Roman had wrapped Patton in his large wings and was letting him run his hands along the whole wing. Patton was absolutely amazed. Roman grinned widely. He loved showing off and Patton was a very enthusiastic audience. Roman suddenly had an idea he knew would get an enthusiastic response.
“Watch this!” Roman said and with that, he pulled away from Patton and jumped out the window. He free fell for a few seconds before he spread his wings to parachute his landing at the last second before he hit the ground. He beat his wings hard rocketing up into the sky. Patton had rushed to the window to see what Roman was doing. Logan sighed in annoyance and slowly sauntered over to the window.
“How juvenile,” Logan said still fuming. “What if he is seen?”
“But Logan this is so cool. Let him have his fun.” Patton said cheerily, watching Roman intently not seeing Logan’s scowl.
Roman did flips and turns as he banked on the air current. Patton laughed with glee as Roman did his tricks. He could hear Patton’s squeals of joy and reveled in it. He loved the fact he could finally show off. It wasn’t like Logan enjoyed his fabulous tricks this much. Roman felt his mind suddenly drift to Virgil. He wondered what his emo nightmare of a Ward would think of his fabulous show. His air display suddenly came to a screeching halt. What the hell was he doing? Virgil was in danger how could he not have made that his first priority. He flew with rocket speed back to the window and almost crashed into Patton and Logan.
“We need to go now. I forgot Virgil’s in danger! This is no time for fun.” Roman said almost breathlessly. “We have been distracted for far too long. Who knows what that horrid beast has done in Virgil body.” Roman said dramatically.
“Very well. Patton last chance do you still wish to accompany us?” Logan said coldly and robotically.
“Yes, I am coming with you!” Patton said steadfastly.
Logan simply nodded and turned his back to Patton and bent his legs so that he was shorter than Patton. He braced himself for Patton’s weight but it didn’t come.
“Are you coming or not?” Logan huffed.
“Oh, you want me to get on your back?” Patton asked.
“Yes, that would be the easiest way for me to carry you, would it not?” Logan said as though it should be obvious.
“Right, okay,” Patton said. He then apprehensively moved forward and climbed onto Logan’s person. “Let’s do this thing.” He said more to himself than anyone else.
Logan was surprised he had known Patton was small but he had expected him to weigh more than he did. “Patton I am gonna need you to stay as streamline with my body as possible and when I lean you need to lean with me. Got it?” Logan informed cooly.
Patton hummed out an okay as he pressed his body closer to Logan shaking a little. “What seems to be the matter, Patton?” Logan asked concerned his voice not being so robotic anymore.
“I am a little scared of heights. Oh, but I’ll be fine. I can do this.” Patton said bravely as he could muster.
“Don’t worry Patton. I will not allow any harm to come to you. I’ve got you.” Logan said meaning it with full sincerity. Patton was his Ward after all.
“I’m okay, I trust you,” Patton said.
“Okay,” Logan said. Then directed his next comment to Roman. “Follow me. I will take us to people I think can help. Roman simply nodded.
With that Logan went through the large window with his Ward on his back and pushed out. They dropped a little before Logan could stretch his long wings and he took to the sky. He found it sort of difficult to find the right wind current with a person on his back, but they eventually smoothed out and they were on their way.
Patton was once again awestruck. He was flying. Well, he wasn’t the one doing the flying technically, but who cares about technicalities. This was amazing!. He could feel the wind whipping his hair back and forth. He could see the world down blow him over Logan’s shoulders. He felt so light as he soared over the earth. He wasn’t even scared of falling anymore. He felt the moisture as they pass through a low lying cloud. It felt so nice on his skin.  He turned his head when they left the cloud and OH MY GOSH there is a flock of birds flying next to them. This has to be the coolest thing ever. Patton was giggling with the pure joy that was coursing through his body. He never wanted this to stop.
Logan couldn’t help but grin when he felt Patton’s laughter reverberate through his body. He could even hear it over the sound of the rushing wind. It was a wonderful sound. He liked this much better than the sad crying thing he had comforted during the midst of a panic attack. He hopped Patton could reman this cheerful, he never wanted to see him so distressed again. _______
It took about a half hour for them to arrive at their destination. It was far to short in Patton’s opinion, but for Roman, they couldn’t get there soon enough. He wanted to help Virgil as soon as possible.
Until they landed in front of large metal gates with large wins for handles to open it. He couldn’t believe that this was Logan’s solution. “You’re kidding right, Logan? Don't you think this is a good idea to come to them? And to bring Patton with us?” Roman asked like Logan had lost his mind.
“You have a better idea?” Logan asked pointedly. Roman spluttered trying to come up with one but could think of nothing. “In that case let’s go,” Logan said walking forward towards the gates in front of them. He opened the large gates with ease. Patton followed like a puppy behind him still clearly on cloud nine from the flight they just had.
Roman followed but still couldn’t believe that Logan Mr. I Don’t Break the Rules had decided this was the best course of action.
They entered this very official looking building. To Patton’s delight, it even had one of those revolving spinny door things. He loved those. They made doors so much more interesting.  
Patton could hardly believe his eyes as they went through the building. It was full of Guardians. There was winge men and women darting around the building. The ceiling was so tall that some were flying around like they were in a beehive. They all had wings of different colors. All different shades of greens, yellows, oranges, pinks, purples, reds and blues. Although he wasn’t sure if he was biased but, he definitely thought Roman and Logan’s were a lot cooler than everyone else's.
“Patton, I need you to keep your head down, don’t draw too much attention to yourself,” Logan whispered to Patton.
Patton nodded and did as he was told. They made there way up some stairs to the tallest part of the building. Logan was about to knock on a large door when suddenly… “Hey gurls, how ya doin’? Whatcha two doin’ here right now? Ain’t ya suppose to be workin’?” A man drawled behind them.
Logan cursed under his breath. He pulled Patton behind his wings to hide him from view. “Greetings Remy,” Logan said politely as he faced the Guardian wearing sunglasses and holding a Starbucks in hand.
“Heya Remy,” Roman said cheerfully when he saw his good friend. “We are here for work. We have some important business with the higher-ups.” Roman explained like this was an everyday phenomenon.
Remy just gave a sideways smile and cocked his eyebrow tilting his sunglasses down. “I can see that.” He said spotting Patton who had shifted uncomfortably behind Logan’s wing. That he had inadvertently pinned Patton against the door with. “Are they aware of the sitch you’ve got goin’ here? ‘Cause if not Y'all are so screwed.” Remy said laughing.
“Are they aware of the fact that you are buying Starbucks from humans on a regular basis?” Roman countered.
“Damn, you right. Well, see ya later gurls. Good luck with that whole mess.” He said gesturing towards Patton. With that, the other Guardian sauntered off.
Logan let out a breath he hadn’t realized he had been holding. Thank God it was just Remy who had spotted them. While he may be arrogant he at least knew better than to run his mouth about this. Not that it mattered after the did this.
“Um Logan, since he is gone could you maybe stop squishing me against the door?” Patton asked from where he was pinned.
“Oh yes, apologize,” Logan said pulling his wing away from Patton.
Patton just smiled. “No biggie. Now back to helping Virgil.” He said turning to face the door.
Logan nodded took a deep breath and knocked three times on the door. To Patton’s amazement, it opened on its own. The three men stepped inside and the door closed behind them.
Patton gasped when he saw the two Guardians before him. They both had enormous wings much larger than Roman’s or Logan’s. Both of their wings were made up of the colors if the rainbow. It took Patton’s breath away. One wore an orange beanie and the other’s hair was super colorful, and they both looked shocked.
Logan swallowed hard before speaking. “Greetings Joan and Talyn. We require some assistance. You see um…” Logan found himself at a loss for words as he tried to come up with how to explain their current predicament.
Roman stepped in seeing Logan struggling. “My Ward Virgil has been taken by a Gatherer, and we don’t know what to do. Can you help us?” Roman asked.
“Why did you bring a human here?” Talyn asked seeming to ignore Roman’s question completely. “This goes against all the rules. What were you thinking?”
“We were attempting to help Virgil when the Gatherer took over his body. Unfortunately, that required us to interact with our Wards. Which in turn revealed who we are. We handled the situation to the best of our abilities. However, that was not good enough.” Logan said his head downcast.
“Wait, hold up. The Gatherer took over the Wards body.” Joan asked.
Roman and Logan just nodded. Joan and Talyn looked at each other seeming to have some sort of silent conversation. Patton couldn’t take the silence that had fallen over the room.
“What can we do to help my friend?” Patton asked desperately. The room's attention landed on Patton, but no one said anything.
Finally, Talyn broke the silence. “Joan, may I speak to you for a minute? Alone?” Joan nodded and gestured for the others to leave the room.
When the two were alone Talyn spoke. “Well, what are we going to do?” They asked.
“We are going to help them,” Joan said simply. Talyn looked and Joan like they had just lost their mind.
“Are you kidding me? They brought a human into the heart of the Guardians and you want to help them.” Talyn said.
“We are Guardians and our job is to help Wards. A Ward is in trouble we are going to help them.” Joan explained.
Talyn sighed “Are we at least gonna tell him?” They asked. Joan shook their head. “No, let's see if we can get this straightened out first. He doesn’t need to know until after. Besides these two are doing fine… for the most part. Sure they screwed up but I think they can handle it.”
“What about the human?” Talyn asks starting to concede.
“Well let’s see what we can do.”
A few minutes after they were sent out by Joan and Talyn. The three men were asked to come back in. They looked at the pair hopefully.
“Okay, so we will help. The first thing you’re gonna have to do is wake Virgil up.” Joan explained.
Roman squinted his eyes in confusion. “How? we can’t even talk to him the Gatherer was in full control.”
“Well, we don’t know exactly. This hasn’t exactly happened before.” Joan said. “We have no idea what this Gatherer plans to do or why he took over Virgil’s body instead of just consuming his soul. This is not a normal case at all.” The room seemed to deflate. How were they supposed to help Virgil if they didn’t even know how to wake him up.
“So we can’t do anything?” Logan asked frustrated. He was so used to knowing what to do that no knowing really pissed him off.
“POTION!” Roman suddenly shouted. Startling the whole group. Joan’s eyes widened when they understood where Roman was going with that train of thought.
“That could work!” Talyn said catching on to the groups thought process.
“What could work? What are you guys thinking of?” Patton asked feeling horribly out of the loop.
“Well, you see Patton…” Logan started but was quickly cut off by Talyn.
“Are we really going to tell all our secrets to a human? He shouldn’t even be here in the first place.” They said defensively clearly uncomfortable with this whole situation.
“I think he already knows about enough that it doesn’t really matter,” Joan said dismissively with a shrug of their shoulders.
“You are the way to easy going about all this,” Talyn said anxiously.
Joan just shrugged again.
“Do you think it could work though,” Roman said bringing the attention of the room back to the issue at hand.
“If we had the right one, but it would be extremely dangerous, and could potentially do more harm than good to your Ward. Not to mention yourself.” Joan explained.
“Is there any other options?” Roman asked with an intense amount of seriousness.
Joan and Talyn thought for a few minutes to themselves. Neither one could think of anything else to do. Taking their silence as a no Roman pressed onwards. “I will do anything to wake Virgil up.
Patton was silently panicking ever since Joan had said that this option was a dangerous one. “What is the plan then?” He asked trying to participate.
Logan took pity on his Ward who was scrambling to make sense of what was going on. “To my understanding, the plan is to find a potion so that Roman may enter Virgil’s mind in order to wake him up,” Logan explained.
“A potion?” Patton asked like Logan had spoken in another language. “Isn’t that like magic?”
Logan smiled at this. Patton was standing in a room with four people with wings and was surprised by the idea of magic. It was almost cute. “Not magic necessarily. Magic has all but died out. No potions are the byproduct of alchemy, which is just a more advanced form of chemistry. We just have more ingredients than humans do, to curate more advance concoctions.” Logan explained.
“And Logan here is the second best alchemist of this generation.” Roman boasted proudly. To Logan’s chagrin. He hated being known as second best at anything. “So if anyone can help make this potion it’s Logan.”
Logan cringed inwardly. “While I appreciate your bode of confidence this particular potion is beyond me.”
Roman seemed to crumble. “So it can’t be done?” He said defeated.
Logan sighed. “No, as you said I am only second best we still have one other person we can ask for assistance on this.”
Joan and Talyn nodded in agreement.
Roman perked up. “And we just saw him.”
“Gurls, of course, I’ll help ya! I’m like insulted that you had to ask. That is so super sucky. Roman, you are my bro course I will do everything I can.” Remy said after Logan had explained the situation to him.
“So can you make the potion?” Patton asked innocently. 
“Can I make the potion? Bitch please, this is gonna be easy.” Remy said smirking.
Patton puffed up immediately. “Language!” He exclaimed indignantly.
“Honey, I am speaking English,” Remy said slightly confused.
“I believe he wishes for you to refrain from cursing in his presence,” Logan explained.
“Oh okay,” Remy looked at Patton with a sly grin. “No promises.”
“We are getting off topic.” Roman huffed. He was actually getting annoyed with the lack of urgency the others were taking with this matter. Virgil had been missing almost all day now, and Roman didn’t like it one bit, and no one seemed to be making this the priority. “How long will it take for this potion to be made?”
Remy seemed to finally get serious and thought for a minute on Roman’s question. “Well luckily I think I have all the ingredients I need and with Logan’s help it should take like less than a day. I think. ‘Specially If I work all night tonight.” 
“So I would be able to wake him up by tomorrow,” Roman asked excitedly.
“Theoretically. If I start right away.” Remy explained. Roman just looked at him expectantly. Remy sighed. “Don’t worry gurl I gotcha I’ll start now.”
Chapter 11
I am sorry this too so long I was having a hard time getting this chapter the way I wanted it. Also my editor just moved and doesn't have WiFi yet.  I hope you guys liked the addition of the new characters.
Tag list: @whatwashernameagain, @logicallyanxious-morallyromantic, @anony-phangirl, @sleepyssnail, @phlying-squirrel, @v-doodles, @virgilcrofters, @yangsembercelica, @barlibismi, @music-and-monsters
19 notes · View notes
All Flowers Keep the Light (2/6)
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France, 1967. After a hurried wedding due to the birth of her son, Emma and her new husband, Neal Cassidy, move to the quiet French countryside for a fresh start. With Neal working late at the psychiatric hospital next door, it is left to Emma to find her own way to settle in to her new life. Desperate to find a way to pass the time, and to find meaning in her life outside of being a mother, Emma takes it upon herself to revive the facility’s neglected greenhouse. But when a handsome blued eyed patient offers to help her look after the plants, everything in Emma’s world changes.
Rated: M for mature themes, brief violence, and smut (not that bad, but I cover my bases). Beta’d by the phenomenal @wellhellotragic. Updates on Mondays!
Tagging: @hollyethecurious, @kmomof4, @captainswanandclintasha, @meremere94, @rouhn, @mcbrideannemgt, @fradditonce, @thesheriffandherdeputy,  @followbatb, and anyone else that would like to be tagged :)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Chapter 2: Two
It was not as though Emma had expected him to be there again. After all, it wasn’t something they had agreed upon, and it wasn’t as though he didn’t have other things to do. He was a patient, she reminded herself on her walk over, which meant strict schedules of medication and supervision and God knew what else. Still, she couldn’t beat down the hope that swelled in her chest at the thought of his schedule possibly aligning with hers. It was a feeling that only seemed to bubble over into relief when she entered the glass room an hour later and found him waiting for her.
Killian was dressed in the same pale coloured outfit he had worn the day before, though Emma thought it looked like someone had attempted to brush his dark locks into something a bit more presentable. By the way a missed stray piece stuck up wildly in the back, Emma guessed it had been his own doing.
She hadn’t even realised she was grinning like a fool until he gave her a strange look.
“What?” He asked, the corners of his own lips turning up.
“Nothing,” she lied, letting out a long breath to settle her nerves. “I’m just happy you’re here.”
He quirked a dark eyebrow, his smirk widening. “Is that so?”
“Yes,” she replied innocently, shucking her jacket and tossing it on the workbench. “We’ve got a lot of work to do. It would be a shame for you to shirk your new duties as my assistant on the first day.”  
“Well, then, by all means,” he teased back. “Lead the way.”
They each chose a side of the room, sneaking glances at each other like schoolchildren as they raced to see how quickly each other could finish their pots. Try as she might, Emma’s hands never seemed to be quite as skilled as his, and he was nearly always a pot ahead of her, his fingers running through roots and soil as if he had been born with technique. If he had been, he was keeping mum about it.
With a bit of prodding, Emma managed to get a decent glimpse at his background, though she was sure that he was omitting just as much as he was telling. He had grown up in the northern provinces, he explained, and had become somewhat known as the local scoundrel of his home town. His father had abandoned the family when he had been an infant, never to be seen or heard from again. His mother had raised him and his brother, Liam, until she had passed away from illness when Killian was thirteen. He spoke fondly of his mother. She had owned the patisserie on the main street, and he recalled in vivid detail the time as a young boy when he had accidentally set fire to one of the ovens in his attempt to recreate one of her famous apple tarts. Emma was in stitches when he explained how he’d tried in vain to save the mini pastries, even as his mother had doused the flames with buckets of water. Emma made a verbal note to bring him her own special recipe one day, a promise which made his eyes light up in excitement.
By the time they finished their first set of pots, they were both covered in dirt and sweat, laughing and judging each other for the mess they had made in their sprint to outdo each other. Killian laughed at her insinuation that he had somehow managed to cheat, and Emma thought she had never heard a sound quite as charming in her life. She hadn’t known the man that long, but something told her that he did not often laugh as much as he did with her, and Emma felt victorious at having pulled one out of him.
He wasn’t a patient to her, no matter how much the hospital issued clothes dictated otherwise. How could he be, when his eyes were so clear and his wit as sharp as his mind? She hadn’t asked him what he had done to end up in the asylum, what malady plagued him when she wasn’t around, and truthfully, she didn’t know how she could even broach the subject. He hadn’t brought it up either, and every time he caught her eyes flicker to the ragged scar tissue that encircled his left wrist - surely from where a leather restraint had once rubbed his tender skin raw - he seemed to stiffen and roll down the cuffs of his sleeves to hide it from her.
And, truth be told, Emma was certain that she wasn’t just another worker at the facility to him, either. He had never been awkward around her, but even so he seemed to relax further and further into his role as her assistant. They flitted around each other as they worked, their rhythm like a well oiled machine. He shared simple stories with ease, complaining of the meals at the facility and expressing his wish for some “bloody decent food, already”. He nearly began salivating when she opened up her bag to reveal the pastry and fruit she had brought for him, and she had to playfully remind him not to try to swallow them whole. As it was, he finished off the small meal in record time, moaning almost sinfully as he finished each bite. She would recall that sound later - a blush colouring her cheeks - when she laid her house keys down next to the ceramic bowl of fresh apples that Tink had fetched from the market as a surprise.
They only grew closer over the next few days as their routine became even more fine tuned. Emma woke up early each morning and made her way over to the greenhouse, where Killian was always waiting, their work tables already set. After the success she had had with the first treat, Emma had taken to packing a second lunch to give her assistant, whose eyes never ceased to widen in amazement at the gesture. She’d teased him about it once, but he’d simply shrugged. “You can’t take anything for granted,” he’d explained, “especially in a place like this.”
He asked plenty of questions about her life outside of the facility, something she had anticipated but somehow had failed to prepare for all the same. She fielded his curiosity as best as she could, giving vague answers to questions that normally would be considered harmless. But of course, with someone with Emma’s past, no question was entirely harmless. Killian seemed to sense her hesitation when he asked about her family and her upbringing, and a slight sadness filled his blue eyes. But given the holes in his own personal history, Emma was certain he understood her need to keep private things private, and he never pushed. It was a welcome relief; most people never learned to reign in their questioning, and it usually resulted in Emma pulling away. And she didn’t want a reason to pull away from him.
This fall morning, as they worked together to prepare the greenhouse for the end of autumn, Killian had chosen to direct his questioning elsewhere. Well, everywhere, really. Having not seen a newspaper or magazine in what appeared to be years, he wanted to know everything that had happened in the world recently. The trees outside the windows filling with vibrant colour, signalling the change of the earth around him, and Killian was adamant that he would not go another year without learning something of the outside world. Politics, celebrity scandals, natural disasters. Then he wanted to know every song that was playing on the radio - every song that she liked. She’d had to think about that one, but settled on a small handful of tunes that she had heard over the kitchen radio while preparing dinner the night before. She’d listed the names, but Killian had only stared blankly. Of course, she hadn’t expected him to know them.
“Would you sing them for me?”
The question caught her off guard and she turned to raise her eyebrows at him. “Not in a million years.”
“How am I supposed to truly know the song if you don’t sing it for me?” He argued, leaning against the table top to watch her as he so often did.
Emma rolled her eyes. “Use your imagination!”
She might have let things go at that, if she hadn’t made the fatal mistake of glancing up at him again. Killian’s blue eyes had gone wide as a puppy dog’s, his bottom lip jutting out just so. He looked sad and pitiful, and somehow still absolutely gorgeous. A dirty trick, to be sure.
She caved.
His face had shown no signs of recognition when she’d mentioned Francoise Hardy, so she chose the rectify that first. She began with La Fin De L’Été, given the changing seasons outside and the fact that it was slow and she happened to remember the words.  
She fixed her eyes on her work as she sang, hoping desperately that he couldn’t see her quickly reddening cheeks. It wasn’t that she considered herself necessarily a poor singer, but she had certainly never had an audience before.  The only person she had sang for in years was Henry, and he was hardly a harsh critic. But by the way the greenhouse had fallen dead silent, she knew that Killian was listening intently. More words turned into vague hums as her nerves creeped into her voice.
She nearly jumped when she felt a soft hand on her arm, her words stopping suddenly. Emma finally met his eyes - he looked almost awestruck. Just as Emma began to think she might melt into a puddle under his gaze, Killian offered her his hand and lead her away from the workbench. He stopped at a relatively clear spot on the floor, motioning her closer as he placed his free hand on her hip. Caught up to his intent, Emma placed a hand on his shoulder and took up the song again, her voice steadier as they began to sway to the melody.  
As it turned out, Killian was a terrible dancer. Even with the slow pace, his feet struggled to keep up with the rest of his body. Emma couldn’t help but giggle as he pinched her toes under his feet for the second time in nearly as many seconds, but he only made a face at her. The rest of the song passed in a haze as they moved together across the tile floor. Emma was sure Killian could hear her heart racing in her chest, and she had to remind herself to breathe as he released her only long enough to gently twirl her in his arms.
“Though I love life,
And I believe it is beautiful,
I can love the rain,
As much as the sun,
Day and night,
Dream under all the skies,”
She wasn’t sure what compelled her to pick the next song, but the words began to flow from her mouth before she could stop them. Just as the one before, the song was slow and graceful, the melody sweet and mournful.
“But there are nights,
Where it is not enough,
And they are all the nights,
Where I think of you,”
She felt him stiffen in her arms, his breathing close against her ear as he listened. He didn’t pull away, didn’t ask her to stop. He just listened. So she continued.
“While I like very much,
Everything, as everything is mysterious to me,
The city and the times,
Noise and light,
Trees, flowers, wind,
Infinity and the sea,”
His eyes had closed at the words, his face soft as the song pulled him into memories that she was not privy to. She felt his grip on her waist tighten a fraction as he bowed his head against hers. It was only a song. Words written by someone else, likely for someone else. It shouldn’t have meant anything to the pair as they swayed in spot, their foreheads touching, soothing hands grounding each other to the earth.
“But there are evenings,
Where I do not think of them,
And they are the nights,
Where I hurt you,”   
Emma closed her eyes then, not wanting to see the emotion that would surely flicker across his face at the words. She didn’t need to look far to see how much he had been hurt in his life, how he continued to be confined like a caged bird in the facility owned by her husband. He might not have known how much his fate rested in the hands of the man she returned to at night, but Emma did, and the guilt was almost enough to make her choke on the rest of the song.
It was almost unthinkable that she would return home at night to a warm bed and he would be confined to his rooms once more. Emma might not have been a doctor, but she couldn’t see any reason for him being at Baudelaire. He was as clever, kind, and witty as anyone she had ever met outside of the facility’s walls. Someone as handsome and caring as Killian wouldn’t have any trouble finding a wife, perhaps having some children, and growing old in the comfort in a home of his own choosing. He deserved to relax by a roaring hearth with a thick book and a mug of hot coffee just as much as she did. She ached for her friend and for all of all the simple comforts he was being deprived of.
Not ‘friend’, a more salacious part of her mind whispered.
No one yearned for the company of a ‘friend’ the way she did with Killian. And no ‘friend’ would return her doe-eyed looks with the depth of affection he did. It wasn’t his fault, either. There was no way for him to know that she was already betrothed to another, and truthfully, selfishly, she didn’t want him to know. For the first time in a long time, Emma was happy. She slept well in the hours after her son had been put down for the night, felt less lonely in the early mornings before Neal awoke.
Perhaps in another life, Emma could have met Killian under other circumstances, and they might have both found happiness sooner. Perhaps together.
She pushed the thought aside.
It was a breach of trust, one that she knew might be nearly unforgivable, but she had to know what it was that kept him here.
So it was a week later when Emma finally swallowed down the guilt and voices that screamed at her to let it go and cornered the brunette receptionist during her lunch break. She had spoken to her a few times and had learned that the young French woman was the eyes and ears of Baudelaire. She knew every nook and cranny of the entire facility, as well as the patient records of every individual registered there. Whatever it was that Killian thought was too terrible to share with her, Ruby would know.
“How have you been liking it here so far?”
“It’s lovely,” Emma answered simply, not keen on sharing the truth about her thoughts on the place. It wouldn’t do much good to tell the woman how much she despised every hour that she spent in the little cottage after Henry had been put to bed. Being alone with her thoughts had never been something she was good at, and Neal never seemed to fill in the silence with anything but thin words and frustrated demands. It was during those times that she missed her safe haven the most. When she missed him.
“The nurses told me you’ve made a friend,” Ruby mentioned suddenly, her eyes full of mischief. Of course. Ruby knew everything. Well, at least it would make Emma’s job easier.
“Yes, Killian Jones. He helps me in the greenhouse some days.”
“Every day,” Ruby corrected, sipping her coffee.
“Is there a reason he shouldn’t?” It was as open ended of a question as she could manage, hoping that Ruby would take the opportunity to share.  She didn’t disappoint.
“No, I suppose not,” she admitted. “As far as I can tell, he’s not dangerous.”
Emma’s mouth turned down in confusion. “As far as you can tell?”
“Truth be told, I don’t know why he’s here. I do know he’s been here for years though. The old director overhauled the entire staff a few years back, and when the new girls were brought in he was here.”
That was curious. Emma had known that Killian had been in the institution for a while - the long healed over scars were proof of that - but she hadn’t expected his reputation to be blank. Surely someone who had been confined for so long had a reason for being there.
“Anyways, he’s lucky to have you,” Ruby continued, interrupting her thoughts. “You’re good for him, I think.”
Emma blushed. “I’m sure that’s not true. He’s a friendly man. I’m sure he gets along with everyone well.”
Ruby shrugged. “Wouldn’t know, to be honest. He’s been in solitary until last week.”
Ruby hummed, taking another sip of her coffee.
“I think you’re the first real person he’s spoken to in years. We got a transfer of a new patient from the city recently and we needed the room, so Jones was released into the general rooms.” Ruby wrinkled her nose in disgust. “Awful man, the new one. None of the nurses want to go near him. I had to convince Anna to go in and change his sheets yesterday, and that was only after I promised that he would be off with doctor Whale during that time.”
Emma barely listened as the receptionist rambled on about the new patient - a man by the name of Walsh. The sordid details of the grotesque behaviours that had landed him at Baudelaire were not half as astonishing as the information she had just come to learn, and Emma struggled to manage more than a polite nod or hum when she thought appropriate.
Killian had been in solitary? It didn’t make sense. Emma thought back to every conversation she had ever had with him, remembering how softly he had handled every flower, and the sense of calm that seemed to wash over the room whenever he entered. Emma was sure there wasn’t a cruel bone in the man’s entire body, let alone a darkness that warranted hours of dark, damp solitude. It wasn’t fair. There had to be something she was missing.
Ruby was halfway through explaining something about a new male nurse who had been hired when Emma interrupted, unable to help herself.
“Is he on any medication?”
Ruby’s eyes widened in confusion. “Who? Walsh? I doubt it. Though I wouldn’t complain if someone put a bit of something in his next batch of coffee, the ass-”
“No. Killian.”
A look of understanding crossed the receptionist's face. “Oh. Well, technically, yes. But…” Ruby chewed on the inside of her cheek as she considered something, her eyes searching the blonds’. “He is supposed to be, yes, but I happen to know that he hasn’t been taking them.”
“He’s not been taking them?”
“I know the nurse that is assigned to him, and she told me she found one of the tablets half-dissolved in the sink after her round. I don’t think she told anyone but me.”
“And you didn’t tell anyone?”
Ruby shrugged. “She only told me yesterday, and I have a feeling that he’s been doing it for a while. He doesn’t have the same look about him that everyone else here does. Like he’s..”
“Hollow,” Emma finished for her.
She knew the look. Every patient she had come across, as fleeting as her encounters had been, had given her the same stony look, as if they weren’t quite sure where they were. She had always looked away, not wanting to see the pain behind their eyes. Even their shadows seemed a bit darker than everyone else’s, as if they too carried baggage unseen to the world. Emma was no doctor, but sometimes she couldn’t help but wonder if the doctors weren’t a bit too eager to pump medication into their patients at the first instant of trouble. She had seen in the paper how the doctors in the big cities had been advocating for behavioural therapies and more forgiving treatments, but those practices had not yet reached the outer circles of society.  
Emma had no way to be sure, but something told her that Ruby had read the same article, and was using her silence to instigate her own little medical revolution within the facility. A clever woman indeed.
Ruby finished up the last of her coffee, giving Emma a quick hug before disappearing back inside. Emma felt better having talked to her, even if she hadn’t learned as much as she would have liked. The receptionist was easily making her way up the list of friends she could count on in the facility, and she felt all the luckier to have her.
Still, it seemed that the only way that she was going to learn anything about Killian Jones would be to ask him herself. She paced that night, trying to find the right way to ask that wouldn’t send him disappearing behind his walls. By the time the grandfather clock tolled at midnight, she still had nothing, and instead fell into a restless sleep.
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yurimura · 7 years
Petnames (A Little Bit of Everyone)
A/N: Some short ficlets of some of the characters I write for pertaining to the petnames I think they would use. I couldn’t think of one for Harry or Caitlin, maybe for the next little group thing I write. Some are longer than others, but I tried not to many any too long. I hope you enjoy! I think I’m gonna write a Reggie fic next, but it’s gonna be a little more personal than the others.
Word Count: 1,544 words
Spencer Reid: Love 
“Tell me you love me, Spence,” you whispered to him late at night, your head nestled in the crook of his neck. You could feel him shifting around in the bed to get a better look at you.
“Love, what’s wrong?” He looked at you with concern, “is everything alright?” “Yes, I just miss hearing you say it,” you grabbed his hand, interlocking your fingers with his own. You and Spencer had spent some time apart, a fallout caused by the stress and commitment of his job, “it’s been so long.”
You had stayed at a friend’s place during your time apart. Those days when you woke up expecting to feel your boyfriend’s warmth wrapped around you, only to turn to an empty bedside, was the worst. Finally having him laying next to you after being apart for what felt like ages, it felt right.
Spencer chuckled and pulled you closer, “very well, love,” he pressed a kiss to the top of your head, “I love you,” he whispered before pressing another one to your forehead, “I love you,” your cheek, “I love you,” your nose, “I love you,” and finally your lips. He lingered there a little longer and kissed you again, and again, and again, “I love you, I love you, I love you.” 
Reggie Mantle: Babe
“Babe, you coming?” A voice from the doorway caused you to look back at your boyfriend, Reggie, waiting for you.
“Yeah, hold on!” You replied before turning back to Veronica, “sorry, Ronnie, I’ll tell you what happens next time, promise.” Veronica just laughed and nudged you in your boyfriend’s direction.
“Alright, I’ll forgive you, I guess. Now, go! Your cute jock boyfriend is waiting,” she winked at you and you felt your face heat up.
You walked over to Reggie and he immediately snaked an arm around you, “c’mere, babe, I don’t like you spending more time with Veronica than me,” Reggie grumbled, pressing a kiss to your temple. You couldn’t help but laugh, Reggie got jealous very easily. It caused some misunderstandings in the past, but you were always able to overcome them. You would fight for him, through all trials and tribulations. He chose you, and you chose him.
“You don’t have to be jealous, Reg,” you cupped his cheek with your hand, “Ronnie’s a close friend and I love her, but at the end of the day, you know who I love more?” You searched Reggie’s eyes for an answer, there was a glint that told you that he knew, but wanted to you to say it, “you. I love you, Reggie.”
That made him smile, “I love you too, babe,” he leaned in for a quick kiss before pulling away with newfound energy, “alright! Now, what do you say we stop at Pop’s before heading home? Then my place? I’ll get you saying ‘I love you’ all night, babe. 
Cheryl Blossom: Dear
“I don’t know how you do it, _____,” Betty commented one day. It had been a month since you started dating-- yes actually dating-- Cheryl Blossom. Nobody knew that either of you swung that way, and honestly neither did you until she caught your attention at a party. Then it was the whole one thing lead to another and here you were.
“Oh, don’t say that, Bets. I really like her,” you playfully batted your friend on the arm when you felt a hand rest on your shoulder.
“Dear,” the voice was pointed, cold, a bit high-strung, you could pinpoint that voice anywhere, “are these gremlins bothering you?” Cheryl came to rest on the arm of the chair you were sitting on and you leaned into her. Everyone looked unnerved, Jughead protectively wrapped his arm around Betty instinctively. They still couldn’t get over the fact that you two were dating. 
“No, Cher, they’re my friends,” you laughed, resting your hand over hers, “are you ready to go? I’ll meet you outside, okay?”
Cheryl looked at you, her expression immediately softened, “alright, just… don’t take long, dear, I hate waiting,” and as soon as she appeared, she was gone.
“I dunno, it’s kinda sweet,” Veronica chipped in once Cheryl was gone, continuing the conversation from earlier, “she looks at you and it’s like… she’s finally at peace with herself.” Everyone had to agree to that, Cheryl seemed better when she was with you, “now, run along, dear, your girlfriend is waiting.”
Yondu Udonta: Little Lady
“Now, is the little lady all flustered just after that?” Yondu grinned, eyeing your small figure beneath him. You were quite honestly a mess, which was rather embarrassing considering your clothes were still on your body.
For Yondu, however, it just boosted his ego. Your face was flushed, you were panting like you just ran a mile, your clothes were pushed up but not completely taken off, and all this from a little making out and wandering hands. The effect he had on you just made him want to do more.
The Ravager captain licked his lips and leaned over you once more. One hand tipped your face up so you could look at him through lidded eyes, “y’ look like yere all worked up, little lady, you sure y’can handle me? The road gets a little… rough when you ride wit’ me,” he flashed a toothy grin at you.
“Yes, please,” you whined, desperate to feel his hands wander elsewhere, “I-I need your touch, Yondu, please.”
“Alright, if the little lady asks fer it, who’m I to deny it?” Yondu grinned, shrugging off his Ravager jacket, “jus’ r’member, little lady, yer the one who wanted this,” he whispered in your ear. You didn’t have time to react before he captured your lips once more.
Cisco Ramon: Princess
“Cisco, what is all this?” You gazed around the lab in awe, what was usually Cisco’s little kingdom of creation was now decorated with fairy lights and other similar mood-setters. In the middle of the room stood your boyfriend, dressed to the nines in a tux you were sure he hadn’t worn in a while. When Iris had shoved that dress into your arms telling you to change for a surprise you never would have guessed this.
“It’s high school prom all over again, princess,” Cisco grinned, meeting you at the doorway, “minus all the sweaty teens of course, also it’s not high school, also not really a prom? I just kinda, set up the room like this… surprise!”
“I can see that, Cisco, but why? Did I-oh god- did I miss an anniversary?” You looked around at the elaborate detail he put into the decorations, everything was so beautiful. It had you breathless and awestruck. Cisco had to practically drag you to the middle of the room.
“No, no! I just-I wanted to do this for you, for us. You are the greatest thing that has ever happened to me, princess. And-and I call you princess ‘cause that’s what you are to me, a princess,” Cisco looked down bashfully, his cheeks were flushed red at this small confession.
“Oh, Cisco,” you clasped your hands together, “I-I don’t know what to say…” 
“Then don’t say anything,” he grinned, offering his hand to you, “dance with me, princess.”
Leonard Snart: Doll
“Come here,” Leonard patted his leg, obviously indicating he wanted you on his lap, “I missed you, doll, would you deny me my one wish on coming back home?” He cocked an eyebrow and you sighed. You couldn’t deny him, especially when you missed him just as much. You made your way over to him, slipping onto his lap with ease. For someone dubbed Captain Cold, you never felt warmer than when you were wrapped up in his arms.
“Say, doll,” Leonard muttered, hand suddenly stopping at your side, “if I were to disappear… die, perhaps, what would you do?”
“Len, what are you saying?” You pulled away eyes wide so you could look at him in eye level, “are you planning on dying or something?”
“Now, now, doll, don’t panic here-- did I say anything about dying? No, I didn’t,” he put up his hands defensively, “now as you know, doll, I am a man of plans. I don’t like jumping into things without thoroughly seeking out all outcomes and plans of actions. The exception being, of course, you. But what I do in inherently dangerous, I do not mean to sound so morbid, but I might not be around forever.”
“Well, of course I would be sad, Len,” you pouted, “I don’t know what answer you want but… I don’t want to think about that, living a life that you’re no longer a part of? That’s unfair, Leonard, to come into my life, steal my heart, and leave,” you placed a hand over his heart, “I… will always be yours, Leonard Snart.”
Leonard took his time, staring you in the eye. He was looking for a lie in your words, ever the doubter of your feelings for him. When he found none, he leaned in to kiss you. It was soft and sweet, if only the world could see how loving the criminal named Captain Cold could be. He pulled away, that smirk still plastered on his face.
“I love you, doll.”
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