#suggestive but is beautiful really augh gonna be the death of this really
kinos-fortress-2 · 2 months
mghdnmmm piss pauling
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the way i EXPLODED.
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transgaypiratesanta · 8 months
so I’ve seen some posts of quotes from the oxventure, and OH BOY. I have full-on NOTES about the oxventure and every piece of canon and fan theories I can get my grubby little paws on, AND I HAVE A LOT OF QUOTES. SO…. HAVE FUN WITH THESE!
“Spicy… like a rat.”
“You asked the whales name?” “I’m just thoughtful like that.”
“Always check your bonfires for hedgehogs.”
“Needless to say Cthulhu is pleased and lunch is ruined”
“Oh no the cube! Not the cube!”
“He looks like dob but somehow evil and sexy”
“Nooooo… my mojo…”
“Oh you totally give the baby a dagger!” “That’s parenting 101”
“I flinch greasily.”
“Guys be real are we murder hobo’s?”
“I just wanna say I’m really proud of the amount of murder we’ve done.”
“Have you heard of the guild of the national trust?”
“Oo man I can’t wait to get redemption let’s kill everyone.”
“Do you have pamphlets?” “Let’s bore them to death!”
“Decisive action: throw that cat.”
“I have a moral objection but I’m going to let it happen because this seems cool.”
“🎵it’s getting hot in here. And they will all explode🎵”
“I lick the book and I am pleased”
“I know a lot of my plans revolve around watching dob sleep”
“Shut your filthy mouth Corazon”
“Let’s have a spooky sleepover.”
“Nature is beautiful.” “It sure was”
“+4! +2! +2! NUMBERS!”
“It’s not on fire or anything!” “Not yet, give me time!”
“We’re gonna have a sleepover in this crypt!”
“It couldn’t have been me-meant? If it wasn’t already… broked. That’s what I’ve always said”
“🎵maaaagic hand! Come out of my real hand!🎵”
“Wear whatever you want! Your bones, probably.”
“Their prudence hat”
“Is it orphans? You gotta tell us if it is.” “Ah. It’s orphans boss.”
“Skeletons… AHHHHHH”
“I love these loophole skeletons!”
“I would like to attempt to cast mend on the orphans”
“We just want less orphan juice”
“I’m imagining you making a snowman out of orphan paste”
“Oooo Skeletons be dexterous”
“We’re all team skeleton just some of us have flesh on top”
“I never liked you Kevin”
“Guys I’m not not in trouble”
“And then I turn the internal heat dial to cremation”
“Do you want a vomit hug?”
“I’m putting my foot down on the husks.” “But then they’d just burst!”
“Is it bad that bear me wants to eat the husks? No I won’t I’ll be good”
“And I’m trying desperately to remain eye contact with HER, and not look at you guys swimming around in sandwiches”
“It’s in runes or something what is that?” “That’s a seven.”
“The consequences! They’re here again!”
“Awh. And I’ve got his BOOTS!”
“Dob what did I tell you about necromancy?”
“Let’s put capitalism in the lake!”
“We can always claim it’s the fireworks show!” “NOT IF WE’RE DEAD!”
“Dogs are bound in skin!”
“Have we tried to befriend the footprints?” “Talk to the footprints!”
“Two very impulsive boi’s”
“Grease man from the ocean”
“Respectfully yeet him off the mountain.” “A somber yeet”
“If I was in something for 2 years”
“I saw the holes on the front and thought ‘that must be all the holes’ but then I looked on the back and there was ANOTHER HOLE THERE!”
“What are you dreaming about?” “Salmon.”
“Oh no they’ll take over the world with inexpensive furniture!”
“Break his spirit.” “And his back 😈”
“3 dimensional chess is just chess!”
“What’s in this drawer? Dob? Oh no that’s a paperclip.” 
“Person in charge of the Prudence mech”
“🎵yees I’m the best at thunderwave turns out!🎵”
“My shin!” “My Shin!” “… our Shin.”
“I’m just a chicken walking around with a flameblade”
“🎵Eleanor rigbee, lived in a hive because she was a bee. Whooedy whee!🎵”
“The pirate. Didn’t. Say that.”
“This is the energy in the room we’re all going to regret later” “says that of the orphanage.” “I regretted it later!”
“Though he could discover spoons at any point”
“Phase one: walk to crime. Phase two: do crime”
“I’ll just do it and be a legend”
“In a way we’re already married in a very deep and legal way.” “For tax purposes.”
“Why is there so much tentacle milk here?”
“You just hear anarchy noises from out the window”
“We’re running out of time before he murders us accidentally with an idiom” “with beans”
“I’m buying ecstasy from an owl?”
“The sounds of muffled pirate violence”
“She might just destroy the world, which is where we keep all our stuff!”
“I faint.” “Okay dob’s having a short rest” “OH YEAH!”
“Thick orange hot water”
“She’s got the cutest little forces of darkness 🥰”
“As the Druid, no.” “As the dm, INSPIRATION!”
“I cast shatter on the only planet we have”
“I cast fracking”
“The eldrich being Flannery”
“We’re fracking landlords”
“Now we leave you and see if you go buduhduhduhduh”
“Cattle go missing, we never find out what happens to all the Harris’s” “season over.”
“It’s practically a victimless crime, unless there’s a victim, in which case hopefully it’s a hard to trace crime”
“I grease Merilwen to give her the best chance”
“Because you told me to piss off!” “So you did THIS?” “yeah” “I HAVE MINUTES TO LIVE!” 
“How’s the shat?”
“I cast mending on our friendship 🥺”
“How does a jackle… lift a bunch of cars?” “I don’t know.” “You jack ‘em all.” *weird laughter*
“Yes. No more pain where you’re going friend. No, you’re not very nice actually.”
“Well, solved the Richard problem!” “But what about the Dob problem”
“It’s very demeaning, so okay.”
“Well no Millie or ori that is obviously not okay. Little idiot.”
“Oh I HATE nature”
“Who wants in on my corpse sled idea?”
“Dob.” *quiet laughter* “oh no.”
“I give them an appraising look as if sizing up their corpses”
“I am literally everyone else in the world which means I am the best at sighing crying sad goodbying to my plot, the npc’s, the sanctity of lore…”
“These patrons aren’t gonna lick themselves!”
“Ohhhh it’s a sex thing.”
“Rule 3 no kink shaming.” “Damn right.”
“He drifts out the door… to go find something to kiss.”
“WAIT! I’ve had a thought! I want to kiss the dragon man.”
“Well. You’ve effed this right up Dob.”
“Well, if you’re dreaming about that, it’s probably out to get you.” “Every time you sleep, it gets a little bit closer.”
“It is always agonising Johnny!”
“Let me use my bonus action to slip in my own grease”
“All things must drink. I say wisely, and inaccurately”
“You take 4 points of… becoming soup damage”
“It occurs to all of you, and pardon my infernal, this is a shit idea.”
“Why do i have find steed if it’s not a rodeo?”
“I cough up some hemp and rope.” “Oh perfectly horrifying! Sure, yeah.”
“We never elected a leader!” “How could you talk to your leader like that?”
“I like turning into a cat all the time, the problem is I can’t do it.”
“that horny crew member sticks his head out to watch”
“So it’s slightly uncomfortable… and you outlive all your lovers… sounds like a good thing!”
“I wish to arrest Cthulhu now start screaming”
“Sir we’re in an antique shop.”
“What a great excuse to do some crime, though!”
“Nothing bad has ever happened to me in my entire life, I don’t think it’s going to start now!”
“Is it meant to be on fire? Because it’s on fire.”
“ITS A MASTERCLASS! It’s not a masterclass…”
“Classic squiffy, what a lad.”
“Hey! I need you to do me a favour! Well I say a favour, I’m compelling you.”
“We do a literal hitman, as in you run up, and hit the man.”
“He’ll live, but not well.”
“Spinning tops in places you don’t want them”
“I want a ghost who’s obsessed with me!”
“Everyone’s going out the front door! I’m just gonna set the house on fire!”
“Here’s what happens Barnaby, you glorious liability.”
“Have you heard about this thing called a union?” “… Let’s montage the rest of this conversation”
“Roll me for ‘Dave? Dave!’”
“Barbaby and workers rights are on the opposite end on the political spectrum”
“It’s not apoplectic with rage, it’s apoplectic with being right.”
“Fresh fish!” “Lovely crimes!”
“It’s going terribly here in the present! Maybe it went better in the past!” “Let’s retreat to the safety of the past.”
“I didn’t want to taste the sweat of the poor in the air!”
“So you want to be a nice, clean, sanitised butcher?”
“It’s like riding a bike” “a violent bike” “it’s like punching a bike”
“I came here to study ghosts, not become one!” “Imagine how much study you could do if you became one!” “I can’t hold pens!”
“The gilded idiot”
“Hands in the middle. Aaaaand dead Barnaby!”
“I’m choking a guy out… with my thighs”
“I smile. In a way that  conveys limitless rage”
“I do not want to be traumatised because of archiving!”
“Won’t someone think of the molluscs?”
“Lilly and Zilly on a wedding adventure”
“Generally I judge things, but sometimes I choke them unconscious”
“The tiny urchins really wanted us to do it”
“No one tell him he has NO SOUL”
“Who is this anthropomorphic mouse?” (It was a child)
“Sorry I tried to fix it with fish”
“I’m going to start a clock that the wonderful mechanical man is working on without any of you”
“Are these children going to be okay?” “We’re they okay to begin with?”
“Stop making out with that brick!” “I’m not- do you know what making out is, Edvard?”
“I let my hatred of stairs get the better of me”
“I’m furious at my forearm.”
“It’s a piece of trash! Looks like something Edvard would make!”
“Mechanical man parts”
“Moving on briefly from infanticide, good job, I just asked you for your name”
“A healing cloak is quite hard to fill so I thought stuff that, I’ve acquired 2 giant goats”
“How old are you?” “Old enough. Are you old enough to make good decisions?” 
“No more digging graves for neat, I’m gonna be putting people in graves for money!”
“I had a mule once.”
“That’s adulthood. Being angry all the time, but pushing it down until it’s the right time.”
“Have you ever met someone in your life who doesn’t like jerky?”
“Let’s hope they’re extremely religious”
“Yeah well Andy’s lying, Andy wants us to fail.”
“I like to drink milk after I shoot two men in the throat”
“Very well then, Mr… not free”
“As you pass by the door, it does clip on the brim of your hat and it falls over your eyes and you can’t see anything.”
“Okay, okay.” *silence* “AAAAAAAH”
“I look at the other one, which seems like his spirit it hasn’t been broken yet 😡”
“I’m saying it nicely but in my head im like: I will kill you later.”
“Not trying to be rude, why do you smell so bad? I’m not trying very hard”
“Contracted late-stage tuberculosis. Got better.”
“Animal that’s been jerked”
“Tell me your life story”
“Horses can play, and you’re worried about if they can sit?”
“I’ve got a d8, but it’s now -2, because I’m DEAD”
*stabs someone in the eye* “oh sorry, I simply stopped paying attention!”
“Heck. Furthermore, dang.”
“One of the strangulation ones.” “Oh fun!”
“Is sharp rope a thing? WELL SHARPEN IT.”
“Sticky mc bang bang!”
“It was a terrible crime, I cut my lawn and i cut it too short. Anyway I’m to be hanged.”
“The cell is now swarming with ants.” “Yay!”
“Murder, for example, would be a no no!”
“He’s the same old Nate he’s just soft and cold”
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okaybutlikeimagine · 5 years
So Steve and Jonathan and Billy hanging out???
So uhm OF COURSE babe! ♥ ♥ ♥ I LIVE for this shit.
{Disclaimer: recreational drug use}{AKA i’ve basically just made our boys stoners, woops}
Okay, so i’ve talked before about Billy’s relationship w/ Jonathan and how he gets close to him and why. I’ve also mentioned (wayy more briefly) Jonathan���s relationship w/ Steve and how I think they’d be cool. Steve and Jonathan would work at being cool w/ each other bc Steve loves the kids but he also likes having friends that are his age. I just… LOVE the idea of Steve being touchy and friendly and sweet to Jonathan and Nancy. I know Nancy kinda broke his heart and his relationship w/ Jonathan has been tumultuous at best but I think they’d all work to be close bc let’s face it, nothing brings you closer than a near death experience. And those 3 have had MULTIPLE so far.
So they’re close and Steve will push himself inbetween the two of them when they’re walking together and sling his arm around their shoulders and kiss a cheek on both of their faces. Jonathan always blushes and says: “Y’know, ever since you came out as bi you’ve been-”
Steve cuts him off with: “Happier? Funner? More beautiful?”
“More annoying.”
Steve feigns offense.
So i just REALLY think that these boys have good relationships w/ each other. Steve and Jonathan are good friends, Jonathan and Billy are brothers, and Billy and Steve are dating.
And Steve, who I think loves people and loves having friends, wants to hang out w/ them as often as possible. He loves spending time w/ Robin, obviously. They’re basically best friends. He also really likes hanging out w/ Nancy and Jonathan (esp bugging them). But sometimes he says they need a “guys night” to which both Nancy and Robin roll their eyes but Steve is absolutely adamant about.
So Steve is standing outside of their house to pick Billy and Jonathan up and is asking them where they wanna go. They mention the quarry.
But the thing is, they always go to the quarry and it’s always to smoke and Steve is just fed up with that right now. Billy and Jonathan already smoke a LOT and whenever Steve wants to hang out w/ them they suggest the same damn thing.
“Oh c’mon guys, let’s do something fun.”
“Yeah, smoking is fun, babe.”
“But we always smoke. I wanna do something different… let’s go to the pool!”
Jonathan makes a face. “You know I hate the pool.”
“Alright… let’s go to that coffee shop you love on the edge of town!”
Billy gags. “You’re kidding, right? I’d rather be caught dead than go in there.”
“Augh, c’mon there has to be some place you both wanna go.”
And Billy and Jon just share knowing glances before they turn that same look onto Steve. Steve sighs out dramatically.
“Fine! We’ll go to the quarry to smoke. But the more we do this the less fun it is! We need to start doing something fun! Going out to smoke all the time isn’t fun. Especially not when I’m the one who has to keep bringing the weed!”
The boys are walking to Steve’s car now, and Jonathan turns around to walk backwards so he can face Steve.
“We’re broke, Steve. We can’t afford weed all the time.”
Steve calls bullshit on that and cites Jonathan’s 3 jobs. Jonathan denies said 3 jobs. Billy says he and Hop are going to force Jonathan out of 2 of those jobs bc “You don’t need to bleed yourself dry to help everyone anymore, take a goddamn break!”
And soon they’re in Steve’s car, bickering over music bc that’s just their relationship w/ each other. They’re Always bickering about music. Hey, when you get 2 of the most opinionated boys on music together, they’re going to bicker. It’s always amicable enough, anyway.
And so they go to the quarry to smoke. Which yes, they do far too often for Steve’s liking, but Steve still has fun. Bc getting high is, in itself, a fairly enjoyable act for him. He gets real giggly and happy. But getting high w/ Billy and Jonathan is a whole different story. Jonathan gets so peaceful, those worry lines on his face disappearing, the stress in his eyes gone as he looks up at the stars and points out things he sees in them. Billy’s frown slips into the sweetest, gentlest smile. He talks to Steve a lot bc Steve likes to talk a lot when he’s high and Billy always matches him on it. Always entertains all of Steve’s weird little ideas.
Jonathan always lays down on his back to look up at the stars. Billy always sits with his legs splayed forward, leaning back on his hands so he can look around everywhere. Steve will sit with his legs folded up a bit, his arms cradling them, ankles crossed, knees out wide, hands clasped in front of them. They’ll find a soft 60’s/70’s channel on the radio and turn the volume up enough so they can hear it from outside of the car and let the sounds flow over them and pretend like they’re in a different time. Like they’re in a different place. One time Steve laid on his stomach and hung his head out over the edge of the cliff down to the quarry and looked at it. Watched the water beneath him. Billy followed suit, as did Jonathan (after quite a big bout of paranoia)(I know Steve is mom to the kids but I like to think Jonathan is mom to the teens and gets worried for all of them)
So it’s nice. It’s just… soft. Sometimes Billy will lean with his back against Steve’s car and Steve will be inbetween his legs leaning back against Billy’s chest and they’ll just watch Jonathan on his back as he plays with the smoke leaving his mouth. It’s all just so calm. They feel they deserve it. Life has been hell for too long. They find peace in the presence of each other and let that be alright.
And Steve really does love those soft moments, he DOES. But one night Steve is like: “Actually, there’s gonna be a good music video on MTV tonight, soooooo…”
And he takes them back to his house. And the two other boys are a little grumbly and confused until Steve walks in and turns the lights on and he’s basically bouncing his way over to the living room and the boys follow him slowly and they get to the living room and-
“Oh my god.”
The coffee table in front of the TV is filled with food. Multiple bags of different kinds of chips and a carton of cookies and 2 boxes of Coke cans and 3 fucking pizzas and-
“Holy shit, Steve, who else is invited over?” Jonathan asks, walking up to the table very confused.
“It’s just us! Guys night!! Plus I know Billy’s gonna eat about half of it.”
Jonathan nods in sudden understanding and Billy is looking at his boyfriend like he’s the best and goddamn craziest person ever.
“Alright!” Steve heads over to the table, separating the pizza boxes. “I got us all separate pizzas because I know we all like different toppings. I got New and Classic Coke because I know you-” he points to Billy. “Are a heathen who likes New Coke.”
Jonathan gives Billy a horrified look.
“You like New Coke?”
“You Midwesterners are weird as fuck, New Coke is no fucking different!”
“You’re wrong and it’s embarrassing, babe.” Steve says with his hands on his hips. “Anyway, I also bought every type of chip I could find and a carton of cookies because I couldn’t help it.”
He gives the two boys a bright and cheesy smile. Jonathan laughs and Billy kisses Steve’s cheek before asking: “But where’s the weed?”
Steve groans. “Seriously?”
“You bought a bunch of food for us to eat but no weed? Don’t you know what munchies are, babe?”
“Fine, I’ll go grab some weed from my room. But put MTV on!”
“What music video is on tonight?” Jonathan asks as Steve leaves the room.
“I dunno!” He calls out. “I just wanted to go somewhere other than the quarry!”
Billy and Jonathan roll their eyes, but they break into the Cheetos, Jonathan grabbing a can of Classic Coke and shaking his head in disapproval as Billy reaches for New Coke. Billy chugs the entire can while making direct eye contact with Jonathan.
“You’re a monster.”
Billy crushes the can on his head.
“And a moron.”
They watch the random music videos that are on TV. It’s a lot of Tom Petty and Bruce Springsteen and some Mick Jagger and Prince.
Jonathan says Springsteen’s voice makes him sleepy and that his music is too much for him. Billy and Steve boo Jonathan for the comment and throw Cheetos at him in protest. Steve does a beautiful cover of Girls Just Wanna Have Fun to which Jonathan quietly applauds and Billy yells “that’s my babe!” Billy sings every single Springsteen song that come on and gets very excited when the music video for I’m Still Standing plays.
And Steve is very very happy, under Billy’s arm and watching as Billy kicks at Jonathan’s leg to ask him to pass the cookies. Sits there and smiles bc these are his friends and he just… he loves having them here, in his house, making it feel so full and alive and comfortable.
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shadow-light19 · 6 years
The Wolf of Lilac Lake: Breaking Free
Summary: Daniel seems to finally be in charge of activities today and he starts spouting off all this cultist bullshit. Now that Max has proof, he tries to find David so that he can fire Daniel but it looks like Daniel has gotten to him first.
Notes: Okay, I made this a LOT angstier than I meant for it to be. Sorry, not sorry. I feel like David has issues that he is hiding. The angst is based on David’s breakdown in front of Max in the Season 1 finale and the friend pills he has in the original episode. I feel like he has depression from Jasper’s death and is always so happy and optimistic because of that. Hopefully, it doesn’t come up as too sudden in the story but when have I ever written about David caring about his own well-being in the first place? I also rewrote three tiny parts of chapter 5 to make the angst more fitting. The first is when David is woken by Gwen in the morning, the second is when Gwen leaves, and the third is when he’s in the sauna. If it doesn't work, let me know and I'll rewrite these.
Previous Chapter: https://shadow-light19.tumblr.com/post/174025664742/the-wolf-of-lilac-lake-muzzling-the-dog?is_related_post=1
Next Chapter: https://shadow-light19.tumblr.com/post/174189019287/the-wolf-of-lilac-lake-overcoming-demons
“Rise and shine, campers! Today is a beautiful day!”
Max rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. He stretched and pressed brew on his Mrs. Coffee. Neil and Nikki got up and sleepily walked to the Mess Hall to get breakfast. Once his pot of coffee was ready, Max poured himself a mug and walked into the Mess Hall as well.
“Hey, Camp Man. What’s for breakfast today?”
His eyes were closed as he took a swig of coffee.
“Good morning, Max! I’m not David, but breakfast today is fresh fruit and rice.”
Max choked on it.
“What the fuck? Why are we eating that healthy shit? Tell David that I want toast and cereal.”
He glared up at Daniel while holding his mug of coffee to his chest.
Daniel looked down at Max. He smiled and cracked his neck.
“Now Max. David isn’t feeling well today so I insisted he rest and let me handle you kiddos today.”
Max scoffed at him. He went to take another drink from his mug when Daniel snatched it out of his hands.
“Hey, freakshow! Give that back!”
Daniel carried it to the sink and dumped it.
“Max, coffee is filled with toxins. I want you all to be healthy so we will be having detoxifying meals from now on.” He grabbed a tray off the counter and slid it into Max’s hands.
“Now everyone! Please get your breakfast and sit down. We will be having a party today!”
Everyone cheered. Max huffed and picked at his food.
“Now settle down everyone. Before we start setting up for the party I just want to ask if anyone is interested in space?”
“Oh! I love space!” Space kid raised his hand in the air.
Daniel sidled over and placed a hand on his shoulder.
“Well did you know that all negative emotions come from space?”
Space kid stuttered.
“U-Uh, no. I didn’t.”
Daniel nodded and walked back to the center of the Mess Hall.
“Yes, it’s true. Our atmosphere is under constant bombardment from negative emotions tied to dark toxins. These toxins cling to the matter left over from the big bang, meaning that even though we are all pure of heart at birth, we’re bathing in a negative-rich environment every second.”
He gave the kids a pitying look. Neil scoffed.
“I’m gonna stop you right there. Are you suggesting that the massive explosion responsible for the creation of the universe is also responsible for some sort of endless radioactive evil?”
Neil snapped his apple slice in half.
“Because that’s fucking bullshit.”
Daniel’s eye twitched as he stalked up to Neil.
“Oh, Neil. Of course not! The big bang didn’t create the universe. It was just a side effect of the Millenia Wars started by Zemoog and the Galactic Confederacy.”
Neil flinched as Daniel placed an arm on his shoulder.
“I understand that you are very inquisitive. Have you ever stopped and wondered if what you were taught was wrong? After all, we are all products of our environment. Most people will believe what they are told by the people they respect which can cause them to question differing facts.”
He walked over to Nerf.
“I understand that you have anger management problems and can be more violent towards other people. I’m sure many people you respect like your parents or your teachers have convinced you that you’re the problem. That’s not true though! The world is so scary and unsafe that you can’t help but feel threatened. In reality, the world is the problem.”
Daniel walked passed the other tables.
“What if I told you that it didn’t have to be? That all those anxieties and doubt that fester inside all of you can be washed away? That you could ascend to a higher calling?”
Nerf jumped up from his seat.
“I don’t know what you’re selling but I am buying it!”
The other campers looked at each other in concern.
“I can help you reach ascension. All you have to do is let me show you how.” Daniel placed his hand on his chest.
Max stared at Daniel in horror. He grabbed Nikki and Neil and quietly backed out of the room as Daniel became distracted by Space Kid and Nerf asking him questions.
Once they were outside, he let go of their hands and grabbed his own hair.
“Oh, my fuck… This guy’s insane!”
“We have to tell David! This should be enough for him to fire him right?” Neil shrieked.
“David should be in his cabin. Daniel said he wasn’t feeling well remember?!” Nikki raced past them.
The three ran as fast as they could to David’s cabin.
“David, open the fucking door! You have to fire Daniel! He’s trying to convert the camp! He really is a cultist!” Max screamed as they banged on David’s door.
No one responded.
“Quick! Nikki, check the window.” Neil directed.
Nikki ran to the side of the cabin.
“He’s not in here!”
Max was panicking.
“Damn it! Where the fuck could he be?”
Neil wrung his hands. “You don’t think Daniel did something to him do you?”
Max froze. He bit his lip in worry.
Oh, for fuck’s sake. That’s why Daniel’s doing this finally. David’s out of the way.
“Fuck!” He looked around.
Max saw smoke rising off to the side.
“Maybe he’s over there?”
The trio ran towards the smoke and gasped when they stopped in front of the sauna.
“Purification Sauna? What is that supposed to mean?” Nikki climbed up the door and looked into the window.
“I can’t see anything inside. It’s too steamy.” She made to get down but put pressure on a rung of the door handle.
“Augh!” Nikki fell to the ground. The handle spun from her weight and the door opened. The trio gathered in front of the building as steam flowed out from inside. A silhouette appeared in the fog.
“David?” Max called out.
Damn it, the idiot better be okay.
The figure emerged from the sauna.
“Hiya, kids!” David grinned widely.
“D-David!? What happened t-to you?” Neil’s voice shook with fear.
Max’s jaw dropped in shock. David was still wearing his outfit of the bandanna, vest, and camp uniform, but it was all white and gray.
“Daniel helped show me how to be truly happy! Isn’t he the best?”
David walked forward. The group quickly backed away.
“David snap out of it! Daniel fucking brainwashed you!”
David chuckled.
“Aww, Max. I’m not brainwashed, I’ve been enlightened. Why don’t we go see Daniel together? I need to know how I can obey the Ancient One’s will and he can enlighten you all as well.”
They booked it.
“What do we do? David was the most capable of all of us to stop Daniel!” Neil cried.
“Maybe we can gather the other kids and stage a revolt? It worked on Gwen and David before!” Nikki looked back. David was walking in their direction.
“I hope so! Maybe he hasn’t gotten to them yet and we can band together to fix David.” They threw the doors of the Mess Hall open.
Dolph, Ered, and Harrison were inside. Dolph was directing Harrison on where to place the white streamers and Ered was leaning against the wall.
“Guys! Daniel’s a cultist and he brainwashed David! We gotta snap him out of it!”
Max yelled. The others turned to him.
“Really? That’s so uncool.”
Dolph clapped his fist into his palm.
“We offered to start setting up while he took the others to a sauna. Is that how he is brainwashing people?”
Nikki nodded.
“Yeah! It magically changes your clothing to white and gray as well! We have to stop him.”
They followed the group outside only to come face to face with Daniel.
“Ahhh!” They screamed.
Daniel’s grin twitched.
“Hey, kiddos! What are you up to?”
Max pointed his finger at Daniel.
“You fucking maniac! What are you planning?”
Daniel cracked his neck.
“Oh, Max. Once everyone has been purified, we’ll toast to ascension by drinking purified Kool-Aid and then they will sacrifice their mortal bodies and ascend.”
“You’re going to kill us?” Neil freaked.
Daniel tsked.
“You’re going to ascend! You’ll be able to join Zemoog in paradise. I want to save you from the negative toxins that are encompassing you all here on earth. It’s such a wonderful feeling being purified. Isn’t that right David?”
“It really is, Daniel.”
“Ahh!” They jumped in fright.
David and the other campers were all standing behind them. Each of them were dressed in white and gray and sporting large grins.
Oh, my God. He’s already brainwashed everyone? We’re dead! We’re fucking dead!
“We love you, Daniel.” They all said in unison.
The remaining campers backed away towards the tents. Daniel joined the others.
“I’m sure it seems scary to you right now, but once you’ve become purified I’m sure you’ll understand that this is all for your own good. David, if you would be so kind as to take them to the Purification Sauna? I think we’re just about ready to ascend.”
“I’d do anything for you, Daniel.”
David stepped forward and transformed. The wolf jumped forward but the kids dodged him. Max wracked his brain for ways to stop David.
Fuck! How do you deal with a fucking wolf? Wait a second!
“Harrison! Can you conjure a dog whistle? Maybe that will snap him out of it.”
Harrison screamed and dodged another lunge.
“I c-can try! It might t-take a while though!” He started waving his hands and tossing the wrong appearing objects to the side.
“Ered! Use your sunglasses to try to reflect the light into his eyes!” She took the sunglasses from her jacket and did her best to follow Max’s directions.
“Nikki, slow him down! Neil, what’s the best way to snap someone out of brainwashing?”
Nikki charged at David and Neil turned to Max. “I don’t know! I’m a man of science! Gwen is the one with a Psychology degree. The best way I can think of, based on how the brain works, is to try to re-establish their way of thinking. Try calling out to him to make him remember his previous self or snap him out of it with some kind of shock to the synapses of his neural system.”
Max growled. “That’s not working so far! Harrison is still trying to get the dog whistle and Nikki is fucking biting him and he’s not waking up.”
Max shrieked when he felt himself get picked up by the hood of his hoodie. Neil shouted his name but was quickly restrained by Nerf. Max twisted in Daniel’s hold.
“I don’t think so, Max. David belongs to Zemoog now! Once you all have ascended, David and I will continue to find children and save them. Now let’s get you guys purified.”
Shit! I can’t get free!
He tried to call for Nikki but his voice died in his throat. David was holding Nikki and Dolph by the backs of their shirts. Nerris had somehow tied Harrison up and Space Kid and Preston had down the same to Ered.
We’re going to die. We’re really going to die. This can’t be happening!
Max could feel himself start to hyperventilate. The group was dragged towards the sauna and Max couldn’t stop the tears from welling up. They passed a table that had red plastic cups laid out and bowls of Kool-Aid on them. Max whimpered at the boxes of rat poison thrown carelessly to the ground beside it.
“No! Let me go! I only want to die from being mauled by a wild animal or fighting something really terrifying! Not by juice!” Nikki struggled in David’s grasp but it didn’t faze him in the slightest.
This is it. We’re going to be brainwashed to kill ourselves. Wait… what did Neil say? Make him remember himself?
“David! Snap out of it! Daniel’s going to kill us and use you to kill others! You may be an optimistic idiot but you’ve always done your best to try to make me less cynical, remember Camp Man?”
The others caught on to what Max was doing.
“Come on, David! Remember how you made me wear a helmet in order to do extreme sports? It’s lame but it’s because you care. You even painted flames on it and on my knee and elbow pads to try to make it look cooler.”
“You’re the one who bought me a paint set when you found out that the camp only had four colors of paint and a worn-out brush. You’ve hung up all of my art in my tent or you wrap it and store it in your cabin so that I can take it home when summer ends.”
“David! You attend all of my magic shows and even if the trick doesn’t work like it should, you still clap and tell me how amazed you are. You promised to come to all my shows when I am good enough to perform for crowds. You can’t do that if I’m dead and you’re a murderer!”
“When I first came here and found out that Cambell lied about Science Camp, you went into the woods and came back with several logs. You asked me what beakers and test tubes looked like and then carved me all the tools I needed out of fucking wood! You may not understand science but you understand us!”
“I know I bit your hand when we first came to camp but you’ve never held it against me. You’re a badass werewolf and that’s so cool! You understand my love of nature and never get mad at me or scold me for getting dirty. So snap out of it Rusty! You promised to let me meet some of the wolves and foxes in the area. I want to howl at the moon with the whole pack and that includes you, Rusty!”
David stopped walking. Daniel opened the door to the sauna.
“Alright! Time for everyone to get in the sauna!”
Ered, Harrison, and Neil were thrown into the sauna. They reappeared at the window banging and screaming to be let out. Max renewed his struggles in Daniel’s hold. Tears streamed down his face as he clenched his eyes shut.
David dropped Nikki and Dolph. Daniel turned to him in confusion and Max managed to wriggle out of his hoodie. He dropped to the ground in his yellow camp shirt and ran behind David. Nikki and Dolph did the same. Daniel’s face contorted in anger.
“David. I asked you to bring them to the sauna. Are you disobeying me?” Daniel drew the sacrificial knife from his pocket.
David was emotionlessly staring at nothing.
“Do you know what happens to those that betray Zemoog?”
David stood still. The white bandanna around his neck slowly turning back to yellow. Max and the others watched as David went from emotionless to furious in seconds. He lunged at Daniel and bit the arm that was holding the knife. Max pushed the others back as Daniel shoved David off him and they fought.
“Hurry! We have to let the others out!” They rushed to the sauna and opened it. The others jumped out gasping and uncovered their ears.
“Thank god! I thought for sure we were done for!” Neil hugged himself.
“Everyone, David needs our help!” Dolph pointed at David who was surrounded by Daniel and the brainwashed campers.
There’s no way David will willingly hurt a kid. We need to get them out of the way.
“Nikki! I need get everyone away from David. Harrison, Ered, I need you to take the ropes and round everyone up! I’ll tie a knot once you’re done. That should keep everyone out of the way.”
Nikki dashed forward and dragged campers away from David. Daniel turned in surprise but was quickly distracted by David again.
Ered and Harrison wrapped them up and Max tied the knot. They dragged the group away from the fight so they could stay out of David’s way.
“What do we do now?” Neil asked.
Max turned back to the fight happening several feet away. He winced when he heard David yelp in pain but held himself from rushing forward.
“We can’t do anything. We’ll only get in the way. The only thing we can do now, is wait.”
David yelped as Daniel sliced his hind leg with the knife. He bit hard on the wrist holding the knife and kicked it away when Daniel dropped it in pain. Daniel tried to kick David off of him but David managed to pin him to the ground.
There’s no way I’m letting you escape. I don’t care if you tried to kill me but you tried to kill my campers and that is INEXCUSABLE!
David slammed his head against Daniel’s. Daniel slumped over, unconscious. David stepped off of Daniel and transformed.
“Are you kids okay?” He limped over to the huddled group of kids. He couldn't see any injuries on them.
They rushed forward and hugged him.
“Aww! I missed you too!” He kneeled and hugged them.
They stayed that way for a couple seconds before he stood up. He saw how Max looked embarrassed and was glaring at the ground.
“Took you fucking long enough. You had us worried sick, asshole!”
“I’m sorry I scared you all. If it weren’t for you kids though, I still would’ve been brainwashed.”
David walked over to the Quartermaster’s store and brought out a length of rope. He tied Daniel up, then returned to the kids.
“Ered, please call the police for me so that Daniel can be arrested.” He handed his phone over. David looked at the rest of the campers that weren’t brainwashed.
“I’m going to keep an eye on Daniel. Could the rest of you get me a bucket of water and some towels? I’m hoping that will be enough to wake the other campers. Please don’t go near the sauna or the Kool-Aid. I’m gonna need that as evidence for the police.”
The others quickly disbanded to do as David asked. David looked down at Daniel.
I can't believe I was so foolish. I should've followed my instincts when he first arrived at camp. I should've asked Gwen to stay or told her my suspicions. I'm sure this traumatized the kids and it's all my fault.
Nikki and Neil lugged the bucket of water over to David. He thanked them for their help and picked it up. He splashed it onto the brainwashed campers and sighed in relief when they cried out in indignation.
“Why are we all tied together?” Space kid looked at David.
David untied Max’s knot and helped the campers stand.
“When Daniel arrived, I had my suspicions that there was something dangerous about him. I didn’t act on it though because it seemed so unfounded. He was polite and his resume and previous experience were sterling. I couldn’t figure out why I didn’t trust him so I figured that I would just keep an eye on him and that everything would be okay. It’s why I never actually hired him. I wanted to be able to terminate his position if I needed to.” He turned to Max, Nikki, and Neil.
“When you three came to me with your suspicions of him being a cult leader, I should’ve fired him on the spot.”
David rubbed his elbow with his arm. “I’m sorry that I put you all in such danger. I failed to protect you and worse became brainwashed into someone who was willing to harm you.”
He hung his head in shame. David couldn’t hold back a sob.
I can’t believe I came so close to losing all of you. This whole situation was all my fault. Maybe I shouldn’t be a counselor. I’m sure they hate me now for almost allowing them to be killed.
“David, stop crying you fucking dumbass.” David stared at Max.
Max looked uncomfortable but pulled one hand out of his pant pocket and gestured to the others.
“Do you remember how we snapped you out of Daniel’s brainwashing?”
You guys told me… how much I care for everyone here at camp.
“You were reminding me of how much I love all you campers.”
Max smiled.
“That’s right! You may be an idiot but you genuinely care about us for some fucking reason. You broke free from the brainwashing because of that, so stop whining about your stupid delusions.”                                 
David smiled and kneeled down again. He spread his arms out for a hug.
“Aww! Come here, you guys!” Everyone rushed him except for Max.
Max stood off to the side and watched the others in relief. David extended his arm and pulled him into the hug. It made him smile wider when the only form of protest Max gave him was the middle finger.
“That’s sooo touching.”
Everyone froze.
David stood up and pushed all the campers behind him. He could hear sirens wailing in the distance as he faced Daniel. Daniel was awake but completely immobile.
“I mean, sure you managed to stop me in the end, but you were too weak to do it on your own. Even as a werewolf! My goodness, that’s pathetic.”
David’s glare fell.
“You didn’t even trust your own instincts! Maybe you seem happy and naïve to everyone else but I can see the truth. You’re broken inside.”
David could feel Daniel’s words chipping at him.
“You lack confidence in yourself and in what you do. That’s why you struggle to get the kids to do anything, that’s why you’re always getting hurt, and that’s why I was able to get one over on you. You told me about everything that's happened in this camp so far besides being a werewolf, remember? The mascot, the times you've been hit by a bus, the stab marks on both your palms, especially everyone's attitude about camp. You’re a much better actor than I thought David.”
David stared at Daniel as the police pulled up. He guided the police to the sauna and table full of poisoned Kool-Aid. He led the officers to Gwen’s cabin so they could seize Daniel’s possessions. He gave his statement and waited as the campers were interviewed as well.
When all the cop cars disappeared down the dirt road, David guided the campers into the Mess Hall and put on a movie. He called for pizza delivery to cheer the kids up and ignored all the worried looks the kids were giving him. He assured them he was fine every time one of them asked if he was alright with a cheerful smile and pat on the head. Once they were all settled in, David excused himself to the bathroom. Once he was alone, David let the tears fall.
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