#sword and shield once each for the box legendaries
prismit · 18 days
hmmm what am i dreading more. the 3 shiny hunts at 1/8192 odds and 4 hunts at 1/4096 odds that i don't know how long will be possible to do if i want to be able to transfer them to home, OR having to replay the entirety of pokemon shield again for like the 5th time because i forgot to transfer my alt account's save file - which was prepared to hunt regidrago - from my old switch lite before i sold it
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clownkiwi · 2 years
my thoughts on pokemon scarlet/violet as of the second trailer
(ps i dont think we'll get anymore new info in the next couple weeks as part of nintendos possible june direct. i think this is all we're getting until like. august. spoilers below, btw)
so, before i go to indepth here, i still wanna say this. that november 18, 2022 deadline is. still worrying me, especially considering the newest release that was Just released in janurary and i only started playing last night. but hey, at least pokemon scarlet/violet is now the only triple a open world nintendo game releasing in holiday 2022 now (xeno 3 is releasing earlier than expected, botw 2 got delayed to spring 2023)
now, with that said, let me just say. this might be the next exciting pokemon game since legends arceus that like. actually looks really good.
AGAIN, i think the first thing that stood out to me in this whole trailer was. everyone and everything has textures. you seriously have no idea how mindblowing this is if you haven't noticed the graphics between. sword/shield & legends arceus and these new games.
it's not just pokemon too, it's the characters as well. literally the first pokemon game since the jump to 3d with textures is really exciting stuff and makes these games stand out alot
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going even further, i think this is the actual first pair of pokemon games in a while to actually have diverse versions amongst each other than just like. the normal practice of pokemon games, where they're just the same game, but with different pokemon, or even like. a few different gym leaders.
for instance, these games have two different professors, they have their own designs, and they seem to compliment their box art legendaries well (you can see the professors above)
and speaking of character design, i really love how much more diverse the character designs just for not just the professors, but your "rival" and even the npcs in this game are, even if there still isn't much to go off of
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these are just. entirely different from what sword/shield tried to achieve, and a genuine honest improvement over literally all of the switch pokemon games afaik (yes, even improved over legends arceus, which i like to think is also a right step in this similar direction)
i also really love the emphasis on the upgraded multiplayer experience. im sure the devs really want to make their pokemon mmo for the nintendo consoles someday, and this game is just one step closer by allowing up to four people to adventure together at the same time, which certainly sounds like alot of fun (& a step up over the raid system from sword/shield)
the thing im especially curious about, however, is the emphasis (at least on the games website) of this being a true open world game. like, a pokemon game where you don't have to follow the order of 8 gym leaders, beat the evil team/organization, beat the elite four and champion, ya know what i mean???
if these games are true open world games where you can do whatever you want at whatever pace you wanna go, that's especially intriguing, given we don't even know much of what type of narrative direction this game will go!!! we haven't seen much of an evil/rival team, the "rival" is really more like a friend (has been described as a guide on the website), not even any sign of any gym leaders!!
past pokemon game reveals wouldve put focus on the new gym leaders, the new pokemon, the evil team and story, but at least for what we know about this game now. the emphasis here is that you can make your own story, you can make your own experience free of the past pokemon narrative beats
it truly might be an open world pokemon game
but this is only as of the very second trailer, who knows??? we might get some new info later on that reveals more of the games actual story, that again, we can move through at whatever pace we're able to
but as of now, this is probably the most exciting mainline pokemon game since the last one this year. and i really can't wait to check it out once i'm able to
also, yes, before you ask, my starter is still sprigatito, and i'll choose pokemon violet, i've always been a fan of cool fictional technology
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despazito · 5 years
Complete list of all problems known so far in Pokemon Sword and Shield with data and/or proof for each problem
[I am copying this post from the pokemon subreddit from u/Terotu]
Seeing as there's a lot of people that don't quite know the extent of the issues and that there's no real compilation of the problems, I feel like everyone needs a list with info and sources of each and every current problem with the games, it's a long list but I've tried to put it all together, it's not just dexit people. I will post everything that is 100% confirmed and known so far, there's potentially other problems, but this is made as a somewhat "quick" digest with info that has been 100% proven, for anyone out of the loop that wants to know exactly what's happening with these games.
1. The number of usable Pokemon has been cut, only less than half are now usable, known as Dexit, it means that you won't be able to use these pokemon in the new games, you won't be able to transfer them in, and you won't be able to do anything with them sans sticking them in home for the foreseeable future (Home will probably be a paid only subscription based service just like its predecessor), for all intents and purposes, these Pokemon are basically removed from the main games franchise and they will take probably years to come back, if ever. An image with the cut/not cut pokemon can be found here, pokemon in green are confirmed to be in, pokemon in purple have galar forms, pokemon in yellow are in the data, but there's nothing for them, they could be leftover data like the items and other things, could be giveaway/event only, could only come from other games, etc, there's no way to know what's the plans for them at the moment, if any, pokemon in red are cut. The excuse GF used for this culling was that it let's them work on delivering better animations and a more carefully crafted game, since they don't have to put more time and effort into redoing the models. This is complete BS as the game polish is worse than ever, and the models seem to just be somewhat edited XY models.
2. Just like the Pokemon cut, about 144 moves were removed, 99 moves excluding the let's go and other outlier moves, this includes extremely important and used mainstay moves like Hidden Power, return/frustration and Pursuit, on top of extremely old moves that have been there since gen 1, some of these moves were important for the viability of several Pokemon, which may cause them to be way less effective if not way worse when it comes to battles, on top of this, it also removed some SIGNATURE MOVES of certain Pokemon. The full list for deleted mainstay pokemon moves can be found here Attempts at transferring Pokemon with these moves will apparently get this message: "This move can’t be used. It’s recommended that this move is forgotten. Once forgotten, this move can’t be remembered."
3. Short game, the first streamer beat the champion at around the 14 hour mark, while he did this by skipping a fair amount of trainer battles, other streamers are clocking in about 16-20 hours, seems like the average will be about 18 hours to beat the game. Here's one of the many streamers, he's right before champion and clocking in at 14:34.
4. The graphics are extremely mediocre, it constantly looks worse and less polished than LGPE, the textures are often inexcusable. Examples of the bad graphics seen here 1 2 3 4 5 6 A comparison with LGPE can be seen here and here Here's a game recently released for switch, another picture found here, the difference is unreal.
5. There's constant graphical issues, not just low quality graphics, pop in is present at all points of the game due to bad coding, trainer models will also disappear mid battle when an attack with a high number of particles is used, this also happened in SM, however, SM moved the camera away to avoid people seeing it, they didn't even try this time. This means it's either a carry over from SM and they just copy pasted most of the code, or they somehow have to remove the trainers to avoid a switch from somehow getting fps drops. The pop-ins can be evidenced here and here. Trainers dissapearing mid battle can be evidenced here
6. Animations, one of the main reasons why GF cut pokemon, at least in the interviews, are as shoddy as ever. There's extremely lazy animation all over the game, from normal attacks to key moments in the game, such as the encounter with the box legendaries. Most of the animations are also completely copy pasted from older games, one example seen here with Hau(the entire character of hop is basically a copy paste of hau.) Most of the animations for the camp are also copy pasted from xy amie, evidenced here. Pokemon battle animations are just as bad as before, if not worse, pictured here is a pokemon headbutting with its feet. Another example found here, THE MAIN BOX ART POKEMON CINEMATIC, THIS IS THE GAME CLIMAX, another example on the other version found here In fact, it could be considered way worse if compared to the last gen, example of upscaled USUM cutscenes. (Notice the graphical change isn't that big, the only difference here is increasing the resolution)
7. Cutscenes and restrictions, like previous Pokemon games the cutscene and story forcing and restrictions are insane this time around, seems to be even more intrusive and in your face than before at times, while keeping the same level of cutscene intrusion than past gen. The video for this point was taken down, but if you wish to see this you should be able to find it by searching the gameplay clips/streams online
8. The difficulty, just like the cut scene problem, this carries over from earlier games and it's even worse.There were constant heals, to the point where in the first routes you're not able to go beyond 3 trainer fights without getting a full heal. The first streamer avoided fights and didn't train at all, it still was one shotting gym leader dynamaxed ace pokemon.This can be seen here.
9. Post-Game is almost non-existant, as usual since masuda-Ohmori started directing, there's no frontier, there's also no frontier like facility. The post game consists of battle tower and a very short sequence of missions where you beat some dynamax pokemon for your rival to catch the other legendary. Not only this, but the battle tower is also an inferior version of past towers, it doesn't have super single nor super double battles, it has no triple battles and there's no "tower bosses", it's just random trainer npcs after another.
10. Problems with game design and behavior, beyond difficulty and progression, there's other problems in the overall game design. Examples of this is not being able to catch Pokemon in the wild areas until you got a badge allowing you to do so, which usually covers your current level. Meaning if you find a level 31 shiny or a level 31 pokemon you really want, you won't be able to catch it until you go and beat the next gym. For shiny hunters, this one is gonna be really important, you cannot see if your Pokemon is gonna be shiny or not in the overworld, this means that on top of the badge limit, you also got this potential problem. Evidenced here.
11. Removed past features with virtually no new additions, seems like this is a mainstay in Pokemon, removing older features so they become one of a time gimmicks, but unlike earlier titles this new game doesn't adds anything new except dynamaxing, which is limited to gyms only. This particular gen removes Mega Evolutions and Z moves, mega evolutions in particular were a huge deal and seeing them suddenly removed means that there's little reason to get involved with any new addition, no matter how mainstay or how much GF forces it when it will very soon be gone. A list of these removed features can be found here.
12. No scaling whatsoever, models are the same sizes of XY (giving more plausibility to them not really redoing the models).Any argument against this is thrown out of the window when dynamaxing exists, since the models seem to be edited XY models then the problem remains. Here's the non scaled model in sword and shield. Here's an scaled model, released in a game that came out 15 years ago for a the Nintendo Gamecube, something way less powerful than the switch.
13. No GTS, retera thread on the discovery found here, the only strings that refer to the GTS are leftovers from Let's Go code, as seen here and here. This is most likely due to Home(this means that you will have to pay for switch online+home for services older games already included) Thanks to /u/c_will for pointing this one out and gathering the info.
14. A 20 dollar price increase for less content than earlier 3DS games, with subpar graphics and removal of features, an overall shoddy release for a higher price point.
15. Performance, game is locked to 30 fps, and while that's not a big issue by itself, this is coupled with slowdown at certain moments such as dynamaxing, it can drop fps to the floor and turn the game into a slideshow for a while. Evidenced here. Still gathering more info on this one, as it's a relatively new occurrence that hasn't happened to all users, take this one with a grain of salt
16. The overall lack of quality, polish and effort put into the game, this is all the minor/somewhat minor but still very telling problems with the game. This is apparent in many ways all throughout the game, things like the wrong backgrounds or just voids for pokemon battles. Two example of the wrong backgrounds seen here and [here] (https://clips.twitch.tv/FriendlyCleanOstrichArsonNoSexy) One example of the void background seen here (these happen on indoor fights and some non indoor but scripted battles)Examples of backgrounds on indoor and everywhere else in both LGPE and colosseum, seen here and here. Then there's complete lack of music in the game story most important moments, seen here. Starters are also shiny locked. The entire world freezes when using certain objects, as seen here. To this, you add up the emptiness of the wild area and the badly implemented weather changes that don't make much sense, both seen here No animation for flying, no elite 4, no victory road, etc, this is added to all the other problems that show the lack of effort put into them.
This franchise deserves better.
You deserve better.
These games are not only a huge step down from earlier titles, but it goes beyond what used to be already barely  tolerable standards to way below standards, keep in mind this is the biggest, most profitable franchise on earth.
This is the first time a pokemon main game is released on console, people were excited for game freak to finally do whatever they wanted and it's been done with the most minimal of  efforts, all the money you've spent on Pokemon didn't went on making this a better game, it went straight into the pockets of the people in charge, those that made sure this was made with the most minimum effort and those that cut  corners.
Companies that made games decades ago on hardware less powerful than the switch shouldn't be doing a better job than game freak, and companies doing work in the switch have completely obliterated game freak when it comes to developing a video game.
Keep in mind that your purchase of these games causes this:
Continue the yearly release cycle that makes the games rushed and forces the devs to insane crunch time, creating the low morale problem
Tells them that you're ok with these problems, and they will keep lowering the bar and cutting corners on development
Your money will continue going into the pockets of those responsible for these problems
I implore you to be a smart consumer, I've played Pokemon since I red, ever since I was a child, I can no longer support this franchise, I probably won't buy a Pokemon product ever again if this is gonna be how they're gonna treat the games and its fans.
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big-bad-skull-boss · 3 years
Idea for an Ultimate Nuzlocke(tm):
Every new main story is played through in generational order.
There are 8/11 games to be played total.
Sword & Shield arent included i this challenge because not all pokemon are in a game that you pay £90 including DLC for.
Your surviving team is reverted to base evolution forms and level 5 and genned into your next game right at the beginning. (PkHex or similar) These pokemon can be used again or not, it depends on what you wanna do.
PC pokemon cannot be transferred up to the next game, even if they were part of your party before or previously transferred in from your last party.
The pokemon you beat the champion with and register in the hall of fame are the pokemon that are transferred. You cannot just take 6 random pokemon out of your box and decide to take those, unless they are in that final hall of fame team.
If you black out, you do not lose. You must box/release all of your fainted team and reconstruct your team with pokemon in your boxes.
If you black out with no boxed pokemon, the run is over and you have to start again from the beginning. the VERY beginning. the first fucking game beginning bitch i 'int playing.
Trading with your completed saves is banned (unless you are evolving a pokemon via trade, which is allowed).
Transferring pokemon from side games/games outside of the challenge is not allowed. (This also applies to distribution carts & event pokemon).
Abusing glitches and coding exploits/oversights is not allowed.
Breeding is not allowed.
Optional Rules (these can be applied in any combination to suit you):
( * = Recommended)
Gift pokemon cannot be accepted (except your starter).
Alternatively, gift pokemon count as your encounter for that area in which they're accepted. (gates count for the route they lead into).
Each Pokemon Center can only be used once.
Each doctor or nurse can only be asked to heal you once. *
Legendary pokemon are not allowed.
Cheese strategies like F.E.A.R. cannot be used. *
Wild pokemon grinding is banned.
The V.S. Seeker (and other similar functions) are banned.
Shiny hunting is banned.
Shiny clause on*/off.
Dupes clause on*/off.
Abuse of rematchable trainers is not allowed. (Eg: breeders in BW2)
Manipulating swarm pokemon (Gen 3 carts inserted in DPPt) is not allowed.
PokeMarts cannot be used.
Items are not allowed to be used in battle.
Held items are banned.
Vending machines cannot be used.
Fossils or duplicate gift pokemon can be trashed or released, respectively, for one token encounter each at any location of your choice. These token encounters are not transferable between games. *
TMs cannot be used. (HMs remain usable in games where they're necessary)
Move tutors cannot be used.
Restricted to 1-3 pokemon types.
There are two ways to play the game order. "Full" & "Condensed".
Only one of each group of games is to be played.
Black 2/White 2
Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire
Sun/Moon/Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon
CONDENSED ORDER - 8 GAMES (recommended):
Black 2/White 2
Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire
Sun/Moon/Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon
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Chat: Lemme See Your Homework!
This is based on the chat “Lemme See Your Homework” from Mammon on day 4. <3
 I’m in the library in the House of Lamentation when a chat box popped on my phone.
 Mammoney: Hey, MC, lemme see your Devildom Law homework, would ya?
Mammoney: You know, the one with the warnings about contracts, and the examples of how to deal with any problems that may come up durin’ ‘em!
 I finished that homework last night and spent a good chunk of my time researching for it. I had a hard time with it because it’s not like I had courses like that back in the human world, unlike Mathematics or Science. I actually had to borrow a Latin Dictionary from Satan to answer some of the questions.
While I stayed up until dawn, Mammon went off to devil-knows-where right after dinner. He didn’t even answer his phone when I tried to call him. I had to ask his brothers if they’d seen him and Beel said he saw him dash off the house when Lucifer left for Diavolo’s office.
I typed in a reply.
<Sticker – shaking head>
A chat bubble appeared.
 Mammoney: Please, you gotta help me, MC!
Mammoney: If I don’t turn it in by today, Teach’s gonna fail me—hold me back a year for my own good or some crap like that.
Mammoney: Where are you anyway?
 I didn’t reply. Hah. Let him roam around the house and try to find me. My phone chimed.
 Mammoney: Never mind, Asmo said he saw you enter the library.
Mammoney: My back’s against the wall, here. So I’m headin’ over right now to copy your homework.
Mammoney: You’d better not go snitchin’ to Lucifer!
Mammoney: Promise me, MC!
Mammoney: <Sticker – flying kiss>
 Ugh, Asmodeus!!!
I put down my phone and concentrated on my work. I still have to copy and memorize the compounds needed to transmute chalk into a metal. Not that I could do it, but still, my curriculum included Alchemy in it. I don’t even know how it will be useful to me. This feels like studying Algebra, I’m always left wondering when I will ever use it in real life.
The door opened and from the corner of my eye, I saw Mammon’s head pop in. He looked around and when he saw me, he entered and closed the door behind him.
He took the seat in front of me. I didn’t look at him and continued writing. Mammon slumped on the table and looked at me with pleading eyes. “Ya gotta work with me here, MC!!! I can’t fail a subject. Lucifer’ll kill me!”
He put his palm together and closed an eye. “Please!”
I narrowed my eyes at him. “Why do you even have to study and go to school? Aren’t you like, I don’t know, thousands of years old or something?”
“I know, right! Studying and goin’ to class is useless, that’s what I kept telling ‘em but they don’t listen! I don’t know why, it has somethin’ to do with coping with changin’ times and all that.”
“Don’t ask me anymore about it. Ask someone else. I don’t agree with it in the first place!”
I finished writing and put down my pen. I crossed my arms and stretched my neck. “Ahhh, my shoulders hurt from hunching in a desk too much…”
He stood up and rushed behind me. He placed his hands on my shoulders and started massaging them. “Where? Here? Lemme rub it for you, MC.”
“Wow, you’re really desperate, huh?”
“I am!”
I signaled him to pause and tied my in a low ponytail. He resumed with the massage. Without my hair in the way, I felt Mammon’s hands directly rubbing against my shoulders. I was still in my house clothes so I was just wearing a tank top paired with sweatpants.
His hands stopped massaging my shoulders. I looked back and saw him staring.
“Why’d you stop?” I asked.
“Wh… huh?” He quickly removed his hands and sat back.
“Hey! I was just starting to relax! Give me some more massages.”
“Enough, I have to copy you homework, don’t I?”
I pouted at him but he can’t look straight at me. His ears are also a bit red. I extended my homework, “Fine, here!” He was about to grab it but I pulled it away.
“What now, MC?”
“Help me with dinner later, I’ll let you copy.”
Wednesdays and weekends are usually help yourself days in the House of Lamentation. We usually have cooks to prepare the meals and we just help with the cleaning and setting the table. But on Wednesdays, Saturday and Sunday, we have to cook our own meals. One person is assigned for breakfast and another for dinner, almost no one eats lunch here in the dorms anyway so there’s no need to assign someone to cook. The assignment is done in rotation.
Beel usually helps me in cooking when it’s my turn, but he eats the ingredients before I even cook them so I stopped asking him for help.
“Okay, deal! Now lemme see your homework.”
I gave it to him and he proceeded to copy it. He hummed while writing.
“Change it up a little, Mammon! Don’t be too obvious.”
“All right, all right. I’ll even miss some questions so we don’t get the same score.”
I rested my chin my arm on the table and watched him write.
“Why’re ya staring at me, MC?”
“I said s-s-top staring at m-me.”
“I’m not staring.”
“Yes, you are! It’s makin’ me real uncomfortable!” He placed his non-writing hand over my eyes.
I swatted it away. “Fine.”
I played with my phone and felt my eyelids grow heavy…
I awoke with the sensation of someone touching my ear. My cracked my eyes open. Mammon was seating beside me, trailing soft touches on my face.
“What are you doing?” I mumbled, voice raspy from sleep.
Mammon jumped back and pulled his hand away. He turned his head away. “You’re drooling!”
I raised my head and swiped at my cheek, “No, I’m not!”
“Tch. Whatever, we’re gonna be late if ya don’t get your ass up and change right now!”
I rubbed my eyes. He gathered my things and his and lazily dragged me to my room. He closed the door and yelled for me to get changed.
I languidly put on my uniform. I was in the middle of fixing my hair in a braid when the door opened.
“You done?” Mammon said.
“Yeah, just a sec.” I glanced at him then went back to braiding my hair.
He entered my room and stood beside me. He has his hands in his pockets and was whistling a tune.
“What?” I asked.
“Hurry up! I’m hungry! Treat me to lunch. I’m cravin’ some hell sauce ramen from Hell’s Kitchen.”
“I don’t have money!”
“Then… I’ll treat you.” He muttered.
“Oooh that’s rare! Okay, I’m almost done!” I grinned.
“Don’t look so happy! You face is givin’ me the creepers!” He fake shivered. He walked out the door, and yelled, “I’ll wait for you at the gate!”
 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
 Later that night, Mammon and I brought the ingredients we needed for tonight’s dinner on the kitchen. We had the ingredients delivered to the House because we didn’t have enough time to run to the grocery.
We decided to cook curry, since it’s easy to make and we can do large servings at once considering half of it would easily go to Beel’s black hole of a stomach.
I grabbed a cookbook from one of the drawers and placed it in a book stand.
“All right, let’s do this. Take out the potatoes and carrots, wash them and peel half, I’ll do the other half.”
“Man, this is heavy!” He said while he hauled the sack of potatoes. He did what he was told.
I started on chopping up the onions.
“Here, done!” Mammon said and placed a basin containing the potatoes in front of me.
“That was suspiciously fast—” I looked at his work. I slammed the knife on the chopping board. “Mammon!!!!!”
“What is it?! Why’re ya yellin’?”
“You peeled the potatoes halfway!”
“You said to peel half! I did what ya said! I don’t get what’re ya getting’ upset for.” He clicked his tongue and shook his head.
“Mammoooooon! I meant half of them! Like half the numbers! Not literally just half of each potato!!!” I yelled.
He laughed and ran to the other side of the kitchen island. I chased him and tripped on the sack of carrots.
He laughed harder. I felt blood rush to my face. I grabbed some carrots and threw it at his face. He was able to dodge the first batch but I was ready for the next throw and caught him off guard.
Mammon grabbed a colander and used it as a shield.
I stood up, grabbed a spatula and started attacking him. He snatched a wooden spoon and the whole thing soon ensued into a full on sword fight with kitchen utensils.
“You dare fight me, mortal?” Mammon declared in a low voice.
“Today, in the bleak mid-winter, you’ll face a fate worse than death.” I avowed. I assumed a stance and landed a strike.
“Winter ain’t even started yet!”
He was laughing while trying to parry my strikes and in the middle of it, I started to laugh too because of the ridiculousness of it all.
Our legendary sword fight ended sans victor when Lucifer arrived and chased us both out of the kitchen, which now looked like a battlefield strewn with curry ingredients.
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shinyacademy · 3 years
The Ultra Wormhole
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Prepare yourselves because this is going to be a long post! Today we’re covering the Ultra Wormhole! Because it’s such a long topic I’m going to break it down into a few different sections. Feel free to skip around as you need.
General Information
The Ultra Wormhole is only accessible in Ultra Sun and Moon so unfortunately if you only have Sun or Moon you can’t participate. While I’m on this note: Folks, if you’re still on the fence about buying Ultra Sun/Moon because of rumors that it’s too similar to Sun/Moon, let me put those rumors to rest. Not only have they changed up the plot (in a good way IMO) but there are features like Ultra Wormhole and the photo booth that are worth buying. Get it now while it’s still in production and a reasonable amount of money, Pokemon games get insanely expensive once they’re out of printl!
Also you will be at least 99% through the main storyline before you get to mess with the Ultra Wormhole.
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How to Fly Through Time & Space
First off, you will initially be asked if you would like to ride a Solgaleo or a Lunala. Pick whichever one you want, there is no difference between the two other than aesthetic. Some people will argue otherwise. They are wrong. It has been confirmed multiple times that they have the same hit box. Some people struggle with Lunala because they think that the wings are included in the hit box but they are not.
I would try it at least once the way it is initially set up (and I think the game forces this) with the gyroscopic controls where you need to physically move the DA to move Lunala/Solgaleo (from here on out I’m just going to call them your mount). Once you’ve experienced that, head back to Heahea City on Akala island. There go right from the Pokémon center and you’ll see a pretty nondescript building. This is the Ganefreak building, where you can eventually pick up your oval charm (completing the game) and shiny charm (completing the Pokedex). Go to the floor with a bunch of Aether scientists. The scientist furthest left will allow you to change to directional controls which is much easier!
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Now you can steer with the joystick which is infinitely easier.
You are going to encounter two types of circles in the wormhole. One is an orange/gold circle. These are your speed boosts. You should go through them. The other are blue electric looking circles. You want to avoid them as they will slow you down.
Eventually you will start encountering wormholes (more on that below). Initially you will want to avoid them because you’ll be hunting for a high quality wormhole. You can steer away from them or let the joystick snap back to center. As long as you have enough speed you will not get sucked into them. As long as your joystick is in the center you cannot accidentally fly into a wormhole (but you can still get sucked into one of you lose speed). However you can still occasionally hit the orange and blue rings. Flying in the center is important though as when you’re going really fast it can be easy to slip into a wormhole accidentally.
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More About Wormholes
Each base color has a meaning, mostly the habitat for where you’re going.
Yellow: Cave (ground, rock types etc)
Blue: Water (Mostly water types)
Green: Fields (Mostly grass types)
Red: Cliffs (Mostly flying types)
White: Ultra Beasts
There are a limited amount of Pokémon you can find in the Ultra Wormhole, meaning this type of hunting is not great if you’re looking for specific Pokémon and also not very precise. However your odds are great so it’s worth a try. Knowing that only some Pokémon appear here a few people use it to grind looking for those specific Pokémon. If you want to know which Pokémon are in the ultra Wormhole check out IGN’s guide here. It’s very dependent on which game you have.
Wormholes can also be sorted into 4 categories:
No rings: Common. Your odds for a shiny or legendary here are not great but also not impossible.
One ring: Uncommon. Your odds for a shiny or legendary are increased here but still not great.
Two rings: Rare. Your odds for encountering a shiny or legendary are decent here.
Two Rings with Alolan flowers pulsing: Super Rare. Your odds for encountering a shiny or legendary are very high here.
That being said, I’ve only seen the pulsing flower ONCE in all of my flights (it did have a legendary though) so most of the time you’re going to aim for double rings unless you see better.
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From here it’s a balance between knowing how far you can go and going for the best wormhole you come across. For me, I know that the point where the music starts to loop again is where things start to get difficult so I will try to get that far before looking for wormholes to enter. The one exception is that if you see a super rare wormhole you should just enter it no matter where you are.
In general the further into the Ultra Wormhole the better the small wormholes will be.
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Once you have landed inside a wormhole the best practice is to save your game. That way if the Pokémon is shiny and you accidentally KO it you can reset and the Pokémon will still be shiny. However, you can also use this to SR (soft reset) for specific natures or stats, if these things are important to you. If you plan to port the Pokémon into Sword and Shield however, don’t waste your time when you could just use mints or ability patches!
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If you get a pop up message like this one it means that you are about to face a legendary Pokémon. Again, now is a good time to save. This is your SR point if you would like to shiny hunt the legendary. Even if the legendary is not shiny upon approaching it you will be able to SR.
If you don’t get a legendary or shiny, go back through the wormhole and try again.
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Benefits of Ultra Wormhole
The biggest benefit to the Ultra Wormhole can also be a disadvantage to some, and that is that your odds increase with skill instead of just pure luck. If you get decently good at the Ultra Wormhole mini game then your chance of encountering shinies and legendaries is quite high! The mini game itself is a bit difficult but with practice it’s easy enough to master to the point where you benefit more often than not.
The “hunts” are also fairly quick. You’ll know if you have a shiny or not within minutes and be able to either KO the Pokémon, run away and try again. The whole time you’re fully engaged with the game so it doesn’t feel like it drags out as much as some of the slower paced methods like egg hatching and overworld hunting.
Lastly, this is also the way to collect Ultra Beasts and shiny Ultra Beasts. While slightly rarer than normal Pokémon, shiny Ultra Beasts do appear in the wormhole.
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Disadvantages of Ultra Wormhole
The biggest disadvantage is that your shiny pool is limited. If you’re hopping into the Ultra Wormhole to get a shiny Meowth you’re going to be very disappointed. It’s important to know which Pokémon are available so you’re not wasting your time. It’s also fine if you just want to hunt any shiny without further expectation.
I caught Lombre here while writing this article from a rare blue wormhole! Note that I didn’t need a super rare wormhole to get a shiny.
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That’s all I have for the Ultra Wormhole! What have you caught in the Ultra Wormhole? What was the furthest you’ve traveled? For me it was something just short of 4,000 light years!
Until next time, happy hunting! ✨
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storyofmychoices · 4 years
To the Left
[Bryce Lahela x Olivia Hadley Masterlist]
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Characters: Bryce Lahela, Olivia Hadley 
Prompts: space - @julychoiceschallenge ; “I don’t plan to stop” for @wackydrabbles
Setting: This takes place after Boxes. Olivia and Bryce are setting up the bedroom of their new apartment. 
A/N: I gave Bryce a middle name—Kalani—it is Hawaiian and means of the heavens. I felt that was appropriate for Bryce.
☆  ☆  ☆  ☆   ☆   ☆   ☆
“What are you doing?” Olivia questioned as Bryce placed his accessory’s caddy on the night table to the left of the bed. 
“Unpacking, which is what you should be doing,” he suggested, gesturing to her own pile of boxes.
“I was kind of hoping for the left side,” she noted softly, giving him big eyes and pouty lips.
“What? You’ve always slept on the right side.” He barely looked up as he continued working. “Come on, if we want to sleep here tonight, we’re going to need more than a bed covered with boxes and a pile of pillows and blankets.”
As he bent over, filling the space with his belongings, she stealthy grabbed a pillow and brought it down on his head.
He held his head feigning injury. “Watch the hair!”
Olivia laughed as she battered Bryce with her pillow once more, wiping that smirk off of his beautiful face. 
“This is how it’s going to be?” Bryce narrowed his eyes on her, as she stood holding her pillow in front of her like a noble knight with a sword ready for battle. 
She held her head a little higher, straightening her shoulders. “I, Olivia Claire Hadley, challenge you, Bryce Kalani Lahela, to a duel! Winner picks sides.”
“Are we really doing this?” He held back his laugher; she didn’t look very threatening. 
“Well…I guess we could..” She drifted closer, her arms dropping slightly, her eyes tracing his lips, as she bit her own. 
“That’s what I thought,” he said smugly, his smirk returning.
“Actually,” she brushed her lips across his jaw, planting a string of delicate kisses as she moved to his ear. “I don’t plan to stop.”
“Huh?” He attempted to pull back but it was too late.
“Gotcha,” she whispered. She swung the pillow back up, whacking him in the side. He stumbled a step back from the unexpected blow. “This is war, Lahela!”
Bryce quickly reached for a pillow from the pile. “Oh, it’s on!”
The pair held their pillows at the ready as they circled each other, waiting for who would draw the first strike.
He darted at her swinging widely. She ducked under it, her partner had not taken into account that being shorter and smaller meant less target space. She laughed as she brought her own pillow upon him. 
“I’ll give you that one,” he commended her on her quick thinking. He dodged right and spun, landing a blow on her hip. 
“Ahh,” she laughed taking a step back to catch her balance. Before she could get too far, he was there again, but this time she held her pillow out like a shield, blocking his blow. “Hmm.” She smiled using her pillow shield to ram his stomach. There may have been some benefit from watching all those Captain America movies with Elijah after all. Now, if only her fluffy weapon had that magic comeback power.
The two of them shared matching mischievous glints in their eyes as they swung wildly at each other. From that point on, it was just a flurry of pillows and limbs moving and colliding, the sounds of which were only drowned out by their combined laughter. Every pillow in the room became fair game and was tossed about like snowballs in an endless winter war. 
Olivia had an idea as she rolled on the floor, scooping up a free pillow. She held the larger one out as a shield blocking Bryce’s next advance on her. The second one came down, mushing his face. It might not have been as legendary as Cap wielding his shield and Mjolnir, but it would suffice. 
Bryce toppled back, losing his balance as he bent over in laughter. “Okay, my lady. I yield.” 
Her arms extended outward holding her pillow to his neck as he lied on the floor. “You understand that surrender means I win?”
“Yes, yes. You win.” He threw his hands up in defeat.
“Good,” she said proudly dropping her pillow and collapsing beside him to catch her breath.
“Why do you even want the left side? You’ve always slept on the right . What changed?” Bryce questioned, curious as to why his victor wanted the prize in the first place.
“That’s when the window was on the right. Now the window is on the left,” she explained, propping herself up to look at him. 
He threw his head back, shaking it as he clutched his stomach in laughter. 
“What? I like to see the sunshine when I first get up.” Olivia protested.
“And here I thought you wanted to see me first thing,” he teased. 
“You too, I guess, if I must, I mean if I have to see your beautiful cheekbones and perfectly formed abs first thing in the morning, so be it!” Her gaze drifted over him, before getting back to her reasoning. “But the sun, too!”
“Liv?” He chuckled as he breathed his name. “Why don’t we just move the bed to the other side of the room? I get the left side and you get your sun. Win-Win!”
“Hmm,” She contemplated the idea. “I suppose that would work.”
“Alright, let’s go move it.” Bryce got up and pulled her up with him. “We still have a lot of work to do today.”
“Just one thing,” she held his hand, not letting him move away just yet. “It’s win-win-win.”
Before he could question it, her lips were on his as she tangled her free hand in his luscious hair begging him closer.
☆  ☆  ☆  ☆   ☆   ☆   ☆
Perma tags: @lilyoffandoms ; @raleighcarrera ; @mfackenthal ; @the-soot-sprite ; @virtuallytakenby ; @zeniamiii ; @kaavyaethanramsey; @xjustin-ethansgirliex ; @caseyvalentineramsey; @trappedinfandoms; @anotherbeingsworld ;  @tyril-nia-kaya-aerin 
Bryce //  Open Heart Tags:  @thearianam  ; @burnsoslow ; @mvalentine  ; @rookie-ramsey ; @missmiimiie; @jamespotterthefirst ; @princess-geek​ ;  @adrianadmirer ; @bitchloveskcbaseball ; @nyastarlight ; @lucy-268 , @loveellamae
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demifiendrsa · 4 years
Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield Expansion Pass—Announcement Trailer.  Pokemon Sword Expansion Pass and Pokemon Shield Expansion Pass, which contains both The Isle of Armor and The Crown Tundra expansions, will launch in June and Fall 2020, respectively. Some of the Pokemon and characters that appear will differ between versions. Each Expansion Pass will cost $29.99.
Pokémon Direct 1.9.2020
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Part 1: The Isle of Armor
Theme: Growth
Release Date: June 2020
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The next destination in your adventure is a giant island off the shores of the Galar reegion known as the Isle of Armor. This island is full of beautiful natures. You’ll find beaches, bogs, forests, caves, and dunes. And of course, you’ll find Pokemon that you couldn’t previously find in Galar dwelling there, too.
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There’s a dojo for Pokemon battles on this island. And you’ll take up an apprenticeship under the Pokemon trainer who runs it. Mustard will become your mentor. He is also the mentor of champion Leon, who you probably know quite well. In fact, Mustard has occupied the seat of champion himself in the past.
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You’ll also encounter new rivals among your fellow apprentice. When playing with the Pokemon Sword Expansion Pass, you’ll be training with Klara, who is a Poison-type user. When playing with the Pokemon Shield Expansion Pass, you’ll be training with Avery, who is a Psychic-type user. They’re both training hard so they can someday have a gym and stadium to call their home.
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Next, we’d like to introduce the legendary Pokemon that will be central to the story. Kubfu is a Fighting-type Pokemon that strives to become stronger with single-minded dedication. As you progress through your training, Mustard will entrust you with this Pokemon. Once you complete your training together with Kubfu, it will be able to evolve into Urshifu.
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Urshifu is a Pokemon with two distinct styles. There is Single-Strike style, a Fighting- and Dark-type style that delivers a single strike at blinding speed. There’s also Rapid-Strike Style, a Fighting- and Water-type style that focuses on unleashing a torrent of rapid strikes.
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What’s more, it’s been revealed that Urshifu has a Gigantamax form. Each style has a different appearance, as well as a different G-Max move. You’ll be able to evolve your Kubfu into an Urshifu in one of these two styles, Single-Strike Style or Rapid-Strike Style, during your adventure.
Urshifu is a powerful Pokemon with a brand-new ability. And it also has a new move for each of its new styles. Once you’ve completed your training, bring it with you for some online battles or official competitions.
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We also want to talk about Rillaboom, Cinderace, and Inteleon, the final evolutions of the first three Pokemon you team up with in the Gallar region. During your adventure in the Isle of Armor, these special partners on your team will be able to Gigantamax. You can look forward to seeing their new forms and new G-Max moves.
And as you can see here, there is even more in the works to make sure your journey is as smooth and fun as possible:
Tutor Moves – Including all-new moves.
Apricorns – Can be made into Poke Balls.
Exp. Charm – Earn more Exp. Points for your team.
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There are new fashion items, and you’ll even be able to obtain new looks for your bike.
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Part 2: The Crown Tundra
Theme: Exploration
Release Date: Fall 2020
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This expansion is set in the snow-swept realm of The Crown Tundra. Take a look for yourself at the beautiful scenery of this shining, silvery landscape.
As it turns out, the Isle of Armor isn’t the only uncharted area waiting for you all in the Galar region. In this frigid area, with its towering winter mountains, people live in small communities that support and rely on each other.
Much like on The Isle of Armor, you’ll be able to find Pokemon that didn’t appear in the Galar region before. Fitting right in with this area’s theme of exploration, there will be plenty for you to uncover. You might find a strange temple where you least expect it, or maybe spy a mysterious giant tree growing in a place it doesn’t seem to belong.
A certain person will appoint you as the leader of their exploration team in The Crown Tundra. You can gear up for adventure and then head out to explore blizzard-swept fields, and even deep inside Pokemon dens that you could only previously get a glimpse of during Max Raid battles.
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Next, we’d like to introduce Calyrex, the legendary Pokemon you’ll discover during your adventure. Legends say this Psychi- and Grass-type Pokemon once ruled over a part of Galar that included The Crown Tundra. It’s characterized by its graceful, regal movements. Get ready to experience a never-before-told story about the mysteries of Calyrex.
The Crown Tundra will have a new form of co-op play as well. This will allow you and friends to enter and explore Pokemon Dens that exist underground in The Crown Tundra. Deep inside the dens, you may see legendary Pokemon from past games Dynamaxing before your eyes. You’ll be able to meet and make allies with all kinds of legendary Pokemon during your adventures in The Crown Tundra, including ones you’ll be able to catch through this co-op play.
It also appears that some brand-new legendary Pokemon are also waiting to be found somewhere in this land. And combined with The Isle of Armor, dozens of new clothing items will be added. Plus there will be new battles waiting for you to challenge once you complete your entire game, including The Isle of Armor and The Crown Tundra.
We can’t go into the details of everything, but we’re working on planning and developing new ways to enjoy Pokemon even as we speak. The Isle of Armor and The Crown Tundra areas themselves are actually two key examples of the things we’re working on. Both areas are in fact seamless maps much like the Wild Area you can already experience in the Galar region, where players can move around freely and control the camera. Of course, you’ll be able to connect with other trainers and play with them, too. There will be Pokemon Dens as well, and you’ll be able to engage in Max Raid battles against Pokemon that haven’t previously appeared in the Galar region. There’s more to see and do in The Isle of Armor and The Crown Tundra than there was even in the Wild Area.
Future Free Updates
We’ll be releasing free updates for Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield that will coincide with the releases of The Isle of Armor and The Crown Tundra. These updates will allow people who don’t have the Pokemon Sword Expansion Pass and Pokemon Shield Expansion Pass to obtain the Pokemon that appear on The Isle of Armor and in The Crown Tundra through other means such as trading.
Players will also be able to bring over Pokemon from the game into the cloud service Pokemon Home as long as the Pokemon appear in the Pokemon Sword Expansion Pass and Pokemon Shield Expansion Pass.
Today’s Free Update
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There will be a software update going live available later today. Once you’ve received the update, head to Wedgehurst Station. In Pokemon Sword, you’ll run into Klara, while in Pokemon Shield, you’ll run into Avery. You’ll also encounter a Galarian Slowpoke that’s wandered in from The Isle of Armor. You can try to catch it and add it to your team. Galarian Slowpoke and evolve into Galarian Slowbro if you use an item that can be found on The Isle of Armor, or into Galarian Slowking if you use an item that can be found in The Crown Tundra.
Special Purchase Bonus
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If you purchase the Expansion Pass, you’ll be able to receive a Pikachu Uniform and an Eevee Uniform as a special purchase bonus. You’ll be able to wear these outfits in the expansions, of course, but also in Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield! Until The Isle of Armor’s release, it might not be a bad idea to complete your adventures in the Galar region decked out in your new outfit!
Launch your Pokémon Sword or Pokémon Shield game.
Select Mystery Gift on the X menu.
Select Get a Mystery Gift.
Select Get with Code/Password to connect to the internet.*
Enter your code.
Watch as the gift arrives in your game. (Pokémon will appear in your party or your Pokémon Boxes. Items will appear in your Bag.)
Be sure to save your game.
Pokemon Home
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Pokemon Home is planned to release in February 2020. More information will be released before then, so please stay tuned.
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xtarart · 4 years
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HAPPY 2 YEAR ANNIVERSARY DRAGALIA LOST!!! To celebrate I remade my smash moveset for Euden! Y’all already know the drill so let’s get right in to those specials,
Neutral special, exalted fire: Euden shoots a flaming crescent from his sword that will move forward a set distance similar to clouds neutral special but if it makes contact with a foe it will continue on its path allowing you to hit multiple foes.
Side special, force strike: Euden will take a charging stance as a glowing arrow appears behind him and fills with a lighter color, when the b button is released once the arrow is fully glowing Euden will strike with a strong shield breaker attack, if b is let go before the attack is fully charged it will cancel the attack, it can also be aimed all 360 degrees.
Up special, blazing circlet: Euden will spin around with his blade outstretched and engulfed in flames spiraling him upward, if performed on the ground he will just spin in place instead of upward, think links spin attack but on fire and without the chargeable feature.
Down special, summon ally: a menu will appear around Euden of 4 icons each featuring one of Euden closest allies from his world, selecting one will call that ally to the arena to perform one of their signature moves to aid Euden in battle, you can only have one ally on the field at a time and each have their own separate cool down, also allies can be k.o.ed in a similar manner to assist trophies (no point bonus for bearing them though) Euden can also freely move around once the ally is summoned on the field, allowing for some good combo potential with the ally.
Elisanne, hallowed waters: Elly will leap upward and then strik downward with her spear while its coated in water mana, think a mix of yoshi and bowsers down specials mixed with corrins down air. (15 second cool down)
Ranzal, tornado bash, ranzal spins around his large axe trapping anyone who gets to close in a cyclone of hurt then at the end of the spinning he will slam his axe down into the ground along with anyone who was trapped by his spinning, also it can spike. (20 second cool down)
Cleo, elder cure: Cleo would float up into the air and hold her wand aloft and heals some of Eudens health. (30 second cool down)
Luca, radiant bonds: Luca leaps upward and aims his bow at a slight downward angle and shoots an light mana charged mana arrow, the arrow will stun aany opponent it hits. (20 second cool down)
Final smash, exalted glory: Euden quickly dawns his gala armor and sashes forward with his sword dragging anyon he hits into a cutscene where the prince and his 4 allies join forces to unleash a powerful elemental barrage of attacks to send eudens foes flying.
However that’s not all our prince has In his arsenal, for Euden has his main gimmic, dragon pulse: a meter that fills faster as Euden deals damage, once filled Euden will gain access to a different set of specials and a new final smash, be warned once one of the specials is used the meter will drain back to 0 and will have to be filled all over again.
DP neutral special, hydrocannon: Euden becomes Mercury the waterwyrm to shoot out a powerful blast of water to send their foes flying.
DP side special, muspelheim: Euden becomes brunhilda the flamewyrm aka mym and flies forward while breathing down a torrent of fire below.
DP up special, tornado tail: Euden turns into the first dragon he befriended, midgardsormr the windwyrm Who in the air will spin in an upward spiral similar to charizards up special but with a wind box, while one the ground he will spin around and be enveloped in a small tornado that will send any one foolish enough to get close flying straight up.
DP down special, lightning rood: Euden becomes Jupiter the lightwyrm to summon a bolt of lightning from the sky and strike themself as a aftershock sends foes flying, think pikachus down special and heroes fully charged side special.
DP final smash, greatwyrms pact: Euden will be enveloped in a bright light that will drag the nearest foe into a cutscene where they will be surrounded by all 6 legendary greatwyrms, the camera would then pan up to reveal elysium the holywyrm floating above and quickly charging a powerful blast of mana then firing it straight down at the foe, as the other 6 dragons add on to it with their own element mana blasts, this attack will automatically k.o. If the foe is at over 100% damage.
And that’s my idea for a moveset Euden, a character from an amazing game that’s often overlooked by the Nintendo and smash community’s who I think deserves a chance to join the world of super smash brothers one day. Happy anniversary Dragalia lost, and have a nice day
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quadrantvideogames · 3 years
The original donkey kong had four stages. Later Donkey kong games still included these four stages or at least one of them. The killscreen is at the 22nd level because it reaches the 256 limit. 256 is four to the fourth power.
Legend of Zelda, a Link to the Past and Four Swords has four Zeldas and four Great fairies. Zelda games are permeated with fours. There is even a Zelda tetraforce theory that argues that the triforce is in fact the tetraforce. In Four Swords Adventures, four Links are always at play.
In Zelda Oracle of the Seasons the environment shifts between the Four Seasons, and there is a lot of repetition of four in the game.
There are four action buttons in the X box. The x in the X box controller is the quadrant.
The X in Direct X is the quadrant.
Left 4 Dead is a popular video game
William "Bill" Overbeck (voiced by Jim French), a Vietnam veteran; Zoey (voiced by Jen Taylor), a college student; Louis (voiced by Earl Alexander), an IT analyst, and Francis (voiced by Vince Valenzuela), an outlaw biker—make their way through the city of Fairfield, only to discover that the infection is creating more dangerous mutations
There are four cups in Mario Kart 64
Mushroom cup
Star Cup
Flower cup
Special Cup
There are 16 tracks in Mario Kart Dash. There is 16 squares in the quadrant model.
Each Mario Kart game has 16 courses in four Cups. Therefore Mario Kart is a four by four quadrant model.
Mario Kart Dash has 16 courses divided into four tracks. It also allows 16 players. There are 16 squares in the quadrant model.
The four Bosses in Street Fighter II are shown below.
Each cup in Mario Kart DS has four levels too. But there are eight cups. So there is 32 levels in all.
M. Bison
There are four elements in a 4X video game
The Bartle taxonomy of video game players elucidates four types
Jon Radoff has a four quadrant model of video game players
Tetris is one of the most popular video games of all time. Tetra means four. The game pieces are made up of four segments
The playstation controller has four action buttons in a quadrant formation. They are
green triangle
a blue cross
a red circle
pink square
One of the buttons is a cross.
In the popular video game Borderlands there are four main characters
Roland the Soldier
Lilith the Siren
Mordecai the Hunter
Brick the Berserker
The tetractys appears in Assassin's Creed. The gematria of the tetragrammaton tetractys is 72. The number 72 plays a significant role in Assassin's Creed
A tetractys of the letters of the Tetragrammaton adds up to 72 by gematria.
The 72 names of God, according to Jewish mystics, are divided into four columns. The four columns are represented by the four letters of the tetragrammaton. Again, other numbers appear, but the four is still dominant.
Atari breakout is a classic video game. In the game there were four colors of blocks. Each color of block would deflect the ball at a different speed.
In 2010 taco bell had a rerelease of Breakout. Four classic atari games were sold.
In Zelda there is a theory called the tetraforce theory.
The triforce is made up of three yellow triangles. The three triangles represent wisdom, power, and courage. The Hylian Shield in Ocarina of Time, however, has a fourth triangle below the triforce symbol. THe shield is illustrated above. It was hypothesized that this fourth triangle was the fourth force in the triforce. We see, thereby, the quaternity principal at play. The three is becoming four, or at least there is a different fourth component that does not seem to belong.
The number four is significant in Zelda. The prominence of the number four in Zelda leads “tetraforce conspirators” to believe that there is a fourth part of the triforce.
Some examples of four in Zelda are
There are four giants in Majora's Mask.
In The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords, there is a legendary sword that can turn a person into four persons. Link in the game, uses the magical sword and becomes four persons.
The light spirits in Zelda are four God like entities.
In Zelda there are four mirror shards, but only three need to be retrieved by Link.
The mirror shards are in four locations
The Mirror Chamber atop the Arbiter's Grounds
The Temple of Time in the Sacred Grove
The Snowpeak Ruins at the summit of Snowpeak
The City in the Sky located in the heavens
In the game Zelda, Zelda is Tetra. Tetra is also called Dazel in the game. Dazel is an anagram of Zelda. Tetra means four.
Artwork of Tetra from The Wind Waker
“Tetra may also be a pun of the word Tetrahedron as the symbol of the Triforce is the net of a tetrahedron.”
A swastika shaped third dungeon in Zelda.
The Book of Magic in Zelda has a cross on it.
In Hyrule Warriors, a legendary figure defeats an evil being and splits his soul into four pieces. Three of the pieces are scattered across space and time, but the fourth piece is held at the Temple of the Sacred Sword.
The cross is a quest item in Zelda II the Adventures of Link.
There is a game called Dance Dance Revolution X. X is a quadrant.
Dance Dance revolution dance platforms have four pads pointing to the four directions.
Dance pads can be used with a controller for dance dance revolution, and soft, portable dance pads can be used at home.
Gauntlet was one of the first arcade games where you could play more than two players at once. Gauntlet allowed for four players to play at one time. The four players are
Questor, an Elf
Thor, a Warrior
Thyra, a Valkyrie
Merlin, a Wizard
Pac Man was one of the most popular video games/arcade games of all time. In the game Pac Man must run from four multi colored ghosts. The four ghosts fit the quadrant pattern, in that the fourth ghost is different. The first three ghost’s names rhyme, but not the fourth’s.  Also, at the beginning of each level, three of the ghosts are together in a rectangular box, but the fourth is outside.
The initial configuration of Google's Pac-Man banner is shown above
There are four different mazes that appear in different color schemes in Ms. Pac Man. They are
The pink maze appears in levels 1 & 2
the brown maze appears in levels 6 through 9
the light blue maze appears in levels 3, 4, & 5
and the dark blue maze appears in levels 10 through 14. After level 14, the maze configurations alternate every 4th level.
Three of the four mazes have two sets of warp tunnels (four warp tunnels). The fourth is different.
The Mega Drive/Genesis, Master System, and NES versions, by Tengen, and the Super NES version, by Williams Electronics, used four sets of mazes for Ms. Pacman. They were
the original arcade mazes
smaller mazes
bigger mazes
"strange" mazes
In star fox assault there are four members of the Star Fox team. Star Fox is one of the most popular video games of all time
, Slippy Toad
Falco Lombardi
Fox McCloud
Pokemon X is a role playing video game. The X is the quadrant.
The game space invaders is infamous for its musical four note loop.
There are four base shelters in the original space invaders video game.
There are also four types of villains that you have to destroy. There is the small invaders, the medium invaders, the large invaders, and there is the transcendent fourth mystery ship/ufo.
Atari’s Swordquest featured four video games. The four video games were titled under the four elements.
SwordQuest: EarthWorld
SwordQuest: WaterWorld
SwordQuest: FireWorld
SwordQuest: AirWorld
The Assassin's Creed poster shows the assasin in cruciform.
The term "4X" originates from a 1993 preview of Master of Orion in Computer Gaming World by Alan Emrich, in which he rated the game "XXXX" as a pun on the XXX rating for pornography. The four Xs were an abbreviation for "EXplore, EXpand, EXploit and EXterminate".[1]
Explore means players send scouts across a map to reveal surrounding territories.
Exploit means players gather and use resources in areas they control, and improve the efficiency of that usage.
Expand means players claim new territory by creating new settlements, or sometimes by extending the influence of existing settlements.
Exterminate means attacking and eliminating rival players. Since in some games all territory is eventually claimed, eliminating a rival's presence may be the only way to achieve further expansion.
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Let’s Talk About Pokemon - Zacian and Zamazenta
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888: Zacian
This is yet another generation that keeps the Legendary Pokemon to a minimum... only the two cover legendaries and a big boss monster for them to go up against. Which is fine by me... reviews for Gens 3-5 were definitely slogs to write toward the end simply because there were so many god dang Legendaries. But more are certainly coming with the DLC, along with the new Mythicals that are also sure to come out in updates. For once, we'll be totally unaware of what the Mythical Pokemon look like until they're properly revealed! The marvels of technology.
Onto the first dog itself... I was a little harsh on these for the longest time. Not that I've had a major turn-around. Wolves are fine and all... but I find them to be some of the most boring monster potential out there cause unless you're going for a werewolf, there isn't much to do with wolves other than “cold hardened badass creature” that I've seen about a thousand different times before. I find wolves so boring as monster potential, I literally stuck that “Billowolf” into my personal project specifically to challenge myself into making a wolf monster interesting in any capacity.
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I think the improved context of the Sword and Shield duo increased my opinion on them somewhat... including these previously unknown forms to them where they're de-equipped and “powered down.” Retired old heroes worn out by battle, if you will. It's still something I've seen done before in fiction involving wolves, but it does make them notably more interesting than just a simple “wolf with sword and wolf with shield.”
There's also a whole backstory shindig with these two, in reference of how history can change its context over time. What was once thought to be a single hero of Galar turned out to actually have been two kings and their Pokemon, one holding a Sword and the other a Shield. Zacian is described as Zamazenta's older sister, meaning people have assumed she's meant to be a stand-in for King Arthur's older sister, Morgan le Fay, or The Lady of the Lake. Though the lore of these two definitely ties into the legends of King Arthur, I'd imagine they're moreso just meant to represent the legendary Sword and Shield he wielded more than anything.
I do somewhat like the design of this tired, worn-down wolf a bit. The battle scarring and long ragged fur definitely gives her an older look. I'll give Galar's legends one thing, the two box Legendaries this time around properly feel like a legend in the region's culture.
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But what would a Sword Dog be like if she had no sword to wield? If you give her the Rusted Sword to hold, she becomes this “Crowned Sword Form”. That's definitely more befitting a “Legendary” look, now with armor to cover up her scarred face a bit and holding a sword in her mouth. It's still the sorta thing I've seen before... and looked cooler just by proxy of it being Amaterasu that's done the sword-wielding wolf thing before (and yes, that one Dark Souls boss I keep seeing). But she DOES get a little added flare in having her metal fin-shaped armor on her back detach and attach to the sword as an extension.
While it's not especially my thing, I won't complain about one of the few confirmed-female Legendaries in the series looking this hardened and badass. Certainly feels in better taste than Cresselia or Latias, or most other 100% female Pokemon for that matter. Fairy/Steel is an interesting, unexpected Type combo as well. Again, nice to get more rough-looking Fairy types! Granbull was getting lonely.
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889: Zamazenta
Zamazenta is Zacian's Fighting type younger brother (Maybe, it's never actually stated. They're enby if Gamefreak is brave enough, but I'll just assume brother for now.) I... THINK I like this design better? It definitely has a bit more goofier charm to it, with a shield-shaped mane and a funny little knight's tuft of fuzz poking out the top of its head. And it can join the Musketeer club of “Fur that looks like boots”
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If Zacian is to Excalibur, then Zamazenta is to Wynebgwthucher. Which IS a word, I promise. It's just King Arthur's less popular shield, no doubt less popular because swords are usually perceived as way cooler than shields. Also, y'know. You have to practice three years of Lip Gymnastics to pronounce THAT.
Again, I THINK I like this better than Zacian overall? If nothing else because a wolf with a design to emphasize defense as much as possible is easily far more novel than the reverse, which is what you'd expect a lot more out of a wolf. They're cool enough as box Legendaries... though probably my least favorite to date overall. They're sorta samey between each other and y'know. I've seen loads of wolf monsters. I'm not letting it affect the score, but one of the leaks that ended up obviously not being true said that the legendary for Sword was a snake, and the legendary for Shield was a horse. Definitely would've liked to see that better, to have the creatures embody a Sword and Shield as much as possible.
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Personal Score: 6/10
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beardycarrot · 4 years
Okay! I’ve finally beaten Pokemon Shield’s post-game (complete with a The End screen and a notification that I can now access the battle tower), so I think I’m at a point where I can talk about the game as a whole.
As a whole... the game ain’t great. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still Pokemon, and there’s a lot to recommend it... but for every good feature there’s an opposing bad feature. It’s crazy that such a thing could be true, but for everything I can think of that I like about the game, there’s something similar that I hate.
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First up, the Pokemon you can catch! There are a lot of new Pokemon that I really like, in particular this little battalion of fighting dudes pretending to be a caterpillar here. Yes, I named them Squad Goals. The downside... the Pokemon that you can’t catch. I love that there’s now an Ice/Bug moth, and that Butterfree has a Gigantamax variant... but hey uhh, Venomoth, Beautifly, Dustox, Mothim, Volcarona, Vivillon? None of them are obtainable. If I want a moth-themed team, it‘s going to be a team of two.
Instead of being invisible, all hidden items are now glinting spots on the ground, which they’ve taken advantage of by throwing things like Pearls that regenerate daily into random spots all over the place. Unfortunately, because of the wealth of items you’re constantly picking up, you just have way too much money in this game, and nothing to spend it on. Leading to my next point...
Clothing! You have more customization than ever, able to change things down to your socks, shoes, and gloves. This would be really cool, if not for the fact that there are less than a dozen unique clothing items of each type. It doesn’t matter if the varsity jacket is available in five or six colors if you’re zero percent interested in dressing your character in a varsity jacket.
Flying in this game is easier than ever. You just open your Town Map, pick a spot, and... I guess your character must be using their phone to call a flying taxi. It’s a little weird getting this ability almost straight from the beginning of the game, as it gives you no reason at all to travel by foot when you don’t have to... but it’s convenient, so whatever. If only there was a reason to actually visit places. None of the towns really have a reason to visit them in particular, outside of the market at Stow-on-Side, where one guy sells random evolution items (which you probably already have plenty of) and one guy buys random items at a premium (giving you more money you don’t need). Most of the places you’ll want to routinely visit are in the Wild Area... but most of the time it’ll be more beneficial to travel through it on foot anyway.
The Wild Area is an interesting concept, basically a vastly expanded version of the Poni Plains area from Sun/Moon, where you can explore freely and occasionally encounter Pokemon that are way too high of a level for you, like something from a Monolith Soft game. When you turn on wifi there, it becomes a kinda limited, somewhat laggy glimpse at what a Pokemon MMO could be like... but it’s neat! There isn’t a real downside to the Wild Area itself outside a few minor gripes; the issue is the impact it’s had on the rest of the map. Since the Wild Area is so big, every other area in the game is tiny, with no dungeons. Sure, there are a couple caves, but they each consist of a single large room with a winding path through it... No sub rooms, no puzzles, and each only contains a couple trainers. Not that I like caves, but almost every area in the game is like this - just a straight shot through without anything really memorable.
The game is incredibly streamlined, and for once the concept of traveling town to town taking on gyms feels fully realized. The gym challenge is an annual sporting event, a kind of tournament, encouraging people to face the gyms and make it through to face the champion. This makes so much more sense than the average Pokemon game! The reason that all of these other trainers are battling you on sight is because they’re your rivals in the gym challenge, not just fishermen hanging out on the docks or beautiful women standing around in hedges.
Unfortunately, it might be a little... too, streamlined. There are a couple points in the game where clearly things are going on behind the scenes, but you’re told not to worry about it, because you’re just a kid and have the gym challenge to focus on. This is the point in most media where a kid character would ignore the warnings of adults and get involved anyway... but in the case of these games? No, actually, you just kinda... do what you’re told. This game has no plot. Sure, Sonia is going around researching the legendary hero(es), but from the very first story beat even a small child would know that, hey, it’s literally just the box legendaries... and it doesn’t get any deeper than that.
At the end of the game it’s revealed that, Surprise Surprise, and Spoiler Warning Spoiler Warning, the shady businessman who owns literally everything in Galar has ILL INTENT... buuut, nothing interesting comes of it. It really seemed like they were doing something cool for a minute there: Rose thinks that the energy usage in the Galar region isn’t sustainable, so he enacts a plan that will give them unlimited free energy... but doing so interrupts the gym challenge finals, and what he has planned could potentially mean that people can’t Dynamax their Pokemon anymore. I think. This wasn’t explained super well, but I think people Dynamaxing needlessly wastes a ton of energy or something. Anyway, since Rose is interfering, you and the champion beat him down and catch a legendary Pokemon... and that’s it. Rose is arrested off-screen and never seen again, and the looming threat of an energy crisis is ignored by everyone.
Unless I’m misunderstanding something, this is a big friggin’ cliffhanger. Like, they wait until the championship match to introduce a story in this game, and then it’s over just like that. I was sure that they would flesh things out in the post-game... but no, not even slightly. After the credits roll, you’re introduced to two new characters, who run around causing mayhem... but all you do is have a few Pokemon battles with them and travel to a handful of the gyms for Dynamax raid battles. All told, it’s probably an hour’s worth of content, with Rose and the energy crisis nowhere to be seen.
I’ll almost definitely return to this game, if I get an itch for competitive online battling, or if I see a Must Have shiny... but for the time being, I’m just going to put it down and hope that they do a Pokemon Sword 2 and Shield 2, giving us an actual story to play through and a world I actually want to spend time in.
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parakeet · 5 years
so a question abt pokemon swsh.. do i need to trade to complete my pokedex and get the shiny charm??? cus if yes then augh fuck 😭😭 yea its the same anon that once asked u abt paid online in swsh .... nintendo blease let me get a shiny for the first time in any main pokemon game....
yeah each game has a couple of version exclusives like sword has farfetchd, darumaka and stonjourner, shield has ponyta, corsola and eiscue etc.. then there are the box legendaries etc
theres a full list here. pokemon’s always been like this but this is the first time we’ve had to pay for online trading. :(
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askkrenko · 4 years
Alright, just finished the main game/post-game of Sword and Shield ,and I have... thoughts, general impressions, and feelings about the game. I’m going to try and be spoiler-free, but some things will have to be talked about, and though it might be indirect, no promises. Here’s my thoughts on the game overall...
First off, It’s Pokemon. I’m not going to discuss the parts of it where it’s Pokemon. At this point, you should know whether or not you like Pokemon, and if you DON’T know... start with FireRed and LeafGreen. Still the best gameplay experience.
Graphics are... meh. I understand and accept that they’re really not up to the standard of other Switch games, but you’ve got 400 pokemon, lots of people, locations, etcetera. Battle Animations continue to be pretty weak for the most part, with pokemon mostly wiggling around and a special effect showing up. Nasty Plot’s animation is offensively bad in this regard. Sure, some moves look cool, especially ones unique to individual Pokemon, but this game’s visual advances still result in mostly-static battles where your pokemon doesn’t even move across the screen to use melee attacks. You know how in old Final Fantasy games you rush to the enemy before doing your generic sword swing? Can’t we at least have that? 
The new Pokemon are bitching. Sure, there’s winners and losers, but overall I love Galar’s lineup. There’s new type combos, interesting abilities, a lot of cool designs.
Dynamax is... just not interesting. The idea of giant pokemon are cool, but when you actually use them they replace your cool, interesting moves with heavy-hitting moves that have minor secondaries that are hard to leverage. My best pokemon at the end was a Wishiwashi that knew Aqua Ring and Dive, so my battles involved doing the former, and then Diving, so with Aqua Ring + Leftovers I’d be healing a huge portion of my HP between every attack... In Dynamax, Dive turns into a heavy hitting water move, Aqua Ring turns into Protect, and it doesn’t even last long enough for a tank-build to work. In the gym battles the right answer is basically always “Dynamax when your opponent does so you don’t get one-shot”, and in Raids it’s just “Dynamax when you can.”  Gigantimax is a cool idea, too, but... you just don’t get to do it. You get a Charmander that can eventually do it for free in the post-game, but he’s a baby and your pokemon at that point are level 70+ and you probably already have a fire type who loves you so there’s no reason to train him up.  
On Difficulty: I played a Nuzlocke with no items in battle, so I can’t really speak to difficulty normally but... camping makes healing you party super cheap, and every dungeon and challenge seems shorter than in most games. I only remember one real cave system and it was relatively short, and gyms all seem to have exactly three trainers (or three pairs of double-battle trainers) before the leader. Further, enemies always ask if you’re ready instead of ambushing you, and many will give you a full heal before or after the battle. I had some challenges against gym leaders, sure, and I did wind up losing the Nuzlocke to the final fight against the ‘big bad’ (and then just continued in non-nuzlocke method) but I never hit one of those points like a Rock Tunnel or even one of Alola’s Trials where I felt like the encounters on the way to the boss were really whittling down my resources.
Quality of life: Infinite Escape Ropes and free Fly make Krenko a happy gobbo. Except I never used the escape rope because there’s nothing to escape. Other basic QOL stuff is updated, too- moves are marked with effectiveness once you’ve seen a Pokemon before and presumably know it’s types, the menu felt very comfortable overall (though with all the different types of items I’m starting to think the bag needs MORE pockets), and the hotbutton to pokeball in an encounter is great. Having an EXP ALL as a core mechanic makes leveling up pokemon so much easier. There’s now a name rater and move-rememberer in every pokemon center, and I use that guy so much. Any time I newly catch or evolve a pokemon, I take it right to him to see what else it can get.
Dynamax raids I... didn’t do much of. Because the difficulty of the ones that show up apparently increases with the story or something. The first few I encountered I could handle with my pokemon at the time, but now that I’ve beaten the champion, it feels like every raid location I see is five stars and I need pokemon higher than the level 70+s I have to handle it. It doesn’t help that the NPCs they summon to help you are incompetent. Sure, a few have useful abilities, but why is there a level 49 Magikarp, and why doesn’t this Solrock seem to know any attacks, and what even is this Wobuffet doing here?
Story:  Story is easily the weakest part of Sword and Shield. The story is both boring and too exciting for the game itself. The characters are both too cool and too bland. In the ‘main story’ where previous pokemon games have it, you are doing the gym challenge. This is fine. This is normal. There’s some cool stuff in there that makes it more of a proper sport than just a kid wandering around. You ocassionally have encounters with Team Yell who are trying to stop you, but... Team Yell is never threatening, they don’t accomplish anything, and the game seems to be very inconsistent on whether or not you have to accept that they’re in the way or if you can just kick their butt. When you finally get their super secret origin story, it’s... fine, and I like it, but I’d have liked it more if they had literally any impact on the game. The worst thing is, they compare unfavorably to Team Skull. Team Skull had strong leadership, and though you kicked their butts, they were regularly in the way and up to no good. Also, Guzma was awesome. Team Yell is just... running around being a general nuisance. Which would be fine if there was another real villain but...
Well, it turns out there IS another real, main villain... Who you don’t have reason to believe is a villain until after you’ve beaten all eight gyms, whose plot and motivation makes no sense, who has no convictions, and who you as a character have no real relation to. I literally don’t understand why this character was doing villainy.  And their evil team you only fight in the handful of battles immediately leading up to the big fight, and they make absolutely no impact other than standing in your way for reasons that you don’t really understand. That whole segment had nothing to do with anything, wasn’t properly built up, and didn’t feel like it went anywhere except the game handing me a Legendary pokemon.
Then there’s the post-game villains, who are... eh. They’re a lot more interesting, and I’m not even sure it’s fair to call them post-game. Unlike in most pokemon games, once you become champion the plot doesn’t just stop or say “now go to the challenge areas.” Instead, you have another, shorter storyline where you revisit all the old characters (who are all really cool on the surface and have NO DEPTH so you can’t get attached to them) and deal with stuff involving more dynamaxing and the box-art legendaries. This isn’t the worst plot, but it again suffers from no dungeons. You just fly from Gym to Gym having one fight at each gym. The game wants you to get to know and appreciate each Gym Leader, but because there’s so many of them, plus three rivals, plus the Champion, plus two professors, plus a handful of other NPCs, even the one that spends a fair deal of time with you in the post game never gets any real development. Here’s a key for story-writers: If your character’s not going to develop over the story, you don’t need to make a point of them showing up four different times. I don’t feel more connected to Nessa than I do to Flannery because she kept showing up and I got a card detailing her backstory. I just feel like you could’ve let me play faster instead of waiting for cutscenes.
I could rant about the story for a long time, but the point is: It’s bad. And the worst part is, there’s a bunch of cool stuff that seems to happen... that I don’t get to see.
So, my BIGGEST, absolutely most major complaint about the story is that two of the characters closest to you, Hop and Leon, do all sorts of really cool and interesting stuff... just offscreen. Hop is your main ‘rival’ and best friend, and he’s sharing in your adventures but also has some of his own. He has battles, he has a character arc, he starts really annoying but grew on me over time and I genuinely like him... But it’s hard to feel attached because all his formative stuff happens just off-screen. This isn’t a ‘Blue’ situation where he’s doing the stuff you are but faster and getting in your way, and you want to smush his stupid face in. This certainly isn’t like Hau who was just one step behind you the whole time. Hop has a couple battles that he talks about that alter who he is as a person that you don’t get to see because the game decides you don’t watch them. You’re not racing this guy- you hang out all the time- but for some reason you don’t get to watch his fights. I understand it’d be boring if they forced it and it played out like a normal fight, but give me a cutscene! Hell, I wanna know who he faced at the end! Hop has a mystery battle against someone else who completed all eight gyms that he beats and we never find out anything else about this person... 
But it’s even worse with Leon.
See, a big part of the game’s storyline is giant, Dynamax pokemon running amok and the Champion having to stop them. This means for the FIRST portion of the game, Leon is going out doing heroic things, battling giant pokemon that you never see. Sure, you can dynamax battle, but he’s involved in all these cool, great, crazy adventures... just offscreen. And then when you become the champion, YOU get to fight these rampaging dynamax pokemon... ... by walking to the area you’re told they are and immediately showing up in a dynamax fight. The game has models for pokemon walking around the overworld. Pokemon all have various attack animations. If Dynamax pokemon are running wild, can’t you SHOW me them running wild? There’s so many ‘cool things’ that happen in the game that I just don’t get to see, even when my character should be able to watch them, and it’s annoying as hell. If you can’t SHOW ME rampaging giant pokemon, don’t make the story ABOUT rampaging giant pokemon!
....Okay, done talking about story.
THE WILD AREA is a cool idea with poor implementation. I absolutely love this big area with all sorts of pokemon that change with the weather and different sections having different levels, except the wild area only really connects two locations (you get there via train the first time,) so there’s not much in-game reason to go back except for grinding, it’s small enough that it’s mostly the same terrain, and the level progression of the area doesn’t really match where you are in the game in the way just having routes used to. Also, for some stupid reason once you’re champion everything there suddenly becomes level 60 instead of scaling to different areas.  Which, sure, I get it, for post-game stuff people just want higher level Pokemon, but it’s so weird that suddenly there’s level 60 zigzagoon running around.  The Wild Area would have been much cooler if they’d just done away with traditional routes entirely and had free wilderness between EVERY town- blocked off in part by tunnels and forests which still counted as wild area, sure, but not gated by ‘you must have this many badges to progress.’  Just gated by ‘the pokemon here are level 30, are you sure you want to proceed?’ The only reason the game forces you to face the gyms in a certain order is to lock you into a narrative that’s mostly a waste of time. Not being allowed to catch ‘very strong’ pokemon is dumb, too. You could’ve made us able to catch them and just not train them because they’d do things like go to sleep and use the wrong moves and loaf around like a traded pokemon.
Camping with your Pokemon is cute, but needs more variety. There’s like seven toys, but only one of them isn’t a ball you throw and they fetch. You can make curries, and you will because it’s the cheapest way to heal your pokemon on the go, but the curry minigame is identical every team and gets very boring very quickly. You can talk to your Pokemon, but none of their responses have any meaning or impact or anything at all. It’s not like they’ll give you hints in the game or randomly give you items or ask for specific items for huge happiness boosts or whatever. It’s cute, and they get experience from it, but camping feels like it should’ve been expanded a whole lot.
....In summation: Pokemon Sword and Shield is not one of the better Pokemon Games. It’s still Pokemon, and if you’re into that, there’s still plenty of fun to be had in it, but it’s heavily flawed. 
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sage-nebula · 5 years
Okay, now that I finally have a minute, I can finally talk about the biggest event of the day:
In a way, this was not surprising at all. The official Pokémon YouTube channel had been posting promotional videos of all the main regions for the week leading up to today (Pokémon Day), and once a Direct was announced we knew that they would not use that Direct for anything less than Gen VIII. Nintendo and Game Freak have made some questionable decisions in the past, but even they would not be so foolish as to dedicate a Direct to anything but a new set of games, particularly since they’d already promised us Gen VIII would be coming out this year. (Which is why those who are angry that this announcement wasn’t for Sinnoh remakes don’t really make a lot of sense. We were promised brand new core titles for a 2019 release. This couldn’t have been anything but that.) Even so, I am still thrilled by what I saw in the trailer, and I still want to talk about it because I’m so excited.
The Region: Some leaks that had come out ages ago suggested that the region could be based off the UK, and I’m so happy to see that was true. (Very little else in the leaks came true, but I’m okay with that, too; Sword and Shield are much better version names than Crown and Scepter.) The region itself looks like it’s going to be beautiful, both in terms of its countryside areas and its urban areas. It reminds me a bit of Unova in that way, how there’s a bit of a divide there, and with that divide emphasized in this reveal trailer, I wonder if that’s going to affect the plot. Either way, I’m truly excited about the region itself, particularly with some of the shots of it that we saw (both interior and exterior) in the trailer.
The Graphics: On that note, the graphics are so nice! There’s so much detail everywhere! In particular I can’t help but think of shots like the library the female trainer was standing in near the end, or the various towns the characters ran through . . . I know some people were hoping for hyper realistic graphics, but that’s never been Pokémon’s style. I’m just glad that these games are so, so much prettier than Let’s Go. I’m so glad all the models and the environment was fixed.
Random Battles are Back In: Speaking of things that were fixed, we can actually train our pokémon again! I was very relieved when I saw that, haha.
Gyms: We’re also back to the Gym system, which is also something of a relief. Honestly, I don’t mind the concept of the Island Trials, but I don’t feel that it was implemented well at all. The Trials themselves were basic and empty, and in many ways felt like watered down Gyms. In USUM it was even worse since you weren’t even allowed to explore during them (and instead had the Captain walking you through the Trials, such as in Mallow’s). Since they weren’t going to get creative with the Trials, I’m glad they’ve scrapped them to go back to the Gym system. Hopefully we’ll get a dark-type Gym this time around.
The Starters: The starters are all so cute! My favorite is Scorbunny (whom I keep calling Scorbunny-bun, haha), but I like Sobble and Grookey as well. Which one I pick will depend on the final evolutions (since I can’t just not look, although I will say I do miss the days of my youth when final evolutions were a surprise and you picked your starter based on first impression), just like which version I get will depend on version differences, but at the moment, if I had to just pick today? It would be Scorbunny. Little soccer bunbun is so cute, I love him. (Sobble would be my second choice, and Grookey my third.)
The Trainers: I LOVE BOTH OF THE TRAINER DESIGNS SO MUCH!! I actually feel like trainer customization might not be back in (more on that in the next section) because we didn’t see any customization in the trailer, and both of the designs are more detailed this time around (whereas the boy design at the least is usually generic in customizable games). But even if we don’t, I’m fine with that. I love both of the designs. I do wish the girl was able to wear pants for the snowy areas, but I love her sweater and her haircut, and the boy’s hat is cute. Really, they’re both fashionable and cute kids. I love them.
The Box Mascots: Of course we know nothing of the legendaries (legendary?) yet, but they look very lupine and I’m excited about that. GIVE ME MY SWORD WOLF, GAME FREAK!!
The Cons:
No Trainer Customization?: We might get a surprise here and that might be back in after all, but right now it looks like it might not be, so that’s a potential con for me.
No Following Pokémon?: Most of the shots that we saw of the gameplay looked empty (for instance, no other NPCs in town shots), so maybe we will get following pokémon and they’re just not able to show that yet. Bu tif we don’t, that’s also something that will make me sad, albeit it’s also something I can live with, haha.
No Pokémon in Overworld: While I am THRILLED that wild battles are back because that’s a deal breaker for me, one thing I actually did like about Let’s Go is that you could see pokémon on the overworld, and I do wish they had implemented that here. But again, I can live with it not being implemented, haha. I’m fine with wild battles, too.
The Miscellaneous:
Professor?: The leaks I talked about earlier mentioned that these games have no professor, and that we instead receive our starters from a princess. No idea if that’s true or not yet, obviously, but if it’s not and we do still have a professor, I want them to be either Poké David Attenborough or Poké Jane Goodall. (And on a related note, if the monarchy is in this game, let me throw down with the queen pls.)
Give Us the Great Galaran Bake Off: You know how each gen has a little side gimmick? Like we had Contests in Gen III, Super Contests in IV, PokéStar Studios in V, and so on? Give us Bake Off in Gen VIII. The Great British Bake Off has popularity that transcends its borders and it would be so great to implement that into these games. The bonus is that when the Galar anime starts up, there can be an episode where Ash somehow makes his way into the tent as a baker (and I say somehow, because you have to audition and everything and prove yourself worthy of being there irl and Ash cannot cook or bake for anything) and then is the first person eliminated because his pastries have soggy bottoms and are not crisp, and also his cakes have overbaked sponges and you cannot see the layers in there at all. (I hope the anime gives us that episode even if we don’t have the gimmick in the games. Come on, PokéAni. Show us the forbidden Poké Mary Berry and Poké Paul Hollywood, along with Poké Mel and Sue.)
Anime’s English Dub: On that note, I both am and am not looking forward to TPCi hiring garbage actors who will absolutely brutalize every single British* accent they have in their cast. If it was 4Kids, I would trust them to hire actors who know what they’re doing. But TPCi? I remember what they did to Alan. I’ll never forget nor will I ever forgive what they did to Alan. They hired a no-name rando off the street who had no talent whatsoever to voice Alan. If they do try to make the Galaran characters British, there is no way those accents will be passable. It will be a travesty. That said, if the PokéAni actually had a good job with a talented cast, I would pay them actual money to make Ash’s female companion have a Cockney or south London accent. I LOVE those accents and I would love to have a character with one on the main cast. They could also give Ash’s male companion (should he have one) a Scottish accent to just complete the whole dynamic and it’d be incredible. Like I know they’d probably go for standard pronunciation, but god what I wouldn’t give for regional accents for an English dub of the Galaran anime. It would be incredible. (*I said British instead of English here because not all British accents are English. Scotland is part of Britain, and therefore a Scottish accent is a British accent, for example. So believe me, I wasn’t conflating British and English; I know the difference, and I was incorporating all of them.) 
Unova vs. Galar Rivalry: I want to see some (friendly) rivalry between Unova and Galar, just like those posts from Ye Olde Tumblr where Americans and Brits would get into “fights” over things. Obviously Unova is not the only United States region (Alola and Orre also exist), but it’s the one up in New England, and the one most blatantly American, I feel. It’d be neat to see that in the game. (And on an unrelated note, was Galar the region that warred with Kalos 3,000 years ago? Hmm . . .)
All in all, I’m super excited and I just can’t wait for these games. November can’t come fast enough (and neither can more info, haha)!
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linuxgamenews · 5 years
Tangledeep new DLC Legend of Shara releases
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Legend of Shara launches for Tangledeep in Linux, Mac, Windows games. Thanks to developer Impact Gameworks. The games very first full expansion. Available now on both Steam and GOG. Legend of Shara hits the turn based roguelike Tangledeep. Also featuring a ton of new content. Since this includes a prequel story. As well as a 13th job. A brand new character and all new monsters. Plus Legend of Shara adds both breadth and depth. And also gives Tangledeep’s 100+ hours of gameplay. Doing so for only $7.19 USD through to April 11th. Available on Linux, Mac and Windows.
A New Prequel Story: Shara's Story
Legend of Shara allows you to play as Shara. A new prequel that takes place before the story of Mirai. Also the original hero of Tangledeep. While the core dungeon progress is similar to the main game. So now the dialogue and bosses are very different. In this gameplay mode, there isn’t a town. No meta progress or job system. Since Shara does not gain XP nor levels like Mirai does. Instead, you can spend JP (Job Points). Levelling up your core stats. By doing so, your XP level increases gradually. You can learn new abilities in two ways:
Open Pandora’s Boxes: Each Box gives you an option of three random skills. All from the entire pool of regular job abilities. Pick one – and off you go!
Rest at Campfires: When you rest. You take your pick of several random Shara only abilities. You'll have to plan and adapt on the fly based on the items and abilities you find!
Tangledeep: Legend of Shara Trailer (Linux, Mac, Windows)
The 13th Job: Introducing the Calligrapher To the Calligrapher, the pen and sword are mighty and lethal. Since they draw upon ancient writing and runic knowledge. While Calligraphers engage their enemies in Legend of Shara. Wielding two weapons at once. While reading from powerful elemental scrolls. And striking down enemies with furious brush strokes. This job is focused on attacking and dodging. Since it’s an all out offense playstyle. And rewards by building up huge attacks. New Character: The Mysterious Wanderer In Riverstone Camp, you may now encounter a new character. Known as the Mysterious Wanderer. This obscure storyteller will introduce you to “Wanderer’s Journeys”. That launches randomly generated adventures. Which also range from 10 to 50 (!) floors.
The new expansion introduces:
Unique Dungeons: Each Journey has an very unique dungeon layout. Some are full of tight and windy corridors. Which connect large rooms together. While others in Legend of Shara are more natural. With wide-open spaces and water. Each has different biomes and environments to explore.
Strange New Creatures: Unlike the rest of the game. Every Journey has a completely new set of randomly generated monsters. Complete with accompanying names, sprites, and powers. So you’ll have to observe these new threats carefully. Because you never know what you might find!
Different Scenarios: Some Journeys will allow you to bring along certain feature. So things like skills, stats, gear and items. Or a combination of these resources. Others will start you at Level 1. Giving you nothing at all. Regardless of your skill level and progression in the main game. You’ll find a variety of different gameplay styles. And further challenges to enjoy.
Ancient and Powerful Relics: Through playing and completing a Wanderer’s Journey. You will find new types of item called Relics. These are extra special Legendary items. Which are randomly generated. Coming from hundreds of existing powers, bonuses, properties, and stats. There are weapon, armor, shield, book, quiver, and accessory relics to discover. all with endless potential.
Pricing and Availability
The Legend of Shara DLC launches on Steam and GOG for $7.19 USD. This includes the 10% discount. Releasing on Linux, Mac and Windows. There is also a bundle containing the base game. Plus Legend of Shara and the DLC’s soundtrack. Which can be purchased on Steam for $15.20 USD (34% off). Tangledeep itself will also be discounted 30%. Celebrating the launch of Legend of Shara!. Due note, all sales will end on April 11th.
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