#take care!
catliker49 · 2 months
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Oh what to Paint.. Hmm..
This is very messy!!! But.. I think I like it like that! I have realised that its fun to mess around a lot more with my style! Even if that does mean I'm switching between styles day to day.. AH!
Remember, friends! Have fun with your doodling and take Good care of yourselves! Now I'm going to get a nice long rest.. Sleep well or have a very Nice day!
(Ooh! Also! In future I may have my signature as my regular one, with my Name! Rather than catliker49! So.. beware of that! haha :o))
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mio-the-clown · 9 months
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Some basic doodles. These were fun to make
Gave myself a little challenge trying to navigate color burn, I think the colors came out well enough?
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4dkellysworld · 4 months
All the answers that could be given are already available to you whether it be teachings from Lester Levenson, Robert Adams, Nisargadatta Maharaj or 4dbarbie.. I've noticed there are some people from months ago who are still asking the same questions 'How to do this, how to do that? How to get? How to know? How to be?', just going to different bloggers perhaps hoping for "the" miraculous or revolutionary answer that will fix everything.
All this time spent on here and what has it yielded you? At this point, if the posts, asks and books have not already pointed you to what you feel is to be done, if they have not given you any certainty on the right direction, then stop looking for answers here. In doing so, you are robbing your own power, agency and freedom by expecting others to give you the answers, you are trapping yourself here and then getting frustrated about not being free. Ask yourself the same questions that you are wanting answers from others.
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xfreischutz · 5 months
it's new year's where i live now
happy new year!
i hope that by this time next year, you'll be able to look back and say that at least there were good times, and that you won't have to write off the entirety of 2024.
wishing all of you a kind year to come.
take care and be safe ✨
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anonymergremlin · 6 months
Every LoP artist and writer, who uploads pieces of art and writings for themself and us, is a jewel to me. A beautiful jewel who keeps us themself and all the other LoP fans happy. I really mean it when I say that I love this fandom. We may have different tastes and opinions... But as long as we are respectful and 'really' don't others, I can say.
Thank you for being a part of this!
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I just realized the amount of followers I got... You are the cutest craziest persons I met ah ah!!
Thank you!
Hnnn mostly twiwon oriented followers of course, so here is the deal!
You are sweet lovely little one (apparently enjoying "my style design conception fashion") soooooo... If you want, only if you want of course!
I'll design you a special surprise outfit based on your twiwon oc or Yuu!
Let me search across your tumblr,don't tell me, I want to get my own point of view if it's ok!
Only one outfit by person (sorry I can't afford multiple)!
Ah also one more thing! It will be flat color full body but nothing like a full complete detailed outfit concept!
K will be waiting!
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daisyscottage · 15 days
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finally posting my jendolyn development doodles from earlier this month🙏🙏I’m putting together my herd slowly but surely!!
I’ll go into much more detail about things later, I just wanted to share this art! but if you have any questions about my au I’ll be more than happy to answer them<3
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thecoolerspringbon-t · 11 months
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lil instagram announcement i made!
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lunasilvis · 29 days
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Post sunset clarity, g'night 🌅 👋
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sleppy-duck · 3 months
Happy slumber everyone! Rest well, tomorrow shall we see the update with rested minds and calm hearts!
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yllirya · 7 months
Strength of Soul
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Strength of Soul
16k | Hurt/Comfort | Angst | Introspection | Character Study | Wriothesley heavy
Wriothesley almost died yesterday - and now he is the caged prisoner of his body, incapable and helpless like he hasn't been in a long time. To see and to be seen – it’s also a form of love between them. Neuvillette cares and helps, if Wriothesley lets him.
[...or, the introspective fic no one asked for about what it means to be vulnerable and powerless for a man who made himself to be the protector of the innocents, his body a tool of his ideals]
Neuvillette knows his core – Wriothesley is aware – yet… Being vulnerable, powerless, and incapable in front of him is demanding like nothing.
The unconditional love of Neuvillette floods through Wriothesley, washing over his soul and soothing it, turning it into his epiphany – because no matter what, he is enough for Neuvillette.
Showing physical weakness and accepting that he cannot avoid being seen, that he’s vulnerable… This is one of the hardest things that Wriothesley has ever done.
“It is okay to not be okay. I won’t think any less of you for this, you know that, right?”
As if Neuvillette would hear his thoughts, he speaks while he holds him still, tender arms pulling him closer, light fingers caressing his bare skin. He nudges Wriothesley to lean into his shoulder with his full weight, as if he would say, I am here.
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itwasthereaminuteago · 11 months
I was having a Very Bad Week last week so i deleted tumblr from my mobile as well as taking some other steps to try to get to a good mental brain place, so I’ll be on here less, but still on...
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idyllic333dreams · 5 months
I'm alive bitches!
Happy Holidays to u all!
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starstruckshine · 2 years
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Hey guys! This will be my only drawing for this month! I'll be moving to a new place for work soon and I really need to focus on packing and canceling things etc.
SO, I'll leave you with my Adam. He has a healer build so if you get hurt he can fix you up real quick. (He's also just average at looping lol) Keep Reading for the reference!
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Bigger Version [Here] too!
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joe-mac88 · 6 months
If y’all are interested, here is the brush I use in IbisPaint!
If you search for a brush in IbisPaint here is mine!
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Exemples of how it looks!
This is how it looks when it’s fast:
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And this is how it looks when it’s slow:
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Ps: I’m French so It’s normal if the title is in French. I think you can always change it after installing it on your app!
It’s free to use so don’t be shy if you use IbisPaint✨✨
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tea-tarot-and-me · 10 months
A Spoonful of Encouragement Pick-a-Pile
Take a moment to center yourself and head towards the colour that calls to you most below the line.
Disclaimer: These readings are for entertainment purposes only and are not to be used in place of medical, legal or professional advice.
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Pile 1 - Blue
Oracle 1 : Deeply Bonded
Oracle 2: Like Attracts Like
Tarot: The Chariot, The Empress, King of Cups
This pile, are you feeling a bit hesitant about new relationships coming your way? I'm getting this image of someone running towards you carrying a giant, glittery, absolutely tacky heart and you taking one look at this offering and running in the other direction in a panic. Fast.
Which is hilarious because I think you've been calling in new relationships. You've put in work and are still actively putting in work on yourself because you're aware that you need (and want!) to be in a healthy place for yourself.
A reminder, you don't need to be a chameleon. Be you, enjoy the things that bring you joy. I know that there's always some vulnerability in being completely yourself with another person. But the most important part is that you already recognize the power and sweetness in being vulnerable and you understand the wisdom in being discerning at the same time.
While the chance to get to know someone may come in fast, the effort that needs to be put in to grow some good roots will definitely take time. And I think you are looking for something deeper or equally as deep as you've gone in previous relationships.
You're sending out love (friendship, caring, nurturing) vibes and it's okay to proceed with caution where needed, but don't let a good thing pass you by!
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Pile 2 - Green
Oracle 1: Don’t Give Up
Oracle 2: Miracles and Blessings
Tarot: 5 of Cups rev, 2 of Cups rev, 8 of Pentacles, Justice
You guys have already been through the wringer. You've already fought your way back and partially accepted what brought you low. In response, you poured yourself into something which may have began as a distraction but now is something legit you're pursuing.
Keep growing your skills, it never hurts to add another tool to your arsenal. But back to whatever hurt you, you don't have to return to it. You don't have to make it work or even make it pretty. This "don't give up" message is a reminder that you aren't held captive by the thing that hurt you. You can move forward and honestly, you probably already have in a lot of ways!
I think you may sometimes fixate on how a thing wasn't fair or how a situation should've been made right in your favour. Let that go. Let go by looking for the wonderful little things you encounter everyday. Let it become a habit until you can't so easily recall why that situation made you feel a certain way.
Don't forget, not especially if it was a lesson that needed to be learned. Perhaps the lesson was a balancing of the scales, only you know. Sit with yourself and take the time to understand the why of your hurt if you need to. But definitely let yourself be free. Don't give up!
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Pile 3 - Amber
Oracle 1: The Unknown
Oracle 2: Listen With Your Heart
Tarot: Queen of Cups rev, 9 of Cups, The Tower rev
Okay, my wave riders! For some of you riding the waves of life comes easily and for some of you, not so much. However, this is the stage of life you currently find yourself in and it isn't obvious where you'll land at the end of it all.
I feel like you already know not to fight against the current you'll only exhaust yourself. Now whether that's because you've learned that lesson recently or a long time ago, good job!
As strange as it sounds, in the crazy chaos of heading into the unknown and new and possibly exciting/terrifying, you already know that you come through a bit easier if you release control. What little you can call yours with a certainty right now you're learning to find satisfaction in. Let me tell you that's so powerful.
Just a quick reminder, learn to hone and trust your intuition. I feel like it'll help you feel a little less lost along the way. You've got intuition in spades, I've been talking about it this whole reading!
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Decks used: Journey Through Life Oracle, Whispers of Love Oracle, Rider Waite Tarot
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