#tali answers stuff
winterscaptain · 2 years
tali hello!! one thousand forehead kisses for you for taking top gun prompts it literally made my entire night!
could I ask you to do a hangman x reader? bonus points for jake acting like hot shit in front of his coworkers at the hard deck and then like… completely folding in front of reader and getting ragged on by the dagger squad bc he’s finally gotten locked down <3
much love, 🌻
Jake “Hangman” Seresin  x Gender Neutral Reader a top gun maverick fic
a/n: i hope it’s what you wanted my love!! let me know if there’s anything else you’d like to see and i’d be happy to make it happen for you <3
words:  412 content advisories:  language, alcohol use, alcohol mention
summary: i’m down bad.
masterlist | requests are open
It’s way too easy to be close to him, but he doesn’t seem to mind too much. His fingers curl loosely around the beer bottle in his hand while his other hand rests just as loosely on your hip, one finger hooked into your belt loop. You started off simply leaning against his chair, but now that you’ve landed across his lap, you’re not inclined to move.
Natasha said something funny, you’re sure, but it’s hard to hear anything over the rush of blood in your ears, the nearly-embarrassing skip your heart made in your chest when you hear his laugh. Jake’s smile, you think - the real one, not the bullshit snarky one - should be an unofficial wonder of the world, or at least recognized by the US government as a national treasure. 
Put this man on a postage stamp. 
“Well,” he says, likely in reply to something you missed, “you know what they say about big feet.” 
Coyote looks at you with raised eyebrows. You wink at him. He smiles. 
Rooster answers promptly. “Bad dancer.” 
“You said that with an awful lot of authority,” Phoenix says with a smile. 
Rooster shrugs. “I don’t have big feet, so I wouldn’t know.” 
The entire group, at once, looks under and around the table to look at Rooster’s feet, firmly hidden in his sneakers. Jake rolls his eyes and you turn your head. 
“Nothing you have to worry about. Trust me.” 
He tries to hide his smile with a soft kiss to your cheek, but he’s caught out by the high color on his cheeks. 
“Uh oh,” Payback says with a smile. “Someone’s got Hangman blushing.” 
“I don’t blush,” he assures them. “I glow.” 
“Really?” Phoenix asks. “Then what’s that?” She reaches across the table and pokes his forehead, also dusted with an undeniable rosiness. Her fingerprint bounces pale for a moment, the color returning almost instantly. 
Jake swallows, looking far more dignified than any man in his mid-thirties with a flush down to his collar should, and replies, “My glow. Didn’t you hear me the first time?” 
“Mm,” she replies. “I can’t hear you when you’re full of shit. We’ve been over this.” 
He’s dug himself into a hole he can’t quite escape, especially given his position. To double down, you kiss his cheek. Unfortunately, he falls for it, leaning into you and closing his eyes a little too long to pass it off as a blink. 
Rooster and Phoenix share a look. He’s fucked. 
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knightfeared · 7 months
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➤ MAINS. [ ; ]   Hello hiya— here with an announcement of sorts for Jayce!
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◈ I am making the decision to prioritize threads with @hexcoremagician when it comes to his muse — that meaning, *their Viktor will be his main Viktor.
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We’ve developed these two a ton ooc & though I still have yet to write out my verses properly for Jayce thus far, I think I’m comfortable enough to say that our lore is heavily interconnected.
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la-petite-lapin · 2 months
Double the Love | Part Eight
Double the Love masterlist
Simon "Ghost" Riley x Johnny "Soap" MacTavish x female civilian!OC Word Count: 2.1k Series warnings (may change between chapters): 18+ Minors DNI, angst, mentions of death, mentions of violence, excessive swearing, mentions of sexually explicit content, self doubt, OC has anxiety, poor communication, polyamory, M/M/F, FMC is (once again) bad at feelings
The morning after
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The next morning, John calls.
Simon and Johnny have left to get some food shopping in, allowing me some much needed time to decompress. I woke up this morning feeling... I don't know. Conflicted. Confused. Like the consequences of getting myself into this - whatever this is - are finally starting to land.
"Hey, Tali," John says softly, and I can hear voices talking in the background. A woman, not Marcella, and a man who sounds fairly pissed off. It takes me a minute to recognise that it belongs to Gaz. "How are things on your end?"
I blow out a long breath. "Everything's okay."
There's a pause. A long pause. An I-know-that's-bullshit kind of one. "Talia, come on. It's me you're talking to." When I don't immediately spill my guts, he adds, "If you won't tell me what's playing on your mind, at least talk to Winslow. Marcella, even. Or, if it's something that the boys have done, try and talk to them about it. They're far more understanding than they look."
My heart stutters in my chest. That's part of the problem. And, to add to that, I don't even know what's wrong.
In the past few days, I've gone from not wanting any sort of relationship at all, to wanting nothing more than to have both of them tell me that they want me. Not even that they love me - God knows that it's far too soon for anything that serious - but something. Any sign that last night was more meaningful to them than a couple hours of mindless fun with a brand-new toy.
But I don't know how to ask. And I don't kind I'm strong enough to handle the inevitable rejection. Not when I've grown to consider them as friends.
"I would... if there was something wrong," I grumble back. My eyes flicker around the empty apartment/ Maybe having some more company around would be a good distraction. "Can you and Kyle come over again, please?"
I can hear the smile in John's voice as he replies. "We're a little busy at the moment, but I'm sure we can sort something out for the weekend. We could watch some more of those God-awful military movies Gaz likes to rip apart."
I snort out a laugh. "Perfect."
We say our goodbyes and John hangs up, muttering something about an 'incident' that he needs to deal with. But, before I can put my phone down, I catch a glimpse of a missed call and a text message from Winslow, all while I was on the call with John.
I'm calling her number before I can even think about it, a sense of panic gripping my chest as I raise the phone to my ear. What if she'd been in an accident? What if she was hurt? Stuck somewhere in a foreign country with no way of me getting to her...?
"Hey, honey," Winnie says immediately, answering on the third ring. Her voice soothes my frayed nerves, so much so that I almost let out a sigh of relief. Just hearing her makes me feel lighter than I have all day.
"I'm so happy to hear your voice." It's only been a matter of days since we last spoke on the phone, but it feels like it was a lifetime ago somehow. Thank God she only has two weeks of her France trip left before she's back home again. "How's Paris?"
Winnie lets out a breathy laugh. "It's been... interesting to say the least. But it's part of the reason why I called." The cold feeling of realisation slides in as she elaborates, "It looks like I might have to stay a little while longer. Just while I help them sort some stuff out and tidy up some loose ends."
My heart seizes at the vagueness of 'a little while longer'. "Okay. How long is that looking?"
"Um... maybe an extra week."
"Oh." It's the only word I can think of.
"I know, I know. I'm really sorry, Tali," Winnie says, and I can hear the genuine sadness in her voice. "I'll be back in time for Alex's birthday though, I promise."
My gaze trails across to the calendar hanging up beside the kitchen. Just under a month. In four weeks, he would have turned thirty.
We would have thrown a big party; which would have pissed Alex off to no end. He would've grumbled about it for months, complaining that he's a private person, which is just a code word for boring, but secretly loving that I'd gone to the effort. Just like his twenty-first.
My heart aching in my chest, I say, "It's okay, Win. You've got to do what you've got to do, and I have the guys here to keep me company." There's a beat of silence, so I follow it up with, "And I'm going back to work, which I've strangely missed."
We both laugh at that.
"Anyway, how've you been?" I can hear Winnie settling in on the other end of the line. I find it more amusing than I care to admit that she's still so invested in what's going on back here while she's living it up overseas. Despite it being a work trip, I've seen her Instagram posts. She's thriving over there.
"I've been good. But there is something you might be interested to know."
Winnie giggles. "Oh? Please enlighten me."
A mischievous grin forms on my lips. "I slept with them. Both of them."
There's a long stretch of silence. It's a pause so long that, for a minute, I think the call might have dropped.
"Winnie? You still there?"
She coughs, spluttering for a second. "Still here. Just stunned into silence because... wow! You really did it? With both of them? How did that even work? What was it like? I have so many questions, Tali! You can't just drop a bomb like that than and not expect me to have questions!"
A laugh slips past my lips, dissolving into a burst of laughter. "It was something new. But it was fun. They didn't take everything all serious and alpha like some guys probably would. They made it fun, we laughed about stuff, and the aftercare was perfect."
"10 out of 10 would recommend then?"
"I would," I reply, letting myself smile. Despite all of the conflicted feelings I have about what happens now, it doesn't in any way diminish how unwaveringly happy I feel thinking about last night.
We talk a bit more - mostly about all of the interesting people Winnie has met in Paris, the new places she's seen, and all the restaurants she's tried - before she has to go. We say our goodbyes and I promise to call her in the morning on my way into the office. Not long after, I hear the sound of the spare key turning in the lock, and I look up to see Johnny nudging the front door open.
He's beaming, a broad smile on his face and two overflowing shopping bags in his hands. Simon follows him into the kitchen, carrying the other three. He nods to me on his way past, a black surgical mask covering the lower half of his face.
"Want to help us with the meal plan, princess?" Si calls out from the kitchen.
I follow them through into the kitchen to find Johnny leaning over the counter with a piece of paper and a pen, as Simon dutifully unpacks the bags. Johnny takes one glance at the questioning look on my face before offering me one of his most charming smiles. "Me and Si were talking. Did'nae think it's fair for ye to be doing all the cooking, not when ye're going back to work now. And we eat most of it."
A frown forms on my lips. "I didn't complain about it."
Si turns around now. "We know, but we don't think it's right. You do a lot for us already, darlin'. Just let us do something for you."
I try not to blush as I fold my arms across my chest. "Fine. Okay."
Johnny grins. "So, what do ye want on Monday?"
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After dinner, we settle in to watch TV in the living room. I fold myself into my armchair, letting Johnny and Simon cuddle up together on the sofa.
It's hard not to keep glancing over at them; even harder to hold back the un-earned feeling of jealousy that keeps nipping at my heart. They're a couple. They're allowed to act lovey-dovey in the privacy of their own home.
Home. Thinking about that makes it even worse. At some point - when all of their army drama blows over - they're going to leave.
Logically, I know that. I know that me, them, and Winnie can't all live in this two-bedroom apartment together, but it still stings. It's irrational, and I know it.
I watch as Simon runs his fingers through Johnny's hair - the Scotsman all but asleep with his head in his partner's lap - as I swallow down the growing resentment. Bitterness coats my tongue, and I swallow thickly.
Simon looks over, because of course he does, with a questioning look of concern. Mask-free, it's all too easy to see his expression now. It almost hurts to look at his face; to know just how beautiful he was.
I shake my head and close my eyes, kicking myself for being so stupid about this.
We're all grown-ups. We agreed to have sex. It was one night.
But then why does my chest burn when I think about them, like someone's trying to squeeze the life out of me?
"You alright, love?"
I nod, my eyes still firmly shut. Why did I do this to myself? Let myself have a taste of the one thing I can't have from them?
"Hey, love," Simon calls again, voice laced with something I can't place. "Open your eyes for me, yeah?"
So, I do. I open my eyes and level him with the blankest expression I can muster. "I don't feel well. I'm going to go for a walk," I say, thankfully giving no hint of my emotions. "I'll be back before midnight."
His hazel eyes harden. "Not on your own you're fucking not."
I wince, but something in my resolve strengthens. "You can't tell me what I can and can't do."
"I'm not telling you what to do," he growls. "I'm saying it's dark out, it's cold as fuck, and I'm not having you out there alone surrounded by a bunch of creeps while I sit in here like a lemon."
We stare at each other for a long, long time.
Uncharacteristically, he breaks the silence first. "Just let me put Johnny in our room and I'll come with you." He nods to the dead-weight of a completely knocked-out Johnny's cheek resting on his muscular thighs.
My temper flares. "I didn't invite you."
I can feel Simon battling his anger from here. I also get the distinct impression that if I was anybody else - other than Johnny - I'd have already received the bollocking of my lifetime for being so damned difficult right now.
"The only way you're leaving this flat tonight, princess, is if I'm with you," he grumbles, hazel eyes dark and unwavering as he pins me with a glare. A glare that tells me Ghost is back. "I'll lock you in your room to keep you safe if I fucking have to."
I match him with a fierce glare of my own. "Why do you fucking care?"
That seems to take him aback. His eyes soften, the harsh line of his mouth pulling down at the corners, making the scars around it all the more apparent. "Of course I care."
"But why?" A hollow laugh slips past my kips and I spring up from my armchair, starting to pace in front of the TV. I'm completely aware that I must look borderline hysterical as I look at him with wild eyes. "I'm just one of the many, many women you two have fucked. Why do you care if I want to go walking at night? If I cook dinner?"
Simon's frown deepens. "That's not what this is. You know that."
"Really?" I gesture wildly to Johnny, who's still blissfully unaware of what's happening. "All night you've been cuddled up, while I've just sat here and... and watched you. Do you know how much that hurts? After last night when you made me feel so fucking included? And now you're back to making me feel like an outsider." The words spill out of their own accord, frantic and rushed as I feel the tears start to roll down my cheeks. A broken-sounding laugh bubbles up from my throat. "I've spent all day telling myself I wouldn't do this because it's so fucking embarrassing. It was one night, and now you're both going to think I'm crazy."
Si stares back at me and the expression on his face is so heartbroken that it hurts. "I... we didn't know you'd see it like that."
My heart cracks in two inside my chest. The tears pour even faster as I glare down at my slipper-covered feet.
How could I be so reckless? I've just ruined everything.
"Tali, can you come here please?"
My eyes trail back to Simon. To his hand patting the tiny space on the sofa beside him - the side not occupied by Johnny, soft snores pouring out of his mouth like cats' purrs. My feet carry me across the room. I slot myself into the gap beside Simon, trying not to let any part of my body touch his. Preparing myself for whatever it's not you, it's us speech that is inevitably coming.
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a/n: hey guys! hope you've enjoyed part 8 :) sorry that it ends on a bit of a cliffhanger, but it was getting quite long and I try to stick around 2.5k words to make it flow better i'm aiming to have part 9 out by the end of next week, but I won't make any promises just yet <3 - much love, lapetitelapin
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notebooks-and-laptops · 10 months
* I've left dalish/elvish stuff off here because that's pretty much expected of Dreadwolf with it's set up
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felassan · 1 year
Some more snippets of interest and insight from Mark Darrah, from an older Mark Darrah on Games YouTube video where he was livestreaming playing Dragon Age: Origins some months ago -
Chat asked "Have you been asked about The Last Flight and your thoughts on the Griffons?". Mark replied "My thoughts on griffons? I mean, I don't think that we're gonna see griffons as things you can ride. Flying is a gameplay feature that you better be really sure about before you add it into your game. But will we see some griffons? I think probably in some form, I mean the reason to put them in the novel is to reintroduce them to the setting".
Chat discussed titans, lyrium and theories and speculation about them. Mark added "Definitely not gonna comment on any of the titan and lyrium and so on, though, I mean things can and probably will have changed since I left. I don't want to accidentally say something that ends up not being reality". A chat user asked "I thought the franchise had a roadmap or something". Mark explained that there are roadmaps, but those are definitely open for manipulation and adjustment as required by the storytelling of the game, and that this is the main reason for the unreliable narrators. It gives that flexibility as required. "You can't really believe anything any one person says, they all have their own motivations, just because someone says it doesn't make it true".
Chat asked "Are the Devs planning on doing anything more with the Keep?" Mark replied "I don't know what the current plans with the Keep are. The reason the Keep exists in DA:I is to handle the generation switch, so that's still a relevant concern, but it was maintained by a separate group, and I'm not sure that that separate group completely exists anymore. It is not an insignificant amount of work to keep the Keep up to date. I like the idea as it removes the import requirement and so on but it's certainly not free. So maybe?" He also added "What was the change to the user agreement? I know that a whole bunch of stuff from around DA:I-time needed to be updated because of changes in European privacy laws, that's why The Last Court [came to an end]".
Chat asked "Think we will ever get answers on Magic or The Maker?". Mark replied that he thinks we will get some answers on magic, or at least additional context, but on the Maker, "No, I don't think that's ever going to be answered. I think the setting's much better off with the Maker being undefined and potentially existing and potentially not existing."
Chat asked "Will we ever find out wtf lyrium ghost Leliana really is?" and Mark said "On that front, my guess is no".
Chat asked "Are the people that worked on the character and the dialogues are still working at BioWare?" Mark replied "Which character are you asking about? Because the answer's probably yes".
He also talked more generally about DA:O and the franchise in general. These bits are collected under a cut due to length -
The Orlesian voice actors in DA:O are all French. The devs did talk about the peasants having a Quebecois accent "but decided that maybe that [inaudible]". "I wouldn't say all of their accents are Parisian, they're likely in English just the accent of whatever accent the VA actually had speaking English. Sometimes people from different regions pick up accents when they're learning a different language depending on who/where they learned it from. In DA they try to use accents from actual regions". "So Tali in Mass Effect has an accent which is kind've just the accent the VA did, and the problem is that when you need to replicate that with other people it's basically impossible. So we try to avoid that because as you can imagine, that's a problem." "Yeah, ideally make your accents something that can be replicated not just 'thing voice actor made up'"
Chat said "Tali always sounds Eastern European or Russian to me". Mark replied "It is, it has a lot of Eastern European, I think the VA is actually from Eastern Europe"
"You get people that have moved around a lot, sometimes they end up with really, these weird collections of accents that just sound, you know, vaguely exotic. Which is fine, it's a real thing that happens, but it also means that it can't really be replicated by anybody else"
Chat said "The draenei in Warcraft have a similar situation. No one knows what the hell their accent is supposed to be". Mark replied "I mean if it's consistent, if they've come up with an accent that they've consistently been able to put across to all of their actors then that's great, because it doesn't need to be connected to something in the real world, because it's not in the real world, so I don't necessarily have a problem with them coming up with an accent, as long as they're able to be consistent with it"
One of the accents that he always wanted to find a use for in DA was South African. "We never actually did find out but I really like that accent"
Chat said "I used to be lost in the Deep Roads, everywhere looks the same". Mark replied "Everywhere does look the same. Which is sort've vaguely realistic, but you've gotta be able to navigate"
"Anthem's flight is really cool but ultimately I don't feel like the mission structure ever really fully took into account the fact that people had jetpacks strapped to their butts"
Chat asked if the Deep Roads were inspired by the Mines of Moria. Mark replied, "I mean, maybe, dwarves have had a pretty long established canon and DA:O is definitely trying to present the standard races with their clichés but then sort've putting a twist on them, so dwarves are hyper politicized, the elves are a race that has fallen. So yes, it's hard to imagine that there wasn't Moria inspiration there, if you're gonna have dwarves and elves in a fantasy setting Tolkien is a touchpoint"
Chat discussed dwarves dreaming and not dreaming. Mark commented "I think originally dwarves were not supposed to dream, but I think you are correct, it has been inconsistent"
Leliana is Mike Laidlaw's favorite character. On her return in DA:I if she died in DA:O, Mark commented "That is, there's definitely no question that was a 'Mike wanted Leliana in DA:I, so she survives' [thing]. I mean, the Ashes were right there, so... I guess..."
Chat asked "Have graphics engines advanced to the point in game resolution/graphics could MATCH the CGI "Sacred Ashes" trailer for a DAO Remaster?'' Mark replied "Yeah, you could probably get pretty close to the Sacred Ashes trailer these days if you were willing to spend the time on the assets"
Chat commented that Ruck was suffering and that being infected by the Blight for so long can't be good for your health. Mark commented "One of the few places where we actually paid that off"
Chat asked "I asked on Twitter if you knew why BioWare didn't commit to either an A-RPG or C-RPG design in DAII and DA:I, but then I went on vacation. Did you talk about that in another stream?" Mark replied, "The short answer is the Dragon Age has always had the unfortunate problem of being pushed to broaden its audience all the time, so in DAII-time the word 'RPG' kind've became a dirty word in the industry, so that's why DAII is quite, it's DA:O with the action cranked up to 1000." "Even before Critical Role 'RPG' was starting to pivot back. Basically as every game became an RPG, the word first became almost completely poisonous and then sort've became a fine thing to say. And now that D&D is at the most popular level it's ever been, it definitely made a difference. Skyrim made a difference as well, it was definitely not afraid to say 'RPG' out loud. When GTA and even shooters started saying about putting RPG elements in, that helped too"
Dwarves are interesting "because typically people who play dwarves always play dwarves"
"BioWare would not use any fanfiction, BioWare doesn't read any fanfiction because it's a legal minefield, or at least a lawsuit minefield." "I can tell you that companies like EA are immensely afraid of lawsuits so they do lots of things to avoid that"
Chat said "'​I like the theory out there that originally if you kept the Architect alive he could have fought with you against Cory in DA:I. Was there truth to that?" Mark replied, "I don't know if that was.. it's possible because they're definitely related. It's possible that if you kept him alive there was an intention to do that. It definitely didn't survive contact with shipping the thing." When chat followed up by asking his opinion on the idea, Mark said "I mean I think it makes sense, it would have been an interesting payoff for the character if you did that, but it's a whole extra fight for what would have been a very small minority of players. It would've been a good way to take him off the table". On the small minority of players point, he elaborated "It would be people who played Awakening, which is only 35% of people who played DA:O, and finished Awakening, which would be say half that, and played DAII, so [...]. I think if we had done it it would have been more, an asset in the combat [like Zevran joining for the final battle in DAII] not 'he's gonna take him on by himself'"
"You can see why the Dragon Age team isn't super enthusiastic about Dragon Age being 'random moon in Mass Effect'" [said regarding this fan theory]
During the Broodmother fight, Mark said "this is the thing, is if you do a remaster you probably leave this bit all alone. But if you do a remake you gotta, this [would probably get/need to be] addressed"
(pls note that in places there is a bit of paraphrasing of the info, the best source is always the primary source with full quotes in their original context)
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mt10lt20 · 1 month
Incorrect AC 6/0 AU - Pixy and Shamrock vibing again ft. a hot take answer to the worm question (SHIPPY STUFF).
Pixy: I can't believe you have never seen Talisman angry. Not once?!
Shamrock: Yeah, he's really chill. Even when we got grounded, he was calm.
Pixy: Oh yeah? *smirks* I dare you to ask him the worm question. Bet you 100 Zollars that he'd finally get mad.
~~ Later ~~
Shamrock: *Nervous, but unable to back down from a bet* Um, Tali, would you still love me if I was a worm?
Talisman: (......) Please tell me that you'd be one of those Dune worms so I can find you in the Moloch desert and still ride you everyday.
Shamrock: That's... oh okay. Unexpected. Fuck
~~ Much Later ~~
Shamrock: PIXY YOU OWE ME 100 ZOLLARS! But I'll double that bet if you ask Cipher the worm question and he DOESN'T get mad!
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stormikins · 4 months
Mass Effect Trilogy Tag
tagged by @nowandthane thank you!! Warning I ramble a bit in this lol
I am a fan since: 2017, I got it for Christmas in 2016 so I always just say '17
Favorite Game of the series: By virtue of simply replaying it the most, three. I really love the combat in it so I've played it near thirty times? But all time fave would have to 1 because of the aesthetic, tone, and story. There's something about first discovering a world which is what me1 is about.
MShep or Femshep? Gotta go with Femshep. I have played both, its just hard to capture the male shepard image I have in my head in the character creator so Femshep it is.
Earthborn, Colonist, or Spacer: earthborn! My main Shepard Jenn is earthborn so that's what I'm going with. Though, I have numerous Shepard's are various background combinations. I have feelings about each background trust me
Biotics or tech: Both! Though I really do love biotics, you can do some cool stuff with them, setting up and detonating both biotic and tech explosions.
Paragon or Renegade: I have to repeat what nowandthane said, paragon choices, renegade dialogue.
Favorite Class: Sentinel. I love the versatility of the class, but I do have an affection for Infiltrator because that's what got me through me2 on insanity.
Favorite Companion: Tali. By story value, Javik. He's like one of the most important characters
Least Favorite Companion: Javik, throw your attitude out the airlock. IM JOKING! (he has every reason to be like he is. I love him very much) Liara is my answer though only because I don't like some of the story choices the devs did with her. (ex: why does she have Shepard's armor in a display case when i didn't even romance her??? I can't mention this at all??)
My squad selection: For Jenn's playthrough: Wrex/Tali in me1. Garrus/Mordin/Miranda generally in me2. Thane and Miranda/Samara for the collector base. Kaidan/Javik/James in me3. Of course, I mix it up based on story aspects and the difficulty settings. But me3 is pretty fixed bc I always play on insanity.
Favorite in-game Romance: Tali and Garrus. I'm a sucker for awkward, wet cat of a man like Garrus is. But Tali's romance man.... her parting line to Shepard during the beam run "I have a home" makes me insane actually
Other pairings I like: Obligatory Nihlus/Shepard/Kal (and the duos within in this throuple) mention here. Other than that, Joker/Miranda and Joker/James, Ashley/Garrus, and Shepard/Wrex, I could list a whole lot so I'll keep it to those ships lol
Favorite NPC: Nihlus and Kal'Reegar for sure. Victus and of course Niftu Cal our favorite biotic god.
Favorite Antagonist: Saren. He's the best one that we get in all three games (Harby could have been number one if they did anything with him in three but that's a rant for another time lmao)
Favorite Mission: Haestrom/Tali's Loyalty mission because that's when I get to see Kal <3 and blow up a colossus with the Cain. Also, the Collector Ship mission I have to mention because it's frankly the only mission besides the two previously stated where I've loaded up the save to play it on insanity when I'm bored. It's fun. Of course, this is with the Infiltrator.
Favorite Loyalty Mission: Tali for numerous reasons. Kal mention here. But I love the insight into Quarian culture we get. Also we see that fire in her when she's talking to the Board which I always appreciate. Along with her dialogue at the end, "I got better, Shepard. I got you." and then on the ship afterwards, "I don't think life is about what we deserve." I love her so much.
Favorite DLC: Leviathan. Only because of the horror aspect.
Control, Sythesis, or Destroy? Destroy. I have so many issues with the ending and that's the least worst option in my opinion so. (I too ignore that it wipes out the Geth and Edi fuck that)
Favorite Weapon: The M-90 Cain or the M-99 Saber aka the "Big Iron". Lancer in three was my favorite weapon before I found the Saber. Special mention to my bud the Mattock, I have been convinced of its glory. I do not think the Harrier is better anymore lol which my brother would be happy to hear
Favorite Place: me1 Citadel my BELOVED.
A quote I like Quotes I Like: The ENTIRETY of Sovereign's dialogue on Virmire GOD ITS SO GOOD!!!! / "Stand in the ashes of a trillion dead souls and ask the ghosts if honor matters. The silence is your answer." / "Does this unit have a soul?" / "Just followed your example, Shepard. Yell loud enough and eventually someone will come over to see what all the fuss is about." / "I won't let fear compromise who I am." / "I MADE A MISTAKE!" / "Help me out here, Shepard. The line between friend and foe is getting a little blurry from where I stand." / There are so many great quotes in these games I could go on and on but I'll stop myself
No pressure tags: @spacebunshep @jtownnn
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nowandthane · 4 months
Mass Effect Trilogy Tag
tagged by @menacingmetal thank you!!!! <3
tagging @grim-starling @stormikins @vakariansvixen @westernlarch @illusivesoul @drelldreams @xoshepard (i know you already got tagged but tag me in yours too if u do it i wanna see it xD) <3 and anyone else who wants to do this!!
I am a fan since: I first played in September 2022 and it's consumed my life since! I had the OT since like 2018/19??? but i couldnt play because it gave me motion sickness kjdfhgkdf then I got MELE free cause amazon was doing a thing and by that point i had friends who taught me to mod the game and i can play with relatively few issues now :3
Favourite game of the series?: oooh idk i love them all and i played them first time all in a row so theyre kind of like one game to me... probably me2?
MShep or FShep?: femshep. ive yet to complete a game with anyone other than femshep. well, anyone other than sarani specifically lmao but hopefully that'll change xD
Earthborn, Colonist or Spacer?: earthborn!! (sarani again xD)
Biotics or Tech: tech (again... sarani. she is not a biotic)
Paragon or Renegade: paragon choices, renegade dialogue xD
Favourite Class: infiltrator!! ive never played a class other than infiltrator (yes, you guessed it, sarani :3) but im trying out vanguard like anytime now so we'll see?
Favourite Companion:
Least favourite Companion:
you could put a gun to my head and i still wont answer those two i will not choose
My squad selection: i dont really have a main i think? it depends on who's narratively appropriate for the mission, then on who will help me most with their build. i try to make sure everyone has equal time cause i wanna see them all....
Favourite In-game romance: well it's def thane if youve known me a while youd know i used his name for like over a year while i was figuring out my gender stuff xD also garrus and tali ofc <3 but tbh they're all good!! with the exception of jacob cause bioware did him so dirty ugh
Other pairings I like: joker/edi, miranda/ashley, miranda/jack are some of my faves but tbh this world is my playground i WILL mix and match them xD
Favourite NPC: jenkins nihlus and aethyta, i kind of really want her to [liara shoots and kills me]
Favourite Antagonist: Saren for sure i need him to choke me
Favourite Mission: Priority: Tuchanka probably... i love mordin so much and his arc... beautiful
Favourite Loyalty Mission: Tali!!!
Favourite DLC: arrival. ok no lmao. omega probably!
Control, Synthesis or Destroy: destroy i guess but only because i pretend the geth and edi dont die lmao.
Favourite Weapon: black widow!!!!!
Favourite Place: Rannoch
A quote I like: Tali's 'The difference was you.' and 'I got better. I got you.' (very romance specific i know i love her okay) garrus's 'gray... i dont know what to do with gray.' legion's 'do these units have a soul?' kolyat saying 'the prayer was for you' when wrex says shepard is a sister to him
im gonna go cry now
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butchsophiewalten · 6 months
just listened to kyle's twitter audio stream with martin, and they talied a bunch about twf4 and the series in general! it was more meta stuff about the creative pricess and i didn't catch much since i tuned in later, but i got something about twf4.
1. "it's going to be perfect for twf fans (who are caught up with the lore) and useless for a typical reaction youtuber", in the context of jumpscares and the frightening elements in general. they discussed the "silent jumpscare", as shown in mandela v. 4,and martin said there will be no "bunnyfarm-like" jumpscares.
2. martin is extremely proud of some shots and imagery he made for twf4, and kyle called them "beautiful and frightening". there will be a lot of animation and artistry, apparently! also, as previously mentioned elsewhere, the show is slowly stepping outside the boundaries of the analog horror genre.
3. they briefly discussed the ending (again, no spoilers) and kyle mentioned that it was so mindblowingly perfect that you could pretty much end the whole thing right there, despite giving us no "big answers". a lot of time will be dedicated to showing off the worldbuilding (again, already mentioned).
4. there was a whole funny segment where they talked about matpat, but the important bit from it is that apparently martin had a "scott cawthon moment" with one of the film theory videos on twf, where a lot of stuff was wrong, but one (non-major) thing he got exactly on the spot and it will be confirmed in twf4. (no idea what it could be, since i watched both FT and his reactions, aka live theory crafting, and he says a lot of dumb stuff there. like, a lot.)
you are a beautiful angel for recapping that twitter space for me. I get really irritated listening to them for some reason so this is all stuff I would have never known. All of this is super interesting though! The Game Theory thing is especially funny. I've never watched those videos.
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necroromantics · 1 month
Same anon as before who ask for tobin's funfacts. When i see tali's name i squealed, he loves her so much wtf, such a bbg (no he's not)
That boy is a guard dog. I need them together more :((
HE LOVES HER SOOOO BAD Hes infatuated with her bro. Thinks shes the coolest girl ever, way out of his league. I have a lot of stuff written for Tali and Tobin that I never got around to posting but if theres a demand.... I gotta supply....
AND NO WORRIES AT ALL BRO I APPRECIATE THE ASKS A LOT I LOVE INTERACTING WITH PEOPLE AND ANSWERING QUESTIONS/REQUESTS DONT WORRY 🔥🔥 Thanks very very dearly for all the support dawg it genuinely means a lot to know people are interested in the stuff I put out, especially when it's something personal to me like Tobin and Tali
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asterekmess · 5 months
Hi, Tali! Canonically, Stiles' hobbies include chess, lacrosse, and video games. Do you have headcanons for Stiles' hobbies? For example, gardening, baking, astronomy… And Derek?
My answers for this vary depending on the fic I'm working on, and I'm not sure there are many that I consider a headcanon for every situation.
Music, whether playing it or just listening to it is a general thing I assign to Stiles. Especially as a fellow ADHD person, it seems impossible to me for him NOT to have some kind of sound stimming preference for helping him focus and cope with sensory overload, etc. It's pretty much canon that Stiles is into fantasy and mythology, but I tend to see him as being more invested in it, like to the point of learning languages, reading actual myth books (a la s1 e1 when he was looking up werewolf stuff). Both because it's fitting to what he would Need to do to survive beacon hills, and because he just has that beautiful fascination with the unknown and supernatural that makes us love him so much.
Sometimes I like the idea of Stiles being into gardening/botany as a side-effect of the world he's living in and needing to know magical ingredients, etc. Sometimes I'm super into Stiles cooking as a coping mechanism, using the premise of him being very caretaker-y toward his father after his mother's death to give him an in to that hobby/interest. Other times, art seems like a good choice, since I headcanon his mom as being an art teacher. ^_^ In those cases, doodling and art stuff seems like a nice way for him to connect with his mom, etc.
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winterscaptain · 2 years
Pete “Maverick” Mitchell  x Gender Neutral Reader a top gun fic
a/n: this takes place sometime in the early early 2000s!
words: 1k content advisories:  language, alcohol mention, carole bradshaw being the cutest
summary: we all know how i feel about icemav (it’s canon), but mav really does get me feelin some kind of way every once in a while 
masterlist | requests are open!
“You’re not so bad, Lieutenant,” Mav says, taking off his helmet. His use of your title is stupid, but still funny.
You laugh. “Not all of our reputations precede us, Maverick.” 
He doesn’t reply, but whether it for want of anything to say or the noise on the carrier deck, you’re not sure. 
This assignment has been long and not particularly interesting. After the wall came down, the Soviets had more to do than fly close to allied airspace and annoy the shit out of you. Shore duty starts when you dock in Virginia, but you’re not entirely sure where you’re headed yet. There’s nobody there to meet you this time, with your friends and family scattered all around the country. 
As long and boring as it’s been, you’ve been pleasantly surprised by Maverick. His flirtatious, unpredictable reputation made it to you long before you were assigned as his RIO, but his persistence to gain your trust and keep it was a pleasant little shock. Crushes are childish, of course, and ill-advised, but you can see how easy it would be to give into temptation. 
When you get below decks, Mav asks, “So, what are you doing when we get back?” 
You shrug. “Not sure. I think I’ll probably find some food and crash wherever they put me.” 
Maverick’s quiet for a second, almost as if he’s having an internal argument with himself. “Do you want to, I dunno, spend some time together? I think I could come up with a few things to do.” 
“I thought I told you already,” you say, your voice lowering. “I don’t sleep with pilots.” 
He scoffs, playfully bumping your arm. “Who said anything about sleeping?” 
You chase after him as he makes his way through the carrier and back to the barracks. “I’m serious, Mav!” 
“So am I, Chip!” 
You roll your eyes. There’s a part of you that loves your callsign - so named for the amount of information you can retain and spit out at a moment’s notice (“You’re like a goddamn computer,” someone once said. “There’s gotta be a chip in your head.”). It stuck. The other part of you thinks it’s pretty lame.
You leave him be. It’s not worth it.
There’s a woman and a teenage boy waiting for Maverick when you all arrive in Norfolk. She shouts and starts to run, her arms high in the air until she wraps them around Maverick, who’s smiling just as much as she is.
A pang of resentment and confusion strikes your chest. Is he married? 
That definitely wasn’t in the debrief you got from your last pilot, a Top Gun grad who flew with Mav about a decade ago. Hollywood seems like the kind of person who would know something like that…
Maverick calls you over and you oblige him. He introduces you to Carole and Bradley Bradshaw.
You’d never met him - of course he and Maverick are a good ten years older than you and he died when you were in middle school - but you should have known Maverick stayed close to his family.
“This is Chip.” 
“Chip! That’s a wicked callsign,” Carole says, vigorously shaking your hand. 
You smile and maybe believe her for a second. “Thanks.” 
The boy takes your hand next and smiles at you. You smile back. 
“Is this what you had in mind, before?” You ask him, sitting on the back porch of the Bradshaw home. 
He nods. “I figured you’d like a home-cooked meal and a place to lay low for a little while, since you’re still waiting on an assignment.” 
You hum. “Thanks.” 
You definitely underestimated him.
It’s dark when Mav leads you out to the garage. He pulls a tarp, revealing his motorcycle. You watch as he inspects it from wheel-to-wheel, handlebars-to-engine. When he’s satisfied, he swings his leg over and starts it, revving the engine and warming her up. 
“Carole put gas in her last week, apparently. Bradley’s been keen on learning so I’m taking him out tomorrow.” He turns his head, looking at you with that wolfish, handsome smile. “Care for a ride home?” 
With a sigh, you take his hand and get on the back of the bike, tucking yourself close to him. It’s almost like being in the back of the F-16 together, but…closer. 
The wind feels good on your face and you can see why Mav loves this thing so much. You settle in and rest your head against his shoulder, your arms snug around his waist. 
You can’t see his smile.
“Do you want to come in for a drink?” You ask, shoving your hands in your pockets. 
Mav frowns, squints, and purses his lips, leaning back and settling into his bike. “Is that… an invitation?” 
“For drinks, yeah,” you tell him, a little smile on your face. 
You nod. “Drinks. And maybe… if you’re nice.” 
Mav pushes off his bike and lands right in your personal space, the back of his hand trailing up your arm. “Nice?” 
“You’re asking an awful lot of questions, Lieutenant Commander.” 
He hums. “What was it you said before, about not sleeping with pilots?” 
“You must have misheard me.” 
That pulls a laugh from him. “Right. Right. Carriers are loud, and all that.” 
“And all that, yeah.” You’re embarrassed to admit you’re a little breathless. 
He hums, his hand reaching to cup your jaw. His tongue sneaks out to wet his lips and you lean into him, taking the lead. Your hands slide between his jacket and his t-shirt and his lips are warm against yours. 
You startle as his phone rings in his pocket and he curses. He curses and flips it open. “Damn it, Ice, this better be important.” 
You hide your laugh behind your hand. 
“I’m sorry, is that any way to address a superior officer?” The volume is so loud you can hear Ice’s dry retort, too. 
Maverick rolls his eyes. “What can I do for you, Captain?” He looks at you and mouths, sorry. 
You shake your head and take his free hand, leading him into the hotel. You have your work cut out for you, this evening.
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menacingmetal · 4 months
Mass Effect Trilogy Tag
tagging my pookies @nowandthane @xoshepard :3
I am a fan since: I guess since early highschool era so 2013? i had played a bit before then tho
Favourite game of the series?: ahhh i rly like all of them, i guess me2 bc i like the vibe and updates to the game, but i do rly appreciate me1!!
MShep or FShep?: I love both of em but i've played femshep more.
Earthborn, Colonist or Spacer?: Colonist baybee. love that added trauma
Biotics or Tech: biotics are so fun but i play tech more?
Paragon or Renegade: Renegade voice lines can be extremely hilarious and badass, but I cannot be mean to video game characters so paragon ^^;
Favourite Class: i've been playing engineer recently and thats fun, but I do like vanguard and sentinel
Favourite Companion: you know its Legion
Least favourite Companion: Don't really have any bc I love them all, might have to say Jacob just bc of how bioware wrote him, and hes mean to tali, garrus and thane... and the fact he can cheat on you??? But its not fair, its not his fault they made his character like that. He deserved better. :/ (and also Liara SORRY just mainly bc of how much she is shoved into everything)
My squad selection: I have a soft spot of garrus & tali since you can have them in every game! but otherwise I mostly pick whoever would be good on the mission...
Favourite In-game romance: Garrus is what got me into Mass Effect but I dunno, I enjoy a lot of them. Jack and Thane's are very sweet, i'm a bit partial to Miranda bc she's my fav girl. Oh of course how can I forget Samantha, i love hers a lot!! Probably between her and Garrus!
Other pairings I like: Oh geez we will be here forever if i list them. But also I like almost everyone together lol. some top picks are Joker x Edi, Miranda x Jack, Shepard x Wrex, and Shepard x Legion of course lol
Favourite NPC: Kirrahe, Aethyta, Shiala, that smoking salarian lol
Favourite Antagonist: hmm... Bioware really got em right out of the park with Saren and Sovereign
Favourite Mission: I dunno they can be fun but then some parts can be annoying, i was literally gonna say the below answers but they're loyalty specific lol
Favourite Loyalty Mission: Kasumi, Thane and Samara, I love undercover mystery spy stuff. Legion bc well I like to spend more time with them even though the result in that is painful
Favourite DLC: Citadel obviously lol, lair of the shadow broker is also pretty good
Control, Synthesis or Destroy: you're not bioware you can't make me choose. (I do like synthesis personally only bc I wish I were a robot.)
Favourite Weapon: assault rifles, kassa locust and carnifex my beloveds
Favourite Place: wahhh everywhere, I wish I could actually go and live on the Citadel DESPERATELY, Illium is pretty, Ilos is gorgeous and I love the atmosphere
A quote I like: "Show me yours tough guy, I bet mine's bigger" Hot and badass femshep line. Of course anything from Legion, especially "Do these units have a soul" (not does this unit have a soul.)
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tealenko · 2 months
Ooh, can I ask about Golden Hour and Shore Leave from your WIPs?
Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanks!!!! Like A LOT!!! Really love talking about all this 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Golden Hour
This is (or will be) the first chapter (I think) of a post Dragon Age Inquisition fic (because I really want to do a massive saga, like I'm doing for Mass Effect)
It's a femMageHumanInquisitor x Cullen Fic, of course, and just covers how Ferelden (and all of Thedas) is after de events of DAI
This chapter is about Sybil (my inquisitor... well, ex-inquisitor) on her way to meet with Cullen after work. All very soft and warm, enjoying the sun as she walks there.
She travels with her eyes nearly closed, taking this opportunity the Maker rarely gives her to sunbathe, as she keeps her slow but steady pace. No bag, no luggage. The only thing Sybil is carrying with her is the thin cape she was wearing until the temperature of this early scenery started rising, now folded and resting on one of her arms. The beams of he sun embrace her from every angle, tinting of honey her light brown hair and accentuating its natural golden highlights as the wavy waterfall spreads through her shoulders and back, almost reaching her waist.
Shore Leave
Continuation of my "Didn't Have the Heart" fic (Mass Effect - femShep x Kaidan)
This is going to be my main take on the Citadel dlc + leviathan (which I always do near the end of ME3)
I'm gonna add tons of things and fix a bit of cannon stuff too (I said it before, I do not like the clone plot, at all)
It's going to start with my Shep depressed after Legion's death and I'll go from there. This fic will be my way of having her deal with some of her trauma, and answer some of the things I left opened in previous fics and set future ones. Also will increasily have more and more fluff, of course, that's a given.
Here are some of my notes:
Fix the shenko date -> gives her back the ring -> Flashback to tell how she gave her to him when the 1st Normandy is destroyed
Mention the apartment was in part paid thanks to Shepard (all the betting Anderson did back on her training days) and when she tells him he’s like: I already knew that… and I also know about this too (gives her back the ring)
Slow dancing at the citadel party
Garrus teasing her about Kaidan and she getting him back about Tali
She tells Garrus about Van and her ptsd with the bff thing.
Add a conversation with Javik, kinda apologizing after reading about akuze
Talk about Legion (and maybe Thane because funeral) -> this can be a good thing to join Steve story and tell him about Van 
Definitely neglect the clone thing ever happened, like she doesn’t go to the sushi place or something like that -> Brooks is the main villain, no some stupid clone (yeah, I'm still mad about this lol)
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creepedverse · 1 month
How do you guys feel about fan works outside of canon of the au? (Character interactions with ocs) Writen fics and fanart comics :0]?
Tomb - I'm fine with it as long as it's not disrespectful, NSFW, or weird. I do want people to let me know beforehand though if its character interactions but Im chill with most things. And I don't feel comfortable with anything romantic involving Tobin that isnt with Tali. At all. Other than that, I'm perfectly fine with fanart, headcanons (if appropriate), AUs, whatever
Clocky - Character interactions are a no unless Im involved in the conversations about it. Anything romantic involving Tali is an absolute no unless it's with Tobin. NSFW is always a hard no.
Dia - I love seeing fanart and stuff, if y’all are worried abt mischaracterizing characters just send an ask in here or you can dm (me at least) from my blog tagged in pin. I’m ok w character interactions so long as we chat abt it before hand! Anything romantic would have to be a no but I’m ok w making friends into sibling sort of interactions. Obviously any nsfw is off limits as per the pinned post💕
Sucker/Bonnie- NO NSFW no romance unless w/ ruth. bonnie is a flexible character so fanfics/fanart/interactions/etc are fine all the way >.o i mischaracterize my own oc so im not that worried... questions appreciated but surprises are ok too!
for deepsix/tommie: terms of usage covers anything i wouldn't be okay with 👍
jess/scout: im fine w anything as long as its not nsfw or romantic!!
Yves/Blythe - NO NSFW NO ROMANCE but besides that stuff, fanart/fanfics/oc interactions are all welcomed!!! I absolutely adore fanart and I get so excited seeing it!! And if you think your oc would get along with Blythe, I’d love to see them interact!! I’m open to answer any questions about Blythe if you want to write about her!! :D
Nico/...Nico - i love love love seeing fanworks!! you're all enormously talented, and i don't mind anyone involving nico in anything! No NSFW ground rules are the same as for everyone else, however with Nico i want to add some additional boundaries that include no whitewashing, no major mischaracterization, and feel free to ask about anything you're unsure of!
Daydream/Shannon - No Nsfw, romance is on thin ice. Other than that Im really excited about possible Art or Writing and anything you guys could be cooking in yalls heads. Nothing disrespectful as well, and dont use my character in posts/works that contain harmful messages like ableism, homophobia, transphobia etc.
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you mentioned your wol is cis(ish), what does that mean? (/gen)
(In relation to my WoL post) Sorry this took too long to respond to, distracted by stuff
Short answer:
Tumblr media
Long answer under the cut, but probably not as interesting as you might be hoping. But also deeply personal. Mostly a recap of the stuff in that thread, with a bit more context from my personal life and my evolving feelings of gender involved.
But if you don't wanna read all that, its basically "She is a in-universe fantasia addict and has no real attachment to her physical body, and that includes her genitals."
Read More
Language is going to be a get tricky in this one, given we are talking about a setting that may not have the same views of gender as we do.
She is Cis(ish) simply because she is an afab woman who treats gender like just another part of her dresser. Were she educated on the topic, she would probably consider herself either genderfluid or agender. She is always a girl, but rarely 'just' a girl.
T'sraetn is my main. All of my characters are some reflection of myself, but as my main, T'sraetn is more myself than anyone. As such, many of her changes throughout the years are based on my own changes.
She started 1.x as just an afab miqo'te, because at the time, I was a trans woman and T'sraetn represented who I wanted to be, and remained that way through ARR. By the time Heavensward had launched, I had grown more comfortable with being trans, and fantasia'd T'sraetn into a trans Au Ra girl.
I know "Are fantasias canon?" is a very contested question in the fandom, but luckily I don't give a fuck about other people's opinions, so I don't have to care about that. And the fun thing about treating magic gender/race change juice as canon, is it vastly increases the number of options for gender presentation.
T'sraetn became an Au Ra cause she thought horns and scales were cool and wanted some. She stayed a girl cause she viewed herself as a girl and wanted to remain that way. She got a penis cause she wanted one. It was really that simple.
Just before Stormblood I... changed her back to Miqo'te. I didn't really do it cause I wanted to, I did it because I was in a really shitty relationship and the person I was with at the time wanted me to. Shortly after Stormblood launched, I stopped playing her as that person turned into a stalker, and started playing a new character, T'alia.
T'alia was kind of built on the loathing I had for T'sraetn at the time. How I felt she wasn't mine anymore, so I made a bastardized version of her that I justified as being her mom. I joined another FC, and got to start roleplaying as this character and fleshing her out more. I filled in the role they needed of a central antagonist, which fit in with the loathing I had built the character on. I built a few other characters to play as when we didn't need a central antagonist that week. But as Shadowbringers drew closer, I noticed a problem. In order to do any RP's in Shadowbringers areas, I'd have to do the expansion a second time in order to get there. I'd have to unlock flying, and do all that other bullshit.
I didn't want to, so I introduced a new character: T'alia. Or more accurately, a clone of her, which the FC affectionately named 'Tali' to tell the two apart. This new version of her rejected T'alias goals for her, and wanted to be her own person. Someone fighting along the FC. However, she had cybernetic enhancements that allowed T'alia to control her body and keep her from fighting back. Now I had an excuse to be on either side of a fight, without it being a question of "Why do you go missing every time we fight this one specific bad guy"
I made a central part of Tali's personality her crisis of identity. She didn't want to be the person everyone told her she was. I uh... I was not that subtle about it being a metaphor for my saltiness over that ex who's FC I was in. She was constantly modifying herself, trying to replace her cybernetics or alter the organics of her body. I only *actually* fantasia'd her twice, first time into a Viera, but I imagined she was changing up her body pretty regularly, trying to find the one that actually felt like "her".
Eventually, I got kinda fed up with the limitations of Viera in the game, specifically after one of the holiday events where Viera couldn't even wear the reward from it. So I decided I was going to fantasia her again when I had the chance, and worked it into the RP. I had worked a lot of frustrations about my own mother into the character of T'alia, and so I had known for a little bit before hand that Tali was actually T'sraetn, and had dropped a few hints in RP about it (mostly referencing past stuff with other FC members who came with when leaving that old FC). Stuff the players would go "We sure did that together, yep." while being subtle about the fact that my character absolutely should not remember that.
Eventually, I did the big reveal in RP, changed my characters name back to my old main, and reclaimed my old character. The ACTUAL old character became Gaelicat. That... is not canon to T'sraetn's story (unless... hm...) I decided to leave in the love for changing up her body she had acquired as Tali. She still had the cybernetics at this point, and it was a recurring joke in RP that her arms would fall off in every fight and she would have to find someone to fix them. Even once she had her cybernetics removed, she still retained the same attitude of having no attachment to her body. It could be changed and altered, maybe not easily, but it was certainly possible.
So she has no real attachment to her current form anymore. She looks that way just cause that's how she wants to look. She might see a pretty hrothgal and decide to be one of those for a bit. She might want to go for a (slightly. very slightly) bit more of a masculine look for a bit and become a male viera.
Ultimately it boils down to... it doesn't matter what configuration the parts of her body take, its just a fucking body, and it can and will be changed on a whim with this handy blue drink.
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