#team rocket admin archer
janayuga · 9 months
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Subordinateshipping brainrot real. With a sprinkle of Terribledadshipping
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hermitfox · 1 year
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trustymikh · 1 year
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something something team Rocket needed to infiltrate a party and AriGio always pair up for that beacuse they approach such parties with a ‘being the best, richest and hottest couple around is a competiotion and we are WINNING’ mindset
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bugtypesneaky · 11 months
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master post of all the pokemon cosplays I've done until now!
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almostdailypokemon · 4 months
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Pokemon TCG won't make exec cards, so I'm doing it myself. >:(
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jay-zoo · 9 months
pokemas rocket admin lore
For the longest time in pokemas I've been planning to decimate my gem savings on villains and/or admins and today was a day of reckoning. ALL OF THE CREW CAME HOME. (Archer and Proton were a little stubborn and had to be pity-pulled.) I played their Sync Pair stories and typed up the lore so you don't have to:
His new side hustle is selling fake slowpoke tails, items, food and PLUSHIES. Next time you see a counterfeit plush online, blame this guy.
He aspires to be the cruelest and scariest so he can emulate Gio. Mileage may vary.
Proton didn’t steal his Golbat- he doesn’t trust stolen pokemon and raised his partner from a Zubat.
Petrel regularly practices a Giovanni impression, but the "Wahahaha" is giving Wario.
He considers himself to be the brains behind Team Rocket. (questionable)
Petrel prefers to trick his enemies by having Weezing expel gas and Honchkrow distract with a gang (murder?) of Murkrow.
She doesn’t care if her Arbok and her are seen as tools to Gio as long as they give him happiness.
Ariana usually trains with Arbok during the day for maximum effectiveness, as that's when its stomach markings are seen best.
She sees their servitude to Gio as a form of love and trust that others might not understand.
Gio gifted him his Houndoom when he was just a Houndour. Puppy present from the big boss!
Archer has no desire to take over Team Rocket and simply desires to serve Gio to the best of his ability.
Houndoom is devoted to Archer for life as Archer is to Giovanni.
Underneath the massive unfiltered simping, there's a shared devotion to Gio here beyond just an admiration for his power or wealth. All the admins are clearly trying to sell how tough/ruthless/generically evil they are- to varying degrees of authenticity. Good food.
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s1nn0hh · 6 months
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this sucks but im posting it here because i hate you
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roguesidea · 1 year
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rogue fandom post jumpscare!!!! boo!!!!!
team rocket executives i love them so much but also archers the easiest one to draw i love him and his receding hairline
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potatosstuff · 2 years
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Some silly things I've been doodling hehe
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gen4grl · 8 days
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my johto timeskip designs + bios/teams below!
i think about this group ALOT!!! if i had any confidence in writing i would easily share the whole hgss rewrite i have in my head but alas… just take my drawings instead! i like to give characters more “realistic” outfits… not really a modern au? i love to imagine the pokemon world with all our worlds pop culture which inspires my designs! long post but enjoy!!! ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎
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lyra + 20. champion ranked trainer
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♡ Raised by her single mother, aunt and older cousin Kris in the small New Bark home. Her father died when she was 6 in a mining incident involving Team Rocket. Bubbles, her ace Azumarill, was gifted to Lyra by her father on her 5th birthday - being her final gift from him.
♡ Extremely outgoing, sweetly optimistic and immensely empathic. Absolutley loves making friends and talking to every kind of person. However, is extremely competitive & stubbon and gets frustrated easily - resulting in her giving up quickly but is also extremely quick to be re-motivated. Often feels the emotions of others intensely. Very country girl with an extremely strong Johtoian accent and lisp. Loves 'girly' things like makeup + fashion, period dramas and collecting nick-nacks but also loves spending her days outdoors, espcially in the National Park with Ethan watching the bug-catching contests or the Safari Zone.
♡ Struggled with her battle confidence as a young trainer which resulted in her having to re-battle Falkner and Bugsy several times. Over her journey grew an appreciation for pokemon perceived to be 'weak' & cute and built her team around showing the powers of these types of pokemon. Despite being a Champion Ranked trainer, Lyra opted to work with Ethans grandparents at the daycare center where she specialises in pokemon breeding and training weaker pokemon + their trainers.
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silver + 23. champion ranked trainer
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♡ Only child of Rocket Boss, Giovanni. Was born and raised on Island 5 of the Sevii Islands by multiple admins, most commonly Archer before running away to Johto. Has a deep rooted and consistent fear that he’ll never amount to anything but “Giovanni's kid”. Was extremely tight lipped about his upbringing to the trio, especially after learning of his loose connection to Lyras father’s passing. Finally told them the truth of his family after the defeat and final disbandment of Team Rocket.
♡ Originally extremely standoffish, condescending and at times, aggressive. As an adult is still quite serious and independent, but genuinely enjoys the time he spends with his friends and is surprisingly protective of them - especially Lyra and Kris. As time passed, his anger towards his father evolved more into guilt, however, over the years has become more patient, gentle and forgiving with not only others but himself. He still can come off quite intimidating to strangers, but these changes are noticeably visible to those close to him. While usually a quiet person, has a very dry and witty sense of humour that takes most people by surprise.
♡ Mentored by Lance, and later Blue, and spends a large amount of time training in the Dragons Den. While unsure of what direction he wants his life to go into, Lance is adamant he would make a fantastic gym leader or elite four member. Always accompanies Lyra to the yearly Champion Balls and Alola trips. Currently lives in a small beachside bungalow with Lyra in Cherrygrove where he enjoys spending his free time reading and teaching himself guitar.
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ethan + 21
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♡ The childhood friend of Lyra, Ethan was raised by his father and grandparents in New Bark. Extremely courteous, friend & family oriented and easy to talk to. A natural comic and can make even the straightest face people crack a slight smile - Red being his proudest achievement. Lax and slightly ditsy but can adapt to any situation and group of people like a flick of a switch. Not the best at articulating himself but always puts 110% into making sure people feel comfortable through his actions.
♡ Completed the 8 Johto gyms but never challenged the Elite Four & Lance in favour for persuing his true passions. Currently works at the Goldenrod Radio Tower where he co-hosts a program consisting of interviewing gym leaders, elite four, champions and other prolific battlers. At nights, does standup in the clubs in the Goldenrod Tunnel. Due to his easy-going nature and career, tends to knows everyone’s buisness + gossip and has crazy experiences with nearly any person imaginable.
♡ Currently lives in a small loft in Goldenrod. Spends his free time watching anime + cartoons or in the National Park either watching the Bug Contests, skating or talking to the old folks. Enjoys the nightlife of Goldenrod where he usually pulls Silver out to bar hop or spend hours playing Voltorb Flip.
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kris + 25
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♡ Oldest and mother figure of the group. Was born and grew up in New Bark town with her mother before her cousin Lyra + aunt moved in with them when she was 11. The two shared the large upstairs bedroom growing up where Kris introduced Lyra to contests and the annual Champion & Wallace cups.
♡ Mature, soft spoken and extremely intellegent - both academically and socially. Because of this, can offer solutions on any issue on both a practical and emotional level, no matter the person and situation. Has unique relationships with all three kids but in general sees them as her younger siblings and takes the role as the 'older sister' very seriously. Has a warm and comforting presence, making those even to the likes of Silver feel comfortable confinding in her.
♡ Quite reserved and struggled with her purpose and sexuality growing up, espcially in rural Johto. After the death of her uncle and seeing her daughter’s interests in the Wallace Cups and contests, her mother moved the two to the Hoenn region, settling in Lilycove City when Kris was 13. While starting her gym challenge in the new region, Kris fell in love with Hoenn's unique weather patterns and ecosystems. Eventually she quit the gym challenge to peruse a career as a meteorologist where she now works at the weather institute. When not working, she enjoys attending contests, museums and scuba diving. Finally feeling settled in life, she came out to her family + the trio when she was 20.
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xlxvesxckx · 1 year
Promoted. [Yandere!Giovanni]
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Synop: You've been a Team Rocket member for a while now, and you've noticed a change in your Boss. Little do you know what he has planned for you.
Character(s): Giovanni (Pokemon) Rating: 16+ Word Count: 1k words Tags: Obsession, kidnapping, stalking, intimidation.
a/n: Hi! Hello! Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening to all! I am back in action with posting! I think I want to shift to writing mostly Yandere themed fanfics (to play more into the name/theme of the blog) so with this post my ask box is officially open again and I look forward to writing for you all again.
You’ve been a part of Team Rocket for many years now, in fact, it’ll be your 5 years in a few days. You were basically an admin, you were above your fellow henchmen but below the main four admins.
You didn’t mind, it meant less talking for you.
But recently you noticed something…off.
You started to see less and less of your fellow peers. Usually grunts that you would hang out with after shifts started to avoid you like the plague. And you began to see more of the admins. 
Ariana would accompany you whenever you had missions, never leaving you alone or allowing you to capture pokemon.
Proton and Petrel were like your personal bodyguards, you couldn’t even breathe without them being near you. 
And Archer…he was the worst.
You could be teaching new grunts about the new routes they would be working and the schemes that they will be working.
“Y/n. The Boss said that would be too dangerous for you..”
“Y/n. I need you to be alongside me for this mission. Boss’s orders.”
“Y/n.  Boss recommends this change in your uniform.”
You wanted to scream. It was always what the boss wanted for you!
You rarely got to see the male, he was always cooped up in his office or galavanting off in that damned gym of his. It was beyond irritating.
Giovanni was your boss, the big scary boss of Team Rocket/Rainbow Rocket. And you only saw him a maximum of three times, and the most recent time was two weeks ago.
You were being briefed on a mission, you were being sent off with Jesse, James and Meowth, a trio you loved working with so much due to their spunk and their energy. While you were walking past him, you felt eyes on you. When you looked up you locked eyes with Giovanni. 
It felt wrong locking eyes with your boss, especially since so many people feared him.
However when you looked into his eyes...you saw something different.
Not only that, you felt like there were eyes on you at all times, even when you were in your most private of settings. You felt like he had someone watching your every mood so he knew everything.
And that day in his office, the way he looked at you solidified the thoughts you were thinking.
He stared at you with emotions you can't describe, one could only describe it as obsession.
So you quickly ran to go join Jesse and James. 
You considered those three to be your only sense of normalcy, as they were the only ones who didn’t run to avoid you. 
Ever since that day of the meeting, the rest of the team seemed to officially separate themselves from you. You would walk up to hold a conversation with some you thought were your friends and they would sneer at you and walk away.
Some who even hold fear in their eyes as they saw you approaching and even averted their gazes.
You were walking with Jesse and James through the team rocket headquarters, expressing your feelings about this whole situation.
“I don’t know Jesse..I feel weird about this..no one else gets treated like this..”
“No you’re valid in your feelings darling…The boss is usually a cold fellow.”
Jesse had a hand on your shoulder as she talked to you. You sighed and ran a hand through your hair. It was stressing you out as you continued to think about it.
Why were you the only one being singled out?
Were you going to be fired? Or worse, were you going to be excuted because you knew too much?
James could sense your stress and wrapped an arm around your shoulder to try and calm you down. It was all becoming too much and you were really thinking about quitting.
"G-guys..I think I should quit."
"I- well I would hate to see you go sweetheart, but if you're uncomfortable you should.
“For once, I agree with Jesse. It’s strange that the admins would show this much attention to-”
The three of you freeze and you slowly turn to face Archer, he had opened the door that led to the hallways to Giovanni’s office. You felt a chill go down your spine as you turned to look at Jesse and James who both gave you small waves and smiles as they left.
You went to follow Archer as he led you to the office. 
You had a bad feeling come over you as Archer approached the door, he gave you a small smile before opening the door for you. 
“The Boss is inside waiting for you. He said it was urgent.”
You nodded at him and walked into the room.
"Oh. And I wouldn't think about quitting, Y/n."
You froze in your spot. Turning back to face Archer.
He only gave a dark smirk "You're Special."
Archer left you in the hallway and you were left to walk to the office by yourself.
His office was dark, it was quiet besides the purring of Persian, who greeted you at the door. 
“Good Afternoon, Y/n..please take a seat.”
You walked over to the seat in front of his desk, watching as he slowly turned in his chair, his legs crossed as he stared ahead at you.
Giovanni wasn’t an ugly man, he was very attractive actually. But there was something about him that was just terrifying to you. And not just because he was your boss.
there was something…darker lurking behind his eyes.
"Welcome, Y/n." His voice was the same as usual, cocky as hell. But there was an undertone in his voice, one that you couldn't recognize at all.
“I know you’re wondering why I called you here, darling.” he started, not breaking eye contact with you at all. The pet name was new, he usually only called you grunt or you girl.
Not Darling.
“The truth is, I’ve been keeping an eye on you since you first became a part of Team Rocket. A young woman like yourself…joining a dangerous organization like this is rare.” 
Giovanni stood up and came around his desk. “I feel like you’re destined to be more…” He smirks and walks over to you, stopping a few feet away.
“W-what do you mean?..” You asked and Giovanni chuckled at your question. 
“I want you to be mine. Simply put.” 
You shot up straight in your chair, staring at Giovanni with widened eyes. “What!?”
“Don’t be surprised. You’re perfect. You’re a great worker, you don’t allow anyone to control you, you continue to do amazing things. And I need you permanently beside me.”
Giovanni walks over to you and places a hand under your chin. “You belong beside me. We could be a power couple together.”
You backed away from him, making a beeline towards the door, only to be blocked by Persian. The Pokémon knew how its master felt about you, and therefore was going to help its master keep you around. 
"Don't you run, Y/n. It's not like you can go anywhere. Everyone in team rocket knows of your special promotion~"
You went to go around Persian by reaching for your own Pokémon, you weren't going down without a fight.
But it seems your boss had other plans.
You heard Giovanni sigh and the sound of a Pokeball opening.
“MewTwo. Use Psychic.”
You barely had time to get out the door before you felt your body be lifted in the air and be turned back around to face Giovanni.
He held a smirk on his face as he commanded MewTwo to bring you closer to him. You get brought back directly to him and he pats your cheek.
“I’ll let everyone know you’ve been promoted. They are to refer to you as Admin Y/n. You are to report directly to me, if someone speaks to you out of term, if someone is rude. You. Tell. Me.”
He says sternly, before placing both hands on your cheeks. You stared at him scared out of your mind seeing the sinister grin on his lips. His eyes held pure obsession, greed, like a child who just got their hands on a toy they had been wanting for years now.
And his next words scared your even more.
“Because I hope you know I will Kill for you.” ---------------------------------------------------- I hope you all enjoyed!! <3 Like I said, My Ask box is open for requests, just read my pinned for the fandoms i write for!
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janayuga · 1 year
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Just a bunch of Archer.
Feat. Gio and Ari.
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hermitfox · 1 year
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trustymikh · 2 years
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tax evader and his evil cat
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istadris · 4 months
Hey I've got a question if you want to answer, but do you have any headcanonns for catloversshipping? I desperately want more content of them and I've read your fics on AO3 which is really good btw!
First of all, thanks for reading my fics !
Second of all, If I have headcanons ??
@isamajor (whose Nanu/Giovanni fics are Perfect and highly recommended if you like these two) and I are THRIVING on catloversshiping headcanons!
In no particular order :
Nanu had several lovers. So did Giovanni. Lovers they cared for and satisfied them. And yet everytime they meet again, they're drawn to each other like magnets. Sometimes to the detriment of their lovers.
Who in Interpol knew about the relationship ? Depends on how angsty I want the story to be, but generally, I consider several people suspected...but at the same time, Nanu was one of the only agents who could go straight into the Nemelios' den and come back alive. If the price to pay was his dignity, that was his business, the higher ups thought.
At least on two separate occasions, Nanu was removed from anything related to Team Rocket because even the most permissive superiors had to draw the line. Two weeks later, he would be called back in a hurry because things were getting out of hand.
As for Team Rocket, Giovanni was the absolute boss, so even if people suspected something, no one would dare to say a thing...or so Giovanni hoped. In reality, he was very careful about which grunts or admins he involved in his feud with Nanu. For example, Archer was so insanely jealous that Giovanni never let him know the full extent of his relationship with Nanu. Instead, he sicced him on Nanu here and now. Keeping him too busy with the chase to question why Giovanni didn't simply eliminate this troublesome agent. Officially, Team Rocket thought Giovanni manipulated Nanu, and Interpol thought Nanu was the one manipulating Giovanni.
While my main headcanon is "Interpol Agent Zeroes went undercover in Team Rocket and that's where he met Giovanni", I'm still obsessed with the Phone Discussion and how Giovanni implies strongly that it's both amusing yet fitting that Nanu became a kahuna and a cop. And I'm DYING to know why. Was Nanu a part of a criminal ring before switching sides ? Is it ironic because he didn't care about spirituality, or on the contrary was he part of some kind of cult ? And most of all, HOW DO YOU KNOW EACH OTHER??
I'm not kidding when I say that dropping the Nanu & Giovanni plotline is the biggest let down of the Sun & Moon anime. Still bitter about it.
Tauros!Giovanni and Bulu!Nanu, guys. Tauros riding symbolic.
Giovanni being a Viridian Forest kid (the haunting grounds of Celebi) who later specialized in Ground Type and Nanu being affiliated with the elusive Fairy/Grass Tapu Bulu hnnnnnggggg I love that kind of stuff.
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almostdailypokemon · 3 days
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Subjecting you all to my cursed art
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