#teardrop pendant chandelier
cinnaminyoons · 1 year
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!!   pjm x m!reader
!!   wc | 4.0k
!!   tags | murder, attempted murder, guns, poison, heavily suggestive
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[ event masterlist ]
assassins after the same target
the ex’s ex
“close the door.”
“love, for you, is terrifying. it’s like a religion. no one will ever want to sleep with you.”
“tell me again how you’ll love me.”
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a beautiful man raises names to his face the same way he lifts jewels and gold to his ears. something simple, he hums, setting down a silver earring with a teardrop-shaped pearl. the hotel's bathroom mirror blinks back at him under cold white lights, lovely and sweet-faced with pale hair and pink lips.
he leans in, turning a card of diamond studs this way and that. he purses his lips. he nods, slipping them on. a silver chain cuffs his earlobe to the shell of his ear, and he giggles softly to himself as he moves on to the other ear. diamonds and silver look good with his hair.
he opens a turquoise box, brushing his fingers gently over its smooth surface. nestled amongst white tissue paper and foam are two statement bulgari pieces – because he, whoever he chooses to be, deserves nothing less. he tucks the wave-motif choker around his neck, close against his swan-like throat, and he places the second beneath it. he fingers the round pendant, settling it below his collarbones, and tugs the collar of his shirt down to show it off.
the glittering diamonds and metals hang heavier than their material weight, but he holds his head high, his shoulders set straight and regal. he glances over his figure, slender waist highlighted by high-waisted trousers, and he touches up his makeup once more before slipping a black cross-body bag on his hip. in it, he carries all his necessities – pocket mirror, pack of tissues, his prettiest shade of lipstick, and the night's greatest finish.
he chooses a new identity as he wafts down the steps to the foyer, outside of which waits his sleek black ride. he meets his chauffeur's gaze as he slides inside.
park jimin. he has never heard a prettier name.
he's been here before. he's been under this very chandelier, sitting across from someone he would have done anything for, before.
but that was aeons ago. that was before jimin's love was used like a tool in a ploy beyond him, doing whatever was asked of him like a good pup. he put aside all of himself, shredding everything that he was, to chase affection and attention that he needed like air.
once, he knew nothing of pain. now it is all that survives.
he smiles. he laughs. he flutters his lashes and plays up the desperation, the desire, to have adoration on him once more. he's venus, he's sundew, he's the cobra lily rearing its head. touching fingers and brief glances ending in smiles – his meal falls into his hands, lapping up his sweetness.
"crab-stuffed filet mignon and duck confit."
jimin lifts his eyes. he knows intimately what beauty is, and the waiter is it. he knows what danger is, and the waiter is it.
the waiter smiles, charming and handsome, and places the plates down in front of them. he lifts his gaze to jimin's and he stills, his smile bleeding away.
predators know when they are challenged.
linking his fingers on the white tablecloth, jimin hums and leans in, inspecting the dishes with great interest. "looks wonderful. thank you."
the waiter recomposes himself, folding an arm neatly in front of him. he bows his head and takes his leave, each step oozing the same flavour of flawless imitation as jimin's. jimin eyes his target, tearing into the silky duck confit with greasy fingers, even in this ritzy restaurant. his gaze flickers around the large room, taking in the sheer drapes and romantic gold highlights falling across its patrons.
he floats his fingers over a selection of knives and chooses one. he slides his thumb over the serrated edge as he casts his gaze over the room for one set of teeth, all too perfect.
he's looking at him when jimin finds him. he refills a couple's wine glasses, and the sheen of the glossy red liquid seems thicker than usual in his capable hands. he smiles, eyes dark and hollow, and whisks the bottle away with an elegant flair.
duck legs tumble to the floor from loosening fingers. a thump of a body, a ravishing jerking terror. foam at the corners of the mouth, screams falling from too many lips.
jimin stands quietly. the dazzling waiter, all magnificent smiles and gentle words, stares back; his lip curls with satisfaction, and he vanishes behind the crowds as they gather anxiously around the twitching body.
simmering fury grows to a forest fire as jimin runs his fingers over his bag and the pretty steel within. he almost forgets his face – a wavering cry, a covered mouth, a stricken expression as he stumbles away.
park jimin races into the alleyway behind the restaurant and slams the waiter into the brick wall, pressing the cold tip of his pistol into his temple.
the man laughs, breathless and knee-weakening, and grabs jimin's hips, tugging him into his warm body.
"beautiful, wasn't it?" he breathes, eyes glittering even as jimin presses his forearm harder into his throat.
"poison is a coward's game," he hisses, and their breath mingles in the cooling evening air.
"but you can't deny its artistry," he purrs, eyes half-lidded and inviting. "guns are ugly things. so impersonal. a twitch of the finger, a death at your hands. but poison, as you call it? there is an intimacy to creating a single dose, so perfectly measured for weight, for tolerance, for size. too much and it is an unsightly end – lots of guts and stomach acid and retching. too little and all you get is a funny expression. no fun at all."
"you took what's mine." anger flares in his belly. "you ruined it! ruined me!"
"yours? oh, i'm so sorry." you smile. jimin's breath hitches. you lean in slowly, eyes flickering over his features. "i'll help you, gorgeous, as penance. i promise that i didn't know anyone else with a vendetta tonight, and i'm not one to enjoy stealing the spotlight. i'll be yours – if you'll have me."
jimin trails the barrel of his pistol down the side of your face, slipping into the dip beneath your jaw. you tilt your head with a hum and your grip tightens.
"and why would i let you anywhere near me?" he whispers, placing his finger on the trigger.
"because you and i would make a beautiful team. your skills, my expertise – our combined looks." you chuckle as jimin scoffs. "i love the look in your eyes. keep prodding me with that thing and i might do something awfully indecent, pretty boy."
jimin's eyes flicker over your features, sizing you up. you smile. he lowers the gun, but his arm remains hard against your neck.
"so," you say, unbothered by the discomfort against your adam's apple. "what was your plan? blowing brains out in a full restaurant is a bold move."
"i'm very good at getting people into my bedroom," he says nonchalantly. his eyes narrow. "and it was going perfectly – until you barged in and tore it all to pieces. i should kill you for your insolence."
you tilt your head. your gaze burns like hellfire, but somehow, he can't help but lean into it, drawing his fingers through the flames.
"what are you?" you ask, innocently enough. "if we are to work together – if i am to work for you – it would be... beneficial to know your speciality."
he looks you up and down. he answers finally, "i'm a hired gun. i have to survive in this economy somehow, and there's always a niche to be filled regarding sudden death and disappearance."
he wonders briefly why he's still speaking to you. your brains should be splattered on the bricks, but he can't help but open his mouth when you look at him like a lover might.
he tilts his head up. "and you?"
"same general idea," you reply pleasantly. "but this was personal. for you, as well. am i correct?"
"you could say that." he pauses, a calculating frigidity in his gaze. "what would you do for me, as 'penance'?"
"whatever you wish. i can take jobs for you – the ones you aren't so keen on. you will get the majority of the payment: sixty-forty."
"eighty-twenty," he shoots back. you nod with that smile, and his heart throbs. "so, what – you're my lapdog? for how long would this arrangement last?"
"that's up to you, of course. three months?"
"deal." your gaze flickers down to his lips. "that's a lovely colour on you. complements your eyes."
he clicks his tongue. if he hadn't blown his last paycheck on this chase halfway around the world, you'd have a bullet in your skull three times over by now. but his wallet wasn't bottomless, and his name was nothing without his ex's – especially if he was starting with a clean slate as park jimin.
he shoves you away. you straighten your tie and smooth down your black vest. he watches like a hawk. "try anything funny and you won't get three steps."
you spread your hands in a gesture of peace. "how could i betray a face like yours? i'd sooner cut off my shooting arm."
he slips his gun into his bag, bucking the flap tight. he jerks his head towards the end of the alley where his ride waits. "get in, killer. i've got something in mind for you."
over the next month, jimin learns you like the backs of his eyelids. you are quick. you are efficient. and you are deadly silent.
"you look good in red."
he whips around – his tense shoulders drop when he notices you, sprawled lazily on his couch with his pistol in your loose grip. he rolls his eyes and closes the fridge door, popping open a bottle of wine. "keep sitting in the dark like that and you'll ruin your eyes. when did you arrive?"
"a couple hours ago," you say. he feels your gaze boring into the back of his head as he turns to find himself a glass. "your pay's in your room. i took the liberty of taking my share – i hope you don't mind."
he sighs and lifts the glass to his lips. "what are you doing here, killer? i gave you three contracts. even for you, that's at least two weeks' worth."
"i wanted to be with you again, shrike. is that such a crime?" you place your hand around the back of his neck, and he doesn't flinch, even if he can barely feel your presence. you're like a ghost – a cold spot, a radiator that never works. he turns, leaning back against the marble counter, and crosses his arms.
"you should've enjoyed your time in japan," he sighs. "it's early spring. the cherry blossoms should be blooming."
you brush cold fingers against his cheek, tilting his chin up to meet your gaze. "no blossom could rival the sight of you." you tilt your head like a puppy, and jimin purses his lips. you try to wriggle your way back into his good graces. "i cleaned your armoury. your little pistol is very cute."
with another sigh, he prods you aside and places his empty glass by the sink. "it fits well in my hand. look, there's a two-man job i've accepted, and it's a black-tie event. do you have a suit that fits?"
you hum softly, a light frown creasing your brow. "i have... parts. i don't have a jacket with silk lapels anymore – i couldn't save it from the bastard's knives. when is this event?"
"two days from now. bit of a rush, i admit, but my contact doesn't trust anyone else to get it done."
"i'll be ready by this time tomorrow, little shrike."
you take jimin's hand, helping him from the sleek black car. "stunning as always, my dear."
he rolls his eyes. "you've said that a thousand times."
"doesn't make it any less true." you fall in line behind him, quietening as jimin offers two white envelopes to the man at the bright mansion's door. after opening them and scanning their contents, he nods, stepping aside. "welcome, messrs park. mrs priestly is honoured to have you."
the foyer is as grand as the façade, with a huge diamond chandelier between two curving, seductive marble staircases. jimin navigates the cliques of the rich with ease, a permanently polite smile engraved over his features.
"messrs?" you murmur in his ear with a touch of humour. "you should've told me we were married. i would've matched my cufflinks to your necklaces."
"don't be fucking ridiculous," he says peacefully. "we're brothers. long-lost, estranged, together for dad's funeral, whatever you like. it shouldn't matter."
"shouldn't matter – jimin, i'm hurt. are we not here to work together?"
he plucks a bubbling glass of champagne from a passing busser's tray. "i do the seducing. you do the ending. do you have it?"
his head whips sharply towards you.
you tut. "i had a colleague drop it off for me. every doorway in this mansion is fitted with a metal detector. after we've said our greetings and pleasantries, i'll retrieve it. such a shame, though – a man like this should see his end coming. he deserves it."
"you say that about every mark."
"this one more than usual," you amend. you pluck the flute out of his hand before he can take another sip and his mouth opens to protest. "clear heads wield the steadiest swords, jimin."
he watches you vanish into the crowds with crossed arms, a put-off pout pursing his lips. he turns away, fingers fluttering over his diamond necklaces.
clear heads... yes. it is better if you are not around to distract him with your gracious smile and well-fitted suit.
two hours later, jimin giggles at a foreign dignitary's terrible jokes. they aren't terrible like yours are, where an uncontrollable smirk spreads on his lips and he shakes his head in disbelief – they're terrible in terms of taste.
he does not want to hear another joke about women anytime soon. he can't help but feel rather relieved that no one else will have to force smiles around the mark.
out of the corner of his eye, a shadow flashes by. showtime.
jimin plays up the charm, the sly bitten smiles and rosy bedroom eyes taking the mark to bed. there's play, there's touching, and the mark takes off his shirt.
jimin pretends that he likes what he sees, but the skin's too clean, too purely aesthetic. while their target was generically attractive, a californian blond-and-blue-eyes, he was too... made up. whitened teeth, rigorous diets, a thousand-and-ten beautification products and almost-invisible needle scars. jimin doubts he could leap a fence without worrying about breaking a perfectly-manicured nail – that is, if he can make it over in the first place.
"close the door," jimin whispers, pressing his lips to the place beneath his ear. he curls his fingers in dirty-blond locks, almost petting them. "wouldn't want anyone seeing what i'll do to you."
he smiles with excitement gleaming in his eyes and rushes to do so, his tie hanging loose around his neck. it's obvious he's rather green, not yet completely grown into his pretty american beauty – or, at least, he's green with men. 
"nobody saw us come in here, right?" the mark asks, moving over jimin's lap.
jimin smiles, empty and wrong. "no one saw."
his brain splatters the floor.
jimin turns his face away in distaste, hot blood dotting his cheek. he pushes the body off before it dirties his clothes. it thumps to the bed, its face lax, and the seeping red dyes its blond hair.
"you couldn't have waited until i was out of the splash zone?" he complains, standing and fixing his clothes. "do you at least have something i can clean myself up with?"
you pluck the dead mark's jacket from its spot over a chair and tug out the white pocket square. you offer it with a smile.
he gazes at you for a long moment, unimpressed. he takes it with a roll of his eyes, stepping past you. "great. let's go – the balcony's open."
"lead the way, my dove."
the slow grind of steel on steel flakes in the warm air. jimin's brow furrows and he buries his face in his pillow, sliding his arms beneath it. he cracks an eye open – sitting on the side of the bed in nothing but a pair of briefs is an overly-familiar figure, muscle shifting under skin with each drag of steel.
"god," jimin drawls, "do you have to do this here?"
the grinding stops.
the grinding begins again.
jimin huffs and grabs the pillow next to him. the scent of your shampoo is dangerously relaxing, and he purses his lips.
he chucks the pillow at your head. it thumps onto the floor, and you glance over your bare shoulder with a smirk as you lean down to grab it and toss it back onto the bed.
"someone's in a sour mood."
"because you're sharpening a knife in my bedroom when i'm trying to sleep," he grouches, sitting up with a wince. he doesn't think your relationship is very professional anymore – not when he falls into bed with you every other night. "you couldn't have left it until tomorrow?"
"tomorrow is our six months," you reply, turning the knife over in your grasp. you twirl it over your knuckles like a pen. "i can't sleep."
jimin sighs and shuffles closer, pressing his cheek to your shoulder blade. the warmth hums – not like a neon sign, but like a bonfire. "most men would be awfully sleepy after a night with me, killer."
your chest echoes with a chuckle. "maybe you're not as good as you think you are."
in an instant, your hand is empty, and the blade presses below your voice box. he angles the tip into it with a tilt of his head, eyes wide.
"i almost killed you," he whispers wondrously. he lowers the blade, bringing it closer to his face, and squints at it, tossing it in his palm. "it feels... invisible."
"you weren't supposed to see it yet," you say worriedly as a trickle of blood runs down your throat. "it's not finished."
jimin twists away from you, falling back onto the pillows with a soft thump and a giggle as you grasp at air. "i want to see this. did you make this for me, killer? sentimental, much?"
"give it back."
"give it."
jimin grins and rolls onto his side as you reach over him, grabbing your shoulder to yank you down over him. he's surprisingly strong for one so slight, but neither of you put much effort into it. jimin flips the blade over, letting the silky pattern of watered steel catch the light, dazzling as jewels. it sparks in his eyes, turning his irises into liquid gold for half a moment. he drops the blade with his wrist and you remember how to breathe again.
he glances up at you from the corner of his eye. "is that real pink diamond in the handle?"
you make an offended noise from the back of your throat. "who do you think i am? of course it's real."
with a soft hum, jimin snaps the blade shut, folding it neatly into an ebony handle. he shifts onto his back and swipes his front knuckle over the front of your throat. blood beads again along the same trail and jimin pouts.
"i didn't mean to do that," he sulks.
"i rather liked it," you murmur, and jimin's plush lips part. your gaze snaps down to them instinctively, and they curve up into a tiny smirk. "a sort of christening. may you kill many deserving bastards with it."
jimin presses the soft, warm pad of his thumb against your lips. "you love me, don't you?" he nearly crows, a smug glow in his eyes. "you're adorable. you forget what this is, killer."
"a transaction," you reply, still draped over him, hovering inches from his face by the strength of your arms. "just that i'm not the only one paying anymore."
his smile vanishes. he sits up, his eyes cooled to volcanic rock. "no."
"no?" you tilt your head, following him with a heavy gaze as he swings his bare legs out of bed and crosses the room. "well, i certainly wasn't the one dragging someone else into bed with him."
"shut up," he snaps, shrugging on the nearest shirt. it's crumpled, and he folds down the collar in an effort to neaten it. it doesn't do much. it's not his size, either, hanging from his arms and exposing the intoxicating curve of his neck and shoulders. "i'm not in love with you."
"really, jimin?" you rest against the headboard, tucking a knee towards your chest with a sigh. "all these tiny trinket gifts: watches, bracelets, rings with your initials on them. admit it. you're trying to court me, little shrike," you tease.
faster than you can track, jimin flings the switchblade towards you. you roll your head to the right two seconds too late, half a mockery and half a sweet head-tilt, and reach over your shoulder to tug the blade from the wall. "you dropped this."
"you didn't try," he nearly snarls.
"why would i? we all die eventually, and i'd rather look my ravishing killer in the eye than waste time trying to avoid it."
"if i was in love, it certainly wouldn't be with you," he sniffs, checking his nails in a curled hand. "you'd be a terrible person to do it with."
"'do it'? jimin, dear, love isn't so simple. it's not a task, nor is it a job." the ruffle of sheets. gentle hands around his waist, warm bare chest against his back – warm bare everything. you bare everything to him, and he's certain that you'd split open your ribs to give him your heart if you could. you open your hand, the switchblade laid open across it. "you may use it to kill me, if you like. i've heard i can be rather difficult at times."
he picks it up with three dainty fingers, giving it a spin. he clicks it shut. "you would let me kill you... because you're annoying me?"
in response, you only smile and squeeze his hip, turning away to find your clothes. "how many lovers of yours can say the same?"
he purses his lips. "lovers? is that what we are?"
"well," you tug your shirt over your head, "i'd like to think so."
"you're obsessed with this... idea of us," jimin replies, staring out over the city skyline, twinkling in the darkness as if the stars have fallen to the earth. "love, for you, is terrifying. it's like a religion. no one will ever want to sleep with you."
you glance over your shoulder with a smile and a glint in your eyes. "you are, aren't you? as for religion," you continue offhandedly, "i've always looked great on my knees."
jimin says nothing. he can't; it would be a lie to say he doesn't like it when you worship every inch of him in all the worst ways, wicking the sin off of him like sweat and cleansing him with every white-out daze.
he turns around, as light on his feet as a songbird, and his piercing gaze snaps to yours like a raptor. there's something missing behind those eyes, but his fingers glance over his buttons, and the whole thing flutters to the ground, white as angels' wings, around his bare ankles and marble calves.
he has your full attention. he's shameless, slinking up to you with dancing touches and fleeting glances, and he hums as you place your hands on the pretty dip of his waist. he plays with the hairs at the nape of your neck and smiles at the shiver that courses through you.
he brings your lips to his. "then tell me again," he whispers delicately, rosy and cherubic, "how you'll love me."
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liaromancewriter · 9 months
Love Bites
Premise: Ethan and Cassie get a little carried away in their sex capades.
Book: Open Heart (post series) Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Cassie Valentine) Rating/Category: Mature – NSFW. Tropes: Public Places. Gala. Words: 2,325
A/N: This fic is for 2 anon prompt requests. Submission for @choicesprompts Smutember, prompt 10 (caught in the act); for @choicesseptemberchallenge2023 day 21 (kiss). I'm also using @choicesflashfics week 49, prompt 1 and 3 (in bold).
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The glittering lights of the ballroom sparkled like stars in the painted ceiling above. Soft music from a string quartet tucked away in a little alcove mingled with the din of a crowd.
The conversations around the room jumped from stock market tips to the vagrancy of the global economy to an auction at Sotheby’s for a priceless piece of art.
Ethan Ramsey eavesdropped on the people behind him and wondered how priceless the artwork was given it was on auction, which, by its very definition, required one to put a price on an object.
He leaned against a column, sipping a passable Scotch, and watched his girlfriend work the room. Dr. Valentine could triage a level one emergency in the middle of the night, but Cassie Valentine was made for settings like this.
A designer gown that teased as much as it revealed, hair expertly styled and make-up that highlighted her green eyes and red lips. She blended in with Manhattan’s glitterati as if she belonged. But then again, this was her world as much as Edenbrook was.
Cassie could, and did, straddle two worlds with aplomb. Ethan envied that about her.
He could schmooze if absolutely pushed under the pain of death, but he always felt awkward doing it. Like he was wearing shoes two sizes too big.
Cassie wore a shimmering black dress with a sweetheart neckline that hugged her curves. Her arms were bare and cuffed with more diamonds. And when she moved, he spied glimpses of silky white thighs. Earlier this afternoon, those same legs had been locked around his ass.
A teardrop diamond pendant was framed between her cleavage, just below the dip at the base of her throat. It caught the glint of the chandeliers. He briefly lost himself in an erotic fantasy where his lips sucked deep at the sensitive spot on the side of her neck as her throaty cries echoed around him.
He smirked into his drink at the thought of crossing the carpeted floor, taking her in his arms and marking her in front of everyone. That would show them who she was going home with tonight.
Especially one of her exes who’d almost ruined the evening before it began with the lascivious way he stared at her breasts and hips. Ethan wanted to applaud when Cassie stared the other man down until he escaped with a flimsy excuse.
Ethan reflected that Asshole the Third, Max’s nickname for the other man, was well deserved.
“Thought I’d find you lurking in the corner,” Cassie said charmingly as she floated toward him on high heels, a champagne flute in one hand.
“Don’t blame me,” Ethan quipped with a wry grin. “Your brother deserted me for a sultry redhead. Or maybe it was the luscious brunette.”
Cassie’s brows knit in annoyance, and she turned around to look for Max in the crowded ballroom. She huffed when her search proved unsuccessful and turned back, moving closer. Her floral scent tantalized his senses, and he inhaled deeply, feeling lightheaded.
“You take my breath away every time I see you,” he murmured into her ear, lightly biting the edge of her earlobe. “My patience is wearing thin. Let’s get out of here.”
Cassie sipped her champagne and threw him an amused look above the rim of her glass.
“All in good time, babe,” she winked. “My mom would never forgive me if we left before the main event.”
Handing her empty glass to a passing server, Cassie nestled against him and hooked one arm around his back. She planted light kisses along his jawline, little nips and bites that she soothed with her tongue.
“I already thanked you earlier for accompanying me this weekend,” she said between kisses. “But I feel this sacrifice deserves an extra spicy reward.” She bit the corner of his lips. “If you’re up for a sexy dare, that is?”
Ethan’s ears perked up at the salacious proposition, and he met the challenge in her eyes with one of his own.
“I’m not the one protesting whenever I fuck you against my apartment’s windows,” he lowered his voice, the words deliberately crude to gauge how serious she was.
She scoffed but didn’t deny the accusation. With a quick glance around to make sure no one was paying attention to them, she placed a hand on his arm and leaned in to whisper in his ear.
“Meet me in the corner cloakroom. Five minutes.”
Ethan blushed when he realized she was deadly serious. He watched her hips swing enticingly as she navigated the crowds toward the exit. Suddenly, his collar felt tight, and he tugged it away from his neck.
Anticipation had him practically panting. He started to follow Cassie when Max stepped into his path.
“Have you seen my sister?” he asked, glancing on either side before looking at Ethan, puzzled. “Your face is flushed. You okay?”
Ethan nodded, resisting the urge to tug at his collar again, and prayed the younger man wouldn’t press the issue.
“There’s someone I want you to meet,” Max said with a shrug, taking Ethan at his word. “Come on. He’s by the bar.”
Stuck, Ethan followed Max to the other side of the room. He glanced at the exit Cassie had taken and sincerely hoped she was still in the mood when he joined her.
Fifteen minutes later, he shifted anxiously on his feet, trapped between Max, the CEO of a new health center focused on diagnostics, and the curse of social niceties. The conversation with the other man was fascinating, and he would have been entirely present in any other circumstances. But not when his girlfriend was waiting to be fucked.
When his phone buzzed against his chest, he reached into the pocket and looked down at the screen. He didn’t need a Cypher to decode the three questions mark in Cassie’s text.
“I’m sorry,” he said apologetically at the two men before him. “This is important.” He indicated the phone in his hand, shading the screen from Max’s shrewd gaze. “I need to make a phone call.”
Ethan hastily escaped, his long strides covering the length of the ballroom, a man on a critical mission. He marched down the long hallway, ignoring the guests mingling in the relative quiet of the foyer.
The corner cloakroom wasn’t being used for the event, and the window was shuttered. It looked dark and deserted.
Figuring Cassie had given up on him and returned to the gala, Ethan started to turn away when a hand grabbed him from behind and pulled him into the darkened room.
“Finally!” Cassie muttered. He could hear the pout in her voice. “I thought I was going to have to handle things myself.”
It took his eyes a few seconds to adjust to the dim lighting from the hall coming through the wooden slats of the roll-up window.
“Blame your brother,” Ethan grunted, his hands rough as he gripped her elbows and lifted her against the wall.
“You seem to be blaming Max for many things today,” Cassie said, exasperated.
“Scold me later,” he said, covering her body with his.
His mouth descended upon hers, swallowing whatever Cassie was about to say. His lips coaxed hers open to the thrust of his tongue, desperate in his need for her. With a moan, she pressed against him, her fingers digging into his hips.
Their breathing became labored as their kisses became greedy, hungry and ravenous. Cassie sucked his bottom lip into her mouth, lightly catching it between her teeth. It stung, and he tasted blood.
Ethan cupped her jaw in one hand, gripping it tight to hold her in place, and lowered his mouth to kiss the dip at the base of her throat. He cuffed her wrists in one hand and raised her arms, keeping them flush against the wall. The movement thrust her cleavage out.
Recalling his earlier fantasy, Ethan pushed the top of her dress down and buried his face between her naked breasts. He savored the sexy sounds she uttered as he licked and sucked her nipples, biting the edge just enough for her desire-filled eyes to snap open.
He could feel the tremors coursing through her body and released her hands. He reached under the skirt of her dress to grip her ass, lifting her hips until she locked her legs around his thighs. The fabric of her dress draped over his arms as he shoved the skirt away and stared heatedly at the lacy triangle covering her crotch.
Cassie’s fingers fumbled with his belt, unbuckling it and unzipping him. She thrust her hands inside his underwear to cup him. Her fingers gently wrapped around his thick length and released him from his pants, pumping once, twice, and stroking the tip with her thumb. He rocked himself, sliding into her grasp, grunting his need as words failed him.
He nibbled kisses along Cassie’s jaw and down her throat. Below, his fingers stroked her core, teasing the tender folds. His thumb pressed against the top of her sex, and she squirmed, her hands falling to the side.
“Please, please, please,” she begged, rubbing against him.
Ethan sucked hard on the tendon in her neck, his teeth scraping the sensitive skin, and she jumped.
“Stop!” Cassie pushed him back as she slapped a hand where his lips had been.
Ethan shook his head to clear the haze of lust clouding his mind. He saw tears prick the corner of her eyes, but they didn’t fall.
“Let me look,” he said gently and removed her hand. “Crap.”
“Double crap,” Cassie said with a dismayed glance.
They stared at the redness on her neck from the hickey and the light impressions of his teeth around its edges. He remembered thinking earlier how he’d like to mark her. But it had been an idle thought. He’d never want to embarrass her in front of her family.
“Ethan, I can’t go back to the gala looking like this,” she cried out, almost in tears.
“I’m sorry, love,” he said, placing his palm along the side of her face, his thumb stroking her cheekbones. “I got carried away.”
“We both did,” Cassie said, sighing deeply. “What are we going to do?”
Ethan started to respond, but Cassie shushed him.
They heard voices outside and stared in alarm at the unlocked door. They tried to scramble apart while tugging at the bodice of Cassie’s dress, but the door suddenly swung inward before they could do anything.
For a second, light from the hallway shone directly on their tangled bodies and then two people appeared in the doorway. They wore the hotel uniform and had a rolling coat rack behind them. He didn’t recognize the man, but the woman had been manning the other cloakroom when they arrived.
Ethan pressed himself against Cassie’s front to protect her modesty, but it was obvious from the shocked looks on their faces that they’d gotten quite an eyeful. He realized then that Cassie wasn’t the only one exposed. His dick hung out from the opening in his dress pants.
“Shut the door,” Ethan barked when the pair remained frozen in the doorway.
His shout seemed to do the trick as the two workers hurriedly slammed the door shut.
“Wow. You put the fear of Doctor Ramsey in them,” Cassie said, giggling.
She adjusted the bodice of her dress, shaking the folds of her skirt to remove any creases. Ethan smiled ruefully and tucked himself away, gently zipping up and buckling his belt.
His eyes darkened as they fell on the love bite.
“Do you want to head back to the hotel?” he asked, peering intently at her.
“We can’t,” she reminded him, pushing herself off the wall. “Let me think.”
She started pacing the small space, seemingly in a conversation with herself. Ethan wanted to interrupt, but he knew her well enough by now to not do that.
“Okay, I have a solution,” Cassie said, folding her arms in front of her. “I checked my shawl into the cloakroom when we arrived. I can wrap that around my neck and shoulders. If anyone asks, I’ll tell them I’m cold. Max will suspect something’s up but won’t say anything.”
“Let’s go get your shawl,” Ethan said with a nod to indicate his agreement with the plan. “Facing that cloakroom attendant again can’t be any more embarrassing than what already transpired.”
“Oh, no, Dr. Ramsey,” Cassie said with a tsk, moving away from Ethan. “You gave me the hickey. Ergo, you’re going to get my shawl while I wait here. I’m not stepping foot outside this room until I’m presentable.”
Marching down the hallway to do as she demanded, Ethan grumbled internally that it was her idea to make out in the empty cloakroom. But, he reasoned, they wouldn’t need to cover up if he hadn’t lost control. So, he owed her.
He and the attendant avoided eye contact during the entire interaction, and Ethan wondered what had happened to his once-sedate life.
The old him would have never been in this situation, pretending the woman across from him hadn’t just caught him ravishing his girlfriend in public with a few hundred esteemed guests mingling close enough to hear but for the music.
Later, he escorted Cassie back to the ballroom, the shawl firmly ensconced around her neck. It looked strange, given the circumstances, but they had no choice.
“Hey, where have you guys been?” Max called out from a short distance away, clearly on the lookout for them.
Cassie kept a straight face as her brother started toward them. She glanced sideways at Ethan, and they shared a conspiratorial wink.
Ethan grinned wickedly as Cassie walked over to meet Max in the middle. A sedate life was overrated, he thought. With Cassie around, he’d never be bored. She wouldn’t let him. And that was better than any medical mystery he’d ever solved.
All Fics & Edits: @bluebelle08 @coffeeheartaddict2 @crazy-loca-blog @genevievemd @headoverheelsforramsey @lucy-268 @jamespotterthefirst @jerzwriter @lady-calypso @mainstreetreader @peonierose @potionsprefect @queencarb @quixoticdreamer16 @rookiemartin @socalwriterbee @takemyopenheart @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction
Submissions: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics @midnightmelodiz
Ethan & Cassie only: @cariantha @custaroonie @hopelessromantic1352 @mrs-ramsey @youlookappropriate
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praccessoriii · 12 hours
Praccessorii Presents Mother's Day Jewellery Pieces That Capture Eternal Bonds
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Mother's Day is a special occasion to celebrate the incredible women in our lives who have nurtured, supported, and loved us unconditionally. What better way to express your gratitude and affection than with timeless jewellery pieces that symbolize the eternal bond between a mother and child? This Mother's Day, Praccessorii is delighted to present a stunning collection of jewellery that captures the essence of maternal love and devotion. From gemstone bangles to silver earrings, Buy Jewellery for Women Online in India where each piece is crafted with care and attention to detail, making them perfect gifts to cherish for years to come.
1. Gemstone Bangles :- Gemstone bangles are a beautiful and versatile accessory that adds a touch of elegance to any outfit. At Praccessorii, our Gemstone bangles online are meticulously crafted with exquisite gemstones such as sapphires, rubies, emeralds, and diamonds, symbolizing the precious bond between a mother and child. Each bangle is designed to be worn alone for a subtle statement or stacked with other bracelets for a bolder look. With their vibrant colors and timeless appeal, gemstone bangles make the perfect Mother's Day gift for the special woman in your life.
2. Silver Gemstone Necklace :- A silver gemstone necklace is a classic and sophisticated choice for Mother's Day gifting. Our collection of Silver gemstone necklaces features an array of stunning designs, from delicate pendants to intricate statement pieces. Each necklace is adorned with high-quality gemstones such as amethyst, turquoise, citrine, and garnet, adding a pop of color and sparkle to any ensemble. Whether she prefers a dainty chain or a bold statement necklace, you're sure to find the perfect silver gemstone necklace to honor the bond between mother and child.
3. Gemstone Pendant :- A gemstone pendant is a timeless and meaningful gift that she can wear close to her heart. Our gemstone pendants are available in a variety of shapes and sizes, from classic teardrops to modern geometric designs. Each pendant features a carefully selected gemstone that holds special significance, whether it's her birthstone, a stone that represents her personality, or simply her favorite color. With its elegant simplicity and heartfelt symbolism, a gemstone pendant from Praccessorii is a thoughtful way to show your appreciation and love on Mother's Day.
4. Silver Earrings :- Silver earrings are a versatile and stylish addition to any jewellery collection. Our collection of Silver earrings for women includes a wide range of styles, from classic studs to glamorous chandelier earrings. Each pair is crafted from high-quality sterling silver and adorned with dazzling gemstones such as pearls, amethysts, topazes, and peridots. Whether she prefers timeless elegance or modern sophistication, you're sure to find the perfect pair of silver earrings to complement her unique style. With their enduring beauty and understated glamour, silver earrings are an ideal Mother's Day gift that she'll treasure for years to come.
ConclusionMother's Day is a time to honor and celebrate the incredible women who have shaped our lives with their love and guidance. This Mother's Day, express your appreciation and affection with a meaningful piece of jewellery from Praccessorii that captures the eternal bond between mother and child. Whether it's a gemstone bangle, silver necklace, pendant, or earrings, each piece is crafted with care and designed to be cherished for a lifetime. Celebrate the special woman in your life with a gift that speaks volumes of love and gratitude. For more, you can check the collection on our website.
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edisonlighting01 · 18 days
How to Choose the Right Shapes of Pendant Lights to Style Your Home
Pendant lights are not just sources of illumination; they are also design statements that can transform the ambiance of any space. In modern designing, where architecture and interior design merge to create awe-inspiring environments, the choice of pendant lights plays a significant role in shaping the aesthetic appeal of homes, offices, and commercial spaces. In this article, we delve into 10 different popular pendant lights in the UAE, each adding its unique charm and character to the surroundings.
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1. Dome Pendant Lights:
Dome-shaped pendant lights exude elegance and sophistication. With their curved silhouette and diffused light, they create a warm and inviting atmosphere, making them ideal for living rooms, dining areas, and reception areas.
2. Cylindrical Pendant Lights:
Sleek and streamlined, cylindrical pendant lights offer a contemporary aesthetic that complements modern interiors. Whether hung individually or in clusters, they add a touch of understated luxury to kitchens, bars, and office spaces.
3. Geometric Pendant Lights:
Geometric pendant lights come in a variety of shapes, including triangles, squares, and hexagons. Their bold and angular designs make a statement in minimalist or industrial-inspired interiors, adding visual interest and dimension to spaces in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and beyond.
4. Globe Pendant Lights:
Globe-shaped pendant lights are timeless classics that never go out of style. Their spherical form and uniform illumination make them versatile additions to any setting, from contemporary penthouses to traditional villas.
5. Teardrop Pendant Lights:
Inspired by nature, teardrop pendant lights feature elongated, tapered forms that evoke a sense of fluidity and grace. These organic shapes bring a touch of tranquility and serenity to bedrooms, spa retreats, and meditation spaces.
6. Bowl Pendant Lights:
Bowl-shaped pendant lights in UAE are characterized by their curved profiles and ample diffusion. They provide soft, ambient lighting that gently illuminates foyers, corridors, and lounges, creating inviting and welcoming environments for residents and visitors alike.
7. Linear Pendant Lights:
Linear pendant lights offer a sleek and contemporary alternative to traditional chandeliers. With their elongated profiles and evenly spaced light sources, they are perfect for illuminating dining tables, kitchen islands, and conference rooms with a modern flair.
8. Cluster Pendant Lights:
Cluster pendant lights feature multiple pendants suspended from a single canopy, creating a striking focal point that draws the eye. These dynamic arrangements add drama and visual interest to open-plan living areas, hotel lobbies, and retail spaces in the UAE.
9. Rectangular Pendant Lights:
Rectangular pendant lights combine form and function, offering a stylish solution for illuminating long dining tables, conference tables, and kitchen countertops. Their linear design and directional light output ensure even illumination across the entire surface.
10. Oval Pendant Lights:
Oval-shaped pendant lights offer a contemporary twist on classic silhouettes. Their smooth curves and elongated forms create a sense of movement and fluidity, making them ideal for accentuating curved architectural features and modern furnishings in upscale residences and commercial venues.
In Conclusion
The diverse array of pendant light shapes in UAE reflects innovation, and design sophistication. Whether you prefer the timeless elegance of globe pendants, the sleek modernity of cylindrical pendants, or the organic allure of teardrop pendants, there's a shape to suit every taste and style preference. By carefully selecting pendant lights that complement the aesthetic and functionality of your space, you can elevate its ambiance and create a truly memorable environment that captivates the senses.
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luxurybeautyreviews · 3 months
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decorationinside · 3 months
Nature's Embrace: Bringing the Flow of Biomorphic Shapes into Your Home
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Imagine stepping into a space that feels like a natural extension of the world outside. This is the essence of biomorphic design, a trend that incorporates organic shapes and patterns inspired by nature into the built environment. Photo by Google DeepMind on Pexels.com Photo by Steve Johnson on Pexels.com What are Biomorphic Shapes? Biomorphic simply means "having a form resembling that of a living organism." In interior design, biomorphic shapes take inspiration from elements like leaves, flowers, pebbles, waves, and even animal forms. These shapes are curved, fluid, and asymmetrical, breaking away from the sharp lines and rigid structures often found in traditional design. Why Biomorphic Shapes? There are several reasons why biomorphic shapes are gaining popularity in interior design: - Connection to Nature: Humans have a natural affinity for nature, and biomorphic shapes can evoke feelings of calmness, tranquility, and well-being. This is particularly important in today's fast-paced world, where creating a sense of peace and refuge within our homes is increasingly desired. - Organic Flow: Biomorphic shapes create a sense of movement and flow within a space, guiding the eye and creating a more dynamic and visually interesting experience. This contrasts with the static feel of straight lines and rigid structures. - Versatility: Biomorphic shapes can be adapted to a variety of design styles, from modern and minimalist to bohemian and eclectic. They can be incorporated subtly through accessories or form the foundation of a space through furniture and architectural elements. How to Embrace Biomorphic Shapes: There are countless ways to integrate biomorphic shapes into your home: - Furniture: Opt for furniture with curved legs, rounded edges, or organic silhouettes. Look for pieces that resemble natural forms, such as a kidney-shaped coffee table or a teardrop-shaped pendant lamp. - Lighting: Explore lighting fixtures with organic forms, such as branch-like chandeliers or sconces shaped like seashells. - Accessories: Introduce biomorphic elements through decorative objects like vases with organic curves, sculptures inspired by natural forms, or rugs with swirling patterns. - Architectural elements: If undertaking a renovation, consider incorporating curved walls, arched doorways, or organic-shaped windows to create a truly immersive biomorphic experience. https://cozypronest.com/let-it-shine-creating-a-rainbow-paradise-in-your-childs-room/ Beyond Aesthetics: While biomorphic shapes create a visually appealing aesthetic, they also offer potential psychological benefits. Studies have shown that exposure to natural elements can reduce stress, improve mood, and enhance cognitive function. By incorporating biomorphic shapes into your home, you're not just creating a stylish space; you're also contributing to your overall well-being. So, embrace the flow of nature and invite biomorphic shapes into your home. You might be surprised by the sense of peace, tranquility, and connection to the natural world they can bring. Read the full article
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whole-sale-925-silver · 4 months
Everyday Sparkle: Rose Gold Touches for Home
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Rose Gold for Every Design Style
Rose gold is a timeless and versatile metal that can elevate any jewelry design. Its warm, feminine hue flatters a variety of skin tones and adds a touch of luxury to any outfit.
Delicate chain with a solitaire pendant: A simple yet impactful piece, a fine rose gold chain adorned with a sparkling solitaire diamond or gemstone adds understated elegance to any neckline.
Vintage-inspired charm necklace: Capture the timeless beauty of a bygone era with a rose gold necklace strung with vintage charms - think lockets, filigree details, and pearl accents.
Graduated pearl strand: Pearls and rose gold are a classic pairing. Opt for a strand of graduated pearls for a touch of sophistication and timeless femininity.
Studs with intricate detailing: Elevate the classic stud by choosing rose gold adorned with delicate milgrain edging, pave diamonds or floral motifs.
Hoop earrings with a twist: Opt for hoop earrings with a unique twist, like textured metalwork, subtle curves, or an unexpected dangle element like a teardrop pearl.
Chandelier earrings with pearlized stones: For a touch of evening glamour, choose chandelier earrings in rose gold featuring cascading pearlized stones like moonstone or opal.
Solitaire engagement ring with hidden details: Take the classic solitaire up a notch with a rose gold band etched with intricate patterns or micro-paved diamonds on the sides.
Stacking rings with mixed textures: Play with textures and shapes for a contemporary take on classic rings. Combine polished rose gold bands with bands featuring hammered detailing or diamond pave.
Cocktail ring with a statement gemstone: Dress up your fingers with a statement rose gold cocktail ring featuring a vibrant gemstone like emerald, ruby, or sapphire.
Fine chain bracelet with a delicate charm: Add a touch of charm to your wrist with a dainty rose gold chain bracelet adorned with a single pearl, gemstone, or initial pendant.
Bangle with subtle embellishments: Choose a rose gold bangle with minimal yet impactful detail, like engraved lines, a textured finish, or a single row of pave diamonds.
Art Deco-inspired bracelet: Embrace the elegance of Art Deco with a rose gold bracelet featuring geometric shapes, filigree patterns, and enamel accents.
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circleartdesigns · 10 months
July Bargain Bead Box: Project 5, Teal-Blue Teardrop Chandelier Pendant
Gather your supplies and work along as we make this Chandelier Teardrop Pendant. 
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: 😀 NECKLACE WOMENS NWOT HAND CRAFTED MYSELF Gold Amethyst Beauty.
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melvajoy · 1 year
Custom Lighting Fixtures: How To Find Your Perfect Fit
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Custom lighting fixtures are a great option to add a personal touch to your home decor. Custom lighting fixtures can help you create a unique home ambiance that reflects your style. However, with so many options to choose from, it can be daunting to find the perfect fit. This article will provide tips on finding the perfect custom lighting fixture for your home.
Factors to Consider Before Purchasing Custom Lighting Fixtures
Before purchasing a custom lighting fixture, it's important to consider several factors to ensure that it fits your needs and preferences.
Room Size
The size of the room where you plan to install the custom lighting fixture is an essential factor to consider. The room size will determine the size of the fixture you should purchase. If the fixture is too small, it may not provide enough light, and if it is too big, it can overpower the room.
Ceiling Height
The ceiling height is another critical factor to consider. Opt for a flush mount fixture or a pendant light that doesn't hang too low if you have a low ceiling. You can choose a chandelier or pendant light with a longer hanging length if you have high ceilings.
Purpose of Lighting
The purpose of the lighting is also an important factor to consider. Do you need the lighting fixture to provide ambient, task, or accent lighting? Each type of lighting requires a different type of fixture.
The fixture's style should also match your home decor's overall style. If you have a contemporary home, you should choose a fixture that has a modern design. If you have a traditional home, you should opt for a fixture with a more classic design.
Custom lighting fixtures can range from affordable to extremely expensive. It's important to set a budget before you start shopping for a fixture. Remember that the fixture's price will depend on the type of material used, the size, and the complexity of the design.
Types of Custom Lighting Fixtures
You can choose from various types of custom lighting fixtures depending on your needs and preferences.
Chandeliers are a classic type of lighting fixture that can add a touch of elegance to any room. They are available in various sizes and designs, from modern to traditional.
Pendant Lights
Pendant lights are versatile in various spaces, such as over kitchen islands, dining tables, or entryways. They come in different sizes, shapes, and materials.
Wall Sconces
Wall sconces are a great option to add lighting to a specific room area, such as a reading nook or a hallway. They can be installed as a single fixture or in a group to create a focal point.
Floor Lamps
Floor lamps are an excellent option for providing additional lighting in a room while also serving as a decorative element. They come in various sizes and styles, from modern to traditional.
Table Lamps
Table lamps are a popular choice for adding accent lighting to a room. They can be placed on a side table, a console table, or a desk. They come in different shapes, sizes, and materials and can be customized to match your home decor style.
Custom Lighting Fixture Materials
The material used to create a custom lighting fixture can greatly affect its appearance, durability, and price.
Glass is a popular material used in lighting fixtures because it allows light to shine, creating a beautiful and bright effect. It can be frosted, clear, or colored.
Metal is a durable and long-lasting material that can be used to create a variety of lighting fixtures, from modern to traditional. It can be polished, brushed, or painted in different colors.
Crystal is a luxurious material that adds elegance and glamour to any lighting fixture. It can be cut into various shapes, such as spheres, teardrops, or rectangles.
Fabric is a soft and warm material that can create lampshades for table and floor lamps. It comes in various colors and patterns.
Wood is a natural material that adds warmth and texture to lighting fixtures. It can be stained or painted in different colors and finishes.
Custom Lighting Fixture Design
The design of a custom lighting fixture should match the overall style of your home decor. Here are some popular design styles to consider:
Contemporary lighting fixtures have clean lines and a minimalist design. They often feature metal, glass, or plastic materials and are available in various shapes and sizes.
Traditional lighting fixtures have a classic and ornate design. They often feature crystal, brass, or bronze materials and are available in various shapes and sizes.
Transitional lighting fixtures have a mix of traditional and contemporary design elements. They often feature metal, glass, or fabric materials and are available in various shapes and sizes.
Rustic lighting fixtures have a natural and organic design. They often feature wood, metal, or glass materials and are available in various shapes and sizes.
Industrial lighting fixtures have a practical and functional design. They often feature metal, glass, or concrete materials and are available in various shapes and sizes.
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slubatt · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: 925 CZ Mother of Pearl Chandelier Teardrop Pendant Necklace.
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therusticpelican · 1 year
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mkr1854 · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Red Jasper Gemstone Faceted Garnet Bead Lot.
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zfourcrystal · 4 years
How to make crystal bobeches in size 100mm
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shoutogepi · 4 years
Midnight Masquerade
Todoroki Shouto & Shinsou Hitoshi
word count : 8.6k
[  ✘ (nsfw 18+) ] 
themes : DUBCON, YANDERE. MFM threesome, vampire!todoroki, vampire!shinsou, spanking, praise kink??... double penetration, blood play (hello they’re vampires)
bio : You attend a masquerade ball in hopes of finding a bachelor on Halloween night… only to get much more than you originally bargained for. 
author’s note : This fic was inspired by one of my fav movies when I was younger! Van Helsing with Hugh Jackman (2004), in which Dracula hosts an exquisite masquerade ball, full of masked vampires.  
side note : Happy Halloween!! I didn’t have time to edit/beta this fic, so it may be a little choppy/rough.. but I’m about to leave for my Halloween party and I wanted to get this out on time so!! please try to enjoy, and I apologize if this is not up to my usual standards. <3
 ─── ・°* ゚✧:* • 。゚:*・☽・*: 。゚•*:✧ ゚*°・ ───
🅈ou received an invitation to a Halloween party… and that was about all the information you had to go off of. What awaited you at this gathering, you had absolutely no idea. The envelope had simply arrived on your doorstep at the beginning of the month, no messenger in sight.
This invitation, scrawled in perfect calligraphy and sealed with the kiss of a stamp upon wax, proved to be even more puzzling when you attempted to uncover its origin. And while you had asked around to anyone you could possibly think of— your friends, family, neighbors, hell, even your mailman— you found no one who could give you any answers. It seemed that you, for some reason, had been issued this invitation, when no one in your primary social network else had.
What was even more peculiar, was that a gown and a pair of heels had arrived two weeks later, in all senses more luxurious than you had ever seen, and tailored to your exact size and measurements. Just from lifting it out of the box, you could tell it was expensive. And as if that hadn’t been enough of a gift, a necklace and earrings that dazzled nearly enough to blind you arrived just a few days following the dress. Finally a last package arrived a few days before the party, containing an intricately-painted mask that tied the whole outfit together. Each of the gifts had a card laid across the top of the tissue-enfolded contents, signed off from your inviter and now confirmed “secret admirer, S.H.”
The enigma of it all perplexed you. You liked to tell yourself that a smart girl like you would never go to such an event, considering you had no clue who had sent you the invitation, let alone such extravagant gifts. You told yourself that you had no obligation to go, that it would be ill-advised to show up without any further information than the address, date, and time.
But someone had clearly gone to great lengths to impress you, and you couldn’t just ignore that. Curiosity burned bright inside you when raked your brain for potential inviters, and as you came to more and more dead ends, your intrigue grew with every second the event stayed on your mind.
You spent every day leading up to the party thinking about it, flipping back and forth as to if you were going to attend or not. Even on the night of, you spent a ridiculous amount of time switching between deciding on going or staying home, taking short bursts of either frantically getting yourself ready, or sitting down and scrutinizing the situation.
You ended up arriving at the address scrawled at the bottom of the mysterious invitation an hour late.
Although you had planned to just hail a cab thanks to your indecision, you were surprised to find a sleek, black Rolls Royce waiting for you at the entrance to your building. The driver, donned in a crisp black and white tux, sported an elegant mask across his face, and wordlessly opened the door for you, bowing and gesturing for you to enter. After a moment of hesitance, you decided it would probably be best to just get into the car— whoever had requested your presence had already gone to such lengths as to cloth and bejewel you— it only made sense for you to arrive in a vehicle that screamed as much wealth as did your outfit.
What you had not expected was to find the location of the event to be a rather estately manor at the border of the city. The driveway twisted through an ominous wood to reach the massive home, and rather nastily-spiked wrought-iron fences guarded the border of the property, looming metal casting eerie shadows against the overcast evening sky. You found yourself wondering briefly what exact purpose the metal lattice served— both sides adorned with rough silver spikes. Traditionally gates were meant to keep things from getting in… it was peculiar to you that they were double-sided.
It was certainly curious, but your eyes were quickly torn from the gates as the car ventured closer to the maleficent abode, your heartbeat beginning to pick up as you came nearer to the grand entrance. There was a gorgeous fountain laid between two sets of curved stone staircases, both leading up to the tall, mahogany doors at the dead center of the manor. The car came to a stop just before the fountain, and you spent the small moment your driver took crossing over to your side and opening your door in breathless anticipation.
The cool, dry October air felt heavenly against your exposed shoulders, the tops of your breasts just peeking out of the neck of the beautiful, sleek gown you’d been sent. The autumn chill did wonders to calm the thumping of your nervous heart, and as you climbed the stairs, your fingers trailing along the cold balustrade, you took a deep breath. When you chanced a look back toward the car, you found it had already disappeared, and a pang of uncertainty rang through you once more. Yes, this was definitely uncharastically brash of you— you still had no idea who could possibly be the one to invite you to such a prestigious soiree— and yet, you found your nerves crackling with excitement, barely able to contain your jittery disposition.
Two more men, also hidden beneath tuxedos and blank masks, bowed as they pulled the heavy wooden doors apart, revealing the bustling affair that lay inside. You were shocked to find so many bodies within just the first glance of the interior— it was a magnificent foyer that was ten times larger than the tiny apartment you had become so accustomed to, a sea of masked party-goers that ebbed and flowed with the live, string-quartet on the stage in the far corner of the room. Countless couples waltzed and spun across the middle of the room underneath humongous crystal chandeliers, all glittering and shining with the low lighting of a thousand candles, by far more fire hazards than you’d ever seen. It was quite a culture shock to you— you had never before been invited into the fruits of such luxury, this level of wealth as mysterious to you as the cryptic sender of your invitation, S.H.
And though this was your first time indulging in the pleasures of such extravagance, you looked like you belonged. You were sure that the outfit this mystery persona had given you to wear tonight was worth far more than the rent you constantly worried about making, and so you fit in quite seamlessly with the crowd of silk-enveloped, gem-encrusted faces, perhaps even going so far as to stand out. The soft silk of your pashmina tickled against your arms as it sat snug around your lower back, curled around your elbows and seams brushing against your hips. The thick necklace— more of a collar, really— sat heavy against your chest, each diamond shining brightly, leading to a large teardrop-shaped pendant of brilliant amethyst that hung perfectly in the middle of your chest. The ornate mask you’d been given concealed the top half of your face, bright ruby gems adorning along your eyes and matching your dress’ deep rouge to an impossibly perfect degree. Initially upon receiving such gifts you were suspicious of their authenticity, but standing now before such a display of affluence, you were certain they were real. The jewels and fine linens gave you a false sense of confidence, and after a moment of absorbing your astounding surroundings, you tentatively began to make your way into the party.
For a while you wandered around by your lonesome, but you didn’t really mind the solitude. It was a refreshing change of pace, and you admired each symbol of wealth you came across. The grand room was decorated with no expenses in mind— rich velvet curtains hung across the walls, tied back with gold corded tassels to allow the cold moon’s luminescence to shine down into the hall. Massive oil portraits lined the walls, each frame depicting a different person of undoubtable esteem, each in their own respect poised yet handsome as the last.
Your eyes wandered to the last two photos on the wall, both of them shockingly attractive in their own ways. One had wild, violet locks and a sultry smirk, the others’ hair split down the middle with tousled red and white, mouth set in an indifferent line. What stood out most to you was the emotion conveyed in both their eyes— it was cold and callous, sending shivers down your spine.
As you turned away from the portraits, you were met with a server, who offered you the silver platter he was carrying as he bowed. Tiny steak tartares, garnished with a red wine sauce and a sprig of herbs; the sight made your mouth water and you thanked him as you took one with the classy little fork he handed to you. Just as you turned your attention back to the portraits before you, you jumped at the discovery of a figure standing beside you.
He was tall, your head coming just above his shoulder, even in your four inch heels. He donned a crisp tuxedo of his own, but his bowtie was left undone, strips of fabric hanging loosely around his neck. Though there was a mask covering his face as well, you instantly recognized the purple flumes of hair, your surprise evident as you let out a small gasp. He didn’t seem to notice you, his eyes set on the frames above your line of sight, but he then began to speak, his deliciously deep voice taking you again by surprise. “Rather rare,” he spoke, quiet yet clear, eyes still scrutinizing the art before the pair of you.
“E-Excuse me?” you asked for clarity, wondering when exactly this man had appeared, and why you had not noticed such a captivating presence by your side.
At the sound of your voice, he turned his gaze to you, lazy violet eyes inspecting your figure without much attempt at concealing his blatant inspection. You bristled at his audacity, but soon found yourself relaxing as your own eyes wandered the length of his lithe, cut figure. It wasn’t your fault, you reasoned— you had just been admiring this man in his photo and now he appeared before you, looking even more delectable in person.
“The hors d'oeuvres,” he explained, eyes dropping to the forgotten disc of tender meat perched at the end of your fork. He let his gaze wander across your chest before he met your stare again, that same smirk coming to rest on his supple lips. “And such beauty as yours, of course. It’s unparalleled, Miss…?” he trailed off, angling his head to the side as he awaited your response.
You thanked him and told him your name, watching as his smirk only seemed to grow, something mischievous shimmering in those enticing amethyst orbs of his. He leaned forward and ducked into a slight bow, long fingers taking your free hand hostage as he brushed his lips against your knuckles.
“Shinsou will do, for now. Delighted to be acquainted,” he murmured as he pulled back, letting your hand drop and a brief silence fall on the pair of you.
Your eyes wandered to the portrait, then back to your new acquaintance. “That’s you, right?” You inquired, looking up at him through your mask. His bored eyes pierced yours as you met his gaze, and you felt heat accumulate in your cheeks. “What incredible artwork, I don’t think I’ve met anyone that’s posed for an oil painting— was it hard to sit still while it was being made?”
“Not at all,” he replied, taking a sip of the hammered-metal chalice in his large, gloved hand. “The fruits of life sweeten with patience, anyway.”
You wondered briefly if it was his first time posing for this kind of painting. Never had you met anyone who would want— or could afford, really— to commission such a painstakingly realistic portrait of themselves. How much it cost, you could not fathom, and did not care to discover. “So this is your party, then?” You continued after he made no further attempt at conversation.
He nodded, that smirk curling the corner of his mouth again. “You’re an observant little thing, aren’t you?” He remarked, sipping again from his cup. His words were rather rude, and you frowned before you shrugged them off, dismissing them in an instant. You weren’t really surprised by his smug comment, though your displeasure must have been visible because he immediately steered the conversation in another direction. “Are you enjoying yourself? May I get you a drink, my honored guest?”
It was a little off to you how his demeanor changed just like that, a flip of the switch, really— but you were thirsty, and you were curious to see what kind of expensive refreshments were available, so you found yourself nodding with a small smile of gratitude on your lips. He mirrored your smile before he mumbled something about returning soon, his figure swallowed up in the sea of masked faces.
Finding yourself alone once again, you went back to inspecting the portraits, happily humming to yourself as you enjoyed your hors d'oeuvre. You looked around the party, searching for that same waiter, wanting to grab a few more of those delicious bites while you had the chance.
It was then that you met a distinct set of eyes across the room, a white mask with delicate swirls decorating his handsome face. However much the mask concealed his face, there was no doubting that he was the other man from the portrait behind you— his hair was a stark giveaway— half of it scarlet and hanging loosely atop his brow, the other half a shocking shade of white, pushed back to give him a devilishly intimidating aura. Your throat tightened up as he began to make his way toward you, slowly but surely closing the distance between the two of you.
You couldn’t help but wonder if either of these men were the one who sent you your invitation— if one of them was to thank for showering you with such extravagance, for allowing you to dip your toes in the enticing pool of luxury. But you were not allowed to ponder the thought, for in no time at all the man in question stepped before you.
Without even a single thought, your body automatically shifted into a curtsey, and you blinked in surprise as he bowed his greeting in return. He didn’t give you a second to question it, lithe, gloved fingers taking hold of your hand and bringing it to his mouth. His lips were cold to the touch, and your hand trembled slightly as he let go.
“Todoroki Shouto,” he introduced himself, his smooth, deep voice resonating through your body. Something about him made you feel incredibly hot, yet you couldn’t take your eyes off of him. It was strange how much he seemed to affect you— almost supernatural. At your stunned silence, he smirked ever so slightly, shifting his head to look down at your shorter figure. “Your name, love? It would be rude of me to refer to you as the most alluring woman in the room the whole night, no?”
Flustered you were caught off guard, you quickly told him your name, adding on it was a pleasure to meet him.
“Y/N, hm? A beautiful name. It suits a woman as breathtaking as you.” He continued, and you could see how satisfied he was by your bashful reaction. “I can assure you, the pleasure is all mine.”
You smiled hesitantly at the man before you, unsure how to respond to his blatant flirting. With the momentary lull in your conversation, you looked over your shoulder to eye the painting once again. Todoroki watched your curious gaze like a hawk, unbeknownst to you. When you looked back to him, you smiled as you pointed your thumb over your shoulder. “Is that—”
“Would you like to dance?” He interrupted, folding your smaller hand in his and taking a step backwards into the dancefloor.
Panic coursed through you— you didn’t know how to dance, or at least, you didn’t think your ballroom skills would be nearly as good as his and everyone else’s here. Yet somehow when you opened your mouth to politely decline, instead came out, “I would be honored.”
With wide eyes you were guided into the center of the room, his other gloved hand coming to rest at the curve of your waist. Your hands found their own way into position, one on his shoulder, and the other wrapped tight around his as he began to steer you around the room. You were shocked to find yourself matching each of his steps, your feet moving in perfect harmony with his. But when you looked into his eyes, a trickle of horror ran down your spine.
He was looking directly at you, two-toned eyes boring into yours with unbridled desire, and some other emotion mixing in to create a frightful end result that could only be described as hunger. Yes, there was no mistaking it— that was hunger in his eyes— for what, you did not know, but somehow your body was aware that whatever it was, you were in for quite the night.
“The dress looks simply appetizing on you, love,” he whispered in your ear, chilling the blood in your veins just like that. “Were you surprised to find it fit like a glove? You look so angelic when you sleep… I hated to disturb you, but it was gratifying to know how much you enjoyed my touch...” His lips brushed against your dangling earrings, and a shiver ran through your body as he inhaled across the skin of your neck.
“Y-You—” you stuttered, eyes widening with realization. Had he— had he taken your measurements? He’d snuck into your bedroom? When? Why? You didn’t even know this man— why would he have taken such an interest in you, how did he know where you lived,  and why— why was your heart beating out of your chest at the thought of him seeing you in your sluttly little pyjamas? You knew there was something off about this, but never could you imagine this would be the turn of events tonight. You were terrified, and yet ashamedly, a small part of you was pleased to know a handsome and powerful man as himself had gone to such lengths to woo you. There was no denying it… even though your stomach was tied into knots and fear sat like a stone in your belly, a white-hot, irrefutable desire had sparked to life between your legs.
“Not just me...” he murmured, the tip of his nose dragging against your temple before he dipped you down towards the tiled floor right in tune with the crescendo of the music, your back bending in his grip. Now upside-down, your heart skipped a beat as you recognized Shinsou staring the pair of you down from across the room, that same smirk on his lips as he raised his chalice in contempt. “You’ve met Hitoshi, correct?”
You were only spared a moment to piece it all together, that tight feeling in your stomach only twisting further. S.H… it wasn’t the name of one suitor, but two— Shouto and Hitoshi. Two rich and powerful men that both tricked you into coming to their home, and you had fallen for it— practically serving yourself to them on a silver platter. You were no better than a damn steak tartare! You wanted to face-palm, to smack yourself for being so naive, but you found that your body was not your own; you couldn’t control yourself, couldn’t even speak, and all you could do was continue to dance with the horribly attractive man whose trap you had strolled right into.
Had they drugged you? Was it that accursed steak tartare? But then, wouldn’t you have passed out, or your limbs stopped working? How were you not missing a single step with Todoroki right now, spinning when he led you to spin, and willingly stepping into him when he pulled you back into his embrace.
“What… What are you going to do to me?” Your voice was shaking, even though your body moved more confidently than ever as the pair of you strode across the marble floor. “How is this happening?” You added, feeling quite small as the target of not one, but two predatory gazes.
Todoroki took his time to answer you, wordlessly twirling you in his arms as the music then came to a stop, a new melody beginning just as the previous one faded out. “Whatever we want, I suppose,” he answered, his gloved fingers traveling up your back to grasp your chin, forcing you to look into his chilling gaze. “But don’t worry, love… I don’t think you’re going to hate it all that much.”
— - — - — - — - — - — - — - —
It was only an hour later that you were being led to the other side of the mansion— away from the music and festivities, and away from the false sense of protection the crowd provided. Todoroki walked in front of you, and Shinsou’s hand rested casually on your hip as he walked beside you. Your palms were lined in a thin coating of sweat, your growing fear causing your pulse to skyrocket. You knew that you were about to understand why they had fooled you into coming here, and though you had pondered what terrible fate they had chosen for you for the past hour, your mind was completely blank. You could only watch as your feet moved one in front of the other, your body once again under their spell.
Whatever it was that they were doing, they somehow had complete control over you, and they had forced your body to dance with the both of them for the entire time you’d been there so far. It had created some fake relief as whatever it was they had planned was pushed off for the time being, but you couldn’t indulge such relief, and your nerves were more heightened than ever. You reached your breaking point when you entered a dimly-lit bedroom, and the door closed behind you, lock clicking into place.
“Please,” you pleaded, your body moving to stand in the middle of the room, right before the four-poster, canopy-laden bed. “Just tell me what’s happening, I can’t move a single muscle…”
Shinsou frowned, gloved hand coming up to discard his mask. Your breath caught in your throat— God, even if he was your captor, you couldn’t deny he was handsome. He slowly approached you, fingertips tracing along your jaw before removing your mask as well. He sucked in a small breath of air, violet eyes dark with a foreign sentiment. “Relax, baby… We’re just gonna make you feel good. We’ve wanted to make you feel good for so long now…” His eyes dropped to analyze your lips, entranced by their color and plushness.
“But… Why can’t I move?” you reiterated, and your eyes widened as Todoroki’s presence noticeably pressed up against your behind. The feeling of his body against yours sent your heart hammering, and you swallowed as you considered your options here— there was really only one means of escape and that had to start with you tricking them into freeing you from their spell. Licking your dry lips, you meekly added, “What if I… wanted to make you feel good, too?”
“Fucking Christ,” said Shinsou, who took a step backward, his palm coming to run across his face momentarily. He seemed on edge, anticipation distinctly painted across his rugged features.
Meanwhile Todoroki took his time to answer, considering your choice of words thoughtfully. “We have a lot planned for you… but we need to re-energize before we can do anything, love,” he replied simply, his voice low in your ear. He pulled off his gloves, cold fingers catching on your jaw as he turned your face to meet his. You whimpered as he leaned into you, and before you could make a single word, his lips claimed yours, cutting off any chance at a rebuttal.
You didn’t want to admit how good his mouth felt on yours, but you couldn’t ignore the butterflies that burst into your stomach as he kissed you— they were not the result of any foreign spell. Shinsou groaned as he watched Todoroki’s tongue slip into your mouth, actions getting more fervent as the dual-colored man’s fingers slipped around your head, cradling your face against his. His lips attacked yours, slotting against them and tongue wandering between the gaps. You gasped when something sharp pricked your bottom lip, automatically pulling back, your hand coming up to touch your lip.
Bright red stained your fingertip, and you looked between the evidence of your injury and the cause of the wound, eyes widening as you took in how dark Todoroki’s eyes had become, canines elongating into sharp fangs. Bewildered, you stayed frozen to the spot, unable to do anything yet again as his hand swiftly wrapped around your wrist, yanking your hand to his mouth and wrapping his lips around your finger. The feeling of his tongue swirling around the digit made heat flare in your core, even as terror began to pump through your veins. His other hand gripped your hip roughly, pulling your body flush unto his.
The desire to scream out in fear came quickly, but you found no sound came out of you when your mouth opened. Your head still turned to Todoroki, you didn’t anticipate Shinsou coming up in front of you, only noticing the other man when his tongue stroked across the tender skin on your neck. Your body stiffened as the wet muscle slid along your throat, your eyes wide and petrified.
“There you go, just relax...” Todoroki groaned, leaning in to suck on your broken lip, his tongue petting over the fresh wound gently. It stung, but at the same time it felt very intimate— something you had never done before that had that heat building in the pit of your stomach.
A set of fangs pricked your neck, Shinsou’s lips fluttering up toward your jaw. You loathed how soft they felt, a distinct contrast to the sharpened enamels that suddenly descended into your flesh. You cried out, unprepared for the searing pain that shot through your body. Your skin felt like it was throbbing, sizzling from the unwelcome heat and pain mixing together.
“Shhh, love,” Todoroki cooed, laying a gentle kiss on your open mouth. “It won’t hurt for long…” He continued to suckle on your lip, beautiful eyes staring deeply into yours as he cradled your face. The thin ring of iris around his blown pupils shone brightly in the low light of the flickering candles, brilliant aqua and stormy gray contrasting, mesmerizing you and momentarily taking you away from the pain of the fangs lodged in your throat.
Shinsou was moaning against your neck, Adam’s apple bobbing as he took his fill from your bloodstream. His hands were gripping your waist tightly, fingers wandering up your back to curl your body closer to his embrace. You were so out of it, so lost in the taller man’s gaze, that you almost didn’t register the growing hardness pressing into your inner thigh. Shinsou was gently rutting against your leg, pressing his crotch onto you as he held your limp body with surprising care.
The sharp pain of his fangs in your neck had transformed into a dull throb, your body slowly numbing to his bite. It wasn’t long before Shinsou drew back, tongue roving over the flesh puncture marks that laid on your throat. His tongue hurt at first, but the second and third swipe of the strong, wet muscle felt increasingly good, and you hated how your thighs twitched together at the feeling. Apparently the two of them knew you would be experiencing this effect, for they both started to move you backwards, wandering closer to the bed.
You could hear Todoroki get onto the mattress before the pair of them maneuvered your body to join his, lifting you up and setting you down onto the plush comforter before him. His hands slid to your front, down your stomach and perched on your hips, pushing them back so your ass met his crotch. Your eyes went wide as you felt Todoroki’s erection poke into your ass, and Shinsou chuckled darkly as he, too, crawled onto the bed.
Although you opened your mouth to speak, no words came out, and the purple-haired vampire before you winked as the smirk on his lips only grew. There was still a trickle of your blood tainting the skin on his chin, and his fangs poked out as he grinned at you.
“You missed some,” Todoroki stated, voice a bit rougher than it had been downstairs. Your head turned to look at him, but you found his gaze was not focused on you— he was looking straight at Shinsou, eyes darkening and teeth elongating into points.
“Saved it for you, have a taste,” Shinsou replied nonchalantly, scooting closer to you. The space between the two men’s mouths closed and you gasped as you watched their lips collide, a moan tumbling out of the man supporting your back. That horrible heat burst between your legs, your mouth watering as you saw Todoroki’s tongue slips into Shinsou’s mouth, their fangs clicking as they brushed together.
Shinsou chuckled as he pulled back, Todoroki’s tongue wandering down to trace the line of your blood that streaked down his chin. Shinsou looked at you as he grinned, clearly happy that their kiss had such an effect on you. “You taste so good, baby,” he complimented, and you whimpered as heat burst in your cheeks.
It was shameful how much this was turning you on— a monster straight out of a fairytale was here in front of you, feeding off of you, able to end your life he re really wanted to in probably just one swift bite— and yet your pussy was drooling all over your panties for him, an uncomfortable dampness collecting between your thighs. You couldn’t stop your hips from wiggling, but as you moved back from Shinsou, you pressed up against Todoroki, who let out a throaty groan. The swell of your backside pushed against his hard cock just right, and you gasped as his hands suddenly jumped to the hem of your dress, pulling it to rest at the tops of your thighs. Your pussy twitched as the cool air rushed across your sticky panties, and you mewled as one hand drifted up to squeeze your breast, the other slapping gently over your panty-covered clit.
Shinsou’s hands glided down your waist, large palms running over your hips before he grabbed your thighs, yanking you to the edge of the mattress as he fell to his knees. Kneeling between your legs, he chucked again as he inspected the wet patch on darkening the front of your underwear. His thumb met your slit and he traced it up and down a few times, grin splitting his smirk as you unintentionally let out a moan.
It was then that Todoroki’s fangs sliced into the unmarked flesh on the other side of your neck. You cried out, the pain just as stringing and intense as Shinsou’s bite had delivered. But you weren’t left to focus on it long— Shinsou pulled your underwear to the side and dipped a thumb into your soaking folds, rubbing up the length of your slit once again. The direct contact made your toes curl, your slick folds parting with ease as the ample evidence of your arousal allowed his finger to glide through without catch. He hummed as he rubbed his thumb against your clit a few times, violet eyes flicking up to see your eyelashes fluttering across your cheeks, Todoroki’s lips latched to your throat as he took his fill from your sweet bloodstream.
Todoroki’s fingers curled into the top of your dress, and he pulled it down to reveal your tits to the cool air, your nipples instantly perking up and standing at attention. The red and white haired man moaned as he sucked on your throat, his forefinger and thumbs capturing each nipple and twisting the sensitive buds.
“Fuck!” you whined, immediately embarrassed that you hadn’t been able to hold the expletive in. But neither of the men seemed to share your sentiment, the pair of them moaning softly in response to your noise of pleasure as if encouraging you to let out even more.
Shinsou smiled as he pinched the sides of your panties, yanking the material down your thighs and off your ankles before separating your legs and inserting himself between them. He gave you no warning as his tongue suddenly licked a flat stripe up your slit, rolling around your clit perfectly at the end of his journey. Your legs tensed as they closed around his head, a hot puff of air escaping you as Todoroki finally pulled off of your neck with a broken gasp. His breathing was ragged as his tongue lashed over the fresh marks, the repeated action having the same, dizzying sensation that Shinsou had elicited. Then Shinsou’s tongue was wiggling across your clit, alternating between sucking on the sensitive pearl and lavishing it in vicious swipes of his strong, wet tongue.
Meanwhile Todoroki was ripping off his clothes, revealing his broad, sturdy chest in all its glory before he yanked at the zipper on your spine, sliding your dress over your shoulders and tossing it onto the floor. Your bra was next, leaving you in just your sparkly heels and your glimmering gems.
You could feel both pairs of eyes inspecting your naked body, Todorki’s hands returning to tweak at your nipples while Shinsou thrusted his tongue inside your quivering hole. He moaned as his tongue probed at your insides, sending vibrations through your core and causing your legs to tighten around his head. Pleasure was coursing through you, overwhelming the urge to scream and run that had been all you could focus on just minutes ago. But your pussy was dripping for the both of them, and Shinsou was savoring every drop as he animatedly lapped at you— never before had anyone so enthusiastically eaten your cunt like this, and his zeal only made you leak onto his mouth even more.
You had been so focused on the man in between your legs that you only recognized Todoroki had fully unclothed himself when he moved backward, easing your head back so you lay flat on the mattress. Your pussy twitched violently on Shinsou’s tongue when you caught sight of Todoroki’s cock standing long and thick, tall against his carved abdomen, his expression dark as he shuffled forward.
“Open your mouth, baby,” he instructed and you obeyed immediately, as if you couldn’t follow his instruction any faster. Your eagerness made him smirk, and you made sure to keep eye contact as he rubbed the tip of his heavy cock against your sealed lips. But suddenly Shinsou started to attack your clit with new fervor, tongue flicking across the bundle of nerves repeatedly.
You couldn’t stop the moan that flew out of you, and as soon as your mouth was open, Todoroki pushed forward, shoving his cock deep into your mouth. You choked at the sudden intrusion, but he only grabbed your throat with one hand and thrust into your mouth even rougher than before. He didn’t seem to care much about your comfort, your heartbeat skyrocketing as the need for oxygen started burning in your lungs.
Todoroki pulled his cock out just in time for you to gasp in a few breaths before he rammed his cock back inside, powerful thighs pinning your head to the mattress as he leaned forward with hands on either side of your waist and head hung while he uttered a quiet moan. “That’s right, love. Go ahead and suck my cock… I want to hear you choke on me, naughty little thing.”
A wanton moan slipped out of you, his cock filling your throat to the max, and his rough, determined thrusts causing your pussy to flood even more. Shinsou was still licking at your cunt purposefully, tongue sliding around your folds and over your clit as he sucked and flicked it to your liking. You started to become more vocal as pressure began to build in your stomach, your hips writhing wildly underneath his pinning grip as Todoroki used your mouth to his liking. Your eyes rolled back as you felt your high approaching, unaware of Shinsou slowly but steadily undressing himself while he suckled at your puffy folds.
Todoroki’s thrusts became slower but deeper suddenly, and you swirled your tongue around his swollen tip when his hips receded. You were caught off guard when Shinsou’s lips left your cunt and instead his teeth sunk into the soft skin on your thigh, taking another sampling from your veins. This time, the initial pain was much duller, and it quickly faded into something concerningly pleasurable. There must have been some higher-level effect at play here— there was no way that such gleaming fangs stabbing into you and feeding from you should feel that good. Yet it undoubtedly made your toes curl, bliss spreading through your body like wildfire through dry grass. It only increased when a long finger slipped inside of you, a second entering with ease as they began rubbing inside of you gently. You could feel Shinsou moan into your pillowy thigh, the noise only making your cunt itch for his attention again.
You let out a desolate whine when both of the men suddenly pulled away from you, your pussy hotter and wetter than ever, and your cheeks dribbling with your saliva as a result of Todoroki’s face-fucking. It was then that you realized Shinsou was naked, too, your mouth watering at his visage; his cock stood thicker and shorter than Todoroki’s, but both of them were punching well above average, muc to your delight.
Todoroki slipped off the mattress and Shinsou walked around the edge of the bed, the pair switching and settling in reverse positions. Shinsou stroked your cheek sweetly, capturing your attention as he smiled down at you. You craned your neck to press a kiss to the leaking tip of him, your tongue poking out to swipe the salty bead of pre-cum that lay there. Your eyes went wide when you felt the telltale smoothness of Todoroki’s cock splitting your slick-drenched folds, his hands settling on your hips before he grabbed them, rutting his own forward and causing his cock to push halfway into your tight hole. The stretch made the both of you gasp, your wet, little hole hugging his large cock snug as he began to move his hips.
Shinsou had enjoyed the intimate moment but found himself getting impatient, slapping his thick, oozing cockhead over your lips to grab your attention once again. You looked up at him with wide, starry eyes, your mouth opening for him to glide his cock into your mouth. “Good girl,” he murmured, eyes fixating on the way your lips wrapped around his girth, the way his thick veins looked rolling against your tongue. Your cheeks hollowed in attempt to satiate him, but you instantly cried out when Todoroki’s hips slapped flush against yours, shoving his cock inside of your cunt entirely.
The impossible fullness that bloomed in your stomach was delectable, and Todoroki began to thrust into your slippery cunt at a reliable, hard pace. He let out a guttural groan as he watched his cock disappear into your slick folds, the heat of your pussy overwhelming him. He lifted both your legs over his shoulders, making sure to grab one of your ankles and pulling it upright so your leg was fully extended. Then, his fangs broke the smooth skin on your calf and you whimpered at the feeling. It felt so good to have him suck on your skin— to feel your blood flowing out of your body and into his eager mouth. It was sick, but you couldn’t think about it at the moment— couldn’t find any fault with the two monsters that were taking you to cloud nine.
“Fuck, just like that,” Shinsou mumbled, eyes flicking up to watch a rivulet of your blood strike down your outstretched leg. When he looked back down towards you, your eyes were closed and your brow scrunched, an indication of the pleasure that was ebbing through your body thanks to the cadenced swing of Todoroki’s hips. “You’re such a good fucking girl,” Shinsou praised as he threw back his head, his fingers carding through your hair and tugging gently at your roots.
Just as the three of you seemed to find a rhythm, Todoroki pulled out abruptly, making your mouth part in a whine, Shinsou’s thick member springing out of your wet cavern and into the cool, still air. The purple-haired man hissed in annoyance, gritting his teeth as he looked to the other man to scold him, but quickly his irritation melted as he watched Todoroki flip you so your stomach lay flat on the sheets. Then, he hiked your ass into the air, your body moving along with him with such cooperation that the pair of them shared a look, haughty smirks stretching on both their lips. It was their secret that they had stopped using their mind control on you, and it seemed you were the only one that continued, blissfully unaware. Perhaps you didn’t even realize… perhaps you didn’t care.
It didn’t matter, really— Todoroki lined himself up with your dripping cunt, taking no pause this time as his cock speared inside you once again. You moaned as you reeled forward, your fingers gripping into the duvet harshly as your body tightened up from the delicious intrusion. His long, thick cock felt like magic inside of you, each thrust brushing a soft spot nestled deep inside of you and stimulating you further.
Shinsou jerked himself off lazily as he watched your facial expressions, trapping his bottom lip between his sharp teeth as he registered the erotic ecstasy painted across your beautiful features. After a minute of allowing you to focus his accomplice’s hard cock, he pressed the tip of his own to your lips. You immediately opened your mouth, taking the flushed member between your lips with restless reception, tongue rolling around the swollen head. Shinsou sighed, half-lidded lavender irises watching you begin to eagerly bob up and down his length. He thumbed over a drop of blood that had rolled down your throat, catching Todoroki’s eye and offering his finger to the other man, who happily took the digit into his mouth and sucked, tongue soaking up your life essence as his hand wrapped around Shinsou’s wrist to steady himself. They both chuckled as you moaned loudly, Todoroki’s free hand clapping across your ass cheek and causing your cunt to clench down on his cock.
“You like that?” he teased, grabbing your flesh and shaking it, watching your ass jiggle before striking you again, a few smacks in succession. You could only gag and moan in reply, Shinsou’s cock thrusting into the back of your throat. The purple-eyed vampire gripped your chin with his calloused, cold hand, keeping your head in place as he began to fuck your face. Suddenly Todoroki spat onto your behind, his saliva wetting your puckered hole before he shoved his thumb inside of your ass, the unexpected stretch sending fresh bliss through your body as his cock dragged against it through your walls. Tears were beading on your lashes, the combination of the lack of oxygen, the attack of your g-spot from Todoroki’s cock, and the sharp pain of his hand across your ass all sending you hurtling towards your high.
With a shriek you came on his cock, your cunt wringing snug around the heavy member that just kept pistoning into you, angling your hips so the head pounding into that sensitive, spongy spot again and again. Todoroki groaned, taking his finger out and both his hands now squeezing at your hips as he continued to fuck you, offering a few more slaps to your ass as you trembled in ecstasy. While your head was still filled with the euphoric fog of your climax, Shinsou pulled out of your mouth, nodding to Todoroki, who wordlessly understood. The mismatched vampire hooked his arms around your knees, heaving you up against his chest and spreading your legs far apart enough for Shinsou to slide between them.
You were still catching your breath as Shinsou reached for Todoroki’s cock, slotting his thighs between the other man’s and positioning his length so that his slick-covered head rested right at your asshole. You gasped, your arm bending to dig your nails into Todoroki’s shoulder as you looked behind at him, catching his lustful gaze down at you. Shinsou then began to sloppily kiss your throat, his cock rubbing against your glazed, ravaged opening as his hands ran across the curve of your ass, landing on Todoroki’s waist behind your hips. The both of them entered you at the same time, your vision dotting with white spots as the stretch from both sides took your breath away. They both managed to slip inside, fully seating you onto their laps as you trembled, your stiff nipples brushing against Shinsou’s toned chest.
Todoroki nibbled at your ear as he began to pump his cock inside of you, filling your ass with each thrust and stimulating you as he rubbed himself against Shinsou’s cock through your walls. “So tight, love…,” he murmured in your ear, the prick of his sharp fangs on your cartilage sending shivers down your spine. His tongue wandered out and he traced the tip of it against the column of your throat, brushing over the leaking puncture wounds that laid there. “So sweet… can’t help myself,” his words turned into a savage moan as he sunk his fangs into your skin, the pain washing away abruptly as Shinsou, too, started to push his hips into yours.
Shinsou groaned, one hand coming to caress your chin as he claimed your lips with his own. His tongue entered your mouth and wrestled with yours as his tempo began to pick up, his cock stretching your cunt wide and sending waves of pleasure through your core. When he pulled back, you were both panting, your breasts heaving with the rapid rise and fall of your chest. It was then that Todoroki pulled away from your neck, gasping in a breath of air as his fangs glistened scarlet. Shinsou took one look at him and crushed his mouth to his, your holes clenching around their lengths as you watched your blood be exchanged between their ravenous tongues. The pair of them were moaning, and so were you— unable to keep the noises of pure pleasure inside as you watched them make out.
Your blood was dripping down Todoroki’s chin, and you couldn’t stop yourself from reaching over and grabbing his jaw, ripping his lips away from Shinsou’s and instead placing your mouth on his. He growled in approval against your lips, his tongue battling yours as he sought to dominate you, the distinct flavor of iron filling your mouth as you tasted your own blood. Shinsou took the opportunity to sink his cuspids into the other side of your throat again, and your jaw fell in response, Todoroki’s tongue seizing control of yours immediately as he grasped the upper hand. Both of them were full-on fucking you now, your holes warm and wet, quivering around their thick cocks as the brought you closer and closer to your high yet again.
Only the sound of your heavy breathing and the slapping of your skins filled the air in the room, the music of the party drowned and far away as the three of you were otherwise occupied. Before you knew it, you were clenching on them again, your body seizing as your orgasm ripped through you, all the air in your lungs vacuumed out of you and your toes curling into the air. Your fingers fisted Shinsou’s wild violet locks, your nails digging into Todoroki’s jaw as you tumbled through the throes of your climax, euphoria rushing through your bloodstream and straight into Shinsou’s awaiting mouth.
The sweet taste of your oxytocin, your drug-like ecstasy, sent him straight into his own orgasm, his hips pushing flush against yours as he roared and his cock spurted thick white ribbons deep into your womb, his seed pouring into you and filling you to the brim. His chiseled body trembled as he emptied himself inside of you, his fingers bruising your skin while he gasped and moaned. Your holes clenched as you milked his cock, and suddenly Todoroki, too, groaned loudly behind you. His hands squeezed your flesh as his cock spurted hot cum inside of you, his abdomen flush against your ass as he crushed your body to his front.
The three of you sat there on the bed, your bodies covered in sweat and remnants of your blood, breathless and still as you came back down to earth. Shinsou’s lips trailed along your neck, Todoroki’s fingertips sliding across your skin with gentle care as they pulled out of you. Their seed dribbled down your thighs as they maneuvered your boneless body back onto the pillows, your eyes fluttering closed from the pure exhaustion and the lack of blood in your veins. Each of them laid back on either side of you, their cold hands wandering over your skin and causing goosebumps to rise, their eyes roaming your body in pure adoration.
“You did so well, baby,” Shinsou murmured into your hair, pressing his face close to yours as he sighed and inhaled the sweet scent lingering from the blood on your skin.
“So well-behaved for us,” Todoroki added, wrapping an arm around your middle as he, too, nestled closer to your limp body. “Go to sleep, love… you deserve some rest.”
You hummed at their praise, tired butterflies flapping their wings in the pit of your stomach. Your head was fuzzier than ever, bliss weighing heavy in your bones as your breathing steadied. Filled with post-orgasmic content, the idea of fleeing that seemed so wonderful just an hour ago now sounded distasteful, your body comfortable lying on the silken sheets, pressed between your two lovers. As you faded into a blissful sleep, you could hear the pair talking lowly, making plans to keep you here with them in hushed voices.
 ─── ・°* ゚✧:* • 。゚:*・☽・*: 。゚•*:✧ ゚*°・ ───
so sorry if that was rushed at the end!! hope you enjoyed, and Happy Halloween!! be safe out there <3
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𝐂𝐨𝐩𝐲𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 © 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐩𝐢 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟎. 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝.
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cilly-the-writer · 3 years
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Electromagnetic Specs | Short story | 1,425 words 
CW: Identity questioning and uncertainty, accidental coming out, suggestive of depression. It is supposed to be a comfort story, but please take whatever self care you need! 
     Adira waved at the mirror and bright colors flushed through the pendant on her neck. A circle of crystal clear jewels filled with a rainbow gradient like an artist's color wheel. The sparkling colors entranced her as she drew a long breath and held it. 
     But her heart beat hard as the colors vanished the next moment. So much went with them. The clear jewels held an emptiness to them, an emptiness she felt too deeply. And though she still got lost in their depths, their white and gray tones in the light solidified the hollow feeling in her chest.
     Adira waved at her reflection hastily and the jewels filled with color again. But this time, a new set colors washed over them. Somewhat satisfied, she waved again. New gradients appeared, washing in and out as she stood in the bathroom content watching the fading display of colors.
     That is until someone pounded at the door.
    "Are you done in there? We're going to miss the next act!"
     Axel called to her even more urgently:
    "Adira, they're going to run out of cream puffs and I haven't even gotten one yet!"
    "Eclairs, Axel," a third voice sounded. "They're called eclairs."
    "It doesn't matter what they're called! They're going to run out!" Hayden whined.
    Adira stepped away from the mirror and stared toward the door. Worry filled her eyes. Her friends' annoyed tones had put her even more on edge. She panicked and straightened out the ruffles on her dress.
    "Just a second!"
    She was about to head out when she spotted her necklace sweep through another set of colors. Adira stumbled back and waved her hand through the air. The colors disappeared from left to right, following the wave of her hand and leaving a ring of clear jewels behind. Almost invisible against the white and gray tones of her dress.
    Adira shook her head and puffed her cheeks with a breath of forced confidence. She was done here. It was time to run back out to her friends.
    "Finally." Ember said.
    "Okay, now cream puffs!"
    "Don't you think we should get a table first?" Hayden said.
      Her friends were already moving down the hall, making their way back to the reception room. Adira followed, lingering behind them as the distant sound of music grew louder. Jazz music distracted them as they talked over the fun and fast instrumental rhythms—but Adira kept quiet behind them.
      She studied their attire instead, the formal wear they had each chosen for tonight’s event. She admired their color schemes as they waded through moonlight. The soft light skimmed across them heavenly. They seemed like gods to her.
    Hayden wore a very neat and slick dress shirt with sharp black tie that gave the impression of authority. The pink, purple, and blue fade of colors only added to her awe. The dress shirt's vibrance was so rich and magnificent as they walked through the moonlight streaming in.
    Axel wore a tuxedo with a tie that faded from shades of green, to white, gray, and black. But the black sparkle of his shoes was what really hypnotized her as they clicked against the floor. The longer she looked, the more glints of color and rainbows she saw.
    Ember wore a long gown filled with fancy strokes and brushes of the rainbow embroidered into it. She had even pinned several streaks of color and colorful jeweled clips into her fancy updo. The intricate and sparkling flashes of color commanded Adira's attention as they made their way into the reception room.
     Adira's thoughts shifted as they headed for a table. The grand feeling hit her as she looked to the room's massive chandelier, a collection of teardrop crystals filled with a rainbow gradient. The colors faded and lit up with changing colors and gradients every few seconds, the same way her necklace had.
     She kept her eye on the display of changing lights while they sat down to a table and a speaker announced the next performer. The speaker’s voice reverberated through the room and pulled most people’s attention to the stage. 
     But Adira looked elsewhere. She watched the glasses on the tables catch the colors of the changing chandelier lights. The soft and subtle transitions captivated her. Even the silk white table cloths echoed with the beautiful colorful gradients.
     Her entrancement lasted until Hayden put a hand on her wrist and she jumped a little.
     That's when Hayden stood up and threw her a nod to the back of the room, signaling her to follow.
     She followed with a puzzled look on her face, not sure to think. As they left the reception room and ventured further into the empty hallways, Hayden stopped.
    "Just wanna make sure. You do know your dress was changing colors, right?"
    "What? What colors?" Adira’s voice rang with more panic than surprise.
    "I mean, just some of the pride flags, but—."
    "Wait! Which ones?!"
    "Like the ace flag, the aro flag, the bi flag..."
    "Oh no," Adira's voice quivered, "I'm sorry!"
    "You're sorry?"
    "Because it doesn't make any sense! I can't be bi if I'm aro ace, and I can't be aro ace if I'm bi!" The crack of her voice led to tears, and her tears ushered in sobs. "I just can't figure it out! I have so many different feelings, I don't know what to think. Like I have a lot of weird feelings about relationships," she hiccuped through a sob. "There's so many things I don't like about them, but I'm not sure! Because I have all these other feelings too. Maybe it just depends on something I can't figure out yet. I don't know. It just all feels so vague. I don't—."
    "Adira, it's okay. Honestly! So maybe you're just on the aro ace spec."
    Adira's sobs came to an abrupt stop.
    "What?" There was a pathetic twinkle of relief in her eyes, like she was a kid who scraped her knee and the promise of a toy had calmed her down a little bit.
    "I mean, it's a spectrum too. You can be bi and be on the aro ace spec. Maybe you're just a gray aro ace or something," Hayden offered as a possibility. "I mean, there's a lot of different identities. We could look them up if you want."
    Adira stared through the blurriness of her tears.
    Hayden gave her a slight smile and pulled out his phone. The screen lit up and he swiped through the touch keyboard. Adira leaned over to get a look and they stood there together looking through the search results.
    Adira glossed over all the flags and colorful gradients that appeared. She skimmed the descriptions as Hayden tilted the screen toward her, and then after she read one section—she stepped back into an alcove in the hallway where a long mirror hung on the wall.
    She eyed the reflection of her dress as a symmetrical purple, gray, and white gradient washed over it—a captivated smile growing in her eyes. A pink, purple, and blue gradient filled the jewels of her necklace next. The rhinestones along her dress heels followed with hues of green, gray, and white. She stood in awe for a long moment; and when she finally turned back around, the colors in her dress faded to white once more. The jewels on her pendant flushed clear of color. The rhinestones on her heels flashed back to white. But her eyes still glowed with a smile.
"Maybe I'll wear it next time?"
    "That sounds just fine too," Hayden smiled.
    They left the empty hallways and returned to the reception room, wading through the maze of tables before they made it back to theirs. Axel and Ember's faces brightened upon their return and the happy tones of their voices caught Adira by surprise.
    "There you are!" Ember said.
    "We were waiting for you! They're about to announce the raffle prize winners!" Axel said.
    "He's excited because he put extra tickets in that basket you really wanted." Hayden said matter of factly.
    Axel's giddiness sparked a delayed reaction on Adira's face. She smiled. The sentiment warmed her heart, but her heart felt much lighter and much more receptive to that warmth suddenly. Perhaps less fearful of its contingencies. And much more reassured there were not any.
Author Note:
I’m not sure if the concept comes across clear, but this is just a random pride event that the characters’ school hosts! Adira’s white outfit is also a super optional way to show support for pride events in this universe (so that this super specific comfort story would work!) 
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