#technically this scene is from the past? so really it's his old hair before he grew it out more
mattodore · 1 year
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i switched from gray-blue to ice-blue eyes on matthias and his gaze feels so much more impactful to me now
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freneticfloetry · 1 month
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fic pride friday
I finally get to start a tag game! Saw this one go by in the wild, and though I couldn’t grab the exact post to reblog, I wanted to bring the concept over to my go-to folks.
Rules: Post your favourite line or passage from as many of your published works as you’d like. Let yourself feel proud of your creations! Tag as many people as you post snippets, so your fellow fic friends can be proud, too.
There’s a little slice of Husbands Era from words to get off his chest (911 / 911 Lone Star):
Times like this, TK honestly thinks he lives for the second that Carlos settles back and lets go. He hopes that feeling never gets old — the way he sinks back into his arms, just a bit, and his limbs lose the last of their tension, like he’s found the exact space where he fits and can exhale with his whole body.
There’s this Carlos and Iris truth swap from to build a home (911 Lone Star):
I think you're my new favorite person, she'd said — soft but sure, like it wasn't something wondrous after losing her dad, just laid in his lap like a gift — and he'd swallowed and said the only thing he could think of that might've been worth as much in return. I think I'm gay. She'd turned her head and smiled into his shoulder, slipping her arm around his to slot their fingers together and squeeze. Fine, she'd said, warm and wry and completely without surprise. I'll drop my 'think' if you will.
There’s this Met Gala moment from scenes from an unfinished story (The Magicians)
Really, he'd said flatly, when El had first shared the idea, you want to go as The Little Mermaid. Eliot had rolled his eyes. Well not the neutered Disney version, he'd answered, the Hans Christian Andersen original. In all its forbidden gay glory. Quentin had blinked, thoroughly confused, and El had given him a look he never did decipher. He wrote it as a love letter, Q, he'd explained, soft and sad, to a man he couldn't have.
There’s this moment before a bittersweet reunion from What Baking Can Do (The Magicians)
He's technically seen El… since; there's a copy made of clay back at the cottage, lying silent and too still in Eliot's bed. But this is the form he knows — towering and full of grace, even bent over a workbench, brows drawn together, sifting flour into a big wooden bowl. Quentin's clearly caught him mid-setup, a telltale line of little clay vessels arranged across one side of the table, and it's sort of fascinating to watch the way he's adapted, the duality of the picture it paints — a faded apron slung over some sort of sheer, gauzy shirt that's tied at his side, sleeves rolled at each cuff to the elbow and hands stripped free of rings, the room's worn wood and stone an unadorned backdrop for the drama of the dark crown of gems that still circles his head. It's an image Quentin doesn't think he could forget, but there's the strangest urge to frame it, hang it, label it in bronze: High King Humbled, 2017. Flesh and bone.
There’s this truly unfortunate timing from Confidence Man (What’s Your Number?)
The Imperial March is impossible to ignore in the best of situations, much less mid-cunnilingus, but trying to would be significantly easier without the subsequent knock on the door. She stiffens, fingers tightening in his hair, thighs clamping down around his head like a vice. "Oh, fuck," she moans, in a way that's meant to be mortified but, to his ears and his brain and every one of his nerve endings, still sounds like she's seconds from flying off a fucking cliff. "Ally, I swear to god," he says, locked between her legs, "if I come in my pants with your mother outside I may never maintain an erection again."
There’s this reflection on the past and present from Ashes and Flame (Every You and Every Me) (The Hunger Games)
I want it to be as it was. A purging of everything that haunts me, down to the smallest detail. But when I'm done, there's only space and shadow in living color, more abstract than anything that came before it. A fiery sunset over the Meadow grass, the shape of mockingjay wings. And two silhouettes on the horizon, together but separate, forever moving forward, and backward, and nowhere at all.
And finally, there’s this unbalanced negotiation from By Any Other (Lucky Number Slevin), which is maybe my favorite cold opening to anything I’ve ever written.
"You need a name." She spreads out the stack of takeout menus she's stolen from the front desk, sprawled on her stomach on their third motel bed in a week. The wallpaper is the worst she's seen yet, and is still somehow better than what was in her old bathroom. "What about Indian?" "As names go? It's a little tongue-in-cheek." He flops to his back beside her, scratching at his stomach and squashing half the pile. "I could go for some Chinese." She wrinkles her nose, wrestling the menus free. "No Chinese. I hate Chinese." "You are Chinese." "Yeah, it's tragic, they revoked my membership and everything."
Tagging in @liminalmemories21, @paperstorm, @carlos-in-glasses, @reyesstrand, @rmd-writes, @lemonlyman-dotcom , and @welcometololaland !
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thethistlegirlwrites · 4 months
By Invitation Only
When John opens the door to his apartment, he instinctively knows he’s not alone.
Part of it is the subtle undercurrent of his Second Sight, informing him of the slightly raised window sash, the displaced coffee table, and the marks on the rug that weren’t left by his own feet.
Part of it is the smell of blood permeating the air that he knows isn’t coming from him. Most nights, he might not question it, but he was stuck riding a desk tonight while the Harris case is under internal investigation. He’s positive it’ll get cleared up in his favor, he was defending a human who simply ran off before anyone could get their statement to confirm it, but until that staking is ruled justified, he’s out of the field.
The closest he’s been to blood all evening is filling out requisition forms for a new chiller unit for their clinic blood bank. 
He draws his stake and moves slowly through the room, past the kitchenette and down the hall, to where a few specks of bright red stop outside the bathroom door.
He opens the door, and Emma looks up from where she’s scrubbing her stained hands in the sink. The mirror is disturbingly blank aside from the flecks of blood. 
“It’s not mine.” She nods to the bathtub, where something wrapped in plastic bags is lying. “I was really hoping he was just going to dust on me.” 
In retrospect, inviting Emma into his apartment that one time she was running from some vigilantes should probably have told him it wouldn’t be the last time she’d show up here. She’s free to come and go whenever she chooses, now, unless he moves. 
“You brought a dead body into my apartment?” John asks, for lack of any other coherent response to the situation.
“Technically, two.” Emma gestures vaguely to herself, adding water and soap splatter to the blood speckling her scarlet blouse. 
John doesn’t dignify that correction with a response.
“What do you expect me to do with it?”
“Nothing. I just couldn’t deal with him before sunrise, so I’m going to have to wait until sundown. Then I’ll dispose of him.” She shrugs. “I staked him and cut off the head for good measure. He’s not going to wake up on you.”
“You can’t just stash bodies in my apartment!”
“I’d have taken him back to the club, but I don’t have a car, and getting in a cab with a decapitated corpse tends to raise a few too many questions. Your place was closer.”
John doesn’t even want to ask what Emma is doing on this side of town, well outside her own turf. 
“It was him or me,” She says, as if what John is worried about is the legitimacy of her kill. Apparently, old hunter habits die hard. “He brought a human host into my club, then bolted when I confronted him. By the time I finally caught up to him, he’d decided it would be in his best interests to get rid of me before I got him in trouble. Probably the only reason I did catch up to him. He was doubling back to get rid of me once he made it onto his coven’s turf.”
“And you couldn’t just leave his body laying around for the rest of his coven to find.” John is finally starting to understand the circumstances to this bizarre end to his night. 
“Exactly. I didn’t leave any ties to myself at the scene, the stake is still in him, but he had the Luna’s stamp on his wrist. It wouldn’t have been hard for his coven to retrace his steps and find out I’d tracked him onto their turf and killed him.”
Technically, by vampire standards, she’s in the wrong.
But in hunter books, keeping a human host is a far more serious crime than crossing boundary lines.
John won’t be writing this up any time soon. 
He pushes aside the shower curtain to inspect the body, just in case it’s someone tied to any open Chimera investigations. He doesn’t recognize the curly black hair or the puckered scar on the decaying cheek. 
Emma keeps telling him she’s left the hunter world behind for good, but the stake in the vampire’s chest is newly made and the kind of quality Chimera always expects from its employees. Sure, plenty of vampires are known to kill their own kind in turf disputes and squabbles, but most go for means that display their strength. Throats torn out that leave victims to bleed into a coma, heads severed and sometimes kept as trophies. Hearts impaled with anything from twisted-off rebar to combat knives.
Vampires who use wooden stakes are few and far between. It’s considered a hunters’ weapon. 
He grimaces and rewraps the plastic around the body. He really hopes none of the other building tenants complain to the landlord about smells until this body is gone.
They will if it stays in here all day. 
“I’ll deal with him, Em.” John says. “I’ll just tell the crematory people to keep it on the down low because technically I’m not supposed to be on active duty.” The stake kill will certainly sell his story. 
“You don’t have to.”
“I do if I don’t want my landlord busting in with the third complaint this month.” Okay, so he probably could have avoided the noise one, but it’s a crime to play Metallica on low volume. Apparently, it’s also a crime to play it on high. 
He glances at Emma. “You hurt?”
“Not this time.” Emma holds up her now-washed hands and arms, showing the lack of any damage.
“There’s a clean t-shirt and sweatpants that should fit you in the guest room. Along with most of the rest of my laundry.” So sue him, he hates folding and never has anyone staying over. “I know you can’t sleep without your home earth, but I can pick some up on my way back from the crematorium. And some synth-blood.”
“I really don’t need all that. Just somewhere to lie low until the sun goes down.”
“My momma would have my hide if she thought I wasn’t treating my guests right.”
“She might also have your hide for inviting a vampire into your living space.”
John shrugs. “What she doesn’t know won’t hurt her.”
He looks into the stained bathtub at the body. No way is he carrying this thing through the halls and down the stairs, or risking getting stuck with it in the temperamental elevator.
Apparently, this guy’s going out the way he came.
Down the fire escape.
Well, as far as mornings go, this is only the third weirdest he can remember…
(You can read this story and more from this universe on my WorldAnvil here!)
@catwingsathena @nade2308 @the-one-and-only-valkyrie @telltaleclerk @ettawritesnstudies  @writeouswriter @whump-place
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boston-babies · 1 year
Chris x Mama, takes place in 2017 when mama went to go visit Chris on set in South Africa. Please be nice besties🫣 THIS FIC IS 18+, CONTAINS SMUT MINORS DO NOT INTERACT!!
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All of this was inspired by this gif😂 if anyone knows the creator of the gif please let me know so I can tag them for proper credit!
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Ryan groaned “mom I’m nineteen years old, I shouldn’t have to stay with Nona to be baby sat while you go to South Africa to visit dad” you gave him a pointed look “really? because the party you threw a couple months ago that nearly destroyed the house says otherwise Christopher” Ryan pursed his lips “speaking of, am I technically off grounding for that if I’m staying at Nona’s?” You raised a brow “no you aren’t” he threw his head back and groaned again.
Brayden, Brandon and Dani came into the kitchen where you and Ryan were. The twins sat at the island and Brayden started “how long are you going to be gone for mama?” Brandon added “do you have to go?” Dani spoke from her spot at the table “and why can’t we go with you?” You walked around to the side of the island the twins were sitting on and kissed the top of their heads “I’m only going to be gone for a few days, yes I have to go-“ you walked over to Dani and kissed the top of her head too “and you can’t come because you each have other commitments this week” they all collectively groaned and said “fine”
The flight had been long but you were happy to finally arrive. When you showed up on set Chris’ first assistant met you and took your luggage for you as he lead you to Chris’ second assistant
Chris’ second PA met you “y/n! He’s going to be so happy to see you, he’s been looking forward to it all week” you smiled and giggled “so have I, is he filming right now? I don’t want to interrupt him” she shook her head “no he has the next few scenes off, I’ll take you to him!”
She walked you down the beach until the resort they built for the movie came into view “oh wow that’s incredible” his PA nodded “right? Set design did such a wonderful job” you both continued walking just past the resort when she pointed “he’s right over there” you smiled and thanked her and when you turned your head and got a good look at your husband your eyes widened and jaw dropped. You blinked a few times just to make sure the man you were blatantly staring at was your husband.
He noticed you and with a brilliant smile on his face he ran over towards you and scooped you right up “oh I missed you pretty bird”. He pulled back and kissed you but soon he noticed you were oddly quiet “are you alright? Did anything happen?” You felt nervous and you didn’t really know why, he was your husband why should you feel nervous. You started stuttering “I umm..just ah..huh?” He laughed “are you okay?” You opened your mouth to answer but more stuttering started so you just closed your mouth an nodded. ‘What the fuck?’ You thought.
He started nodding in realization “it’s the look isn’t it? I recognize that stuttering pretty bird” he smirked “you like the hair and the beard..you think I’m hot” your cheeks heated and in defiance you shook your head no. He laughed “then say it out loud with out stuttering and I’ll believe you”
You tried but you couldn’t because he was right. You loved this look on him, the long hair, the fuller beard, the tanned skin..your mind trailed off to a not so innocent place so you shook yourself out of it. He nodded “oh I’m keeping this for a while” he put his hands on your hips and pulled you in. You wrapped your arms around his neck as he lifted you, both getting completely lost in each other.
He set you back down “we could sneak off to my room? I have the next few hours off before they need me” you nodded and he quickly grabbed your hand and ran off with you right to his room. He shut the door once you both were inside and you looked around for a moment “this is your room? It’s nice” he came up behind you “technically it’s my character Ari’s room but yeah it’s mine” he turned you around and kissed you again.
His kisses moved from your lips, to your jaw, then to your neck. He started trailing his hands underneath your tank top. He started biting and sucking on the sweet spot on your neck that he knew would drive you crazy. You quietly giggled “you’re not going to get in trouble for this are you spangles?”
He lifted his head and cocked an eyebrow “spangles? Now that’s a nickname I haven’t heard in a while”. You wrapped your arms around his neck and ran your fingers through the hair on the nape of his neck “I thought you liked when I called you spangles?” He smirked and he leaned down to tug on your earlobe and whisper “yeah but I like it better when you call me daddy”
Your head fell back at that and a quiet groan escaped you. He took that as confirmation to continue. He worked the tank you were wearing off and started tugging your denim shorts down. He walked you backwards toward the bed and gently pushed you on it. You laid back and he left open mouthed kisses down your body. You moaned “fucking hell chris”.
He lifted his head up and smirked “better be quiet princess, we don’t want anyone hearing us”. He worked his clothes off and soon he was pushing inside you, the come back you had for him right on the tip of your tongue rolled to the back of your mind as he rocked all the way into you. His strokes were long, slow, deep and purposeful. He wanted to take his time with you.
He hovered over you, arms strong as his palms pressed into the bed beside your chest. The gentle snap of his hips into yours continued, the slowness making your walls feel every inch of him. You thought the feeling of him couldn’t get any better but then his hips sped up, and you couldn’t hold back the strangulated Fuck that escaped your mouth.
You gripped his arms, the muscles taut as he used his thighs to push your knees closer to your chest, the angle felt absolutely delicious and allowed him to go even deeper. He bit his lip as he slowed down for a few strokes then sped up again, the changing gyration of his hips getting you closer and closer to the end. Then you felt it, the coil in your stomach getting ready to snap. He felt it too, your walls coating him even more as they began to pulse, gripping him, then letting him go only to grip him again.
“It’s okay pretty bird, I’ve got you. Let go.” His words were like a trigger. As you came, your back arched, a throaty moan falling from your mouth. He continued to move, riding the pulsing wave as your walls grabbed him and pulled him over the edge with you, a vulnerable groan shooting past his lips into your ear. He thrusted into you twice more before his hips stilled
“That’s my good girl,” he said, brushing your hair away from your face as you panted and shuddered involuntarily, trying to regain your composure. He kissed your forehead “you okay baby?” You took a few more deep breaths “yeah-“ you smiled “I’m good” he leaned down and gave you a soft, slow and sensual kiss. “I missed you” you cupped his face in between your hands “I missed you too”
You both went three more rounds after that and now you were just laying together with you head on his chest as he gently ran his hand up and down your side “how’re the kids doing?” “Good, they miss you. They’re upset that they couldn’t come.” He laughed “and let me guess, Ryan tried asking if he was off from being grounded while staying at my moms?” You nodded “mhmm” He shook his head “he’s persistent, I’ll give him that”
There was a soft knock on the door and a voice on the other side “hey Chris? Turns out you’re needed back on set a bit earlier”
Chris sighed and looked down at you as you looked up at him “sorry pretty bird” you leaned up and gave him a soft kiss “you can make it up to me later” he nodded “I promise I will”
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zenmastercharles · 10 months
Marinette, Adrien, Gabriel, and the Miraculous (Miraculous: Zen Master Style)
Everyone else has tried their hand at rewriting the disappointment that is Miraculous Ladybug, each with their own ups and downs, so I’ve decided to throw my hat in the ring. I’m going to rewrite this series from the ground up, episode by episode, season by season, special by special.. I don’t really have the motivation to write a full fanfiction, so I’m going to do the next best thing and do this bullet-point style. But before I hop into that, I want to talk about one of the most important parts of any rewrite or reboot: the characters. 
Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Harmonia 
The first and most obvious change is that I’ve changed Marinette’s hero name. Ladybug, while very iconic, is in my opinion, a pretty basic and uninspired name. So, I’m changing it to Harmonia, based on the species of Ladybug with the exact same name. It still gives off peaceful and inspiring vibes whilst also being creative.
As for her personality, Marinette wouldn’t change that much in my rewrite. Except for, which is to be expected in every rewrite, her stalker-ish and obsessive tendencies.
Of course I’m keeping her massive crush on Adrien, but instead of having her stalk him, I’d just have her write down any information about him that naturally came across her path. Like, if she was scrolling on Instagram and she came across an interview where he said his favorite flavor is passionfruit, she’d just jot it down somewhere.
Also, she wouldn’t try to sabotage any other woman that shows even the slightest interest in Adrien. I’ve always felt that to be so cringe. Instead, I’d have her maybe show a twinge of jealousy and envy, but she pushes it down quickly.
She’d be shown being creative much more in my version, perhaps scenes of her designing in her room before an akuma attack or solving everyday problems with her resourcefulness. 
I’d also show her progressively becoming less clumsy and confident over the course of Season 1 and 2, really focusing on her first character arc.
Now, appearance. Marinette’s main outfit would be much more stylish in my version because, well, she’s an aspiring fashion designer and her canon outfit is unfathomably bland. I’d probably go with a pink shirt under denim overalls and jorts, along with some nice pink sneakers and black ankle socks.  
Her superhero outfit is getting a MASSIVE overhaul. Like her superhero name, it’s iconic but basic. I’d give it some more solid black accents, and I’d add some padded and armored bits, especially around the torso and the lower limbs, to make it look more like an actual beetle. And her hair would be tied up into space buns, like in her Multimouse outfit, along with a pair of thin bangs that would be structured to look like antennas. 
Finally, her backstory. I’m not changing much about her backstory, however, I am changing her past with Chloe.
See, Chloe and Marinette used to be best friends when they were, like, 10. Chloe was actually pretty chill back then, but something happened one day and Chloe just changed. She became a demanding and cruel bully. She tried to drag Marinette along for her schemes, but Marinette refused and Chloe disowned her. Marinette continued to try and talk Chloe out of her phase until Chloe pulled a prank on her so heinous that Marinette began believing that Chloe could never change. Chloe perceived Marinette’s refusal to help her bully people as a betrayal, so she replaced her with Sabrina and made it her mission to make Marinette’s life a living hell. She bullied Marinette for years, which shattered Marinette’s confidence. 
In this rewrite, she’s 15 instead of 14. I’ve always found it weird that she’s currently 14. Like, why would Fu even believe that a 14 year old is the right person to carry the burden of not only saving all of Paris, but being the Guardian of the Miraculous. And technically, she only turned 14 in Befana, so she was 13 when she got her Miraculous so she probably got all this responsibility dumped on her fresh out of puberty-oh my god, I’m getting off track.
And that’s it for Marinette, now, let’s move on to Adrien.
Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir
I considered changing Chat Noir’s name for the same reason I did Ladybug’s, it’s just Black Cat in French. But I decided that Chat Noir actually flows pretty well, in fact, too well to change. 
For his personality, I decided to make him more like he was in the movie, but with some of the PV mixed in. Sheltered, a loner, kind of cold, closed off his emotions to the rest of the world, doesn’t have a lot of real friends but is still really popular because of his status and profession. He’s nice enough, but he doesn’t allow himself to get close to anyone, or for anyone to get close to him. That is until he meets Harmonia and falls head over heels for her. 
He still takes a bunch of extracurriculars and has heaps of pressure put onto him. His father’s still cold, distant, and controlling, but as Chat Noir, he feels free, his shoulders are lighter than ever, nobody can control him. It’s a nice parallel between him and Harmonia, transforming adds pressure for her while it relieves pressure for him. 
Regarding his love for Harmonia, being raised by Gabriel “Chief of Child Neglect” Agreste, Adrien doesn’t really know the best way to express complex emotions like love, more specifically, romantic love. 
You know that scene from Glaciator 2 where Kagami reveals that she was getting her relationship advice from a manga? Yeah, Adrien’s gonna do that. With guidance from the manga, Chat Noir’s gonna flirt heavily with Harmonia. He’s gonna be unloading all the rizz he can muster onto Harmonia, but it’s so bad that Harmonia thinks it’s all one big joke since Chat’s always making puns and jokes. 
Now for his design, like Marinette’s, it’s basic as hell. And it’s even more illogical for him because Marinette’s just a normal girl with a normal life but Adrien’s dad is literally one of the world’s most famous fashion designers. Almost every Adrien redesign gives him a coat so I’m gonna do that too. I’d probably give him a maroon knee-length victorian coat with the shirt he wears in canon underneath, along with some black dress pants and jodhpur boots. 
Honestly, I don’t have any problems with his superhero outfit, but I’ll still be changing it quite a bit. I want to give it more of a wild look since, in this version at least, it’ll symbolize Adrien letting go of his expectations. I'll be adding some gray accents along the suit, as well as giving him an unzipped, waist-length jacket, with some gray accents of its own. I’m gonna add some sharp points at the end of his gloves. His hair will be significantly messier and spikier. He’s still gonna have his belt tail, in fact, I’m gonna give him another one. Well to be more specific, he’ll have two belts. They’ll overlap with each other to form a sort of wide x-shape at his waist with a green belt buckle that has his insignia on it. He’ll still only have one belt tail though. 
Like Marinette, he’ll be 15 in this one, but he’ll turn 16 in Bubbler (or the episode that’s replacing it).
And now, let’s move on to our main antagonist, Gabriel Agreste.
Gabriel Agreste | Atlas
Okay, so I changed Hawk Moth’s name too, but only because while I was searching up other types of butterflies for reasons I can’t tell you because spoilers, I came across one literally called Atlas and that sounds so much cooler than Hawk Moth. 
Personality-wise, I’m just gonna do what the movie did because the movie did Gabriel so much better than the series did.
Before the identity reveal in Season 2, I’m going to have some scenes with Atlas that make it clear that his goal isn’t World Domination, but to make sure that the viewers know that he’s doing this to bring someone back to life.
And his costume, just Callimara’s redesign of him. She did it better than I could even dream of doing it. Her version is simply peak.
His backstory is where things change a bunch.
So basically, he and Emilie met when they were around Adrien and Marinette’s age, only a year or two younger. Emelie fell first but Gabriel fell harder, and eventually, they started dating. Things were all nice and stuff for a few years until Paris was overtaken by crime, gang bosses and stuff. Gabriel and Emilie didn’t know what to do until they met an old man. Somehow, they proved to this old man that they were pure of heart, so the old man gave them two magic jewels, the Butterfly and Peacock Miraculous, and trained them to become heroes. It only took them half a year to bring the crime rate down significantly. After crime was rarer than you getting some bitches, the old man let them keep the Miraculouses, even after they retired from the hero positions. However, unbeknownst to them, in their last scuffle, the Peacock Miraculous was hit head-on with some kind of magic bullet and was damaged. Emelie got increasingly sick as she continued to wear the Miraculous, unaware that it was the source of the sickness until it was too late. So, only seven years after their son, Adrien, was born, Emilie tragically passed. The effect this had on Gabriel was tremendous. He blamed the old man and the Miraculouses for Emilie’s death, so he renounced Nooroo. He was so grief-stricken that he slipped into a depressive state, inadvertently becoming neglectful and emotionally abusive towards Adrien. He felt like he lost his other half. It all came to a head after years, he couldn’t take it anymore. He needed Emelie back. Then, he remembered something the old man had told him all those years, that the power of the Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculous when unified could warp reality and grant any wish. He knew the old man still had it, so he spent months trying to track him down to no avail. However, one night, he was struck with a genius idea. He came to the conclusion that the old man must’ve either given them to someone else or is planning to. So he decided that there was no better way to draw out superheroes than creating supervillains. He reclaimed the Butterfly Miraculous and started his crusade as Atlas.
I was so damn dramatic with that one lmao. 
Anyway, onto the Miraculous themself. 
The Miraculous
For the base concept of the Miraculouses, they’re pretty much the same. Mystical jewelry inhabited by deities that each embody a unique concept. What changes for the most part, is the power system linked to these Miraculous.
One of the bigger changes is that a Kwami can choose their holder. When someone becomes a Miraculous holder, it’s kind of like signing a contract. If the Kwami chooses you, you have a choice between accepting or denying them. The Kwami bonds with your soul and mind, making it so that taking someone’s Miraculous isn’t as easy as just taking off the jewel. If a holder doesn’t want the Miraculous anymore, they can renounce it, but it only works once. If you reclaim it after that, it’s bonded to you until death. However, the guardians do know a technique that can forcefully sever the bond between a Kwami and Holder.
Instead of one power, each Miraculous has a variety of powers. A wielder can unlock a new power by overcoming a treacherous mental burden or limit, strengthening the metaphorical bond (relationship) between them and their Kwami, or both. This power system does have its limit. There are two types of powers, Primary Power and Auxiliary Powers. The Primary Power is the main power of the Miraculous, for example, Lucky Charm, Cataclysm, Mirage, Shellter, etc. The Auxiliary Powers are smaller powers that aren’t as energy-consuming as the Primary Powers. 
When the user is young like Marinette and Adrien, you can think of their energy as an MP bar in an RPG. It’s full when they transform but very slowly goes down the longer they’re transformed. Auxiliary Powers chip off small percents off of the MP bar, and the Primary Power immediately brings it down to like, 20%.  
Most Primary Powers are toned down versions of the Kwami’s true power, as the Miraculouses were made to contain, sustain, and repress them so that a user can’t access the true power and wreak fucking havoc. 
There are two types of Auxiliary Powers a MIraculous can give you, Primal Powers, powers based on the animal the Kwami presents as, and Conceptual Powers, powers based on the concept the Kwami represents. Primal Powers are much easier to unlock than Conceptual Powers. 
Unification in this version merges the Primary Powers and Weapons of both Miraculouses being unified. However, because of the physical strain of having your soul and mind bonded to two other beings, Unification isn’t preferred and is pretty much banned for the good of anyone involved. But it is going to be in my version, but it’s going to be super rare. Maybe 1 or 2 every season.  
Weapons are the same in this version, except, like the suits, they can have slightly altered appearances based on who’s using the MIraculous. 
Quantum Masking is real in this version as well. It’s an invisible magical aura that coats the user and blocks any familiarity of the holder from the mind of any non-Miraculous holder. Basically, it allows them to know the holder when they’re transformed but keeps them from coming to the conclusion of “Ayo, is that Marinette!?”.
And that’s it for now. If you’re interested in hearing more of this hypothetical rewrite/reboot, stay tuned for Season 1 and pray that I don’t lose motivation in between this post and the next. I know I am. Alright, Zen Master, out.
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swtsuna · 2 years
These theories envolves around Will, Max and Eddie. (I know what is the first stage of grief, thank you very much). Take your time.
Also, this contains spoilers of Stranger Things VOL. 2. If you haven’t watched and don’t want to be aware of what happens, I advice you to stop here.
As we all know, there will be a timeskip from S4-VOL2 to S5. Based on this account (and I’ve seen in other places around Twitter) S5 will take place on 1988, making that a two years timeskip!
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If in one week a lot can happen in Hawkins, let alone two years. Based on that, let me start the theories (made by this unhealthy mind of mine).
Our beautiful Kate Bush enthuasiast ended season four in a hospital bed. She died for over a minute but Eleven made her heart beat again. That was really lovely if not for the fact that while in her mind, El couldn’t see a thing. Max is in coma, brain-dead.
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On that scene we saw Lucas reading “The Talisman”, book written in 1984 by Stephen King and Peter Straub. Let’s see the plot, shall we?
“Jack Sawyer, twelve years old, sets out from Arcadia Beach, New Hampshire, in a bid to save his mother Lily, who is dying from cancer, by finding a crystal called "the Talisman". Jack's journey takes him simultaneously through the American heartland and "the Territories", a strange fantasy land that is set in a universe parallel to that of Jack's United States. Individuals in the Territories have "twinners", or parallel individuals, in our world. Twinners' births, deaths, and (it is intimated) other major life events are usually paralleled. Twinners can also "flip" or migrate to the other world but only share the body of their alternate universe's analogue.”
Tell me this isn’t similar to what’s happening in our beloved fictional city, Hawkins. I dare you. Do you really think I was finished? There’s more.
“In rare instances (such as Jack's), a person may die in one world but not the other, making the survivor "single-natured", with the ability to switch back and forth, body and mind, between the two worlds.”
The “earthquake” in Hawkins happened when Max was “dead”. Vecna was still in her mind and that’s why I believe she is not dead. Remember season one? When Eleven saw Barb dead? El can see dead people. Max is alive, but she is still trapped to Vecna. And as we know, Vecna can manipulate scenarios, so maybe he did that so Eleven wouldn’t know where she was.
And of course, she can’t switch back and forth with her mind and mostly body. But in two years? There’s likely a chance to her bones be back on the road (not literally lmao)
Therefore, there is a chance to, fully, save Max. Hinting the book and making some parallels: to save our favorite red-haired, someone will have to go to Upside Down and search the “Talisman”. I just don’t know what would be this Talisman. And since Lucas was the one reading... (Lumax endgame, they are my parents I can prove.) 
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This is Raven Queen, Goddess of Death, from D&D. 
“The Raven Queen is trapped by her fascination with the past. She sits in her fortress, amidst all the memories of the world, looking at the ones that please her most as though they were glittering jewels. Many great wizards have attempted to understand her motives, but like a raven she has always remained cryptic, keeping her cache of secrets just out of their reach.” —  Alustriel Silverhand
“The whole existence of the Raven Queen was focused on collecting memories and strong emotions, typically associated with loss and tragedy.” (click here to see more).
Technically, it’s impossible to Max be Raven Queen (or sorta), since she’s almost as old as Vecna (in D&D world), but I see some similiarities between them, mostly on the “memories” part. Vecna is also her enemy (lmao who isnt) since he wants her power so he can deal, more properly, with the Realm of Death.
She was never mentioned in Stranger Things so this is basically bullshit but that would be hot because Raven Queen is hot.
As I said before: yes I know what is the first stage of grief. I will never accept what the Suffer Brothers did to us. They can run away with US Government but not with small-town people? That sounds weak to me, hallowed be Vecna’s name doing the job for us. Yep, hunt the freak (Hawkins people).
Anyways, let me stop pushing my personal agenda and let’s go with the theory.
Did I say Raven Queen wasn’t mentioned in Stranger Things? Well, at least this character was:
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But Vecna lives.
Kas is a vampire knight, known as Vecna’s right hand. Kas was a valiant warrior and it was said that he could enter a battlefield at the most complete disadvantage and still emerge, not only victorious, but also without a single dent in his armor. This skill in battle attracted the attention of none other than Vecna, who invited him to be their general. Kas' years of loyalty and efficiency led Vecna to present him with a mighty sword, which would become known as the Sword of Kas (yes, one of the most famous artifacts in D&D). 
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Kas and Vecna. (two bros chillin in a hot tub five feet apart cuz theyre not gay lmao i miss vine)
On top of that, there are a lot of explanations on how Kas became vampire, but the 3rd and 4th are most likely on ST universe:
1. Nerull & Battle of Thousand Eyes 
During the Battle of Thousand Eyes, Nerull (God of Death) whispered to Kas to betray his master in exchange for a divine favor. Kas, with his lust for power, accepted and attacked Vecna with the sword he had been gifted from his master. That cost Vecna his left hand and one of his eyes (got that eddie "left eye" scene?)
Nerull nevertheless decided to grant Kas a minor favor: his soul was given strength and speed, but accompanied by an insatiable thirst for blood, which would be known as the Vampiric Curse.
2. Sword of Kas 
The sword itself whispered to Kas, convincing him to slay his master and usurp his power. The battle destroyed Vecna's Rotting Tower, and cost his left hand and eye. Kas himself was flung across the multiverse to Vecna's Citadel Cavitius on the Plane of Ash. The time he spent so close to the Negative Energy Plane changed him into a vampire.
3. The Silver Mask of Kas
Kas became a vampire with the help of Vecna and through a ritual involving The Silver Mask of Kas. Menadora Zarovan (Vistani fortune teller who knows a lot about Vecna and Kas), claims that any other stories regarding the origin of his vampirism are lies spread by The Cult of Vecna.
4. Bats.
Bats? Vampire? Hello, there’s a connection! I would say it’s hard to believe (or happen) that the bats-bite turned him into vampire but Bram Stoker would be hella mad at me. And, literally, everything is possible.
Bats, in the Upside Down, can’t kill, as I saw people say. And I’ve seen people have a theory that Eddie actually fainted (since he lost much blood) and found somewhere safe to hide (jesus arms lmao im joking). That’s why his body wasn’t brought up to Hawkins. And, I mean, since he is a wanted by police, hated by his city who see him as a murderer, wouldn’t be easy to just bring his body back and “finish” that?
Also, see that:
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“Presumed dead”. Not dead. Presumed. Okay, I might be surviving on crumbs BUT LISTEN: Dustin couldn’t walk properly but what about the others? Nancy, Steve and Robin could’ve brought is body back to Hawkins. And really, that two-days timejump was ridiculous to say at least.
So, they saw Eddie’s body lying there and did nothing? Knowing it would bring “peace” to Hawkins (since he is wanted even tho by something he didnt do)? They saw his body and were like lmaooooo jokes on you metalhead freak how can you be an ozzy fan and die by bats lmao POSER
Vecna is coming back, and stronger than he ever was. And he’s absolutely coming back with an army. Final season? Epic fight between the most powerful people on that show? They need to gather strenght and our 001 needs his right arm on battle. And what is the better place to search if not the Upside Down?
Still, I think if Eddie becomes Kas, would be by a brainwashing made by Vecna, but Dustin would “free” him. I even have the script:
“You said ‘Never change, Henderson’, but you did”. I can see myself crying again. I just want some like void!stiles on Teen Wolf S3. That was hot.
I don’t see Eddie/Kas with a sword, I’d rather see a guitar (LMAO it suits him better). And then, who knows, he can play “The Final Countdown” since people hyped that song on TikTok. 
Apparently, “When It’s Cold I’d Like to Die”, song that played during Eddie death scene, is the same song that played when Eleven was trapped in the Upside Down on Season 1.
Last but certainly not least: William Byers. You would’ve loved to meet Eddie, two of the greatest brains in D&D campaigns. But I’m not here for that.
Everything started with Will, so shall everything end with him.
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I personally would love to see him becoming the “traitor”/villain along with Vecna. I hate seeing gay people suffer, I like seeing them MAKING OTHERS SUFFER!!! YAYYYYYY!!
He is connected to the Upside Down, to Mind Flayer, to Vecna and it all makes me remind of The Serpent
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(you nicknamed my baby after the loch ness monster?????? got that? twilight reference? vampire? bats? eddie- ok.)
“The Serpent is a mysterious and powerful entity associated with the lich-god Vecna, who whispered to him the secrets of power and lichdom. It is believed by some to be a deity of overwhelming other, by others the force of magic itself with a will of its own, and by some a fiction of Vecna's madness.”
"An entity known only as the Serpent speaks directly to Vecna. Others—daring to call themselves wizards, magicians, and sorcerers—manipulate the tiniest aspects of the Serpent and call it magic. But Vecna speaks to the Serpent, and the Serpent speaks back."— Vecna Reborn (1998), p.4
We all know he will be the main character on that last season and that he is connected to Vecna
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“He’s a sensitive kid” — Joyce Byers & Victor Creel talking about their respective children
In my opinion, he will be possessed by Vecna (if he can EVEN MORE) somehow during season 5, I’m not sure if Vecna’s physical body “died”/”ended” when Robin, Nancy and Steve were shooting at him and setting in on fire but it would be either him or Max, to be his vessel.
And I rather believe it’s Will, because as I said: Everything started with Will, so shall everything end with him.
(note: lmao thats what happens when a tv show kills off one of your comfort characters and favorite white boy of the month. dont be like me kiddos, sleep well and drink water. also that kas part applies to the 3 of them if you analyze i dont know why i wrote that lmao lemme know your theories)
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artificialqueens · 1 year
Rock Hudson’s Parties, Chapter 1 (Jadore / Biadore) - Imafuckinglibra
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Summary: A fresh faced young man gets off a bus in New York to move in with an estranged college friend, now a broadway star. Old flames flare up again but are potentially derailed when an older man’s temptations threaten to come between them.
Fair Warning : There is no smut technically in this chapter, there will be in the next chapters buuuuuut there is a pretty descriptive scene & matching slightly nsfw image (if your brightness is turned down enough you won’t see any bits, pinky promise). 
“Good afternoon folks, it is currently a beautiful 76 degrees in New York City. We welcome all travelers to exit towards your left - ”
Danny drowned the rest out as mere drabble as he stared in awe of the massive bus terminal he’d climbed out at. His eyes wide and spirits high as the big skyscrapers came into view over the horizon. 
“Wow.” He exhaled under his breath. “What a nice cock.”
“I beg -“
“Where’d you buy it? I’d love to get one for my new roommate.” The young man cheerfully smiled, gesturing to the ceramic rooster this new stranger next to him held under his arm.
“Oh this old thing, just over there on the corner.” The man smiled back, flicking his hat up with his index finger so he’d get a better look. “My wife saw a similar one on Father Knows Best last week and wanted one for herself.”
“The new episode? The one where Bud’s nominated the head of the decorating committee for homecoming week? Gosh that was a good one huh.” 
“Well I don’t much like it myself,” It was probably obvious to anyone in the nearby vicinity that this polite man was just trying to wait for his bus in peace but our lovable protagonist just couldn’t curb his enthusiasm. “But the wife and kids love it, you know.”
“Oh, I see.” He nodded.
 He reminded himself of the lectures his mother had given him, asking him not to let his naivety get the better of him while he was in New York. Her fault if you ask me for smothering him so long but he’d never admit it. 
‘Remember you’ll be your own grown man now, you need to start acting it.’
‘She’s right.’ He scolded himself, standing up a little taller and finally letting the man alone at peace. 
Of course old habits die a bit harder and he found himself subconsciously still swaying left to right in anticipation for the new bus arrivals. The woosh of the subway under his feet and the many, MANY names of cities and times being called out making it impossible for him to stand still. His excitement at his new life bubbling to the surface.
“Are you waiting for someone?” The stranger initiated the conversation, clearly sensing the tangible excitement coming from his right. 
“Oh yes! My friend is supposed to come meet me here, see I just got in town. I’m from California, and I’ve never been to New York before but my friend, old girlfriend I suppose. Well she lives here. And she invited me to stay with her so I could try to find a job, either on Broadway or a nightclub, really anything simple would work you know. I mean I have a job but it’s - ”
“Danny!” He heard from behind. 
“Please be his friend.” The man chuckled under his breath, clearly both amused and annoyed by his jittery rambles. 
“Daniel,” She laughed. “over here!” 
“Jinkx!” He finally spun around in the right direction to see his dear old friend running towards him. Looking livelier than he’d ever seen her, rosy cheeks and red hair full of color. Her bustline filled out and hips to die for.  
“You made it! Welcome!” She cheered when they at last reached each other. 
The pair excitedly embraced one another in a warm hug like only friends who hadn’t reunited in forever could. Unbothered by the crowd of people trying to push past them towards their own loved ones, including the stranger’s wife who’d joined him and his painted chicken by now. 
“I say!” He teased pulling her back by the shoulders so he could get a good look. “You look phenomenal.”
“Don’t judge dear. I’ve had a long night.” She blushed, pressing the back of her fingers against her own cheek to feel how badly her temperature was rising.
 “I bet.” Danny teased taking one of her hands to press his lips against them. Lovingly staring into her eyes for a minute as if years of separation had been washed away. Their bond strengthens again simply at the sight of one another. “You do look swell though, my god. Have you aged a day?”
“Many. And before you ask how many, don’t forget who’s letting you stay with them.”
“Yes ma’am.” The pair giggled amongst themselves hugging tightly once more.
The much, much better acquainted with schedules and subway numbers, Jinkx, tried to explain as best she could step by step for Danny how he was supposed to get around. More specifically, how to get to Greenwich Village where their now shared apartment awaited them. 
She explained he’d find the way rather easily as their type of free spirited artists regularly crowded the streets, and would always lend a helping hand to a lost soul. However, Danny was far too enchanted by the smell of hotdogs and pretzels coming from various corners of the street. 
So instead, they settled on taking a cab, partially because it was easier than trying to lug the hungry boy across a city he had no knowledge of. Mainly though because said hungry boy had promised if Jinkx paid for said cab he’d splurge on whatever lavish meal she wanted. 
Or at least that was originally the deal, by the time they’d gotten home, unpacked his luggage and Jinkx had changed into a gorgeous evening dress, Danny was exhausted. 
His hunger and the adrenaline of the day had worn him down to a listless wet cloth. Spread out on the living room’s couch in front of the radio with a cigarette dangerously close to falling out his fingertips and onto the meticulously vacuumed carpet. 
“Say doll, what if -“
“Nooooo-uh!” Jinkx whined out, dropping her hand with the extravagant pearl earrings to her side. 
“Let me finish.” He took both her hand and the earrings. “What if we go grab something at the drug store and stay in tonight hey? At 7.30 they’re airing I Love Lucy reruns. We could eat ourselves silly on popcorn and pretend it’s the pictures.”
He tried his best to keep a boyish glee on his face as she stared him down with resentment, towering over him in her high heels and arms crossed in a scolding posture. 
“No. Let me finish.”  She started forward, lifting her skirt up just enough to allow her easier mobility as she straddled his lap. Removing the cigarette from his hand and taking a long deep puff while she let his fingers glide from her ankle to her thighs, the thin stretch of nylon stockings the only barrier between them. 
The sting of an open palm radiated through Danny’s hands making him swiftly retreat them from her body.  “You are going to take me to the club. I want a drink, a hot meal and a show all in that order. You got it!”
 “Push-y.” He dragged out as she climbed off him, readjusting her ruffly blue dress to fall perfectly below the knee again. “Fine, let me go shave. I’ll be with you in a minute.”
Reluctantly he came out a new man. His stubbly chin trimmed down smoothly to a fresh clean face, side swept hair combed and pomaded back into his neat sailor cut. The pair looked positively hot to trot as they made their way out the building in a perfectly picked ensemble.
Jinkx in her new navy blue evening dress with black lace decorating her chest, not unlike one Lucille Ball had worn in a promotional shoot for her show when it was still on air as Danny had so politely remarked. 
Him wearing a slightly darker blue, slightly mismatched if you look closely, suit and coat. A brown tie, the only one he could find to his dismay, and a white handkerchief tucked into his breast. 
He felt perfectly grown up. Like a star in his own sitcom. 
“Say, Roy! When’s that film coming out again?” Jinkx shouted out of the blue when they crossed the street towards another apartment building about half the size of theirs.
“December 4th at Radio City. Goddamn it if it isn’t my best work yet!”
Danny looked up to where the reply had come from, it was a lean hispanic looking man hanging out of the window of his 3rd story rental. A cigarette in one hand, glass in another with a magazine spread open on the ledge. His thick collared and smoothly ironed white shirt buttoned high to the neck with a green tie poking out. Suspenders hooked over his shoulders and onto his black pants showing off his sophisticated old fashion look made Danny think back to the Arrow Collar ads his father had shown him back in the day. 
He flashed Danny a coy smile as he took another puff, trapping him in a stare down. “Who’s that?”
“That’s Roy. He helps sew costumes for companies. You hear of that book Auntie Mame they turned into a picture?”
“He helped make and ship the costumes. Knew a guy who knew the director and he said he HAD to be the one doing those gowns and drapes.”
“Wow.” Danny blushed finally returning the smile from the man. Amazed to be in the presence, ish, of someone who worked so close to the stars.
“You coming down to the club later?“
“Maybe. Call me from the lounge will yah!” He sent them a final wink and blew them a kiss before retreating back into his building, presumably to get ready Jinkx noted. 
Danny was dumbfounded though, how could he look so damn near perfectly put together and still need to get ready? Where were they going? The president’s lounge?
Not quite, obviously. They’d instead end up in a loud jazz club hidden behind some stairs leading underground. Like a final barrier you had to cross before the doors swung open into magic.
Well, magic covered in a lot of suede. The club was divided into two sections, the dining hall up some steps to your left. Where you could sit more quietly, enjoying the music and some food rather than participating in the show.  Then the lounge if you kept going straight past the entrance. It had a decently sized, wooden stage at the far end of the room, big enough for a full band of tubas, saxophones, bass players, big drum sets - you name it. 
Chairs and tables lined up past an imaginary line in front of the stage for guests to sit and drink during the performances and of course, the pièce de résistance, a full bar lining the wall on the right. 
His eyes lit up with wonder and awe as a dangerously tall woman with tanned brown skin and silver hair took his coat off. Her long slender fingertips sliding over his shoulders, smoothing any crinkles in his suit jacket. 
Jinkx quickly guided him down to a table near the middle, she claimed it would give them the best view while keeping a close enough spot to the bar that they wouldn’t have to wait long for drinks. 
Danny however assumed it was because there was already a gaggle of guys and girls hanging around it gushing over her when she rushed in. 
They hugged and kissed her left and right, praising her performances the week before at rehearsals and complimented her dress choice for the evening. Ooh’s and Aah’s galore as she twirled her hips side to side to make the length of the dress dance and sway beneath her. 
Danny waited patiently with his hat in his hands for someone to acknowledge him when a short blonde woman in a skin tight pink sheath dress walked over. Her hair perfectly coiffed up in short curls and delicate, light make up made her look as though she’d just walked off the set of a picture in Hollywood.
“Well well, what did the cat drag in?”
“Good evening.” Danny politely smirked at her when she held her dainty hand out for him to kiss. She had an intriguing air about her, as if she knew you wanted her despite her being forever out of your reach.
She eyed him like he was the last glass of water in a dessert, casually leaning onto his shoulder as if they’d been friends for ages. “Where you from young one?”
“California, ma’am. Azusa.” 
“My, you are far from home.” She cooed tilting her head inwards.
“You’re one to talk.” He quipped right back. “Long way yourself, what’s a pretty Australian girl doing in a dive like this?”
“Maybe a cute serviceman brought me to see the wonders of the big city.” 
She swayed around him effervescently as if to signal she might be done with the conversation for now, but that she definitely wasn’t done with him just yet. 
“They got too busy to send you back.” He teased allowing her to keep his gaze captivated just a tad longer. 
Her long, pointed nails pinching his cheek before she glided away. “Too distracted.”
‘I bet.’ He sighed to himself unable to look away from her hypnotic swaying rear desperately pushing the fabric of her dress to the limits.
As if it had been nothing but an illusion, when he turned his gaze away finally Jinkx had been introducing him, clearly unaware of the little cat and mouse act he’d just taken part in.
He courteously greeted everyone, shaking their hands or planting a kiss here or there on a cheek, whichever was appropriate, and sat down for the drink, dinner and a show he’d promised.
He hadn’t realized people could blather so much until the drinks began pouring, the quick meal of a small serving of steak and greens not nearly filling his belly as much as the bourbon, gin, vermouth and rum did. 
Not that he minded, in fact, Jinkx had been right. Once he got into the swing of it his low energy from earlier had disappeared and instead been replaced with his usual charismatic loud self. 
Freely laughing and dancing with whoever would occupy him at that moment, swinging around the dance floor with Jinkx’s co-star Dela. An equally tall, equally full built woman who tittered and swung her frilled dress as they danced up a storm to every fast paced tune till they couldn’t stand any longer.
“You know you’d make an awfully pretty girl.” Shangela, a lady who’d been singing when they got there but since joined the crowd at their table, teased when he came back to fall into his seat. Her thumb’s fingernail dragging down his full cheekbone. 
He had to take a minute to think of a response as he sat with a confused grin on his sweaty face making their compatriots chuckle. 
“You never play dress up? Not even your momma’s girdle?” She continued teasing.
He finally took a sip of his drink and leaned back casually throwing an arm around Jinkx’s chair; content in his masculinity yet again. “No ma’am. My dad fought in the wars, what would he think?” 
“Well I don’t know about him, but nobody seemed to mind when I did it.” Raja, the tall smoldering hot woman who took his coat, remarked as she walked past the table.
Thrown by the comment Danny sprang upright in his seat, coughing up the cloud of smoke he inhaled causing an uproar of cackling from the table yet again. The wonders of alcohol. 
“There there, sweetheart.” Jinkx soothed with a pat in his thigh between her own chuckling. “I told you this crowd wasn’t for the faint of heart - shoot! I forgot to call Roy!”
She rushed up towards the big phone box hanging by the entrance to the lounge and to ring up the man they’d spoken to, shouted to, on their way in. Confirming whether or not he’d still be joining them for a few rounds of drinks before closing time.
“Don’t worry, I made it.” Someone’s hand grabbed her, keeping her from going too far. “Say what’s a nice kid like you doing with this tramp anyway?” 
Danny looked up behind him to see where that familiar deep voice had come from and found a short man impeccably dressed behind him. His coat slung over his shoulder in a cool, relaxed sort of way with a bright perfect toothed smile spread between two dimples deep enough you could get lost in them.
“Hopefully some unspeakable things if I play my cards right.” He slurred. 
“In your dreams!” Jinkx slapped him, making the table erupt in a raucous laughter yet again when she sat down. “Why I was just about to call you.”
They were caught right in that sweet spot of heavy drinking where you still believe you’re sober enough even though you’re barely speaking more than a babble. 
Riding that high of alcohol and a head rush from too much smoke inhalation in a small, contained room that made even the most mundane of jokes sound like the funniest punchline you’d ever heard. Making Danny a little more rude than usual as he ignored Roy speaking. 
 “Ah give us a kiss, my little apple.” He jeered as he grabbed her face with both hands to pull her in for even the smallest of pecks. 
“Never mind that I assumed you’d been…occupied.” The man averted his eyes as if hiding from something, his big nose scrunched up towards Raja who’d come to take his coat finally. Gliding away with it leaving only a wink and a quick pat on the tush as a sign of her presence.
Finally he turned back, exhaled sharply and slapped Danny square and hard on the flat of his back making him jump. “Girls like her don’t give free kisses in the big apple, son.”
Jinkx seemed to ignore him and pouted her lips in Danny’s direction anyway. “For you, I’ll make an exemption any day, my sweet.” 
“Woo wee! Say a guy can get used to this life!” Danny cheered, pretending to loosen his tie like an over exaggerated cartoon wolf. Interrupting himself by swinging his body towards the band. “Boy these guys are great!”
“Maybe you should audition.” 
“Oh I can’t do that!”
“Danny?” Jinkx smiled at her innocent friend. “New York isn’t like Hollywood. Here the pictures are just another step away from the little people sure but, Broadway is where you want to be.”
“Where does that land the band then?” He asked, confused.
“These guys aren’t big shots. They’re the little people, the nobodies, the first step in the door. Everyone has to start with them.”
“You sure?”
“Of course I’m sure! How’d you think I got spotted for my role?”
“On your knees mostly.” He snarked looking around if Roy had caught his rude little joke but the man had already left their table to go mingle by the bar, presumably feeling unwelcome. 
‘Pity. I’ll catch up later I guess.’ He thought watching his real life Arrow Man elegantly stroll to go hug some friends. 
Between the dancing, smoking and endless supply of drinks flowing freely Danny had become quite inebriated without what seemed like much effort. He didn’t realize it himself until he finally went to stand still long enough at the cigarette machine, waiting for a new pack. His head had gone fuzzy and his mouth dry, scratchy from all the tobacco he’d inhaled, or from the screaming over jazz riffs. Who knows.
“I - I - I need a - hey! I -“
“Aye yay yay!” His compatriots mocked him, too incoherent in their own drunken stupor to notice just how desperately he’d begun searching for a bathroom in the unfamiliar setting. Practically hopping about at this point.
He gave up and figured the hell with it, rushing out to go pee on either the sidewalk or the alley, whichever he found behind the door closest to him.
“Oh thank god.” He sighed just in time for the flood of piss to miss his pants. 
He steadied himself against the wall with one hand and tried taking deep breaths. Using this minute out in the cold autumn air to clear his head just enough to feel like himself again.
“Oh baby…right there. Don’t move.” He heard moaned behind him.
“Wha -“ He tried turning his head slowly over his shoulder, curiosity getting the better of him but self preservation telling him to stay blended into the dark just in case.
“I said don’t move!” The voice moaned a little more authoritatively. 
“Sorry baby, it just feels so good. It’s him, he’s not doing his part of the holding.”
“Fuck.” Danny gasped when his eyes focused on the bundle of moaning bodies in the corner of the club’s alley.
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Tucked between a strapping set of young boys, Courtney, the blonde who teased him so earlier, was blissfully moaning with her eyes pointed past him. When he realized this his blood went cold, waiting for her to notice and shout something at him or charge her lovers at him.
“Oh…good boys.” She purred, kissing up one of their ears with a devilish grin while the other in turn bit into her nape.
Her leg & dress hooked over one man’s forearm, giving him an excellent view of her pretty pink pussy being pounded. 
The one at her back perfectly on time with the hum of the band’s music, slamming into her with deep strokes. 
Her painted eyes framed by beautiful blonde curls flowing down her sweaty forehead, emphasizing her allure like a panther watching a deer caught in her crossfire, as if she was inviting him to stay longer. 
Danny wasn’t sure what to do, a guilty little twinge of arousal tugging in his slacks. Perhaps he should say something?
“Nice night for it ey?”
‘No, idiot, no! Shit.’
“I swear I didn’t see anything!”
‘That’s even dumber! Just get out of here!’  He scolded himself. Pulling his gaze away from the trio so he could rush back inside before anyone went looking for him.
“There you are! I was just looking for you!” Jinkx exclaimed when he crashed into her behind the door.  Too late. 
“I was um, outside, looking for the bathroom. You know me and directions.” He tried laughing it off. Simultaneously trying to shut the door behind him and keep her deterred from peeping through it.
“Why didn’t you say so silly.” She teased dragging him by the collar to another door. “It’s right here.”
“Um.” He gulped as he realized she was pushing herself through the door with him, managing to easily pin him against the single stall door with lust in her eyes.
‘What they put in the water here?’ He panicked.
“Unspeakable things huh?” Jinkx cooed against his lips, crashing their bodies together for a manic make out session. Maybe on another night Danny would’ve discouraged this behavior, no he wouldn’t.
Who’s he kidding, this is great.
He feverishly returned the kissing, their lips parting just enough for inhaling fresh air between desperate moans. If he had the right sense he’d probably rip that gorgeous dress off her right then and there but he couldn’t, too many layers and too many people on the other side of that door persuaded the rational part of his mind better.
Jinkx ignored this simple line of thinking and reached for his hand, guiding it slowly to her undercoat, up her thighs and between her legs.
“Oh god.” Danny whispered, feeling unable to tear himself away from the heavy petting. Logic and rationale leaving his body momentarily as he fought to stay calm and more importantly, discreet.
His mind rushed with previous images of Courtney stuck between her lovers, her breasts heaving into the tight vested chest of the blonde boy holding her up.
His muscle toned forearm pulling her up into himself with force - strong, masculine force.
“No. When we get home.” He pulled himself off and away when his fantasies had drifted too far. “Later.”
Jinkx moaned one last time as he bit onto her smudged swollen lip. Agreeing to contain herself for one more dance number before they’d call it a night.
Danny quickly helped her fix her makeup with a wet piece of toilet paper in the small cracked mirror hanging near them. Ready to resume their drunken partying as if absolutely nothing had changed except the confirmation about their intentions.
“Heeeey. You get your drink?” Roy inquired, grabbing Danny by the arm when he tried walking out the bathroom.
“Uh…no, sir.”
Thinking on his feet he managed to maneuver them both using an equally tipsy Roy’s body weight against himself, redirecting them away from the slightly less than disheveled Jinkx, who was still hiding in the bathroom waiting for the coast to clear. 
“Well let’s fix that.”
“They’re gonna start cleaning soon so this is more a last call deal, got it?” Roy grumbled as he struggled to pull the cork off a bottle of cheap looking whiskey. Sighing defeatedly when he remembered the bottle was in fact a twist cap, an authoritative wave of his index finger shushing the snickering younger man.
Danny pretended to zip his lips, mulling it over while Roy poured the drinks. His lips kept shut, pinched between his thumb and index finger before he caved, letting his thoughts out aloud. “Lemme ask you a question, Mr Designer.”
Roy looked the boy up and down, examining him with an imaginary magnifying glass before he stood taller, ready for the kill. Slugging one of the whiskey shots back before he answered. “Those pants are horrible. They don’t fit yah and the jacket is even worse, ugh. Stop by my place next week. I’ll tailor the shit out of it for you.”
“Why you - I ought - you know, you’re an asshole.” Danny huffed.
Did he take the insult a little too personally, perhaps. Maybe it was just thanks to the liquid courage still flowing through him. Or the stress. Or the travel fatigue. Who knows. Who cares? He’d gotten under his skin.
“Careful.” Roy grinned. “Language like that can get you arrested.”
“Wha-huh?” The younger’s face dropped like a school boy who’d just been scolded.
“I’m kidding!” He laughed. “Say whatever the FUCK, you want around here. Nobody cares, they’re all degenerates.”
“Now seriously. What was so pressing?” Roy assured him, handing his glass of whiskey over to him. Their fingertips barely touched as if Danny imagined it. It could’ve been just his watch strap, he told himself, probably was but he couldn’t tell.
Shaking off this feeling of butterflies in his stomach Danny blurted out. “Is it true what they say about men who wear matching ties and pocket squares.“
“Let’s say it is.” Roy answered hushed, his voice low, barely an echo. Suspicion in his eyes he casually tucked the green fabric in his breast pocket away and out of sight.
“Oh I wasn’t going to say nothing, I just meant. You see a lot of those in, in Hollywood you know.”
“That so?”
“Yeah. I knew a friend who said their cousin worked for one of the guests’ at Rock Hudson’s parties. He saw everything.”
“And how did you feel about what your friend’s cousin’s employer saw?”
It felt by his tone as if they were both testing the water, slowly leaning down into each other’s gaze like a predator and his prey observing one another across a pond. Taking a slow drink from the rim of his glass as if it could be the last before disaster might strike. The air disappears, evaporating into thick tension.
“I felt,” He gulped. “Like, maybe, New York might not be all that different.”
“It’s not.”
Roy continued observing him, the tension between them rising as if someone had suddenly turned up the thermostat to 100. “Come to my room with me, I might show you.”
“Okay.” He gulped again, loosening the tie around his collar to get some much needed air as soon as Roy turned away from the bar towards some men in overalls. 
“Y’all are late. If the Lady herself sees this she’ll throw a fit, and then all three our asses on the street.”“Who’s the lady?” Danny asked Dela who’d walked up behind him with his hat and coat. 
“The club owner, you’ll meet her eventually when you audition.” 
‘Right’, he thought. He’d never even stopped to consider he’d be auditioning for more than just the few band members they saw earlier. This wasn’t like the high school kid ensemble he played for, this was the real deal, the thing he’d come here to do. He had to actually DO it.
“You.” Jinkx smiled tapping Danny on the shoulder, shaking him out of his thoughts. “Have my car keys.”
“Nope. I definitely don’t.”
“Well damn, then it’s true.” She whined. “We do really have to walk home.”
“Yes we do.” He smiled sympathetically. 
He knew she might feel better from walking home in the cold air and maybe a cup of coffee or two but realistically, in the morning, she’d be royally fucked. 
While he was getting his things in order - button up the top button of his shirt again, make sure his belt wasn’t too loose, put on his hat etc. Courtney had returned, boyless. He blushed at first when he saw her and pretended to fiddle with his coat buttons instead, doing and undoing the same one as if it was stuck.
She however, wanted to be seen, she went up to him and with a simple little tug and pull managed to do all his buttons and readjust his tie for him. 
With the lights on again Danny could suddenly make out something about the boy whose fingers were inside the blonde not 5 minutes ago, he’d come to the bar to collect his tips for the night except he, was a she.
His eyes flicked rapidly between Courtney and the emcee, trying to glance at the fake mustache painted on her face and the massive set of tits hanging out her now open vest. How he’d missed it earlier stumped him. Then again, he was focused on better views.
“We live just down the street that way, a skip and a jump really, you wouldn’t mind being a responsible young lad walking us ladies home would you?” Courtney tempted him once more, their gaze simultaneously tracking towards each other off of the woman. 
“Of course not.” He twitched a smile, catching Roy gesturing to him out of the corner of his eye. 
“You ready? Just have to grab my coat.”
“Oh.” Danny panicked, quickly grabbing him by the suspenders as if he was fixing them but rather he was using it to lean a bit closer for privacy. “Listen. She’s not so peachy right now, and they, Courtney and - and Dela, they need a chaperone. Do you think we can walk them home and call it another day?”
“Absolutely.” Roy smiled unfeigned by this rejection.
Danny’s head was spinning again and he couldn’t tell if it was still the alcohol or because of all the back and forth he had to do. Maybe it was just trying to keep track of all his ducks who’d fallen out of row but he’d had enough. If this is what New York’s like, maybe he’s made a huge mistake.
“Mh hm.” His voice squeaked nervously but nevertheless he pressed on.
The group managed to occupy themselves on the, supposedly, short walk by singing show tunes and reminiscing about their own first nights in the big city. Making Danny feel a little less like a fish out of water and more normal.
Normal enough until Jinkx cracked a joke about how lucky the ladies were to each have a man on their arm. Except for Courtney of course, but she quipped back with a wink about having enough of her fill making Danny blush all over.
By no means had he been a prude, in fact he’d always considered himself rather free minded, open, a regular partaker if you will. He’d had his fair share of girls even in high school, in college he had some of the other boys’ share too. Never two people at the same time though he thought, and another man. Oh god. Another man. 
Roy was right there, he’d forgotten about the conversation they had earlier and now that he’d sobered up what he’d agreed to suddenly sounded so much scarier…but almost, sexier.
His mind began filling with images of what Roy could look like under that suit while they waited for the girls to finish saying their goodnights. 
The older man fueled his fantasies when he leaned close to him, lighting his own cigarette with Danny’s lighter before the younger could catch on. 
‘God his lips.’ He licked his own. As if he could taste them. ‘Just look at how they wrap-‘
“She’s incontinent, Dela…but shh I’ll tell you about it tomorrow. Righty boys.” Jinkx snapped him back with a cheer as she took each man by a different arm and began walking them back in the opposite direction to their buildings.
 A quip about feeling like Gene Kelly and Donald O’Connor set Jinkx off into singing tunes again. The boys were unable to control her as she merrily kept them entertained, pulling Danny free from their little trio so she could try to serenade him. 
Leaving poor Roy to straggle along behind them alone all the way to his building next to theirs. Danny managed to turn back and wave goodbye just in time to see him disappear behind glass doors and kicked himself a little for being so rude. 
If he could he’d kick Jinkx too but she was a little too busy occupying those legs for something else. 
“All clean?” She purred, running her long red nails up and down his thighs as they stood in the shower together. 
“Mh.” He sighed content. 
“You should get out before you wrinkle.” 
“What about you?” Danny cupped her face gently with one hand and wiped a cloth at the cum dripping off her chin with the other. 
“Don’t worry about me dear.” She lulled standing back up from her knees. “You just go get ready for bed I’ll be done in a jiffy.”
He left her to her own devices and decided to rather robe up and go make another cup of tea before bed. He felt so lost at that point he didn’t know if he’d ever get to sleep. He no longer had that tight knot in his stomach from everything he witnessed at the club, that’s for sure. Jinkx made quick work of that from when she first noticed it while walking home to when they finally made it through the door. 
“Where’s your sugar?” 
“In the cabinet above the bread!” 
Knock Knock
Danny halted his movements, waiting for another knock first or at least a reply from Jinkx. Maybe she had another guest on their way that he didn’t know about, or worse. Maybe this was the scary muggers he’d been warned about. Hoodlums out to rob them right in their own home. 
“Dammit to hell,” he mustered, tying up his loose night gown tassels. “I’m a man aren’t I, I can defend this homestead.”
He flung open the door bravely as if he’d been ready for whatever awaited him, and yet, he nearly jumped out his skin when he realized it was Roy.
“Didn’t get to say goodnight.” He smiled.
He gave a quick peek around them and rushed towards the door, grabbing Danny by the neck to pull him in for an unexpected kiss. The younger didn’t even have time to feign futile resistance, his body betrayed him as his eyes rolled back into his head. Lavishing every second of this forbidden moment.
Roy was the first to move, pulling away from Danny with a snarky, “Goodnight.”
“Goodnight.” Danny echoed. His voice hushed and his brain blown into a million tiny pieces trying to puzzle together what had just happened.
If it wasn’t for the cool breeze flowing in from the corridor he would’ve forgotten he was still standing by the doorway. He quickly closed it and readjusted his nightgown to cover up his cold skin, suddenly aware of the little brown notepad paper stuffed into his hand. 
“Oh Daniel…” Jinkx cooed from the doorway of the bathroom in nothing but her brassiere and girdle haphazardly put back on. “Come back to momma, please?”
Tumblr media
He stood stiff for a minute, clearing his throat and wiping at his mouth with his palm as if he needed to expel any lingering traces of Roy before shuffling the note back into his gown’s pocket. 
Tapping it one last time before scurrying into the bedroom after his old flame for just one more affair. Maybe. 
‘Not today,’ he thought, closing the bedroom door as Jinkx let him towards the bed. ‘Not today.’
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somewhereinthepines · 5 months
Happy New Year! I hope it has been treating you well so far. I come to you with another ask, possibly the first of the year? Lol.
In an old ask, you said that Chris in GP is more of a creeper (vouyer, etc), and that after what Ryan is gonna do next, what Chris does that is already creepy will no longer be harmless. And it's had me thinking for a long time, like, dang, that is ominous, and what does it mean. I know you're busy with things and invested in other fandoms, which is why I appreciate you still answering my asks about GP. So, ik you don't wanna give it away, so without spoiling what's to come, how is Chris's creepy habits/behaviours gonna evolve?
It's just really interesting to me how you write him, as he's really complex, and us not seeing his perspective this time makes him even more interesting. So it got me wondering how he's gonna be when the jig (well, part of it) is up. I know you said before that he wouldn't feel so threatened by Dylan anymore, and they couldn't be an open/normal couple for reasons. But like...I've just been thinking here, about how different things might be between them once they are both on the same page. How Chris will evolve and Ryan too. Like you said, he isn't rlly as 'good' as he lets Chris believe. I remembered that one au idea you mentioned one time, about Ryan being jealous of Dyan/others that he thinks are Chris's new faves. It got me thinking that maybe Ryan will maybe get comfy admitting a thing or two to Chris. Something tells me he isn't gonna be as shy as he was in ASB, haha.
It got me imagining a scene of them in bed, maybe just waking up, maybe both just laying there, and Ryan could be curled around Chris and just quietly admits that he gets jealous thinking of non-existant competition, lol. Like, the thought of Chris being pursued or shown interest by someone else makes Ryan jealous, and he doesn't like it. GP Chris seems the more likely to accept that info, and maybe feel satisfaction with it? Bcs as you'd said, once Ryan shows him proof that he wants Chris not Dyan, then he's secure bcs Ryan chose him. So it's maybe a lil treat for him, yk since he's been so bothered by Dylan before. It's just a small silly imagine, kinda like one of Ryan's first awkward attempts at pillow talk, haha.
He just puts it out there after a bit, his hand on Chris's chest and all. This is random, but I love that you described Ryan in chap 1 sneaking a look at his chest hair peeking out his shirt. And just admiring him as a whole, knowing that he's being kinda weird about it in his head. Our guy is down bad for real, I love that detail, tho. Man's is obsessed. And I love that even with Chris's hidden nature just under the surface, Ryan is still like 'Yeah, I'm still on board...he's kinda being weird, and it's bothering me a bit...but that's still my man." I'm looking forward to seeing what Ryan does and how that's gonna go down with Chris. I know he's gotta be having a midlife crisis in his office after Ryan's snooping. I'm also loving the wolf patterns peeking through. It's both interesting, thrilling, and creepy to see from him.
I'd say sorry for the long ramble ask, but I think we're past that, lmao. In 2024, I accept my fate of long-winded rambles just being a thing I'll always do, haha.
heya! and a happy new year to you too! i also hope, that it treats you well! as for me, i’m fine! kinda working on things between the jobs and such, haha. and yeah, your ask is the first one! i will take this as a good omen. i love your asks! i honestly think that a detailed review or question is the highest praise and treat an author can get! 
and oh don’t worry, i do love asks about supermassive! and i do love asks about chris/ryan, even if i’m currently invested in other pairs/fandoms. like, how do i say it? i guess, that i mostly just collect all my fav things into one big mental basket, so technically i don’t lose love or interest for them, merely letting them lie there for time being, while i’m playing with some other characters and setups. i guess, i’m kind of person, who if they fall in love with some narratives or elements of certain characters/ships, i just sorta keep returning to them, when i feel a flicker of interest beckoning me back to them. 
but anyways! i’d say, that GP not only explores the darker underbelly of chris’s nature, but it also applies to ryan as well. they’re a perfect match in my head for a reason, haha. i suppose, that everything that i ever shipped can be broken down to the notion of how they can make one another better, but how they also can make one another worse. in GP, chris and ryan are pretty much about to do the latter, haha. but as for chris, specifically, well, he’s still trying to be somewhat decent, but he’s also kind of a man, who's at the end of his rope, so to speak. things don’t go all that great for him, and that one good thing, that he has is just endlessly tempting and ‘messing’ with him (from his perspective). it’s hard for him to not see this as an ‘invitation’ to continue his inappropriate behavior, even if he himself knows that it’s just an excuse. but it’s all the excuse that he needs at this point, really. just not be met with disgust or downright fear. and naturally, since ryan knows no better, he doesn’t view chris’s behavior as smth, that is absolutely hideous and dangerous. nope. ryan just being ryan, so he’s confused and kinda annoyed at worst. it’s basically the same as dangling a piece of fresh meat in front of a hungry wolf, and be surprised, when it snaps its jaw, not even around the piece of meat, but the wrist of a person, who holds it. it doesn’t want the meat, it wants the one who brought the meat, bc they’re a tease. what i’m trying to say, is that while in ASB chris was somewhat alright with taking things slow, and he wanted them slow for ryan’s sake, in GP, he can no longer be satisfied with just some rutting and a kiss or two. considering this, he also won’t be alright with just looking either. and you expect this kind of aggressive pushiness from emma or whoever else, when they were on the verge of becoming a werewolf, but it’s mostly bc of idk, they’re young, i guess. no one there had an esp fucked up backstory or whatever. well, maybe laura, bc she was kept hostage by a man, who was weird toward her, and she got her eye clawed out, but it’s also all low-key her own fault in a way lol. in comparison to all those examples, chris is a man with messed up childhood, messy adulthood, and bunch of uncatered needs (considering we follow my fanon, where he’s pretty much a closeted dude and was this for years). it is scary to picture what his aggression will look like lol. like in private. toward a person he loves and pins for. but who for a change pins back. 
and yeah, part of why GP is ryan-centric, bc it is so much more tense and confusing to not know what chris thinking. he’s a ‘weird’, predatory dude in this, and it surely would have put one more in ease, if they knew what he’s really thinking and why he does what he does. but since the reader shares experience with ryan in this one, there is a lot of that confusion. sure, we know things that ryan doesn’t, but concerning chris himself….well, it’s still a dark spot for everyone. but then again, if we flip the tables, just like in ASB, chris might be just as unsure about wtf ryan is doing or why. and as things progress, i think that he will find himself taken aback by certain stuff, that ryan capable of, bc he’d never suspected him to be anything, but that awkward shy boy, that kinda relies on him for advice. 
considering, the admission of jealousy, i can see chris being surprised by it, bc it never occurred to him, that ryan can even be worried about such a thing. i suppose, inside chris’s own head, ryan being his only ever favorite is just so cemented and natural, that he never pictured anyone else in his place. so if anything, ryan prob be the one more satisfied here, haha. tho if chris admitted, that he was jealous of dylan, ryan would also be like ‘lol why’. he never saw dylan in that light. then yeah, chris be like ‘oh, okay’ and smile, bc it’s nice to know that they’re on the same page. so stupidly committed to one another, that they both wouldn't even notice, if other people showed interest in them. also i picture, that ryan’s pillow talk won’t be much better, than his flirting skills. like, he was that pushy in ASB bc he literally have no idea how to be ‘sneaky’ or graceful about showing someone, that he fancies them. honestly, when i write characters attempting to be seductive, they either got it or they do not. i mean, some people know how to throw a rock at the water and make it do that bouncy thingy, which is pretty smooth and elegant. others would just throw that rock into the water, and create a splash, and that’s pretty much it, haha. maybe, not as impressive, but perhaps, at times more effective. ryan is kinda the latter type. he just does a thing, and chris has to stand there and deal with it. but to be fair, out of all characters who i ever written, ryan doesn’t have the worst flirting skills. or even the worst ways to get attention / get his feelings to be known. in fact, compared to some, he prob a freaking guru at this, haha. 
oh, i’m glad that you liked that lusty bit, haha. i kinda wanted to show right away, that i imagine ryan to be generally into older males, not boys of his own age. like compared to that hairy chest, mainly build and muscle, dylan has nothing to show with his baby features. but considering how ryan is in GP, dylan should count it his blessing, that ryan not interested in him for a few reasons. one of which would have prob gotten him killed. and yeah, ryan is canonically obsessed with chris tbh, i just took it to a new level, haha. if ryan wasn’t all that shaken up by piling up corpses, somehow still insisting, that mister h have nothing to do with it…..well, that guy was already a lost case! now, he’s just like well, yeah, intuitively knows that smth is a ref flag, but still digs it. as for chris, his life just gets harder and harder by day lmao. 
and ah, no problem, honestly! in a way, i always feel better, when someone talks as much as i do, bc i know that it won’t bother them as much. i know some folks be like ‘wow, wall of text, nope’. but i love wall of text! i talk in walls of text and it’s kinda a mystery to me how someone would not do that, esp if they’re passionate or interested in subject. 
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chaos-has-theories · 11 months
@septimus-heap part 2 of your ask!
These are all various bits I wrote for potential sequels for The Long Way Home, my Sep Heap roleswap fic. They're also pretty much all I have for that, but what's the point in hoarding them if I could also share.
🌩️ Share something funny/cracky from your WIP. (This one’s technically a deleted scene)
When they were done, Jenna frowned at the lopsided snowperson they’d built. “It needs hair”, she said, begrudgingly. Instead of answering, Septimus rolled a snowball and planted it in the middle of the snowman’s chest, right where one would wear a necklace or amulet. “There”, he said. “Now it’s Hotep-Ra.”
🌈 Share something soft/fluffy from your WIP. (this would go between the final chapter and the epilogue - my fic was already at the longer side for the big bang, so I decided to leave it kind of open for now. It's set in Aunt Zelda's Potion's cupboard.)
Jenna didn’t even bother lifting the pistol. “Septimus”, she said coolly. The UnSeen dissolved, leaving the young wizard behind, looking exasperated. “What are you doing”, he hissed. She turned back towards the drawers. “I’m going back to the castle.” The silence behind her rang heavy like a note. “Why?”, he asked finally. Because”, she grit out, “I have one unnamed bullet left and I know every pathway in that Palace. I can get the Custodian tonight, and by tomorrow you can all be home.” She felt more than she saw as Septimus pulled the door closed behind him and leaned against it. “You’re serious”, he said. At that, Jenna straightened up and turned to face him. The moonlight brushed past Septimus and cast sharp shadows onto her face, and in the red dress Aunt Zelda had procured for her and her black cloak she suddenly looked every inch a Queen. He knew that determined look on her face: It was the same as the one Cerys had worn when she had told Marcia that she would never leave the castle behind, no matter what threats were coming for her. “If I have to”, Jenna said, “I’ll scratch the letters off the silver bullets and replace them with a DD and an H myself.” “Alright”, Septimus said, more to himself than to her. “Alright.” He reached past a startled Jenna and pulled the bottom drawer out. “But whatever it is, we’re doing it together.”
🌤️Share your favorite piece of dialogue from your WIP. (ditto as before. It's technically just my notes, but as per usual they got flowery enough to count as writing)
Jenna gestured at the prone form of the Hunter. “He’s all yours”, she said. “If you’re looking for the Custodian, he should be on the road to port. He should be looking for a new posting as a circus clown.” “Why?”; Marcia asked, incredulous. Jenna shrugged. “Septimus spelled him. I was just going to shoot him.” There was no point in playing coy: Either it would help convince them that she’d turned against her old Master, or just serve to remind them that even so, she wasn’t one of the good guys. “But she didn’t”, Septimus interjected. “She didn’t shoot anyone, not even me.” “Not even?”; Cerys asked, aghast. “Did she say you spelled him?”, Marcia asked at the same time. Septimus perked up. “Yes! I found it in one of Aunt Zelda’s spellbooks, here…” He started digging around in his pockets, looking for the knotted handkerchief, when Cerys cleared her throat. “Septimus”, she said. He froze. “Right. Um. I know you don’t like me doing magyk, but it turns out I’m really good at it, and…” “Would you explain to us who this is?” “OH! Uh. This is Jenna. She used to be DomDaniel’s apprentice, but I promise she’s gotten betterm and really it wasn’t her fault, and…” he quietened. Glanced at Jenna. Took a breath. “And, mom. She’s. She’s Matthilda.” Cerys nodded, her face blank. So she had suspected it, back then. “How did this happen?”, Milo asked quietly. “Well…”, Septimus hesitated. “I didn’t die”, Jenna clarified. Septimus made stragled little noise, but Jenna shrugged. There was no point in hedging around it. “Your Midwife was paid off by DomDaniel.” “I see”, was all that Cerys said.
🌧️Share something angsty from your WIP. (Role Swap AU Flyte!)
“I suggest”, Jenna hissed, pressing the blade to Simon’s throat, “that you don’t.” Jenna recognized a ThunderFlash from a mile away. From the way Septimus had stiffened, she suspected that he, too, had seen what Simon had curled his hand around. She should have known that this would happen. It had been right there in the feel of his cloak around her, in the musty smell, in the ice in his eyes. “You’re supposed to be the useless one”, Simon complained, holding perfectly still in her grasp. “As his apprentice? Sure. As Gerald’s, or Elisabetta’s, not so much.” Elisabetta had been the head trainer of the assassin’s, who’d had one leg and one eye and still shot better than anyone else. “I guess he didn’t mention that.” “His?”, Septimus asked warily. “DomDaniel’s”, Jenna confirmed. “Isn’t that right, Simon?” "Well, he has a real apprentice now" Simon spat, and something in Jenna's heart broke a little. That had been her. Just two years ago, it would have been her with the hateful look and the cheap tricks. "He doesn't care for you", she said, and Simon scoffed. "Who needs caring when you can have power." "He doesn't want to share his power, either." She wanted to shake the man, but felt like Septimus would disapprove. "Don't you know? He's immortal. He doesn't need apprentices to… follow his legacy, or something like that. We're just tools, to him." Simon took a breath as if to argue, and this time she did shake him. "He's still using his last apprentice. That shade you so handily attached to my mother? That's Ellis Crackle. That's how DomDaniel repays those who serve him." "What?" Jenna looked up to see Septimus striding towards them, eyes blazing. "YOU set that thing on mum?" Simon rolled his eyes. "She's hardly your…" "Of course she's my mother! Cerys is my mother, and Marcia is, and Sarah is, and Sarah's been looking for you for fifteen years while you've been hanging out with the guy who killed her?" "Sep", Jenna said softly. Her brother was breathing hard, and she thought she saw tears in the corners of his eyes. Sep ignored her and bent down to grab Simon by the lapels. "You'll fix this", he hissed. "You'd better."
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2022 Writing Year in Review
thank you for the tag @northerngoshawk!! 💕
1. Number of stories posted to AO3: 18
2. Word count this year: 172,404 words! we could get really technical and subtract the word counts for the fics i technically wrote in 2021 but typed/posted in 2022, but that’s a lot of work i don’t feel like doing lol
3. Fandoms I wrote for: ATLA, Law & Order, MCU (+ Venom), Monk, and Medium. not sure i want to know what that says about me...
4. Pairings: petermj (mcu), allison/joe (medium), kincoy (claire/jack from l&o), zukaang (atla), tylara (atla), mjflash (mcu), and kataang (atla). a nice mixture!
5. Stories with the most:
Kudos: Walls (my mj&flash friendship fic) comes in first with 114 kudos
Bookmarks: Walls comes out on top again with 29 bookmarks!
Comment threads: this thing of darkness (i acknowledge mine), my mjflash + venom!flash fic, has the most comment threads by far with 47, the result of a small but loyal following of readers who made my day every time they commented 💛
Word count: by a hair, The Wrong Note (my monk x medium crossover) has the highest word count at 37,630 words! this thing of darkness (i acknowledge mine) has 37,011 words
6. Work I’m most proud of (and why): im proud of all my works for different reasons! today i shall spotlight my children will listen series, consisting of two waterbending-centric fics narrated by kanna and katara respectively; both stories explore cultural loss and intergenerational trauma. i’d never written companion pieces prior to that point, so im proud of how i was able to construct those parallel narratives! i also had a blast reworking one of my favorite shel silverstein poems to weave throughout the story
7. Work I’m least proud of (and why): ?? this is a silly question. fanfic is my hobby, im not writing it for journal publication. onto the next one!
8. Share or describe a favorite review you received: literally Every review i got on the children will listen series; i had no idea how impactful those fics would be or how many people would relate to it, but im so glad i ended up writing and publishing them! i also have to shoutout ocean’s review on time apart, time together (the tylara fic i wrote for her bday 💛) bc she truly Understood that story through and through, and i am equal parts delighted and relieved that she did (since it was written for her 💕)
9. A time when writing was really, really hard: i mean, im a college student. i almost never write fic during the semester, lol. i Literally haven’t written fic since,,,, august 2022. (technically i could have written some fic these past few weeks BUT it’s the holidays so i’ve been spending time with family + revising my research paper + loosely working on some original writing)
10. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you: BRUH all of my law & order fics surprised me 😭 come on, babe (why don’t we paint the town?) contains Thee sexiest scene i’ve ever written; find a flask (we’re playing fast and loose) is written SOLELY from jack’s pov (a 50-year-old white man, how low have i fallen); and it was more than worth it (my kincoy magnum opus) was my first foray into nonlinear storytelling. all in all, 2022 was quite an experimental year for me!
11. A favorite excerpt of your writing: i’ve talked to death my favorite excerpt from it was more than worth it, so instead i’ll spotlight an excerpt from if memories could fade away (my mj birthday fic):
Ned sticks his tongue out at her, and MJ responds in turn before opening the door anyway, because he’s Ned and she’s MJ and it’s always been just them, the two of them, eight years going on eighteen.
“Damn, girl, you live like this?” Ned says as he enters, watching where he steps so he doesn’t trip over one of her many piles of everything—textbooks, clothes, journals, old CDs too scratched to use that will soon become the basis of MJ’s next art project: voices we no longer hear.
She remembers getting each CD, starting with Let Go on her tenth birthday, back when she lived in New Orleans and always kept her curly brown hair in symmetrical cornrows or cropped at the base of her neck because of the suffocating humidity. She remembers taking each CD and ripping the music to her computer so her dad could move it onto her tiny red MP3 player for the long, long ride to Queens that began the next day. She remembers two CDs breaking during the drive and one CD breaking when they arrived because she threw it at the wall of her empty new room, angry, so angry she’d been ripped from her home like music from a shiny silver disc and it wasn’t fair, it wasn’t fair—
“You see, guests usually stay downstairs,” MJ teases, pushing aside a pile of clothes so Ned has room to sit on her bed. She takes a seat at her desk, spinning the chair around to face her dearest friend. “If I’d known you were planning to invade my personal space, I might have considered making my living arrangements more presentable.”
Ned snickers. “Considered, and then not done a damn thing about them?”
MJ winks at him. “You know me so well.”
Ned has known her so long, known her messy room, known her impenetrable walls, known her since she was thrown into a new school in a new city expected to make new friends when Michelle knew even at ten that would never happen, not that year, because 5th graders had already chosen their loyal companions five, six, seven years ago and there was no room for a Black girl to fit into a white noise machine that already hummed along without her.
Her parents sent her to school anyway. She must not have been persuasive enough.
MJ MY BELOVED!!! 🥺💛 i enjoyed playing with sentence length/rhythm and metaphors/similes in this fic, and i think this excerpt in particular captures that experimentation
12. How did you grow as a writer this year: hmmmm well i tried my hand at some action sequences in this thing of darkness (i acknowledge mine), which probably counts for something. and like i already mentioned, it was more than worth it was my first foray into nonlinear storytelling (and a lot of people told me they enjoyed it!) + if memories could fade away involved stylistic experimentation. in other words, i think i grew as a writer simply by letting myself try new things, from how i told stories to what content i included within them!
13. How do you hope to grow next year: i just want to write more, honestly. the more i write, the more i can try, and hopefully the more i’ll grow! to be more specific, i want to try my hand at some sci-fi/near-future dystopian original stories (à la kazuo ishiguro’s klara and the sun)
14. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc): probably ocean and ambi! they always put up with my fic-related ramblings, are wonderful to bounce ideas off of, and by virtue of their existence (and enthusiasm) remind me why i love writing fic in the first place 💛 in terms of non-tumblr influences, haha, reading the promise by damon galgut was a GAME CHANGER for me. third person omniscient with no quotation marks?? the entire story is an allegory for post-apartheid south africa?? a stylistic and thematic MASTERPIECE. i can only dream of writing a novel with such artistic daring
15. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year: lol this thing of darkness (i acknowledge mine) is packedTM with shakespeare references and milton jokes; if memories could fade away explicitly mentions one of avril lavigne’s albums (seen in the provided excerpt); won’t you hang a picture? references nancy drew; and Walls involves a whole project about the picture of dorian gray. when narratively appropriate, i never hesitate to sneak in my own interests 😂
16. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers: write for fun! write what you love! don’t be afraid to experiment! listen to the incredibles soundtrack while you write! read, read, read! write with a cat on your lap! never delete anything! write when you’re inspired and write when you’re not! if it brings you joy to create, then what you create is good enough!
17. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year: honestly, i want to focus on my original writing and my research more, so i may not have as much time for fic. that said, i hope to write:
a sequel to this thing of darkness (i acknowledge mine)
the next part of my mcu medium!au
ml fic in general
atla fic in general
time will tell!
18. Tag some writers whose answers you’d like to read: i know a lot of people have been tagged for this already, so apologies if im bombarding you or if you’ve already done this! i’ll tag @justoceanmyth, @ambivalentmarvel, @seek--rest, and @shifuaang :)
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aceslorediary · 2 years
what has happened with c!ace? (may 5th - present)
-may 5th 2022, little Azalka is born! she's a person of colour with light gray eyes, purple-pink-orange ombre hair, and cool lil black wings! she grew up very fast (as expected), stopping at about the height of a ten-year-old girl within a couple months. she's learned to do simple magic such as freezing her wings to make them look fake. she's also discovered that she cannot touch water, as she gets burned by it. the burns go away within a day or two depending on the severity. Lilac has an odd reaction to Ace's name choice, and reveals that her new job is at a kingdom far off from the village called Kavra's Kingdom. the Queen has a baby daughter named Alaska! Azalka has a little hidden bedroom off the side of the storage room, accessible by going beneath a light in the floor. it's painted to look like an outdoor scene, with a green floor and blue walls with clouds, as well as the potted plants on the floor. there are also posters on the wall: one about flying, one about potential, and one about Ace and Azalka going home.
-month of june, Ace and Lilac decide to teach Azalka about pride month by making some paper crafts of flags and their meanings. they end up having the decorations displayed in Stonecall High's hallway. Sandy makes a big deal out of it in front of a crowd (as well as a few other students). the others are suspended, but it turns out that Sandy had quite the track record of punishments, causing her to be expelled from the school. Sandy and her parents move away before the end of the school year, as there are no other highschools in the area for her to go to.
-over time (and already beforehand), the ice phoenix begin to lose touch with each other, as well as Ace with Super and Mischief. nobody really sends each other messages often anymore, and Amber stopped responding to messages completely, which was a little bit concerning to everyone, including Ace.
~~~future events~~~
-in september, Ace and Lilac continue going to Stonecall High as normal. Azalka, despite how old she looks and acts, can't attend a proper school in that age group due to her lack of education. she starts going to a daycare called Little Dreamies Daycare a few blocks away from home, freezing her wings for the whole day and refusing to swim during swimming time. LDD is styled like a school so she's still getting the credit of "past education", but since the children there are much younger, everything is a bit too easy for her (she learns quite a bit from Ace, Lilac, and Tammy). she spends most of her time writing or reading stories.
-the nether portal, set up in the storage room in the basement, is constantly being tested to see if it will light.
~~trigger warning, overnight stabby wabby murder happens
-things go on like this until november 23 when something devastating happens. the person who went after Ace in march (and caused Azalka's, you know, existence) comes back for them overnight between the 22nd and 23rd. he searches the entire house looking for what is technically his child. he knows she is alive, he just doesn't know where. luckily, it is too dark for him to see the nether portal in the storage room, and he's unable to find the entrance to Azalka's room. instead, he decides that if he can't have Azalka, Azalka can't have Ace. he goes out of his way to murder Ace in their sleep that night, silently and swiftly. Lilac wakes up directly beside a dead body on the morning of the 23rd. it doesn't appear human, instead looking more like Ace's form in Flamespire, only with the colours more faded. a broken, gray halo lays flat beside their head. despite it being early in the morning, Lilac immediately runs to wake up her mother Tammy to inform her. the two decide not to wake up Azalka early to tell her, and that Lilac and Azalka will stay home from school that day. while they wait for it to be later in the morning, Tammy and Lilac go to the bedroom to try and figure out what could have happened. it's not too hard for them, since there's an obvious hole in Ace's back. they also find a note that reads "she didn't give me what i wanted. i'm just balancing it out." Azalka wakes up and eats breakfast wondering why Lilac is home and Ace is not. when she hears what happened, she runs off to her room in tears, locking it and refusing to let anyone in. after a good few hours, she decides to test the portal, just to see what happens.
and the portal works.
Azalka, despite her devastation knowing that she has to go home without her Acey (the name she took to calling her parent), she rushes upstairs to tell the other two. after the rough morning it had been, they were all glad to find light in the fact that things were moving forward for Azalka. she doesn't want to see Ace's body, so Lilac covers it under the blankets before Azalka rushes in to grab two items: Ace's phone, to inform the ice phoenix about Ace's death and to keep in contact with Lilac and Tammy, and their diary, so they can read about Ace's past adventures in Flamespire. after a great long group hug, Azalka disappears through the glowing purple aura of the portal.
fun fact, this portal doesn't lead to Flamespire anymore. Azalka's heading off on her own new adventure. while she'll be in the Minecraft universe, she'll be meeting new people, and you won't actually hear about her much anymore. she's gonna be written in stories on my phone, for me to share with my friends only.
as for me? well, i've got my own adventures and characters in the making right now. a splatoon 3 octoling oc named Octave, a girl named Try who loves mushrooms and mycelium, and a new character with the ice phoenix group (who i'll either call The Shadow Wolf or Shadow's Ice Flower from now on)! they'll be in the Ultimate Survival World, which we have nicknamed Alternate, living in either the taiga biome or the deep dark i haven't decided yet. the taiga character will be living in the illager village with a high level of respect, and the deep dark character will be living in the ancient city in the Interbiome Mining Network on the middle level. i'll figure out more about that when the lore videos come out for those biomes!
November 23, 2022 I’m within, without and withholding Hoping that you see these words In again, I’ve forgotten Something could change my world Tell me, What it’s like to be way up in the stars above, Or tell me, Are you closer than I know for the ones you love? ‘Cause the time we spent, I was with you then, And I miss you now Looking at the world it’s turning and drifting without you Tell me if the sky is burning ‘cause I can’t see the blue In again, I’ve forgotten Someone could change my world Tell me, What it’s like to be way up in the stars above, Or tell me, Are you closer than I know for the ones you love? ‘Cause the time we spent, I was with you then, And I miss you now Tell me what it’s like, Tell me are you close? Tell me what it’s like, Tell me are you close? Tell me, can you hear? Listen to those tears Tell me "it’s not real!” Tell me, are you near? Tell me, Can you see us from your throne in the stars above? But tell me, Do you hear us when we speak the voices of— the time we spent, I was with you then, And I miss you now ~Azalka Angel (Song: Miss You Now by DHeusta. I know it's a Techno tribute, I just felt it worked in this context for my character.)
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silversatoru · 3 years
Can i regurst a gojo x reader smut where y/n is gojo’s ex girlfriend and also a strong jujutsu sorcerer and they get back together asdfghjkl 🥺😂? Tyy 🥺
hehhee yes ma’am here u are!!! i actually loved writing this one (i think i just have a thing for writing gojo lately lmao) anyway! i! hope! you! enjoy!
to heaven and back
gojo satoru x f! sorcerer!reader
synopsis: you and your ex, gojo satoru, beat the hell out of a few special grade curses and then head back to his house to rekindle an old (and kind of kinky) flame
tags/warnings: nsfw (18+), smut, handcuffs, blindfolding, little bit of oral sex, teasing, alcohol consumption, some fluff at the end? just a little
word count: 3.1k
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You lifted your elegant glass of random wine that you could care less about knowing the name of, and took a long sip. All of these old rich bastards talked way too much about brand names, aging, and what cheese paired well with each wine. They were missing what was really important — which one would get you drunk the quickest. 
These kinds of formal events weren’t really your scene, and having to listen to a bunch of old, conservative, high-up jujutsu leaders was terribly boring — so why not take this opportunity to get a little tipsy? You deserved it for putting up with all of these assholes. After all, the only reason they invited you to this prestigious event was for protection. If that pesky band of special grade curses caught wind that all of the higher ups from both Kyoto and Tokyo were in the same place, they were sure to launch some kind of attack. The old, wrinkly douchebags couldn’t care less about your opinions of the jujutsu world and how you would change it, they only liked you for incredible cursed technique. 
And so here you were, spitefully wearing your most elegant dress and downing glasses of wine in an attempt to drown out all of the nonsense around you. There was only one thing that could make this event any worse and— 
“Hello everyone! The strongest jujutsu sorcerer has arrived — I know you were all looking forward to my appearance”. 
And there it was. There was that one thing that could make this event any worse. Gojo Satoru.
You dipped your head low, burying yourself in your glass of wine and praying to any god who would listen to not let this man see you. It’s been over two years since the two of you broke up, but he still wasn’t someone you enjoyed running into. 
Gojo was terribly notorious for having a long line of girls at his disposal, and with his incredible strength and annoyingly good-looks, it wasn’t hard to understand why. The two of you had never been in an officially committed relationship, and so technically Gojo was free to do as he pleased — but you were practically dating and your heart ached every time you caught wind of him being with another woman. And so two years ago you cut things off with him for good — you were tired of being the one he always ran back to at the end of the day. 
He’d looked at you with eyes full of pain that night, begging and pleading to stay with him. He showed you a vulnerable side to him that you had never seen before — and he swore to you that if you had asked to make things official, he would have committed himself to you fully. You declined however, because you felt like you shouldn’t have needed to ask for that kind of thing — but maybe that was just your ego getting in the way. 
“Hey, beautiful, I’ve never seen you around before, you must be from the Tokyo campus,” Some random assistant casually leaned against the counter you were sitting at and shook you out of your thoughts.
“If you’ve never seen me before then you must not be very important,” You shot him a distasteful glance, taking another sip of your wine. 
The man’s face lit up with panic — he must not have been expecting such retaliation to his pathetic attempt of flirting. 
“Are you bothering her?” A familiar voice came from behind you — a long, slender hand slapping down onto your shoulder, “Please don’t flirt with my wife”. 
“Ah- Wife? I’m so sorry, sir,” The man stumbled over his words, bowing his head to Gojo and scurrying away. 
Gojo wasted no time sliding into the seat next to you and pouring himself a glass of wine from the bottle you’d already been working on. 
“Really? You’re telling people I’m your wife now?” You gave him a deadpanned look. 
“It worked, didn’t it?” He shrugged his shoulders and took a sip from his glass. 
You rolled your eyes hard, “Why are you here, Satoru?” 
“Same reason as you. The old, conservative pussies are afraid those special grades might attack — so why not invite their two prized sorcerers to protect them?” 
“Fair,” You let out a heavy sigh, “Not sure that was their best move though — I don’t think either one of us is very motivated to save these fuckers”. 
“No, but I brought my students with me today. So, if anything does happen, make sure you put on a show for them,” He winked, already topping off his wine glass. 
You looked over to see a few kids sitting a couple tables away from the two of you, chatting amongst themselves and wondering why the fuck they had to be here. 
And so an hour or two went by, and to your surprise, you found yourself laughing hysterically alongside Gojo. The two of you had definitely drank a bit too much, and your personalities complimented each other a little too perfectly. You shared the same terrible sense of humor and he had quite the knack for bringing out this lighthearted side of you. You had missed moments like this these past two years. 
Neither of you were paying any attention to the current debate that was occurring between the higher ups when a loud crash sent broken pieces of glass flying through the grand hall. Sure enough, the curses had made their appearance and came flying into the building through a now broken window.
“It’s our time to shine, huh?” Gojo looked over at you, and you imagined that his icy blue eyes were swirling with excitement under that mask. 
“Yeah, let’s make this quick,” You found a warm ball of excitement churning in your own stomach — it’d been a long time since the two of you had fought together. 
Your technique revolved around the manipulation of cursed energy and converting it into light. You could wrap yourself in a shield of light, send curse-filled bursts of light at your enemies, and move at the speed of light as well — which was almost as efficient as Gojo’s teleportation abilities. You had a series of more advanced moves as well, but those required more energy output and therefore you used them a little less often.
The two of you were both able to move so fast that the curses really didn’t stand a chance. You found yourself laughing as you flipped through the air, hurling balls of light at the curses as Gojo worked closer in hand-to-hand combat. At one point, while the two of you were flying past each other, Gojo stuck out his hand and gave you a high five, both of you smiling like maniacs who enjoyed fighting a little too much. 
Between Gojo’s Limitless and your extreme agility and bursts of light, the curses were quickly forced to flee. Both of you were feeling much too drunk and much too lazy to chase after them, even with all of the higher ups begging you to do so. Gojo simply flipped them off and stuck out his tongue, saying that he did what they paid him to do — keep the curses away — and now that the curses had been scared off, he was no longer needed. 
“You want to come back with me, relieve more of our old memories together? I remember how much you loved sleeping in my king sized bed,” Gojo looked back at you, offering one of his large, slender hands. 
Maybe it was the alcohol or maybe it was your stupid, stupid heart, but you reached out and took his hand, “Fuck it, let’s go”. 
Gojo’s house on the outskirts of the Tokyo campus was just as you remembered — sleek black interior with modern furniture and extravagantly silky sheets on his bed — his same bed that you were currently sprawled out on, laying in nothing but your undergarments. 
Gojo joined you a couple minutes later, his bare skin warm and familiar against yours. He pressed a few sloppy kisses to your lips, both of you still incredibly tipsy and unable to stop the small giggles from leaking out between your lips while you kissed. 
“Take the blind fold off you weirdo,” You pulled at the back of the black fabric. 
“Mmm, okay,” He mumbled, undoing the knot and exposing his piercing blue eyes.
“So pretty,” You murmured under your breath — his eyes really were the most beautiful thing you’d ever seen in your life
His fluffy silver hair fell down messily over his face, a drunken smile stretched across his lips. His smile quickly turned into a devilish grin as he slipped the mask over your eyes instead, tying a tight not at the back of your head.
“This isn’t what I meant,” You droned, but you didn’t argue — you certainly weren’t opposed to being blindfolded.
“It looks good on you,” He slurred, his words messy and his lips even messier as he pressed them back against yours. 
The kisses seemed to last forever, and both of you were perfectly okay with that — your hands taking their time exploring each other’s bodies for the first time in far too long. 
Gojo’s hands worked their way up your back, tracing lines along your toned muscles until he finally reached the nape of your neck. His fingers entangled themselves in your hair, soft hums coming from his lips.
“I still have handcuffs, if you’re still into that sort of thing,” he mused, massaging his fingertips into your scalp. 
“Damn, I can’t believe you remember what I like. I thought my preferences would have gotten lost among the sea of other women you were pleasing,” You let the snarky remark roll off your tongue, though there was clearly no real spite in your words — you’re both adults and what happened then was in the past now.
“It wasn’t even that many,” He defended, “And you were the only one who ever mattered”. 
“I’m flattered,” You laughed, “Now, where are those handcuffs?” 
Gojo stifled a deep laugh, his hands leaving your hair as he lifted himself up and stood from the bed. When he returned a few moments later, there was cool metal wrapping around both of your wrists. He had two sets of handcuffs, putting one on each wrist and then hooking the other side to the bed posts. 
You were entirely at his disposal now, your hands secured over your head and your vision blocked off by the black mask. 
“I could tickle you right now and there’s nothing you could do,” Gojo observed aloud, pressing kisses up the side of your torso.
“Satoru, I would kick the living shit out of you,” You threaten, goosebumps growing under your skin. 
“Yeah, but you can’t touch me unless I let you,” He retaliated, his soft hands reaching underneath your bra to feel your breasts.
You groaned in response — his Limitless really did make him impossible.
He cupped each of his hands around your firm lumps, gently massaging them between his fingers. His cool fingertips then made their way down to your lower body, swiftly removing your remaining underwear. You were now completely exposed to him, chills running down your spine as you wondered what he would do next. 
You heard a shaky breath leave his lips, his hungry hands massaging circles into your thighs, “God, you’re so beautiful. I missed you so much, you know that?” 
“I’m sure you did,” You breathed, “I’m a wonderful person to be around”. 
Gojo let out a hearty laugh, and you heard what you assumed to be the sound of his own underwear getting thrown to the floor. A few seconds later he was straddling your torso, his warm thighs wrapped around your body. You couldn’t see it, but you knew his massive member had to be right in front of your face now. 
“Remind me what that pretty mouth can do,” He cooed, pressing the tip of his length gently to your lips. 
You graciously granted him access, parting your lips and taking the head of his cock into your mouth. You swirled your tongue around the sensitive tip, earning a few twitches from Gojo’s body. You began to bob your head back and forth as much as the handcuffs allowed, a few quiet moans leaving his throat in response. 
He began to move his hips against you, gingerly pushing his member deeper and deeper into your mouth until you were taking the full length down your throat. He groaned and let a few curse words slide from between his teeth — your mouth was wrapped so perfectly around him. Tears pricked at your eyes and a couple rough gags ripped through your throat, Gojo finally pulling away and allowing you to catch your breath. 
After that, you felt a single one of his long, slim fingers slide into your mouth, and you wasted no time wrapping it in your tongue and sucking hard. 
“Good girl,” He murmured, plucking his finger back out of your mouth and moving it down to your aching entrance. 
Between the saliva on his finger and the slick juices around your opening — his finger slid in effortlessly. He started moving in quick movements, curling his finger up into your g-spot each time. A few light moans left your lips, your fists clenching in the cuffs as your yearned for more. His finger felt good, but you wanted the real thing — you needed it.
“Satoru, please,” You practically whined his name, a tiny bit ashamed for how desperate you were for him right now. 
“Patience, love,” He clicked his tongue and your heart did somersaults at the endearing name. 
He removed his singular finger and intertwined it with a second one before sliding them back into your cavern. He picked up a steady pace again, your breath hitching in your throat. Two fingers was certainly better than one, but the continuous teasing was just making you even more desperate to feel his member inside of you. You mumbled his name over and over, small pleads and shameless whispers leaving your mouth as you bucked your hips against his hands.
“No ones fucked you as good as I used to, have they? You’re horribly desperate right now” He clicked his tongue again, removing his fingers and moving them up to your clit. He rubbed the smallest, softest circles against the small nub, your core growing warmer with desire. 
“I won’t make you wait any longer then,” He whispered, sitting back and positioning the head of his length against your throbbing cunt. 
“Please,” You mumbled fervently, any ego or pride that you once had was completely down the drain now. 
Your pleads were finally rewarded, Gojo pressing himself deep into your tight walls. The immediate feeling was complete bliss, your head rolling back in pleasure as you heard a throaty moan creep it’s way out of Gojo’s mouth. His moans were so pretty — god, you’d missed the sound of them.  
He moved in and out at a tantalizingly slow pace at first, your hips bucking and wiggling as you made fervent attempts to make him go faster.
“So eager…” He shook his head, continuing to move at a pace that was absolutely agonizing — you thought you might die if he didn’t rail the hell out of you soon. 
“Please, fuck,” You gasped, “Stop moving so goddamn slowly”. 
“Your whines are so pretty, baby. Say my name and maybe I’ll give you what you want,” He murmured, his voice low and husky. 
“Fucking hell,” You gritted your teeth, “Please Satoru, please fuck me already”. 
“Shit,” He mumbled under his breath, your words sending electricity coursing through his body. 
After hearing you say that, he was quick to give you what you wanted, picking up his pace and wrapping his hands firmly around your hips. Strangled combinations of moans, whimpers, and cries filled the air as they flew from your mouth. You didn’t care how loud or desperate you sounded, you wanted him to know how good he was making you feel. 
The two of you were an entangled mess of sweaty skin and throaty moans, Gojo filling your ears with praises and compliments the entire time. His lengthy member railed into you over and over, hitting that perfect pleasure point with each stroke and sending warm surges of ecstasy through your veins. 
Your bodies moved together in sync, your breaths aligning and your climaxes threatening to arrive simultaneously. After a few more firm strokes, you felt yourself drowning in pleasure — euphoria crashing through your body like waves. Gojo reached his end point just a few moments later, his loud cuss words and strangled moans filling your ears. 
The two of you rode out your orgasms together, and almost immediately afterwards Gojo collapsed next to you. He lazily reached up and uncuffed each of your hands, leaving the cuffs dangling from his bed posts just in case there was a round two in his future. He rolled the sticky condom off his member and tossed into a nearby trash bin, a relaxed sigh slipping between his parted lips. You peeled the black mask off of your eyes, finally able to meet his again. 
He was staring at you with eyes filled with all kinds of emotions — the emotions that he’d been too afraid to admit to the first time the two of you were together. But he wasn’t afraid of commitment anymore, he was absolutely certain about what he wanted, and it was you. 
“Stay with me,” He asked, his eyes pleading with you, “I’m ready this time, I promise. I’m all yours, if you’ll have me”. 
You found a small smile tugging at the edges of your lips as you looked deeper into his eyes, “Of course I’ll stay, as long as you still feel this way when you wake up sober tomorrow”. 
“I’ll feel this way forever,” He pressed his head into you and mumbled into your chest, “And I’ll remind you as many times as you need to hear it”. 
You wrapped your arms around him in response, the two of you fitting impeccably together. He placed a few gentle kisses to your skin before his breathes began to slow. You found your own breathing to be evening out, your cloudy thoughts pushing you closer and closer to sleep. The two of you slowly drifted off together, your heavy breaths falling perfectly in sync.
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127-mile · 3 years
Let’s pretend we’re in love.
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Pairing: Doyoung x gender neutral reader.
Genre: Fake dating, unrequited love, bff to strangers | Angst.
Warnings: strong language.
Plot: Doyoung is beautiful, he is also kind, attentive, affectionate, smart and funny. He is charismatic, and well-spoken. His voice could be mistaken with that of an angel, whether he is speaking, or singing. Doyoung is everyone's dream, the one person you would never hesitate to introduce to your parent. Doyoung is also...mean. Doyoung has the face and the voice of an angel, in the body of a demon.
Doyoung tells his mother he is dating you after lying about his relationship. Doyoung knows about your feelings, but he doesn’t care.
Word count: +4.2k.
A/n: this is part of the Mad about the boy collab hosted by @slightlymore​.
Doyoung is beautiful, he is also kind, attentive, affectionate, smart and funny. He is charismatic, and well-spoken. His voice could be mistaken with that one of an angel, whether he is speaking, or singing. Doyoung is everyone's dream, the one person you would never hesitate to introduce to your parents. Doyoung is also..
"Y/n are you listening to me?" you are pulled away from your thoughts when Doyoung nudges you. He has been talking for over five minutes now, but all you could think about was how perfect he is. Yes, you saw his lips move, but you did not hear a sound that come out of his mouth. Now that you think about it, Doyoung does have pretty lips, and you wonder how it would feel to kiss him.
"Oh, what is wrong with you today?" he stops and grabs your wrist when you are about to run into a pole. "Are you alright? Are you sick? Do you need me to drive you back home? I can call my parents, and tell them I'll be late, it's fine. You look awfully lost today." you have a long sigh, why is he like this, always so caring.
"I'm fine Doyoung, don't worry about me, I guess I'm just a bit tired." you answer, and he does not look convinced but he shrugs. "Are you sure? My parents will not be mad if you decide to skip dinner." you shake your head as you start walking again, pulling Doyoung with you as he was still holding your wrist. "It's fine. What were you saying?"
"I was talking about my parents, and the reason they invited us." well, technically, they invited Doyoung to eat with them, but Doyoung answered one of your calls, and upon hearing your name, his parents decided to invite you too. A free meal in a nice restaurant is always pleasant, so you had to say yes. Maybe you shouldn't have, with how hard it is for you to focus on anything else than Doyoung's face.
"This weekend is the weekend where the whole family gets together in our grandparents' country house. I told them I would not come because of work, so they are going to try and convince me to join them." this time, you are the one stopping in your tracks. "If you knew what they were going to talk about, why did pretty much beg me to come? I do not want to be in the middle of an argument with your parents."
You met Doyoung when him and his family moved in the neighoroud, you were still young, so you have known each other for a very long time, and he got into the habit of having you by his side during arguments, because you are what he calls a neutral zone, or whatever is reasoning is. "Oh come on, you know they can't refuse me anything when you are here!"
"Doyoung, you are 25 year old! You should know how to settle an argument with your parents, you should know how to make them listen to you and accept whatever you have to say." he tilts his head to the side, and his eyes meet yours. It's enough for your heart to skip a beat, or two. Stupid heart. "Please?"
"Why don't you want to go by the way? The house is really cool, there is a lake, and your family is really sweet. Don't you miss them?" he looks around, and he notices how close he is from the restaurant. If he tries hard enough, he is pretty sure he can see his parents near a bay window, laughing together. "Because, I may have told my mother I had a partner, and she expects me to bring them."
"You are a dumbass, Kim Doyoung." you say in a sigh. "Why would you tell her that? If you do not have time to brush your hair, you definitely do not have time to date someone." he looks offended, but then he remembers the mess on his head, and he decides to stay quiet on the subject. "I don't know! My mom's been on my back about finding someone for months now, I guess I got tired of hearing her and I decided to lie."
"Why don't you find someone? Don't you have a cute coworker you wanted to ask on a date once? Ask them to play your partner." you hate how bright his smile becomes when you mention said coworker. You try not to think about what they have, that you do not have. This is not the time to mope. You'll cry about it later. "That's a great idea! You are the best."
Yes, yes, you are.
Doyoung crosses the road, and he pushes open the door to the restaurant. "After you." he says, and you step inside, smiling at the sudden warmth that invades your body. "Good evening, do you have a reservation?" the young man asks, and Doyoung nods. "My parents are waiting for us, they made a reservation under the name of Kim."
"Yes!" he exclaims, and he walks you to the table. The couple stands up when they see you, and you let Doyoung's mother embrace you for a second. "Y/n, it's been a while, how are you doing sweetheart?" she asks, and you sit down in front of her. "I am doing just fine, how are you?"
"Same old, same old." she starts, head tilted to the side. "we are trying to organize the family weekend, and as usual, it's stressful." you understand. You participated in a few of these gathering, and you know how stressfull everything is. You never regretted anything more than the time you offered to help.
"Yes, Doyoung told me, I'm sure it's going to be amazing, and you'll have a wonderful time with your family." the woman smiles warmly, and she puts her hand on Doyoung's. "Tell me baby, did you ask your partner to come with you?" you nibble on your lower lip, you are excited to hear his arguments.
"Mom, I told you, I have too much work, I can't come." she shakes her head, and you share a look with his father. He knows he is lying, but he keeps his mouth shut, he knows better than to intervene. "Come on Doyoung, don't be silly, I'm sure whatever you have to do can wait for the weekend to be over."
Before he can open his mouth, she raises her hand to shut him up. "I have an idea. Why don't you take your work with you, and I'll give you a couple of hours to work in your grandfather's office, how does that sound?" Doyoung's mother is tenacious, she knows what she wants, and she is ready to do everything in order to get it.
"You know, my darling, that I'm not getting younger by the day, and my dream is to meet the person who makes you so so happy." oh, she went there, you think. Doyoung looks at you, and you smirk, you are not going to help him. "I have something to tell you first."
"I'm listening." but before Doyoung can say anything, the waitress gives you the menu, and comes back to take the orders. And when she leaves, Doyoung's mother prompts him to speak. "Go on, my love, is something wrong?"
"Everything is fine, mother." he plays with his fingers, and you wonder what he is going to say. His mouth opens, and closes for a second, you wonder if he said anything, or if you blacked out because of what he said. All you hear is his mother squeal with delight, and when you look up, she is absolutely beaming.
"Oh my god! I told you it would happen eventually!" she says, hitting her husband on the shoulder. "You did say that." he mumbles, rubbing the aching spot. "I am so happy! And the family loves you, they are going to be thrilled to hear that!"
The rest of the dinner is a blur, you hear and say things, but your brain can't quite process whatever is happening. You must look odd to the Kim's eyes, but you can't even find it in yourself to care.
"See you on Saturday sweetheart." Doyoung's mother says, cupping your cheeks to kiss your forehead. "Yes, Saturday."
When the car disappears from your sight, you turn on your heels to face Doyoung. At least he has the decency to look ashamed, and he doesn't say anything when you hit him in the chest. "What the fuck, Doyoung?" you yell, and he knows people are looking at the scene, even if it's already dark outside.
"I'm sorry, I panicked." he answers, and you shake your head. "Couldn't you admit that you lied, instead of luring me into your lies without asking first!" he takes your hand, and he sighs. "I know, I know. But you were there, and my mom was so excited, I don't know what happened. And look how happy she was when I said it."
"Imagine how sad she is going to be when she'll learn it was a lie, Doyoung!" he knows he should have thought before opening his mouth in the restaurant, but it was his only solution, or so you thought. "She doesn't have to know it was a lit, we can just... I don't know, break up?"
This is a bad idea, you think. For you, who have been madly in love with Doyoung ever since you were kids, it's going to hurt. Because you know Doyoung does not reciprocate your feelings, and never will, and he will play the perfect boyfriend you wish you had.
The break up is going to hurt like a bitch, even if it's fake, and yet, you open your mouth. "We are breaking up at the end of the weekend."
"We need to get the details right, when did we become official?"
Doyoung sits on the edge of the bed as you put your clothes in the dresser. "I don't know Doyoung. You are the one who brought me into this mess, so you should be the one thinking about it." he mumbles something you don't understand, and you turn on your heels to face him. "You are telling me that you did not think about the details at all?"
You did think about everything, of course you did. Not because you were excited about this situation, but because it is something you thought about a lot these past few years.
"I was busy!" he exclaims, and you sigh. "If you want it to be believable, you need to think. Right now. Because your family will be there in a few minutes." you are glad you arrived before everything else, it gives you the time to settle down, and to think about the things you could have talked about in the car.
"We can't tell them it's been a few months, because my mom will bet mad that I did not tell her sooner. So maybe two or three weeks?" you nod. "Yeah, okay. Who confessed?" Doyoung seems to think about it, and when he opens his mouth to answer, you wish you never asked the question. "You, you did it. It what you would have done if it really happened, uh?"
You do not say anything, you do not like the way he said it, like he knows something. He probably does to be honest, you are not the best at hiding your feelings.
"Kids, come say hello!" saved by the bells.
You get out of your bedroom, and you go down the stairs. A few of Doyoung's cousins just entered the house, and they smile when they see you both. "Oh, Y/n, I didn't know you would be here!" Jungwoo says and he puts you into a bone-crushing hug. "Yeah, last minute decision." you answer.
You greet the other members of the family, and before you can understand what is happening, someone grabs your hand to pull you into the living room. "Guys, you all know Y/n, right? Well, I would like to officially introduce Y/n as my partner!"
You try not to look uncomfortable when they all cooe, but you can't smile either. Doyoung is just dropping the bomb, when you thought he would tell the news to some members of the family if they ever asked about his love life. Well, you agreed to be here, so you have to go with the flow. Or rather with Doyoung's decisions.
"I never thought I would see the day where you would finally confess your feelings for our dear cousin." Jungwoo says, and you laugh but god do you want to punch him square in the face. He is the only one in the family to know about your true feelings, so with the little announcement, he feels allowed to say everything he knows.
"Yes, I was wondering if Y/n was ever going to do it. About time." Doyoung answers, and you roll your eyes, but fortunately, his mother calls everyone in the garden. She wants to celebrate the beginning of what she thinks will be a memorable weekend.
"They are gone, you can let go of my hand." you mumble, and he shakes his head. "We have to play the perfect little couple, so might as well do it fully." what is the point of playing when no one is around to see you, if not play with your heart. "You always wanted it, so don't be like that. Come on, let's not make them wait."
He leads you to the garden, and when he finally lets go of your hand to grab two glasses of wine, you feel yourself breathing again. Of course, you spent the last couple of days thinking about the weekend, and how it would turn out, but you thought it would be nice, you know, to be closer to your long-time crush, but no, it's unberable and it's been less than an hour.
"I would like to thank everyone for making the trip for the weekend, I am really glad to see you all, because I have to be honest with you, this year was not easy, and I missed each and every one of you. I am also really grateful to have Y/n with us, I always knew Y/n would be the one to make our sweet boy happy."
Doyoung looks proud, and he is beaming under the attention when you want nothing more than to burry yourself in the ground. "Thank you for accepting me." you say when you hear nothing but silence and feel way too many pairs of eyes on you. "Of course, my love. You were always part of the family, so it is even more normal to have you here with us today."
That's sweet, but what is not is the way Doyoung chuckles under his breath.
"Oh, here you are!" Jungwoo sits down next to you on the couch, and he puts his head on your shoulder. "I've been looking for you everywhere. You know the grandfather's office is off limit?" you shrug, eyes still closed. "I don't care, I needed some alone time."
Jungwoo straightens up, and he does what he does best, he pouts. "What's going on? Are you not happy to be here with us?" you heave a long sigh, opening your eyes to look at him. "I am. I'm always happy to see all of you, especially you Woo, but I don't know. I guess it's overwhelming this time."
"I bet it is. Everyone is all over you, asking you questions. I would dip too if I were you." he answers, and you stay quiet for a couple of minutes. "You and Doyoung, it's an hoax right?" you do not know if you like or hate the fact that Jungwoo is always quick to catch on. "It's that obvious?"
"Not really," he starts, standing up to stretch his long legs. "but you've been in love with him for ever, so seeing you here, when you should be glued to him is weird." that's definitely what you would be doing if Doyoung was not acting so.. you do not even know how to describe it. "I don't know Woo, Doyoung has been acting weird since we arrived."
"What do you mean?" you take the time to think about it, because Jungwoo is still Doyoung's cousin, and you do not want to upset him. "He is the one who told his parents that we were dating, without asking me first, and yet, he is acting like an asshole."
"He throws little comments about my feelings, my real feelings, each chance he gets, and every time, he has that nasty smile on his face." you explain, and Jungwoo hums. "I know it's been only a few hours, and he is probably acting out of nervousness, but it's like.. did he just trick me into coming here just to humiliate me in front of everyone?"
You expect Jungwoo to tell you that you are wrong, that you are imagining everything, but no. "I would not be surprise, to be honest with you." you narrow your eyes, and you don't know what to expect now. "We went on vacation last year, remember? And there, he met this person. It was obvious that they caught feelings for him, and he just played with them."
"He is not stupid, and he understood pretty quickly, but instead of being flattered or to let them down gently, he just decided to be an asshole about it." if Doyoung was not acting like that today, you would never have believed a word of what he said. This is not the Doyoung you know. "But why would he do that? He is not like that on the daily."
"Everyone things he is perfect, but I guess perfection does not extist, and he is the proof." you don't really know how to feel right now. You want to leave, because you are mad. You are mad at yourself, and you are mad at him. "But why me? I'm here to help him, and I'm his best friend, not some kind of summer fling. I never did anything to wrong him or anything, I don't understand."
"I wish I knew Y/n." he answers, putting his hand on your shoulder. "I know how much you love him, and I am sorry he is playing with you." you sigh, you are at loss for words right now. You want to leave but you can't, not this early. Maybe you can find an excuse to leave? No, you can't. Doyoung is the one who drove you here.
"Keep me from hurting him if he decides to act up again today." you say, and Jungwoo nods with a smile. "You know, I am not that strong, so if I can't hold you for long enough, and that you end up actually hurting him, I'm sorry." he winds, and he opens the door to let your out first.
"Well, that was a nice day!" Doyoung says as he lets himself fall on the bed. You have to move your arm to avoid it being stuck under his body. "Good for you." you answer, and he turns on his side to look at you, frowning. "Is something wrong?"
"Are you really asking me that?" you don't know if you should tell him everything you have in mind, or keep quiet and wait until you leave, but you are not sure you can hold for another day. All you know is that you don't want to snap in front of the entire family.
"I have a question, why are you such an asshole with me?" he straightens up, back against the bedframe and he crosses his arms against his chest. "What are you talking about? Wa barely talked today!" you scoff. "And for a reason. Every time we talked, you just made me look like an idiot."
"Why are you doing this? What was the point of asking me to come, if you were planning on being mean?" he bites the inside of his cheek. If you try to remain calm, it seems hard for him too. He has a lot to say, but everyone is asleep, and he knows how quick he gets angry, and he doesn't want anyone to eavesdrop.
"So we are really doing this, uh?" you don't know what he is referring to, but you nod either way. "I'm tired Y/n. I'm tired of you being in love with me." well, that's not what you were expecting, but you are not surprised, if this taught you anything is that you can't expect anything when it comes to Doyoung anymore.
"Hear me out. I know you love me, I always knew, and the attention is nice, but I never mentionned it because you are my best friend, and I never wanted our relationship to change. But I met someone." oh.
"It's my coworker, the one I wanted to ask of a date. Well, I did, last year, and we've been dating ever since. But they can't stand the way you look at me, and it weight a lot on our relationship." you shake your head. "Then why did you bring me? Why didn't you introduce them to your parents instead?"
"How do I say that.. I needed a reason for you to hate me. Not as your friend, but as a potential lover. I needed something to calm your feelings, because as much as I love you, as a friend, my relationship with them is way more important." it feels like someone is squeezing your heart, and you wouldn't be surprised if it came out of your ribcage, in pieces.
"They hate how you look at me, and I understand, I am to the point where I hate it too." you open your eyes wide, and you look up. You refuse to cry. Not in front of Doyoung, he does not deserve it. "So your only option was to break my heart, in front of your entire family? You could have told me the truth, I would have understood you know, I might be in love with you, but I am not stupid!"
"You say you love me as a friend, and yet, you are doing this. You decided to play with my heart to hurt me. And for what?" your voice is shaking, and it sounds a lot like a sob that escapes your pressed lips. "I'm sorry." he whispers, and you laugh as you get out of bed.
"You are not sorry, Doyoung. This is not your first time doing something like this. Is this what gets you going? Breaking people's hearts? Are you planning on doing the same with your current partner?" he shakes his head, and of course, he would never do something like that. Sweet sweet Doyoung.
"You know what? You don't have to worry about me looking at you some type of way, because starting from tomorrow, you will not have to see me again. It'll be so much easier for you." you grab your suitcase, and you stuff your clothes inside. "What are you doing?" Doyoung stands up and he follows you every move.
"I'm going to sleep on the couch, and I'll go home first thing in the morning. Don't worry about driving me back, you can stay here, enjoy and explain to your mother why she will never see me again. Maybe you should also tell her why her son is such a fucking asshole, I'm sure she's going to love it."
"Come on, don't be like that." he says in a sigh, and you open the bedroom door. "Don't be like what? Don't be like a fucking human being with feelings? Well I'm sorry, but I am!" if the family was not around you, you would have sloed the door hard enough for the sound to echoes against the walls, but instead, you close it softly.
Doyoung is beautiful, he is also kind, attentive, affectionate, smart and funny. He is charismatic, and well-spoken. His voice could be mistaken with that of an angel, whether he is speaking or singing. Doyoung is everyone's dream, the one person you would never hesitate to introduce to your parents. Doyoung is also mean.
Doyoung has the face and the voice of an angel, in the body of a demon.
So yes, you are mad about the boy, but you are also mad about yourself.
171 notes · View notes
bi-bi-buckleydiaz · 3 years
deep breath, do your job | owen joyner
requested; yes! - Could you do a Owen x reader where the reader is Owens personal assistant while filming JATP and while they are filming the reader starts catching feelings for Owen but Owen is in a relationship. Owen and his girlfriend breakup and the reader comes over to comfort Owen and Owen confesses that the reason him and his girlfriend broke up was because of the reader.
word count; 6.4K ... yeah kinda got away from me there. longest fic i’ve ever written
warnings; language, implied sexual content but no actual sex or description thereof
a/n; lol, so i just wrote from 1AM - 4AM because i’m procrastinating my child dev. project thats due today that’s worth a quarter of my grade. i really didn’t mean for this to be so long so it’s probably not this good and the ending is a lil’ rough, but oh well. hope whoever requested this likes it. i kinda do even though it’s long and only slightly proofread.
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“Owen Patrick Joyner! Get your ass into hair and makeup before - oh, um, okay oops. Sorry ‘bout that. Should have knocked. I’ll just - yep, i’ll just go.” 
You thought he’d be sleeping. It’s nap time for him anyway, so he should’ve been sleeping. Instead, your technically boss and definite crush, was on his trailer couch with a girl you’ve never seen before. Kissing her. Without a shirt. Yeah, you definitely need to get out of there. 
You’re quick to close his door and begin to walk back to the hair and makeup trailer to tell them Owen will be a minute. 
“Y/N! Hey! Wait up! It’s um, it’s not, well it is, but -” He grabs your arm, causing you to turn around and face him, which, big mistake. Abort. Abort. Turn around. His post make out face is something you did not want to see. Liar.  
“It’s fine Owen. What you do in your free time is not my, well, actually it is since i’m your PA, I just mean who - WHAT, what you do in your personal time, in your trailer, is not my concern. Just, you’re needed in hair and makeup like, an hour ago. So, yeah, just, get there.” You stumble over half your words and watch his face fall as you near the end of your spiel. When he lets go of your arm you’re quick to turn around and leave him alone, walking right past hair and makeup and to set where you can curl up in your chair and eat your weight in brownies, if Madi hasn’t taken them all that is. You hope he goes to get his hair done. You know you should walk with him there because if you’re not practically dragging him to where he needs to go he never gets there on time, as just witnessed. But it’s usually because he’s goofing off with Charlie, not sucking face with a random girl. 
You don’t notice the brownie in your hand has crumbled until a whistle comes from behind you. You turn around a little too quickly, sending the brownie bits flying to the floor. 
“Shit.” You kneel down to begin picking it up, another hand coming into help. Charlie, based on the rings adorning the fingers. 
“Is Owen’s keeper okay?” You huff a laugh at the name the cast gave you a week into filming. You’re the only one who has managed to keep Owen in line since filming started, the only reason he’s ever on time for anything or actually has real food in the apartment or has his drumsticks when needed, etc. etc. 
The boys didn’t want PA’s when Kenny proposed it during bootcamp, they were young adults, they didn't want to boss someone around, it felt wrong. But having more experience than the boys, Kenny vetoed how they felt and told them PA’s would help tremendously, especially on a project like this. That’s where you came in. You were trying to get into the directing and producing scene in Hollywood, you’re dream to be as good a director as Steven Spielberg or, well, Kenny Ortega. But you knew you had to start small, so you applied for a PA job on an upcoming Netflix show, getting hired within the week. Now here you are, a nineteen year old being in charge of another nineteen year old who acts more like he’s five. 
In the beginning, it was purely professional. You were nothing more than his PA who got him from place A to place B in a timely fashion. But then he started to rope you into pranks with the rest of the band. He started inviting you to movie nights, and adventures to the grocery store, and ice skating with Charlie and Madi, and somewhere between helping him keep his life in order and watching him fall on his ass at the ice rink, you fell for the blonde. You know it’s a mistake, falling for him. You work for him. He’s your friend. That’s all he sees you as, but you couldn’t help it. But you’re good at compartmentalizing, so you took all the inappropriate feelings, shoved them in a box, locked the box, and hid it deep in your unconscious. You were doing well with ignoring the box, until you walked in on Owen kissing someone that wasn’t you. 
“I’m fine Charlie, just, stressed. Owen was an hour late to hair and makeup so I kinda feel like a shit PA right now.” Charlie chuckles and hugs you as you both stand up. 
“Please Y/N, you’re the best PA. If it weren’t for you, Owen would never know where anything is, including his head.” You laugh into his shoulder, reveling in the hug for a few more seconds. When you part, you see a flash of blonde enter the set and sigh in relief. He made it. He’s ready. You’re not fired today. 
Just incredibly confused and upset. 
But not fired.
“You better go, I know you’re in this scene with Owen.” Charlie nods and squeezes your shoulder once before running after Owen onto the set that holds Julie’s shed. Taking a deep breath, you try to push whatever the hell you saw ten minutes ago into your box, and get ready for the day ahead. 
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Four hours, six brownies, and two cookies later, Owen is officially wrapped for the day, meaning you can go home and continue to eat your feelings in ice cream. You’re quick to grab your binder full of Owen’s schedules to drop tomorrow’s off at his trailer before he sees you. You’re not really in the mood to talk to him about what happened earlier, so you fast walk to his trailer, fully intent on just leaving the paper on his counter where he’ll see it, but a brown haired, green eyed girl throws that plan right out the window. 
You’re so stupid. You should’ve known she would still be here. Waiting. 
“Oh, um, hi.” She says. She sounds nice. She looks nice. But when you look at her all you can see is her hands in Owen’s hair and his lips on hers. 
“Hi.” You don’t know how, but you managed to put on a smile and put a little pep into your voice. “I’m Ashley. I’m waiting for Owen. Is he done?” You nod, not trusting your voice as you stand awkwardly in the doorway, one foot on the step the other in the trailer, hand outstretched ready to place the schedule on the table. 
“He just wrapped for the day. Should be here in a few.” The girl - Ashley - nods. 
“You’re Y/N, right? His personal assistant?” How does she know that. She giggles, “He talks about you all the time. Says the only reason he’s not fired or dead in a ditch is because of you.” OH, you said that aloud. Coolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoo-
“Y/N! What are ya doing just standing in the doorway?” Fuck. You put a smile on and turn around. He’s smiling softly at you, still in Alex’s clothes, twirling those damn drumsticks around his fingers. 
“Um, just dropping tomorrow’s schedule off. Here. Okay...bye.” You walk down the steps, letting the door shut behind you, fully intent on leaving, but Owen grabs your arm again, just like earlier, causing you to stop and turn to look at him. 
“Wait. Can we talk real quick. About...earlier?” No. No absolutely not. 
“Um, I really have to go. I have a lot to do tonight for tomorrow.” Owen sighs and lets go of your arm, face contorting into that of a sad puppy. 
“Just, one minute Y/N. Please. Let me explain.” Screw him and his perfect freaking face. 
“A minute.” His face lights up and grabs your hand, leading you back into his trailer, smiling even wider at seeing Ashley sitting pretty on the couch. 
“Y/N, this is Ashley, my girlfriend.” Ashley smiles and waves, standing up to stand by Owen and grab his hand. A rock settles in your chest at the word. 
“Nice. I’m Y/N. But you knew that. Just like you also know I’m in charge of getting him to places on time. Which didn't happen today.” Owen’s face flushes at that while Ashley terribly hides a smirk behind her hand. 
“Uh, yeah, sorry about that Y/N. She surprised me today. We weren’t supposed to see each other until Thanksgiving but she finished classes early and flew out to surprise me. Kinda got, caught up in -” His face is beat red so you’re quick to cut him off. 
“It’s fine. Just, try not to get ‘caught up’ tomorrow, yeah?” It’s harsh and full of hostility, but you want to leave, the word still bouncing around in your head, swirling around the scene you walked into earlier. 
Flushed face. 
“I have to go. See you tomorrow on set at 5 Am. Got it? Five A M. Don’t make me break into your apartment again. I almost got arrested for that.” Owen is still reeling from your harsh words said a second ago to laugh at the memory. Ashley however, has no qualms about speaking up. 
“Don’t worry. I’ll make sure he’s here on time.” She smiles and wraps around his arm like a koala. You hold back a scoff, throwing up a fake smile before turning and leaving. 
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It’s almost midnight.
It’s 11:48 PM and someone is knocking on your door. 
Who the fuck is pounding on your door at near midnight. 
You shuffle to the door wrapped up in your comforter, wiping the sleep out of your eyes. You don’t bother looking through the peephole, too angry at the person behind the door to bother, just wanting to yell at them and get back to bed. 
“What the - Charlie?” He looks exhausted, hair ruffled and eyes puffy. He’s in joggers, a random band tee and his denim jacket. You’re pretty sure his shoes are on the wrong feet. 
“Can I stay the night?” He doesn’t wait for your response before walking into your apartment, flinging his shoes and jacket off and walking to your room. You sigh, ignoring the way he just threw his stuff around and instead follow him to your room before he takes your side of the bed. You walk in just as he chucks his shirt off and woah. You were so not expecting that. An explanation as to why he’s here at midnight? Yeah. Him taking your side of the bed? Definitely. But not Charlie taking his shirt off and crawling onto the right side of the bed and curling around a pillow. You take a moment to collect yourself and your thoughts before crawling into bed next to him, making sure to drape the comforter over him as well. He hums in content and turns around to face you. 
“Sorry for barging in like this. Just, ugh, Owen and that girl are not quiet if you catch my drift.” And it’s like the rock in your heart is now a boulder and it’s crushing your ribcage. You can’t breathe. You can’t think. You’re frozen, staring at Charlie’s half asleep face. “Like I get it, you’ve missed each other. But c’mon bro I’m there too.” He keeps talking. Keeps pushing the boulder until all the ribs crack and puncture your lungs. “There’s somethings in this world I never wanted to hear, and Owen moaning was one of them.” He won’t shut up. Charlie shut up. You’re entire chest is fracturing, breaking at his words and he needs to shut. up.
“I didn’t really know where else to go, but I remembered how comfy your bed was last movie night so, here I am.” His voice is raspy, words slurring as he’s trying to fight sleep to explain to you why he’s here. But you can’t focus on him right now. Can’t think about a shirtless Charlie in your bed. There’s only one thing you can think about right now. 
“Thanks for letting me crash by the way. I’ll try not to kick you in my sleep.” He chuckles, then finally opens his eyes when you don’t laugh back. You don’t know how you look right now. You know you’re frozen. But is the panic and pure sadness showing on your face? It must be, because suddenly Charlie is wide awake and leaning up on his elbow to look at you fully. “Y/N are you okay?” He’s worried. You want to tell him you’re okay. It’s fine. Everything is fine. But you can’t move. You can’t talk. Because reality is crushing you. It’s ripping up your heart, suffocating you, consuming your mind. 
Owen isn’t yours. 
Owen will never be yours. 
You’re just a friend. 
You’re just his PA. 
That’s when the tears finally start. They come slowly, one trailing down your cheek, then another. Then all at once your sobbing into Charlie’s chest, no doubt getting snot all over him. But he doesn’t seem to care. He just starts to hum some random song while he repeatedly runs his hand over your hair, the other holding you close to him. He keeps humming, his chest vibrating and giving you something to focus on that isn’t your depressing thoughts. It’s almost soothing, the petting and the hug and the humming. 
You don’t know how long you sob into him, but when you stop, his humming stops too. He still holds you close, just lets go of your head so you can lean back a little and look up at him. He’s brows furrow in concern and he pouts at your post-crying face. 
“Are you okay? Am I really that bad of company?” He tries for funny but you can’t bring yourself to laugh with him. Just pout and push his semi-wet chest. “Seriously Y/N, i’ve never seen you like this. What’s wrong?” Those two words. 
What’s wrong?
What’s wrong? I fell for my boss and now he’s doing it with some girl and I can’t stop thinking about them and it’s killing me because before I could live with being his friend and PA because at least there was some sliver of a chance but now there’s nothing because he has someone and I have no one and I can’t breathe because oh my god I love him. I love that stupid fool and i’m nothing but his personal assistant. 
It’s quiet for a minute, too quiet, and that’s when you realize you said all that out loud. You look up at Charlie, which was a mistake because his face is full of pity. It’s all sad puppy eyes and “Shit Y/N i’m so sorry.” A fresh wave of tears make their way out of your eyes, but Charlie is quick to wipe them away. 
“Y/N I didn’t know I’m so sorry. I wouldn’t have said all of that, God I was so stupid.” And then it’s like a whole new flood gate opens, this one full of laughter though. You start with a chuckle, but soon it’s full out belly laughing. Because Charlie isn’t the stupid one here. “I’m the stupid one. I mean, how idiotic does a PA have to be to fall for the one they’re in charge of? Never mix work with pleasure. It’s PA-ing 101, don’t fall for your boss. I’m so fucking stupid to ever fall for him or think he’d like me back because i’m just his stupid PA who has no talent what so ever, never has a good hair day, can’t go a day without eating their weight in sugar, and will never see him again after filming is wrapped.” Your laughing dies down by the end, and then ends completely when you see the look on Charlie’s face. It’s not exactly pity, but it’s not exactly sadness either. It’s hard to describe what exactly it is, but it’s not good. 
“Y/N. Babes. I don’t ever want to hear you talk about yourself like that again, okay? I swear to God next time I hear anything like that come out of your mouth again, I’m hitting you with a pillow.” You giggle, but he stays serious. “Dead ass Y/N. Listen, was it probably not the smartest to fall for Owen? Yeah. But you didn’t know he had someone. I didn’t even know he had a girl and I’m his roommate. But, we can’t help who we like. It’s all brain chemistry and heart palpitations and whatever else. It’s something we can’t control. So don’t say you’re stupid because of something you can’t control.” 
“You’re being really smart and caring for twelve am.” You both chuckle, a real smile gracing your face for once in the past twelve hours. 
“I’m sorry for the breakdown it’s just, there’s a lot in my head right now and what you said really didn’t help.” Charlie sighs and pulls you in close. 
“I’m sorry babes. You should’ve slapped me or something.” 
“I probably would’ve had the breakdown at some point tonight anyway.” Charlie pulls back a bit to look at you, confusion on his face. “I kinda walked in on them making out earlier when Owen was late to hair and makeup.” 
“Is that why you crushed that brownie earlier?” You sigh and nod. 
“Y/N, i’m sorry. I’m so sorry you have to go through this.” 
“It’s fine Charlie. It’s, well, it’s not but, I’ll get over it. I’m a big girl. Besides, I have you to get my tears and snot all over right?” He groans while you giggle, but he isn’t really mad if the way he pulls you close and rests his face in your hair is any indication. 
“Always babes.” 
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The next day you drive to set with Charlie who didn’t have to be on set at five like Owen, but joined you nonetheless. Taking his duty as your new ‘heartguard’ as he called it last night, you walk to hair and makeup with his arm around your shoulders. It’s comforting, even though he’s putting most of his weight on you because he’s exhausted, the coffee you gave him this morning clearly doing nothing to wake up. 
“Charlie, you could’ve stayed in bed until you were actually needed.” You laugh as he trips up the steps to the trailer, nearly face planting if it weren’t for you wrapping your arms around his waist last minute. 
“Char you good?” You hear BooBoo ask. Charlie grumbles something incoherent and shoves his face into your neck as you lean against the arm of the couch. BooBoo laughs, so do you, but quickly sober up when Owen walks in, Ashley on his arm. Charlie must have ESP or something because, without looking up at who walked in, he wraps his arms around your waist and murmurs in your ear, “Deep breaths. I’m here.” You do as he says, shooting Owen a friendly smile, but dropping it as he frowns at you. 
What is that about? 
“Glad to see you on time Owen. I wouldn’t have been able to break in this morning anyway because an octopus decided to break into my own apartment last night.” You ruffle Charlie’s hair as you say that and he grumbles some more, playfully biting your neck as well. “Ow. Asshole.” Owen frowns even deeper at that, while BooBoo chuckles. He get’s scolded a second later for moving. 
“So that’s where you disappeared to last night. I was wondering why you weren’t home this morning.” Owen’s voice is tight while he says it, Ashley noticing as well if the tightened grip on his arm is anything to go by. Charlie squeezes your waist as a way to say, ‘prepare yourself’ before he moves his head to lean against your shoulder so he can talk. 
“Yeah well, I wouldn’t have had to if you and your girl weren’t so freaking loud.” You tense up, mind starting to reel again, but a squeeze to your waist and a warm breath on your neck manages to bring you back. The trailer goes quiet, even the hair and makeup ladies tensing up and sensing the tension. Charlie, ever the wrong place, wrong time type of guy, grabs your hand and places it on his hair, then moves it back and forth. 
“Pet me.” Despite the tension in the room, you can’t help but giggle at the stupid Canadian boy wrapped around you. Apparently that’s all the rest of the people in the trailer needed to go back to what they were doing. That or they just didn’t want to get involved in young adult drama. You shoot a look at Owen, his jaw tense and hands clenched into fists. Completely ignoring the way Ashley leans up to kiss Owen’s neck, you open your phone and begin to read off his schedule for the day, your left hand still running through Charlie’s hair. 
“Hair and makeup at five AM, sit your butt down and let Shelly do her thing, costume fitting right after. First scene at six-thirty with BooBoo, you guys are doing the scene at the Orpheum where you talk about what’s been going on, you’re going to be sad so this whole frowny face you got going on? Keep it. A break after that then rehearsal with Charlie, Jer, and Mads for Stand Tall. Fitting for the Stand Tall suit is after that, but no actual filming for that scene yet, just getting the measures right so after that, you’re done for the day.” You take a deep breath after all that, BooBoo whistling at you from his seat. 
“You could be an auctioneer with how fast you talk.” You smile and bow your head at him.
“I’ll take that as a compliment Boo.” He shoots you a smile and then raises his hand to high five Owen as he sits next to him. Owen ignores him. In fact, he stays silent throughout all of getting his hair and makeup done. Only smiling occasionally when Ashley shows him a meme on her phone. You watch them, the boulder in your chest rolling around as you do so. But not for jealousy, no, for concern. Owen is acting very unlike himself. You may be upset right now, especially with him, but it doesn’t mean you still don’t see him as a friend; still don’t worry about him. Something is wrong, and you can’t help but feel like it’s your fault. 
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“So did it work?” You jump in surprise at the voice behind you, the cookie in your hand crumbling and falling onto the table. 
“Charlie! What did I say about sneaking up on me?” You turn to look at the boy who is smiling too wide at you for you to think this is about to be a completely innocent conversation. 
“Did it work?” He’s practically vibrating where he stands.
“Did what work?” 
“The cuddling this morning? Didn’t you see Owen? He was totally jealous.” And - what? That’s why he was so touchy this morning? 
“I just thought you were tired, that was - you were trying to make Owen jealous? Charlie what the hell? He has a girlfriend!” Charlie rolls his eyes and loops his arm around yours, dragging you away from the cookies and towards the costume room. 
“Yeah, but we both know she shouldn’t be. And the way he was acting this morning? I think he’s starting to realize that too.” There’s no way...right? No, the way Charlie described last night...no. 
“No, okay, he was probably just tired and angry about having to be here so early.” Yeah, that’s it. He was not jealous of the friendly cuddling you and Charlie were doing. Totally...not. Holy shit. You hear Charlie giggling in your ear as you enter costume. 
There, in front of you, is a very shirtless, very toned, very pretty Owen Joyner.
“You’re welcome.” Then Charlie is off to God knows where. Leaving you alone with Owen. Well, not really alone since Soyon is here too, running around looking for different fabrics and textures to throw on Owen. A still very shirtless Owen. 
“Oh, hi Y/N. What are you doing here?” Owen asks, looking at you though the floor length mirror in front of him. He’s not smiling at you, but he’s not frowning either, so improvement from this morning. 
“Oh, um, just making sure you got here on time. And look at that. You did! Good job.” You clap, who knows why, but it makes Owen laugh, which, whew, okay. 
“Yeah, I reminded him.” A voice behind you says. You turn and look at Ashley walking in, coffee cup in hand. She bounces up to Owen, ignoring Soyon and placing a big, wet kiss onto his lips before moving to the couch off to the side. Owen seems shocked by the PDA, which makes sense, you know he’s not big on that, remembering one late night conversation you both had a few weeks ago. 
“Anyway, Y/N, how does this one looks. I think the ruffles are nice. And then when he’s performing Stand Tall we can,” and then she begins to unbutton the shirt all the way down to mid chest and okay, seriously Soyon, now you just want to torture me. 
“I like this.” Owen says, twirling in the mirror like a ballerina. This causes the shirt to fling open more, showing his chest more in the process.
Deep breaths. 
Be a friend. 
You’re a big girl. 
“Yeah. It’s good,” you say, walking over to him to tuck to the sides back together somewhat. “Are you going to keep with the pink theme for the jacket?” Soyon smiles and nods, walking away for a minute leaving you alone with Owen and Ashley. 
“Should it really be unbuttoned that much? I mean, it is a kids show? I don’t want to share my boy with fangirls.” Ashley says. You can’t stop your eyes from rolling or the scoff that leaves your mouth. You watch Owen’s Adam's apple bob as he gulps. 
“Please, Charlie is sleeveless for a majority of the show. Owen showing a little chest isn’t gonna hurt anyone. Besides, Soyon chose good. The way the shirt fits and settles it’s never going to open all the way. Unless, ya know, he twirls like some Carolynn Rowland wannabe.” You smile up at Owen and inhale sharply when you see he’s already looking down at you. “And with the jacket on it’ll stay put pretty well.” You’re still holding the shirt in your hands, looking at Owen’s face as you talk. For a second, it’s just you and him, looking at each other, smiling. Then Soyon comes back and clears her throat. The trance breaks and you back up. You wipe your sweaty hands on your jeans before backing up and standing next to the mirror. You feel eyes on you and look over to see Ashely glaring at you. 
“Here we go. One pink jacket to match.” Owen slides it on and smiles wide. You have to say, it looks good. Professionally speaking of course. 
“Soyon, have I ever said how freaking amazing you are. I mean, this is really good looking. Very Alex.” Owen praises. He’s smiling and it’s a nice sight after this mornings debacle. 
“Alex is going to be the best looking one on that stage.” Owen looks over at you, his smile still there, and the boulder shrinks three sizes. 
“Still think the shirt should be buttoned.” Ashley mutters. But everyone ignores her, even Owen, who does another twirl in front of the mirror. 
“Well then, you’re all set Owen. Go ahead and change and I’ll see you tomorrow.” Soyon leaves, going off to do costume designer things, leaving you alone with Owen and Ashley again. Owen takes the jacket off, then looks around not knowing what to do with it. You sigh and smile softly, taking it from him.
“Here, just give me all the clothes and i’ll take them back to your rack.” He smiles thankfully at you, before frowning again and looking down at his outfit. Getting what he’s thinking, you chuckle and cross your arms. “Bub I just saw you shirtless it’s not a big deal. Now c’mon, give me the clothes before Soyon thinks you’re stealing them.” Owen looks up at you in a way you’ve never seen him look at you before. It makes you take a sharp breath in.
“Maybe you should go. I can give the clothes to Soyon. Don’t you have assistant duties to do?” Ashley is right next to you as she says it. It makes your ears hurt and hands clench. You’re quick to unclench though, not wanting to wrinkle the nice pink jacket. Ashley moves forward to unbutton Owen’s shirt all the way, but he grabs her hand before she can begin. 
“Actually I need Y/N to stay. I have to talk to her about some, ya know, assistant stuff. And besides, she knows where Alex’s rack is and that’s where the clothes have to go. Why don’t you go wait for me in the trailer, I’ll be there in a few.” 
I need Y/N to stay. 
That shouldn’t make you feel as warm and tingly as it does. 
Ashley scoffs and looks away, clearly trying to guilt trip him. Owen sighs and kisses her cheek.  
“Trailer. Ten minutes.” Ashley sighs before nodding and finally leaving. He watches her go, then turns back to you when she finally disappears. You clear your throat and he looks back at you, face a bit red. 
“Um, hey.” You chuckle. 
“Hi.” He nods, and you sigh, walking so you’re right in front of him. “Seriously, O, you need to get this off because if they’re not on the rack for Soyon to fix up by the end of the day it’s my head on a stick, not yours.” Then you’re unbuttoning his shirt. 
You’re unbuttoning. His shirt. You don’t realize you’re doing it until you hand grazes his navel when you untuck it from his pants. You hear him suck in a breath and you immediately take two steps back. 
“Sorry, um. Sorry that was not, um, -” 
“It’s okay. You were just, doing your job. Making sure I get stuff done on time, right?” But his voice is wobbly as he says it and his face is as red as a tomato. You couldn’t have made him that flushed, not you? 
“Right. Yeah. Um, so, pants?” Owen looks at you with wide eyes. “I need to take the pants back too.” It’s quiet, but you know he heard you because he nods his head and begins to unbutton them. You suddenly feel very hot, very suffocated. You should’ve left when you had the chance, just let Ashley do this. You shouldn’t be here, watching as he pulls the velvet pants down his legs. Watching as he steps out of them and - oh God he’s falling. You grab his hand to help him but it’s too late, you both tumble to the ground. You’re on top of him, smushed up against his bare chest, faces centimeters apart, sharing breaths. 
“Sorry.” You mumble. You watch him gulp and look down. Down at wha - oh. 
“It’s, it’s okay. I’m the one that fell and pulled you down.” You nod, causing your nose to brush against his. You’re close, so freaking close that if you were to move not even a full centimeter, your lips would touch.
“What. The. Hell!” SHit. Fuck. Shit. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. 
You’re quick to scramble away from Owen, butt scooting across the floor to get as far away from him as possible. Owen jumps up, kicking the pants away then realizing that was probably not a smart idea because now he’s half naked in between Ashley and you.  
“Ash I -” 
“You were taking forever, wanted to know why. Thought you said there was nothing between you two?” She’s practically screeching. You know within minutes there will be a crowd. A crowd Owen will not want, his anxiety will not want. Ignoring his stuttering and the conversation in general, you push away the heat in your belly and the tingling in your spine and take a deep breath. 
Deep breath. 
Be a friend. Do your job.
You grab Owen’s clothes and put them in his hands, ignoring his speaking and Ashley ranting, you grab his hand and then hers, and shove them towards the back exit. 
“This is a trailer conversation, not a wardrobe fitting conversation. Leave, now.” 
“No, I have a lot to say -” 
“Listen to me, I’m trying to do my job and not get Owen in trouble. If you really care about him, you’ll take this conversation to his trailer. Now.” Then you shove them out the door before Ashley could screech some more. 
Deep breath. 
Do your job. 
You go back to the fitting area, only to see Charlie, Jer, and Madi standing there, looking confused. 
Deep breath.
Do your job.
“Hey guys. Owen just left. He and Ashley are having a date night.” Charlie gives you a look, but Jer and Madi nod, going to accept it, but Charlie has to open his big dumb Canadian mouth. 
“Why’d we hear screaming then?” Charlie questions. Jer and Madi look at each other, then back at you. 
“Oh, uh, mouse. I saw a mouse. Yep. Mouse. Anyway, I have to get this clothes hung up before they wrinkle, so excuse me.” 
Deep breath. 
Do your job.
You walk around the trio, gathering the suit and shaking everything out as you walk over to the Alex rack to hang them up. You hear the door to the room open and two sets of feet walking out. 
“Charlie, everything is fine okay? Just a little misunderstanding.” 
“Like?” You sigh and turn around from finishing hanging up the clothes. 
“Like...Owen kinda fell and when I went to help him I feel too...on top of him.” There’s silence then, 
“OH MY GOD! Y/N THAT’S LIKE FANFIC SHIT THAT WAS THE MOMENT! DID YOU KISS OH MY GOD TELL ME EVERYTHING!” He’s jumping up and down as he makes his way to you. 
“Ashley walked in.” All excitement stops.
“Oh shit.” You nod, walking past him to settle on the couch, pulling a pillow to your chest. 
“Yeah. And she started screeching and I knew Owen wouldn’t like to attention so I shoved them out the back door to his trailer.” Charlie’s arm goes around you, pulling you close. He goes to say something, but your phone ringing indicating a text from Owen stops him. You pull it out, opening it as Charlie watches over your shoulder. 
My trailer plz. 
Charlie starts shaking your shoulders, smiling like a maniac. “This is your chance Y/N go go GO!” you shake your head at Charlie’s antics, but leave nonetheless. 
Anxiety creeps up on you as you get closer and closer to his trailers, not knowing what you’re going to walk into. Him firing you? Saying you can’t be friends anymore? Ashley ready to claw your face off? 
Deep breath.
Be a friend.
You knock on his door. It opens a second later to a frantic looking Owen. Now you're anxious about him. Why does he look upset? Is he okay? He grabs your hand and pulls you into his, oh, empty trailer. Ashley is nowhere to be seen. 
“Hey, thanks for coming.” You nod, still looking around expecting her to jump out and slap you. “Um, sit. Sit, I have to talk to you about something.” You go to sit on the couch, but then remember what occurred there yesterday and instead lean against the counter. He notices but doesn’t say anything. 
“Yeah okay. What’s up?” You try to act nonchalant, but the anxiety is too high for that. ‘I have to talk to you about something’ never ends well. He walks over and sits on the bed pats the spot next to him. God, this can’t be a good conversation if he really wants you to sit. 
“Ashley and I were never...on here.” He mumbles. You walk over and sit next to him, blushing that he caught on to why you didn’t sit on the couch. 
“Must be serious if you need me to sit.” Owen takes a deep breath, another, another, and then there’s lips on your. They’re soft and nice and taste like carmex chapstick. 
“Mhm, Owen, what, what are you doing?” Your faces are still close together, both of you not wanting to back away yet. 
“I’m gonna talk. Okay I’m gonna talk and I want you to listen and not crawl inside your head too soon okay?” You nod, knowing in this moment you’d do anything to keep him this close. 
“I knew Ashley from high school. She started texting me a few weeks back and one thing led to another and she was calling me her boyfriend. I didn’t want it but it happened and I let it because it got my mind off a girl I shouldn’t like because it would ruin so many things. I didn’t know she was coming to visit and when she knocked on my trailer she jumped me and just kept going. And I just went along with everything yesterday because I’m supposed to be her boyfriend and I’m supposed to think about those things with her and I’m supposed to want those things with her, but I don’t Y/N. I don’t want those things with her I never did. I, I want them with you. I’ve wanted them with you from the moment you finally stopped being shy around me and dragged me from crafts by my ear to hair and makeup. You’re so amazing Y/N and I thought if I did anything I’d ruin this and ruin your career and I didn’t want that. I never wanted that so I went along with Ashley but I shouldn’t have because the whole time I was thinking about you. It’s always been -” You kiss him. You grab him by the cheeks and kiss him. It’s a passionate kiss, an ‘about time’ kiss, an ‘i’m never letting you go’ kiss. 
You only break away when you can’t breathe, and even then you only pull away enough to breath in each other’s air. 
“She left. She’s gone. She knew I was never 100% in.” You nod, but you’re not really listening. You can’t hear anything other than your heartbeat. 
He likes you. 
Owen likes you.
Owen kissed you. 
“It’s always been you, Y/N.” You smile. It’s a big one that you have to hamper down by biting your lip. Owen smiles back, then you’re kissing again. 
And again. 
And again.
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Word count: 1509
Genre: fluffy as fuck
Pairing: Wanda x Fem!Reader
Warnings: very brief mention of trauma (nonspecified), let me know if I need to add any
Summary: When Wanda goes on a date with Vision, you’re left to question your feelings while Natasha laughs at you.
A/N: Hi, this is my first piece I’m posting. I’ve been a long time reader on this hellsite but this is the first time I’m actually posting my own writing. I’m open to feedback! Forgive any mistakes, I did not edit this :)
You weren’t necessarily a jealous person. Well, you had been, but you moved past it. You learned that you didn’t, and shouldn’t, be possessive of your friends. It was hard, coming into a new place and wanting the pretty girl with long brown hair to spend all her time with you. Especially since you’d never had a friend before.
But now, you were questioning your sanity.
Wanda had announced to you that she was going on a date. Your heart sunk and something close to rage was burning through your veins. You couldn’t understand why! Wanda had talked about Vision before and you always had to remind yourself that she was friends with the other Avengers too. It had never bothered you this much.
But you had to come up with a bullshit excuse as to why you couldn’t gush about what she would wear or where they would go, because you thought your head was going to explode. You knew Wanda was upset by that, but you needed to figure this out.
“I seriously don’t understand what’s going on!” You pulled at your hair in frustration. “I mean seriously, I thought I’d worked through all the trauma and shit. Like Wanda’s not even my only friend. But she was talking about him and I got so mad, Nat, like so, so mad.”
Natasha snorted at you, watching you pace with an amused smirk.
“For real, like, am I a terrible person?” You paused your pacing to stare at her in horror. “I have no claim over her and I’m acting like a-a possessive a-and controlling piece of shit!”
“Okay, calm down.” Natasha told you. She patted the couch beside her for you to sit but you’re too busy overthinking. 
“I can’t calm down! I should be happy for her. But I’m just so angry and I don’t even know why! Vision’s not a terrible person. I mean technically he’s a robot, which is a little odd but-”
“Y/N, relax.” Natasha stands and grips your shoulders, forcing you to look at her. “You have a crush.”
“On Vision?” Your face squished up in confusion. “No, Nat, I’ve talked to him like twice.”
“No, idiot,” She sighs heavily. “On Wanda.”
“No-” You start but then your eyes widen and your jaw drops comically.
Natasha barks out a laugh at your horrified look, only gaining volume as you burn bright red. Clint walks into the living room, taking in the scene and furrowing his brows in suspicion.
“What’s going on here?” He asks, taking in the way the gears are turning in your head.
“I’m gay.” You say confusedly. 
“Yeah?” Clint looks like he’s waiting for you to continue. “Wait is this supposed to be news? I thought everyone knew.”
Natasha is overcome with another wave of laughter and you scratch your head lightly. It made sense, you supposed. You had never taken an interest in boys but you had figured that was because of your upbringing. They don’t exactly give assassins in training a lesson on feelings.
“Oh my god!” Natasha shoves your shoulder lightly. “How are you so oblivious?”
“Well, we’re friends.” You stutter out, still confused. “I thought this was normal!”
“Do you feel like that towards me? Or anyone else?” Natasha rolls her eyes.
“But you’re, like, old.” You dismiss, before squeaking out, “I mean, not old, Nat, but like, Wanda and I are the same age, you know? You’re not old! But you’re not as much a friend as like…. An older sister?”
Natasha’s eyes soften, the corners of her lips quirking up just slightly. You can see the words meant a lot to her, even if they were to cover up an insult. It was true though, Natasha had always had your back. She’d shown you the ropes, made sure you were comfortable, and she was always there for advice. Like the big sister you never had.
“Well, kid,” Clint broke the moment, “now that you’ve had your gay awakening, maybe you should tell Wanda how you feel.”
“What?” Your stomach lurched. “How’d you know-”
“The two of you are inseparable. You literally melt when she’s around.” Your cheeks burn a little at his words. “Seriously, kid. For someone who was trained as a spy, you don’t have an ounce of subtlety.”
“Well, she’s with Vision now anyway.” You can’t help the jealousy and almost sadness that twinge your stomach. “It doesn’t really matter.” 
“I wouldn’t be too sure of that.” Bucky muttered as he passed through the living room.
“Woah, how does everyone know about this but me?” You ask incredulously. Bucky shakes his head at you lightly, a small smile on his face before he leaves the room. 
“Seriously, guys,” You glare at Nat and Clint, “I just figured out I’m gay. Can we at least pretend like it wasn’t obvious.”
“If it’s any consolation, I don’t think Ms. Maximoff knows.” FRIDAY’s voice only makes you groan. 
Nat and Clint begin to laugh at the AI’s teasing but they’re cut off by Wanda storming through the living room. Her head was down, a slight red glow about her, as she passed the group standing by the couches. 
“Wanda?” You call lightly, but she doesn’t stop.
“Ms. Maximoff did not enjoy our date, it seems.” Vision slides through the wall, scaring the shit out of you.
“Stop doing that! And wiat, what?” You question, clutching your chest where your heart was racing. 
“She does not want to be with me.” Visions tells you simply. “She is upset. I do not know why.”
You stand there, wracking your brain for possible explanations. She had been so excited for this date. She’d talked about it for hours the day before, much to your annoyance. So, why would she have been so upset?
“Y/N,” Natasha snapped in front of your face. “Go after her.” She looked exasperated.
“Right!” You stumbled over your own feet racing after your best friend.
But you couldn’t bring yourself to knock on the door. Now that you knew you liked her, it all made sense. Of course you’d be jealous of Vision being able to take her on a real date. So, you stood at her door, trying to figure out what exactly you were going to say to make her feel better, if you even could.
“Y/N, come in already.” Wanda’s soft voice made your heart flutter. Your cheeks burned as you pushed open the door.
Wanda was sitting on her bed, leaning up against her headboard, knees pulled into her chest. She looked nice, even though her brows were furrowed the way they were when she was thinking hard about something.
“What happened?” You asked her, moving to sit on the bed. Your body was tense. Part of you was happy she wasn’t going to date Vision, but that didn’t mean you wanted to see her upset.
“We got as far as the zoo parking lot when I realized that I couldn’t do it.” Wanda fiddled with the crystal on her necklace. “It took going out with Vision to realize that I’ll never be able to feel anything for anyone else.”
“Anyone else?” You questioned. “Wanda, you’ll find someone. We’re still young! You have plenty of time to-”
“No, Y/N,” She gave a small, nearly sad, smile. “I found someone.”
“Oh,” the words startle you. Wanda had never mentioned someone else. The two of you were supposed to be best friends. She found someone and she didn’t tell you?
“It just took half a date with someone else for me to realize that what I feel for her isn’t platonic.”
“What do you mean?” Your eyes were wide as you searched hers for something, anything, readable. The only other girls she was friends with, that you knew, were Natasha and maybe Pepper. But that wouldn’t really make sense.
“I don’t want Vision. I don’t want anyone, really, except you.” You can hear a slight shake in her voice. “I don’t know why it took so long to realize this but, I don’t just have love for you as a friend. I really like you, Y/N.”
“Oh,” You nod. “I’m sorry. This is just a lot. Natasha just told me I was gay like twenty minutes ago.”
Wanda giggled at you. “I guess we’re both a little oblivious, huh?”
“Can I kiss you?” You blurt out, staring at her. “Sorry, uh, let me… It took you going on a date with Vision for me to realize I like you too, or, well, Natasha pointed it out. I was so angry. I thought about beating him up.”
“Y/N,” Wanda pulls you from your rambling. 
“Can I kiss you?” you ask again, too focused on her to be embarrassed. 
Wanda nods, fighting the big grin on her face. She cups your face gently, pulling you to her. Her lips are soft against your own and her hands are warm, her skin smooth. Your head is spinning as you lean into her touch.
Clint was right, you do melt.
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softomi · 4 years
prompt: mother says to be wary of people you meet on the internet, especially since you never know who’s on the other side of the screen. 
pairing: atsumu x reader
the unpaid extras: osamu, suna
general taglist: @graykageyama
Osamu liked to mess with his brother and lately he’s been planning the largest prank. It originally wasn’t supposed become a huge thing, but then Suna just kept edging him on; adding more things one by one and it just spiraled. Osamu was catfishing Atsumu with your pictures.
Now, Osamu knows that it sounds bad but technically you were in on the prank. You had never met nor even knew Atsumu, heck, you didn’t even know who Osamu was. You had been part of the prank merely through text messages and the occasional meet up with Suna.
To put it simply, Suna met you through one of his teammates; coincidentally you ended up in one of his classes and the two of you built a tiny friendship. Which was why, when Suna was thinking of the perfect person to catfish Atsumu with; your face lit up in his head.
You were the perfect candidate, exactly Atsumu’s type literally to a tee. When Suna pulled up your contact, the first thing he did was offer to pay you. Every picture you sent used for the prank, he’ll send you cash through an app and as a broke college student who needed cash fast, you agreed as long as the photos weren’t used for anything weird or sexual. He made sure to send you proof of each photo in use.
This brings it all back to dear Osamu catfishing his brother. He had created an entirely new Instagram for you, complete using your name and a cute description that him and Suna had spent two hours thinking of. They decided to even spend a few days perfecting it, posting pictures a few days apart with captions, following random groups, liking posts, essentially creating a whole new personality using your photos. Osamu had even developed a fake occupation for you; a foodie blogger to which some posts were dedicated to food reviews for restaurants Osamu deemed worthy of a post.
And when Osamu says that the prank spiraled; it fucking spiraled. Originally it started with Suna and Osamu following the account, suddenly Suna’s teammates began following the account. Osamu made the mistake of tagging Onigirl Miya in one of your photos, ultimately adding a few random people to follow the account. Suddenly after two weeks of having the account, you gained over two thousand follows.
It was no worries though, because Osamu can quickly catfish Atsumu, take down the account, and call it all good.
Safe to say, Atsumu accepted the friend request rather quickly. Osamu and Suna snicker to themselves, it took Atsumu less than five minutes to accept and he was already liking all of your photos. Not even ten minutes pass and he’s sliding into the DM’s.
The two men looking at the phone and burst into laughter. They spend five minutes cackling at Atsumu’s random ‘hey’ message that followed with a smiling emoji.
Osamu was absolutely entertained, it was hilarious that his own brother had fallen for his catfish and honestly, Osamu was ready to give up the act after three days but then Atsumu said something that just really pissed him off. He doesn’t remember what it was, he just suddenly ended up two more weeks later still having the fake Instagram account and still having Atsumu believe that he was falling in love with some girl.
Somehow the account ended up with over five thousand followers, Atsumu messages the account religiously, and Osamu for some godly reason is still managing the account three months later. It’s spiraled.
“I have a girlfriend!” Atsumu doesn’t know why his friend and brother are laughing. He’s scrolling through your Instagram, the catfish Instagram.
Osamu almost chokes on his food, “So what, have you guys gone on a date? Have you even seen her in real life?” Suna snorts into his drink, he coughs when he accidentally inhales the water sharply.
Atsumu slumps in his seat, his voice small, “No, but we talk every day and she likes me!”
Suna is coughing even harder now, tears threatening to leave his eyes to the point that he excuses himself to the bathroom. Osamu has a shit eating grin on his face, “How do you know she’s actually not some old dude catfishing you?”
“She’s not!” Atsumu stutters, “She’s real!”
“Prove it.”
Osamu was about to learn a harsh lesson about the world; the world loves to bite you in the ass when you least expect it.
Atsumu leans forward, an eerie grin on his lips, “Happily.” Atsumu whips out his phone, quickly presses a number and holds the phone to his ear. He holds a finger up to his brother, even gesturing for the returning Suna to remain quiet. The phone picks up, “Hey babe, you wanna meet me here at Onigiri Miya?” Atsumu looks at the watch on his wrist, “Twenty minutes? Perfect.”
Osamu’s believing his brother is bluffing. There was no way in hell he’d be able to somehow magically bring the catfish to life, heck, Atsumu would be a god if suddenly he could. Thirty minutes pass, Osamu is exchanging looks with Suna. It’s absolutely silent between the three.
Osamu is suddenly feeling guilty, Suna is uncomfortable to the point that he’s even texting you to make sure you weren’t actually coming, and you confirmed with him that you weren’t.
“Should we tell him?” Osamu whispers when another five minutes pass.
Suna is deadpanned, “I don’t know, we’re kind of reaching a sad territory now. Let’s just break up with him and ghost him.”
Osamu groans, “But do we want to deal with a sad Atsumu, I’ll take getting my ass kicked over him crying in my apartment.”
The door chimes and their jaws smack the floor. You walked through the door, eyes roaming the place before landing on the three huddled into the corner. Is he a fucking god? Atsumu stands from his seat, he meets you halfway, pulling you into a heartfelt kiss that has you swooning.
The closer you approach with Atsumu’s arm around your shoulder, the more they truly begin to believe that Atsumu is a god.
“Guys, this is my girlfriend.” This time it’s Atsumu who has a shit-eating grin, “Ain’t she a beauty, the pictures don’t do her justice.”
It takes everything in Osamu to not scream, “But, you said you’d never even met her before.”
Atsumu gazes into your eyes, hearts practically floating above his head, “I mean I guess technically this is our first-time meeting, right?”
You nod, a puppy like expression on your face, “I’m sorry, I haven’t introduced myself yet. You must be Osamu.” You point to him then your fingers drag to the other male, “Suna.”
“Oh.” Suna sits straight up, “Oh!” He catches the glint in your eyes, the conniving little minx of a look. Suna was no longer calm, “We’ve been double crossed!”
There’s screaming, fingers are being pointed at each other, Atsumu is gripping Osamu by the neck of his shirt, Suna is literally calling your phone to make sure that it’s actually you, Osamu is pulling his brother’s hair. The customers of the restaurant stare with their jaws dropped at the scene.
Everyone is squished into Osamu’s small office. Suna is sitting on the desktop, Osamu in his chair, Atsumu in the spare seat, and you lean on the arm of Atsumu’s chair. His arm dangles around your waist, pulling you to lean on him with a cheery grin.
Atsumu leans forward, taking in the expressions of the two bewildered boys, “I guess let’s start at the beginning.”
While the story technically began three months ago with Suna asking for your cooperation, the story of you and Atsumu began two months ago.
The extra cash from all the pictures you sent Suna was giving you enough to be able to go out and live a little on the weekends. Originally the bar was dead, you and your friends were tucked into the corner in a booth when a rowdy bunch of men came in. Your friends gasped having recognize them as members of a sports team and with their excitement, they must have won a game.
It didn’t affect your group that much until it came to split ways; being in your last year of university, you excused yourself, insisting that you needed to go home to finish a project. As you stood at the register, card tapping against the counter, that was when he showed up.
At this point, Atsumu had spent the past hour believing the gods were on his side. He practically walked by your table ten times just to make sure the face matched the one in his instagram’s DM. After forty minutes of the constant back and forth, your quick gazes at him walking by the table seem to do nothing. Were you unable to recognize him?
He took his shot watching you stand alone at the counter. He finishes off his drink and smoothly strides to you.
“Hey!” Atsumu leans on the counter, flashing a smile despite alcohol dripping from the side of his mouth, “Wouldn’t you consider this fate?” He gestures between the both of you.
You’re confused, shooting him a puzzled gaze, “Sorry, you must have me mistaken for someone else.” You hand the card to the worker, anxiously eyeing the male who’s increasingly invading your space.
Atsumu places a hand on the small of your back, it was something Instagram you had mentioned you liked, instead it triggered a fight or flight. Your hand makes harsh contact with his cheek, he retracts his hand immediately.
“Don’t touch me!” You bark at him, “Perv.” You’re aggressively signing the receipt, storming out of the door while other men seem to ooh at Atsumu’s situation.
“Hey!” Atsumu catches your figure outside of the bar, you’re waving a hand to catch a cab, “I think we got off on the wrong foot there.”
You don’t give him a second glance, “Look, I don’t know who you think you are.”
“Atsumu.” He stands right in front of you, blocking your sights for a cab. He’s got the widest smile on his face as he holds out a hand, “Miya Atsumu. Volleyball player. Setter for the Black Jackals.”
“Okay.” You run a hand through your hair, oddly taking his hand into a shake while eyeing him, “Miya Atsumu, volleyball player, setter for the Black Jackals.”
You step to the side, arm out still trying to catch a taxi but he blocks your way once more and he looks at you with such wonder. His eyes practically having stars coming out and his smile warm and inviting. He was wondering if you were a twin, maybe he had actually gotten the wrong person.
“You are?”
The wind is causing your hair to blow in your face, he wants to so bad to brush the strands behind your ears but the way you gave him a slap earlier makes him think that’s a bad idea. Your fingers pull your hair back, “Y/n. I don’t have a fancy title like yours but, I guess I don’t know, senior to be graduating at the university.” You sidestep him once more, “I’m just trying to catch a cab home.”
Once more he blocks your way and you look at him with defeat. He was persistent. He laughs, “Sorry, last time, but do you not know me?”
You’re still as confused as ever, “Look if you’re going to pull some cheesy line about seeing me before, it’s not going to work.”
“Wait, just hold on a second.” Atsumu pulls out his phone, his fingers are shaking as he presses onto the app. He pulls up your profile, handing you his cell phone, “This is you isn’t it?!”
Your eyes scan the social media page, your mouth falling open, there’s a hidden laugh itching in your throat. These were all the picture you had taken for Suna and somehow, you’re being shown by a stranger your fake profile.
“We’ve been messaging for like a month, I can’t believe you don’t recognize me.”
I don’t recognize you because I’m not the one talking to you.
You’re perplexed, you weren’t sure what you were supposed to do, if you told him he’s being catfished you’d lose the flow of side cash you’ve developed but if you didn’t, isn’t that just wrong. And the more you look at him from under the stars, he’s rather cute; you suddenly feel bad for slapping his face earlier.
“Do you want to get some coffee?”
Your offer sends him over the moon, he’s walking alongside you to the nearest convenience; Atsumu is rather talkative, bringing up topics of everything and anything that comes to his mind. As the two of you look over drink options in the cooler, his hands pull two cans of black coffee.
“You’re favorite right?” He holds one out to you.
Your actively smiling, biting your lower lip and wondering if you needed to play along with the role but as he stares at you with such adoring eyes, it makes your heart skip a beat just taking in the fact that he would remember something trivial over text.
“Actually.” You place the drink back, opting for a sweeter caramel macchiato, “I would say that this is my favorite.”
Atsumu quirks a brow, “Are you saying you were lying to me?” He places a hand over his heart, “And here I thought we were soulmates.”
Your hand smacks against his arm, “Shut up.”
“So what are you studying for?” Atsumu sips his drink, the two of you leaning against the windows of the convenience store. There’s a slight sway in his body and you’ve unknowingly followed his movements.
“Literature. Once I graduate, an internship is probably where I’ll start but I’m hoping I can get hired into a publishing company.” He’s comfortable to be with and you aren’t sure if it’s because he thinks he knows you or because his presence is just like that; comfortable.
Atsumu finishes off his canned beverage, “And you do that, all on top of running a foodie Instagram.”
From what you gathered on a quick skim of the account; they have your occupation as a lower level food blog; it’s rather funny. You can only nod to him, “It’s just a side hobby really.”
“Well maybe I could join you on one of your little adventures.”
You try to suppress the immense grin that wants to grow on your lips, there’s an internal battle happening of whether you should tell him or not but once again, the way he looks at you, the cute doe eyed look; it puts butterflies in your stomach.
“How about tomorrow?” He lets out a small gasp, your hands pull out your cell phone and offer it to him, “Your number?”
“I’m free for lunch, just text me when and where.”
You press the number he’s inserted into his contact; in a second his cell rings and he’s showing off his screen, “Don’t message me on Instagram though, I’m detoxing from social media for a bit. Just, text my number.”
He walks you to the curb, helping you flag down a cab, and you give him one last gleeful glance before getting into the car. As you sit, you’re quick to dial Suna’s number. You know he’s probably sleeping but the light feeling in your heart overrides his sleep schedule.
“What?” He’s groaning.
“Suna listen to me carefully. The prank that you guys are doing.” You hear a small snore, “Suna!” He jolts awake and you groan, “You know what, go back to sleep.”
“Thanks.” He hangs up immediately.
Your phone dings, Atsumu’s name pops up. Can’t wait for our date. You bite on your thumb, a smile on you before you respond.
Although having just seen him forty minutes ago, you two text back and forth. First he wondered if you arrived home safe, next he sent pictures of himself insisting it’s for you to choose for his icon, then he proceeds to narrate his way home. You wonder if you’re responding like catfish you but the more he brings up random topics, the more you forget about that stupid prank.
Wait let me call you.
Your heart beats faster, your phone lighting up with his name. You press the answer button slowly, “Hello?” You giggle.
“You’re telling me that you like spikers more than setters.” His voice is nearly screaming and you lean back on your chair laughing into the phone.
The quick research you did on his team had you watching short videos, and while you had to admit it was amazing to watch, your eyes drifted more to one of his teammates than him, “What’s his name?” You lean to look at your computer screen, “Bokuto Koutarou?”
“No!” He’s whining out into the air, “If I had known you were a spiker girl I would have changed positions.”
Your eyes catch the time on your laptop, “Woah. It’s three in the morning.” That meant you had spent over four hours total texting him and now you were on the phone with him, “What are you doing awake?”
He blows out a breath of air, “I could ask you the same thing.”
“Well.” You draw out the word, dragging your self to your bed, “I’m going to go to sleep now.” There’s a pause on the line, “Atsumu?” He hums tiredly, “Good night.”
There’s a small snore from him before he shifts around, “Good night.”
The morning light urges you awake, for a second you peak at your phone’s time and it nears ten in the morning. You’re about to throw your phone back onto the bedside table until Atsumu’s name catches your eye. For having gone to bed at three a.m. he shot you a text at seven.
Morning beautiful.
It was sweet, simple, and it made you smile; giving you the extra push to get out of bed. You stalked your own catfish page, there hadn’t seemed to be any updates so there was still time. A quick search of the internet has you picking out a random restaurant nearby and you send off a text to Atsumu about a meeting time.
You were late, pushing through the doors of the restaurant, your eyes scan the place to see him raise a hand for you. He’s dashingly handsome despite being in casual wear, you wonder if he spent time like you did just trying to pick out an outfit or if he spent forever gelling his hair as long as you tried to get your strands into the perfect waves.
“Sorry, did you wait long?” You pull into the seat in front of him.
He’s smiling and you hope to god that when you break the news to him, he’ll still smile for you, “I just got here not too long ago too.” He looks over the menu quickly, “What do you think you’ll get?”
You inspect each dish, a light hum on you as you dance around the option, “The spaghetti sounds nice.”
Atsumu tilts his head, “It has red meat in it.” You stare blankly at him, “Aren’t you allergic to red meat?”
“Oh.” You set the menu down, “Actually.” He follows your actions, you’ve become nervous at what you’re suddenly about to do, “There’s something you should know.”
“Fuck this!” Atsumu throws the napkin on the table, you jump as he harshly stands, throwing the chair back.
“Atsumu.” You stand.
“No! Don’t. Were you just messing with me then? Did Osamu tell you I was going to be at the bar last night?” Atsumu’s fist ball, “You know what, whatever.”
“Wait.” You follow him behind, “Atsumu. I’m sorry.”
He harshly turns to you, god, even in sunlight you were beautiful to him. He wants to laugh, the month he spent talking to the fake you; yeah that was all bullshit to him but honestly when he saw you last night, when he spent over four hours actually talking to you; he actually felt that maybe this could be something deeper.
“I’m really sorry, I know I should have said something right away.” You have a soft pout on you and it makes him outwardly groan.
He runs a hand through his hair, “Okay, it’s fine. I probably deserved this prank too anyways; must have pissed him off somehow.” He waves a hand, “You can just go back to doing whatever.”
Your hand pulls on his wrist, “I owe you a meal.” You bat your eyes with a cheeky grin, “If you take pictures of me, we can send them to Suna and use the money for our food.”
“Oh.” He begins to smile, “I like that idea.”
Back into Osamu’s office, Atsumu has now pulled you onto his lap, your head resting on his shoulder with arms hanging around his shoulders. The two bachelors stare at the sickly loving sight.
A lightbulb goes off in Suna’s head, “Wait! My money!”
You snort a laugh into Atsumu’s shoulder, “Hey, I earned that fair and square. You paid for goods.”
Osamu is having a staring contest with his brother, “So you two have been actually dating for two months? Why would you still message the catfish account then, why not just kick my ass when you found out?”
Atsumu taps a finger on his chin, “Well, I was just originally going to ghost you guys but then babe here and I discovered that we could fund all of our dates with Suna’s money. We even started setting aside leftover cash from our dates to plan a trip.”
You giggle, “We’re going to Disney next weekend.”
“All the pictures.” Suna whispers.
There’s an amused hum in your throat, “Honestly I’m surprised you guys didn’t figure it out. We were dropping hints in the photos.”
Indeed, the two males looked at the pictures you sent them. If they backtracked to two months ago, there wouldn’t be any hints but the closer they get to the present; it was painfully obvious. They were just too caught up in their excitement to even notice. In one photo, part of Atsumu’s shoulder and hair was just barely in the picture; another had his reflection vividly displayed in the window of the restaurant, and somehow Osamu and Suna missed the obvious Black Jackals jacket sitting on the back of the chair next to you.
The two boys were having a mental breakdown.
You shifted on Atsumu’s lap, leaning forward to tap against the top of Osamu’s phone, “Now, if you’d please deactivate the account since this whole charade is over.”
Osamu ended up not deleting the account. He set the account to private because seeing how his brother was so deeply entranced by you, Osamu had a feeling this one was going to last and he was right; on Atsumu’s wedding day, his little best-man speech had him whipping out the catfish Instagram to display on the monitor for everyone to see.
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