#techno magical girl
zorceus · 1 year
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Techno magical girl Idia Shroud
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kenjo-arts · 4 months
This probably doesn't explain anything because im terrible at putting words to my ideas but here's SBI in the AU
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and this is something about Philza's conclave
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there's also more info about SBI specifically in the character pages I made for them :D
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wh0re-in-the0ry · 4 months
Dsmp Magical girl au art dump
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These are pretty old (early-mid 2022) but I think y’all would get a kick out of them.
(If y’all want a lore dump I’m more than happy to share)
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wilanserulia · 7 months
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I think my teenager self would be so ashamed to know that I'm designing an OC who's a ✨cyberpunk magical girl✨.
Hoshiko Yukimura is a normal girl who tries to do her best in her studies, but she's got magic powers, an adorable ç̸͖͓̜̂a̵̤͍̣̪̹̪͒̊̎̀̍̾̎͛̉̐͗̒̚͝t̵̢̟̪̤͍̪̯͈̳͕͓̲̫̭͇̔̌̄͐̇̔̅̿̿̍̓̀͊͝ companion (as seen here), and now even a battle costume with shields and propulsion wings she can transform into.
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What is, Astrid like in your Dragonwalkers AU? Is she prejudiced with Hiccup?
Unfortunately, I don't have a Httyd Dragonwalkers AU, but if I did, then yes, that is how she would start out. Kind of like she does in Httyd 1 and like how Robyn does in Wolfwalkers.
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“As much as I loved the New York special (which I really do), my biggest complaint about the special is that the villain, Techno-Pirate has literally ZERO personality. And that’s frustrating for me because most of the characters in Miraculous have very vivid and memorable personalities, and always manage to leave a lasting impression. Techno-Pirate, however, is just a one-dimensional stereotypical hardened criminal who likes to steal technology and shows no mercy towards anyone who tries to stop him. That’s it. That’s literally all there is to know about him. 
Heck, he doesn’t even have a real reason why he attacks the plane Marinette’s class is traveling to New York on, he only does it because the plot demands him to. And even when he was Akumatized, he was practically the same exact character, just with a new look and different powers. Nothing really substantial about him changed.”
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pagesofkenna · 2 years
someone help me think of a hyper-specific musical genre to base this character playlist on for my kalashtar bladesinger wizard performer who doesnt want to die and keeps almost dying
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nomsfaultau · 4 months
Imagine big scary boar Techno with a warlock pact with The Blood God. Only problem? It essentially turns him into a sparkly magical girl of the pink hair twink techno variety. And he just has to suck it up because the thigh high heels and tutu give him an insane combat bonus.
The rest of sbi tease him, or at least until he gets fed up and accidentally ✨sanguine sparkle blasts✨ Tommy into a concussion. At which point they tease him outside of melee range.
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loudlyhappycupcake · 1 year
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Finally... After all this years... I have them all......Try and solve the puzzle for this one👀.... @shironezuninja @misterygem @magical-girl-techno-genius @cartoonfan21 @homuncvlus @sakulovejulius12 @bitter-yet-civilized @tcn1205 @finalfortuna @3llazedrawinggirl @adriennsposts @kuskicanlove @untitled14360 @cartoonvibe @magnetar334 @nevaehjwilliamsvaeh @illustrated-ink @hkthatgffan @hellowillowk @ciphercovenauofficial @cipedor @jacky-rubou @bluefrostyy @ilovetvtoons @motheyesofnight @jademz1711 @grivessillus @chaodeknoi @serentiydraw5678 @violetrose-art
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cateyeswrites · 1 month
Stardew (murder) Valley
Summer Year 1 
TW: Wilbur is mentioned but he is not in the story! also mention of cannibalism
This is a small self indulgent Stardew valley AU with a twist of mistery and thriller! So far this is the outline for the story and more of an introduction to the characters and the settings
Quackity and Tilin 
New in isla Quesadilla town 
Quackity inherited the farm from El Quackity who died a couple of weeks ago
Quackity and Wilbur are exes however Quackity never knew that Wilbur was from the small town originally 
Luzu and Quackity broke up because they didn't know if Luzu was Tilin’s father or not 
Quackity ran before Luzu could convince him to do the test, afraid of the result.
Quackity is fascinated by the mines in Isla Quesadilla, a small part of him believes it’s magic while the other just likes the fact that he can get money fast from there. 
Quackity and Tilin arrive at an old house and so much hard work to be done
Tilin is 5 and a half 
Quackity is 23 
Phil and Missa
They have Chayanne and Tallulah under their care
Phil’s wife passed away even tho people claim they still see her walking through the town at times or walking beside the couple and kids 
Phill and Kristen grew up with their three kids in Quesadilla Island, Techno, Wilbur, and Tommy. 
When the new scientist, Missa, arrives in town, it is Phill who welcomes him and offers him a room in his house, he quickly falls for the dorky scientist and Kristen takes no more than a day to fall for him too. 
A couple of years later, when their youngest gets sick, Kristin also decides to investigate the magic in the town with Missa. One day Kristin goes alone and gets lost but there she meets a small creature who promises to help her kid if she makes a deal with him and helps him overview the other side. 
That day Kristin went home, played with her kids, and passed away tucked between her two loves 
Lady Death was born that night.
Missa is interested in the cosmic and magical nature of the caverns and lakes of Quesadilla Island usually during his day he will spend the morning with the children and help Phill around the potato farm, during the night he researches the caves and makes tests in the waters of the lakes, with the company of a very sweet lady death.
Tommy moves away after graduating, Techno decides to follow only to give Phill and Missa some sense of peace. 
Sometime after Tommy leaves Missa and Phill decide to Adopt a kid, they have the space, and the parenting experience and they want to help a kid who needs it. 
Chayanne arrives exactly three months later, a spunky 7-year-old who brightens their days 
Two weeks after that a small 5-year-old girl is at their doorsteps; Hey Dad and Missa, this is Tallulah, my daughter. Please take care of her while I am gone. THANKS!
Roier and Jaiden 
Rier runs the tavern in the town 
He and Jaiden have a house where they stay with their son Bobby and Roiers son Pepito.
Jaiden runs an art school in town and does activities for the kids in town 
Jaiden has a daughter she co-parents, Empanada who lives with her other moms Tina and Baggi 
Roier and Jaiden have been friends since college, on their last year they found a baby on the side of their apartment building.  
They decide to keep the baby and formally adopt it as theirs. 
They name him Bobby.
After they graduate they decide to go live in the small town near the City, Isla Quesadilla. A small town where they can raise their child without criticism and peacefully.
Jaden opens her art school and Roier starts working in the tavern after a year of working there, the owner ready to retire gives the reins to Roier.
Roier is currently dating the sheriff who has a boy the same age as Bobby. 
Bobby is 3 and a half years old
Celbit and Pac 
Celbit used to be a big-shot detective alongside his partner Pac. 
There was a serial killer who would murder people, that was their main case at the time.
One night they were patrolling an alley when Pac is taken out with a blow to the head, unfortunately, he isn’t knocked out and he can hear fighting and wrestling, it isn’t until he feels someone take a bit out of his leg that it clicks why they can’t seem to find the dude, since he eat his victims and dispose of the bones that they would find months later.
When Pac wakes up Celbit is right there looking guilty at the side of his bed, he is so wrapped up talking to him that he doesn’t realize something is missing—his leg. 
After the incident, Celbit quits the police force and moves away to Isla Quesadilla where his child Richarlyson is being raised by his friend Mike, Richa’s other dad. 
Mike, Pac, Celbit, and Felps found Richas 4 years ago while working on a case of human trafficking, and when they couldn’t find his family they decided to all five of them to adopt him.
After Felps dies during a case, Mike quits his job and takes Richas with him to a small town that Celbit finds his way to, after Pac’s accident.
Celbit becomes the sheriff of the town and head of the station.
Celbit then meets Roier whom he falls in love embarrassingly quickly. 
Celbit and Richas semi-move in within less than a year but still keep things in the house they shared with Mike.
Roier is the only one ever to learn Celbits dark secret.
Besides Felps.
When Pac hears that there is trouble in Isla quesadilla and people are starting to disappear, the same type of people the Canibal would take in the city, he pacs his things and heads to the small town ready to catch the bastard.
A 19-year-old college student who is a bit of a genius.
He is doing a project where he helps farmers create a more productive watering system and testing other gadgets to help farming.
He is currently living at Fit’s Inn.
One day he finds a 9-year-old digging through the trash. The only name she gave him was Sunny.
He decides to take care of her and hides her from Fit. 
Fit finds out very quickly about Sunny.
Fit ends up agreeing to Sunny stay and he helps him to take care of her 
Tubbo struggles to understand how children work but at least Fit and Ramon are there 
Fit and pac 
Fit and Ramon are the only people living at the inn except for the tourists and scientists who come once in a while for special events.
Fit is not the type of person who you would imagine owning a cozy Inn but he also during the nights goes to mine alongside Missa and now Quackity as their protection from the bizarre things that are down there.
Fit has the best coffee in town so everyone treats his breakfast hour as a coffee shop and you can find a lot of people just stopping by for a cup of coffee or breakfast with the family. 
Fit was in the army and served a couple of terms before a horrible incident where he was the only survivor after that he left the army, bought the inn, and became content with his mundane life.
Ramon was surprised but one he embraced with a huge smile and open arms, however, that doesn’t mean it wasn’t hard.
Ramon is currently 7.
Pac moves into the inn and sets up an office in the room next to his.
Pac is immediately smitten with the cute innkeeper 
Fit can’t understand why he feels the way he does about Pac but he also has panicked flirt with him to distract him when Sunny escapes from Tubbos room 
Ramon demands a second father after the first accidental flirt with Pac
Tina and Bagi 
Tina and Bagi own the convenience store in the town 
Everyone shits on Bagi for being closed on Wednesday but that is obligatory wife-and-daughter time.
Tina has a small tea shop inside the convenience store. 
They both are Empanadas mom’s who co-parent with Jaiden 
Empanada lives with them most of the time but she sees her mom Jaiden all the time and spends weekends with her.
Empanada is 7.
Foolish lives in his home with his daughter Leonarda who is currently 9 years old
He is the builder of the town, do you need something fixed in your house or a new building? He is your guy
He is married to Veguetta who travels a lot 
He is Bobby’s grandad, don’t ask questions about it. 
Everyone loves Foolish but man what a gossip he is.
He is the mayor of the town 
He is most definitely seeing someone just that people can’t figure out who it is
He has a son named Dapper who is 9 years old
He kinda also is the go-to babysitter people will just drop the kids at his office or his house and he will be happy to take care of them.
So far this is everything I have on this Au hopefully I will be able to start posting the actual chapter soon but I was so excited to share this with you guys! feel free to contribute to this au with your own writing! I would love to see it!
And thank you to @peninkwrites for literally being the best and the person who I can always turn to when I have insane ideas like this! *mwah*
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big-wired · 28 days
X-Men 97 Finale
I am not okay, and yet I am okay, and just...
I swear, this episode gave everyone a chance to fucking shine, and I have so many fucking feelings inside me my heart feels like it's pounding a mile a minute.
It wasn't just all the amazing heart pounding action going on, the interpersonal drama, but the sheer staggering amount of cameos!
Spoilers below the cut with accompanying screenshots.
Clock and Dagger showed up, and they finally fucking fixed Dagger's outfit! Instead of a giant boob and navel window ala Power Girl, but it's now a long dagger set in silver in the same spot.
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Iron Man shows up, and it's the suit Tony designed after he survived a techno-organic virus that tore apart his nervous system and he had to reprogram his own.
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Daredevil!!! Fucking Daredevil showed up, fighting on the street and looking like he did in the 90s Spider-Man animated series on Fox!
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And speaking of Spider-Man...
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I know I am inferring so much from this, but the end of the Fox series of animated Spider-Man had Madame Web taking Peter to finally go and retrieve MJ, who had been lost in a dimensional rift. So, I like to think Peter found MJ and they got back safe and sound.
This is just the cameos, and there are others still from Omega Red, the Crimson Dynamo, and Dark Light to Dr Strange using his magic to perform surgery during the world wide blackout.
And then... there's the main fucking plot, and holy FUCK did it not disappoint!
Just go watch it yourself, because gods, I cannot do it justice.
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nellasbookplanet · 11 months
Book recs: vampires
Listen, vampires are a classic for a reason, but they have also been done to death (pardon the pun) to the point that finding books that are creative with the premise can be a bit of a slog through tired old tropes. Hopefully this rec list can be to a bit of help for all vampire fans out there wanting something fresh!
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For details on the books, continue under the readmore
Previous rec posts:
Really cool fantasy worldbuilding
Really cool sci-fi worldbuilding
Dark sapphic romances
Mermaid books
Sci-fi vampires:
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Fledgling by Octavia Butler
Octavia Butler my beloved, literally you cannot go wrong with one of her books. Fledgling follows what at first seems to be a ten-year-old amnesiac girl, who finds out she is in fact a decades old vampire on the run from others of her kind. The vampires here are a separate species from human, not supernatural, and are as a whole very fascinating and unsettling. Come in prepared for fucked up power dynamics.
Blindsight by Peter Watts
Vampires and aliens and questions of the nature of consciousnesses, oh my. Not a vampire novel so much as a scifi novel about aliens in which there also happens to be vampires (one of which is captain of a spaceship sent to explore an alien ship just entering the solar system). Another example of vampires as an entire separate species, but more horror focused than Fledgling. No, seriously, this book will fuck you up, highly recommend if you're okay with a lot of techno babble and existential horror.
Peeps (Peeps duology) by Scott Westerfeld
Young adult. Vampirism as a sexually transmitted parasite that turns most people into bloodthirsty monsters. Cal is an asymptomatic carrier working to find other infected before they hurt people, including his own former girlfriends. But there is something else lurking in the dark, an ancient enemy of the vampire parasite...
Post apocalypse vampires:
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The Hallowed Ones (The Hallowed Ones duology) by Laura Bickle
Young adult. Katie is an Amish girl eagerly awaiting her rumspringa, when she gets to try out the outside world. But before she has the chance, something happens to the Outside; a nearby town is wiped out, and something evil stalks the night. To protect their community, the Amish elders decide that no one can leave and no one can enter the sacred ground that makes up their home. That is, until Katie finds an injured young man and decides to help him.
The Company of Death by Elisa Hansen
Wild mix of genres, where a zombie apocalypse has struck and vampires gather up humans to keep their food source from going extinct, a robot travels across America with a young man she's tasked to keep safe, and former-vampire-hunter-recent-zombie Emily teams up with Death himself to stop the apocalypse. Features bi and ace characters! Bonus rec: the author also runs the youtube channel Maven of the Eventide, where she talks about various vampire media. Check it out!
The Immortal Rules (Blood of Eden trilogy) by Julie Kagawa
Young adult. Another zombie apocalypse (well; feral vampires) scenario in which vampires gather humans up to keep their food safe. Allison Sekemoto hates vampires, but when she ends up on the brink of death and is offered a way out, she has no choice but to take it. Hunted by a mad vampire and forced to flee the relative safety of her city, Allie must enter the post-apocalyptic outside world and team up with the free humans roaming there, seeking a cure for the undead plague that ravages the world.
Urban fantasy vampires:
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Certain Dark Things by Silvia Moreno-Garcia
Queen of fucked up gothic horror, Silvia Moreno-Garcia, comes for vampires in this gritty novel following Domingo, a garbage collecting street kid in a Mexico City where vampires walk the streets. His life gets turned upside down when he meets Atl, a vampire descendant of Aztec blood drinkers who’s on the run and needs all the help she can get.
Sunshine by Robin McKinnley
Urban fantasy on a level of its own, where dangerous magic exists alongside humans. It keeps you guessing and much is left unexplained; if you want clear answers and explanations to everything you might be disappointed, but if you want a world that feels mysterious and dangerous and lived in you'll probably like it. It follows a baker who, after getting kidnapped by vampires, gets embroiled in a dangerous struggle and has to team up with one of them to survive. The vampires here are really inhuman and unsettling.
The Coldest Girl in Coldtown by Holly Black
Young adult. After vampirism swept the land, special Coldtowns were built to quarantine anyone bitten, whether they have turned or not. After having survived a massacre at a party in which her ex-boyfriend got bit, Tana sets out with him and mysterious vampire to reach the nearest Coldtown, not knowing if she’ll ever be able to leave it again.
Modern vampires:
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Let the Right One In by John Ajvide Lindqvist
Swedish literary novel set in the 1980s. Follows twelve-year-old Oskar, a troubled and bullied boy who befriends his new neighbor, Eli. But there’s something strange about Eli, such as her only coming out at night. Also available as two separate movie adaptations (I highly recommend the Swedish original; the American remake is perfectly adequate standard horror fare, the original is a masterpiece).
Woman, Eating by Claire Kohda
Literary novel following Lydia, who’s grown up as a vampire under the thumb of her mother, who’s been obsessed with self-hate over their existence as blood drinkers. Finally on her own for the first time in her life, Lydia moves to London hoping to make it as an artist. But surviving alone as a vampire is harder than expected. Slow and fairly light on plot, but utterly captivating.
Companions of the Night by Vivian Vande Velde
Young adult. After Kerry saves a young man from three attackers who claim he's a vampire, she's drawn into a dangerous game and forced to work with a manipulative vampire. Pre-cursor to the modern ya vampire genre, Companions of the Night utilizes many of the same tropes but in very different ways, making it a unique experience.
Historical and fantasy vampires:
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A Dowry of Blood by S.T. Gibson
Dracula inspired novella, following Constanta, who’s turned from a medieval peasant to an undead bride. As time passes the relationship between Dracula and Constanta grows all the more strained and potentially dangerous. Teaming up with his two other consorts, she seeks to unravel her husband's secrets. Sapphic and polyamorous.
The Gilda Stories by Jewelle Gomez
Having escaped from slavery in the 1850s, young Gilda is taken in by a vampire, and eventually finds herself turned as well. Consists of a series of novellas following Gilda throughout the centuries, from the past to the present to the future. It’s also sapphic!
House of Hunger by Alexis Henderson
In a world where the rich drink blood to preserve their health, Marion applies to a position as bloodmaid in a notorious noble house far from home. Suddenly showered with luxuries and debauchery, Marion soon gains the interest and favor of Lisavet, countess of the house. A fresh take on the idea of vampires and deliciously dark sapphic romance.
Bonus AKA I haven't read these yet but they seem really cool
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The Hunger by Whitley Strieber
Ancient vampire is on the hunt for a new partner, none of which tend to last long.
My Soul to Keep (African Immortals series) by Tananarive Due
I keep seeing this one described as a vampire book, and once stumbled on the description "almost a vampire book" and listen by now I'm simply curious to see what it's about.
Team Human by Justine Larbelestier & Sarah Rees Brennan
Young adult. As far as I can tell, a satire on typical ya vampire romances.
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The Madness Season by C.S. Friedman
*chanting* vampires in space vampires iN SPACE
The Lost Girls by Sonia Hartl
Young adult, sapphic. Three vampire girls turned and abandoned by the same vampire get together to stop him from turning yet another girl.
The Balance of Fates by Raquel Raelynn
Young adult, sapphic. A girl enters a competition against vampires and werewolves, complicated by her feelings for one of her vampire competitors.
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komorezuki · 4 months
The next infernal team in Hell: Skittles and Morax. Problems of demons' representation in s2
Well, I am keep viewing demons in s2 and my attention was drawn to these two.
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They were credited as the demon Morax and the demon Skittles.
Lets look more closely at them. Skittles is first. What's the name? Why Skittles? She isnt even multicolored. Ok. She was played by Ann Louise Ross. She is looking like old evil lady. Or like a visitor of Berlin techno rave or of Wave Gotik Treffen idk. I love her honestly.
Her spirit animal is supposedly a raven or crow (or another bird). Look at the black feather on her belt and at the bird skull necklace:
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I think she could be associated with goetian Malphas:
Great President of Hell, with 40 legions of demons under his command and is second in command under Satan. He appears as a raven, but if requested, will instead resemble a man with a hoarse voice. Malphas is said to build houses, high towers and strongholds, throw down the buildings of enemies, destroy enemies' desires or thoughts (and/or make them known to the conjurer) and all that they have done, give good familiars, and quickly bring artificers together from all places of the world.
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The second one is called Morax. He is clearly a demon from Ars Goetia and Pseudomonarchia Daemonum.
He is a Great Earl and President. He appeareth like a great Bull with a Man's face. His office is to make Men very knowing in Astronomy, and all other Liberal Sciences; also he can give good Familiars, and wise, knowing the virtues of Herbs and Stones which be precious. He governeth 30 Legions of Spirits
Obviously Morax's animal is an ox. *uncovers all jokes about Azi's relationship with oxes*
Morax is played by Florence Nzenwefi. He has big horns (dude something tells me that mask doesnt help you to blend in) and charmingly growls . He wears a long coat and....a sash???
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Beautiful blue leather belt with a big ox head buckle. I dont know if that a sash or just baldric for weapon but I have questions in both cases.
It's a sash. According to @vaexathear's theory sash is a sign of power or status. Worn by demon from bottom of the barrel and bla bla bla. Whyyy?
It's a baldric for weapon. Dude did you have a flaming sword weapon? I am curious about what it might be. Sword or saber or axe maybe? How many demons are armed? Lords of the Hell dont wear weapons so why YOU should do.
And the last thing. Does that attack of demons bother you? I mean, they are definitely stronger than people. They can do miracles, and teleport and so on. You can say that lower demons are probably limited in a magic but Shax isn't. She can literally burn you in a lightning. Obviously she wouldnt kill Maggie and Nina because of Crowley's threat. But why not bring bookshop into chaos. Instead of this demons crawl up the stairs one at a time and girls knock them out with a books and fire extinguishers.
A whole demon representation in s2 bothers me. Why are demons so weak? Why are they shown as stupid and clumsy misfits? These ones who was in "legion" are fallen angels too, why they are the damp. Even Muriel can do miracles, but they cant. I am literally feeling bad for them.
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artstar1997 · 3 months
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The main characters of my fairy AU, which is the adaptation of the Hidden AU and its collaboration story, Journey to Harmony are made by me and @georgi-girl. Each of the seven fairy tribes and subtribes has wings and antennae based on different insects or the wings are based on their elements (the country tribe as earth fairies have leaf or flower petal or fruit slice-shaped wings, the techno tribe as water fairies have fin-like wings, etc.) and the pop trolls as fairies are more of butterfly fairies while Cooper is a moth fairy, just like his parents and his tribe and Queen Rose and her tribe, the platinum trolls are dragonfly fairies. Their outfits are based on the fashion from the Middle Ages, though the fairies' clothes are made out of natural materials, such as leaves and flower petals.
The new Platinum leader and the fairy queen of the fairy kingdom, Queen Rosetta a.k.a Rose has dragonfly wings and antennae just like the members of her court, which is known for the use of light magic. She wears roses and rose petals in her outfits because the flowers match her personality and the rose symbolizes royalty, romance, love, beauty, and courage.
Queen Poppy, the older twin of King Peppy's twin daughters and one of Queen Celestia's wards has the antennae that she, Queen Celestia, and the members of the Snack Pack share because they came from the same court. During the group's search for the Pop court, Poppy acts as a trusted best friend for Queen Rose to rely on in lending a helping hand or wing because they have been inseparable at most times, especially during lessons. She shares with her boyfriend, Branch. Her wings are based on the king swallowtail and her outfits have camellias and their petals as skirts because the flower symbolizes beauty, grace, elegance, love, longevity, happiness, and good fortune,
Branch, on the other hand, is still the cautious and protective but talented butterfly. His skills in survival and protectiveness towards his friends allowed him to join the knights and earn his title as a sir. He and his brothers have the same monarch butterfly wings and his outfits were made of Mexican sage petals and leaves. The sage plant symbolizes bravery, esteem, domestic virtue, longevity, thoughtfulness, good health, and wisdom.
DJ Suki is a music-savvy fairy herself since fairies are known to be musically inclined and she was trained to be a troubadour ever since Queen Celestia took in the Snack Pack after they were separated from the pop fairies during their escape from the giants (the bergens). Sporting red lacewing butterfly wings and wearing clothes with lotus petals, I kinda match her with lotus flowers because they symbolize transcendence, purity, rebirth, and strength.
Cooper is the only moth fairy in the group and is known to work in the castle bakery with Legsly. He was aware that he had a different antennae shape and that his wings were based on a rosy maple moth but what he didn't know was that he was born a fairy prince. His outfits are made of morning glories, which match him perfectly because the flowers symbolize eternal love, rebirth, resilience, life, and unyielding love.
Smidge is a skilled flyer and fighter in her group and she is one of the transgender members. She is the strongest because she trained with the knights alongside Branch but, she tends to be more of a berserker. Her wings are based on an orange sulphur butterfly and her outfits are made out of red dahlias, which symbolize strength, power, perseverance, and prosperity.
Biggie is a big butterfly with a heart of gold. As an animal tamer and the caretaker of the Snack Pack, he takes care of them and keeps them safe with his bow and arrows but he owns a pet fox, whom he names Mr. Dinkles. He has blue morpho butterfly wings and his outfit is made out of pansy flower petals and leaves because it matches his gentle personality and the pansy symbolizes love, loyalty, honesty, devotion, sympathy, and care.
Guy Diamond is a transgender male but he is considered the most beautiful fairy. Sporting glitter on his pink-tipped satyr butterfly wings, he can emit fairy dust from his wake when flying. Queen Rose uses it for potions while Fuzzbert uses the dust for healing. As a new dad to the newborn baby Tiny Diamond, he tries his best to be a good example to his son. His outfits are made out of amaryllis lily petals, which match him because the flower symbolizes pride, strength, determination, beauty, and love.
Satin and Chenille, the fashion twins still love fashion designing and making clothes but their outfits are known among the younger generation of the nobility, the elite, and the wealthy class. They have matching purple emperor wings, cherry blossom outfits, and ponytails that face each other like a mirror, but the sleeves, personalities, and colors set them apart. Cherry blossoms match them because of their traits and the flower symbolizes beauty, passion, love, courage, rebirth, renewal, new beginnings, and the start of spring.
Fuzzbert, though mute, is a skilled healer among his teammates, which comes in handy because of the difficulty of their quest. Using his knowledge of potions and spells to cure his fellow fairies and help anyone in need. His wings are based on a species of a swallowtail butterfly and his outfits are made of sweet pea leaves, which symbolize blissful pleasure, good wishes, kindness, gratitude, and friendship.
Legsly works at the castle bakery with Cooper but she is mainly the most outgoing among the teammates. As a baker, she has a "happy-go-lucky" attitude with a liking for any "good things" and her cooking talent impresses both her friends and guests alike. Her dress is made out of the leaves and the flower of the daffodil, which symbolizes rebirth, new beginnings, hope, joy, and good luck.
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wilanserulia · 7 months
Hi. I drew a cat.
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And I mean, today I learned how to draw cats just so I coud draw this... entity. I needed to come up with a design halfway between a lovable cuddly magical critter fit for a magical girl and an incomprehensible horror summoned from beyond the veil of our reality through the use of occult magic.
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So anyway, I need this little thing to be my new character Hoshiko's pet. 💜 Or, familiar maybe. Companion? Think of it as the lovecraftian version of a magical girl's magical mentor animal and you'll probably start to see where I'm going with this character.
It doesn't exactly talk, it's not clear if it even has a mouth, and it's generally somewhat inscrutable. But it seems benevolent enough to grant her a measure of power. To what end, it's hard to say right now.
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spacebar2 · 3 months
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Philza and techno from my weed au plus other stuff
Techno comes from the medieval time period so I'd think he'd keep his fashion sense. Philza is in his bird mode. He under goes an anime magical girl transformation whenever he goes bird mode.
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