#terf k rowling
ravkanbarrelcrow · 7 months
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This is the best news of the gaming industry recently, ngl
Makes me happy that this crap didn't get nominated.
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georgies-ftts · 1 year
As much as i hate JKR i will not tolerate any slander or hatred aimed towards the kids that get casted in the Harry Potter reboot.
If they get accurate aged kids then they’re gonna be between 10-12/13 years old to represent year 7’s (11-12.) Chances are they’re child actors aiming for a big break which shouldn’t be biased on who they author of the books are or they are being pushed by their parents which is something that happens more often than not.
I refuse. point blank refuse to fuckin ‘cancel’ any kids casted. They are children and they deserve a chance.
I won’t be watching it. But i will not obliterate a child’s chances to succeed based on a woman’s shitty view of human beings
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itneedsmoregays · 1 year
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New design available on my Teepublic store! For all your Fuck JK Rowling needs!
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electricalsun · 20 days
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vexy-hexy · 1 year
Yo, so, are we like "uncanceling" J.K. Rowling now???
Like, as far as I'm aware, she's still a fucking TERF but I've seen a few recent articles talking about how she's being "uncancelled" (because apparently being called out for being a TERF is "canceling" someone... WTF)
Does anyone else have any thoughts on this???
Edit: I've been informed J. K. Rowling is NOT being "uncancelled," The media is just trying to make it SEEM like she's being "uncancelled"
Good, fuck Rowling
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very-uncorrect · 1 year
The lives of Jewish and trans people are more important than your little nazi wizard game
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nando161mando · 10 months
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helpmeimblorboing · 10 months
You know I'm not sure why we were surprised that J K Rooling was a bigoted piece of trash. It was pretty obvious
Seamus Fucking Finnegan, the one Irish character is good at blowing shit up. I mean, come on
The women that are there and are significant exist to either use the "not like other girls" trope, or to simper over or help the men, or at least aid in their development. Hermione ends the series with 0 development from where she began
The one queer character in the story is a) in love with a villain, b) morally grey, and c) not even portrayed as gay in the fucking books. A single Tweet was used to reveal this fact. She was definitely doing it to get on the hype train while it was in the station
Cho Chang. Just.... Cho Chang
The Goblins !! Anti-semitism galore
House-elves... apparently they like being slaves... HMMM... Where have I heard that before ? Oh yeah, white slave-owners said that about their black slaves
Harry becomes a cop, which is not necessarily bigoted but it is terrible writing
Once again, 0 rep for anything other than cishet white people. The ethnic character are there, and are only there, to act as background decorations. There are straight-up no openly queer people
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curtwilde · 11 months
The thing about Death of the Author is that it was put forward by Barthes as a fresh perspective on literary criticism focusing on elements of the text itself, instead of trying to relate it back to the author's opinions and the rest of their body of work, which had been the going trend in the literary criticism at that time. It was written by a literary academic for other literary academics to use in their academic work - it was never meant to have any practical purpose.
The publishing industry is not affected by Death of the Author. As long as you continue to engage with Harry Potter online, J.K Rowling will make money. Publishers and producers look at social media stats to market, Harry Potter still having an active fandom is why Rowling continues to get book/movie deals. J.K Rowling benefiting financially actively harms trans people in the UK and your believing in Death of the Author does nothing except make you feel better.
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lemondrop07 · 5 months
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meme i made
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kimbureh · 1 year
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it's very revealing about TERF rhetoric that jkr takes these two pictures as equal attacks.
on the left: backlash against Suffragettes who campaign for the rights of a marginalized group
on the right: backlash against terfs who campaign for the right to *oppress* a marginalized group
but all jkr can see is an attack, because terf rhetoric doesn't distinguish between oppression and the defense against oppression.
This is because the TERF dogma is designed to be a (self-)dehumanizing identity cult which defines cis women through victimhood, their inherent purity as women, and the martyrdom of their suffering.
What does that mean?
Terfism is dehumanizing to women, because it doesn't grant them the full human range of moral decisions: in terfism, a woman can only ever be a victim, a target of oppression and harm, but she can never be the *source* of oppression and harm by virtue of her being a woman. Women are seen as pure. And those who do *bad* things? They're are outliers, poor lost sheep who are corrupted by trans people etc.
This belief attracts a lot of women who have been hurt by patriarchy, who are searching for a meaning in their pain. Terfism not only recognizes their pain as valid, it *elevates* it as something moral, as proof that women are pure because of their victimhood.
So, with that idea in mind, the two images above *of course* have to be exactly the same to jkr: since women inherently possess victimhood & purity, the backlash against the oppression *committed by them* has to be the true oppression, otherwise terfs would have to admit that they are indeed capable of doing "bad things", and are not sacred martyrs who find salvation in their suffering.
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look at this. This is a tragedy. This is a woman who feels so deeply, so painfully that the backlash against her own campaign of taking away trans people's rights was the same as the backlash against Suffragettes fighting for women's rights.
jkr here campaigns for her freedom to take away the rights of an oppressed group-- and feels herself to be on the right side of history because she feels the pain inflicted by patriarchy just so vividly. Her pain is valid, no question, but as I've explained above, the conflation of pain with victimhood and martyrdom in terfism prevents jkr from noticing the harm *she* commits.
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ravkanbarrelcrow · 8 months
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Supporting her is supporting trans genocide.
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itisiives · 9 months
So, JK Rowling liked this post but is now sending C&D letters to people who share the screenshot.
Anyways, common terf/gc mindset.
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spaceyqueer · 1 year
what really fucking irritates me about all the transphobia in the British media right now is that I guarantee the Tories and, largely, the British public do not give as much of a shit as they've lead the media to believe. Are they transphobic? Abso-fucking-lutely, because the Tories hate anything that deviates from the norm because otherwise they would struggle to maintain control as the upper class bastards they are, and I don't doubt there are individuals (looking at you, Kemi Badenoch) who are unhinged enough to believe that trans people are violent predators lurking in bathrooms to attack cis women, but by-and-large most of these people probably wouldn't be able to tell a fucking trans person apart in a line up. They only care about control, and if that control means wielding one of the Hot Topics of the times (aka should we treat trans people with basic human rights) as a shitty sword they're going to fucking do it.
Much easier to use something people don't understand well enough to combat against - I mean, I'm not going to lie to you as a trans person I didn't even fully understand trans issues until I went to college and got my butt thoroughly kicked into gear - when there is so much other shit going on they could be fixing and are undoubtedly being criticised for. The blocking of the GRA reform in Scotland is only like 10% about trans people from transphobes, and 90% about maintaining control of the status quo. If they look like they're doing something - "see, we're keeping those violent nasty trans people away from good respectable normal people!" - people are less likely to pay attention to the other heinous nasty stuff that they're doing (such as underfunding the NHS, for example, despite promising millions after Brexit, or how about when they changed the law regarding protests that basically allow the police to arrest protestors for no reason, or the shipping of immigrants to Rwanda despite human rights organisations best efforts).
It is all about control.
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georgies-ftts · 1 year
screaming that Harry Potter is being given a reboot cause JKR is a money grabbing transphobe and doesn’t know when to call it quits
but instead of everyone going mental and cheering the reboot on we all just collectively decided to ignore it and promote the Percy Series cause it’s written by a man who promotes LGBTQ+ characters, has vast, well written representation in pretty much every aspect, acknowledges his mistakes, apologises and works past them, and actually cares what the readers want instead of just spewing poison on twitter and wondering why people don’t like them
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jasper-pagan-witch · 1 year
Got accused of misogyny for... *checks notes* making a post about how I don't want people who support a bigot or the bigot's most well-known book series to follow me. TERFs really are a special breed of stupid, aren't they?
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