#thank u for all the kind words & messages as ever ❤️
loveinhawkins · 1 year
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 Part 24 Part 25 ao3
Eddie helps Steve upstairs, lets him go in the bathroom first. By the time Eddie has gone in there himself, has finished brushing his teeth… he overhears Steve on the phone in his bedroom.
Eddie pauses. He hadn’t heard the phone ringing, but he might not have been able to catch it under the sound of running water. He will never know who called first.
Then he wonders why that even matters so much—or more, what kind of difference it would make. Whether it makes a difference at all.
He doesn’t know whether to leave Steve to it, but his gut tells him to follow the sound of Steve’s voice.
Steve is sat on the bed, the phone cradled between his ear and shoulder. His hands are in his lap; he’s pinching at the skin just before his thumb again. Pinching hard.
“No, no, I’m good. Yeah, the… no, the news must’ve exaggerated, mom. Well, a window broke here, but… yeah, lucky escape, right?”
He lies so easily, lies with a smile… even while he’s crying.
Eddie thinks that if he closed his eyes and just listened, he might never have known. Steve’s tears are perfectly silent, his voice steady. 
“Yeah, I’ll let you go. Hey, mom?” And Steve’s breathing hitches just once. Eddie wonders if he’s the only one who can really hear it. “Thanks for the tapes.” He laughs, voice wavering for only a second. “Just came into my head, that was all. Thought I’d better say.” He swallows. “Love you, too.”
It’s only once he’s hung up that Steve allows himself to let go, and even then he’s quiet—passing a hand roughly over his eyes, sniffling very occasionally. Then he looks over at Eddie, left frozen in the doorway.
“They don’t know, okay? I don’t want you thinking…” Steve sighs. “I changed my emergency contacts ages ago. Hopper, Joyce, Robin—hell, I even put Claudia down ‘cause Dustin’s a nosey little shit and I know he’d pick up. It’s… easier this way,” he says.
And Eddie suspects that while Steve’s ostensibly talking about The Upside Down stuff, he also means something more.
Eddie thinks of Wayne, of how easy he makes everything—how all he said was Try me in the hotel room, right before his understanding of the world was changed forever. How Eddie has never, not once, had to doubt his love.
Steve wipes perfunctorily at his eyes then reaches for his crutches.
“Come downstairs with me? I wanna show you something.”
Steve directs Eddie to a video tucked behind the musicals collection. Eddie puts it in to play before taking a look at the cover.
Simon and Garfunkel - The Concert in Central Park.
“You educating me on more music, Steve?”
But instead of taking the opportunity to make a joke, Steve hesitates. “Yeah… if you like.”
Another pause, like he’s readying himself, lining up to the edge of a diving board.
Steve breathes in and out. Nods at the screen. “September 19th, ‘81. I was there. And I, um…” His hand briefly rubs over his sternum, like he’s not even aware that he’s doing it, then taps more deliberately on his temple. “I ran there, too.”
Eddie’s breath catches at the implication.
“Worked for a bit, too. But it was—everything was hard to, like, hold onto. Like water slipping through your fingers kinda thing.”
Eddie nods. Clears his throat. “You don’t have to… to say, but. Why were you in New York? Late vacation?”
Steve winces, clearly tries to cover it up.
But Eddie sees. He sighs and closes his eyes in mortification. “I’m an ass.”
“No, you’re—” Steve shakes his head, laughs a bit. “No, you’re not. How were you s’posed to…? No, not a vacation. My Grandpa, on my mom’s side—he lived in New York. And, um… my Grandma, she died a couple of months before, so my mom was already… struggling. And then, when he died, she… there was a lot left for to do, I think. I don’t remember what—just that she was left trying to clean his big house, and my dad was being an asshole, and her brother—my uncle—he might as well have not been there. So she booked a hotel room for me, just so I wasn’t caught up in the screaming match and stuff, y’know? And that day, I just kinda… wandered.”
Eddie can picture it: Steve, a little lost, perhaps, while trying to appear anything but. A boy trying to be a man.
“And I saw whole groups of people heading to the park, so I asked about it. The concert was free, so…” Steve looks off to the side, sighing. “And I just thought… they were my mom’s favourite, y’know?” His voice goes just slightly higher in pitch, strained with emotion, like he’s that kid all over again, unable to solve his mother’s problems. “Her favourite, and she couldn’t even go see them ‘cause it… it was just so shitty. Shitty situation all round. Figured I might as well see them for her. Like that could make things better. Sounds stupid out loud, but…”
“No,” Eddie says, “it doesn’t.”
Steve’s mouth ticks upwards in brief acknowledgment. “It rained while we were waiting, off and on. But, man, I got a great view. There were these two girls—God, they seemed so much older to me at the time, but they were probably only mid-twenties or something. Anyway. They saw I was alone, got kinda concerned I hadn’t brought a jacket, so they gave me one, let me sit on their picnic rug.” This time, his smile has more strength behind it. “Guess they kinda babysat me, huh?”
Eddie smiles back. “Makes a change.”
I’m glad they were there. I’m glad that you weren’t alone.
Steve laughs to himself when America plays, as the lyric, “She said the man in the gabardine suit was a spy,” is sung.
He answers just ahead of the words that follow, delivering them with a grin as if he’s having a conversation with someone: “I said, ‘Be careful, his bow-tie is really a camera.’” He snorts at Eddie’s questioning look, says, “At Starcourt, Dustin had me looking for Russian spies through a pair of binoculars, it was fucking ridiculous… I loved it. Anyway, he didn’t get the bow-tie reference, just went on about how ‘this isn’t James Bond, Steve, this is serious.’ What a butthead.”
And Steve laughs even more as a cover of The Everly Brothers begins: Wake Up Little Susie.
“Oh, dude, I gave Dustin so much shit with this song, you don’t even know. Told him he brought it on himself, like, don’t tell me your girlfriend from Camp Know Nothing’s name, that’s just giving me ammo.”
But as Steve imitates Dustin whining, all Eddie can think is that he’s seeing something far more than just Steve delighting in riling Dustin up. That what he’s really seeing is Steve showing how deeply he cares… How he does it so easily, so inconspicuously, as if it’s just a little thing, just I heard a song and thought of you—like he can’t help it, that’s just how he loves: his mind making connections that spread out everywhere, as large and generous as his heart.
They chat leisurely for most of the setlist, Eddie gasping when someone storms the stage during The Late Great Johnny Ace.
“Shit, I forgot that happened. And you were there, man!”
They both keep quiet all the way through Bridge over Troubled Water. Eddie’s heard the song before, but now it suddenly seems like he’s hearing it for the very first time, his throat tight. Like it’s only now that he’s truly understood it.
From the silence, maybe Steve is thinking something similar. Maybe.
The room lightens with 50 Ways to Leave Your Lover.
“This one always makes me think of Robin,” Steve says, smiling as the brass kicks in, miming like she does: a little wiggle of the fingers to simulate pressing down on a trumpet’s valves.
“Thought you’re meant to be helping her find a lover, not lose one.”
Steve chuckles.
“No, I meant… like at work, if we’re arguing over who takes out the trash or whatever, I’ll call her Jack, y’know, like ‘slip out the back, Jack’? Or ‘make a new plan, Stan.’ Stuff like that.”
That’s fucking adorable, what the fuck.
Out loud, Eddie says, “Cute,” just so Steve makes that abashed sort of half-smile.
In the middle of The Boxer, Eddie briefly plays his guitar. He gets the melody down by ear—it’s not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, his fingers clumsily moving through the chords.
But Steve watches like he can’t notice any of the obvious stumbles made, gives a soft, awed, “Wow,” when Eddie is done. Then he adds, almost a whisper, “Was it… did you learn it like that back when��?”
Eddie pauses. Remembers hearing that faint whisper of My Little Town as his head nodded in spite of his fierce efforts to stay awake. Seeing the hint of a frown flicker across Steve’s face. The slimmest hope.
Learning Steve’s song had been unlike any other. All he had to go on, lying on the bed of that hotel room in the early hours of the morning, was that little snippet he had heard—just that, and perhaps faint memories he had no concrete hold of, ones that felt dreamlike: a snatch of Wayne humming along to it on the radio, when he couldn’t have been more than ten or so.
Eddie sang the words that he could, skipped the ones he didn’t know—prayed that it was enough; it had to be enough.
It had felt like time didn’t exist, just him and the song, slowly getting stitched together—even now, he can feel it under his fingertips, as if the notes are like splinters forever embedded in his skin. But not painful, never that, just an inevitable part of him.
Eddie looks into Steve’s eyes.
“No,” he answers softly. “It was… easier, almost. Had to be.” He smiles, a little bittersweet, as Steve’s brows knit together in thought. “Couldn’t afford any mistakes, Steve.”
“Oh,” Steve says. “Sorry.”
Eddie laughs, light but disbelieving. “What the fuck for?”
Steve glances between Eddie and the guitar. “‘Cause you love playing, Eddie. And I… I don’t know, I didn’t want you to have… like, pressure? And, um… bad memories tied to it, I guess.”
Eddie shakes his head and sets the guitar aside. “Okay. You better listen close, Steve.”
Steve huffs through a smile. “Listening.”
“It’s… all of that, Steve, s’not tied to a bad memory, man, not even close. It brought you back, that’s… words can’t even fucking…” Eddie shakes his head again. “And fine, even if it had, even if I really thought after this, I can never play again, guess what? It would’ve been worth it. Fuck, I would’ve chosen it a thousand times and never regretted it. Got it?”
Steve stares at him. He blinks, and for a moment it looks like he might cry, but then he just nods, chin wobbling ever so slightly.
“Got it,” he says hoarsely.
They’ve talked right through the encore. Eddie distantly hears Paul Simon yell at the crowd, “Let's have our own fireworks!”
“Oh, yeah,” Steve says, and Eddie can see a memory spark in his eyes.
You’re so beautiful, Steve Harrington.
“I remember this. They were gonna use, uh, pyrotechnics but they weren’t allowed, so—look, see how everyone’s getting lighters out? I didn’t have one, but one of the girls gave me hers. And I remember…” Steve’s voice softens. “It was dark, and when I got the flame going, I just—I saw it out the corner of my eye. The girls, they were holding hands on the rug. And like, I knew it… it wasn’t for me to… y’know, and I didn’t say anything obviously. I didn’t really know what to… what I was feeling, right?” He chuckles self-deprecatingly. “Fucking rare for me to know anything about what I was thinking, back then. I was kind of an idiot. More than.”
Eddie says, gently, “I dunno, Steve. If you ask me, being a kid isn’t the same thing as being an idiot.”
Steve hums, tilts his hand back and forth as if to say debatable. “God, I talk a lot. Didn’t plan on… guess I just.” He shrugs. “Guess I just wanna tell you things.”
“Fine by me,” Eddie says. “I like listening.”
I always like listening to you. Tell me everything, if you want. I’ll be here.
There’s another shot of the crowd on screen, and Eddie crawls forward as he asks, “Where were you?”
“It’s too dark to see, man.”
“Try me.”
Steve rolls his eyes, chuckling. “You think I haven’t tried to find myself already? Ugh, fine, fine. We were kinda near the front, so…” He thinks, clicking his tongue, then points to just a few rows back from the stage, near the far-left of the screen. “Thereabouts.”
Eddie follows Steve’s direction, presses a fingertip there. Feels the warm static of the screen. And though he can’t really see anything, doesn’t even know if Steve is right with his guess or not, it’s like he can sense it anyway; he doesn’t need proof. Like he’s reaching back in time to a boy from five years ago, and he thinks…
Hey, Steve Harrington. The world’s gonna get… fucking crazy for you soon, but it’ll be fine in the end, trust me. You’re one of the bravest people I know. You’re gonna be okay.
During the final encore, Steve inhales like he’s about to say something, but he yawns instead—covers his mouth with the back of his hand a beat too late, like it’s caught him by surprise.
“Mm, sorry. Used to put this on when I couldn’t sleep. Guess it still works.”
Eddie looks over at him, at how his eyes are drowsy, like a child lulled by the gentle rocking of a car journey. Feels his heart give a little twist at the sight.
He ejects the tape, turns off the T.V. When he turns back, he sees that Steve has made room for him on the couch without saying anything about it.
Eddie slips over the arm of the couch, nestles in so smoothly that the couch barely sags at all, so Steve’s leg won’t be bumped; it comes so naturally now, the two of them slotting together like the easiest jigsaw puzzle in the world.
There’s a short silence, and then Eddie speaks in an undertone, just in case Steve has already fallen asleep.
“Hey, Steve?”
“Your, uh… your song. It didn’t play at that concert.”
He glances over, catches Steve’s fleeting grin, as if he’s thinking well spotted.
“Good, um, what is it Henderson says, in D&D? Good perception thingy.”
Eddie laughs in surprise. “Sure, something like that.”
Steve smiles at him. The silence stretches out, but it’s not uncomfortable, more honeyed. Slow.
And Eddie feels a warmth atop his hand: Steve’s fingers overlapping with his. For a moment, he thinks it’s just an accidental brush, but then Steve doesn’t move away.
And neither does he.
Steve sighs. Squeezes Eddie’s hand, like he’s trying to reassure him of something, but for the life of him Eddie can’t work out what it is—just knows that Steve looks almost sad, and he wishes he wouldn’t. It’s breaking his heart.
“I just… I need some more time.” There’s something in Steve’s eyes that’s so vulnerable, suddenly. “Is that… is that okay?”
“Yeah, ‘course,” Eddie says immediately, because nothing would stop him from saying so, even as his mind whirs in thought. “Don’t need to ask, Steve. Yes.”
Steve smiles, squeezes his hand again. Eddie can hear what he means this time: Thank you.
“Think I’m gonna fall asleep on you now,” Steve says with another long yawn.
“That’s fine. I’m kinda used to it,” Eddie says, letting out a huff of amusement when Steve mock glares at him through heavy eyes, fighting to keep them open.
“Shut up. Can’t help it.”
“Oh, so I am boring?”
“No. Told you b’fore. No.”
Eddie slowly reaches out—smiles when Steve’s eyes close before his hand even touches his forehead.
“What, then?” he asks quietly.
Steve hums. Sighs again. “You want the… all cards on the table kinda answer?”
Eddie breathes in. Holds it. Breathes out as silently as he can. Feels Steve’s hand still on his, fingers trailing over his knuckles, slowing as sleep approaches.
“Only if—if that’s what you want, too, then… yeah?”
Steve smiles. “Hmm, ‘kay. Here it comes.” His breathing deepens, and for a moment Eddie thinks that he’s already drifted off, but then Steve says, “I really… really like you, Eddie. You’re… safe.”
Eddie’s nose stings. Shit, he might be on the verge of crying. He bites his lip to keep himself from making a sound.
“Go to sleep, sweetheart.”
And the thing is, he knows he’s said it before. But it feels different now—feels louder, somehow, even though he’s only whispered it. Because Steve isn’t asleep, not yet. Eddie knows that he’s heard.
Steve’s finger taps softly on the back of Eddie’s hand, spaced out slowly. Three times. Like heartbeats.
“Mm. R’lax, Eddie. Don’t need to… stop yourself.”
“…Stop?” Eddie asks, voice small.
“Been called worse things, y’know?” A yawn, almost silent. Slow and sweet. “I don’t mind it.”
A minute, maybe more. And then Steve falls asleep just like that, looking so…
So peaceful.
“You’re… safe.”
Eddie’s eyelashes are wet.
Here it comes, he thinks. It’s like the tide coming in.
Here it comes.
“I love you,” Eddie murmurs.
He says it even though he knows Steve is sleeping, says it right through the inevitable aching of his heart.
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fluxweeed · 9 days
hey. hope this message doesn't bother you. I love you. I love your work. you are one of my favorite fic authors, I am absolutely obsessed with everything you write. reread everything ten times over, drarry or not, fluffy or angsty - even when it absolutely shatters my heart (e.g. for lack of wanting, SUCH a great fic btw i'm so obsessed with it). the four doors? life changing. two to lie and one to listen? engraved into my brain for eternity. what's mine is yours? what a ride holy shit, im VERY normal about it. wrapped? my comfort read. and so it goes.
if I could aggressively smother you with kudos and love I WOULD!!!
awhile ago you said that there's no such thing as "big deals" in fandom and I 100% agree but at the same time you are a big deal TO ME!!! not in the sense of any kind of hierarchy but purely based on the fact that I think you are such a cool person and your writing is amazing and poignant and your presence in fandom makes it so much better. it's been a pleasure following you here on tumblr and just reading your tags and posts.
idk I just think you rule. that's it. thank you for hanging with us. MWAH 💛
ahhhh anon sorry for leaving this message sitting in my inbox for a couple of days but !! i have zero idea how to react to this!! you're so kind!! thank you!! please discard any and all inclinations u have that i am a cool person bc i can assure you i am NOT!!
#tumblr tag essay time? tumblr tag essay time#why can't i do this in the main body of a post u ask? pure obnoxiousness ig idk#scarier when it's not greyed out and in a little whisper innit#1) anon i love and appreciate you + your kind words so so much but i rly cannot stress enough that literally nobody here is a big deal 😭#like i know u don't mean it in That Way but even so!!!#this is a hill i could write another 1k words about before i die on it again but i will spare u 😅#2) ur also v v kind to say the thing abt my presence in fandom#but unfortunately i'm coming to terms with the fact that my presence in fandom is v much on the sidelines#a non-presence#i'm embracing my role as the crotchety old hag who does not attend the functions#i have a hut in the woods and u can find me there (here in tumblr tags) muttering to myself#occasionally i'll wander into the town square (ao3) and present an unnerving thing i made from mud and twigs (a fic) and then i'll fuck off#that's about all i can handle in terms of group settings i think 😅#but the door to my hut (my DMs) is always open if u want to stop by!#3) i can't even begin to acknowledge all the nice things u said about my fics kjhsdf you are truly too generous 😭#let me smother YOU with love!!! cmere!!!#4) this is the second nice anon message i've had in the last couple weeks which is !!!!#anon(s) i'm kissing you wherever u consent to be kissed!!!#but ofc now i'm paranoid ppl will think i'm sending these to myself skdljf#can't stress enough how open my DMs are on here/twt/discord if ever u wanna chat in a way that i don't have to post publicly to reply to 😅#5) i'm soooo sorry about these tags#could have just said “thanks!” couldn't i#please put me right in the bin#anyway sorry again thank you again ilu very much ❤️
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writingstoraes · 1 year
charles' playlist 🎶
pairing: charles leclerc/fem!reader
type: instagram imagine/social media au
notes: not proofread and not revised so please expect errors hehehe please lmk what u think by replying or messaging and if u wanna be part of my taglist! <3 decided to add fans' reactions through tweets! this is a bit long ig?
about: in celebration of your birthday, charles dedicates a song to you every instagram post.
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liked by isahernaez, susie_wolff, carlossainz55, and 1,894,341 others
charles_leclerc The happiest of birthdays to the love of my life. Today, the world became an even better place because it gained someone so kind and loving - you. For one of your many gifts, I've picked out a few songs to better encapsulate the way I feel about you and just how thankful I am I got to live in the same life as you.
1. She Chose Me - Bruno Major
"Every night I thank the lucky stars above me, someone as beautiful as she could freely love me and she really loves me. From time to time I ask myself, why was it I and nobody else? The most beautiful girl that I'd ever seen and she chose me."
Eternally grateful I get to call you mine. Despite the highs and lows we have battled together, you chose me - how privileged am I?
tagged: yourusername
yourusername CHARLES????@?@ I LOVE YOU WHAT IS THIS
princecarlos I KNOW oh my god hes so fucking sweet 😭😭😭😭😭
lewishamilton No don't do this I think I'm going to cry (by the way, Happy Birthday, Y/N!)
yourusername you and me both, lew 😔 thank you! say hi to roscoe for me please
lilymhe happy birthdayyyy, my favorite girl 🎉 see you soon!
yourusername thank you, my lily :(( we will drop by soon!
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liked by maxverstappen, danielricciardo, pierregasly, and 1,234,110 others
charles_leclerc 2. Baby I'm Yours - Arctic Monkeys
"Baby, I'm yours and I'll be yours until the sun no longer shines, yours until the poets run out of rhyme. In other words, until the end of time."
Okay this one I admit I just liked the melody but hey, the lyrics are for sure accurate, yes? I remember when we sang this at 3AM because we both couldn't sleep. But it couldn't be more right - I'm yours and I always will be, for as long as you'd have me.
tagged: yourusername
c16c55 oh my god i cannot do this today will i ever find love like this
leclercsainz Gonna go sleep on a highway
pascale_leclerc Happiest Birthday, my dear Y/N! Come over soon when you can ❤️
yourusername we will! i miss you all 🤍
yourusername there's no one else id rather sing karaoke with at 3am 🤍 je táime, amour! also, are you kidding? im keeping you forever 🧘‍♀️
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liked by pierregasly, arthurleclerc, isahernaez, and 1,459,340 others
charles_leclerc 3. Beyond by Leon Bridges
"I'm scared to death that she might be it, that the love is real, that the shoe might fit. She might just be my everything and beyond, space and time in the afterlife,"
You are everything to me, chérie. When I first realized that I loved you, it shook me to my core. I was terrified of how greatly I felt for you; but here you are, the greatest thing that ever happened to me. You were the leap of faith I will always be thankful for and the only sure thing amongst all uncertainties. Have the happiest of birthdays ❤️
tagged: yourusername
yourusername i am out of words, i love you so so so much, my favorite person 🤍
charles16clerc YEAH WTF charles im gonna need you to pay for my therapy
carlossainz55 Never knew you were such a romantic, mate 😆 happy birthday, Y/N! Isa misses you!
charles_leclerc Only for her actually
yourusername thanks, carlos! tell her to come visit me soon <333
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tagging: @slytherheign <333 mwah
notes: this is my first time trying out putting tweets! how was it so far? hehe lmk ur thoughts!
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periprose · 1 year
Aw, excuse me, I’m a little distracted (sometimes too much...). The prompt would be a writing for TASM Peter Parker 🥰
My question is about the prompt "Three Word Sentences". I choose 1, 15 and 21. I hope you enjoy writing the same way I enjoy your wonderful writing! Thank u , again❤️
Aw thank you!! I love these prompts :)
Prompts can be found here.
Peter Parker angst drabble (prompts are bolded)
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Peter gets into arguments with you fairly frequently as of late. He doesn't know how to rectify this– you can’t even speak to him when he arrives to your apartment through the fire escape, as he often does.
“Hey…” He approaches you from behind, finding you in your kitchen, and your shoulders visibly tense, Peter can see you taking a practised breath to relax yourself– and it drives him crazy, because he doesn’t even know how the two of you got to this state. How did he become the bad guy, in which your only ever approach to him now was to treat him as a stranger? Or worse, a traitor?
“Peter. Hi.” You say flatly, upon seeing him, and turn away. “Why are you here? I don’t want to talk, I thought we were taking a break.”
“I just–” Peter sucks in a harsh breath, trying to understand what he could say that wouldn’t set you off. “I don’t understand. You won’t tell me what’s wrong, you keep reading my messages without saying anything– I can’t just let you go without knowing why.”
“Really?” You turn around again, and this time, already, Peter can see angry tears filling your eyes, and if you blinked you’d surely be crying. “You don’t think I get to have my own autonomy, Peter? Maybe I just got tired of you. Maybe I just don’t want to see you.”
Those are hurtful words, Peter knows, and your voice is laced with the intent to make him feel small, inferior– but you suddenly sniffle, tears glazing down your cheeks.
“That’s what you did with me, right?” You wipe your face, but the tears start coming down harder. “You leave in the middle of the night. You send me vague texts if I ask what you’re doing. You never really seem to be at your house nowadays, either. I came there a few days ago and Aunt May didn’t know where you were either.”
Peter wants to refute what you’re saying, but he knows deep in his soul that you’re right. That he’s kind of shut you out without meaning to. 
“That stuff doesn’t mean anything–” He tries, but you cut him off with a half-choked, sarcastic laugh. You’re not really crying anymore, you just look somewhat bitterly amused with his choice of words. 
“I don’t know if you’ve met another girl, or if you’re just not interested in me anymore… all I ask is that you leave me out of it. You leave me behind, like a silly little memory that makes you laugh in the future as you wonder what you were doing with this girl.” You seem so clearly convinced of it, and you grow numb. “If you have to push me away, I’d rather just not see you anymore. Even if I still like you, Peter… there are some things I can’t accept. I’m not some ugly girl you can just take advantage of.”
Peter hears your words loud and clear– that you’ve been hurting so bad and that you really think he intended anything he did maliciously. 
“Don’t.” You motion for him to leave, and he does.
Peter is so angry, not with you, but with himself. He doesn’t think of you as some dalliance that he’s just taking because he’s bored. He really, truly cares about you, and he hates himself for not properly showing it.
It’s later that night. You’re lying in bed, wondering if you’ll be able to get over it. 
Peter Parker was– is– the love of your life, and you know you’re trying to ignore that, trying to diminish his appeal to you so you can move on. But you can’t lie to yourself– you’re really, truly hurt.
He treated you like you were second best. And you took it for a while, because you were so used to being second best in everything, but you knew it wouldn’t last. You couldn’t keep being affectionate towards him for just a smidgen of the same affection from him.
You really hope you’ll never see him again. If he can’t see what was wrong, if he can’t change… you really hope the break will stay permanent.
There’s a knock at your bedroom window. 
You sit up, already disgruntled, ready to tell Peter to fuck off back to his house, but instead you blink with tired eyes, not quite believing what you’re seeing.
It’s Spider-Man, hanging off upside down on the fire escape’s framework, and you watch as he knocks again.
You walk quickly, and lift up your window.
“Spider-Man?” You ask, and he nods, knowing that he must look like a celebrity of sorts to you. “What are you doing here?”
“Uh… trouble in the neighbourhood. Just someone suspicious walking around outside, and I thought I’d check up on people in these apartments.” Spider-Man says, and he tilts his head at you. “You okay?”
“Um…” You swallow, and for some reason, maybe Spider-Man’s public reputation of being a pretty nice dude, maybe because you’re feeling vulnerable, you shake your head. “I’m not doing great. Do you have a second to talk?”
He nods and you let him in.
“Nice room. Like the Radiohead poster.” Spider-Man whistles, and you snort but sit down on your bed, and he takes a moment before deciding to sit on the ground, criss-cross apple sauce like a child. A very earnestly listening child.
“So, what’s up?” He asks. “Did the guy come around these parts?”
“Uh… no. It’s not really about that.” You shuffle in your seat. “I mean, unless the guy was named Peter Parker?”
Spider-Man is silent and still for just a moment, and then he speaks. “Don’t think so.”
“Right. Peter wouldn’t do that.” You squeeze your arms around yourself. “Anyways. I think I’m just struggling to be good enough, you know? Good enough for myself. I just broke it off with him, maybe for good, but I still feel… small. Tiny. I don’t think he ever really cared about me as much as I did him, so it’s like I’m grieving over something that I know is one sided. I wish he felt the same hurt I do.”
“What makes you so sure he doesn’t?” Spider-Man leans forward, as if he doesn’t just want to hear the answer for your benefit, but for his. “Did you ever tell him about these feelings?”
“Well, I tried, but… I guess it just never happened. Suddenly he just stopped being around for me, and don’t actions speak louder than words?” You try, and Spider-Man kinda goes “ehhhh.”
“Depends on if you know his intentions, I think. Maybe give this guy another shot. Perhaps he didn’t know what he was doing? I know my loved ones never get to see me, and it’s for reasons I can’t easily explain to them, you get me?” Spider-Man shakes his head, even if you do understand his whole superhero shtick. “Never mind, it’s not about me. Listen. You are enough. Don’t let some idiotic nerd make you feel any different. You deserve to live your life how you see fit. If it’s without him, then that’s okay. You’re not any lesser of a person if you’re on your own.”
Somewhere along Spider-Man’s speech, you started crying a little. You don’t know why, but it really felt good to hear him say those words. 
“I hate how right you are.” You bite your lip. “I know, I know. What else could I expect from Spider-Man, right?”
“Right.” Spider-Man motions to give you props, and you do it. “Glad you’re feeling better.”
“I think I should talk to him. Even if I can rely on myself… I still think he deserves a second chance. Just to hear him out.” You say, and turn to Spider-Man. “Does that sound crazy?”
“Not at all. Totally normal.” Spider-Man nods maybe a little too eagerly, and he reminds himself to dial it back. 
“How did you know Peter was an idiotic nerd, anyways? Is it that obvious from the name?” You snicker as you wipe your wet face, and Spider-Man pauses.
Do I do it? Tell her my secret? He thinks. It’ll put her in danger… but I can’t bear to be away from her anymore. I don’t want to see her cry anymore.
Ah, I’ll do it.
Spider-Man pulls you towards him, his hands enclasping yours in a strangely tender embrace.
“I need to tell you something.” His shoulders tense, he seems to be struggling with it, and then it comes.
Spider-Man pulls off his mask, leaving one dishevelled looking Peter Parker, hair all askew, eyes somewhat embarrassed as he glances at you and back at the ground, over and over. His face is rapidly turning pink.
“Wait, what?” You shake your head. “You’re Spider-Man? But you… you’re…”
“Well, don’t tell me you’ve forgotten already. C’mon, say my name.” Peter jokes, and you shove him and he laughs a little before turning solemn. “I am Spider-Man, and I’m sorry.”
“Peter Parker, you idiot.” You cross your arms and then clamber off the bed to give him a big hug. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Obviously so you wouldn’t get hurt.” His arms come up around your waist, and he squeezes you as he holds you close, on his lap.
“But I did.” You sigh and then shut your eyes, letting your chin rest on Peter’s shoulder. “I’m so dumb. Getting all insecure for nothing… yikes.”
“Whoa, no. Don’t say that.” Peter pulls your face into his hands so you can see his expression. He looks overwhelmingly honest, but also hurt. Upset, just like you had hoped he would be, to prove that he does care. “You had your reason to be insecure. I should’ve never shut you out– really it’s my fault for hurting you. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay.” You smile up at him, and Peter smiles back fondly. “At least now I know how you get to my window so easily.”
“I think you were usually too distracted to question it.” Peter snickers, reminding you of how he would often sneak into your room in the dead of night, and have his way with you.
Kind of like right now.
You can see the dots connect in Peter’s eyes, and he pulls your face forward with unrelenting speed, kissing you, and before you know it you can barely think straight. It’s maybe too much to handle, what with Peter looking very dashing in his Spider-Man uniform and having literally been your hero today. It doesn’t matter, as he murmurs something– maybe he’s groaning slightly into your mouth as you shift around his lap. His hands push under your shirt, feeling around your waist and bare back, and then Peter wraps your legs around his torso as he lifts you up, and lays you down onto your bed. 
“You wouldn’t happen to have a thing for Spider-Man, would you?” Peter asks jokingly, hovering over you, resting on his arms as you lie waiting for him, his arm, but you sincerely nod as he kisses you again. 
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iamasaddie · 8 months
Hey baby are you todays date? Bc your a 10/10😉
And it’s true. You’re beautiful, funny, super cool. I love your writing. You pull me in and get me so invested with your characters. Life and work and everything all sucks so much ass but you always make my days a little better. So I wanted to try and make you smile with that cheesy pick up line. If you ever need/want to vent or need a good cry or literally anything, im here for you♥️ you aren’t alone or unloveable despite what your brain may say. I promise shit is gonna get better or else I will personally beat life’s ass for you
well now aren’t you the most precious of them all? sure thing you are 🥹
thank you for your kind words, love, they mean a lot, I shall keep this message and read it when I get down ❤️
u made a dream of mine come true, bc i always wanted for a person to use a cheesy pick up line on me 😅
let’s fight bullshit together, but first gimme a hug 🫂
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e77y · 1 month
relating to that vent, i getchu so bad. i feel like in general, the internet might worsen compulsions & obsession within ocd + etc. i have a similar feeling (wouldnt say identical cause i know u from tumblr n yaknow yaknow) that tells me everything i do needs to be 100% morally correct or [insert awful things] will happen to me or someone i love. and this is easier to deal with when you're offline, because there's a limit on the people that can get mad at you. half of the world won't get mad at you because only 0.00001% (or whatever) of the world knows you, yaknow. on the net, it feels like everyone who has an account knows you. your brain telly you anyone who has an account on here might see what you posted & they might be mad at you & they might make a callout post or whatever. even though they don't know you. which is a terrifying thought for many. i dont think youre alone in this, genuinely. and i feel it can be improved. some stuff that's helped me: - making separate accounts w private stuff (doesnt rly work on tumblr but like a private account on insta & etc etc) - rationalising thoughts (an example of this would be thinking: is it really likely many people will agree with someone being mad at me? or: how many people actually do see my posts? is that proportional to the amount of followers i have) - and talking ab it w friends. genuinely, the communication + processing of these thoughts & feelings is soo helpful. sending u soo much love <3 if u wanna chat a bit ab it you can dm me :) (ask can be published or responded 2 privately, whatever u prefer!)
Thank you so much for this message omg :’) ❤️❤️❤️❤️ So thoughtful. This made me tear up a little haha. I’m posting it here so I can look back at it later; hopefully that’s okay.
I’m really glad to hear other people feel the same way/have the same worry… like logically I know that it’s something a lot of people worry about, but idk; my brain has a way of convincing me I am the only person in the world who has done anything ‘bad’ ever LMAOO. So this was really nice to hear
Also I’m a very talkative person! Like I’m definitely an introvert, but I do like to talk about myself and my interests and my feelings etc. Especially when I have a forum (cough Tumblr) to post into the void 😭😭 So I guess that’s part of my issue; IRL, there are less people to be upset if I do/say something ‘bad’, and most of them are my close friends and know I don’t have bad intentions. But online, I walk on eggshells bc 1) strangers online DON’T know my intentions and 2) I just think my mutuals are really cool lol. So I don’t want to do/say anything ‘bad’ or even embarrassing in their presence yk? And online, their ‘presence’ comprises literally all the time w everything I post
I should probably make a more private account 😅 This one is kind of that (just bc it has far fewer followers than my other blog), and I have one on Instagram with like two people following it that I haven’t touched in a while, sooo maybe I will go back to that for more personal vents and whatnot 🫡 I try not to post anything TOO personal on Tumblr, anyway. I just also really like creating fan content, which sort of inherently puts me in a public space even if I don’t WANT to have an ‘audience’ (regardless of how small that audience is; ik there are people who look up to my writing, and that puts a lot of extra pressure on me, but I don’t want to stop writing, either…. Agh)
Idk this is probably overly personal and also very disjointed bc I just finished writing a 1,800 word essay and my brain is mush lol. I’m just sort of reiterating everything you said. Sorry for making you read all this lmao 😭🙏 But thank you for the kind words, seriously ❤️ I really really appreciate it :’D !!!!!!!
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spinchip · 10 months
I've been a long-time fan even before I started posting on Tumblr. When I first saw ur fanart, I was just drawn to it like a moth to a flame. Ever since then, I've been obsessed with your fics as well! Everything you create a new piece of fanart or anew chapter of your Never the Dark fanfic, u never cease to amaze me. All your beautiful ideas and spectacular art styles always have me reacting in the most hyper and nostalgic ways possible. I'm so thankful to have stumbled upon your blog all those years ago, and I wouldn't change a single thing. You have also inspired me to keep up with my fanfic too! I may not be as talented as you are, but that will only push me forward to be better. I hope you realize how incredible you truly are. I really look up to you. U don't realize how much your art and fanfics mean to me and many others. Keep up the amazing work. You have such a beautiful imagination, and I look forward to reading more of your work!❤️❤️❤️
How is it that whenever I'm feeling low and I open my askbox, I always have a message in here that makes me feel so much better? I don't know when you sent this, but I definitely saw it when i needed it most. Thank you for your kindness and sweet words!! I appreciate this more than you know! I'm glad I can inspire you, just know you do the same for me. This message makes me want to work hard to hone my skills too! We are learning and growing together ❤️ thank you again! This made me smile
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eta--piscium · 9 months
ପ꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ଓ 🌸🤍Happy Birthday to the Love of my Life @schattensaenger 🐰❤️
ପ꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ଓ 🌸🤍
✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯
Happy birthday to you, my love. I wish you all the best things in life. I wish you lots and lots of happiness. Lots and lots of blessings! *even tho I'm already here. Jk jk hahaha* I wish you to be healthy all the time!
Thank you for existing. Thank you for always being there for me. Thank you for loving me, cherishing me, making me feel like I'm the most handsome girl in the world. Lol. Thank you for bringing light to my dark and shattering world back then. Thank you for the never-ending smile, happiness, love, laughter, kindness and many many more. Thank you for everything, my love.
I wish you always keep that heart of yours soft and loving all the time. I know that these days have been really tough on u and on us, but I am grateful that you're very strong and we always come out of everything way stronger than ever. I really adore you so much. I am so smitten with you. I'm really proud of you for being so strong and staying here. I'm really proud of u for choosing to exist than to u know what. No poopy business allowed here!!😠 I love you! Do you know what else I love?
I love it when you smile.
I love how u start smiling cheekily when you're about to do smth or say smth to me.
I love how you giggle a lot whenever u make my heart dokidoki by calling me baby or ur little lion cupcake.
I love how you say my name.
I love how you call me handsome baby.
I love how you would play with ur hair when you're feeling shy.
I love how you would start flipping me off whenever I start getting cheeky.
I love how you would say "Skye" then start to playfully roll ur eyes and stare at me then slowly put ur hand up and flip me off or you start counting down bec I won't tell u smth.
I love how you would call me every morning just to say you're close to work, you're entering the building, Goodnight, sleep well, I love you and a kiss mwah to me. *bec ur working time is my sleeping time. Hahahaha.* *not for long tho 😭*
I love how you would whine at me if I don't leave u a long ass voice message on whatsapp telling u a story about my childhood. Bec it's what keeps u company otw to work every morning and you love knowing more about me.
I love how you always motivate me to be the better version of myself.
I love how you love me.
I love you so much!❤️
I also love how I would sometimes catch u drool while u sleep. Bec it feels like payback for everytime u caught me drooling too. HAHAHAHAHA
You do things to me that I never knew I was ever capable of doing or feeling. You are a very wonderful person and I'm very happy and very blessed to have you in my life.
Once again, Happy Birthday, My Love. I love you!😘❤️
✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯
You're forever inlove with you waifu, luvluv.🦁❤️ପ꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ଓ
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Ps. I'm sorry for posting this so late. I just have too many words but at the same time can't finish writing it bec I'm too emotional that I've celebrated 2 birthday with you already. 😭 I love you!!! Also I'm sorry if there's typos or mistakes. It's 5:27am already. Hahahaha.
Pps. I'm sorry for sleeping late again. UwU
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chdarling · 1 year
Ok, this isn't TLE related, but who r ur most and least favourite characters from Harry's generation and the marauders generation from the original 7 books?
Also can I just say tht TLE is literally one of the best things I've ever read? Lyk seriously, every character is soo beautifully written and the plot is just soo compelling, with the perfect balance btw humor and heavy topics. While I enjoy every pov, I positively look forward to the Sirius chapters, you just capture his complex and flawed character soo well, he's exactly how I interpreted him to be in cannon! Also the politics in this story feels soo real. Especially that small TLE3 snippet/response where u spoke about how people don't really understand the historical weightage certain words carry and think they're being daring and cool when they use them, people in my grade are literally just like that and its absolutely shitty to see it every other day. Last thing, I'm really sorry that people post shit abt tle on other social media platforms. If people can't appreciate and be grateful for the fact that you literally take time out of your personal life to share this detailed and beautiful piece of art with us, they can go fuck themselves. Take all the time you need, I hope you get all the rest you need despite your schedule!!
PS= I'm soo sorry for this overlong rant, I'm rather new to tumblr and its just awkward to talk more with someone online from a whole different country than ppl irl, but you said you were down, so I really just wanted to let u know how much i love and appreciate your work!! Take care.
Thanks so much for this kind message! 🥰 And welcome to tumblr! ❤️❤️❤️
I just ignore other social media platforms at this point so if people are saying stuff, it’s all good, I’m gonna hang out over here 😂
Regarding your initial question! I’m not going to lie, I have a hard time making myself care too much about Harry’s generation anymore. I kind of exist exclusively in the marauders era! But I was always very fond of Luna. Least would be…idk I never really came around to Draco?
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re-reading bsjfm and i just wanted to thank you for your service🫡 thank you for making such a wonderful captivating story. sending you and your cute lovely kitties all the love and warmth! ❤️❤️ you’re amazing💛
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Sleeby warm kitties for u ❤ but really thanks for this kind message. I dont think I'll ever really be over how many people enjoy BSJFM that started out as a joke prompt and turned into a 500k+ word fic spanning more than three years
Thanks for enjoying the fic and sticking around so long to hopefully see it through to the end
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thespiritoflife · 1 year
Domii domii I'm here for you !!! And I pray that whatever you're going through rn to pass away . And once again you can see the light in your life . I know my Ask will not literally help you physically but I just hope it'll make you believe that you're not alone and I'm with you spiritually and will always be ✨️. Take as much time you need but pls don't ever shut yourself out . And as a survivor of panic attack the worst you can do is not letting your voice out . It Hurts so much I know... It'll feel like all of the doors are being closed and you're getting suffocated but you yourself have to be strong enough to overcome it . Believe me you yourself are your biggest helper. As long as you're not helping yourself no one will ... it's sad but true. And I got a message for you to talk with your friends let your heart out talk as much as you want . Visit someone with whom your soul feels comfortable at . Eat your fav food roam around the city let out yourself in the nature it'll heal you and eventually help you in your panic attack. I did love , and it helped me a bit . I can fairly say for the past 2 years I've not suffered any violent panic attack so far.... Also I mean it whenever I'm saying I'm here for you you're my friend and always my dm are open if you feel like talking ❤️
Some moodboards to help you out and put on a smile on your face 🫂🙈😘🌟
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Lots of loveeee Huggies and kissesss with love Alaeza 🦋
Oh my lovely Alaeza, you're making me cry so much!!! You're too kind I swear!! 😭🤍 you're the best friend here, i swear, you're so caring! i wish i could hug you.. but i can't😖 so imagine it, please🥺🌸 i am happy you didn't have any violent panic attack in last 2 years!! That's amazing!! 🫶🤗
Thank you so much for these encouraging words, they helped me a LOT!! I am sorry you know what I am talking about☹️ but it feels nice to know that i am not the only one here.
Yes, I know that no one will help me, just me, myself, yes, it's sad but you're totally right. 😔❤️ these are really wise words, alaeza!
Thank you so much for these lovely messages, they are beautiful. I'll try to do as you said. Yeah, nature really helps and talking to people you love helps too🫶🤗
I am happy it helped you🫂🩵
Thank you once again, I will always look at this ask, you don't even know how much this means to me. You're awesome friend. I wish everyone had friend like you!! The world would be better place!
And these moodboards are G O R G E O U S. I love them very much. I love these green vibes. It gives me healing vibes, it's so aesthetic and just beautiful. And these quotes there!!! So pretty! Thank you so much!! I am gonna save them into my camera roll🤍🫶
I am also sending you many many love and healing vibes. I am also here for you if you needed me. ANYTIME. Thank you once again for everything!! 🤍🤍
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racfoam · 11 months
Hiii (⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。⁠)⁠ノ~
I started reading NYNN while traveling and omg, it's officially my favorite fanfic!!!! You write really well, seriously, become a writer plz I would buy all your books /gen!! I loved Harriet and if I could I'd hug her and promise her everything's gonna be ok, tho I love how you write Voldy too! I seriously loved everything, every detail, every description, and their fights almost made me want to get out of my seat and help Harry. I loved the fight scenes, how are you so good at this? Tell me your secret /j
And u even inspired me to start writing my own tomarry stuff, though it can take a while since I'm still coming up with ideas. All I could think of right now was pretty abstract, something to do with time travel 🤔
Anyway just wanted to let u know that I love your writing skills, keep up with the excellent work! ❤️❤️❤️
Also english isn't my first language so sorry if I misspelled something
Hello, anon!
Omg! 🥹🥹🥹 This is such a beautiful message, thank you for your kind words! 🫂💖💖
I’m happy you're enjoying NYNN and that you love the fic! I'm happy you like how I write Harry & Voldemort! 💕💕 I feel the same way about wanting to hug Harry 😭😭 and wanting to fight for her.
For fight scenes, I wouldn’t say I'm that good at them, more about writing the tension and emotions 😅 I am still sort of grasping onto the HP fandom fight choreography and stuff as I go.
I don't know about ever writing original fiction, but this is very flattering and sweet of you, I’ll let you all know if I ever do sth, but it isn’t likely 😅 Thank you, though, this warmed my heart and made it fly! 🥰🥰❤️❤️❤️❤️🫂🫂
I’m happy to have motivated you to write Tomarry! The more, the merrier! Take it slow and have fun! 💖💖 If you ever publish anything, send me a link, I am a complete Tomarry sucker.
You didn't mispell anything wrong, don't worry.
Thank you so much for this wonderful message, anon. It made my day!
Sending love 💖💖💖
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sunymar · 1 year
hi, I just found ur fics and binge read all of them and i am so in love with your writing ahhh. they are so SOFT and u fit their canon personalities into the context of ur own fics so perfectly. I love how u write their domesticity too. idk I could go on and on about how amazing ur fics are
hi thank you so much for this sweet message 🥹❤️ it makes me very happy that you enjoyed them im smiling so much right now hahaha!! characterization in particular is something i get very anxious about so hearing this is very reassuring. i do worry that im making laurent cry too much or just be too vulnerable at times in a way he might never allow himself to be, but i guess the reason i enjoy writing these kind of fics is because i like the idea of damen gently easing him into that headspace (well maybe not that gently hahaha). domesticity is my favorite thing ever, thank u for your kind words!!
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myfemininedivine · 1 year
Hey, I wanted to start by saying I love your work. Seriously every time I see that you’ve posted on Ao3 it makes my entire week. I’m currently desperately trying to track down a fic(we’ve all been there) I’ve read previously but it’s no longer on Ao3. I thought maybe it was by you but wasn’t completely sure. I remember it being a fexi alpha/beta/omega dynamics plot with around 8 or 9 parts. I absolutely fell in love with it and currently I’ve had a craving to reread it. I’m hoping you may be the author or know the author.
hi my love thank you sm for the sweet message and the kind words about my work. ❤️
I actually haven’t ever written any alpha/beta/omega fics ever in my life so it isn’t by me and unfortunately I don’t read that dynamic so I can’t tell you what author it might be since I don’t even know who has written the dynamic before :( I’m so so sorry I can’t help you find the fic but I hope u find it v soon. I know the pain 😭.
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ryujnn · 1 year
Hello from 🍪 anon!
Thank you for being back and writing the best chapter! Not to sound selfish, but I don’t know why you doubt yourself when you have the best writings ever! But I understand, do please take your time. Just want to assure you that I really love Akuma and everything else you put out. ❤️ I was so excited when I saw that you posted!
For Akuma 😮‍💨, I had to compose myself after reding the latest chapters. I am curious about a LOT that will be unveiled in upcoming chapters. Just dumping here (pls ignore if annoying haha) :-
1. What was the deal between Gojo and YN’s mom?
2. Is Gojo not allowed to fall for YN or does he refuse to accept that he’s falling for her?
3. Say YN were to bear Gojo’s child (omg just thinking about it is so cute), will they have the elements as well?
Can’t wait to finally find out 😭 And YN falling for Gojooooo holy 😭😭 I love to see more of this, more of them.
Haha ok this is getting long and boring now, pls skip if u want. Once again, thank u for an amazing chapter, really excited for the next. Pls get some rest ❤️
cookie anon!!!! i missed ya!!! ♡♡ i love reading long asks about akuma, i recommend everyone do that because it helps me want to write it even more,, but let’s dive into your 🍪 thoughts!
1. that’s the million dollar question, right?! what the hell did himari promise gojo and what was their deal 🤨🤨🤨 obviously i won’t tell you (hehehe) but i can say i’m excited to write the readers reaction to it. her mother was her best friend… yet she wasn’t aware of their little ploy. ugh it’s so exciting,,,
2. now this i can answer. the gojo satoru makes it seem like he has no time for love, when the real scare is him loving for the first time. it’s not that he’s not allowed, he’s just scared, and you’ll figure out more to that in the next chapter im sure!!
3. hypothetical questions! my fave! ^^ there is a chance that their child will bear all five elements + gojo’s power OR it’ll just be one or two elements. honestly with the shio clan, it’s like rolling a dice and whatever number it lands on is the amount of elements they get. (but that would be so cute!!!)
YAAAY, i love knowing people are excited for the plot twists & secrets, but also for gojo and the reader. they’re truly the cutest!
🍪 ‘non, i love your long messages, don’t be afraid to send them! you’re not annoying and your kind words are always good to see them pop up in my inbox! i will rest, you rest too, and thank you for chatting with me about akuma!
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kpophubb · 1 year
Oh my God your answers made me so happy rn !! I'm at work so it's kind of random. , and quick message. But oh my gosh like I'm literally shining inside and out I feel like I've been SUN KISSED ! You are truly my sunshine!!!! Your replies made me laugh 🤭😃🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈make me so happy ! I don't have enough emotions and enough words to describe the way I feel right now, it's like I'm drunk-dazed! Thank you so much for taking your time in the morning to do that for me❤️❤️ I wanna wish you the best day ever today the best Friday!! Oh my God you are so amazing❤️❤️
thank u my love and when I read this text, my heart did back flips 💗🙈 my hyunnie dropped by yaay!!😍
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Your choice of words “being sunkissed” “like I’m drunk dazed” ugh I’m in shambles right now from how adorable you are 😭💔 I just want to give you a kiss on your forehead, so here you go 💋,, okay wait, take two kisses on your forehead and one to the top of your head. 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
don’t rush, when u get home from work (don’t text otw baby pls it’s risky), wash up, eat something and then you can take all the time in the world to text me back!! <3 you are the amazing one here💝
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