#thank yooooou for the ask darling
mothwingwritings · 11 months
So, I have a question how would Yugiro react if he found out that his trainee Musashi Miyamoto had a crush on his daughter? (This is in the same universe as the step cest)? (P.s love your blog.)
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In my humble opinion this would go one of two ways.
For one, I think Yujiro would find it hilarious. You WOULD attract the attention of some ancient warrior of the past, wouldn’t you? It will be interesting to see just how you go about handling this man’s advances. If it gets too serious, would Musashi be stopping by Yujiro’s door for permission to court you? What kind of response will he get if he tells this famous samurai you’re used goods? More importantly, he’d be interested in hearing your opinions on how the legendary Musashi Miyamoto stacked up to your father, both in terms of strength and in the bedroom.
Yujiro doesn’t necessarily care who you are sleeping with, nor does he care who else may be occupying your time. Ultimately he knows he can have you whenever he wants you and you can’t really do a damn thing about it. But as time goes on I feel he definitely becomes more possessive of you. While he may have initially just shrugged off the other people in your life (no one could ever top the great Yujiro Hanma, so what’s the use in worrying about the nobodies you are so keen to surround yourself with?), at a certain point he’s going to start getting irritated by your other liaisons. He may not outwardly admit it, but it does rub him the wrong way that you settle for anyone other than him, especially when he goes through all the trouble he does to keep an eye on you. The least you could do for someone so vested in you is reciprocate the attention. He’s received that from Baki and Jack in the form of strength and fighting, why shouldn’t he expect the same from you for *different* means?
So at that point I think Musashi’s little ‘crush’ would piss him off, even more so if you actively respond in kind to any of the samurai’s advances. What, were you getting bored with JUST your fathers affections? Are you such an insatiable whore that you now need multiple powerful men to fawn over you? And who does Musashi think he is, trying to stake a claim on another man’s property? Yujiro doesn’t really give a damn how revered or honored Musashi may be-he fucked up by enamoring himself with you and considers the act a direct challenge that he intends to meet.
(Also, ty bb I am so glad you love my blog ‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚)
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mutatiio · 4 months
what kind of love are you ??
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love as a flaw. cowering, your love hides in the dark. in shadows and under cover of night, your love runs from corner to corner, afraid to linger, afraid to be caught. afraid, afraid, afraid of everything. when you fall in love, it is with alarm bells ringing. your love is a mistake, a flaw in the code, a purchase you don’t remember making and desperately want to return. you didn’t ask for this. you didn’t want this. it’s a problem–– your problem ––and you would do anything to pass it off, burn it away, scoop it out of you with bare hands, or carved out with hooked knives before it can destroy you. get it out, just get it out now. you don’t care who you hurt in the process, only that you can’t afford to be hurt first. being loved by you is to be loved by a figment of the imagination. it is to be loved in halves, or not at all.
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love as a force of nature. your love is like whiplash –– it comes in with the rain, it blows the doors wide open. when you fall in love, it is sudden and hard and immense. it is powerful. it is earth-shaking and world-ending. nature is a force, and that force can be destructive if you're not careful. see how the world is doused in gasoline and set on fire –– your love consumes, your love takes, your love burns. you're hot and cold all at once, a hurricane and a wildfire bound together in skin, and when you're in love, it can feel like it's eating you alive from the inside out. when you love, it is with everything you have because it is everything you have. be careful, darling, because not everyone survives the storm.
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love as religion. devotion, that is the name of your love. your love is an act of worship. your love is like witnessing the birth of venus, like seeing the sun come alive, or the stars fall. when you love, it is because you have found god in a lover. you have found the meaning of life itself in the heart of the one you adore. they are everything to you; they are your maker, and you are their lamb, their flock, their first and holiest worshipper. when you fall in love, it is as a baptism. you are born anew, made a believer in the divinity of the one you love most. being loved by you is an ascension; it is holy and golden. it is all-consuming, and all-faithful, loyal as the dog. you will never, ever bite back.
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love as a performance. your love is a masquerade, a dance, a work of art. you love with a veil across your face, unable to allow anyone to see the real you. can that be considered love, you wonder? as a performer, you have all your lines prepared, and you know exactly what to say and when to say it. you’re charismatic and bold, seductive and hypnotic. your love is a snake’s melody, the siren song of the sea. your love is enchanting. your love is melodic. your love is afraid and fearful and longing. you ache to tear the veil off, you ache to cast poetry aside for the sake of something real and gritty. you’re terrified of the very thought. being loved by you is to be loved by an artist; it is to be a muse. it reflects others beautifully, but never, ever yourself. not really. not truly.
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tagged by: @fcalty (thank yooooou) tagging: @jeditrash / @inarretable / @rottingkiss (luci or misa) / @alootus / @vivalavillain (xanatos) / @misfittcd (kian) / @mayxthexforce (obi-wan or raj or tayala or han) / @featherstcnes (ahsoka) / @avengeus
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photogirl894 · 1 year
Kid, I'm about to go IIIIIIN!!! SO EXCITED you've made it to so many followers! You did it, well done!
I'm hoping for 10. “Would you like to dance?” with Rex or Tech. Would love if there wasn't an established relationship yet, but I trust you, boo. Thank yooooou!!
Thank you so much, my darling!! 🥰🥰
I'm gonna do this one for Rex...though there may be a fun twist 😉
"The Victory Ball"
10. "Would you like to dance?"
Pairing: Rex x fem reader
To celebrate a recent Republic victory in winning back a system of planets from the Separatists, there was a victory ball being held for everyone. Senators, Republic figures, Jedi and even the Clones and other military personnel, like you. You were a medic that overlooked a lot of the wounded Clone soldiers. This was the first time you were going to an official ball of some kind. You had been to fancier parties before, but nothing like this, so you wanted to really cherish the night.
It started off by purchasing a new dress for the ball. You went with a nice deep red dress that was form-fitting, almost touched the floor, had gossamer sleeves, gems across the square neckline and a lace overlay on the skirt of the dress. It was a positively gorgeous dress and you loved how it looked on you. It seemed to accentuate your curves very well. You were sure you would draw some attention at the ball.
Maybe even the eyes of some Clones.
There were a couple of the Clones in the GAR that you thought were attractive--though really, they all had the same face, so they all were attractive--and you hoped would look your way. Namely either someone from the 501st or Clone Force 99, the two Clone squadrons you seemed to see the most. There were some here and there that would naturally flirt with you when in the med bay, which you didn't mind. Maybe tonight would be different. Guess you were about to see.
The ball was being held at a concert hall on Coruscant. When you arrived, you could see a few faces you recognized: some of your fellow medics, a few Jedi Generals you'd met briefly and a lot of Clone soldiers. For once, they were all in finer military garb instead of their usual armor, which caught you off guard at first. Many of the guests were standing around in pairs or groups, engaging in conversation and with drinks in their hands. You picked up a drink from a table yourself and slowly drank it down as you wandered about the room. Very soon, slow and pleasant music started playing from the band and there were a few people that made their way to a nearby dance floor.
You heard a voice speak next to you, "Would you like to dance?"
When your head turned, you found yourself facing a very familiar Clone Captain.
"I would love to, Rex," you replied.
He took your hand and led you to the dance floor. His other hand came to your waist, your other one rested on his shoulder and the of you started swaying to the music in the midst of the other dancers.
"You look breathtaking tonight," he told you.
You blushed at the compliment. "Thank you, sir," you replied.
"No formalities tonight," he said back. "You may just call me 'Rex'."
"Well...thank you, Rex," you said, using him name.
"How does it feel not being in the med bay and in fancier attire?" he asked.
You chuckled. "It's definitely different than what I'm used to. What about you? Does it feel good shedding off that armor for once?"
He snickered himself. "Oh yes," he said. "Though I don't mind wearing my armor all the time. It's become more comfortable."
"Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing," you commented. "The fact you're having to fight so much that your armor feels comfortable to you now...it's a little sad."
Rex simply shrugged. "It is what it is. That's what we're here for. We're soldiers of the Republic and I myself will continue to fight for as long as I must."
Instinctively, your hand on his shoulder slid up to the back of his neck. "Hopefully, it won't be for too much longer," you said. "You keep showing up in my med bay with all sorts of injuries. It worries me sometimes."
"Well...maybe that's why I keep doing it," he responded, grinning at you as you felt his hand slide down from your waist to your hip and he pulled you even closer to him.
Heat flared up in your cheeks again, but you kept your composure and replied, "That's not very smart of you, Rex. You shouldn't needlessly get yourself hurt just to see me. You could've just...asked me."
His face was suddenly closer to yours and his hot breath fanned your skin as he asked you in a quiet voice, "In that case...may I see you again? Perhaps...after the ball...in a more private place?"
If he hadn't been holding you, you swore your knees would've given way at his request. Though, you gave him a flirty smile back and replied, "You may. Meet me outside the entrance after the ball."
"Understood. I'm looking forward to it," he said.
Before long, the dance was finished, the music ended and Rex finished your dance by kissing your hand in a gentlemanly fashion. Though, before he left, he whispered in your ear, "You look beautiful in red...but I think you would look ravishing in blue." With that, he walked away, leaving you a bit stunned by his compliment.
However, a few seconds later, you heard another voice say to you, "I believe the Captain is mistaken. In my opinion, red is a more perfect color for you."
You found yourself looking at another Clone you knew; one that wore goggles.
"Tech!" you exclaimed at seeing him, wondering how he heard what Rex had said to you. "You are too kind."
He offered an arm to you and asked, "May I have the honor of the next dance with you?"
You grinned pleasantly. This was shaping up to be a fun and interesting night.
Photogirl894's Fluff/Romance Prompts
Photogirl894's 1,000 Followers fics
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superbattrash · 2 years
I forgot to say thanks for sending the ask btw. And just saw ur post vacation post, welcome back ;-;!! Hope u can catch a break
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My offering of pink shirt clark and hoodie weary bruce take care !
Aw, you’re so welcome, darling :D and thank yooooou!! It’s so good to be back, I missed all of yoooou ;-; The break will soon come (*glaring at stressful things*), I’m sure of it!
P-pink shirt and h-h-h-hoodie 😳😳😳 helloooooooooooo <3
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writer-ish · 2 years
I’m asking all the bitches! Lol
But first happy new year, hope it’s the best for you!
The photo that Ethan considers to be the hottest of Brooke. And the photo that Brooke thinks is the hottest of Ethan’s
Because what’s better than starting off the new year like the thot queens we are, right? Lol
Love you 🐑🐑🐑
Ahhh my bitch!! (affectionate)
Thanks so much for this question, sorry it took me ages to respond. And happy happy new year to you as well darling ♥️✨
I love this question and these pics were really fun to think about/find.
So, without further ado (descriptions below the cut!):
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Brooke, taken by Ethan summer 2021, on a date lunch at an outdoor patio. The exact moment Ethan knew he was going to propose and how and when.
Ethan, post-shift and post-work out, waiting for Brooke to finish her paperwork so they could go home. Brooke had been recounting her day to Ethan and making him laugh at her outlandish anecdotes. She snapped this quick pic on the sly, to remember him looking so happy and care-free.
Thanks for the ask!! Love yooooou (ewe) 😘🐑
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Midnight (Nemuri Kayama)xFem!Reader - Ballroom Date
Here's something silly I wrote for a sweet little bean who has been blessing me with commissions for the past two years. I hope it was allright. ✌️😊💖💖💖
"Honey, that brow won't obey by cussing at it."
"It's the last chance it gets before I bring out an axe."
“Honey, we don’t own one.”
“I’ll make it happen.”
Nemuri couldn’t help her giggles, glancing at your battle from her periphery. You’d both spent the better part of an hour preparing for tonight and usually the simple act of putting on make-up wouldn’t have posed too much of a problem for either of you (and obviously not for Midnight). And, ironically, while today’s look was certainly more extravagant than what you were used to, taming the additional flare wasn’t even the part that gave you trouble! Infuriatingly enough, it was the defining and filling out the eyebrows that decidedly seemed to elude your skill right at the worst possible moment. Of all things…… You swore you had done them atleast enough times that it had absolutely no business being this difficult. The snickering sounds from your girlfriend did not help.
Nemuri did try to keep her focus on her own task of the eyeliner (or just not stabbing her cornea with the damn thing), but it was beginning to prove very near impossible. She turned to you, a soft smirk on her lips as she snatched the brow pencil from your hand and cradled your jaw in her palm, a soft command for you to turn. "Excuse me, miss, I'm going to have to ask you to lay off your attack. Such ferocity on that beautiful face borders on a felony and I’d positively loathe to take you into custody right before the lovely date I was promised."
“Know what? Just for stress relief, I really wouldn’t mind your way of custody right about now.”
“_____, don’t tempt me. We’re on a time limit here.”
“I was talking about knocking me out cold, but whichever works for you, darling.” You grinned, earning a sharp poke smack dab on the center of your forehead.
“Oh? Then push it at your own peril.”
Despite your sigh, you smiled, closing your eyes as you relaxed against her touch. "Thank yooooou, Nemuri." You laughed, "Phew boy, off to a delightful start. This is what I pay for fancying it up."
A gentle smile rose to Nemuri’s cheeks, curling the supple cherry lips as she continued to work on your face with a huff. “Oh hush, happens to the best of us. I’m sure I wouldn’t be even a quarter as good at face-painting if it wasn't literally a part of my hero image. By now it’s probably so hardwired into my spine that my hands will try to do winged eyeliners in my sleep and I’ll poke my damn eye out.” She mused, leaning close to your face as she switched to apply your eyeliner. “With my luck, anyhow.”
You hummed, surrendering with a soft smile as you allowed Nemuri to finish the rest of your face. You both still had clothes to strapple into and hair to wrangle into shape, so any time saved was precious in your book.
And Nemuri would be first to admit it that she couldn’t wait to see you, in the finished ensemble and with that glowing smile of yours, in the moody lighting of the dance floor.
It had felt like such a weird and very much extra idea at the time, back when you had suggested the idea of ballroom dancing to Nemuri. It certainly didn’t occur to you before and Nemuri was stretched so thin already as she was, what with balancing her teaching duties and hero work, that she rarely had the energy or the brain power left for much else besides snuggling up beside you whenever the time allowed.
And neither of you would trade these moments for the world. Especially how endearing Nemuri was out of her extravagant and strict hero persona and in her cuddly PJs, hair an adorably messy floof and with that positively dreamy look she got whenever you kissed. Her cheeks a precious shade of rosy, her eyes hooded and ever so slightly glistening, her lips parted just the tiniest bit, the way she had difficulty finding her words, the way she clung to you as if in fear that she’d drift away if she let up for even a moment…… As alluring as her dominating streak was, seeing the unshakably beguiling Nemuri, with her iron-clad confidence and unfaltering poise, become putty in your hands to such a degree was equally breathtaking in your humble opinion.
And so, while these moments were lovely indeed, the idea had come to you as you’d wondered if the two of you could find something different to do together. It had also been a while since you had gone to a proper date, so when you brought her the idea to visit the practice of one of the dancing clubs nearby, it was a welcome breath of fresh air in-between your hectic everyday lives.
While it did come with the usual trappings of any type of dance (i.e, borderline brutal exercise, needle-like precision, getting the hang of body awareness and how to make your body move in specific ways that felt so weird or difficult to grasp at times), it quickly became almost addicting. The rush as you'd immerse into the music and the movement felt very near natural, the interplay with each other when you could play out the moods of different songs --be it the passionate and aggressive nature of paso doble and tango, longing with a tinge of melancholy in waltz or the playfully romantic swing and contemporary pop-- the level of exhilaration was always palpable between the two of you.
And so, here you were: at the ball hosted by your fellow dancer Hirano-san, in celebration of All Hallow’s Eve. You’d laughed when she insisted it to be called that instead of Halloween, but you had to admit it was atleast a nice little change to have it be something a little fancier in contrast to all the cheesy (if cute) decorations and themed items stores pumped out seemingly left, right and center. Right behind the Christmas themed stuff, of course.
This fanciness extended to the dress code as well; Nemuri had really gone all-out with her dress that, while flared, hugged her curves in just the right ways, glimmered in soft tones of tangerine and rose-gold and with sparkling skin-tight black sleeves and a hem that reached just past her ankles. Topped with her hair on an elegant, high bun and glimmering hair pins and she was positively a vision for the eyes. You almost felt modest in your long, black number that just about reached your calves and flared only slightly: you’d learned the hard way to not wear too form-fitting bottoms after slipping on your heels and into a split (the team certainly wouldn’t let you forget it even if you tried) and too flowy garbs seemed to always tangle with you and trip you on your face instead. You never knew just how much survival stradegy could be involved into dancing…...
Simple or not, it did make for a nice, sleek contrast though, filling you with a sense of pride when you’d walked into the ballroom arms linked, collecting the stares of the entire room.
“And there they are!! Trust Kaya-chan and _____-chan to make a grand entrance fashionably late.” Hirano-san chuckled loudly as she approached the two of you, hugging the both of you tightly before lifting her hands on her hips with a playful huff. “You almost make the rest of us look bad, hopefully there’s enough spotlight left for the rest of us mortals.”
“Perhaps you ought to earn that spotlight, eh?” Nemuri grinned, wrapping her arm around your shoulders and pulling you close. “Fate favors the bold and all that.”
“Excuse you, Midnight, keep that attitude up and you won’t need to expect an invitation next time.”
“You wouldn’t.”
“Right as you are, you might not want to test it.”
“Evening to you too, Hirano-san,” You chirped in, moving Nemuri’s arm around your waist instead to have a little breathing room. “Good to see you’ve wrangled in the newbies so well.” Hirano-san sighed in mock exasperation at that, “Sensei really picked the right time to take her sick leave, what in the world would she do without me?” she laughed and gestured over her shoulder towards a group of younger pairs. “I kid, I kid, the new kids are so damn sweet and polite, I’m sure I couldn’t get them to wild it up if I tried.”
“Aww, how adorable!!”
“I mean, we do need a balance for you and the rest, Kaya-chan. Somebody needs to act the classy part.”
“How dare you! I’ll have you know, I’m plenty classy when the situation calls for it!!”
You giggled at the banter of Nemuri and Hirano-san, before walking towards the dance floor. A handful of your youngest pairs already claimed the first turn, the playful notes of swing caressing your ears as you looked on at their performance. You felt so proud of them; many of them had worked to the bone for this night, and seeing even the shyer little beans bounce and skip with confident smiles and playful twirls, it truly warmed your heart. The eyes of one of the boys-- Roromiya-kun’s --met up with yours mid-dance, smiling happily and shooting you an exaggerated wink and a thumbs-up. You chuckled, answering with a peace sign of your own. That little goofball…...
Before you knew it, the song shifted and you could see that mischevious glint in Nemuri’s eyes as she walked up to you, delicately grabbing your hand and lifting it towards her lips.
“Our song has arrived, darling. May I?” She smiled with that low, almost purring voice, kissing your knuckles softly. All the while her eyes were squarely on yours.
You felt the blush coming and the shiver racing up your spine, but you fought it, smirking back.
“I thought you’d never ask.”
Game on, honey. You’ll have to do more than that.
You should’ve expected as much. You really should have, once the song had shifted (a faster type of tango, one of her particular favorites), but the way Nemuri led you in the middle of the dance floor, right into the focus of the lights, took you by surprise against your better judgement. You could feel anxiety rising in your throat; while familiar, this wasn’t a song you had any ready choreo in mind. Some of the other pairs moved to the side and even stopped, eyes trained to the two of you, curious to see what’s next.
And, goodness gracious, was there something to see.
Taking a small distance from you at first, Nemuri gracefully extended her arm towards you, her dress flaring around her like rivers of molten amber. With strong, assured strides she approached, taking your hand in hers as she pulled you sharply against her stronger, slightly taller frame and led you into one swirl after the other across the dance floor. You almost felt dizzy, grateful to be leaning against her during the constant motion. Nemuri’s moves were powerful with her turns and whenever she snuck a glance into your eyes, with that beguiling grin of hers, you felt your legs almost turn into jelly.
The song reached it’s bridge before the final chorus and it was then that Nemuri pulled you into a sharp spin and dipped you down. This pulled a small gasp from you, eyes wide as her strong hand gripped firmly on your back. She leaned down, giving your ear a gentle blow and making you bite your lip to keep in the small moan. “Where did all that spark disappear, darling?” She purred, chuckling against your earlobe. “You’re such an adorable little kitten when you’re like this.”
You yanked yourself out of your stupor, biting your lip as you answered her gaze with your own sharp one. You felt the song climbing towards the grand final chorus and you’d be damned if you let Nemuri have her way with you on this dance floor without making her work for it.
Gripping her hand tighter in your palm, you sharply shifted your positions so it was now you who held Nemuri, pulling her into a gliding movement across the dance floor. You snuck a glance at Nemuri as you twirled her in your arms, unable to help your grin when you saw her wide-eyed for the first time in the night.
Oh, you’ve seen nothing yet.
Just when the chorus reached its peak, you lifted Nemuri up, twirling her in wide circles as your arms held her up by her thighs. Pride swelled in your chest; seems the brutal exercise had paid off because, while not at all easy, you were impressed with just how stably you could hold (the more muscled) Nemuri up so high. You could audibly hear the gasps and cheers around you, though for you, the highlight was absolutely the expression of your girlfriend. Nemuri’s cheeks had gone a bright cherry red, heavenly blue eyes wide and mouth slightly agape, unable to answer the wide smirk undoubtedly splitting on your face.
The chorus started to calm and, with a few sharp turns for good measure, you dipped Nemuri as the song reached its end. The audience you had drawn erupted into cheers and whistles, though neither of you could pay that much attention.
Nemuri looked up at you, her face flushed, eyes slightly glossy, shaky breaths escaping and her chest rising and falling as you held her in your grip; a positively delicious sight that sent throbbing heat pooling down your core.
You leaned down to kiss her ear lightly, a throb racing between your thighs at the shiver wracking her frame.
“The evening’s still young, sweetheart; and trust me, I can do this all night.”
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ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ This is the Amazing Person Award! (and trust me... you are AMAZING) Once you are given this award you are supposed to paste it in the ask of eight different people, who, in your opinion, deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you're amazing inside and outside
Aaahhhh thank you darling
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neechees · 5 years
💙🦋This is the Amazing Person Award! Once you are given this award you are supposed to paste it in the ask of eight different people, who, in your opinion, deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it is sweet to know someone thinks you're amazing inside and out 💙🦋
You guys are being so nice to me gdbgvfg thank yooooou ^3^ Have a wonderful day, darling!
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