#I do love the concept tho heh heh heh
mothwingwritings · 11 months
So, I have a question how would Yugiro react if he found out that his trainee Musashi Miyamoto had a crush on his daughter? (This is in the same universe as the step cest)? (P.s love your blog.)
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In my humble opinion this would go one of two ways.
For one, I think Yujiro would find it hilarious. You WOULD attract the attention of some ancient warrior of the past, wouldn’t you? It will be interesting to see just how you go about handling this man’s advances. If it gets too serious, would Musashi be stopping by Yujiro’s door for permission to court you? What kind of response will he get if he tells this famous samurai you’re used goods? More importantly, he’d be interested in hearing your opinions on how the legendary Musashi Miyamoto stacked up to your father, both in terms of strength and in the bedroom.
Yujiro doesn’t necessarily care who you are sleeping with, nor does he care who else may be occupying your time. Ultimately he knows he can have you whenever he wants you and you can’t really do a damn thing about it. But as time goes on I feel he definitely becomes more possessive of you. While he may have initially just shrugged off the other people in your life (no one could ever top the great Yujiro Hanma, so what’s the use in worrying about the nobodies you are so keen to surround yourself with?), at a certain point he’s going to start getting irritated by your other liaisons. He may not outwardly admit it, but it does rub him the wrong way that you settle for anyone other than him, especially when he goes through all the trouble he does to keep an eye on you. The least you could do for someone so vested in you is reciprocate the attention. He’s received that from Baki and Jack in the form of strength and fighting, why shouldn’t he expect the same from you for *different* means?
So at that point I think Musashi’s little ‘crush’ would piss him off, even more so if you actively respond in kind to any of the samurai’s advances. What, were you getting bored with JUST your fathers affections? Are you such an insatiable whore that you now need multiple powerful men to fawn over you? And who does Musashi think he is, trying to stake a claim on another man’s property? Yujiro doesn’t really give a damn how revered or honored Musashi may be-he fucked up by enamoring himself with you and considers the act a direct challenge that he intends to meet.
(Also, ty bb I am so glad you love my blog ‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚)
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I hope you don’t mind me asking, but in your WiR au, is Turbo still a villain? Cause I know that Ralph and Felix are switched, so I was curious on who else might have been swapped.
Have a lovely day, and I love your art
Hello, hello! I really do love it when y'all ask questions about my AU, so thank u for indulging me :)
You know, I'm not actually too sure.. but, pretty much, yeah! Turbo is still a villain in my AU, for plot's sake. But it would be boring to just leave it at that, so I tried to spice it up a bit by making it a redemption arc! 'Cause who isn't a sucker for redemption arcs? I might change this, tho! My AU is mostly concepts, less story focused, so it's all very vague and undecided- I might shuffle it around some more.
Since this is a Swap AU, he was initially supposed to be an unfinished Halloween special character from Sugar Blast (a mish-mash swap-ish concept between Sugar Rush and Hero's Duty!!).
He would have been the glitch instead of Vaneloppe, and I thought it would be fun if he was the "Ghost Boy" and had Halloween candy themes in his outfit, heh. He was supposed to be a sort of cryptid character who appeared in and out and was mostly considered a myth.
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BUT THEN, I developed the idea a bit more and branched out to a different concept where he is still the glitch, but not tied to Sugar Blast. I revisited the whole "Tur-bug" idea because I thought the bug joke the movie had was funny.
The logic behind the whole thing was that, after game jumping, Turbo kinda hung around collecting stray viruses and bugs (that usually would have been prevented by a barrier had he been inside a game, which he was not atm) which festered in his code and mutated him, in a way? So when Sugar Blast was plugged in an he tried to get in, not only did his corrupted code screw things up, the fact that he was from a much older game than Sugar Blast made him incompatible- code wise. So there was a system error, exacerbating his mutated state and making him ✨️a glitch.
I had a lot of fun with the design for this idea! But... eh. Story wise, it got a lot more repetitive and boring imo. Basically, the same idea as the first movie but redesigned with more detail. I don't really like it, so I might try a different idea, or combine a few!
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Anyways, so yeah! He's still supposed to be the villain, but his whole shebang is very.... unsure. He's a super fun character tho, so I'm having a blast playing with his story and design :)
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sminny-wew · 4 months
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Megaman Battle Network but I went back in time and moved a chair (headcanons/musings under the cut)
Everything else is the same but Lan was the one who had HBD, died, and was brought back by Dr. Hikari as Megaman.EXE (anything relating to this concept will be tagged "MegaLan AU" but otherwise he's called Megaman.EXE here)
Hub is a humble, polite, and diligent 5th grader. Greatly admires his dad and wants to work in navi development just like him, but is still a mama's boy. He always goes to bed, wakes up, and gets to school on time. He studies just enough to maintain decent grades, does all his chores, and gets around by skateboarding. Hub has a pretty happy and peaceful life, but something feels...missing. His dad's long work hours and mom's fussing have led him to feel somewhat sheltered and lacking in excitement, and his parents have noticed. So, for Hub's 10th birthday, Dr. Hikari surprised his son with his own custom netnavi: Megaman.EXE.
"Why did Dad name you 'Megaman'?" "Because I'm mega cool! 👉😎👉" [Or if you prefer the Japanese names: "Why did Dad name you 'Rockman'?" "Because I rock! 👉😎👉"]
This Megaman is very cocky and proud of his skills, but not to the point of delusion (he is not immune to fucking around and finding out lmao). It's more a case of him hyping himself up because A) he can do things as a navi that he could never do as a human, and B) he got a second chance at life and wants to live it to the fullest. He hates that he's separated from his family and the rest of the world by a screen, but he's still really happy that he got to know his twin brother at all. Someone's gotta drag Hub out of the classroom to see all the exciting things the world has to offer!!!
Unlike Hub with school and chores, this Megaman has to be prodded into doing navi tasks like file cleanup, software maintainance, etc. He's also not the most reliable alarm clock lmao
This Megaman has a bad habit of leaving the joke program running in the background. Hub keeps turning it off and even tried deleting it but somehow Megaman still has it running most of the time (he knows when to dial it back tho)
Despite slacking on most other navi tasks, this Megaman is still without a doubt very powerful, excels at netbattling, and is very eager to tackle net crimes (he begged Hub to jack him into the oven when it caught fire). He also loves to tease opponents, he keeps it lighthearted when battling friendly navis like Roll or Gutsman but can get pretty sassy against enemies. It's not smart, especially where Bass is concerned, but then again this is still Lan we're talking about. And SPEAKING OF
There were more than a few times where he almost gave away his real identity, whether it be because he made a comment about craving curry or called Hub "big bro" without thinking and tried to laugh it off ("It's because we're so close and you act all responsible and stuffy like an older brother!! No other reason hAHAHAHA ;;")
Once Dr. Hikari gives Hub "Lan.BAT" to save Megaman from deletion and tells him the truth, Hub is definitely still surprised but not as much as he could be ("Man, Hub, you're taking this whole 'dead twin reborn as a navi' thing pretty casually..." "You weren't exactly subtle about it, little bro.")
During the big climax in BN5, Megaman-channeling-the-spirit-of-Lan is mostly serious and focused, but he still can't help but be like "Heh, I look SO cool right now!!" and then the second the powerup wears off he crumples to the ground like he has glass bones and paper skin but it was SO worth it
Megaman is the only one who takes the rivalry with Chaud and Protoman seriously; poor Hub just wants to be friends and not cause problems but alas his navi got the Shounen Protagonist ADHD
Since the dynamic is flipped around, Maylu and Roll don't have the same feelings for the boys that they normally would, Maylu might've had a crush on Hub when they were little but she got over it (also: my house, my aroace Hub)
Also just in general, because he was a little more sheltered than canon Lan, Hub didn't have many friends for most of his life. He still grew up with Maylu as his next-door neighbor and childhood friend, but they weren't as close as Maylu and Lan. Hub avoided Dex b/c he saw Dex as a bully and wanted to stay as far from trouble as possible, and Yai he just didn't interact with due to shyness. But once Megaman entered the picture, Hub became much more social and outgoing. He became closer to Maylu, befriended Dex and Yai, and actively wants to befriend Chaud because he sees that same sense of loneliness in Chaud.
"I know how we can save Chaud!! First I need you to throw me--" "I AM NOT DOING THAT FOR SEVERAL REASONS"
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rayofmisfortune · 2 months
Throwing this ask over for if you ever want to ramble about Bendy ✨/nf (we are getting fed lately, 3 more games??? A movie??? Ink demon at a rave??? What???)
We are SO getting fed! I can't wait for what the games have in store for us. With The Cage supposed to release some time this year ANS THE MOVIE??? OH DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THAT!
I love the Bendy series to bits. Like actually
I've been keeping up with it since chapter 3 of BATIM- haven't read any of the books sadly but that can be excused right???
The Cage is supposed to be a look behind the scenes at what happened on the other side of things while Audrey was busy explaining the concept of personal space to Wilson, if I remembee right? Also supposed to be darker and gorrier SUPER EXCITED FOR THAT
Then... in Secrets of the Machine we get teasers for B3ndy and Bendy Silent Town...
I hope B3ndy's gonna pick up on where BATDR left off, Gent taking away the Ink Machine to GOD KNOWS WHERE??? With Bendy now being out in the real world... it begs the question of who the role of big bad and smiling (traumatized, very much traumatized) will fall on... As for who we may play as.... maybe it could be this Riley Wells (hope I got the surname right) character we found out about in Secrets of the Machine? They ended up being a GENT employee so it's not completely out the question? They were employed at Joey Drew Studios before but- got fired because their ideas were too grotesque and dark for Joey's liking (EXCUSE THEM for having trauma you entrepreneur a-hole).
As for Bendy Silent Town... I feel like that game may be a look at mayhaps the genre of Bendy cartoons Riley had scripted? As I said, their ideas were dark. And what is Silent Town? A complete turn to the left at what Bendy games are. Unsure if the hand in the teaser image is Bendy's but- the char has a revolver named Alice FJFJ does that say anything? I dunno! Fjfjfj Getting to shoot cartoon bad guys in a cartoon tho? Aw heck yea! I suck at shooters but I'm willing to try my hand at one if it's Bendy
This is getting long lmfao
AH I haven't realized, but Secrets of the Machine came out on 4/14 (cuz- not american, use a different date format heh) which is the last loop that took place before Wilson or Audrey right? Some significance there
Oml I'm gonna fall into rambling about Bendy and the Ink Demon aren't I?
When you break all the cutouts in Secrets of the Machine, you get instakilled by the Ink Demon. Which. Deserved. I ended up doing that a lot cuz I didn't KNOW what I was supposed to do??? And destroying the cutouts was the quickest way out nfjfjc sorry Benders I promise it wasn't personal.
Anywho- yea it's been over a year YET I'M STILL NOT OVER HOW THE INK DEMON LITERALLY HAD BEEN TORTURED BY THE KEEPERS??? Like- YOU CAN'T JUST THROW THAT AT ME AND NOT EXPECT ME TO WEEP LIKE A BABY- My man's gone through literal hell even before he's been carelessly thrown into the machine "because he was imperfect" my ass, I bet the worst he ever did while in the Real world was walk around and be curious about everything while the only thing decisively threatening about him was his appearance... WHICH ALSO he had nothing to do with??? That's all on Joey and GENT for fucking up and only looking at the outside and not the inside. Is it obvious how much I need this guy to have a happy life?? He has a chance for that with Audrey now which I'm honestly so damn glad for nfnfnc Poor guy had been forced to follow a predetermined script where he was cast as the villain... tbf.. wouldn't anyone end up embracing that role when they've had to go through it for hundreds of loops?? I'd grow tired of trying to change anything as well.
Can... can you imagine? A little scene with Audrey and Bendy in B3ndy where they're just hanging out with eachother in Audrey's apartment.... PLEASE
Ah this got long hehe nfnfjfb
ALSO still not over Henry. My favorite father figure. Pls be a dad to them I beg
I STILL DUNNO WHAT THE RAVE IS ABT 😭😭 Haven't seen anything abt it YET- BUT AYYYYY
AND OML YEA THE MOVIE PLEASE GIB SOME BEFORE THE INK WORLD SNIPPETS PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE?? Could you imagine? Just- getting to see how the studio was before it all went to hell??? I- GETTING TO SEE THE PROGRESS ON THE INK MACHINE??? MAYBE EVEN BENDY'S CREATION????? And and oml SAMMY before he went "My Lord, My Saviour, coocoo in the head" THE VAST WORLD OF POSSIBILITIES
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celticcatgirl2 · 6 months
Gender and sexuality and how they can change over time can be such a funny thing so I had one friend as a kid who at the time had just came out as lesbian (tho now I think they may be transmasc of some sort ot another but I’m not 100% sure so I’m just using they/them) and I was at the time sorta trying to very awkwardly perform straight male identity^tm and like faking stuff I just wasn’t really actually experiencing to feel normal but I was also like not an asshole about gay people. So anywyas they had said soemthing when where hanging out at Barnes & noble and we where looking through calendars and there was one with some scantily clad women on it and this friend was Liek “oh I like that one…don’t judge I have needs you know!!!” And I to both try to I guess show support and also do the middle school performance of “yeah I’m totally doing the normal teenage boy things” was like “nah I get you it’s rhe same here ” even tho it WASN’T at the time like that at all a thing I was actually personally experiencing. Which feels also like an odd story cause now I DO have my own experiences of attraction and aesthic appreciation of women (albeit still probably not quite the same way due to the idiosyncrasies of my aspec stuff) that I could probably connect with more authentically.
I kinda wonder what happened to this person they where pretty cool and talked about like marvel stuff with me in elementary/early middle school we kinda lost contact and I don’t really have a way of getting back in touch r but I wish I did I kinda just in general have fond memories of hanging out as kids and kinda wonder how we might be able to relate now espically if them being trans in some way like I vaugely heard is true…
Heh this was just gonna be a funny story about childhood that’s even funnier with how the people involved’s identity’s changed over time but I I geninuely miss my old friend now….
I Remeber they were into My Chemical Romance and knew all about Umbrella Academy WAY before the Netflix show….they liked the teen titans cartoon and identified with Raven at the time (tho there’s a strong possibility this part may have changed) I hung out at their house and we watched like the 2000s X Men and Elektra movies and also scary movie I’m pretty sure, before they came out as lesbian out parents would tease us about “liking each other” but we where really just friends and it was just needlessly awkward.
At that bookstore some weirdo evangelicals tried to prostiyze to us and I was trying to comfort them after the fact and we ended up laughing at the whole concept.
We had a pretty cool music teacher we both liked allot in our small private K-8 cause liked all the DC Marvel stuff like we did (and in their case I think they knew more about like actual music stuff too lol)
I know this is a long shot I don’t even know if they’re ON tumblr but I’m gonna tag a bunch of relevant terms and see if they’re out there. If you’re NOT this person please reblog and boost this and increase the chances of them finding it…and if you ARE this person idk if you Remeber me but I’m Alex we went to High Point together, you probably changed allot from what I vaugely heard at the end and well I have too perhaps in similar ways I’d love to reconnect with you and catch up and see we’re where both at now. You were a pretty cool friend and I genuinely hope you’re thriving now I know you’ve had allot of difficulties over the years and I genuinely wish the best for you….
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selfox · 29 days
Friend gave me the best idea to live blog my reactions on reading fics.
This one is rtod by @gothicthundra ^^
Ngl I've never did life reactions on a broadcast level. But at least it's gonna save people's dms bdjdjd sorry for intruding if you, guys, found it annoying OTL
Currently I'm on gauntlets ark and already finished it ^^' . In case to avoid spoilers and not make anyone sit through it (unless, they want to see my ramble tdvdfd), I'll put my reactions and overall thoughts under the cut
This break up was one of the most gut wrenching out of all of them. Yes it is break up you two *points at Shego and Drakken*
Those 2 shouldn't be separated otherwise some Armageddon occurs. But they do need some elaborate couples therapy, and individual therapies OTL
Ok, so I'll back up a bit to chapter Sorry and go up till Changing Tides (I've managed to gulp those chapters in one go)
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I have never felt such desire to comfort a character. Such a clear subtext as he, deep inside, wanted to be a dad and Erik was, in a way, his child. Wish it come up more ^^'
Bad times and rumors
One of the interesting chapters where Shego's insecurities shine the most. Calling out future chapter: Pandora is so right about Shego. just wow. And the "accessory" line that will be eventually used by Ed.
So hurt to see her spiral like this. "I am no one's friend, I am no one's side-kick" ;;;;^;;;; Nooooo Shego nooooo ;;;;^;;;;
Breaking Point (s)
I love the format of seeing the same event showed by thier perspectives.
Props to Drakken not killing Lucre. Seriously......... Eddie, I will forever curse your ability to make people use this word AND hearing it in your voice.
Nah, Dr. D, that rap was amazing XD heh, kinda love that mirror with them, when Shego's mind repeaded it. Yes, ma'am, it is very catchy. Just shows how close those two really are even when they aren't together.
"What was the harm in having two helpers?" oh, baby boy OTL Next moment was OYL so sorry Drakken.
Why does it feel like Avengers Civil War? OTL Sorry Shego I'm on Drakken's side OTL I know when you smirked you were thinking how sweet he was because he returned after you OTL (literally have those 2 chapters open to see with one eye Dr. D's pov and with the other Shego's)
Interesting how he didn't hear her yelling at him. OTL
;-; singing in the hover car and wine floats.
Ma'am... your green is showing. But also her worrying about him is precious
OTL ough that all hurts
The Gauntlets
Opening scene is actually pretty badass and .... made me very concerned with how many times Drakken must have done putting back the bone into its socket as ... you don't actually supposed to do that on your own or at least without professional help.
;-; the heist ark mention
I assume Kim saw him glowing red from gauntlets? Tho I'd be surprised too if I just got fried with laser gun. ..... Yep, dude's glowing.
"I was just trying to help" "Nothing ever changes with you, does it?" oh boy OYL
Double Crossed
The concept of The Company i got to know from this fic, along with other villains that hadn't been used in the actual show. And I say what a shame that it wasn't incorporated. Want to know more about them.
Overall the idea behind it with elder hardcore villains ... It has so many mysteries especially concerning Shego and Drakken... and who knows who else. I've read Lipsky's family shorts and other tales and I adored the past snippets with Estelle and Theo. Both of them are such beans.... ngl really wish to see/read more about them and overall how those lived, assuming that Theo and Bart had double life. What was it like?
And the relationship between Shego and Estelle gives me so many fluffy emotions. Girl you do love her ;-;
Honestly, I don't know who creeps me out and intrigues me more in the olden villains cast. Every single one of them deserve their own tier label.
With Botox... thinking about this person I doubt that they were showing the fear...?
Stormy Tides
Loved the shift between Dr. Taxley he/him and Dr. Botox they/them ^^ nice touch 👌 agender approved fjdvnkd
Shego you really gotta think what exactly you teach others OTL especially with the whole idea of what villain is OTL I understand that you are trying to make yourself believe that but girl c'mon OTL
Side notes: Hermes and Pandora, both are so right about their exes, it's incredible how well those 2 can read Drakken and Shego. Despite how much everyone claimed it was brief and unserious relationships were, of course it wasn't the case at all. Can't wait to read the "flashback" chapter (yes, I spoiled myself plenty with this fic, I'm not sorry)
And again in Villains Inn.
Shego he is indeed your friend and close confidant OTL
Aaaaand she is on a drinking spree......... How in the all hells she didn't fried her liver?
side note.... to see my rl name being used twice in the fic still makes me jump XD first it was Drakken and Eddy's cousin and now bartender ��\_(ツ)_/¯
Shego and henchmen are something precious. Those guys in general are precious beans. YES, SHEGO YOU MISS HIM. Your thoughts almost exclusively filled with him, or things around him (like his mom).
;;-;; The questionable Chinese food.
Poor dr D OTL those gauntlets are something else, DR D WHY DID YOU HAVE TO STICK YOUR FINGERS THERE??? that's what she said I'm not sorry.
"The rain obscuring her aim" yeah, right, rain. Salty rain I'm sure of it.
OTL now dr d's side. I guess one of the scariest things about the gauntlets for me that .... It wasn't always certain for me where were his own thoughts and where those gauntlets were speaking... well apart from obvious "we".
It's so scarry to get how many days he had spent awake. Awake, hungry, alone and with those things... and to what length he was trying to go to remove them before Shego got here. Heck he was afraid for others - his henchmen ;-; Shego
OTL scalpel OTL
OTL just OTL for the rest of the chapter
Changing tides
Him barricading himself from her to make sure she was safe from him OTL
Shego, just wish it was a minor inconvenience OTL
hwsbfajh Shego, girl OTL he loves you OTL man ... is it he or the gauntlets or both? I understand it's a more chaotic ... heh... khaotic... form of moodulator? More like the amplifier to Drakken's anger, loathing and many more things.
OTL she fried those things off of his arms omg...
Babies with sameish sense of humor ;;;-;;; I missed your banter, guys.
Fighting bad thoughts with work jdvfbdfv I get that OTL
That uncertainty is so palpable with both of them. ;-; brushing his face absentmindedly.
Pancakes ;-; hehe like I've said I've missed your banter. And I love those little teasing pet names Shego uses.
Last note: F Cleo
Well, If you got there, thank you and sorry that you have to put yourself into ^^' Hope that some things were a bit entertaining. I do hope to do this again as I continue reading it.... Especially with Bed Time Stories approaching ^^
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3rrorsnas · 7 months
I found some cool userboxes and found the concept fun and cute so here they are :
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[id: this user [static noises]]
self explanatory lol
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[id: this user is very bad at describing things, including their emotions]
also self explanatory./srs neg/ altho it was easy with inky- /srs pos
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[id: this user finds comfort in cats]
I do, I love em all. even tho I can't hug them because of my haphephobia- sigh /gen neg
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[id: this user is always lost in their thoughts]
true. (idk who the person in the picture is tho, idk if it adds to the context-)/srs gen
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[id: this user has a feeling they're not in Kansas anymore and that they must be over the rainbow]
pffff this one is funny, I thought how it could be a metaphor for me getting together with inky or something ehehe/gen lh
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[id: this user loves blankets]
I dooooo, they're so comfyyyy ✨✨✨, and also it's a way for me to hug people without triggering myself too much-/gen
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[id: this user is losing their sense of humanity]
does this count if you're already not a human? lol (I don't know exactly what it means tbh, I'm gonna interpret it similarly to losing your sanity or smth)/gen lh
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[id: this user is soft and likes soft things]
honestly yeah- sometimes I feel like people brush off an entire aspect of my personality, like yeah obviously I'm harsh to people I don't like but I'm kind to people that I like. also I like plushies and dresses and everything, they're cute and comfy 🫶✨/gen
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[id: this user appreciates their mutuals immensely]
it's only one but heh, they're here/lh gen pos
I decided to add the ids after I realized that these are pictures and are probably not readable by screenreaders-
but I don't know exactly how this (Tumblr in general) works, so tell me if I did it wrong or something idk/srs info
I might find some more userboxes if I can ehehe, these are fun ✨/gen pos
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seariii · 4 months
Started watching Milgram with the bestie we paused at Bring it on
He loved the concept and might get into it from how I saw him, I don't think it'll become a hyperfixation, but at least will understand a bit more when I freak out heh
He loved undercover, not sure his feelings towards Jacklope, so far he things Es is kind but also doing their job correctly
The way he is judging the characters is basically by the law, I explained it was about forgiving or not and so on, but he kept going with "um actually ☝️🤓" jsjsjsjs
So far according to him
Haruka: guilty. Even tho he is a victim of his circumstances, and didn't have the means to stop he still did it with his own hands. Reducing/shorter his sentence considering all the mental health issues. Feels bad for him (extra note, when we were watching the VD: "... That used to be you.... >:( That used to be literally you." When Haruka apologizes profusely). Neutral-positive about him, but loved the teaser of T1 (the glitched thing)
Yuno: innocent. Abortion isn't murder. Feels REALLY bad for her, I don't think he cried but pretty sure it was like a bucket of cold water to him. Believes Yuno wanted to keep the baby and had to get rid of it (which is what hit him and made him feel horrible for her). Favorite character so far. (Extra note: every time I heard him pity her I just thought of Yuno being pissed for that on t2)
Fuuta: guilty. He agrees with what he does (twitter users understand each other lmao), but he committed an indirect murder (there's an actual term), he suspects Fuuta got the girl killed by doxing. "He had many chances to stop, and never did. He was fully aware of what he was doing and didn't show us any mental health issues that could've done any effect on his decision making". Understands him, neutral-positive about him too
A couple extra notes, when we watched the trailer, with Muu he immediately went "this one is such a manipulator" and as a Muu hater I just stare jsjsjsjsjs I'm really excited to see his reaction to Muu's whole arc till now... (Extra note: the bestie used to be quite similar to Muu in many aspects so I can't wait to see what will happen from that). When Shidou popped up he just went "Hannibal!!" (His hyperfixation) and I just go "no". When Mahiru popped up, he loves her, atm on top 3 favorite (I don't think that's gonna last), "I support her and she is innocent" also he officially assigned her to me... (Just like how I've assigned to him Kotoko and Kazui). With Kazui he also loved him, he loved what he said on the trailer and seems to agree a lot with him, also on top 3 favorites. Amane, "is she the cult one?" .... "Oof.... Ugh.... That's rough..." but even so "saying that there are things more important than the law.... Doesn't sound good for her". With Mikoto and Kotoko he really didn't say anything of interest...
So I'm trying to stay quiet for the most part (even tho I've infodump him a lot) and I'm fighting for my life defending my boy Haru and, I might've been a t2 Amane guilty voter and all, but I'll probably jump in her defense if he says not forgive. It's gonna be so much fun see him struggle with Mahiru's case and I'm just gonna stare like (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)
Anyways so far he's enjoying it a lot and some of his opinions will probably sparkle debates between us, but I'm trying my hardest to stay calm because he doesn't have the full picture yet (well we neither, but you get it)
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cheemken · 4 months
👀👀👀👀👀 *sees you reblog fnaf stuff* I KNOW WHAT YOU AREEEEE!!!!! Drayton would boast about being able to beat fnaf without getting jumpscared and then promptly play fnaf 1 and get jumpscared close to 6 AM, let out a very high pitched scream and then fall out of his desk chair~Drayton angst anon💛(who is also a fnaf enjoyer)
Oh definitely, even better I made headcanons abt the og Unova kids and how they'd play fnaf too hahaha
Please the fact he'd be all "pfft fnaf? That game's easy."
And instantly regrets it he does not like the way Foxy runs no he does not lmfaooo imagine him seeing Foxy run to the office the first time and he legit panics all "WHAT THE FUCK" trying to figure out what to do and ends up getting jumpscared lmfaooo he'd be all "that wasn't fair, I didn't know they could run like that"
"heh, and you said this game was easy"
"course it's easy, there's just a lotta clicking I gotta do, it's tiring"
"yeah, sure, whatever you say lmao"
But like, since I already made hcs abt the Unova kids and how they'd play fnaf might as well make concepts abt the BB E4 hahaha
Anyways, Amarys does not get scared bet, like maybe a sudden jolt if she gets caught off guard but usually when she gets jumpscared she'd just go "oh, I lost." I think she'd be the type to actually try the fangames, looking for a challenge, taking Crispin's words saying the fangames have scarier gameplay and animatronics
She still don't find it scary, she did love the challenge tho hahah
Out of all four of em, she's the closest to ever beat UCN too. And Drayton, being Drayton, was all "well, my sis beat ultimate custom night, so by extension I beat it too"
"hah, yeah right. Taking the credit of others now cause you won't admit it's a hard game?"
"it's not hard, it's just tiring keeping check on all the robots" he'd rather admit he still sleeps w a plushie than to admit to Crispin that he really did find the games a bit hard
Lacey played the VR games and SB, didn't know abt UCN, Crispin made her play UCN, she lost within five seconds lmfao
Bet she'd love fnaf world tho, like Bianca she'd love the cute models of the animatronics more than their actual models hahah I think she'd like the glamrock and toy animatronics bc like,, I think they're the cutest?? Idk, I think she'd like them more than anything else. She had nightmares abt Glitchtrap tho real, refused to go in dark places for an entire month and stopped playing VR bc of it hahaha
Crispin gives off the vibes he really had a fnaf phase and never grew outta it, he always tries to make pizza whenever he plays it or if he watches someone play it, y'know, for the immersion he says hahah but also bet he'd be the type to watch every fnaf theory video out there, especially by pkmn ver of MatPat; the type to think of his own theories, make fanart, bet he listened to the fan songs and still memorized some of them by heart. He's just like me fr—
It would be cute tho if Crispin got Amarys hooked w the lore hahah like him talking abt fnaf and telling her the story so far while she's playing, and ofc she's listening to ever word, even adding her own thoughts. They give off vibes that they'd actually try to decipher a lot of the codes and puzzles in the games, like really going above and beyond to figure out every hidden meaning hahah
I think Amarys would also read the books, Lacey's surprised there are actually books abt it, Drayton didn't bother reading them ofc, Crispin's attention span isn't made for it so he just relies on Amarys for more info abt the lore regarding the stuff within the books and connecting them to the mainline games
And bet when the movie was out Crispin got so fucking excited he invited the E4 and the Kitakami sibs to watch it with him, like he really made a lotta snacks and I know for a fact and it's canon in my heart he screamed when the song at the credits played I just know it hahaha
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ghoulishtomato · 1 year
NATM 4 (Kahmunrah Rise Again) is a movie I have extremely mixed feelings about
It's like- it almost feels like a good but poor quality movie at the same time??? If that makes any fuckin sense???? Even the animation feels good and bad at the same time and I just don't know how to describe it.
Sometimes it's also pretty meh in it's comedy but then other times it's SUPER Fucking funny and I just can't describe it here 💀💀
I need to make a video essay about this movie and WHY I think Night at the Museum as a concept just works so much better in live action (as much as I love animation).
Overall tho I do like the movie, especially the little (heh hehe) bits we get of Jedediah and Octavius.
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omarandjohnny · 2 months
Tagged this time by @callipigio <333333333333333333333333333
do you make your bed?
My bed doubles as my couch, so no. Most that happens is the blanket becomes a prop for my pillows during the daytime.
what's your favourite number?
"69, DUDES!" (had to)
what is your job?
if you could go back to school, would you?
Absolutely not. Loathed every aspect of school, even more so because I had 'behind the curtain' access to everything (mom was a teacher, and I ended up being her PA towards the end of her career)
can you parallel park?
I cannot drive so nope! (same)
a job you had that would surprise people?
I was a part-time nanny through highschool, then a data collector for a day trader, and then a licensed insurance rep, then a PA for mom, which transformed into caregiver as she got older. Out of all of those, I'm not sure which would surprise people more. I was at least a corporate goth during my insurance years, let that mental image sit with ya for a minute. (I wasn't as cool as Richmond, unfortunately)
do you think aliens are real?
Somewhere there's probably something <-
can you drive a manual car?
Can't drive, full stop.
what's your guilty pleasure?
Can't say I've ever felt guilty about anything that's given me pleasure, never understood that concept.
Filthy with 'em! From the tummy up anyway- haven't started on my legs yet, unless you count my very first tattoo (a stick and poke inverted triangle I gave myself freshman year of hs)
favorite color?
Suspiria red and slime green! Tho, I have been favoring purple quite a bit these days.
favorite type of music?
I grew up in a house that was constantly filled with music, 50-60s pop, to 60s-70s motown, to 70s glam, to anything 80s that was currently on the radio. I jump all over the place, but my constants usually drift towards that stuff, as well as all the goth and numetal I picked up as a baby bat.
do you like puzzles?
I get frustrated too quickly, hence why I never got into gaming of any sort.
any phobias?
Not a phobia per se, but I still have some issues with boiling liquids (old burn trauma). I do all the cooking so I kinda have to push that stuff to the back of my mind, but yeah.
favorite childhood sport?
I loved basketball the most (tallest kid in class, heh) I liked volleyball as well, and was on a soccer team for a bit, but basketball came naturally to me.
do you talk to yourself?
Not much anymore. Long Covid brain fog has made a lot of things much quieter in my mind, a weird and rare upside XD
what movies do you adore?
Derek Jarman, Gregg Araki and John Waters were my honorary film uncles in late teens-early twenties. My life revolved around Wolfe Video and TLA Video back during the catalog ordering days, so I have MANY favorites there. Stephen King and Clive Barker were my horror uncles, and then you've got my childhood faves- Lost Boys, Monster Squad, Beetlejuice, etc. There's also this film called My Beautiful Laundrette that I mildly enjoy as well ;)
coffee or tea?
I do enjoy just regular ol' black coffee when the mood strikes (or my asthma's kicking up)
first thing you wanted to be growing up?
Wanted to work in the funeral arts, quelle surprise. Would've done it too, had I the patience for maths and sciences (I very much do not)
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chompe-diem · 5 months
Tumblr media
just me tryna draw the vantasmos for the first time lol, i definitely drew penny the most bc he actively fought me the most (':
random thoughts/hcs under cut:
lol the first thing i drew was the bottom right frankie and honestly after that i was like: whew that's just an old man, moving on-
srsly tho thats just an gruff old detective man, thank u murph for making my life easier
penn. penny. pendark. caldwell love ya man but penny has so much going on. and i'm not even talking about mentally! canonically he has a fishing vest, the fucking beret, and a scarf. also caldwell drew him with glasses in his drawing. dont get me wrong i do love all this for penny but i am one measly guy, one subpar artist
anyways yeah i drew penny a bunch bc i kept wrestling with him, and tbh he's not quite there yet (i think i keep drawing him too young-looking), but now at least i think i have a concept sorta pinned down !
tbh did not give mavid enough love, so he's not fully formed yet, but i have some thoughts percolating!
am currently Considering white frankie & penny, and mixed mavid just bc i love brown ppl (i'm brown) and mixed ppl are sooo epic and cool. idk have to relisten before i commit tho i think
also ik mavid's supposed to be nasty and terrible, but also like. ik people who are balding in their early 20s and it's rlly not that bad, part of me thinks that mavid Could kinda go for that rogueish (heh) scruffed look if he wasnt committed to being absolutely disgusting. peanut dust everywhere
look im no good at genetics but for the faces up top i was trying to figure out what features i wanted to carry over and etc. all tentative but yea:
all having basically the same nose? frankie's is a little crooked bc i figure he's been socked in the face a couple times in his line of work
mavid maybe getting frankie's eyeshape?? but penny got his mom's. also penn got linette's ears idfk
oh yea i think penn is one of those ppl who's speckled in moles i just think it's neat [:
was tryna give frankie and penny a similar face shape but give mavid a longer one? dunno ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
also yes i drew them with too much hair, my sincerest apologies, i am planning to do better next time o7
was also toying with unibrow mavid and frankie/penny with deeper-set eyes
anyways love the vantasmos and crossing my fingers that we get more of them semi-soon! adore them fr theyre all kinds of messed up
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bmpmp3 · 4 months
I FINALLY watched that barbie movie that came out, i watched it last night! it was cute and pretty solid i thought. and then immediately after finishing that i watched the 1989 found footage tv movie ufo abduction/the mcpherson tape?
barbie was mostly very funny (that smallpox joke is inexcusable tho) it seems aimed for maybe a tween-teen kind of audience? i havent heard of many big huge movies aimed at that demographic recently so thats really nice
you know i was worried id be insufferable to both barbie movie fans and barbie movie haters because i have 1) a doll hobby 2) too much interest in doll history and 3) a complete lack of trust and respect for mattel as a company in the past decade and i figured you wouldnt be able to talk to me about it without me um-actually-ing every two seconds BUT it wasnt as egregious as i expected in regards to doll history myths
im especially glad they didnt call stuff like happy family midge and earring magic ken like "recalled" or "banned" or whatever 'cause thats just one of those myths LOL BUT discontinued is a weird term... yeah they were discontinued but like. all dolls are some day. from what i can tell both those dolls werent even like prematurely (heh) discontinued or anything most reports seem that happy family midge sold okay (although there seems to have been controversies at least with the wedding ring and cardboard cutout husband situations) and earring magic ken probably didnt sell well. because hes ken. the earring magic barbies in the line probably sold better LOL i guess a better term could have been like. controversial barbies? infamous barbies? sugar's daddy ken is true and hilarious tho, although if i remember correctly it was like a collectors doll meant for adults that just never got released in the first place
I DID love tanner's inclusion. i love that stupid shitting dog so much i wanted it so bad as a kid but i didnt care about the barbie so it would have been a waste of a playset
speaking of not caring about the barbie so like. i didnt really like barbies as a kid. i didnt really like dolls. i was a furry i only liked animal shaped toys LOL i did have one barbie i picked out myself, fairytopia kindlee who i loved and adored and lost and i dream about her forever. but yeah nothing less interesting to me both as a child and as an adult than a default face sculpt blue eyed blonde barbie toy, which is, as most adults interesting in the modern day toy industry can attest, the reason for our disdain for mattel HFJDKHFDJS actually its more than that - weirdly inflated prices for cheaply made clothes and low quality printing, strangely dated fashion, the weird all or nothing either bare minimum 5 points of articulation or full out double jointed mtm bodies (where is single jointed elbows...i miss her....), THE DECADE LONG REIGN OF TERROR OF THE GLUE HEAD (although we're finally past that), why are those collectors dolls so expensive they look the same quality, why did they make that collectors mermaid ken white from the brown guy in the concept art, in canada the pricing and availability is wacky so i imagine its even worse everywhere else outside the US, this is a personal thing but why does every mattel doll ive ever owned like combust at its joints randomly. am i cursed? do i have a mattel curse? ive been thinking about this for years why does the plastic just disintigrate the second it enters my home what god did i anger. what plastic god did i anger. help me my bloodline has been cursed by some sort of polyvinyl based deity beyond my comprehension
anyway as i was saying it was a little sobering watching a movie with a good fashion and prop and set budget do a take on the memories of what barbie dolls used to be and then thinking about that absolutely dire state we're in rn. bro i kept looking at outfits like modern mattel would never. theyre too busy making half printed t shirt dresses with a random ruffle attached on the side <3 but vintage mattel would also not be as diverse. although neither mattel has an actually fat doll so. um. thats the saddest um-actually im gonna do :(
ive been joking to myself for years that barbie is the name of the species, ken might be some kind of subspecies, so it is funny to see the brand in both real life stores and also this movie lean into that. barbie really is a species. they do move in herds. wait im getting distracted anyway years ago barbie had a big refresh where they leaned into the idea that anyone can be barbie - everyone is barbie: they brought out new body types (standard, tall, short, and slightly curvy) which was a big step, a bigger range of skintones and all kinds of new face molds and screenings, also theres like bald barbies and barbies with prosthetics and wheelchair barbies are made way more often. and all this is fantastic. but unfortunately the blonde blue eyed millie sculpts still haunt most non-fashionista releases.... stereotypical barbie u dont know what u are.... its a shame they didnt reference the millie sculpt in the movie i woulda died LOL
but i always thought it was pretty wack that they made all these cool dolls and then relegated them to wear t shirt dresses for eternity. i like that the budget line is so diverse and i dont even mind the lack of articulation that much (although i do miss basic 9 point articulation where are my elbows and knees) but GOD those outfits. can be ROUGH. and WHY do they never put like half of the diverse dolls in other playsets WHY cant basketball barbie be bald WHEN will i get that prosthetic leg barbie as a fairy like youve put all this effort into all this diversity and then ur doing NOTHING with it mattel im begging u. im begging u. make a fantasy wheelchair barbie i know you can do it. i know you can do it
im not even talking about the movie anymore sorry im just complaining about barbie dolls even tho im not a huge barbie collector JFKDHJRKF i was just picky about toys as a child and i want kids nowadays to get cool dolls too. i think a kid deserves a nice thing to play with that looks like them or like their family or other people around them that also allows to imaginative play you know
okay. okay in the context of the movie its fine and makes sense but lemme tell u. being so deep in the current state of mattel hearing america ferrera's character suggest "ordinary barbie" made me fucking jump out of my seat and point at my laptop screen i almost said outloud "YOUUU" jgekfjfd it was her.... she did this.... jk jk its a sweet message in the movie but just so u know in mattel's mind "ordinary barbie" translates to overpriced cheaply made sack dress barbie. orz
wait back on topic back on topic its a nice movie, im glad it resonates with a lot of people. the plot was a little strange but i dont mind, the sets and outfits and everything was so good anyway, i loved that big huge chunky necklace as a touch, its some fashion brand symbol i dont remember sowwy but i like how huge it is LOL also the music was pretty great, i liked the needle drops and the music composed for the movie was fun too, what was i made for is fantastic but i knew that already its been a hit for a while now and i heard a vocal synth cover of it that sounded nice so i was already on board HJKDHJKFDS sometimes the. racial aspect of the movie was. jarring? they really only mention race like thrice (one of those times being the aforementioned awful smallpox joke) which. you know sometimes i get a little annoyed with a lot of contemporary movies and shows bringing up race just for little quips and jokes here and there while completely ignoring anything substantial about the topic, i know this is a tween movie with a two hour run time and they wanted to focus but i dunno man. it always feels like they're making a joke about elephants while the ignoring the elephant in the room staring u down. but whatever. i'll just lock someone into an unskippable cutscene conversation about history in regards to race and dolls irl later LOL cute movie tho. i like when movies have cool sets and outfits
NOW to the second half of that very odd double feature i gave myself last night UFO ABDUCTION its basically considered the first found footage horror movie, as a tv movie from 1989, and lemme tell u IT IS hard to watch LOL not because its like scary but like. because its a little bit bad <3 but its okay i dont mind, the main character behind the camera got pretty insufferable near the end (would not shut up and made it hard to hear the other actors orz) but it was only an hour and had like no budget - plus i love seeing where so much of the genre came from. im glad to know people screaming at the main character to shut that damn camera off has been here since the very beginning. i also loved the stupid alien costumes its such a shame theyre only in there for like 3 scenes they were the best part: genuinely kind of creepy at the first sight at the ufo landing because theyre so far away and low quality, and also really silly and goofy when they walk right up to the camera <3 <3 <3
i truly madly deeply genuinely without a shred of irony adore found footage so im always happy to see more! even when its bad :) i like it when cameras shake and people scream OH MY GOD WHAT IS THAT
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party-in-eldarya · 2 years
sSSSSex is mentioned here so beware, but not really, hope i have your atention because booooy you will need it a lot.
So, if ANE is our new canon and Bible- there is this magic potion that is the only birth control in Eldarya, am I right? TO being forgotten and all that jizz jazz. I meant JAZZ.  I sure hope it works better than most potions in Eldarya, heh heh.
Back to main topic-  Karenn doesn’t know what STDs are, the mere concept of urogenital disease is horrible to her (why tho? these are just body parts, same as others, why should they be immune to illness?) @ kymera-casterwill has exact screenshots of this chit-chat with some excellent points being made.
And this is where the sex-talk ends. Don’t get me wrong- I never craved sex education, talking about birth control, stds in ELDARYA game, because well- this is not why I started playing this game :)
But taking away very trivial things like those^^^ makes Eldarya even less... of the world?
Authors and creators work hard to make their universum unique AND real-like, thus some of them do not shy away from “unsightly” themes, such as medical gore, racial and social problems. The world of GoT- has a very unique magic system, ecosystem, history, they have a differrent diseases and all those details help readers to believe in it, to understand it more. Witcher universum- it’s even better in my honest opinion, but it also has a very complicated world building. If you want something “softer”, let’s talk abt Peter S. Beagle‘s The Unicorn Sonata world had its own problems despite being heavenly place.
Some avoid it tho and that is also fine. However, Eldarya TO mentioned things like that- there were conflicts, races were distrustful, elves were problematic assholes, some races were being seen as “inferior” by some faeries, there was a famine, it was a bit more real. And in ANE we know the reason why the situation improved- food is no longer a huge problem. We are few years after two faeries made sacrifice, that could make huge inpact on nations. But would merely 7 years erase centuries of prejudice and hostility? 
While playing TO we learnt about corrupting power of Crystal, we read abt maana fluctuation in faeries’ bodies (was it named “Pynels esasy on madness correlation between equilibrum of spirit and essensce  maana”? I need to replay TO again). Those interesting details that would make Eldarya more substantial, and not only they are never mentioned again, I feel like they are abandoned.
Eldarya is now a peacful, pretty land, with wise and beautiful ruler-leader Huang Hua. No one questions her (perhaps she is a hidden vilain, that would be interesting), apart from kitsune kind there are no conflicts now. Even Lance and faeries who were with him decided that Eldarya is suddenly a place worth to live on. Someone call Thomas More, we have found his Utopia!
The creators of ANE made a decision to make Eldarya a very happy land, with danger coming mostly from outside (humans, guns, even stds). Yea, I know- Tenjin, they will have to solve problem with him before ending of ANE. This was a choice and I cannot say it was a bad one- maybe the one I won’t enjoy, but def some players love and will love this glow upped version of Eldarya. To me with small decissions like those above they make Eldarya less of the real world, and more like a dream. I fear that there won’t be a future for Eldarya- not as a game, but as a world.
As most of my posts I will tag it as rant, but once again: making Eldarya a perfect place can be a good thing and if you love such idea there is nothing wrong with it.
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dojae-huh · 11 months
Answering about the 10 trainees... All of the trainees fit the "flower boy" archetype and also look really young. I hope there are some of them that have versatility because I couldn't stand having a group of just pretty faces with good dancing but little dynamic for future concepts. I trust SM training tho, and the trailer showed us that they're ambitious enough. I just want the show to really follow what it was said about the final members being chosen by the mentors instead of the fans (it's the usual problem in survival shows when fans vote for average trainees and not for the exceptional ones).
I rewatched all the videos after the last one was uploaded. I really like the music used. Not only the archetype, the overall manga/anime vibe of the "fall in love with a beautiful classmate/upperclassman you saw on the way to school" was captured perfectly. The clips give me the image of "blank page" (we know nothing about the trainees), so for now I'm still hopeful the boys are more than just visuals. A lot of filters were used for the "flower boy" effect. Anyone would look dreamy. I do share your concern, though.
Yeah, it was sad to see the talented and unusual (who could have brought something new to a k-pop bg) trainees lose in popularity on Boys Planet. Was surprised they got any vocals in the final line up, heh.
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zhongrin · 1 year
I am not sure what brought me here, but pretty sure it's cuz I saw ya on other blogs from my mutuals too hehe <3 and you totally deserve them Rin! ❤️❤️ (Be prepared hehe 💞)
You totally have a type Rin - tall handsome men. 😌 Ohh I see I see!! :((
My fav was Zen, idk, he is so adorable and so handsome and aaaaaa <333
That's true heh, but idk, Baizhu already stole my whole heart - noone else can get it anymore <3😌 no omfgbidi RIN SJJFBDKSKWN what abt Baivi??
(Legends say Rin can't walk until today.)
Omfggg wine! Yum! Hehe, seems like I can share the memory then 🤭💞 ofc ofc we save you some seats!! Maybe even for your children? <3 speaking of, do you have children with your selfships? ❤️
..... Rin I would mind cuz I can't concentrate then I mean I am on his lap so near to him I can feel his breath I can see him I am I am I am malfunctioning-;;!_(_;€(€(€!!€(€(#!
Hehe I am sure Alhaithams reaction would be priceless, tell me about it, will you? ❤️
Awh alright, then I am relieved and I will gladly visit y'all then! 💞
And tbh yes, I also had some dogs as a child and I can agree. Big dogs are often gentlier as smaller dogs - not always, but quite often.
Help Zhongli so gentle and Alhaitham so.. ... Alhaitham. LMAO so adorable ahhh <33 (ofc ofc, it's important to them what their wifey thinks, after all 💞 even better then, ya don't have the burden to take a decision ❤️ ya truly complete each other heh)
I see I see 🤭 help Rin fidbsisjebshs
Baizhu is a service dom, ya can't tell me otherwise heh 😌💞 and ofc ofc, he doesn't have to do everything everytime hehe <33 I love spoiling my (now) fiance after all ❤️
So Rin, next question - does someone exist in your selfship who wants to take apart your relationship? (And if so, care to tell me the names and address? 🥰)
us seeing each other on our moots' blogs and be like HI HELLO DO YOU WANNA PERHAPS BE FRIENDS TOO :D
tall handsome men who exudes power while just standing there seems to be my type yes you are completely right hsldkfjlsdf
ohhh zen!!! he's cute but he's too baby for me, i want to pat him but not kiss him lol he is very handsome tho <3
very true you are very smitten my friend (and it's adorable ueue) me on normal days: #baivi for life! // me on chaotic days: but what about pairing you with ayato. maybe thoma. maybe both >:D
(WHEEZES WYM I CAN STILL WALK- *wobbles and falls to the floor* ..... i can('t) explain-)
ohoho do you like wine? then we'll bring the best osmanthus wine we can find!! (fun fact i have a very low alcohol tolerance so zhongli drinks my alcohol for me if i'm ever given a glass on dinners or parties hehe) hsldjfklsdf omg children.... i don't but tbh i would love to??? i'm so weak to domestic scenarios & concepts like that wahhhh zhongli exudes fatherly energy already, i should make him a father don't you think- i mean what-
oh? ohoho? hmmmm i see... sitting on baizhu's lap flusters you huh >:))
update: he blushed. it was adorable. 10/10 would do it again. 🥰
right!!! i had one golden retriever and she was the most gentle doggo. my close friends who used to visit my house for sleepover and stuff also have dog phobias so they would always be scared of her, but she's always so gentle and would never approach them whenever they're around. i swear dogs knows what we think of them somehow, they're so precious sdlkfjslkdjflsd
YES like ugh please i don't want to decide what to get for lunch can you just decide for us ;w; (fast forward to me begrudgingly eating something healthy and them smiling as they see me taking consequences of my action - or in this case the lack of it lmao)
hehehe how do you feel calling him fiance now wink wink ;)) don't get used to it.... you'll have to call him husband soon <3 <3
omg i've never actually thought of that???? that's a very interesting question.... i'd like to think there isn't but then again.... i'm pretty sure these 2 men has their own fan club. they have to have at least one fan club lol
the concept of a third party is very interesting tho 👀 i shall ruminate on this more..... but in the mean time, how about you and baizhu? surely no one could oppose to this wholesome couple!!! i'll make sure to ask zhongli to drop a meteor on them if they do
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